Releases: open-rpc/schema-utils-js
Releases · open-rpc/schema-utils-js
1.14.1 (2020-11-03)
Bug Fixes
- add better debugging info to error message (19fd834), closes #447
- add deref document to the table of contents (e4dd3df)
- add discord link (7d2956a)
- add helper functions to remove lodash dependencies (8ea4919)
- add link to typedoc (b28a92e)
- add remaining functions and tests (146a188), closes #406
- mixed up use of type vs var (7d3bc6f)
- remove ts-lint ignore (80996c7)
- remove unused discord badge (d0e7f02)
- replace use of json stringify (78b5b5e)
- spacing and add editorconfig (795deff), closes #420
- update node version in ci (c3a397e)
- update reference resolver & dereferencer (401cd1e)
1.14.0 (2020-07-30)
Bug Fixes
- add failing test (8e38df1)
- add some testing (8da42a8)
- add test cov (1a0f23a)
- all green (a1bb755)
- another line covered (242afe3)
- everything working except web build (9fb9374)
- export dereferenceDocument method (2d6964a)
- lint fixing (b69b61c)
- more testing (e0e19d7)
- packagejson license (9576334)
- race condition in testing (7110293)
- rebase and audit fix (dff5b0b)
- rebase master and update packagelock (b20f533)
- remove cold code (76810c8)
- remove extra semi (d7af4f4)
- update package-lock (4cea476)
- update tests (f048e56)
- use json schema from json schema tools (084bc27)
- web build working again (449a429)