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magazinkrisso 13inccc
➕🔒🔞📂▫️\\ sofia

Aarya Thakar AaryaThakar-Official
Currently Computer Science Student in India. For more information Please Visit my Linked In & X (Twitter) Profile.
A guy who loves programming.
Runbo Yu runboyuu
CityU CS, DL Theory

City University of Hong Kong

Khoa Nguyen khoaguin
Software Engineer @OpenMined. Currently enjoy building privacy-preserving AI applications. My student github account: Da Lat, Viet Nam

Gabriel H. Nunes nunesgh
Cotutelle Doctoral candidate in Computer Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil, and at Macquarie University, Australia.

Sydney, NSW, Australia

rg-ai-dionic rggithub7
Building a safe future of Trustworthy and Responsible AI


Gyuwan Kim gyuwankim
Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing

University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Yichao Liu liuyc18
Alea iacta est.


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Kaixiang Zhao kzhao5
I am a CS student at University of Notre Dame

University of Notre Dame South Bend, IN

Ramsey Ith Njema II rnjema
Down to earth guy with a strong passion for computers, and almost anything electronic

University of Malawi Malawi


National University of Singapore Singapore

i am just a bot stars interesting projects
Zhifeng Jiang SamuelGong
Research scientist at Huawei Foundation Software Innovation Lab.
Shuyi Wang Karlywang
PhD student @ielab, UQ. Interested in Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, Federated Learning

UQ Australia

Misha Umanskiy Challix
Spartan Hackers // Spartan Security Team
Mohammad Fares mohres
While my GitHub profile may not appear impressive at first glance, I mostly write code that makes money.

Istanbul - Turkey

Fernando FerMatPy
Aprendiendo. Learning.


Jan MrPieces

Apheris Berlin

Ihsen Alouani ihsenLab

Queen's University Belfast

Wanru Zhao Ryan0v0
Do not go gentle into that good night🪐🧗 Cambridge Machine Learning Systems Lab & Vector Institute. Prev: AWS AI Lab.

University of Cambridge

Zakery Clarke zakerytclarke
while(alive=="true"){ travel(); hike(); code(); }
Junaid Iqbal Khan antibloch
Interested in 2D/3D vision and its privacy aspects

Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Jie Zhang ZJZAC
Research Scientist at CFAR, A*STAR

A*STAR Singapore

Zhaoxi Zhang plll4zzx

University of Technology Sydney Sydeny, NSW

zedoul zedoul

여긴 어딘가 나는 누군가

snoop2head snoop2head
leg godt

KAIST AI Seoul, South Korea

Auwal Shehu Ali asali-cs
I am computer scientist

Bayero University Kano Nigeria

ChG coding-famer
CS Master Student @ UCIrvine Previous Open Source @cleanlab

University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA