diff --git a/test/helpers/fetch-mocker.js b/test/helpers/fetch-mocker.js
index b28334c47..cbca127b0 100644
--- a/test/helpers/fetch-mocker.js
+++ b/test/helpers/fetch-mocker.js
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import errataResources from '../src/data/errata-resources';
import flags from '../src/data/flags';
import footerData from '../src/data/footer';
import formHeadings from '../src/data/form-headings';
+import impact from '../src/data/impact';
import institutionalPartnershipData from '../src/data/institutional-partnership';
import kineticData from '../src/data/kinetic';
import newSubjectsData from '../src/data/new-subjects';
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ global.fetch = jest.fn().mockImplementation((...args) => {
const isFooter = (/api\/footer/).test(args[0]);
const isFormHeading = (/form-headings/).test(args[0]);
const isGiveBanner = args[0].endsWith('snippets/givebanner/');
+ const isImpact = args[0].includes('/pages/impact');
const isInstitutionalPartnership = (/pages\/institutional-partners/).test(args[0]);
const isKinetic = args[0].endsWith('kinetic/');
const isHomepage = (/openstax-homepage/).test(args[0]);
@@ -139,6 +141,8 @@ global.fetch = jest.fn().mockImplementation((...args) => {
payload = {};
} else if (isHomepage) {
payload = openstaxHomepageData;
+ } else if (isImpact) {
+ payload = impact;
} else if (isInstitutionalPartnership) {
payload = institutionalPartnershipData;
} else if (isKinetic) {
diff --git a/test/src/data/impact.js b/test/src/data/impact.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf4e5ee55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/src/data/impact.js
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+/* eslint-disable camelcase, max-len */
+export default {
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+ slug: 'impact',
+ seo_title: 'Improving Educational Access & Learning For All | OpenStax',
+ search_description:
+ 'OpenStax is one of the world’s largest nonprofit digital learning platforms and publisher of free textbooks and education resources online.',
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+ html_url: 'https://openstax.org/'
+ },
+ title: 'OpenStax Homepage'
+ },
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+ },
+ title: 'Our Impact',
+ improving_access: [
+ {
+ type: 'content',
+ value: {
+ image: {
+ image: 2380,
+ alt_text:
+ 'Two students sit reading OpenStax resources on their devices',
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+ },
+ heading: 'Our Mission',
+ description:
+ '
OpenStax is committed to make an amazing education accessible for all. As a nonprofit initiative based at Rice University and the largest publisher of open educational resources in the world, we provide affordable digital resources that break down barriers to learning.
Students should be able to access high-quality knowledge without the burden of cost. Using cutting-edge technology, including AI, we’re creating more relevant, personalized experiences that meet students and educators where they are. With OpenStax, education is always within reach, for anyone and everyone who’s eager to explore. And as we celebrate 25 years of impact, we’re more excited than ever about the future of learning.
Millions of students deserve access to quality education. You can make that happen.
+ button_text: 'Give today',
+ button_href:
+ 'https://riceconnect.rice.edu/donation/support-openstax-impact'
+ },
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+ }
+ ],
+ reach: [
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+ image: 2381,
+ alt_text:
+ 'A group of students holding both digital and print OpenStax resources',
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+ },
+ heading: 'OpenStax Impact',
+ description:
+ '
Imagine if every student could access an amazing education—one that’s built to spark curiosity and fuel success. At OpenStax, we’re making that a reality. We’ve saved students nearly $3 billion in educational costs, and our affordable resources are used by learners all over the world – in universities, community colleges, high schools, homeschools, and beyond. In 2024, 7 million learners accessed OpenStax resources – and that number is growing every year.
There are still millions who need our support.
That’s why your gift matters. With your help, we can enhance our resources to better serve the students who need them most, fostering inclusive and accessible education. Together, we can make knowledge a public good and ensure free, high-quality education for all.
Every student deserves an education that’s not only relevant but exciting, where learning feels like an adventure. I truly believe that we all have something to teach and something to learn from each other. That’s why I’m so hopeful. The work we’re doing to make knowledge accessible to everyone and treat education as a public good gives me confidence in what’s ahead.
– Prof. Richard Baraniuk,
Founder and Director of OpenStax and SafeInsights, the C. Sidney Burrus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University, and Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Read real stories from students, teachers, researchers, authors, and open education supporters.
+ stories: [
+ {
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+ created_at: '2024-09-24T11:18:55.991396-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'In the vast landscape of educational resources, one name stands out as a game-changer for science students – OpenStax. Today, we’re spotlighting Gilles Guichard, a science student whose academic journey was enhanced by OpenStax resources.',
+ linked_story: 768,
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+ },
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+ width: 3403,
+ created_at: '2024-09-24T11:16:42.495028-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'We had a chance to get to know Amanda Lardizabal, the Assistant Professor of Biology at Berkshire Community College, and find out what open education means to her.',
+ linked_story: 825,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
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+ height: 1227,
+ width: 1227,
+ created_at: '2024-09-24T11:13:27.399085-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ "Ahmed's parents instilled in him the value of education, dedicating their resources to ensure he had every opportunity to learn. This emphasis on learning paved the way for Ahmed's remarkable journey.",
+ linked_story: 755,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
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+ id: 2356,
+ file: 'https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/original_images/Fraknoi_by_Tucker_6_by_9_cm.jpg',
+ title: 'Fraknoi by Tucker 6 by 9 cm',
+ height: 1063,
+ width: 709,
+ created_at: '2024-09-24T11:10:30.363824-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'Professor Andrew Fraknoi is one of the three senior authors of the OpenStax textbook, Astronomy 2e, the first OpenStax book to become the most-frequently-adopted text in its field. In 2017, Fraknoi retired from his position as Chair of the Department of Astronomy at Foothill College. In retirement, he continues to teach non-credit classes for seniors at The Fromm Institute at the University of San Francisco and the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at San Francisco State, and to update the textbook.',
+ linked_story: 757,
+ embedded_video: ''
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+ created_at: '2024-09-24T11:33:09.068565-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'OpenStax is proud to spotlight IAP Career College, also known as the International Association of Professions Career College, an online career college affiliated with FabJob Inc, the leading online publisher of guide books on how to get started in a dream career. They have served hundreds of thousands of “career changers” since 1999. IAP aims to offer the finest in affordable online certificate programs and democratize education for non-traditional learners who are passionate about their newfound career trajectories.',
+ linked_story: 723,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
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+ file: 'https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/original_images/Rice_Interview_Photo_-_Nic_Albright.jpg',
+ title: 'Rice Interview Photo - Nic Albright',
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+ width: 1202,
+ created_at: '2024-09-24T11:24:45.039652-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'In the ever-changing world of education, parents are increasingly seeking alternative approaches to traditional schooling. One such parent, Nic A., hailing from upstate New York and now residing in North Carolina, has embarked on a homeschooling journey with his three children. With a desire to provide a personalized and dynamic learning experience, he stumbled upon OpenStax.',
+ linked_story: 737,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
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+ id: 2365,
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+ width: 4032,
+ created_at: '2024-09-24T11:35:39.997246-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'As a Rice graduate, David became involved with OpenStax in the late nineties, when it was known as Connexions. “I am ‘all-in’ on the work that OpenStax is doing and the resources that Professor Richard G. Baraniuk and his team have thoughtfully built in to benefit all learners,” he said.',
+ linked_story: 693,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
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+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'Rahul Kane grew up in India in a family of educators, and upon completing his undergraduate studies, moved to the United States in 2005 to pursue graduate school. Now, he teaches biology at Century College and the University of St. Thomas. Read more about why he prefers open educational resources!',
+ linked_story: 714,
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+ },
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+ width: 1124,
+ created_at: '2023-04-12T11:10:30.889459-05:00'
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+ story_text:
+ 'Megan expects to get her nursing diploma in five years and sees herself as a successful nurse working in a hospital.',
+ linked_story: 717,
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+ },
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+ height: 2378,
+ width: 2161,
+ created_at: '2023-04-12T11:48:39.634405-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'Jakob learned about OpenStax when he began studying at Rice University and started using their resources. He was interested in interning at the organization because of his experience with the textbooks and his passion for artificial intelligence (AI).',
+ linked_story: 704,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
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+ title: 'BeanieProfilePhoto_Impact_2024',
+ height: 878,
+ width: 912,
+ created_at: '2023-04-12T11:41:45.075935-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'Marvin-André left college during 2020 due to unforeseen life circumstances. He is slowly getting back into tech and engineering and credits open resources, like the ones OpenStax provides, with allowing him to learn on his terms.',
+ linked_story: 641,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
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+ title: 'NhiNguyenProfilePhoto_Impact_2024',
+ height: 1086,
+ width: 724,
+ created_at: '2023-04-12T11:36:01.595564-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'While Nhi herself has excelled academically, she understands the importance of access to information and that not everyone has that.',
+ linked_story: 702,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
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+ title: 'MonzeLunaOpenStaxLearner_Impact_2024',
+ height: 1006,
+ width: 886,
+ created_at: '2023-04-12T11:25:09.560879-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'Monze believes that her friends, family, and access to OpenStax have been great motivators throughout her educational journey.',
+ linked_story: 701,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
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+ created_at: '2023-03-28T11:49:48.738086-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'Shane not only wants to make his family proud, he wants to make an impact on the world.',
+ linked_story: 700,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
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+ title: 'KyleWattersPlanetarium_Impact_2024',
+ height: 1845,
+ width: 2767,
+ created_at: '2023-04-12T10:56:08.308743-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'Dr. Watters learned of a free online textbook option for the Introductory Astronomy course through a departmental colleague. Initially, he was skeptical, but his doubts quickly went away after he reviewed the high-quality OpenStax Astronomy text.',
+ linked_story: 699,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
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+ id: 1456,
+ file: 'https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/original_images/Van_Le-News_-_Van_Le.JPG',
+ title: 'Van Le-News - Van Le',
+ height: 684,
+ width: 374,
+ created_at: '2022-09-17T15:13:12.025917-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ '“I love OpenStax and so do my professors. They are not only free, but also user-friendly!”',
+ linked_story: 613,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
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+ id: 2360,
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+ title: 'Amy-Cropped-Headshot-210x201 (1)',
+ height: 201,
+ width: 210,
+ created_at: '2024-09-24T11:22:16.991813-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'Dr. Baldwin’s commitment to supporting student success extends beyond the classroom',
+ linked_story: 744,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
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+ id: 1455,
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+ title: 'IMG_20220211_135109_413 - Abby Lee (2)',
+ height: 640,
+ width: 1223,
+ created_at: '2022-09-17T15:08:00.951987-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'OpenStax is right at your fingertips. Have more freedom when engaging with classroom materials.',
+ linked_story: 612,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
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+ id: 2362,
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+ width: 2320,
+ created_at: '2024-09-24T11:28:52.597861-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'OpenStax free resources played a part in his decision to attend his current school. They were a huge benefit to him and his career goal of becoming a software engineer. “They have helped prepare me for the industry and I know that through hard work, due diligence, and strong people skills, I can achieve whatever I aspire to.”',
+ linked_story: 726,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
+ image: {
+ id: 2366,
+ file: 'https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/original_images/Juan_Madrid_Instructor.jpg',
+ title: 'Juan Madrid, Instructor',
+ height: 880,
+ width: 937,
+ created_at: '2024-09-24T11:37:44.916305-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'Professor Juan Madrid grew up watching his father, who was a high school teacher his whole life, make lesson plans, prepare teaching materials, and grade exams. “I was always curious about my dad’s work. I still turn to my father for advice, particularly regarding how to communicate more effectively with my students,” he said.',
+ linked_story: 644,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
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+ title: 'EY Photo_Square - Mazin Iqbal (3)',
+ height: 2968,
+ width: 2968,
+ created_at: '2022-08-22T11:13:28.115758-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.',
+ linked_story: 609,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
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+ id: 1451,
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+ title: '76C9896E-B2DD-4028-83A0-B23895D7E72D - Shakari Jones (4)',
+ height: 375,
+ width: 333,
+ created_at: '2022-09-01T17:46:51.567707-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ '“The interactiveness of the textbooks makes learning fun. OpenStax has been a great teacher in itself.”',
+ linked_story: 611,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
+ image: {
+ id: 1448,
+ file: 'https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/original_images/FCF100A0-D7FC-472B-B384-8BFCEDB625EF_-_Kelsey_Posey_2.jpeg',
+ title: 'FCF100A0-D7FC-472B-B384-8BFCEDB625EF - Kelsey Posey (2)',
+ height: 2000,
+ width: 1500,
+ created_at: '2022-08-22T10:24:06.387792-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ "Kelsey would recommend switching to OpenStax resources because they're user-friendly and accessible anywhere!",
+ linked_story: 608,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
+ image: {
+ id: 1409,
+ file: 'https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/original_images/Cowdin_1200_-_Dr._C_Neuro.jpg',
+ title: 'Cowdin_1200 - Dr. C Neuro',
+ height: 894,
+ width: 1200,
+ created_at: '2022-02-24T12:59:17.925088-06:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'Instructor Spotlight: A Conversation with Dr. Nancy Cowdin',
+ linked_story: 577,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
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+ id: 1394,
+ file: 'https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/original_images/image0_1.jpeg',
+ title: 'image0 (1)',
+ height: 2738,
+ width: 1825,
+ created_at: '2022-02-07T15:56:10.707405-06:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ "Arie'Una is determined to make her dreams of becoming a music producer a reality and OpenStax can help her get there.",
+ linked_story: 569,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
+ image: {
+ id: 1392,
+ file: 'https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/original_images/Shroff_Niyati_-_Niya_Sh_1.jpg',
+ title: 'Shroff_Niyati - Niya Sh (1)',
+ height: 2992,
+ width: 2000,
+ created_at: '2022-02-07T15:14:12.876868-06:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ '“A lot of traditional textbooks cost a lot of money. Even some digital copies of books are $100 each for one semester. When does it end?” Niya Shroff opens up about increasing prices of traditional school resources.',
+ linked_story: 567,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
+ image: {
+ id: 1393,
+ file: 'https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/original_images/IMG_20211019_111905_-_Sanket_Lalwani_2.png',
+ title: 'IMG_20211019_111905 - Sanket Lalwani (2)',
+ height: 1074,
+ width: 799,
+ created_at: '2022-02-07T15:40:20.219053-06:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'Sanket Lalwani has a passion for learning and is on the quest to learn something new. He appreciates how OpenStax helped him kickoff his interest in physics.',
+ linked_story: 568,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
+ image: {
+ id: 1320,
+ file: 'https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/original_images/Screen_Shot_2021-10-08_at_10.40.00_AM.png',
+ title: 'Cracking the Textbook',
+ height: 1226,
+ width: 1164,
+ created_at: '2021-10-08T09:43:17.613292-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'The high cost of course materials is a barrier to access and success in higher education. There’s a growing movement to bring open source alternatives to campus―and it’s working.',
+ linked_story: 542,
+ embedded_video:
+ ''
+ },
+ {
+ image: {
+ id: 1325,
+ file: 'https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/original_images/Jessica_He_Headshot.JPG',
+ title: 'Jessica He Headshot.JPG',
+ height: 1024,
+ width: 906,
+ created_at: '2021-10-11T15:25:31.846148-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'For Jessica He the cost and quality of content were the two major factors that affected her decision when choosing educational materials. It was a source of pride to find out that OpexStax was part of her university.',
+ linked_story: 543,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
+ image: {
+ id: 1326,
+ file: 'https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/original_images/Nadiya_Chalak_Photo.png',
+ title: 'Nadiya Chalak Photo.png',
+ height: 625,
+ width: 625,
+ created_at: '2021-10-11T15:42:30.480335-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ "Nadiya Chalak's first encounter with OpenStax was through her calculus class. She used the reader experience to create color-coded highlighted notes in the online textbook and used the notes as study guides. As a visual learner, she could recall sections from the textbook while taking quizzes.",
+ linked_story: 544,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
+ {
+ image: {
+ id: 1190,
+ file: 'https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/original_images/Drew_Carter_Uyd0KmS.jpg',
+ title: 'Drew Carter.jpg',
+ height: 1875,
+ width: 1678,
+ created_at: '2021-02-10T08:59:54.923686-06:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'Education can be a key, but it can also break the locks that have kept people out in the first place.',
+ linked_story: 496,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ },
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+ title: 'Screen Shot 2021-10-08 at 10.46.00 AM.png',
+ height: 1294,
+ width: 1176,
+ created_at: '2021-10-08T09:47:25.373755-05:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ '"I think it’s such an honorable initiative to provide free education to those who don’t have access across the world. Thank you for supporting OpenStax."',
+ linked_story: 497,
+ embedded_video:
+ '
+ },
+ {
+ image: {
+ id: 1188,
+ file: 'https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/original_images/IMG_3323.JPG',
+ title: 'IMG_3323.JPG',
+ height: 4000,
+ width: 6000,
+ created_at: '2021-02-10T08:53:34.847869-06:00'
+ },
+ story_text:
+ 'I was embarking on a new part of a journey that started two years ago when I became a non-traditional college student after raising four children.',
+ linked_story: 495,
+ embedded_video: ''
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ id: 'c1dc4294-2b44-4320-9d72-2286af863302'
+ }
+ ],
+ disruption: [
+ {
+ type: 'content',
+ value: {
+ heading: 'Positive Disruption toward Educational Equity',
+ description: `Persistent disparities in education, especially for historically underrepresented and marginalized students, continue to limit access to quality learning. Financial burdens and a lack of resources in communities facing systemic barriers often stand in the way of academic success and future opportunities, reinforcing an inequitable status quo.
+ For 25 years, OpenStax has been disrupting this status quo by offering free, high-quality educational resources that break down these barriers. With an equity-centered approach, we collaborate with educators to create culturally relevant, adaptable content that meets the needs and strengths of students from diverse backgrounds. By challenging traditional publishing models, we enhance learning and help reduce student debt.
+ As a result, the textbook market is shifting. According to economist Mark Perry, “The deflation of the ‘textbook bubble’ is primarily driven by the creative disruption and competitive edge of free or affordable textbooks, as exemplified by OpenStax.”
+ (Mark Perry, AEI, 2019).`,
+ graph: {
+ image: {
+ image: 2396,
+ alt_text:
+ 'A graph depicted a rapid increase in the price of textbooks during the 2000s and first half of 2010s before a sudden decline in price around 2017',
+ link: '',
+ alignment: 'mid',
+ identifier: ''
+ },
+ image_alt_text: ''
+ }
+ },
+ id: '81f78c27-d65b-449a-b930-21a3449c11f1'
+ }
+ ],
+ supporter_community: [
+ {
+ type: 'content',
+ value: {
+ heading: 'Our Supporter Community',
+ image: {
+ image: 1187,
+ alt_text: 'A black and white headshot of Ann Doer',
+ link: '',
+ alignment: 'left',
+ identifier: ''
+ },
+ quote: '
OpenStax continues to expand to new subject areas, grade levels, and languages to reach more students. Yet, OpenStax is more than free textbooks. With a team of researchers, educators, and learning engineers at Rice University, OpenStax is creating research-based learning tools to help teachers and learners better personalize the education experience. OpenStax needs your partnership to continue its impact.
– Ann Doerr, OpenStax Advisor
+ link_text: 'View our supporters',
+ link_href: 'https://openstax.org/foundation'
+ },
+ id: '0d555d88-1c47-483f-bdd7-bd64aa4fae39'
+ }
+ ],
+ giving: [
+ {
+ type: 'content',
+ value: {
+ heading:
+ 'Millions of students deserve access to quality education. You can make that happen.',
+ description:
+ 'Together with OpenStax, you can unlock educational equity and support students worldwide. Our affordable, openly-licensed resources are making a difference, but we need your help to reach more students.',
+ link_text: 'Read our latest Impact Report',
+ link_href:
+ 'https://www.canva.com/design/DAFvjafivp0/XlVZYxz0X6VBuhBjTCLltw/view',
+ nonprofit_statement:
+ 'As a part of Rice University, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, gifts to OpenStax are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Our tax ID number is 74-1109620.',
+ annual_report_link_text: 'Give now!',
+ annual_report_link_href:
+ 'https://riceconnect.rice.edu/donation/support-openstax-impact'
+ },
+ id: 'e5a9a3ad-f8c6-409f-a774-f6c99daf4990'
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/test/src/pages/impact.test.tsx b/test/src/pages/impact.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9cf8bccf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/src/pages/impact.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import {render, screen} from '@testing-library/preact';
+import ImpactLoader from '~/pages/impact/impact';
+import ShellContextProvider from '~/../../test/helpers/shell-context';
+import {MemoryRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
+import * as DH from '~/helpers/use-document-head';
+jest.spyOn(DH, 'setPageTitleAndDescriptionFromBookData').mockReturnValue();
+// react-aria-carousel does not play nice with Jest
+jest.mock('react-aria-carousel', () => ({
+ Carousel: jest.fn()
+describe('impact page', () => {
+ it('Renders', async () => {
+ render(
+ );
+ expect(((await screen.findByRole('heading', {level: 1}))).textContent).toBe('Our Mission');
+ });