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Code of Conduct

OpenCompany is an inclusive project, all are welcome.

As users, contributors, and maintainers of this project, we pledge to respect all people who contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities.

We are committed to making participation a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, or religion.

Project maintainers have the right to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct. Project maintainers who do not follow the Code of Conduct may be removed from the project team.

Please respect each other. Do not dismiss, abuse, harass, attack, insult or discriminate against others. This code of conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community.

If you feel this code has been violated, please report the incident by contacting Stuart Levinson via email. We will work with you to resolve the issue promptly.

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.1.0, available at: