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Hattrick HttrckCldHKS ClaudiuHKS
Cxx King

Hattrick HKS - CARAMEL Turda, Cluj, Romania

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


GTX GoddessTex
Content Creator.

Virtual Fantasy

John Magdy Lotfy Kamel Zorono
Founder and CEO of @BrownTurbo | interested in Multipurpose Programming and Gaming

@BrownTurbo Egypt, Alexandria

SupeRod supgeek-rod
I'm a web developer, creating

Shenzhen, China

DeeJay.Promo DeeJayPromo
DeeJayStudio.Pro 🎧 Welcome to DeeJayStudio.Pro – the ultimate space for all things DJing and music production! Here, we explore the latest in DJ techniques,

Dee Jay Promo Serrbia

Huseyin Emanet huseyinemanet
brand design & marketing @ballpark, just a regular fellow.

Getir Remote

Thydux is a blockchain-focused project designed to enhance crypto trading and investments. Its suite of tools includes smart trading strategies and investment.

@investorab United States of America 🇺🇲

0x63611e naiba4

Bsce Turkye

ArtooStark artoostark
We program the world with ideas.

UnitedStarks Inc. Wuhan,China

Karry Stewart karrystewart
Webmaster, Sysadmin, Web Developer, IT Infrastructure, Web Designer, Linux systems manager (FOSS)

Ubuntu Singapore

Дмитрий Геннадьевич dimanche077
⨳♱⨳ {47} RT.RU ㉿ª✵РОСТЕЛЕКОМ ®«Вездеход»™🇷🇺Россия Синий йод! Спасаем планету `®

Компания ООО "Яндекс" + АО "ВМЗ" Россия, Нижегородская область, Выкса

Victor Ramirez vicram10
System Developer, Web Programmer, Geek, Project Leader, Tech Lead Founder of eGeek

eGeek Lambare - Paraguay

Luis Armando Robledo salazar armandRobled
"Con una visión inquebrantable hacia el futuro de la tecnología blockchain, me presento como un entusiasta de las criptomonedas y un innovador en el espacio de Guadalajara Jalisco México

Alexandar I. Tzanov thetitan
A self-starter full-stack web developer and systems administrator, with automation, customer support, and client project management experience.

@titanfusion Austin, TX, USA

Dave durangod

E. Texas USA

PROFスゴイ professorsugoi
Artist learning dev things
Ümit Solmaz usutv
Yaşanabilir bir kainat/dünya geleceği için Sevgiyle Yaşayın-Yaşatın,Okuyun-Okutun ve Paylaşın.


Joey Smith tyrsson
If it's not broken I can fix it until it is.


AndyE Gómez andygomezb7
Desarrollador web/app

@WortitInc Ciudad de Guatemala

Rodrigo Sakae devsakae
Fullstack developer

Agrosys Criciúma, SC, Brazil

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Bigguy smfbigguy

Window Shines Canada