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GitHub is pain. 'Cause in GitHub, AI is using copylefted data. I'm moving to Codeberg. This account is now for bug reports only.
Alex Tyrode atyrode
vibe driven developer

École 42 Paris

Alexander Scott Goddard MtCoin406
"CaVses 2 B3c0m3" "GoD R Done”

ASGARD Company Great Falls, Mt

Grisharik Grisharik
Currently educate for JavaScript. Use Arch linux
a stupid under imperial examination system
Ebo ebo2022
semi-active minecraft modder who has worked with worldgen & Architectury mods; ebo2022 on discord

United States

Boredsheep Aixiis
I am a young mod maker and story writter, I sometime draw too, we call that a creative person... hum
mastrio mastrio
Uni Student who makes things

the moon

Jimi_Boy jimi-boy
lua and c++ Developer jimi_boy#1339

Its_Modding Austria Vienna

ふらまりん Flamarine

@Nova-Committee @Prismwork Sichuan, China

Caoimhe caoimhebyrne

@EssentialGG Ireland

Lunekiska - 키스카 lunekiska
Coder and future game creator. Making Minecraft mods just for fun 😉

FluffyCats Ltd Europe

Ran Ran-Mewo
i-i sometimes wike to code >~<


Steven Baez Steven-Baez
Database & Programming @ ATC
pfp by
