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Fabricio Pereira Viana Fabricio-P-Viana
Desenvolvedor Web Fullstack jr | Next.js | Node.js | React | TypeScript | PostgreSQL | Mongodb | GCP | AWS | Git | Github

Loja Santo Antônio Ferraz de Vasconcelos

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jorge Acosta haba-sensei
Full-Stack Software Developer 🚀 | +7 yr | React | Vue | Flutter | Vtex IO | Java | Node.js | PHP | TypeScript | AWS | AZURE | Problem Solver 🧑‍💻🔥

lima peru

Vinicius Grando viniciusgrando
• E-commerce • CGI • WebGL

G2 Digital Brasil

Emerson Delatorre fazedordecodigo
Senior Software Engineer

@luizalabs Maricá, RJ, BR

Jorge Acosta de la Pena jorgeAcostaVTEX
Fiels Software Engineer VTEX

VTEX New York City

Paranjay xartus2004
finding purpose ☀️ creating stuff improving


Jeimi Herrera eliethj

Managua, Nicaragua

Laíssa Saraiva LaissaSaraiva
Front-end Developer | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | React | Jest | Node.js


Imediata Design imediatadesign
Somos uma Consultoria de Marketing Digital com foco em Implementação de E-commerce e auxiliamos na construção de marcas que buscam alavancar seus ativos.

@imediatadesign Brazil

Danilo Araujo danilodev7
JS | TS | PHP | Python | Ruby | C#

São Paulo - SP

Benjamincup Benjamin-cup
Hello, everyone. I am solana smart contract and web3 developer.


Mehul 5mehulhelp5
Over the last 12+ years, I have developed a wide range of websites using magento,magento2,wordpress,joomla,cake php and zend framework etc.


Felipe Sales salesfelipe
Computer Science bachelor from UFCG, Brazil. Tech geek looking forward to learn more technologies and improve my programming skills. More info? Check my website

@vtex Rio de Janeiro

Bianca Luísa luisabianca
Pleno Front-end Developer

Corebiz Rio de Janeiro

Gabriel Guzzatti Guzzatti
Atualmente aprendendo Machine Learning, Redes Neurais, Desenvolvimento mobile em React Native, Desenvolvimento de Jogos e Front-End

Loja Santo Antônio São Paulo

Luis Castillo luisgcastillo40so
FullStack Developer Magento and other ecommerce & frameworks my other profiles: Anywhere

Pedro Otoniel pedrootoniel
React Native | ReactJS | NodeJS | Php | Ecommerce | Ui-Ux | Typescript

GxGaming - Outlet Coutinho Brazil

David Reyes DReyesw

Bogotá, Colombia

Tomás Arroyo toarroyo
I am a systems engineering student and passionate about DDD


Chris chris24eth
Home Staker / Lover of chains
Brendon Guedes brendonguedes
Software Engineer Manager @whirlpool

@Whirlpool São Paulo, Brasil

Milenko Castillo stixbunny
Trynna be a web dev. Peace & love ✌️❤️. ♾️

Santiago, Chile

Willian Ottoni willianottoni
Mid-Level Consultant.

Logic Information Systems Atibaia/SP

Hamilton Fuzer Tomfuzer
Desenvolvedor fullstack - JavaScript, jQuery, C#, .NET, React.