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akara richeyphu
I am who I am

IT@TNI#13 Thailand

Cartoon Kritthapath Yaviraj toonoeichi
ofc, we're software engineer.

@storyhouseproduction @hackclub Nonthaburi , Thailand

Watchakorn Buddeewong watchakorn-18k
My name is Proton, and I am passionate about application development using Python and Golang. With experience in creating dynamic websites and building robust

Fakduai logistics and digital platform co., ltd Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand

Chadin Chaipornpisuth PingHuskar

Silverlake Axis Bangkok, Thailand

Mathis Guyot LeMageoire
Electronics Engineer in Embedded devices and Mecatronics. --- Started 42 School in October 2023, I'm Looking for Opportunities as a Junior Software Engineer.
Nattawatt Hongthong RealNattawattHongthong
Student Developer CRU 125 | Bodindecha insta : nattawatthongthong

@CRUStudentDevCommunity Bangkok, Thailand

Jirachai Chansivanon antronic
Consulting Engineer @mongodb | ex-Microsoft

MongoDB Singapore

Phantip Kokilanon PhantipK
Co-chair of @PyConTH, @dotnetthailand contributor, @TypeScriptThailand community leader, former @microsoft intern, and 🐱🐶 lover.

@PyConTH Thailand