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build(deps): bump the go-deps group across 1 directory with 4 updates #581

build(deps): bump the go-deps group across 1 directory with 4 updates

build(deps): bump the go-deps group across 1 directory with 4 updates #581

name: "osbuild-composer integration"
# This workflow tests if an open PR breaks osbuild-composer's compatibility
# with images. If it does, it posts a message on the PR itself notifying the
# author and reviewers of this change. The workflow works as follows:
# 1. Checks out osbuild/osbuild-composer
# 2. Replaces the osbuild/images dependency with the base of the PR (this is
# the HEAD of main at the time the PR was opened or updated) and runs
# osbuild-composer's unit tests.
# 3. If the unit tests on the base (step 2) succeed, replaces the
# osbuild/images dependency with the *HEAD* of the open PR and runs
# osbuild-composer's unit tests. If the tests on the base failed, no further
# action is taken.
# 4. At most one of two messages is posted:
# 4.1 Posts a message on the open PR only if the unit tests with the base (step
# 2) succeed and the unit tests with the PR HEAD (step 3) fail. This
# combination of outcomes indicates that the PR is the one responsible for
# the breakage.
# 4.2 Updates the existing message on the open PR only if the unit tests with
# the base (step2) succeed, the unit tests with the PR HEAD (step 3)
# succeed, and there is already a message posted by this workflow. This is
# meant for cases where a PR initially breaks compatibility and then it gets
# fixed. No message should be posted on a PR that doesn't affect the
# integration tests.
# Limitations:
# 1. This workflow runs on pull_request_target, which means it runs on the main
# branch. Changes to this workflow in a PR will not affect the run for that
# PR. Running on pull_request_target is needed to have access to repository
# secrets (Schutzbot's GitHub token).
# 2. If the unit tests in this repository fail, the integration will fail and
# the message will be posted (if the integration is not also failing on
# main). This will happen even if there's no actual integration issue, so
# the message can be misleading. However, subsequent runs that fix the issue
# will update the message accordingly.
on: # yamllint disable-line rule:truthy
# skip test for backport branches since it doesn't make sense to test
# those against osbuild-composer main
- main
name: "🛃 Unit tests"
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
# workaround for expired cert at source of indirect dependency
# (
GOPROXY: "|direct"
# Define job outputs
# (see
# One output for the test with the base and one for the test against the PR
base_test: ${{ steps.tests-base.outputs.base_test }}
pr_test: ${{ steps.tests-pr.outputs.pr_test }}
# krb5-devel is needed to test internal/upload/koji package
# gcc is needed to build the mock depsolver binary for the unit tests
# gpgme-devel is needed for container upload dependencies
- name: Install build and test dependencies
run: dnf -y install krb5-devel gcc git-core go gpgme-devel osbuild-depsolve-dnf btrfs-progs-devel device-mapper-devel jq
- name: Check out osbuild-composer main branch
uses: actions/checkout@v4
path: osbuild-composer
repository: osbuild/osbuild-composer
ref: main
- name: Check out osbuild/images for the PR
uses: actions/checkout@v4
path: images
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
- name: Mark the working directory as safe for git
run: git config --global --add "$(pwd)"
- name: Update the osbuild/images reference to the base (main)
base_sha: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}
run: |
cd osbuild-composer
go mod edit -replace$base_sha
- name: Run unit tests (main)
working-directory: osbuild-composer
id: tests-base
# This step will not fail if the test fails, but it will write the
# failure to GITHUB_OUTPUT
run: |
if go test -v -race ./...; then
echo "base_test=1" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "base_test=0" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Update the osbuild/images reference to the PR HEAD
# if the base tests failed, there's no need to run the PR HEAD tests
if: steps.tests-base.outputs.base_test == 1
# Restore and clean the checkout and replace the dependency again using
# images from the checkout above
run: |
cd osbuild-composer
git restore .
git clean -xfd .
go mod edit -replace
- name: Run unit tests (PR HEAD)
id: tests-pr
working-directory: osbuild-composer
# if the base tests failed, there's no need to run the PR HEAD tests
if: steps.tests-base.outputs.base_test == 1
# This step will not fail if the test fails, but it will write the
# failure to GITHUB_OUTPUT
run: |
if go test -v -race ./...; then
echo "pr_test=1" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "pr_test=0" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
name: "Post notice"
pull-requests: write
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
needs: unit-tests
- name: Add comment (breakage)
uses: mshick/add-pr-comment@v2
if: needs.unit-tests.outputs.base_test == 1 && needs.unit-tests.outputs.pr_test == 0
repo-token: ${{ secrets.SCHUTZBOT_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
issue: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
message: |
This PR changes the images API or behaviour causing integration failures with osbuild-composer. The next update of the images dependency in osbuild-composer will need work to adapt to these changes.
This is simply a notice. It will not block this PR from being merged.
- name: Update comment (fixed)
uses: mshick/add-pr-comment@v2
if: needs.unit-tests.outputs.pr_test == 1
repo-token: ${{ secrets.SCHUTZBOT_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
update-only: true # don't write a message if there isn't one already
issue: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
message: |
A previous version of this PR changed the images API or behaviour causing integration issues with osbuild-composer.
This is now fixed.