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Roman Mednitzer rmednitzer
Systems Engineer

@ebcont Vienna, Austria

Roger Wellard polyroger
Pipeline TD Creating tools for better content creation.

Polycat Cape Town, South Africa

Faris Nabil Arsyad zafrs
Pipeline Technical Director/Developer VFX and Animation @Lumine-Studio ,
yangfengzzz yangfengzzz
GPGPU, Graphics and Simulation


Mohamed Zrouga zrougamed
I’m a software developer and platform engineer with a passion for building scalable infrastructure and contributing to the open-source community.

MPC London, The UK

Satish Goda satishgoda

Engineer/Educator/Artist Citizen of the World

Onxee Onxee

Maglód, Hungary


Beijing Film Academy New Zealand

Hossein Karamian hkaramian
I am a visual effects compositor. I have knowledge of developing Nuke Gizmos and composite pipeline tools with a programming background.
Luciano Cequinel CequinaVFX
Hi there, my name is Luciano Cequinel, I’m visual effects compositor based in Portugal.

CequinaVFX Portugal

Eric EajksEajks
Husband. Father of Three. Christian. Algorithms. FPGA. C#/C++. Innovation.

by-EAjks.Com Caen. Normandie. France.


Viet Nam

jeremy bepoix jeremybep
Pipeline - R&D in animation, film & vfx industries.


Daniel Martinez Ojeda danielmaoj

23lunes - Creative Animation Studio Burgos

perestoronin perestoronin

perestoroniny France

Ryan J. Quinlan rjq
Compositor turned Technical Director turned solver of problems.

Los Angeles, CA