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This directory contains the test suite for the Intel® Geti™ SDK. The tests are grouped into two categories:

  1. Pre-merge tests These are executed for every Pull Request to the Intel® Geti™ SDK main branch. The suite contains both integration and unit tests, the main focus being the integration tests. The test code can be found in the pre-merge folder.

  2. Nightly tests These tests are executed for the main branch every night at midnight (Amsterdam time). The nightly tests are end-to-end style tests, covering everything from project creation to local inference through model deployment. The test code can be found in the nightly directory.

Pre-merge test suite

Integration tests

The integration tests for the SDK leverage the recording of HTTP requests and responses, relying on the package. All integration tests are defined in the pre-merge/integration directory. By default, the tests are run in offline mode, meaning that no actual Intel® Geti™ server is needed and no real http requests are being made during testing. All requests are intercepted, and a previously recorded response is returned. The recorded interactions can be found in fixtures/cassettes.

NOTE: You may need to fetch and checkout VCR cassette data using Git Large File Storage (LFS). Make sure that you have the git-lfs package installed and run git lfs pull from the root repo directory to download the HTTP requests records.

Unit tests

The SDK unit tests are defined in the pre-merge/unit directory. The tests are not designed to provide full coverage by themselves, but should be run in conjunction with the integration tests. At this moment the unit tests focus on testing exception flows (as opposed to happy flow) for methods that are hard to test via integration testing.

Nightly test suite

The nightly tests are defined in the nightly directory. They can only be run in ONLINE mode, meaning that a live Intel® Geti™ server is required to run against them. The nightly tests need to be run using a online.ini file that contains the host name and login details for the Intel® Geti™ server to run the tests against (see section Running the tests below).

Running the tests

First, install the requirements for the test suite using pip install -r requirements/requirements-dev.txt. Then, run the tests using pytest ./tests/pre-merge, or (optionally) enable coverage using pytest --cov=geti_sdk ./tests/pre-merge.

Test modes

By default, the integration tests are executed in OFFLINE mode. In addition, they can be run in ONLINE or RECORD mode. The simplest way to change modes is to define a custom pytest configuration file for each mode, as explained below:

Online mode

If you want to run the test suite against a live Intel® Geti™ server (for example to make sure that the SDK data models are still up to date with the Intel® Geti™ REST contracts), the tests can be executed in ONLINE mode. To do so, define a file online.ini in the tests directory. This file should have similar content to the existing offline.ini, but with the Intel® Geti™ server hostname and login details set appropriately:

env =

Record mode

If you have added a new test that makes HTTP requests, all cassettes should be deleted and re-recorded to maintain consistency across the recorded responses. This can be done by running the tests in RECORD mode. The easiest way to do this is to create a file record.ini with the same contents as the online.ini file above, but set TEST_MODE=RECORD instead of ONLINE.

WARNING: Running the test suite in ONLINE or RECORD mode will increase the time required for test execution considerably.

Running the tests in a non-default mode

Once you created the custom online.ini or record.ini configurations, you can run the tests using pytest -c online.ini ./pre-merge. This will execute the tests in online mode.

Tests Intel® Geti™ SDK against the previous version of Intel® Geti™ server.

You can run the test suite against a legacy version of Intel® Geti™ server.

  • In ONLINE mode Simply assign the GETI_HOST variable with the legacy server’s address.
  • In OFFLINE and RECORD modes one can set the GETI_PLATFORM_VERSION variable to LEGACY within offline.ini or record.ini correspondingly, thus utilizing the pre-recorded cassettes from the prior server release for testing.

NOTE: Currently, Intel® Geti™ 1.8 is considered as the legacy release.