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Eric Gallager cooljeanius
Help, the older computers of my collection are still broken! Please send repairspeople.

NH House of Representatives New Hampshire

Ethan Edmunds Eledmunds15
PhD Materials Science and Engineering @ University of Sheffield

Sheffield, United Kingdom

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Eri M K eri-maeyama

Yamaguchi university Ube city, Yamaguchi pref.

Vimal Kumar vimaljadoun
PhD Scholar, Dark Matter Search Experiment: InDEx at JUSL and PICO at SNOLab. Nuclear Astrophysics.

Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics India

Haoyu Wu haoyuwu97
Phd student in University of Notre Dame @ndcbe, focus on molecular simulation

South Bend, IN, United States

Balaji K balajiCubie
🚀 Founder & CEO of Cubie Group | Full-Stack Dev(MERN, Django, Python) | Passionate about Quantum Physics ⚛️ | Innovating at the intersection of code & science.
m0sey MoseyQAQ
Ph.D student @ Westlake University

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Gang Tang obaica
Associate Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology (

Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing, China

Giovanni Del Monte l09rin

Utrecht University Utrecht

Diptesh Gayen heyitsdipu
👨‍🔬 PhD Student | University of Freiburg 🌌 Exploring the Intersection of Physics & Chemistry 🔬 Research Interests: MD Simulations | DFT | Machine learning

University of Freiburg Germany

Sebastian Tamayo Vegas SDynamicsResearchLab
I specialize in applied research across diverse fields including nanomaterials, mechatronics, and product development. Leveraging AR and AI Ecuador

LiuHanyu lhycms
Major in computational material science.

Beihang University Beijing

east fromtheeast710

Sydney, Australia

Liu Yang Yu leo-lyy
Master's student of Science in Engineering

Guangzhou, China

Gustavo Garcia Pereira GustavoGarciaPereira
Programador, cientista da computação. Apaixonado por livros.
Kenneth Ngo KennethQNgo
exploring the world of comp chem
Morteza Maleki mmaleki92
I work in computational physics.

Tarbiat Modares University