**Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure**
**Integrated Observatory Network (ION)**
**eoi-agents** - External Observatory Integration (EOI) Dataset Agent Framework (DAF)
This project contains the codebase for the Dataset Agent Framework (DAF) developed by the External Observatory Integration (EOI) subsystem. The codebase provides utility methods, interfaces, abstract classes, and provider-specific implementations for accessing and retrieving data from external repositories/services and sending the data to the Integrated Observatory Network (ION) via OOI-CI style AMQP messages.
DAF Architecture Overview - https://confluence.oceanobservatories.org/display/syseng/CIAD+EOI+Dataset+Agent+Overview
DAF Architecture Details - https://confluence.oceanobservatories.org/display/syseng/CIAD+EOI+Dataset+Agent+Details
Class Inheritance Diagram - https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1CaK8Br02AzR4Jnf7vW3FfUUo4051YUhXLU6YQRijKdc/edit?hl=en_US
Obtain the eoi-agents project by running:
git clone -b develop git@github.com:ooici-eoi/eoi-agents.git
cd eoi-agents
#Targets This project uses Apache Ant for resolving, compiling, and building. A complete list of the available targets can be obtained by running:
ant -p
There are two "sets" of targets that are very similar, but serve quite different purposes: Standard Build Targets and Development Build Targets
##When to use Standard vs Development The Standard Build Targets should be used in most cases by most developers. Using the Standard targets ensures that you're working with the latest "stable" releases of the dependencies.
The Development Build Targets should only be used when the underlying OOI-CI project dependencies (e.g. ioncore-java) are under active development and changing rapidly (thereby making full "stable" releases cumbersome).
NOTE: When releasing the library using the release scripts in ion-integration, the Standard targets are used.
##Standard Build Targets
The standard build pathways utilize the ivy.xml file to resolve the project dependencies from a remote repository.
Resolves the project dependencies and copies the jar files to the lib directory
ant resolve
ant compile
###Distribution Resulting JAR file in dist/lib/
ant dist
##Development Build Targets The development build also utilizes the ivy.xml for resolving the third party dependencies, but then uses the projects listed in the dev-project.list property of build.properties to resolve the "local" projects (e.g. ioncore-java). This allows changes to dependent projects to be tested without releasing versions of those dependent projects.
The dev-project.list is a semi-colon separated list of relative project paths. For example, the following would result in both the ioncore-java and ion-object-definitions projects (located in the same directory as eoi-agents) being used instead of the compiled libraries in the remote package repository:
###Resolve Resolves the project dependencies and copies the jar files to the lib directory
ant resolve-dev
ant compile-dev
###Distribution Resulting JAR file in dist/lib/
ant dist-dev
##IDE Setup
From 'eoi-agents', run:
ant resolve
Make a "existing source" (or similar) project in your IDE of choice and select the src directory of the project.
Put all of the jar files in the "lib" directory on the project classpath in your IDE.
** Note - when you "ant clean" the lib directory is wiped out. If you discover your project not compiling, make sure there's a lib directory!