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UnityRLBridge is a package developed for the use of Unity environments in reinforcement learning applications, featuring multi-agent and environment support, and it has ease of use.. With this package, you can quickly and easily connect to a pre-made Unity environment and train your agents through this environment.


The UnityRLBridge package operates with a server on the Unity side and one or more clients on the Python side. Each agent on the Unity side has two components of type string named behavior_name and agent_name. In contrast, each client on the Python side has one component of type string named behavior_name. Below is a detailed description of these components.

behavior_name & agent_name

behavior_name represents a name for agents with the same type of behavior. On the other hand, agent_name is a name given to represent a specific agent. To illustrate with an example: Let's assume we have multiple agents in an environment, and these agents are all dogs. In this case, our behavior_name component would be Dog, and the agent_name component would be the name of the respective dog, such as Max.

In Unity, the behavior_name and agent_name components are nested under the AgentBehavior class.

string behavior_name = agent_behavior.behavior_name;
string agent_name = agent_behavior.agent_name;

On the Python side, the behavior_name component is located under the Bridge class. For agents with the corresponding behavior_name component on the Python side, their agent_names components are stored as a list under the agent_names attribute under the Bridge class.

behavior_name = bridge.behavior_name
agent_name = bridge.agent_names[agent_index]

bridge.send_action(agent_name,continuous_actions,discrete_actions) It is a function used to send actions to the environment. It takes parameters of type string for agent_name and lists for continuous_actions and discrete_actions.

bridge.reset(agent_name) It is used to reset the environment. It only takes the parameter agent_name, which is of type string.

bridge.close_connection() It is used to disconnect the connection.

To use the RLBridge package in Unity, first create an empty GameObject, and then add the Bridge.cs script to this GameObject. Below are some features described for the Bridge script.

agents You need to add the agents present in your scene to this section for the bridge to access them.

Ip Port Represents the IP address and port where the listening will occur.

timeScale It serves to change the flow speed of the simulation. (1 is normal flow speed)

maxClients It represents the maximum number of clients that can connect to the simulation environment.

numClients It represents the number of clients connected to the simulation environment.

BeginEnv() Starts the simulation. Should be executed after all clients have connected.

To create an agent in the Unity environment, create a new script and include the RLBridge namespace in the script. Inherit the class in the script from the AgentBehavior class and override the relevant methods.

using UnityEngine;
using RLBridge;

public class YourAgentScript : AgentBehavior
    // Override methods from AgentBehavior class

Below are the details of the AgentBehavior

behaviorName It represents the behavior name of the agent.

observationSize It represents the size of the agent's observation.

continuousActionSize It represents the size of the continuous action space.

discreteActionSize It represents the size of the discrete action space.

maxSteps It represents the maximum number of steps the agent can take in an episode.

public virtual void OnConnected() It is the function to be called when the simulation starts. If it is desired to be used, it needs to be overridden.

public abstract void OnEpisodeBegin() It is the function to be called when the episode starts. It must be overridden.

public abstract void CollectObservations(ref double[] observations) It is used when gathering observations from the agent. It is called with a parameter of type double[], and the observation should be processed into the corresponding index. It must be overridden.

public abstract void OnActionReceived(double[] continuous_actions, int[] discrete_actions) It is the function to be called when an action is to be taken. It is called with two parameters: continuous_actions of type double[] and discrete_actions of type int[]. Information required for the action should be extracted from these two parameters and converted into an action within the environment. It must be overridden.

public void AddReward(float reward) It is used for rewarding.

public void EndEpisode() It is used to terminate the episode.

