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Abdullah Ramzan abdullah1908
@WordPress Engineer | Co-Host @CmxLahore | Public Tech Speaker | Scout Ambassador @AWScloud | Co-Organizer @WordCampLHR

@peachpayapp Lahore Pakistan

Shenq Kang Tan tshenqka
CS undegrad @ UWaterloo

University of Waterloo

Suraj Sahani surajsahani
Android Software Engineer & a dog's best friend.

@navgurukul India (भारत)

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

john.xlm JFWooten4
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. 💜
Benedict Adu Kweeku
I am a mobile applications developer with flutter. As Electrical Engineering graduate I love to build flutter apps that connect embedded systems powered by AI

Sibyl Systems Akosombo, Ghana

Nick Kuzmik kuzmik

Persona Identities Remote

Evan Vaughn evaughn
Software Engineer @persona-id ————————
previous: @better@slackhq @goabstract @thumbtack @odopod

Persona New York, NY

Ian Chesal ianchesal

@persona-id New Hampshire

Justin Sayarath justinsayarath

Persona San Francisco, CA

Neal Harris nealharris

Persona Mill Valley, CA

Yiran Cao yiran0427
Bachelor of Computer Science, Data Science, University of Waterloo

Waterloo, ON

Brandon Huang brandonhuang

San Francisco, California

Malav Bhavsar malavbhavsar
Engineering at @persona-id

@persona-id, ex-@square San Francisco, CA

Unzi Park unzunz

San Francisco, CA

Kengo Hamasaki hmsk
Mainly coding for my subtle tools

San Francisco, CA

Joseph josephnle
Design engineer @persona-id. Ex-Workday.

@persona-id San Francisco, CA

Jesmin Ngo jesmin-n
Hello there! 👋

United States

Matthew Griffith mattgriffith0
Sales Engineer @ Persona
Classic Values classicvalues
Software Development and Design Corporation built by Freelancing Solo-entrepreneur

Laudate Corpus LLC Union City, CA

Jacob Lange jacoblange-dev

@persona-id Pasadena, CA

Paul Banel ultrapabs
Ultrarunner and senior software developer

Boulder, CO

b. hedge bhedge

@neuralpayments Franklin, TN USA

Salvatore Testa SalvatoreT
Software Engineer

@Persona-id Oakland