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185 lines (130 loc) · 6.31 KB


File metadata and controls

185 lines (130 loc) · 6.31 KB

Contributing to Argos

One can install dependencies and configure pre-commit hooks in a dedicated virtual Python environment using poetry:

$ poetry shell
$ poetry install --with=dev
$ pre-commit install

Pre-commit hooks run mypy check and make sure code is properly formatted (using black and isort).

Build and run from sources (using Flatpak)

Clone the source repository, then build and install for current user (You may have to install the expected runtime, but Flatpak will warn you about that):

$ flatpak-builder --user --install --force-clean builddir io.github.orontee.Argos.json

Then to start the application use your desktop environment launcher, or from a shell run:

$ flatpak run io.github.orontee.Argos

Note that the Python interpreter of the Flatpak environment is CPython 3.10.


One can run a shell in sandbox and call the application through pdb:

$ flatpak run --devel --command=sh io.github.orontee.Argos
[📦 io.github.orontee.Argos ~]$ G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all python3 -m pdb /app/bin/argos --debug

It's also worth reading GTK documentation on interactive debugging.

Build DEB package

To build the DEB package for a given version, one can build a Docker image and export the DEB file from that image:

$ VERSION=$(poetry version --short)
$ rm -rf builddir
$ buildah bud -t argos-build:$VERSION --build-arg VERSION=${VERSION} .
$ podman run --rm -v ${PWD}:/opt/argos argos-build:$VERSION bash -c "cp builddir/*.deb /opt/argos"

To manually build the DEB package for current HEAD, first install the dependencies listed in the Containerfile, then run the following commands:

$ VERSION=$(poetry version --short)
$ mkdir builddir
$ git archive --prefix=builddir/argos-${VERSION}/ --format=tar.gz HEAD | tar xzf -
$ pushd builddir/argos-${VERSION} && debuild -b -tc -us -uc && popd

The corresponding DEB package is generated in the builddir directory.


Python runtime dependencies can be added using poetry add. Once the code is ready, one must update two files used respectively for Flatpak and DEB packaging.

  • Flatpak builder install runtime dependencies described in the file pypi-dependencies.yaml.

    It can be updated from poetry lock file in two steps using flatpak-builder-tools:

    $ poetry export --format=requirements.txt > requirements.txt
    $ flatpak-pip-generator --runtime=org.gnome.Sdk//46 \
                            --requirements-file=requirements.txt \
                            --yaml --output=pypi-dependencies

    Note that one may have to reorder dependencies and switch to different sources depending on what is available in the runtime to build packages.

  • DEB packages define runtime dependencies from the debian/control file.

Build dependencies are listed in the Containerfile.

Dependencies are locked from Poetry point of view. In order to list possible dependencies updates run poetry show --latest --top-level.


Tests are implemented using the unittest framework from the standard library. Thus to run all tests one can execute the following command:

$ poetry run python -m unittest discover tests/

For coverage reporting:

$ poetry run coverage run -m unittest discover tests/
$ poetry run coverage report

To run tests with a specific version of Python, say 3.11:

$ buildah bud -t argos-dev --target dev .
$ podman run --rm --env PYTHON_VERSION=3.11 -v ${PWD}:/opt/argos argos-dev \
         bash -c 'pushd /opt/argos/ && eval "$(pyenv init -)" && pyenv install -v ${PYTHON_VERSION} && export PYENV_VERSION=${PYTHON_VERSION} && poetry env use ${PYENV_VERSION} && poetry install --no-interaction --with=dev && poetry run python3 -m unittest discover tests/'


First, update project version with:

$ poetry run ./scripts/update-version

Review, complete or update the suggested changes carefully; Make sure translations and screenshots are up-to-date. Commit, tag and push with:

$ git commit -a -m "Update to version $(poetry version --short)"
$ git tag $(poetry version --short)
$ git push origin; git push --tags origin

Use flatpak-builder to build locally and Github actions to build a DEB package.

Make a pull request to the technical repository flathub/io.github.orontee.Argos to publish the release through Flathub.

Finally, run the following command to commit version bump for next release:

$ poetry run ./scripts/prepare-next-release


Part of the architecture is documented using Structurizr DSL and adopt C4 model for visualizing software architecture.

More details here: Architecture.

Updating architecture diagrams

To validate, export, etc. files using Structurizr DSL, one must uses the Structurizr CLI. For example, to export to SVG format (with Graphviz installed):

pushd docs
podman pull --quiet structurizr/cli:latest
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/usr/local/structurizr structurizr/cli export -workspace workspace.dsl -format dot
for DOT_FILE in *.dot; do dot -Tsvg ${DOT_FILE} -o $(basename ${DOT_FILE} .dot | cut -d'-' -f2-).svg; done


Since Argos is distributed through Flathub some restrictions apply to screenshots (size, ratio, padding, etc.). The build will check those restrictions for the URLs in the screenshots section of the AppStream metadata file.

Thus one must push new image to a dedicated branch, update the URLs, and build for new images to be checked.

To remove horizontal padding and resize to 900px width with ImageMagick installed:

mkdir docs/cleaned_image
pushd docs/cleaned_image
for IMG_FILE in ../*.png; do
  convert ${IMG_FILE} -fuzz 1% -trim +repage -resize 900\> $(basename ${IMG_FILE});