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Nguyen Tan Tai Tai234567
Physics Student at HCMUS (University of Science, VNU-HCM)

Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Tommaso Baldi balditommaso
I am an Artificial Intelligence Engineer. I am doing a PhD at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna on Efficient ML algorithms for real-time systems.

RETIS Lab Pisa, Tuscany, Italy

Pablo Ordorica Wiener pablordoricaw
first name: Pablo last name: Ordorica Wiener

Columbia University NYC

Francisco Javier Moreno Vazquez fcomovaz
Mechatronics student enjoying the code.

Tata Consultancy Services Queretaro

@GeddesRs AVI-ONE
AEROSPACE & AVIATION Consultants working towards the implementation of the UN’s 2030 sustainable development goals.

Victoria BC Canada

Gangli Liu mike-liuliu
Machine learning, mathematical optimization, deep learning, graph theory, clustering.
David totallynotdavid
Nature has bugs

@caefisica Lima, Perú

João Marafuz Gaspar joaomarafuzgaspar
Technical Student at CERN. Undergraduate Student at IST.

IST | TU Delft | CERN Geneva, Switzerland

Karl Zhou DrZhouKarl
Engineer, PhD.

Xiaomi beijing

Dmitry Kondratyev kondratyevd
Research Software Engineer

Purdue University Lafayette, Indiana, USA

Miles Cochran-Branson milescb
Physics PhD Student at University of Washington studying experimental high energy particle physics with the ATLAS collaboration at CERN

University of Washington Seattle, WA

Wadid FOUDHAILI wadidf

Universität zu Lübeck Germany




Shanghai, China

Ryan Forelli rfforelli
PhD Student at Northwestern

Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois

Umair Ahmed UmairAhmed29
Sotware Engineer || MERN Stack developer|| MLOps || AI Enthusiast


Ghulam Mustafa Keerio Ghulam-Mustafa-Keerio
Data Analyst | BigQuery& Looker | PowerBI | Predicative Model| Nawabshah Sindh, Pakistan

PC PeterCalifano
PhD student in Aerospace Engineering - DARTLab, Politecnico di Milano, intersecting SLAM, Computer Vision, spacecraft navigation and ML =D

Politecnico di Milano - DART Lab Milan, Italy

I learn 1) New things-because they're fun. 2) Old things-because I forget.
Erdem Yigit Ertorer erdemyigit
I am a Physics PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University interested in machine learning applications in high-energy physics.

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh

Kenny Jia Kenny-Jia
Physics PhD student at Stanford/SLAC HEP, FastML, ATLAS, FCC, Muon Collider, C^3, ex-CMS

Stanford University / SLAC Stanford, CA

Larissa Corrêa resenhandodirei
Desenvolvedora Mobile com interesse em Data Science e Machine Learning.
Johnny Opcode JohnnyOpcode

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Parv Vyas vyasparv
I'm an indie programmer exploring opportunities in open source.
Nate Woodward nswood
MIT 25' Math and Physics

MIT Cambridge, MA