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kelvin Ojiako KelvinOjiako
A Bmen major

K+ Texas

siri vus sirivus
internet web technology and native OS coder
Hayden Flinner haydenflinner
Georgia Tech Computer Science grad working in NYC.


William wtn

United States

Sam Miller ssharifm33

@lightkeeper Boston, MA

Inder Singh Chandel Inder782
Work in Progress


Prudhvi prudhvirapeti
Python Programmer with a taste for challenges. ;)
Borja Ramos b0rjen
Data analytics, ML & Software dev
Chris Sellers cjdsellers
Founder of NautilusTrader

@nautechsystems Sydney, Australia

My Pham mypham14
Perpetual learner motivated to apply data science in finance, audit and cybersecurity

Dallas, TX



43trh 43trh
not a CS graduate. crypto & stock trader. i use code for trading. javascript + web tech + python. But mostly, almost all, python for finance. NOT A FINANCIER.


Wilson Wang wanfuckerbt
Enthusiastic about programming, I, Wilson wangwang, shine in Python,JS, attending hackathons to influence the technology landscape. Code changes the World!
Anh (Henry) Nguyen fool1280

@netflix College Station, TX, USA

Peter Molloy pgmstream
Professional Software and Systems Principal; experienced in business transformation; advanced hybrid & cloud platform processes and technology

Stream Systems Calgary

Nerd Dev IvoneySilva
Titanium Developer
AI Research @ CMU SEI
kzk2000 kzk2000
aka “miek”
applying generative AI to investment management


Chip Felton chip-felton-montage


petebytes petebytes

Apsion Fountain Hills, AZ

Raaghul R raaghulr
I am Python Developer with Computer Science Engineer. Love to create application with code, which help common people. Make the change you would like to see

Raaghul R India

Ahmed Tadde ahmedtadde
Software Engineer

Washington, D.C