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Victor Hugo Cervantes Anaya victor291201

Independiente santa marta (colombia)

Vustronus Vustron
Freelancer | Fullstack Web & Mobile Developer

Somewhere on the Philippines

Andriod/IOS Mobile Expert Flutter/FlutterFlow, React Native, swift and Kotlin
Robert J. Camarillo Rhobie07
Junior Developer (Front-End) - Flutter and Dart

Paranaque, NCR

Denizia Fernanda DeniziaFernanda
Estudante de engenharia Informática.

Luanda Angola

Gian Quintana HirogaKatageri
I'm a Software Engineer in the Philippines. I meditate, code and enjoy time with family. I contribute to open source when available.

Edamama Philippines

Jam C. maiqxx

@gdsc-ctu Philippines

John Lester D. Necesito Zacharias02
Software Engineer | Tech Advocate | Speaker | Flutter and Dart Enthusiast

Philippine Digital Assets Exchange (PDAX), Inc. Tanza, Cavite

Lancelot S. Oleriana GonzoTrickster9899
on progress [redacted]

BUCS Albay, Philippines

Pampanga Cloderaldo letsclode
#chatgpt #Flutter #Python #React #Mobile Development

WFH Philippines,Visayas,Samar,Calbayog,San Policarpio

Felipe Erverson Felipeerverson
Hi, I'm Felipe Erverson and I'm a Flutter Developer. I'm a Systems Analyst, my focus is application development for android and IOS.


David Ballesteros reddvid
Solving problems.


Dev in the making
Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of Ada Nex Technologies, Inc., Programmer at SOLECO, INC. Maasin City

Flutter/Dart Developer x Game Developer
Johannes Andrei Unana johannesunana
Electronics Engineer from the Philippines.

SolX Technologies Inc. Bacoor City, Philippines

John Patrick Prieto oppatrickk
Computer Science Student

Roompal Philippines