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Block Storage

Holds the long term journal of all confirmed blocks. Provides the source of truth inside the node for the current block height. When the node is synchronized with the rest of the network, newly committed blocks arrive internally from ConsensusAlgo. When not, the service manually synchronizes the missing blocks from other nodes.

Currently, a single instance per virtual chain per node.

Interacts with services

  • StateStorage - Provides it with state diffs when new blocks are committed (also synchronizes it).
  • TransactionPool - Provides it with transaction receipts when new blocks are committed (also synchronizes it).
  • ConsensusAlgo - Asks it whether untrusted blocks (given by other nodes) are indeed approved and valid.
  • Gossip - Uses it to communicate with other nodes.


Data Structures

Block database

  • Holds all blocks with the ability to query efficiently by block height.
  • Able to store blocks out of order (when sync is lost, but future blocks keep arriving).
    • These blocks are not yet marked as committed and cannot be considered valid.
    • They are verified and committed after receiving the chain of missing blocks before them.
  • When empty, initialized with the genesis block, which is empty for virtual chains.
  • The database needs to be persistent.
  • Data is not sharded, currently all blocks are stored locally on all machines.

Synchronization state

  • last_committed_block - The last valid committed block that the block storage is synchronized to (persistent).


Init (flow)

  • Initialize the configuration.
  • Load persistent data.
  • If there is persistent data, init last_commited_block accordingly.
  • If no persistent data, init last_committed_block to empty (symbolize the empty genesis block) and the block database to empty.
  • When consensus algorithms register by calling BlockStorage.RegisterConsensusBlocksHandler, update them with the latest persistent block by calling their HandleBlockConsensus with HANDLE_BLOCK_CONSENSUS_MODE_UPDATE_ONLY.
    • If last_committed_block is empty pass an empty block.
  • Subscribe to gossip messages by calling Gossip.BlockSync.RegisterBlockSyncHandler.
  • Trigger the block synchronization process in the Inter Node Block Sync flow.
    • Indicating update only mode.


Inter Node Block Sync (flow)

Continuous flow where block storage (the source of truth for committed blocks) is synchronizing itself from other nodes when it discovers it is out of sync.


  • Endless loop, which is continuously waiting for a trigger marking the node as out of sync.
  • The synchronization process is triggered upon:
    • The Init flow.
    • Too much time has passed without a commit with CommitBlock. Based on config.BLOCK_SYNC_NO_COMMIT_INTERVAL (eg. 8 sec).
  • Make sure no more than one synchronization process is active at any given time.


  • When synchronization is triggered, update all registered consensus algos with the latest persistent block by calling their HandleBlockConsensus with HANDLE_BLOCK_CONSENSUS_MODE_UPDATE_ONLY.
    • If last_committed_block is empty pass an empty block.

Synchronization process

  • Synchronization is made of multiple batches, each comprised of multiple chunks.
  • Identify nodes that have the desired blocks by broadcasting BLOCK_AVAILABILITY_REQUEST message with Gossip.BlockSync.BroadcastBlockAvailabilityRequest.
    • Request blocks starting from last_committed_block.
    • Request config.BLOCK_SYNC_NUM_BLOCKS_IN_BATCH batch range for this session (total number of blocks the syncing node will give in this session).
    • Nodes will respond with a BLOCK_AVAILABILITY_RESPONSE message.
      • Indicating the range from the desired blocks that is available to them and their current last committed block.
      • Also indicating the agreed upon config.BLOCK_SYNC_NUM_BLOCKS_IN_BATCH batch range for this session.
  • Randomly select one of the responding nodes and request the batch of blocks from them.
    • If some of the responders are significantly behind and can't fulfill one batch, avoid them in the random selection.
    • Request the first config.BLOCK_SYNC_NUM_BLOCKS_IN_CHUNK chunk in the batch by sending a BLOCK_SYNC_REQUEST message with Gossip.BlockSync.SendBlockSyncRequest.
    • The receiving node will respond with a BLOCK_SYNC_RESPONSE message.
      • The response includes one chunk of requested blocks and the node's last_committed_block height.
    • Upon reception of the response:
      • Since the blocks are untrusted, validate each of them for commit by calling ValidateBlockForCommit.
      • If valid, commit each block by calling CommitBlock.
    • Repeat the process until all chunks in the batch have arrived (from one syncing node).
  • Continue having sessions for more batches until all desired blocks have arrived.
    • It is recommended to shuffle the batches among different nodes to avoid putting too much burden on a single node.


Intra Node Block Sync (flow)

Continuous flow where block storage (the source of truth for committed blocks) is updating the rest of the services in the node on newly committed blocks.

  • This flow is instantiated twice:
    • One instance for the service TransactionPool and one for StateStorage.
  • Endless loop, which is continuously synchronizing the service with committed blocks based on the service's next desired block height.
  • If last_commited_block is lower than the service's next desired block height, block and wait (without polling), else:
    • Push the next desired block to the service:
      • To transaction pool by calling TransactionPool.CommitTransactionsReceipts.
      • To state storage by calling StateStorage.CommitStateDiff.
    • Remember the service's next desired block height according to the call response.
    • Continue iterating.
  • Important: When everything is synchronized (common case), CommitBlock should immediately trigger the commit to the service without waiting (this is in the critical path).


CommitBlock (method)

Commit a new trusted block pair (Transactions and Results) after approval for commit. It is used by the critical path in the consensus algo to commit verified blocks.

Final checks before adding

  • We assume here that the caller of this method inside the node is trusted, and has already done the tests specified by ValidateBlockForCommit.
  • Correct block protocol version.
  • Silently discard the given block if it already exists in the database by comparing the actual block bytes (panic if it's different from ours under this block height).
  • If it doesn't exist, panic if the given block height isn't the next of last_committed_block.

Commit the block

  • Store block in the database indexed by block height.
  • Update last_committed_block to match the given block.
  • If any of the intra block syncs (StateStorage, TransactionPool) is blocking and waiting, wake it up.


ValidateBlockForCommit (method)

Validates an untrusted block pair (Transactions and Results) received during inter node sync before it can be committed.

Check the Transactions block (stateless)

  • Correct block protocol version.
  • Correct virtual chain.
  • Check block height:
    • If the block isn't the next of last_commited_block according to height, discard.
  • Check the block's transactions_root_hash:
    • Calculate the merkle root hash of the block's transactions and verify the hash in the header.
  • Check the block's metadata hash:
    • Calculate the hash of the block's metadata and verify the hash in the header.

Check the Results block (stateless)

  • Correct block protocol version.
  • Correct virtual chain.
  • Check block height:
    • If the block isn't the next of last_commited_block according to height, discard.
  • Check the block's receipts_root_hash:
    • Calculate the merkle root hash of the block's receipts and verify the hash in the header.
  • Check the block's state_diff_hash:
    • Calculate the hash of the block's state diff and verify the hash in the header.

Note: The logic up to here also appears in ConsensusAlgo and should probably be extracted to avoid duplication.

Check the block consensus

  • Identify the relevant service (consensus algorithm) that is registered to handle this block's validation.
    • Check consensus of the block by calling its HandleBlockConsensus with HANDLE_BLOCK_CONSENSUS_MODE_VERIFY_AND_UPDATE.


GetLastCommittedBlockHeight (method)

As the source of truth in the node, returns the height of the last committed block.

  • Return the height of last_committed_block.


GetTransactionReceipt (method)

Returns the transaction receipt for a past transaction based on its id and time stamp. Used when a client asks to query transaction status for an older transaction.

  • Go over all the blocks where the transaction could be found:
    • Starting where block timestamp is transaction timestamp minus config.BLOCK_STORAGE_TRANSACTION_RECEIPT_QUERY_TIMESTAMP_GRACE (eg. 5 sec).
    • Finishing where block timestamp is transaction timestamp plus config.TRANSACTION_EXPIRATION_WINDOW (eg. 30 min) plus config.BLOCK_STORAGE_TRANSACTION_RECEIPT_QUERY_TIMESTAMP_GRACE (eg. 5 sec).
  • For each relevant block, look for the transaction txhash in the block receipts.
    • The node may maintain indexing of txhash to blocks or maintain bloom filters on the blocks relevant timestamps and/or txhash.
  • If not found on all relevant blocks, returns an empty receipt along with the last committed block height and timestamp.


GetTransactionsBlockHeader (method)

Returns a committed Transactions block header and proof given a block height. Used primarily by the consensus algo when it's missing a block.

  • If requested block height is in the future, but last_committed_block is close to it config.BLOCK_TRACKER_GRACE_DISTANCE block the call until the requested height is committed. Or fail on config.BLOCK_TRACKER_GRACE_TIMEOUT.
  • If requested block height is in the future, but last_committed_block is far, fail.
  • Return the transactions block header, metadata, and the transactions block proof.


GetResultsBlockHeader (method)

Returns a committed Results block header and proof given a block height. Used primarily by the consensus algo when it's missing a block.

  • If requested block height is in the future, but last_committed_block is close to it config.BLOCK_TRACKER_GRACE_DISTANCE block the call until the requested height is committed. Or fail on config.BLOCK_TRACKER_GRACE_TIMEOUT.
  • If requested block height is in the future, but last_committed_block is far, fail.
  • Return the results block header, metadata, and the results block proof.


GenerateReceiptProof (method)

Generates a proof for a receipt inclusion in a block. Returns the transaction receipt for a past transaction, based on its id and time stamp, along with the signed block header and receipt merkle proof.

  • Get the relevant block and look for the receipt that matches the txhash.
    • If no matching receipt was found, return an empty proof.
  • Calculate the receipt merkle proof based on the receipt index
    • Calculate the merkle tree of the block's receipts, using the receipts Merkle tree format.
      • Consider to maintain a cache of recently calculated merkle trees.
    • Generate a proof for the receipt inclusion based on its index in the block.
  • Return the ResultBlock header, ResultBlock proof, merkle proof and receipt.


Gossip Messages Handlers

Handles gossip messages from other nodes. Relevant messages include block sync messages.


  • Handles BLOCK_AVAILABILITY_REQUEST messages, see Inter Node Block Sync flow.


  • Handles BLOCK_AVAILABILITY_RESPONSE messages, see Inter Node Block Sync flow.


  • Handles BLOCK_SYNC_REQUEST messages, see Inter Node Block Sync flow.


  • Handles BLOCK_SYNC_RESPONSE messages, see Inter Node Block Sync flow.