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ABCDAT warrior
Ali Abdelkader aliabdelkader
Software Engineer

Cairo, Egypt

Pratyay Banerjee nitrospark
I collect information across the web ❯ A bot crafted by @Neilblaze 🦄

TU Munich / @TUM-Dev Munich, Germany ✧

Mongkoclhai Tue MongkolchaiTue
Software Developer and IT Support

Bangkok, Thailand.

Carsten Heisterkamp carstenheisterkamp
Freelance UX Designer and Creative Coder from Düsseldorf, Germany

Freelancer Düsseldorf

Ayantanu Laha Ayantanu2002
MSc Computer Science Student | RKMVERI | Research Interest in Machine Learning & Data Science


Zhao JIe Jerrisk
Computer vision, Recommendation System, NLP

Tongji University Hangzhou, China

Dejair Oliani dejairoliani

Pessoa Jurídica Joinville - Brazil

Nliver Nliver
If you start striving now, the worst outcome is still becoming a late bloomer. 如果你现在开始努力,最坏的结果不过是大器晚成。


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Sphelx Komodo Sphelx

Studio Varanus England

hilman kholik hilman4kholik
Software Developer | Arm anthusias | Machine Learning anthusias

Puspahiang, Tasikmalaya

Awnish Ranjan AwnishRanjan
Data Scientist / ML Engineer / Student
Lenara Sitshayeva, PhD sitshayeva
Data Analytics Engineer | Data Science | Machine Learning | AWS Cloud Certified 🇺🇦

London, UK

brqi Bruce-Qi
ToC ToB BigData SRE AutoTesting front stack Shanghai

OpenGithubs OpenGithubs
OpenGithub社区:挖掘Github优质项目,帮助用户发现有趣、实用、流行的开源项目! Contact US: 💬WeiXin:open_github 🐧QQ:1181993163 📮



Tuzla, Bosnia and Hercegovina

Johon Li Tuobang 李拓邦 johon-lituobang
Theoretical statistics & Biostatistics, Studied at Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

University of California, Berkeley People's Republic of China

Tolga Cangöz tolgacangoz boldly go where no one has gone before...
Evan kid-gorgeous
🗿 BJ: Software platform engineer. 🔌

fiverr / day job

Sardor AbdirayimovS
ML Engineer & Poet

South Korea