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Molecure S.A. Poland

JB Cheron jbche

La Rochelle, FR

Markus Rauhalahti mrauha
independent researcher (applied metascience and HCI) :: phd in computational chemistry :: nerding hard
Guillaume ElricleNecro

Iktos Paris, France

Ben Bouillet benbouillet
Homelabber. Declarative is the way. Rowing enthusiast. Proud D&D5 DM

sunday Lille, France

Jérôme Eberhardt jeeberhardt
Post-doc at the Biozentrum (unibas) in computational chemistry. My favorite PyMOL colors are tv_green and skyblue.

Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) Basel

Michel Moreau MichelML
Building at @valence-labs .

@valence-labs Montreal, Canada

Lin Min Htoo linminhtoo
ML Lead @ Biotech Startup. Combining Domain Knowledge and AI to make the world better. Ex-MIT (USA). Ex-NTU (SG).

QDX Singapore


@iktos Paris, France