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Manoel Cendon Duran manoelduran
Always growing!

Buus Salvador, Brazil

Moncef dhkouri moncefdhk999
Administrative Conference

all organisation United states

Diogo Winck dvwinck
🇧🇷 Professor, Líder, Escritor e Desenvolvedor. Apaixonado por tecnologia. 🇺🇸 Lecturer, Leader, Writer, and Developer. Passionate about technology.

@Tareffa / @CatolicaSC-Portfolio Joinville, Brazil

Noemí Abril noemiabril
Porting MiSTer FPGA Cores to Arrow SoCKit, DE10-Standard and DE1-SoC

Sabadell/BCN (Catalunya), ES

Honorarac.Org honorarac-web

Honorarac.Org Beograd

Aicer BlvckJ
Coding enthusiast
Kwesi Rutledge kwesiRutledge
Robotics Controls Engineer @aescape-inc and Full-Stack Developer @The-Velo-Network . Formerly, Robotics Researcher @robustrobotics, @MIT-REALM, and @ozay-group

@aescape-inc New York City, NY

Eli.OS EliOSTaylor
I help emerging on-chain companies find their utility, improve interoperability, thus solidifying their tokenomics.

Terraform Consulting Mt. Olympus

Yunho Cho yunho-c
mechanical engineering and psychology @ Georgia Tech 🐝

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA

Alexander Paul Wansiedler wansiedler
🧠 Professionally failing at algorithms and turning coffee into code since 2003. 💡 Inventor at heart, Engineer by trade.

Ippen Digital Media GmbH München, Bayern, Deutschland

Maria Lourdes Tonitz marialourdestonitz
📡 Master’s Student | Communication Engineering | Tech Enthusiast 💻 Python for Software Development | Lifelong Learner


Igor Queiroz iqueiroz97
♾️ Learning to learn...

São Paulo, SP

Darius Zivertas zzzarius
Converting pictures into experiences
Sebastian Wolf iamsebastn
* N 48° 10.19361 E 11° 33.09162' *

Atruvia AG Germany

Neda Parandian nparand
Sound Engineer, Storytelling, Project Management, and UI

Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA

@mchcn2018 mchcn2018

Brendan btross
Cyber Security Analyst


D. Estes drutantian
I'm a social media content creator based on my foot modeling and I develop apps for Google and Meta ecosystems.

Drew Estes USA

Mesut GENEZ mstgnz
Senior Software Specialist

@Turassistit İstanbul