name | about | title | labels | assignees |
💭 Proposal |
Suggest an idea for a specific feature you wish to propose to the community for comment |
proposal |
In a few sentences, describe the feature and its core capabilities.
Highlight any research, proposals, requests or anecdotes that signal this is the right thing to build. Include links to GitHub Issues, Forums, Stack Overflow, Twitter, Etc
Summarize the core use cases and user problems and needs you are trying to solve. Describe the most important user needs, pain points and jobs as expressed by the user asks above. Template: When <a situation arises> , a <type of user> wants to <do something>, so they can <expected outcome>. (Example: When searching by postal code, a buyer wants to be required to enter a valid code so they don’t waste time searching for a clearly invalid postal code.)
Does this have a REST API? If so, please describe the API and any impact it may have to existing APIs. In a brief summary (not a spec), highlight what new REST APIs or changes to REST APIs are planned. as well as any other API, CLI or Configuration changes that are planned as part of this feature.
Describe if the feature has any security considerations or impact. What is the security model of the new APIs? Features should be integrated into the OpenSearch security suite and so if they are not, we should highlight the reasons here.
If this feature will require breaking changes to any APIs, ouline what those are and why they are needed. What is the path to minimizing impact? (example, add new API and deprecate the old one)
Describe the feature requirements and or user stories. You may include low-fidelity sketches, wireframes, APIs stubs, or other examples of how a user would use the feature via CLI, OpenSearch Dashboards, REST API, etc. Using a bulleted list or simple diagrams to outline features is okay. If this is net new functionality, call this out as well.
Will this change the existing user experience? Will this be a breaking change from a user flow or user experience perspective?
Describe the value that this feature will bring to the OpenSearch community, as well as what impact it has if it isn't built, or new risks if it is. Highlight opportunities for additional research.
Describe what it will take to build this feature. Are there any assumptions you may be making that could limit scope or add limitations? Are there performance, cost, or technical constraints that may impact the user experience? Does this feature depend on other feature work? What additional risks are there?
What are known enhancements to this feature? Any enhancements that may be out of scope but that we will want to track long term? List any other open questions that may need to be answered before proceeding with an implementation.