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Javid Guliyev cavidqlyv

Digital Umbrella Baku, Azerbaijan

delasierra delasierra

Sydney - Australia

Dane Seaton Dseatondesign
Product designer | Skilled in UX design principles, 3D modelling and building design
KORAY OZDOGU korayozdogu
I am passionate about GIS and geospatial solutions. I like to combine my communication and management skills with my engineering technical background.

Nearmap Sunshine Coast, QLD, AUSTRALIA

Gareth Evans ggfevans
Professional email sender.

@vertigis British Columbia, Canada

Kausthub Krishnamurthy KausthubK
Computer Vision ML Engineer, Roboticist, Computer Scientist, Musician

Nearmap Sydney, Australia

PavlosDem PavlosDem99
BSc: Surveyor and Geoinformatics Engineer (NTUA) MSc: Geoinformatics and Earth Observation (CUT)


Michael Hewlbern
Long walks on beach. Loves to code. xoxo Sydney, Australia.

Connor Tluck Connor-Tluck
Solutions Engineer

Nearmap New York, New York

Ed S price-coverage
Nearmap it for a single source of truth.


Dylan Hogg dylanhoggnm
ML Engineer

Nearmap Sydney

Dylan Hogg dylanhogg
Interested in Data Engineering, Machine learning, Analytics, AI, Statistics, NLP, Distributed computing, Open Source and Futurology.

Infocruncher Sydney, Australia