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Arturo Beccar-Varela arturoBeccar

@openzeppelin Buenos Aires

Izaak Chukwuma izaakwalz

Enugu, Nigeria

D_S dennisparity
Operational Efficiency and Project Management

Parity Technologies Berlin, Germany

Tushar Ojha tusharojha
Builder πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ’» Full Stack Developer, Flutter, React, Solidity & open source contributor. Learning Blockchain Development ✨

Rajasthan, India

Graduate@Polkadot Blockchain Academy, Singapore
LV jlv55


Daelyte Daelyte
just learning and trying take it all in
Raj Raorane Raj-RR1
Electronics Engineer. Contributor at Edgeware.
Igor Papandinas ipapandinas
blockchain engineer. Hi! πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ


polkadot address: 12VNFoH4iy4227mpTPvUbUbAnYv7of6LhWcD6EUik3VfFHbD
Sumit startup-dreamer
GPG: 7E15 C844 17D4 9082 55BE B91E AC0B B82E 1FA8 39CD

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee internet