Compatible with OpenSearch Dashboards 1.3.0
- Non blocker (#202)
- Improve error handling on missing result index errors on detector detail pages (#158)
- Add remote integ test workflow; clean up old integ test workflow (#163)
- Reformat using Prettier CLI and add doc to developer guide (#168)
- Remove Beta label from bug issue template (#169)
- Add .whitesource and config files to activate whitesource integration (#165)
- Using Github App to trigger CI on backport PRs (#175)
- Adding auto delete workflow for backport branches (#176)
- Remove cypress & all integration tests (#174)
- Upgrade follow-redirect dependency (#179)
- Add test IDs to components for integ tests (#183)
- Reformat using Prettier CLI and add doc to developer guide (#168)
- Bump plugin to (#160)