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Ryan Hughes rhughes42
Computational analyst and robotics researcher. C#, Vue & React, Three.JS, Node.JS, C++, JS, GCP, IBM. Google Cloud & IBM Cloud partner.

Graph Technologies Copenhagen, Denmark

Krockers krockers
Newbie python programmer
Syed Hussain Ather HussainAther
“I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible.” - Nietzsche
Maycon Freitas mayconrfreitas
BIM Software Developer

@aecoder-br, @ihavebim, @T1E3-Jogos-Digitais-PUC, @MensaBrasil @SnaptrudeDraft Brasil

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Matthew DeMichele mdemichele
Software Engineer from Maui, HI. Currently living in Phoenix.

Phoenix, AZ

Chetan Kumar Chetank190
Passionate about developing innovative solutions in data science and machine learning. Check out my GitHub for a showcase of my projects!

Toronto, Canada

John Gunstone jgunstone
Engineering Software Development Leader @maxfordham. Writing code to help Engineers who design buildings make better, more transparent decisions; faster.

@maxfordham London

Abdelhamid abelmaaris
Civil Engineer and Programming obssessed

Pulse morocco

Marcos Lima mvrpl
Técnico de Big Data, BlockChain & Cloud
Andrés Corbal Debén AnCode666
Civil Engineer | BIM, CAD & GIS software developer


Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Chirag Singh chiragsingh1711
As a Three JS Developer with expertise in Blender and Unity, I create engaging and interactive ThreeJS Web applications and VR games. I am excited to collab
Felipe Espinoza drdedoverde10k
Civil Industrial Engineer. Computer Science PhD Student at UTEM. Construction & Healthcare Data-Driven Enthusiast.

Fractal Spa Chile

SubChange SubChange

ZheJiang University HangZhou, China

Kevin van der Vliet kevinmimir
Advisor Data Management | CAB Dutch Built Environment | Open source for Dutch social housing | Public Money = Public Code

KleurrijkWonen Tiel

Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Yang Yupeng YuP2905
A developer in the field of architecture.
Tauki Tahmid tauki
The cat ate my source code

Oslo, Norway

Rijk van Haaften RijkvanHaaften
Productmanager 3D & Aerial imagery

Kadaster Apeldoorn, The Netherlands

Andrea AndreaGarofolo

Athenagroup Consulting Srl Italy

Hriday Bavle hridaybavle
Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Luxembourg. My research interests are VO, SLAM, Perception and Planning applied to Mobile Robots.

University of Luxembourg Luxembourg