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Lloyd Albin LloydAlbin

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Seattle, WA

David Beck dbeck
Software dev guy

@timescale Cambridge, UK

Fraol Lemecha frectonz
Just another guy addicted to coding.

Ethiopia, Addis Abeba

Noam V pvergain


mapix mapix

Douban Inc Beijing, China


Alipay Hangzhou, China

Christoph Grabo asaaki
Holistic Engineer. Methodical Deep Thinker. {he, they} 🦄👨🏼‍💻 at @contentful

@markentier Berlin, Germany

Ezequiel Maraschio emaraschio

Circle Medical Buenos Aires, Argentina

Emanuel Calvo 3manuek
Open Source Database and Software Engineer

Madrid, España

Khaled BOUSSEBAT kboussebat
Software & System Architect, Java & Rust Developer
phial3 phial3
Software engineer, coding in C & Rust, Java. Expertise: Architecture design, Concurrent programming, Performance optimization and Cryptography

Princeton University Beijing · China

Christos Charmatzis
Hi, my name is Christos and I am GIS Solution Architect. My passion is designing and developing GIS solutions.

@TA-Geoforce Athens, Greece

Gabriel Falcão gabrielfalcao
mutatis mutandis


Abhishek abhishekmishragithub
Learning & build errors 📖 🧮

Mumbai || Chennai, India

Dragoș Haiduc drakiula

București, România

holmofy holmofy
Learning rust...


tsingson tsingson
a man off-line to jeep off-road!

one man company shenzhen China PRC

Eric Ridge eeeebbbbrrrr
My name is Eric Ridge. I'm the primary developer of @zombodb and part of the team
Joshua (D) Drake ChronicallyJD
Partner, Father, Explorer and Founder. Founder: @cmdpromptinc, PgUS and Postgres Conference Director: @pgcentralfoundation

Command Prompt, Inc.