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AMG abhi-mike-g

MIT, Innotech Manipal MIT, Manipal

Sumir SumirSeth
Hello, I am interested in python devOPS, data science, machine learning etc. Past experiences in Web Dev with basic frameworks.Love to explore, learn every day!


Tanmay Arora tnmyhere
learning stuff


Adriteyo Das Addy-Da-Baddy
Engi-nearing my breaking point

MIT Manipal

Azure Azure9733

@openhorizonrobotics @Cryptonite-MIT Manipal Institute of Technology

Neehal Sharrma neehalsharrma
Avid educator and roboticist with a special interest in biomechatronics and open-source robotics.

@openhorizonrobotics; @WPI-SoftRobotics Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aryan D spicybeanos
Hello 👋 I make games in Unity and some animations in blender 😁 Currently in College

Student Manipal Institute of Technology, Bengaluru

Shreya Biltheria ShreyaBiltheria
A learner from heart, I love to work with new technologies and use them to make life simpler.