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LAYERc, NYU, Cornell, RIT New York, NY

David T. Martel david-t-martel
Chief Innovation Officer and Co-Founder Auricle, Inc.

Auricle, Inc. Ann Arbor, MI

keita kawamoto keitakawamoto
Web Designer.

@pepabo Japan

Aleksandra Adler adlerowa
Postdoc in cognitive neuroscience of language @ Stockholm University

Stockholm University Stockholm

Toshiharu Kamishikiryo k5105880
psychiatry, neuroimaging, depression

Hiroshima University psychiatry Hiroshima

Delin Shi rockystones
PhD candidate @NTE-Laboratory

University of Pittsburgh US

Fatih Sogukpinar fspinar

Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis St. Louis, MO


Columbus, Ohio

Jay Immanuel Wu jaylee
On the sweet journey of becoming an independent researcher and data scientist. Loving travel, reading, movies and music and a life-long passion in education.😇

PPK@ELTE Hungary

Teodora Hristovska tocevska

New York University Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi, UAE

Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

Bati Yilmaz batiyilmaz
An avid lifelong learner and explorer
Donovan Worrell dlworrell

Just a Geek, LLC Anchorage, AK

Jan Göttmann jgman86
PhD Candidate in Psychology @AMD-Lab | Interested in Cognitive Neuroscience, Mathematical Modeling, Bayesian Statistics and individual Differences 🖖

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Mainz