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Matteo Figus edited this page Jul 13, 2017 · 14 revisions


OpenComponents involves two parts:

The framework consists mainly of three parts.

  • The cli allows developers to create, develop, test, and publish components.
  • The library is where the components are stored after the publishing. When components depend on static resources (such as images, css files, etc.) these are stored, during packaging and publishing, in a publicly-exposed part of the library that serves as cdn.
  • The registry is a rest api that is used to consume, retrieve, and publish components. Since they are immutable, the registry is the entity that handles the traffic between the library and the consumers.

Components management

A component is a directory composed by

File Description
package.json The component definition, dependencies, and more.
view.html The view containing the markup. Currently we support Handlebars and Jade. It can contain some CSS under the <style> tag and client-side Javascript under the <script> tag.
server.js (optional) If the component has some logic, including consuming services, this is the entity that will produce the view-model to compile the view.
static contents (optional) Images, Javascript, and files that will be referenced in the HTML markup.
* Any other files that will be useful for the development such as tests, docs, etc.

After publishing, components are immutable and semantic versioned.

Getting started with components

Working on the server.js


To create a folder containing the component:

npm install oc -g
oc init hello-world

Editing, debugging, testing

To start a local test registry using a components' folder as a library with a watcher:

oc dev . 3030

To see how the component looks like when consuming it:

oc preview http://localhost:3030/hello-world

As soon as you make changes on the component, you will be able to refresh this page and see how it looks.

Publishing to a registry

You will need an online registry connected to a library. A component with the same name and version cannot already exist on that registry.

# you have to do the registry config first, just once
oc registry add

# then, ship it
oc publish hello-world/

Now, it should be available at

Consuming components

From a consumer's perspective, a component is an HTML fragment. You can render components just on the client-side, just on the server-side, or use the client-side rendering as failover strategy for when the server-side rendering fails (for example because the registry is not responding quickly or is down).

You don't need node.js to consume components on the server-side. The registry can provide you rendered components so that you can consume them using any tech stack.

When published, components are immutable and semantic versioned. The registry allows consumers to get any version of the component: the latest patch, or minor version, etc.

Client-side rendering

To make this happen, your components registry has to be publicly available. This is all you need:

    <oc-component href=""></oc-component>
    <script src="" />

For more information about client-side operations, look at this page.

Server-side rendering

You can get rendered components via the registry rest api.


  "href": "",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "requestVersion": "",
  "html": "<oc-component href=\"\" data-hash=\"cad2a9671257d5033d2abfd739b1660993021d02\" id=\"2890594349\" data-rendered=\"true\" data-version=\"1.0.13\">Hello John doe!</oc-component>",
  "type": "oc-component",
  "renderMode": "rendered"

Nevertheless, for improving caching and response size, when using the node.js client or any language capable of executing server-side javascript the request will look more like:

 curl -H Accept:application/vnd.oc.unrendered+json

  "href": "",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "requestVersion": "~1.0.0",
  "data": {
    "name": "John doe"
  "template": {
    "src": "",
    "type": "handlebars",
    "key": "cad2a9671257d5033d2abfd739b1660993021d02"
  "type": "oc-component",
  "renderMode": "unrendered"

In this case you get the compiled view + the data, and you can do the rendering, eventually, interpolating the view-model data and rendering the compiled view with it.

When retrieving multiple components, a batch POST endpoint allows to make a single request to the API.

Install the cli

npm install oc -g
# to see available commands:

Setup a library

At the moment the only supported library is Amazon S3. Create an account and get the API credentials; you will need them while setting up the registry.

Setup a registry

The registry is a node.js express app that serves the components. You can have multiple registries connected to a library, but you can't have multiple libraries connected to a registry. First, create a dir and install oc:

mkdir oc-registry && cd oc-registry
npm init
npm install oc --save

Then on the entry point, what you need on an index.js file is:

var oc = require('oc');

var configuration = {
  verbosity: 0,
  baseUrl: '',
  port: 3000,
  tempDir: './temp/',
  refreshInterval: 600,
  pollingInterval: 5,
  s3: {
    key: 'your-s3-key',
    secret: 'your-s3-secret',
    bucket: 'your-s3-bucket',
    region: 'your-s3-region',
    path: '//',
    componentsDir: 'components'
  env: { name: 'production' }

var registry = new oc.Registry(configuration);

registry.start(function(err, app){
    console.log('Registry not started: ', err);

For the registry configuration's documentation, look at this page.