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211 lines (165 loc) · 8.56 KB

File metadata and controls

211 lines (165 loc) · 8.56 KB


Bookbuilder is a tool that automates validation and conversion of Siyavula cnxmlplus content to LaTeX and soon HTML for web (and soon mobile and Epub3).


Installation instructions for Ubuntu 12.04 (and possibly newer versions of Ubuntu). You need git:

sudo apt-get install git

Then clone the bookbuilder repo

git clone

Install bookbuilder's dependencies by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then install bookbuilder

sudo python install


To see usage instructions run bookbuilder with the --help argument:

    bookbuilder --help

        bookbuilder status [--debug]
        bookbuilder build [<format>...] [--debug]
        bookbuilder -h --help
        status            # Shows status of every chapter file in the current repo
        build <format>... # Transform chapters to specified output formats. If no
                          # formats are specified, all implemented formats will be
                          # used. These can be one or more of (tex, html )
        -h --help         # print help message
        --debug           # switch on debug messages
        bookbuilder status
        bookbuilder build
        bookbuilder build tex
        bookbuilder build tex html

bookbuilder is meant to be run in die repository where the book cnxmlplus content lives e.g.

user@computer:/path/to/book/$ ll
total 2168
drwx------  8 user user   4096 Jul 25 14:31 ./
drwx------ 29 user user   4096 Dec  6  2013 ../
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user 190947 Jul 24 12:28 01-algebraic-expressions.cnxmlplus
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user  42649 Jul 23 15:53 02-exponentials.cnxmlplus
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user  44796 Jul 23 16:38 03-number-patterns.cnxmlplus
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user 112762 Jul 18 11:36 04-equations-and-inequalities.cnxmlplus
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user 105511 Jul 18 11:36 05-trigonometry.cnxmlplus
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user 357151 Jul 18 11:36 06-functions.cnxmlplus
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user 244738 Jul 18 11:36 07-euclidean-geometry.cnxmlplus
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user 109271 Jul 15 11:48 08-analytical-geometry.cnxmlplus
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user  72264 Jul 18 11:36 09-finance-and-growth.cnxmlplus
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user 177904 Jul 18 11:36 10-statistics.cnxmlplus
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user  40934 Jul 18 11:36 11-trigonometry.cnxmlplus
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user  86199 Jul 18 11:36 12-euclidean-geometry.cnxmlplus
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user 185455 Jul 18 11:36 13-measurement.cnxmlplus
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user 132501 Jul 18 11:36 14-probability.cnxmlplus
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user 166550 Jul 22 12:03 15-exercise-solutions.cnxmlplus
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user    560 Jul  1 16:31
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user     78 Jul  1 16:31
drwx------  8 user user   4096 Jul 24 12:27 .git/
-rw-------  1 user user     28 Jan 10  2013 .gitignore
drwx------  2 user user   4096 Jul 23 13:56 images/
drwx------  2 user user   4096 Jan 10  2013 includes/
drwx------  2 user user   4096 Jul  2 15:08 mmltex/
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user   4323 Jul  3 11:20
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user     78 Jul  2 13:28
drwx------  3 user user   4096 Nov  1  2013 _plone_ignore_/
drwx------  2 user user   4096 Jan 10  2013 presentations/
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user  48841 Jul 23 15:06 test.tex
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user    716 Jul 24 12:04 texput.log
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user    115 Jul  2 13:30
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user   4680 Nov 11  2013

When bookbuilder is run inside a folder for the first time, it creates a folder called .bookbuilder which contains (at the moment) only a single file that is used to save caching information.


To get the status of your book repository, use the status argument:

user@computer:/path/to/book/$ bookbuilder status
Creating .bookbuilder folder
Validating 01-algebraic-expressions.cnxmlplus
Validating 02-exponentials.cnxmlplus
Validating 03-number-patterns.cnxmlplus
Validating 04-equations-and-inequalities.cnxmlplus
Validating 05-trigonometry.cnxmlplus
Validating 06-functions.cnxmlplus
Validating 07-euclidean-geometry.cnxmlplus
Validating 08-analytical-geometry.cnxmlplus
Validating 09-finance-and-growth.cnxmlplus
Validating 10-statistics.cnxmlplus
Validating 11-trigonometry.cnxmlplus
Validating 12-euclidean-geometry.cnxmlplus
Validating 13-measurement.cnxmlplus
Validating 14-probability.cnxmlplus
Validating 15-exercise-solutions.cnxmlplus

Ch.  Valid     File
1      OK      01-algebraic-expressions.cnxmlplus
2      OK      02-exponentials.cnxmlplus
3      OK      03-number-patterns.cnxmlplus
4      OK      04-equations-and-inequalities.cnxmlplus
5      OK      05-trigonometry.cnxmlplus
6      OK      06-functions.cnxmlplus
7      OK      07-euclidean-geometry.cnxmlplus
8      OK      08-analytical-geometry.cnxmlplus
9      OK      09-finance-and-growth.cnxmlplus
10     OK      10-statistics.cnxmlplus
11     OK      11-trigonometry.cnxmlplus
12     OK      12-euclidean-geometry.cnxmlplus
13     OK      13-measurement.cnxmlplus
14     OK      14-probability.cnxmlplus
15     OK      15-exercise-solutions.cnxmlplus

converting your book to LaTeX

To convert a repository to LaTeX use the build tex argument:

user@computer:/path/to/book/$ bookbuilder build tex
Building book
Converting 01-algebraic-expressions.cnxmlplus to tex
Converting 02-exponentials.cnxmlplus to tex
Converting 03-number-patterns.cnxmlplus to tex
Converting 04-equations-and-inequalities.cnxmlplus to tex
Converting 05-trigonometry.cnxmlplus to tex
Converting 06-functions.cnxmlplus to tex
Converting 07-euclidean-geometry.cnxmlplus to tex
Converting 08-analytical-geometry.cnxmlplus to tex
Converting 09-finance-and-growth.cnxmlplus to tex
Converting 10-statistics.cnxmlplus to tex
Converting 11-trigonometry.cnxmlplus to tex
Converting 12-euclidean-geometry.cnxmlplus to tex
Converting 13-measurement.cnxmlplus to tex
Converting 14-probability.cnxmlplus to tex
Converting 15-exercise-solutions.cnxmlplus to tex

Once you have run the build argument there should be a folder in your current folder called build which should contain a tex folder. Inside that folder you should your tex files as well as any image files linked to from within your cnxmlplus files:

user@computer:/path/to/book$ cd build/tex/
user@computer:/path/to/book/build/tex$ ls -l
total 828
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user  48842 Jul 25 14:36 01-algebraic-expressions.cnxmlplus.tex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user  14961 Jul 25 14:36 02-exponentials.cnxmlplus.tex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user  18643 Jul 25 14:36 03-number-patterns.cnxmlplus.tex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user  42145 Jul 25 14:36 04-equations-and-inequalities.cnxmlplus.tex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user  32049 Jul 25 14:36 05-trigonometry.cnxmlplus.tex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 127463 Jul 25 14:36 06-functions.cnxmlplus.tex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user  85163 Jul 25 14:36 07-euclidean-geometry.cnxmlplus.tex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user  39218 Jul 25 14:36 08-analytical-geometry.cnxmlplus.tex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user  33558 Jul 25 14:36 09-finance-and-growth.cnxmlplus.tex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user  64761 Jul 25 14:36 10-statistics.cnxmlplus.tex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user  19354 Jul 25 14:36 11-trigonometry.cnxmlplus.tex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user   9227 Jul 25 14:36 12-euclidean-geometry.cnxmlplus.tex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 113065 Jul 25 14:36 13-measurement.cnxmlplus.tex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user  46481 Jul 25 14:36 14-probability.cnxmlplus.tex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 119117 Jul 25 14:36 15-exercise-solutions.cnxmlplus.tex
drwxrwxr-x 2 user user   4096 Jul 25 14:36 images


version 0.3:

* Most html entity / unicode issues sorted out now.
* many fixes

version 0.3beta:

* Added parallel image generation
* Figures are generated in /tmp and these folders are cleaned up
* File rewrites are forced if they have image generation problems

version 0.2: 12 August 2014

* tex output now contains links to PDF graphics, instead of code
* pstricks and tikz images are compiled via xelatex instead of pdflatex
* pdf images are cached together with png