diff --git a/application/113746-V1/LICENSE.txt b/application/113746-V1/LICENSE.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60a766d --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/LICENSE.txt @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +Modified BSD License (https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) +- applies to all code, scripts, programs, and SOFTWARE. + This is any statements or instructions to be used directly or + indirectly in a computer in order to bring about a certain result, + and may include interpretive, object or source code. + +Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License +(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) +- applies to databases, images, tables, text, and any other objects + +COPYRIGHT 2010 American Economic Association + +================================================================= +Modified BSD License +================================================================= + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, +are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + +1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this +list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + +2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, +this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or +other materials provided with the distribution. + +3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors +may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without +specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR +ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON +ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + + +================================================================= +Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License +================================================================= + +By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree to be +bound by the terms and conditions of this Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 +International Public License ("Public License"). To the extent this Public +License may be interpreted as a contract, You are granted the Licensed Rights in +consideration of Your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensor +grants You such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from +making the Licensed Material available under these terms and conditions. + +Section 1 – Definitions. + +Adapted Material means material subject to Copyright and Similar Rights that is +derived from or based upon the Licensed Material and in which the Licensed +Material is translated, altered, arranged, transformed, or otherwise modified in +a manner requiring permission under the Copyright and Similar Rights held by the +Licensor. For purposes of this Public License, where the Licensed Material is a +musical work, performance, or sound recording, Adapted Material is always +produced where the Licensed Material is synched in timed relation with a moving +image. Adapter's License means the license You apply to Your Copyright and +Similar Rights in Your contributions to Adapted Material in accordance with the +terms and conditions of this Public License. Copyright and Similar Rights means +copyright and/or similar rights closely related to copyright including, without +limitation, performance, broadcast, sound recording, and Sui Generis Database +Rights, without regard to how the rights are labeled or categorized. For +purposes of this Public License, the rights specified in Section 2(b)(1)-(2) are +not Copyright and Similar Rights. Effective Technological Measures means those +measures that, in the absence of proper authority, may not be circumvented under +laws fulfilling obligations under Article 11 of the WIPO Copyright Treaty +adopted on December 20, 1996, and/or similar international agreements. +Exceptions and Limitations means fair use, fair dealing, and/or any other +exception or limitation to Copyright and Similar Rights that applies to Your use +of the Licensed Material. Licensed Material means the artistic or literary work, +database, or other material to which the Licensor applied this Public License. +Licensed Rights means the rights granted to You subject to the terms and +conditions of this Public License, which are limited to all Copyright and +Similar Rights that apply to Your use of the Licensed Material and that the +Licensor has authority to license. Licensor means the individual(s) or +entity(ies) granting rights under this Public License. Share means to provide +material to the public by any means or process that requires permission under +the Licensed Rights, such as reproduction, public display, public performance, +distribution, dissemination, communication, or importation, and to make material +available to the public including in ways that members of the public may access +the material from a place and at a time individually chosen by them. Sui Generis +Database Rights means rights other than copyright resulting from Directive +96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the +legal protection of databases, as amended and/or succeeded, as well as other +essentially equivalent rights anywhere in the world. You means the individual or +entity exercising the Licensed Rights under this Public License. Your has a +corresponding meaning. Section 2 – Scope. + +License grant. 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The Licensor waives and/or agrees not to +assert any right or authority to forbid You from making technical modifications +necessary to exercise the Licensed Rights, including technical modifications +necessary to circumvent Effective Technological Measures. For purposes of this +Public License, simply making modifications authorized by this Section 2(a)(4) +never produces Adapted Material. Downstream recipients. Offer from the Licensor +– Licensed Material. Every recipient of the Licensed Material automatically +receives an offer from the Licensor to exercise the Licensed Rights under the +terms and conditions of this Public License. No downstream restrictions. You may +not offer or impose any additional or different terms or conditions on, or apply +any Effective Technological Measures to, the Licensed Material if doing so +restricts exercise of the Licensed Rights by any recipient of the Licensed +Material. No endorsement. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or may be +construed as permission to assert or imply that You are, or that Your use of the +Licensed Material is, connected with, or sponsored, endorsed, or granted +official status by, the Licensor or others designated to receive attribution as +provided in Section 3(a)(1)(A)(i). Other rights. + +Moral rights, such as the right of integrity, are not licensed under this Public +License, nor are publicity, privacy, and/or other similar personality rights; +however, to the extent possible, the Licensor waives and/or agrees not to assert +any such rights held by the Licensor to the limited extent necessary to allow +You to exercise the Licensed Rights, but not otherwise. Patent and trademark +rights are not licensed under this Public License. To the extent possible, the +Licensor waives any right to collect royalties from You for the exercise of the +Licensed Rights, whether directly or through a collecting society under any +voluntary or waivable statutory or compulsory licensing scheme. In all other +cases the Licensor expressly reserves any right to collect such royalties. +Section 3 – License Conditions. + +Your exercise of the Licensed Rights is expressly made subject to the following +conditions. + +Attribution. + +If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified form), You must: + +retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor with the Licensed +Material: identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed Material and any +others designated to receive attribution, in any reasonable manner requested by +the Licensor (including by pseudonym if designated); a copyright notice; a +notice that refers to this Public License; a notice that refers to the +disclaimer of warranties; a URI or hyperlink to the Licensed Material to the +extent reasonably practicable; indicate if You modified the Licensed Material +and retain an indication of any previous modifications; and indicate the +Licensed Material is licensed under this Public License, and include the text +of, or the URI or hyperlink to, this Public License. You may satisfy the +conditions in Section 3(a)(1) in any reasonable manner based on the medium, +means, and context in which You Share the Licensed Material. For example, it may +be reasonable to satisfy the conditions by providing a URI or hyperlink to a +resource that includes the required information. If requested by the Licensor, +You must remove any of the information required by Section 3(a)(1)(A) to the +extent reasonably practicable. If You Share Adapted Material You produce, the +Adapter's License You apply must not prevent recipients of the Adapted Material +from complying with this Public License. Section 4 – Sui Generis Database +Rights. + +Where the Licensed Rights include Sui Generis Database Rights that apply to Your +use of the Licensed Material: + +for the avoidance of doubt, Section 2(a)(1) grants You the right to extract, +reuse, reproduce, and Share all or a substantial portion of the contents of the +database; if You include all or a substantial portion of the database contents +in a database in which You have Sui Generis Database Rights, then the database +in which You have Sui Generis Database Rights (but not its individual contents) +is Adapted Material; and You must comply with the conditions in Section 3(a) if +You Share all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database. For the +avoidance of doubt, this Section 4 supplements and does not replace Your +obligations under this Public License where the Licensed Rights include other +Copyright and Similar Rights. Section 5 – Disclaimer of Warranties and +Limitation of Liability. + +Unless otherwise separately undertaken by the Licensor, to the extent possible, +the Licensor offers the Licensed Material as-is and as-available, and makes no +representations or warranties of any kind concerning the Licensed Material, +whether express, implied, statutory, or other. This includes, without +limitation, warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular +purpose, non-infringement, absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or the +presence or absence of errors, whether or not known or discoverable. Where +disclaimers of warranties are not allowed in full or in part, this disclaimer +may not apply to You. To the extent possible, in no event will the Licensor be +liable to You on any legal theory (including, without limitation, negligence) or +otherwise for any direct, special, indirect, incidental, consequential, +punitive, exemplary, or other losses, costs, expenses, or damages arising out of +this Public License or use of the Licensed Material, even if the Licensor has +been advised of the possibility of such losses, costs, expenses, or damages. +Where a limitation of liability is not allowed in full or in part, this +limitation may not apply to You. The disclaimer of warranties and limitation of +liability provided above shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent +possible, most closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and waiver of all +liability. Section 6 – Term and Termination. + +This Public License applies for the term of the Copyright and Similar Rights +licensed here. However, if You fail to comply with this Public License, then +Your rights under this Public License terminate automatically. Where Your right +to use the Licensed Material has terminated under Section 6(a), it reinstates: + +automatically as of the date the violation is cured, provided it is cured within +30 days of Your discovery of the violation; or upon express reinstatement by the +Licensor. For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 6(b) does not affect any +right the Licensor may have to seek remedies for Your violations of this Public +License. For the avoidance of doubt, the Licensor may also offer the Licensed +Material under separate terms or conditions or stop distributing the Licensed +Material at any time; however, doing so will not terminate this Public License. +Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 survive termination of this Public License. Section 7 +– Other Terms and Conditions. + +The Licensor shall not be bound by any additional or different terms or +conditions communicated by You unless expressly agreed. Any arrangements, +understandings, or agreements regarding the Licensed Material not stated herein +are separate from and independent of the terms and conditions of this Public +License. Section 8 – Interpretation. + +For the avoidance of doubt, this Public License does not, and shall not be +interpreted to, reduce, limit, restrict, or impose conditions on any use of the +Licensed Material that could lawfully be made without permission under this +Public License. To the extent possible, if any provision of this Public License +is deemed unenforceable, it shall be automatically reformed to the minimum +extent necessary to make it enforceable. If the provision cannot be reformed, it +shall be severed from this Public License without affecting the enforceability +of the remaining terms and conditions. No term or condition of this Public +License will be waived and no failure to comply consented to unless expressly +agreed to by the Licensor. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or may be +interpreted as a limitation upon, or waiver of, any privileges and immunities +that apply to the Licensor or You, including from the legal processes of any +jurisdiction or authority. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/application/113746-V1/README b/application/113746-V1/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed4c53e --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/README @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +This directory contains files necessary to estimate the models in the +following paper: + + Bleakley, Hoyt. 2010. "Malaria Eradication in the Americas: A + Retrospective Analysis of Childhood Exposure," American Economic + Journal: Applied. + +The files needed to estimate models in Section 3 ("Pre/Post +Comparisons") are found in the directory "longdiff". Files for each +country are grouped by subdirectory. The longdiff*dta files are stata +(v11) data files, and the longdiff*.do are stata programs that +estimate the models. The unit of observation for these data are state +of birth. The demographic outcome variables are constructed as +changes from the early (unexposed) to late (exposed) cohorts. + +The files needed to estimate models in Section 4 ("Panel Estimates") +are found in the directory "panel". Files for each country are +denoted in the filename with two-letter country abbreviations. The +panel*dta files are stata (v11) data files, and the panel_results.do +is a stata program that estimates the models. + +The unit of observation for these data are state of birth times year +of birth times census year. (The data are therefore a 3-dimensional +panel.) The demographic outcome variables are averages within these +cells. + +Note that these are all aggregated datasets. The original source data +and the details of aggregation are described in Section 3 and in the +Appendix. + +Log files for the stata estimation programs are provided in each +directory for convenience. diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/br/longdiff_br.do b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/br/longdiff_br.do new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5bc9a93 --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/br/longdiff_br.do @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +capture log close +log using longdiff_br.log,replace + +clear +set more 1 +set mem 100m + +use longdiff_br + +xi i.bplreg + +* basic +run scatter3a "lnele _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] " + +local extravars inmort +run scatter3a "`extravars' lnele _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] " + +local extravars "eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" +run scatter3a "`extravars' lnele _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] " + +local extravars "inmort eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth ea dens" +run scatter3a "`extravars' lnele _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] " + +local excliv "tempavg altitude ta" +run scatter4a "lnele dens _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] " "`excliv'" +run scatter4a "`extravars' lnele dens _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] " "`excliv'" + +log close +exit diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/br/longdiff_br.dta b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/br/longdiff_br.dta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59f47cc Binary files /dev/null and b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/br/longdiff_br.dta differ diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/br/longdiff_br.log b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/br/longdiff_br.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86085f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/br/longdiff_br.log @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + name: + log: /home/hoyt/projects/malaria/aejapplied/replication/longdiff/br/lon +> gdiff_br.log + log type: text + opened on: 2 Feb 2010, 14:57:43 + +. +. clear + +. set more 1 + +. set mem 100m + +Current memory allocation +------------------------- + + current memory usage + settable value description (1M = 1024k) + -------------------------------------------------------------------- + set maxvar 5000 max. variables allowed 1.790M + set memory 100M max. data space 100.000M + set matsize 400 max. RHS vars in models 1.254M + ----------- + 103.044M + +. +. use longdiff_br + +. +. xi i.bplreg +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) + +. +. * basic +. run scatter3a "lnele _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] " + +14:57:43 on 2 Feb 2010 + +lnele _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D +# obs : 24 24 24 24 +Depvar: dlit dsch dinctot dincearn +------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.063 0.552 0.352~ 0.267~ + (0.063) (0.606) (0.174) (0.130) + +------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.506 0.615 0.323 0.324 +======================================================= + +. +. local extravars inmort + +. run scatter3a "`extravars' lnele _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] " + +14:57:43 on 2 Feb 2010 + +inmort lnele _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D +# obs : 24 24 24 24 +Depvar: dlit dsch dinctot dincearn +------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.063 0.578 0.366~ 0.262 + (0.064) (0.581) (0.145) (0.135) + +------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.506 0.628 0.47 0.34 +======================================================= + +. +. local extravars "eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" + +. run scatter3a "`extravars' lnele _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] " + +14:57:44 on 2 Feb 2010 + +eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth lnele _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D +# obs : 24 24 24 24 +Depvar: dlit dsch dinctot dincearn +------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.132* 1.287~ 0.434~ 0.283* + (0.044) (0.599) (0.181) (0.092) + +------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.822 0.851 0.453 0.414 +======================================================= + +. +. local extravars "inmort eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth ea dens" + +. run scatter3a "`extravars' lnele _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] " + +14:57:44 on 2 Feb 2010 + +inmort eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth ea dens lnele _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D +# obs : 24 24 24 24 +Depvar: dlit dsch dinctot dincearn +------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.149* 0.994~ 0.390~ 0.280 + (0.043) (0.485) (0.177) (0.147) + +------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.836 0.878 0.572 0.447 +======================================================= + +. +. local excliv "tempavg altitude ta" + +. run scatter4a "lnele dens _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] " "`excliv'" + +14:57:44 on 2 Feb 2010 + +lnele dens _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D +# obs : 24 24 24 24 +Depvar: dlit dsch dinctot dincearn +------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.227 -1.354 0.650 0.433 + (0.215) (2.162) (0.334) (0.335) + +------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.416 0.495 0.33 0.281 +======================================================= + +. run scatter4a "`extravars' lnele dens _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] " "`excliv'" + +14:57:44 on 2 Feb 2010 + +inmort eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth ea dens lnele dens _Ib* [aw=wtbpl] + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D +# obs : 24 24 24 24 +Depvar: dlit dsch dinctot dincearn +------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.215 0.258 0.787 0.497 + (0.119) (0.979) (0.413) (0.329) + +------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.826 0.865 0.441 0.402 +======================================================= + +. +. log close + name: + log: /home/hoyt/projects/malaria/aejapplied/replication/longdiff/br/lon +> gdiff_br.log + log type: text + closed on: 2 Feb 2010, 14:57:44 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/br/scatter3a.do b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/br/scatter3a.do new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bfa3057 --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/br/scatter3a.do @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +reg dlit mellinger `1' ,robust +modl A nocon mal=mellinger + +reg dsch mellinger `1' ,robust +modl B nocon mal=mellinger + +reg dinctot mellinger `1' ,robust +modl C nocon mal=mellinger + +reg dincearn mellinger `1' ,robust +modl D nocon mal=mellinger + +noisily modltbl se (5) A B C D , `1' +macro drop _all diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/br/scatter4a.do b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/br/scatter4a.do new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa2b414 --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/br/scatter4a.do @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +ivreg dlit (mellinger = `2') `1' ,robust +modl A nocon mal=mellinger + +ivreg dsch (mellinger = `2') `1' ,robust +modl B nocon mal=mellinger + +ivreg dinctot (mellinger = `2') `1' ,robust +modl C nocon mal=mellinger + +ivreg dincearn (mellinger = `2') `1' ,robust +modl D nocon mal=mellinger + +noisily modltbl se (5) A B C D , `1' +macro drop _all diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/longdiff.do b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/longdiff.do new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f8ef07 --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/longdiff.do @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +capture log close +log using longdiff.log,replace + + +* basic results: + +clear +set more 1 +set mem 25m +set matsize 800 + + +use longdiff_col,clear + + +local holdridge = "ecozone_stdry ecozone_stwet ecozone_trdry ecozone_trwet ecozone_warm" + +local conflict = "vioearly violate " +local conflict2 = "vioe=vioearly viol=violate " + +local endowment = "cafetera carbon ganadera_neuva mktaccess manuf nivel_de_vida lndens" +local endowment2 = "cafe=cafetera carbon ganad=ganadera_neuva mkta=mktaccess manuf nivel=nivel_de_vida dens=lndens" + +local both = "`conflict' `endowment'" +local both2 = "`conflict2' `endowment2'" + +local diseases = "helminth_nh hookworm leishmaniasis yelfev" +local diseases2 = "helmnh=helminth_nh hook=hookworm leish=leishmaniasis yelfev" + +local allthree = "helm hook leish yel land vio* cafetera carbon ganad mkta manuf nivel" + + +**** first with poveda measure + +xi i.bplreg +run scatter1a "_I* " "Reg56" +run scatter1a "_I* `conflict'" "Reg56 `conflict2'" +run scatter1a "_I* `endowment'" "Reg56 cafe=cafetera carbon ganad=ganadera_neuva mkta=mktaccess manuf nivel=nivel_de_vida" +run scatter1a "_I* `diseases'" "Reg56 `diseases2'" +run scatter1a "_I* `allthree'" "Reg56 All3 " + +run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "temp alt at" "poveda" +run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "mell" "poveda" +run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "`holdridge'" "poveda" +run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "temp alt at mell `holdridge' m46 areamal" "poveda" + + + +**** now with mellinger measure + +xi i.bplreg +run scatter1a "_I* " "Reg56" mell +run scatter1a "_I* `conflict'" "Reg56 `conflict2'" mell +run scatter1a "_I* `endowment'" "Reg56 cafe=cafetera carbon ganad=ganadera_neuva mkta=mktaccess manuf nivel=nivel_de_vida" mell +run scatter1a "_I* `diseases'" "Reg56 `diseases2'" mell +run scatter1a "_I* `allthree'" "Reg56 All3 " mell + +run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "temp alt at" "mell" +run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "poveda" "mell" +run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "`holdridge'" "mell" +run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "temp alt at poveda `holdridge' m46 areamal" "mell" + + +log close +exit + diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/longdiff.log b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/longdiff.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89cce1a --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/longdiff.log @@ -0,0 +1,578 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + name: + log: /home/hoyt/projects/malaria/aejapplied/replication/longdiff/co/lon +> gdiff.log + log type: text + opened on: 3 Feb 2010, 10:10:25 + +. +. +. * basic results: +. +. clear + +. set more 1 + +. set mem 25m +(25600k) + +. set matsize 800 + +. +. +. use longdiff_col,clear + +. +. +. local holdridge = "ecozone_stdry ecozone_stwet ecozone_trdry ecozone_trwet ec +> ozone_warm" + +. +. local conflict = "vioearly violate " + +. local conflict2 = "vioe=vioearly viol=violate " + +. +. local endowment = "cafetera carbon ganadera_neuva mktaccess manuf nivel_de_v +> ida lndens" + +. local endowment2 = "cafe=cafetera carbon ganad=ganadera_neuva mkta=mktaccess +> manuf nivel=nivel_de_vida dens=lndens" + +. +. local both = "`conflict' `endowment'" + +. local both2 = "`conflict2' `endowment2'" + +. +. local diseases = "helminth_nh hookworm leishmaniasis yelfev" + +. local diseases2 = "helmnh=helminth_nh hook=hookworm leish=leishmaniasis yelf +> ev" + +. +. local allthree = "helm hook leish yel land vio* cafetera carbon ganad mkta ma +> nuf nivel" + +. +. +. **** first with poveda measure +. +. xi i.bplreg +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) + +. run scatter1a "_I* " "Reg56" + +10:10:25 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 522 522 521 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.035* 0.168 0.064* + (0.012) (0.088) (0.011) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.225 0.206 0.196 +=========================================== + +. run scatter1a "_I* `conflict'" "Reg56 `conflict2'" + +10:10:25 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* vioearly violate + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 522 522 521 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.032* 0.175 0.063* + (0.012) (0.090) (0.011) + +vioe 0.010* -0.017 0.001 + (0.003) (0.028) (0.004) + +viol -0.006* 0.007 0.004 + (0.002) (0.019) (0.002) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.237 0.206 0.202 +=========================================== + +. run scatter1a "_I* `endowment'" "Reg56 cafe=cafetera carbon ganad=ganadera_ne +> uva mkta=mktaccess manuf nivel=nivel_de_vida" + +10:10:25 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* cafetera carbon ganadera_neuva mktaccess manuf nivel_de_vida lndens + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 508 508 507 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.008 0.194~ 0.058* + (0.010) (0.090) (0.012) + +cafe -0.006 -0.275* -0.009 + (0.008) (0.062) (0.008) + +carbon 0.018~ 0.094 0.000 + (0.009) (0.085) (0.011) + +ganad -0.004 -0.351* -0.026 + (0.013) (0.099) (0.014) + +mkta 0.001 0.005 0.000 + (0.002) (0.013) (0.002) + +manuf -1.422* 2.330 -0.273 + (0.299) (2.488) (0.284) + +nivel 0.012* 0.017 0.004 + (0.003) (0.025) (0.003) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.413 0.275 0.219 +=========================================== + +. run scatter1a "_I* `diseases'" "Reg56 `diseases2'" + +10:10:25 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* helminth_nh hookworm leishmaniasis yelfev + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 522 522 521 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.024 0.180~ 0.065* + (0.013) (0.089) (0.012) + +helmnh 0.029 0.067 0.046 + (0.036) (0.256) (0.028) + +hook 0.041* -0.043 0.001 + (0.013) (0.106) (0.013) + +leish -0.017 0.203 0.012 + (0.015) (0.140) (0.014) + +yelfev 0.006 -0.144 -0.022 + (0.014) (0.145) (0.015) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.248 0.213 0.205 +=========================================== + +. run scatter1a "_I* `allthree'" "Reg56 All3 " + +10:10:25 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* helm hook leish yel land vio* cafetera carbon ganad mkta manuf nivel + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 521 521 520 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.006 0.165 0.064* + (0.011) (0.095) (0.013) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +All3 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.388 0.28 0.235 +=========================================== + +. +. run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "temp alt at" "poveda" + +10:10:25 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 492 492 491 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.037~ 0.372* 0.092* + (0.018) (0.136) (0.017) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.24 0.21 0.192 +=========================================== + +. run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "mell" "poveda" + +10:10:26 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 522 522 521 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.125* 0.113 0.084* + (0.032) (0.190) (0.026) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.126 0.205 0.191 +=========================================== + +. run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "`holdridge'" "poveda" + +10:10:26 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 522 522 521 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.045~ 0.303 0.102* + (0.021) (0.159) (0.020) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.224 0.202 0.177 +=========================================== + +. run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "temp alt at mell `holdridge' m46 areamal" "poved +> a" + +10:10:26 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 492 492 491 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.049* 0.323* 0.092* + (0.018) (0.122) (0.016) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.235 0.213 0.192 +=========================================== + +. +. +. +. **** now with mellinger measure +. +. xi i.bplreg +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) + +. run scatter1a "_I* " "Reg56" mell + +10:10:26 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 522 522 521 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.071* 0.064 0.048* + (0.016) (0.108) (0.014) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.257 0.2 0.164 +=========================================== + +. run scatter1a "_I* `conflict'" "Reg56 `conflict2'" mell + +10:10:26 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* vioearly violate + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 522 522 521 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.068* 0.068 0.046* + (0.016) (0.110) (0.014) + +vioe 0.009* -0.012 0.002 + (0.003) (0.028) (0.004) + +viol -0.005~ 0.007 0.004 + (0.002) (0.019) (0.002) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.267 0.201 0.172 +=========================================== + +. run scatter1a "_I* `endowment'" "Reg56 cafe=cafetera carbon ganad=ganadera_ne +> uva mkta=mktaccess manuf nivel=nivel_de_vida" mell + +10:10:26 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* cafetera carbon ganadera_neuva mktaccess manuf nivel_de_vida lndens + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 508 508 507 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.043* 0.156 0.039* + (0.013) (0.110) (0.014) + +cafe -0.005 -0.295* -0.015 + (0.007) (0.061) (0.008) + +carbon 0.017 0.10 0.002 + (0.009) (0.084) (0.011) + +ganad -0.013 -0.344* -0.022 + (0.013) (0.101) (0.015) + +mkta 0.001 0.005 0.000 + (0.002) (0.013) (0.002) + +manuf -1.488* 2.203 -0.299 + (0.299) (2.476) (0.274) + +nivel 0.011* 0.013 0.003 + (0.003) (0.025) (0.003) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.426 0.271 0.194 +=========================================== + +. run scatter1a "_I* `diseases'" "Reg56 `diseases2'" mell + +10:10:26 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* helminth_nh hookworm leishmaniasis yelfev + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 522 522 521 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.058* 0.057 0.042* + (0.016) (0.114) (0.015) + +helmnh 0.007 -0.028 0.008 + (0.035) (0.255) (0.028) + +hook 0.034* 0.025 0.019 + (0.013) (0.106) (0.013) + +leish -0.016 0.214 0.016 + (0.014) (0.139) (0.014) + +yelfev 0.001 -0.165 -0.031~ + (0.013) (0.147) (0.015) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.269 0.208 0.173 +=========================================== + +. run scatter1a "_I* `allthree'" "Reg56 All3 " mell + +10:10:26 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* helm hook leish yel land vio* cafetera carbon ganad mkta manuf nivel + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 521 521 520 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.046* 0.076 0.034~ + (0.015) (0.117) (0.015) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +All3 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.401 0.277 0.207 +=========================================== + +. +. run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "temp alt at" "mell" + +10:10:26 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 492 492 491 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.067 0.766* 0.170* + (0.036) (0.268) (0.037) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.271 0.135 0.003 +=========================================== + +. run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "poveda" "mell" + +10:10:26 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 522 522 521 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.082* 0.390 0.149* + (0.029) (0.203) (0.028) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.256 0.184 0.06 +=========================================== + +. run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "`holdridge'" "mell" + +10:10:26 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 522 522 521 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.082~ 0.593~ 0.124* + (0.037) (0.248) (0.035) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.256 0.156 0.104 +=========================================== + +. run scatter1b "_I*" "Reg56" "temp alt at poveda `holdridge' m46 areamal" "mel +> l" + +10:10:26 on 3 Feb 2010 + +_I* + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A C G +# obs : 492 492 491 +Depvar: dlit dsch dscore +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.074* 0.516* 0.120* + (0.026) (0.184) (0.025) + +Reg56 Yes Yes Yes + --- --- --- + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.271 0.181 0.108 +=========================================== + +. +. +. log close + name: + log: /home/hoyt/projects/malaria/aejapplied/replication/longdiff/co/lon +> gdiff.log + log type: text + closed on: 3 Feb 2010, 10:10:26 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/longdiff_col.dta b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/longdiff_col.dta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6dd56fc Binary files /dev/null and b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/longdiff_col.dta differ diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/scatter1a.do b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/scatter1a.do new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5372c21 --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/scatter1a.do @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +if "`2'"=="" { + local modlinput = "`1'" +} +else { + local modlinput = "`2'" +} + +if "`3'"=="" { + local endog = "poveda" +} +else { + local endog = "`3'" +} + +reg dlit `endog' `1' [aw=wtbpl], robust +modl A nocon mal=`endog' `modlinput' + +reg dsch `endog' `1' [aw=wtbpl], robust +modl C nocon mal=`endog' `modlinput' + +*reg dinc `endog' `1' [aw=wtbpl], robust +*modl E nocon mal=`endog' `modlinput' + +reg dscore `endog' `1' [aw=wtbpl], robust +modl G nocon mal=`endog' `modlinput' + +noisily modltbl se (5) A C G, `1' +macro drop _all + diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/scatter1b.do b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/scatter1b.do new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54db27a --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/scatter1b.do @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +if "`2'"=="" { + local modlinput = "`1'" +} +else { + local modlinput = "`2'" +} + +if "`4'"=="" { + local endog = "poveda" +} +else { + local endog = "`4'" +} + +ivreg dlit (`endog' = `3') `1' [aw=wtbpl], robust +modl A nocon mal=`endog' `modlinput' + +ivreg dsch (`endog' = `3') `1' [aw=wtbpl], robust +modl C nocon mal=`endog' `modlinput' + +ivreg dscore (`endog' = `3') `1' [aw=wtbpl], robust +modl G nocon mal=`endog' `modlinput' + + +noisily modltbl se (5) A C G, `1' +macro drop _all + diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/mx/longdiff_mx.do b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/mx/longdiff_mx.do new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4de7d78 --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/mx/longdiff_mx.do @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +capture log close +log using longdiff_mx.log,replace + +clear +set more 1 +set mem 100m + +use longdiff_mx,clear + +local excliv "tempavg altitude ta rainmm tr ar" + +* basic +run scatter3a "lnele norte sur " + +local extravars inmort +run scatter3a "`extravars' lnele norte sur " + +local extravars "eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" +run scatter3a "`extravars' lnele norte sur " + +local extravars "inmort eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth ea dens" +run scatter3a "`extravars' lnele norte sur " + +run scatter4a "lnele norte sur " "`excliv'" +run scatter4a "`extravars' lnele norte sur " "`excliv'" + + + +log close +exit + diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/mx/longdiff_mx.dta b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/mx/longdiff_mx.dta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab7a0cb Binary files /dev/null and b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/mx/longdiff_mx.dta differ diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/mx/longdiff_mx.log b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/mx/longdiff_mx.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55ff232 --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/mx/longdiff_mx.log @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + name: + log: /home/hoyt/projects/malaria/aejapplied/replication/longdiff/mx/lon +> gdiff_mx.log + log type: text + opened on: 2 Feb 2010, 15:04:05 + +. +. clear + +. set more 1 + +. set mem 100m + +Current memory allocation +------------------------- + + current memory usage + settable value description (1M = 1024k) + -------------------------------------------------------------------- + set maxvar 5000 max. variables allowed 1.790M + set memory 100M max. data space 100.000M + set matsize 800 max. RHS vars in models 4.950M + ----------- + 106.740M + +. +. use longdiff_mx,clear + +. +. local excliv "tempavg altitude ta rainmm tr ar" + +. +. * basic +. run scatter3a "lnele norte sur " + +15:04:05 on 2 Feb 2010 + +lnele norte sur + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A B D +# obs : 32 32 32 +Depvar: dlit dsch dincearn +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.114* 0.059 0.291~ + (0.033) (0.298) (0.113) + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.399 0.306 0.221 +=========================================== + +. +. local extravars inmort + +. run scatter3a "`extravars' lnele norte sur " + +15:04:05 on 2 Feb 2010 + +inmort lnele norte sur + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A B D +# obs : 32 32 32 +Depvar: dlit dsch dincearn +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.120* 0.136 0.285~ + (0.032) (0.237) (0.111) + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.441 0.429 0.23 +=========================================== + +. +. local extravars "eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" + +. run scatter3a "`extravars' lnele norte sur " + +15:04:05 on 2 Feb 2010 + +eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth lnele norte sur + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A B D +# obs : 32 32 32 +Depvar: dlit dsch dincearn +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.033 -0.233 0.196 + (0.038) (0.248) (0.134) + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.726 0.66 0.431 +=========================================== + +. +. local extravars "inmort eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth ea dens" + +. run scatter3a "`extravars' lnele norte sur " + +15:04:05 on 2 Feb 2010 + +inmort eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth ea dens lnele norte sur + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A B D +# obs : 32 32 32 +Depvar: dlit dsch dincearn +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.034 -0.248 0.254 + (0.035) (0.259) (0.146) + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.768 0.738 0.570 +=========================================== + +. +. run scatter4a "lnele norte sur " "`excliv'" + +15:04:05 on 2 Feb 2010 + +lnele norte sur + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A B D +# obs : 29 29 29 +Depvar: dlit dsch dincearn +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.127~ 0.111 0.494~ + (0.056) (0.648) (0.197) + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.367 0.358 0.175 +=========================================== + +. run scatter4a "`extravars' lnele norte sur " "`excliv'" + +15:04:05 on 2 Feb 2010 + +inmort eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth ea dens lnele norte sur + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------- +Model : A B D +# obs : 29 29 29 +Depvar: dlit dsch dincearn +------------------------------------------- +mal 0.049 -0.235 0.397~ + (0.043) (0.510) (0.176) + +------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.78 0.747 0.635 +=========================================== + +. +. +. +. log close + name: + log: /home/hoyt/projects/malaria/aejapplied/replication/longdiff/mx/lon +> gdiff_mx.log + log type: text + closed on: 2 Feb 2010, 15:04:05 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/mx/scatter3a.do b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/mx/scatter3a.do new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a57ff3c --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/mx/scatter3a.do @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +reg dlit mellinger `1' ,robust +modl A nocon mal=mellinger + +reg dsch mellinger `1' ,robust +modl B nocon mal=mellinger + +*reg dinctot mellinger `1' ,robust +*modl C nocon mal=mellinger + +reg dincearn mellinger `1' ,robust +modl D nocon mal=mellinger + +noisily modltbl se (5) A B D , `1' +macro drop _all diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/mx/scatter4a.do b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/mx/scatter4a.do new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da67e72 --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/mx/scatter4a.do @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +ivreg dlit (mellinger = `2') `1' ,robust +modl A nocon mal=mellinger + +ivreg dsch (mellinger = `2') `1' ,robust +modl B nocon mal=mellinger + +*ivreg dinctot (mellinger = `2') `1' ,robust +*modl C nocon mal=mellinger + +ivreg dincearn (mellinger = `2') `1' ,robust +modl D nocon mal=mellinger + +noisily modltbl se (5) A B D , `1' +macro drop _all diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/us/longdiff.do b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/us/longdiff.do new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4e136a --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/us/longdiff.do @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +clear +set more 1 +set mem 50m +capture log close +log using longdiff.log,replace + + +use longdiff_us,clear + + + +local malvar malmort1890 + +* OLS + +run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99" +run scatter4a `malvar' "south imr1890 docs1898 spend infkof" +run scatter4a `malvar' "south aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" +run scatter4a `malvar' "south aurb90 ablack91 unemp" +run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99 l2 l3 imr1890 docs1898 spend infkof aurb90 ablack91 unemp aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" + +* 2SLS + +run scatter4b `malvar' "south lebergott99 " "malecol mell malpc1920" +run scatter4b `malvar' "south lebergott99" "temp alt ta" +run scatter4b `malvar' "south lebergott99 " "temp alt ta malecol mell malpc1920" + + +local malvar malecol_hong + +* OLS + +run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99" +run scatter4a `malvar' "south imr1890 docs1898 spend infkof" +run scatter4a `malvar' "south aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" +run scatter4a `malvar' "south aurb90 ablack91 unemp" +run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99 l2 l3 imr1890 docs1898 spend infkof aurb90 ablack91 unemp aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" + +* 2SLS + +run scatter4b `malvar' "south lebergott99 " "malmort1890 mell malpc1920" +run scatter4b `malvar' "south lebergott99 " "temp alt ta" +run scatter4b `malvar' "south lebergott99 " "temp alt ta malmort1890 mell malpc1920" + + + + +generate byte border = 0 +replace border = 1 if state2=="NM" +replace border = 1 if state2=="OK" +replace border = 1 if state2=="MO" +replace border = 1 if state2=="IL" +replace border = 1 if state2=="IN" +replace border = 1 if state2=="OH" +replace border = 1 if state2=="MD" +replace border = 1 if state2=="DE" +replace border = 1 if state2=="PA" + + + +**** SOUTH+BORDER +preserve +keep if south | border +local malvar malmort1890 +run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99 l2 l3 imr1890 docs1898 spend infkof aurb90 ablack91 unemp aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" +local malvar malecol_hong +run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99 l2 l3 imr1890 docs1898 spend infkof aurb90 ablack91 unemp aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" +restore + +**** NON-SOUTH and NON-BORDER +preserve +drop if south | border +local malvar malmort1890 +run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99 l2 l3 imr1890 docs1898 spend infkof aurb90 ablack91 unemp aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" +local malvar malecol_hong +run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99 l2 l3 imr1890 docs1898 spend infkof aurb90 ablack91 unemp aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" +restore + + +log close +exit + diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/us/longdiff.log b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/us/longdiff.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf492a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/us/longdiff.log @@ -0,0 +1,510 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + name: + log: /home/hoyt/projects/malaria/aejapplied/replication/longdiff/us/lon +> gdiff.log + log type: text + opened on: 2 Feb 2010, 15:10:41 + +. +. +. use longdiff_us,clear + +. +. +. +. local malvar malmort1890 + +. +. * OLS +. +. run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malmort1890 + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 48 48 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.1124* 0.1343~ + (0.0393) (0.0652) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.514 0.246 +=============================== + +. run scatter4a `malvar' "south imr1890 docs1898 spend infkof" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malmort1890 + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 48 48 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.1001* 0.1443~ + (0.0384) (0.0670) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.639 0.336 +=============================== + +. run scatter4a `malvar' "south aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malmort1890 + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 47 47 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.1356* 0.1309~ + (0.0411) (0.0623) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.617 0.435 +=============================== + +. run scatter4a `malvar' "south aurb90 ablack91 unemp" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malmort1890 + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 47 47 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.0942~ 0.1146 + (0.0440) (0.0633) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.655 0.373 +=============================== + +. run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99 l2 l3 imr1890 docs1898 spend infko +> f aurb90 ablack91 unemp aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malmort1890 + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 46 46 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.1095~ 0.1723 + (0.0490) (0.0941) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.830 0.633 +=============================== + +. +. * 2SLS +. +. run scatter4b `malvar' "south lebergott99 " "malecol mell malpc1920" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malmort1890 + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 47 47 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.1420* 0.1752~ + (0.0541) (0.0878) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.517 0.25 +=============================== + +. run scatter4b `malvar' "south lebergott99" "temp alt ta" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malmort1890 + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 48 48 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.1542 0.2086~ + (0.0831) (0.1036) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.506 0.229 +=============================== + +. run scatter4b `malvar' "south lebergott99 " "temp alt ta malecol mell malpc19 +> 20" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malmort1890 + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 47 47 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.1486* 0.1915~ + (0.0541) (0.0947) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.516 0.247 +=============================== + +. +. +. local malvar malecol_hong + +. +. * OLS +. +. run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malecol_hong + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 47 47 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.2355* 0.2186* + (0.0315) (0.0526) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.715 0.333 +=============================== + +. run scatter4a `malvar' "south imr1890 docs1898 spend infkof" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malecol_hong + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 47 47 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.2252* 0.2797* + (0.0313) (0.0479) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.777 0.454 +=============================== + +. run scatter4a `malvar' "south aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malecol_hong + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 46 46 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.2192* 0.2058* + (0.0267) (0.0552) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.793 0.531 +=============================== + +. run scatter4a `malvar' "south aurb90 ablack91 unemp" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malecol_hong + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 47 47 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.2036* 0.1778* + (0.0286) (0.0682) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.8 0.428 +=============================== + +. run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99 l2 l3 imr1890 docs1898 spend infko +> f aurb90 ablack91 unemp aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malecol_hong + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 46 46 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.2145* 0.2645* + (0.0494) (0.0962) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.868 0.653 +=============================== + +. +. * 2SLS +. +. run scatter4b `malvar' "south lebergott99 " "malmort1890 mell malpc1920" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malecol_hong + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 47 47 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.2068* 0.2435~ + (0.0595) (0.1061) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.711 0.331 +=============================== + +. run scatter4b `malvar' "south lebergott99 " "temp alt ta" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malecol_hong + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 47 47 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.1382~ 0.1735~ + (0.0590) (0.0754) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.67 0.327 +=============================== + +. run scatter4b `malvar' "south lebergott99 " "temp alt ta malmort1890 mell mal +> pc1920" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malecol_hong + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 47 47 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.1639* 0.1854* + (0.0520) (0.0706) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.691 0.33 +=============================== + +. +. +. +. +. generate byte border = 0 + +. replace border = 1 if state2=="NM" +(1 real change made) + +. replace border = 1 if state2=="OK" +(1 real change made) + +. replace border = 1 if state2=="MO" +(1 real change made) + +. replace border = 1 if state2=="IL" +(1 real change made) + +. replace border = 1 if state2=="IN" +(1 real change made) + +. replace border = 1 if state2=="OH" +(1 real change made) + +. replace border = 1 if state2=="MD" +(1 real change made) + +. replace border = 1 if state2=="DE" +(1 real change made) + +. replace border = 1 if state2=="PA" +(1 real change made) + +. +. +. +. **** SOUTH+BORDER +. preserve + +. keep if south | border +(29 observations deleted) + +. local malvar malmort1890 + +. run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99 l2 l3 imr1890 docs1898 spend infko +> f aurb90 ablack91 unemp aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malmort1890 + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 21 21 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.0997* 0.1734* + (0.0380) (0.0379) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.985 0.981 +=============================== + +. local malvar malecol_hong + +. run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99 l2 l3 imr1890 docs1898 spend infko +> f aurb90 ablack91 unemp aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malecol_hong + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 21 21 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.2078~ 0.2034 + (0.0860) (0.2362) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.984 0.934 +=============================== + +. restore + +. +. **** NON-SOUTH and NON-BORDER +. preserve + +. drop if south | border +(22 observations deleted) + +. local malvar malmort1890 + +. run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99 l2 l3 imr1890 docs1898 spend infko +> f aurb90 ablack91 unemp aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malmort1890 + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 25 25 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.1832 0.1335 + (0.2764) (0.4078) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.748 0.717 +=============================== + +. local malvar malecol_hong + +. run scatter4a `malvar' "south lebergott99 l2 l3 imr1890 docs1898 spend infko +> f aurb90 ablack91 unemp aadlit91 chgterm chgptratio chgsal" + +15:10:42 on 2 Feb 2010 + +malecol_hong + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------- +Model : A B +# obs : 25 25 +Depvar: docc dsei +------------------------------- +mal 0.1621 0.2812 + (0.2118) (0.3383) + +------------------------------- +R-sq 0.753 0.745 +=============================== + +. restore + +. +. +. log close + name: + log: /home/hoyt/projects/malaria/aejapplied/replication/longdiff/us/lon +> gdiff.log + log type: text + closed on: 2 Feb 2010, 15:10:42 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/us/longdiff_us.dta b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/us/longdiff_us.dta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b221115 Binary files /dev/null and b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/us/longdiff_us.dta differ diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/us/scatter4a.do b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/us/scatter4a.do new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2496212 --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/us/scatter4a.do @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +reg docc `1' `2' [aw=wtbpl], robust +modl A nocon mal=`1' + +reg dsei `1' `2' [aw=wtbpl], robust +modl B nocon mal=`1' + +noisily modltbl se (4) A B , `1' +macro drop _all diff --git a/application/113746-V1/longdiff/us/scatter4b.do b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/us/scatter4b.do new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14904ca --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/longdiff/us/scatter4b.do @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +ivreg docc (`1'=`3') `2' [aw=wtbpl], robust +modl A nocon mal=`1' + +ivreg dsei (`1'=`3') `2' [aw=wtbpl], robust +modl B nocon mal=`1' + +noisily modltbl se (4) A B , `1' +macro drop _all diff --git a/application/113746-V1/panel/panel_results.do b/application/113746-V1/panel/panel_results.do new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35f1167 --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/panel/panel_results.do @@ -0,0 +1,596 @@ +capture log close +log using panel_results.log,replace + +set more 1 +clear +set mem 500m +set matsize 800 + + + +/* UNITED STATES */ + +use paneldata_us,replace + +local meanrev "lebergott09 south" +local the_rest "imr1890 aurb90 aadlit91 docs1898 spend hookworm ablack91 unemp_1930 chgterm chgptratio " +xi i.bplg i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, BASELINE +macro drop _all + + + +generate byte post20 = year>1920 +generate byte post20xyr = (year-1920)*post20 +local meanrev "lebergott09 south" +local the_rest "imr1890 aurb90 aadlit91 docs1898 spend hookworm ablack91 unemp_1930 chgterm chgptratio " +xi i.bplg i.year i.bplg*post20 i.bplg*post20xyr +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.year i.bplg*post20 i.bplg*post20xyr +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year i.bplg*post20 i.bplg*post20xyr +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg i.year i.bplg*post20 i.bplg*post20xyr +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.year i.bplg*post20 i.bplg*post20xyr +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year i.bplg*post20 i.bplg*post20xyr +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, POST-1920 BREAK IN TREND +macro drop _all +drop post20* + + +local meanrev "lebergott09 south" +local the_rest "imr1890 aurb90 aadlit91 docs1898 spend hookworm ablack91 unemp_1930 chgterm chgptratio " +xi i.bplg i.year i.bplg*year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.year i.bplg*year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year i.bplg*year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg i.year i.bplg*year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.year i.bplg*year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year i.bplg*year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, ALLOW FOR BPL x TIME EFFECTS +macro drop _all + + + +preserve +drop if year<1930 +local meanrev "lebergott09 south" +local the_rest "imr1890 aurb90 aadlit91 docs1898 spend hookworm ablack91 unemp_1930 chgterm chgptratio " +xi i.bplg i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, DROP EARLY YEARS +macro drop _all +restore + + + + +egen regionxyearxyob = group(year yob south) +local meanrev "lebergott09 south" +local the_rest "imr1890 aurb90 aadlit91 docs1898 spend hookworm ablack91 unemp_1930 chgterm chgptratio " +xi i.bplg i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplg) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplg) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplg) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplg) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplg) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year +areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplg) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, INCLUDE REGION x YEAR x YOB EFFECTS +macro drop _all +drop regionxyearxyob + + +local alt_mal "malecol_hong tempavg altitude" +foreach x of local alt_mal { + replace `x' = `x' * exp +} +local meanrev "lebergott09 south" +local the_rest "imr1890 aurb90 aadlit91 docs1898 spend hookworm ablack91 unemp_1930 chgterm chgptratio " +xi i.bplg i.year i.yob +ivreg occscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplg) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.year i.yob +ivreg occscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplg) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year i.yob +ivreg occscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplg) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg i.year i.yob +ivreg occscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplg) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.year i.yob +ivreg occscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplg) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year i.yob +ivreg occscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplg) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, CORRECT FOR MEAS ERROR WITH IV +macro drop _all + + + + + + + + +/* BRAZIL */ + +use paneldata_br,clear + +local meanrev "dens lnele" +local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, BASELINE +macro drop _all + + +local meanrev "dens lnele" +local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year i.bpls*year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year i.bpls*year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.bpls*year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year i.bpls*year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year i.bpls*year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.bpls*year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, ALLOW FOR BPL x TIME EFFECTS +macro drop _all + +preserve +drop if year<1970 +local meanrev "dens lnele" +local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, DROP EARLY YEARS +macro drop _all +restore + +egen regionxyearxyob = group(year yob bplreg) +local meanrev "dens lnele" +local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, INCLUDE REGION x YEAR x YOB EFFECTS +macro drop _all +drop regionxyearxyob + +local alt_mal "tempavg altitude tempxalt" +foreach x of local alt_mal { + replace `x' = `x' * yrexp +} +local meanrev "dens lnele" +local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year i.yob +ivreg inctot (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year i.yob +ivreg inctot (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.yob +ivreg inctot (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year i.yob +ivreg inctot (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year i.yob +ivreg inctot (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.yob +ivreg inctot (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, CORRECT FOR MEAS ERROR WITH IV +macro drop _all + + + + + + + + + +/* MEXICO */ + +use paneldata_mx,replace + +local meanrev "dens lnele norte sur" +local the_rest " inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" + +xi i.bpls i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.year +xi i.bpls*yob i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, BASELINE +macro drop _all + + + + +local meanrev "dens lnele" +local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" +xi i.bpls i.year i.bpls*year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.year i.bpls*year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.bpls*year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls i.year i.bpls*year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.year i.bpls*year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.bpls*year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, ALLOW FOR BPL x TIME EFFECTS +macro drop _all + + + +preserve +drop if year<1970 +local meanrev "dens lnele" +local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" +xi i.bpls i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, DROP EARLY YEARS +macro drop _all +restore + + + + +egen regionxyearxyob = group(year yob bplreg) +local meanrev "dens lnele" +local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" +xi i.bpls i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, INCLUDE REGION x YEAR x YOB EFFECTS +macro drop _all +drop regionxyearxyob + + + +local alt_mal "tempavg altitude tempxalt" +foreach x of local alt_mal { + replace `x' = `x' * yrexp +} +local meanrev "dens lnele" +local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" +xi i.bpls i.year i.yob +ivreg incearn (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.year i.yob +ivreg incearn (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.yob +ivreg incearn (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls i.year i.yob +ivreg incearn (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.year i.yob +ivreg incearn (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.yob +ivreg incearn (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, CORRECT FOR MEAS ERROR WITH IV +macro drop _all + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +/* COLOMBIA */ + + +clear +clear matrix +set mem 1000m +set matsize 4000 +use paneldata_co,clear + +local meanrev "lndens nivel" +local the_rest "helm hook leish yelfev land vio* cafetera carbon ganad mkta manuf" +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, BASELINE +macro drop _all + + +local meanrev "lndens nivel" +local the_rest "helm hook leish yelfev land vio* cafetera carbon ganad mkta manuf" +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year i.bplcol1*year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year i.bplcol1*year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year i.bplcol1*year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year i.bplcol1*year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year i.bplcol1*year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year i.bplcol1*year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, ALLOW FOR BPL x TIME EFFECTS +macro drop _all + + +egen regionxyearxyob = group(year yob bplregcol) +local meanrev "lndens nivel" +local the_rest "helm hook leish yelfev land vio* cafetera carbon ganad mkta manuf" +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplcol2) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplcol2) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplcol2) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplcol2) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplcol2) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year +areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplcol2) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, INCLUDE REGION x YEAR x YOB EFFECTS +macro drop _all +drop regionxyearxyob + + + +local alt_mal "temperature altitude mell m46 areamal ecozone_stdry ecozone_stwet ecozone_trdry ecozone_trwet ecozone_warm" +foreach x of local alt_mal { + replace `x' = `x' * yrexp +} +local meanrev "lndens nivel" +local the_rest "helm hook leish yelfev land vio* cafetera carbon ganad mkta manuf" +xi i.bplcol2 i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year i.yob +ivreg incscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplcol2) +modl A nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplcol2 i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year i.yob +ivreg incscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplcol2) +modl B nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplcol2 i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year i.yob +ivreg incscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplcol2) +modl C nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplcol2 i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year i.yob +ivreg incscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplcol2) +modl D nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplcol2 i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year i.yob +ivreg incscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplcol2) +modl E nocon mal=malxexp +xi i.bplcol2 i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year i.yob +ivreg incscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplcol2) +modl F nocon mal=malxexp +modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, CORRECT FOR MEAS ERROR WITH IV +macro drop _all + + + + + + + + +log close +exit + + diff --git a/application/113746-V1/panel/panel_results.log b/application/113746-V1/panel/panel_results.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1856bce --- /dev/null +++ b/application/113746-V1/panel/panel_results.log @@ -0,0 +1,39585 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + name: + log: /home/hoyt/projects/malaria/aejapplied/replication/panel/panel_results.log + log type: text + opened on: 1 Feb 2010, 19:34:03 + +. +. set more 1 + +. clear + +. set mem 500m + +Current memory allocation +------------------------- + + current memory usage + settable value description (1M = 1024k) + -------------------------------------------------------------------- + set maxvar 5000 max. variables allowed 1.790M + set memory 500M max. data space 500.000M + set matsize 4000 max. RHS vars in models 122.406M + ----------- + 624.196M + +. set matsize 800 + +Current memory allocation +------------------------- + + current memory usage + settable value description (1M = 1024k) + -------------------------------------------------------------------- + set maxvar 5000 max. variables allowed 1.790M + set memory 500M max. data space 500.000M + set matsize 800 max. RHS vars in models 4.950M + ----------- + 506.740M + +. +. +. +. /* UNITED STATES */ +. +. use paneldata_us,replace + +. +. local meanrev "lebergott09 south" + +. local the_rest "imr1890 aurb90 aadlit91 docs1898 spend hookworm ablack91 unemp_1930 chgterm chgptratio " + +. xi i.bplg i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16784 + F( 47, 47) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8342 + Adj R-squared = 0.8321 + Root MSE = .06925 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 48 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1314707 .0301064 4.37 0.000 .0709045 .1920369 + lebergott09 | .0000286 .0000148 1.93 0.059 -1.19e-06 .0000584 + south | .0553419 .025665 2.16 0.036 .0037106 .1069731 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -.0116088 .02311 -0.50 0.618 -.0581002 .0348826 + _Ibplg_5 | -.0949522 .0122052 -7.78 0.000 -.1195058 -.0703985 + _Ibplg_6 | .1314461 .0179594 7.32 0.000 .0953163 .1675758 + _Ibplg_8 | .1226496 .0163585 7.50 0.000 .0897406 .1555586 + _Ibplg_9 | .2382293 .009182 25.95 0.000 .2197576 .2567011 + _Ibplg_10 | .1791852 .0087703 20.43 0.000 .1615417 .1968288 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | .0145281 .0068759 2.11 0.040 .0006956 .0283606 + _Ibplg_13 | .0222417 .0009407 23.64 0.000 .0203492 .0241341 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | .0635112 .0237943 2.67 0.010 .0156432 .1113792 + _Ibplg_17 | .1349116 .0097831 13.79 0.000 .1152305 .1545927 + _Ibplg_18 | .1007718 .0085215 11.83 0.000 .0836289 .1179148 + _Ibplg_19 | .0854207 .0113649 7.52 0.000 .0625575 .1082839 + _Ibplg_20 | .0897417 .0124135 7.23 0.000 .0647691 .1147144 + _Ibplg_21 | .000985 .0055102 0.18 0.859 -.0101001 .0120701 + _Ibplg_22 | .0509554 .0050704 10.05 0.000 .0407551 .0611557 + _Ibplg_23 | .1485048 .0087302 17.01 0.000 .130942 .1660677 + _Ibplg_24 | .2064061 .0091942 22.45 0.000 .1879097 .2249024 + _Ibplg_25 | .2424271 .0099616 24.34 0.000 .222387 .2624672 + _Ibplg_26 | .1361102 .0103952 13.09 0.000 .1151977 .1570227 + _Ibplg_27 | .1136616 .0136556 8.32 0.000 .0861901 .1411332 + _Ibplg_28 | -.0165823 .0065887 -2.52 0.015 -.0298371 -.0033276 + _Ibplg_29 | .0763722 .0094627 8.07 0.000 .0573356 .0954087 + _Ibplg_30 | .0779797 .0221613 3.52 0.001 .0333968 .1225626 + _Ibplg_31 | .0869243 .0129219 6.73 0.000 .0609287 .1129199 + _Ibplg_32 | .0926374 .0234267 3.95 0.000 .045509 .1397658 + _Ibplg_33 | .1931574 .0085247 22.66 0.000 .176008 .2103068 + _Ibplg_34 | .231979 .0094264 24.61 0.000 .2130154 .2509425 + _Ibplg_35 | -.043068 .0106234 -4.05 0.000 -.0644396 -.0216964 + _Ibplg_36 | .2142694 .0090435 23.69 0.000 .1960761 .2324626 + _Ibplg_37 | -.0009697 .0031199 -0.31 0.757 -.0072461 .0053066 + _Ibplg_38 | .0474751 .0170434 2.79 0.008 .0131882 .081762 + _Ibplg_39 | .1463622 .0084595 17.30 0.000 .1293438 .1633806 + _Ibplg_40 | .007251 .0238983 0.30 0.763 -.0408262 .0553283 + _Ibplg_41 | .0846766 .0162749 5.20 0.000 .0519357 .1174174 + _Ibplg_42 | .1904414 .0088427 21.54 0.000 .1726523 .2082305 + _Ibplg_44 | .2239724 .0094354 23.74 0.000 .2049907 .2429541 + _Ibplg_45 | .0374339 .0009382 39.90 0.000 .0355464 .0393213 + _Ibplg_46 | .0555101 .0153852 3.61 0.001 .0245591 .086461 + _Ibplg_47 | -.0205655 .0019866 -10.35 0.000 -.0245621 -.0165689 + _Ibplg_48 | -.0262323 .0089212 -2.94 0.005 -.0441793 -.0082852 + _Ibplg_49 | .1105153 .0222193 4.97 0.000 .0658159 .1552148 + _Ibplg_50 | .1464562 .0083048 17.64 0.000 .1297491 .1631633 + _Ibplg_51 | .0690282 .0041177 16.76 0.000 .0607443 .077312 + _Ibplg_53 | .0908829 .0197274 4.61 0.000 .0511964 .1305694 + _Ibplg_54 | .0187492 .0103791 1.81 0.077 -.0021308 .0396292 + _Ibplg_55 | .1247435 .01168 10.68 0.000 .1012464 .1482406 + _Ibplg_56 | .115096 .0196675 5.85 0.000 .07553 .1546619 + _Iyear_1880 | .0417949 .0063117 6.62 0.000 .0290974 .0544925 + _Iyear_1900 | .1029092 .0082604 12.46 0.000 .0862914 .1195271 + _Iyear_1910 | .152622 .0098024 15.57 0.000 .132902 .172342 + _Iyear_1920 | .1841368 .0101469 18.15 0.000 .1637237 .2045498 + _Iyear_1930 | .2260562 .0119705 18.88 0.000 .2019748 .2501377 + _Iyear_1940 | .2076447 .0121358 17.11 0.000 .1832307 .2320587 + _Iyear_1950 | .2700043 .0124991 21.60 0.000 .2448593 .2951493 + _Iyear_1960 | .3276552 .0140729 23.28 0.000 .2993443 .3559662 + _Iyear_1970 | .3678369 .0137363 26.78 0.000 .340203 .3954708 + _Iyear_1980 | .3755759 .0137374 27.34 0.000 .3479398 .4032119 + _Iyear_1990 | .3760198 .0129692 28.99 0.000 .3499291 .4021104 + _cons | 2.793625 .0185811 150.35 0.000 2.756245 2.831006 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16784 + F( 47, 47) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8624 + Adj R-squared = 0.8602 + Root MSE = .0631 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 48 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1147631 .0308357 3.72 0.001 .0527296 .1767966 + lebergott09 | .000046 .0000172 2.68 0.010 .0000115 .0000806 + south | .0448729 .0274165 1.64 0.108 -.0102821 .1000278 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | .6833094 .6987542 0.98 0.333 -.7224027 2.089022 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.360185 .4458648 3.05 0.004 .4632202 2.257149 + _Ibplg_6 | 2.721403 .5291332 5.14 0.000 1.656924 3.785881 + _Ibplg_8 | 2.803047 .5147566 5.45 0.000 1.767491 3.838604 + _Ibplg_9 | 3.657547 .2759471 13.25 0.000 3.102414 4.212681 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.563235 .30277 5.16 0.000 .9541402 2.17233 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.796589 .2202106 8.16 0.000 1.353583 2.239596 + _Ibplg_13 | .239281 .0339857 7.04 0.000 .1709107 .3076514 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | 1.282143 .8076094 1.59 0.119 -.342558 2.906843 + _Ibplg_17 | -.3754538 .2889514 -1.30 0.200 -.9567491 .2058415 + _Ibplg_18 | -.1951024 .2744962 -0.71 0.481 -.7473174 .3571127 + _Ibplg_19 | .8608092 .3619665 2.38 0.022 .1326265 1.588992 + _Ibplg_20 | 1.197515 .4205081 2.85 0.007 .3515617 2.043468 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.666131 .2253561 7.39 0.000 1.212773 2.119489 + _Ibplg_22 | 3.010065 .1769318 17.01 0.000 2.654124 3.366006 + _Ibplg_23 | 4.008878 .2866569 13.98 0.000 3.432199 4.585557 + _Ibplg_24 | 2.463886 .327207 7.53 0.000 1.80563 3.122141 + _Ibplg_25 | 4.516163 .2927328 15.43 0.000 3.92726 5.105065 + _Ibplg_26 | 1.438188 .2950128 4.88 0.000 .8446988 2.031677 + _Ibplg_27 | .9055779 .41015 2.21 0.032 .0804626 1.730693 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.360254 .2603601 5.22 0.000 .8364771 1.884031 + _Ibplg_29 | .4078198 .3337764 1.22 0.228 -.2636516 1.079291 + _Ibplg_30 | 2.050358 .7191567 2.85 0.006 .6036015 3.497115 + _Ibplg_31 | .3357186 .4127666 0.81 0.420 -.4946607 1.166098 + _Ibplg_32 | 3.881285 .7626777 5.09 0.000 2.346975 5.415595 + _Ibplg_33 | 3.822974 .2691765 14.20 0.000 3.281461 4.364487 + _Ibplg_34 | 2.210072 .2703567 8.17 0.000 1.666185 2.75396 + _Ibplg_35 | -1.140833 .3296376 -3.46 0.001 -1.803978 -.4776879 + _Ibplg_36 | 2.259823 .2711972 8.33 0.000 1.714245 2.805402 + _Ibplg_37 | -.7014923 .1165634 -6.02 0.000 -.9359876 -.466997 + _Ibplg_38 | .1807243 .6189735 0.29 0.772 -1.06449 1.425938 + _Ibplg_39 | .6987894 .2631808 2.66 0.011 .1693379 1.228241 + _Ibplg_40 | 1.265992 .7708694 1.64 0.107 -.2847977 2.816781 + _Ibplg_41 | 1.382966 .5175858 2.67 0.010 .3417172 2.424214 + _Ibplg_42 | 2.344254 .2726071 8.60 0.000 1.79584 2.892669 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.35014 .2718473 16.00 0.000 3.803254 4.897026 + _Ibplg_45 | .5458762 .0392344 13.91 0.000 .4669466 .6248057 + _Ibplg_46 | -.7990891 .5298199 -1.51 0.138 -1.864949 .2667711 + _Ibplg_47 | .1175861 .0709425 1.66 0.104 -.0251318 .2603041 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.231212 .3098084 3.97 0.000 .6079584 1.854467 + _Ibplg_49 | .478676 .7974032 0.60 0.551 -1.125492 2.082844 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.528432 .2749564 12.83 0.000 2.975291 4.081573 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.591369 .1615433 9.85 0.000 1.266386 1.916353 + _Ibplg_53 | 2.9109 .6362671 4.57 0.000 1.630896 4.190905 + _Ibplg_54 | .7868766 .3846339 2.05 0.046 .013093 1.56066 + _Ibplg_55 | 1.631925 .3471643 4.70 0.000 .9335209 2.33033 + _Ibplg_56 | 1.085792 .6014163 1.81 0.077 -.1241014 2.295686 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0003882 .0003755 -1.03 0.307 -.0011437 .0003672 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0007636 .0002403 -3.18 0.003 -.001247 -.0002802 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0013734 .0002845 -4.83 0.000 -.0019458 -.0008011 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0014184 .0002753 -5.15 0.000 -.0019722 -.0008646 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0018111 .0001493 -12.13 0.000 -.0021115 -.0015108 +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0007354 .0001638 -4.49 0.000 -.001065 -.0004057 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | -.0009353 .0001187 -7.88 0.000 -.0011741 -.0006965 +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0001141 .0000184 -6.21 0.000 -.0001511 -.0000771 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0006658 .0004318 -1.54 0.130 -.0015344 .0002029 +_IbplXyob_17 | .000256 .000156 1.64 0.107 -.0000578 .0005698 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0001498 .0001484 1.01 0.318 -.0001488 .0004484 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0004224 .0001947 -2.17 0.035 -.0008141 -.0000306 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0005951 .0002253 -2.64 0.011 -.0010484 -.0001418 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.000881 .000122 -7.22 0.000 -.0011264 -.0006356 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.001554 .0000956 -16.26 0.000 -.0017462 -.0013617 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0020526 .0001552 -13.23 0.000 -.0023648 -.0017403 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.0011958 .000177 -6.75 0.000 -.0015519 -.0008397 +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0022629 .0001584 -14.29 0.000 -.0025815 -.0019444 +_IbplXyob_26 | -.0006963 .0001592 -4.37 0.000 -.0010166 -.0003761 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0004352 .0002196 -1.98 0.053 -.000877 6.65e-06 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0007238 .0001407 -5.15 0.000 -.0010069 -.0004408 +_IbplXyob_29 | -.000182 .0001802 -1.01 0.318 -.0005446 .0001806 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0010557 .0003852 -2.74 0.009 -.0018305 -.0002808 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0001515 .0002206 -0.69 0.496 -.0005952 .0002923 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0019981 .0004094 -4.88 0.000 -.0028216 -.0011746 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0019292 .0001457 -13.24 0.000 -.0022223 -.001636 +_IbplXyob_34 | -.0010495 .0001462 -7.18 0.000 -.0013437 -.0007553 +_IbplXyob_35 | .0005628 .0001783 3.16 0.003 .0002042 .0009214 +_IbplXyob_36 | -.0010878 .0001467 -7.41 0.000 -.001383 -.0007927 +_IbplXyob_37 | .0003684 .0000631 5.84 0.000 .0002415 .0004954 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0000977 .0003295 -0.30 0.768 -.0007607 .0005652 +_IbplXyob_39 | -.0002977 .0001424 -2.09 0.042 -.0005841 -.0000113 +_IbplXyob_40 | -.0006672 .0004131 -1.61 0.113 -.0014982 .0001639 +_IbplXyob_41 | -.0007012 .0002779 -2.52 0.015 -.0012602 -.0001422 +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0011431 .0001475 -7.75 0.000 -.0014397 -.0008464 +_IbplXyob_44 | -.0021833 .0001471 -14.85 0.000 -.0024791 -.0018874 +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0002667 .0000212 -12.60 0.000 -.0003093 -.0002241 +_IbplXyob_46 | .000417 .0002823 1.48 0.146 -.0001509 .000985 +_IbplXyob_47 | -.0000723 .0000384 -1.88 0.066 -.0001495 4.95e-06 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.0006619 .0001665 -3.98 0.000 -.0009968 -.000327 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0002216 .0004275 -0.52 0.607 -.0010815 .0006384 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0018001 .0001489 -12.09 0.000 -.0020996 -.0015006 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0008045 .0000875 -9.19 0.000 -.0009805 -.0006284 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0014917 .0003408 -4.38 0.000 -.0021774 -.000806 +_IbplXyob_54 | -.0004111 .0002076 -1.98 0.054 -.0008288 6.65e-06 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0008061 .0001868 -4.32 0.000 -.0011819 -.0004303 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0005348 .000322 -1.66 0.103 -.0011826 .000113 + _Iyear_1880 | .0419384 .006178 6.79 0.000 .0295099 .054367 + _Iyear_1900 | .1036278 .0081899 12.65 0.000 .0871519 .1201037 + _Iyear_1910 | .1536202 .0098235 15.64 0.000 .1338579 .1733825 + _Iyear_1920 | .1851692 .0100915 18.35 0.000 .1648677 .2054706 + _Iyear_1930 | .2269275 .0119774 18.95 0.000 .2028321 .2510229 + _Iyear_1940 | .2086085 .0121039 17.23 0.000 .1842586 .2329584 + _Iyear_1950 | .2709271 .0125047 21.67 0.000 .2457708 .2960834 + _Iyear_1960 | .3285718 .0140485 23.39 0.000 .3003097 .3568338 + _Iyear_1970 | .3687715 .0137217 26.88 0.000 .341167 .3963759 + _Iyear_1980 | .3764986 .0137259 27.43 0.000 .3488857 .4041115 + _Iyear_1990 | .3769599 .0129504 29.11 0.000 .3509071 .4030127 + _cons | 2.794238 .0241101 115.90 0.000 2.745735 2.842741 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_15 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16784 + F( 47, 47) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8693 + Adj R-squared = 0.8669 + Root MSE = .06148 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 48 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1307283 .0245828 5.32 0.000 .081274 .1801825 + lebergott09 | .0000405 .000016 2.52 0.015 8.22e-06 .0000727 + south | .0016871 .0193388 0.09 0.931 -.0372176 .0405918 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | .9560011 .6138012 1.56 0.126 -.2788076 2.19081 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.713427 .3848904 4.45 0.000 .939127 2.487726 + _Ibplg_6 | 2.841872 .4807499 5.91 0.000 1.874728 3.809016 + _Ibplg_8 | 3.014719 .4534498 6.65 0.000 2.102495 3.926942 + _Ibplg_9 | 4.437324 .2470385 17.96 0.000 3.940347 4.934302 + _Ibplg_10 | 2.081921 .2588755 8.04 0.000 1.56113 2.602711 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 2.03012 .197671 10.27 0.000 1.632457 2.427783 + _Ibplg_13 | .2686966 .0299315 8.98 0.000 .2084823 .328911 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | .9815483 .7937563 1.24 0.222 -.6152834 2.57838 + _Ibplg_17 | .6345038 .2508342 2.53 0.015 .1298905 1.139117 + _Ibplg_18 | .9133167 .2254674 4.05 0.000 .4597349 1.366899 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.592186 .326914 4.87 0.000 .9345198 2.249852 + _Ibplg_20 | 2.185236 .3119836 7.00 0.000 1.557606 2.812866 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.251202 .2025755 6.18 0.000 .8436724 1.658731 + _Ibplg_22 | 3.184202 .152902 20.83 0.000 2.876603 3.491801 + _Ibplg_23 | 4.555034 .290822 15.66 0.000 3.969975 5.140092 + _Ibplg_24 | 3.211257 .276865 11.60 0.000 2.654277 3.768238 + _Ibplg_25 | 5.006882 .2864905 17.48 0.000 4.430538 5.583227 + _Ibplg_26 | 2.303215 .2474425 9.31 0.000 1.805425 2.801005 + _Ibplg_27 | 1.81237 .3538145 5.12 0.000 1.100587 2.524153 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.543113 .2288766 6.74 0.000 1.082672 2.003553 + _Ibplg_29 | 1.308609 .2488618 5.26 0.000 .8079637 1.809255 + _Ibplg_30 | 1.5119 .6579953 2.30 0.026 .1881839 2.835615 + _Ibplg_31 | 1.49192 .3418071 4.36 0.000 .8042927 2.179547 + _Ibplg_32 | 3.744551 .7026638 5.33 0.000 2.330974 5.158129 + _Ibplg_33 | 4.342517 .2642021 16.44 0.000 3.811011 4.874023 + _Ibplg_34 | 3.136324 .2259985 13.88 0.000 2.681674 3.590975 + _Ibplg_35 | -.7680974 .2761095 -2.78 0.008 -1.323558 -.2126367 + _Ibplg_36 | 3.258713 .2533173 12.86 0.000 2.749104 3.768321 + _Ibplg_37 | -1.018483 .1007268 -10.11 0.000 -1.221119 -.8158467 + _Ibplg_38 | 3.637775 .6172737 5.89 0.000 2.395981 4.87957 + _Ibplg_39 | 1.89804 .2267651 8.37 0.000 1.441847 2.354232 + _Ibplg_40 | 3.674261 .5585345 6.58 0.000 2.550634 4.797887 + _Ibplg_41 | 1.575448 .4657562 3.38 0.001 .6384675 2.512429 + _Ibplg_42 | 3.240451 .2409931 13.45 0.000 2.755635 3.725266 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.98681 .2506355 19.90 0.000 4.482596 5.491023 + _Ibplg_45 | .6294558 .0392178 16.05 0.000 .5505599 .7083518 + _Ibplg_46 | .446156 .4760129 0.94 0.353 -.5114583 1.40377 + _Ibplg_47 | -.018437 .0664006 -0.28 0.782 -.1520178 .1151438 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.436843 .2685137 5.35 0.000 .8966633 1.977023 + _Ibplg_49 | .7410795 .7328508 1.01 0.317 -.7332261 2.215385 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.921444 .2787526 14.07 0.000 3.360666 4.482222 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.404478 .1434998 9.79 0.000 1.115793 1.693162 + _Ibplg_53 | 2.901665 .5734878 5.06 0.000 1.747956 4.055374 + _Ibplg_54 | .9559864 .3247239 2.94 0.005 .3027262 1.609247 + _Ibplg_55 | 2.348394 .3152674 7.45 0.000 1.714157 2.98263 + _Ibplg_56 | 1.612363 .548374 2.94 0.005 .5091772 2.71555 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0005229 .0003302 -1.58 0.120 -.0011873 .0001414 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0009453 .0002063 -4.58 0.000 -.0013603 -.0005304 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0014119 .0002585 -5.46 0.000 -.0019319 -.0008919 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0015221 .000243 -6.26 0.000 -.002011 -.0010331 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0022203 .0001326 -16.75 0.000 -.002487 -.0019536 +_IbplXyob_10 | -.00102 .0001388 -7.35 0.000 -.0012992 -.0007407 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | -.0010558 .0001063 -9.94 0.000 -.0012695 -.000842 +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0001278 .000016 -7.96 0.000 -.0001601 -.0000955 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0005 .0004249 -1.18 0.245 -.0013548 .0003548 +_IbplXyob_17 | -.0002602 .0001345 -1.93 0.059 -.0005308 .0000103 +_IbplXyob_18 | -.0004213 .0001209 -3.49 0.001 -.0006644 -.0001782 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0008123 .0001751 -4.64 0.000 -.0011646 -.00046 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0011162 .000167 -6.68 0.000 -.0014522 -.0007802 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.0006683 .0001086 -6.16 0.000 -.0008866 -.0004499 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0016452 .000082 -20.06 0.000 -.0018102 -.0014802 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0023431 .0001559 -15.03 0.000 -.0026567 -.0020295 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.0015934 .0001485 -10.73 0.000 -.001892 -.0012947 +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0025276 .0001537 -16.45 0.000 -.0028368 -.0022184 +_IbplXyob_26 | -.001142 .0001328 -8.60 0.000 -.0014091 -.0008748 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0009142 .0001896 -4.82 0.000 -.0012956 -.0005328 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0008199 .0001227 -6.68 0.000 -.0010667 -.0005731 +_IbplXyob_29 | -.0006557 .0001333 -4.92 0.000 -.0009239 -.0003875 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0007573 .000353 -2.15 0.037 -.0014674 -.0000472 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0007627 .0001829 -4.17 0.000 -.0011307 -.0003947 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0019059 .0003774 -5.05 0.000 -.0026651 -.0011468 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0022072 .0001417 -15.58 0.000 -.0024922 -.0019222 +_IbplXyob_34 | -.001531 .0001213 -12.62 0.000 -.0017751 -.0012869 +_IbplXyob_35 | .0003426 .0001483 2.31 0.025 .0000442 .000641 +_IbplXyob_36 | -.0016034 .0001359 -11.80 0.000 -.0018768 -.0013301 +_IbplXyob_37 | .0005276 .000054 9.76 0.000 .0004189 .0006364 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.001918 .0003292 -5.83 0.000 -.0025802 -.0012558 +_IbplXyob_39 | -.000913 .0001216 -7.51 0.000 -.0011576 -.0006684 +_IbplXyob_40 | -.0019443 .0002993 -6.50 0.000 -.0025464 -.0013422 +_IbplXyob_41 | -.0007829 .00025 -3.13 0.003 -.0012858 -.00028 +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0016104 .0001292 -12.46 0.000 -.0018703 -.0013504 +_IbplXyob_44 | -.0025214 .0001345 -18.75 0.000 -.002792 -.0022509 +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0003078 .0000211 -14.61 0.000 -.0003502 -.0002654 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0002378 .0002543 -0.93 0.355 -.0007494 .0002738 +_IbplXyob_47 | -2.39e-06 .0000356 -0.07 0.947 -.000074 .0000693 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.0007592 .000144 -5.27 0.000 -.0010489 -.0004694 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.000348 .0003929 -0.89 0.380 -.0011384 .0004424 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.002014 .0001494 -13.48 0.000 -.0023144 -.0017135 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.000707 .0000769 -9.19 0.000 -.0008618 -.0005523 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0014767 .0003077 -4.80 0.000 -.0020957 -.0008577 +_IbplXyob_54 | -.0004792 .0001742 -2.75 0.008 -.0008296 -.0001288 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0011878 .000169 -7.03 0.000 -.0015278 -.0008478 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0008076 .0002943 -2.74 0.009 -.0013995 -.0002156 +_IbplXyob2_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_4 | -.0000234 9.12e-07 -25.65 0.000 -.0000252 -.0000216 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -6.38e-06 1.22e-06 -5.23 0.000 -8.84e-06 -3.93e-06 +_IbplXyob2_6 | -.0000367 8.50e-07 -43.13 0.000 -.0000384 -.000035 +_IbplXyob2_8 | -.0000197 9.81e-07 -20.10 0.000 -.0000217 -.0000177 +_IbplXyob2_9 | -8.87e-06 7.47e-07 -11.87 0.000 -.0000104 -7.37e-06 +_IbplXy~2_10 | 1.79e-06 8.73e-07 2.05 0.046 3.07e-08 3.54e-06 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | -2.61e-06 6.49e-07 -4.02 0.000 -3.92e-06 -1.31e-06 +_IbplXy~2_13 | -1.75e-06 1.31e-07 -13.39 0.000 -2.02e-06 -1.49e-06 +_IbplXy~2_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000242 1.49e-06 -16.27 0.000 -.0000272 -.0000212 +_IbplXy~2_17 | -.0000235 7.91e-07 -29.76 0.000 -.0000251 -.0000219 +_IbplXy~2_18 | -.0000199 7.44e-07 -26.76 0.000 -.0000214 -.0000184 +_IbplXy~2_19 | -3.41e-07 1.12e-06 -0.30 0.762 -2.60e-06 1.91e-06 +_IbplXy~2_20 | -5.33e-06 9.69e-07 -5.50 0.000 -7.28e-06 -3.38e-06 +_IbplXy~2_21 | 7.19e-06 7.36e-07 9.77 0.000 5.71e-06 8.67e-06 +_IbplXy~2_22 | -1.56e-06 4.94e-07 -3.16 0.003 -2.56e-06 -5.68e-07 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -4.17e-06 1.07e-06 -3.90 0.000 -6.32e-06 -2.02e-06 +_IbplXy~2_24 | -4.94e-06 9.26e-07 -5.34 0.000 -6.81e-06 -3.08e-06 +_IbplXy~2_25 | -9.00e-07 8.84e-07 -1.02 0.314 -2.68e-06 8.79e-07 +_IbplXy~2_26 | -.0000178 7.77e-07 -22.85 0.000 -.0000193 -.0000162 +_IbplXy~2_27 | -1.61e-06 9.86e-07 -1.63 0.109 -3.59e-06 3.75e-07 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -1.76e-06 7.55e-07 -2.33 0.024 -3.28e-06 -2.40e-07 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -9.46e-06 8.30e-07 -11.40 0.000 -.0000111 -7.79e-06 +_IbplXy~2_30 | -.0000354 8.94e-07 -39.62 0.000 -.0000372 -.0000336 +_IbplXy~2_31 | 1.45e-06 1.02e-06 1.42 0.163 -6.10e-07 3.51e-06 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -.0000345 8.70e-07 -39.71 0.000 -.0000363 -.0000328 +_IbplXy~2_33 | -3.09e-06 9.65e-07 -3.20 0.002 -5.03e-06 -1.15e-06 +_IbplXy~2_34 | -.0000136 6.53e-07 -20.81 0.000 -.0000149 -.0000123 +_IbplXy~2_35 | .0000135 7.48e-07 17.99 0.000 .000012 .000015 +_IbplXy~2_36 | -.0000167 8.12e-07 -20.60 0.000 -.0000184 -.0000151 +_IbplXy~2_37 | 7.74e-06 3.50e-07 22.12 0.000 7.03e-06 8.44e-06 +_IbplXy~2_38 | .0000271 1.67e-06 16.24 0.000 .0000237 .0000304 +_IbplXy~2_39 | -.0000226 7.62e-07 -29.63 0.000 -.0000241 -.0000211 +_IbplXy~2_40 | .0000148 9.90e-07 14.93 0.000 .0000128 .0000168 +_IbplXy~2_41 | -.0000327 1.08e-06 -30.33 0.000 -.0000349 -.0000306 +_IbplXy~2_42 | -.0000121 8.03e-07 -15.04 0.000 -.0000137 -.0000105 +_IbplXy~2_44 | -4.60e-06 7.61e-07 -6.05 0.000 -6.13e-06 -3.07e-06 +_IbplXy~2_45 | -3.15e-06 2.23e-07 -14.15 0.000 -3.60e-06 -2.70e-06 +_IbplXy~2_46 | -2.58e-07 1.13e-06 -0.23 0.821 -2.53e-06 2.02e-06 +_IbplXy~2_47 | 1.89e-06 2.90e-07 6.50 0.000 1.30e-06 2.47e-06 +_IbplXy~2_48 | -.0000128 8.91e-07 -14.41 0.000 -.0000146 -.0000111 +_IbplXy~2_49 | -.0000221 1.18e-06 -18.73 0.000 -.0000245 -.0000198 +_IbplXy~2_50 | -6.34e-07 1.10e-06 -0.58 0.568 -2.85e-06 1.58e-06 +_IbplXy~2_51 | 1.62e-06 5.67e-07 2.86 0.006 4.79e-07 2.76e-06 +_IbplXy~2_53 | -.0000251 9.21e-07 -27.24 0.000 -.0000269 -.0000232 +_IbplXy~2_54 | -.0000178 9.53e-07 -18.71 0.000 -.0000198 -.0000159 +_IbplXy~2_55 | -7.46e-07 1.04e-06 -0.72 0.475 -2.83e-06 1.34e-06 +_IbplXy~2_56 | -.0000113 1.01e-06 -11.17 0.000 -.0000133 -9.26e-06 + _Iyear_1880 | .0421973 .0061608 6.85 0.000 .0298033 .0545912 + _Iyear_1900 | .103479 .0081418 12.71 0.000 .0870997 .1198582 + _Iyear_1910 | .153473 .0097781 15.70 0.000 .1338019 .1731441 + _Iyear_1920 | .1850607 .0100605 18.39 0.000 .1648217 .2052997 + _Iyear_1930 | .2266808 .0119332 19.00 0.000 .2026744 .2506872 + _Iyear_1940 | .208659 .0120593 17.30 0.000 .1843988 .2329191 + _Iyear_1950 | .2712091 .0124341 21.81 0.000 .2461949 .2962233 + _Iyear_1960 | .3285921 .0139942 23.48 0.000 .3004394 .3567449 + _Iyear_1970 | .3687904 .0136689 26.98 0.000 .3412921 .3962887 + _Iyear_1980 | .3765145 .0136601 27.56 0.000 .3490339 .4039951 + _Iyear_1990 | .3769994 .012887 29.25 0.000 .3510742 .4029247 + _cons | 2.816102 .0205009 137.36 0.000 2.77486 2.857345 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_40 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16487 + F( 38, 46) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8557 + Adj R-squared = 0.8538 + Root MSE = .06475 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1197609 .0239623 5.00 0.000 .0715273 .1679944 + lebergott09 | .0000119 .0000123 0.96 0.340 -.0000129 .0000367 + south | -.0098833 .0198654 -0.50 0.621 -.0498702 .0301036 + imr1890 | 2.22e-06 1.84e-06 1.20 0.235 -1.49e-06 5.92e-06 + aurb90 | -.002269 .0006325 -3.59 0.001 -.0035422 -.0009958 + aadlit91 | .0120565 .0034763 3.47 0.001 .0050592 .0190539 + docs1898 | 1.97e-07 3.60e-07 0.55 0.587 -5.28e-07 9.22e-07 + spend | -2.80e-06 5.93e-07 -4.72 0.000 -3.99e-06 -1.61e-06 + hookworm | .0043602 .0014422 3.02 0.004 .0014572 .0072633 + ablack91 | .0020047 .0014536 1.38 0.175 -.0009212 .0049305 + unemp_1930 | .0000852 .0000754 1.13 0.264 -.0000665 .0002369 + chgterm | .001786 .0007553 2.36 0.022 .0002657 .0033064 + chgptratio | .0006053 .0001983 3.05 0.004 .0002061 .0010045 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | 3.019834 .9480787 3.19 0.003 1.11145 4.928217 + _Ibplg_5 | .215715 .4574706 0.47 0.639 -.7051255 1.136555 + _Ibplg_6 | 1.598199 .4940969 3.23 0.002 .6036338 2.592765 + _Ibplg_8 | 1.026351 .4806948 2.14 0.038 .058762 1.993939 + _Ibplg_9 | 3.996565 .500071 7.99 0.000 2.989974 5.003155 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.532802 .3400271 4.51 0.000 .8483626 2.217241 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.98401 .6445787 3.08 0.004 .68654 3.281479 + _Ibplg_13 | .431512 .2913938 1.48 0.145 -.1550332 1.018057 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | -1.082173 .4158149 -2.60 0.012 -1.919165 -.2451811 + _Ibplg_17 | 1.211278 .5689511 2.13 0.039 .0660386 2.356517 + _Ibplg_18 | .6477431 .4893817 1.32 0.192 -.3373311 1.632817 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.38085 .4950392 2.79 0.008 .3843875 2.377312 + _Ibplg_20 | .9040723 .4664184 1.94 0.059 -.0347792 1.842924 + _Ibplg_21 | .3105074 .3773425 0.82 0.415 -.4490437 1.070058 + _Ibplg_22 | 2.35137 .4240949 5.54 0.000 1.497711 3.205029 + _Ibplg_23 | 2.741335 .4807202 5.70 0.000 1.773696 3.708975 + _Ibplg_24 | 3.564512 .6397294 5.57 0.000 2.276804 4.852221 + _Ibplg_25 | 4.415799 .4133655 10.68 0.000 3.583737 5.247861 + _Ibplg_26 | .6957834 .7100931 0.98 0.332 -.7335599 2.125127 + _Ibplg_27 | .5987965 .5235027 1.14 0.259 -.4549599 1.652553 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.11347 .3435278 3.24 0.002 .4219842 1.804955 + _Ibplg_29 | .8309868 .3923454 2.12 0.040 .0412364 1.620737 + _Ibplg_30 | 2.909978 .6791266 4.28 0.000 1.542967 4.276989 + _Ibplg_31 | .1380262 .5819552 0.24 0.814 -1.033389 1.309441 + _Ibplg_32 | -.8721112 .5678498 -1.54 0.131 -2.015133 .2709111 + _Ibplg_33 | 2.518173 .3813777 6.60 0.000 1.7505 3.285847 + _Ibplg_34 | 2.516733 .4670112 5.39 0.000 1.576688 3.456777 + _Ibplg_35 | .3004008 .8207921 0.37 0.716 -1.351768 1.95257 + _Ibplg_36 | 2.662757 .3811768 6.99 0.000 1.895488 3.430026 + _Ibplg_37 | -.6321554 .3794492 -1.67 0.103 -1.395947 .1316362 + _Ibplg_38 | -.0832791 .6663433 -0.12 0.901 -1.424559 1.258 + _Ibplg_39 | 1.50925 .4831662 3.12 0.003 .5366871 2.481813 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | -.1604664 .7067477 -0.23 0.821 -1.583076 1.262143 + _Ibplg_42 | 2.426415 .4541558 5.34 0.000 1.512247 3.340583 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.368149 .4146174 10.54 0.000 3.533568 5.202731 + _Ibplg_45 | .5593289 .4287559 1.30 0.199 -.3037119 1.42237 + _Ibplg_46 | .2798649 .726996 0.38 0.702 -1.183502 1.743232 + _Ibplg_47 | .9930902 .2761181 3.60 0.001 .4372934 1.548887 + _Ibplg_48 | .349469 .258428 1.35 0.183 -.1707196 .8696576 + _Ibplg_49 | 1.057128 .5779271 1.83 0.074 -.1061785 2.220435 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.568978 .4847874 7.36 0.000 2.593152 4.544805 + _Ibplg_51 | .8981645 .4519577 1.99 0.053 -.0115792 1.807908 + _Ibplg_53 | .9338863 .7104662 1.31 0.195 -.4962081 2.363981 + _Ibplg_54 | .7217073 .3568599 2.02 0.049 .0033854 1.440029 + _Ibplg_55 | 1.435261 .5293287 2.71 0.009 .3697779 2.500745 + _Ibplg_56 | .0986852 .588966 0.17 0.868 -1.086842 1.284212 + _Iyear_1880 | .0418882 .0061968 6.76 0.000 .0294147 .0543618 + _Iyear_1900 | .1035766 .008238 12.57 0.000 .0869943 .1201589 + _Iyear_1910 | .1535297 .0098329 15.61 0.000 .1337371 .1733223 + _Iyear_1920 | .185288 .0101069 18.33 0.000 .1649439 .205632 + _Iyear_1930 | .2262849 .0119872 18.88 0.000 .202156 .2504138 + _Iyear_1940 | .2080099 .0121548 17.11 0.000 .1835436 .2324762 + _Iyear_1950 | .2696386 .0125379 21.51 0.000 .2444012 .2948761 + _Iyear_1960 | .3269565 .0140973 23.19 0.000 .2985801 .3553329 + _Iyear_1970 | .3676192 .0138138 26.61 0.000 .3398135 .395425 + _Iyear_1980 | .3751213 .0138156 27.15 0.000 .3473119 .4029307 + _Iyear_1990 | .3759974 .0130705 28.77 0.000 .3496879 .402307 + _cons | -20.53994 6.575762 -3.12 0.003 -33.77626 -7.303618 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: aurb90 omitted because of collinearity +note: aadlit91 omitted because of collinearity +note: hookworm omitted because of collinearity +note: ablack91 omitted because of collinearity +note: chgterm omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16487 + F( 46, 46) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8647 + Adj R-squared = 0.8626 + Root MSE = .06271 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0977065 .0348132 2.81 0.007 .0276312 .1677818 + lebergott09 | .0000475 .0000176 2.71 0.010 .0000122 .0000829 + south | .0558628 .0319089 1.75 0.087 -.0083664 .120092 + imr1890 | -4.63e-06 9.57e-07 -4.84 0.000 -6.56e-06 -2.71e-06 + aurb90 | (omitted) + aadlit91 | (omitted) + docs1898 | 2.09e-06 2.29e-07 9.12 0.000 1.63e-06 2.55e-06 + spend | -2.89e-07 1.86e-07 -1.56 0.126 -6.63e-07 8.44e-08 + hookworm | (omitted) + ablack91 | (omitted) + unemp_1930 | -.0001617 .0000564 -2.87 0.006 -.0002752 -.0000481 + chgterm | (omitted) + chgptratio | -.0000959 .0001085 -0.88 0.381 -.0003144 .0001226 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | .4839792 .7173758 0.67 0.503 -.9600234 1.927982 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.124244 .4830705 2.33 0.024 .1518734 2.096615 + _Ibplg_6 | 2.730072 .528089 5.17 0.000 1.667084 3.793061 + _Ibplg_8 | 2.808405 .5122693 5.48 0.000 1.77726 3.83955 + _Ibplg_9 | 3.629737 .2747683 13.21 0.000 3.076657 4.182816 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.532031 .3046067 5.03 0.000 .9188895 2.145173 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.724291 .2177845 7.92 0.000 1.285914 2.162668 + _Ibplg_13 | .2585489 .0379374 6.82 0.000 .1821849 .3349129 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | 1.269483 .8104425 1.57 0.124 -.3618533 2.900819 + _Ibplg_17 | -.4098671 .2892828 -1.42 0.163 -.9921633 .172429 + _Ibplg_18 | -.242814 .2834131 -0.86 0.396 -.8132949 .3276669 + _Ibplg_19 | .8384751 .3584394 2.34 0.024 .116974 1.559976 + _Ibplg_20 | 1.052883 .4518828 2.33 0.024 .14329 1.962476 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.782589 .2605558 6.84 0.000 1.258117 2.307061 + _Ibplg_22 | 2.913306 .1947242 14.96 0.000 2.521347 3.305266 + _Ibplg_23 | 4.025282 .2741925 14.68 0.000 3.473361 4.577203 + _Ibplg_24 | 2.416772 .3370419 7.17 0.000 1.738342 3.095203 + _Ibplg_25 | 4.533859 .2799059 16.20 0.000 3.970438 5.09728 + _Ibplg_26 | 1.39694 .2973785 4.70 0.000 .7983477 1.995531 + _Ibplg_27 | .9277384 .4020575 2.31 0.026 .1184387 1.737038 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.218741 .288735 4.22 0.000 .637548 1.799935 + _Ibplg_29 | .2930717 .3743714 0.78 0.438 -.4604989 1.046642 + _Ibplg_30 | 2.063579 .7225983 2.86 0.006 .6090643 3.518094 + _Ibplg_31 | .3056452 .4081312 0.75 0.458 -.5158802 1.127171 + _Ibplg_32 | 3.842157 .763221 5.03 0.000 2.305873 5.378442 + _Ibplg_33 | 3.836458 .2551627 15.04 0.000 3.322842 4.350074 + _Ibplg_34 | 2.186121 .2673274 8.18 0.000 1.648019 2.724224 + _Ibplg_35 | -1.227954 .3495848 -3.51 0.001 -1.931632 -.5242764 + _Ibplg_36 | 2.253386 .2625587 8.58 0.000 1.724883 2.781889 + _Ibplg_37 | -.6359968 .1338696 -4.75 0.000 -.9054624 -.3665313 + _Ibplg_38 | .1521715 .6179079 0.25 0.807 -1.091613 1.395955 + _Ibplg_39 | .6767312 .2599711 2.60 0.012 .1534365 1.200026 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | 1.369992 .5159795 2.66 0.011 .3313794 2.408605 + _Ibplg_42 | 2.336888 .2625382 8.90 0.000 1.808426 2.86535 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.34251 .2632908 16.49 0.000 3.812534 4.872487 + _Ibplg_45 | .5486404 .0386833 14.18 0.000 .4707748 .6265059 + _Ibplg_46 | -.7977344 .5265466 -1.52 0.137 -1.857618 .262149 + _Ibplg_47 | .1476186 .079191 1.86 0.069 -.0117846 .3070218 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.107552 .3089424 3.58 0.001 .4856827 1.72942 + _Ibplg_49 | .4674783 .7996339 0.58 0.562 -1.142101 2.077058 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.545001 .2612003 13.57 0.000 3.019232 4.07077 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.681475 .1856694 9.06 0.000 1.307741 2.055208 + _Ibplg_53 | 2.853091 .6365014 4.48 0.000 1.57188 4.134301 + _Ibplg_54 | .9711404 .4458483 2.18 0.035 .0736944 1.868586 + _Ibplg_55 | 1.644498 .3376318 4.87 0.000 .9648809 2.324116 + _Ibplg_56 | 1.123002 .6040478 1.86 0.069 -.0928833 2.338887 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | .000506 .0002818 1.80 0.079 -.0000613 .0010733 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0002302 .0002766 -0.83 0.410 -.0007869 .0003265 + _IbplXyob_6 | .0003346 .0001096 3.05 0.004 .0001141 .0005551 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0000916 .0001363 -0.67 0.505 -.0003659 .0001828 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0003224 .0000547 -5.90 0.000 -.0004324 -.0002124 +_IbplXyob_10 | .0001631 .0001344 1.21 0.231 -.0001074 .0004337 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0001547 .000064 -2.42 0.020 -.0002836 -.0000259 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0003613 .0003112 -1.16 0.252 -.0009877 .0002651 +_IbplXyob_17 | .001952 .0001403 13.91 0.000 .0016697 .0022344 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0012944 .0001678 7.72 0.000 .0009568 .0016321 +_IbplXyob_19 | .0002272 .0001681 1.35 0.183 -.0001112 .0005656 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0002868 .0002024 -1.42 0.163 -.0006943 .0001207 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.0003266 .0001117 -2.92 0.005 -.0005516 -.0001017 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0012394 .0001056 -11.74 0.000 -.001452 -.0010268 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.001203 .0000584 -20.61 0.000 -.0013204 -.0010855 +_IbplXyob_24 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0001491 .0000955 -1.56 0.125 -.0003414 .0000432 +_IbplXyob_26 | .0007725 .0002223 3.48 0.001 .0003251 .0012199 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0004251 .0001223 -3.48 0.001 -.0006711 -.000179 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0010293 .0001249 -8.24 0.000 -.0012806 -.0007779 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0009013 .0002233 4.04 0.000 .0004518 .0013508 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0012051 .0003504 -3.44 0.001 -.0019104 -.0004998 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0007074 .0001078 -6.56 0.000 -.0009245 -.0004904 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0009742 .0001461 -6.67 0.000 -.0012682 -.0006802 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0005086 .0001237 -4.11 0.000 -.0007577 -.0002595 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0006058 .0000554 10.94 0.000 .0004943 .0007172 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | .0009232 .0000488 18.91 0.000 .0008249 .0010215 +_IbplXyob_37 | -.0004241 .0001779 -2.38 0.021 -.0007822 -.0000661 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0011593 .0002561 -4.53 0.000 -.0016748 -.0006439 +_IbplXyob_39 | .0011747 .0001534 7.66 0.000 .0008658 .0014835 +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0000905 .0001528 -0.59 0.556 -.000398 .000217 +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | -.001079 .0000994 -10.86 0.000 -.001279 -.0008789 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0009557 .0002474 -3.86 0.000 -.0014537 -.0004578 +_IbplXyob_47 | .0004464 .0000431 10.35 0.000 .0003595 .0005332 +_IbplXyob_48 | .0001245 .0001619 0.77 0.446 -.0002014 .0004505 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.00012 .0002586 -0.46 0.645 -.0006405 .0004005 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0006169 .0001371 -4.50 0.000 -.0008929 -.000341 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0006996 .0001357 -5.16 0.000 -.0009727 -.0004265 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0012731 .0001022 -12.45 0.000 -.0014789 -.0010674 +_IbplXyob_54 | -.0000611 .0002258 -0.27 0.788 -.0005156 .0003935 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0006856 .0000646 -10.61 0.000 -.0008156 -.0005555 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0009824 .0001745 -5.63 0.000 -.0013336 -.0006313 + _Iyear_1880 | .041465 .0061511 6.74 0.000 .0290834 .0538466 + _Iyear_1900 | .1035468 .0081911 12.64 0.000 .087059 .1200347 + _Iyear_1910 | .1535617 .0098285 15.62 0.000 .1337779 .1733456 + _Iyear_1920 | .1854049 .0100981 18.36 0.000 .1650784 .2057314 + _Iyear_1930 | .2265161 .0120073 18.86 0.000 .2023467 .2506856 + _Iyear_1940 | .2083678 .0121478 17.15 0.000 .1839155 .2328201 + _Iyear_1950 | .2700824 .0125243 21.56 0.000 .2448724 .2952924 + _Iyear_1960 | .3273458 .0140786 23.25 0.000 .2990071 .3556844 + _Iyear_1970 | .3680288 .0137929 26.68 0.000 .3402652 .3957925 + _Iyear_1980 | .375525 .0137786 27.25 0.000 .3477901 .4032599 + _Iyear_1990 | .3763685 .0130219 28.90 0.000 .3501567 .4025802 + _cons | 1.524369 .2996762 5.09 0.000 .9211523 2.127586 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: aurb90 omitted because of collinearity +note: aadlit91 omitted because of collinearity +note: hookworm omitted because of collinearity +note: ablack91 omitted because of collinearity +note: chgterm omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_40 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16487 + F( 46, 46) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8715 + Adj R-squared = 0.8691 + Root MSE = .06113 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1163034 .0270383 4.30 0.000 .0618782 .1707287 + lebergott09 | .0000421 .0000161 2.61 0.012 9.68e-06 .0000745 + south | .0115377 .0221802 0.52 0.605 -.0331087 .0561841 + imr1890 | -5.53e-06 8.26e-07 -6.70 0.000 -7.19e-06 -3.87e-06 + aurb90 | (omitted) + aadlit91 | (omitted) + docs1898 | 1.88e-06 1.78e-07 10.59 0.000 1.52e-06 2.24e-06 + spend | -3.43e-07 1.71e-07 -2.01 0.050 -6.87e-07 4.24e-10 + hookworm | (omitted) + ablack91 | (omitted) + unemp_1930 | -.0001769 .0000525 -3.37 0.002 -.0002826 -.0000712 + chgterm | (omitted) + chgptratio | .0000877 .0000822 1.07 0.292 -.0000778 .0002531 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | .7957797 .6275023 1.27 0.211 -.4673169 2.058876 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.510422 .4099958 3.68 0.001 .6851436 2.335701 + _Ibplg_6 | 2.858815 .4773342 5.99 0.000 1.897991 3.819639 + _Ibplg_8 | 3.029091 .4493695 6.74 0.000 2.124557 3.933625 + _Ibplg_9 | 4.409334 .245636 17.95 0.000 3.914894 4.903773 + _Ibplg_10 | 2.044958 .2572569 7.95 0.000 1.527126 2.562789 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.975957 .1981989 9.97 0.000 1.577003 2.374911 + _Ibplg_13 | .2866978 .0326455 8.78 0.000 .2209858 .3524098 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | .9896292 .7917462 1.25 0.218 -.6040733 2.583332 + _Ibplg_17 | .6021358 .2501001 2.41 0.020 .0987104 1.105561 + _Ibplg_18 | .8638241 .2301287 3.75 0.000 .400599 1.327049 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.574716 .3239453 4.86 0.000 .9226483 2.226785 + _Ibplg_20 | 2.068312 .3334942 6.20 0.000 1.397023 2.739601 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.364616 .226779 6.02 0.000 .9081337 1.821098 + _Ibplg_22 | 3.099879 .1657662 18.70 0.000 2.766209 3.433549 + _Ibplg_23 | 4.568417 .2827507 16.16 0.000 3.999269 5.137565 + _Ibplg_24 | 3.15864 .2802489 11.27 0.000 2.594529 3.722752 + _Ibplg_25 | 5.021993 .2778748 18.07 0.000 4.46266 5.581326 + _Ibplg_26 | 2.266763 .2480848 9.14 0.000 1.767395 2.766132 + _Ibplg_27 | 1.834887 .3466807 5.29 0.000 1.137054 2.532719 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.414667 .2479808 5.70 0.000 .915507 1.913826 + _Ibplg_29 | 1.198955 .2776679 4.32 0.000 .6400386 1.757872 + _Ibplg_30 | 1.540284 .6558092 2.35 0.023 .2202088 2.86036 + _Ibplg_31 | 1.47062 .3380523 4.35 0.000 .7901556 2.151084 + _Ibplg_32 | 3.726397 .700292 5.32 0.000 2.316782 5.136011 + _Ibplg_33 | 4.352411 .2549014 17.07 0.000 3.839321 4.865501 + _Ibplg_34 | 3.109771 .2220397 14.01 0.000 2.662828 3.556714 + _Ibplg_35 | -.8454641 .2892905 -2.92 0.005 -1.427776 -.2631526 + _Ibplg_36 | 3.249887 .2470432 13.16 0.000 2.752615 3.747159 + _Ibplg_37 | -.9566848 .1125789 -8.50 0.000 -1.183294 -.7300752 + _Ibplg_38 | 3.624202 .6149421 5.89 0.000 2.386388 4.862016 + _Ibplg_39 | 1.87202 .2229322 8.40 0.000 1.423281 2.320759 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | 1.572862 .4629649 3.40 0.001 .6409623 2.504762 + _Ibplg_42 | 3.226618 .232058 13.90 0.000 2.759509 3.693726 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.977194 .2443784 20.37 0.000 4.485286 5.469102 + _Ibplg_45 | .6311643 .0387678 16.28 0.000 .5531287 .7091998 + _Ibplg_46 | .4570983 .4717671 0.97 0.338 -.4925196 1.406716 + _Ibplg_47 | .0108328 .0719744 0.15 0.881 -.1340442 .1557098 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.341361 .2711791 4.95 0.000 .795506 1.887216 + _Ibplg_49 | .7460437 .7306296 1.02 0.313 -.7246374 2.216725 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.934397 .2698713 14.58 0.000 3.391174 4.47762 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.491295 .1606795 9.28 0.000 1.167864 1.814726 + _Ibplg_53 | 2.865823 .5723141 5.01 0.000 1.713815 4.017832 + _Ibplg_54 | 1.127363 .3612547 3.12 0.003 .4001954 1.854531 + _Ibplg_55 | 2.360519 .3082006 7.66 0.000 1.740143 2.980895 + _Ibplg_56 | 1.659162 .5457815 3.04 0.004 .5605606 2.757763 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | .0003458 .0002343 1.48 0.147 -.0001259 .0008174 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0003851 .0002421 -1.59 0.119 -.0008725 .0001023 + _IbplXyob_6 | .0004029 .0000988 4.08 0.000 .000204 .0006018 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0000915 .0001139 -0.80 0.426 -.0003207 .0001378 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0005007 .0000475 -10.54 0.000 -.0005963 -.0004051 +_IbplXyob_10 | 2.39e-06 .0001077 0.02 0.982 -.0002145 .0002192 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0001126 .0000497 -2.27 0.028 -.0002125 -.0000126 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0001692 .0003157 -0.54 0.595 -.0008046 .0004662 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0015756 .0001134 13.89 0.000 .0013473 .001804 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0007826 .0001266 6.18 0.000 .0005279 .0010374 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0001244 .0001588 -0.78 0.437 -.000444 .0001951 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0008009 .0001402 -5.71 0.000 -.0010832 -.0005186 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.0000954 .0000928 -1.03 0.309 -.0002822 .0000914 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0011661 .0001019 -11.44 0.000 -.0013712 -.0009609 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0013442 .0000692 -19.42 0.000 -.0014836 -.0012049 +_IbplXyob_24 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0001576 .0000935 -1.69 0.099 -.0003458 .0000306 +_IbplXyob_26 | .0004878 .0001986 2.46 0.018 .0000881 .0008876 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0007265 .0000941 -7.72 0.000 -.000916 -.000537 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.001062 .0001179 -9.01 0.000 -.0012993 -.0008247 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0004557 .0001613 2.83 0.007 .0001311 .0007804 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0008071 .0003255 -2.48 0.017 -.0014622 -.000152 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0012177 .0000864 -14.10 0.000 -.0013915 -.0010439 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.000866 .0001356 -6.39 0.000 -.001139 -.0005931 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0005703 .0001267 -4.50 0.000 -.0008252 -.0003153 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0004577 .0000578 7.91 0.000 .0003412 .0005741 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | .0006658 .0000439 15.17 0.000 .0005774 .0007541 +_IbplXyob_37 | -.0001448 .0001369 -1.06 0.296 -.0004204 .0001308 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0027928 .0002523 -11.07 0.000 -.0033005 -.002285 +_IbplXyob_39 | .0006959 .0001265 5.50 0.000 .0004414 .0009505 +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0003983 .0001383 -2.88 0.006 -.0006766 -.0001199 +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0010106 .0000767 -13.17 0.000 -.001165 -.0008561 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0014717 .000216 -6.81 0.000 -.0019066 -.0010368 +_IbplXyob_47 | .0004926 .0000463 10.64 0.000 .0003994 .0005858 +_IbplXyob_48 | .0000457 .0001438 0.32 0.752 -.0002437 .0003352 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0001054 .0002287 -0.46 0.647 -.0005658 .000355 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0006521 .0001474 -4.42 0.000 -.0009489 -.0003554 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0005125 .0001052 -4.87 0.000 -.0007242 -.0003008 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0011152 .0000927 -12.03 0.000 -.0013018 -.0009286 +_IbplXyob_54 | -.0000697 .0001674 -0.42 0.679 -.0004068 .0002673 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0009542 .00006 -15.90 0.000 -.001075 -.0008334 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0011838 .0001481 -7.99 0.000 -.0014819 -.0008857 +_IbplXyob2_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_4 | -.0000236 8.76e-07 -26.95 0.000 -.0000254 -.0000218 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -5.82e-06 1.29e-06 -4.52 0.000 -8.42e-06 -3.23e-06 +_IbplXyob2_6 | -.0000367 8.35e-07 -43.99 0.000 -.0000384 -.000035 +_IbplXyob2_8 | -.0000198 9.71e-07 -20.37 0.000 -.0000217 -.0000178 +_IbplXyob2_9 | -8.80e-06 7.48e-07 -11.76 0.000 -.0000103 -7.29e-06 +_IbplXy~2_10 | 1.91e-06 8.72e-07 2.19 0.034 1.52e-07 3.66e-06 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | -2.58e-06 6.54e-07 -3.94 0.000 -3.89e-06 -1.26e-06 +_IbplXy~2_13 | -1.81e-06 1.39e-07 -13.09 0.000 -2.09e-06 -1.53e-06 +_IbplXy~2_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000243 1.49e-06 -16.28 0.000 -.0000273 -.0000213 +_IbplXy~2_17 | -.0000234 7.83e-07 -29.93 0.000 -.000025 -.0000219 +_IbplXy~2_18 | -.0000197 7.56e-07 -26.09 0.000 -.0000213 -.0000182 +_IbplXy~2_19 | -3.00e-07 1.11e-06 -0.27 0.788 -2.52e-06 1.93e-06 +_IbplXy~2_20 | -5.21e-06 9.87e-07 -5.28 0.000 -7.20e-06 -3.23e-06 +_IbplXy~2_21 | 6.80e-06 8.27e-07 8.21 0.000 5.13e-06 8.46e-06 +_IbplXy~2_22 | -1.34e-06 5.35e-07 -2.50 0.016 -2.42e-06 -2.62e-07 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -4.21e-06 1.05e-06 -4.00 0.000 -6.33e-06 -2.09e-06 +_IbplXy~2_24 | -4.77e-06 9.40e-07 -5.08 0.000 -6.66e-06 -2.88e-06 +_IbplXy~2_25 | -9.47e-07 8.60e-07 -1.10 0.276 -2.68e-06 7.84e-07 +_IbplXy~2_26 | -.0000177 7.68e-07 -23.00 0.000 -.0000192 -.0000161 +_IbplXy~2_27 | -1.68e-06 9.65e-07 -1.74 0.088 -3.62e-06 2.59e-07 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -1.35e-06 8.14e-07 -1.66 0.104 -2.99e-06 2.88e-07 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -9.09e-06 9.20e-07 -9.89 0.000 -.0000109 -7.24e-06 +_IbplXy~2_30 | -.0000355 8.85e-07 -40.07 0.000 -.0000372 -.0000337 +_IbplXy~2_31 | 1.39e-06 1.01e-06 1.38 0.174 -6.37e-07 3.43e-06 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -.0000346 8.56e-07 -40.43 0.000 -.0000363 -.0000329 +_IbplXy~2_33 | -3.12e-06 9.45e-07 -3.31 0.002 -5.02e-06 -1.22e-06 +_IbplXy~2_34 | -.0000135 6.44e-07 -20.99 0.000 -.0000148 -.0000122 +_IbplXy~2_35 | .0000136 7.76e-07 17.54 0.000 .000012 .0000152 +_IbplXy~2_36 | -.0000167 7.97e-07 -20.97 0.000 -.0000183 -.0000151 +_IbplXy~2_37 | 7.54e-06 3.79e-07 19.91 0.000 6.78e-06 8.30e-06 +_IbplXy~2_38 | .0000269 1.67e-06 16.15 0.000 .0000236 .0000303 +_IbplXy~2_39 | -.0000225 7.52e-07 -29.93 0.000 -.000024 -.000021 +_IbplXy~2_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_41 | -.0000328 1.06e-06 -30.81 0.000 -.0000349 -.0000306 +_IbplXy~2_42 | -.000012 7.77e-07 -15.47 0.000 -.0000136 -.0000105 +_IbplXy~2_44 | -4.57e-06 7.46e-07 -6.13 0.000 -6.07e-06 -3.07e-06 +_IbplXy~2_45 | -3.16e-06 2.22e-07 -14.23 0.000 -3.61e-06 -2.71e-06 +_IbplXy~2_46 | -3.24e-07 1.13e-06 -0.29 0.776 -2.60e-06 1.95e-06 +_IbplXy~2_47 | 1.79e-06 3.10e-07 5.78 0.000 1.16e-06 2.41e-06 +_IbplXy~2_48 | -.0000127 9.03e-07 -14.10 0.000 -.0000145 -.0000109 +_IbplXy~2_49 | -.0000222 1.17e-06 -19.02 0.000 -.0000245 -.0000198 +_IbplXy~2_50 | -6.73e-07 1.08e-06 -0.62 0.537 -2.85e-06 1.51e-06 +_IbplXy~2_51 | 1.33e-06 6.20e-07 2.14 0.038 7.82e-08 2.57e-06 +_IbplXy~2_53 | -.0000252 9.05e-07 -27.79 0.000 -.000027 -.0000233 +_IbplXy~2_54 | -.0000183 1.05e-06 -17.45 0.000 -.0000204 -.0000162 +_IbplXy~2_55 | -7.88e-07 1.01e-06 -0.78 0.440 -2.82e-06 1.25e-06 +_IbplXy~2_56 | -.0000113 1.01e-06 -11.16 0.000 -.0000134 -9.27e-06 + _Iyear_1880 | .0418599 .0061476 6.81 0.000 .0294855 .0542343 + _Iyear_1900 | .1034938 .0081478 12.70 0.000 .0870931 .1198944 + _Iyear_1910 | .1535081 .0097869 15.69 0.000 .133808 .1732081 + _Iyear_1920 | .1854373 .0100652 18.42 0.000 .1651771 .2056975 + _Iyear_1930 | .2263937 .01197 18.91 0.000 .2022992 .2504881 + _Iyear_1940 | .2085416 .0121102 17.22 0.000 .184165 .2329181 + _Iyear_1950 | .270489 .0124675 21.70 0.000 .2453933 .2955847 + _Iyear_1960 | .3274962 .0140418 23.32 0.000 .2992316 .3557608 + _Iyear_1970 | .3681747 .0137533 26.77 0.000 .3404908 .3958586 + _Iyear_1980 | .3756689 .0137297 27.36 0.000 .3480325 .4033054 + _Iyear_1990 | .3765329 .0129722 29.03 0.000 .3504211 .4026446 + _cons | 1.977694 .2308806 8.57 0.000 1.512955 2.442432 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, BASELINE + +19:34:43 on 1 Feb 2010 + +BASELINE + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 16784 16784 16784 16487 16487 16487 +Depvar: occscore occscore occscore occscore occscore occscore +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.1315* 0.1148* 0.1307* 0.1198* 0.0977* 0.1163* + (0.0301) (0.0308) (0.0246) (0.0240) (0.0348) (0.0270) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.834 0.862 0.869 0.856 0.865 0.871 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. +. +. +. generate byte post20 = year>1920 + +. generate byte post20xyr = (year-1920)*post20 + +. local meanrev "lebergott09 south" + +. local the_rest "imr1890 aurb90 aadlit91 docs1898 spend hookworm ablack91 unemp_1930 chgterm chgptratio " + +. xi i.bplg i.year i.bplg*post20 i.bplg*post20xyr +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.bplg*post20 _IbplXpost_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*post20~r _IbplXposta# (coded as above) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta15 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16784 + F( 47, 47) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8666 + Adj R-squared = 0.8642 + Root MSE = .06211 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 48 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0815268 .0153598 5.31 0.000 .0506267 .1124268 + lebergott09 | .0000174 .0000105 1.65 0.105 -3.80e-06 .0000386 + south | .0136386 .0147791 0.92 0.361 -.016093 .0433702 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -.0455623 .0021025 -21.67 0.000 -.049792 -.0413326 + _Ibplg_5 | -.0532095 .0011232 -47.37 0.000 -.0554692 -.0509499 + _Ibplg_6 | .1599835 .0020532 77.92 0.000 .155853 .164114 + _Ibplg_8 | .1481896 .0035799 41.39 0.000 .1409877 .1553914 + _Ibplg_9 | .3169178 .0005745 551.60 0.000 .315762 .3180737 + _Ibplg_10 | .2071093 .000466 444.46 0.000 .2061718 .2080467 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | .0644544 .0007308 88.19 0.000 .0629842 .0659247 + _Ibplg_13 | .0237855 .0001552 153.23 0.000 .0234733 .0240978 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | -.0097491 .0041285 -2.36 0.022 -.0180545 -.0014436 + _Ibplg_17 | .0984885 .0007717 127.62 0.000 .0969359 .100041 + _Ibplg_18 | .0784892 .0000632 1242.35 0.000 .0783621 .0786163 + _Ibplg_19 | .085726 .0019359 44.28 0.000 .0818314 .0896206 + _Ibplg_20 | .0965364 .0033355 28.94 0.000 .0898263 .1032465 + _Ibplg_21 | .0401082 .0003717 107.91 0.000 .0393605 .0408559 + _Ibplg_22 | .1466139 .0003545 413.53 0.000 .1459006 .1473271 + _Ibplg_23 | .2241148 .0007376 303.83 0.000 .2226309 .2255988 + _Ibplg_24 | .2576586 .0003329 773.96 0.000 .2569888 .2583283 + _Ibplg_25 | .3405932 .0003785 899.85 0.000 .3398318 .3413547 + _Ibplg_26 | .1473741 .000924 159.49 0.000 .1455152 .149233 + _Ibplg_27 | .1117134 .0032398 34.48 0.000 .1051958 .1182309 + _Ibplg_28 | .0252883 .0003703 68.29 0.000 .0245433 .0260333 + _Ibplg_29 | .0737348 .0006512 113.23 0.000 .0724248 .0750449 + _Ibplg_30 | .0250002 .0031949 7.82 0.000 .0185728 .0314275 + _Ibplg_31 | .067042 .0039645 16.91 0.000 .0590665 .0750176 + _Ibplg_32 | .1593497 .0030093 52.95 0.000 .1532958 .1654036 + _Ibplg_33 | .2651163 .0009152 289.70 0.000 .2632752 .2669573 + _Ibplg_34 | .2750553 .0003321 828.34 0.000 .2743873 .2757233 + _Ibplg_35 | -.096795 .0002148 -450.70 0.000 -.0972271 -.096363 + _Ibplg_36 | .2516326 .0004605 546.45 0.000 .2507062 .252559 + _Ibplg_37 | -.0205031 .0004305 -47.63 0.000 -.0213692 -.019637 + _Ibplg_38 | .0467195 .0052345 8.93 0.000 .036189 .05725 + _Ibplg_39 | .1465614 .0003092 474.01 0.000 .1459393 .1471834 + _Ibplg_40 | .0360848 .0029778 12.12 0.000 .0300942 .0420754 + _Ibplg_41 | .0684192 .0024514 27.91 0.000 .0634876 .0733508 + _Ibplg_42 | .236682 .0003368 702.73 0.000 .2360044 .2373595 + _Ibplg_44 | .3236584 .0004546 711.97 0.000 .3227439 .3245729 + _Ibplg_45 | .0516439 .0004844 106.62 0.000 .0506695 .0526184 + _Ibplg_46 | .0171375 .0048837 3.51 0.001 .0073128 .0269622 + _Ibplg_47 | -.0163756 .0004055 -40.38 0.000 -.0171915 -.0155598 + _Ibplg_48 | -.0036052 .0017939 -2.01 0.050 -.007214 3.68e-06 + _Ibplg_49 | .0407389 .0029276 13.92 0.000 .0348493 .0466284 + _Ibplg_50 | .2062737 .0009356 220.46 0.000 .2043914 .208156 + _Ibplg_51 | .1071014 .0006153 174.06 0.000 .1058636 .1083392 + _Ibplg_53 | .0846466 .0030445 27.80 0.000 .0785219 .0907712 + _Ibplg_54 | .0252901 .0005378 47.02 0.000 .0242081 .0263721 + _Ibplg_55 | .1426757 .0018206 78.37 0.000 .1390131 .1463382 + _Ibplg_56 | .0454375 .0032465 14.00 0.000 .0389063 .0519687 + _Iyear_1880 | .0422182 .0062236 6.78 0.000 .0296978 .0547386 + _Iyear_1900 | .1036546 .0082305 12.59 0.000 .087097 .1202123 + _Iyear_1910 | .1538018 .0098832 15.56 0.000 .1339193 .1736842 + _Iyear_1920 | .1856511 .0101245 18.34 0.000 .1652833 .2060189 + _Iyear_1930 | .2513369 .0120072 20.93 0.000 .2271815 .2754922 + _Iyear_1940 | .2425449 .0122015 19.88 0.000 .2179987 .2670911 + _Iyear_1950 | .3141366 .0124429 25.25 0.000 .2891047 .3391686 + _Iyear_1960 | .3809256 .0137825 27.64 0.000 .3531987 .4086524 + _Iyear_1970 | .4305257 .0135694 31.73 0.000 .4032276 .4578238 + _Iyear_1980 | .4476777 .0140065 31.96 0.000 .4195002 .4758552 + _Iyear_1990 | .4578523 .0138019 33.17 0.000 .4300865 .4856181 +_IbplXpost_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXpost_4 | .0457435 .0034458 13.28 0.000 .0388115 .0526755 +_IbplXpost_5 | -.0048962 .0011482 -4.26 0.000 -.007206 -.0025864 +_IbplXpost_6 | .0560001 .0027247 20.55 0.000 .0505187 .0614815 +_IbplXpost_8 | .0270059 .0036129 7.47 0.000 .0197377 .0342742 +_IbplXpost_9 | -.0833688 .0008546 -97.55 0.000 -.0850881 -.0816495 +_IbplXpo~_10 | -.0757441 .0007184 -105.43 0.000 -.0771893 -.0742988 +_IbplXpo~_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~_12 | -.0269692 .0009741 -27.69 0.000 -.0289289 -.0250096 +_IbplXpo~_13 | .0256057 .0002113 121.16 0.000 .0251805 .0260308 +_IbplXpo~_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~_16 | .0563231 .0047013 11.98 0.000 .0468653 .0657808 +_IbplXpo~_17 | .06211 .0008062 77.04 0.000 .0604882 .0637318 +_IbplXpo~_18 | .0695016 .0002325 298.92 0.000 .0690339 .0699694 +_IbplXpo~_19 | -.043947 .0020107 -21.86 0.000 -.047992 -.039902 +_IbplXpo~_20 | -.0266076 .0034144 -7.79 0.000 -.0334765 -.0197387 +_IbplXpo~_21 | -.0478818 .0004313 -111.02 0.000 -.0487494 -.0470142 +_IbplXpo~_22 | -.1008391 .0003643 -276.84 0.000 -.1015719 -.1001064 +_IbplXpo~_23 | -.1280064 .0007686 -166.55 0.000 -.1295526 -.1264602 +_IbplXpo~_24 | -.0641493 .0004461 -143.81 0.000 -.0650466 -.0632519 +_IbplXpo~_25 | -.123786 .000568 -217.92 0.000 -.1249288 -.1226433 +_IbplXpo~_26 | .0236515 .0010165 23.27 0.000 .0216066 .0256964 +_IbplXpo~_27 | -.0457374 .0032313 -14.15 0.000 -.052238 -.0392368 +_IbplXpo~_28 | -.0416853 .000404 -103.18 0.000 -.0424981 -.0408726 +_IbplXpo~_29 | -.0030655 .0007464 -4.11 0.000 -.004567 -.0015639 +_IbplXpo~_30 | .1183404 .00369 32.07 0.000 .1109171 .1257637 +_IbplXpo~_31 | -.0359109 .0039984 -8.98 0.000 -.0439546 -.0278673 +_IbplXpo~_32 | .0261519 .0039261 6.66 0.000 .0182536 .0340501 +_IbplXpo~_33 | -.1161186 .0009703 -119.67 0.000 -.1180707 -.1141665 +_IbplXpo~_34 | -.0399205 .0007575 -52.70 0.000 -.0414444 -.0383966 +_IbplXpo~_35 | -.0529396 .0010374 -51.03 0.000 -.0550266 -.0508527 +_IbplXpo~_36 | -.0180197 .0005911 -30.49 0.000 -.0192088 -.0168306 +_IbplXpo~_37 | -.0274331 .0004553 -60.25 0.000 -.0283491 -.0265171 +_IbplXpo~_38 | -.0826578 .0051205 -16.14 0.000 -.0929588 -.0723567 +_IbplXpo~_39 | .0557429 .0004154 134.18 0.000 .0549072 .0565787 +_IbplXpo~_40 | -.0435044 .0032063 -13.57 0.000 -.0499547 -.0370541 +_IbplXpo~_41 | .0417397 .002621 15.92 0.000 .0364669 .0470126 +_IbplXpo~_42 | -.0477233 .000439 -108.72 0.000 -.0486063 -.0468402 +_IbplXpo~_44 | -.1121844 .0008046 -139.42 0.000 -.1138031 -.1105657 +_IbplXpo~_45 | -.0002626 .0005441 -0.48 0.632 -.0013572 .000832 +_IbplXpo~_46 | -.0771205 .0048553 -15.88 0.000 -.0868881 -.0673528 +_IbplXpo~_47 | -.012913 .00043 -30.03 0.000 -.0137781 -.0120479 +_IbplXpo~_48 | .0271187 .001806 15.02 0.000 .0234855 .0307518 +_IbplXpo~_49 | .0728067 .0030852 23.60 0.000 .0666 .0790134 +_IbplXpo~_50 | -.0846219 .0009426 -89.78 0.000 -.0865181 -.0827257 +_IbplXpo~_51 | -.0444176 .0006766 -65.65 0.000 -.0457787 -.0430564 +_IbplXpo~_53 | .0756114 .0034018 22.23 0.000 .0687679 .082455 +_IbplXpo~_54 | .0612131 .0006155 99.45 0.000 .0599748 .0624514 +_IbplXpo~_55 | -.0401891 .001837 -21.88 0.000 -.0438848 -.0364935 +_IbplXpo~_56 | .061892 .0036869 16.79 0.000 .0544749 .069309 +_IbplXposta2 | (omitted) +_IbplXposta4 | -.000677 .0002365 -2.86 0.006 -.0011528 -.0002011 +_IbplXposta5 | -.0005919 .0001844 -3.21 0.002 -.000963 -.0002209 +_IbplXposta6 | -.0025657 .0001969 -13.03 0.000 -.0029619 -.0021695 +_IbplXposta8 | -.0020924 .0001787 -11.71 0.000 -.0024518 -.001733 +_IbplXposta9 | -.001779 .0001333 -13.34 0.000 -.0020472 -.0015107 +_IbplXpo~a10 | -.0004441 .0001731 -2.57 0.014 -.0007923 -.0000959 +_IbplXpo~a11 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~a12 | -.0006019 .0000983 -6.12 0.000 -.0007997 -.0004041 +_IbplXpo~a13 | -.0005716 .0000153 -37.36 0.000 -.0006024 -.0005408 +_IbplXpo~a15 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~a16 | -.0004325 .000263 -1.64 0.107 -.0009616 .0000966 +_IbplXpo~a17 | -.0009963 .0001381 -7.21 0.000 -.0012741 -.0007184 +_IbplXpo~a18 | -.0013258 .0001431 -9.26 0.000 -.0016138 -.0010378 +_IbplXpo~a19 | -.0000206 .0001585 -0.13 0.897 -.0003395 .0002983 +_IbplXpo~a20 | -.0004826 .00015 -3.22 0.002 -.0007844 -.0001809 +_IbplXpo~a21 | -.0005899 .0000995 -5.93 0.000 -.00079 -.0003897 +_IbplXpo~a22 | -.0006761 .0000743 -9.09 0.000 -.0008256 -.0005265 +_IbplXpo~a23 | -.001352 .0001509 -8.96 0.000 -.0016557 -.0010484 +_IbplXpo~a24 | -.0014653 .0001882 -7.79 0.000 -.0018439 -.0010867 +_IbplXpo~a25 | -.0017164 .0001478 -11.61 0.000 -.0020138 -.0014191 +_IbplXpo~a26 | -.0017026 .0001332 -12.78 0.000 -.0019706 -.0014345 +_IbplXpo~a27 | -.0001817 .0001599 -1.14 0.262 -.0005033 .00014 +_IbplXpo~a28 | -.0001811 .0001122 -1.61 0.113 -.0004068 .0000446 +_IbplXpo~a29 | -.000573 .0001538 -3.73 0.001 -.0008824 -.0002637 +_IbplXpo~a30 | -.0020712 .0002483 -8.34 0.000 -.0025707 -.0015718 +_IbplXpo~a31 | .0001345 .0001535 0.88 0.385 -.0001744 .0004433 +_IbplXpo~a32 | -.0025818 .0002763 -9.34 0.000 -.0031376 -.002026 +_IbplXpo~a33 | -.0013917 .0001445 -9.63 0.000 -.0016823 -.0011011 +_IbplXpo~a34 | -.0015278 .0001428 -10.70 0.000 -.0018152 -.0012405 +_IbplXpo~a35 | .0017082 .0001356 12.60 0.000 .0014354 .001981 +_IbplXpo~a36 | -.0017581 .0001389 -12.66 0.000 -.0020375 -.0014786 +_IbplXpo~a37 | .0010434 .0000485 21.52 0.000 .0009459 .0011409 +_IbplXpo~a38 | .0006409 .0001904 3.37 0.002 .000258 .0010239 +_IbplXpo~a39 | -.0018918 .000144 -13.14 0.000 -.0021814 -.0016022 +_IbplXpo~a40 | -.000249 .0002168 -1.15 0.256 -.0006851 .000187 +_IbplXpo~a41 | -.0013378 .000195 -6.86 0.000 -.0017302 -.0009454 +_IbplXpo~a42 | -.0016196 .0001583 -10.23 0.000 -.0019381 -.0013011 +_IbplXpo~a44 | -.0019248 .0001358 -14.17 0.000 -.0021981 -.0016516 +_IbplXpo~a45 | -.00047 .0000195 -24.11 0.000 -.0005092 -.0004308 +_IbplXpo~a46 | .0012719 .0001745 7.29 0.000 .0009209 .0016229 +_IbplXpo~a47 | .000172 .0000327 5.26 0.000 .0001063 .0002377 +_IbplXpo~a48 | -.0008918 .0001298 -6.87 0.000 -.0011528 -.0006307 +_IbplXpo~a49 | -.0005343 .0003015 -1.77 0.083 -.0011408 .0000723 +_IbplXpo~a50 | -.0016453 .0001496 -11.00 0.000 -.0019462 -.0013444 +_IbplXpo~a51 | -.00062 .0000709 -8.74 0.000 -.0007628 -.0004773 +_IbplXpo~a53 | -.0021039 .0002197 -9.58 0.000 -.002546 -.0016619 +_IbplXpo~a54 | -.0017636 .0001548 -11.39 0.000 -.0020751 -.0014521 +_IbplXpo~a55 | -.0007119 .0001547 -4.60 0.000 -.0010232 -.0004006 +_IbplXpo~a56 | -.0008112 .0002029 -4.00 0.000 -.0012193 -.0004031 + _cons | 2.800548 .0163647 171.13 0.000 2.767627 2.83347 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.year i.bplg*post20 i.bplg*post20xyr +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.bplg*post20 _IbplXpost_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*post20~r _IbplXposta# (coded as above) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta15 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16784 + F( 48, 47) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8695 + Adj R-squared = 0.8667 + Root MSE = .06144 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 48 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0942017 .020062 4.70 0.000 .0538422 .1345611 + lebergott09 | .0000316 .0000134 2.35 0.023 4.56e-06 .0000586 + south | .0169956 .0166816 1.02 0.314 -.0165634 .0505546 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -1.118252 .3693725 -3.03 0.004 -1.861333 -.3751698 + _Ibplg_5 | .4410166 .1291363 3.42 0.001 .1812279 .7008052 + _Ibplg_6 | .4565023 .2663882 1.71 0.093 -.0794017 .9924063 + _Ibplg_8 | 1.527445 .3237344 4.72 0.000 .8761752 2.178714 + _Ibplg_9 | 1.616814 .0652779 24.77 0.000 1.485492 1.748136 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.593894 .069573 22.91 0.000 1.453931 1.733856 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 2.296346 .1435997 15.99 0.000 2.007461 2.585231 + _Ibplg_13 | .8352681 .0177803 46.98 0.000 .7994987 .8710374 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | 5.642561 .4642103 12.16 0.000 4.70869 6.576432 + _Ibplg_17 | -1.929479 .0814859 -23.68 0.000 -2.093407 -1.76555 + _Ibplg_18 | -1.016748 .0498514 -20.40 0.000 -1.117037 -.9164603 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.597281 .1573044 10.15 0.000 1.280825 1.913737 + _Ibplg_20 | 2.478485 .2070362 11.97 0.000 2.061982 2.894988 + _Ibplg_21 | .9234519 .052947 17.44 0.000 .8169362 1.029968 + _Ibplg_22 | .772256 .0497665 15.52 0.000 .6721387 .8723734 + _Ibplg_23 | 2.106848 .0910682 23.13 0.000 1.923643 2.290054 + _Ibplg_24 | 1.33177 .0672495 19.80 0.000 1.196482 1.467059 + _Ibplg_25 | 3.278978 .0645335 50.81 0.000 3.149154 3.408803 + _Ibplg_26 | .1650009 .1160925 1.42 0.162 -.0685471 .3985489 + _Ibplg_27 | 1.696786 .2436842 6.96 0.000 1.206557 2.187016 + _Ibplg_28 | .5055687 .052046 9.71 0.000 .4008656 .6102718 + _Ibplg_29 | -.0548553 .0660421 -0.83 0.410 -.1877148 .0780042 + _Ibplg_30 | 2.006123 .3792355 5.29 0.000 1.243199 2.769046 + _Ibplg_31 | 2.497681 .2612624 9.56 0.000 1.972089 3.023273 + _Ibplg_32 | .8833708 .3199491 2.76 0.008 .2397163 1.527025 + _Ibplg_33 | 2.785786 .0926884 30.06 0.000 2.599321 2.972251 + _Ibplg_34 | .0597078 .0599683 1.00 0.325 -.0609328 .1803484 + _Ibplg_35 | .4715508 .0941115 5.01 0.000 .2822229 .6608787 + _Ibplg_36 | .1571372 .0615376 2.55 0.014 .0333395 .2809349 + _Ibplg_37 | .2889392 .0324665 8.90 0.000 .2236251 .3542533 + _Ibplg_38 | 2.738664 .441236 6.21 0.000 1.851012 3.626317 + _Ibplg_39 | -1.188227 .0564428 -21.05 0.000 -1.301775 -1.074679 + _Ibplg_40 | 3.016706 .3690365 8.17 0.000 2.2743 3.759111 + _Ibplg_41 | 1.925207 .2812754 6.84 0.000 1.359354 2.49106 + _Ibplg_42 | .0229266 .0606892 0.38 0.707 -.0991643 .1450175 + _Ibplg_44 | 1.996666 .0627164 31.84 0.000 1.870497 2.122836 + _Ibplg_45 | .183457 .0361194 5.08 0.000 .1107941 .2561199 + _Ibplg_46 | 3.126457 .3595287 8.70 0.000 2.403178 3.849735 + _Ibplg_47 | .1260332 .0420625 3.00 0.004 .0414145 .210652 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.136332 .1739819 6.53 0.000 .7863257 1.486338 + _Ibplg_49 | 3.695394 .3650523 10.12 0.000 2.961004 4.429785 + _Ibplg_50 | 2.88906 .1061796 27.21 0.000 2.675455 3.102666 + _Ibplg_51 | .549733 .0590615 9.31 0.000 .4309166 .6685495 + _Ibplg_53 | 4.147243 .3627267 11.43 0.000 3.417531 4.876955 + _Ibplg_54 | -2.238 .0909846 -24.60 0.000 -2.421037 -2.054962 + _Ibplg_55 | 1.942637 .1713807 11.34 0.000 1.597863 2.28741 + _Ibplg_56 | 4.485401 .3695553 12.14 0.000 3.741951 5.22885 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | .0005749 .0001982 2.90 0.006 .000176 .0009737 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0002671 .0000695 -3.85 0.000 -.0004069 -.0001274 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0001608 .0001429 -1.12 0.266 -.0004482 .0001267 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0007409 .0001729 -4.29 0.000 -.0010887 -.0003931 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0007035 .0000352 -19.96 0.000 -.0007744 -.0006326 +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0007504 .0000376 -19.98 0.000 -.000826 -.0006749 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | -.0012049 .0000773 -15.58 0.000 -.0013604 -.0010493 +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0004388 9.56e-06 -45.88 0.000 -.0004581 -.0004196 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0030237 .0002476 -12.21 0.000 -.0035218 -.0025256 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0010937 .0000439 24.94 0.000 .0010055 .0011819 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0005921 .000027 21.97 0.000 .0005379 .0006464 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0008142 .0000843 -9.66 0.000 -.0009838 -.0006447 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0012783 .0001106 -11.56 0.000 -.0015008 -.0010559 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.0004778 .0000286 -16.73 0.000 -.0005353 -.0004204 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0003382 .0000268 -12.61 0.000 -.0003921 -.0002842 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0010195 .0000491 -20.75 0.000 -.0011183 -.0009206 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.000581 .0000363 -15.99 0.000 -.0006541 -.0005079 +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0015899 .0000349 -45.59 0.000 -.00166 -.0015197 +_IbplXyob_26 | -.0000101 .0000624 -0.16 0.872 -.0001357 .0001155 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0008516 .0001302 -6.54 0.000 -.0011136 -.0005896 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0002597 .0000281 -9.24 0.000 -.0003162 -.0002031 +_IbplXyob_29 | .000069 .0000356 1.94 0.059 -2.60e-06 .0001406 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0010639 .0002029 -5.24 0.000 -.0014721 -.0006558 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0013026 .0001393 -9.35 0.000 -.0015829 -.0010224 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0003903 .0001712 -2.28 0.027 -.0007347 -.0000459 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0013655 .00005 -27.32 0.000 -.0014661 -.001265 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0001166 .0000324 3.60 0.001 .0000514 .0001819 +_IbplXyob_35 | -.0003073 .0000509 -6.03 0.000 -.0004098 -.0002049 +_IbplXyob_36 | .0000514 .0000332 1.55 0.128 -.0000154 .0001182 +_IbplXyob_37 | -.0001672 .0000174 -9.59 0.000 -.0002023 -.0001322 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0014379 .0002344 -6.13 0.000 -.0019095 -.0009663 +_IbplXyob_39 | .0007224 .0000305 23.70 0.000 .0006611 .0007838 +_IbplXyob_40 | -.0016001 .0001976 -8.10 0.000 -.0019976 -.0012027 +_IbplXyob_41 | -.0009988 .0001506 -6.63 0.000 -.0013018 -.0006959 +_IbplXyob_42 | .0001158 .0000328 3.53 0.001 .0000499 .0001818 +_IbplXyob_44 | -.0009052 .0000339 -26.71 0.000 -.0009734 -.0008371 +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0000711 .0000194 -3.67 0.001 -.0001101 -.0000321 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0016617 .0001912 -8.69 0.000 -.0020464 -.001277 +_IbplXyob_47 | -.0000768 .0000226 -3.40 0.001 -.0001224 -.0000313 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.0006145 .0000933 -6.59 0.000 -.0008021 -.0004269 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0019622 .0001954 -10.04 0.000 -.0023552 -.0015691 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0014534 .0000573 -25.38 0.000 -.0015686 -.0013382 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0002393 .0000318 -7.53 0.000 -.0003033 -.0001754 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.00218 .0001941 -11.23 0.000 -.0025704 -.0017895 +_IbplXyob_54 | .0012218 .0000491 24.86 0.000 .0011229 .0013207 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0009697 .0000918 -10.56 0.000 -.0011544 -.000785 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0023812 .0001976 -12.05 0.000 -.0027786 -.0019837 + _Iyear_1880 | .0418495 .0061814 6.77 0.000 .0294141 .0542849 + _Iyear_1900 | .1033945 .0081988 12.61 0.000 .0869006 .1198883 + _Iyear_1910 | .1534293 .0098419 15.59 0.000 .13363 .1732287 + _Iyear_1920 | .1853664 .0101178 18.32 0.000 .1650121 .2057207 + _Iyear_1930 | .2404527 .010749 22.37 0.000 .2188284 .262077 + _Iyear_1940 | .228612 .0100257 22.80 0.000 .208443 .2487811 + _Iyear_1950 | .2971084 .010594 28.04 0.000 .2757959 .3184208 + _Iyear_1960 | .3607097 .011473 31.44 0.000 .3376291 .3837903 + _Iyear_1970 | .4071314 .01152 35.34 0.000 .3839562 .4303066 + _Iyear_1980 | .4211259 .0123892 33.99 0.000 .3962021 .4460498 + _Iyear_1990 | .4281671 .0129471 33.07 0.000 .4021209 .4542133 +_IbplXpost_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXpost_4 | .0326042 .002729 11.95 0.000 .0271141 .0380943 +_IbplXpost_5 | .0030017 .0013216 2.27 0.028 .000343 .0056605 +_IbplXpost_6 | .0599277 .0016996 35.26 0.000 .0565086 .0633468 +_IbplXpost_8 | .0407292 .0014563 27.97 0.000 .0377995 .0436589 +_IbplXpost_9 | -.0601011 .0007886 -76.21 0.000 -.0616876 -.0585147 +_IbplXpo~_10 | -.0510885 .0007599 -67.23 0.000 -.0526173 -.0495597 +_IbplXpo~_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~_12 | .0070459 .0019055 3.70 0.001 .0032124 .0108793 +_IbplXpo~_13 | .0395747 .0001598 247.62 0.000 .0392532 .0398963 +_IbplXpo~_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~_16 | .0940289 .0018423 51.04 0.000 .0903227 .0977351 +_IbplXpo~_17 | .0335238 .0009292 36.08 0.000 .0316544 .0353931 +_IbplXpo~_18 | .0517798 .0007158 72.34 0.000 .0503398 .0532198 +_IbplXpo~_19 | -.0243916 .0014249 -17.12 0.000 -.0272581 -.0215251 +_IbplXpo~_20 | -.0048553 .0016179 -3.00 0.004 -.0081101 -.0016005 +_IbplXpo~_21 | -.0326318 .00071 -45.96 0.000 -.0340602 -.0312033 +_IbplXpo~_22 | -.0904146 .000624 -144.90 0.000 -.0916699 -.0891593 +_IbplXpo~_23 | -.0936076 .0011988 -78.09 0.000 -.0960192 -.0911961 +_IbplXpo~_24 | -.0454604 .0008938 -50.86 0.000 -.0472585 -.0436623 +_IbplXpo~_25 | -.071836 .0007528 -95.42 0.000 -.0733505 -.0703215 +_IbplXpo~_26 | .0249973 .0010929 22.87 0.000 .0227986 .0271959 +_IbplXpo~_27 | -.0292772 .0015327 -19.10 0.000 -.0323605 -.0261938 +_IbplXpo~_28 | -.0336857 .0007674 -43.89 0.000 -.0352296 -.0321419 +_IbplXpo~_29 | -.0040809 .0010787 -3.78 0.000 -.0062509 -.0019108 +_IbplXpo~_30 | .137112 .0017758 77.21 0.000 .1335395 .1406845 +_IbplXpo~_31 | -.0169554 .0016172 -10.48 0.000 -.0202088 -.0137019 +_IbplXpo~_32 | .0331274 .0020417 16.23 0.000 .0290201 .0372347 +_IbplXpo~_33 | -.0687702 .0012011 -57.26 0.000 -.0711864 -.066354 +_IbplXpo~_34 | -.0437571 .0007773 -56.29 0.000 -.0453208 -.0421933 +_IbplXpo~_35 | -.0437135 .0013496 -32.39 0.000 -.0464285 -.0409984 +_IbplXpo~_36 | -.0202905 .0007021 -28.90 0.000 -.0217029 -.0188781 +_IbplXpo~_37 | -.0221339 .000341 -64.92 0.000 -.0228198 -.021448 +_IbplXpo~_38 | -.0691474 .0016817 -41.12 0.000 -.0725305 -.0657642 +_IbplXpo~_39 | .0323342 .0006548 49.38 0.000 .0310169 .0336515 +_IbplXpo~_40 | -.0117425 .0022187 -5.29 0.000 -.016206 -.0072791 +_IbplXpo~_41 | .0628869 .0014233 44.19 0.000 .0600237 .0657501 +_IbplXpo~_42 | -.0517735 .0007322 -70.71 0.000 -.0532466 -.0503004 +_IbplXpo~_44 | -.0823416 .0007922 -103.95 0.000 -.0839352 -.080748 +_IbplXpo~_45 | .0018531 .000418 4.43 0.000 .0010121 .0026941 +_IbplXpo~_46 | -.0607521 .0016559 -36.69 0.000 -.0640834 -.0574208 +_IbplXpo~_47 | -.0107889 .000435 -24.80 0.000 -.011664 -.0099138 +_IbplXpo~_48 | .0426515 .0013288 32.10 0.000 .0399783 .0453247 +_IbplXpo~_49 | .1076692 .001667 64.59 0.000 .1043157 .1110227 +_IbplXpo~_50 | -.0345291 .0013729 -25.15 0.000 -.037291 -.0317671 +_IbplXpo~_51 | -.0367877 .0006223 -59.11 0.000 -.0380396 -.0355357 +_IbplXpo~_53 | .1134126 .0018113 62.61 0.000 .1097687 .1170564 +_IbplXpo~_54 | .0253718 .0010723 23.66 0.000 .0232147 .0275289 +_IbplXpo~_55 | -.0166936 .0013055 -12.79 0.000 -.01932 -.0140673 +_IbplXpo~_56 | .1029685 .001671 61.62 0.000 .0996068 .1063302 +_IbplXposta2 | (omitted) +_IbplXposta4 | -.0016512 .000215 -7.68 0.000 -.0020837 -.0012187 +_IbplXposta5 | -.0005339 .0001912 -2.79 0.008 -.0009186 -.0001493 +_IbplXposta6 | -.0026962 .0001858 -14.51 0.000 -.0030701 -.0023223 +_IbplXposta8 | -.0015971 .0001729 -9.24 0.000 -.001945 -.0012493 +_IbplXposta9 | -.001192 .0001271 -9.38 0.000 -.0014477 -.0009363 +_IbplXpo~a10 | .0003691 .0001588 2.32 0.024 .0000496 .0006886 +_IbplXpo~a11 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~a12 | .0004598 .0001064 4.32 0.000 .0002458 .0006739 +_IbplXpo~a13 | -.0001258 .0000206 -6.10 0.000 -.0001674 -.0000843 +_IbplXpo~a15 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~a16 | .0020867 .0002244 9.30 0.000 .0016352 .0025381 +_IbplXpo~a17 | -.0022094 .000126 -17.53 0.000 -.0024629 -.0019558 +_IbplXpo~a18 | -.001982 .0001296 -15.29 0.000 -.0022426 -.0017213 +_IbplXpo~a19 | .0006042 .0001595 3.79 0.000 .0002833 .000925 +_IbplXpo~a20 | .0006214 .0001428 4.35 0.000 .000334 .0009087 +_IbplXpo~a21 | -.0001329 .0001125 -1.18 0.244 -.0003593 .0000935 +_IbplXpo~a22 | -.0004197 .0000808 -5.19 0.000 -.0005822 -.0002571 +_IbplXpo~a23 | -.0004687 .000168 -2.79 0.008 -.0008067 -.0001306 +_IbplXpo~a24 | -.0008042 .0001708 -4.71 0.000 -.0011478 -.0004606 +_IbplXpo~a25 | -.0002626 .0001476 -1.78 0.082 -.0005595 .0000343 +_IbplXpo~a26 | -.0018073 .0001193 -15.15 0.000 -.0020473 -.0015674 +_IbplXpo~a27 | .0005022 .0001511 3.32 0.002 .0001983 .0008061 +_IbplXpo~a28 | -.0000359 .0001211 -0.30 0.768 -.0002795 .0002076 +_IbplXpo~a29 | -.0007121 .0001368 -5.21 0.000 -.0009873 -.000437 +_IbplXpo~a30 | -.0013987 .000213 -6.57 0.000 -.0018272 -.0009702 +_IbplXpo~a31 | .0012604 .0001495 8.43 0.000 .0009596 .0015611 +_IbplXpo~a32 | -.0026322 .0002628 -10.02 0.000 -.0031608 -.0021035 +_IbplXpo~a33 | -.0001254 .0001564 -0.80 0.426 -.00044 .0001891 +_IbplXpo~a34 | -.0016622 .0001217 -13.66 0.000 -.001907 -.0014174 +_IbplXpo~a35 | .0018456 .0001222 15.10 0.000 .0015997 .0020915 +_IbplXpo~a36 | -.0019134 .000136 -14.07 0.000 -.002187 -.0016397 +_IbplXpo~a37 | .0012277 .0000562 21.85 0.000 .0011147 .0013408 +_IbplXpo~a38 | .0017625 .0001844 9.56 0.000 .0013916 .0021334 +_IbplXpo~a39 | -.0026592 .0001332 -19.96 0.000 -.0029272 -.0023912 +_IbplXpo~a40 | .0010834 .0001958 5.53 0.000 .0006894 .0014773 +_IbplXpo~a41 | -.0006274 .0001877 -3.34 0.002 -.001005 -.0002499 +_IbplXpo~a42 | -.001716 .0001417 -12.11 0.000 -.002001 -.001431 +_IbplXpo~a44 | -.0011272 .0001275 -8.84 0.000 -.0013837 -.0008707 +_IbplXpo~a45 | -.0003744 .0000296 -12.65 0.000 -.0004339 -.0003149 +_IbplXpo~a46 | .0026891 .0001696 15.86 0.000 .0023479 .0030303 +_IbplXpo~a47 | .0002238 .0000435 5.15 0.000 .0001363 .0003112 +_IbplXpo~a48 | -.0004699 .0001421 -3.31 0.002 -.0007557 -.0001841 +_IbplXpo~a49 | .0009607 .0002695 3.56 0.001 .0004186 .0015029 +_IbplXpo~a50 | -.0003044 .0001693 -1.80 0.079 -.000645 .0000361 +_IbplXpo~a51 | -.0003699 .0000882 -4.19 0.000 -.0005474 -.0001925 +_IbplXpo~a53 | -.0002944 .0001991 -1.48 0.146 -.000695 .0001061 +_IbplXpo~a54 | -.0030111 .0001561 -19.29 0.000 -.0033251 -.0026971 +_IbplXpo~a55 | .0001046 .0001501 0.70 0.490 -.0001975 .0004066 +_IbplXpo~a56 | .0012206 .0001892 6.45 0.000 .00084 .0016013 + _cons | 2.800411 .0188323 148.70 0.000 2.762525 2.838297 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year i.bplg*post20 i.bplg*post20xyr +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.bplg*post20 _IbplXpost_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*post20~r _IbplXposta# (coded as above) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta15 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16784 + F( 51, 47) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8734 + Adj R-squared = 0.8703 + Root MSE = .06053 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 48 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1052003 .0240355 4.38 0.000 .0568471 .1535534 + lebergott09 | .0000254 .000015 1.69 0.098 -4.84e-06 .0000556 + south | -.0005373 .0188112 -0.03 0.977 -.0383806 .037306 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -1.23165 .2827033 -4.36 0.000 -1.800375 -.662924 + _Ibplg_5 | .965444 .1406265 6.87 0.000 .68254 1.248348 + _Ibplg_6 | .8871294 .1651967 5.37 0.000 .5547966 1.219462 + _Ibplg_8 | 2.030849 .2018342 10.06 0.000 1.624811 2.436887 + _Ibplg_9 | 2.731888 .0689018 39.65 0.000 2.593276 2.8705 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.815028 .0734922 24.70 0.000 1.667181 1.962875 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 2.98697 .0605612 49.32 0.000 2.865136 3.108803 + _Ibplg_13 | .7048316 .0107618 65.49 0.000 .6831818 .7264815 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | 5.787096 .4474539 12.93 0.000 4.886934 6.687257 + _Ibplg_17 | -.1275495 .0726489 -1.76 0.086 -.2737003 .0186013 + _Ibplg_18 | .7090965 .0613819 11.55 0.000 .585612 .832581 + _Ibplg_19 | 2.254384 .112314 20.07 0.000 2.028438 2.480331 + _Ibplg_20 | 3.348302 .1205938 27.77 0.000 3.105699 3.590906 + _Ibplg_21 | -.5534637 .0655811 -8.44 0.000 -.6853959 -.4215315 + _Ibplg_22 | 1.534598 .0469614 32.68 0.000 1.440123 1.629072 + _Ibplg_23 | 2.87258 .0777979 36.92 0.000 2.716071 3.029089 + _Ibplg_24 | 1.951373 .0768094 25.41 0.000 1.796852 2.105893 + _Ibplg_25 | 3.739746 .0796054 46.98 0.000 3.579601 3.899892 + _Ibplg_26 | 1.310864 .0748111 17.52 0.000 1.160364 1.461365 + _Ibplg_27 | 2.518458 .1428005 17.64 0.000 2.231181 2.805736 + _Ibplg_28 | .9261569 .0742932 12.47 0.000 .7766983 1.075616 + _Ibplg_29 | .9741376 .0747173 13.04 0.000 .8238258 1.124449 + _Ibplg_30 | 2.052004 .3062719 6.70 0.000 1.435864 2.668143 + _Ibplg_31 | 3.438855 .1479004 23.25 0.000 3.141318 3.736393 + _Ibplg_32 | .9124856 .2332462 3.91 0.000 .4432547 1.381716 + _Ibplg_33 | 3.610713 .0708974 50.93 0.000 3.468086 3.75334 + _Ibplg_34 | 1.58267 .0653803 24.21 0.000 1.451142 1.714198 + _Ibplg_35 | .1068704 .0814258 1.31 0.196 -.0569372 .270678 + _Ibplg_36 | 1.923417 .0693737 27.73 0.000 1.783855 2.062978 + _Ibplg_37 | -.0076737 .0328362 -0.23 0.816 -.0737316 .0583841 + _Ibplg_38 | 6.77932 .4037378 16.79 0.000 5.967105 7.591536 + _Ibplg_39 | .7915129 .0610313 12.97 0.000 .6687338 .9142921 + _Ibplg_40 | 6.011261 .3539598 16.98 0.000 5.299185 6.723336 + _Ibplg_41 | 2.314944 .1817483 12.74 0.000 1.949313 2.680574 + _Ibplg_42 | 1.34624 .0700877 19.21 0.000 1.205242 1.487238 + _Ibplg_44 | 2.593664 .0721402 35.95 0.000 2.448537 2.738792 + _Ibplg_45 | .4386694 .0159198 27.56 0.000 .4066429 .4706958 + _Ibplg_46 | 3.684102 .2515711 14.64 0.000 3.178006 4.190198 + _Ibplg_47 | -.0853076 .0222869 -3.83 0.000 -.130143 -.0404722 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.953531 .0974026 20.06 0.000 1.757582 2.14948 + _Ibplg_49 | 4.31807 .305762 14.12 0.000 3.702957 4.933184 + _Ibplg_50 | 2.495176 .077127 32.35 0.000 2.340016 2.650335 + _Ibplg_51 | .0658999 .0445872 1.48 0.146 -.023798 .1555978 + _Ibplg_53 | 4.62944 .2633241 17.58 0.000 4.0997 5.15918 + _Ibplg_54 | -1.514678 .1121053 -13.51 0.000 -1.740205 -1.289151 + _Ibplg_55 | 2.495545 .1121554 22.25 0.000 2.269917 2.721173 + _Ibplg_56 | 5.923906 .2644181 22.40 0.000 5.391965 6.455846 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | .0006682 .000153 4.37 0.000 .0003603 .0009761 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0005434 .0000755 -7.19 0.000 -.0006954 -.0003915 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0003472 .0000893 -3.89 0.000 -.0005267 -.0001676 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0009943 .0001088 -9.14 0.000 -.0012132 -.0007754 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0012867 .0000371 -34.65 0.000 -.0013615 -.001212 +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0008653 .0000395 -21.90 0.000 -.0009447 -.0007858 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | -.0015721 .0000327 -48.09 0.000 -.0016379 -.0015064 +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0003697 5.81e-06 -63.66 0.000 -.0003813 -.000358 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0030857 .0002404 -12.83 0.000 -.0035694 -.002602 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0001544 .0000391 3.95 0.000 .0000757 .0002332 +_IbplXyob_18 | -.0003118 .000033 -9.45 0.000 -.0003782 -.0002455 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0011585 .0000606 -19.10 0.000 -.0012805 -.0010365 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0017328 .000065 -26.64 0.000 -.0018636 -.0016019 +_IbplXyob_21 | .0003007 .0000352 8.54 0.000 .0002299 .0003715 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0007369 .0000252 -29.20 0.000 -.0007876 -.0006861 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0014196 .0000418 -33.95 0.000 -.0015037 -.0013355 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.0009052 .0000413 -21.91 0.000 -.0009883 -.0008221 +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0018307 .0000428 -42.75 0.000 -.0019168 -.0017445 +_IbplXyob_26 | -.0006058 .0000404 -15.00 0.000 -.000687 -.0005245 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0012822 .0000771 -16.63 0.000 -.0014373 -.0011271 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0004798 .0000399 -12.02 0.000 -.00056 -.0003995 +_IbplXyob_29 | -.0004693 .0000402 -11.68 0.000 -.0005501 -.0003885 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0010626 .000165 -6.44 0.000 -.0013946 -.0007306 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0017999 .0000798 -22.56 0.000 -.0019604 -.0016394 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0003681 .0001257 -2.93 0.005 -.0006211 -.0001152 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.001797 .0000382 -47.05 0.000 -.0018738 -.0017202 +_IbplXyob_34 | -.0006786 .0000352 -19.27 0.000 -.0007494 -.0006077 +_IbplXyob_35 | -.0001277 .0000439 -2.91 0.006 -.0002159 -.0000394 +_IbplXyob_36 | -.0008734 .0000373 -23.40 0.000 -.0009485 -.0007983 +_IbplXyob_37 | -.0000113 .0000177 -0.64 0.527 -.0000468 .0000243 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0035975 .0002161 -16.65 0.000 -.0040322 -.0031627 +_IbplXyob_39 | -.0003151 .0000328 -9.60 0.000 -.0003811 -.0002491 +_IbplXyob_40 | -.0032251 .0001909 -16.90 0.000 -.0036091 -.0028411 +_IbplXyob_41 | -.0011672 .0000981 -11.89 0.000 -.0013647 -.0009698 +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0005771 .0000377 -15.32 0.000 -.0006529 -.0005013 +_IbplXyob_44 | -.0012177 .0000388 -31.36 0.000 -.0012958 -.0011396 +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0002038 8.72e-06 -23.37 0.000 -.0002214 -.0001863 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0019477 .000135 -14.43 0.000 -.0022192 -.0016761 +_IbplXyob_47 | .0000364 .000012 3.03 0.004 .0000122 .0000605 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.0010405 .0000526 -19.78 0.000 -.0011463 -.0009347 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0022792 .0001648 -13.83 0.000 -.0026106 -.0019477 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0012416 .0000414 -29.97 0.000 -.0013249 -.0011582 +_IbplXyob_51 | .0000173 .000024 0.72 0.474 -.0000309 .0000656 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0024213 .000142 -17.05 0.000 -.002707 -.0021355 +_IbplXyob_54 | .0008452 .0000603 14.01 0.000 .0007238 .0009665 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0012623 .0000606 -20.83 0.000 -.0013842 -.0011404 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0031504 .0001426 -22.10 0.000 -.0034372 -.0028636 +_IbplXyob2_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_4 | -.0000286 1.12e-06 -25.65 0.000 -.0000309 -.0000264 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -4.00e-06 4.46e-07 -8.97 0.000 -4.90e-06 -3.11e-06 +_IbplXyob2_6 | -.0000411 6.14e-07 -66.98 0.000 -.0000423 -.0000399 +_IbplXyob2_8 | -.000017 9.45e-07 -18.03 0.000 -.0000189 -.0000151 +_IbplXyob2_9 | -.0000127 1.95e-07 -65.11 0.000 -.0000131 -.0000123 +_IbplXy~2_10 | -3.32e-06 2.48e-07 -13.40 0.000 -3.82e-06 -2.82e-06 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | -3.38e-06 3.34e-07 -10.10 0.000 -4.05e-06 -2.70e-06 +_IbplXy~2_13 | 7.40e-07 7.90e-08 9.37 0.000 5.81e-07 8.99e-07 +_IbplXy~2_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000183 1.92e-06 -9.55 0.000 -.0000222 -.0000145 +_IbplXy~2_17 | -.0000241 2.79e-07 -86.27 0.000 -.0000246 -.0000235 +_IbplXy~2_18 | -.0000191 1.42e-07 -134.45 0.000 -.0000194 -.0000189 +_IbplXy~2_19 | -6.44e-06 6.44e-07 -10.01 0.000 -7.74e-06 -5.15e-06 +_IbplXy~2_20 | -.0000103 7.15e-07 -14.48 0.000 -.0000118 -8.91e-06 +_IbplXy~2_21 | .0000125 2.47e-07 50.72 0.000 .000012 .000013 +_IbplXy~2_22 | -8.78e-06 1.73e-07 -50.69 0.000 -9.13e-06 -8.44e-06 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -9.09e-06 3.75e-07 -24.27 0.000 -9.85e-06 -8.34e-06 +_IbplXy~2_24 | -7.17e-06 2.02e-07 -35.44 0.000 -7.58e-06 -6.76e-06 +_IbplXy~2_25 | -5.55e-06 1.88e-07 -29.50 0.000 -5.93e-06 -5.17e-06 +_IbplXy~2_26 | -.0000164 3.80e-07 -43.13 0.000 -.0000172 -.0000156 +_IbplXy~2_27 | -7.91e-06 7.52e-07 -10.51 0.000 -9.42e-06 -6.39e-06 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -4.61e-06 2.00e-07 -23.07 0.000 -5.01e-06 -4.20e-06 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -.0000119 2.50e-07 -47.74 0.000 -.0000124 -.0000114 +_IbplXy~2_30 | -.0000272 1.06e-06 -25.78 0.000 -.0000294 -.0000251 +_IbplXy~2_31 | -3.12e-06 8.53e-07 -3.65 0.001 -4.83e-06 -1.40e-06 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -.0000409 8.62e-07 -47.50 0.000 -.0000427 -.0000392 +_IbplXy~2_33 | -9.53e-06 3.76e-07 -25.34 0.000 -.0000103 -8.77e-06 +_IbplXy~2_34 | -.0000182 1.22e-07 -149.11 0.000 -.0000184 -.0000179 +_IbplXy~2_35 | .000011 1.59e-07 68.96 0.000 .0000107 .0000113 +_IbplXy~2_36 | -.0000194 2.00e-07 -96.99 0.000 -.0000198 -.000019 +_IbplXy~2_37 | 2.43e-06 1.55e-07 15.73 0.000 2.12e-06 2.75e-06 +_IbplXy~2_38 | .0000288 1.94e-06 14.79 0.000 .0000249 .0000327 +_IbplXy~2_39 | -.0000213 1.79e-07 -118.95 0.000 -.0000216 -.0000209 +_IbplXy~2_40 | .0000251 1.37e-06 18.36 0.000 .0000224 .0000279 +_IbplXy~2_41 | -.0000408 8.18e-07 -49.80 0.000 -.0000424 -.0000391 +_IbplXy~2_42 | -.0000146 2.03e-07 -72.14 0.000 -.000015 -.0000142 +_IbplXy~2_44 | -6.86e-06 1.86e-07 -36.78 0.000 -7.23e-06 -6.48e-06 +_IbplXy~2_45 | -3.65e-06 1.76e-07 -20.72 0.000 -4.00e-06 -3.30e-06 +_IbplXy~2_46 | -.0000143 1.19e-06 -11.99 0.000 -.0000167 -.0000119 +_IbplXy~2_47 | 3.99e-07 1.60e-07 2.49 0.016 7.70e-08 7.21e-07 +_IbplXy~2_48 | -.0000106 5.60e-07 -18.91 0.000 -.0000117 -9.46e-06 +_IbplXy~2_49 | -.0000164 1.08e-06 -15.14 0.000 -.0000186 -.0000142 +_IbplXy~2_50 | 2.76e-07 4.45e-07 0.62 0.538 -6.19e-07 1.17e-06 +_IbplXy~2_51 | 2.70e-06 2.68e-07 10.05 0.000 2.16e-06 3.24e-06 +_IbplXy~2_53 | -.0000167 1.02e-06 -16.44 0.000 -.0000188 -.0000147 +_IbplXy~2_54 | -9.46e-06 2.39e-07 -39.67 0.000 -9.94e-06 -8.98e-06 +_IbplXy~2_55 | -2.46e-06 6.33e-07 -3.88 0.000 -3.73e-06 -1.18e-06 +_IbplXy~2_56 | 2.12e-06 1.09e-06 1.95 0.057 -6.35e-08 4.31e-06 + _Iyear_1880 | .0419839 .0061833 6.79 0.000 .0295447 .054423 + _Iyear_1900 | .1033356 .0081749 12.64 0.000 .0868899 .1197814 + _Iyear_1910 | .1533897 .0098187 15.62 0.000 .1336371 .1731423 + _Iyear_1920 | .185588 .0100924 18.39 0.000 .1652847 .2058914 + _Iyear_1930 | .2588185 .0101979 25.38 0.000 .238303 .2793339 + _Iyear_1940 | .2383648 .0094084 25.34 0.000 .2194376 .257292 + _Iyear_1950 | .2984466 .010185 29.30 0.000 .2779571 .3189361 + _Iyear_1960 | .3533779 .0113434 31.15 0.000 .3305579 .3761979 + _Iyear_1970 | .3911263 .0113633 34.42 0.000 .3682662 .4139863 + _Iyear_1980 | .3964506 .0115547 34.31 0.000 .3732056 .4196956 + _Iyear_1990 | .3945334 .0112292 35.13 0.000 .3719432 .4171235 +_IbplXpost_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXpost_4 | -.0692076 .0035433 -19.53 0.000 -.0763358 -.0620794 +_IbplXpost_5 | -.0066532 .0016177 -4.11 0.000 -.0099076 -.0033989 +_IbplXpost_6 | -.074281 .002175 -34.15 0.000 -.0786565 -.0699055 +_IbplXpost_8 | -.006602 .0036588 -1.80 0.078 -.0139625 .0007585 +_IbplXpost_9 | -.0930135 .0009555 -97.34 0.000 -.0949357 -.0910913 +_IbplXpo~_10 | -.0590161 .0009665 -61.06 0.000 -.0609604 -.0570719 +_IbplXpo~_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~_12 | .005385 .0009875 5.45 0.000 .0033985 .0073716 +_IbplXpo~_13 | .0411496 .0002988 137.70 0.000 .0405484 .0417508 +_IbplXpo~_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~_16 | .0434283 .0050614 8.58 0.000 .0332459 .0536106 +_IbplXpo~_17 | -.0300141 .0012823 -23.41 0.000 -.0325938 -.0274344 +_IbplXpo~_18 | .0035955 .0003979 9.04 0.000 .0027951 .004396 +_IbplXpo~_19 | -.041425 .0028185 -14.70 0.000 -.0470952 -.0357549 +_IbplXpo~_20 | -.0317645 .0034297 -9.26 0.000 -.0386641 -.0248648 +_IbplXpo~_21 | -.0061938 .000541 -11.45 0.000 -.0072822 -.0051055 +_IbplXpo~_22 | -.1128434 .00051 -221.26 0.000 -.1138694 -.1118174 +_IbplXpo~_23 | -.1171294 .0013309 -88.00 0.000 -.1198069 -.1144519 +_IbplXpo~_24 | -.0634973 .000682 -93.10 0.000 -.0648694 -.0621252 +_IbplXpo~_25 | -.08578 .0005834 -147.04 0.000 -.0869536 -.0846064 +_IbplXpo~_26 | -.0199329 .001538 -12.96 0.000 -.0230268 -.0168389 +_IbplXpo~_27 | -.049959 .0034119 -14.64 0.000 -.0568229 -.0430951 +_IbplXpo~_28 | -.0455924 .0005808 -78.51 0.000 -.0467607 -.0444241 +_IbplXpo~_29 | -.0342792 .0012044 -28.46 0.000 -.0367021 -.0318562 +_IbplXpo~_30 | .0539897 .0037776 14.29 0.000 .0463901 .0615893 +_IbplXpo~_31 | -.0263925 .0037909 -6.96 0.000 -.0340188 -.0187663 +_IbplXpo~_32 | -.0917234 .0030045 -30.53 0.000 -.0977676 -.0856791 +_IbplXpo~_33 | -.0930693 .001617 -57.56 0.000 -.0963224 -.0898162 +_IbplXpo~_34 | -.0929421 .0004848 -191.72 0.000 -.0939174 -.0919668 +_IbplXpo~_35 | -.0010073 .0005742 -1.75 0.086 -.0021625 .0001479 +_IbplXpo~_36 | -.0698931 .000713 -98.02 0.000 -.0713275 -.0684586 +_IbplXpo~_37 | -.0156914 .0005744 -27.32 0.000 -.016847 -.0145357 +_IbplXpo~_38 | -.0076988 .0051237 -1.50 0.140 -.0180065 .0026088 +_IbplXpo~_39 | -.021091 .0005171 -40.78 0.000 -.0221314 -.0200506 +_IbplXpo~_40 | .0851204 .0052686 16.16 0.000 .0745213 .0957196 +_IbplXpo~_41 | -.0607516 .0031193 -19.48 0.000 -.0670267 -.0544764 +_IbplXpo~_42 | -.0887319 .0005582 -158.97 0.000 -.0898548 -.087609 +_IbplXpo~_44 | -.0993067 .0008327 -119.25 0.000 -.100982 -.0976315 +_IbplXpo~_45 | -.0073816 .0008525 -8.66 0.000 -.0090965 -.0056666 +_IbplXpo~_46 | -.0971349 .0042436 -22.89 0.000 -.105672 -.0885979 +_IbplXpo~_47 | -.0119682 .0004984 -24.02 0.000 -.0129707 -.0109656 +_IbplXpo~_48 | .0146122 .0022553 6.48 0.000 .0100751 .0191494 +_IbplXpo~_49 | .062267 .0044933 13.86 0.000 .0532276 .0713063 +_IbplXpo~_50 | -.0383655 .0015205 -25.23 0.000 -.0414243 -.0353067 +_IbplXpo~_51 | -.0318269 .000983 -32.38 0.000 -.0338044 -.0298493 +_IbplXpo~_53 | .0646029 .003699 17.47 0.000 .0571616 .0720443 +_IbplXpo~_54 | -.0000352 .0010386 -0.03 0.973 -.0021246 .0020542 +_IbplXpo~_55 | -.0218078 .0026355 -8.27 0.000 -.0271097 -.016506 +_IbplXpo~_56 | .1180873 .0035123 33.62 0.000 .1110213 .1251532 +_IbplXposta2 | (omitted) +_IbplXposta4 | -.0002482 .0002465 -1.01 0.319 -.0007441 .0002477 +_IbplXposta5 | -.0001435 .0001948 -0.74 0.465 -.0005353 .0002484 +_IbplXposta6 | -.0002524 .0002152 -1.17 0.247 -.0006854 .0001806 +_IbplXposta8 | -.0004807 .0001807 -2.66 0.011 -.0008442 -.0001172 +_IbplXposta9 | -.0000591 .0001185 -0.50 0.620 -.0002976 .0001794 +_IbplXpo~a10 | .0004639 .0001393 3.33 0.002 .0001836 .0007442 +_IbplXpo~a11 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~a12 | .0009407 .0001051 8.95 0.000 .0007293 .001152 +_IbplXpo~a13 | -.0002367 .0000175 -13.52 0.000 -.000272 -.0002015 +_IbplXpo~a15 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~a16 | .0031426 .0002515 12.50 0.000 .0026366 .0036485 +_IbplXpo~a17 | -.000147 .0001208 -1.22 0.230 -.00039 .000096 +_IbplXpo~a18 | -.0002336 .0001144 -2.04 0.047 -.0004639 -3.42e-06 +_IbplXpo~a19 | .001216 .000156 7.80 0.000 .0009022 .0015297 +_IbplXpo~a20 | .0014624 .0001385 10.56 0.000 .0011838 .001741 +_IbplXpo~a21 | -.0014182 .0001117 -12.70 0.000 -.0016429 -.0011935 +_IbplXpo~a22 | .0003645 .0000844 4.32 0.000 .0001947 .0005342 +_IbplXpo~a23 | .0003357 .0001454 2.31 0.025 .0000432 .0006283 +_IbplXpo~a24 | -.0003023 .0001581 -1.91 0.062 -.0006203 .0000157 +_IbplXpo~a25 | .0001994 .0001412 1.41 0.164 -.0000846 .0004834 +_IbplXpo~a26 | -.000474 .0001153 -4.11 0.000 -.0007059 -.0002422 +_IbplXpo~a27 | .0012922 .0001554 8.32 0.000 .0009796 .0016047 +_IbplXpo~a28 | .0003441 .0001258 2.74 0.009 .0000911 .0005972 +_IbplXpo~a29 | .0002501 .0001291 1.94 0.059 -9.55e-06 .0005098 +_IbplXpo~a30 | .000075 .0002517 0.30 0.767 -.0004313 .0005812 +_IbplXpo~a31 | .0018529 .0001433 12.93 0.000 .0015647 .0021411 +_IbplXpo~a32 | -.0003787 .0003162 -1.20 0.237 -.0010149 .0002575 +_IbplXpo~a33 | .0007173 .0001326 5.41 0.000 .0004506 .000984 +_IbplXpo~a34 | -.0000564 .0001137 -0.50 0.622 -.0002851 .0001723 +_IbplXpo~a35 | .0009152 .0001261 7.26 0.000 .0006616 .0011689 +_IbplXpo~a36 | -.0000863 .0001235 -0.70 0.488 -.0003348 .0001622 +_IbplXpo~a37 | .0009832 .0000562 17.48 0.000 .0008701 .0010963 +_IbplXpo~a38 | .0023437 .0001591 14.73 0.000 .0020236 .0026638 +_IbplXpo~a39 | -.0006513 .0001153 -5.65 0.000 -.0008833 -.0004193 +_IbplXpo~a40 | .0010781 .000197 5.47 0.000 .0006818 .0014744 +_IbplXpo~a41 | .001679 .000206 8.15 0.000 .0012646 .0020933 +_IbplXpo~a42 | -.000413 .0001247 -3.31 0.002 -.0006637 -.0001622 +_IbplXpo~a44 | -.000558 .0001181 -4.72 0.000 -.0007955 -.0003204 +_IbplXpo~a45 | -.0000821 .0000219 -3.74 0.000 -.0001262 -.000038 +_IbplXpo~a46 | .0036717 .0001606 22.87 0.000 .0033487 .0039947 +_IbplXpo~a47 | .0001205 .0000356 3.38 0.001 .0000489 .0001921 +_IbplXpo~a48 | .0004647 .0001364 3.41 0.001 .0001904 .0007391 +_IbplXpo~a49 | .002164 .000324 6.68 0.000 .0015122 .0028157 +_IbplXpo~a50 | -.0005903 .0001386 -4.26 0.000 -.0008692 -.0003115 +_IbplXpo~a51 | -.0007202 .0000816 -8.82 0.000 -.0008844 -.000556 +_IbplXpo~a53 | .0008029 .0002237 3.59 0.001 .0003528 .001253 +_IbplXpo~a54 | -.0020133 .0001729 -11.65 0.000 -.0023611 -.0016656 +_IbplXpo~a55 | .000467 .0001506 3.10 0.003 .000164 .00077 +_IbplXpo~a56 | .0018308 .0002041 8.97 0.000 .0014202 .0022415 + _cons | 2.822056 .0201477 140.07 0.000 2.781524 2.862588 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg i.year i.bplg*post20 i.bplg*post20xyr +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.bplg*post20 _IbplXpost_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*post20~r _IbplXposta# (coded as above) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta40 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16487 + F( 47, 46) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8704 + Adj R-squared = 0.8679 + Root MSE = .06138 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0725334 .0199059 3.64 0.001 .0324648 .1126019 + lebergott09 | .0000229 .0000121 1.89 0.064 -1.43e-06 .0000473 + south | .0207387 .0175043 1.18 0.242 -.0144957 .0559731 + imr1890 | 1.29e-06 2.31e-06 0.56 0.579 -3.35e-06 5.93e-06 + aurb90 | -.0010973 .0010854 -1.01 0.317 -.003282 .0010874 + aadlit91 | -.0003745 .0032084 -0.12 0.908 -.0068326 .0060836 + docs1898 | -1.47e-06 3.38e-07 -4.34 0.000 -2.15e-06 -7.87e-07 + spend | -3.22e-06 7.64e-07 -4.21 0.000 -4.75e-06 -1.68e-06 + hookworm | -.0012343 .0019098 -0.65 0.521 -.0050785 .00261 + ablack91 | .0023779 .0014054 1.69 0.097 -.0004511 .0052069 + unemp_1930 | .000296 .000092 3.22 0.002 .0001108 .0004812 + chgterm | .0017376 .0008275 2.10 0.041 .000072 .0034033 + chgptratio | .0001973 .0001952 1.01 0.318 -.0001957 .0005902 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -1.008264 .9593385 -1.05 0.299 -2.939312 .9227846 + _Ibplg_5 | -.687139 .446308 -1.54 0.131 -1.58551 .2112324 + _Ibplg_6 | -.6848668 .4925983 -1.39 0.171 -1.676416 .3066821 + _Ibplg_8 | -.2341808 .4156444 -0.56 0.576 -1.07083 .602468 + _Ibplg_9 | 1.670824 .5826786 2.87 0.006 .4979524 2.843695 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.231244 .3007946 4.09 0.000 .625776 1.836712 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 2.860177 .8919675 3.21 0.002 1.06474 4.655615 + _Ibplg_13 | .3885112 .3267342 1.19 0.241 -.2691707 1.046193 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | .0448504 .5936354 0.08 0.940 -1.150076 1.239777 + _Ibplg_17 | -1.064794 .5593787 -1.90 0.063 -2.190765 .0611775 + _Ibplg_18 | -.5223062 .4658381 -1.12 0.268 -1.45999 .4153773 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.282998 .3892806 3.30 0.002 .4994173 2.06658 + _Ibplg_20 | 1.981662 .405717 4.88 0.000 1.164996 2.798328 + _Ibplg_21 | -.1578883 .4001392 -0.39 0.695 -.9633268 .6475502 + _Ibplg_22 | .0458007 .419406 0.11 0.914 -.7984198 .8900212 + _Ibplg_23 | 1.445194 .4092263 3.53 0.001 .6214642 2.268924 + _Ibplg_24 | 1.070989 .4069151 2.63 0.012 .2519109 1.890066 + _Ibplg_25 | 1.683548 .5574774 3.02 0.004 .5614037 2.805692 + _Ibplg_26 | -1.426355 .8516375 -1.67 0.101 -3.140613 .2879023 + _Ibplg_27 | 1.729357 .4441365 3.89 0.000 .8353563 2.623357 + _Ibplg_28 | .9072072 .3654664 2.48 0.017 .1715616 1.642853 + _Ibplg_29 | .0089386 .3218175 0.03 0.978 -.6388463 .6567235 + _Ibplg_30 | 2.667478 .5840116 4.57 0.000 1.491924 3.843033 + _Ibplg_31 | 2.342544 .51116 4.58 0.000 1.313632 3.371455 + _Ibplg_32 | -1.309118 .7961463 -1.64 0.107 -2.911677 .2934413 + _Ibplg_33 | 1.444916 .2962087 4.88 0.000 .8486791 2.041154 + _Ibplg_34 | .6890334 .4612336 1.49 0.142 -.2393818 1.617449 + _Ibplg_35 | .198688 .7570292 0.26 0.794 -1.325133 1.722509 + _Ibplg_36 | .2070537 .3459355 0.60 0.552 -.4892784 .9033858 + _Ibplg_37 | .5306211 .3940967 1.35 0.185 -.2626545 1.323897 + _Ibplg_38 | 2.855027 .6664419 4.28 0.000 1.513549 4.196505 + _Ibplg_39 | -.1695443 .487274 -0.35 0.729 -1.150376 .8112874 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | -.7834485 .7748439 -1.01 0.317 -2.343128 .7762314 + _Ibplg_42 | .2952154 .4417972 0.67 0.507 -.5940762 1.184507 + _Ibplg_44 | .7825367 .527249 1.48 0.145 -.2787604 1.843834 + _Ibplg_45 | .0177948 .5121417 0.03 0.972 -1.013093 1.048682 + _Ibplg_46 | 3.750459 .6614934 5.67 0.000 2.418942 5.081977 + _Ibplg_47 | .0370292 .2726245 0.14 0.893 -.5117354 .5857938 + _Ibplg_48 | -.0245689 .3417107 -0.07 0.943 -.7123967 .663259 + _Ibplg_49 | 1.729525 .5489932 3.15 0.003 .6244588 2.834591 + _Ibplg_50 | 2.482261 .4475824 5.55 0.000 1.581324 3.383198 + _Ibplg_51 | -.491292 .6366523 -0.77 0.444 -1.772807 .7902227 + _Ibplg_53 | .9323773 .730999 1.28 0.209 -.5390474 2.403802 + _Ibplg_54 | -.0878949 .4678816 -0.19 0.852 -1.029692 .8539018 + _Ibplg_55 | 1.804428 .4792524 3.77 0.000 .8397427 2.769113 + _Ibplg_56 | 1.232976 .556808 2.21 0.032 .1121799 2.353772 + _Iyear_1880 | .0415213 .0061631 6.74 0.000 .0291156 .053927 + _Iyear_1900 | .1033261 .0082098 12.59 0.000 .0868006 .1198515 + _Iyear_1910 | .1533662 .0098441 15.58 0.000 .1335512 .1731813 + _Iyear_1920 | .1855923 .0101156 18.35 0.000 .1652306 .205954 + _Iyear_1930 | .2447988 .012344 19.83 0.000 .2199515 .2696461 + _Iyear_1940 | .2345686 .0120581 19.45 0.000 .2102969 .2588403 + _Iyear_1950 | .3040958 .0133787 22.73 0.000 .2771658 .3310257 + _Iyear_1960 | .3690792 .0147708 24.99 0.000 .3393471 .3988113 + _Iyear_1970 | .4177837 .0153271 27.26 0.000 .3869319 .4486356 + _Iyear_1980 | .4334346 .0167259 25.91 0.000 .399767 .4671022 + _Iyear_1990 | .4428049 .0175324 25.26 0.000 .407514 .4780958 +_IbplXpost_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXpost_4 | .0364425 .0109174 3.34 0.002 .0144668 .0584182 +_IbplXpost_5 | -.0129952 .006661 -1.95 0.057 -.0264032 .0004128 +_IbplXpost_6 | .0470159 .0064317 7.31 0.000 .0340694 .0599623 +_IbplXpost_8 | .0266989 .0048724 5.48 0.000 .0168912 .0365066 +_IbplXpost_9 | -.0587911 .0106426 -5.52 0.000 -.0802135 -.0373687 +_IbplXpo~_10 | -.0577217 .0052884 -10.91 0.000 -.0683667 -.0470768 +_IbplXpo~_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~_12 | .0158701 .0135666 1.17 0.248 -.0114381 .0431783 +_IbplXpo~_13 | .0318236 .0056482 5.63 0.000 .0204543 .0431929 +_IbplXpo~_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~_16 | .0586261 .0054207 10.82 0.000 .0477148 .0695373 +_IbplXpo~_17 | .0457561 .0084377 5.42 0.000 .0287719 .0627403 +_IbplXpo~_18 | .0597535 .0077701 7.69 0.000 .0441131 .0753939 +_IbplXpo~_19 | -.0289022 .0051746 -5.59 0.000 -.0393181 -.0184863 +_IbplXpo~_20 | -.010185 .0049616 -2.05 0.046 -.0201723 -.0001977 +_IbplXpo~_21 | -.0516574 .0070674 -7.31 0.000 -.0658832 -.0374315 +_IbplXpo~_22 | -.1020288 .0067629 -15.09 0.000 -.1156418 -.0884158 +_IbplXpo~_23 | -.1057392 .0074093 -14.27 0.000 -.1206533 -.0908251 +_IbplXpo~_24 | -.0500961 .0069925 -7.16 0.000 -.0641713 -.0360208 +_IbplXpo~_25 | -.1002218 .0099303 -10.09 0.000 -.1202105 -.0802332 +_IbplXpo~_26 | .001821 .0123661 0.15 0.884 -.0230707 .0267128 +_IbplXpo~_27 | -.0304815 .0052211 -5.84 0.000 -.0409911 -.019972 +_IbplXpo~_28 | -.0272607 .0059966 -4.55 0.000 -.0393313 -.01519 +_IbplXpo~_29 | -.0035279 .0050629 -0.70 0.489 -.013719 .0066632 +_IbplXpo~_30 | .1429811 .0061522 23.24 0.000 .1305973 .1553649 +_IbplXpo~_31 | -.0198184 .0053895 -3.68 0.001 -.0306669 -.0089698 +_IbplXpo~_32 | .0141603 .007985 1.77 0.083 -.0019127 .0302333 +_IbplXpo~_33 | -.0941992 .0057228 -16.46 0.000 -.1057186 -.0826798 +_IbplXpo~_34 | -.0327344 .0079101 -4.14 0.000 -.0486566 -.0168123 +_IbplXpo~_35 | -.0478325 .0132081 -3.62 0.001 -.074419 -.0212461 +_IbplXpo~_36 | -.0192271 .0061812 -3.11 0.003 -.0316692 -.006785 +_IbplXpo~_37 | -.0177889 .0069856 -2.55 0.014 -.0318501 -.0037277 +_IbplXpo~_38 | -.0709173 .0051588 -13.75 0.000 -.0813015 -.0605331 +_IbplXpo~_39 | .0500752 .0085012 5.89 0.000 .0329632 .0671873 +_IbplXpo~_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~_41 | .0341669 .008771 3.90 0.000 .0165118 .0518221 +_IbplXpo~_42 | -.046934 .0077091 -6.09 0.000 -.0624515 -.0314164 +_IbplXpo~_44 | -.1042909 .0094393 -11.05 0.000 -.1232913 -.0852905 +_IbplXpo~_45 | -.0011337 .0091185 -0.12 0.902 -.0194884 .0172209 +_IbplXpo~_46 | -.0611991 .0052363 -11.69 0.000 -.0717392 -.050659 +_IbplXpo~_47 | -.01223 .0048669 -2.51 0.016 -.0220265 -.0024334 +_IbplXpo~_48 | .0284333 .004504 6.31 0.000 .0193672 .0374994 +_IbplXpo~_49 | .0896528 .0060737 14.76 0.000 .077427 .1018786 +_IbplXpo~_50 | -.0419663 .0083839 -5.01 0.000 -.0588423 -.0250903 +_IbplXpo~_51 | -.0558626 .0116651 -4.79 0.000 -.0793431 -.0323821 +_IbplXpo~_53 | .0849182 .0076801 11.06 0.000 .0694589 .1003775 +_IbplXpo~_54 | .0594013 .0075905 7.83 0.000 .0441224 .0746802 +_IbplXpo~_55 | -.0191252 .0063662 -3.00 0.004 -.0319396 -.0063107 +_IbplXpo~_56 | .0738281 .0060404 12.22 0.000 .0616693 .0859868 +_IbplXposta2 | (omitted) +_IbplXposta4 | -.0012603 .0005308 -2.37 0.022 -.0023288 -.0001919 +_IbplXposta5 | -.0008485 .0003486 -2.43 0.019 -.0015502 -.0001469 +_IbplXposta6 | -.0031565 .0003252 -9.71 0.000 -.0038111 -.0025018 +_IbplXposta8 | -.0024099 .0002755 -8.75 0.000 -.0029644 -.0018554 +_IbplXposta9 | -.0011011 .0003522 -3.13 0.003 -.0018101 -.0003921 +_IbplXpo~a10 | .0001206 .000232 0.52 0.606 -.0003465 .0005876 +_IbplXpo~a11 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~a12 | .0009115 .0004866 1.87 0.067 -.0000679 .001891 +_IbplXpo~a13 | -.0003852 .000176 -2.19 0.034 -.0007396 -.0000309 +_IbplXpo~a15 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~a16 | -.0005547 .0003689 -1.50 0.139 -.0012973 .0001878 +_IbplXpo~a17 | -.0016772 .0003023 -5.55 0.000 -.0022856 -.0010688 +_IbplXpo~a18 | -.0016775 .0002763 -6.07 0.000 -.0022337 -.0011213 +_IbplXpo~a19 | .0005424 .0002383 2.28 0.028 .0000628 .001022 +_IbplXpo~a20 | .0005112 .0002314 2.21 0.032 .0000454 .000977 +_IbplXpo~a21 | -.0007797 .0002334 -3.34 0.002 -.0012495 -.0003099 +_IbplXpo~a22 | -.0006979 .0002223 -3.14 0.003 -.0011454 -.0002504 +_IbplXpo~a23 | -.0007788 .0002515 -3.10 0.003 -.001285 -.0002725 +_IbplXpo~a24 | -.0010014 .0002742 -3.65 0.001 -.0015533 -.0004496 +_IbplXpo~a25 | -.0010788 .0003603 -2.99 0.004 -.0018042 -.0003535 +_IbplXpo~a26 | -.0026015 .0004331 -6.01 0.000 -.0034732 -.0017298 +_IbplXpo~a27 | .000583 .000221 2.64 0.011 .0001382 .0010278 +_IbplXpo~a28 | .0003478 .0002307 1.51 0.139 -.0001167 .0008122 +_IbplXpo~a29 | -.0005926 .0002298 -2.58 0.013 -.0010552 -.00013 +_IbplXpo~a30 | -.0008535 .0003441 -2.48 0.017 -.0015461 -.0001609 +_IbplXpo~a31 | .0012698 .0002414 5.26 0.000 .0007838 .0017558 +_IbplXpo~a32 | -.00353 .0004762 -7.41 0.000 -.0044885 -.0025715 +_IbplXpo~a33 | -.0008266 .0002241 -3.69 0.001 -.0012777 -.0003755 +_IbplXpo~a34 | -.0013301 .000234 -5.68 0.000 -.0018012 -.0008591 +_IbplXpo~a35 | .0018316 .0003909 4.69 0.000 .0010447 .0026185 +_IbplXpo~a36 | -.001845 .0002237 -8.25 0.000 -.0022953 -.0013947 +_IbplXpo~a37 | .0013019 .000208 6.26 0.000 .0008832 .0017206 +_IbplXpo~a38 | .0019729 .0003084 6.40 0.000 .0013522 .0025937 +_IbplXpo~a39 | -.0020975 .0002715 -7.72 0.000 -.0026441 -.0015509 +_IbplXpo~a40 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~a41 | -.0019146 .0004113 -4.65 0.000 -.0027426 -.0010867 +_IbplXpo~a42 | -.0016122 .0002611 -6.18 0.000 -.0021377 -.0010867 +_IbplXpo~a44 | -.0017386 .0003151 -5.52 0.000 -.0023728 -.0011043 +_IbplXpo~a45 | -.0004829 .0002772 -1.74 0.088 -.0010409 .0000752 +_IbplXpo~a46 | .0031248 .0003079 10.15 0.000 .0025052 .0037445 +_IbplXpo~a47 | .000173 .0001516 1.14 0.260 -.0001322 .0004782 +_IbplXpo~a48 | -.0008989 .000229 -3.93 0.000 -.0013598 -.000438 +_IbplXpo~a49 | .0001944 .0003636 0.53 0.596 -.0005376 .0009263 +_IbplXpo~a50 | -.0004903 .0002878 -1.70 0.095 -.0010696 .000089 +_IbplXpo~a51 | -.0010039 .0003705 -2.71 0.009 -.0017496 -.0002581 +_IbplXpo~a53 | -.0017715 .0003851 -4.60 0.000 -.0025467 -.0009964 +_IbplXpo~a54 | -.0019514 .0003123 -6.25 0.000 -.00258 -.0013229 +_IbplXpo~a55 | .0000934 .0002437 0.38 0.703 -.0003971 .0005839 +_IbplXpo~a56 | -.0003325 .0002976 -1.12 0.270 -.0009317 .0002666 + _cons | 2.522824 6.167639 0.41 0.684 -9.89199 14.93764 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.year i.bplg*post20 i.bplg*post20xyr +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.bplg*post20 _IbplXpost_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*post20~r _IbplXposta# (coded as above) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: aurb90 omitted because of collinearity +note: aadlit91 omitted because of collinearity +note: hookworm omitted because of collinearity +note: ablack91 omitted because of collinearity +note: chgterm omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta40 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16487 + F( 48, 46) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8718 + Adj R-squared = 0.8690 + Root MSE = .06105 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0799318 .0204861 3.90 0.000 .0386954 .1211682 + lebergott09 | .0000331 .0000136 2.44 0.019 5.79e-06 .0000604 + south | .0267629 .0183727 1.46 0.152 -.0102193 .0637452 + imr1890 | 1.52e-06 6.66e-07 2.29 0.027 1.84e-07 2.86e-06 + aurb90 | (omitted) + aadlit91 | (omitted) + docs1898 | 1.72e-08 5.71e-08 0.30 0.764 -9.77e-08 1.32e-07 + spend | -4.54e-07 6.20e-08 -7.32 0.000 -5.78e-07 -3.29e-07 + hookworm | (omitted) + ablack91 | (omitted) + unemp_1930 | -.0001827 .0000266 -6.87 0.000 -.0002362 -.0001291 + chgterm | (omitted) + chgptratio | .0002459 .0000243 10.12 0.000 .000197 .0002949 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -1.231477 .3629738 -3.39 0.001 -1.962105 -.5008487 + _Ibplg_5 | .3658853 .12621 2.90 0.006 .1118377 .619933 + _Ibplg_6 | .4325139 .2670636 1.62 0.112 -.1050574 .9700851 + _Ibplg_8 | 1.495499 .3232551 4.63 0.000 .8448205 2.146178 + _Ibplg_9 | 1.607893 .0626662 25.66 0.000 1.481753 1.734034 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.58884 .0677643 23.45 0.000 1.452438 1.725242 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 2.259244 .1407018 16.06 0.000 1.976026 2.542462 + _Ibplg_13 | .8403993 .0172371 48.76 0.000 .8057027 .8750958 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | 5.594227 .4650582 12.03 0.000 4.658113 6.53034 + _Ibplg_17 | -1.939921 .0816199 -23.77 0.000 -2.104213 -1.775628 + _Ibplg_18 | -1.024068 .0497472 -20.59 0.000 -1.124204 -.9239319 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.587117 .157935 10.05 0.000 1.269211 1.905024 + _Ibplg_20 | 2.407595 .2054736 11.72 0.000 1.993998 2.821192 + _Ibplg_21 | .9530562 .0527923 18.05 0.000 .8467909 1.059322 + _Ibplg_22 | .743319 .0482298 15.41 0.000 .6462375 .8404005 + _Ibplg_23 | 2.113954 .0876935 24.11 0.000 1.937436 2.290472 + _Ibplg_24 | 1.321976 .0660949 20.00 0.000 1.188934 1.455018 + _Ibplg_25 | 3.281125 .06124 53.58 0.000 3.157856 3.404395 + _Ibplg_26 | .1462526 .1160836 1.26 0.214 -.0874116 .3799169 + _Ibplg_27 | 1.6831 .2429949 6.93 0.000 1.193976 2.172223 + _Ibplg_28 | .470045 .0523258 8.98 0.000 .3647187 .5753712 + _Ibplg_29 | -.0817537 .0710317 -1.15 0.256 -.2247332 .0612257 + _Ibplg_30 | 1.97807 .3810815 5.19 0.000 1.210993 2.745147 + _Ibplg_31 | 2.46016 .2589825 9.50 0.000 1.938856 2.981465 + _Ibplg_32 | .8469801 .3210307 2.64 0.011 .2007788 1.493181 + _Ibplg_33 | 2.790402 .089454 31.19 0.000 2.61034 2.970463 + _Ibplg_34 | .0484023 .0569147 0.85 0.399 -.066161 .1629656 + _Ibplg_35 | .4380032 .0934835 4.69 0.000 .2498307 .6261758 + _Ibplg_36 | .1554794 .0584343 2.66 0.011 .0378572 .2731016 + _Ibplg_37 | .3033555 .0330962 9.17 0.000 .2367364 .3699747 + _Ibplg_38 | 2.677721 .4389097 6.10 0.000 1.794242 3.561201 + _Ibplg_39 | -1.191024 .0540666 -22.03 0.000 -1.299855 -1.082194 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | 1.897111 .2816943 6.73 0.000 1.330089 2.464132 + _Ibplg_42 | .021459 .0574548 0.37 0.710 -.0941916 .1371096 + _Ibplg_44 | 1.991779 .0595732 33.43 0.000 1.871864 2.111693 + _Ibplg_45 | .1832069 .0357739 5.12 0.000 .1111978 .2552159 + _Ibplg_46 | 3.088837 .3579577 8.63 0.000 2.368306 3.809369 + _Ibplg_47 | .1360138 .0411374 3.31 0.002 .0532085 .2188191 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.081676 .1688886 6.40 0.000 .7417211 1.421631 + _Ibplg_49 | 3.668536 .3671829 9.99 0.000 2.929435 4.407637 + _Ibplg_50 | 2.897773 .1028402 28.18 0.000 2.690766 3.10478 + _Ibplg_51 | .5707631 .0582067 9.81 0.000 .4535991 .6879271 + _Ibplg_53 | 4.088604 .3610994 11.32 0.000 3.361749 4.815459 + _Ibplg_54 | -2.18939 .0983616 -22.26 0.000 -2.387381 -1.991398 + _Ibplg_55 | 1.938223 .1713807 11.31 0.000 1.593251 2.283194 + _Ibplg_56 | 4.461222 .3709862 12.03 0.000 3.714466 5.207979 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | .0013158 .0001073 12.26 0.000 .0010997 .0015318 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0000799 .0000701 -1.14 0.260 -.0002211 .0000613 + _IbplXyob_6 | .0007471 .0000597 12.51 0.000 .0006269 .0008673 + _IbplXyob_8 | -2.99e-06 .0001092 -0.03 0.978 -.0002228 .0002168 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0000622 .0000166 -3.76 0.000 -.0000955 -.0000289 +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0005965 .0000298 -19.99 0.000 -.0006566 -.0005365 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0002588 .0000355 -7.30 0.000 -.0003303 -.0001874 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0025412 .0001792 -14.18 0.000 -.002902 -.0021805 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0020615 .0000647 31.85 0.000 .0019312 .0021918 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0012822 .0000833 15.39 0.000 .0011144 .0014499 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.000456 .0000514 -8.87 0.000 -.0005594 -.0003525 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0008426 .0000692 -12.18 0.000 -.0009818 -.0007034 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.0002115 .0000432 -4.89 0.000 -.0002985 -.0001245 +_IbplXyob_22 | .0000718 .0000277 2.59 0.013 .000016 .0001276 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0003795 .0000807 -4.70 0.000 -.000542 -.000217 +_IbplXyob_24 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0008412 .0000266 -31.57 0.000 -.0008948 -.0007876 +_IbplXyob_26 | .0012482 .0001026 12.17 0.000 .0010417 .0014547 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0002862 .0000697 -4.11 0.000 -.0004264 -.000146 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0001936 .0000248 -7.82 0.000 -.0002435 -.0001438 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0005552 .0000512 10.84 0.000 .0004521 .0006583 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0007242 .0001592 -4.55 0.000 -.0010447 -.0004036 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0010029 .000079 -12.69 0.000 -.001162 -.0008439 +_IbplXyob_32 | .000594 .0000392 15.14 0.000 .000515 .0006729 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0009299 .0000344 -27.04 0.000 -.0009992 -.0008607 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0008516 .0000177 47.99 0.000 .0008159 .0008873 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | .0007362 .0000101 73.21 0.000 .000716 .0007565 +_IbplXyob_37 | 1.52e-06 .0000558 0.03 0.978 -.0001108 .0001138 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0011136 .0001736 -6.41 0.000 -.0014631 -.0007642 +_IbplXyob_39 | .0015868 .0000914 17.36 0.000 .0014027 .0017708 +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | .0008372 .00008 10.47 0.000 .0006762 .0009981 +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0000429 .000036 -1.19 0.240 -.0001154 .0000296 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0015556 .0001459 -10.66 0.000 -.0018494 -.0012619 +_IbplXyob_47 | .0000263 .0000273 0.96 0.342 -.0000288 .0000813 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.0002362 .0000659 -3.59 0.001 -.0003688 -.0001036 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0012225 .0001034 -11.83 0.000 -.0014305 -.0010145 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0008542 .000057 -14.98 0.000 -.0009689 -.0007394 +_IbplXyob_51 | .0000274 .0000557 0.49 0.625 -.0000847 .0001395 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0012673 .0000641 -19.78 0.000 -.0013962 -.0011383 +_IbplXyob_54 | .0016487 .0000487 33.87 0.000 .0015507 .0017466 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0004417 .0000358 -12.35 0.000 -.0005137 -.0003698 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0018919 .000103 -18.36 0.000 -.0020993 -.0016845 + _Iyear_1880 | .0414273 .0061593 6.73 0.000 .0290294 .0538252 + _Iyear_1900 | .1033532 .0082018 12.60 0.000 .0868439 .1198626 + _Iyear_1910 | .1534169 .0098484 15.58 0.000 .1335931 .1732406 + _Iyear_1920 | .1856224 .0101284 18.33 0.000 .165235 .2060097 + _Iyear_1930 | .2401257 .0108002 22.23 0.000 .218386 .2618654 + _Iyear_1940 | .2286663 .0100764 22.69 0.000 .2083835 .2489491 + _Iyear_1950 | .2968955 .0106162 27.97 0.000 .2755261 .3182649 + _Iyear_1960 | .3604742 .0114501 31.48 0.000 .3374264 .3835221 + _Iyear_1970 | .4077519 .0114428 35.63 0.000 .3847188 .430785 + _Iyear_1980 | .4218916 .0122089 34.56 0.000 .3973163 .4464668 + _Iyear_1990 | .4296302 .0126339 34.01 0.000 .4041995 .455061 +_IbplXpost_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXpost_4 | .0327522 .0027533 11.90 0.000 .02721 .0382944 +_IbplXpost_5 | .0022321 .0013269 1.68 0.099 -.0004387 .004903 +_IbplXpost_6 | .0597322 .0017217 34.69 0.000 .0562666 .0631978 +_IbplXpost_8 | .0407942 .0014802 27.56 0.000 .0378148 .0437736 +_IbplXpost_9 | -.0602066 .0007637 -78.83 0.000 -.0617439 -.0586693 +_IbplXpo~_10 | -.051171 .0007355 -69.57 0.000 -.0526515 -.0496905 +_IbplXpo~_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~_12 | .0068594 .0019218 3.57 0.001 .002991 .0107278 +_IbplXpo~_13 | .0396218 .0001621 244.45 0.000 .0392956 .0399481 +_IbplXpo~_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~_16 | .0940367 .001858 50.61 0.000 .0902967 .0977767 +_IbplXpo~_17 | .0334293 .0009307 35.92 0.000 .031556 .0353026 +_IbplXpo~_18 | .0516487 .0007168 72.05 0.000 .0502059 .0530916 +_IbplXpo~_19 | -.0243876 .0014297 -17.06 0.000 -.0272654 -.0215099 +_IbplXpo~_20 | -.0051093 .0016676 -3.06 0.004 -.008466 -.0017527 +_IbplXpo~_21 | -.0321561 .0007362 -43.68 0.000 -.0336381 -.0306742 +_IbplXpo~_22 | -.090717 .0006157 -147.33 0.000 -.0919563 -.0894776 +_IbplXpo~_23 | -.0935659 .0011592 -80.71 0.000 -.0958993 -.0912325 +_IbplXpo~_24 | -.0456353 .000876 -52.09 0.000 -.0473986 -.043872 +_IbplXpo~_25 | -.0718813 .0007166 -100.31 0.000 -.0733237 -.0704389 +_IbplXpo~_26 | .0248813 .0011006 22.61 0.000 .0226659 .0270966 +_IbplXpo~_27 | -.0291048 .0015312 -19.01 0.000 -.032187 -.0260227 +_IbplXpo~_28 | -.0341856 .0007701 -44.39 0.000 -.0357358 -.0326355 +_IbplXpo~_29 | -.0045244 .0011768 -3.84 0.000 -.0068932 -.0021557 +_IbplXpo~_30 | .1369481 .0017965 76.23 0.000 .1333319 .1405644 +_IbplXpo~_31 | -.0168105 .0016169 -10.40 0.000 -.0200651 -.013556 +_IbplXpo~_32 | .0332456 .0020423 16.28 0.000 .0291348 .0373564 +_IbplXpo~_33 | -.0687805 .0011655 -59.02 0.000 -.0711264 -.0664345 +_IbplXpo~_34 | -.0439055 .0007503 -58.52 0.000 -.0454157 -.0423953 +_IbplXpo~_35 | -.0439391 .0013541 -32.45 0.000 -.0466648 -.0412135 +_IbplXpo~_36 | -.0203498 .0006621 -30.73 0.000 -.0216826 -.019017 +_IbplXpo~_37 | -.0219992 .0003469 -63.42 0.000 -.0226974 -.021301 +_IbplXpo~_38 | -.0689024 .0016753 -41.13 0.000 -.0722746 -.0655301 +_IbplXpo~_39 | .0322689 .0006178 52.23 0.000 .0310252 .0335125 +_IbplXpo~_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~_41 | .0627814 .0014451 43.45 0.000 .0598727 .0656902 +_IbplXpo~_42 | -.0518138 .000689 -75.21 0.000 -.0532006 -.050427 +_IbplXpo~_44 | -.0824533 .0007664 -107.59 0.000 -.0839959 -.0809106 +_IbplXpo~_45 | .0018116 .000405 4.47 0.000 .0009963 .0026269 +_IbplXpo~_46 | -.0605055 .0016505 -36.66 0.000 -.0638277 -.0571833 +_IbplXpo~_47 | -.0106376 .000428 -24.85 0.000 -.0114991 -.009776 +_IbplXpo~_48 | .0423525 .0013307 31.83 0.000 .039674 .045031 +_IbplXpo~_49 | .1076471 .0016929 63.59 0.000 .1042395 .1110548 +_IbplXpo~_50 | -.0344348 .0013324 -25.84 0.000 -.0371167 -.0317528 +_IbplXpo~_51 | -.0365276 .0006302 -57.97 0.000 -.037796 -.0352592 +_IbplXpo~_53 | .1133209 .0018287 61.97 0.000 .1096399 .117002 +_IbplXpo~_54 | .025887 .0011293 22.92 0.000 .0236138 .0281601 +_IbplXpo~_55 | -.0166417 .0013034 -12.77 0.000 -.0192653 -.0140182 +_IbplXpo~_56 | .102811 .0017115 60.07 0.000 .0993659 .1062561 +_IbplXposta2 | (omitted) +_IbplXposta4 | -.0016123 .0002153 -7.49 0.000 -.0020457 -.001179 +_IbplXposta5 | -.0004231 .0001911 -2.21 0.032 -.0008078 -.0000384 +_IbplXposta6 | -.0027175 .0001809 -15.02 0.000 -.0030816 -.0023534 +_IbplXposta8 | -.001622 .0001658 -9.78 0.000 -.0019557 -.0012883 +_IbplXposta9 | -.0011731 .0001251 -9.38 0.000 -.001425 -.0009213 +_IbplXpo~a10 | .0003973 .0001558 2.55 0.014 .0000838 .0007108 +_IbplXpo~a11 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~a12 | .0004801 .000105 4.57 0.000 .0002688 .0006915 +_IbplXpo~a13 | -.0001364 .0000214 -6.38 0.000 -.0001794 -.0000934 +_IbplXpo~a15 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~a16 | .0020587 .0002179 9.45 0.000 .00162 .0024973 +_IbplXpo~a17 | -.0021883 .0001225 -17.86 0.000 -.0024349 -.0019417 +_IbplXpo~a18 | -.0019452 .0001284 -15.15 0.000 -.0022036 -.0016868 +_IbplXpo~a19 | .0006133 .0001552 3.95 0.000 .0003009 .0009258 +_IbplXpo~a20 | .0006645 .0001464 4.54 0.000 .0003698 .0009591 +_IbplXpo~a21 | -.0002047 .0001215 -1.68 0.099 -.0004492 .0000398 +_IbplXpo~a22 | -.0003703 .000082 -4.51 0.000 -.0005354 -.0002052 +_IbplXpo~a23 | -.0004727 .000164 -2.88 0.006 -.0008029 -.0001425 +_IbplXpo~a24 | -.0007663 .0001703 -4.50 0.000 -.0011092 -.0004235 +_IbplXpo~a25 | -.0002702 .0001424 -1.90 0.064 -.0005568 .0000164 +_IbplXpo~a26 | -.0017884 .000116 -15.42 0.000 -.0020218 -.001555 +_IbplXpo~a27 | .0004797 .0001432 3.35 0.002 .0001915 .0007679 +_IbplXpo~a28 | .000044 .0001217 0.36 0.719 -.000201 .0002889 +_IbplXpo~a29 | -.0006396 .0001449 -4.41 0.000 -.0009313 -.000348 +_IbplXpo~a30 | -.001427 .0002072 -6.89 0.000 -.0018442 -.0010099 +_IbplXpo~a31 | .0012534 .0001437 8.72 0.000 .0009642 .0015425 +_IbplXpo~a32 | -.0026386 .0002593 -10.18 0.000 -.0031606 -.0021167 +_IbplXpo~a33 | -.0001279 .0001514 -0.84 0.403 -.0004327 .000177 +_IbplXpo~a34 | -.001646 .0001176 -13.99 0.000 -.0018828 -.0014093 +_IbplXpo~a35 | .0018872 .0001251 15.08 0.000 .0016354 .0021391 +_IbplXpo~a36 | -.0019051 .0001317 -14.47 0.000 -.0021701 -.0016401 +_IbplXpo~a37 | .0011886 .0000583 20.39 0.000 .0010713 .001306 +_IbplXpo~a38 | .0017375 .0001768 9.83 0.000 .0013816 .0020933 +_IbplXpo~a39 | -.0026384 .0001289 -20.46 0.000 -.0028979 -.0023789 +_IbplXpo~a40 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~a41 | -.0006385 .0001829 -3.49 0.001 -.0010066 -.0002703 +_IbplXpo~a42 | -.0017048 .0001352 -12.61 0.000 -.0019769 -.0014328 +_IbplXpo~a44 | -.00112 .0001231 -9.10 0.000 -.0013677 -.0008722 +_IbplXpo~a45 | -.0003754 .0000292 -12.84 0.000 -.0004342 -.0003165 +_IbplXpo~a46 | .0026633 .0001617 16.47 0.000 .0023379 .0029887 +_IbplXpo~a47 | .0002066 .0000462 4.47 0.000 .0001137 .0002995 +_IbplXpo~a48 | -.0004301 .0001402 -3.07 0.004 -.0007123 -.000148 +_IbplXpo~a49 | .0009452 .0002659 3.56 0.001 .0004101 .0014803 +_IbplXpo~a50 | -.0003077 .0001649 -1.87 0.069 -.0006397 .0000243 +_IbplXpo~a51 | -.0004253 .0000935 -4.55 0.000 -.0006134 -.0002372 +_IbplXpo~a53 | -.0003015 .0001946 -1.55 0.128 -.0006932 .0000902 +_IbplXpo~a54 | -.003113 .0001664 -18.71 0.000 -.003448 -.002778 +_IbplXpo~a55 | .0000948 .0001436 0.66 0.512 -.0001943 .000384 +_IbplXpo~a56 | .0011825 .0001812 6.53 0.000 .0008178 .0015473 + _cons | 2.784737 .0823221 33.83 0.000 2.619031 2.950442 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year i.bplg*post20 i.bplg*post20xyr +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.bplg*post20 _IbplXpost_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*post20~r _IbplXposta# (coded as above) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: aurb90 omitted because of collinearity +note: aadlit91 omitted because of collinearity +note: hookworm omitted because of collinearity +note: ablack91 omitted because of collinearity +note: chgterm omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXpost_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXposta40 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16487 + F( 47, 46) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8754 + Adj R-squared = 0.8724 + Root MSE = .06019 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0846966 .0208816 4.06 0.000 .0426642 .126729 + lebergott09 | .0000279 .000015 1.86 0.069 -2.31e-06 .0000581 + south | .0137358 .0184876 0.74 0.461 -.0234778 .0509493 + imr1890 | 1.27e-06 3.62e-07 3.51 0.001 5.44e-07 2.00e-06 + aurb90 | (omitted) + aadlit91 | (omitted) + docs1898 | 4.55e-07 4.71e-08 9.66 0.000 3.60e-07 5.49e-07 + spend | -7.07e-07 6.88e-08 -10.27 0.000 -8.45e-07 -5.68e-07 + hookworm | (omitted) + ablack91 | (omitted) + unemp_1930 | -.0002026 .0000188 -10.77 0.000 -.0002404 -.0001647 + chgterm | (omitted) + chgptratio | .0003168 .0000216 14.67 0.000 .0002734 .0003603 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -1.35788 .2699041 -5.03 0.000 -1.901169 -.8145911 + _Ibplg_5 | .8550797 .1204362 7.10 0.000 .6126542 1.097505 + _Ibplg_6 | .8951871 .1645132 5.44 0.000 .5640392 1.226335 + _Ibplg_8 | 2.039166 .2015409 10.12 0.000 1.633485 2.444847 + _Ibplg_9 | 2.720363 .0651326 41.77 0.000 2.589258 2.851469 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.800531 .0697513 25.81 0.000 1.660129 1.940933 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 2.962116 .0567384 52.21 0.000 2.847907 3.076324 + _Ibplg_13 | .7131247 .0089023 80.11 0.000 .6952053 .7310442 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | 5.792255 .4485316 12.91 0.000 4.889407 6.695102 + _Ibplg_17 | -.1417697 .0704099 -2.01 0.050 -.2834975 -.0000418 + _Ibplg_18 | .6892712 .0589083 11.70 0.000 .570695 .8078474 + _Ibplg_19 | 2.24632 .1115288 20.14 0.000 2.021824 2.470815 + _Ibplg_20 | 3.272565 .1153128 28.38 0.000 3.040453 3.504678 + _Ibplg_21 | -.4998245 .0605536 -8.25 0.000 -.6217126 -.3779365 + _Ibplg_22 | 1.495878 .0408104 36.65 0.000 1.413731 1.578025 + _Ibplg_23 | 2.879172 .0736671 39.08 0.000 2.730888 3.027456 + _Ibplg_24 | 1.92949 .0734229 26.28 0.000 1.781698 2.077283 + _Ibplg_25 | 3.746006 .0749754 49.96 0.000 3.595088 3.896923 + _Ibplg_26 | 1.294448 .072782 17.79 0.000 1.147946 1.440951 + _Ibplg_27 | 2.531666 .1405696 18.01 0.000 2.248714 2.814618 + _Ibplg_28 | .8643985 .0638489 13.54 0.000 .7358773 .9929196 + _Ibplg_29 | .9228735 .0732782 12.59 0.000 .7753721 1.070375 + _Ibplg_30 | 2.070901 .3071759 6.74 0.000 1.452588 2.689214 + _Ibplg_31 | 3.420479 .1463765 23.37 0.000 3.125838 3.715119 + _Ibplg_32 | .905952 .2331205 3.89 0.000 .4367048 1.375199 + _Ibplg_33 | 3.61565 .0659335 54.84 0.000 3.482933 3.748368 + _Ibplg_34 | 1.570114 .0601732 26.09 0.000 1.448991 1.691236 + _Ibplg_35 | .0713717 .0791138 0.90 0.372 -.0878762 .2306195 + _Ibplg_36 | 1.91975 .0651382 29.47 0.000 1.788634 2.050867 + _Ibplg_37 | .0199065 .0290653 0.68 0.497 -.0385989 .0784118 + _Ibplg_38 | 6.758271 .4043299 16.71 0.000 5.944397 7.572144 + _Ibplg_39 | .7812128 .0567279 13.77 0.000 .6670255 .8954001 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | 2.312601 .1818329 12.72 0.000 1.94659 2.678611 + _Ibplg_42 | 1.339315 .0643866 20.80 0.000 1.209711 1.468918 + _Ibplg_44 | 2.588675 .0675932 38.30 0.000 2.452617 2.724733 + _Ibplg_45 | .4387382 .015383 28.52 0.000 .4077739 .4697025 + _Ibplg_46 | 3.689433 .2514785 14.67 0.000 3.183233 4.195633 + _Ibplg_47 | -.0711527 .0211805 -3.36 0.002 -.1137868 -.0285186 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.900352 .0872274 21.79 0.000 1.724772 2.075931 + _Ibplg_49 | 4.322508 .3064489 14.11 0.000 3.705658 4.939358 + _Ibplg_50 | 2.502765 .0726814 34.43 0.000 2.356465 2.649065 + _Ibplg_51 | .1039216 .0391085 2.66 0.011 .0252003 .1826428 + _Ibplg_53 | 4.59825 .2620673 17.55 0.000 4.070735 5.125764 + _Ibplg_54 | -1.429316 .1070343 -13.35 0.000 -1.644765 -1.213867 + _Ibplg_55 | 2.502174 .1100654 22.73 0.000 2.280623 2.723724 + _Ibplg_56 | 5.957582 .2648757 22.49 0.000 5.424415 6.490749 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | .0016192 .0001031 15.70 0.000 .0014116 .0018268 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0001813 .0000707 -2.56 0.014 -.0003235 -.000039 + _IbplXyob_6 | .000866 .0000283 30.61 0.000 .000809 .000923 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.000025 .0000602 -0.42 0.680 -.0001462 .0000961 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0004035 .0000132 -30.52 0.000 -.0004301 -.0003769 +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0005695 .000031 -18.38 0.000 -.0006319 -.0005071 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0001519 .0000173 -8.79 0.000 -.0001867 -.0001171 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0025342 .0001983 -12.78 0.000 -.0029335 -.002135 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0014136 .0000472 29.95 0.000 .0013186 .0015086 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0006441 .000049 13.15 0.000 .0005456 .0007427 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0005578 .0000417 -13.39 0.000 -.0006417 -.0004739 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0011797 .0000477 -24.73 0.000 -.0012757 -.0010837 +_IbplXyob_21 | .0006971 .0000227 30.65 0.000 .0006514 .0007429 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0002642 .0000303 -8.71 0.000 -.0003252 -.0002031 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0005416 .0000176 -30.82 0.000 -.000577 -.0005062 +_IbplXyob_24 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0007361 .000028 -26.27 0.000 -.0007925 -.0006797 +_IbplXyob_26 | .0009154 .0000801 11.42 0.000 .0007541 .0010767 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0007145 .0000438 -16.31 0.000 -.0008027 -.0006263 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0003904 .0000326 -11.98 0.000 -.000456 -.0003248 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0002353 .0000478 4.92 0.000 .0001391 .0003315 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0006412 .0001482 -4.33 0.000 -.0009395 -.000343 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0015854 .000047 -33.71 0.000 -.0016801 -.0014907 +_IbplXyob_32 | .0007968 .0000392 20.32 0.000 .0007179 .0008757 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0010894 .0000359 -30.33 0.000 -.0011617 -.0010171 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0002599 .0000158 16.42 0.000 .000228 .0002917 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | .0001082 .0000108 10.00 0.000 .0000864 .0001299 +_IbplXyob_37 | .00003 .0000345 0.87 0.389 -.0000395 .0000995 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0034352 .0001873 -18.34 0.000 -.0038123 -.0030582 +_IbplXyob_39 | .0008454 .0000518 16.31 0.000 .0007411 .0009497 +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | .0003404 .000052 6.54 0.000 .0002356 .0004451 +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0002983 .0000187 -15.99 0.000 -.0003358 -.0002607 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0020512 .0001189 -17.26 0.000 -.0022904 -.0018119 +_IbplXyob_47 | .0002901 .0000144 20.13 0.000 .000261 .0003191 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.0004903 .0000424 -11.55 0.000 -.0005758 -.0004049 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0015068 .0001068 -14.11 0.000 -.0017218 -.0012919 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.000301 .0000394 -7.64 0.000 -.0003803 -.0002217 +_IbplXyob_51 | .0003367 .0000261 12.90 0.000 .0002842 .0003893 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.001436 .0000623 -23.04 0.000 -.0015614 -.0013105 +_IbplXyob_54 | .0013865 .0000441 31.47 0.000 .0012979 .0014752 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0006873 .0000246 -27.92 0.000 -.0007369 -.0006378 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0027512 .0000862 -31.93 0.000 -.0029246 -.0025778 +_IbplXyob2_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_4 | -.0000291 1.04e-06 -27.94 0.000 -.0000312 -.000027 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -3.84e-06 4.34e-07 -8.84 0.000 -4.71e-06 -2.97e-06 +_IbplXyob2_6 | -.0000411 6.13e-07 -67.05 0.000 -.0000423 -.0000399 +_IbplXyob2_8 | -.000017 9.47e-07 -17.98 0.000 -.0000189 -.0000151 +_IbplXyob2_9 | -.0000127 1.95e-07 -64.74 0.000 -.000013 -.0000123 +_IbplXy~2_10 | -3.29e-06 2.47e-07 -13.32 0.000 -3.79e-06 -2.80e-06 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | -3.43e-06 3.16e-07 -10.86 0.000 -4.06e-06 -2.79e-06 +_IbplXy~2_13 | 7.16e-07 7.76e-08 9.22 0.000 5.59e-07 8.72e-07 +_IbplXy~2_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000183 1.93e-06 -9.51 0.000 -.0000222 -.0000144 +_IbplXy~2_17 | -.000024 2.71e-07 -88.63 0.000 -.0000246 -.0000235 +_IbplXy~2_18 | -.0000191 1.34e-07 -142.25 0.000 -.0000194 -.0000188 +_IbplXy~2_19 | -6.43e-06 6.39e-07 -10.07 0.000 -7.72e-06 -5.14e-06 +_IbplXy~2_20 | -.0000105 7.04e-07 -14.88 0.000 -.0000119 -9.05e-06 +_IbplXy~2_21 | .0000124 2.37e-07 52.13 0.000 .0000119 .0000128 +_IbplXy~2_22 | -8.73e-06 1.71e-07 -51.06 0.000 -9.08e-06 -8.39e-06 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -9.12e-06 3.76e-07 -24.29 0.000 -9.88e-06 -8.36e-06 +_IbplXy~2_24 | -7.13e-06 2.03e-07 -35.09 0.000 -7.53e-06 -6.72e-06 +_IbplXy~2_25 | -5.57e-06 1.84e-07 -30.34 0.000 -5.94e-06 -5.20e-06 +_IbplXy~2_26 | -.0000164 3.72e-07 -44.03 0.000 -.0000171 -.0000156 +_IbplXy~2_27 | -7.90e-06 7.50e-07 -10.53 0.000 -9.41e-06 -6.39e-06 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -4.47e-06 1.84e-07 -24.35 0.000 -4.84e-06 -4.10e-06 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -.0000118 2.45e-07 -48.29 0.000 -.0000123 -.0000113 +_IbplXy~2_30 | -.0000272 1.06e-06 -25.62 0.000 -.0000293 -.0000251 +_IbplXy~2_31 | -3.19e-06 8.47e-07 -3.76 0.000 -4.89e-06 -1.48e-06 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -.000041 8.62e-07 -47.55 0.000 -.0000427 -.0000392 +_IbplXy~2_33 | -9.55e-06 3.76e-07 -25.39 0.000 -.0000103 -8.80e-06 +_IbplXy~2_34 | -.0000182 1.16e-07 -156.08 0.000 -.0000184 -.0000179 +_IbplXy~2_35 | .000011 1.49e-07 73.81 0.000 .0000107 .0000113 +_IbplXy~2_36 | -.0000194 1.98e-07 -97.85 0.000 -.0000198 -.000019 +_IbplXy~2_37 | 2.36e-06 1.49e-07 15.84 0.000 2.06e-06 2.66e-06 +_IbplXy~2_38 | .0000286 1.95e-06 14.69 0.000 .0000247 .0000326 +_IbplXy~2_39 | -.0000212 1.74e-07 -121.77 0.000 -.0000216 -.0000209 +_IbplXy~2_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_41 | -.0000408 8.17e-07 -49.93 0.000 -.0000424 -.0000391 +_IbplXy~2_42 | -.0000146 1.97e-07 -74.34 0.000 -.000015 -.0000142 +_IbplXy~2_44 | -6.85e-06 1.85e-07 -37.05 0.000 -7.22e-06 -6.48e-06 +_IbplXy~2_45 | -3.66e-06 1.76e-07 -20.77 0.000 -4.01e-06 -3.30e-06 +_IbplXy~2_46 | -.0000143 1.20e-06 -11.96 0.000 -.0000167 -.0000119 +_IbplXy~2_47 | 3.56e-07 1.58e-07 2.25 0.029 3.74e-08 6.75e-07 +_IbplXy~2_48 | -.0000106 5.46e-07 -19.50 0.000 -.0000117 -9.55e-06 +_IbplXy~2_49 | -.0000164 1.09e-06 -15.08 0.000 -.0000186 -.0000142 +_IbplXy~2_50 | 2.44e-07 4.45e-07 0.55 0.587 -6.53e-07 1.14e-06 +_IbplXy~2_51 | 2.59e-06 2.63e-07 9.85 0.000 2.06e-06 3.12e-06 +_IbplXy~2_53 | -.0000168 1.01e-06 -16.69 0.000 -.0000189 -.0000148 +_IbplXy~2_54 | -9.61e-06 2.26e-07 -42.56 0.000 -.0000101 -9.16e-06 +_IbplXy~2_55 | -2.45e-06 6.28e-07 -3.91 0.000 -3.72e-06 -1.19e-06 +_IbplXy~2_56 | 2.23e-06 1.10e-06 2.04 0.047 2.95e-08 4.44e-06 + _Iyear_1880 | .0416863 .0061736 6.75 0.000 .0292596 .0541131 + _Iyear_1900 | .1033921 .0081808 12.64 0.000 .086925 .1198591 + _Iyear_1910 | .1535226 .0098258 15.62 0.000 .1337442 .1733009 + _Iyear_1920 | .1858169 .0101053 18.39 0.000 .165476 .2061578 + _Iyear_1930 | .2595433 .0102027 25.44 0.000 .2390064 .2800802 + _Iyear_1940 | .2393955 .0093821 25.52 0.000 .2205103 .2582807 + _Iyear_1950 | .2989498 .0102033 29.30 0.000 .2784117 .3194879 + _Iyear_1960 | .3535877 .0113567 31.13 0.000 .3307279 .3764475 + _Iyear_1970 | .3919117 .0113859 34.42 0.000 .3689932 .4148303 + _Iyear_1980 | .3971043 .0115246 34.46 0.000 .3739065 .420302 + _Iyear_1990 | .3956295 .011171 35.42 0.000 .3731435 .4181154 +_IbplXpost_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXpost_4 | -.0705793 .0034004 -20.76 0.000 -.077424 -.0637346 +_IbplXpost_5 | -.0073627 .0015335 -4.80 0.000 -.0104495 -.0042758 +_IbplXpost_6 | -.0742143 .0021876 -33.93 0.000 -.0786177 -.0698109 +_IbplXpost_8 | -.0064982 .0036794 -1.77 0.084 -.0139045 .000908 +_IbplXpost_9 | -.0929918 .0009422 -98.69 0.000 -.0948885 -.0910952 +_IbplXpo~_10 | -.0590126 .0009553 -61.78 0.000 -.0609355 -.0570897 +_IbplXpo~_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~_12 | .0053695 .0009928 5.41 0.000 .003371 .0073679 +_IbplXpo~_13 | .0411635 .0002981 138.10 0.000 .0405635 .0417635 +_IbplXpo~_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~_16 | .043417 .0050915 8.53 0.000 .0331685 .0536656 +_IbplXpo~_17 | -.0300903 .0012886 -23.35 0.000 -.0326841 -.0274965 +_IbplXpo~_18 | .0034851 .0003935 8.86 0.000 .002693 .0042772 +_IbplXpo~_19 | -.0414873 .0028303 -14.66 0.000 -.0471844 -.0357901 +_IbplXpo~_20 | -.0326444 .0033981 -9.61 0.000 -.0394845 -.0258042 +_IbplXpo~_21 | -.0059539 .0005337 -11.16 0.000 -.0070281 -.0048796 +_IbplXpo~_22 | -.1130353 .0004914 -230.05 0.000 -.1140243 -.1120462 +_IbplXpo~_23 | -.1171681 .0013153 -89.08 0.000 -.1198156 -.1145205 +_IbplXpo~_24 | -.0636376 .000654 -97.31 0.000 -.064954 -.0623212 +_IbplXpo~_25 | -.085821 .0005607 -153.07 0.000 -.0869495 -.0846924 +_IbplXpo~_26 | -.01995 .0015474 -12.89 0.000 -.0230648 -.0168353 +_IbplXpo~_27 | -.049775 .0034211 -14.55 0.000 -.0566613 -.0428886 +_IbplXpo~_28 | -.045991 .0005044 -91.17 0.000 -.0470064 -.0449756 +_IbplXpo~_29 | -.0347317 .0012015 -28.91 0.000 -.0371503 -.0323131 +_IbplXpo~_30 | .0540268 .0038071 14.19 0.000 .0463634 .0616901 +_IbplXpo~_31 | -.0266265 .0037964 -7.01 0.000 -.0342683 -.0189847 +_IbplXpo~_32 | -.09157 .0030172 -30.35 0.000 -.0976432 -.0854968 +_IbplXpo~_33 | -.0931263 .0016054 -58.01 0.000 -.0963578 -.0898948 +_IbplXpo~_34 | -.0929653 .0004668 -199.17 0.000 -.0939048 -.0920257 +_IbplXpo~_35 | -.0009369 .0005815 -1.61 0.114 -.0021073 .0002336 +_IbplXpo~_36 | -.0699305 .0006955 -100.55 0.000 -.0713304 -.0685306 +_IbplXpo~_37 | -.0156484 .0005665 -27.62 0.000 -.0167887 -.0145081 +_IbplXpo~_38 | -.0080859 .0051365 -1.57 0.122 -.0184251 .0022532 +_IbplXpo~_39 | -.0211343 .0004981 -42.43 0.000 -.0221368 -.0201317 +_IbplXpo~_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~_41 | -.0607574 .0031403 -19.35 0.000 -.0670786 -.0544362 +_IbplXpo~_42 | -.0887787 .0005347 -166.04 0.000 -.089855 -.0877025 +_IbplXpo~_44 | -.0993211 .0008203 -121.07 0.000 -.1009724 -.0976699 +_IbplXpo~_45 | -.0074101 .0008414 -8.81 0.000 -.0091036 -.0057165 +_IbplXpo~_46 | -.0972232 .0042634 -22.80 0.000 -.1058051 -.0886414 +_IbplXpo~_47 | -.0119138 .0004963 -24.00 0.000 -.0129129 -.0109148 +_IbplXpo~_48 | .0141302 .0021986 6.43 0.000 .0097048 .0185557 +_IbplXpo~_49 | .0623213 .0045315 13.75 0.000 .0531998 .0714428 +_IbplXpo~_50 | -.0383853 .0015047 -25.51 0.000 -.0414141 -.0353564 +_IbplXpo~_51 | -.0317186 .0009771 -32.46 0.000 -.0336854 -.0297518 +_IbplXpo~_53 | .0642278 .0037056 17.33 0.000 .0567689 .0716868 +_IbplXpo~_54 | .0003103 .001039 0.30 0.767 -.0017811 .0024018 +_IbplXpo~_55 | -.021715 .0026433 -8.22 0.000 -.0270357 -.0163943 +_IbplXpo~_56 | .1183843 .0035384 33.46 0.000 .1112619 .1255066 +_IbplXposta2 | (omitted) +_IbplXposta4 | -.0001535 .0002396 -0.64 0.525 -.0006358 .0003287 +_IbplXposta5 | 6.04e-06 .0001702 0.04 0.972 -.0003365 .0003486 +_IbplXposta6 | -.0002696 .0002134 -1.26 0.213 -.0006991 .0001599 +_IbplXposta8 | -.0004951 .0001778 -2.78 0.008 -.0008531 -.0001372 +_IbplXposta9 | -.0000353 .000114 -0.31 0.758 -.0002648 .0001941 +_IbplXpo~a10 | .0004982 .0001321 3.77 0.000 .0002323 .0007641 +_IbplXpo~a11 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~a12 | .0009825 .0000982 10.00 0.000 .0007848 .0011803 +_IbplXpo~a13 | -.0002509 .0000158 -15.85 0.000 -.0002828 -.0002191 +_IbplXpo~a15 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~a16 | .0031305 .00025 12.52 0.000 .0026272 .0036338 +_IbplXpo~a17 | -.0001202 .0001163 -1.03 0.307 -.0003542 .0001139 +_IbplXpo~a18 | -.0001897 .0001092 -1.74 0.089 -.0004095 .0000301 +_IbplXpo~a19 | .0012282 .0001527 8.05 0.000 .0009209 .0015355 +_IbplXpo~a20 | .0015417 .0001349 11.43 0.000 .0012701 .0018133 +_IbplXpo~a21 | -.0015096 .0001041 -14.50 0.000 -.0017191 -.0013001 +_IbplXpo~a22 | .0004329 .0000731 5.92 0.000 .0002858 .00058 +_IbplXpo~a23 | .0003259 .0001385 2.35 0.023 .0000471 .0006047 +_IbplXpo~a24 | -.0002536 .0001524 -1.66 0.103 -.0005603 .0000532 +_IbplXpo~a25 | .0001876 .0001343 1.40 0.169 -.0000828 .000458 +_IbplXpo~a26 | -.0004448 .0001112 -4.00 0.000 -.0006687 -.000221 +_IbplXpo~a27 | .0012724 .0001498 8.49 0.000 .0009708 .0015739 +_IbplXpo~a28 | .0004464 .0001091 4.09 0.000 .0002268 .0006659 +_IbplXpo~a29 | .0003418 .0001253 2.73 0.009 .0000896 .000594 +_IbplXpo~a30 | .000053 .0002501 0.21 0.833 -.0004504 .0005564 +_IbplXpo~a31 | .0018616 .0001397 13.33 0.000 .0015804 .0021428 +_IbplXpo~a32 | -.000373 .0003148 -1.19 0.242 -.0010067 .0002606 +_IbplXpo~a33 | .0007111 .0001244 5.72 0.000 .0004607 .0009615 +_IbplXpo~a34 | -.0000333 .0001066 -0.31 0.756 -.0002478 .0001813 +_IbplXpo~a35 | .0009765 .0001233 7.92 0.000 .0007282 .0012248 +_IbplXpo~a36 | -.000078 .0001172 -0.67 0.509 -.0003138 .0001579 +_IbplXpo~a37 | .0009335 .0000496 18.82 0.000 .0008336 .0010333 +_IbplXpo~a38 | .0023422 .0001566 14.95 0.000 .0020269 .0026575 +_IbplXpo~a39 | -.0006274 .000108 -5.81 0.000 -.0008448 -.00041 +_IbplXpo~a40 | (omitted) +_IbplXpo~a41 | .0016764 .0002042 8.21 0.000 .0012654 .0020873 +_IbplXpo~a42 | -.0003999 .0001152 -3.47 0.001 -.0006317 -.000168 +_IbplXpo~a44 | -.00055 .0001119 -4.92 0.000 -.0007752 -.0003248 +_IbplXpo~a45 | -.0000831 .0000216 -3.84 0.000 -.0001266 -.0000396 +_IbplXpo~a46 | .003661 .0001571 23.30 0.000 .0033447 .0039773 +_IbplXpo~a47 | .0000969 .0000348 2.78 0.008 .0000268 .000167 +_IbplXpo~a48 | .0005346 .0001247 4.29 0.000 .0002837 .0007856 +_IbplXpo~a49 | .0021541 .0003229 6.67 0.000 .0015041 .0028041 +_IbplXpo~a50 | -.0005989 .0001307 -4.58 0.000 -.0008619 -.0003359 +_IbplXpo~a51 | -.0007919 .0000735 -10.77 0.000 -.0009399 -.0006438 +_IbplXpo~a53 | .0008188 .0002223 3.68 0.001 .0003714 .0012662 +_IbplXpo~a54 | -.0021475 .0001628 -13.19 0.000 -.0024751 -.0018198 +_IbplXpo~a55 | .0004559 .0001452 3.14 0.003 .0001636 .0007481 +_IbplXpo~a56 | .001798 .0002009 8.95 0.000 .0013936 .0022024 + _cons | 2.176742 .0770582 28.25 0.000 2.021632 2.331853 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, POST-1920 BREAK IN TREND + +19:36:06 on 1 Feb 2010 + +POST-1920 BREAK IN TREND + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 16784 16784 16784 16487 16487 16487 +Depvar: occscore occscore occscore occscore occscore occscore +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.0815* 0.0942* 0.1052* 0.0725* 0.0799* 0.0847* + (0.0154) (0.0201) (0.0240) (0.0199) (0.0205) (0.0209) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.867 0.869 0.873 0.87 0.872 0.875 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. drop post20* + +. +. +. local meanrev "lebergott09 south" + +. local the_rest "imr1890 aurb90 aadlit91 docs1898 spend hookworm ablack91 unemp_1930 chgterm chgptratio " + +. xi i.bplg i.year i.bplg*year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.bplg*year _IbplXyear_# (coded as above) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_15 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16784 + F( 47, 47) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8630 + Adj R-squared = 0.8609 + Root MSE = .06295 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 48 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .102579 .0263424 3.89 0.000 .0495849 .1555732 + lebergott09 | .0000239 .0000152 1.58 0.122 -6.64e-06 .0000545 + south | .0273637 .023647 1.16 0.253 -.0202079 .0749352 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -.0481671 .640228 -0.08 0.940 -1.33614 1.239806 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.089715 .3781055 2.88 0.006 .3290652 1.850365 + _Ibplg_6 | 2.229937 .4842775 4.60 0.000 1.255696 3.204177 + _Ibplg_8 | 2.445831 .4720315 5.18 0.000 1.496226 3.395436 + _Ibplg_9 | 3.770223 .2511915 15.01 0.000 3.264891 4.275555 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.969408 .270978 7.27 0.000 1.424271 2.514546 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.541275 .1941574 7.94 0.000 1.150681 1.931869 + _Ibplg_13 | .212861 .0295903 7.19 0.000 .153333 .2723889 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | -.1822427 .7346381 -0.25 0.805 -1.660144 1.295658 + _Ibplg_17 | -.3780095 .2620084 -1.44 0.156 -.9051024 .1490835 + _Ibplg_18 | -.1197544 .2462919 -0.49 0.629 -.6152298 .3757211 + _Ibplg_19 | .718019 .3255097 2.21 0.032 .063178 1.37286 + _Ibplg_20 | 1.015332 .3809595 2.67 0.011 .2489402 1.781723 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.692773 .1985776 8.52 0.000 1.293286 2.09226 + _Ibplg_22 | 3.090003 .1534212 20.14 0.000 2.78136 3.398647 + _Ibplg_23 | 4.095588 .2618613 15.64 0.000 3.568791 4.622385 + _Ibplg_24 | 2.935709 .2930536 10.02 0.000 2.346161 3.525256 + _Ibplg_25 | 4.596893 .2673181 17.20 0.000 4.059118 5.134668 + _Ibplg_26 | 1.439028 .2673602 5.38 0.000 .901169 1.976888 + _Ibplg_27 | .7446605 .3752078 1.98 0.053 -.0101603 1.499481 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.252994 .2237934 5.60 0.000 .8027799 1.703208 + _Ibplg_29 | .5547222 .2951326 1.88 0.066 -.0390079 1.148452 + _Ibplg_30 | 1.07015 .6552013 1.63 0.109 -.2479448 2.388245 + _Ibplg_31 | .052673 .3809287 0.14 0.891 -.7136567 .8190027 + _Ibplg_32 | 3.112933 .6966068 4.47 0.000 1.711541 4.514325 + _Ibplg_33 | 3.918221 .2446368 16.02 0.000 3.426075 4.410367 + _Ibplg_34 | 2.453125 .2433241 10.08 0.000 1.96362 2.94263 + _Ibplg_35 | -1.112885 .2990128 -3.72 0.001 -1.714421 -.511349 + _Ibplg_36 | 2.349464 .246612 9.53 0.000 1.853344 2.845583 + _Ibplg_37 | -.7208313 .1020937 -7.06 0.000 -.9262173 -.5154453 + _Ibplg_38 | -.4397719 .5678118 -0.77 0.443 -1.582062 .702518 + _Ibplg_39 | .8521871 .2364854 3.60 0.001 .3764398 1.327934 + _Ibplg_40 | 1.274811 .6782787 1.88 0.066 -.0897101 2.639331 + _Ibplg_41 | .8316109 .4642516 1.79 0.080 -.1023429 1.765565 + _Ibplg_42 | 2.693084 .2438472 11.04 0.000 2.202527 3.183642 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.515626 .2472922 18.26 0.000 4.018138 5.013113 + _Ibplg_45 | .5909204 .0354135 16.69 0.000 .5196777 .6621632 + _Ibplg_46 | -1.570822 .485999 -3.23 0.002 -2.548526 -.5931182 + _Ibplg_47 | .071945 .0632538 1.14 0.261 -.0553053 .1991953 + _Ibplg_48 | .8901175 .2666191 3.34 0.002 .3537491 1.426486 + _Ibplg_49 | -.6598323 .7094375 -0.93 0.357 -2.087036 .7673718 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.610745 .2503725 14.42 0.000 3.10706 4.114429 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.644226 .1425666 11.53 0.000 1.357419 1.931033 + _Ibplg_53 | 2.089568 .585361 3.57 0.001 .9119738 3.267163 + _Ibplg_54 | .741171 .3371493 2.20 0.033 .062914 1.419428 + _Ibplg_55 | 1.544186 .3124725 4.94 0.000 .9155722 2.1728 + _Ibplg_56 | .3958379 .5444137 0.73 0.471 -.6993812 1.491057 + _Iyear_1880 | .0505272 .0059878 8.44 0.000 .0384812 .0625731 + _Iyear_1900 | .1271925 .0083896 15.16 0.000 .1103148 .1440701 + _Iyear_1910 | .1842637 .0101778 18.10 0.000 .1637886 .2047387 + _Iyear_1920 | .222556 .010731 20.74 0.000 .2009681 .2441439 + _Iyear_1930 | .2707023 .0133887 20.22 0.000 .2437676 .2976369 + _Iyear_1940 | .2588096 .0139746 18.52 0.000 .2306964 .2869228 + _Iyear_1950 | .3275929 .0155222 21.10 0.000 .2963663 .3588196 + _Iyear_1960 | .3917657 .0177778 22.04 0.000 .3560014 .42753 + _Iyear_1970 | .4385134 .018668 23.49 0.000 .4009582 .4760686 + _Iyear_1980 | .4527699 .0199344 22.71 0.000 .412667 .4928728 + _Iyear_1990 | .4598091 .0204109 22.53 0.000 .4187477 .5008705 +_IbplXyear_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyear_4 | 4.14e-06 .000337 0.01 0.990 -.0006739 .0006821 +_IbplXyear_5 | -.000605 .0001998 -3.03 0.004 -.001007 -.000203 +_IbplXyear_6 | -.0010879 .0002551 -4.26 0.000 -.0016011 -.0005746 +_IbplXyear_8 | -.0012026 .0002473 -4.86 0.000 -.0017001 -.0007051 +_IbplXyear_9 | -.0018323 .0001331 -13.77 0.000 -.0021001 -.0015645 +_IbplXyea~10 | -.0009341 .0001436 -6.50 0.000 -.0012231 -.0006452 +_IbplXyea~11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~12 | -.0007818 .0001026 -7.62 0.000 -.0009881 -.0005754 +_IbplXyea~13 | -.0000983 .0000157 -6.27 0.000 -.0001299 -.0000668 +_IbplXyea~15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~16 | .0001052 .0003849 0.27 0.786 -.000669 .0008795 +_IbplXyea~17 | .0002529 .0001385 1.83 0.074 -.0000258 .0005316 +_IbplXyea~18 | .000107 .0001304 0.82 0.416 -.0001555 .0003694 +_IbplXyea~19 | -.0003378 .0001716 -1.97 0.055 -.000683 7.48e-06 +_IbplXyea~20 | -.0004882 .0001999 -2.44 0.018 -.0008904 -.000086 +_IbplXyea~21 | -.0008759 .0001052 -8.32 0.000 -.0010877 -.0006642 +_IbplXyea~22 | -.0015626 .0000812 -19.24 0.000 -.001726 -.0013993 +_IbplXyea~23 | -.0020547 .0001389 -14.80 0.000 -.002334 -.0017753 +_IbplXyea~24 | -.0014197 .0001553 -9.14 0.000 -.001732 -.0011073 +_IbplXyea~25 | -.0022579 .0001416 -15.94 0.000 -.0025428 -.0019729 +_IbplXyea~26 | -.0006823 .0001413 -4.83 0.000 -.0009666 -.0003981 +_IbplXyea~27 | -.0003416 .0001968 -1.74 0.089 -.0007375 .0000543 +_IbplXyea~28 | -.000652 .0001185 -5.50 0.000 -.0008904 -.0004136 +_IbplXyea~29 | -.000255 .0001561 -1.63 0.109 -.0005691 .000059 +_IbplXyea~30 | -.0005243 .0003438 -1.52 0.134 -.0012159 .0001674 +_IbplXyea~31 | -1.44e-06 .0001993 -0.01 0.994 -.0004025 .0003996 +_IbplXyea~32 | -.0015537 .0003664 -4.24 0.000 -.0022909 -.0008165 +_IbplXyea~33 | -.0019388 .0001297 -14.94 0.000 -.0021998 -.0016778 +_IbplXyea~34 | -.0011557 .0001289 -8.97 0.000 -.0014151 -.0008964 +_IbplXyea~35 | .0005393 .0001584 3.40 0.001 .0002207 .0008579 +_IbplXyea~36 | -.0011118 .0001307 -8.51 0.000 -.0013747 -.0008489 +_IbplXyea~37 | .0003707 .0000541 6.85 0.000 .0002618 .0004796 +_IbplXyea~38 | .0002268 .0002961 0.77 0.448 -.0003689 .0008225 +_IbplXyea~39 | -.0003723 .0001253 -2.97 0.005 -.0006244 -.0001202 +_IbplXyea~40 | -.0006569 .000356 -1.85 0.071 -.0013731 .0000592 +_IbplXyea~41 | -.0003987 .0002443 -1.63 0.109 -.0008903 .0000929 +_IbplXyea~42 | -.0013027 .0001292 -10.08 0.000 -.0015627 -.0010428 +_IbplXyea~44 | -.0022244 .000131 -16.98 0.000 -.002488 -.0019608 +_IbplXyea~45 | -.0002854 .0000187 -15.24 0.000 -.0003231 -.0002477 +_IbplXyea~46 | .0008064 .0002537 3.18 0.003 .0002961 .0013168 +_IbplXyea~47 | -.0000466 .0000335 -1.39 0.171 -.000114 .0000209 +_IbplXyea~48 | -.0004691 .0001405 -3.34 0.002 -.0007517 -.0001864 +_IbplXyea~49 | .0003772 .0003729 1.01 0.317 -.000373 .0011275 +_IbplXyea~50 | -.0018053 .0001328 -13.60 0.000 -.0020724 -.0015382 +_IbplXyea~51 | -.0008155 .0000756 -10.78 0.000 -.0009676 -.0006633 +_IbplXyea~53 | -.0010343 .0003072 -3.37 0.002 -.0016522 -.0004163 +_IbplXyea~54 | -.0003767 .0001782 -2.11 0.040 -.0007353 -.0000182 +_IbplXyea~55 | -.000743 .0001648 -4.51 0.000 -.0010744 -.0004115 +_IbplXyea~56 | -.0001648 .0002857 -0.58 0.567 -.0007395 .0004099 + _cons | 2.772 .0239212 115.88 0.000 2.723877 2.820124 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.year i.bplg*year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.bplg*year _IbplXyear_# (coded as above) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_15 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16784 + F( 49, 47) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8643 + Adj R-squared = 0.8618 + Root MSE = .06266 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 48 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1099444 .0300818 3.65 0.001 .0494276 .1704612 + lebergott09 | .0000381 .0000173 2.20 0.033 3.20e-06 .0000729 + south | .0361832 .0271126 1.33 0.188 -.0183604 .0907267 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | .4513825 .7209581 0.63 0.534 -.9989982 1.901763 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.29203 .438889 2.94 0.005 .4090995 2.174961 + _Ibplg_6 | 2.588285 .5428401 4.77 0.000 1.496232 3.680338 + _Ibplg_8 | 2.773408 .5287575 5.25 0.000 1.709685 3.837131 + _Ibplg_9 | 3.82486 .2769695 13.81 0.000 3.267669 4.38205 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.883381 .303126 6.21 0.000 1.27357 2.493192 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.699245 .2194413 7.74 0.000 1.257787 2.140704 + _Ibplg_13 | .1955808 .033961 5.76 0.000 .12726 .2639015 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | .5613122 .8411398 0.67 0.508 -1.130843 2.253467 + _Ibplg_17 | -.3073875 .2898857 -1.06 0.294 -.8905624 .2757874 + _Ibplg_18 | -.12181 .2737064 -0.45 0.658 -.6724363 .4288163 + _Ibplg_19 | .8985949 .3658344 2.46 0.018 .1626311 1.634559 + _Ibplg_20 | 1.179275 .4261575 2.77 0.008 .3219566 2.036593 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.756578 .2273428 7.73 0.000 1.299223 2.213933 + _Ibplg_22 | 3.156175 .1750951 18.03 0.000 2.803929 3.508421 + _Ibplg_23 | 4.194349 .2889448 14.52 0.000 3.613068 4.775631 + _Ibplg_24 | 2.805951 .328942 8.53 0.000 2.144205 3.467697 + _Ibplg_25 | 4.682859 .2946442 15.89 0.000 4.090112 5.275607 + _Ibplg_26 | 1.520215 .2960489 5.14 0.000 .9246413 2.115788 + _Ibplg_27 | .9252797 .416707 2.22 0.031 .0869734 1.763586 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.348765 .2572275 5.24 0.000 .8312904 1.86624 + _Ibplg_29 | .5474814 .3333043 1.64 0.107 -.1230404 1.218003 + _Ibplg_30 | 1.65629 .7454077 2.22 0.031 .156723 3.155857 + _Ibplg_31 | .248863 .4215281 0.59 0.558 -.599142 1.096868 + _Ibplg_32 | 3.728212 .789491 4.72 0.000 2.139961 5.316463 + _Ibplg_33 | 3.939573 .2696083 14.61 0.000 3.397191 4.481955 + _Ibplg_34 | 2.412455 .269379 8.96 0.000 1.870534 2.954375 + _Ibplg_35 | -.9065122 .3321665 -2.73 0.009 -1.574745 -.2382795 + _Ibplg_36 | 2.426622 .271687 8.93 0.000 1.880058 2.973185 + _Ibplg_37 | -.7171244 .1168914 -6.13 0.000 -.9522796 -.4819692 + _Ibplg_38 | -.0581868 .6420204 -0.09 0.928 -1.349765 1.233392 + _Ibplg_39 | .8469992 .2618712 3.23 0.002 .3201822 1.373816 + _Ibplg_40 | 1.371097 .7855437 1.75 0.087 -.2092136 2.951407 + _Ibplg_41 | 1.22352 .5267858 2.32 0.025 .1637639 2.283277 + _Ibplg_42 | 2.639703 .2704804 9.76 0.000 2.095567 3.18384 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.568367 .2722274 16.78 0.000 4.020716 5.116018 + _Ibplg_45 | .5468566 .0399161 13.70 0.000 .4665557 .6271575 + _Ibplg_46 | -1.223947 .5452472 -2.24 0.030 -2.320843 -.127051 + _Ibplg_47 | .1115083 .0720211 1.55 0.128 -.0333794 .256396 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.117945 .3069173 3.64 0.001 .5005074 1.735383 + _Ibplg_49 | .0313525 .8147542 0.04 0.969 -1.607722 1.670427 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.672696 .2759919 13.31 0.000 3.117472 4.22792 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.650346 .1628776 10.13 0.000 1.322679 1.978013 + _Ibplg_53 | 2.575866 .6585554 3.91 0.000 1.251023 3.900708 + _Ibplg_54 | .8714805 .3871002 2.25 0.029 .0927353 1.650226 + _Ibplg_55 | 1.701959 .349739 4.87 0.000 .9983748 2.405543 + _Ibplg_56 | .8314477 .6192053 1.34 0.186 -.4142326 2.077128 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0000753 .0002754 -0.27 0.786 -.0006293 .0004787 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0002656 .0001793 -1.48 0.145 -.0006263 .0000951 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0011775 .0002305 -5.11 0.000 -.0016412 -.0007139 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0007598 .0002315 -3.28 0.002 -.0012255 -.0002941 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0004215 .0000899 -4.69 0.000 -.0006024 -.0002407 +_IbplXyob_10 | .0010036 .0000981 10.23 0.000 .0008062 .001201 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | -.000749 .0001197 -6.26 0.000 -.0009898 -.0005082 +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0005276 .0000157 -33.66 0.000 -.0005592 -.0004961 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0023271 .000315 -7.39 0.000 -.0029608 -.0016934 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0005029 .0001158 4.34 0.000 .0002699 .0007359 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0000939 .0000925 1.01 0.316 -.0000923 .00028 +_IbplXyob_19 | .0000751 .0001748 0.43 0.670 -.0002767 .0004268 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0005385 .0001857 -2.90 0.006 -.0009121 -.0001649 +_IbplXyob_21 | .0004556 .0000732 6.23 0.000 .0003084 .0006028 +_IbplXyob_22 | .0005823 .0000657 8.86 0.000 .0004501 .0007145 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0002367 .0001043 -2.27 0.028 -.0004465 -.0000269 +_IbplXyob_24 | .000629 .0001032 6.09 0.000 .0004213 .0008367 +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0006606 .0000948 -6.97 0.000 -.0008513 -.0004698 +_IbplXyob_26 | -.0002933 .0001358 -2.16 0.036 -.0005666 -.0000201 +_IbplXyob_27 | .0000353 .0001964 0.18 0.858 -.0003598 .0004304 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0002746 .0000941 -2.92 0.005 -.0004639 -.0000852 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0005114 .0001241 4.12 0.000 .0002617 .0007611 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0015671 .0002874 -5.45 0.000 -.0021453 -.0009889 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0003748 .0001925 -1.95 0.058 -.0007621 .0000124 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0010134 .0002809 -3.61 0.001 -.0015784 -.0004483 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0009746 .0000997 -9.78 0.000 -.0011751 -.000774 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0000544 .0000894 0.61 0.546 -.0001254 .0002342 +_IbplXyob_35 | .0029016 .0001217 23.84 0.000 .0026568 .0031464 +_IbplXyob_36 | .0003299 .0000887 3.72 0.001 .0001514 .0005084 +_IbplXyob_37 | .0003753 .0000383 9.81 0.000 .0002983 .0004523 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0000715 .0002617 -0.27 0.786 -.000598 .0004551 +_IbplXyob_39 | .0004524 .0000868 5.21 0.000 .0002778 .0006269 +_IbplXyob_40 | .0001572 .0002897 0.54 0.590 -.0004255 .0007399 +_IbplXyob_41 | -.0011648 .000244 -4.77 0.000 -.0016557 -.0006738 +_IbplXyob_42 | .000814 .0000876 9.30 0.000 .0006379 .0009902 +_IbplXyob_44 | -.0003402 .0000888 -3.83 0.000 -.0005188 -.0001615 +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0002335 .0000266 -8.78 0.000 -.0002871 -.00018 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0009723 .0002335 -4.16 0.000 -.0014421 -.0005025 +_IbplXyob_47 | .0002149 .0000387 5.55 0.000 .0001371 .0002928 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.000465 .0001506 -3.09 0.003 -.000768 -.000162 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0018089 .000344 -5.26 0.000 -.002501 -.0011168 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0005115 .0001122 -4.56 0.000 -.0007372 -.0002859 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0000469 .0000607 -0.77 0.443 -.000169 .0000751 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.001787 .0002633 -6.79 0.000 -.0023166 -.0012573 +_IbplXyob_54 | .0012375 .0001391 8.89 0.000 .0009576 .0015175 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0001207 .0001743 -0.69 0.492 -.0004714 .0002299 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0008574 .0002611 -3.28 0.002 -.0013826 -.0003322 + _Iyear_1880 | .0520029 .0059366 8.76 0.000 .0400599 .0639459 + _Iyear_1900 | .1315076 .0076106 17.28 0.000 .1161971 .1468182 + _Iyear_1910 | .1896126 .0094108 20.15 0.000 .1706806 .2085445 + _Iyear_1920 | .2284747 .0096066 23.78 0.000 .2091488 .2478006 + _Iyear_1930 | .2769667 .0116444 23.79 0.000 .2535412 .3003923 + _Iyear_1940 | .265237 .0105335 25.18 0.000 .2440464 .2864276 + _Iyear_1950 | .3340773 .0113174 29.52 0.000 .3113096 .3568451 + _Iyear_1960 | .3981215 .0123604 32.21 0.000 .3732556 .4229874 + _Iyear_1970 | .4447082 .0126762 35.08 0.000 .4192069 .4702095 + _Iyear_1980 | .4587282 .0133632 34.33 0.000 .4318449 .4856115 + _Iyear_1990 | .4653727 .0133403 34.88 0.000 .4385354 .4922099 +_IbplXyear_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyear_4 | -.0001853 .0001899 -0.98 0.334 -.0005673 .0001968 +_IbplXyear_5 | -.0004514 .0000788 -5.73 0.000 -.0006098 -.0002929 +_IbplXyear_6 | -.0001221 .0001313 -0.93 0.357 -.0003862 .0001421 +_IbplXyear_8 | -.0006294 .0001339 -4.70 0.000 -.0008987 -.0003601 +_IbplXyear_9 | -.0014485 .000064 -22.63 0.000 -.0015773 -.0013197 +_IbplXyea~10 | -.0018715 .0000776 -24.11 0.000 -.0020276 -.0017153 +_IbplXyea~11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~12 | -.000131 .0000892 -1.47 0.148 -.0003104 .0000484 +_IbplXyea~13 | .0004277 .0000149 28.66 0.000 .0003977 .0004577 +_IbplXyea~15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~16 | .0019988 .0001977 10.11 0.000 .0016011 .0023964 +_IbplXyea~17 | -.0002774 .000056 -4.96 0.000 -.00039 -.0001648 +_IbplXyea~18 | .0000161 .0000574 0.28 0.781 -.0000994 .0001316 +_IbplXyea~19 | -.0005066 .0000728 -6.96 0.000 -.0006531 -.0003601 +_IbplXyea~20 | -.0000464 .0001073 -0.43 0.667 -.0002622 .0001694 +_IbplXyea~21 | -.001356 .0000626 -21.65 0.000 -.001482 -.00123 +_IbplXyea~22 | -.0021683 .0000447 -48.46 0.000 -.0022584 -.0020783 +_IbplXyea~23 | -.0018753 .0000991 -18.93 0.000 -.0020746 -.0016761 +_IbplXyea~24 | -.0019671 .0000798 -24.65 0.000 -.0021276 -.0018065 +_IbplXyea~25 | -.0016564 .0000658 -25.18 0.000 -.0017888 -.0015241 +_IbplXyea~26 | -.0004376 .000069 -6.34 0.000 -.0005764 -.0002988 +_IbplXyea~27 | -.0004712 .0001016 -4.64 0.000 -.0006756 -.0002669 +_IbplXyea~28 | -.0004335 .0000461 -9.39 0.000 -.0005264 -.0003407 +_IbplXyea~29 | -.0007525 .0000591 -12.73 0.000 -.0008714 -.0006335 +_IbplXyea~30 | .000705 .0001723 4.09 0.000 .0003585 .0010516 +_IbplXyea~31 | .0002631 .0001098 2.40 0.021 .0000422 .0004839 +_IbplXyea~32 | -.0008834 .0001989 -4.44 0.000 -.0012835 -.0004833 +_IbplXyea~33 | -.0009961 .0000925 -10.76 0.000 -.0011823 -.00081 +_IbplXyea~34 | -.0011875 .0000572 -20.77 0.000 -.0013025 -.0010725 +_IbplXyea~35 | -.0024128 .0000685 -35.22 0.000 -.0025506 -.0022749 +_IbplXyea~36 | -.0014759 .0000658 -22.44 0.000 -.0016082 -.0013436 +_IbplXyea~37 | 1.12e-06 .000033 0.03 0.973 -.0000653 .0000675 +_IbplXyea~38 | .0000971 .0001564 0.62 0.538 -.0002177 .0004118 +_IbplXyea~39 | -.0008127 .0000641 -12.69 0.000 -.0009416 -.0006838 +_IbplXyea~40 | -.0008619 .0001935 -4.46 0.000 -.0012511 -.0004727 +_IbplXyea~41 | .0005378 .0001111 4.84 0.000 .0003143 .0007613 +_IbplXyea~42 | -.0020718 .0000649 -31.94 0.000 -.0022023 -.0019413 +_IbplXyea~44 | -.0019192 .0000599 -32.02 0.000 -.0020398 -.0017986 +_IbplXyea~45 | -.0000334 .0000244 -1.37 0.179 -.0000826 .0000158 +_IbplXyea~46 | .0015786 .0001337 11.80 0.000 .0013095 .0018476 +_IbplXyea~47 | -.0002781 .0000349 -7.96 0.000 -.0003483 -.0002078 +_IbplXyea~48 | -.0001331 .0000934 -1.42 0.161 -.0003211 .0000549 +_IbplXyea~49 | .0017885 .0001403 12.75 0.000 .0015062 .0020708 +_IbplXyea~50 | -.0013375 .0001086 -12.32 0.000 -.0015559 -.0011191 +_IbplXyea~51 | -.0007728 .0000611 -12.65 0.000 -.0008957 -.0006499 +_IbplXyea~53 | .0004626 .0001631 2.84 0.007 .0001345 .0007908 +_IbplXyea~54 | -.0016581 .0000774 -21.41 0.000 -.0018139 -.0015023 +_IbplXyea~55 | -.0007077 .0000742 -9.54 0.000 -.000857 -.0005584 +_IbplXyea~56 | .0004476 .000151 2.96 0.005 .0001438 .0007513 + _cons | 2.750204 .0250462 109.81 0.000 2.699817 2.80059 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year i.bplg*year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.bplg*year _IbplXyear_# (coded as above) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_15 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16784 + F( 48, 47) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8713 + Adj R-squared = 0.8686 + Root MSE = .06101 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 48 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .122597 .0230105 5.33 0.000 .0763057 .1688882 + lebergott09 | .0000349 .0000149 2.34 0.024 4.87e-06 .0000648 + south | -.0071198 .0176366 -0.40 0.688 -.0426001 .0283605 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | .9747571 .5831197 1.67 0.101 -.1983284 2.147843 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.617589 .3684235 4.39 0.000 .8764169 2.358762 + _Ibplg_6 | 3.032947 .4518583 6.71 0.000 2.123925 3.941969 + _Ibplg_8 | 3.179503 .4200651 7.57 0.000 2.334441 4.024565 + _Ibplg_9 | 4.732335 .2264734 20.90 0.000 4.276729 5.187941 + _Ibplg_10 | 2.506308 .2395093 10.46 0.000 2.024478 2.988139 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.90539 .1921748 9.91 0.000 1.518784 2.291996 + _Ibplg_13 | .231624 .0289621 8.00 0.000 .1733598 .2898882 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | 1.030158 .7349351 1.40 0.168 -.4483403 2.508657 + _Ibplg_17 | .8467258 .2293402 3.69 0.001 .3853528 1.308099 + _Ibplg_18 | 1.098055 .2049567 5.36 0.000 .6857356 1.510375 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.744546 .3016946 5.78 0.000 1.137614 2.351477 + _Ibplg_20 | 2.295901 .2897804 7.92 0.000 1.712938 2.878864 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.399225 .1914898 7.31 0.000 1.013998 1.784453 + _Ibplg_22 | 3.341406 .1473179 22.68 0.000 3.045041 3.637772 + _Ibplg_23 | 4.869309 .2682839 18.15 0.000 4.329591 5.409027 + _Ibplg_24 | 3.655583 .2572862 14.21 0.000 3.13799 4.173176 + _Ibplg_25 | 5.312842 .2647124 20.07 0.000 4.780309 5.845375 + _Ibplg_26 | 2.523957 .2257356 11.18 0.000 2.069836 2.978079 + _Ibplg_27 | 1.977878 .3261602 6.06 0.000 1.321728 2.634028 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.508835 .2188447 6.89 0.000 1.068576 1.949093 + _Ibplg_29 | 1.53875 .2274307 6.77 0.000 1.081219 1.996282 + _Ibplg_30 | 1.530819 .6165733 2.48 0.017 .2904334 2.771204 + _Ibplg_31 | 1.613426 .3148422 5.12 0.000 .9800449 2.246806 + _Ibplg_32 | 3.83633 .661598 5.80 0.000 2.505367 5.167294 + _Ibplg_33 | 4.600803 .2431011 18.93 0.000 4.111747 5.08986 + _Ibplg_34 | 3.464389 .2062 16.80 0.000 3.049569 3.87921 + _Ibplg_35 | -.4529647 .2556939 -1.77 0.083 -.9673546 .0614251 + _Ibplg_36 | 3.560231 .2323055 15.33 0.000 3.092892 4.027569 + _Ibplg_37 | -1.013987 .0963878 -10.52 0.000 -1.207894 -.8200796 + _Ibplg_38 | 3.840428 .5690029 6.75 0.000 2.695742 4.985114 + _Ibplg_39 | 2.168924 .2066635 10.49 0.000 1.753171 2.584677 + _Ibplg_40 | 3.733178 .5267947 7.09 0.000 2.673404 4.792952 + _Ibplg_41 | 1.694844 .4328263 3.92 0.000 .8241098 2.565578 + _Ibplg_42 | 3.6609 .2209245 16.57 0.000 3.216458 4.105343 + _Ibplg_44 | 5.339437 .2297195 23.24 0.000 4.877301 5.801573 + _Ibplg_45 | .642023 .0380793 16.86 0.000 .5654174 .7186287 + _Ibplg_46 | .6361055 .4371889 1.45 0.152 -.2434052 1.515616 + _Ibplg_47 | .0075829 .0627179 0.12 0.904 -.1185892 .133755 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.362361 .2587461 5.27 0.000 .8418309 1.882891 + _Ibplg_49 | .7070202 .6835893 1.03 0.306 -.6681841 2.082224 + _Ibplg_50 | 4.206605 .2565203 16.40 0.000 3.690553 4.722658 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.512143 .1370192 11.04 0.000 1.236496 1.78779 + _Ibplg_53 | 2.918941 .538539 5.42 0.000 1.83554 4.002341 + _Ibplg_54 | 1.152799 .3076945 3.75 0.000 .5337977 1.771801 + _Ibplg_55 | 2.538455 .2896172 8.76 0.000 1.955821 3.12109 + _Ibplg_56 | 1.704393 .5074808 3.36 0.002 .6834734 2.725313 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | .0007324 .0002107 3.48 0.001 .0003085 .0011563 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0003605 .0001167 -3.09 0.003 -.0005952 -.0001257 + _IbplXyob_6 | .0003205 .0001593 2.01 0.050 1.36e-07 .0006409 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0001992 .0001843 -1.08 0.285 -.00057 .0001715 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0006492 .0000689 -9.42 0.000 -.0007879 -.0005105 +_IbplXyob_10 | .0008826 .0000725 12.18 0.000 .0007368 .0010284 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | -.0011135 .0000698 -15.96 0.000 -.0012539 -.0009732 +_IbplXyob_13 | -.000512 .0000119 -42.94 0.000 -.000536 -.000488 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0020484 .0003039 -6.74 0.000 -.0026598 -.001437 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0005736 .0000754 7.61 0.000 .000422 .0007252 +_IbplXyob_18 | -.0001752 .0000619 -2.83 0.007 -.0002997 -.0000507 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0005236 .0001156 -4.53 0.000 -.0007562 -.000291 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0010478 .0001268 -8.27 0.000 -.0013028 -.0007928 +_IbplXyob_21 | .000703 .0000627 11.21 0.000 .0005768 .0008291 +_IbplXyob_22 | .000471 .0000422 11.17 0.000 .0003862 .0005558 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0003197 .0000887 -3.60 0.001 -.0004982 -.0001413 +_IbplXyob_24 | .0004141 .0000759 5.46 0.000 .0002615 .0005667 +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0008212 .0000799 -10.28 0.000 -.0009819 -.0006605 +_IbplXyob_26 | -.0002093 .000086 -2.43 0.019 -.0003824 -.0000362 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0005968 .0001481 -4.03 0.000 -.0008948 -.0002988 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0003465 .0000701 -4.94 0.000 -.0004876 -.0002054 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0002657 .000072 3.69 0.001 .0001208 .0004106 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0002639 .0002301 -1.15 0.257 -.0007268 .0001989 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0013162 .0001526 -8.63 0.000 -.0016233 -.0010092 +_IbplXyob_32 | .0007151 .0001931 3.70 0.001 .0003266 .0011035 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0010455 .0000795 -13.14 0.000 -.0012055 -.0008855 +_IbplXyob_34 | -.0001594 .000063 -2.53 0.015 -.0002861 -.0000327 +_IbplXyob_35 | .0023925 .0000803 29.81 0.000 .002231 .0025539 +_IbplXyob_36 | 7.67e-06 .000071 0.11 0.914 -.0001353 .0001506 +_IbplXyob_37 | .0005067 .0000311 16.30 0.000 .0004442 .0005693 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0029836 .0002805 -10.64 0.000 -.0035479 -.0024192 +_IbplXyob_39 | .0000729 .0000623 1.17 0.248 -.0000525 .0001982 +_IbplXyob_40 | -.0015691 .0002104 -7.46 0.000 -.0019924 -.0011458 +_IbplXyob_41 | -1.64e-06 .0001735 -0.01 0.993 -.0003507 .0003475 +_IbplXyob_42 | .000537 .0000671 8.01 0.000 .0004021 .0006719 +_IbplXyob_44 | -.0005362 .0000704 -7.61 0.000 -.0006779 -.0003945 +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0002151 .0000179 -12.01 0.000 -.0002511 -.0001791 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0022395 .0002111 -10.61 0.000 -.0026642 -.0018148 +_IbplXyob_47 | .0003485 .0000263 13.23 0.000 .0002955 .0004015 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.0003143 .0000967 -3.25 0.002 -.0005088 -.0001198 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0016044 .0002478 -6.48 0.000 -.0021028 -.0011059 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0004387 .0000894 -4.91 0.000 -.0006187 -.0002588 +_IbplXyob_51 | .0001102 .0000477 2.31 0.025 .0000142 .0002062 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0010681 .0002075 -5.15 0.000 -.0014856 -.0006506 +_IbplXyob_54 | .0013853 .0000979 14.15 0.000 .0011883 .0015823 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0007075 .0001158 -6.11 0.000 -.0009404 -.0004746 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0011092 .0002169 -5.11 0.000 -.0015456 -.0006728 +_IbplXyob2_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_4 | -.0000248 8.88e-07 -27.89 0.000 -.0000266 -.000023 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -5.66e-06 1.23e-06 -4.61 0.000 -8.13e-06 -3.19e-06 +_IbplXyob2_6 | -.0000392 8.75e-07 -44.79 0.000 -.000041 -.0000374 +_IbplXyob2_8 | -.0000213 9.68e-07 -22.02 0.000 -.0000233 -.0000194 +_IbplXyob2_9 | -9.96e-06 6.90e-07 -14.44 0.000 -.0000113 -8.57e-06 +_IbplXy~2_10 | 4.30e-07 7.91e-07 0.54 0.590 -1.16e-06 2.02e-06 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | -9.06e-07 5.88e-07 -1.54 0.130 -2.09e-06 2.77e-07 +_IbplXy~2_13 | -1.84e-06 1.19e-07 -15.45 0.000 -2.09e-06 -1.60e-06 +_IbplXy~2_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000161 1.27e-06 -12.68 0.000 -.0000187 -.0000135 +_IbplXy~2_17 | -.0000242 7.32e-07 -33.07 0.000 -.0000257 -.0000227 +_IbplXy~2_18 | -.0000206 6.88e-07 -30.01 0.000 -.000022 -.0000193 +_IbplXy~2_19 | 4.26e-07 1.06e-06 0.40 0.690 -1.71e-06 2.56e-06 +_IbplXy~2_20 | -3.92e-06 9.36e-07 -4.19 0.000 -5.80e-06 -2.03e-06 +_IbplXy~2_21 | 6.60e-06 6.73e-07 9.81 0.000 5.24e-06 7.95e-06 +_IbplXy~2_22 | -3.01e-06 4.74e-07 -6.35 0.000 -3.96e-06 -2.06e-06 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -4.67e-06 9.42e-07 -4.96 0.000 -6.57e-06 -2.78e-06 +_IbplXy~2_24 | -6.44e-06 8.51e-07 -7.58 0.000 -8.16e-06 -4.73e-06 +_IbplXy~2_25 | -2.06e-06 8.24e-07 -2.50 0.016 -3.72e-06 -4.04e-07 +_IbplXy~2_26 | -.0000185 7.04e-07 -26.24 0.000 -.0000199 -.0000171 +_IbplXy~2_27 | -7.08e-07 9.53e-07 -0.74 0.461 -2.62e-06 1.21e-06 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -1.53e-06 7.35e-07 -2.08 0.043 -3.01e-06 -5.14e-08 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -.0000103 7.79e-07 -13.26 0.000 -.0000119 -8.76e-06 +_IbplXy~2_30 | -.0000347 9.15e-07 -37.91 0.000 -.0000365 -.0000328 +_IbplXy~2_31 | 4.62e-06 9.87e-07 4.68 0.000 2.63e-06 6.60e-06 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -.0000397 1.02e-06 -39.05 0.000 -.0000417 -.0000376 +_IbplXy~2_33 | -4.09e-06 8.44e-07 -4.84 0.000 -5.78e-06 -2.39e-06 +_IbplXy~2_34 | -.0000149 6.03e-07 -24.66 0.000 -.0000161 -.0000137 +_IbplXy~2_35 | .0000116 7.01e-07 16.57 0.000 .0000102 .000013 +_IbplXy~2_36 | -.0000178 7.44e-07 -23.92 0.000 -.0000193 -.0000163 +_IbplXy~2_37 | 7.32e-06 3.27e-07 22.38 0.000 6.66e-06 7.98e-06 +_IbplXy~2_38 | .0000336 1.55e-06 21.67 0.000 .0000304 .0000367 +_IbplXy~2_39 | -.0000237 6.93e-07 -34.16 0.000 -.0000251 -.0000223 +_IbplXy~2_40 | .0000158 9.42e-07 16.77 0.000 .0000139 .0000177 +_IbplXy~2_41 | -.0000327 1.09e-06 -29.87 0.000 -.0000349 -.0000305 +_IbplXy~2_42 | -.0000134 7.30e-07 -18.41 0.000 -.0000149 -.000012 +_IbplXy~2_44 | -5.90e-06 7.05e-07 -8.37 0.000 -7.31e-06 -4.48e-06 +_IbplXy~2_45 | -3.66e-06 1.87e-07 -19.62 0.000 -4.04e-06 -3.29e-06 +_IbplXy~2_46 | 8.43e-06 1.08e-06 7.79 0.000 6.26e-06 .0000106 +_IbplXy~2_47 | 1.35e-06 2.44e-07 5.55 0.000 8.63e-07 1.84e-06 +_IbplXy~2_48 | -.0000117 8.85e-07 -13.27 0.000 -.0000135 -9.96e-06 +_IbplXy~2_49 | -.0000158 1.31e-06 -12.08 0.000 -.0000184 -.0000132 +_IbplXy~2_50 | -1.28e-06 9.45e-07 -1.35 0.182 -3.18e-06 6.21e-07 +_IbplXy~2_51 | 9.15e-07 5.02e-07 1.83 0.074 -9.35e-08 1.92e-06 +_IbplXy~2_53 | -.000024 9.30e-07 -25.82 0.000 -.0000259 -.0000221 +_IbplXy~2_54 | -.000019 9.30e-07 -20.47 0.000 -.0000209 -.0000172 +_IbplXy~2_55 | -3.73e-07 9.67e-07 -0.39 0.701 -2.32e-06 1.57e-06 +_IbplXy~2_56 | -7.93e-06 9.75e-07 -8.13 0.000 -9.89e-06 -5.96e-06 + _Iyear_1880 | .0542168 .0059817 9.06 0.000 .0421831 .0662504 + _Iyear_1900 | .1376491 .007984 17.24 0.000 .1215873 .1537108 + _Iyear_1910 | .19814 .0097293 20.37 0.000 .1785672 .2177128 + _Iyear_1920 | .2394688 .0099488 24.07 0.000 .2194544 .2594832 + _Iyear_1930 | .2901485 .0117843 24.62 0.000 .2664415 .3138555 + _Iyear_1940 | .2809696 .0101363 27.72 0.000 .2605781 .3013611 + _Iyear_1950 | .3522945 .0109974 32.03 0.000 .3301706 .3744184 + _Iyear_1960 | .4184927 .0114938 36.41 0.000 .3953702 .4416152 + _Iyear_1970 | .4675395 .0114882 40.70 0.000 .4444282 .4906508 + _Iyear_1980 | .484125 .0123678 39.14 0.000 .4592442 .5090058 + _Iyear_1990 | .4935904 .0126056 39.16 0.000 .4682312 .5189496 +_IbplXyear_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyear_4 | -.0012376 .0001816 -6.82 0.000 -.001603 -.0008723 +_IbplXyear_5 | -.0005224 .0000951 -5.50 0.000 -.0007136 -.0003312 +_IbplXyear_6 | -.0017943 .0001393 -12.88 0.000 -.0020746 -.0015141 +_IbplXyear_8 | -.0013807 .000138 -10.01 0.000 -.0016583 -.0011032 +_IbplXyear_9 | -.0016922 .0000558 -30.30 0.000 -.0018046 -.0015798 +_IbplXyea~10 | -.0020848 .0000638 -32.69 0.000 -.0022131 -.0019565 +_IbplXyea~11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~12 | .0001205 .0000842 1.43 0.159 -.0000488 .0002899 +_IbplXyea~13 | .0003956 .0000126 31.28 0.000 .0003702 .000421 +_IbplXyea~15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~16 | .0014878 .0001783 8.34 0.000 .001129 .0018466 +_IbplXyea~17 | -.0009274 .0000549 -16.90 0.000 -.0010378 -.000817 +_IbplXyea~18 | -.0003376 .0000503 -6.71 0.000 -.0004388 -.0002363 +_IbplXyea~19 | -.0003629 .0000841 -4.31 0.000 -.0005321 -.0001936 +_IbplXyea~20 | -.000126 .0001093 -1.15 0.255 -.000346 .000094 +_IbplXyea~21 | -.0014196 .0000448 -31.69 0.000 -.0015098 -.0013295 +_IbplXyea~22 | -.0021527 .0000433 -49.76 0.000 -.0022397 -.0020657 +_IbplXyea~23 | -.0021459 .000073 -29.38 0.000 -.0022929 -.001999 +_IbplXyea~24 | -.0021978 .0000657 -33.46 0.000 -.0023299 -.0020656 +_IbplXyea~25 | -.0018304 .0000624 -29.32 0.000 -.001956 -.0017048 +_IbplXyea~26 | -.0010286 .0000621 -16.56 0.000 -.0011535 -.0009037 +_IbplXyea~27 | -.0003983 .0001089 -3.66 0.001 -.0006173 -.0001792 +_IbplXyea~28 | -.0004453 .0000469 -9.49 0.000 -.0005397 -.0003509 +_IbplXyea~29 | -.0010224 .0000516 -19.80 0.000 -.0011263 -.0009185 +_IbplXyea~30 | -.0004936 .0001713 -2.88 0.006 -.0008383 -.000149 +_IbplXyea~31 | .0004765 .000115 4.14 0.000 .0002451 .0007079 +_IbplXyea~32 | -.0026113 .0002123 -12.30 0.000 -.0030384 -.0021841 +_IbplXyea~33 | -.0012724 .0000696 -18.27 0.000 -.0014125 -.0011323 +_IbplXyea~34 | -.0015142 .0000484 -31.26 0.000 -.0016117 -.0014168 +_IbplXyea~35 | -.0021703 .0000617 -35.20 0.000 -.0022944 -.0020463 +_IbplXyea~36 | -.0017349 .0000571 -30.37 0.000 -.0018498 -.00162 +_IbplXyea~37 | .0000181 .0000244 0.74 0.462 -.000031 .0000672 +_IbplXyea~38 | .0009359 .0001448 6.46 0.000 .0006446 .0012272 +_IbplXyea~39 | -.0011068 .0000544 -20.36 0.000 -.0012162 -.0009975 +_IbplXyea~40 | -.0003993 .0001643 -2.43 0.019 -.0007299 -.0000687 +_IbplXyea~41 | -.0008274 .0001287 -6.43 0.000 -.0010862 -.0005686 +_IbplXyea~42 | -.0023223 .0000535 -43.37 0.000 -.00243 -.0022145 +_IbplXyea~44 | -.0021276 .0000538 -39.57 0.000 -.0022358 -.0020194 +_IbplXyea~45 | -.0000971 .0000189 -5.14 0.000 -.0001351 -.0000591 +_IbplXyea~46 | .0018578 .0001324 14.03 0.000 .0015914 .0021242 +_IbplXyea~47 | -.0003567 .0000233 -15.31 0.000 -.0004035 -.0003098 +_IbplXyea~48 | -.0003969 .0001052 -3.77 0.000 -.0006085 -.0001853 +_IbplXyea~49 | .0012455 .0001688 7.38 0.000 .000906 .001585 +_IbplXyea~50 | -.0016917 .0000741 -22.84 0.000 -.0018407 -.0015427 +_IbplXyea~51 | -.000856 .0000431 -19.88 0.000 -.0009426 -.0007694 +_IbplXyea~53 | -.0004101 .0001639 -2.50 0.016 -.0007397 -.0000804 +_IbplXyea~54 | -.0019273 .0000742 -25.96 0.000 -.0020766 -.0017779 +_IbplXyea~55 | -.0005701 .0000814 -7.00 0.000 -.0007339 -.0004062 +_IbplXyea~56 | .0002455 .0001513 1.62 0.111 -.000059 .0005499 + _cons | 2.755016 .0208101 132.39 0.000 2.713152 2.796881 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg i.year i.bplg*year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.bplg*year _IbplXyear_# (coded as above) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_40 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16487 + F( 47, 46) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8658 + Adj R-squared = 0.8636 + Root MSE = .06246 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0886835 .0297573 2.98 0.005 .0287852 .1485817 + lebergott09 | .0000281 .0000165 1.70 0.095 -5.08e-06 .0000612 + south | .037414 .0282127 1.33 0.191 -.0193752 .0942033 + imr1890 | 4.51e-06 3.09e-06 1.46 0.150 -1.70e-06 .0000107 + aurb90 | -.00104 .001109 -0.94 0.353 -.0032723 .0011924 + aadlit91 | -.00726 .0041874 -1.73 0.090 -.0156889 .0011688 + docs1898 | -3.45e-07 3.92e-07 -0.88 0.384 -1.13e-06 4.44e-07 + spend | -9.91e-07 7.85e-07 -1.26 0.213 -2.57e-06 5.90e-07 + hookworm | -.0016938 .002002 -0.85 0.402 -.0057236 .002336 + ablack91 | -.0024329 .0017121 -1.42 0.162 -.0058791 .0010132 + unemp_1930 | .0000226 .0000747 0.30 0.764 -.0001277 .0001728 + chgterm | .001998 .0008689 2.30 0.026 .0002489 .0037471 + chgptratio | -.0002202 .0003041 -0.72 0.473 -.0008324 .0003919 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -.110234 .6830037 -0.16 0.872 -1.485049 1.264581 + _Ibplg_5 | .8985369 .4103957 2.19 0.034 .0724532 1.724621 + _Ibplg_6 | 2.342686 .5223173 4.49 0.000 1.291316 3.394056 + _Ibplg_8 | 2.545357 .5087973 5.00 0.000 1.521201 3.569513 + _Ibplg_9 | 3.778483 .2680527 14.10 0.000 3.238921 4.318045 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.941343 .2950101 6.58 0.000 1.347519 2.535168 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.488371 .1980658 7.51 0.000 1.089685 1.887057 + _Ibplg_13 | .2192808 .0353339 6.21 0.000 .1481573 .2904042 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | -.0462747 .7951711 -0.06 0.954 -1.646871 1.554322 + _Ibplg_17 | -.3627152 .2845069 -1.27 0.209 -.9353978 .2099675 + _Ibplg_18 | -.1342588 .2708897 -0.50 0.623 -.6795314 .4110138 + _Ibplg_19 | .7859943 .3516691 2.24 0.030 .0781211 1.493868 + _Ibplg_20 | .9653496 .4261987 2.27 0.028 .1074561 1.823243 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.8231 .231685 7.87 0.000 1.356742 2.289457 + _Ibplg_22 | 3.015223 .1694862 17.79 0.000 2.674065 3.356381 + _Ibplg_23 | 4.157125 .2734279 15.20 0.000 3.606744 4.707507 + _Ibplg_24 | 2.897815 .3196505 9.07 0.000 2.254392 3.541238 + _Ibplg_25 | 4.657644 .2803275 16.62 0.000 4.093374 5.221914 + _Ibplg_26 | 1.448341 .2921257 4.96 0.000 .8603225 2.03636 + _Ibplg_27 | .8374404 .4046777 2.07 0.044 .0228664 1.652014 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.149193 .2500989 4.59 0.000 .6457705 1.652616 + _Ibplg_29 | .4841261 .3424276 1.41 0.164 -.205145 1.173397 + _Ibplg_30 | 1.239542 .7064595 1.75 0.086 -.1824868 2.661572 + _Ibplg_31 | .1165731 .4130556 0.28 0.779 -.7148646 .9480108 + _Ibplg_32 | 3.227286 .7466321 4.32 0.000 1.724394 4.730179 + _Ibplg_33 | 3.982604 .2565888 15.52 0.000 3.466118 4.49909 + _Ibplg_34 | 2.459456 .2605697 9.44 0.000 1.934956 2.983955 + _Ibplg_35 | -1.087351 .3391084 -3.21 0.002 -1.769941 -.4047612 + _Ibplg_36 | 2.391385 .2604245 9.18 0.000 1.867178 2.915592 + _Ibplg_37 | -.6503487 .116196 -5.60 0.000 -.8842392 -.4164583 + _Ibplg_38 | -.3429334 .6195065 -0.55 0.583 -1.589935 .9040685 + _Ibplg_39 | .8512029 .2513004 3.39 0.001 .3453614 1.357044 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | .9279437 .5027608 1.85 0.071 -.0840614 1.939949 + _Ibplg_42 | 2.702582 .2542079 10.63 0.000 2.190888 3.214276 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.556609 .2609319 17.46 0.000 4.03138 5.081838 + _Ibplg_45 | .5925242 .0386292 15.34 0.000 .5147677 .6702807 + _Ibplg_46 | -1.442709 .5312051 -2.72 0.009 -2.51197 -.3734488 + _Ibplg_47 | .1113699 .0725093 1.54 0.131 -.0345837 .2573236 + _Ibplg_48 | .8254475 .2752557 3.00 0.004 .2713865 1.379508 + _Ibplg_49 | -.4900875 .7681862 -0.64 0.527 -2.036366 1.056191 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.666566 .2615107 14.02 0.000 3.140173 4.19296 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.741536 .1654052 10.53 0.000 1.408592 2.074479 + _Ibplg_53 | 2.168907 .6276207 3.46 0.001 .9055718 3.432242 + _Ibplg_54 | .9373972 .3984263 2.35 0.023 .1354066 1.739388 + _Ibplg_55 | 1.644454 .338292 4.86 0.000 .9635073 2.3254 + _Ibplg_56 | .5560311 .5954509 0.93 0.355 -.6425494 1.754612 + _Iyear_1880 | .0509144 .0055444 9.18 0.000 .039754 .0620747 + _Iyear_1900 | .1289495 .0073707 17.49 0.000 .1141131 .1437859 + _Iyear_1910 | .1862268 .0088699 21.00 0.000 .1683726 .204081 + _Iyear_1920 | .2247889 .0098847 22.74 0.000 .204892 .2446858 + _Iyear_1930 | .2721069 .0125022 21.76 0.000 .2469412 .2972726 + _Iyear_1940 | .2602238 .0116243 22.39 0.000 .2368253 .2836224 + _Iyear_1950 | .3282933 .0132421 24.79 0.000 .3016383 .3549482 + _Iyear_1960 | .3919807 .0145678 26.91 0.000 .3626573 .4213042 + _Iyear_1970 | .439132 .0159121 27.60 0.000 .4071027 .4711613 + _Iyear_1980 | .4530987 .0172388 26.28 0.000 .4183989 .4877986 + _Iyear_1990 | .4604387 .0185694 24.80 0.000 .4230604 .4978171 +_IbplXyear_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyear_4 | -.0010949 .0008255 -1.33 0.191 -.0027566 .0005669 +_IbplXyear_5 | -.0009454 .0003737 -2.53 0.015 -.0016977 -.0001931 +_IbplXyear_6 | -.0010522 .0003617 -2.91 0.006 -.0017803 -.0003241 +_IbplXyear_8 | -.0012477 .0002886 -4.32 0.000 -.0018285 -.0006668 +_IbplXyear_9 | -.001645 .0003328 -4.94 0.000 -.0023148 -.0009752 +_IbplXyea~10 | -.0008494 .0002075 -4.09 0.000 -.001267 -.0004317 +_IbplXyea~11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~12 | .0004349 .0005215 0.83 0.409 -.0006147 .0014846 +_IbplXyea~13 | .000418 .0002191 1.91 0.063 -.000023 .0008589 +_IbplXyea~15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~16 | -.000037 .0003907 -0.09 0.925 -.0008234 .0007494 +_IbplXyea~17 | .0002564 .0002514 1.02 0.313 -.0002495 .0007624 +_IbplXyea~18 | .0000847 .0002265 0.37 0.710 -.0003712 .0005406 +_IbplXyea~19 | -.0000155 .00027 -0.06 0.955 -.0005589 .000528 +_IbplXyea~20 | .0001183 .0002367 0.50 0.619 -.0003581 .0005947 +_IbplXyea~21 | -.0014838 .0001944 -7.63 0.000 -.0018751 -.0010925 +_IbplXyea~22 | -.0018323 .0003383 -5.42 0.000 -.0025132 -.0011513 +_IbplXyea~23 | -.0020135 .0002852 -7.06 0.000 -.0025875 -.0014395 +_IbplXyea~24 | -.0016027 .000416 -3.85 0.000 -.0024402 -.0007653 +_IbplXyea~25 | -.00212 .0002816 -7.53 0.000 -.0026868 -.0015531 +_IbplXyea~26 | -.0007147 .0003477 -2.06 0.046 -.0014144 -.0000149 +_IbplXyea~27 | -.0002702 .0002158 -1.25 0.217 -.0007046 .0001642 +_IbplXyea~28 | -.0002216 .0002114 -1.05 0.300 -.0006472 .0002039 +_IbplXyea~29 | -.0000738 .000196 -0.38 0.708 -.0004683 .0003207 +_IbplXyea~30 | -.0001126 .0005157 -0.22 0.828 -.0011507 .0009256 +_IbplXyea~31 | .0004851 .0002385 2.03 0.048 5.01e-06 .0009652 +_IbplXyea~32 | -.0016946 .0004694 -3.61 0.001 -.0026395 -.0007497 +_IbplXyea~33 | -.0022074 .0002641 -8.36 0.000 -.0027389 -.0016759 +_IbplXyea~34 | -.0014027 .0002066 -6.79 0.000 -.0018186 -.0009868 +_IbplXyea~35 | -.0013636 .0006916 -1.97 0.055 -.0027558 .0000286 +_IbplXyea~36 | -.0013395 .0001816 -7.37 0.000 -.0017052 -.0009739 +_IbplXyea~37 | -.0000436 .0002358 -0.18 0.854 -.0005182 .0004309 +_IbplXyea~38 | .0003579 .0003449 1.04 0.305 -.0003363 .001052 +_IbplXyea~39 | -.0001287 .0002277 -0.57 0.575 -.000587 .0003296 +_IbplXyea~40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~41 | -.000308 .0004025 -0.77 0.448 -.0011181 .0005021 +_IbplXyea~42 | -.0013877 .0002693 -5.15 0.000 -.0019299 -.0008456 +_IbplXyea~44 | -.0024706 .0002981 -8.29 0.000 -.0030706 -.0018706 +_IbplXyea~45 | -.0004832 .0003535 -1.37 0.178 -.0011947 .0002283 +_IbplXyea~46 | .0013032 .0003317 3.93 0.000 .0006355 .001971 +_IbplXyea~47 | -.0002764 .0001462 -1.89 0.065 -.0005707 .0000179 +_IbplXyea~48 | -.00026 .0002167 -1.20 0.236 -.0006961 .0001762 +_IbplXyea~49 | .000843 .0003876 2.17 0.035 .0000628 .0016233 +_IbplXyea~50 | -.0017595 .0003202 -5.50 0.000 -.0024039 -.001115 +_IbplXyea~51 | -.0011837 .0002823 -4.19 0.000 -.0017519 -.0006156 +_IbplXyea~53 | -.0004751 .000445 -1.07 0.291 -.0013708 .0004207 +_IbplXyea~54 | -.0009737 .0002481 -3.93 0.000 -.0014731 -.0004744 +_IbplXyea~55 | -.0002893 .00025 -1.16 0.253 -.0007926 .0002139 +_IbplXyea~56 | .0000234 .0003526 0.07 0.947 -.0006864 .0007333 + _cons | 15.27579 7.761093 1.97 0.055 -.346483 30.89806 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.year i.bplg*year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.bplg*year _IbplXyear_# (coded as above) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: aurb90 omitted because of collinearity +note: aadlit91 omitted because of collinearity +note: hookworm omitted because of collinearity +note: ablack91 omitted because of collinearity +note: chgterm omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_40 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16487 + F( 48, 46) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8667 + Adj R-squared = 0.8642 + Root MSE = .06226 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0919372 .0330233 2.78 0.008 .0254648 .1584097 + lebergott09 | .0000397 .0000177 2.24 0.030 4.03e-06 .0000753 + south | .0478524 .031076 1.54 0.130 -.0147002 .1104051 + imr1890 | 4.27e-06 9.69e-07 4.41 0.000 2.32e-06 6.22e-06 + aurb90 | (omitted) + aadlit91 | (omitted) + docs1898 | 5.15e-06 1.50e-07 34.30 0.000 4.85e-06 5.45e-06 + spend | 2.27e-07 1.15e-07 1.97 0.055 -5.46e-09 4.59e-07 + hookworm | (omitted) + ablack91 | (omitted) + unemp_1930 | -.0001588 .0000461 -3.45 0.001 -.0002515 -.0000661 + chgterm | (omitted) + chgptratio | -.0010312 .0000677 -15.24 0.000 -.0011674 -.000895 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | .2326733 .7327919 0.32 0.752 -1.24236 1.707707 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.041501 .4626048 2.25 0.029 .1103262 1.972676 + _Ibplg_6 | 2.599408 .5419121 4.80 0.000 1.508596 3.690221 + _Ibplg_8 | 2.780688 .526232 5.28 0.000 1.721438 3.839938 + _Ibplg_9 | 3.793994 .2752123 13.79 0.000 3.24002 4.347967 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.848573 .3043662 6.07 0.000 1.235915 2.46123 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.622177 .2139847 7.58 0.000 1.191448 2.052906 + _Ibplg_13 | .2163632 .0369415 5.86 0.000 .1420039 .2907225 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | .549873 .8443229 0.65 0.518 -1.149661 2.249407 + _Ibplg_17 | -.3445105 .2893929 -1.19 0.240 -.9270283 .2380073 + _Ibplg_18 | -.1737783 .2813513 -0.62 0.540 -.740109 .3925524 + _Ibplg_19 | .8749204 .3620856 2.42 0.020 .14608 1.603761 + _Ibplg_20 | 1.023791 .4517566 2.27 0.028 .1144518 1.933129 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.882386 .2571104 7.32 0.000 1.36485 2.399922 + _Ibplg_22 | 3.052611 .187384 16.29 0.000 2.675426 3.429795 + _Ibplg_23 | 4.211541 .2765196 15.23 0.000 3.654936 4.768146 + _Ibplg_24 | 2.753911 .3378712 8.15 0.000 2.073812 3.43401 + _Ibplg_25 | 4.701526 .2816875 16.69 0.000 4.134519 5.268534 + _Ibplg_26 | 1.475946 .2973857 4.96 0.000 .8773396 2.074552 + _Ibplg_27 | .9495868 .4082601 2.33 0.024 .1278019 1.771372 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.197823 .2774833 4.32 0.000 .6392784 1.756368 + _Ibplg_29 | .4243406 .369117 1.15 0.256 -.3186533 1.167335 + _Ibplg_30 | 1.672588 .7491857 2.23 0.030 .1645557 3.180621 + _Ibplg_31 | .2166215 .4163796 0.52 0.605 -.6215072 1.05475 + _Ibplg_32 | 3.687496 .789962 4.67 0.000 2.097385 5.277607 + _Ibplg_33 | 3.953596 .2554276 15.48 0.000 3.439447 4.467745 + _Ibplg_34 | 2.385822 .2657095 8.98 0.000 1.850977 2.920668 + _Ibplg_35 | -1.000824 .3491714 -2.87 0.006 -1.70367 -.2979786 + _Ibplg_36 | 2.419031 .2628139 9.20 0.000 1.890014 2.948048 + _Ibplg_37 | -.6461663 .1310293 -4.93 0.000 -.9099146 -.382418 + _Ibplg_38 | -.0885124 .6407871 -0.14 0.891 -1.37835 1.201325 + _Ibplg_39 | .8224262 .2581171 3.19 0.003 .3028634 1.341989 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | 1.210759 .5252235 2.31 0.026 .1535391 2.267979 + _Ibplg_42 | 2.630769 .2599062 10.12 0.000 2.107605 3.153933 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.559558 .2633704 17.31 0.000 4.029421 5.089696 + _Ibplg_45 | .5497823 .0394363 13.94 0.000 .4704013 .6291634 + _Ibplg_46 | -1.221729 .5418639 -2.25 0.029 -2.312445 -.131014 + _Ibplg_47 | .1439175 .0793899 1.81 0.076 -.015886 .303721 + _Ibplg_48 | .9866962 .3006391 3.28 0.002 .3815412 1.591851 + _Ibplg_49 | .0210307 .8172487 0.03 0.980 -1.624005 1.666067 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.690015 .2622087 14.07 0.000 3.162216 4.217814 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.748185 .1827511 9.57 0.000 1.380326 2.116044 + _Ibplg_53 | 2.514037 .6580893 3.82 0.000 1.189372 3.838702 + _Ibplg_54 | 1.070197 .4396954 2.43 0.019 .1851359 1.955258 + _Ibplg_55 | 1.715353 .340133 5.04 0.000 1.030701 2.400006 + _Ibplg_56 | .8740543 .6217945 1.41 0.167 -.3775531 2.125662 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | .0018965 .0001627 11.66 0.000 .001569 .002224 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0005661 .000196 2.89 0.006 .0001715 .0009606 + _IbplXyob_6 | .0009767 .0000915 10.68 0.000 .0007925 .0011608 + _IbplXyob_8 | .0007308 .0001246 5.86 0.000 .00048 .0009816 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.000031 .0000326 -0.95 0.347 -.0000966 .0000347 +_IbplXyob_10 | .001222 .0000837 14.61 0.000 .0010536 .0013904 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0006606 .0000555 -11.90 0.000 -.0007723 -.0005488 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0016869 .0002053 -8.22 0.000 -.0021002 -.0012737 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0022753 .0001017 22.37 0.000 .0020706 .00248 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0019482 .000133 14.65 0.000 .0016805 .0022159 +_IbplXyob_19 | .0015631 .0001355 11.54 0.000 .0012904 .0018359 +_IbplXyob_20 | .000066 .0001472 0.45 0.656 -.0002303 .0003623 +_IbplXyob_21 | .0015236 .0000763 19.96 0.000 .00137 .0016772 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0001577 .0000664 -2.37 0.022 -.0002914 -.000024 +_IbplXyob_23 | .0004659 .0001075 4.34 0.000 .0002496 .0006822 +_IbplXyob_24 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_25 | .0002989 .0000626 4.77 0.000 .0001729 .0004249 +_IbplXyob_26 | .0011698 .0001657 7.06 0.000 .0008363 .0015033 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0011607 .0000998 -11.63 0.000 -.0013615 -.0009599 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0010998 .0000825 -13.33 0.000 -.0012659 -.0009337 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0021766 .0001521 14.31 0.000 .0018706 .0024827 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0017496 .0002313 -7.56 0.000 -.0022153 -.0012839 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0017475 .0000923 -18.94 0.000 -.0019333 -.0015618 +_IbplXyob_32 | .0008477 .0000587 14.44 0.000 .0007295 .0009659 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0004298 .0000784 -5.48 0.000 -.0005876 -.0002719 +_IbplXyob_34 | -.0004437 .0000353 -12.58 0.000 -.0005147 -.0003727 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | .0011674 .0000305 38.30 0.000 .001106 .0012288 +_IbplXyob_37 | -.0015323 .0001171 -13.08 0.000 -.001768 -.0012965 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0028328 .0001735 -16.32 0.000 -.0031821 -.0024835 +_IbplXyob_39 | .0020947 .0001363 15.36 0.000 .0018203 .0023692 +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | .0015075 .0001288 11.71 0.000 .0012483 .0017668 +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0021631 .0000703 -30.75 0.000 -.0023047 -.0020215 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0037902 .0001741 -21.77 0.000 -.0041406 -.0034397 +_IbplXyob_47 | .0015359 .0000422 36.39 0.000 .0014509 .0016208 +_IbplXyob_48 | .0007924 .0001242 6.38 0.000 .0005424 .0010424 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0024518 .0001954 -12.55 0.000 -.0028452 -.0020584 +_IbplXyob_50 | .0003706 .0001055 3.51 0.001 .0001583 .0005829 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0002177 .0000976 -2.23 0.031 -.0004142 -.0000213 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0019878 .0000502 -39.58 0.000 -.0020889 -.0018867 +_IbplXyob_54 | .0019333 .0001415 13.66 0.000 .0016484 .0022182 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0004343 .0000595 -7.30 0.000 -.0005541 -.0003146 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0017523 .0001154 -15.18 0.000 -.0019847 -.0015199 + _Iyear_1880 | .0515328 .0059034 8.73 0.000 .0396498 .0634158 + _Iyear_1900 | .131411 .0075873 17.32 0.000 .1161386 .1466834 + _Iyear_1910 | .1895214 .0094183 20.12 0.000 .1705633 .2084794 + _Iyear_1920 | .2286544 .0096589 23.67 0.000 .209212 .2480968 + _Iyear_1930 | .276459 .0117224 23.58 0.000 .2528631 .3000549 + _Iyear_1940 | .2648401 .0105804 25.03 0.000 .2435429 .2861374 + _Iyear_1950 | .3330005 .011291 29.49 0.000 .3102729 .3557281 + _Iyear_1960 | .3965815 .0122583 32.35 0.000 .3719068 .4212562 + _Iyear_1970 | .4435685 .0126324 35.11 0.000 .4181408 .4689963 + _Iyear_1980 | .4572733 .0132321 34.56 0.000 .4306385 .4839082 + _Iyear_1990 | .464221 .0132212 35.11 0.000 .4376081 .4908339 +_IbplXyear_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyear_4 | -.0001371 .0001906 -0.72 0.476 -.0005207 .0002465 +_IbplXyear_5 | -.0004179 .000081 -5.16 0.000 -.000581 -.0002547 +_IbplXyear_6 | -.0001292 .0001299 -0.99 0.325 -.0003908 .0001323 +_IbplXyear_8 | -.0006313 .0001324 -4.77 0.000 -.0008978 -.0003649 +_IbplXyear_9 | -.0014401 .0000645 -22.32 0.000 -.0015699 -.0013102 +_IbplXyea~10 | -.001863 .0000787 -23.66 0.000 -.0020215 -.0017045 +_IbplXyea~11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~12 | -.0001176 .0000883 -1.33 0.190 -.0002953 .0000602 +_IbplXyea~13 | .0004229 .0000152 27.80 0.000 .0003923 .0004536 +_IbplXyea~15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~16 | .0020001 .0001968 10.16 0.000 .001604 .0023962 +_IbplXyea~17 | -.0002723 .0000551 -4.94 0.000 -.0003831 -.0001615 +_IbplXyea~18 | .0000262 .0000595 0.44 0.662 -.0000936 .000146 +_IbplXyea~19 | -.000505 .000071 -7.12 0.000 -.0006479 -.0003622 +_IbplXyea~20 | -.0000204 .0001077 -0.19 0.850 -.0002372 .0001963 +_IbplXyea~21 | -.0013843 .0000691 -20.03 0.000 -.0015235 -.0012452 +_IbplXyea~22 | -.0021493 .0000467 -46.06 0.000 -.0022432 -.0020553 +_IbplXyea~23 | -.00188 .0000981 -19.16 0.000 -.0020775 -.0016825 +_IbplXyea~24 | -.0019549 .0000826 -23.67 0.000 -.0021212 -.0017886 +_IbplXyea~25 | -.001661 .0000635 -26.16 0.000 -.0017888 -.0015332 +_IbplXyea~26 | -.0004322 .0000683 -6.32 0.000 -.0005697 -.0002946 +_IbplXyea~27 | -.0004735 .0000994 -4.77 0.000 -.0006735 -.0002735 +_IbplXyea~28 | -.0004084 .0000504 -8.10 0.000 -.0005099 -.0003069 +_IbplXyea~29 | -.0007336 .0000637 -11.52 0.000 -.0008618 -.0006054 +_IbplXyea~30 | .0007015 .0001716 4.09 0.000 .0003561 .001047 +_IbplXyea~31 | .000272 .0001076 2.53 0.015 .0000555 .0004885 +_IbplXyea~32 | -.0008764 .0001972 -4.44 0.000 -.0012734 -.0004793 +_IbplXyea~33 | -.001 .0000911 -10.97 0.000 -.0011835 -.0008166 +_IbplXyea~34 | -.0011818 .000057 -20.72 0.000 -.0012965 -.001067 +_IbplXyea~35 | -.0023936 .0000726 -32.96 0.000 -.0025398 -.0022474 +_IbplXyea~36 | -.001474 .0000647 -22.78 0.000 -.0016043 -.0013438 +_IbplXyea~37 | -.0000159 .0000366 -0.44 0.665 -.0000895 .0000577 +_IbplXyea~38 | .0001061 .0001547 0.69 0.496 -.0002053 .0004175 +_IbplXyea~39 | -.0008073 .0000642 -12.57 0.000 -.0009366 -.0006781 +_IbplXyea~40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~41 | .0005364 .0001093 4.91 0.000 .0003164 .0007564 +_IbplXyea~42 | -.0020692 .0000632 -32.72 0.000 -.0021965 -.0019419 +_IbplXyea~44 | -.0019174 .0000585 -32.77 0.000 -.0020351 -.0017996 +_IbplXyea~45 | -.0000343 .0000239 -1.44 0.158 -.0000824 .0000138 +_IbplXyea~46 | .001582 .0001319 11.99 0.000 .0013164 .0018476 +_IbplXyea~47 | -.0002851 .000036 -7.92 0.000 -.0003576 -.0002126 +_IbplXyea~48 | -.0001146 .0000928 -1.23 0.223 -.0003014 .0000722 +_IbplXyea~49 | .001788 .0001388 12.88 0.000 .0015086 .0020674 +_IbplXyea~50 | -.0013419 .0001077 -12.46 0.000 -.0015587 -.0011251 +_IbplXyea~51 | -.0007979 .0000651 -12.26 0.000 -.0009289 -.0006669 +_IbplXyea~53 | .0004746 .0001613 2.94 0.005 .0001499 .0007993 +_IbplXyea~54 | -.0016962 .0000877 -19.33 0.000 -.0018728 -.0015196 +_IbplXyea~55 | -.0007108 .0000718 -9.90 0.000 -.0008552 -.0005663 +_IbplXyea~56 | .0004367 .0001505 2.90 0.006 .0001337 .0007397 + _cons | -4.835689 .1786588 -27.07 0.000 -5.195311 -4.476068 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year i.bplg*year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.bplg*year _IbplXyear_# (coded as above) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: aurb90 omitted because of collinearity +note: aadlit91 omitted because of collinearity +note: hookworm omitted because of collinearity +note: ablack91 omitted because of collinearity +note: chgterm omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_40 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16487 + F( 47, 46) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8735 + Adj R-squared = 0.8708 + Root MSE = .06065 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1083764 .0245765 4.41 0.000 .0589066 .1578463 + lebergott09 | .0000365 .0000149 2.44 0.019 6.36e-06 .0000665 + south | .002606 .0197827 0.13 0.896 -.0372144 .0424264 + imr1890 | -1.13e-06 6.49e-07 -1.75 0.087 -2.44e-06 1.73e-07 + aurb90 | (omitted) + aadlit91 | (omitted) + docs1898 | 4.13e-06 9.14e-08 45.25 0.000 3.95e-06 4.32e-06 + spend | -1.24e-06 9.15e-08 -13.57 0.000 -1.43e-06 -1.06e-06 + hookworm | (omitted) + ablack91 | (omitted) + unemp_1930 | 8.01e-06 .0000337 0.24 0.813 -.0000598 .0000759 + chgterm | (omitted) + chgptratio | -.0009607 .0000452 -21.25 0.000 -.0010517 -.0008697 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | .8138024 .5914389 1.38 0.175 -.3767023 2.004307 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.4143 .3829312 3.69 0.001 .6434998 2.185101 + _Ibplg_6 | 3.05008 .4486466 6.80 0.000 2.147002 3.953159 + _Ibplg_8 | 3.193648 .4161492 7.67 0.000 2.355983 4.031313 + _Ibplg_9 | 4.703551 .2242956 20.97 0.000 4.252067 5.155034 + _Ibplg_10 | 2.468555 .2363243 10.45 0.000 1.992859 2.944251 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.850151 .1908784 9.69 0.000 1.465933 2.23437 + _Ibplg_13 | .2497868 .0307001 8.14 0.000 .1879907 .3115829 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | 1.037892 .7329746 1.42 0.164 -.4375097 2.513293 + _Ibplg_17 | .8138028 .2275875 3.58 0.001 .355693 1.271913 + _Ibplg_18 | 1.047915 .2073984 5.05 0.000 .6304439 1.465386 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.726772 .298574 5.78 0.000 1.125774 2.327771 + _Ibplg_20 | 2.178444 .3053647 7.13 0.000 1.563777 2.793111 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.51333 .2088898 7.24 0.000 1.092857 1.933804 + _Ibplg_22 | 3.256019 .1552284 20.98 0.000 2.94356 3.568478 + _Ibplg_23 | 4.882579 .2607024 18.73 0.000 4.357813 5.407346 + _Ibplg_24 | 3.602008 .2582738 13.95 0.000 3.082129 4.121886 + _Ibplg_25 | 5.327908 .2565123 20.77 0.000 4.811575 5.84424 + _Ibplg_26 | 2.486888 .2250684 11.05 0.000 2.033849 2.939927 + _Ibplg_27 | 2.000035 .3192686 6.26 0.000 1.357381 2.64269 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.379944 .2307713 5.98 0.000 .9154258 1.844463 + _Ibplg_29 | 1.428292 .2494075 5.73 0.000 .9262608 1.930323 + _Ibplg_30 | 1.55915 .6144091 2.54 0.015 .3224084 2.795891 + _Ibplg_31 | 1.591829 .3109106 5.12 0.000 .9659987 2.21766 + _Ibplg_32 | 3.817966 .6591888 5.79 0.000 2.491087 5.144844 + _Ibplg_33 | 4.610594 .2342346 19.68 0.000 4.139104 5.082084 + _Ibplg_34 | 3.437102 .2010945 17.09 0.000 3.03232 3.841885 + _Ibplg_35 | -.5319873 .26542 -2.00 0.051 -1.06625 .0022755 + _Ibplg_36 | 3.551078 .225984 15.71 0.000 3.096196 4.00596 + _Ibplg_37 | -.9513761 .1046173 -9.09 0.000 -1.16196 -.7407925 + _Ibplg_38 | 3.826864 .5668819 6.75 0.000 2.68579 4.967938 + _Ibplg_39 | 2.142415 .2019086 10.61 0.000 1.735994 2.548836 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | 1.692069 .4301516 3.93 0.000 .8262189 2.557919 + _Ibplg_42 | 3.646686 .2115057 17.24 0.000 3.220948 4.072425 + _Ibplg_44 | 5.329451 .2233332 23.86 0.000 4.879905 5.778997 + _Ibplg_45 | .6437931 .0376443 17.10 0.000 .568019 .7195672 + _Ibplg_46 | .6465783 .4330897 1.49 0.142 -.2251861 1.518343 + _Ibplg_47 | .0370581 .0668044 0.55 0.582 -.0974123 .1715284 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.2665 .2583126 4.90 0.000 .7465437 1.786456 + _Ibplg_49 | .7116949 .6814368 1.04 0.302 -.6599662 2.083356 + _Ibplg_50 | 4.219408 .2481494 17.00 0.000 3.719909 4.718907 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.599746 .1489106 10.74 0.000 1.300005 1.899487 + _Ibplg_53 | 2.883075 .5370158 5.37 0.000 1.802118 3.964032 + _Ibplg_54 | 1.326371 .3349021 3.96 0.000 .6522481 2.000494 + _Ibplg_55 | 2.55022 .2828683 9.02 0.000 1.980836 3.119604 + _Ibplg_56 | 1.750616 .5046981 3.47 0.001 .7347119 2.766521 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | .0015961 .0001271 12.56 0.000 .0013404 .0018519 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0002004 .0001328 1.51 0.138 -.0000669 .0004678 + _IbplXyob_6 | .0015515 .0000529 29.30 0.000 .001445 .0016581 + _IbplXyob_8 | .0006458 .0001021 6.32 0.000 .0004403 .0008514 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0002276 .0000263 -8.65 0.000 -.0002806 -.0001746 +_IbplXyob_10 | .0013668 .0000591 23.12 0.000 .0012478 .0014858 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0008423 .00004 -21.04 0.000 -.0009228 -.0007617 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0020211 .0002285 -8.85 0.000 -.002481 -.0015612 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0014821 .0000718 20.64 0.000 .0013375 .0016266 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0007918 .000088 8.99 0.000 .0006145 .000969 +_IbplXyob_19 | .0003063 .0000904 3.39 0.001 .0001244 .0004882 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0007435 .0000927 -8.02 0.000 -.0009302 -.0005568 +_IbplXyob_21 | .001331 .0000646 20.59 0.000 .0012009 .0014611 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0002351 .0000513 -4.58 0.000 -.0003384 -.0001317 +_IbplXyob_23 | 1.91e-07 .0000736 0.00 0.998 -.0001479 .0001482 +_IbplXyob_24 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_25 | .0003591 .0000496 7.24 0.000 .0002592 .0004589 +_IbplXyob_26 | .0001326 .0001224 1.08 0.284 -.0001137 .000379 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0017487 .0000823 -21.26 0.000 -.0019143 -.0015831 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0008858 .0000686 -12.92 0.000 -.0010238 -.0007478 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0012875 .0000868 14.84 0.000 .0011128 .0014621 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0008469 .000198 -4.28 0.000 -.0012454 -.0004485 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0027554 .0000902 -30.54 0.000 -.002937 -.0025738 +_IbplXyob_32 | .0013478 .0000406 33.21 0.000 .0012661 .0014295 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0003493 .0000703 -4.97 0.000 -.0004907 -.0002079 +_IbplXyob_34 | -.0002893 .000032 -9.03 0.000 -.0003538 -.0002248 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | .0008332 .000024 34.76 0.000 .000785 .0008814 +_IbplXyob_37 | -.0012316 .0000763 -16.14 0.000 -.0013852 -.001078 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0054673 .0002222 -24.61 0.000 -.0059145 -.00502 +_IbplXyob_39 | .0009261 .0000937 9.88 0.000 .0007375 .0011148 +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | .0007073 .000089 7.95 0.000 .0005282 .0008863 +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0018376 .0000446 -41.20 0.000 -.0019274 -.0017478 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.004746 .0001745 -27.19 0.000 -.0050974 -.0043947 +_IbplXyob_47 | .0013039 .0000347 37.58 0.000 .0012341 .0013738 +_IbplXyob_48 | .0004238 .0000795 5.33 0.000 .0002638 .0005837 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0025653 .000141 -18.19 0.000 -.0028492 -.0022814 +_IbplXyob_50 | .0005061 .0000887 5.71 0.000 .0003276 .0006846 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0002417 .0000731 -3.31 0.002 -.0003889 -.0000946 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0020303 .0000569 -35.69 0.000 -.0021448 -.0019158 +_IbplXyob_54 | .00154 .0000868 17.74 0.000 .0013653 .0017147 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0013692 .0000385 -35.57 0.000 -.0014467 -.0012917 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0023857 .0001119 -21.31 0.000 -.0026111 -.0021604 +_IbplXyob2_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_4 | -.0000249 8.64e-07 -28.77 0.000 -.0000266 -.0000231 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -5.05e-06 1.27e-06 -3.98 0.000 -7.60e-06 -2.50e-06 +_IbplXyob2_6 | -.0000393 8.53e-07 -46.02 0.000 -.000041 -.0000376 +_IbplXyob2_8 | -.0000214 9.46e-07 -22.61 0.000 -.0000233 -.0000195 +_IbplXyob2_9 | -9.88e-06 6.89e-07 -14.35 0.000 -.0000113 -8.50e-06 +_IbplXy~2_10 | 5.51e-07 7.86e-07 0.70 0.487 -1.03e-06 2.13e-06 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | -8.40e-07 5.89e-07 -1.43 0.161 -2.03e-06 3.46e-07 +_IbplXy~2_13 | -1.90e-06 1.24e-07 -15.36 0.000 -2.15e-06 -1.65e-06 +_IbplXy~2_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000162 1.26e-06 -12.86 0.000 -.0000187 -.0000137 +_IbplXy~2_17 | -.0000241 7.20e-07 -33.49 0.000 -.0000255 -.0000227 +_IbplXy~2_18 | -.0000205 6.93e-07 -29.52 0.000 -.0000219 -.0000191 +_IbplXy~2_19 | 4.77e-07 1.04e-06 0.46 0.649 -1.62e-06 2.57e-06 +_IbplXy~2_20 | -3.74e-06 9.49e-07 -3.94 0.000 -5.65e-06 -1.83e-06 +_IbplXy~2_21 | 6.21e-06 7.36e-07 8.44 0.000 4.73e-06 7.69e-06 +_IbplXy~2_22 | -2.77e-06 5.00e-07 -5.54 0.000 -3.78e-06 -1.76e-06 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -4.71e-06 9.24e-07 -5.09 0.000 -6.57e-06 -2.85e-06 +_IbplXy~2_24 | -6.27e-06 8.58e-07 -7.31 0.000 -8.00e-06 -4.54e-06 +_IbplXy~2_25 | -2.11e-06 8.01e-07 -2.63 0.011 -3.72e-06 -4.96e-07 +_IbplXy~2_26 | -.0000184 6.90e-07 -26.66 0.000 -.0000198 -.000017 +_IbplXy~2_27 | -7.91e-07 9.26e-07 -0.85 0.398 -2.66e-06 1.07e-06 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -1.11e-06 7.71e-07 -1.43 0.158 -2.66e-06 4.46e-07 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -9.94e-06 8.47e-07 -11.73 0.000 -.0000116 -8.23e-06 +_IbplXy~2_30 | -.0000347 8.92e-07 -38.92 0.000 -.0000365 -.0000329 +_IbplXy~2_31 | 4.58e-06 9.67e-07 4.73 0.000 2.63e-06 6.52e-06 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -.0000397 9.97e-07 -39.83 0.000 -.0000417 -.0000377 +_IbplXy~2_33 | -4.11e-06 8.25e-07 -4.99 0.000 -5.77e-06 -2.45e-06 +_IbplXy~2_34 | -.0000148 5.91e-07 -25.06 0.000 -.000016 -.0000136 +_IbplXy~2_35 | .0000118 7.22e-07 16.32 0.000 .0000103 .0000132 +_IbplXy~2_36 | -.0000178 7.29e-07 -24.39 0.000 -.0000192 -.0000163 +_IbplXy~2_37 | 7.12e-06 3.45e-07 20.67 0.000 6.43e-06 7.81e-06 +_IbplXy~2_38 | .0000334 1.54e-06 21.70 0.000 .0000303 .0000365 +_IbplXy~2_39 | -.0000236 6.80e-07 -34.69 0.000 -.000025 -.0000222 +_IbplXy~2_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_41 | -.0000327 1.07e-06 -30.48 0.000 -.0000349 -.0000305 +_IbplXy~2_42 | -.0000134 7.03e-07 -19.04 0.000 -.0000148 -.000012 +_IbplXy~2_44 | -5.87e-06 6.90e-07 -8.50 0.000 -7.26e-06 -4.48e-06 +_IbplXy~2_45 | -3.67e-06 1.87e-07 -19.67 0.000 -4.05e-06 -3.30e-06 +_IbplXy~2_46 | 8.36e-06 1.07e-06 7.84 0.000 6.21e-06 .0000105 +_IbplXy~2_47 | 1.26e-06 2.57e-07 4.89 0.000 7.40e-07 1.77e-06 +_IbplXy~2_48 | -.0000116 8.87e-07 -13.05 0.000 -.0000134 -9.79e-06 +_IbplXy~2_49 | -.0000159 1.29e-06 -12.32 0.000 -.0000185 -.0000133 +_IbplXy~2_50 | -1.31e-06 9.26e-07 -1.42 0.163 -3.18e-06 5.50e-07 +_IbplXy~2_51 | 6.30e-07 5.36e-07 1.17 0.246 -4.50e-07 1.71e-06 +_IbplXy~2_53 | -.0000241 9.09e-07 -26.49 0.000 -.0000259 -.0000223 +_IbplXy~2_54 | -.0000196 1.01e-06 -19.43 0.000 -.0000216 -.0000175 +_IbplXy~2_55 | -4.20e-07 9.40e-07 -0.45 0.657 -2.31e-06 1.47e-06 +_IbplXy~2_56 | -7.99e-06 9.57e-07 -8.35 0.000 -9.91e-06 -6.06e-06 + _Iyear_1880 | .0538772 .0059636 9.03 0.000 .041873 .0658814 + _Iyear_1900 | .1376279 .0079658 17.28 0.000 .1215935 .1536623 + _Iyear_1910 | .198119 .0097414 20.34 0.000 .1785106 .2177273 + _Iyear_1920 | .239779 .0100011 23.98 0.000 .2196478 .2599102 + _Iyear_1930 | .2897948 .0118836 24.39 0.000 .2658744 .3137153 + _Iyear_1940 | .2808266 .0101959 27.54 0.000 .2603033 .3013498 + _Iyear_1950 | .351623 .011022 31.90 0.000 .3294369 .3738092 + _Iyear_1960 | .4175255 .0114579 36.44 0.000 .3944619 .440589 + _Iyear_1970 | .4671373 .0114865 40.67 0.000 .4440162 .4902584 + _Iyear_1980 | .4835787 .0123134 39.27 0.000 .4587931 .5083642 + _Iyear_1990 | .4934917 .0125452 39.34 0.000 .4682396 .5187438 +_IbplXyear_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyear_4 | -.0012046 .0001815 -6.64 0.000 -.00157 -.0008393 +_IbplXyear_5 | -.0004778 .000096 -4.97 0.000 -.0006711 -.0002845 +_IbplXyear_6 | -.0018018 .0001383 -13.03 0.000 -.0020801 -.0015234 +_IbplXyear_8 | -.0013857 .0001367 -10.14 0.000 -.0016608 -.0011105 +_IbplXyear_9 | -.0016843 .000056 -30.07 0.000 -.001797 -.0015715 +_IbplXyea~10 | -.0020756 .0000639 -32.49 0.000 -.0022042 -.001947 +_IbplXyea~11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~12 | .0001361 .0000831 1.64 0.108 -.0000311 .0003032 +_IbplXyea~13 | .0003915 .0000127 30.71 0.000 .0003658 .0004171 +_IbplXyea~15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~16 | .0014823 .000177 8.38 0.000 .001126 .0018385 +_IbplXyea~17 | -.0009189 .0000539 -17.06 0.000 -.0010273 -.0008105 +_IbplXyea~18 | -.0003264 .0000513 -6.37 0.000 -.0004296 -.0002232 +_IbplXyea~19 | -.000358 .0000827 -4.33 0.000 -.0005245 -.0001915 +_IbplXyea~20 | -.0000981 .0001095 -0.90 0.375 -.0003185 .0001222 +_IbplXyea~21 | -.0014432 .0000471 -30.66 0.000 -.0015379 -.0013485 +_IbplXyea~22 | -.0021309 .0000438 -48.70 0.000 -.0022189 -.0020428 +_IbplXyea~23 | -.0021496 .0000726 -29.62 0.000 -.0022957 -.0020036 +_IbplXyea~24 | -.0021851 .0000666 -32.82 0.000 -.0023192 -.0020511 +_IbplXyea~25 | -.0018341 .0000609 -30.11 0.000 -.0019567 -.0017115 +_IbplXyea~26 | -.0010187 .000061 -16.70 0.000 -.0011415 -.0008959 +_IbplXyea~27 | -.0004024 .0001074 -3.75 0.000 -.0006185 -.0001863 +_IbplXyea~28 | -.0004178 .0000494 -8.46 0.000 -.0005172 -.0003184 +_IbplXyea~29 | -.0009978 .0000552 -18.08 0.000 -.0011088 -.0008867 +_IbplXyea~30 | -.0005013 .0001702 -2.95 0.005 -.0008438 -.0001587 +_IbplXyea~31 | .0004823 .0001134 4.25 0.000 .000254 .0007106 +_IbplXyea~32 | -.002607 .0002109 -12.36 0.000 -.0030315 -.0021825 +_IbplXyea~33 | -.0012753 .000069 -18.49 0.000 -.0014141 -.0011365 +_IbplXyea~34 | -.0015072 .0000476 -31.67 0.000 -.001603 -.0014115 +_IbplXyea~35 | -.0021498 .000064 -33.57 0.000 -.0022787 -.0020209 +_IbplXyea~36 | -.0017329 .0000564 -30.71 0.000 -.0018465 -.0016193 +_IbplXyea~37 | 3.03e-06 .0000258 0.12 0.907 -.000049 .0000551 +_IbplXyea~38 | .0009354 .0001433 6.53 0.000 .0006469 .0012239 +_IbplXyea~39 | -.0011011 .0000543 -20.29 0.000 -.0012103 -.0009918 +_IbplXyea~40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~41 | -.0008292 .0001274 -6.51 0.000 -.0010856 -.0005727 +_IbplXyea~42 | -.0023191 .0000522 -44.44 0.000 -.0024241 -.0022141 +_IbplXyea~44 | -.0021254 .0000527 -40.32 0.000 -.0022316 -.0020193 +_IbplXyea~45 | -.000098 .0000187 -5.23 0.000 -.0001357 -.0000602 +_IbplXyea~46 | .0018566 .0001309 14.18 0.000 .0015931 .0021201 +_IbplXyea~47 | -.0003629 .0000235 -15.46 0.000 -.0004102 -.0003157 +_IbplXyea~48 | -.0003738 .0001041 -3.59 0.001 -.0005833 -.0001643 +_IbplXyea~49 | .0012423 .0001675 7.42 0.000 .0009051 .0015795 +_IbplXyea~50 | -.0016952 .0000739 -22.95 0.000 -.0018439 -.0015465 +_IbplXyea~51 | -.0008756 .0000441 -19.87 0.000 -.0009643 -.0007869 +_IbplXyea~53 | -.0004051 .0001625 -2.49 0.016 -.0007322 -.000078 +_IbplXyea~54 | -.0019684 .0000813 -24.21 0.000 -.0021321 -.0018048 +_IbplXyea~55 | -.0005724 .0000797 -7.18 0.000 -.0007327 -.000412 +_IbplXyea~56 | .000233 .0001503 1.55 0.128 -.0000696 .0005356 + _cons | -2.362311 .1185147 -19.93 0.000 -2.600869 -2.123753 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (151 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, ALLOW FOR BPL x TIME EFFECTS + +19:37:08 on 1 Feb 2010 + +ALLOW FOR BPL x TIME EFFECTS + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 16784 16784 16784 16487 16487 16487 +Depvar: occscore occscore occscore occscore occscore occscore +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.1026* 0.1099* 0.1226* 0.0887* 0.0919* 0.1084* + (0.0263) (0.0301) (0.0230) (0.0298) (0.0330) (0.0246) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.863 0.864 0.871 0.866 0.867 0.873 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. +. +. +. preserve + +. drop if year<1930 +(6691 observations deleted) + +. local meanrev "lebergott09 south" + +. local the_rest "imr1890 aurb90 aadlit91 docs1898 spend hookworm ablack91 unemp_1930 chgterm chgptratio " + +. xi i.bplg i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1930-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1930 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 10331 + F( 47, 47) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6556 + Adj R-squared = 0.6506 + Root MSE = .05472 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 48 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .105715 .020584 5.14 0.000 .0643053 .1471248 + lebergott09 | .0000183 .0000128 1.43 0.158 -7.36e-06 .000044 + south | .0330031 .0188231 1.75 0.086 -.004864 .0708702 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -.0209859 .0218239 -0.96 0.341 -.0648899 .0229182 + _Ibplg_5 | -.1023144 .0123504 -8.28 0.000 -.1271601 -.0774687 + _Ibplg_6 | .1022941 .0176388 5.80 0.000 .0668095 .1377787 + _Ibplg_8 | .0911731 .0148414 6.14 0.000 .0613159 .1210302 + _Ibplg_9 | .1659471 .0105843 15.68 0.000 .1446543 .1872399 + _Ibplg_10 | .1349262 .0109079 12.37 0.000 .1129824 .15687 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | .0013578 .0068478 0.20 0.844 -.0124183 .0151338 + _Ibplg_13 | .0216611 .0010487 20.66 0.000 .0195515 .0237708 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | .0482925 .0222767 2.17 0.035 .0034777 .0931074 + _Ibplg_17 | .1334898 .0104624 12.76 0.000 .1124422 .1545374 + _Ibplg_18 | .1037824 .0099789 10.40 0.000 .0837075 .1238574 + _Ibplg_19 | .0634589 .0120233 5.28 0.000 .0392712 .0876466 + _Ibplg_20 | .0636972 .0117764 5.41 0.000 .0400063 .0873882 + _Ibplg_21 | -.0312433 .0068231 -4.58 0.000 -.0449697 -.017517 + _Ibplg_22 | .0052739 .0052088 1.01 0.316 -.0052049 .0157526 + _Ibplg_23 | .0532514 .011366 4.69 0.000 .030386 .0761169 + _Ibplg_24 | .143258 .011362 12.61 0.000 .1204007 .1661154 + _Ibplg_25 | .15542 .0113258 13.72 0.000 .1326354 .1782045 + _Ibplg_26 | .1066694 .0105817 10.08 0.000 .0853818 .1279569 + _Ibplg_27 | .0833914 .0122956 6.78 0.000 .058656 .1081269 + _Ibplg_28 | -.0345146 .0076282 -4.52 0.000 -.0498606 -.0191685 + _Ibplg_29 | .060718 .0107983 5.62 0.000 .0389946 .0824413 + _Ibplg_30 | .0596031 .0206867 2.88 0.006 .0179868 .1012193 + _Ibplg_31 | .0607425 .0116573 5.21 0.000 .0372911 .0841939 + _Ibplg_32 | .0669671 .0238655 2.81 0.007 .0189558 .1149784 + _Ibplg_33 | .1042639 .0107198 9.73 0.000 .0826985 .1258293 + _Ibplg_34 | .1819744 .0100258 18.15 0.000 .1618051 .2021437 + _Ibplg_35 | -.0349126 .0119368 -2.92 0.005 -.0589264 -.0108988 + _Ibplg_36 | .1688516 .0105322 16.03 0.000 .1476635 .1900398 + _Ibplg_37 | .0101333 .0035887 2.82 0.007 .0029137 .0173529 + _Ibplg_38 | .0198962 .0152396 1.31 0.198 -.0107619 .0505543 + _Ibplg_39 | .1304293 .0099144 13.16 0.000 .1104841 .1503744 + _Ibplg_40 | -.0129985 .0187737 -0.69 0.492 -.0507664 .0247693 + _Ibplg_41 | .0645306 .0162756 3.96 0.000 .0317884 .0972729 + _Ibplg_42 | .132988 .0100466 13.24 0.000 .112777 .1531991 + _Ibplg_44 | .1378657 .010534 13.09 0.000 .1166741 .1590573 + _Ibplg_45 | .0280146 .0013998 20.01 0.000 .0251985 .0308307 + _Ibplg_46 | .02896 .0135734 2.13 0.038 .0016539 .0562662 + _Ibplg_47 | -.0190035 .0022455 -8.46 0.000 -.0235209 -.0144861 + _Ibplg_48 | -.0301826 .0086767 -3.48 0.001 -.0476379 -.0127273 + _Ibplg_49 | .108556 .0230098 4.72 0.000 .0622664 .1548456 + _Ibplg_50 | .0643048 .0109589 5.87 0.000 .0422583 .0863514 + _Ibplg_51 | .0367535 .0050517 7.28 0.000 .0265909 .0469162 + _Ibplg_53 | .0701097 .0188238 3.72 0.001 .0322411 .1079783 + _Ibplg_54 | .0060357 .0110307 0.55 0.587 -.0161551 .0282265 + _Ibplg_55 | .0920679 .0117684 7.82 0.000 .068393 .1157427 + _Ibplg_56 | .0926854 .0176989 5.24 0.000 .0570798 .128291 + _Iyear_1940 | -.0240017 .005839 -4.11 0.000 -.0357482 -.0122552 + _Iyear_1950 | .0376613 .005997 6.28 0.000 .0255969 .0497256 + _Iyear_1960 | .0955148 .0078378 12.19 0.000 .0797472 .1112823 + _Iyear_1970 | .1356849 .0082072 16.53 0.000 .1191741 .1521956 + _Iyear_1980 | .1434283 .0086926 16.50 0.000 .1259411 .1609155 + _Iyear_1990 | .1438731 .0087836 16.38 0.000 .1262029 .1615434 + _cons | 3.050673 .0257905 118.29 0.000 2.998789 3.102556 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (91 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1930-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1930 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 10331 + F( 47, 47) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6874 + Adj R-squared = 0.6815 + Root MSE = .05212 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 48 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1047047 .017337 6.04 0.000 .0698271 .1395823 + lebergott09 | .0000411 .0000109 3.79 0.000 .0000193 .000063 + south | -.0061862 .014391 -0.43 0.669 -.0351372 .0227648 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | 3.333326 .4710839 7.08 0.000 2.385628 4.281025 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.777035 .3766064 4.72 0.000 1.0194 2.534669 + _Ibplg_6 | 6.818478 .3764824 18.11 0.000 6.061093 7.575863 + _Ibplg_8 | 5.53258 .3488424 15.86 0.000 4.8308 6.234361 + _Ibplg_9 | 4.755758 .2547264 18.67 0.000 4.243314 5.268201 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.52058 .2893348 5.26 0.000 .938513 2.102646 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 2.148031 .1871749 11.48 0.000 1.771483 2.524578 + _Ibplg_13 | 1.181674 .0284908 41.48 0.000 1.124358 1.23899 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | 4.121673 .5152098 8.00 0.000 3.085205 5.158142 + _Ibplg_17 | 3.148769 .2578685 12.21 0.000 2.630005 3.667534 + _Ibplg_18 | 3.53714 .2510663 14.09 0.000 3.03206 4.04222 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.782622 .30765 5.79 0.000 1.16371 2.401534 + _Ibplg_20 | 2.774962 .2957747 9.38 0.000 2.17994 3.369984 + _Ibplg_21 | .611951 .185248 3.30 0.002 .2392801 .9846219 + _Ibplg_22 | 1.68468 .1494076 11.28 0.000 1.384111 1.985249 + _Ibplg_23 | 3.857109 .2835854 13.60 0.000 3.286609 4.427609 + _Ibplg_24 | 3.360918 .3081442 10.91 0.000 2.741012 3.980824 + _Ibplg_25 | 4.724528 .279333 16.91 0.000 4.162582 5.286474 + _Ibplg_26 | 4.321902 .2516684 17.17 0.000 3.81561 4.828193 + _Ibplg_27 | 1.999414 .3056946 6.54 0.000 1.384436 2.614393 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.014267 .2241012 4.53 0.000 .5634338 1.465101 + _Ibplg_29 | 2.248223 .2739716 8.21 0.000 1.697063 2.799383 + _Ibplg_30 | 6.336716 .4867076 13.02 0.000 5.357587 7.315845 + _Ibplg_31 | 1.562594 .2968996 5.26 0.000 .9653094 2.159879 + _Ibplg_32 | 7.153855 .5170946 13.83 0.000 6.113595 8.194115 + _Ibplg_33 | 4.175225 .2675831 15.60 0.000 3.636917 4.713533 + _Ibplg_34 | 4.097395 .2496808 16.41 0.000 3.595102 4.599688 + _Ibplg_35 | -2.453248 .2772599 -8.85 0.000 -3.011023 -1.895473 + _Ibplg_36 | 4.652579 .2588308 17.98 0.000 4.131878 5.173279 + _Ibplg_37 | -1.739258 .0922871 -18.85 0.000 -1.924916 -1.5536 + _Ibplg_38 | .7559874 .3843266 1.97 0.055 -.017178 1.529153 + _Ibplg_39 | 4.488118 .2510153 17.88 0.000 3.983141 4.993096 + _Ibplg_40 | 1.881846 .4507007 4.18 0.000 .975153 2.788539 + _Ibplg_41 | 4.930234 .3815687 12.92 0.000 4.162617 5.697851 + _Ibplg_42 | 3.904407 .2720652 14.35 0.000 3.357082 4.451731 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.77215 .2558488 18.65 0.000 4.257449 5.286852 + _Ibplg_45 | 1.035237 .0357262 28.98 0.000 .9633648 1.107108 + _Ibplg_46 | .2363931 .3439976 0.69 0.495 -.4556408 .928427 + _Ibplg_47 | -.1904694 .0586377 -3.25 0.002 -.3084333 -.0725055 + _Ibplg_48 | 2.57864 .2530989 10.19 0.000 2.069471 3.087809 + _Ibplg_49 | 4.045135 .5787929 6.99 0.000 2.880754 5.209517 + _Ibplg_50 | 4.01964 .2790707 14.40 0.000 3.458223 4.581058 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.03867 .1318796 7.88 0.000 .7733621 1.303977 + _Ibplg_53 | 6.148558 .4335164 14.18 0.000 5.276436 7.020681 + _Ibplg_54 | 2.906295 .2857206 10.17 0.000 2.331499 3.48109 + _Ibplg_55 | 2.722061 .2935142 9.27 0.000 2.131587 3.312535 + _Ibplg_56 | 3.676945 .3964328 9.28 0.000 2.879425 4.474465 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0017751 .0002525 -7.03 0.000 -.0022831 -.0012671 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0009757 .0002007 -4.86 0.000 -.0013794 -.000572 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0035091 .0002015 -17.41 0.000 -.0039145 -.0031037 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0028502 .0001863 -15.30 0.000 -.0032249 -.0024755 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0024034 .0001359 -17.69 0.000 -.0026768 -.0021301 +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0007387 .0001543 -4.79 0.000 -.0010492 -.0004282 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | -.0011156 .0000999 -11.16 0.000 -.0013167 -.0009146 +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0006009 .0000152 -39.57 0.000 -.0006315 -.0005703 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0021511 .0002756 -7.81 0.000 -.0027054 -.0015967 +_IbplXyob_17 | -.0015887 .0001375 -11.55 0.000 -.0018653 -.0013121 +_IbplXyob_18 | -.0018021 .0001339 -13.46 0.000 -.0020714 -.0015329 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0009206 .000164 -5.61 0.000 -.0012504 -.0005908 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0014317 .0001576 -9.08 0.000 -.0017488 -.0011145 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.0003369 .0000987 -3.41 0.001 -.0005354 -.0001383 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0008703 .0000797 -10.92 0.000 -.0010305 -.00071 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0019991 .0001512 -13.22 0.000 -.0023033 -.0016949 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.0016852 .0001643 -10.26 0.000 -.0020158 -.0013546 +_IbplXyob_25 | -.002395 .000149 -16.07 0.000 -.0026947 -.0020953 +_IbplXyob_26 | -.0022093 .0001343 -16.45 0.000 -.0024794 -.0019391 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0010235 .000163 -6.28 0.000 -.0013514 -.0006956 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0005438 .0001194 -4.55 0.000 -.0007841 -.0003036 +_IbplXyob_29 | -.001156 .000146 -7.92 0.000 -.0014497 -.0008623 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0032894 .0002602 -12.64 0.000 -.0038128 -.002766 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0008074 .0001582 -5.10 0.000 -.0011257 -.0004891 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0037069 .000277 -13.38 0.000 -.004264 -.0031497 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0021358 .0001427 -14.97 0.000 -.0024229 -.0018488 +_IbplXyob_34 | -.0020506 .0001333 -15.39 0.000 -.0023187 -.0017824 +_IbplXyob_35 | .0012181 .000148 8.23 0.000 .0009204 .0015157 +_IbplXyob_36 | -.0023491 .0001381 -17.02 0.000 -.0026268 -.0020713 +_IbplXyob_37 | .0009042 .0000493 18.36 0.000 .0008051 .0010033 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0004165 .000205 -2.03 0.048 -.0008289 -4.05e-06 +_IbplXyob_39 | -.0022804 .0001339 -17.03 0.000 -.0025497 -.0020111 +_IbplXyob_40 | -.0010051 .0002406 -4.18 0.000 -.0014891 -.000521 +_IbplXyob_41 | -.0025539 .0002038 -12.53 0.000 -.0029638 -.0021439 +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0019757 .0001451 -13.62 0.000 -.0022676 -.0016839 +_IbplXyob_44 | -.0024267 .0001365 -17.78 0.000 -.0027013 -.0021521 +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0005205 .0000191 -27.27 0.000 -.0005589 -.0004821 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0001404 .0001834 -0.77 0.448 -.0005094 .0002285 +_IbplXyob_47 | .0000869 .0000313 2.78 0.008 .000024 .0001498 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.0013554 .000135 -10.04 0.000 -.0016271 -.0010838 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0020813 .000309 -6.74 0.000 -.0027028 -.0014597 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0020769 .0001487 -13.96 0.000 -.0023761 -.0017776 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0005209 .0000703 -7.41 0.000 -.0006624 -.0003795 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0031826 .0002318 -13.73 0.000 -.0036488 -.0027164 +_IbplXyob_54 | -.0015086 .0001524 -9.90 0.000 -.0018151 -.0012021 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0013922 .0001565 -8.90 0.000 -.001707 -.0010773 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0018934 .000212 -8.93 0.000 -.0023199 -.0014669 + _Iyear_1940 | -.0235877 .0058443 -4.04 0.000 -.0353449 -.0118306 + _Iyear_1950 | .0383329 .0060221 6.37 0.000 .026218 .0504478 + _Iyear_1960 | .0959497 .0078611 12.21 0.000 .0801351 .1117642 + _Iyear_1970 | .1361131 .0082248 16.55 0.000 .1195669 .1526593 + _Iyear_1980 | .1438533 .0087265 16.48 0.000 .1262978 .1614088 + _Iyear_1990 | .14433 .0088134 16.38 0.000 .1265997 .1620603 + _cons | 3.059348 .0240885 127.00 0.000 3.010888 3.107807 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (91 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1930-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1930 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_15 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 10331 + F( 47, 47) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6948 + Adj R-squared = 0.6875 + Root MSE = .05151 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 48 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .032145 .0150311 2.14 0.038 .0019064 .0623837 + lebergott09 | 8.79e-07 .0000127 0.07 0.945 -.0000246 .0000264 + south | -.0084673 .0126827 -0.67 0.508 -.0339816 .0170471 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -.3148102 1.400772 -0.22 0.823 -3.1328 2.503179 + _Ibplg_5 | .0282192 .7714225 0.04 0.971 -1.523683 1.580121 + _Ibplg_6 | 6.177813 1.083192 5.70 0.000 3.998713 8.356914 + _Ibplg_8 | 6.309905 .9410666 6.71 0.000 4.416723 8.203087 + _Ibplg_9 | 7.36508 .5510008 13.37 0.000 6.25661 8.473551 + _Ibplg_10 | 2.649539 .601267 4.41 0.000 1.439945 3.859132 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | -1.440705 .4920274 -2.93 0.005 -2.430536 -.4508736 + _Ibplg_13 | 3.159499 .0541216 58.38 0.000 3.05062 3.268378 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | -3.78069 1.636825 -2.31 0.025 -7.073558 -.4878217 + _Ibplg_17 | 2.523378 .518612 4.87 0.000 1.480065 3.566691 + _Ibplg_18 | 3.444099 .4583828 7.51 0.000 2.521952 4.366246 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.732315 .6721437 2.58 0.013 .3801358 3.084493 + _Ibplg_20 | 1.763735 .5884461 3.00 0.004 .5799343 2.947536 + _Ibplg_21 | 5.2582 .3615582 14.54 0.000 4.530839 5.985561 + _Ibplg_22 | 1.445327 .3059704 4.72 0.000 .8297939 2.06086 + _Ibplg_23 | 5.837656 .608746 9.59 0.000 4.613017 7.062295 + _Ibplg_24 | 7.217381 .6270984 11.51 0.000 5.955821 8.47894 + _Ibplg_25 | 8.130037 .6157085 13.20 0.000 6.891392 9.368683 + _Ibplg_26 | 4.123039 .5204247 7.92 0.000 3.07608 5.169998 + _Ibplg_27 | 1.171042 .7070954 1.66 0.104 -.2514503 2.593535 + _Ibplg_28 | .9871113 .4313731 2.29 0.027 .1193006 1.854922 + _Ibplg_29 | 2.902756 .4721332 6.15 0.000 1.952946 3.852565 + _Ibplg_30 | 6.566082 1.511653 4.34 0.000 3.525028 9.607137 + _Ibplg_31 | 1.247429 .6553335 1.90 0.063 -.0709323 2.56579 + _Ibplg_32 | 4.106114 1.564887 2.62 0.012 .957968 7.254259 + _Ibplg_33 | 8.40021 .5616059 14.96 0.000 7.270404 9.530015 + _Ibplg_34 | 7.996186 .5003202 15.98 0.000 6.989671 9.0027 + _Ibplg_35 | -7.611696 .6260548 -12.16 0.000 -8.871155 -6.352236 + _Ibplg_36 | 5.587771 .5380111 10.39 0.000 4.505433 6.67011 + _Ibplg_37 | -1.373315 .1797288 -7.64 0.000 -1.734883 -1.011748 + _Ibplg_38 | -.870095 1.055973 -0.82 0.414 -2.994439 1.254249 + _Ibplg_39 | 5.255605 .4735954 11.10 0.000 4.302854 6.208356 + _Ibplg_40 | -1.105689 .9856982 -1.12 0.268 -3.088658 .8772802 + _Ibplg_41 | -2.023903 1.02258 -1.98 0.054 -4.081069 .0332625 + _Ibplg_42 | 8.254275 .5275864 15.65 0.000 7.192908 9.315642 + _Ibplg_44 | 10.48529 .5500147 19.06 0.000 9.378803 11.59178 + _Ibplg_45 | 2.611833 .107618 24.27 0.000 2.395333 2.828332 + _Ibplg_46 | -3.495632 .8458676 -4.13 0.000 -5.197298 -1.793966 + _Ibplg_47 | 1.007088 .1349929 7.46 0.000 .7355169 1.278658 + _Ibplg_48 | .3006335 .6138626 0.49 0.627 -.9342987 1.535566 + _Ibplg_49 | -1.416325 1.576161 -0.90 0.373 -4.587151 1.754501 + _Ibplg_50 | 8.761376 .5766319 15.19 0.000 7.601343 9.92141 + _Ibplg_51 | 4.89703 .2544977 19.24 0.000 4.385046 5.409013 + _Ibplg_53 | .8940384 1.274749 0.70 0.487 -1.670427 3.458503 + _Ibplg_54 | 5.232411 .6084379 8.60 0.000 4.008392 6.45643 + _Ibplg_55 | 2.93837 .6521752 4.51 0.000 1.626362 4.250377 + _Ibplg_56 | -.2916826 1.21929 -0.24 0.812 -2.744578 2.161213 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | .0001617 .0007403 0.22 0.828 -.0013276 .0016509 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0000435 .0004077 -0.11 0.916 -.0008636 .0007767 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0031618 .0005726 -5.52 0.000 -.0043138 -.0020098 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0032501 .0004972 -6.54 0.000 -.0042503 -.0022498 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.00377 .0002912 -12.95 0.000 -.0043557 -.0031843 +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0013367 .0003178 -4.21 0.000 -.001976 -.0006973 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | .0007746 .0002601 2.98 0.005 .0002514 .0012978 +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0016401 .0000286 -57.32 0.000 -.0016977 -.0015825 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | .0020081 .0008643 2.32 0.025 .0002693 .0037468 +_IbplXyob_17 | -.0012578 .0002742 -4.59 0.000 -.0018094 -.0007062 +_IbplXyob_18 | -.0017529 .0002424 -7.23 0.000 -.0022405 -.0012653 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0008887 .0003554 -2.50 0.016 -.0016037 -.0001737 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0008936 .0003111 -2.87 0.006 -.0015195 -.0002678 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.0027784 .0001912 -14.53 0.000 -.003163 -.0023938 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.000739 .0001617 -4.57 0.000 -.0010643 -.0004137 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0030365 .0003219 -9.43 0.000 -.0036841 -.002389 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.0037152 .0003316 -11.21 0.000 -.0043823 -.0030482 +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0041803 .0003255 -12.84 0.000 -.0048351 -.0035255 +_IbplXyob_26 | -.0021025 .0002751 -7.64 0.000 -.002656 -.001549 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0005853 .0003737 -1.57 0.124 -.0013372 .0001666 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0005214 .0002281 -2.29 0.027 -.0009802 -.0000625 +_IbplXyob_29 | -.0014971 .0002496 -6.00 0.000 -.0019993 -.0009949 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0033937 .0007982 -4.25 0.000 -.0049996 -.0017879 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0006373 .0003464 -1.84 0.072 -.0013342 .0000596 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0020878 .0008272 -2.52 0.015 -.0037519 -.0004237 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0043526 .0002969 -14.66 0.000 -.0049498 -.0037554 +_IbplXyob_34 | -.0040986 .0002645 -15.50 0.000 -.0046306 -.0035666 +_IbplXyob_35 | .003929 .0003308 11.88 0.000 .0032635 .0045945 +_IbplXyob_36 | -.0028385 .0002844 -9.98 0.000 -.0034106 -.0022663 +_IbplXyob_37 | .0007093 .000095 7.47 0.000 .0005182 .0009005 +_IbplXyob_38 | .000446 .0005576 0.80 0.428 -.0006758 .0015678 +_IbplXyob_39 | -.0026846 .0002504 -10.72 0.000 -.0031883 -.0021808 +_IbplXyob_40 | .0005751 .0005202 1.11 0.275 -.0004715 .0016217 +_IbplXyob_41 | .0011041 .0005405 2.04 0.047 .0000167 .0021914 +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0042629 .0002789 -15.28 0.000 -.004824 -.0037018 +_IbplXyob_44 | -.0054225 .0002907 -18.65 0.000 -.0060072 -.0048377 +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0013495 .0000569 -23.74 0.000 -.0014639 -.0012352 +_IbplXyob_46 | .0018242 .000447 4.08 0.000 .0009249 .0027235 +_IbplXyob_47 | -.0005414 .0000714 -7.59 0.000 -.000685 -.0003978 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.000149 .0003244 -0.46 0.648 -.0008017 .0005037 +_IbplXyob_49 | .000803 .0008331 0.96 0.340 -.0008731 .0024791 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0045651 .0003049 -14.97 0.000 -.0051785 -.0039518 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0025494 .0001345 -18.95 0.000 -.00282 -.0022787 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0004126 .0006734 -0.61 0.543 -.0017674 .0009422 +_IbplXyob_54 | -.0027315 .0003216 -8.49 0.000 -.0033785 -.0020844 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0015025 .0003448 -4.36 0.000 -.0021961 -.0008088 +_IbplXyob_56 | .0001959 .0006438 0.30 0.762 -.0010994 .0014911 +_IbplXyob2_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_4 | -.0000123 7.94e-06 -1.54 0.130 -.0000282 3.73e-06 +_IbplXyob2_5 | 3.46e-07 4.26e-06 0.08 0.936 -8.22e-06 8.91e-06 +_IbplXyob2_6 | 4.83e-06 6.08e-06 0.79 0.431 -7.39e-06 .0000171 +_IbplXyob2_8 | .0000156 5.30e-06 2.95 0.005 4.99e-06 .0000263 +_IbplXyob2_9 | .0000279 3.09e-06 9.04 0.000 .0000217 .0000341 +_IbplXy~2_10 | 5.65e-06 3.30e-06 1.71 0.093 -9.88e-07 .0000123 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | -.0000228 2.79e-06 -8.19 0.000 -.0000284 -.0000172 +_IbplXy~2_13 | .0000185 2.89e-07 63.85 0.000 .0000179 .000019 +_IbplXy~2_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000532 9.44e-06 -5.63 0.000 -.0000722 -.0000342 +_IbplXy~2_17 | -3.17e-06 2.82e-06 -1.12 0.267 -8.85e-06 2.51e-06 +_IbplXy~2_18 | -7.92e-07 2.48e-06 -0.32 0.751 -5.79e-06 4.20e-06 +_IbplXy~2_19 | 6.08e-06 3.61e-06 1.68 0.099 -1.19e-06 .0000133 +_IbplXy~2_20 | -1.63e-06 3.19e-06 -0.51 0.611 -8.04e-06 4.78e-06 +_IbplXy~2_21 | .0000443 1.96e-06 22.64 0.000 .0000404 .0000482 +_IbplXy~2_22 | 4.46e-06 1.70e-06 2.63 0.011 1.05e-06 7.87e-06 +_IbplXy~2_23 | .0000225 3.30e-06 6.80 0.000 .0000158 .0000291 +_IbplXy~2_24 | .0000316 3.38e-06 9.33 0.000 .0000247 .0000384 +_IbplXy~2_25 | .0000357 3.38e-06 10.54 0.000 .0000288 .0000425 +_IbplXy~2_26 | 1.46e-06 2.88e-06 0.51 0.615 -4.33e-06 7.24e-06 +_IbplXy~2_27 | -3.74e-06 3.89e-06 -0.96 0.341 -.0000116 4.08e-06 +_IbplXy~2_28 | 9.83e-06 2.32e-06 4.23 0.000 5.16e-06 .0000145 +_IbplXy~2_29 | 9.46e-06 2.54e-06 3.72 0.001 4.35e-06 .0000146 +_IbplXy~2_30 | .0000168 8.73e-06 1.92 0.061 -7.92e-07 .0000343 +_IbplXy~2_31 | 2.53e-06 3.58e-06 0.71 0.483 -4.67e-06 9.72e-06 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -8.66e-06 8.70e-06 -1.00 0.325 -.0000262 8.85e-06 +_IbplXy~2_33 | .0000424 3.07e-06 13.81 0.000 .0000363 .0000486 +_IbplXy~2_34 | .0000352 2.77e-06 12.72 0.000 .0000297 .0000408 +_IbplXy~2_35 | -.0000391 3.53e-06 -11.08 0.000 -.0000462 -.000032 +_IbplXy~2_36 | .0000111 2.95e-06 3.76 0.000 5.16e-06 .000017 +_IbplXy~2_37 | 7.91e-07 9.87e-07 0.80 0.427 -1.19e-06 2.78e-06 +_IbplXy~2_38 | -4.09e-06 6.03e-06 -0.68 0.501 -.0000162 8.04e-06 +_IbplXy~2_39 | 6.29e-06 2.58e-06 2.44 0.019 1.10e-06 .0000115 +_IbplXy~2_40 | -.0000125 5.75e-06 -2.17 0.035 -.000024 -9.02e-07 +_IbplXy~2_41 | -.0000532 5.69e-06 -9.34 0.000 -.0000647 -.0000418 +_IbplXy~2_42 | .0000387 2.89e-06 13.38 0.000 .0000329 .0000445 +_IbplXy~2_44 | .0000561 3.07e-06 18.31 0.000 .00005 .0000623 +_IbplXy~2_45 | .000014 6.16e-07 22.75 0.000 .0000128 .0000152 +_IbplXy~2_46 | -.0000285 4.70e-06 -6.05 0.000 -.0000379 -.000019 +_IbplXy~2_47 | .0000123 7.40e-07 16.57 0.000 .0000108 .0000137 +_IbplXy~2_48 | -9.12e-06 3.40e-06 -2.68 0.010 -.000016 -2.27e-06 +_IbplXy~2_49 | -.0000318 8.70e-06 -3.66 0.001 -.0000493 -.0000143 +_IbplXy~2_50 | .0000494 3.12e-06 15.85 0.000 .0000431 .0000557 +_IbplXy~2_51 | .0000346 1.39e-06 24.97 0.000 .0000318 .0000374 +_IbplXy~2_53 | -.0000321 7.22e-06 -4.44 0.000 -.0000466 -.0000175 +_IbplXy~2_54 | .0000209 3.34e-06 6.27 0.000 .0000142 .0000277 +_IbplXy~2_55 | 6.04e-06 3.55e-06 1.70 0.096 -1.11e-06 .0000132 +_IbplXy~2_56 | -.0000248 7.04e-06 -3.52 0.001 -.000039 -.0000106 + _Iyear_1940 | -.0237599 .0058497 -4.06 0.000 -.035528 -.0119918 + _Iyear_1950 | .038181 .0060304 6.33 0.000 .0260493 .0503127 + _Iyear_1960 | .0957783 .0078736 12.16 0.000 .0799387 .111618 + _Iyear_1970 | .1359535 .0082394 16.50 0.000 .119378 .1525291 + _Iyear_1980 | .1436874 .0087372 16.45 0.000 .1261103 .1612644 + _Iyear_1990 | .1441543 .0088238 16.34 0.000 .1264031 .1619056 + _cons | 3.141673 .0248166 126.60 0.000 3.091748 3.191598 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (91 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1930-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1930 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_40 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 10116 + F( 31, 46) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6781 + Adj R-squared = 0.6731 + Root MSE = .05274 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0963762 .0135691 7.10 0.000 .0690629 .1236895 + lebergott09 | 7.66e-06 9.54e-06 0.80 0.426 -.0000115 .0000269 + south | -.0365002 .0132107 -2.76 0.008 -.0630919 -.0099086 + imr1890 | 5.10e-06 1.75e-06 2.91 0.006 1.57e-06 8.63e-06 + aurb90 | -.0020914 .0007142 -2.93 0.005 -.003529 -.0006537 + aadlit91 | -.0009612 .0019965 -0.48 0.632 -.0049799 .0030575 + docs1898 | 7.59e-07 3.41e-07 2.23 0.031 7.32e-08 1.44e-06 + spend | 1.87e-07 5.54e-07 0.34 0.738 -9.29e-07 1.30e-06 + hookworm | .0029907 .0013652 2.19 0.034 .0002428 .0057387 + ablack91 | -.0024732 .0011924 -2.07 0.044 -.0048733 -.0000731 + unemp_1930 | -.000249 .0000717 -3.48 0.001 -.0003933 -.0001048 + chgterm | .0015841 .0006228 2.54 0.014 .0003305 .0028378 + chgptratio | .0005096 .0002272 2.24 0.030 .0000522 .000967 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | 2.381879 .6049336 3.94 0.000 1.164211 3.599548 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.161673 .3918533 2.96 0.005 .3729133 1.950433 + _Ibplg_6 | 4.959805 .444761 11.15 0.000 4.064548 5.855063 + _Ibplg_8 | 3.832805 .4018377 9.54 0.000 3.023948 4.641662 + _Ibplg_9 | 4.975515 .5240477 9.49 0.000 3.920662 6.030369 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.999055 .2605046 7.67 0.000 1.474687 2.523424 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 2.13314 .396443 5.38 0.000 1.335142 2.931138 + _Ibplg_13 | 1.427278 .2563724 5.57 0.000 .9112269 1.943329 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | 1.366192 .3939108 3.47 0.001 .5732908 2.159094 + _Ibplg_17 | 4.942773 .4971458 9.94 0.000 3.942071 5.943476 + _Ibplg_18 | 3.598835 .4204049 8.56 0.000 2.752603 4.445066 + _Ibplg_19 | 3.154255 .5832015 5.41 0.000 1.980331 4.328179 + _Ibplg_20 | 2.213502 .4186464 5.29 0.000 1.37081 3.056193 + _Ibplg_21 | .6971037 .3316667 2.10 0.041 .0294932 1.364714 + _Ibplg_22 | 1.776977 .3326402 5.34 0.000 1.107407 2.446547 + _Ibplg_23 | 3.776654 .502494 7.52 0.000 2.765186 4.788122 + _Ibplg_24 | 4.638045 .6812276 6.81 0.000 3.266805 6.009285 + _Ibplg_25 | 5.1766 .4611726 11.22 0.000 4.248308 6.104892 + _Ibplg_26 | 5.065545 .6322467 8.01 0.000 3.792898 6.338191 + _Ibplg_27 | 1.96716 .4411026 4.46 0.000 1.079266 2.855053 + _Ibplg_28 | .7420799 .2994184 2.48 0.017 .1393818 1.344778 + _Ibplg_29 | 3.155439 .3344486 9.43 0.000 2.482229 3.828649 + _Ibplg_30 | 3.35887 .7572574 4.44 0.000 1.83459 4.88315 + _Ibplg_31 | 1.619575 .457508 3.54 0.001 .6986596 2.540491 + _Ibplg_32 | 2.942188 .545381 5.39 0.000 1.844393 4.039983 + _Ibplg_33 | 2.882738 .4546687 6.34 0.000 1.967537 3.797938 + _Ibplg_34 | 3.983018 .4713562 8.45 0.000 3.034227 4.931809 + _Ibplg_35 | -1.810878 .6514041 -2.78 0.008 -3.122086 -.499669 + _Ibplg_36 | 4.506973 .3875996 11.63 0.000 3.726775 5.28717 + _Ibplg_37 | -.7735197 .3812442 -2.03 0.048 -1.540925 -.0061148 + _Ibplg_38 | .4869892 .5807235 0.84 0.406 -.6819466 1.655925 + _Ibplg_39 | 4.743242 .4347555 10.91 0.000 3.868125 5.618359 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | 4.025427 .5963887 6.75 0.000 2.824959 5.225896 + _Ibplg_42 | 4.298483 .4297013 10.00 0.000 3.43354 5.163427 + _Ibplg_44 | 5.418279 .5049208 10.73 0.000 4.401926 6.434631 + _Ibplg_45 | .329716 .4766466 0.69 0.493 -.6297238 1.289156 + _Ibplg_46 | .4330965 .6478933 0.67 0.507 -.871045 1.737238 + _Ibplg_47 | 1.215013 .3077399 3.95 0.000 .5955651 1.834462 + _Ibplg_48 | 2.144337 .2899708 7.40 0.000 1.560656 2.728018 + _Ibplg_49 | 3.196373 .4972095 6.43 0.000 2.195542 4.197204 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.185143 .6175671 5.16 0.000 1.942045 4.428241 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.673735 .387253 4.32 0.000 .8942355 2.453235 + _Ibplg_53 | 4.327712 .6011426 7.20 0.000 3.117675 5.53775 + _Ibplg_54 | 1.630028 .3474048 4.69 0.000 .9307381 2.329317 + _Ibplg_55 | 3.194782 .4630192 6.90 0.000 2.262773 4.126792 + _Ibplg_56 | 2.119793 .4912752 4.31 0.000 1.130908 3.108679 + _Iyear_1940 | -.0232535 .0059602 -3.90 0.000 -.0352508 -.0112563 + _Iyear_1950 | .038003 .0061238 6.21 0.000 .0256765 .0503295 + _Iyear_1960 | .0952986 .0079833 11.94 0.000 .079229 .1113682 + _Iyear_1970 | .1359426 .0083988 16.19 0.000 .1190368 .1528485 + _Iyear_1980 | .1434655 .008894 16.13 0.000 .1255628 .1613682 + _Iyear_1990 | .1443361 .0090078 16.02 0.000 .1262043 .1624679 + _cons | 2.523827 4.101705 0.62 0.541 -5.732477 10.78013 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (91 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1930-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1930 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: aurb90 omitted because of collinearity +note: aadlit91 omitted because of collinearity +note: hookworm omitted because of collinearity +note: ablack91 omitted because of collinearity +note: chgterm omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 10116 + F( 46, 46) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6868 + Adj R-squared = 0.6808 + Root MSE = .05206 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1086743 .0232816 4.67 0.000 .061811 .1555377 + lebergott09 | .0000406 .000011 3.71 0.001 .0000186 .0000627 + south | -.0089859 .017437 -0.52 0.609 -.0440848 .026113 + imr1890 | -2.54e-06 2.11e-07 -12.00 0.000 -2.96e-06 -2.11e-06 + aurb90 | (omitted) + aadlit91 | (omitted) + docs1898 | 3.29e-06 1.99e-07 16.49 0.000 2.89e-06 3.69e-06 + spend | 1.26e-07 1.37e-07 0.92 0.361 -1.50e-07 4.02e-07 + hookworm | (omitted) + ablack91 | (omitted) + unemp_1930 | -.0002339 .0000237 -9.86 0.000 -.0002817 -.0001862 + chgterm | (omitted) + chgptratio | .000078 .000098 0.80 0.430 -.0001193 .0002753 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | 3.37646 .5038396 6.70 0.000 2.362283 4.390637 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.85306 .481062 3.85 0.000 .8847329 2.821388 + _Ibplg_6 | 6.814372 .3773878 18.06 0.000 6.05473 7.574015 + _Ibplg_8 | 5.52928 .3501733 15.79 0.000 4.824418 6.234143 + _Ibplg_9 | 4.769045 .2584728 18.45 0.000 4.248766 5.289323 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.536731 .2946125 5.22 0.000 .9437067 2.129755 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 2.167791 .2023591 10.71 0.000 1.760463 2.575119 + _Ibplg_13 | 1.174524 .0384828 30.52 0.000 1.097063 1.251986 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | 4.118882 .5157626 7.99 0.000 3.080706 5.157058 + _Ibplg_17 | 3.161463 .2623439 12.05 0.000 2.633392 3.689534 + _Ibplg_18 | 3.556533 .2602726 13.66 0.000 3.032632 4.080435 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.788515 .3093803 5.78 0.000 1.165765 2.411266 + _Ibplg_20 | 2.81404 .3292636 8.55 0.000 2.151266 3.476813 + _Ibplg_21 | .5673829 .2474752 2.29 0.026 .0692412 1.065525 + _Ibplg_22 | 1.715841 .1935693 8.86 0.000 1.326206 2.105476 + _Ibplg_23 | 3.85102 .2861596 13.46 0.000 3.275011 4.42703 + _Ibplg_24 | 3.382609 .3164873 10.69 0.000 2.745554 4.019665 + _Ibplg_25 | 4.719317 .2821531 16.73 0.000 4.151372 5.287261 + _Ibplg_26 | 4.336237 .2568514 16.88 0.000 3.819222 4.853252 + _Ibplg_27 | 1.992309 .3090594 6.45 0.000 1.370204 2.614413 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.061895 .2945009 3.61 0.001 .4690955 1.654695 + _Ibplg_29 | 2.290826 .3134147 7.31 0.000 1.659955 2.921697 + _Ibplg_30 | 6.32787 .4878496 12.97 0.000 5.34588 7.30986 + _Ibplg_31 | 1.567809 .2985885 5.25 0.000 .9667816 2.168836 + _Ibplg_32 | 7.15725 .5182463 13.81 0.000 6.114075 8.200426 + _Ibplg_33 | 4.172086 .2701828 15.44 0.000 3.628236 4.715936 + _Ibplg_34 | 4.108907 .2534047 16.21 0.000 3.59883 4.618984 + _Ibplg_35 | -2.425259 .2963401 -8.18 0.000 -3.021761 -1.828758 + _Ibplg_36 | 4.656696 .2606418 17.87 0.000 4.132052 5.181341 + _Ibplg_37 | -1.762267 .1276658 -13.80 0.000 -2.019245 -1.505289 + _Ibplg_38 | .7582228 .3851441 1.97 0.055 -.017032 1.533478 + _Ibplg_39 | 4.498728 .2546932 17.66 0.000 3.986057 5.011398 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | 4.930529 .3822161 12.90 0.000 4.161168 5.69989 + _Ibplg_42 | 3.910736 .2748431 14.23 0.000 3.357506 4.463967 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.775551 .2577009 18.53 0.000 4.256826 5.294276 + _Ibplg_45 | 1.034712 .0359914 28.75 0.000 .9622646 1.107159 + _Ibplg_46 | .2325707 .3452833 0.67 0.504 -.4624486 .9275901 + _Ibplg_47 | -.201513 .0716234 -2.81 0.007 -.3456834 -.0573426 + _Ibplg_48 | 2.611282 .2871017 9.10 0.000 2.033376 3.189187 + _Ibplg_49 | 4.041839 .5793792 6.98 0.000 2.87561 5.208069 + _Ibplg_50 | 4.01468 .2819531 14.24 0.000 3.447138 4.582222 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.005772 .1815617 5.54 0.000 .6403069 1.371236 + _Ibplg_53 | 6.158836 .4362207 14.12 0.000 5.28077 7.036903 + _Ibplg_54 | 2.841237 .3728168 7.62 0.000 2.090796 3.591678 + _Ibplg_55 | 2.717711 .2957353 9.19 0.000 2.122427 3.312995 + _Ibplg_56 | 3.667549 .399924 9.17 0.000 2.862544 4.472554 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0002318 .0002687 -0.86 0.393 -.0007727 .0003091 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0001827 .0002876 -0.64 0.528 -.0007616 .0003962 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0009528 .0001744 -5.46 0.000 -.0013039 -.0006018 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0008947 .0001527 -5.86 0.000 -.001202 -.0005873 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0006479 .0000557 -11.64 0.000 -.0007599 -.0005359 +_IbplXyob_10 | .0002113 .0001317 1.60 0.116 -.0000539 .0004765 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0004406 .0000519 -8.49 0.000 -.0005451 -.0003362 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0014344 .0002673 -5.37 0.000 -.0019724 -.0008964 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0008116 .0000521 15.56 0.000 .0007066 .0009166 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0000921 .0000957 0.96 0.340 -.0001004 .0002847 +_IbplXyob_19 | .0004879 .0002097 2.33 0.024 .0000658 .00091 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0009393 .0001542 -6.09 0.000 -.0012496 -.0006289 +_IbplXyob_21 | .0007317 .0001299 5.63 0.000 .0004702 .0009931 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0005713 .0001118 -5.11 0.000 -.0007963 -.0003463 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0005884 .0001231 -4.78 0.000 -.0008362 -.0003407 +_IbplXyob_24 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_25 | .0000543 .0000697 0.78 0.440 -.000086 .0001946 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0010542 .0001119 -9.42 0.000 -.0012795 -.0008288 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0010242 .0001335 -7.67 0.000 -.001293 -.0007554 +_IbplXyob_29 | .00042 .0001585 2.65 0.011 .000101 .0007391 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0029651 .0003066 -9.67 0.000 -.0035822 -.0023479 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0014689 .000108 -13.60 0.000 -.0016863 -.0012514 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0019674 .0002255 -8.73 0.000 -.0024213 -.0015135 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0003525 .000102 -3.45 0.001 -.0005579 -.0001471 +_IbplXyob_34 | -.0003974 .000066 -6.02 0.000 -.0005303 -.0002645 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | .0000304 .0000486 0.63 0.535 -.0000674 .0001282 +_IbplXyob_37 | -.0001012 .0001452 -0.70 0.489 -.0003936 .0001911 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0018137 .0001704 -10.64 0.000 -.0021568 -.0014707 +_IbplXyob_39 | -.0000726 .0000541 -1.34 0.186 -.0001815 .0000364 +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | -.0011179 .0001579 -7.08 0.000 -.0014357 -.0008001 +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0004475 .0000707 -6.33 0.000 -.0005898 -.0003052 +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0016277 .0000801 -20.32 0.000 -.0017889 -.0014665 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0018828 .000169 -11.14 0.000 -.002223 -.0015427 +_IbplXyob_47 | .0010758 .0000678 15.86 0.000 .0009393 .0012123 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.0001494 .000183 -0.82 0.418 -.0005177 .0002189 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0018404 .0002529 -7.28 0.000 -.0023495 -.0013313 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0003643 .0001393 -2.61 0.012 -.0006447 -.0000838 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0001554 .0001243 -1.25 0.217 -.0004056 .0000948 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.002572 .0001824 -14.10 0.000 -.0029392 -.0022049 +_IbplXyob_54 | -.0005608 .0002182 -2.57 0.013 -.0009999 -.0001217 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0010528 .0001091 -9.65 0.000 -.0012724 -.0008332 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0022823 .0001708 -13.36 0.000 -.0026261 -.0019385 + _Iyear_1940 | -.0232472 .0059405 -3.91 0.000 -.0352049 -.0112896 + _Iyear_1950 | .0380616 .0061161 6.22 0.000 .0257505 .0503728 + _Iyear_1960 | .095298 .0079653 11.96 0.000 .0792646 .1113314 + _Iyear_1970 | .1359419 .0083797 16.22 0.000 .1190746 .1528093 + _Iyear_1980 | .1434514 .0088791 16.16 0.000 .1255786 .1613241 + _Iyear_1990 | .1443067 .0089889 16.05 0.000 .1262131 .1624004 + _cons | -.7197577 .351835 -2.05 0.047 -1.427965 -.0115505 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (91 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1930-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1930 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplg) +note: aurb90 omitted because of collinearity +note: aadlit91 omitted because of collinearity +note: hookworm omitted because of collinearity +note: ablack91 omitted because of collinearity +note: chgterm omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_40 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 10116 + F( 46, 46) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6942 + Adj R-squared = 0.6869 + Root MSE = .05144 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0320788 .0186282 1.72 0.092 -.0054179 .0695754 + lebergott09 | 8.77e-07 .0000127 0.07 0.945 -.0000247 .0000265 + south | -.0084206 .0147949 -0.57 0.572 -.0382012 .0213601 + imr1890 | -.000026 1.92e-06 -13.56 0.000 -.0000298 -.0000221 + aurb90 | (omitted) + aadlit91 | (omitted) + docs1898 | 8.94e-06 4.04e-07 22.10 0.000 8.12e-06 9.75e-06 + spend | 2.87e-07 3.46e-07 0.83 0.411 -4.09e-07 9.84e-07 + hookworm | (omitted) + ablack91 | (omitted) + unemp_1930 | .0001719 .0001177 1.46 0.151 -.0000649 .0004088 + chgterm | (omitted) + chgptratio | -.000747 .0001696 -4.41 0.000 -.0010883 -.0004057 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -.3356591 1.460336 -0.23 0.819 -3.275164 2.603846 + _Ibplg_5 | .0316344 .903738 0.04 0.972 -1.787496 1.850765 + _Ibplg_6 | 6.173873 1.084387 5.69 0.000 3.991116 8.356631 + _Ibplg_8 | 6.313135 .9417449 6.70 0.000 4.417501 8.208769 + _Ibplg_9 | 7.370993 .5591506 13.18 0.000 6.245482 8.496505 + _Ibplg_10 | 2.648095 .6102783 4.34 0.000 1.419668 3.876521 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | -1.44052 .5130752 -2.81 0.007 -2.473287 -.4077536 + _Ibplg_13 | 3.156793 .0675955 46.70 0.000 3.020731 3.292856 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | -3.782353 1.639503 -2.31 0.026 -7.082501 -.4822043 + _Ibplg_17 | 2.521148 .5270465 4.78 0.000 1.460258 3.582037 + _Ibplg_18 | 3.440482 .4757598 7.23 0.000 2.482827 4.398136 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.731709 .675076 2.57 0.014 .3728513 3.090566 + _Ibplg_20 | 1.76191 .6399079 2.75 0.008 .473842 3.049978 + _Ibplg_21 | 5.258117 .4388622 11.98 0.000 4.374733 6.141501 + _Ibplg_22 | 1.443538 .3665222 3.94 0.000 .7057671 2.181309 + _Ibplg_23 | 5.829826 .6082908 9.58 0.000 4.6054 7.054252 + _Ibplg_24 | 7.214137 .6412302 11.25 0.000 5.923408 8.504866 + _Ibplg_25 | 8.126977 .6154541 13.20 0.000 6.888132 9.365822 + _Ibplg_26 | 4.122335 .5312835 7.76 0.000 3.052917 5.191753 + _Ibplg_27 | 1.17283 .7073879 1.66 0.104 -.2510681 2.596728 + _Ibplg_28 | .9824734 .5197887 1.89 0.065 -.063807 2.028754 + _Ibplg_29 | 2.899491 .5388081 5.38 0.000 1.814926 3.984055 + _Ibplg_30 | 6.563171 1.513749 4.34 0.000 3.516153 9.610189 + _Ibplg_31 | 1.243574 .6580292 1.89 0.065 -.0809704 2.568118 + _Ibplg_32 | 4.085399 1.569542 2.60 0.012 .9260739 7.244723 + _Ibplg_33 | 8.395732 .5610845 14.96 0.000 7.266327 9.525137 + _Ibplg_34 | 7.993195 .5067855 15.77 0.000 6.973089 9.013302 + _Ibplg_35 | -7.622477 .6662692 -11.44 0.000 -8.963607 -6.281347 + _Ibplg_36 | 5.584852 .5394785 10.35 0.000 4.498938 6.670766 + _Ibplg_37 | -1.373393 .2297287 -5.98 0.000 -1.835813 -.9109726 + _Ibplg_38 | -.8742262 1.058365 -0.83 0.413 -3.004604 1.256151 + _Ibplg_39 | 5.25246 .4795055 10.95 0.000 4.287265 6.217654 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | -2.029156 1.0244 -1.98 0.054 -4.091166 .0328538 + _Ibplg_42 | 8.252134 .5294452 15.59 0.000 7.186416 9.317852 + _Ibplg_44 | 10.47633 .5515514 18.99 0.000 9.366119 11.58655 + _Ibplg_45 | 2.610043 .1079423 24.18 0.000 2.392766 2.827319 + _Ibplg_46 | -3.496964 .8462451 -4.13 0.000 -5.200367 -1.793561 + _Ibplg_47 | 1.008311 .149469 6.75 0.000 .707445 1.309176 + _Ibplg_48 | .2984351 .6545645 0.46 0.651 -1.019135 1.616005 + _Ibplg_49 | -1.418277 1.578798 -0.90 0.374 -4.596231 1.759678 + _Ibplg_50 | 8.757092 .5761831 15.20 0.000 7.597295 9.916888 + _Ibplg_51 | 4.896767 .3223502 15.19 0.000 4.247909 5.545624 + _Ibplg_53 | .8889722 1.282078 0.69 0.492 -1.691717 3.469662 + _Ibplg_54 | 5.233245 .719358 7.27 0.000 3.785252 6.681237 + _Ibplg_55 | 2.936363 .6519649 4.50 0.000 1.624026 4.2487 + _Ibplg_56 | -.2767151 1.221973 -0.23 0.822 -2.73642 2.18299 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | .0007342 .0005208 1.41 0.165 -.0003141 .0017824 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0015525 .0005479 2.83 0.007 .0004497 .0026554 + _IbplXyob_6 | .0003873 .0002452 1.58 0.121 -.0001062 .0008808 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0005738 .0002317 -2.48 0.017 -.0010402 -.0001074 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.000068 .0001147 -0.59 0.556 -.0002988 .0001628 +_IbplXyob_10 | .0018841 .0002359 7.99 0.000 .0014092 .002359 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | -.002271 .0001018 -22.30 0.000 -.0024759 -.002066 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | .0014788 .0006308 2.34 0.023 .0002092 .0027485 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0017419 .0002394 7.28 0.000 .00126 .0022238 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0003222 .0002645 1.22 0.229 -.0002103 .0008546 +_IbplXyob_19 | .0009915 .0003514 2.82 0.007 .0002843 .0016988 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.001406 .0002501 -5.62 0.000 -.0019095 -.0009025 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.0012102 .0001705 -7.10 0.000 -.0015535 -.000867 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0010686 .0002271 -4.70 0.000 -.0015258 -.0006114 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0016404 .0001523 -10.77 0.000 -.0019468 -.0013339 +_IbplXyob_24 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_25 | .0017457 .0002062 8.46 0.000 .0013306 .0021609 +_IbplXyob_26 | -.0013275 .0004394 -3.02 0.004 -.0022119 -.0004431 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0027446 .0001731 -15.85 0.000 -.0030931 -.0023962 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0019211 .0002622 -7.33 0.000 -.002449 -.0013933 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0009165 .0003079 2.98 0.005 .0002967 .0015364 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0046139 .0007522 -6.13 0.000 -.0061281 -.0030998 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0040734 .0001435 -28.38 0.000 -.0043623 -.0037844 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0020941 .0002986 -7.01 0.000 -.0026953 -.001493 +_IbplXyob_33 | .0002591 .0002855 0.91 0.369 -.0003156 .0008337 +_IbplXyob_34 | -.0002542 .0001493 -1.70 0.095 -.0005548 .0000463 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | .0028304 .0000992 28.53 0.000 .0026307 .00303 +_IbplXyob_37 | -.0030963 .0002942 -10.53 0.000 -.0036884 -.0025042 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0049623 .0003755 -13.22 0.000 -.0057181 -.0042064 +_IbplXyob_39 | .0000347 .0002807 0.12 0.902 -.0005303 .0005997 +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0027417 .000329 -8.33 0.000 -.0034039 -.0020796 +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0046683 .0001762 -26.50 0.000 -.0050228 -.0043137 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0039481 .0003559 -11.09 0.000 -.0046644 -.0032317 +_IbplXyob_47 | .0015239 .0001165 13.08 0.000 .0012895 .0017583 +_IbplXyob_48 | .0016449 .0003371 4.88 0.000 .0009663 .0023235 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0017651 .0004616 -3.82 0.000 -.0026942 -.000836 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0013592 .0003199 -4.25 0.000 -.0020031 -.0007152 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0028289 .0002081 -13.59 0.000 -.0032477 -.00241 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0031358 .0002023 -15.50 0.000 -.003543 -.0027287 +_IbplXyob_54 | -.0025158 .0003177 -7.92 0.000 -.0031553 -.0018763 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0030383 .0001248 -24.35 0.000 -.0032895 -.0027871 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0036523 .0003072 -11.89 0.000 -.0042707 -.0030339 +_IbplXyob2_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_4 | -.0000124 8.28e-06 -1.50 0.141 -.0000291 4.27e-06 +_IbplXyob2_5 | 3.81e-07 4.99e-06 0.08 0.939 -9.66e-06 .0000104 +_IbplXyob2_6 | 4.79e-06 6.08e-06 0.79 0.435 -7.45e-06 .000017 +_IbplXyob2_8 | .0000157 5.30e-06 2.96 0.005 5.00e-06 .0000263 +_IbplXyob2_9 | .0000279 3.13e-06 8.92 0.000 .0000216 .0000342 +_IbplXy~2_10 | 5.64e-06 3.35e-06 1.68 0.099 -1.10e-06 .0000124 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | -.0000228 2.91e-06 -7.86 0.000 -.0000287 -.000017 +_IbplXy~2_13 | .0000184 3.61e-07 51.00 0.000 .0000177 .0000192 +_IbplXy~2_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000532 9.45e-06 -5.63 0.000 -.0000722 -.0000342 +_IbplXy~2_17 | -3.19e-06 2.87e-06 -1.11 0.272 -8.96e-06 2.59e-06 +_IbplXy~2_18 | -8.19e-07 2.58e-06 -0.32 0.752 -6.00e-06 4.37e-06 +_IbplXy~2_19 | 6.08e-06 3.63e-06 1.68 0.101 -1.22e-06 .0000134 +_IbplXy~2_20 | -1.64e-06 3.46e-06 -0.47 0.638 -8.61e-06 5.33e-06 +_IbplXy~2_21 | .0000443 2.37e-06 18.67 0.000 .0000395 .0000491 +_IbplXy~2_22 | 4.45e-06 2.03e-06 2.20 0.033 3.74e-07 8.53e-06 +_IbplXy~2_23 | .0000224 3.30e-06 6.79 0.000 .0000158 .0000291 +_IbplXy~2_24 | .0000315 3.46e-06 9.12 0.000 .0000246 .0000385 +_IbplXy~2_25 | .0000356 3.38e-06 10.54 0.000 .0000288 .0000424 +_IbplXy~2_26 | 1.45e-06 2.94e-06 0.49 0.623 -4.46e-06 7.36e-06 +_IbplXy~2_27 | -3.73e-06 3.89e-06 -0.96 0.343 -.0000116 4.10e-06 +_IbplXy~2_28 | 9.80e-06 2.80e-06 3.50 0.001 4.16e-06 .0000154 +_IbplXy~2_29 | 9.44e-06 2.90e-06 3.26 0.002 3.61e-06 .0000153 +_IbplXy~2_30 | .0000168 8.75e-06 1.92 0.062 -8.43e-07 .0000344 +_IbplXy~2_31 | 2.50e-06 3.59e-06 0.70 0.490 -4.73e-06 9.73e-06 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -8.82e-06 8.73e-06 -1.01 0.318 -.0000264 8.75e-06 +_IbplXy~2_33 | .0000424 3.07e-06 13.81 0.000 .0000362 .0000486 +_IbplXy~2_34 | .0000352 2.81e-06 12.55 0.000 .0000296 .0000409 +_IbplXy~2_35 | -.0000392 3.76e-06 -10.43 0.000 -.0000468 -.0000316 +_IbplXy~2_36 | .0000111 2.96e-06 3.75 0.001 5.12e-06 .000017 +_IbplXy~2_37 | 7.88e-07 1.26e-06 0.62 0.536 -1.75e-06 3.33e-06 +_IbplXy~2_38 | -4.12e-06 6.04e-06 -0.68 0.499 -.0000163 8.05e-06 +_IbplXy~2_39 | 6.27e-06 2.61e-06 2.40 0.020 1.01e-06 .0000115 +_IbplXy~2_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_41 | -.0000533 5.71e-06 -9.33 0.000 -.0000647 -.0000418 +_IbplXy~2_42 | .0000387 2.90e-06 13.33 0.000 .0000328 .0000445 +_IbplXy~2_44 | .0000561 3.07e-06 18.24 0.000 .0000499 .0000623 +_IbplXy~2_45 | .000014 6.18e-07 22.66 0.000 .0000128 .0000152 +_IbplXy~2_46 | -.0000285 4.70e-06 -6.05 0.000 -.0000379 -.000019 +_IbplXy~2_47 | .0000123 8.17e-07 15.00 0.000 .0000106 .0000139 +_IbplXy~2_48 | -9.13e-06 3.63e-06 -2.52 0.015 -.0000164 -1.83e-06 +_IbplXy~2_49 | -.0000318 8.71e-06 -3.65 0.001 -.0000494 -.0000143 +_IbplXy~2_50 | .0000494 3.12e-06 15.85 0.000 .0000431 .0000557 +_IbplXy~2_51 | .0000346 1.75e-06 19.74 0.000 .0000311 .0000381 +_IbplXy~2_53 | -.0000321 7.26e-06 -4.42 0.000 -.0000467 -.0000175 +_IbplXy~2_54 | .000021 3.96e-06 5.30 0.000 .000013 .0000289 +_IbplXy~2_55 | 6.02e-06 3.55e-06 1.70 0.097 -1.13e-06 .0000132 +_IbplXy~2_56 | -.0000247 7.06e-06 -3.50 0.001 -.0000389 -.0000105 + _Iyear_1940 | -.0234279 .0059462 -3.94 0.000 -.035397 -.0114589 + _Iyear_1950 | .0379018 .0061241 6.19 0.000 .0255747 .050229 + _Iyear_1960 | .0951165 .0079771 11.92 0.000 .0790595 .1111735 + _Iyear_1970 | .1357736 .008394 16.18 0.000 .1188773 .15267 + _Iyear_1980 | .1432756 .0088894 16.12 0.000 .1253822 .161169 + _Iyear_1990 | .1441205 .0089993 16.01 0.000 .1260059 .1622351 + _cons | -3.717169 .5621702 -6.61 0.000 -4.848759 -2.585579 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (91 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, DROP EARLY YEARS + +19:37:31 on 1 Feb 2010 + +DROP EARLY YEARS + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 10331 10331 10331 10116 10116 10116 +Depvar: occscore occscore occscore occscore occscore occscore +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.1057* 0.1047* 0.0321~ 0.0964* 0.1087* 0.0321 + (0.0206) (0.0173) (0.0150) (0.0136) (0.0233) (0.0186) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.656 0.687 0.695 0.678 0.687 0.694 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. restore + +. +. +. +. +. egen regionxyearxyob = group(year yob south) + +. local meanrev "lebergott09 south" + +. local the_rest "imr1890 aurb90 aadlit91 docs1898 spend hookworm ablack91 unemp_1930 chgterm chgptratio " + +. xi i.bplg i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplg) +note: south omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1880 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1900 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1910 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1920 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1930 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1940 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1950 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1960 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1980 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1990 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16784 + F( 47, 47) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8614 + Adj R-squared = 0.8564 + Root MSE = .06407 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 48 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1312555 .030319 4.33 0.000 .0702614 .1922495 + lebergott09 | .0000285 .000015 1.91 0.063 -1.58e-06 .0000587 + south | (omitted) + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -.0097809 .0240128 -0.41 0.686 -.0580884 .0385266 + _Ibplg_5 | -.0945845 .0122851 -7.70 0.000 -.1192989 -.06987 + _Ibplg_6 | .1334113 .0188678 7.07 0.000 .0954542 .1713684 + _Ibplg_8 | .1239583 .0173705 7.14 0.000 .0890135 .1589032 + _Ibplg_9 | .2393487 .0100268 23.87 0.000 .2191774 .25952 + _Ibplg_10 | .1805309 .009491 19.02 0.000 .1614375 .1996242 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | .0129828 .0070158 1.85 0.071 -.0011313 .0270968 + _Ibplg_13 | .0219984 .0009228 23.84 0.000 .0201421 .0238548 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | .0649363 .0247221 2.63 0.012 .0152019 .1146706 + _Ibplg_17 | .1360577 .0107067 12.71 0.000 .1145186 .1575967 + _Ibplg_18 | .1018394 .0093316 10.91 0.000 .0830667 .1206121 + _Ibplg_19 | .0865932 .0123136 7.03 0.000 .0618213 .111365 + _Ibplg_20 | .0909861 .0134446 6.77 0.000 .0639391 .1180331 + _Ibplg_21 | .0010519 .0055615 0.19 0.851 -.0101363 .0122402 + _Ibplg_22 | .0505825 .0051294 9.86 0.000 .0402634 .0609016 + _Ibplg_23 | .1493996 .0094095 15.88 0.000 .1304701 .1683291 + _Ibplg_24 | .2075919 .009921 20.92 0.000 .1876333 .2275504 + _Ibplg_25 | .2434595 .0107843 22.58 0.000 .2217643 .2651547 + _Ibplg_26 | .1373623 .0113416 12.11 0.000 .1145459 .1601786 + _Ibplg_27 | .1150428 .0146797 7.84 0.000 .085511 .1445747 + _Ibplg_28 | -.016669 .0066438 -2.51 0.016 -.0300346 -.0033034 + _Ibplg_29 | .07747 .0103023 7.52 0.000 .0567445 .0981954 + _Ibplg_30 | .0791743 .0230883 3.43 0.001 .0327265 .1256221 + _Ibplg_31 | .0880172 .0140222 6.28 0.000 .0598082 .1162262 + _Ibplg_32 | .0944478 .0242969 3.89 0.000 .0455688 .1433269 + _Ibplg_33 | .1941845 .0092256 21.05 0.000 .175625 .212744 + _Ibplg_34 | .2332019 .0102913 22.66 0.000 .2124984 .2539054 + _Ibplg_35 | -.0417698 .0115067 -3.63 0.001 -.0649183 -.0186213 + _Ibplg_36 | .2153306 .0098557 21.85 0.000 .1955034 .2351578 + _Ibplg_37 | -.0010177 .0031386 -0.32 0.747 -.0073318 .0052964 + _Ibplg_38 | .0484706 .0181225 2.67 0.010 .0120129 .0849283 + _Ibplg_39 | .1474121 .0092452 15.94 0.000 .1288132 .166011 + _Ibplg_40 | .0084932 .0245679 0.35 0.731 -.0409311 .0579174 + _Ibplg_41 | .0862404 .0172168 5.01 0.000 .0516046 .1208763 + _Ibplg_42 | .1914058 .0096478 19.84 0.000 .171997 .2108147 + _Ibplg_44 | .2251504 .0102826 21.90 0.000 .2044644 .2458364 + _Ibplg_45 | .0371877 .0009459 39.31 0.000 .0352847 .0390907 + _Ibplg_46 | .0569232 .0164542 3.46 0.001 .0238217 .0900247 + _Ibplg_47 | -.020542 .002003 -10.26 0.000 -.0245715 -.0165126 + _Ibplg_48 | -.0269524 .0090467 -2.98 0.005 -.045152 -.0087529 + _Ibplg_49 | .1119512 .0230929 4.85 0.000 .0654944 .158408 + _Ibplg_50 | .1473443 .00895 16.46 0.000 .1293393 .1653493 + _Ibplg_51 | .0688334 .0041329 16.66 0.000 .0605191 .0771476 + _Ibplg_53 | .0926531 .0207044 4.48 0.000 .0510013 .1343049 + _Ibplg_54 | .0188045 .0104629 1.80 0.079 -.0022441 .0398531 + _Ibplg_55 | .125994 .0126276 9.98 0.000 .1005905 .1513974 + _Ibplg_56 | .1162805 .02062 5.64 0.000 .0747984 .1577626 + _Iyear_1880 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1900 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1910 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1920 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1930 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1940 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1950 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1960 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1990 | (omitted) + _cons | 3.046674 .0175132 173.96 0.000 3.011442 3.081906 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (535 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplg) +note: south omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1880 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1900 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1910 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1920 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1930 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1940 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1950 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1960 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1980 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1990 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16784 + F( 47, 47) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8893 + Adj R-squared = 0.8850 + Root MSE = .05726 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 48 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1156243 .029217 3.96 0.000 .0568472 .1744014 + lebergott09 | .000042 .0000176 2.39 0.021 6.68e-06 .0000773 + south | (omitted) + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -.2466681 .8540649 -0.29 0.774 -1.964825 1.471489 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.398395 .4239152 3.30 0.002 .5455878 2.251203 + _Ibplg_6 | 1.834189 .6631213 2.77 0.008 .5001608 3.168217 + _Ibplg_8 | 1.872121 .6645715 2.82 0.007 .5351752 3.209066 + _Ibplg_9 | 2.959627 .4038766 7.33 0.000 2.147132 3.772122 + _Ibplg_10 | .9162041 .3972466 2.31 0.026 .117047 1.715361 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.890518 .2146582 8.81 0.000 1.458681 2.322355 + _Ibplg_13 | .2386796 .0316706 7.54 0.000 .1749667 .3023926 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | .2431414 .9595305 0.25 0.801 -1.687185 2.173468 + _Ibplg_17 | -1.095492 .4221792 -2.59 0.013 -1.944807 -.2461766 + _Ibplg_18 | -.8696904 .3952995 -2.20 0.033 -1.66493 -.0744504 + _Ibplg_19 | .0874468 .4964578 0.18 0.861 -.9112974 1.086191 + _Ibplg_20 | .39078 .5726238 0.68 0.498 -.7611905 1.54275 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.611294 .213102 7.56 0.000 1.182588 2.04 + _Ibplg_22 | 3.045438 .1665388 18.29 0.000 2.710405 3.380471 + _Ibplg_23 | 3.315587 .4018648 8.25 0.000 2.507139 4.124035 + _Ibplg_24 | 1.825844 .4161458 4.39 0.000 .9886666 2.663021 + _Ibplg_25 | 3.803982 .4115831 9.24 0.000 2.975983 4.63198 + _Ibplg_26 | .7032574 .4328154 1.62 0.111 -.167455 1.57397 + _Ibplg_27 | .0619579 .5484145 0.11 0.911 -1.04131 1.165225 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.367246 .2474158 5.53 0.000 .8695101 1.864983 + _Ibplg_29 | -.2669503 .4495399 -0.59 0.555 -1.171308 .6374074 + _Ibplg_30 | 1.08014 .8603457 1.26 0.216 -.6506519 2.810933 + _Ibplg_31 | -.5264741 .568249 -0.93 0.359 -1.669644 .6166955 + _Ibplg_32 | 2.899315 .9018036 3.22 0.002 1.08512 4.71351 + _Ibplg_33 | 3.139064 .3850696 8.15 0.000 2.364404 3.913725 + _Ibplg_34 | 1.534578 .3859057 3.98 0.000 .7582355 2.31092 + _Ibplg_35 | -1.861631 .4645467 -4.01 0.000 -2.796179 -.9270838 + _Ibplg_36 | 1.56496 .3945056 3.97 0.000 .771317 2.358603 + _Ibplg_37 | -.7158061 .1089976 -6.57 0.000 -.935081 -.4965311 + _Ibplg_38 | -.8521561 .7882076 -1.08 0.285 -2.437825 .7335131 + _Ibplg_39 | .0248883 .3800383 0.07 0.948 -.7396501 .7894268 + _Ibplg_40 | .4664125 .8821397 0.53 0.599 -1.308224 2.241049 + _Ibplg_41 | .4974972 .6548745 0.76 0.451 -.8199404 1.814935 + _Ibplg_42 | 1.687408 .3759577 4.49 0.000 .9310791 2.443738 + _Ibplg_44 | 3.646917 .3963292 9.20 0.000 2.849606 4.444229 + _Ibplg_45 | .5485368 .0388875 14.11 0.000 .4703051 .6267684 + _Ibplg_46 | -1.751119 .6873038 -2.55 0.014 -3.133796 -.3684418 + _Ibplg_47 | .0858523 .0691348 1.24 0.220 -.0532289 .2249335 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.34574 .2980492 4.52 0.000 .7461423 1.945338 + _Ibplg_49 | -.4893499 .9254614 -0.53 0.599 -2.351138 1.372438 + _Ibplg_50 | 2.842315 .3884676 7.32 0.000 2.060819 3.623811 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.557029 .1504752 10.35 0.000 1.254312 1.859746 + _Ibplg_53 | 1.953103 .7916516 2.47 0.017 .3605056 3.545701 + _Ibplg_54 | .7520183 .3684214 2.04 0.047 .0108501 1.493186 + _Ibplg_55 | .8585757 .4753488 1.81 0.077 -.0977027 1.814854 + _Ibplg_56 | .1009768 .7450622 0.14 0.893 -1.397895 1.599849 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | .0001099 .0004584 0.24 0.812 -.0008123 .0010321 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0007829 .0002286 -3.42 0.001 -.0012427 -.000323 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0008971 .0003562 -2.52 0.015 -.0016138 -.0001805 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0009203 .0003552 -2.59 0.013 -.001635 -.0002057 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0014348 .0002181 -6.58 0.000 -.0018736 -.0009959 +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0003864 .0002147 -1.80 0.078 -.0008182 .0000454 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | -.0009841 .0001158 -8.50 0.000 -.0012171 -.0007512 +_IbplXyob_13 | -.000114 .0000171 -6.65 0.000 -.0001485 -.0000795 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0001105 .0005127 -0.22 0.830 -.0011418 .0009209 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0006437 .0002276 2.83 0.007 .0001859 .0011015 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0005135 .0002134 2.41 0.020 .0000841 .0009428 +_IbplXyob_19 | -6.48e-06 .0002669 -0.02 0.981 -.0005435 .0005305 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0001626 .0003067 -0.53 0.599 -.0007795 .0004544 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.0008517 .0001154 -7.38 0.000 -.0010838 -.0006196 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0015725 .00009 -17.47 0.000 -.0017536 -.0013915 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0016785 .0002173 -7.73 0.000 -.0021155 -.0012414 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.0008518 .0002248 -3.79 0.000 -.0013042 -.0003995 +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0018789 .0002223 -8.45 0.000 -.0023261 -.0014318 +_IbplXyob_26 | -.0003008 .0002332 -1.29 0.203 -.0007699 .0001683 +_IbplXyob_27 | .0000172 .0002936 0.06 0.953 -.0005734 .0006079 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0007275 .0001337 -5.44 0.000 -.0009965 -.0004585 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0001814 .0002424 0.75 0.458 -.0003063 .0006692 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0005362 .0004604 -1.16 0.250 -.0014625 .00039 +_IbplXyob_31 | .0003102 .0003037 1.02 0.312 -.0003007 .0009212 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0014719 .0004837 -3.04 0.004 -.0024451 -.0004988 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.00156 .0002082 -7.49 0.000 -.0019788 -.0011413 +_IbplXyob_34 | -.0006854 .0002083 -3.29 0.002 -.0011045 -.0002663 +_IbplXyob_35 | .0009512 .0002508 3.79 0.000 .0004467 .0014558 +_IbplXyob_36 | -.0007131 .0002131 -3.35 0.002 -.0011418 -.0002844 +_IbplXyob_37 | .000376 .000059 6.37 0.000 .0002572 .0004947 +_IbplXyob_38 | .000453 .0004196 1.08 0.286 -.0003911 .0012971 +_IbplXyob_39 | .0000656 .0002053 0.32 0.751 -.0003473 .0004786 +_IbplXyob_40 | -.0002394 .0004721 -0.51 0.614 -.0011892 .0007104 +_IbplXyob_41 | -.0002262 .0003514 -0.64 0.523 -.0009331 .0004807 +_IbplXyob_42 | -.000789 .000203 -3.89 0.000 -.0011974 -.0003805 +_IbplXyob_44 | -.0018041 .000214 -8.43 0.000 -.0022347 -.0013735 +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0002686 .000021 -12.78 0.000 -.0003108 -.0002263 +_IbplXyob_46 | .0009259 .0003663 2.53 0.015 .000189 .0016627 +_IbplXyob_47 | -.0000555 .0000374 -1.48 0.144 -.0001307 .0000197 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.0007208 .0001603 -4.50 0.000 -.0010433 -.0003983 +_IbplXyob_49 | .0002974 .000496 0.60 0.552 -.0007005 .0012953 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0014298 .00021 -6.81 0.000 -.0018523 -.0010073 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0007865 .0000816 -9.64 0.000 -.0009506 -.0006224 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.000979 .0004237 -2.31 0.025 -.0018315 -.0001265 +_IbplXyob_54 | -.0003916 .0001989 -1.97 0.055 -.0007916 8.50e-06 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0003902 .0002556 -1.53 0.134 -.0009044 .000124 +_IbplXyob_56 | -8.39e-06 .0003985 -0.02 0.983 -.0008101 .0007933 + _Iyear_1880 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1900 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1910 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1920 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1930 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1940 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1950 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1960 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1990 | (omitted) + _cons | 3.038486 .019467 156.08 0.000 2.999323 3.077649 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (535 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplg) +note: south omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1880 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1900 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1910 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1920 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1930 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1940 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1950 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1960 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1980 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1990 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16784 + F( 48, 47) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8962 + Adj R-squared = 0.8918 + Root MSE = .05545 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 48 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1313411 .0238875 5.50 0.000 .0832856 .1793966 + lebergott09 | .0000389 .000016 2.42 0.019 6.62e-06 .0000712 + south | (omitted) + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | 5.412644 1.24593 4.34 0.000 2.906155 7.919132 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.739277 .3772268 4.61 0.000 .980395 2.49816 + _Ibplg_6 | 7.251072 1.164224 6.23 0.000 4.908955 9.593189 + _Ibplg_8 | 7.413417 1.145669 6.47 0.000 5.108629 9.718206 + _Ibplg_9 | 8.902347 1.096302 8.12 0.000 6.696872 11.10782 + _Ibplg_10 | 6.564797 1.09232 6.01 0.000 4.367334 8.762261 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 2.001565 .1980163 10.11 0.000 1.603208 2.399922 + _Ibplg_13 | .2639539 .0288129 9.16 0.000 .2059898 .321918 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | 5.336322 1.320599 4.04 0.000 2.67962 7.993024 + _Ibplg_17 | 5.078166 1.090335 4.66 0.000 2.884695 7.271638 + _Ibplg_18 | 5.370283 1.085941 4.95 0.000 3.185652 7.554915 + _Ibplg_19 | 5.997471 1.102111 5.44 0.000 3.78031 8.214632 + _Ibplg_20 | 6.610204 1.104769 5.98 0.000 4.387696 8.832713 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.238882 .1967189 6.30 0.000 .8431342 1.634629 + _Ibplg_22 | 3.177976 .1497539 21.22 0.000 2.87671 3.479242 + _Ibplg_23 | 8.992296 1.097404 8.19 0.000 6.784603 11.19999 + _Ibplg_24 | 7.69343 1.098402 7.00 0.000 5.483731 9.903129 + _Ibplg_25 | 9.460869 1.100675 8.60 0.000 7.246597 11.67514 + _Ibplg_26 | 6.745964 1.090311 6.19 0.000 4.552542 8.939387 + _Ibplg_27 | 6.219236 1.104665 5.63 0.000 3.996937 8.441536 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.561406 .2238526 6.98 0.000 1.111073 2.01174 + _Ibplg_29 | 5.76724 1.094294 5.27 0.000 3.565804 7.968676 + _Ibplg_30 | 5.944682 1.252756 4.75 0.000 3.424461 8.464902 + _Ibplg_31 | 5.897148 1.100586 5.36 0.000 3.683054 8.111242 + _Ibplg_32 | 8.106737 1.279053 6.34 0.000 5.533615 10.67986 + _Ibplg_33 | 8.792674 1.092715 8.05 0.000 6.594415 10.99093 + _Ibplg_34 | 7.615427 1.08959 6.99 0.000 5.423454 9.8074 + _Ibplg_35 | 3.696317 1.110227 3.33 0.002 1.462828 5.929806 + _Ibplg_36 | 7.715453 1.093249 7.06 0.000 5.516121 9.914786 + _Ibplg_37 | -1.037365 .0978014 -10.61 0.000 -1.234116 -.8406141 + _Ibplg_38 | 8.005151 1.212988 6.60 0.000 5.564934 10.44537 + _Ibplg_39 | 6.355462 1.085374 5.86 0.000 4.17197 8.538953 + _Ibplg_40 | 8.217995 1.22431 6.71 0.000 5.755001 10.68099 + _Ibplg_41 | 5.946546 1.15044 5.17 0.000 3.63216 8.260932 + _Ibplg_42 | 7.708661 1.086672 7.09 0.000 5.522558 9.894763 + _Ibplg_44 | 9.445722 1.09431 8.63 0.000 7.244253 11.64719 + _Ibplg_45 | .6201639 .039535 15.69 0.000 .5406298 .699698 + _Ibplg_46 | 4.846982 1.140765 4.25 0.000 2.552058 7.141906 + _Ibplg_47 | -.0218266 .0651747 -0.33 0.739 -.1529412 .1092881 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.453872 .268081 5.42 0.000 .9145624 1.993181 + _Ibplg_49 | 5.068418 1.281301 3.96 0.000 2.490772 7.646063 + _Ibplg_50 | 8.356523 1.092918 7.65 0.000 6.157855 10.55519 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.393262 .1384244 10.07 0.000 1.114788 1.671736 + _Ibplg_53 | 7.313463 1.210156 6.04 0.000 4.878944 9.747982 + _Ibplg_54 | .9208936 .3165192 2.91 0.006 .2841391 1.557648 + _Ibplg_55 | 6.755973 1.095948 6.16 0.000 4.551209 8.960736 + _Ibplg_56 | 5.991526 1.191985 5.03 0.000 3.593563 8.38949 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0028807 .0006612 -4.36 0.000 -.0042108 -.0015505 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0009599 .0002022 -4.75 0.000 -.0013666 -.0005531 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.003745 .0006169 -6.07 0.000 -.004986 -.002504 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0038495 .0006065 -6.35 0.000 -.0050696 -.0026294 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0045841 .0005798 -7.91 0.000 -.0057506 -.0034176 +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0033934 .0005779 -5.87 0.000 -.0045559 -.0022309 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | -.0010418 .0001064 -9.79 0.000 -.0012559 -.0008278 +_IbplXyob_13 | -.000125 .0000155 -8.08 0.000 -.0001561 -.0000938 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0028038 .0007009 -4.00 0.000 -.0042139 -.0013937 +_IbplXyob_17 | -.0026124 .0005766 -4.53 0.000 -.0037723 -.0014524 +_IbplXyob_18 | -.0027812 .0005743 -4.84 0.000 -.0039366 -.0016257 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0031438 .000583 -5.39 0.000 -.0043167 -.0019709 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0034578 .0005843 -5.92 0.000 -.0046333 -.0022823 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.0006609 .0001054 -6.27 0.000 -.000873 -.0004488 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0016423 .0000803 -20.45 0.000 -.0018039 -.0014807 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.004693 .0005807 -8.08 0.000 -.0058612 -.0035247 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.0039667 .0005811 -6.83 0.000 -.0051356 -.0027977 +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0048855 .0005822 -8.39 0.000 -.0060568 -.0037142 +_IbplXyob_26 | -.0034934 .0005765 -6.06 0.000 -.0046533 -.0023336 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0032461 .0005844 -5.55 0.000 -.0044216 -.0020705 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0008297 .00012 -6.91 0.000 -.0010711 -.0005883 +_IbplXyob_29 | -.003016 .0005788 -5.21 0.000 -.0041803 -.0018516 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0031022 .0006645 -4.67 0.000 -.0044389 -.0017654 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0030938 .0005821 -5.31 0.000 -.0042648 -.0019227 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0042144 .0006791 -6.21 0.000 -.0055806 -.0028482 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0045638 .0005781 -7.89 0.000 -.0057268 -.0034007 +_IbplXyob_34 | -.0039021 .0005761 -6.77 0.000 -.0050611 -.0027431 +_IbplXyob_35 | -.0020206 .0005873 -3.44 0.001 -.0032021 -.0008391 +_IbplXyob_36 | -.003963 .0005783 -6.85 0.000 -.0051263 -.0027997 +_IbplXyob_37 | .000538 .0000525 10.25 0.000 .0004324 .0006436 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0042289 .0006422 -6.58 0.000 -.0055209 -.0029369 +_IbplXyob_39 | -.0032732 .000574 -5.70 0.000 -.0044281 -.0021184 +_IbplXyob_40 | -.0043481 .0006486 -6.70 0.000 -.005653 -.0030433 +_IbplXyob_41 | -.003096 .0006093 -5.08 0.000 -.0043219 -.0018702 +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0039761 .0005747 -6.92 0.000 -.0051322 -.0028199 +_IbplXyob_44 | -.0048818 .0005787 -8.44 0.000 -.0060461 -.0037176 +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0003026 .0000213 -14.23 0.000 -.0003454 -.0002598 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.002566 .0006037 -4.25 0.000 -.0037806 -.0013515 +_IbplXyob_47 | 2.23e-07 .000035 0.01 0.995 -.0000701 .0000706 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.0007694 .0001438 -5.35 0.000 -.0010588 -.00048 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0026378 .0006802 -3.88 0.000 -.0040062 -.0012693 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0043628 .0005783 -7.54 0.000 -.0055263 -.0031993 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0007001 .0000742 -9.43 0.000 -.0008494 -.0005507 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0038107 .0006415 -5.94 0.000 -.0051013 -.0025202 +_IbplXyob_54 | -.0004609 .0001698 -2.72 0.009 -.0008024 -.0001194 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0035204 .0005797 -6.07 0.000 -.0046866 -.0023542 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0031247 .0006316 -4.95 0.000 -.0043953 -.0018541 +_IbplXyob2_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_4 | -.000056 8.61e-06 -6.51 0.000 -.0000734 -.0000387 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -5.12e-06 1.19e-06 -4.30 0.000 -7.52e-06 -2.73e-06 +_IbplXyob2_6 | -.0000694 8.52e-06 -8.14 0.000 -.0000865 -.0000522 +_IbplXyob2_8 | -.0000529 8.68e-06 -6.10 0.000 -.0000704 -.0000354 +_IbplXyob2_9 | -.0000403 8.11e-06 -4.97 0.000 -.0000566 -.000024 +_IbplXy~2_10 | -.0000298 8.04e-06 -3.70 0.001 -.000046 -.0000136 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | -1.26e-06 7.36e-07 -1.71 0.095 -2.74e-06 2.26e-07 +_IbplXy~2_13 | -2.06e-06 1.50e-07 -13.75 0.000 -2.36e-06 -1.76e-06 +_IbplXy~2_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000577 8.88e-06 -6.50 0.000 -.0000756 -.0000398 +_IbplXy~2_17 | -.0000556 8.27e-06 -6.73 0.000 -.0000723 -.000039 +_IbplXy~2_18 | -.0000514 8.10e-06 -6.35 0.000 -.0000677 -.0000351 +_IbplXy~2_19 | -.000033 8.47e-06 -3.90 0.000 -.00005 -.000016 +_IbplXy~2_20 | -.0000384 8.59e-06 -4.46 0.000 -.0000556 -.0000211 +_IbplXy~2_21 | 6.51e-06 7.37e-07 8.83 0.000 5.03e-06 7.99e-06 +_IbplXy~2_22 | -1.11e-06 4.96e-07 -2.24 0.030 -2.11e-06 -1.13e-07 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -.0000351 7.98e-06 -4.40 0.000 -.0000511 -.000019 +_IbplXy~2_24 | -.0000364 8.09e-06 -4.50 0.000 -.0000527 -.0000201 +_IbplXy~2_25 | -.0000324 8.13e-06 -3.99 0.000 -.0000488 -.0000161 +_IbplXy~2_26 | -.0000501 8.35e-06 -6.00 0.000 -.0000669 -.0000333 +_IbplXy~2_27 | -.0000347 8.60e-06 -4.04 0.000 -.000052 -.0000174 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -1.52e-06 7.30e-07 -2.09 0.042 -2.99e-06 -5.52e-08 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -.0000415 8.23e-06 -5.04 0.000 -.000058 -.0000249 +_IbplXy~2_30 | -.0000683 8.63e-06 -7.92 0.000 -.0000857 -.0000509 +_IbplXy~2_31 | -.0000317 8.68e-06 -3.65 0.001 -.0000492 -.0000143 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -.0000673 8.57e-06 -7.85 0.000 -.0000846 -.0000501 +_IbplXy~2_33 | -.000034 7.97e-06 -4.27 0.000 -.0000501 -.000018 +_IbplXy~2_34 | -.0000453 8.16e-06 -5.55 0.000 -.0000617 -.0000289 +_IbplXy~2_35 | -.0000183 8.24e-06 -2.22 0.031 -.0000349 -1.76e-06 +_IbplXy~2_36 | -.0000481 8.08e-06 -5.95 0.000 -.0000644 -.0000319 +_IbplXy~2_37 | 7.26e-06 3.48e-07 20.87 0.000 6.56e-06 7.96e-06 +_IbplXy~2_38 | -6.41e-06 8.98e-06 -0.71 0.479 -.0000245 .0000117 +_IbplXy~2_39 | -.0000539 8.06e-06 -6.70 0.000 -.0000702 -.0000377 +_IbplXy~2_40 | -.0000177 8.65e-06 -2.05 0.046 -.0000351 -3.43e-07 +_IbplXy~2_41 | -.0000658 8.65e-06 -7.61 0.000 -.0000832 -.0000484 +_IbplXy~2_42 | -.0000435 8.08e-06 -5.39 0.000 -.0000598 -.0000273 +_IbplXy~2_44 | -.0000362 8.14e-06 -4.45 0.000 -.0000525 -.0000198 +_IbplXy~2_45 | -3.71e-06 2.71e-07 -13.70 0.000 -4.25e-06 -3.16e-06 +_IbplXy~2_46 | -.0000336 8.84e-06 -3.80 0.000 -.0000514 -.0000158 +_IbplXy~2_47 | 1.16e-06 3.43e-07 3.38 0.001 4.68e-07 1.85e-06 +_IbplXy~2_48 | -.0000109 1.02e-06 -10.75 0.000 -.000013 -8.87e-06 +_IbplXy~2_49 | -.0000555 8.74e-06 -6.35 0.000 -.000073 -.0000379 +_IbplXy~2_50 | -.0000314 7.92e-06 -3.96 0.000 -.0000473 -.0000154 +_IbplXy~2_51 | 6.92e-07 5.86e-07 1.18 0.244 -4.87e-07 1.87e-06 +_IbplXy~2_53 | -.0000581 8.66e-06 -6.71 0.000 -.0000755 -.0000407 +_IbplXy~2_54 | -.0000173 9.43e-07 -18.40 0.000 -.0000192 -.0000154 +_IbplXy~2_55 | -.0000335 8.48e-06 -3.95 0.000 -.0000506 -.0000165 +_IbplXy~2_56 | -.0000445 8.68e-06 -5.13 0.000 -.0000619 -.000027 + _Iyear_1880 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1900 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1910 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1920 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1930 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1940 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1950 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1960 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1990 | (omitted) + _cons | 3.131982 .0233099 134.36 0.000 3.085088 3.178875 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (535 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplg) +note: south omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1880 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1900 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1910 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1920 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1930 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1940 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1950 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1960 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1980 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1990 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16487 + F( 36, 46) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8821 + Adj R-squared = 0.8777 + Root MSE = .05924 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1232285 .0253485 4.86 0.000 .0722047 .1742523 + lebergott09 | .0000108 .0000125 0.87 0.391 -.0000144 .000036 + south | (omitted) + imr1890 | 1.95e-06 1.93e-06 1.01 0.319 -1.94e-06 5.84e-06 + aurb90 | -.0021373 .000669 -3.19 0.003 -.003484 -.0007906 + aadlit91 | .0124671 .0037416 3.33 0.002 .0049357 .0199986 + docs1898 | 3.13e-07 3.77e-07 0.83 0.411 -4.46e-07 1.07e-06 + spend | -2.86e-06 6.06e-07 -4.73 0.000 -4.08e-06 -1.64e-06 + hookworm | .0042874 .0014828 2.89 0.006 .0013027 .007272 + ablack91 | .0019131 .0015128 1.26 0.212 -.0011321 .0049582 + unemp_1930 | .0000872 .0000762 1.14 0.258 -.0000662 .0002406 + chgterm | .0017474 .0007991 2.19 0.034 .0001388 .0033559 + chgptratio | .0005785 .0002014 2.87 0.006 .0001731 .000984 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | 2.881011 .985478 2.92 0.005 .8973465 4.864675 + _Ibplg_5 | .116905 .4951215 0.24 0.814 -.879723 1.113533 + _Ibplg_6 | 1.298163 .5626715 2.31 0.026 .1655637 2.430762 + _Ibplg_8 | .7229906 .5570605 1.30 0.201 -.398314 1.844295 + _Ibplg_9 | 3.621601 .6005875 6.03 0.000 2.412681 4.830521 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.323184 .4061443 3.26 0.002 .505658 2.14071 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.97715 .6411951 3.08 0.003 .6864916 3.267809 + _Ibplg_13 | .3795304 .3097238 1.23 0.227 -.2439113 1.002972 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | -1.358184 .4755757 -2.86 0.006 -2.315469 -.4008999 + _Ibplg_17 | .8944947 .6370431 1.40 0.167 -.3878065 2.176796 + _Ibplg_18 | .3660296 .5559252 0.66 0.514 -.7529899 1.485049 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.079354 .5779857 1.87 0.068 -.084071 2.242779 + _Ibplg_20 | .6009486 .552028 1.09 0.282 -.5102261 1.712123 + _Ibplg_21 | .1755935 .3897999 0.45 0.654 -.609033 .9602201 + _Ibplg_22 | 2.313855 .4389555 5.27 0.000 1.430283 3.197426 + _Ibplg_23 | 2.410071 .5508944 4.37 0.000 1.301178 3.518964 + _Ibplg_24 | 3.281773 .6961424 4.71 0.000 1.880511 4.683035 + _Ibplg_25 | 4.089887 .5062816 8.08 0.000 3.070795 5.108979 + _Ibplg_26 | .363199 .7560661 0.48 0.633 -1.158683 1.885081 + _Ibplg_27 | .2186082 .6100728 0.36 0.722 -1.009405 1.446621 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.119399 .3562833 3.14 0.003 .4022378 1.83656 + _Ibplg_29 | .564122 .4720151 1.20 0.238 -.3859952 1.514239 + _Ibplg_30 | 2.525428 .7578841 3.33 0.002 .9998864 4.05097 + _Ibplg_31 | -.2744249 .6931915 -0.40 0.694 -1.669747 1.120897 + _Ibplg_32 | -1.122878 .5960411 -1.88 0.066 -2.322646 .076891 + _Ibplg_33 | 2.244178 .438159 5.12 0.000 1.36221 3.126147 + _Ibplg_34 | 2.18324 .5423985 4.03 0.000 1.091449 3.275032 + _Ibplg_35 | .0548498 .8400237 0.07 0.948 -1.63603 1.74573 + _Ibplg_36 | 2.354234 .4646526 5.07 0.000 1.418937 3.289531 + _Ibplg_37 | -.7602038 .3864327 -1.97 0.055 -1.538052 .0176448 + _Ibplg_38 | -.4985087 .7412187 -0.67 0.505 -1.990504 .9934872 + _Ibplg_39 | 1.196167 .5598323 2.14 0.038 .0692827 2.323051 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | -.5238548 .777214 -0.67 0.504 -2.088305 1.040596 + _Ibplg_42 | 2.092348 .5250117 3.99 0.000 1.035554 3.149142 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.027906 .4882864 8.25 0.000 3.045036 5.010775 + _Ibplg_45 | .5116734 .4529573 1.13 0.264 -.4000823 1.423429 + _Ibplg_46 | -.1558602 .8181432 -0.19 0.850 -1.802697 1.490977 + _Ibplg_47 | .9000796 .2913188 3.09 0.003 .3136852 1.486474 + _Ibplg_48 | .1852892 .304469 0.61 0.546 -.4275752 .7981535 + _Ibplg_49 | .6503143 .6756935 0.96 0.341 -.7097861 2.010415 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.314462 .5198245 6.38 0.000 2.26811 4.360815 + _Ibplg_51 | .798298 .4643235 1.72 0.092 -.1363367 1.732933 + _Ibplg_53 | .4896424 .8130462 0.60 0.550 -1.146935 2.12622 + _Ibplg_54 | .5083086 .3762122 1.35 0.183 -.2489674 1.265585 + _Ibplg_55 | 1.04049 .6335477 1.64 0.107 -.2347754 2.315755 + _Ibplg_56 | -.3048681 .6889998 -0.44 0.660 -1.691753 1.082016 + _Iyear_1880 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1900 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1910 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1920 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1930 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1940 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1950 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1960 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1990 | (omitted) + _cons | -20.87901 7.018175 -2.97 0.005 -35.00586 -6.752156 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (535 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplg) +note: south omitted because of collinearity +note: aurb90 omitted because of collinearity +note: aadlit91 omitted because of collinearity +note: hookworm omitted because of collinearity +note: ablack91 omitted because of collinearity +note: chgterm omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1880 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1900 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1910 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1920 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1930 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1940 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1950 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1960 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1980 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1990 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16487 + F( 46, 46) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8914 + Adj R-squared = 0.8871 + Root MSE = .05686 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1017208 .0335327 3.03 0.004 .0342231 .1692185 + lebergott09 | .0000429 .0000179 2.39 0.021 6.82e-06 .000079 + south | (omitted) + imr1890 | -7.69e-06 2.01e-07 -38.20 0.000 -8.10e-06 -7.29e-06 + aurb90 | (omitted) + aadlit91 | (omitted) + docs1898 | 2.35e-06 3.02e-07 7.77 0.000 1.74e-06 2.96e-06 + spend | -1.34e-06 1.83e-07 -7.35 0.000 -1.71e-06 -9.75e-07 + hookworm | (omitted) + ablack91 | (omitted) + unemp_1930 | .000023 .0000386 0.59 0.555 -.0000548 .0001008 + chgterm | (omitted) + chgptratio | -.0003736 .0001411 -2.65 0.011 -.0006575 -.0000896 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -.4502101 .8626208 -0.52 0.604 -2.186576 1.286155 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.205536 .4660504 2.59 0.013 .2674256 2.143647 + _Ibplg_6 | 1.804697 .6599863 2.73 0.009 .4762132 3.13318 + _Ibplg_8 | 1.83791 .6602214 2.78 0.008 .5089531 3.166866 + _Ibplg_9 | 2.91228 .3986447 7.31 0.000 2.10985 3.71471 + _Ibplg_10 | .869858 .3940111 2.21 0.032 .0767547 1.662961 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.83137 .2124238 8.62 0.000 1.403783 2.258957 + _Ibplg_13 | .2542469 .0362609 7.01 0.000 .1812574 .3272363 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | .1865357 .9599284 0.19 0.847 -1.7457 2.118771 + _Ibplg_17 | -1.149466 .4174173 -2.75 0.008 -1.989684 -.3092488 + _Ibplg_18 | -.9317743 .3958941 -2.35 0.023 -1.728668 -.1348809 + _Ibplg_19 | .039712 .4897253 0.08 0.936 -.9460538 1.025478 + _Ibplg_20 | .2411678 .5879805 0.41 0.684 -.9423756 1.424711 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.703703 .2506989 6.80 0.000 1.199073 2.208334 + _Ibplg_22 | 2.966835 .1863575 15.92 0.000 2.591717 3.341954 + _Ibplg_23 | 3.304223 .3910288 8.45 0.000 2.517122 4.091323 + _Ibplg_24 | 1.766935 .4186926 4.22 0.000 .9241504 2.609719 + _Ibplg_25 | 3.792793 .4004553 9.47 0.000 2.986718 4.598868 + _Ibplg_26 | .6429035 .4290987 1.50 0.141 -.2208274 1.506634 + _Ibplg_27 | .0460971 .5402193 0.09 0.932 -1.041308 1.133502 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.251605 .2786165 4.49 0.000 .6907788 1.812431 + _Ibplg_29 | -.3837066 .4727699 -0.81 0.421 -1.335343 .5679299 + _Ibplg_30 | 1.046755 .8616042 1.21 0.231 -.687564 2.781075 + _Ibplg_31 | -.5860907 .5606088 -1.05 0.301 -1.714538 .5423564 + _Ibplg_32 | 2.82482 .899482 3.14 0.003 1.014256 4.635383 + _Ibplg_33 | 3.125965 .3731438 8.38 0.000 2.374866 3.877065 + _Ibplg_34 | 1.492001 .379257 3.93 0.000 .7285962 2.255406 + _Ibplg_35 | -1.959126 .4725078 -4.15 0.000 -2.910235 -1.008017 + _Ibplg_36 | 1.535147 .3851792 3.99 0.000 .759821 2.310472 + _Ibplg_37 | -.6631797 .1280376 -5.18 0.000 -.920906 -.4054535 + _Ibplg_38 | -.9189373 .7845087 -1.17 0.247 -2.498071 .6601969 + _Ibplg_39 | -.0160192 .3733624 -0.04 0.966 -.7675586 .7355203 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | .450935 .6504733 0.69 0.492 -.8583999 1.76027 + _Ibplg_42 | 1.659576 .3651481 4.54 0.000 .9245708 2.394581 + _Ibplg_44 | 3.615858 .3869878 9.34 0.000 2.836892 4.394824 + _Ibplg_45 | .5510668 .0384306 14.34 0.000 .47371 .6284237 + _Ibplg_46 | -1.790408 .6823561 -2.62 0.012 -3.16392 -.4168968 + _Ibplg_47 | .1089607 .0778752 1.40 0.168 -.0477939 .2657153 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.244846 .2986715 4.17 0.000 .6436516 1.846041 + _Ibplg_49 | -.5398416 .925258 -0.58 0.562 -2.402289 1.322606 + _Ibplg_50 | 2.83174 .3768481 7.51 0.000 2.073184 3.590295 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.629031 .1770394 9.20 0.000 1.272669 1.985393 + _Ibplg_53 | 1.864354 .7881281 2.37 0.022 .2779343 3.450773 + _Ibplg_54 | .8989478 .4321841 2.08 0.043 .0290063 1.768889 + _Ibplg_55 | .8393201 .4656035 1.80 0.078 -.0978911 1.776531 + _Ibplg_56 | .0899658 .7460889 0.12 0.905 -1.411833 1.591765 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | .0002744 .0004279 0.64 0.525 -.0005869 .0011358 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0003619 .0002748 -1.32 0.194 -.000915 .0001912 + _IbplXyob_6 | .000091 .0002845 0.32 0.751 -.0004817 .0006636 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0001459 .0002826 -0.52 0.608 -.0007147 .0004228 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0002458 .0000824 -2.98 0.005 -.0004116 -.0000799 +_IbplXyob_10 | .0006123 .0001849 3.31 0.002 .0002401 .0009844 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0004036 .0000755 -5.34 0.000 -.0005556 -.0002516 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0003121 .0004777 -0.65 0.517 -.0012737 .0006494 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0015301 .0000769 19.90 0.000 .0013754 .0016849 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0010375 .0001457 7.12 0.000 .0007442 .0013308 +_IbplXyob_19 | .0003253 .000302 1.08 0.287 -.0002826 .0009333 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0000838 .0002841 -0.29 0.769 -.0006556 .0004881 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.000534 .0001416 -3.77 0.000 -.000819 -.000249 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.001614 .0001301 -12.41 0.000 -.0018758 -.0013523 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0012704 .0001466 -8.67 0.000 -.0015655 -.0009754 +_IbplXyob_24 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_25 | .0001249 .000105 1.19 0.241 -.0000866 .0003363 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0004321 .0001715 -2.52 0.015 -.0007773 -.0000869 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0009749 .0001157 -8.43 0.000 -.0012078 -.0007421 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0008715 .0002316 3.76 0.000 .0004053 .0013376 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0011083 .0004819 -2.30 0.026 -.0020783 -.0001384 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0006683 .0001913 -3.49 0.001 -.0010534 -.0002831 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0014205 .0003827 -3.71 0.001 -.0021907 -.0006502 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0002079 .0001395 -1.49 0.143 -.0004888 .000073 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0006371 .0000747 8.53 0.000 .0004868 .0007874 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | .0009806 .0000694 14.13 0.000 .0008409 .0011202 +_IbplXyob_37 | -.0007327 .000202 -3.63 0.001 -.0011393 -.0003261 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0010443 .0003151 -3.31 0.002 -.0016786 -.0004101 +_IbplXyob_39 | .0008274 .0000762 10.86 0.000 .0006741 .0009807 +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | -.0005898 .0002416 -2.44 0.019 -.001076 -.0001036 +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0003799 .0000654 -5.81 0.000 -.0005116 -.0002482 +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0012377 .0001244 -9.95 0.000 -.0014882 -.0009872 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.00075 .0002928 -2.56 0.014 -.0013394 -.0001605 +_IbplXyob_47 | .0004197 .0000854 4.91 0.000 .0002477 .0005917 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.0002499 .0001843 -1.36 0.182 -.0006209 .0001211 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0002731 .000389 -0.70 0.486 -.001056 .0005099 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0002862 .0001858 -1.54 0.130 -.0006601 .0000878 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0009756 .0001543 -6.32 0.000 -.0012861 -.000665 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0017571 .000297 -5.92 0.000 -.0023548 -.0011593 +_IbplXyob_54 | -.0004915 .0002731 -1.80 0.078 -.0010413 .0000583 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0008222 .0001482 -5.55 0.000 -.0011204 -.000524 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0010882 .0003067 -3.55 0.001 -.0017056 -.0004709 + _Iyear_1880 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1900 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1910 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1920 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1930 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1940 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1950 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1960 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1990 | (omitted) + _cons | 1.869615 .498941 3.75 0.000 .8652994 2.873932 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (535 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) + +. areg occscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplg) +note: south omitted because of collinearity +note: aurb90 omitted because of collinearity +note: aadlit91 omitted because of collinearity +note: hookworm omitted because of collinearity +note: ablack91 omitted because of collinearity +note: chgterm omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplg_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1880 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1900 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1910 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1920 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1930 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1940 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1950 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1960 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1980 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1990 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 16487 + F( 47, 46) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.8980 + Adj R-squared = 0.8937 + Root MSE = .05511 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1185248 .0266982 4.44 0.000 .0647841 .1722655 + lebergott09 | .0000403 .0000161 2.50 0.016 7.85e-06 .0000727 + south | (omitted) + imr1890 | -4.88e-06 8.51e-07 -5.73 0.000 -6.59e-06 -3.16e-06 + aurb90 | (omitted) + aadlit91 | (omitted) + docs1898 | -4.80e-07 5.94e-07 -0.81 0.423 -1.68e-06 7.16e-07 + spend | 1.87e-06 5.55e-07 3.38 0.001 7.58e-07 2.99e-06 + hookworm | (omitted) + ablack91 | (omitted) + unemp_1930 | -.0006111 .0001173 -5.21 0.000 -.0008472 -.000375 + chgterm | (omitted) + chgptratio | .0014799 .00034 4.35 0.000 .0007955 .0021643 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | 5.279561 1.253831 4.21 0.000 2.75573 7.803391 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.558995 .4072425 3.83 0.000 .7392588 2.378732 + _Ibplg_6 | 7.276136 1.166737 6.24 0.000 4.927615 9.624656 + _Ibplg_8 | 7.436003 1.14801 6.48 0.000 5.125178 9.746827 + _Ibplg_9 | 8.889386 1.09855 8.09 0.000 6.678119 11.10065 + _Ibplg_10 | 6.544479 1.093788 5.98 0.000 4.342799 8.74616 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.952491 .199524 9.79 0.000 1.55087 2.354112 + _Ibplg_13 | .2797006 .0320626 8.72 0.000 .215162 .3442392 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | 5.351813 1.323248 4.04 0.000 2.688253 8.015373 + _Ibplg_17 | 5.060825 1.092623 4.63 0.000 2.861488 7.260161 + _Ibplg_18 | 5.338201 1.088786 4.90 0.000 3.146588 7.529814 + _Ibplg_19 | 5.992354 1.104192 5.43 0.000 3.769732 8.214977 + _Ibplg_20 | 6.516497 1.111943 5.86 0.000 4.278271 8.754723 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.339226 .2230188 6.00 0.000 .8903126 1.78814 + _Ibplg_22 | 3.102734 .1646589 18.84 0.000 2.771293 3.434175 + _Ibplg_23 | 9.015462 1.098895 8.20 0.000 6.803502 11.22742 + _Ibplg_24 | 7.659324 1.100669 6.96 0.000 5.443793 9.874854 + _Ibplg_25 | 9.485864 1.102119 8.61 0.000 7.267415 11.70431 + _Ibplg_26 | 6.725078 1.092805 6.15 0.000 4.525375 8.92478 + _Ibplg_27 | 6.249186 1.106419 5.65 0.000 4.022081 8.476291 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.447273 .2459577 5.88 0.000 .9521856 1.94236 + _Ibplg_29 | 5.681624 1.101816 5.16 0.000 3.463785 7.899464 + _Ibplg_30 | 5.978354 1.255858 4.76 0.000 3.450442 8.506266 + _Ibplg_31 | 5.887461 1.102455 5.34 0.000 3.668334 8.106589 + _Ibplg_32 | 8.098556 1.281044 6.32 0.000 5.519949 10.67716 + _Ibplg_33 | 8.813054 1.093948 8.06 0.000 6.611051 11.01506 + _Ibplg_34 | 7.604203 1.091127 6.97 0.000 5.407878 9.800527 + _Ibplg_35 | 3.639178 1.115252 3.26 0.002 1.394291 5.884064 + _Ibplg_36 | 7.719316 1.094819 7.05 0.000 5.51556 9.923072 + _Ibplg_37 | -.9828781 .1111117 -8.85 0.000 -1.206534 -.7592218 + _Ibplg_38 | 8.001925 1.215362 6.58 0.000 5.555529 10.44832 + _Ibplg_39 | 6.344298 1.086973 5.84 0.000 4.156335 8.532262 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | 5.953729 1.152745 5.16 0.000 3.633374 8.274084 + _Ibplg_42 | 7.708527 1.087335 7.09 0.000 5.519834 9.897219 + _Ibplg_44 | 9.448898 1.095886 8.62 0.000 7.242995 11.6548 + _Ibplg_45 | .6216272 .039141 15.88 0.000 .5428404 .700414 + _Ibplg_46 | 4.865027 1.142962 4.26 0.000 2.564365 7.165689 + _Ibplg_47 | .0039251 .0710509 0.06 0.956 -.1390931 .1469432 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.368762 .2727183 5.02 0.000 .8198081 1.917715 + _Ibplg_49 | 5.0813 1.283621 3.96 0.000 2.497505 7.665095 + _Ibplg_50 | 8.37933 1.094246 7.66 0.000 6.176726 10.58193 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.469975 .1576377 9.33 0.000 1.152667 1.787283 + _Ibplg_53 | 7.290875 1.212634 6.01 0.000 4.84997 9.731781 + _Ibplg_54 | 1.072419 .3556999 3.01 0.004 .3564318 1.788405 + _Ibplg_55 | 6.777216 1.097545 6.17 0.000 4.567974 8.986459 + _Ibplg_56 | 6.042126 1.195478 5.05 0.000 3.635752 8.448499 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0009518 .0003902 -2.44 0.019 -.0017372 -.0001663 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0002813 .0002408 -1.17 0.249 -.0007659 .0002034 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0002923 .0001957 -1.49 0.142 -.0006862 .0001016 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.001029 .0002516 -4.09 0.000 -.0015354 -.0005226 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0012392 .0001831 -6.77 0.000 -.0016078 -.0008706 +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0020294 .0004923 -4.12 0.000 -.0030203 -.0010385 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | .0005921 .0001759 3.37 0.002 .0002381 .0009462 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0014038 .0004373 -3.21 0.002 -.002284 -.0005236 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0012585 .0001341 9.38 0.000 .0009885 .0015285 +_IbplXyob_18 | -.0004275 .0003118 -1.37 0.177 -.0010551 .0002001 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0020484 .0004878 -4.20 0.000 -.0030304 -.0010665 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0027927 .0004929 -5.67 0.000 -.0037848 -.0018005 +_IbplXyob_21 | .0002752 .000127 2.17 0.035 .0000196 .0005308 +_IbplXyob_22 | .0003994 .0003851 1.04 0.305 -.0003757 .0011745 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0023645 .0002529 -9.35 0.000 -.0028737 -.0018554 +_IbplXyob_24 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0012343 .0002743 -4.50 0.000 -.0017865 -.0006821 +_IbplXyob_26 | .0010219 .0002393 4.27 0.000 .0005402 .0015036 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0011365 .000131 -8.68 0.000 -.0014001 -.0008728 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.000906 .0001221 -7.42 0.000 -.0011517 -.0006602 +_IbplXyob_29 | -.0012621 .0004371 -2.89 0.006 -.0021419 -.0003823 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0019575 .0004299 -4.55 0.000 -.0028228 -.0010923 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0020263 .0002062 -9.83 0.000 -.0024413 -.0016113 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0013527 .0001844 -7.34 0.000 -.0017238 -.0009817 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0019269 .0003494 -5.52 0.000 -.0026301 -.0012236 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0004765 .0000584 8.15 0.000 .0003589 .0005942 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | .0000863 .0001455 0.59 0.556 -.0002065 .0003791 +_IbplXyob_37 | .0013161 .0003775 3.49 0.001 .0005562 .0020761 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0029764 .000254 -11.72 0.000 -.0034877 -.0024651 +_IbplXyob_39 | .0000893 .0001894 0.47 0.640 -.000292 .0004706 +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0008617 .000174 -4.95 0.000 -.0012118 -.0005115 +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | .0000574 .0002684 0.21 0.832 -.0004829 .0005977 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0021679 .0002664 -8.14 0.000 -.0027042 -.0016316 +_IbplXyob_47 | .000186 .000088 2.11 0.040 8.83e-06 .0003632 +_IbplXyob_48 | .0005386 .0001797 3.00 0.004 .0001768 .0009003 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0002786 .0002336 -1.19 0.239 -.0007489 .0001917 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0024639 .0004581 -5.38 0.000 -.003386 -.0015418 +_IbplXyob_51 | .0004717 .0002584 1.83 0.074 -.0000485 .0009919 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0007617 .0001238 -6.15 0.000 -.0010109 -.0005125 +_IbplXyob_54 | .0009401 .0002916 3.22 0.002 .0003532 .001527 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0016338 .0001696 -9.63 0.000 -.0019751 -.0012925 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0017163 .0001975 -8.69 0.000 -.0021138 -.0013188 +_IbplXyob2_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_4 | -.0000564 8.63e-06 -6.54 0.000 -.0000738 -.0000391 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -4.62e-06 1.28e-06 -3.61 0.001 -7.19e-06 -2.04e-06 +_IbplXyob2_6 | -.0000696 8.53e-06 -8.16 0.000 -.0000868 -.0000524 +_IbplXyob2_8 | -.0000532 8.69e-06 -6.11 0.000 -.0000707 -.0000357 +_IbplXyob2_9 | -.0000404 8.13e-06 -4.97 0.000 -.0000568 -.0000241 +_IbplXy~2_10 | -.0000298 8.05e-06 -3.70 0.001 -.000046 -.0000136 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | -1.20e-06 7.49e-07 -1.60 0.117 -2.71e-06 3.10e-07 +_IbplXy~2_13 | -2.11e-06 1.58e-07 -13.37 0.000 -2.43e-06 -1.79e-06 +_IbplXy~2_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.000058 8.89e-06 -6.52 0.000 -.0000759 -.0000401 +_IbplXy~2_17 | -.0000557 8.29e-06 -6.72 0.000 -.0000724 -.000039 +_IbplXy~2_18 | -.0000514 8.11e-06 -6.34 0.000 -.0000678 -.0000351 +_IbplXy~2_19 | -.0000331 8.49e-06 -3.90 0.000 -.0000502 -.0000161 +_IbplXy~2_20 | -.0000384 8.61e-06 -4.46 0.000 -.0000558 -.0000211 +_IbplXy~2_21 | 6.16e-06 8.34e-07 7.38 0.000 4.48e-06 7.83e-06 +_IbplXy~2_22 | -9.05e-07 5.42e-07 -1.67 0.102 -2.00e-06 1.87e-07 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -.0000352 7.99e-06 -4.41 0.000 -.0000513 -.0000192 +_IbplXy~2_24 | -.0000364 8.10e-06 -4.49 0.000 -.0000527 -.0000201 +_IbplXy~2_25 | -.0000326 8.14e-06 -4.01 0.000 -.000049 -.0000162 +_IbplXy~2_26 | -.0000502 8.37e-06 -6.00 0.000 -.000067 -.0000334 +_IbplXy~2_27 | -.000035 8.62e-06 -4.06 0.000 -.0000523 -.0000176 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -1.15e-06 7.99e-07 -1.44 0.155 -2.76e-06 4.54e-07 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -.0000413 8.25e-06 -5.01 0.000 -.0000579 -.0000247 +_IbplXy~2_30 | -.0000685 8.64e-06 -7.93 0.000 -.0000859 -.0000511 +_IbplXy~2_31 | -.000032 8.70e-06 -3.68 0.001 -.0000495 -.0000145 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -.0000676 8.59e-06 -7.87 0.000 -.0000848 -.0000503 +_IbplXy~2_33 | -.0000342 7.98e-06 -4.29 0.000 -.0000503 -.0000182 +_IbplXy~2_34 | -.0000454 8.17e-06 -5.55 0.000 -.0000618 -.0000289 +_IbplXy~2_35 | -.0000184 8.26e-06 -2.22 0.031 -.000035 -1.74e-06 +_IbplXy~2_36 | -.0000483 8.10e-06 -5.96 0.000 -.0000646 -.000032 +_IbplXy~2_37 | 7.08e-06 3.83e-07 18.49 0.000 6.31e-06 7.85e-06 +_IbplXy~2_38 | -6.73e-06 8.99e-06 -0.75 0.458 -.0000248 .0000114 +_IbplXy~2_39 | -.000054 8.07e-06 -6.69 0.000 -.0000703 -.0000378 +_IbplXy~2_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_41 | -.000066 8.67e-06 -7.62 0.000 -.0000835 -.0000486 +_IbplXy~2_42 | -.0000437 8.09e-06 -5.40 0.000 -.0000599 -.0000274 +_IbplXy~2_44 | -.0000363 8.15e-06 -4.46 0.000 -.0000527 -.0000199 +_IbplXy~2_45 | -3.72e-06 2.70e-07 -13.76 0.000 -4.27e-06 -3.18e-06 +_IbplXy~2_46 | -.0000339 8.86e-06 -3.82 0.000 -.0000517 -.000016 +_IbplXy~2_47 | 1.07e-06 3.61e-07 2.96 0.005 3.40e-07 1.79e-06 +_IbplXy~2_48 | -.0000108 1.03e-06 -10.44 0.000 -.0000129 -8.70e-06 +_IbplXy~2_49 | -.0000557 8.76e-06 -6.36 0.000 -.0000733 -.0000381 +_IbplXy~2_50 | -.0000316 7.93e-06 -3.98 0.000 -.0000475 -.0000156 +_IbplXy~2_51 | 4.28e-07 6.45e-07 0.66 0.510 -8.70e-07 1.73e-06 +_IbplXy~2_53 | -.0000584 8.67e-06 -6.73 0.000 -.0000758 -.0000409 +_IbplXy~2_54 | -.0000178 1.05e-06 -17.01 0.000 -.0000199 -.0000157 +_IbplXy~2_55 | -.0000337 8.50e-06 -3.97 0.000 -.0000508 -.0000166 +_IbplXy~2_56 | -.0000447 8.69e-06 -5.14 0.000 -.0000622 -.0000272 + _Iyear_1880 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1900 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1910 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1920 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1930 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1940 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1950 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1960 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1990 | (omitted) + _cons | 5.83566 .8973323 6.50 0.000 4.029424 7.641897 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (535 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, INCLUDE REGION x YEAR x YOB EFFECTS + +19:38:13 on 1 Feb 2010 + +INCLUDE REGION x YEAR x YOB EFFECTS + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 16784 16784 16784 16487 16487 16487 +Depvar: occscore occscore occscore occscore occscore occscore +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.1313* 0.1156* 0.1313* 0.1232* 0.1017* 0.1185* + (0.0303) (0.0292) (0.0239) (0.0253) (0.0335) (0.0267) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.861 0.889 0.896 0.882 0.891 0.898 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. drop regionxyearxyob + +. +. +. local alt_mal "malecol_hong tempavg altitude" + +. foreach x of local alt_mal { + 2. replace `x' = `x' * exp + 3. } +(11581 real changes made) +(11768 real changes made) +(11768 real changes made) + +. local meanrev "lebergott09 south" + +. local the_rest "imr1890 aurb90 aadlit91 docs1898 spend hookworm ablack91 unemp_1930 chgterm chgptratio " + +. xi i.bplg i.year i.yob +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1815-1965 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1815 omitted) + +. ivreg occscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplg) +(sum of wgt is 2.7692e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 16487 + F( 45, 46) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.8291 + Root MSE = .07051 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .282133 .0792685 3.56 0.001 .1225737 .4416923 + lebergott09 | .0000308 .0000148 2.09 0.043 1.07e-06 .0000606 + south | -.0144724 .0472829 -0.31 0.761 -.109648 .0807032 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | -.0835649 .038787 -2.15 0.036 -.161639 -.0054907 + _Ibplg_5 | -.1558692 .0318386 -4.90 0.000 -.219957 -.0917815 + _Ibplg_6 | .1330891 .0194693 6.84 0.000 .0938995 .1722787 + _Ibplg_8 | .1269847 .0183019 6.94 0.000 .0901448 .1638246 + _Ibplg_9 | .2363613 .0122041 19.37 0.000 .2117957 .2609269 + _Ibplg_10 | .1817199 .0124216 14.63 0.000 .1567165 .2067232 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | -.0120778 .0149761 -0.81 0.424 -.0422231 .0180675 + _Ibplg_13 | .0266964 .0024802 10.76 0.000 .0217039 .0316888 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | .0537815 .0241418 2.23 0.031 .0051866 .1023764 + _Ibplg_17 | .1319778 .0126757 10.41 0.000 .106463 .1574926 + _Ibplg_18 | .0969684 .0119868 8.09 0.000 .0728402 .1210966 + _Ibplg_19 | .0830734 .0137363 6.05 0.000 .0554237 .1107231 + _Ibplg_20 | .061632 .0191356 3.22 0.002 .023114 .1001499 + _Ibplg_21 | .023339 .0130274 1.79 0.080 -.0028837 .0495618 + _Ibplg_22 | .0257755 .0134138 1.92 0.061 -.001225 .0527761 + _Ibplg_23 | .1540667 .0127503 12.08 0.000 .1284016 .1797318 + _Ibplg_24 | .2062837 .0126702 16.28 0.000 .1807799 .2317875 + _Ibplg_25 | .2499657 .0138593 18.04 0.000 .2220685 .277863 + _Ibplg_26 | .1315891 .0131225 10.03 0.000 .105175 .1580033 + _Ibplg_27 | .1242516 .0170621 7.28 0.000 .0899074 .1585959 + _Ibplg_28 | -.0496788 .0172026 -2.89 0.006 -.0843058 -.0150518 + _Ibplg_29 | .0583624 .0149926 3.89 0.000 .028184 .0885409 + _Ibplg_30 | .077018 .0230975 3.33 0.002 .0305251 .1235108 + _Ibplg_31 | .085407 .0148981 5.73 0.000 .0554186 .1153954 + _Ibplg_32 | .0725116 .0241312 3.00 0.004 .0239379 .1210853 + _Ibplg_33 | .199339 .0126876 15.71 0.000 .1738002 .2248778 + _Ibplg_34 | .2344503 .0127188 18.43 0.000 .2088487 .2600519 + _Ibplg_35 | -.062315 .0153132 -4.07 0.000 -.0931388 -.0314911 + _Ibplg_36 | .217178 .0124902 17.39 0.000 .1920365 .2423195 + _Ibplg_37 | .0141537 .0081601 1.73 0.090 -.0022717 .030579 + _Ibplg_38 | .042171 .0181473 2.32 0.025 .0056423 .0786997 + _Ibplg_39 | .148053 .0120574 12.28 0.000 .1237827 .1723234 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | .0806112 .0175317 4.60 0.000 .0453217 .1159007 + _Ibplg_42 | .1965293 .0128031 15.35 0.000 .170758 .2223006 + _Ibplg_44 | .2270569 .0127455 17.81 0.000 .2014015 .2527123 + _Ibplg_45 | .0390862 .0011765 33.22 0.000 .0367179 .0414544 + _Ibplg_46 | .0596084 .0174043 3.42 0.001 .0245753 .0946415 + _Ibplg_47 | -.0152557 .0037776 -4.04 0.000 -.0228597 -.0076517 + _Ibplg_48 | -.0650452 .0207897 -3.13 0.003 -.1068928 -.0231977 + _Ibplg_49 | .0991591 .0226653 4.37 0.000 .0535363 .144782 + _Ibplg_50 | .1521113 .0124889 12.18 0.000 .1269725 .1772501 + _Ibplg_51 | .087227 .0103786 8.40 0.000 .066336 .1081181 + _Ibplg_53 | .0706801 .0211884 3.34 0.002 .0280301 .11333 + _Ibplg_54 | .0600344 .0237109 2.53 0.015 .0123069 .1077619 + _Ibplg_55 | .1314638 .0149277 8.81 0.000 .1014159 .1615116 + _Ibplg_56 | .126194 .0225024 5.61 0.000 .0808991 .1714888 + _Iyear_1880 | .041325 .0062817 6.58 0.000 .0286806 .0539694 + _Iyear_1900 | .1024951 .0082792 12.38 0.000 .0858299 .1191603 + _Iyear_1910 | .1520853 .0097935 15.53 0.000 .1323721 .1717985 + _Iyear_1920 | .1838777 .0101379 18.14 0.000 .1634712 .2042842 + _Iyear_1930 | .2251883 .011983 18.79 0.000 .2010678 .2493089 + _Iyear_1940 | .207068 .0121924 16.98 0.000 .1825259 .2316101 + _Iyear_1950 | .2688413 .012526 21.46 0.000 .2436278 .2940547 + _Iyear_1960 | .3260792 .0141321 23.07 0.000 .2976328 .3545256 + _Iyear_1970 | .3667446 .0138277 26.52 0.000 .3389108 .3945783 + _Iyear_1980 | .374224 .0138267 27.07 0.000 .3463924 .4020557 + _Iyear_1990 | .3750546 .0131002 28.63 0.000 .3486853 .4014239 + _Iyob_1816 | .0650628 .0414009 1.57 0.123 -.0182728 .1483985 + _Iyob_1817 | .0349512 .039361 0.89 0.379 -.0442784 .1141808 + _Iyob_1818 | .0803603 .038942 2.06 0.045 .001974 .1587465 + _Iyob_1819 | .0825969 .0366185 2.26 0.029 .0088877 .1563061 + _Iyob_1820 | .0630061 .03802 1.66 0.104 -.0135243 .1395364 + _Iyob_1821 | .1330142 .0268824 4.95 0.000 .0789028 .1871255 + _Iyob_1822 | .1047306 .0376736 2.78 0.008 .0288975 .1805637 + _Iyob_1823 | .0844262 .0381788 2.21 0.032 .0075763 .1612761 + _Iyob_1824 | .0984687 .0446061 2.21 0.032 .0086813 .1882561 + _Iyob_1825 | .0693201 .0299395 2.32 0.025 .009055 .1295851 + _Iyob_1826 | .0786148 .0313843 2.50 0.016 .0154415 .1417881 + _Iyob_1827 | .0792171 .0309138 2.56 0.014 .0169908 .1414433 + _Iyob_1828 | .0957795 .0298552 3.21 0.002 .035684 .155875 + _Iyob_1829 | .0988867 .0297609 3.32 0.002 .0389812 .1587922 + _Iyob_1830 | .1011206 .0308414 3.28 0.002 .0390402 .1632011 + _Iyob_1831 | .111422 .030018 3.71 0.001 .0509988 .1718451 + _Iyob_1832 | .1184293 .0300257 3.94 0.000 .0579907 .178868 + _Iyob_1833 | .1180742 .0315227 3.75 0.000 .0546222 .1815261 + _Iyob_1834 | .115056 .0298956 3.85 0.000 .0548793 .1752328 + _Iyob_1835 | .1232824 .0315335 3.91 0.000 .0598088 .1867561 + _Iyob_1836 | .1188442 .0304834 3.90 0.000 .0574844 .1802041 + _Iyob_1837 | .130447 .0303714 4.30 0.000 .0693126 .1915814 + _Iyob_1838 | .1366571 .0312918 4.37 0.000 .0736699 .1996443 + _Iyob_1839 | .1398568 .030255 4.62 0.000 .0789566 .2007569 + _Iyob_1840 | .1300713 .0313365 4.15 0.000 .0669943 .1931484 + _Iyob_1841 | .1351558 .0306971 4.40 0.000 .0733657 .1969459 + _Iyob_1842 | .1282154 .031622 4.05 0.000 .0645635 .1918673 + _Iyob_1843 | .1271591 .031131 4.08 0.000 .0644956 .1898225 + _Iyob_1844 | .1174919 .0311766 3.77 0.000 .0547366 .1802472 + _Iyob_1845 | .1061292 .0323842 3.28 0.002 .0409433 .1713152 + _Iyob_1846 | .116271 .0314216 3.70 0.001 .0530226 .1795193 + _Iyob_1847 | .1041576 .0310853 3.35 0.002 .0415861 .1667291 + _Iyob_1848 | .1093476 .0304635 3.59 0.001 .0480278 .1706674 + _Iyob_1849 | .1121359 .0313569 3.58 0.001 .0490177 .175254 + _Iyob_1850 | .0974676 .0315257 3.09 0.003 .0340097 .1609256 + _Iyob_1851 | .1002997 .0308472 3.25 0.002 .0382075 .1623919 + _Iyob_1852 | .0850375 .0306987 2.77 0.008 .0232443 .1468307 + _Iyob_1853 | .0716363 .0301666 2.37 0.022 .010914 .1323585 + _Iyob_1854 | .0534496 .0306136 1.75 0.087 -.0081723 .1150716 + _Iyob_1855 | .0354785 .0307035 1.16 0.254 -.0263245 .0972815 + _Iyob_1856 | .0982497 .0348558 2.82 0.007 .0280887 .1684108 + _Iyob_1857 | .1195734 .028593 4.18 0.000 .0620187 .1771281 + _Iyob_1858 | .1218558 .035181 3.46 0.001 .0510402 .1926715 + _Iyob_1859 | .1473475 .0306376 4.81 0.000 .0856772 .2090178 + _Iyob_1860 | .1289871 .0336186 3.84 0.000 .0613163 .1966578 + _Iyob_1861 | .119802 .0330557 3.62 0.001 .0532644 .1863396 + _Iyob_1862 | .166466 .0317368 5.25 0.000 .1025831 .2303488 + _Iyob_1863 | .1485606 .0306242 4.85 0.000 .0869173 .2102039 + _Iyob_1864 | .1541074 .0343102 4.49 0.000 .0850446 .2231702 + _Iyob_1865 | .1273394 .0310064 4.11 0.000 .0649268 .1897519 + _Iyob_1866 | .1195683 .0341665 3.50 0.001 .0507947 .1883418 + _Iyob_1867 | .1288881 .0322992 3.99 0.000 .0638731 .1939031 + _Iyob_1868 | .1290367 .0330519 3.90 0.000 .0625065 .1955668 + _Iyob_1869 | .1414814 .0314484 4.50 0.000 .0781791 .2047837 + _Iyob_1870 | .1458211 .0320076 4.56 0.000 .0813931 .2102491 + _Iyob_1871 | .1292656 .0323671 3.99 0.000 .0641139 .1944173 + _Iyob_1872 | .1251286 .0303918 4.12 0.000 .0639531 .1863042 + _Iyob_1873 | .124123 .0316588 3.92 0.000 .0603971 .187849 + _Iyob_1874 | .1138361 .0330654 3.44 0.001 .0472788 .1803933 + _Iyob_1875 | .112826 .032789 3.44 0.001 .0468252 .1788267 + _Iyob_1876 | .1275966 .0348743 3.66 0.001 .0573982 .197795 + _Iyob_1877 | .141938 .0339944 4.18 0.000 .0735109 .2103652 + _Iyob_1878 | .1473259 .0344155 4.28 0.000 .0780512 .2166007 + _Iyob_1879 | .1447853 .0319944 4.53 0.000 .0803839 .2091867 + _Iyob_1880 | .1389498 .0349619 3.97 0.000 .068575 .2093245 + _Iyob_1881 | .147725 .0332677 4.44 0.000 .0807605 .2146895 + _Iyob_1882 | .1425615 .0330385 4.32 0.000 .0760585 .2090644 + _Iyob_1883 | .1236676 .0324778 3.81 0.000 .0582931 .1890421 + _Iyob_1884 | .1298776 .0324112 4.01 0.000 .0646372 .195118 + _Iyob_1885 | .1091243 .0325019 3.36 0.002 .0437014 .1745472 + _Iyob_1886 | .1153255 .0349141 3.30 0.002 .0450472 .1856039 + _Iyob_1887 | .1311366 .033842 3.87 0.000 .0630161 .1992571 + _Iyob_1888 | .1410385 .0334622 4.21 0.000 .0736826 .2083943 + _Iyob_1889 | .1460461 .0343752 4.25 0.000 .0768524 .2152398 + _Iyob_1890 | .1376479 .0341658 4.03 0.000 .0688758 .2064201 + _Iyob_1891 | .141572 .0344968 4.10 0.000 .0721334 .2110105 + _Iyob_1892 | .1355559 .0337017 4.02 0.000 .067718 .2033938 + _Iyob_1893 | .1214269 .033349 3.64 0.001 .0542988 .1885549 + _Iyob_1894 | .109675 .0337015 3.25 0.002 .0418374 .1775125 + _Iyob_1895 | .0972347 .036129 2.69 0.010 .0245108 .1699586 + _Iyob_1896 | .1299882 .0348641 3.73 0.001 .0598104 .200166 + _Iyob_1897 | .1313967 .0344149 3.82 0.000 .062123 .2006704 + _Iyob_1898 | .1303559 .0346455 3.76 0.000 .0606181 .2000936 + _Iyob_1899 | .1439247 .0355143 4.05 0.000 .0724381 .2154114 + _Iyob_1900 | .1342164 .0342176 3.92 0.000 .0653401 .2030928 + _Iyob_1901 | .1483241 .0349151 4.25 0.000 .0780436 .2186046 + _Iyob_1902 | .1459938 .0356473 4.10 0.000 .0742396 .2177481 + _Iyob_1903 | .1366911 .034604 3.95 0.000 .0670369 .2063453 + _Iyob_1904 | .1224504 .035717 3.43 0.001 .0505557 .194345 + _Iyob_1905 | .0873472 .035827 2.44 0.019 .0152311 .1594632 + _Iyob_1906 | .0996498 .0361818 2.75 0.008 .0268196 .1724799 + _Iyob_1907 | .0956474 .0363659 2.63 0.012 .0224467 .1688482 + _Iyob_1908 | .0864603 .0374382 2.31 0.025 .0111011 .1618194 + _Iyob_1909 | .0748272 .0386672 1.94 0.059 -.0030058 .1526603 + _Iyob_1910 | .0690102 .0388113 1.78 0.082 -.009113 .1471334 + _Iyob_1911 | .0525297 .0402285 1.31 0.198 -.0284461 .1335056 + _Iyob_1912 | .0353628 .0400426 0.88 0.382 -.0452388 .1159643 + _Iyob_1913 | .025726 .0422389 0.61 0.545 -.0592966 .1107485 + _Iyob_1914 | .0121209 .0429878 0.28 0.779 -.0744091 .0986508 + _Iyob_1915 | -.0177595 .0436461 -0.41 0.686 -.1056146 .0700956 + _Iyob_1916 | -.004051 .0453034 -0.09 0.929 -.095242 .08714 + _Iyob_1917 | -.0072134 .0470709 -0.15 0.879 -.1019622 .0875354 + _Iyob_1918 | -.0149301 .0478834 -0.31 0.757 -.1113143 .0814541 + _Iyob_1919 | -.0185697 .0489537 -0.38 0.706 -.1171084 .0799691 + _Iyob_1920 | -.0343908 .049756 -0.69 0.493 -.1345444 .0657629 + _Iyob_1921 | -.0280319 .0502271 -0.56 0.579 -.1291339 .07307 + _Iyob_1922 | -.0283314 .050394 -0.56 0.577 -.1297693 .0731064 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0367798 .0508444 -0.72 0.473 -.1391243 .0655648 + _Iyob_1924 | -.0421373 .0497203 -0.85 0.401 -.1422192 .0579446 + _Iyob_1925 | -.0879716 .0503119 -1.75 0.087 -.1892442 .0133011 + _Iyob_1926 | -.0527413 .0500036 -1.05 0.297 -.1533933 .0479107 + _Iyob_1927 | -.0429333 .050375 -0.85 0.398 -.144333 .0584664 + _Iyob_1928 | -.0397833 .0505635 -0.79 0.435 -.1415623 .0619957 + _Iyob_1929 | -.0357994 .0497814 -0.72 0.476 -.1360041 .0644053 + _Iyob_1930 | -.0332103 .0500787 -0.66 0.511 -.1340135 .0675928 + _Iyob_1931 | -.0280725 .0501082 -0.56 0.578 -.1289351 .0727901 + _Iyob_1932 | -.0274872 .0503168 -0.55 0.588 -.1287698 .0737953 + _Iyob_1933 | -.0260692 .0503636 -0.52 0.607 -.127446 .0753075 + _Iyob_1934 | -.0332671 .050461 -0.66 0.513 -.1348398 .0683056 + _Iyob_1935 | -.0700303 .0497841 -1.41 0.166 -.1702404 .0301799 + _Iyob_1936 | -.0384498 .0503049 -0.76 0.449 -.1397083 .0628086 + _Iyob_1937 | -.0287018 .049869 -0.58 0.568 -.1290829 .0716794 + _Iyob_1938 | -.0277318 .050443 -0.55 0.585 -.1292684 .0738047 + _Iyob_1939 | -.016395 .0503195 -0.33 0.746 -.1176829 .0848928 + _Iyob_1940 | -.0217836 .0497978 -0.44 0.664 -.1220214 .0784543 + _Iyob_1941 | -.0135645 .0493922 -0.27 0.785 -.1129858 .0858568 + _Iyob_1942 | -.0124909 .0502245 -0.25 0.805 -.1135876 .0886059 + _Iyob_1943 | -.0087989 .0498773 -0.18 0.861 -.1091966 .0915988 + _Iyob_1944 | -.013747 .0498084 -0.28 0.784 -.114006 .0865121 + _Iyob_1945 | -.0251944 .0498851 -0.51 0.616 -.1256079 .0752191 + _Iyob_1946 | -.0006064 .0497468 -0.01 0.990 -.1007415 .0995287 + _Iyob_1947 | .0021194 .0491999 0.04 0.966 -.0969149 .1011537 + _Iyob_1948 | -.0032508 .0497959 -0.07 0.948 -.1034848 .0969832 + _Iyob_1949 | -.0110191 .0496279 -0.22 0.825 -.1109149 .0888768 + _Iyob_1950 | -.0204746 .0495424 -0.41 0.681 -.1201982 .0792491 + _Iyob_1951 | -.0296224 .0495693 -0.60 0.553 -.1294003 .0701554 + _Iyob_1952 | -.0364572 .0494453 -0.74 0.465 -.1359854 .063071 + _Iyob_1953 | -.0485725 .0496291 -0.98 0.333 -.1484706 .0513257 + _Iyob_1954 | -.0666862 .0496255 -1.34 0.186 -.1665771 .0332047 + _Iyob_1955 | -.0836431 .0495741 -1.69 0.098 -.1834305 .0161444 + _Iyob_1956 | -.0348271 .0495247 -0.70 0.485 -.1345152 .064861 + _Iyob_1957 | -.0419743 .049567 -0.85 0.401 -.1417475 .057799 + _Iyob_1958 | -.0495781 .0488822 -1.01 0.316 -.1479728 .0488166 + _Iyob_1959 | -.0559703 .0496525 -1.13 0.265 -.1559155 .043975 + _Iyob_1960 | -.0657572 .0487149 -1.35 0.184 -.1638151 .0323007 + _Iyob_1961 | -.0788995 .0495223 -1.59 0.118 -.1785828 .0207837 + _Iyob_1962 | -.0910931 .0495281 -1.84 0.072 -.1907879 .0086017 + _Iyob_1963 | -.1102554 .0492069 -2.24 0.030 -.2093038 -.0112071 + _Iyob_1964 | -.1300071 .0490372 -2.65 0.011 -.2287138 -.0313004 + _Iyob_1965 | -.1631032 .0494227 -3.30 0.002 -.2625861 -.0636204 + _cons | 2.747427 .0315859 86.98 0.000 2.683847 2.811006 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: lebergott09 south _Ibplg_2 _Ibplg_4 _Ibplg_5 _Ibplg_6 + _Ibplg_8 _Ibplg_9 _Ibplg_10 _Ibplg_11 _Ibplg_12 _Ibplg_13 + _Ibplg_15 _Ibplg_16 _Ibplg_17 _Ibplg_18 _Ibplg_19 _Ibplg_20 + _Ibplg_21 _Ibplg_22 _Ibplg_23 _Ibplg_24 _Ibplg_25 _Ibplg_26 + _Ibplg_27 _Ibplg_28 _Ibplg_29 _Ibplg_30 _Ibplg_31 _Ibplg_32 + _Ibplg_33 _Ibplg_34 _Ibplg_35 _Ibplg_36 _Ibplg_37 _Ibplg_38 + _Ibplg_39 _Ibplg_40 _Ibplg_41 _Ibplg_42 _Ibplg_44 _Ibplg_45 + _Ibplg_46 _Ibplg_47 _Ibplg_48 _Ibplg_49 _Ibplg_50 _Ibplg_51 + _Ibplg_53 _Ibplg_54 _Ibplg_55 _Ibplg_56 _Iyear_1880 + _Iyear_1900 _Iyear_1910 _Iyear_1920 _Iyear_1930 _Iyear_1940 + _Iyear_1950 _Iyear_1960 _Iyear_1970 _Iyear_1980 _Iyear_1990 + _Iyob_1816 _Iyob_1817 _Iyob_1818 _Iyob_1819 _Iyob_1820 + _Iyob_1821 _Iyob_1822 _Iyob_1823 _Iyob_1824 _Iyob_1825 + _Iyob_1826 _Iyob_1827 _Iyob_1828 _Iyob_1829 _Iyob_1830 + _Iyob_1831 _Iyob_1832 _Iyob_1833 _Iyob_1834 _Iyob_1835 + _Iyob_1836 _Iyob_1837 _Iyob_1838 _Iyob_1839 _Iyob_1840 + _Iyob_1841 _Iyob_1842 _Iyob_1843 _Iyob_1844 _Iyob_1845 + _Iyob_1846 _Iyob_1847 _Iyob_1848 _Iyob_1849 _Iyob_1850 + _Iyob_1851 _Iyob_1852 _Iyob_1853 _Iyob_1854 _Iyob_1855 + _Iyob_1856 _Iyob_1857 _Iyob_1858 _Iyob_1859 _Iyob_1860 + _Iyob_1861 _Iyob_1862 _Iyob_1863 _Iyob_1864 _Iyob_1865 + _Iyob_1866 _Iyob_1867 _Iyob_1868 _Iyob_1869 _Iyob_1870 + _Iyob_1871 _Iyob_1872 _Iyob_1873 _Iyob_1874 _Iyob_1875 + _Iyob_1876 _Iyob_1877 _Iyob_1878 _Iyob_1879 _Iyob_1880 + _Iyob_1881 _Iyob_1882 _Iyob_1883 _Iyob_1884 _Iyob_1885 + _Iyob_1886 _Iyob_1887 _Iyob_1888 _Iyob_1889 _Iyob_1890 + _Iyob_1891 _Iyob_1892 _Iyob_1893 _Iyob_1894 _Iyob_1895 + _Iyob_1896 _Iyob_1897 _Iyob_1898 _Iyob_1899 _Iyob_1900 + _Iyob_1901 _Iyob_1902 _Iyob_1903 _Iyob_1904 _Iyob_1905 + _Iyob_1906 _Iyob_1907 _Iyob_1908 _Iyob_1909 _Iyob_1910 + _Iyob_1911 _Iyob_1912 _Iyob_1913 _Iyob_1914 _Iyob_1915 + _Iyob_1916 _Iyob_1917 _Iyob_1918 _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 + _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 + _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 + _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 + _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 + _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 + _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 + _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 + _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 + _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 + malecol_hong tempavg altitude +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.year i.yob +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1815-1965 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1815 omitted) + +. ivreg occscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplg) +(sum of wgt is 2.7692e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 16487 + F( 45, 46) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.8647 + Root MSE = .06284 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0670252 .0578494 1.16 0.253 -.0494196 .1834701 + lebergott09 | .0000474 .000018 2.63 0.012 .0000111 .0000837 + south | .0706417 .0394048 1.79 0.080 -.008676 .1499595 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | .122736 1.021994 0.12 0.905 -1.934431 2.179903 + _Ibplg_5 | .6858095 .8390108 0.82 0.418 -1.003032 2.374651 + _Ibplg_6 | 2.742971 .5186423 5.29 0.000 1.698998 3.786944 + _Ibplg_8 | 2.83924 .4930691 5.76 0.000 1.846743 3.831737 + _Ibplg_9 | 3.612526 .2807178 12.87 0.000 3.047471 4.177582 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.543832 .3133315 4.93 0.000 .9131284 2.174536 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.575822 .346714 4.55 0.000 .8779226 2.273721 + _Ibplg_13 | .2930407 .0635686 4.61 0.000 .1650838 .4209975 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | 1.22227 .8399411 1.46 0.152 -.4684438 2.912984 + _Ibplg_17 | -.4335294 .3009062 -1.44 0.156 -1.039222 .1721633 + _Ibplg_18 | -.2796995 .302918 -0.92 0.361 -.8894418 .3300428 + _Ibplg_19 | .8228867 .3638987 2.26 0.029 .0903966 1.555377 + _Ibplg_20 | .8487054 .6095216 1.39 0.170 -.378198 2.075609 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.972017 .3661538 5.39 0.000 1.234988 2.709047 + _Ibplg_22 | 2.737406 .3354284 8.16 0.000 2.062224 3.412589 + _Ibplg_23 | 4.074559 .2520643 16.16 0.000 3.56718 4.581938 + _Ibplg_24 | 2.406639 .3500476 6.88 0.000 1.70203 3.111248 + _Ibplg_25 | 4.589392 .25699 17.86 0.000 4.072098 5.106686 + _Ibplg_26 | 1.36399 .3156807 4.32 0.000 .7285575 1.999422 + _Ibplg_27 | 1.003821 .3702713 2.71 0.009 .2585037 1.749139 + _Ibplg_28 | .9591509 .4925351 1.95 0.058 -.0322709 1.950573 + _Ibplg_29 | .1435619 .4687431 0.31 0.761 -.7999691 1.087093 + _Ibplg_30 | 2.067534 .7210209 2.87 0.006 .6161943 3.518874 + _Ibplg_31 | .2984199 .4089033 0.73 0.469 -.5246598 1.1215 + _Ibplg_32 | 3.736031 .8332816 4.48 0.000 2.058722 5.41334 + _Ibplg_33 | 3.888027 .2361414 16.46 0.000 3.412699 4.363355 + _Ibplg_34 | 2.197804 .2683958 8.19 0.000 1.657551 2.738057 + _Ibplg_35 | -1.3539 .4392746 -3.08 0.003 -2.238114 -.4696865 + _Ibplg_36 | 2.273202 .250915 9.06 0.000 1.768136 2.778267 + _Ibplg_37 | -.5222362 .2124469 -2.46 0.018 -.9498696 -.0946029 + _Ibplg_38 | .1234207 .6326387 0.20 0.846 -1.150015 1.396856 + _Ibplg_39 | .6849923 .2597461 2.64 0.011 .1621505 1.207834 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | 1.349247 .525509 2.57 0.014 .2914517 2.407041 + _Ibplg_42 | 2.380043 .2647256 8.99 0.000 1.847178 2.912908 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.362154 .2519967 17.31 0.000 3.854911 4.869397 + _Ibplg_45 | .5595916 .0462705 12.09 0.000 .4664539 .6527293 + _Ibplg_46 | -.7618862 .5051306 -1.51 0.138 -1.778661 .2548889 + _Ibplg_47 | .1921146 .0959422 2.00 0.051 -.001007 .3852361 + _Ibplg_48 | .864021 .5207355 1.66 0.104 -.1841651 1.912207 + _Ibplg_49 | .4045742 .8390564 0.48 0.632 -1.284359 2.093507 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.597647 .2404503 14.96 0.000 3.113646 4.081648 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.834016 .2849932 6.44 0.000 1.260354 2.407677 + _Ibplg_53 | 2.744561 .7104015 3.86 0.000 1.314597 4.174525 + _Ibplg_54 | 1.267722 .59242 2.14 0.038 .0752427 2.460202 + _Ibplg_55 | 1.695039 .3132206 5.41 0.000 1.064559 2.32552 + _Ibplg_56 | 1.191253 .571832 2.08 0.043 .0402147 2.342291 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0000867 .0005495 -0.16 0.875 -.0011928 .0010194 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0004003 .0004521 -0.89 0.381 -.0013104 .0005098 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0013852 .0002788 -4.97 0.000 -.0019463 -.0008241 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.001438 .0002635 -5.46 0.000 -.0019685 -.0009075 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0017867 .0001519 -11.76 0.000 -.0020925 -.0014809 +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0007248 .0001696 -4.27 0.000 -.0010662 -.0003835 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | -.0008162 .000187 -4.36 0.000 -.0011925 -.0004398 +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0001432 .0000344 -4.17 0.000 -.0002124 -.000074 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.000634 .000449 -1.41 0.165 -.0015378 .0002699 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0002873 .0001624 1.77 0.084 -.0000396 .0006142 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0001956 .0001638 1.19 0.239 -.0001341 .0005253 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0004021 .0001957 -2.05 0.046 -.000796 -8.13e-06 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0004085 .0003266 -1.25 0.217 -.0010658 .0002489 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.0010465 .0001982 -5.28 0.000 -.0014454 -.0006476 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0014067 .0001812 -7.76 0.000 -.0017714 -.001042 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0020881 .0001365 -15.30 0.000 -.0023629 -.0018134 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.0011648 .0001894 -6.15 0.000 -.001546 -.0007836 +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0023026 .000139 -16.56 0.000 -.0025824 -.0020227 +_IbplXyob_26 | -.0006564 .0001703 -3.85 0.000 -.0009991 -.0003136 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.000488 .0001981 -2.46 0.018 -.0008868 -.0000892 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0005072 .0002661 -1.91 0.063 -.0010428 .0000284 +_IbplXyob_29 | -.0000394 .000253 -0.16 0.877 -.0005488 .0004699 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0010651 .0003861 -2.76 0.008 -.0018423 -.000288 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0001317 .0002185 -0.60 0.550 -.0005714 .000308 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0019202 .0004472 -4.29 0.000 -.0028204 -.0010201 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0019644 .0001279 -15.36 0.000 -.0022217 -.001707 +_IbplXyob_34 | -.0010428 .0001452 -7.18 0.000 -.0013351 -.0007506 +_IbplXyob_35 | .0006781 .0002376 2.85 0.006 .0001998 .0011563 +_IbplXyob_36 | -.0010951 .0001358 -8.07 0.000 -.0013683 -.0008218 +_IbplXyob_37 | .0002714 .000115 2.36 0.023 .00004 .0005029 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0000674 .0003368 -0.20 0.842 -.0007452 .0006104 +_IbplXyob_39 | -.0002902 .0001405 -2.07 0.045 -.0005731 -7.36e-06 +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | -.0006833 .000282 -2.42 0.019 -.0012509 -.0001156 +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0011624 .0001432 -8.12 0.000 -.0014507 -.0008742 +_IbplXyob_44 | -.0021898 .0001363 -16.06 0.000 -.0024642 -.0019153 +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0002741 .000025 -10.97 0.000 -.0003244 -.0002238 +_IbplXyob_46 | .000397 .000269 1.48 0.147 -.0001445 .0009385 +_IbplXyob_47 | -.0001126 .0000519 -2.17 0.035 -.0002171 -8.07e-06 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.0004645 .00028 -1.66 0.104 -.0010281 .000099 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.000182 .0004497 -0.40 0.688 -.0010873 .0007233 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0018376 .0001302 -14.11 0.000 -.0020996 -.0015755 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0009359 .0001544 -6.06 0.000 -.0012466 -.0006251 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0014027 .0003806 -3.69 0.001 -.0021687 -.0006366 +_IbplXyob_54 | -.0006707 .0003198 -2.10 0.042 -.0013145 -.000027 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0008402 .0001684 -4.99 0.000 -.0011792 -.0005011 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0005917 .000306 -1.93 0.059 -.0012077 .0000243 + _Iyear_1880 | .0414668 .0061515 6.74 0.000 .0290845 .0538491 + _Iyear_1900 | .1035425 .0081918 12.64 0.000 .0870533 .1200318 + _Iyear_1910 | .1535648 .0098281 15.63 0.000 .1337818 .1733478 + _Iyear_1920 | .1854114 .0100978 18.36 0.000 .1650856 .2057372 + _Iyear_1930 | .226526 .012008 18.86 0.000 .2023553 .2506968 + _Iyear_1940 | .208356 .01215 17.15 0.000 .1838994 .2328125 + _Iyear_1950 | .2700702 .0125259 21.56 0.000 .244857 .2952835 + _Iyear_1960 | .3273334 .0140812 23.25 0.000 .2989895 .3556773 + _Iyear_1970 | .3680189 .0137954 26.68 0.000 .3402503 .3957875 + _Iyear_1980 | .3755166 .0137805 27.25 0.000 .3477778 .4032553 + _Iyear_1990 | .3763602 .013024 28.90 0.000 .3501443 .4025762 + _Iyob_1816 | .0717492 .0415087 1.73 0.091 -.0118036 .1553019 + _Iyob_1817 | .0411167 .0399712 1.03 0.309 -.039341 .1215745 + _Iyob_1818 | .0903637 .039595 2.28 0.027 .0106631 .1700642 + _Iyob_1819 | .0881084 .0367263 2.40 0.021 .0141821 .1620347 + _Iyob_1820 | .0773478 .0384987 2.01 0.050 -.000146 .1548417 + _Iyob_1821 | .1447924 .027872 5.19 0.000 .0886889 .2008958 + _Iyob_1822 | .1159306 .0386194 3.00 0.004 .0381937 .1936674 + _Iyob_1823 | .0980696 .0387224 2.53 0.015 .0201255 .1760137 + _Iyob_1824 | .1115796 .0447202 2.50 0.016 .0215625 .2015968 + _Iyob_1825 | .0865152 .0308957 2.80 0.007 .0243253 .148705 + _Iyob_1826 | .0966005 .0323084 2.99 0.004 .031567 .1616339 + _Iyob_1827 | .0983633 .0318762 3.09 0.003 .0341997 .1625268 + _Iyob_1828 | .1158729 .0308344 3.76 0.000 .0538064 .1779394 + _Iyob_1829 | .1199516 .0309258 3.88 0.000 .0577012 .1822019 + _Iyob_1830 | .1239149 .0319709 3.88 0.000 .0595609 .188269 + _Iyob_1831 | .134628 .0310179 4.34 0.000 .0721923 .1970637 + _Iyob_1832 | .142848 .0310271 4.60 0.000 .0803937 .2053023 + _Iyob_1833 | .1432193 .0326971 4.38 0.000 .0774034 .2090351 + _Iyob_1834 | .1413818 .0312082 4.53 0.000 .078563 .2042007 + _Iyob_1835 | .1507228 .0328674 4.59 0.000 .0845642 .2168815 + _Iyob_1836 | .1471189 .0315964 4.66 0.000 .0835187 .2107191 + _Iyob_1837 | .1598029 .0317055 5.04 0.000 .095983 .2236227 + _Iyob_1838 | .1667535 .0326754 5.10 0.000 .1009814 .2325256 + _Iyob_1839 | .1710559 .0316115 5.41 0.000 .1074252 .2346866 + _Iyob_1840 | .1622083 .0327872 4.95 0.000 .0962112 .2282055 + _Iyob_1841 | .168559 .0323336 5.21 0.000 .1034748 .2336431 + _Iyob_1842 | .1623466 .033351 4.87 0.000 .0952145 .2294787 + _Iyob_1843 | .1621154 .0327215 4.95 0.000 .0962505 .2279804 + _Iyob_1844 | .1534548 .0331814 4.62 0.000 .086664 .2202455 + _Iyob_1845 | .1428878 .0342509 4.17 0.000 .0739443 .2118312 + _Iyob_1846 | .1538754 .0331991 4.63 0.000 .087049 .2207017 + _Iyob_1847 | .1427418 .0328329 4.35 0.000 .0766526 .2088309 + _Iyob_1848 | .1486735 .0323169 4.60 0.000 .0836229 .2137241 + _Iyob_1849 | .1523865 .0331938 4.59 0.000 .0855708 .2192022 + _Iyob_1850 | .1384848 .033232 4.17 0.000 .0715922 .2053774 + _Iyob_1851 | .1421441 .0325198 4.37 0.000 .0766852 .207603 + _Iyob_1852 | .1275003 .0322745 3.95 0.000 .0625352 .1924654 + _Iyob_1853 | .1150002 .0319184 3.60 0.001 .0507519 .1792485 + _Iyob_1854 | .0976237 .0324039 3.01 0.004 .032398 .1628494 + _Iyob_1855 | .0801351 .0322972 2.48 0.017 .0151243 .145146 + _Iyob_1856 | .1432438 .0364266 3.93 0.000 .0699208 .2165667 + _Iyob_1857 | .1661115 .0302459 5.49 0.000 .1052297 .2269934 + _Iyob_1858 | .1697437 .0362106 4.69 0.000 .0968556 .2426319 + _Iyob_1859 | .1958612 .0328896 5.96 0.000 .1296578 .2620645 + _Iyob_1860 | .1778747 .03469 5.13 0.000 .1080475 .247702 + _Iyob_1861 | .1698333 .0330272 5.14 0.000 .103353 .2363135 + _Iyob_1862 | .2163646 .0323355 6.69 0.000 .1512767 .2814526 + _Iyob_1863 | .2001918 .0307062 6.52 0.000 .1383834 .2620003 + _Iyob_1864 | .2057564 .0346533 5.94 0.000 .136003 .2755098 + _Iyob_1865 | .179884 .031413 5.73 0.000 .116653 .243115 + _Iyob_1866 | .1731193 .0349133 4.96 0.000 .1028425 .2433962 + _Iyob_1867 | .1834458 .033175 5.53 0.000 .116668 .2502236 + _Iyob_1868 | .1835348 .033586 5.46 0.000 .1159297 .2511399 + _Iyob_1869 | .1971863 .0316163 6.24 0.000 .133546 .2608266 + _Iyob_1870 | .201642 .0319013 6.32 0.000 .137428 .265856 + _Iyob_1871 | .1858769 .0325009 5.72 0.000 .120456 .2512978 + _Iyob_1872 | .1824739 .0308192 5.92 0.000 .1204381 .2445096 + _Iyob_1873 | .1823544 .0313778 5.81 0.000 .1191942 .2455147 + _Iyob_1874 | .1725016 .0334797 5.15 0.000 .1051105 .2398926 + _Iyob_1875 | .1723319 .0326852 5.27 0.000 .10654 .2381239 + _Iyob_1876 | .1877589 .0355196 5.29 0.000 .1162616 .2592563 + _Iyob_1877 | .2028004 .0333786 6.08 0.000 .1356127 .2699882 + _Iyob_1878 | .2084867 .0348062 5.99 0.000 .1384254 .2785479 + _Iyob_1879 | .2067842 .0321716 6.43 0.000 .1420261 .2715424 + _Iyob_1880 | .2013594 .0342021 5.89 0.000 .1325143 .2702046 + _Iyob_1881 | .2115464 .0327171 6.47 0.000 .1456902 .2774026 + _Iyob_1882 | .2060588 .0323774 6.36 0.000 .1408865 .2712311 + _Iyob_1883 | .1885984 .0314165 6.00 0.000 .1253602 .2518366 + _Iyob_1884 | .1956807 .0316237 6.19 0.000 .1320255 .259336 + _Iyob_1885 | .1756197 .03192 5.50 0.000 .1113682 .2398713 + _Iyob_1886 | .1828279 .0340815 5.36 0.000 .1142255 .2514303 + _Iyob_1887 | .1989011 .0324137 6.14 0.000 .1336556 .2641465 + _Iyob_1888 | .2095989 .0328377 6.38 0.000 .1435001 .2756977 + _Iyob_1889 | .2155933 .0336734 6.40 0.000 .1478122 .2833744 + _Iyob_1890 | .2074301 .0331155 6.26 0.000 .140772 .2740881 + _Iyob_1891 | .2124966 .032567 6.52 0.000 .1469427 .2780505 + _Iyob_1892 | .2065605 .0328752 6.28 0.000 .1403862 .2727348 + _Iyob_1893 | .1932603 .0319882 6.04 0.000 .1288715 .2576492 + _Iyob_1894 | .1824364 .0322409 5.66 0.000 .1175388 .247334 + _Iyob_1895 | .1706457 .0343383 4.97 0.000 .1015263 .2397652 + _Iyob_1896 | .2041346 .0332243 6.14 0.000 .1372575 .2710118 + _Iyob_1897 | .2063372 .0328959 6.27 0.000 .1401212 .2725533 + _Iyob_1898 | .205963 .032659 6.31 0.000 .1402239 .271702 + _Iyob_1899 | .2201814 .0340249 6.47 0.000 .1516929 .2886699 + _Iyob_1900 | .2111379 .0320403 6.59 0.000 .1466442 .2756316 + _Iyob_1901 | .2254399 .0331482 6.80 0.000 .158716 .2921639 + _Iyob_1902 | .2236938 .033081 6.76 0.000 .1571053 .2902824 + _Iyob_1903 | .2155662 .0327474 6.58 0.000 .1496491 .2814832 + _Iyob_1904 | .2018688 .0343686 5.87 0.000 .1326885 .2710491 + _Iyob_1905 | .1674938 .0343944 4.87 0.000 .0982616 .2367261 + _Iyob_1906 | .1804353 .0355241 5.08 0.000 .108929 .2519416 + _Iyob_1907 | .1774055 .0358153 4.95 0.000 .1053129 .249498 + _Iyob_1908 | .1688962 .0371356 4.55 0.000 .0941461 .2436462 + _Iyob_1909 | .1580873 .0392939 4.02 0.000 .0789928 .2371818 + _Iyob_1910 | .1529198 .0402796 3.80 0.000 .0718412 .2339983 + _Iyob_1911 | .1373203 .0417966 3.29 0.002 .053188 .2214525 + _Iyob_1912 | .1208745 .0432372 2.80 0.008 .0338426 .2079065 + _Iyob_1913 | .1120425 .0455139 2.46 0.018 .0204277 .2036573 + _Iyob_1914 | .0991292 .047196 2.10 0.041 .0041286 .1941298 + _Iyob_1915 | .0699733 .0480674 1.46 0.152 -.0267813 .166728 + _Iyob_1916 | .0844141 .0510621 1.65 0.105 -.0183685 .1871968 + _Iyob_1917 | .0819708 .0530558 1.54 0.129 -.0248249 .1887666 + _Iyob_1918 | .0749506 .0549568 1.36 0.179 -.0356716 .1855729 + _Iyob_1919 | .0721618 .0570029 1.27 0.212 -.042579 .1869026 + _Iyob_1920 | .0571519 .0585014 0.98 0.334 -.0606053 .1749091 + _Iyob_1921 | .0639475 .0590866 1.08 0.285 -.0549876 .1828826 + _Iyob_1922 | .0644459 .0592212 1.09 0.282 -.0547601 .1836519 + _Iyob_1923 | .0566597 .0590633 0.96 0.342 -.0622286 .175548 + _Iyob_1924 | .0520406 .0581532 0.89 0.376 -.0650159 .169097 + _Iyob_1925 | .0069385 .0581699 0.12 0.906 -.1101515 .1240284 + _Iyob_1926 | .0428691 .0583358 0.73 0.466 -.0745549 .160293 + _Iyob_1927 | .0535016 .0584087 0.92 0.364 -.0640689 .1710722 + _Iyob_1928 | .0571588 .0583767 0.98 0.333 -.0603475 .1746651 + _Iyob_1929 | .061844 .0578831 1.07 0.291 -.0546688 .1783567 + _Iyob_1930 | .0650444 .0581174 1.12 0.269 -.0519398 .1820285 + _Iyob_1931 | .0710533 .0575574 1.23 0.223 -.0448037 .1869103 + _Iyob_1932 | .0721731 .0582542 1.24 0.222 -.0450864 .1894327 + _Iyob_1933 | .0743249 .0577013 1.29 0.204 -.0418218 .1904716 + _Iyob_1934 | .0678109 .0582784 1.16 0.251 -.0494974 .1851192 + _Iyob_1935 | .0317008 .0574018 0.55 0.583 -.0838431 .1472446 + _Iyob_1936 | .0639319 .0576446 1.11 0.273 -.0521007 .1799645 + _Iyob_1937 | .074356 .0572306 1.30 0.200 -.0408432 .1895552 + _Iyob_1938 | .0760009 .0576905 1.32 0.194 -.0401241 .1921259 + _Iyob_1939 | .0879922 .0572367 1.54 0.131 -.0272192 .2032037 + _Iyob_1940 | .0834661 .0568525 1.47 0.149 -.030972 .1979043 + _Iyob_1941 | .0922327 .0567075 1.63 0.111 -.0219135 .2063789 + _Iyob_1942 | .0941739 .0571873 1.65 0.106 -.0209382 .2092859 + _Iyob_1943 | .0988294 .0567404 1.74 0.088 -.0153831 .2130419 + _Iyob_1944 | .0946374 .0564411 1.68 0.100 -.0189726 .2082474 + _Iyob_1945 | .083985 .0569871 1.47 0.147 -.0307241 .1986942 + _Iyob_1946 | .109106 .0566193 1.93 0.060 -.0048627 .2230747 + _Iyob_1947 | .1127601 .0563874 2.00 0.051 -.0007419 .2262622 + _Iyob_1948 | .10795 .0563685 1.92 0.062 -.0055139 .2214138 + _Iyob_1949 | .1008178 .0559488 1.80 0.078 -.0118013 .2134369 + _Iyob_1950 | .092079 .0559492 1.65 0.107 -.0205408 .2046988 + _Iyob_1951 | .0835199 .0559292 1.49 0.142 -.0290597 .1960995 + _Iyob_1952 | .0775323 .0562001 1.38 0.174 -.0355927 .1906573 + _Iyob_1953 | .0661808 .0557872 1.19 0.242 -.0461131 .1784746 + _Iyob_1954 | .0488294 .0556914 0.88 0.385 -.0632717 .1609304 + _Iyob_1955 | .032706 .0559846 0.58 0.562 -.0799852 .1453972 + _Iyob_1956 | .082185 .0557512 1.47 0.147 -.0300364 .1944064 + _Iyob_1957 | .075874 .0558073 1.36 0.181 -.0364604 .1882083 + _Iyob_1958 | .0690762 .0552339 1.25 0.217 -.0421039 .1802563 + _Iyob_1959 | .0634535 .0557347 1.14 0.261 -.0487346 .1756416 + _Iyob_1960 | .0543228 .0550617 0.99 0.329 -.0565105 .1651562 + _Iyob_1961 | .04183 .0555675 0.75 0.455 -.0700215 .1536816 + _Iyob_1962 | .0305071 .0551464 0.55 0.583 -.0804969 .1415111 + _Iyob_1963 | .0123053 .0550531 0.22 0.824 -.0985109 .1231215 + _Iyob_1964 | -.0067273 .0545407 -0.12 0.902 -.116512 .1030575 + _Iyob_1965 | -.0389373 .0550825 -0.71 0.483 -.1498126 .0719381 + _cons | 2.683604 .0326972 82.07 0.000 2.617788 2.74942 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: lebergott09 south _Ibplg_2 _Ibplg_4 _Ibplg_5 _Ibplg_6 + _Ibplg_8 _Ibplg_9 _Ibplg_10 _Ibplg_11 _Ibplg_12 _Ibplg_13 + _Ibplg_15 _Ibplg_16 _Ibplg_17 _Ibplg_18 _Ibplg_19 _Ibplg_20 + _Ibplg_21 _Ibplg_22 _Ibplg_23 _Ibplg_24 _Ibplg_25 _Ibplg_26 + _Ibplg_27 _Ibplg_28 _Ibplg_29 _Ibplg_30 _Ibplg_31 _Ibplg_32 + _Ibplg_33 _Ibplg_34 _Ibplg_35 _Ibplg_36 _Ibplg_37 _Ibplg_38 + _Ibplg_39 _Ibplg_40 _Ibplg_41 _Ibplg_42 _Ibplg_44 _Ibplg_45 + _Ibplg_46 _Ibplg_47 _Ibplg_48 _Ibplg_49 _Ibplg_50 _Ibplg_51 + _Ibplg_53 _Ibplg_54 _Ibplg_55 _Ibplg_56 _IbplXyob_2 + _IbplXyob_4 _IbplXyob_5 _IbplXyob_6 _IbplXyob_8 _IbplXyob_9 + _IbplXyob_10 _IbplXyob_11 _IbplXyob_12 _IbplXyob_13 + _IbplXyob_15 _IbplXyob_16 _IbplXyob_17 _IbplXyob_18 + _IbplXyob_19 _IbplXyob_20 _IbplXyob_21 _IbplXyob_22 + _IbplXyob_23 _IbplXyob_24 _IbplXyob_25 _IbplXyob_26 + _IbplXyob_27 _IbplXyob_28 _IbplXyob_29 _IbplXyob_30 + _IbplXyob_31 _IbplXyob_32 _IbplXyob_33 _IbplXyob_34 + _IbplXyob_35 _IbplXyob_36 _IbplXyob_37 _IbplXyob_38 + _IbplXyob_39 _IbplXyob_40 _IbplXyob_41 _IbplXyob_42 + _IbplXyob_44 _IbplXyob_45 _IbplXyob_46 _IbplXyob_47 + _IbplXyob_48 _IbplXyob_49 _IbplXyob_50 _IbplXyob_51 + _IbplXyob_53 _IbplXyob_54 _IbplXyob_55 _IbplXyob_56 + _Iyear_1880 _Iyear_1900 _Iyear_1910 _Iyear_1920 _Iyear_1930 + _Iyear_1940 _Iyear_1950 _Iyear_1960 _Iyear_1970 _Iyear_1980 + _Iyear_1990 _Iyob_1816 _Iyob_1817 _Iyob_1818 _Iyob_1819 + _Iyob_1820 _Iyob_1821 _Iyob_1822 _Iyob_1823 _Iyob_1824 + _Iyob_1825 _Iyob_1826 _Iyob_1827 _Iyob_1828 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_Iyob_1916 _Iyob_1917 _Iyob_1918 _Iyob_1919 + _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 _Iyob_1924 + _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 _Iyob_1929 + _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 _Iyob_1934 + _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 + _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 + _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 + _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 + _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 + _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 + _Iyob_1965 malecol_hong tempavg altitude +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year i.yob +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1815-1965 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1815 omitted) + +. ivreg occscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplg) +(sum of wgt is 2.7692e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 16487 + F( 45, 46) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.8715 + Root MSE = .06133 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1183055 .0463276 2.55 0.014 .0250528 .2115582 + lebergott09 | .0000421 .0000159 2.64 0.011 9.96e-06 .0000741 + south | .0105241 .0247035 0.43 0.672 -.0392014 .0602497 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | .8199226 .8612746 0.95 0.346 -.9137332 2.553578 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.539825 .7194596 2.14 0.038 .0916276 2.988022 + _Ibplg_6 | 2.857875 .4729646 6.04 0.000 1.905846 3.809903 + _Ibplg_8 | 3.026958 .4412725 6.86 0.000 2.138722 3.915194 + _Ibplg_9 | 4.411046 .2502095 17.63 0.000 3.9074 4.914691 + _Ibplg_10 | 2.04492 .2571352 7.95 0.000 1.527333 2.562506 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.985432 .3019473 6.58 0.000 1.377644 2.593221 + _Ibplg_13 | .2842426 .0562591 5.05 0.000 .1709989 .3974863 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | .9923756 .8101185 1.22 0.227 -.6383084 2.62306 + _Ibplg_17 | .6041715 .2556281 2.36 0.022 .0896189 1.118724 + _Ibplg_18 | .8670524 .2319767 3.74 0.001 .4001075 1.333997 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.575946 .3297109 4.78 0.000 .9122722 2.23962 + _Ibplg_20 | 2.081544 .4290314 4.85 0.000 1.217949 2.94514 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.350474 .3094114 4.36 0.000 .7276611 1.973287 + _Ibplg_22 | 3.111918 .2879735 10.81 0.000 2.532258 3.691579 + _Ibplg_23 | 4.565105 .2807852 16.26 0.000 3.999914 5.130297 + _Ibplg_24 | 3.160231 .2716143 11.63 0.000 2.6135 3.706962 + _Ibplg_25 | 5.018402 .2771221 18.11 0.000 4.460584 5.576219 + _Ibplg_26 | 2.26937 .2557272 8.87 0.000 1.754618 2.784122 + _Ibplg_27 | 1.830223 .3415712 5.36 0.000 1.142675 2.51777 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.432897 .4333475 3.31 0.002 .5606136 2.30518 + _Ibplg_29 | 1.210025 .3247556 3.73 0.001 .5563261 1.863724 + _Ibplg_30 | 1.539609 .6522271 2.36 0.023 .2267436 2.852474 + _Ibplg_31 | 1.471284 .3407752 4.32 0.000 .7853392 2.157229 + _Ibplg_32 | 3.732878 .748982 4.98 0.000 2.225255 5.2405 + _Ibplg_33 | 4.349022 .257562 16.89 0.000 3.830577 4.867467 + _Ibplg_34 | 3.109607 .222639 13.97 0.000 2.661458 3.557756 + _Ibplg_35 | -.8364594 .34899 -2.40 0.021 -1.53894 -.1339789 + _Ibplg_36 | 3.248921 .2468765 13.16 0.000 2.751984 3.745858 + _Ibplg_37 | -.9648777 .1820374 -5.30 0.000 -1.3313 -.5984555 + _Ibplg_38 | 3.626064 .6254114 5.80 0.000 2.367176 4.884952 + _Ibplg_39 | 1.872037 .2230651 8.39 0.000 1.42303 2.321043 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | 1.574125 .4707166 3.34 0.002 .6266218 2.521628 + _Ibplg_42 | 3.224177 .2452506 13.15 0.000 2.730513 3.717841 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.976271 .2443551 20.36 0.000 4.48441 5.468132 + _Ibplg_45 | .6304718 .0454254 13.88 0.000 .5390353 .7219083 + _Ibplg_46 | .4544583 .4634141 0.98 0.332 -.4783459 1.387262 + _Ibplg_47 | .0075074 .0793368 0.09 0.925 -.1521893 .1672041 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.356722 .4427351 3.06 0.004 .4655422 2.247901 + _Ibplg_49 | .7495995 .75573 0.99 0.326 -.7716061 2.270805 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.930791 .2706173 14.53 0.000 3.386067 4.475516 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.480034 .2470126 5.99 0.000 .9828231 1.977244 + _Ibplg_53 | 2.872817 .6240543 4.60 0.000 1.616661 4.128973 + _Ibplg_54 | 1.106459 .4626766 2.39 0.021 .1751394 2.037779 + _Ibplg_55 | 2.357462 .3037552 7.76 0.000 1.746035 2.96889 + _Ibplg_56 | 1.654246 .5264709 3.14 0.003 .5945152 2.713977 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0004496 .0004635 -0.97 0.337 -.0013827 .0004834 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0008523 .0003856 -2.21 0.032 -.0016285 -.0000761 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0014205 .0002543 -5.59 0.000 -.0019324 -.0009086 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0015287 .0002365 -6.46 0.000 -.0020047 -.0010526 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0022061 .0001343 -16.43 0.000 -.0024764 -.0019359 +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0010001 .0001379 -7.25 0.000 -.0012777 -.0007226 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | -.0010317 .0001624 -6.35 0.000 -.0013586 -.0007047 +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0001361 .0000302 -4.51 0.000 -.0001968 -.0000754 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0005058 .0004337 -1.17 0.250 -.0013788 .0003672 +_IbplXyob_17 | -.000244 .0001371 -1.78 0.082 -.0005199 .0000319 +_IbplXyob_18 | -.0003965 .0001243 -3.19 0.003 -.0006468 -.0001462 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0008036 .0001766 -4.55 0.000 -.0011592 -.0004481 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0010607 .0002297 -4.62 0.000 -.0015232 -.0005983 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.0007215 .0001658 -4.35 0.000 -.0010551 -.0003878 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0016064 .0001545 -10.40 0.000 -.0019174 -.0012953 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0023485 .0001505 -15.60 0.000 -.0026514 -.0020455 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.001566 .0001456 -10.75 0.000 -.0018592 -.0012729 +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0025338 .0001487 -17.04 0.000 -.0028331 -.0022345 +_IbplXyob_26 | -.0011238 .0001372 -8.19 0.000 -.0014 -.0008476 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0009238 .000183 -5.05 0.000 -.0012921 -.0005555 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0007608 .0002323 -3.28 0.002 -.0012284 -.0002932 +_IbplXyob_29 | -.0006029 .000174 -3.46 0.001 -.0009532 -.0002526 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0007722 .0003499 -2.21 0.032 -.0014765 -.0000679 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0007517 .0001824 -4.12 0.000 -.0011189 -.0003845 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0018997 .0004023 -4.72 0.000 -.0027094 -.00109 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0022107 .0001381 -16.01 0.000 -.0024887 -.0019327 +_IbplXyob_34 | -.0015166 .0001195 -12.69 0.000 -.0017572 -.001276 +_IbplXyob_35 | .0003794 .0001875 2.02 0.049 1.93e-06 .0007569 +_IbplXyob_36 | -.0015982 .0001324 -12.07 0.000 -.0018647 -.0013316 +_IbplXyob_37 | .0004989 .0000977 5.11 0.000 .0003023 .0006955 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0019117 .0003335 -5.73 0.000 -.0025831 -.0012403 +_IbplXyob_39 | -.0008991 .0001196 -7.52 0.000 -.0011398 -.0006583 +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | -.0007822 .0002527 -3.10 0.003 -.0012907 -.0002736 +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0016017 .0001315 -12.18 0.000 -.0018664 -.001337 +_IbplXyob_44 | -.0025158 .0001311 -19.19 0.000 -.0027797 -.0022518 +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0003084 .0000244 -12.64 0.000 -.0003575 -.0002592 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0002422 .0002476 -0.98 0.333 -.0007406 .0002561 +_IbplXyob_47 | -.0000163 .0000425 -0.38 0.703 -.0001019 .0000693 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.0007161 .0002376 -3.01 0.004 -.0011944 -.0002379 +_IbplXyob_49 | -.0003526 .0004052 -0.87 0.389 -.0011681 .000463 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.002019 .000145 -13.92 0.000 -.0023109 -.0017271 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0007475 .0001325 -5.64 0.000 -.0010142 -.0004809 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0014612 .0003349 -4.36 0.000 -.0021353 -.0007871 +_IbplXyob_54 | -.0005599 .0002481 -2.26 0.029 -.0010594 -.0000604 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0011927 .0001629 -7.32 0.000 -.0015205 -.0008649 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.00083 .0002825 -2.94 0.005 -.0013987 -.0002614 +_IbplXyob2_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_4 | -.0000236 9.48e-07 -24.86 0.000 -.0000255 -.0000217 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -5.90e-06 2.07e-06 -2.85 0.007 -.0000101 -1.73e-06 +_IbplXyob2_6 | -.0000367 8.41e-07 -43.67 0.000 -.0000384 -.000035 +_IbplXyob2_8 | -.0000198 9.75e-07 -20.29 0.000 -.0000217 -.0000178 +_IbplXyob2_9 | -8.80e-06 7.64e-07 -11.52 0.000 -.0000103 -7.27e-06 +_IbplXy~2_10 | 1.91e-06 8.70e-07 2.19 0.033 1.56e-07 3.66e-06 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | -2.59e-06 7.30e-07 -3.55 0.001 -4.06e-06 -1.12e-06 +_IbplXy~2_13 | -1.81e-06 1.98e-07 -9.10 0.000 -2.20e-06 -1.41e-06 +_IbplXy~2_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000243 1.49e-06 -16.26 0.000 -.0000273 -.0000212 +_IbplXy~2_17 | -.0000234 7.97e-07 -29.42 0.000 -.000025 -.0000218 +_IbplXy~2_18 | -.0000197 7.61e-07 -25.93 0.000 -.0000213 -.0000182 +_IbplXy~2_19 | -3.03e-07 1.12e-06 -0.27 0.787 -2.55e-06 1.94e-06 +_IbplXy~2_20 | -5.23e-06 1.06e-06 -4.93 0.000 -7.37e-06 -3.10e-06 +_IbplXy~2_21 | 6.85e-06 1.11e-06 6.17 0.000 4.61e-06 9.08e-06 +_IbplXy~2_22 | -1.37e-06 8.39e-07 -1.64 0.109 -3.06e-06 3.16e-07 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -4.20e-06 1.04e-06 -4.03 0.000 -6.29e-06 -2.10e-06 +_IbplXy~2_24 | -4.77e-06 9.12e-07 -5.24 0.000 -6.61e-06 -2.94e-06 +_IbplXy~2_25 | -9.37e-07 8.55e-07 -1.10 0.279 -2.66e-06 7.84e-07 +_IbplXy~2_26 | -.0000177 7.84e-07 -22.57 0.000 -.0000193 -.0000161 +_IbplXy~2_27 | -1.68e-06 9.65e-07 -1.74 0.088 -3.62e-06 2.62e-07 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -1.41e-06 1.38e-06 -1.02 0.314 -4.19e-06 1.37e-06 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -9.13e-06 1.06e-06 -8.63 0.000 -.0000113 -7.00e-06 +_IbplXy~2_30 | -.0000355 8.87e-07 -39.98 0.000 -.0000372 -.0000337 +_IbplXy~2_31 | 1.39e-06 1.01e-06 1.37 0.176 -6.49e-07 3.43e-06 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -.0000346 8.58e-07 -40.34 0.000 -.0000363 -.0000329 +_IbplXy~2_33 | -3.11e-06 9.46e-07 -3.29 0.002 -5.02e-06 -1.21e-06 +_IbplXy~2_34 | -.0000135 6.44e-07 -20.99 0.000 -.0000148 -.0000122 +_IbplXy~2_35 | .0000136 9.10e-07 14.94 0.000 .0000118 .0000154 +_IbplXy~2_36 | -.0000167 7.95e-07 -21.02 0.000 -.0000183 -.0000151 +_IbplXy~2_37 | 7.57e-06 5.74e-07 13.19 0.000 6.41e-06 8.72e-06 +_IbplXy~2_38 | .0000269 1.67e-06 16.17 0.000 .0000236 .0000303 +_IbplXy~2_39 | -.0000225 7.51e-07 -29.94 0.000 -.000024 -.000021 +_IbplXy~2_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_41 | -.0000328 1.07e-06 -30.62 0.000 -.0000349 -.0000306 +_IbplXy~2_42 | -.000012 8.18e-07 -14.68 0.000 -.0000137 -.0000104 +_IbplXy~2_44 | -4.57e-06 7.44e-07 -6.14 0.000 -6.07e-06 -3.07e-06 +_IbplXy~2_45 | -3.16e-06 2.30e-07 -13.72 0.000 -3.62e-06 -2.69e-06 +_IbplXy~2_46 | -3.31e-07 1.13e-06 -0.29 0.772 -2.61e-06 1.95e-06 +_IbplXy~2_47 | 1.80e-06 3.29e-07 5.48 0.000 1.14e-06 2.46e-06 +_IbplXy~2_48 | -.0000128 1.07e-06 -11.96 0.000 -.0000149 -.0000106 +_IbplXy~2_49 | -.0000222 1.18e-06 -18.87 0.000 -.0000246 -.0000198 +_IbplXy~2_50 | -6.59e-07 1.08e-06 -0.61 0.544 -2.83e-06 1.51e-06 +_IbplXy~2_51 | 1.36e-06 8.74e-07 1.56 0.126 -3.96e-07 3.12e-06 +_IbplXy~2_53 | -.0000252 9.08e-07 -27.73 0.000 -.000027 -.0000233 +_IbplXy~2_54 | -.0000183 1.35e-06 -13.58 0.000 -.000021 -.0000156 +_IbplXy~2_55 | -7.81e-07 1.01e-06 -0.77 0.444 -2.82e-06 1.26e-06 +_IbplXy~2_56 | -.0000113 1.01e-06 -11.19 0.000 -.0000134 -9.29e-06 + _Iyear_1880 | .0418598 .0061478 6.81 0.000 .029485 .0542347 + _Iyear_1900 | .1034939 .0081481 12.70 0.000 .0870927 .1198952 + _Iyear_1910 | .1535079 .0097867 15.69 0.000 .1338084 .1732075 + _Iyear_1920 | .1854371 .010065 18.42 0.000 .1651773 .205697 + _Iyear_1930 | .2263934 .0119698 18.91 0.000 .2022995 .2504873 + _Iyear_1940 | .2085425 .0121111 17.22 0.000 .184164 .2329209 + _Iyear_1950 | .27049 .0124682 21.69 0.000 .2453928 .2955872 + _Iyear_1960 | .3274968 .0140423 23.32 0.000 .2992312 .3557625 + _Iyear_1970 | .3681752 .0137537 26.77 0.000 .3404904 .3958599 + _Iyear_1980 | .3756694 .0137297 27.36 0.000 .3480329 .4033058 + _Iyear_1990 | .3765333 .0129721 29.03 0.000 .3504218 .4026448 + _Iyob_1816 | .0698054 .0412118 1.69 0.097 -.0131497 .1527604 + _Iyob_1817 | .0402304 .040318 1.00 0.324 -.0409255 .1213863 + _Iyob_1818 | .0874184 .0399476 2.19 0.034 .007008 .1678288 + _Iyob_1819 | .0841606 .0367695 2.29 0.027 .0101474 .1581737 + _Iyob_1820 | .07372 .0386631 1.91 0.063 -.0041048 .1515449 + _Iyob_1821 | .1402023 .0281312 4.98 0.000 .083577 .1968275 + _Iyob_1822 | .1096778 .0386874 2.83 0.007 .0318042 .1875515 + _Iyob_1823 | .0911602 .039143 2.33 0.024 .0123694 .1699509 + _Iyob_1824 | .1047092 .0453709 2.31 0.026 .0133824 .1960361 + _Iyob_1825 | .0792022 .0315287 2.51 0.016 .0157383 .1426662 + _Iyob_1826 | .0886979 .0330915 2.68 0.010 .0220882 .1553076 + _Iyob_1827 | .0895443 .0327399 2.74 0.009 .0236424 .1554462 + _Iyob_1828 | .1065584 .0317608 3.36 0.002 .0426273 .1704895 + _Iyob_1829 | .1101513 .0319343 3.45 0.001 .0458708 .1744317 + _Iyob_1830 | .1135468 .0328382 3.46 0.001 .0474469 .1796467 + _Iyob_1831 | .1236566 .0322457 3.83 0.000 .0587495 .1885638 + _Iyob_1832 | .1311495 .0320993 4.09 0.000 .066537 .195762 + _Iyob_1833 | .130832 .0339567 3.85 0.000 .0624807 .1991833 + _Iyob_1834 | .128343 .0324358 3.96 0.000 .0630531 .1936329 + _Iyob_1835 | .1369857 .0340238 4.03 0.000 .0684994 .2054719 + _Iyob_1836 | .1330929 .0329956 4.03 0.000 .0666762 .1995097 + _Iyob_1837 | .1448837 .0330365 4.39 0.000 .0783846 .2113828 + _Iyob_1838 | .1513402 .0341062 4.44 0.000 .0826881 .2199923 + _Iyob_1839 | .1548409 .0329095 4.71 0.000 .0885974 .2210843 + _Iyob_1840 | .1455624 .0338805 4.30 0.000 .0773646 .2137602 + _Iyob_1841 | .1510811 .0334912 4.51 0.000 .0836667 .2184954 + _Iyob_1842 | .1442162 .0342985 4.20 0.000 .075177 .2132554 + _Iyob_1843 | .1434028 .0337568 4.25 0.000 .0754538 .2113518 + _Iyob_1844 | .1340227 .0338443 3.96 0.000 .0658977 .2021476 + _Iyob_1845 | .123007 .034818 3.53 0.001 .052922 .193092 + _Iyob_1846 | .1331905 .0340674 3.91 0.000 .0646164 .2017647 + _Iyob_1847 | .1214979 .0337163 3.60 0.001 .0536305 .1893653 + _Iyob_1848 | .1269318 .033253 3.82 0.000 .0599971 .1938666 + _Iyob_1849 | .1301361 .0341447 3.81 0.000 .0614064 .1988658 + _Iyob_1850 | .115905 .0339507 3.41 0.001 .0475656 .1842443 + _Iyob_1851 | .1189982 .033461 3.56 0.001 .0516446 .1863518 + _Iyob_1852 | .103934 .0332572 3.13 0.003 .0369908 .1708772 + _Iyob_1853 | .0910622 .032885 2.77 0.008 .0248681 .1572562 + _Iyob_1854 | .0732223 .033119 2.21 0.032 .0065572 .1398873 + _Iyob_1855 | .0553323 .0330165 1.68 0.101 -.0111266 .1217911 + _Iyob_1856 | .1178178 .0372771 3.16 0.003 .0427829 .1928526 + _Iyob_1857 | .1405181 .0309937 4.53 0.000 .0781311 .2029052 + _Iyob_1858 | .1437434 .0369912 3.89 0.000 .0692839 .2182029 + _Iyob_1859 | .1693023 .0334393 5.06 0.000 .1019925 .2366121 + _Iyob_1860 | .1511494 .0353323 4.28 0.000 .0800292 .2222695 + _Iyob_1861 | .14252 .0337531 4.22 0.000 .0745785 .2104615 + _Iyob_1862 | .1886755 .0336882 5.60 0.000 .1208647 .2564864 + _Iyob_1863 | .1719092 .0318301 5.40 0.000 .1078386 .2359798 + _Iyob_1864 | .1772714 .0359455 4.93 0.000 .1049168 .249626 + _Iyob_1865 | .1512881 .0321267 4.71 0.000 .0866204 .2159558 + _Iyob_1866 | .1437835 .0362829 3.96 0.000 .0707498 .2168172 + _Iyob_1867 | .1539786 .0345191 4.46 0.000 .0844952 .2234621 + _Iyob_1868 | .1536442 .0338621 4.54 0.000 .0854834 .2218051 + _Iyob_1869 | .1672274 .0325521 5.14 0.000 .1017035 .2327514 + _Iyob_1870 | .1714299 .0327108 5.24 0.000 .1055865 .2372733 + _Iyob_1871 | .1555476 .033718 4.61 0.000 .0876769 .2234184 + _Iyob_1872 | .1517514 .0318918 4.76 0.000 .0875565 .2159464 + _Iyob_1873 | .1513087 .0322415 4.69 0.000 .08641 .2162074 + _Iyob_1874 | .1411758 .0343534 4.11 0.000 .072026 .2103256 + _Iyob_1875 | .1411533 .0333298 4.24 0.000 .0740639 .2082427 + _Iyob_1876 | .1562131 .0365098 4.28 0.000 .0827228 .2297035 + _Iyob_1877 | .1711929 .0341422 5.01 0.000 .1024683 .2399175 + _Iyob_1878 | .1766929 .0352623 5.01 0.000 .1057135 .2476723 + _Iyob_1879 | .1750156 .0328086 5.33 0.000 .1089753 .2410559 + _Iyob_1880 | .1694436 .0348392 4.86 0.000 .0993159 .2395714 + _Iyob_1881 | .1793348 .0336292 5.33 0.000 .1116427 .2470269 + _Iyob_1882 | .1740924 .0333028 5.23 0.000 .1070575 .2411274 + _Iyob_1883 | .1566696 .0318669 4.92 0.000 .0925249 .2208144 + _Iyob_1884 | .1635057 .0321263 5.09 0.000 .0988387 .2281727 + _Iyob_1885 | .1436498 .0325766 4.41 0.000 .0780765 .2092231 + _Iyob_1886 | .1507641 .0345798 4.36 0.000 .0811586 .2203696 + _Iyob_1887 | .1669285 .0327801 5.09 0.000 .1009456 .2329113 + _Iyob_1888 | .1776968 .0337102 5.27 0.000 .1098417 .2455519 + _Iyob_1889 | .1836348 .0346127 5.31 0.000 .113963 .2533066 + _Iyob_1890 | .1758503 .0336843 5.22 0.000 .1080473 .2436533 + _Iyob_1891 | .1809276 .033556 5.39 0.000 .1133828 .2484723 + _Iyob_1892 | .1751585 .0339149 5.16 0.000 .1068914 .2434256 + _Iyob_1893 | .1620125 .0329668 4.91 0.000 .0956538 .2283711 + _Iyob_1894 | .1512888 .0325617 4.65 0.000 .0857455 .2168321 + _Iyob_1895 | .1396338 .0349156 4.00 0.000 .0693523 .2099153 + _Iyob_1896 | .173515 .0342239 5.07 0.000 .1046259 .2424041 + _Iyob_1897 | .1757093 .0334989 5.25 0.000 .1082795 .2431392 + _Iyob_1898 | .1757942 .0333577 5.27 0.000 .1086486 .2429398 + _Iyob_1899 | .1901801 .0347136 5.48 0.000 .1203052 .260055 + _Iyob_1900 | .1815257 .0327718 5.54 0.000 .1155595 .2474918 + _Iyob_1901 | .1962229 .0342788 5.72 0.000 .1272233 .2652225 + _Iyob_1902 | .1947013 .0337368 5.77 0.000 .1267927 .2626099 + _Iyob_1903 | .1876974 .0333814 5.62 0.000 .120504 .2548908 + _Iyob_1904 | .1752999 .0345694 5.07 0.000 .1057152 .2448846 + _Iyob_1905 | .1418383 .0339684 4.18 0.000 .0734635 .2102132 + _Iyob_1906 | .1560598 .0347677 4.49 0.000 .0860761 .2260436 + _Iyob_1907 | .1542517 .0346259 4.45 0.000 .0845535 .22395 + _Iyob_1908 | .1469208 .0357463 4.11 0.000 .0749672 .2188743 + _Iyob_1909 | .1372207 .0371924 3.69 0.001 .0623562 .2120852 + _Iyob_1910 | .1334757 .0375392 3.56 0.001 .0579131 .2090382 + _Iyob_1911 | .1191655 .0388438 3.07 0.004 .040977 .1973539 + _Iyob_1912 | .1040394 .0398922 2.61 0.012 .0237406 .1843382 + _Iyob_1913 | .0964273 .0415977 2.32 0.025 .0126954 .1801592 + _Iyob_1914 | .0848598 .0430002 1.97 0.054 -.001695 .1714146 + _Iyob_1915 | .0569515 .0435045 1.31 0.197 -.0306184 .1445215 + _Iyob_1916 | .0728753 .0456365 1.60 0.117 -.0189862 .1647368 + _Iyob_1917 | .0717901 .0478272 1.50 0.140 -.0244812 .1680613 + _Iyob_1918 | .0661557 .049222 1.34 0.186 -.0329231 .1652344 + _Iyob_1919 | .0648588 .0509093 1.27 0.209 -.0376163 .1673338 + _Iyob_1920 | .0515644 .0519297 0.99 0.326 -.0529647 .1560935 + _Iyob_1921 | .0588425 .0524284 1.12 0.268 -.0466904 .1643753 + _Iyob_1922 | .0601105 .0527172 1.14 0.260 -.0460038 .1662248 + _Iyob_1923 | .053032 .0525422 1.01 0.318 -.0527299 .158794 + _Iyob_1924 | .0491044 .0517084 0.95 0.347 -.0549792 .1531879 + _Iyob_1925 | .0046525 .0516227 0.09 0.929 -.0992585 .1085636 + _Iyob_1926 | .0414411 .0517176 0.80 0.427 -.0626611 .1455433 + _Iyob_1927 | .0528801 .0519363 1.02 0.314 -.0516623 .1574225 + _Iyob_1928 | .0574255 .0519339 1.11 0.275 -.0471119 .161963 + _Iyob_1929 | .0628438 .0512577 1.23 0.226 -.0403327 .1660202 + _Iyob_1930 | .066884 .0515712 1.30 0.201 -.0369234 .1706914 + _Iyob_1931 | .0737595 .0513284 1.44 0.157 -.0295593 .1770783 + _Iyob_1932 | .0758699 .0519584 1.46 0.151 -.0287169 .1804567 + _Iyob_1933 | .0789693 .0515428 1.53 0.132 -.024781 .1827197 + _Iyob_1934 | .0733444 .0520419 1.41 0.165 -.0314104 .1780993 + _Iyob_1935 | .0381709 .0511562 0.75 0.459 -.0648012 .141143 + _Iyob_1936 | .0713335 .0516938 1.38 0.174 -.0327208 .1753879 + _Iyob_1937 | .0826928 .0511513 1.62 0.113 -.0202694 .1856549 + _Iyob_1938 | .0853174 .0516389 1.65 0.105 -.0186264 .1892611 + _Iyob_1939 | .09832 .0513699 1.91 0.062 -.0050823 .2017222 + _Iyob_1940 | .0948452 .0509258 1.86 0.069 -.007663 .1973534 + _Iyob_1941 | .1046953 .050712 2.06 0.045 .0026174 .2067732 + _Iyob_1942 | .1077305 .0513594 2.10 0.041 .0043493 .2111117 + _Iyob_1943 | .1135126 .0508239 2.23 0.030 .0112095 .2158157 + _Iyob_1944 | .1104534 .0508495 2.17 0.035 .0080987 .2128082 + _Iyob_1945 | .1009602 .0512918 1.97 0.055 -.0022849 .2042053 + _Iyob_1946 | .1273186 .0508858 2.50 0.016 .0248909 .2297463 + _Iyob_1947 | .1322451 .0508024 2.60 0.012 .0299851 .234505 + _Iyob_1948 | .1286806 .0508736 2.53 0.015 .0262774 .2310837 + _Iyob_1949 | .1228768 .0506049 2.43 0.019 .0210145 .2247391 + _Iyob_1950 | .1154454 .0505727 2.28 0.027 .0136478 .217243 + _Iyob_1951 | .1082651 .0507001 2.14 0.038 .0062112 .2103191 + _Iyob_1952 | .1036449 .0509293 2.04 0.048 .0011296 .2061602 + _Iyob_1953 | .0937066 .0507151 1.85 0.071 -.0083777 .1957909 + _Iyob_1954 | .0777938 .050683 1.53 0.132 -.0242258 .1798133 + _Iyob_1955 | .0631277 .0509471 1.24 0.222 -.0394235 .165679 + _Iyob_1956 | .1141076 .050845 2.24 0.030 .011762 .2164533 + _Iyob_1957 | .1093694 .0509223 2.15 0.037 .006868 .2118707 + _Iyob_1958 | .1041124 .0504215 2.06 0.045 .0026193 .2056055 + _Iyob_1959 | .0999183 .0511032 1.96 0.057 -.0029471 .2027837 + _Iyob_1960 | .0923443 .0503276 1.83 0.073 -.00896 .1936485 + _Iyob_1961 | .0814244 .050979 1.60 0.117 -.0211911 .1840398 + _Iyob_1962 | .0716958 .0508528 1.41 0.165 -.0306656 .1740573 + _Iyob_1963 | .0550178 .05068 1.09 0.283 -.0469957 .1570313 + _Iyob_1964 | .0376705 .0503734 0.75 0.458 -.063726 .1390669 + _Iyob_1965 | .0071058 .0508034 0.14 0.889 -.095156 .1093677 + _cons | 2.706288 .0333954 81.04 0.000 2.639067 2.77351 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: lebergott09 south _Ibplg_2 _Ibplg_4 _Ibplg_5 _Ibplg_6 + _Ibplg_8 _Ibplg_9 _Ibplg_10 _Ibplg_11 _Ibplg_12 _Ibplg_13 + _Ibplg_15 _Ibplg_16 _Ibplg_17 _Ibplg_18 _Ibplg_19 _Ibplg_20 + _Ibplg_21 _Ibplg_22 _Ibplg_23 _Ibplg_24 _Ibplg_25 _Ibplg_26 + _Ibplg_27 _Ibplg_28 _Ibplg_29 _Ibplg_30 _Ibplg_31 _Ibplg_32 + _Ibplg_33 _Ibplg_34 _Ibplg_35 _Ibplg_36 _Ibplg_37 _Ibplg_38 + _Ibplg_39 _Ibplg_40 _Ibplg_41 _Ibplg_42 _Ibplg_44 _Ibplg_45 + _Ibplg_46 _Ibplg_47 _Ibplg_48 _Ibplg_49 _Ibplg_50 _Ibplg_51 + _Ibplg_53 _Ibplg_54 _Ibplg_55 _Ibplg_56 _IbplXyob_2 + _IbplXyob_4 _IbplXyob_5 _IbplXyob_6 _IbplXyob_8 _IbplXyob_9 + _IbplXyob_10 _IbplXyob_11 _IbplXyob_12 _IbplXyob_13 + _IbplXyob_15 _IbplXyob_16 _IbplXyob_17 _IbplXyob_18 + _IbplXyob_19 _IbplXyob_20 _IbplXyob_21 _IbplXyob_22 + _IbplXyob_23 _IbplXyob_24 _IbplXyob_25 _IbplXyob_26 + _IbplXyob_27 _IbplXyob_28 _IbplXyob_29 _IbplXyob_30 + _IbplXyob_31 _IbplXyob_32 _IbplXyob_33 _IbplXyob_34 + _IbplXyob_35 _IbplXyob_36 _IbplXyob_37 _IbplXyob_38 + _IbplXyob_39 _IbplXyob_40 _IbplXyob_41 _IbplXyob_42 + _IbplXyob_44 _IbplXyob_45 _IbplXyob_46 _IbplXyob_47 + _IbplXyob_48 _IbplXyob_49 _IbplXyob_50 _IbplXyob_51 + _IbplXyob_53 _IbplXyob_54 _IbplXyob_55 _IbplXyob_56 + _IbplXyob2_2 _IbplXyob2_4 _IbplXyob2_5 _IbplXyob2_6 + _IbplXyob2_8 _IbplXyob2_9 _IbplXyob2_10 _IbplXyob2_11 + _IbplXyob2_12 _IbplXyob2_13 _IbplXyob2_15 _IbplXyob2_16 + _IbplXyob2_17 _IbplXyob2_18 _IbplXyob2_19 _IbplXyob2_20 + _IbplXyob2_21 _IbplXyob2_22 _IbplXyob2_23 _IbplXyob2_24 + _IbplXyob2_25 _IbplXyob2_26 _IbplXyob2_27 _IbplXyob2_28 + _IbplXyob2_29 _IbplXyob2_30 _IbplXyob2_31 _IbplXyob2_32 + _IbplXyob2_33 _IbplXyob2_34 _IbplXyob2_35 _IbplXyob2_36 + _IbplXyob2_37 _IbplXyob2_38 _IbplXyob2_39 _IbplXyob2_40 + _IbplXyob2_41 _IbplXyob2_42 _IbplXyob2_44 _IbplXyob2_45 + _IbplXyob2_46 _IbplXyob2_47 _IbplXyob2_48 _IbplXyob2_49 + _IbplXyob2_50 _IbplXyob2_51 _IbplXyob2_53 _IbplXyob2_54 + _IbplXyob2_55 _IbplXyob2_56 _Iyear_1880 _Iyear_1900 + _Iyear_1910 _Iyear_1920 _Iyear_1930 _Iyear_1940 _Iyear_1950 + _Iyear_1960 _Iyear_1970 _Iyear_1980 _Iyear_1990 _Iyob_1816 + _Iyob_1817 _Iyob_1818 _Iyob_1819 _Iyob_1820 _Iyob_1821 + _Iyob_1822 _Iyob_1823 _Iyob_1824 _Iyob_1825 _Iyob_1826 + _Iyob_1827 _Iyob_1828 _Iyob_1829 _Iyob_1830 _Iyob_1831 + _Iyob_1832 _Iyob_1833 _Iyob_1834 _Iyob_1835 _Iyob_1836 + _Iyob_1837 _Iyob_1838 _Iyob_1839 _Iyob_1840 _Iyob_1841 + _Iyob_1842 _Iyob_1843 _Iyob_1844 _Iyob_1845 _Iyob_1846 + _Iyob_1847 _Iyob_1848 _Iyob_1849 _Iyob_1850 _Iyob_1851 + _Iyob_1852 _Iyob_1853 _Iyob_1854 _Iyob_1855 _Iyob_1856 + _Iyob_1857 _Iyob_1858 _Iyob_1859 _Iyob_1860 _Iyob_1861 + _Iyob_1862 _Iyob_1863 _Iyob_1864 _Iyob_1865 _Iyob_1866 + _Iyob_1867 _Iyob_1868 _Iyob_1869 _Iyob_1870 _Iyob_1871 + _Iyob_1872 _Iyob_1873 _Iyob_1874 _Iyob_1875 _Iyob_1876 + _Iyob_1877 _Iyob_1878 _Iyob_1879 _Iyob_1880 _Iyob_1881 + _Iyob_1882 _Iyob_1883 _Iyob_1884 _Iyob_1885 _Iyob_1886 + _Iyob_1887 _Iyob_1888 _Iyob_1889 _Iyob_1890 _Iyob_1891 + _Iyob_1892 _Iyob_1893 _Iyob_1894 _Iyob_1895 _Iyob_1896 + _Iyob_1897 _Iyob_1898 _Iyob_1899 _Iyob_1900 _Iyob_1901 + _Iyob_1902 _Iyob_1903 _Iyob_1904 _Iyob_1905 _Iyob_1906 + _Iyob_1907 _Iyob_1908 _Iyob_1909 _Iyob_1910 _Iyob_1911 + _Iyob_1912 _Iyob_1913 _Iyob_1914 _Iyob_1915 _Iyob_1916 + _Iyob_1917 _Iyob_1918 _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 + _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 + _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 + _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 + _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 + _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 + _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 + _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 + _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 + _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 malecol_hong + tempavg altitude +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg i.year i.yob +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1815-1965 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1815 omitted) + +. ivreg occscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplg) +(sum of wgt is 2.7692e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 16487 + F( 45, 46) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.8540 + Root MSE = .0652 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .2017305 .0415803 4.85 0.000 .1180337 .2854272 + lebergott09 | 9.74e-06 .0000119 0.82 0.419 -.0000143 .0000338 + south | -.039964 .024781 -1.61 0.114 -.0898455 .0099175 + imr1890 | 2.26e-06 1.80e-06 1.26 0.215 -1.36e-06 5.88e-06 + aurb90 | -.0022404 .0006371 -3.52 0.001 -.0035227 -.0009581 + aadlit91 | .0111923 .0036042 3.11 0.003 .0039373 .0184472 + docs1898 | 3.54e-07 3.61e-07 0.98 0.332 -3.73e-07 1.08e-06 + spend | -2.92e-06 6.45e-07 -4.52 0.000 -4.21e-06 -1.62e-06 + hookworm | .0049584 .0014339 3.46 0.001 .0020722 .0078446 + ablack91 | .0008355 .0015006 0.56 0.580 -.0021852 .0038561 + unemp_1930 | .0000799 .0000798 1.00 0.322 -.0000807 .0002406 + chgterm | .001636 .0009828 1.66 0.103 -.0003424 .0036143 + chgptratio | .0005341 .0002214 2.41 0.020 .0000885 .0009797 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | 2.519187 .9068531 2.78 0.008 .6937868 4.344588 + _Ibplg_5 | .3454221 .7539615 0.46 0.649 -1.172224 1.863068 + _Ibplg_6 | 1.353273 .5815386 2.33 0.024 .1826961 2.523849 + _Ibplg_8 | .7976555 .6118478 1.30 0.199 -.4339302 2.029241 + _Ibplg_9 | 3.620769 .5493623 6.59 0.000 2.51496 4.726578 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.377532 .4535787 3.04 0.004 .464525 2.290538 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 2.331243 .7296666 3.19 0.003 .8625007 3.799986 + _Ibplg_13 | .3872846 .309175 1.25 0.217 -.2350524 1.009622 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | -1.355727 .5757602 -2.35 0.023 -2.514672 -.1967819 + _Ibplg_17 | .9867934 .6661216 1.48 0.145 -.3540398 2.327627 + _Ibplg_18 | .4545488 .6352933 0.72 0.478 -.8242303 1.733328 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.113201 .6014887 1.85 0.071 -.0975325 2.323935 + _Ibplg_20 | .7020411 .5497131 1.28 0.208 -.4044739 1.808556 + _Ibplg_21 | .0096143 .3515999 0.03 0.978 -.6981195 .7173481 + _Ibplg_22 | 2.202255 .5084881 4.33 0.000 1.178721 3.225788 + _Ibplg_23 | 2.407613 .5491025 4.38 0.000 1.302328 3.512899 + _Ibplg_24 | 3.378855 .7795972 4.33 0.000 1.809607 4.948103 + _Ibplg_25 | 4.126664 .479859 8.60 0.000 3.160758 5.09257 + _Ibplg_26 | .434275 .7919705 0.55 0.586 -1.159879 2.028429 + _Ibplg_27 | .2454554 .6072286 0.40 0.688 -.9768325 1.467743 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.346587 .3364944 4.00 0.000 .6692589 2.023915 + _Ibplg_29 | .6484387 .5256647 1.23 0.224 -.4096695 1.706547 + _Ibplg_30 | 2.429531 .6952004 3.49 0.001 1.030165 3.828896 + _Ibplg_31 | -.2603226 .6455633 -0.40 0.689 -1.559774 1.039129 + _Ibplg_32 | -1.175822 .6503798 -1.81 0.077 -2.484969 .1333243 + _Ibplg_33 | 2.134803 .4886188 4.37 0.000 1.151264 3.118342 + _Ibplg_34 | 2.191188 .5720992 3.83 0.000 1.039612 3.342764 + _Ibplg_35 | -.286206 .6229889 -0.46 0.648 -1.540218 .9678057 + _Ibplg_36 | 2.348034 .5223793 4.49 0.000 1.296539 3.399529 + _Ibplg_37 | -.8688254 .3578493 -2.43 0.019 -1.589139 -.148512 + _Ibplg_38 | -.559356 .7110376 -0.79 0.436 -1.9906 .8718884 + _Ibplg_39 | 1.240668 .5601204 2.22 0.032 .1132043 2.368132 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | -.4168565 .8052762 -0.52 0.607 -2.037794 1.20408 + _Ibplg_42 | 2.099931 .5315897 3.95 0.000 1.029897 3.169966 + _Ibplg_44 | 3.988934 .5060709 7.88 0.000 2.970266 5.007601 + _Ibplg_45 | .7626384 .5565389 1.37 0.177 -.3576162 1.882893 + _Ibplg_46 | -.249053 .7619594 -0.33 0.745 -1.782798 1.284692 + _Ibplg_47 | .9190639 .3557114 2.58 0.013 .2030539 1.635074 + _Ibplg_48 | .1974827 .3425862 0.58 0.567 -.4921076 .8870729 + _Ibplg_49 | .6625432 .6210007 1.07 0.292 -.5874664 1.912553 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.285216 .5445153 6.03 0.000 2.189163 4.381268 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.005695 .4471143 2.25 0.029 .1057001 1.905689 + _Ibplg_53 | .5412626 .7510048 0.72 0.475 -.9704318 2.052957 + _Ibplg_54 | .4554413 .4270361 1.07 0.292 -.4041379 1.31502 + _Ibplg_55 | 1.048394 .5749039 1.82 0.075 -.1088279 2.205615 + _Ibplg_56 | -.2144233 .673121 -0.32 0.752 -1.569346 1.140499 + _Iyear_1880 | .0419051 .0062134 6.74 0.000 .0293982 .054412 + _Iyear_1900 | .1034607 .0082619 12.52 0.000 .0868304 .1200909 + _Iyear_1910 | .1533531 .0098455 15.58 0.000 .1335352 .173171 + _Iyear_1920 | .1851144 .0101174 18.30 0.000 .1647491 .2054796 + _Iyear_1930 | .2261586 .0120044 18.84 0.000 .2019949 .2503222 + _Iyear_1940 | .2079567 .0121728 17.08 0.000 .1834542 .2324593 + _Iyear_1950 | .2696236 .0125515 21.48 0.000 .2443586 .2948885 + _Iyear_1960 | .3269221 .0141143 23.16 0.000 .2985116 .3553326 + _Iyear_1970 | .3675899 .0138266 26.59 0.000 .3397584 .3954215 + _Iyear_1980 | .3750757 .0138327 27.12 0.000 .3472319 .4029194 + _Iyear_1990 | .3759488 .0130972 28.70 0.000 .3495854 .4023121 + _Iyob_1816 | .0562517 .0413994 1.36 0.181 -.0270809 .1395843 + _Iyob_1817 | .0163803 .0390049 0.42 0.676 -.0621324 .0948931 + _Iyob_1818 | .053928 .0395389 1.36 0.179 -.0256596 .1335156 + _Iyob_1819 | .0405634 .0381402 1.06 0.293 -.0362088 .1173356 + _Iyob_1820 | .0173362 .0387206 0.45 0.656 -.0606043 .0952766 + _Iyob_1821 | .0737652 .033535 2.20 0.033 .0062627 .1412677 + _Iyob_1822 | .0332372 .0432077 0.77 0.446 -.0537354 .1202099 + _Iyob_1823 | .0041878 .0466941 0.09 0.929 -.0898026 .0981781 + _Iyob_1824 | .0058461 .0530549 0.11 0.913 -.1009478 .11264 + _Iyob_1825 | -.0313381 .0431853 -0.73 0.472 -.1182655 .0555893 + _Iyob_1826 | -.0325055 .046604 -0.70 0.489 -.1263146 .0613036 + _Iyob_1827 | -.04253 .0487998 -0.87 0.388 -.1407588 .0556989 + _Iyob_1828 | -.036229 .0515149 -0.70 0.485 -.139923 .067465 + _Iyob_1829 | -.0440838 .0543979 -0.81 0.422 -.153581 .0654135 + _Iyob_1830 | -.051304 .0571152 -0.90 0.374 -.166271 .063663 + _Iyob_1831 | -.0520421 .0604958 -0.86 0.394 -.1738138 .0697296 + _Iyob_1832 | -.0551633 .0636589 -0.87 0.391 -.183302 .0729753 + _Iyob_1833 | -.0664689 .0671401 -0.99 0.327 -.201615 .0686771 + _Iyob_1834 | -.0797638 .070443 -1.13 0.263 -.2215582 .0620306 + _Iyob_1835 | -.0816979 .0734711 -1.11 0.272 -.2295876 .0661917 + _Iyob_1836 | -.0967413 .0765024 -1.26 0.212 -.2507327 .0572501 + _Iyob_1837 | -.0957508 .0792737 -1.21 0.233 -.2553205 .0638188 + _Iyob_1838 | -.1000668 .0827554 -1.21 0.233 -.2666448 .0665113 + _Iyob_1839 | -.1073293 .085991 -1.25 0.218 -.2804201 .0657616 + _Iyob_1840 | -.1273988 .0891004 -1.43 0.160 -.3067485 .051951 + _Iyob_1841 | -.1326279 .0924735 -1.43 0.158 -.3187673 .0535115 + _Iyob_1842 | -.1502668 .0953904 -1.58 0.122 -.3422777 .041744 + _Iyob_1843 | -.1618775 .0989352 -1.64 0.109 -.3610237 .0372688 + _Iyob_1844 | -.1819662 .1024825 -1.78 0.082 -.3882529 .0243204 + _Iyob_1845 | -.2038009 .1055472 -1.93 0.060 -.4162565 .0086547 + _Iyob_1846 | -.2043001 .1095215 -1.87 0.069 -.4247554 .0161553 + _Iyob_1847 | -.2266622 .1117282 -2.03 0.048 -.4515593 -.0017651 + _Iyob_1848 | -.2322164 .1161095 -2.00 0.051 -.4659328 .0015 + _Iyob_1849 | -.2399461 .119122 -2.01 0.050 -.4797263 -.000166 + _Iyob_1850 | -.2651315 .1227809 -2.16 0.036 -.5122766 -.0179864 + _Iyob_1851 | -.272821 .1266562 -2.15 0.037 -.5277667 -.0178752 + _Iyob_1852 | -.2988056 .1299631 -2.30 0.026 -.5604078 -.0372034 + _Iyob_1853 | -.3227965 .1331013 -2.43 0.019 -.5907155 -.0548775 + _Iyob_1854 | -.3513586 .136742 -2.57 0.013 -.6266059 -.0761112 + _Iyob_1855 | -.3801382 .1395232 -2.72 0.009 -.6609839 -.0992926 + _Iyob_1856 | -.3278069 .1466889 -2.23 0.030 -.6230763 -.0325375 + _Iyob_1857 | -.3173085 .1478352 -2.15 0.037 -.6148852 -.0197317 + _Iyob_1858 | -.3246273 .1521898 -2.13 0.038 -.6309695 -.0182851 + _Iyob_1859 | -.3100189 .1530489 -2.03 0.049 -.6180903 -.0019475 + _Iyob_1860 | -.3391904 .1595217 -2.13 0.039 -.660291 -.0180898 + _Iyob_1861 | -.3587534 .1574156 -2.28 0.027 -.6756145 -.0418923 + _Iyob_1862 | -.323057 .1655414 -1.95 0.057 -.6562747 .0101606 + _Iyob_1863 | -.3509197 .16592 -2.11 0.040 -.6848993 -.01694 + _Iyob_1864 | -.3567061 .1742574 -2.05 0.046 -.707468 -.0059441 + _Iyob_1865 | -.3935954 .1760772 -2.24 0.030 -.7480205 -.0391703 + _Iyob_1866 | -.4120963 .1788101 -2.30 0.026 -.7720223 -.0521703 + _Iyob_1867 | -.4132035 .1811471 -2.28 0.027 -.7778337 -.0485733 + _Iyob_1868 | -.4241589 .1839127 -2.31 0.026 -.7943559 -.0539619 + _Iyob_1869 | -.4223889 .1881887 -2.24 0.030 -.8011931 -.0435847 + _Iyob_1870 | -.4291501 .1921728 -2.23 0.030 -.8159739 -.0423264 + _Iyob_1871 | -.4564218 .1959522 -2.33 0.024 -.8508531 -.0619905 + _Iyob_1872 | -.4708414 .1987991 -2.37 0.022 -.8710032 -.0706796 + _Iyob_1873 | -.482529 .2014721 -2.40 0.021 -.8880713 -.0769866 + _Iyob_1874 | -.503481 .2052553 -2.45 0.018 -.9166386 -.0903235 + _Iyob_1875 | -.5156482 .2095352 -2.46 0.018 -.9374206 -.0938757 + _Iyob_1876 | -.5112782 .2126026 -2.40 0.020 -.939225 -.0833315 + _Iyob_1877 | -.5078377 .2169069 -2.34 0.024 -.9444487 -.0712268 + _Iyob_1878 | -.5132562 .2217081 -2.32 0.025 -.9595316 -.0669809 + _Iyob_1879 | -.5266252 .22649 -2.33 0.025 -.982526 -.0707245 + _Iyob_1880 | -.543459 .2270161 -2.39 0.021 -1.000419 -.0864994 + _Iyob_1881 | -.5449556 .2324496 -2.34 0.023 -1.012852 -.0770589 + _Iyob_1882 | -.5613878 .2343651 -2.40 0.021 -1.03314 -.0896354 + _Iyob_1883 | -.5905663 .2380646 -2.48 0.017 -1.069765 -.1113672 + _Iyob_1884 | -.5951516 .2404066 -2.48 0.017 -1.079065 -.1112382 + _Iyob_1885 | -.6265977 .2447808 -2.56 0.014 -1.119316 -.1338795 + _Iyob_1886 | -.6307102 .248235 -2.54 0.014 -1.130381 -.1310391 + _Iyob_1887 | -.6261243 .2539781 -2.47 0.017 -1.137356 -.114893 + _Iyob_1888 | -.6268315 .2564072 -2.44 0.018 -1.142953 -.1107105 + _Iyob_1889 | -.6323845 .2593659 -2.44 0.019 -1.154461 -.110308 + _Iyob_1890 | -.652058 .264476 -2.47 0.017 -1.184421 -.1196953 + _Iyob_1891 | -.6585633 .2676631 -2.46 0.018 -1.197341 -.1197854 + _Iyob_1892 | -.6759583 .2706452 -2.50 0.016 -1.220739 -.1311777 + _Iyob_1893 | -.7006365 .2736214 -2.56 0.014 -1.251408 -.1498651 + _Iyob_1894 | -.7231141 .2762202 -2.62 0.012 -1.279116 -.1671118 + _Iyob_1895 | -.746481 .2804576 -2.66 0.011 -1.311013 -.1819491 + _Iyob_1896 | -.7245851 .2843583 -2.55 0.014 -1.296969 -.1522014 + _Iyob_1897 | -.7336854 .2874736 -2.55 0.014 -1.31234 -.1550311 + _Iyob_1898 | -.7457536 .2911854 -2.56 0.014 -1.331879 -.1596278 + _Iyob_1899 | -.7428417 .2964649 -2.51 0.016 -1.339595 -.1460888 + _Iyob_1900 | -.7635999 .3002074 -2.54 0.014 -1.367886 -.1593138 + _Iyob_1901 | -.7604807 .3030721 -2.51 0.016 -1.370533 -.1504283 + _Iyob_1902 | -.7737146 .307119 -2.52 0.015 -1.391913 -.1555161 + _Iyob_1903 | -.7893118 .3109262 -2.54 0.015 -1.415174 -.1634497 + _Iyob_1904 | -.8098032 .3145038 -2.57 0.013 -1.442866 -.17674 + _Iyob_1905 | -.851285 .3183724 -2.67 0.010 -1.492135 -.2104346 + _Iyob_1906 | -.8455339 .3229751 -2.62 0.012 -1.495649 -.1954187 + _Iyob_1907 | -.8557391 .3270356 -2.62 0.012 -1.514028 -.1974505 + _Iyob_1908 | -.8712806 .3308472 -2.63 0.011 -1.537242 -.2053196 + _Iyob_1909 | -.8892601 .3347359 -2.66 0.011 -1.563048 -.2154717 + _Iyob_1910 | -.9015092 .339769 -2.65 0.011 -1.585429 -.2175896 + _Iyob_1911 | -.9242565 .3428619 -2.70 0.010 -1.614402 -.2341112 + _Iyob_1912 | -.9478203 .3475056 -2.73 0.009 -1.647313 -.2483278 + _Iyob_1913 | -.9637747 .3510253 -2.75 0.009 -1.670352 -.2571974 + _Iyob_1914 | -.9837311 .3564486 -2.76 0.008 -1.701225 -.2662373 + _Iyob_1915 | -1.020001 .3593722 -2.84 0.007 -1.74338 -.2966227 + _Iyob_1916 | -1.012667 .3641847 -2.78 0.008 -1.745732 -.2796009 + _Iyob_1917 | -1.022183 .3684517 -2.77 0.008 -1.763838 -.2805282 + _Iyob_1918 | -1.036259 .3725556 -2.78 0.008 -1.786175 -.286344 + _Iyob_1919 | -1.04619 .3766054 -2.78 0.008 -1.804258 -.288123 + _Iyob_1920 | -1.068324 .3806615 -2.81 0.007 -1.834556 -.3020924 + _Iyob_1921 | -1.072894 .3838954 -2.79 0.008 -1.845635 -.3001528 + _Iyob_1922 | -1.084011 .3883298 -2.79 0.008 -1.865678 -.3023436 + _Iyob_1923 | -1.103186 .3915092 -2.82 0.007 -1.891253 -.3151187 + _Iyob_1924 | -1.119329 .3954069 -2.83 0.007 -1.915242 -.323416 + _Iyob_1925 | -1.175972 .3980175 -2.95 0.005 -1.97714 -.3748047 + _Iyob_1926 | -1.151591 .4014213 -2.87 0.006 -1.95961 -.3435718 + _Iyob_1927 | -1.152519 .4052386 -2.84 0.007 -1.968222 -.3368166 + _Iyob_1928 | -1.160287 .4086626 -2.84 0.007 -1.982882 -.337692 + _Iyob_1929 | -1.167097 .4120401 -2.83 0.007 -1.996491 -.3377034 + _Iyob_1930 | -1.17536 .4160969 -2.82 0.007 -2.01292 -.3378005 + _Iyob_1931 | -1.180988 .4191723 -2.82 0.007 -2.024738 -.3372374 + _Iyob_1932 | -1.1913 .422808 -2.82 0.007 -2.042369 -.3402321 + _Iyob_1933 | -1.200699 .4269251 -2.81 0.007 -2.060055 -.3413436 + _Iyob_1934 | -1.21874 .4305605 -2.83 0.007 -2.085413 -.3520666 + _Iyob_1935 | -1.266369 .4339903 -2.92 0.005 -2.139946 -.392792 + _Iyob_1936 | -1.245621 .437854 -2.84 0.007 -2.126976 -.3642666 + _Iyob_1937 | -1.246656 .4410785 -2.83 0.007 -2.134501 -.3588112 + _Iyob_1938 | -1.256573 .4447202 -2.83 0.007 -2.151749 -.3613976 + _Iyob_1939 | -1.256122 .4485624 -2.80 0.007 -2.159031 -.3532124 + _Iyob_1940 | -1.272223 .4525985 -2.81 0.007 -2.183256 -.3611893 + _Iyob_1941 | -1.274849 .455753 -2.80 0.008 -2.192232 -.3574661 + _Iyob_1942 | -1.284458 .4594451 -2.80 0.008 -2.209273 -.3596426 + _Iyob_1943 | -1.291326 .4623688 -2.79 0.008 -2.222026 -.3606255 + _Iyob_1944 | -1.307081 .4666774 -2.80 0.007 -2.246454 -.3677084 + _Iyob_1945 | -1.329323 .4699537 -2.83 0.007 -2.275291 -.3833555 + _Iyob_1946 | -1.315615 .4732595 -2.78 0.008 -2.268237 -.3629927 + _Iyob_1947 | -1.323572 .4768232 -2.78 0.008 -2.283367 -.3637767 + _Iyob_1948 | -1.339875 .4805681 -2.79 0.008 -2.307209 -.3725421 + _Iyob_1949 | -1.35854 .4841282 -2.81 0.007 -2.33304 -.384041 + _Iyob_1950 | -1.378852 .4877368 -2.83 0.007 -2.360615 -.3970889 + _Iyob_1951 | -1.398878 .4914526 -2.85 0.007 -2.388121 -.4096354 + _Iyob_1952 | -1.416438 .4952422 -2.86 0.006 -2.413309 -.4195672 + _Iyob_1953 | -1.439309 .4984308 -2.89 0.006 -2.442598 -.4360197 + _Iyob_1954 | -1.468209 .5022743 -2.92 0.005 -2.479235 -.4571837 + _Iyob_1955 | -1.495839 .5057431 -2.96 0.005 -2.513847 -.4778313 + _Iyob_1956 | -1.457862 .5097251 -2.86 0.006 -2.483886 -.431839 + _Iyob_1957 | -1.475729 .5128271 -2.88 0.006 -2.507996 -.4434612 + _Iyob_1958 | -1.493959 .5169494 -2.89 0.006 -2.534524 -.4533937 + _Iyob_1959 | -1.511165 .5199794 -2.91 0.006 -2.55783 -.4645009 + _Iyob_1960 | -1.531784 .5237779 -2.92 0.005 -2.586094 -.4774739 + _Iyob_1961 | -1.5558 .5275313 -2.95 0.005 -2.617665 -.4939342 + _Iyob_1962 | -1.578711 .5310498 -2.97 0.005 -2.647659 -.5097631 + _Iyob_1963 | -1.608466 .5343193 -3.01 0.004 -2.683995 -.5329367 + _Iyob_1964 | -1.638929 .5380382 -3.05 0.004 -2.721944 -.5559145 + _Iyob_1965 | -1.68277 .541836 -3.11 0.003 -2.773429 -.5921111 + _cons | -17.94513 6.384742 -2.81 0.007 -30.79695 -5.093315 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: lebergott09 south imr1890 aurb90 aadlit91 docs1898 spend + hookworm ablack91 unemp_1930 chgterm chgptratio _Ibplg_2 + _Ibplg_4 _Ibplg_5 _Ibplg_6 _Ibplg_8 _Ibplg_9 _Ibplg_10 + _Ibplg_11 _Ibplg_12 _Ibplg_13 _Ibplg_15 _Ibplg_16 _Ibplg_17 + _Ibplg_18 _Ibplg_19 _Ibplg_20 _Ibplg_21 _Ibplg_22 _Ibplg_23 + _Ibplg_24 _Ibplg_25 _Ibplg_26 _Ibplg_27 _Ibplg_28 _Ibplg_29 + _Ibplg_30 _Ibplg_31 _Ibplg_32 _Ibplg_33 _Ibplg_34 _Ibplg_35 + _Ibplg_36 _Ibplg_37 _Ibplg_38 _Ibplg_39 _Ibplg_40 _Ibplg_41 + _Ibplg_42 _Ibplg_44 _Ibplg_45 _Ibplg_46 _Ibplg_47 _Ibplg_48 + _Ibplg_49 _Ibplg_50 _Ibplg_51 _Ibplg_53 _Ibplg_54 _Ibplg_55 + _Ibplg_56 _Iyear_1880 _Iyear_1900 _Iyear_1910 _Iyear_1920 + _Iyear_1930 _Iyear_1940 _Iyear_1950 _Iyear_1960 _Iyear_1970 + _Iyear_1980 _Iyear_1990 _Iyob_1816 _Iyob_1817 _Iyob_1818 + _Iyob_1819 _Iyob_1820 _Iyob_1821 _Iyob_1822 _Iyob_1823 + _Iyob_1824 _Iyob_1825 _Iyob_1826 _Iyob_1827 _Iyob_1828 + _Iyob_1829 _Iyob_1830 _Iyob_1831 _Iyob_1832 _Iyob_1833 + _Iyob_1834 _Iyob_1835 _Iyob_1836 _Iyob_1837 _Iyob_1838 + _Iyob_1839 _Iyob_1840 _Iyob_1841 _Iyob_1842 _Iyob_1843 + _Iyob_1844 _Iyob_1845 _Iyob_1846 _Iyob_1847 _Iyob_1848 + _Iyob_1849 _Iyob_1850 _Iyob_1851 _Iyob_1852 _Iyob_1853 + _Iyob_1854 _Iyob_1855 _Iyob_1856 _Iyob_1857 _Iyob_1858 + _Iyob_1859 _Iyob_1860 _Iyob_1861 _Iyob_1862 _Iyob_1863 + _Iyob_1864 _Iyob_1865 _Iyob_1866 _Iyob_1867 _Iyob_1868 + _Iyob_1869 _Iyob_1870 _Iyob_1871 _Iyob_1872 _Iyob_1873 + _Iyob_1874 _Iyob_1875 _Iyob_1876 _Iyob_1877 _Iyob_1878 + _Iyob_1879 _Iyob_1880 _Iyob_1881 _Iyob_1882 _Iyob_1883 + _Iyob_1884 _Iyob_1885 _Iyob_1886 _Iyob_1887 _Iyob_1888 + _Iyob_1889 _Iyob_1890 _Iyob_1891 _Iyob_1892 _Iyob_1893 + _Iyob_1894 _Iyob_1895 _Iyob_1896 _Iyob_1897 _Iyob_1898 + _Iyob_1899 _Iyob_1900 _Iyob_1901 _Iyob_1902 _Iyob_1903 + _Iyob_1904 _Iyob_1905 _Iyob_1906 _Iyob_1907 _Iyob_1908 + _Iyob_1909 _Iyob_1910 _Iyob_1911 _Iyob_1912 _Iyob_1913 + _Iyob_1914 _Iyob_1915 _Iyob_1916 _Iyob_1917 _Iyob_1918 + _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 + _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 + _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 + _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 + _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 + _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 + _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 + _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 + _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 + _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 malecol_hong tempavg altitude +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.year i.yob +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1815-1965 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1815 omitted) + +. ivreg occscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplg) +(sum of wgt is 2.7692e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 16487 + F( 45, 46) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.8647 + Root MSE = .06284 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0670251 .0578494 1.16 0.253 -.0494197 .18347 + lebergott09 | .0000474 .000018 2.63 0.012 .0000111 .0000837 + south | .0706417 .0394048 1.79 0.080 -.008676 .1499594 + imr1890 | -4.70e-06 1.06e-06 -4.42 0.000 -6.85e-06 -2.56e-06 + aurb90 | (omitted) + aadlit91 | (omitted) + docs1898 | 9.44e-07 5.00e-07 1.89 0.066 -6.31e-08 1.95e-06 + spend | -2.10e-07 1.84e-07 -1.14 0.258 -5.80e-07 1.59e-07 + hookworm | (omitted) + ablack91 | (omitted) + unemp_1930 | -.0001849 .0000609 -3.04 0.004 -.0003075 -.0000623 + chgterm | (omitted) + chgptratio | .0000582 .0000899 0.65 0.520 -.0001227 .0002391 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | .1227338 1.021994 0.12 0.905 -1.934433 2.1799 + _Ibplg_5 | .685809 .8390106 0.82 0.418 -1.003032 2.37465 + _Ibplg_6 | 2.742971 .5186419 5.29 0.000 1.698999 3.786943 + _Ibplg_8 | 2.83924 .4930687 5.76 0.000 1.846744 3.831736 + _Ibplg_9 | 3.612528 .2807176 12.87 0.000 3.047473 4.177583 + _Ibplg_10 | 1.543835 .3133323 4.93 0.000 .9131293 2.17454 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.575822 .3467138 4.55 0.000 .8779229 2.27372 + _Ibplg_13 | .2930421 .0635689 4.61 0.000 .1650846 .4209996 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | 1.222268 .839941 1.46 0.152 -.4684452 2.912982 + _Ibplg_17 | -.4335279 .300906 -1.44 0.156 -1.03922 .1721644 + _Ibplg_18 | -.2796978 .3029181 -0.92 0.361 -.8894403 .3300448 + _Ibplg_19 | .8228873 .3638984 2.26 0.029 .0903979 1.555377 + _Ibplg_20 | .848706 .6095212 1.39 0.170 -.3781966 2.075609 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.972019 .3661538 5.39 0.000 1.234989 2.709048 + _Ibplg_22 | 2.737407 .3354281 8.16 0.000 2.062225 3.412589 + _Ibplg_23 | 4.074561 .2520642 16.16 0.000 3.567182 4.58194 + _Ibplg_24 | 2.406641 .3500484 6.88 0.000 1.70203 3.111252 + _Ibplg_25 | 4.589393 .2569899 17.86 0.000 4.072099 5.106687 + _Ibplg_26 | 1.363991 .3156805 4.32 0.000 .7285593 1.999423 + _Ibplg_27 | 1.003822 .3702709 2.71 0.009 .2585056 1.749139 + _Ibplg_28 | .9591512 .4925348 1.95 0.058 -.0322699 1.950572 + _Ibplg_29 | .1435636 .468743 0.31 0.761 -.7999671 1.087094 + _Ibplg_30 | 2.067533 .7210205 2.87 0.006 .6161935 3.518872 + _Ibplg_31 | .2984214 .4089028 0.73 0.469 -.5246572 1.1215 + _Ibplg_32 | 3.736029 .8332815 4.48 0.000 2.05872 5.413338 + _Ibplg_33 | 3.888029 .2361414 16.46 0.000 3.412701 4.363357 + _Ibplg_34 | 2.197806 .2683963 8.19 0.000 1.657553 2.73806 + _Ibplg_35 | -1.353899 .4392743 -3.08 0.003 -2.238113 -.469686 + _Ibplg_36 | 2.273203 .2509149 9.06 0.000 1.768138 2.778269 + _Ibplg_37 | -.5222343 .2124471 -2.46 0.018 -.9498682 -.0946005 + _Ibplg_38 | .1234197 .6326383 0.20 0.846 -1.150015 1.396855 + _Ibplg_39 | .6849942 .2597464 2.64 0.011 .1621517 1.207837 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | 1.349244 .5255093 2.57 0.014 .2914492 2.40704 + _Ibplg_42 | 2.380045 .2647263 8.99 0.000 1.847179 2.912912 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.362157 .2519968 17.31 0.000 3.854914 4.8694 + _Ibplg_45 | .5595934 .0462713 12.09 0.000 .4664541 .6527327 + _Ibplg_46 | -.7618874 .5051305 -1.51 0.138 -1.778662 .2548876 + _Ibplg_47 | .1921158 .0959422 2.00 0.051 -.0010058 .3852374 + _Ibplg_48 | .8640207 .5207353 1.66 0.104 -.184165 1.912207 + _Ibplg_49 | .4045726 .8390564 0.48 0.632 -1.28436 2.093505 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.597648 .2404502 14.96 0.000 3.113647 4.08165 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.834017 .2849933 6.44 0.000 1.260355 2.407679 + _Ibplg_53 | 2.74456 .7104012 3.86 0.000 1.314597 4.174524 + _Ibplg_54 | 1.267724 .59242 2.14 0.038 .0752441 2.460203 + _Ibplg_55 | 1.695041 .3132202 5.41 0.000 1.064561 2.32552 + _Ibplg_56 | 1.191253 .5718315 2.08 0.043 .0402156 2.34229 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | .0004576 .0004568 1.00 0.322 -.0004618 .001377 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.000207 .0004826 -0.43 0.670 -.0011784 .0007644 + _IbplXyob_6 | .0000309 .0002005 0.15 0.878 -.0003727 .0004346 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0003056 .0001754 -1.74 0.088 -.0006586 .0000475 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0003526 .0000627 -5.63 0.000 -.0004788 -.0002265 +_IbplXyob_10 | .000067 .0001143 0.59 0.561 -.0001631 .0002971 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | -.000138 .0000825 -1.67 0.101 -.0003041 .0000281 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0003712 .0003307 -1.12 0.268 -.0010368 .0002945 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0017847 .0001001 17.83 0.000 .0015832 .0019862 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0010366 .00011 9.43 0.000 .0008153 .0012579 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0001055 .0002284 -0.46 0.646 -.0005652 .0003541 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0002413 .0002623 -0.92 0.362 -.0007694 .0002867 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.0006285 .0002206 -2.85 0.007 -.0010727 -.0001844 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0009469 .0001462 -6.48 0.000 -.0012413 -.0006526 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0013412 .0000735 -18.24 0.000 -.0014892 -.0011932 +_IbplXyob_24 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0003556 .0001267 -2.81 0.007 -.0006107 -.0001006 +_IbplXyob_26 | .0007698 .0002156 3.57 0.001 .0003357 .0012038 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0001185 .0001898 -0.62 0.536 -.0005005 .0002636 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0007698 .0002241 -3.43 0.001 -.0012209 -.0003186 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0007198 .0002237 3.22 0.002 .0002695 .0011701 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.001196 .0003394 -3.52 0.001 -.0018791 -.0005129 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0003472 .0001799 -1.93 0.060 -.0007092 .0000148 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0010392 .0002121 -4.90 0.000 -.0014662 -.0006122 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0007044 .0001498 -4.70 0.000 -.0010059 -.0004029 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0007736 .000116 6.67 0.000 .00054 .0010072 +_IbplXyob_35 | .0007745 .0003091 2.51 0.016 .0001525 .0013966 +_IbplXyob_36 | .0007856 .0000789 9.96 0.000 .0006268 .0009444 +_IbplXyob_37 | -.000047 .0002794 -0.17 0.867 -.0006093 .0005153 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.0005269 .0002436 -2.16 0.036 -.0010173 -.0000366 +_IbplXyob_39 | .0009618 .0001053 9.13 0.000 .0007498 .0011738 +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0001392 .0001595 -0.87 0.388 -.0004603 .000182 +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0006901 .000185 -3.73 0.001 -.0010625 -.0003177 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0003836 .0002592 -1.48 0.146 -.0009055 .0001382 +_IbplXyob_47 | .0001163 .0001508 0.77 0.445 -.0001873 .0004198 +_IbplXyob_48 | .0000359 .0003018 0.12 0.906 -.0005715 .0006433 +_IbplXyob_49 | .0002042 .0002056 0.99 0.326 -.0002096 .000618 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.000895 .0001667 -5.37 0.000 -.0012305 -.0005594 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0007282 .0001996 -3.65 0.001 -.00113 -.0003263 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0009731 .0001087 -8.95 0.000 -.001192 -.0007543 +_IbplXyob_54 | -.0003102 .0003534 -0.88 0.385 -.0010215 .0004012 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0005424 .000122 -4.45 0.000 -.000788 -.0002969 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0006821 .0001681 -4.06 0.000 -.0010205 -.0003436 + _Iyear_1880 | .0414668 .0061515 6.74 0.000 .0290845 .0538491 + _Iyear_1900 | .1035425 .0081918 12.64 0.000 .0870532 .1200317 + _Iyear_1910 | .1535647 .0098281 15.63 0.000 .1337817 .1733477 + _Iyear_1920 | .1854114 .0100978 18.36 0.000 .1650856 .2057372 + _Iyear_1930 | .226526 .012008 18.86 0.000 .2023552 .2506967 + _Iyear_1940 | .2083559 .01215 17.15 0.000 .1838993 .2328125 + _Iyear_1950 | .2700701 .0125259 21.56 0.000 .2448569 .2952834 + _Iyear_1960 | .3273333 .0140812 23.25 0.000 .2989894 .3556772 + _Iyear_1970 | .3680188 .0137954 26.68 0.000 .3402502 .3957874 + _Iyear_1980 | .3755165 .0137805 27.25 0.000 .3477777 .4032552 + _Iyear_1990 | .3763601 .013024 28.90 0.000 .3501442 .4025761 + _Iyob_1816 | .0720093 .0413776 1.74 0.088 -.0112794 .155298 + _Iyob_1817 | .0416364 .0396916 1.05 0.300 -.0382587 .1215315 + _Iyob_1818 | .0911429 .0391432 2.33 0.024 .0123518 .169934 + _Iyob_1819 | .0891472 .0363596 2.45 0.018 .0159591 .1623354 + _Iyob_1820 | .0786462 .0378565 2.08 0.043 .002445 .1548475 + _Iyob_1821 | .1463504 .027066 5.41 0.000 .0918693 .2008314 + _Iyob_1822 | .1177482 .0375283 3.14 0.003 .0422076 .1932887 + _Iyob_1823 | .1001468 .0377018 2.66 0.011 .0242569 .1760366 + _Iyob_1824 | .1139164 .0433372 2.63 0.012 .0266832 .2011495 + _Iyob_1825 | .0891115 .0291175 3.06 0.004 .0305009 .1477221 + _Iyob_1826 | .0994563 .0303589 3.28 0.002 .038347 .1605656 + _Iyob_1827 | .1014787 .0296535 3.42 0.001 .0417892 .1611682 + _Iyob_1828 | .1192479 .0285544 4.18 0.000 .0617709 .1767249 + _Iyob_1829 | .1235862 .0282571 4.37 0.000 .0667076 .1804648 + _Iyob_1830 | .1278091 .0293058 4.36 0.000 .0688195 .1867987 + _Iyob_1831 | .1387817 .028296 4.90 0.000 .0818249 .1957386 + _Iyob_1832 | .1472613 .02806 5.25 0.000 .0907794 .2037432 + _Iyob_1833 | .1478922 .0294708 5.02 0.000 .0885706 .2072138 + _Iyob_1834 | .1463143 .027739 5.27 0.000 .0904786 .2021501 + _Iyob_1835 | .1559149 .0295116 5.28 0.000 .0965112 .2153186 + _Iyob_1836 | .1525705 .0281193 5.43 0.000 .0959693 .2091718 + _Iyob_1837 | .1655141 .0280989 5.89 0.000 .1089539 .2220742 + _Iyob_1838 | .1727243 .0289543 5.97 0.000 .1144423 .2310062 + _Iyob_1839 | .1772863 .0278635 6.36 0.000 .1212 .2333726 + _Iyob_1840 | .1686983 .0288168 5.85 0.000 .1106931 .2267035 + _Iyob_1841 | .1753085 .0280555 6.25 0.000 .1188356 .2317814 + _Iyob_1842 | .1693557 .0289401 5.85 0.000 .1111022 .2276092 + _Iyob_1843 | .1693841 .0284287 5.96 0.000 .1121601 .2266082 + _Iyob_1844 | .160983 .0285503 5.64 0.000 .1035143 .2184518 + _Iyob_1845 | .1506756 .0295506 5.10 0.000 .0911933 .2101579 + _Iyob_1846 | .1619227 .0285214 5.68 0.000 .1045122 .2193333 + _Iyob_1847 | .1510487 .0278414 5.43 0.000 .0950068 .2070906 + _Iyob_1848 | .1572401 .0272438 5.77 0.000 .1024011 .2120791 + _Iyob_1849 | .1612126 .0280076 5.76 0.000 .1048362 .2175891 + _Iyob_1850 | .1475705 .0282591 5.22 0.000 .0906879 .204453 + _Iyob_1851 | .1514894 .0270663 5.60 0.000 .0970077 .205971 + _Iyob_1852 | .1371051 .02693 5.09 0.000 .0828978 .1913125 + _Iyob_1853 | .1248646 .0262625 4.75 0.000 .0720009 .1777283 + _Iyob_1854 | .1077477 .0265682 4.06 0.000 .0542687 .1612268 + _Iyob_1855 | .0905187 .0266453 3.40 0.001 .0368844 .144153 + _Iyob_1856 | .1538869 .0303437 5.07 0.000 .0928081 .2149657 + _Iyob_1857 | .1770143 .0249679 7.09 0.000 .1267566 .227272 + _Iyob_1858 | .1809061 .0317818 5.69 0.000 .1169327 .2448795 + _Iyob_1859 | .2072831 .0272297 7.61 0.000 .1524724 .2620937 + _Iyob_1860 | .1895562 .0285289 6.64 0.000 .1321306 .2469819 + _Iyob_1861 | .1817744 .0292281 6.22 0.000 .1229412 .2406076 + _Iyob_1862 | .2285653 .0269841 8.47 0.000 .174249 .2828815 + _Iyob_1863 | .2126521 .0243692 8.73 0.000 .1635994 .2617048 + _Iyob_1864 | .2184762 .0287348 7.60 0.000 .160636 .2763163 + _Iyob_1865 | .1928633 .0257295 7.50 0.000 .1410725 .2446542 + _Iyob_1866 | .1863583 .0284197 6.56 0.000 .1291523 .2435642 + _Iyob_1867 | .1969443 .0256772 7.67 0.000 .1452588 .2486299 + _Iyob_1868 | .1972929 .0271237 7.27 0.000 .1426957 .25189 + _Iyob_1869 | .211204 .0271276 7.79 0.000 .156599 .265809 + _Iyob_1870 | .2159193 .0264169 8.17 0.000 .1627448 .2690937 + _Iyob_1871 | .2004137 .026046 7.69 0.000 .1479858 .2528416 + _Iyob_1872 | .1972703 .024064 8.20 0.000 .148832 .2457086 + _Iyob_1873 | .1974104 .0264505 7.46 0.000 .1441682 .2506526 + _Iyob_1874 | .1878171 .0270977 6.93 0.000 .1332722 .242362 + _Iyob_1875 | .1879071 .0272055 6.91 0.000 .1331452 .2426689 + _Iyob_1876 | .2035937 .0286187 7.11 0.000 .1459871 .2612002 + _Iyob_1877 | .2188947 .0278059 7.87 0.000 .1629244 .274865 + _Iyob_1878 | .2248405 .0297907 7.55 0.000 .1648749 .2848062 + _Iyob_1879 | .2233977 .0263996 8.46 0.000 .1702581 .2765373 + _Iyob_1880 | .2182325 .0270308 8.07 0.000 .1638224 .2726426 + _Iyob_1881 | .228679 .0267223 8.56 0.000 .1748898 .2824683 + _Iyob_1882 | .223451 .026932 8.30 0.000 .1692397 .2776622 + _Iyob_1883 | .2062501 .0253656 8.13 0.000 .1551919 .2573084 + _Iyob_1884 | .2135921 .0267663 7.98 0.000 .1597143 .2674698 + _Iyob_1885 | .1937906 .0261436 7.41 0.000 .1411663 .246415 + _Iyob_1886 | .2012584 .0296842 6.78 0.000 .1415072 .2610095 + _Iyob_1887 | .2175911 .0284474 7.65 0.000 .1603295 .2748528 + _Iyob_1888 | .2285485 .027472 8.32 0.000 .1732502 .2838469 + _Iyob_1889 | .2348025 .0278589 8.43 0.000 .1787255 .2908795 + _Iyob_1890 | .2268989 .0262153 8.66 0.000 .1741301 .2796676 + _Iyob_1891 | .232225 .0268288 8.66 0.000 .1782214 .2862286 + _Iyob_1892 | .2265485 .0275239 8.23 0.000 .1711457 .2819512 + _Iyob_1893 | .2135079 .0278198 7.67 0.000 .1575095 .2695062 + _Iyob_1894 | .2029435 .0270179 7.51 0.000 .1485592 .2573278 + _Iyob_1895 | .1914124 .0289196 6.62 0.000 .1332003 .2496246 + _Iyob_1896 | .2251609 .0291615 7.72 0.000 .1664619 .2838599 + _Iyob_1897 | .2276231 .0292281 7.79 0.000 .1687901 .2864561 + _Iyob_1898 | .2275084 .0273486 8.32 0.000 .1724584 .2825583 + _Iyob_1899 | .2419864 .0288868 8.38 0.000 .1838402 .3001325 + _Iyob_1900 | .2332024 .0285399 8.17 0.000 .1757546 .2906503 + _Iyob_1901 | .2477641 .0289957 8.54 0.000 .1893987 .3061295 + _Iyob_1902 | .2462775 .0281815 8.74 0.000 .1895511 .303004 + _Iyob_1903 | .2384095 .0267039 8.93 0.000 .1846574 .2921616 + _Iyob_1904 | .2249717 .0245373 9.17 0.000 .1755805 .2743628 + _Iyob_1905 | .1908563 .0223971 8.52 0.000 .1457734 .2359392 + _Iyob_1906 | .2040574 .0221733 9.20 0.000 .1594249 .2486899 + _Iyob_1907 | .2012872 .0199542 10.09 0.000 .1611214 .2414529 + _Iyob_1908 | .1930374 .0189897 10.17 0.000 .1548132 .2312616 + _Iyob_1909 | .1824881 .0178938 10.20 0.000 .1464698 .2185064 + _Iyob_1910 | .1775802 .0156664 11.34 0.000 .1460454 .2091149 + _Iyob_1911 | .1622403 .01635 9.92 0.000 .1293293 .1951512 + _Iyob_1912 | .1460541 .0153386 9.52 0.000 .1151791 .1769292 + _Iyob_1913 | .1374817 .0153079 8.98 0.000 .1066685 .1682948 + _Iyob_1914 | .1248279 .0155595 8.02 0.000 .0935083 .1561475 + _Iyob_1915 | .0959317 .0153257 6.26 0.000 .0650826 .1267808 + _Iyob_1916 | .1106321 .0172357 6.42 0.000 .0759384 .1453258 + _Iyob_1917 | .1084484 .0182306 5.95 0.000 .071752 .1451448 + _Iyob_1918 | .1016878 .0196454 5.18 0.000 .0621436 .141232 + _Iyob_1919 | .0991586 .0209048 4.74 0.000 .0570794 .1412378 + _Iyob_1920 | .0844082 .0221135 3.82 0.000 .039896 .1289204 + _Iyob_1921 | .0914634 .022295 4.10 0.000 .0465859 .1363408 + _Iyob_1922 | .0922214 .0220134 4.19 0.000 .0479108 .1365321 + _Iyob_1923 | .0846947 .0216037 3.92 0.000 .0412087 .1281807 + _Iyob_1924 | .0803352 .0201612 3.98 0.000 .0397528 .1209175 + _Iyob_1925 | .0354927 .0198544 1.79 0.080 -.0044721 .0754574 + _Iyob_1926 | .0716829 .0194943 3.68 0.001 .0324428 .1109229 + _Iyob_1927 | .082575 .0192796 4.28 0.000 .0437672 .1213828 + _Iyob_1928 | .0864917 .0189715 4.56 0.000 .0483041 .1246794 + _Iyob_1929 | .0914364 .0180012 5.08 0.000 .055202 .1276709 + _Iyob_1930 | .0948965 .0180151 5.27 0.000 .058634 .1311589 + _Iyob_1931 | .101165 .0169563 5.97 0.000 .0670338 .1352961 + _Iyob_1932 | .1025444 .0173365 5.91 0.000 .0676477 .137441 + _Iyob_1933 | .1049557 .0165023 6.36 0.000 .0717384 .1381731 + _Iyob_1934 | .0987012 .0166387 5.93 0.000 .0652092 .1321932 + _Iyob_1935 | .0628507 .0153317 4.10 0.000 .0319897 .0937117 + _Iyob_1936 | .0953414 .0150835 6.32 0.000 .0649798 .125703 + _Iyob_1937 | .1060251 .0141502 7.49 0.000 .0775423 .1345079 + _Iyob_1938 | .1079296 .0144498 7.47 0.000 .0788435 .1370156 + _Iyob_1939 | .1201805 .0133791 8.98 0.000 .0932498 .1471112 + _Iyob_1940 | .115914 .0126294 9.18 0.000 .0904924 .1413356 + _Iyob_1941 | .1249401 .0121269 10.30 0.000 .10053 .1493503 + _Iyob_1942 | .1271409 .012084 10.52 0.000 .102817 .1514647 + _Iyob_1943 | .1320559 .0114592 11.52 0.000 .1089897 .1551222 + _Iyob_1944 | .1281236 .0105175 12.18 0.000 .1069529 .1492943 + _Iyob_1945 | .1177308 .0106996 11.00 0.000 .0961935 .139268 + _Iyob_1946 | .1431113 .0100819 14.19 0.000 .1228175 .163405 + _Iyob_1947 | .147025 .0092276 15.93 0.000 .1284509 .1655991 + _Iyob_1948 | .1424744 .0090212 15.79 0.000 .1243156 .1606332 + _Iyob_1949 | .1356018 .0080354 16.88 0.000 .1194274 .1517763 + _Iyob_1950 | .1271225 .0077267 16.45 0.000 .1115695 .1426755 + _Iyob_1951 | .1188231 .0071725 16.57 0.000 .1043856 .1332606 + _Iyob_1952 | .113095 .0069728 16.22 0.000 .0990595 .1271305 + _Iyob_1953 | .1020031 .0062386 16.35 0.000 .0894454 .1145607 + _Iyob_1954 | .0849113 .0059421 14.29 0.000 .0729504 .0968721 + _Iyob_1955 | .0690475 .0056466 12.23 0.000 .0576814 .0804136 + _Iyob_1956 | .118786 .0052281 22.72 0.000 .1082624 .1293097 + _Iyob_1957 | .1127346 .0049913 22.59 0.000 .1026876 .1227816 + _Iyob_1958 | .1061964 .0043321 24.51 0.000 .0974764 .1149165 + _Iyob_1959 | .1008333 .0041165 24.49 0.000 .0925472 .1091193 + _Iyob_1960 | .0919622 .0034544 26.62 0.000 .0850089 .0989155 + _Iyob_1961 | .079729 .0030687 25.98 0.000 .0735521 .0859058 + _Iyob_1962 | .0686656 .0028143 24.40 0.000 .0630007 .0743306 + _Iyob_1963 | .0507234 .0022753 22.29 0.000 .0461433 .0553034 + _Iyob_1964 | .0319504 .0025171 12.69 0.000 .0268837 .0370171 + _Iyob_1965 | (omitted) + _cons | 3.154732 .6856179 4.60 0.000 1.774655 4.53481 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: lebergott09 south imr1890 aurb90 aadlit91 docs1898 spend + hookworm ablack91 unemp_1930 chgterm chgptratio _Ibplg_2 + _Ibplg_4 _Ibplg_5 _Ibplg_6 _Ibplg_8 _Ibplg_9 _Ibplg_10 + _Ibplg_11 _Ibplg_12 _Ibplg_13 _Ibplg_15 _Ibplg_16 _Ibplg_17 + _Ibplg_18 _Ibplg_19 _Ibplg_20 _Ibplg_21 _Ibplg_22 _Ibplg_23 + _Ibplg_24 _Ibplg_25 _Ibplg_26 _Ibplg_27 _Ibplg_28 _Ibplg_29 + _Ibplg_30 _Ibplg_31 _Ibplg_32 _Ibplg_33 _Ibplg_34 _Ibplg_35 + _Ibplg_36 _Ibplg_37 _Ibplg_38 _Ibplg_39 _Ibplg_40 _Ibplg_41 + _Ibplg_42 _Ibplg_44 _Ibplg_45 _Ibplg_46 _Ibplg_47 _Ibplg_48 + _Ibplg_49 _Ibplg_50 _Ibplg_51 _Ibplg_53 _Ibplg_54 _Ibplg_55 + _Ibplg_56 _IbplXyob_2 _IbplXyob_4 _IbplXyob_5 _IbplXyob_6 + _IbplXyob_8 _IbplXyob_9 _IbplXyob_10 _IbplXyob_11 + _IbplXyob_12 _IbplXyob_13 _IbplXyob_15 _IbplXyob_16 + _IbplXyob_17 _IbplXyob_18 _IbplXyob_19 _IbplXyob_20 + _IbplXyob_21 _IbplXyob_22 _IbplXyob_23 _IbplXyob_24 + _IbplXyob_25 _IbplXyob_26 _IbplXyob_27 _IbplXyob_28 + _IbplXyob_29 _IbplXyob_30 _IbplXyob_31 _IbplXyob_32 + _IbplXyob_33 _IbplXyob_34 _IbplXyob_35 _IbplXyob_36 + _IbplXyob_37 _IbplXyob_38 _IbplXyob_39 _IbplXyob_40 + _IbplXyob_41 _IbplXyob_42 _IbplXyob_44 _IbplXyob_45 + _IbplXyob_46 _IbplXyob_47 _IbplXyob_48 _IbplXyob_49 + _IbplXyob_50 _IbplXyob_51 _IbplXyob_53 _IbplXyob_54 + _IbplXyob_55 _IbplXyob_56 _Iyear_1880 _Iyear_1900 _Iyear_1910 + _Iyear_1920 _Iyear_1930 _Iyear_1940 _Iyear_1950 _Iyear_1960 + _Iyear_1970 _Iyear_1980 _Iyear_1990 _Iyob_1816 _Iyob_1817 + _Iyob_1818 _Iyob_1819 _Iyob_1820 _Iyob_1821 _Iyob_1822 + _Iyob_1823 _Iyob_1824 _Iyob_1825 _Iyob_1826 _Iyob_1827 + _Iyob_1828 _Iyob_1829 _Iyob_1830 _Iyob_1831 _Iyob_1832 + _Iyob_1833 _Iyob_1834 _Iyob_1835 _Iyob_1836 _Iyob_1837 + _Iyob_1838 _Iyob_1839 _Iyob_1840 _Iyob_1841 _Iyob_1842 + _Iyob_1843 _Iyob_1844 _Iyob_1845 _Iyob_1846 _Iyob_1847 + _Iyob_1848 _Iyob_1849 _Iyob_1850 _Iyob_1851 _Iyob_1852 + _Iyob_1853 _Iyob_1854 _Iyob_1855 _Iyob_1856 _Iyob_1857 + _Iyob_1858 _Iyob_1859 _Iyob_1860 _Iyob_1861 _Iyob_1862 + _Iyob_1863 _Iyob_1864 _Iyob_1865 _Iyob_1866 _Iyob_1867 + _Iyob_1868 _Iyob_1869 _Iyob_1870 _Iyob_1871 _Iyob_1872 + _Iyob_1873 _Iyob_1874 _Iyob_1875 _Iyob_1876 _Iyob_1877 + _Iyob_1878 _Iyob_1879 _Iyob_1880 _Iyob_1881 _Iyob_1882 + _Iyob_1883 _Iyob_1884 _Iyob_1885 _Iyob_1886 _Iyob_1887 + _Iyob_1888 _Iyob_1889 _Iyob_1890 _Iyob_1891 _Iyob_1892 + _Iyob_1893 _Iyob_1894 _Iyob_1895 _Iyob_1896 _Iyob_1897 + _Iyob_1898 _Iyob_1899 _Iyob_1900 _Iyob_1901 _Iyob_1902 + _Iyob_1903 _Iyob_1904 _Iyob_1905 _Iyob_1906 _Iyob_1907 + _Iyob_1908 _Iyob_1909 _Iyob_1910 _Iyob_1911 _Iyob_1912 + _Iyob_1913 _Iyob_1914 _Iyob_1915 _Iyob_1916 _Iyob_1917 + _Iyob_1918 _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 + _Iyob_1923 _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 + _Iyob_1928 _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 + _Iyob_1933 _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 + _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 + _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 + _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 + _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 + _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 + _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 malecol_hong tempavg + altitude +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplg*yob i.bplg*yob2 i.year i.yob +i.bplg _Ibplg_1-56 (naturally coded; _Ibplg_1 omitted) +i.bplg*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplg*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1870-1990 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1870 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1815-1965 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1815 omitted) + +. ivreg occscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplg) +(sum of wgt is 2.7692e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 16487 + F( 45, 46) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.8715 + Root MSE = .06133 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 47 clusters in bplg) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + occscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1183056 .0463276 2.55 0.014 .0250529 .2115583 + lebergott09 | .0000421 .0000159 2.64 0.011 9.96e-06 .0000741 + south | .0105242 .0247035 0.43 0.672 -.0392014 .0602498 + imr1890 | -5.50e-06 8.99e-07 -6.11 0.000 -7.31e-06 -3.68e-06 + aurb90 | (omitted) + aadlit91 | (omitted) + docs1898 | 1.38e-06 4.53e-07 3.04 0.004 4.67e-07 2.29e-06 + spend | -3.51e-07 1.84e-07 -1.90 0.063 -7.22e-07 2.02e-08 + hookworm | (omitted) + ablack91 | (omitted) + unemp_1930 | -.000187 .000056 -3.34 0.002 -.0002996 -.0000743 + chgterm | (omitted) + chgptratio | .0001599 .0000696 2.30 0.026 .0000199 .0002999 + _Ibplg_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_4 | .8199198 .8612745 0.95 0.346 -.9137359 2.553575 + _Ibplg_5 | 1.539825 .7194598 2.14 0.038 .091627 2.988022 + _Ibplg_6 | 2.857871 .4729643 6.04 0.000 1.905843 3.809898 + _Ibplg_8 | 3.026954 .4412723 6.86 0.000 2.138719 3.915189 + _Ibplg_9 | 4.411041 .2502088 17.63 0.000 3.907397 4.914685 + _Ibplg_10 | 2.044915 .2571346 7.95 0.000 1.52733 2.5625 + _Ibplg_11 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_12 | 1.985431 .3019474 6.58 0.000 1.377642 2.59322 + _Ibplg_13 | .2842396 .0562588 5.05 0.000 .1709964 .3974828 + _Ibplg_15 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_16 | .9923722 .8101186 1.22 0.227 -.638312 2.623056 + _Ibplg_17 | .6041673 .2556275 2.36 0.022 .0896159 1.118719 + _Ibplg_18 | .8670482 .2319761 3.74 0.001 .4001045 1.333992 + _Ibplg_19 | 1.575941 .3297106 4.78 0.000 .9122684 2.239614 + _Ibplg_20 | 2.081541 .4290312 4.85 0.000 1.217946 2.945136 + _Ibplg_21 | 1.350471 .3094113 4.36 0.000 .7276581 1.973283 + _Ibplg_22 | 3.111917 .2879737 10.81 0.000 2.532255 3.691578 + _Ibplg_23 | 4.565101 .2807847 16.26 0.000 3.999911 5.130291 + _Ibplg_24 | 3.160227 .2716138 11.64 0.000 2.613497 3.706957 + _Ibplg_25 | 5.018397 .2771215 18.11 0.000 4.46058 5.576213 + _Ibplg_26 | 2.269366 .2557266 8.87 0.000 1.754615 2.784117 + _Ibplg_27 | 1.830218 .3415708 5.36 0.000 1.142671 2.517764 + _Ibplg_28 | 1.432895 .4333477 3.31 0.002 .5606116 2.305179 + _Ibplg_29 | 1.210021 .3247553 3.73 0.001 .5563229 1.86372 + _Ibplg_30 | 1.539605 .6522271 2.36 0.023 .22674 2.85247 + _Ibplg_31 | 1.471279 .3407749 4.32 0.000 .7853347 2.157223 + _Ibplg_32 | 3.732874 .7489819 4.98 0.000 2.225252 5.240497 + _Ibplg_33 | 4.349017 .2575613 16.89 0.000 3.830573 4.867461 + _Ibplg_34 | 3.109603 .2226382 13.97 0.000 2.661455 3.55775 + _Ibplg_35 | -.8364627 .3489896 -2.40 0.021 -1.538942 -.133983 + _Ibplg_36 | 3.248917 .2468759 13.16 0.000 2.751981 3.745852 + _Ibplg_37 | -.9648807 .1820371 -5.30 0.000 -1.331302 -.598459 + _Ibplg_38 | 3.626061 .6254113 5.80 0.000 2.367174 4.884949 + _Ibplg_39 | 1.872032 .2230644 8.39 0.000 1.423026 2.321037 + _Ibplg_40 | (omitted) + _Ibplg_41 | 1.574122 .4707161 3.34 0.002 .6266198 2.521625 + _Ibplg_42 | 3.224173 .24525 13.15 0.000 2.73051 3.717835 + _Ibplg_44 | 4.976262 .2443537 20.36 0.000 4.484404 5.468121 + _Ibplg_45 | .6304691 .0454251 13.88 0.000 .5390331 .7219051 + _Ibplg_46 | .4544561 .4634132 0.98 0.332 -.4783464 1.387259 + _Ibplg_47 | .0075047 .0793366 0.09 0.925 -.1521916 .1672011 + _Ibplg_48 | 1.35672 .4427353 3.06 0.004 .4655404 2.2479 + _Ibplg_49 | .7495968 .7557298 0.99 0.326 -.7716084 2.270802 + _Ibplg_50 | 3.930787 .2706166 14.53 0.000 3.386063 4.47551 + _Ibplg_51 | 1.48003 .2470124 5.99 0.000 .9828204 1.977241 + _Ibplg_53 | 2.872814 .6240541 4.60 0.000 1.616658 4.12897 + _Ibplg_54 | 1.106456 .4626766 2.39 0.021 .1751361 2.037775 + _Ibplg_55 | 2.357457 .3037547 7.76 0.000 1.746031 2.968884 + _Ibplg_56 | 1.654242 .5264709 3.14 0.003 .5945105 2.713972 + _IbplXyob_2 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | .0002314 .0003914 0.59 0.557 -.0005565 .0010192 + _IbplXyob_5 | -.0004894 .0004348 -1.13 0.266 -.0013645 .0003858 + _IbplXyob_6 | .0002742 .000171 1.60 0.116 -.00007 .0006183 + _IbplXyob_8 | -.0001757 .0001465 -1.20 0.236 -.0004706 .0001192 + _IbplXyob_9 | -.0005207 .0000568 -9.17 0.000 -.0006351 -.0004064 +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0000393 .0000919 -0.43 0.671 -.0002242 .0001456 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | -.0000933 .0000647 -1.44 0.156 -.0002234 .0000369 +_IbplXyob_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_16 | -.0001827 .0003281 -0.56 0.580 -.000843 .0004777 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0014947 .0000865 17.29 0.000 .0013207 .0016687 +_IbplXyob_18 | .0006633 .0000911 7.28 0.000 .0004799 .0008467 +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0002667 .000216 -1.23 0.223 -.0007014 .000168 +_IbplXyob_20 | -.0008262 .0001742 -4.74 0.000 -.0011769 -.0004755 +_IbplXyob_21 | -.0001735 .0001668 -1.04 0.304 -.0005093 .0001622 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0010853 .0001429 -7.59 0.000 -.001373 -.0007976 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0013838 .000082 -16.87 0.000 -.0015489 -.0012187 +_IbplXyob_24 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_25 | -.0002327 .0001182 -1.97 0.055 -.0004707 5.21e-06 +_IbplXyob_26 | .0004797 .0001886 2.54 0.014 .0001 .0008593 +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0005677 .0001783 -3.18 0.003 -.0009266 -.0002089 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.001011 .000201 -5.03 0.000 -.0014155 -.0006065 +_IbplXyob_29 | .000336 .0001678 2.00 0.051 -1.77e-06 .0006738 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0007936 .0003115 -2.55 0.014 -.0014206 -.0001667 +_IbplXyob_31 | -.0010593 .0001565 -6.77 0.000 -.0013744 -.0007442 +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0009196 .0001895 -4.85 0.000 -.0013011 -.0005381 +_IbplXyob_33 | -.0006418 .0001472 -4.36 0.000 -.0009382 -.0003455 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0005271 .0001016 5.19 0.000 .0003226 .0007317 +_IbplXyob_35 | .0003 .0002492 1.20 0.235 -.0002016 .0008017 +_IbplXyob_36 | .0006039 .0000735 8.22 0.000 .000456 .0007519 +_IbplXyob_37 | .0000537 .0002489 0.22 0.830 -.0004473 .0005547 +_IbplXyob_38 | -.002518 .0002503 -10.06 0.000 -.0030219 -.0020142 +_IbplXyob_39 | .0006068 .0000942 6.44 0.000 .0004173 .0007963 +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | -.0004084 .0001435 -2.85 0.007 -.0006972 -.0001195 +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | -.0008354 .0001666 -5.01 0.000 -.0011708 -.0005 +_IbplXyob_46 | -.0012061 .0002554 -4.72 0.000 -.0017202 -.000692 +_IbplXyob_47 | .0003637 .0001293 2.81 0.007 .0001034 .000624 +_IbplXyob_48 | -.0000564 .0002703 -0.21 0.836 -.0006004 .0004877 +_IbplXyob_49 | .0000261 .0001942 0.13 0.894 -.0003647 .0004169 +_IbplXyob_50 | -.0007452 .0001722 -4.33 0.000 -.0010919 -.0003984 +_IbplXyob_51 | -.0004809 .0001593 -3.02 0.004 -.0008015 -.0001602 +_IbplXyob_53 | -.0010078 .0000999 -10.09 0.000 -.0012088 -.0008067 +_IbplXyob_54 | -.0000936 .0002552 -0.37 0.716 -.0006072 .0004201 +_IbplXyob_55 | -.0008747 .0001135 -7.70 0.000 -.0011033 -.0006462 +_IbplXyob_56 | -.0010304 .000167 -6.17 0.000 -.0013665 -.0006943 +_IbplXyob2_2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_4 | -.0000236 9.48e-07 -24.86 0.000 -.0000255 -.0000217 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -5.90e-06 2.07e-06 -2.85 0.007 -.0000101 -1.73e-06 +_IbplXyob2_6 | -.0000367 8.41e-07 -43.67 0.000 -.0000384 -.000035 +_IbplXyob2_8 | -.0000198 9.75e-07 -20.29 0.000 -.0000217 -.0000178 +_IbplXyob2_9 | -8.80e-06 7.64e-07 -11.52 0.000 -.0000103 -7.26e-06 +_IbplXy~2_10 | 1.91e-06 8.70e-07 2.19 0.033 1.56e-07 3.66e-06 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | -2.59e-06 7.30e-07 -3.55 0.001 -4.06e-06 -1.12e-06 +_IbplXy~2_13 | -1.81e-06 1.98e-07 -9.10 0.000 -2.20e-06 -1.41e-06 +_IbplXy~2_15 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000243 1.49e-06 -16.26 0.000 -.0000273 -.0000212 +_IbplXy~2_17 | -.0000234 7.97e-07 -29.42 0.000 -.000025 -.0000218 +_IbplXy~2_18 | -.0000197 7.61e-07 -25.93 0.000 -.0000213 -.0000182 +_IbplXy~2_19 | -3.03e-07 1.12e-06 -0.27 0.787 -2.55e-06 1.94e-06 +_IbplXy~2_20 | -5.23e-06 1.06e-06 -4.93 0.000 -7.37e-06 -3.10e-06 +_IbplXy~2_21 | 6.85e-06 1.11e-06 6.17 0.000 4.61e-06 9.08e-06 +_IbplXy~2_22 | -1.37e-06 8.39e-07 -1.64 0.109 -3.06e-06 3.16e-07 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -4.20e-06 1.04e-06 -4.03 0.000 -6.29e-06 -2.10e-06 +_IbplXy~2_24 | -4.77e-06 9.12e-07 -5.24 0.000 -6.61e-06 -2.94e-06 +_IbplXy~2_25 | -9.37e-07 8.55e-07 -1.10 0.279 -2.66e-06 7.84e-07 +_IbplXy~2_26 | -.0000177 7.84e-07 -22.57 0.000 -.0000193 -.0000161 +_IbplXy~2_27 | -1.68e-06 9.65e-07 -1.74 0.088 -3.62e-06 2.62e-07 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -1.41e-06 1.38e-06 -1.02 0.314 -4.19e-06 1.37e-06 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -9.13e-06 1.06e-06 -8.63 0.000 -.0000113 -7.00e-06 +_IbplXy~2_30 | -.0000355 8.87e-07 -39.98 0.000 -.0000372 -.0000337 +_IbplXy~2_31 | 1.39e-06 1.01e-06 1.37 0.176 -6.49e-07 3.43e-06 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -.0000346 8.58e-07 -40.34 0.000 -.0000363 -.0000329 +_IbplXy~2_33 | -3.11e-06 9.46e-07 -3.29 0.002 -5.02e-06 -1.21e-06 +_IbplXy~2_34 | -.0000135 6.44e-07 -20.99 0.000 -.0000148 -.0000122 +_IbplXy~2_35 | .0000136 9.10e-07 14.94 0.000 .0000118 .0000154 +_IbplXy~2_36 | -.0000167 7.95e-07 -21.02 0.000 -.0000183 -.0000151 +_IbplXy~2_37 | 7.57e-06 5.74e-07 13.19 0.000 6.41e-06 8.72e-06 +_IbplXy~2_38 | .0000269 1.67e-06 16.17 0.000 .0000236 .0000303 +_IbplXy~2_39 | -.0000225 7.51e-07 -29.94 0.000 -.000024 -.000021 +_IbplXy~2_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_41 | -.0000328 1.07e-06 -30.62 0.000 -.0000349 -.0000306 +_IbplXy~2_42 | -.000012 8.18e-07 -14.68 0.000 -.0000137 -.0000104 +_IbplXy~2_44 | -4.57e-06 7.44e-07 -6.14 0.000 -6.07e-06 -3.07e-06 +_IbplXy~2_45 | -3.16e-06 2.30e-07 -13.72 0.000 -3.62e-06 -2.69e-06 +_IbplXy~2_46 | -3.31e-07 1.13e-06 -0.29 0.772 -2.61e-06 1.95e-06 +_IbplXy~2_47 | 1.80e-06 3.29e-07 5.48 0.000 1.14e-06 2.46e-06 +_IbplXy~2_48 | -.0000128 1.07e-06 -11.96 0.000 -.0000149 -.0000106 +_IbplXy~2_49 | -.0000222 1.18e-06 -18.87 0.000 -.0000246 -.0000198 +_IbplXy~2_50 | -6.59e-07 1.08e-06 -0.61 0.544 -2.83e-06 1.51e-06 +_IbplXy~2_51 | 1.36e-06 8.74e-07 1.56 0.126 -3.96e-07 3.12e-06 +_IbplXy~2_53 | -.0000252 9.08e-07 -27.73 0.000 -.000027 -.0000233 +_IbplXy~2_54 | -.0000183 1.35e-06 -13.58 0.000 -.000021 -.0000156 +_IbplXy~2_55 | -7.81e-07 1.01e-06 -0.77 0.444 -2.82e-06 1.26e-06 +_IbplXy~2_56 | -.0000113 1.01e-06 -11.19 0.000 -.0000134 -9.29e-06 + _Iyear_1880 | .0418598 .0061478 6.81 0.000 .029485 .0542347 + _Iyear_1900 | .103494 .0081481 12.70 0.000 .0870927 .1198952 + _Iyear_1910 | .153508 .0097867 15.69 0.000 .1338084 .1732075 + _Iyear_1920 | .1854372 .010065 18.42 0.000 .1651773 .205697 + _Iyear_1930 | .2263935 .0119698 18.91 0.000 .2022996 .2504874 + _Iyear_1940 | .2085425 .0121111 17.22 0.000 .1841641 .232921 + _Iyear_1950 | .2704901 .0124682 21.69 0.000 .2453928 .2955873 + _Iyear_1960 | .3274969 .0140423 23.32 0.000 .2992312 .3557625 + _Iyear_1970 | .3681752 .0137537 26.77 0.000 .3404905 .39586 + _Iyear_1980 | .3756694 .0137297 27.36 0.000 .348033 .4033059 + _Iyear_1990 | .3765333 .0129721 29.03 0.000 .3504218 .4026448 + _Iyob_1816 | .0697577 .0410684 1.70 0.096 -.0129088 .1524242 + _Iyob_1817 | .0401354 .0400035 1.00 0.321 -.0403875 .1206582 + _Iyob_1818 | .087276 .0394573 2.21 0.032 .0078526 .1666994 + _Iyob_1819 | .0839708 .0362425 2.32 0.025 .0110184 .1569232 + _Iyob_1820 | .0734829 .0378626 1.94 0.058 -.0027306 .1496964 + _Iyob_1821 | .1399178 .0272193 5.14 0.000 .0851281 .1947074 + _Iyob_1822 | .109346 .0374695 2.92 0.005 .0339238 .1847682 + _Iyob_1823 | .0907809 .0380701 2.38 0.021 .0141499 .167412 + _Iyob_1824 | .1042826 .0439276 2.37 0.022 .0158609 .1927043 + _Iyob_1825 | .0787283 .029534 2.67 0.011 .0192794 .1381772 + _Iyob_1826 | .0881766 .0308901 2.85 0.006 .0259979 .1503552 + _Iyob_1827 | .0889756 .0302785 2.94 0.005 .0280281 .149923 + _Iyob_1828 | .1059423 .0291714 3.63 0.001 .0472233 .1646613 + _Iyob_1829 | .1094878 .0290212 3.77 0.000 .0510711 .1679046 + _Iyob_1830 | .1128359 .0298156 3.78 0.000 .0528202 .1728517 + _Iyob_1831 | .1228984 .0291632 4.21 0.000 .0641959 .1816009 + _Iyob_1832 | .130344 .0288038 4.53 0.000 .072365 .1883229 + _Iyob_1833 | .1299791 .0304088 4.27 0.000 .0687693 .1911888 + _Iyob_1834 | .1274427 .0286362 4.45 0.000 .0698011 .1850844 + _Iyob_1835 | .136038 .0302275 4.50 0.000 .0751933 .1968827 + _Iyob_1836 | .1320979 .0290234 4.55 0.000 .0736769 .190519 + _Iyob_1837 | .1438413 .0289869 4.96 0.000 .0854938 .2021888 + _Iyob_1838 | .1502504 .0298316 5.04 0.000 .0902025 .2102984 + _Iyob_1839 | .1537038 .0285876 5.38 0.000 .0961599 .2112477 + _Iyob_1840 | .144378 .0293185 4.92 0.000 .0853628 .2033931 + _Iyob_1841 | .1498492 .028613 5.24 0.000 .0922543 .2074441 + _Iyob_1842 | .142937 .0292891 4.88 0.000 .0839811 .2018929 + _Iyob_1843 | .1420762 .0287745 4.94 0.000 .0841561 .1999963 + _Iyob_1844 | .1326487 .0286565 4.63 0.000 .0749663 .1903312 + _Iyob_1845 | .1215856 .0294372 4.13 0.000 .0623315 .1808398 + _Iyob_1846 | .1317218 .0286608 4.60 0.000 .0740306 .1894131 + _Iyob_1847 | .1199819 .0280345 4.28 0.000 .0635513 .1764124 + _Iyob_1848 | .1253684 .0274951 4.56 0.000 .0700237 .1807131 + _Iyob_1849 | .1285253 .0281997 4.56 0.000 .0717622 .1852884 + _Iyob_1850 | .1142468 .028049 4.07 0.000 .057787 .1707065 + _Iyob_1851 | .1172927 .0271889 4.31 0.000 .0625643 .172021 + _Iyob_1852 | .1021811 .0270693 3.77 0.000 .0476936 .1566687 + _Iyob_1853 | .0892619 .0264547 3.37 0.002 .0360114 .1425124 + _Iyob_1854 | .0713746 .0265778 2.69 0.010 .0178762 .124873 + _Iyob_1855 | .0534372 .0264777 2.02 0.049 .0001404 .1067341 + _Iyob_1856 | .1158754 .0306349 3.78 0.000 .0542105 .1775402 + _Iyob_1857 | .1385284 .0254718 5.44 0.000 .0872564 .1898004 + _Iyob_1858 | .1417063 .0312 4.54 0.000 .0789038 .2045087 + _Iyob_1859 | .1672178 .0268272 6.23 0.000 .1132173 .2212182 + _Iyob_1860 | .1490175 .0282088 5.28 0.000 .0922361 .2057989 + _Iyob_1861 | .1403408 .0286442 4.90 0.000 .0826829 .1979986 + _Iyob_1862 | .1864489 .0273526 6.82 0.000 .1313911 .2415068 + _Iyob_1863 | .1696353 .0244923 6.93 0.000 .1203349 .2189356 + _Iyob_1864 | .17495 .0288948 6.05 0.000 .1167879 .2331121 + _Iyob_1865 | .1489194 .0257607 5.78 0.000 .0970658 .2007729 + _Iyob_1866 | .1413674 .0287738 4.91 0.000 .0834488 .199286 + _Iyob_1867 | .1515152 .0266219 5.69 0.000 .0979281 .2051023 + _Iyob_1868 | .1511334 .0260277 5.81 0.000 .0987425 .2035243 + _Iyob_1869 | .1646692 .0269091 6.12 0.000 .110504 .2188345 + _Iyob_1870 | .1688244 .0259337 6.51 0.000 .1166226 .2210262 + _Iyob_1871 | .1528947 .0261842 5.84 0.000 .1001887 .2056007 + _Iyob_1872 | .1490512 .024189 6.16 0.000 .1003612 .1977411 + _Iyob_1873 | .1485611 .025585 5.81 0.000 .0970612 .200061 + _Iyob_1874 | .1383808 .026801 5.16 0.000 .0844332 .1923284 + _Iyob_1875 | .1383109 .026323 5.25 0.000 .0853255 .1912963 + _Iyob_1876 | .1533234 .0288809 5.31 0.000 .0951891 .2114576 + _Iyob_1877 | .1682558 .0274817 6.12 0.000 .1129379 .2235736 + _Iyob_1878 | .1737084 .0283949 6.12 0.000 .1165525 .2308643 + _Iyob_1879 | .1719837 .0263101 6.54 0.000 .1190242 .2249432 + _Iyob_1880 | .1663644 .0261584 6.36 0.000 .1137103 .2190185 + _Iyob_1881 | .1762082 .0263328 6.69 0.000 .123203 .2292133 + _Iyob_1882 | .1709185 .0265724 6.43 0.000 .1174309 .224406 + _Iyob_1883 | .1534483 .0245463 6.25 0.000 .1040391 .2028574 + _Iyob_1884 | .160237 .0260136 6.16 0.000 .1078744 .2125997 + _Iyob_1885 | .1403337 .0255935 5.48 0.000 .0888167 .1918507 + _Iyob_1886 | .1474006 .0286025 5.15 0.000 .0898268 .2049745 + _Iyob_1887 | .1635176 .026967 6.06 0.000 .1092359 .2177994 + _Iyob_1888 | .1742386 .026993 6.45 0.000 .1199045 .2285727 + _Iyob_1889 | .1801292 .0271572 6.63 0.000 .1254647 .2347938 + _Iyob_1890 | .1722973 .0255036 6.76 0.000 .1209613 .2236334 + _Iyob_1891 | .1773273 .0263215 6.74 0.000 .1243448 .2303097 + _Iyob_1892 | .1715109 .0268466 6.39 0.000 .1174714 .2255503 + _Iyob_1893 | .1583174 .0264848 5.98 0.000 .1050064 .2116285 + _Iyob_1894 | .1475464 .0257264 5.74 0.000 .0957619 .1993309 + _Iyob_1895 | .135844 .0274629 4.95 0.000 .0805641 .1911239 + _Iyob_1896 | .1696778 .0279209 6.08 0.000 .1134759 .2258798 + _Iyob_1897 | .1718248 .0275005 6.25 0.000 .1164693 .2271804 + _Iyob_1898 | .1718623 .0260185 6.61 0.000 .1194898 .2242347 + _Iyob_1899 | .1862009 .0278416 6.69 0.000 .1301586 .2422431 + _Iyob_1900 | .177499 .02694 6.59 0.000 .1232717 .2317264 + _Iyob_1901 | .1921489 .0278266 6.91 0.000 .1361369 .2481609 + _Iyob_1902 | .1905799 .0266118 7.16 0.000 .1370131 .2441467 + _Iyob_1903 | .1835287 .0255589 7.18 0.000 .1320812 .2349761 + _Iyob_1904 | .1710838 .0238028 7.19 0.000 .1231712 .2189963 + _Iyob_1905 | .1375748 .0214429 6.42 0.000 .0944125 .1807371 + _Iyob_1906 | .151749 .0211308 7.18 0.000 .1092149 .194283 + _Iyob_1907 | .1498935 .0188223 7.96 0.000 .1120061 .1877808 + _Iyob_1908 | .1425152 .0179552 7.94 0.000 .1063732 .1786571 + _Iyob_1909 | .1327677 .0165025 8.05 0.000 .0995499 .1659855 + _Iyob_1910 | .1289753 .0140589 9.17 0.000 .1006761 .1572744 + _Iyob_1911 | .1146177 .0148639 7.71 0.000 .0846982 .1445372 + _Iyob_1912 | .0994443 .0130765 7.60 0.000 .0731227 .1257659 + _Iyob_1913 | .0917848 .0131003 7.01 0.000 .0654152 .1181545 + _Iyob_1914 | .0801699 .013038 6.15 0.000 .0539258 .106414 + _Iyob_1915 | .0522143 .0126257 4.14 0.000 .0268 .0776285 + _Iyob_1916 | .0680907 .0138605 4.91 0.000 .040191 .0959903 + _Iyob_1917 | .0669581 .0149196 4.49 0.000 .0369265 .0969897 + _Iyob_1918 | .0612763 .0161065 3.80 0.000 .0288556 .093697 + _Iyob_1919 | .059932 .0170992 3.50 0.001 .0255131 .0943509 + _Iyob_1920 | .0465902 .0180046 2.59 0.013 .0103488 .0828317 + _Iyob_1921 | .053821 .0180525 2.98 0.005 .0174832 .0901588 + _Iyob_1922 | .0550416 .0180499 3.05 0.004 .0187091 .0913741 + _Iyob_1923 | .0479158 .0174427 2.75 0.009 .0128053 .0830262 + _Iyob_1924 | .0439407 .0163208 2.69 0.010 .0110886 .0767928 + _Iyob_1925 | -.0005585 .0157658 -0.04 0.972 -.0322933 .0311764 + _Iyob_1926 | .0361827 .0155039 2.33 0.024 .004975 .0673905 + _Iyob_1927 | .0475744 .0154843 3.07 0.004 .016406 .0787428 + _Iyob_1928 | .0520724 .0151417 3.44 0.001 .0215937 .0825512 + _Iyob_1929 | .0574433 .0140348 4.09 0.000 .0291926 .0856939 + _Iyob_1930 | .0614362 .0140596 4.37 0.000 .0331356 .0897367 + _Iyob_1931 | .0682643 .0134429 5.08 0.000 .041205 .0953235 + _Iyob_1932 | .0703273 .0137339 5.12 0.000 .0426823 .0979723 + _Iyob_1933 | .0733794 .012997 5.65 0.000 .0472177 .0995411 + _Iyob_1934 | .0677071 .0131866 5.13 0.000 .041164 .0942503 + _Iyob_1935 | .0324862 .0119454 2.72 0.009 .0084413 .0565311 + _Iyob_1936 | .0656015 .0121343 5.41 0.000 .0411764 .0900266 + _Iyob_1937 | .0769134 .0111456 6.90 0.000 .0544785 .0993482 + _Iyob_1938 | .0794906 .0113819 6.98 0.000 .05658 .1024011 + _Iyob_1939 | .0924458 .0107427 8.61 0.000 .0708218 .1140698 + _Iyob_1940 | .0889237 .0099898 8.90 0.000 .0688153 .109032 + _Iyob_1941 | .0987263 .0095339 10.36 0.000 .0795357 .117917 + _Iyob_1942 | .1017142 .0094625 10.75 0.000 .0826673 .1207612 + _Iyob_1943 | .107449 .0086993 12.35 0.000 .0899382 .1249597 + _Iyob_1944 | .1043424 .008478 12.31 0.000 .087277 .1214078 + _Iyob_1945 | .0948018 .0085039 11.15 0.000 .0776843 .1119192 + _Iyob_1946 | .1211128 .0078236 15.48 0.000 .1053648 .1368608 + _Iyob_1947 | .1259919 .0071845 17.54 0.000 .1115303 .1404536 + _Iyob_1948 | .1223801 .0069121 17.71 0.000 .1084668 .1362934 + _Iyob_1949 | .1165289 .0064525 18.06 0.000 .1035407 .1295171 + _Iyob_1950 | .1090501 .0060439 18.04 0.000 .0968844 .1212158 + _Iyob_1951 | .1018225 .0058769 17.33 0.000 .089993 .1136521 + _Iyob_1952 | .0971549 .0056916 17.07 0.000 .0856984 .1086115 + _Iyob_1953 | .0871693 .0053336 16.34 0.000 .0764334 .0979052 + _Iyob_1954 | .071209 .0049593 14.36 0.000 .0612265 .0811916 + _Iyob_1955 | .0564956 .0047713 11.84 0.000 .0468914 .0660998 + _Iyob_1956 | .1074282 .0045408 23.66 0.000 .0982879 .1165684 + _Iyob_1957 | .1026425 .0040694 25.22 0.000 .0944513 .1108338 + _Iyob_1958 | .0973382 .0035364 27.52 0.000 .0902197 .1044566 + _Iyob_1959 | .0930967 .0037205 25.02 0.000 .0856077 .1005857 + _Iyob_1960 | .0854753 .003023 28.28 0.000 .0793904 .0915602 + _Iyob_1961 | .074508 .0026928 27.67 0.000 .0690878 .0799283 + _Iyob_1962 | .0647321 .0028692 22.56 0.000 .0589568 .0705075 + _Iyob_1963 | .0480068 .0020635 23.26 0.000 .0438532 .0521604 + _Iyob_1964 | .030612 .002591 11.81 0.000 .0253966 .0358274 + _Iyob_1965 | (omitted) + _cons | 2.620317 .6369052 4.11 0.000 1.338293 3.902341 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: lebergott09 south imr1890 aurb90 aadlit91 docs1898 spend + hookworm ablack91 unemp_1930 chgterm chgptratio _Ibplg_2 + _Ibplg_4 _Ibplg_5 _Ibplg_6 _Ibplg_8 _Ibplg_9 _Ibplg_10 + _Ibplg_11 _Ibplg_12 _Ibplg_13 _Ibplg_15 _Ibplg_16 _Ibplg_17 + _Ibplg_18 _Ibplg_19 _Ibplg_20 _Ibplg_21 _Ibplg_22 _Ibplg_23 + _Ibplg_24 _Ibplg_25 _Ibplg_26 _Ibplg_27 _Ibplg_28 _Ibplg_29 + _Ibplg_30 _Ibplg_31 _Ibplg_32 _Ibplg_33 _Ibplg_34 _Ibplg_35 + _Ibplg_36 _Ibplg_37 _Ibplg_38 _Ibplg_39 _Ibplg_40 _Ibplg_41 + _Ibplg_42 _Ibplg_44 _Ibplg_45 _Ibplg_46 _Ibplg_47 _Ibplg_48 + _Ibplg_49 _Ibplg_50 _Ibplg_51 _Ibplg_53 _Ibplg_54 _Ibplg_55 + _Ibplg_56 _IbplXyob_2 _IbplXyob_4 _IbplXyob_5 _IbplXyob_6 + _IbplXyob_8 _IbplXyob_9 _IbplXyob_10 _IbplXyob_11 + _IbplXyob_12 _IbplXyob_13 _IbplXyob_15 _IbplXyob_16 + _IbplXyob_17 _IbplXyob_18 _IbplXyob_19 _IbplXyob_20 + _IbplXyob_21 _IbplXyob_22 _IbplXyob_23 _IbplXyob_24 + _IbplXyob_25 _IbplXyob_26 _IbplXyob_27 _IbplXyob_28 + _IbplXyob_29 _IbplXyob_30 _IbplXyob_31 _IbplXyob_32 + _IbplXyob_33 _IbplXyob_34 _IbplXyob_35 _IbplXyob_36 + _IbplXyob_37 _IbplXyob_38 _IbplXyob_39 _IbplXyob_40 + _IbplXyob_41 _IbplXyob_42 _IbplXyob_44 _IbplXyob_45 + _IbplXyob_46 _IbplXyob_47 _IbplXyob_48 _IbplXyob_49 + _IbplXyob_50 _IbplXyob_51 _IbplXyob_53 _IbplXyob_54 + _IbplXyob_55 _IbplXyob_56 _IbplXyob2_2 _IbplXyob2_4 + _IbplXyob2_5 _IbplXyob2_6 _IbplXyob2_8 _IbplXyob2_9 + _IbplXyob2_10 _IbplXyob2_11 _IbplXyob2_12 _IbplXyob2_13 + _IbplXyob2_15 _IbplXyob2_16 _IbplXyob2_17 _IbplXyob2_18 + _IbplXyob2_19 _IbplXyob2_20 _IbplXyob2_21 _IbplXyob2_22 + _IbplXyob2_23 _IbplXyob2_24 _IbplXyob2_25 _IbplXyob2_26 + _IbplXyob2_27 _IbplXyob2_28 _IbplXyob2_29 _IbplXyob2_30 + _IbplXyob2_31 _IbplXyob2_32 _IbplXyob2_33 _IbplXyob2_34 + _IbplXyob2_35 _IbplXyob2_36 _IbplXyob2_37 _IbplXyob2_38 + _IbplXyob2_39 _IbplXyob2_40 _IbplXyob2_41 _IbplXyob2_42 + _IbplXyob2_44 _IbplXyob2_45 _IbplXyob2_46 _IbplXyob2_47 + _IbplXyob2_48 _IbplXyob2_49 _IbplXyob2_50 _IbplXyob2_51 + _IbplXyob2_53 _IbplXyob2_54 _IbplXyob2_55 _IbplXyob2_56 + _Iyear_1880 _Iyear_1900 _Iyear_1910 _Iyear_1920 _Iyear_1930 + _Iyear_1940 _Iyear_1950 _Iyear_1960 _Iyear_1970 _Iyear_1980 + _Iyear_1990 _Iyob_1816 _Iyob_1817 _Iyob_1818 _Iyob_1819 + _Iyob_1820 _Iyob_1821 _Iyob_1822 _Iyob_1823 _Iyob_1824 + _Iyob_1825 _Iyob_1826 _Iyob_1827 _Iyob_1828 _Iyob_1829 + _Iyob_1830 _Iyob_1831 _Iyob_1832 _Iyob_1833 _Iyob_1834 + _Iyob_1835 _Iyob_1836 _Iyob_1837 _Iyob_1838 _Iyob_1839 + _Iyob_1840 _Iyob_1841 _Iyob_1842 _Iyob_1843 _Iyob_1844 + _Iyob_1845 _Iyob_1846 _Iyob_1847 _Iyob_1848 _Iyob_1849 + _Iyob_1850 _Iyob_1851 _Iyob_1852 _Iyob_1853 _Iyob_1854 + _Iyob_1855 _Iyob_1856 _Iyob_1857 _Iyob_1858 _Iyob_1859 + _Iyob_1860 _Iyob_1861 _Iyob_1862 _Iyob_1863 _Iyob_1864 + _Iyob_1865 _Iyob_1866 _Iyob_1867 _Iyob_1868 _Iyob_1869 + _Iyob_1870 _Iyob_1871 _Iyob_1872 _Iyob_1873 _Iyob_1874 + _Iyob_1875 _Iyob_1876 _Iyob_1877 _Iyob_1878 _Iyob_1879 + _Iyob_1880 _Iyob_1881 _Iyob_1882 _Iyob_1883 _Iyob_1884 + _Iyob_1885 _Iyob_1886 _Iyob_1887 _Iyob_1888 _Iyob_1889 + _Iyob_1890 _Iyob_1891 _Iyob_1892 _Iyob_1893 _Iyob_1894 + _Iyob_1895 _Iyob_1896 _Iyob_1897 _Iyob_1898 _Iyob_1899 + _Iyob_1900 _Iyob_1901 _Iyob_1902 _Iyob_1903 _Iyob_1904 + _Iyob_1905 _Iyob_1906 _Iyob_1907 _Iyob_1908 _Iyob_1909 + _Iyob_1910 _Iyob_1911 _Iyob_1912 _Iyob_1913 _Iyob_1914 + _Iyob_1915 _Iyob_1916 _Iyob_1917 _Iyob_1918 _Iyob_1919 + _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 _Iyob_1924 + _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 _Iyob_1929 + _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 _Iyob_1934 + _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 + _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 + _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 + _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 + _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 + _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 + _Iyob_1965 malecol_hong tempavg altitude +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, CORRECT FOR MEAS ERROR WITH IV + +19:39:32 on 1 Feb 2010 + +CORRECT FOR MEAS ERROR WITH IV + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 16487 16487 16487 16487 16487 16487 +Depvar: occscore occscore occscore occscore occscore occscore +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.2821* 0.0670 0.1183~ 0.2017* 0.0670 0.1183~ + (0.0793) (0.0578) (0.0463) (0.0416) (0.0578) (0.0463) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.829 0.865 0.871 0.854 0.865 0.871 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. /* BRAZIL */ +. +. use paneldata_br,clear + +. +. local meanrev "dens lnele" + +. local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 24, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9968 + Adj R-squared = 0.9967 + Root MSE = .1113 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .2869244 .1336853 2.15 0.042 .0110114 .5628373 + dens | .034625 .0168341 2.06 0.051 -.000119 .069369 + lnele | .010467 .0203021 0.52 0.611 -.0314345 .0523684 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -.8543505 .0457738 -18.66 0.000 -.948823 -.759878 +_Ibplregbr_3 | .0364088 .048091 0.76 0.456 -.0628461 .1356638 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -.1162587 .0494174 -2.35 0.027 -.2182513 -.0142662 +_Ibplregbr_5 | .2831767 .1095588 2.58 0.016 .0570584 .509295 +_IbplXyrex~2 | .0414197 .0750289 0.55 0.586 -.1134323 .1962718 +_IbplXyrex~3 | .1775553 .112453 1.58 0.127 -.0545363 .409647 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .2155978 .1171531 1.84 0.078 -.0261943 .4573899 +_IbplXyrex~5 | .1580444 .0757459 2.09 0.048 .0017126 .3143762 +_Ibplsta~112 | -.2944453 .019521 -15.08 0.000 -.3347347 -.2541559 +_Ibplsta~113 | -.2279016 .0307888 -7.40 0.000 -.2914465 -.1643568 +_Ibplsta~115 | -.3094525 .0364342 -8.49 0.000 -.3846491 -.234256 +_Ibplsta~116 | -.027376 .0164003 -1.67 0.108 -.0612245 .0064725 +_Ibplsta~121 | .0671939 .0064653 10.39 0.000 .0538502 .0805376 +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | .0842487 .0200751 4.20 0.000 .0428157 .1256816 +_Ibplsta~124 | .1785115 .013642 13.09 0.000 .1503558 .2066673 +_Ibplsta~125 | .1466087 .0183095 8.01 0.000 .1088196 .1843977 +_Ibplsta~126 | .3023598 .0275027 10.99 0.000 .245597 .3591226 +_Ibplsta~127 | .2441537 .0219242 11.14 0.000 .1989044 .2894029 +_Ibplsta~128 | .3232235 .0201854 16.01 0.000 .2815629 .3648842 +_Ibplsta~129 | .3230469 .024752 13.05 0.000 .2719614 .3741324 +_Ibplsta~131 | -.3736883 .0102763 -36.36 0.000 -.3948975 -.3524792 +_Ibplsta~132 | -.2919943 .0295292 -9.89 0.000 -.3529396 -.2310489 +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | .2245208 .0086815 25.86 0.000 .2066031 .2424385 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | .0875729 .0058182 15.05 0.000 .0755648 .0995811 +_Ibplsta~143 | .0424352 .0069797 6.08 0.000 .0280299 .0568406 +_Ibplsta~151 | -.4626582 .106867 -4.33 0.000 -.6832209 -.2420956 +_Ibplsta~152 | -.6100165 .0958031 -6.37 0.000 -.8077443 -.4122887 +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | .0630893 .0449154 1.40 0.173 -.0296115 .1557901 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.6580012 .0313285 -21.00 0.000 -.7226601 -.5933424 + _Iyear_1980 | .6529539 .0405237 16.11 0.000 .5693171 .7365907 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.767591 .0403918 68.52 0.000 2.684226 2.850956 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.332657 .0464446 -50.22 0.000 -2.428514 -2.2368 + _cons | 8.453285 .1228345 68.82 0.000 8.199767 8.706803 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplregbr_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_332 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_312 omitted 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omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 24, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9973 + Adj R-squared = 0.9972 + Root MSE = .10263 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .2487085 .1015384 2.45 0.022 .0391435 .4582734 + dens | -.0468785 .01694 -2.77 0.011 -.0818408 -.0119161 + lnele | -.0025485 .0150906 -0.17 0.867 -.033694 .028597 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -22.25042 2.997993 -7.42 0.000 -28.43797 -16.06287 +_Ibplregbr_3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_4 | -16.93589 2.805683 -6.04 0.000 -22.72653 -11.14524 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -43.48628 9.156608 -4.75 0.000 -62.38459 -24.58797 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.0875392 .0724879 -1.21 0.239 -.2371467 .0620684 +_IbplXyrex~3 | .1247783 .1063862 1.17 0.252 -.094792 .3443486 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .2883319 .112496 2.56 0.017 .0561517 .5205122 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.0239332 .0709439 -0.34 0.739 -.1703542 .1224877 +_Ibplsta~112 | 3.8169 1.477254 2.58 0.016 .7679971 6.865804 +_Ibplsta~113 | 2.100715 1.86518 1.13 0.271 -1.748827 5.950258 +_Ibplsta~115 | 1.036879 2.672607 0.39 0.701 -4.479112 6.552869 +_Ibplsta~116 | -17.6989 1.461383 -12.11 0.000 -20.71504 -14.68275 +_Ibplsta~121 | 8.251225 2.044928 4.03 0.000 4.0307 12.47175 +_Ibplsta~122 | 8.820344 2.60638 3.38 0.002 3.441041 14.19965 +_Ibplsta~123 | -8.844345 1.518481 -5.82 0.000 -11.97834 -5.710354 +_Ibplsta~124 | -4.705123 1.585892 -2.97 0.007 -7.978244 -1.432002 +_Ibplsta~125 | -10.88363 1.491831 -7.30 0.000 -13.96262 -7.804647 +_Ibplsta~126 | -12.08195 1.158881 -10.43 0.000 -14.47376 -9.690134 +_Ibplsta~127 | -3.86247 1.158553 -3.33 0.003 -6.253605 -1.471334 +_Ibplsta~128 | .0487026 1.124179 0.04 0.966 -2.271488 2.368893 +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | -24.64577 3.269489 -7.54 0.000 -31.39367 -17.89788 +_Ibplsta~132 | -15.50087 2.699949 -5.74 0.000 -21.0733 -9.928453 +_Ibplsta~133 | -25.72512 3.904509 -6.59 0.000 -33.78363 -17.66661 +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | -25.79385 4.022032 -6.41 0.000 -34.09492 -17.49278 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | 4.526748 .6988539 6.48 0.000 3.084384 5.969111 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | 6.007741 .9796055 6.13 0.000 3.985935 8.029548 +_Ibplsta~151 | 34.1657 8.955374 3.82 0.001 15.68271 52.64868 +_Ibplsta~152 | 23.7985 7.690728 3.09 0.005 7.925612 39.67138 +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | -8.911249 2.655216 -3.36 0.003 -14.39135 -3.431151 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~112 | -.0020705 .0007647 -2.71 0.012 -.0036487 -.0004922 +_IbplXyo~113 | -.0011678 .000965 -1.21 0.238 -.0031596 .0008239 +_IbplXyo~115 | -.0006386 .0013839 -0.46 0.649 -.0034947 .0022175 +_IbplXyo~116 | .0090666 .0007574 11.97 0.000 .0075034 .0106299 +_IbplXyo~121 | .0069004 .0010866 6.35 0.000 .0046578 .0091431 +_IbplXyo~122 | .0065697 .0011866 5.54 0.000 .0041207 .0090188 +_IbplXyo~123 | .0157237 .0015909 9.88 0.000 .0124403 .0190071 +_IbplXyo~124 | .0136408 .0013739 9.93 0.000 .0108052 .0164765 +_IbplXyo~125 | .0168099 .0014442 11.64 0.000 .0138292 .0197907 +_IbplXyo~126 | .0175166 .0018703 9.37 0.000 .0136565 .0213767 +_IbplXyo~127 | .0132555 .0016501 8.03 0.000 .0098498 .0166612 +_IbplXyo~128 | .0112797 .0015507 7.27 0.000 .0080792 .0144803 +_IbplXyo~129 | .0112835 .0015496 7.28 0.000 .0080854 .0144817 +_IbplXyo~131 | .0126085 .0016905 7.46 0.000 .0091194 .0160976 +_IbplXyo~132 | .0079524 .0013983 5.69 0.000 .0050665 .0108384 +_IbplXyo~133 | .0133836 .0020211 6.62 0.000 .0092122 .017555 +_IbplXyo~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | .0135289 .0020814 6.50 0.000 .0092331 .0178248 +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | .0063899 .0014498 4.41 0.000 .0033976 .0093822 +_IbplXyo~142 | .0087695 .001452 6.04 0.000 .0057727 .0117662 +_IbplXyo~143 | .0056579 .0017129 3.30 0.003 .0021226 .0091933 +_IbplXyo~151 | .0047685 .0019307 2.47 0.021 .0007838 .0087533 +_IbplXyo~152 | .0100494 .0019529 5.15 0.000 .0060189 .0140799 +_IbplXyo~153 | .0227248 .0047513 4.78 0.000 .0129186 .032531 +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | .0045688 .0013768 3.32 0.003 .0017273 .0074104 +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.6662241 .0330877 -20.14 0.000 -.7345138 -.5979343 + _Iyear_1980 | .6455953 .0423776 15.23 0.000 .5581323 .7330583 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.760301 .0420083 65.71 0.000 2.6736 2.847002 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.339925 .0484413 -48.30 0.000 -2.439902 -2.239947 + _cons | 8.4439 .1053946 80.12 0.000 8.226376 8.661424 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_332 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_313 omitted because of collinearity 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omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 24, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9975 + Adj R-squared = 0.9974 + Root MSE = .09877 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .2685884 .1029995 2.61 0.015 .0560079 .4811689 + dens | .0004895 .01313 0.04 0.971 -.0266095 .0275886 + lnele | .0013712 .0172679 0.08 0.937 -.0342679 .0370104 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -18.43692 2.706949 -6.81 0.000 -24.02379 -12.85005 +_Ibplregbr_3 | -6.02807 3.286156 -1.83 0.079 -12.81036 .7542236 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -18.01627 2.678896 -6.73 0.000 -23.54524 -12.4873 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -13.21617 3.001331 -4.40 0.000 -19.41061 -7.021724 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.1967815 .0545065 -3.61 0.001 -.3092773 -.0842857 +_IbplXyrex~3 | .0210581 .0852312 0.25 0.807 -.1548504 .1969667 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .1133431 .0899242 1.26 0.220 -.0722514 .2989375 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.090876 .0520462 -1.75 0.094 -.1982941 .0165421 +_Ibplsta~112 | -3.726729 1.099192 -3.39 0.002 -5.995349 -1.458109 +_Ibplsta~113 | 3.39667 1.846928 1.84 0.078 -.415202 7.208542 +_Ibplsta~115 | -.167334 2.447536 -0.07 0.946 -5.2188 4.884132 +_Ibplsta~116 | -7.409497 1.145253 -6.47 0.000 -9.773183 -5.045812 +_Ibplsta~121 | -3.543568 2.065332 -1.72 0.099 -7.806204 .7190684 +_Ibplsta~122 | -4.541508 2.698713 -1.68 0.105 -10.11138 1.028362 +_Ibplsta~123 | -1.635201 2.479767 -0.66 0.516 -6.753189 3.482787 +_Ibplsta~124 | 2.662287 2.516001 1.06 0.301 -2.530485 7.855059 +_Ibplsta~125 | -1.710057 2.356883 -0.73 0.475 -6.574425 3.15431 +_Ibplsta~126 | -.0171687 2.089028 -0.01 0.994 -4.328711 4.294374 +_Ibplsta~127 | 6.35985 1.642068 3.87 0.001 2.970789 9.748911 +_Ibplsta~128 | 17.03183 1.684406 10.11 0.000 13.55539 20.50828 +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | -8.744201 2.775542 -3.15 0.004 -14.47264 -3.015763 +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | -2.026369 3.245515 -0.62 0.538 -8.724783 4.672045 +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | -5.041782 4.007474 -1.26 0.220 -13.3128 3.229237 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | 3.510395 .6778821 5.18 0.000 2.111315 4.909475 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | 4.963946 1.165758 4.26 0.000 2.557939 7.369953 +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | -8.766388 1.283349 -6.83 0.000 -11.41509 -6.117685 +_Ibplsta~153 | -18.52574 5.24421 -3.53 0.002 -29.34926 -7.702223 +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | 1.564312 3.191252 0.49 0.628 -5.022108 8.150732 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_112 | .0017405 .0005695 3.06 0.005 .000565 .0029159 +_IbplXy~_113 | -.0018488 .0009583 -1.93 0.066 -.0038267 .0001291 +_IbplXy~_115 | -.0000673 .0012694 -0.05 0.958 -.0026872 .0025526 +_IbplXy~_116 | .0038152 .000594 6.42 0.000 .0025892 .0050411 +_IbplXy~_121 | .0109437 .0010943 10.00 0.000 .0086851 .0132022 +_IbplXy~_122 | .0114157 .0012536 9.11 0.000 .0088285 .0140029 +_IbplXy~_123 | .010045 .0018068 5.56 0.000 .0063158 .0137741 +_IbplXy~_124 | .0078826 .0014597 5.40 0.000 .0048699 .0108952 +_IbplXy~_125 | .0101215 .0012685 7.98 0.000 .0075034 .0127397 +_IbplXy~_126 | .0093459 .0019977 4.68 0.000 .0052228 .0134689 +_IbplXy~_127 | .0060264 .0014276 4.22 0.000 .0030799 .0089729 +_IbplXy~_128 | .0006044 .0013138 0.46 0.650 -.0021071 .0033159 +_IbplXy~_129 | .0093001 .001403 6.63 0.000 .0064045 .0121956 +_IbplXy~_131 | .007521 .001511 4.98 0.000 .0044025 .0106395 +_IbplXy~_132 | .0030644 .0017002 1.80 0.084 -.0004446 .0065734 +_IbplXy~_133 | .0042898 .0018299 2.34 0.028 .0005131 .0080666 +_IbplXy~_134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | .0059445 .0020672 2.88 0.008 .0016779 .010211 +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | .0074476 .0014055 5.30 0.000 .0045467 .0103485 +_IbplXy~_142 | .0093013 .001389 6.70 0.000 .0064344 .0121681 +_IbplXy~_143 | .0067248 .0016753 4.01 0.001 .0032672 .0101824 +_IbplXy~_151 | .0067609 .0015554 4.35 0.000 .0035507 .0099711 +_IbplXy~_152 | .011195 .0015614 7.17 0.000 .0079724 .0144175 +_IbplXy~_153 | .0165598 .0026602 6.23 0.000 .0110695 .0220502 +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | -.000748 .0016544 -0.45 0.655 -.0041624 .0026664 +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a112 | .0002147 .0000128 16.80 0.000 .0001884 .0002411 +_IbplXy~a113 | .0000176 .0000119 1.49 0.150 -6.83e-06 .0000421 +_IbplXy~a115 | .0001113 .0000106 10.45 0.000 .0000893 .0001333 +_IbplXy~a116 | -.0002167 2.81e-06 -77.05 0.000 -.0002225 -.0002109 +_IbplXy~a121 | .0001951 .000014 13.90 0.000 .0001661 .0002241 +_IbplXy~a122 | .0002141 .0000147 14.52 0.000 .0001837 .0002445 +_IbplXy~a123 | -.0000748 .0000149 -5.02 0.000 -.0001056 -.0000441 +_IbplXy~a124 | -.0000792 .0000165 -4.80 0.000 -.0001132 -.0000451 +_IbplXy~a125 | -.0000915 .000018 -5.08 0.000 -.0001286 -.0000543 +_IbplXy~a126 | -.0001229 .0000136 -9.05 0.000 -.0001509 -.0000948 +_IbplXy~a127 | -.0000982 .0000155 -6.35 0.000 -.0001301 -.0000663 +_IbplXy~a128 | -.0002042 .0000162 -12.64 0.000 -.0002375 -.0001708 +_IbplXy~a129 | 5.40e-06 .0000168 0.32 0.751 -.0000293 .0000401 +_IbplXy~a131 | -.0000652 .000017 -3.84 0.001 -.0001003 -.0000302 +_IbplXy~a132 | -.0000521 .0000195 -2.67 0.013 -.0000924 -.0000118 +_IbplXy~a133 | -.0001393 .0000146 -9.53 0.000 -.0001694 -.0001091 +_IbplXy~a134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | -.000102 .0000145 -7.03 0.000 -.0001319 -.000072 +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | .0000555 .0000156 3.55 0.002 .0000232 .0000877 +_IbplXy~a142 | .0000555 .0000138 4.01 0.001 .0000269 .000084 +_IbplXy~a143 | .0000599 .0000162 3.70 0.001 .0000265 .0000933 +_IbplXy~a151 | .0000535 .0000166 3.22 0.004 .0000193 .0000878 +_IbplXy~a152 | .0000815 .0000154 5.29 0.000 .0000497 .0001133 +_IbplXy~a153 | .0002159 .0000372 5.80 0.000 .000139 .0002927 +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | -.0002831 3.95e-06 -71.65 0.000 -.0002913 -.000275 +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.6691137 .0337977 -19.80 0.000 -.7388687 -.5993586 + _Iyear_1980 | .6432217 .0430493 14.94 0.000 .5543724 .732071 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.757795 .0425628 64.79 0.000 2.669949 2.84564 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.342275 .0491776 -47.63 0.000 -2.443773 -2.240778 + _cons | 8.467416 .1069458 79.17 0.000 8.24669 8.688141 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 24, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9969 + Adj R-squared = 0.9968 + Root MSE = .10939 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .3405088 .1062589 3.20 0.004 .1212013 .5598164 + dens | -.0401533 .0244302 -1.64 0.113 -.0905747 .0102681 + lnele | -.0182798 .0295705 -0.62 0.542 -.0793103 .0427508 + inmort | .1460613 .0457312 3.19 0.004 .0516767 .2404458 + ea | .2178109 .8954937 0.24 0.810 -1.630397 2.066019 + eaag | 2.954822 2.881664 1.03 0.315 -2.992639 8.902284 + eaexin | 2.617087 2.792037 0.94 0.358 -3.145395 8.379569 + eaintr | 4.285509 3.078467 1.39 0.177 -2.068135 10.63915 + eatran | .7820754 4.69959 0.17 0.869 -8.917401 10.48155 + easer | 6.505758 4.788971 1.36 0.187 -3.378191 16.38971 + eaoth | 2.599635 3.576032 0.73 0.474 -4.780932 9.980201 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -.7668703 .1289831 -5.95 0.000 -1.033078 -.5006622 +_Ibplregbr_3 | -.2835085 .1357793 -2.09 0.048 -.5637432 -.0032738 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -.1525801 .134022 -1.14 0.266 -.4291879 .1240277 +_Ibplregbr_5 | .3497915 .1772972 1.97 0.060 -.016132 .7157149 +_IbplXyrex~2 | .0182396 .1170367 0.16 0.877 -.2233123 .2597915 +_IbplXyrex~3 | .3017929 .1468754 2.05 0.051 -.0013431 .6049289 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .3500889 .1586561 2.21 0.037 .0226388 .677539 +_IbplXyrex~5 | .125126 .1141206 1.10 0.284 -.1104073 .3606593 +_Ibplsta~112 | -.3350738 .1302435 -2.57 0.017 -.6038832 -.0662644 +_Ibplsta~113 | -.2870603 .1449318 -1.98 0.059 -.5861848 .0120642 +_Ibplsta~115 | -.3484532 .1338738 -2.60 0.016 -.6247551 -.0721513 +_Ibplsta~116 | -.2042148 .1561249 -1.31 0.203 -.5264407 .1180111 +_Ibplsta~121 | -.0139393 .0269576 -0.52 0.610 -.069577 .0416984 +_Ibplsta~122 | -.1440443 .0298699 -4.82 0.000 -.2056928 -.0823958 +_Ibplsta~123 | -.083604 .0133123 -6.28 0.000 -.1110793 -.0561288 +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | -.0073348 .0231705 -0.32 0.754 -.0551563 .0404868 +_Ibplsta~126 | .1527134 .020165 7.57 0.000 .1110949 .1943318 +_Ibplsta~127 | .0915466 .0298798 3.06 0.005 .0298777 .1532154 +_Ibplsta~128 | .1663997 .0249276 6.68 0.000 .1149517 .2178477 +_Ibplsta~129 | .1731397 .0187057 9.26 0.000 .1345329 .2117464 +_Ibplsta~131 | -.1292368 .0253754 -5.09 0.000 -.181609 -.0768647 +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | .261512 .0286771 9.12 0.000 .2023253 .3206986 +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | .4826604 .0256085 18.85 0.000 .429807 .5355138 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | .0334097 .0195295 1.71 0.100 -.0068972 .0737165 +_Ibplsta~143 | .0144977 .0177829 0.82 0.423 -.0222044 .0511997 +_Ibplsta~151 | -.5835502 .1138055 -5.13 0.000 -.8184332 -.3486673 +_Ibplsta~152 | -.7530641 .1095597 -6.87 0.000 -.9791843 -.5269439 +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | -.2041346 .1518823 -1.34 0.192 -.5176042 .109335 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.6602713 .0314641 -20.98 0.000 -.7252101 -.5953325 + _Iyear_1980 | .6504733 .0408059 15.94 0.000 .5662541 .7346925 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.765387 .0405753 68.15 0.000 2.681644 2.84913 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.334843 .0467702 -49.92 0.000 -2.431372 -2.238314 + _cons | 6.863915 1.541319 4.45 0.000 3.682789 10.04504 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_316 omitted because of 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_IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 24, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9973 + Adj R-squared = 0.9972 + Root MSE = .1024 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .3353323 .084881 3.95 0.001 .1601466 .5105181 + dens | -.0314363 .0184377 -1.71 0.101 -.0694898 .0066171 + lnele | -.0512247 .0232324 -2.20 0.037 -.0991741 -.0032754 + inmort | -.0881566 .0348094 -2.53 0.018 -.1599997 -.0163136 + ea | -.9615753 .6309113 -1.52 0.141 -2.263712 .3405617 + eaag | 1.22644 2.271272 0.54 0.594 -3.461234 5.914115 + eaexin | 1.039386 2.152175 0.48 0.634 -3.402485 5.481257 + eaintr | 2.435692 2.459918 0.99 0.332 -2.641329 7.512714 + eatran | .5758965 3.577817 0.16 0.873 -6.808355 7.960149 + easer | 5.714859 4.080036 1.40 0.174 -2.705922 14.13564 + eaoth | -1.855163 2.254896 -0.82 0.419 -6.509039 2.798714 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -4.621211 6.852974 -0.67 0.507 -18.76505 9.522632 +_Ibplregbr_3 | -15.68216 7.24985 -2.16 0.041 -30.64512 -.7192055 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -13.62152 7.202535 -1.89 0.071 -28.48682 1.243783 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -8.643227 8.339045 -1.04 0.310 -25.85417 8.567716 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.2314049 .0954466 -2.42 0.023 -.4283969 -.0344129 +_IbplXyrex~3 | .0018139 .1031353 0.02 0.986 -.211047 .2146747 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .2921657 .0931935 3.14 0.004 .0998239 .4845076 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.1301772 .0764361 -1.70 0.101 -.2879335 .0275791 +_Ibplsta~112 | 6.857683 6.299396 1.09 0.287 -6.143631 19.859 +_Ibplsta~113 | 3.606034 8.637479 0.42 0.680 -14.22085 21.43292 +_Ibplsta~115 | 4.338853 7.177688 0.60 0.551 -10.47517 19.15287 +_Ibplsta~116 | -11.29446 7.340848 -1.54 0.137 -26.44522 3.856305 +_Ibplsta~121 | -4.95472 1.509552 -3.28 0.003 -8.070281 -1.839159 +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | -22.44594 2.145281 -10.46 0.000 -26.87358 -18.0183 +_Ibplsta~124 | -21.22122 2.447127 -8.67 0.000 -26.27184 -16.1706 +_Ibplsta~125 | -26.43638 2.264292 -11.68 0.000 -31.10965 -21.76311 +_Ibplsta~126 | -28.42285 3.081341 -9.22 0.000 -34.78242 -22.06327 +_Ibplsta~127 | -20.74285 2.824388 -7.34 0.000 -26.5721 -14.9136 +_Ibplsta~128 | -12.67392 2.494413 -5.08 0.000 -17.82214 -7.52571 +_Ibplsta~129 | -14.29908 2.42348 -5.90 0.000 -19.30089 -9.297259 +_Ibplsta~131 | -6.506689 1.061161 -6.13 0.000 -8.696818 -4.31656 +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | -8.042218 1.118896 -7.19 0.000 -10.35151 -5.73293 +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | -4.889139 1.345695 -3.63 0.001 -7.666517 -2.11176 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | 4.531347 1.516081 2.99 0.006 1.402309 7.660385 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | 5.561286 2.004108 2.77 0.011 1.42501 9.697562 +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | -7.26117 2.666715 -2.72 0.012 -12.765 -1.757342 +_Ibplsta~153 | -20.12858 4.98044 -4.04 0.000 -30.4077 -9.849454 +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | 2.642978 6.829836 0.39 0.702 -11.45311 16.73907 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~112 | -.0036466 .0032644 -1.12 0.275 -.0103839 .0030907 +_IbplXyo~113 | -.0019477 .0044768 -0.44 0.667 -.0111873 .0072919 +_IbplXyo~115 | -.0023502 .0037197 -0.63 0.533 -.0100272 .0053268 +_IbplXyo~116 | .0057471 .0038048 1.51 0.144 -.0021057 .0135999 +_IbplXyo~121 | .0046071 .0037267 1.24 0.228 -.0030845 .0122988 +_IbplXyo~122 | .0020015 .0035513 0.56 0.578 -.0053281 .0093311 +_IbplXyo~123 | .0136351 .0038628 3.53 0.002 .0056627 .0216074 +_IbplXyo~124 | .0130657 .0037066 3.52 0.002 .0054157 .0207157 +_IbplXyo~125 | .0157346 .0039039 4.03 0.000 .0076773 .0237918 +_IbplXyo~126 | .0168505 .0039973 4.22 0.000 .0086006 .0251005 +_IbplXyo~127 | .0128696 .0036508 3.53 0.002 .0053346 .0204045 +_IbplXyo~128 | .0087345 .003025 2.89 0.008 .0024912 .0149778 +_IbplXyo~129 | .009557 .0037244 2.57 0.017 .0018703 .0172438 +_IbplXyo~131 | .0113355 .0039338 2.88 0.008 .0032166 .0194544 +_IbplXyo~132 | .0080478 .0037562 2.14 0.042 .0002954 .0158002 +_IbplXyo~133 | .0123473 .003822 3.23 0.004 .0044592 .0202355 +_IbplXyo~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | .0108198 .0038242 2.83 0.009 .0029269 .0187126 +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | .0046692 .0036731 1.27 0.216 -.0029117 .0122502 +_IbplXyo~142 | .0070514 .0037321 1.89 0.071 -.0006512 .014754 +_IbplXyo~143 | .0041715 .0039912 1.05 0.306 -.0040659 .0124089 +_IbplXyo~151 | .0044194 .004321 1.02 0.317 -.0044987 .0133376 +_IbplXyo~152 | .0080877 .0036468 2.22 0.036 .0005612 .0156142 +_IbplXyo~153 | .0150907 .0031975 4.72 0.000 .0084913 .0216901 +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | -.001421 .0035401 -0.40 0.692 -.0087275 .0058855 +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.6663914 .0331948 -20.08 0.000 -.7349021 -.5978807 + _Iyear_1980 | .6455406 .0424102 15.22 0.000 .5580101 .733071 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.760219 .0420304 65.67 0.000 2.673473 2.846966 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.340016 .048481 -48.27 0.000 -2.440076 -2.239956 + _cons | 8.419036 1.139221 7.39 0.000 6.0678 10.77027 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 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_IbplXyoba328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 26, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9975 + Adj R-squared = 0.9974 + Root MSE = .09858 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .4025949 .092939 4.33 0.000 .2107782 .5944117 + dens | -.0240576 .0141267 -1.70 0.101 -.0532136 .0050984 + lnele | -.0528841 .0224144 -2.36 0.027 -.0991452 -.006623 + inmort | .0001589 .0250167 0.01 0.995 -.051473 .0517908 + ea | .1150212 .5883984 0.20 0.847 -1.099373 1.329416 + eaag | 3.261143 1.452524 2.25 0.034 .2632818 6.259004 + eaexin | 2.950661 1.415391 2.08 0.048 .0294381 5.871885 + eaintr | 4.803782 1.614092 2.98 0.007 1.472459 8.135104 + eatran | 3.622453 2.077188 1.74 0.094 -.6646518 7.909558 + easer | 8.775637 2.503993 3.50 0.002 3.607649 13.94362 + eaoth | .0830729 2.199534 0.04 0.970 -4.456541 4.622687 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -21.99072 4.093151 -5.37 0.000 -30.43857 -13.54287 +_Ibplregbr_3 | -14.92581 4.043546 -3.69 0.001 -23.27128 -6.580338 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -17.35032 4.613952 -3.76 0.001 -26.87305 -7.827591 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -19.31566 4.378984 -4.41 0.000 -28.35344 -10.27788 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.2867456 .0553288 -5.18 0.000 -.4009387 -.1725526 +_IbplXyrex~3 | .0126 .0653838 0.19 0.849 -.1223455 .1475455 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .2334335 .0848896 2.75 0.011 .05823 .408637 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.1439605 .0501449 -2.87 0.008 -.2474545 -.0404666 +_Ibplsta~112 | -8.184809 4.150604 -1.97 0.060 -16.75123 .381616 +_Ibplsta~113 | -3.47234 4.414579 -0.79 0.439 -12.58358 5.638903 +_Ibplsta~115 | -5.750623 3.98283 -1.44 0.162 -13.97078 2.469534 +_Ibplsta~116 | -5.037745 4.873694 -1.03 0.312 -15.09656 5.021066 +_Ibplsta~121 | -5.845788 1.496531 -3.91 0.001 -8.934476 -2.7571 +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | -.3216253 2.097233 -0.15 0.879 -4.650102 4.006852 +_Ibplsta~124 | 1.928803 2.222482 0.87 0.394 -2.658174 6.515779 +_Ibplsta~125 | -4.213413 2.037361 -2.07 0.050 -8.418318 -.0085073 +_Ibplsta~126 | -2.156785 3.345554 -0.64 0.525 -9.061669 4.7481 +_Ibplsta~127 | 4.119227 3.083343 1.34 0.194 -2.24448 10.48293 +_Ibplsta~128 | 21.24937 2.245659 9.46 0.000 16.61456 25.88418 +_Ibplsta~129 | -.3324323 2.31983 -0.14 0.887 -5.120325 4.455461 +_Ibplsta~131 | -4.99484 2.039929 -2.45 0.022 -9.205047 -.7846338 +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | 1.712878 2.561831 0.67 0.510 -3.574481 7.000237 +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | 3.825457 1.921166 1.99 0.058 -.1396351 7.79055 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | -1.367696 1.554691 -0.88 0.388 -4.57642 1.841028 +_Ibplsta~142 | -3.281862 2.740019 -1.20 0.243 -8.936983 2.373258 +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | -5.348662 2.074835 -2.58 0.017 -9.630911 -1.066413 +_Ibplsta~153 | -12.90817 3.661541 -3.53 0.002 -20.46522 -5.35112 +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | 11.57589 4.830801 2.40 0.025 1.605604 21.54617 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_112 | .0040547 .0021542 1.88 0.072 -.0003913 .0085006 +_IbplXy~_113 | .0017128 .0022916 0.75 0.462 -.0030169 .0064425 +_IbplXy~_115 | .0028291 .0020684 1.37 0.184 -.0014399 .0070981 +_IbplXy~_116 | .0025855 .0025305 1.02 0.317 -.0026371 .0078081 +_IbplXy~_121 | .0139808 .0020959 6.67 0.000 .009655 .0183066 +_IbplXy~_122 | .0109131 .0021246 5.14 0.000 .0065282 .0152981 +_IbplXy~_123 | .0112127 .0023436 4.78 0.000 .0063758 .0160497 +_IbplXy~_124 | .010108 .0021219 4.76 0.000 .0057286 .0144873 +_IbplXy~_125 | .0132612 .0022624 5.86 0.000 .0085917 .0179306 +_IbplXy~_126 | .0122976 .002548 4.83 0.000 .0070389 .0175564 +_IbplXy~_127 | .0090303 .0023121 3.91 0.001 .0042583 .0138024 +_IbplXy~_128 | .0002719 .0017229 0.16 0.876 -.003284 .0038278 +_IbplXy~_129 | .0113182 .0020599 5.49 0.000 .0070668 .0155697 +_IbplXy~_131 | .0101911 .0022261 4.58 0.000 .0055968 .0147855 +_IbplXy~_132 | .0076735 .002099 3.66 0.001 .0033414 .0120056 +_IbplXy~_133 | .0069656 .0021616 3.22 0.004 .0025043 .011427 +_IbplXy~_134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | .0059705 .0020475 2.92 0.008 .0017446 .0101964 +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | .0096344 .0020349 4.73 0.000 .0054347 .0138342 +_IbplXy~_142 | .0106626 .0021793 4.89 0.000 .0061648 .0151604 +_IbplXy~_143 | .0089556 .0023932 3.74 0.001 .0040163 .0138949 +_IbplXy~_151 | .0099236 .0022728 4.37 0.000 .0052327 .0146145 +_IbplXy~_152 | .0125903 .002 6.30 0.000 .0084626 .016718 +_IbplXy~_153 | .0168023 .0026222 6.41 0.000 .0113904 .0222142 +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | -.0059392 .0025075 -2.37 0.026 -.0111143 -.000764 +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a112 | .0002053 .000015 13.72 0.000 .0001744 .0002361 +_IbplXy~a113 | .0000143 .0000133 1.07 0.295 -.0000133 .0000418 +_IbplXy~a115 | .0001047 .0000133 7.89 0.000 .0000773 .0001321 +_IbplXy~a116 | -.000216 .0000123 -17.60 0.000 -.0002414 -.0001907 +_IbplXy~a121 | .0001901 .0000163 11.65 0.000 .0001564 .0002238 +_IbplXy~a122 | .0001884 .0000175 10.78 0.000 .0001524 .0002245 +_IbplXy~a123 | -.0000928 .0000189 -4.90 0.000 -.0001318 -.0000537 +_IbplXy~a124 | -.0000881 .0000202 -4.36 0.000 -.0001299 -.0000464 +_IbplXy~a125 | -.0000924 .0000183 -5.05 0.000 -.0001302 -.0000546 +_IbplXy~a126 | -.0001254 .0000181 -6.94 0.000 -.0001627 -.0000881 +_IbplXy~a127 | -.0001004 .0000196 -5.13 0.000 -.0001408 -.0000599 +_IbplXy~a128 | -.0002352 .0000228 -10.30 0.000 -.0002823 -.000188 +_IbplXy~a129 | -5.31e-06 .0000199 -0.27 0.792 -.0000465 .0000359 +_IbplXy~a131 | -.0000702 .0000178 -3.93 0.001 -.000107 -.0000333 +_IbplXy~a132 | -.0000455 .0000169 -2.69 0.013 -.0000804 -.0000106 +_IbplXy~a133 | -.000145 .0000199 -7.28 0.000 -.000186 -.0001039 +_IbplXy~a134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | -.0001294 .000018 -7.19 0.000 -.0001665 -.0000923 +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | .0000458 .0000188 2.43 0.023 6.86e-06 .0000846 +_IbplXy~a142 | .0000406 .0000191 2.12 0.044 1.12e-06 .00008 +_IbplXy~a143 | .0000511 .0000182 2.80 0.010 .0000135 .0000888 +_IbplXy~a151 | .0000508 .0000171 2.97 0.007 .0000155 .0000861 +_IbplXy~a152 | .0000665 .0000192 3.46 0.002 .0000268 .0001061 +_IbplXy~a153 | .0002315 .0000307 7.53 0.000 .0001681 .000295 +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | -.0002835 .0000109 -25.98 0.000 -.000306 -.000261 +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.6693406 .0338718 -19.76 0.000 -.7392486 -.5994326 + _Iyear_1980 | .6430522 .0430909 14.92 0.000 .5541169 .7319874 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.757646 .042574 64.77 0.000 2.669778 2.845515 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.342414 .0492091 -47.60 0.000 -2.443976 -2.240851 + _cons | 6.993555 .7475746 9.35 0.000 5.450637 8.536473 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, BASELINE + +19:39:48 on 1 Feb 2010 + +BASELINE + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 3734 3734 3734 3734 3734 3734 +Depvar: inctot inctot inctot inctot inctot inctot +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.2869~ 0.2487~ 0.2686* 0.3405* 0.3353* 0.4026* + (0.1337) (0.1015) (0.1030) (0.1063) (0.0849) (0.0929) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. +. +. local meanrev "dens lnele" + +. local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year i.bpls*year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.bplstate*year _IbplXyea_# (coded as above) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted 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+note: _Ibplstate_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_332 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_219 omitted because 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omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 24, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9975 + Adj R-squared = 0.9974 + Root MSE = .09895 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1343952 .0874513 1.54 0.137 -.0460953 .3148858 + dens | -.0375402 .0159884 -2.35 0.027 -.0705387 -.0045417 + lnele | -.0031274 .0121989 -0.26 0.800 -.0283046 .0220498 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -1.137144 1.757291 -0.65 0.524 -4.764015 2.489727 +_Ibplregbr_3 | -28.15645 3.461982 -8.13 0.000 -35.30163 -21.01127 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -15.12951 2.500262 -6.05 0.000 -20.2898 -9.969222 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -7.090421 3.619353 -1.96 0.062 -14.5604 .3795571 +_IbplXyrex~2 | .0865769 .0589479 1.47 0.155 -.0350857 .2082395 +_IbplXyrex~3 | .1158421 .0867291 1.34 0.194 -.063158 .2948422 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .2418445 .09791 2.47 0.021 .0397681 .4439208 +_IbplXyrex~5 | .0509577 .0671305 0.76 0.455 -.0875928 .1895083 +_Ibplsta~112 | 7.756121 1.460854 5.31 0.000 4.741066 10.77118 +_Ibplsta~113 | 3.090922 1.626357 1.90 0.069 -.2657142 6.447558 +_Ibplsta~115 | 4.340868 2.291953 1.89 0.070 -.3894914 9.071227 +_Ibplsta~116 | -21.5905 1.349847 -15.99 0.000 -24.37645 -18.80455 +_Ibplsta~121 | -.3032151 .5227241 -0.58 0.567 -1.382065 .7756344 +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | -26.00552 1.660001 -15.67 0.000 -29.43159 -22.57944 +_Ibplsta~124 | -21.32004 1.446749 -14.74 0.000 -24.30598 -18.33409 +_Ibplsta~125 | -25.39363 2.270757 -11.18 0.000 -30.08024 -20.70702 +_Ibplsta~126 | -27.3193 2.586966 -10.56 0.000 -32.65854 -21.98007 +_Ibplsta~127 | -17.16873 2.604451 -6.59 0.000 -22.54405 -11.7934 +_Ibplsta~128 | -12.99884 2.426345 -5.36 0.000 -18.00657 -7.991106 +_Ibplsta~129 | -10.56597 2.385336 -4.43 0.000 -15.48906 -5.642878 +_Ibplsta~131 | 2.680351 1.150664 2.33 0.029 .3054977 5.055203 +_Ibplsta~132 | 12.92694 2.074829 6.23 0.000 8.644708 17.20918 +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | 1.62703 .7599406 2.14 0.043 .0585897 3.19547 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | 4.719302 .7280906 6.48 0.000 3.216597 6.222007 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | 5.752397 .973018 5.91 0.000 3.744186 7.760607 +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | -10.40478 1.328437 -7.83 0.000 -13.14654 -7.663022 +_Ibplsta~153 | -34.28995 9.884274 -3.47 0.002 -54.69009 -13.88981 +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | -16.29314 2.265441 -7.19 0.000 -20.96878 -11.6175 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.7648377 .0372626 -20.53 0.000 -.8417439 -.6879314 + _Iyear_1980 | .4611235 .0456063 10.11 0.000 .3669968 .5552502 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.48347 .048695 51.00 0.000 2.382969 2.583972 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.692164 .0513028 -52.48 0.000 -2.798048 -2.58628 +_IbplXye~112 | -.0040151 .0007416 -5.41 0.000 -.0055456 -.0024846 +_IbplXye~113 | -.0016418 .0008246 -1.99 0.058 -.0033436 .00006 +_IbplXye~115 | -.0022958 .001163 -1.97 0.060 -.0046961 .0001045 +_IbplXye~116 | .0108434 .0006859 15.81 0.000 .0094278 .012259 +_IbplXye~121 | .0003896 .0008041 0.48 0.632 -.00127 .0020493 +_IbplXye~122 | .0002035 .0008913 0.23 0.821 -.0016362 .0020431 +_IbplXye~123 | .0133744 .0013219 10.12 0.000 .0106463 .0161026 +_IbplXye~124 | .0110566 .0011637 9.50 0.000 .008655 .0134583 +_IbplXye~125 | .013096 .0012737 10.28 0.000 .0104672 .0157249 +_IbplXye~126 | .0141551 .001574 8.99 0.000 .0109066 .0174036 +_IbplXye~127 | .0090019 .0014356 6.27 0.000 .006039 .0119647 +_IbplXye~128 | .0069352 .0013524 5.13 0.000 .0041439 .0097264 +_IbplXye~129 | .0056867 .0013497 4.21 0.000 .002901 .0084723 +_IbplXye~131 | .0127552 .0014886 8.57 0.000 .0096828 .0158276 +_IbplXye~132 | .0076359 .001199 6.37 0.000 .0051612 .0101106 +_IbplXye~133 | .0143158 .0017552 8.16 0.000 .0106931 .0179384 +_IbplXye~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~135 | .013608 .0017922 7.59 0.000 .0099092 .0173069 +_IbplXye~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~141 | .0052366 .0013131 3.99 0.001 .0025266 .0079467 +_IbplXye~142 | .0076646 .001268 6.04 0.000 .0050477 .0102816 +_IbplXye~143 | .0047426 .0015157 3.13 0.005 .0016143 .0078709 +_IbplXye~151 | .0035251 .0018373 1.92 0.067 -.0002669 .0073171 +_IbplXye~152 | .0087193 .0017425 5.00 0.000 .005123 .0123156 +_IbplXye~153 | .0211579 .004894 4.32 0.000 .0110572 .0312587 +_IbplXye~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~192 | .0081929 .001151 7.12 0.000 .0058174 .0105683 +_IbplXye~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~332 | (omitted) + _cons | 8.727683 .0938228 93.02 0.000 8.534043 8.921324 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year i.bpls*year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.bplstate*year _IbplXyea_# (coded as above) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplregbr_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of 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Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .21425 .1194769 1.79 0.086 -.0323381 .4608381 + dens | -.0603993 .0197202 -3.06 0.005 -.1010999 -.0196987 + lnele | -.0054103 .015675 -0.35 0.733 -.0377619 .0269412 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -27.79764 3.551171 -7.83 0.000 -35.1269 -20.46839 +_Ibplregbr_3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_4 | -24.0649 3.280143 -7.34 0.000 -30.83478 -17.29502 +_Ibplregbr_5 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.0813067 .0876185 -0.93 0.363 -.2621424 .099529 +_IbplXyrex~3 | .1022219 .126314 0.81 0.426 -.1584774 .3629212 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .277128 .1325042 2.09 0.047 .0036527 .5506033 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.0568582 .0777723 -0.73 0.472 -.2173723 .1036559 +_Ibplsta~112 | 5.216424 1.813885 2.88 0.008 1.472749 8.960099 +_Ibplsta~113 | 1.463134 2.092443 0.70 0.491 -2.855455 5.781723 +_Ibplsta~115 | .5493015 3.162739 0.17 0.864 -5.978271 7.076874 +_Ibplsta~116 | -23.14473 1.789907 -12.93 0.000 -26.83892 -19.45055 +_Ibplsta~121 | 12.26346 2.595069 4.73 0.000 6.907497 17.61942 +_Ibplsta~122 | 13.30731 3.301575 4.03 0.000 6.493197 20.12143 +_Ibplsta~123 | -14.66127 1.931423 -7.59 0.000 -18.64753 -10.67501 +_Ibplsta~124 | -9.868343 1.998077 -4.94 0.000 -13.99217 -5.744514 +_Ibplsta~125 | -15.09992 1.712284 -8.82 0.000 -18.6339 -11.56594 +_Ibplsta~126 | -17.5842 1.398497 -12.57 0.000 -20.47055 -14.69784 +_Ibplsta~127 | -7.693126 1.375093 -5.59 0.000 -10.53118 -4.855073 +_Ibplsta~128 | -3.196872 1.31384 -2.43 0.023 -5.908504 -.4852401 +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | -36.1433 3.83254 -9.43 0.000 -44.05327 -28.23332 +_Ibplsta~132 | -25.44548 3.091574 -8.23 0.000 -31.82618 -19.06479 +_Ibplsta~133 | -40.8492 4.604069 -8.87 0.000 -50.35153 -31.34687 +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | -38.42722 4.65483 -8.26 0.000 -48.03432 -28.82012 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | 5.221345 .819072 6.37 0.000 3.530864 6.911827 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | 5.430858 1.084295 5.01 0.000 3.192983 7.668734 +_Ibplsta~151 | -16.25655 4.262423 -3.81 0.001 -25.05376 -7.459343 +_Ibplsta~152 | -28.24154 4.371104 -6.46 0.000 -37.26306 -19.22003 +_Ibplsta~153 | -60.99275 11.58532 -5.26 0.000 -84.90367 -37.08184 +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | -15.98112 2.891153 -5.53 0.000 -21.94816 -10.01407 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~112 | .0019157 .0007809 2.45 0.022 .0003041 .0035273 +_IbplXyo~113 | .0007044 .0008962 0.79 0.440 -.0011452 .002554 +_IbplXyo~115 | .002153 .0013655 1.58 0.128 -.0006653 .0049713 +_IbplXyo~116 | .0052453 .0008151 6.44 0.000 .003563 .0069275 +_IbplXyo~121 | .0102816 .0010124 10.16 0.000 .0081921 .012371 +_IbplXyo~122 | .0106179 .0011814 8.99 0.000 .0081796 .0130563 +_IbplXyo~123 | .0110295 .0013276 8.31 0.000 .0082894 .0137695 +_IbplXyo~124 | .0095589 .0011678 8.19 0.000 .0071486 .0119691 +_IbplXyo~125 | .0138129 .0012462 11.08 0.000 .0112409 .0163848 +_IbplXyo~126 | .0135967 .00156 8.72 0.000 .0103771 .0168164 +_IbplXyo~127 | .0109994 .0014162 7.77 0.000 .0080765 .0139223 +_IbplXyo~128 | .0094759 .0013174 7.19 0.000 .0067569 .0121949 +_IbplXyo~129 | .0119633 .0012607 9.49 0.000 .0093614 .0145652 +_IbplXyo~131 | .0082466 .0014282 5.77 0.000 .005299 .0111942 +_IbplXyo~132 | .0057884 .0013001 4.45 0.000 .0031051 .0084716 +_IbplXyo~133 | .0066127 .0018537 3.57 0.002 .0027868 .0104385 +_IbplXyo~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | .009202 .0018148 5.07 0.000 .0054565 .0129476 +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | .0062467 .001197 5.22 0.000 .0037762 .0087171 +_IbplXyo~142 | .0077405 .0013171 5.88 0.000 .0050221 .0104589 +_IbplXyo~143 | .0044768 .0014274 3.14 0.004 .0015307 .0074229 +_IbplXyo~151 | .0036156 .0017511 2.06 0.050 1.59e-06 .0072296 +_IbplXyo~152 | .0085482 .0018038 4.74 0.000 .0048253 .0122711 +_IbplXyo~153 | .019349 .0050653 3.82 0.001 .0088947 .0298032 +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | -.0016384 .0013619 -1.20 0.241 -.0044491 .0011724 +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.7428358 .0360445 -20.61 0.000 -.8172279 -.6684437 + _Iyear_1980 | .5060605 .0425144 11.90 0.000 .418315 .5938059 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.552732 .0382783 66.69 0.000 2.473729 2.631734 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.602864 .038805 -67.08 0.000 -2.682953 -2.522774 +_IbplXye~112 | -.0046091 .0002401 -19.20 0.000 -.0051046 -.0041136 +_IbplXye~113 | -.0015121 .0002721 -5.56 0.000 -.0020737 -.0009504 +_IbplXye~115 | -.0024864 .0003322 -7.48 0.000 -.0031721 -.0018007 +_IbplXye~116 | .0064871 .0001177 55.11 0.000 .0062442 .0067301 +_IbplXye~121 | -.002534 .0003739 -6.78 0.000 -.0033058 -.0017623 +_IbplXye~122 | -.0034265 .0003844 -8.91 0.000 -.0042198 -.0026331 +_IbplXye~123 | .0103405 .0007138 14.49 0.000 .0088673 .0118137 +_IbplXye~124 | .0094099 .0006937 13.56 0.000 .0079781 .0108417 +_IbplXye~125 | .0078688 .0007335 10.73 0.000 .006355 .0093825 +_IbplXye~126 | .0094239 .0007869 11.98 0.000 .0077998 .011048 +_IbplXye~127 | .0069487 .0007582 9.16 0.000 .0053838 .0085135 +_IbplXye~128 | .0062095 .0007495 8.29 0.000 .0046626 .0077563 +_IbplXye~129 | .0021337 .0007677 2.78 0.010 .0005493 .0037182 +_IbplXye~131 | .0100836 .0007723 13.06 0.000 .0084897 .0116775 +_IbplXye~132 | .0071462 .0004852 14.73 0.000 .0061448 .0081477 +_IbplXye~133 | .0142768 .0007078 20.17 0.000 .012816 .0157375 +_IbplXye~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~135 | .010626 .0008025 13.24 0.000 .0089697 .0122823 +_IbplXye~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~141 | .0033891 .000671 5.05 0.000 .0020042 .0047741 +_IbplXye~142 | .0046096 .000493 9.35 0.000 .0035922 .005627 +_IbplXye~143 | .0050489 .0007609 6.64 0.000 .0034784 .0066194 +_IbplXye~151 | .0046307 .0007125 6.50 0.000 .0031603 .0061012 +_IbplXye~152 | .0057924 .0007008 8.27 0.000 .004346 .0072388 +_IbplXye~153 | .0121523 .0009834 12.36 0.000 .0101227 .0141818 +_IbplXye~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~192 | .009637 .0001473 65.44 0.000 .009333 .0099409 +_IbplXye~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~332 | (omitted) + _cons | 8.632666 .1060322 81.42 0.000 8.413827 8.851506 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.bpls*year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.bplstate*year _IbplXyea_# (coded as above) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplregbr_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 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_IbplXyea_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 24, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9977 + Adj R-squared = 0.9976 + Root MSE = .09345 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .2023851 .1150792 1.76 0.091 -.0351268 .439897 + dens | -.0180435 .0154302 -1.17 0.254 -.0498899 .0138028 + lnele | -.0031827 .0163987 -0.19 0.848 -.037028 .0306626 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -23.12729 2.532655 -9.13 0.000 -28.35444 -17.90015 +_Ibplregbr_3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_4 | -25.61732 2.623067 -9.77 0.000 -31.03106 -20.20357 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -20.57429 3.115478 -6.60 0.000 -27.00432 -14.14425 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.1782651 .0630869 -2.83 0.009 -.3084701 -.04806 +_IbplXyrex~3 | -.0146061 .0987093 -0.15 0.884 -.218332 .1891198 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .0926666 .1068005 0.87 0.394 -.1277588 .3130921 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.1315006 .0509495 -2.58 0.016 -.2366553 -.0263459 +_Ibplsta~112 | -1.806933 1.355286 -1.33 0.195 -4.604107 .9902402 +_Ibplsta~113 | 3.547708 1.949259 1.82 0.081 -.4753642 7.57078 +_Ibplsta~115 | -.1547372 2.716746 -0.06 0.955 -5.761824 5.45235 +_Ibplsta~116 | -12.53428 1.447192 -8.66 0.000 -15.52114 -9.54742 +_Ibplsta~121 | .2021376 2.58004 0.08 0.938 -5.122804 5.527079 +_Ibplsta~122 | -.2670713 3.376299 -0.08 0.938 -7.23541 6.701268 +_Ibplsta~123 | -9.66323 2.799861 -3.45 0.002 -15.44186 -3.8846 +_Ibplsta~124 | -4.501753 2.804194 -1.61 0.121 -10.28932 1.285818 +_Ibplsta~125 | -7.358338 2.429172 -3.03 0.006 -12.3719 -2.344774 +_Ibplsta~126 | -7.469156 2.147185 -3.48 0.002 -11.90073 -3.037583 +_Ibplsta~127 | 1.164201 1.781459 0.65 0.520 -2.51255 4.840951 +_Ibplsta~128 | 12.85338 1.777774 7.23 0.000 9.184237 16.52253 +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | -28.17072 3.237921 -8.70 0.000 -34.85346 -21.48798 +_Ibplsta~132 | -17.53889 3.147588 -5.57 0.000 -24.03519 -11.04259 +_Ibplsta~133 | -26.27993 4.074283 -6.45 0.000 -34.68883 -17.87102 +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | -26.28967 4.425954 -5.94 0.000 -35.42439 -17.15495 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | 4.413695 .8252737 5.35 0.000 2.710413 6.116976 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | 4.357792 1.214305 3.59 0.001 1.85159 6.863994 +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | -11.22612 1.606617 -6.99 0.000 -14.54201 -7.910223 +_Ibplsta~153 | -30.72665 7.16057 -4.29 0.000 -45.50534 -15.94796 +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | -5.012445 3.159597 -1.59 0.126 -11.53353 1.508642 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_112 | .0050687 .0006111 8.29 0.000 .0038075 .0063299 +_IbplX~b_113 | -.0002135 .0008807 -0.24 0.810 -.0020311 .0016041 +_IbplX~b_115 | .0024655 .0011883 2.07 0.049 .000013 .004918 +_IbplX~b_116 | .0007502 .0006659 1.13 0.271 -.0006241 .0021245 +_IbplX~b_121 | .0135195 .0009332 14.49 0.000 .0115935 .0154456 +_IbplX~b_122 | .0145461 .0012149 11.97 0.000 .0120386 .0170536 +_IbplX~b_123 | .0066113 .0015326 4.31 0.000 .0034482 .0097744 +_IbplX~b_124 | .0049991 .0013045 3.83 0.001 .0023066 .0076916 +_IbplX~b_125 | .0081203 .0011719 6.93 0.000 .0057016 .010539 +_IbplX~b_126 | .0067667 .0016042 4.22 0.000 .0034559 .0100776 +_IbplX~b_127 | .0047777 .0012369 3.86 0.001 .0022249 .0073305 +_IbplX~b_128 | -.0001027 .0011396 -0.09 0.929 -.0024547 .0022493 +_IbplX~b_129 | .0098837 .0010793 9.16 0.000 .007656 .0121113 +_IbplX~b_131 | .0046063 .001391 3.31 0.003 .0017353 .0074772 +_IbplX~b_132 | .0021984 .0014783 1.49 0.150 -.0008526 .0052495 +_IbplX~b_133 | -6.19e-06 .0017545 -0.00 0.997 -.0036272 .0036148 +_IbplX~b_134 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_135 | .0036422 .0018908 1.93 0.066 -.0002601 .0075446 +_IbplX~b_136 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_141 | .0072699 .0011222 6.48 0.000 .0049538 .0095861 +_IbplX~b_142 | .0084521 .0011675 7.24 0.000 .0060424 .0108617 +_IbplX~b_143 | .0058172 .0013807 4.21 0.000 .0029676 .0086668 +_IbplX~b_151 | .0055694 .0014064 3.96 0.001 .0026667 .0084721 +_IbplX~b_152 | .010092 .0014199 7.11 0.000 .0071616 .0130225 +_IbplX~b_153 | .0141115 .0032409 4.35 0.000 .0074226 .0208004 +_IbplX~b_191 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_192 | -.0060768 .0014888 -4.08 0.000 -.0091495 -.0030042 +_IbplX~b_203 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_205 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_208 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_213 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_215 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_217 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_219 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_225 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_227 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_241 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_247 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_252 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_254 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_268 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_273 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_276 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_301 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_302 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_303 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_304 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_305 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_306 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_307 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_308 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_309 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_310 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_311 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_312 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_313 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_314 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_315 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_316 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_317 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_318 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_319 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_320 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_321 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_322 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_323 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_324 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_325 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_326 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_327 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_328 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_329 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_330 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_331 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a112 | .0001932 .0000106 18.28 0.000 .0001714 .000215 +_IbplXy~a113 | -1.44e-06 .0000104 -0.14 0.891 -.0000229 .00002 +_IbplXy~a115 | .0000943 8.19e-06 11.51 0.000 .0000774 .0001111 +_IbplXy~a116 | -.0002012 3.10e-06 -64.84 0.000 -.0002076 -.0001948 +_IbplXy~a121 | .0001758 .0000141 12.46 0.000 .0001467 .0002049 +_IbplXy~a122 | .0001912 .0000157 12.15 0.000 .0001587 .0002236 +_IbplXy~a123 | -.0000578 .0000163 -3.54 0.002 -.0000915 -.0000241 +_IbplXy~a124 | -.0000638 .0000171 -3.72 0.001 -.0000992 -.0000284 +_IbplXy~a125 | -.0000811 .0000166 -4.88 0.000 -.0001155 -.0000468 +_IbplXy~a126 | -.000107 .000013 -8.26 0.000 -.0001338 -.0000803 +_IbplXy~a127 | -.0000886 .0000138 -6.40 0.000 -.0001171 -.00006 +_IbplXy~a128 | -.0001976 .0000144 -13.67 0.000 -.0002274 -.0001677 +_IbplXy~a129 | -1.85e-06 .0000143 -0.13 0.898 -.0000314 .0000277 +_IbplXy~a131 | -.0000449 .0000162 -2.78 0.011 -.0000783 -.0000115 +_IbplXy~a132 | -.0000371 .0000175 -2.12 0.044 -.0000731 -1.05e-06 +_IbplXy~a133 | -.0000997 .0000136 -7.35 0.000 -.0001277 -.0000717 +_IbplXy~a134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | -.0000741 .000015 -4.95 0.000 -.000105 -.0000432 +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | .0000534 .0000142 3.75 0.001 .000024 .0000827 +_IbplXy~a142 | .0000571 .0000122 4.69 0.000 .000032 .0000823 +_IbplXy~a143 | .0000637 .0000148 4.29 0.000 .0000331 .0000943 +_IbplXy~a151 | .0000539 .0000167 3.22 0.004 .0000193 .0000885 +_IbplXy~a152 | .0000905 .0000147 6.14 0.000 .0000601 .000121 +_IbplXy~a153 | .00023 .0000475 4.84 0.000 .000132 .000328 +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | -.0002593 3.66e-06 -70.78 0.000 -.0002669 -.0002517 +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.7409235 .0365363 -20.28 0.000 -.8163307 -.6655163 + _Iyear_1980 | .5117894 .0428969 11.93 0.000 .4232546 .6003242 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.561885 .0388858 65.88 0.000 2.481629 2.642142 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.590813 .0392363 -66.03 0.000 -2.671793 -2.509834 +_IbplXye~112 | -.0042192 .0002174 -19.41 0.000 -.0046678 -.0037706 +_IbplXye~113 | -.0016704 .0002467 -6.77 0.000 -.0021797 -.0011612 +_IbplXye~115 | -.0024782 .0003047 -8.13 0.000 -.0031071 -.0018493 +_IbplXye~116 | .0055806 .0000913 61.12 0.000 .0053922 .0057691 +_IbplXye~121 | -.002036 .0003002 -6.78 0.000 -.0026555 -.0014165 +_IbplXye~122 | -.002844 .0003176 -8.95 0.000 -.0034995 -.0021884 +_IbplXye~123 | .0097875 .0006648 14.72 0.000 .0084154 .0111596 +_IbplXye~124 | .0088118 .000629 14.01 0.000 .0075137 .01011 +_IbplXye~125 | .007183 .0006714 10.70 0.000 .0057973 .0085686 +_IbplXye~126 | .0086606 .0007374 11.74 0.000 .0071387 .0101825 +_IbplXye~127 | .006218 .0006983 8.90 0.000 .0047768 .0076592 +_IbplXye~128 | .0051739 .000685 7.55 0.000 .0037602 .0065877 +_IbplXye~129 | .001799 .0007004 2.57 0.017 .0003535 .0032445 +_IbplXye~131 | .0096237 .0007235 13.30 0.000 .0081304 .011117 +_IbplXye~132 | .0066654 .0004379 15.22 0.000 .0057615 .0075692 +_IbplXye~133 | .013411 .0006464 20.75 0.000 .0120769 .0147451 +_IbplXye~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~135 | .0099452 .0007572 13.13 0.000 .0083825 .011508 +_IbplXye~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~141 | .0035593 .000577 6.17 0.000 .0023685 .00475 +_IbplXye~142 | .0046737 .0004229 11.05 0.000 .0038009 .0055464 +_IbplXye~143 | .0050357 .0007048 7.14 0.000 .003581 .0064904 +_IbplXye~151 | .0048842 .0006199 7.88 0.000 .0036047 .0061636 +_IbplXye~152 | .0060412 .0006112 9.88 0.000 .0047797 .0073027 +_IbplXye~153 | .0122806 .000532 23.09 0.000 .0111827 .0133785 +_IbplXye~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~192 | .0085209 .0001546 55.11 0.000 .0082018 .00884 +_IbplXye~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~332 | (omitted) + _cons | 8.661812 .1055727 82.05 0.000 8.443921 8.879704 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year i.bpls*year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.bplstate*year _IbplXyea_# (coded as above) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: 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_IbplXyea_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 25, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9975 + Adj R-squared = 0.9974 + Root MSE = .0985 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .135883 .0696675 1.95 0.063 -.0079037 .2796698 + dens | -.0148315 .0163412 -0.91 0.373 -.048558 .018895 + lnele | -.0457097 .0227937 -2.01 0.056 -.0927536 .0013342 + inmort | -.0792705 .0238824 -3.32 0.003 -.1285613 -.0299797 + ea | -1.043123 .6636782 -1.57 0.129 -2.412888 .3266412 + eaag | -.3500179 2.139463 -0.16 0.871 -4.765652 4.065617 + eaexin | -.3643947 2.044134 -0.18 0.860 -4.58328 3.854491 + eaintr | .6167844 2.328215 0.26 0.793 -4.188416 5.421984 + eatran | -1.533815 3.276481 -0.47 0.644 -8.296139 5.22851 + easer | 3.032739 3.527039 0.86 0.398 -4.246713 10.31219 + eaoth | -4.034589 2.734528 -1.48 0.153 -9.678376 1.609199 +_Ibplregbr_2 | 10.23252 7.262587 1.41 0.172 -4.756719 25.22177 +_Ibplregbr_3 | -22.93631 7.765824 -2.95 0.007 -38.96419 -6.908441 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -6.875571 7.51007 -0.92 0.369 -22.37559 8.62445 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -3.633816 8.435708 -0.43 0.670 -21.04426 13.77663 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.064518 .0745362 -0.87 0.395 -.2183531 .0893171 +_IbplXyrex~3 | -.017374 .086859 -0.20 0.843 -.1966422 .1618941 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .196534 .0894408 2.20 0.038 .0119373 .3811307 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.0324963 .0730035 -0.45 0.660 -.1831681 .1181756 +_Ibplsta~112 | 16.99065 6.812144 2.49 0.020 2.931076 31.05022 +_Ibplsta~113 | 10.49533 8.542825 1.23 0.231 -7.13619 28.12686 +_Ibplsta~115 | 12.14945 7.383771 1.65 0.113 -3.089901 27.38881 +_Ibplsta~116 | -16.50671 8.997317 -1.83 0.079 -35.07626 2.062842 +_Ibplsta~121 | -3.109808 1.281159 -2.43 0.023 -5.753989 -.4656267 +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | -29.56996 2.019075 -14.65 0.000 -33.73713 -25.4028 +_Ibplsta~124 | -28.3541 2.179092 -13.01 0.000 -32.85153 -23.85668 +_Ibplsta~125 | -29.85854 2.075488 -14.39 0.000 -34.14214 -25.57495 +_Ibplsta~126 | -33.1366 2.964733 -11.18 0.000 -39.25551 -27.01769 +_Ibplsta~127 | -23.16668 2.669614 -8.68 0.000 -28.67649 -17.65686 +_Ibplsta~128 | -16.09919 2.288457 -7.03 0.000 -20.82234 -11.37605 +_Ibplsta~129 | -14.04364 2.063791 -6.80 0.000 -18.30309 -9.784183 +_Ibplsta~131 | 4.764089 1.484501 3.21 0.004 1.700229 7.827949 +_Ibplsta~132 | 12.9139 2.02831 6.37 0.000 8.727674 17.10013 +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | 5.52615 1.634301 3.38 0.002 2.153119 8.899181 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | 3.947954 1.525125 2.59 0.016 .8002498 7.095658 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | 4.027311 2.408056 1.67 0.107 -.9426725 8.997295 +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | -4.852335 2.481652 -1.96 0.062 -9.974214 .2695438 +_Ibplsta~153 | -20.91689 5.62263 -3.72 0.001 -32.52143 -9.312356 +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | -5.916335 8.809425 -0.67 0.508 -24.0981 12.26543 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.7283644 .0549848 -13.25 0.000 -.8418476 -.6148813 + _Iyear_1980 | .5345561 .0894409 5.98 0.000 .3499592 .7191529 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.597542 .1242257 20.91 0.000 2.341153 2.853932 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.544619 .1561395 -16.30 0.000 -2.866875 -2.222363 +_IbplXye~112 | -.0087087 .0034614 -2.52 0.019 -.0158526 -.0015648 +_IbplXye~113 | -.0054052 .0043409 -1.25 0.225 -.0143643 .003554 +_IbplXye~115 | -.0062645 .0037517 -1.67 0.108 -.0140076 .0014786 +_IbplXye~116 | .0082593 .0045725 1.81 0.083 -.0011778 .0176965 +_IbplXye~121 | -.0039628 .0037799 -1.05 0.305 -.0117642 .0038386 +_IbplXye~122 | -.0055759 .0036901 -1.51 0.144 -.0131919 .0020401 +_IbplXye~123 | .009407 .0039631 2.37 0.026 .0012276 .0175864 +_IbplXye~124 | .0088549 .0038012 2.33 0.029 .0010096 .0167001 +_IbplXye~125 | .0095868 .0041204 2.33 0.029 .0010826 .018091 +_IbplXye~126 | .0113342 .0041216 2.75 0.011 .0028277 .0198407 +_IbplXye~127 | .0062729 .0039082 1.61 0.122 -.0017932 .014339 +_IbplXye~128 | .0027315 .0033116 0.82 0.418 -.0041034 .0095663 +_IbplXye~129 | .001675 .0038359 0.44 0.666 -.006242 .009592 +_IbplXye~131 | .0090429 .0040375 2.24 0.035 .0007099 .0173758 +_IbplXye~132 | .0049899 .0038821 1.29 0.211 -.0030223 .0130021 +_IbplXye~133 | .0116638 .0039442 2.96 0.007 .0035234 .0198041 +_IbplXye~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~135 | .0089718 .0039023 2.30 0.031 .0009178 .0170257 +_IbplXye~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~141 | .0014333 .0037895 0.38 0.709 -.0063878 .0092544 +_IbplXye~142 | .0034692 .0038156 0.91 0.372 -.0044058 .0113443 +_IbplXye~143 | .0014247 .0041265 0.35 0.733 -.0070921 .0099415 +_IbplXye~151 | .0017708 .0042847 0.41 0.683 -.0070723 .0106139 +_IbplXye~152 | .0041391 .003751 1.10 0.281 -.0036026 .0118808 +_IbplXye~153 | .0126046 .0040378 3.12 0.005 .0042709 .0209382 +_IbplXye~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~192 | .0029193 .0044768 0.65 0.521 -.0063203 .0121589 +_IbplXye~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~332 | (omitted) + _cons | 9.422244 1.036774 9.09 0.000 7.282447 11.56204 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year i.bpls*year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.bplstate*year _IbplXyea_# (coded as above) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted 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because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 25, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9976 + Adj R-squared = 0.9975 + Root MSE = .09628 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .2937765 .1039401 2.83 0.009 .0792548 .5082983 + dens | -.0217529 .0197277 -1.10 0.281 -.062469 .0189631 + lnele | -.0543702 .0245005 -2.22 0.036 -.1049369 -.0038036 + inmort | -.1361006 .0393304 -3.46 0.002 -.2172745 -.0549267 + ea | -1.287513 .6666232 -1.93 0.065 -2.663356 .0883299 + eaag | .7019929 2.342872 0.30 0.767 -4.133458 5.537444 + eaexin | .6130194 2.214176 0.28 0.784 -3.956815 5.182853 + eaintr | 1.835671 2.538424 0.72 0.477 -3.403379 7.074721 + eatran | .407595 3.610813 0.11 0.911 -7.044756 7.859946 + easer | 4.995293 4.218604 1.18 0.248 -3.711478 13.70206 + eaoth | -3.013285 2.333343 -1.29 0.209 -7.829068 1.802498 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -4.291171 7.068466 -0.61 0.549 -18.87977 10.29742 +_Ibplregbr_3 | -38.58734 7.66522 -5.03 0.000 -54.40758 -22.7671 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -20.63022 7.378319 -2.80 0.010 -35.85832 -5.402115 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -15.88355 8.731526 -1.82 0.081 -33.90454 2.137432 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.2506232 .1021848 -2.45 0.022 -.4615222 -.0397241 +_IbplXyrex~3 | -.0774377 .1136205 -0.68 0.502 -.3119389 .1570635 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .24253 .1075515 2.26 0.034 .0205546 .4645055 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.1693882 .0825915 -2.05 0.051 -.3398487 .0010722 +_Ibplsta~112 | 9.694204 6.463915 1.50 0.147 -3.64666 23.03507 +_Ibplsta~113 | 3.417593 8.951771 0.38 0.706 -15.05795 21.89314 +_Ibplsta~115 | 4.745321 7.395105 0.64 0.527 -10.51743 20.00807 +_Ibplsta~116 | -19.17542 7.341647 -2.61 0.015 -34.32783 -4.023003 +_Ibplsta~121 | -4.602506 1.783061 -2.58 0.016 -8.282563 -.922449 +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | -34.07224 2.532933 -13.45 0.000 -39.29995 -28.84452 +_Ibplsta~124 | -33.1554 2.950869 -11.24 0.000 -39.2457 -27.06511 +_Ibplsta~125 | -36.31394 2.842143 -12.78 0.000 -42.17983 -30.44804 +_Ibplsta~126 | -39.8513 3.713025 -10.73 0.000 -47.51461 -32.188 +_Ibplsta~127 | -30.45197 3.529545 -8.63 0.000 -37.73659 -23.16735 +_Ibplsta~128 | -21.37259 2.928275 -7.30 0.000 -27.41626 -15.32893 +_Ibplsta~129 | -19.75221 3.088808 -6.39 0.000 -26.1272 -13.37722 +_Ibplsta~131 | 4.91415 .8489361 5.79 0.000 3.162032 6.666268 +_Ibplsta~132 | 13.38984 1.131399 11.83 0.000 11.05475 15.72494 +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | 6.044942 1.167554 5.18 0.000 3.63523 8.454655 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | 6.073166 1.728932 3.51 0.002 2.504826 9.641506 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | 4.877558 2.2304 2.19 0.039 .2742392 9.480876 +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | -8.078452 2.816366 -2.87 0.008 -13.89114 -2.265759 +_Ibplsta~153 | -26.23902 5.565655 -4.71 0.000 -37.72597 -14.75207 +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | -7.942523 6.849381 -1.16 0.258 -22.07895 6.193904 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~112 | -.0001172 .00291 -0.04 0.968 -.0061231 .0058886 +_IbplXyo~113 | -.0001693 .0040562 -0.04 0.967 -.0085408 .0082022 +_IbplXyo~115 | .0002443 .0033203 0.07 0.942 -.0066084 .007097 +_IbplXyo~116 | .0034395 .0033483 1.03 0.315 -.003471 .01035 +_IbplXyo~121 | .0072411 .0033041 2.19 0.038 .0004219 .0140603 +_IbplXyo~122 | .0058975 .0031882 1.85 0.077 -.0006826 .0124776 +_IbplXyo~123 | .0091687 .0033703 2.72 0.012 .0022127 .0161247 +_IbplXyo~124 | .0094897 .0032275 2.94 0.007 .0028284 .0161509 +_IbplXyo~125 | .0127807 .0033405 3.83 0.001 .0058862 .0196753 +_IbplXyo~126 | .0130393 .0034278 3.80 0.001 .0059646 .020114 +_IbplXyo~127 | .0106749 .0030948 3.45 0.002 .0042876 .0170621 +_IbplXyo~128 | .0070483 .0025477 2.77 0.011 .00179 .0123066 +_IbplXyo~129 | .0102585 .0031935 3.21 0.004 .0036673 .0168496 +_IbplXyo~131 | .0071308 .0033917 2.10 0.046 .0001307 .014131 +_IbplXyo~132 | .0057138 .003282 1.74 0.095 -.00106 .0124876 +_IbplXyo~133 | .005614 .0033084 1.70 0.103 -.0012142 .0124422 +_IbplXyo~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | .0065215 .0032914 1.98 0.059 -.0002716 .0133147 +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | .0042958 .0031909 1.35 0.191 -.0022899 .0108816 +_IbplXyo~142 | .0061811 .0032804 1.88 0.072 -.0005894 .0129515 +_IbplXyo~143 | .0031743 .0034346 0.92 0.365 -.0039144 .010263 +_IbplXyo~151 | .0034573 .0037778 0.92 0.369 -.0043397 .0112543 +_IbplXyo~152 | .0065949 .0031591 2.09 0.048 .0000749 .0131149 +_IbplXyo~153 | .0110486 .0027477 4.02 0.000 .0053775 .0167196 +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | -.0053495 .0031351 -1.71 0.101 -.01182 .001121 +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.7410115 .0369949 -20.03 0.000 -.8173653 -.6646577 + _Iyear_1980 | .5102245 .0439529 11.61 0.000 .4195102 .6009388 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.559266 .041666 61.42 0.000 2.473272 2.645261 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.594283 .0435593 -59.56 0.000 -2.684185 -2.504381 +_IbplXye~112 | -.0048908 .0004683 -10.44 0.000 -.0058572 -.0039243 +_IbplXye~113 | -.0016477 .0006059 -2.72 0.012 -.0028981 -.0003972 +_IbplXye~115 | -.0027466 .0005414 -5.07 0.000 -.0038641 -.0016291 +_IbplXye~116 | .0062415 .0004482 13.92 0.000 .0053163 .0071666 +_IbplXye~121 | -.0029275 .0006043 -4.84 0.000 -.0041747 -.0016803 +_IbplXye~122 | -.0039821 .0005739 -6.94 0.000 -.0051665 -.0027977 +_IbplXye~123 | .0100838 .0008657 11.65 0.000 .0082971 .0118706 +_IbplXye~124 | .0093695 .0008589 10.91 0.000 .0075969 .0111421 +_IbplXye~125 | .0077174 .0008969 8.60 0.000 .0058662 .0095685 +_IbplXye~126 | .0093431 .0009479 9.86 0.000 .0073868 .0112994 +_IbplXye~127 | .0068898 .0009024 7.63 0.000 .0050274 .0087523 +_IbplXye~128 | .0058797 .0008268 7.11 0.000 .0041732 .0075861 +_IbplXye~129 | .0018978 .0009011 2.11 0.046 .000038 .0037576 +_IbplXye~131 | .0099237 .0009122 10.88 0.000 .008041 .0118063 +_IbplXye~132 | .0070949 .0006952 10.21 0.000 .0056601 .0085298 +_IbplXye~133 | .014108 .0008286 17.03 0.000 .0123977 .0158182 +_IbplXye~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~135 | .0102623 .0009065 11.32 0.000 .0083913 .0121333 +_IbplXye~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~141 | .0031236 .0008126 3.84 0.001 .0014464 .0048007 +_IbplXye~142 | .0043939 .0006466 6.80 0.000 .0030593 .0057284 +_IbplXye~143 | .0048628 .0009071 5.36 0.000 .0029907 .006735 +_IbplXye~151 | .0045992 .0009139 5.03 0.000 .0027129 .0064855 +_IbplXye~152 | .0055328 .000811 6.82 0.000 .003859 .0072066 +_IbplXye~153 | .0106993 .0004865 21.99 0.000 .0096952 .0117033 +_IbplXye~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~192 | .0091919 .0004133 22.24 0.000 .0083388 .0100449 +_IbplXye~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~332 | (omitted) + _cons | 9.026044 1.151829 7.84 0.000 6.648785 11.4033 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.bpls*year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.bplstate*year _IbplXyea_# (coded as above) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: 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+ Root MSE = .0932 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .31069 .1103406 2.82 0.010 .0829582 .5384218 + dens | -.0158747 .0133425 -1.19 0.246 -.0434122 .0116628 + lnele | -.0612013 .0226818 -2.70 0.013 -.1080141 -.0143884 + inmort | -.059773 .0267887 -2.23 0.035 -.1150621 -.004484 + ea | -.2443583 .5942969 -0.41 0.685 -1.470927 .9822102 + eaag | 2.20118 1.31969 1.67 0.108 -.5225258 4.924885 + eaexin | 1.992407 1.274043 1.56 0.131 -.637088 4.621903 + eaintr | 3.664616 1.489768 2.46 0.021 .5898862 6.739346 + eatran | 2.831393 1.817583 1.56 0.132 -.9199127 6.582699 + easer | 7.488481 2.420913 3.09 0.005 2.491963 12.485 + eaoth | -1.947545 2.091146 -0.93 0.361 -6.263458 2.368368 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -20.38164 3.763964 -5.41 0.000 -28.15008 -12.6132 +_Ibplregbr_3 | -25.57483 3.605679 -7.09 0.000 -33.01659 -18.13308 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -25.66802 4.34685 -5.90 0.000 -34.63948 -16.69657 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -27.41528 4.118327 -6.66 0.000 -35.91509 -18.91547 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.3012103 .0513268 -5.87 0.000 -.4071436 -.195277 +_IbplXyrex~3 | -.0940084 .0658308 -1.43 0.166 -.2298765 .0418597 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .1579935 .0944635 1.67 0.107 -.0369695 .3529565 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.1947603 .0491294 -3.96 0.001 -.2961584 -.0933621 +_Ibplsta~112 | -4.523821 3.572129 -1.27 0.218 -11.89633 2.848691 +_Ibplsta~113 | -2.681761 3.885674 -0.69 0.497 -10.7014 5.337877 +_Ibplsta~115 | -4.492264 3.560135 -1.26 0.219 -11.84002 2.855494 +_Ibplsta~116 | -12.92649 4.43615 -2.91 0.008 -22.08225 -3.770725 +_Ibplsta~121 | -5.37725 1.851786 -2.90 0.008 -9.199149 -1.555351 +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | -14.79045 2.469259 -5.99 0.000 -19.88675 -9.694152 +_Ibplsta~124 | -13.49987 2.685197 -5.03 0.000 -19.04184 -7.957892 +_Ibplsta~125 | -15.91167 2.528217 -6.29 0.000 -21.12965 -10.69369 +_Ibplsta~126 | -16.1721 3.919454 -4.13 0.000 -24.26146 -8.08275 +_Ibplsta~127 | -7.651957 3.697538 -2.07 0.049 -15.2833 -.0206141 +_Ibplsta~128 | 11.46404 2.539416 4.51 0.000 6.222942 16.70513 +_Ibplsta~129 | -5.857387 2.997164 -1.95 0.062 -12.04323 .3284553 +_Ibplsta~131 | -7.952506 1.956221 -4.07 0.000 -11.98995 -3.915063 +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | -6.012135 2.475256 -2.43 0.023 -11.12081 -.9034582 +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | .6419826 1.870577 0.34 0.734 -3.218698 4.502663 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | 1.632763 1.610164 1.01 0.321 -1.690453 4.955978 +_Ibplsta~142 | -2.451248 2.997797 -0.82 0.422 -8.638396 3.735901 +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | -6.226452 2.112609 -2.95 0.007 -10.58666 -1.866243 +_Ibplsta~153 | -20.50369 3.449413 -5.94 0.000 -27.62293 -13.38445 +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | 1.734009 4.572434 0.38 0.708 -7.703031 11.17105 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) 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+_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_112 | .0063146 .0015953 3.96 0.001 .0030221 .009607 +_IbplX~b_113 | .0026453 .0017654 1.50 0.147 -.0009983 .006289 +_IbplX~b_115 | .0044492 .0015806 2.81 0.010 .001187 .0077115 +_IbplX~b_116 | .000913 .002041 0.45 0.659 -.0032995 .0051255 +_IbplX~b_121 | .0148151 .0015786 9.39 0.000 .0115571 .0180731 +_IbplX~b_122 | .0131357 .0017784 7.39 0.000 .0094654 .0168061 +_IbplX~b_123 | .0076955 .0019869 3.87 0.001 .0035947 .0117963 +_IbplX~b_124 | .007872 .0018012 4.37 0.000 .0041545 .0115894 +_IbplX~b_125 | .0107895 .0016359 6.60 0.000 .0074131 .0141659 +_IbplX~b_126 | .0095019 .0020147 4.72 0.000 .0053437 .0136601 +_IbplX~b_127 | .0075684 .0017227 4.39 0.000 .0040129 .0111239 +_IbplX~b_128 | -.0007448 .0013221 -0.56 0.578 -.0034734 .0019839 +_IbplX~b_129 | .0113048 .0015279 7.40 0.000 .0081513 .0144583 +_IbplX~b_131 | .0070674 .0016234 4.35 0.000 .0037168 .010418 +_IbplX~b_132 | .0059011 .0015075 3.91 0.001 .0027897 .0090125 +_IbplX~b_133 | .0024437 .0016295 1.50 0.147 -.0009195 .0058069 +_IbplX~b_134 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_135 | .0030008 .0015267 1.97 0.061 -.0001501 .0061517 +_IbplX~b_136 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_141 | .0085672 .0015181 5.64 0.000 .005434 .0117005 +_IbplX~b_142 | .0095907 .001729 5.55 0.000 .0060221 .0131593 +_IbplX~b_143 | .0078402 .0017876 4.39 0.000 .0041508 .0115297 +_IbplX~b_151 | .0086861 .001686 5.15 0.000 .0052063 .0121659 +_IbplX~b_152 | .0109325 .0014912 7.33 0.000 .0078548 .0140102 +_IbplX~b_153 | .0125208 .0019392 6.46 0.000 .0085184 .0165231 +_IbplX~b_191 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_192 | -.009277 .0021228 -4.37 0.000 -.0136582 -.0048958 +_IbplX~b_203 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_205 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_208 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_213 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_215 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_217 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_219 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_225 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_227 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_241 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_247 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_252 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_254 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_268 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_273 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_276 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_301 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_302 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_303 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_304 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_305 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_306 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_307 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_308 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_309 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_310 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_311 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_312 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_313 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_314 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_315 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_316 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_317 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_318 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_319 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_320 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_321 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_322 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_323 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_324 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_325 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_326 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_327 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_328 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_329 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_330 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_331 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a112 | .0001835 .000012 15.28 0.000 .0001587 .0002083 +_IbplXy~a113 | -2.60e-06 .0000111 -0.24 0.816 -.0000255 .0000202 +_IbplXy~a115 | .0000883 .0000105 8.38 0.000 .0000666 .0001101 +_IbplXy~a116 | -.0002049 9.46e-06 -21.66 0.000 -.0002244 -.0001854 +_IbplXy~a121 | .0001659 .0000138 12.00 0.000 .0001374 .0001944 +_IbplXy~a122 | .0001631 .0000161 10.11 0.000 .0001298 .0001964 +_IbplXy~a123 | -.0000705 .0000178 -3.97 0.001 -.0001071 -.0000338 +_IbplXy~a124 | -.0000599 .0000185 -3.24 0.003 -.000098 -.0000218 +_IbplXy~a125 | -.0000788 .0000155 -5.09 0.000 -.0001107 -.0000468 +_IbplXy~a126 | -.000104 .0000152 -6.84 0.000 -.0001355 -.0000726 +_IbplXy~a127 | -.0000851 .0000159 -5.36 0.000 -.0001179 -.0000523 +_IbplXy~a128 | -.0002267 .0000193 -11.75 0.000 -.0002665 -.0001869 +_IbplXy~a129 | -.0000114 .0000166 -0.69 0.500 -.0000457 .0000229 +_IbplXy~a131 | -.0000444 .0000149 -2.99 0.006 -.0000752 -.0000137 +_IbplXy~a132 | -.0000294 .000014 -2.10 0.047 -.0000582 -4.57e-07 +_IbplXy~a133 | -.0001005 .0000167 -6.03 0.000 -.000135 -.0000661 +_IbplXy~a134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | -.0001027 .0000147 -7.00 0.000 -.000133 -.0000724 +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | .0000432 .0000158 2.73 0.012 .0000105 .0000759 +_IbplXy~a142 | .0000459 .000017 2.70 0.012 .0000109 .000081 +_IbplXy~a143 | .0000599 .0000152 3.95 0.001 .0000287 .0000912 +_IbplXy~a151 | .000058 .0000137 4.24 0.000 .0000298 .0000863 +_IbplXy~a152 | .0000767 .0000161 4.76 0.000 .0000434 .0001099 +_IbplXy~a153 | .00027 .0000248 10.90 0.000 .0002188 .0003211 +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | -.0002622 8.20e-06 -31.98 0.000 -.0002791 -.0002453 +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.743261 .0369957 -20.09 0.000 -.8196165 -.6669056 + _Iyear_1980 | .5074682 .0435805 11.64 0.000 .4175225 .5974139 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.555303 .0398563 64.11 0.000 2.473043 2.637562 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.599191 .0408364 -63.65 0.000 -2.683473 -2.514909 +_IbplXye~112 | -.0040574 .0003194 -12.70 0.000 -.0047165 -.0033983 +_IbplXye~113 | -.0013086 .000324 -4.04 0.000 -.0019774 -.0006398 +_IbplXye~115 | -.0022178 .0003399 -6.52 0.000 -.0029194 -.0015162 +_IbplXye~116 | .0056215 .0002581 21.78 0.000 .0050887 .0061542 +_IbplXye~121 | -.0018634 .00039 -4.78 0.000 -.0026684 -.0010585 +_IbplXye~122 | -.0029818 .0003734 -7.99 0.000 -.0037525 -.0022111 +_IbplXye~123 | .0099387 .0007163 13.87 0.000 .0084603 .0114172 +_IbplXye~124 | .0091697 .0006979 13.14 0.000 .0077293 .0106101 +_IbplXye~125 | .0075151 .0007286 10.31 0.000 .0060113 .0090189 +_IbplXye~126 | .0090038 .0008106 11.11 0.000 .0073308 .0106767 +_IbplXye~127 | .0065641 .00077 8.53 0.000 .0049749 .0081532 +_IbplXye~128 | .0051247 .0007051 7.27 0.000 .0036695 .0065798 +_IbplXye~129 | .0019896 .0007405 2.69 0.013 .0004613 .0035178 +_IbplXye~131 | .0099313 .0007753 12.81 0.000 .0083312 .0115315 +_IbplXye~132 | .0071142 .0005191 13.71 0.000 .0060429 .0081855 +_IbplXye~133 | .0137052 .0006436 21.30 0.000 .0123769 .0150334 +_IbplXye~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~135 | .0098948 .000748 13.23 0.000 .008351 .0114386 +_IbplXye~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~141 | .003729 .0006199 6.02 0.000 .0024496 .0050084 +_IbplXye~142 | .004832 .0004318 11.19 0.000 .0039408 .0057232 +_IbplXye~143 | .0052927 .0007665 6.91 0.000 .0037108 .0068746 +_IbplXye~151 | .0053023 .0007059 7.51 0.000 .0038454 .0067592 +_IbplXye~152 | .006157 .0006249 9.85 0.000 .0048672 .0074468 +_IbplXye~153 | .0121054 .0004266 28.38 0.000 .011225 .0129858 +_IbplXye~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~192 | .0082311 .0002509 32.80 0.000 .0077132 .008749 +_IbplXye~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~332 | (omitted) + _cons | 7.92918 .6704532 11.83 0.000 6.545432 9.312927 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, ALLOW FOR BPL x TIME EFFECTS + +19:40:14 on 1 Feb 2010 + +ALLOW FOR BPL x TIME EFFECTS + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 3734 3734 3734 3734 3734 3734 +Depvar: inctot inctot inctot inctot inctot inctot +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.1344 0.2142 0.2024 0.1359 0.2938* 0.3107* + (0.0875) (0.1195) (0.1151) (0.0697) (0.1039) (0.1103) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.997 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. +. preserve + +. drop if year<1970 +(674 observations deleted) + +. local meanrev "dens lnele" + +. local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1970-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1970 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3091 + F( 24, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9981 + Adj R-squared = 0.9980 + Root MSE = .09186 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .26701 .0989173 2.70 0.013 .0628547 .4711654 + dens | .0157539 .0133317 1.18 0.249 -.0117613 .0432691 + lnele | .0010416 .0164472 0.06 0.950 -.0329037 .034987 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -.8436043 .0320252 -26.34 0.000 -.909701 -.7775076 +_Ibplregbr_3 | .1274015 .0343507 3.71 0.001 .0565052 .1982979 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -.1049703 .0372297 -2.82 0.009 -.1818086 -.028132 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -.1666842 .0428786 -3.89 0.001 -.2551813 -.078187 +_IbplXyrex~2 | .0452532 .047403 0.95 0.349 -.0525818 .1430883 +_IbplXyrex~3 | .1982808 .0785132 2.53 0.019 .0362375 .360324 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .285074 .0876412 3.25 0.003 .1041914 .4659565 +_IbplXyrex~5 | .1608162 .0689183 2.33 0.028 .0185758 .3030565 +_Ibplsta~112 | -.2922728 .0145457 -20.09 0.000 -.3222936 -.262252 +_Ibplsta~113 | -.2181046 .0233182 -9.35 0.000 -.2662311 -.1699781 +_Ibplsta~115 | -.2936553 .0269044 -10.91 0.000 -.3491831 -.2381274 +_Ibplsta~116 | -.021632 .0130528 -1.66 0.110 -.0485716 .0053077 +_Ibplsta~121 | .0893151 .0048254 18.51 0.000 .079356 .0992742 +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | .1684151 .0155604 10.82 0.000 .1363001 .20053 +_Ibplsta~124 | .240509 .0100283 23.98 0.000 .2198116 .2612064 +_Ibplsta~125 | .225983 .0146756 15.40 0.000 .1956941 .2562718 +_Ibplsta~126 | .4034518 .0210247 19.19 0.000 .3600589 .4468447 +_Ibplsta~127 | .318774 .0161177 19.78 0.000 .2855087 .3520393 +_Ibplsta~128 | .3962488 .0148569 26.67 0.000 .3655857 .4269119 +_Ibplsta~129 | .3735368 .0178775 20.89 0.000 .3366393 .4104342 +_Ibplsta~131 | -.3832722 .0091079 -42.08 0.000 -.40207 -.3644743 +_Ibplsta~132 | -.3368499 .0238963 -14.10 0.000 -.3861695 -.2875304 +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | .2219684 .00846 26.24 0.000 .2045079 .2394289 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | .0905357 .0058391 15.51 0.000 .0784844 .102587 +_Ibplsta~143 | .0466942 .0060003 7.78 0.000 .0343101 .0590782 +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | -.1320553 .0123116 -10.73 0.000 -.1574652 -.1066455 +_Ibplsta~153 | .5800491 .0895063 6.48 0.000 .3953171 .7647811 +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | .038938 .0353051 1.10 0.281 -.0339282 .1118041 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | 1.305259 .0177772 73.42 0.000 1.268569 1.34195 + _Iyear_1991 | 3.421538 .0194065 176.31 0.000 3.381485 3.461591 + _Iyear_2000 | -1.679007 .0274643 -61.13 0.000 -1.73569 -1.622323 + _cons | 7.778132 .1030906 75.45 0.000 7.565363 7.9909 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (61 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1970-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1970 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplregbr_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: 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_IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3091 + F( 24, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9983 + Adj R-squared = 0.9982 + Root MSE = .08714 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1217897 .1154505 1.05 0.302 -.1164884 .3600679 + dens | -.0194165 .0123974 -1.57 0.130 -.0450035 .0061705 + lnele | .0032383 .0164755 0.20 0.846 -.0307655 .0372421 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -18.92053 3.667275 -5.16 0.000 -26.48941 -11.35164 +_Ibplregbr_3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_4 | -16.84047 3.085394 -5.46 0.000 -23.20841 -10.47253 +_Ibplregbr_5 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.0927318 .0553404 -1.68 0.107 -.2069488 .0214853 +_IbplXyrex~3 | .0159738 .0724303 0.22 0.827 -.1335149 .1654625 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .0984738 .0811521 1.21 0.237 -.0690158 .2659634 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.0559768 .0611227 -0.92 0.369 -.1821278 .0701743 +_Ibplsta~112 | 1.402123 1.197993 1.17 0.253 -1.070414 3.87466 +_Ibplsta~113 | .0805551 2.152266 0.04 0.970 -4.361503 4.522613 +_Ibplsta~115 | .3741662 2.503173 0.15 0.882 -4.792129 5.540461 +_Ibplsta~116 | -15.45069 1.02247 -15.11 0.000 -17.56096 -13.34041 +_Ibplsta~121 | 7.260518 1.318155 5.51 0.000 4.53998 9.981057 +_Ibplsta~122 | 1.885476 .9404448 2.00 0.056 -.0555069 3.826459 +_Ibplsta~123 | -1.464298 .9845227 -1.49 0.150 -3.496253 .5676567 +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | -3.09262 1.082197 -2.86 0.009 -5.326164 -.8590759 +_Ibplsta~126 | -.9733557 1.660372 -0.59 0.563 -4.400196 2.453485 +_Ibplsta~127 | 6.977765 1.124163 6.21 0.000 4.657607 9.297922 +_Ibplsta~128 | 12.50833 1.148566 10.89 0.000 10.13781 14.87886 +_Ibplsta~129 | 6.108289 2.529367 2.41 0.024 .8879312 11.32865 +_Ibplsta~131 | -14.98036 3.302555 -4.54 0.000 -21.79649 -8.164217 +_Ibplsta~132 | -10.12446 3.300316 -3.07 0.005 -16.93598 -3.312943 +_Ibplsta~133 | -13.07688 3.714732 -3.52 0.002 -20.74371 -5.410047 +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | -15.48225 4.173609 -3.71 0.001 -24.09615 -6.868341 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | 5.682725 .3796538 14.97 0.000 4.899158 6.466292 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | 8.441165 .8798096 9.59 0.000 6.625327 10.257 +_Ibplsta~151 | -7.932449 3.521914 -2.25 0.034 -15.20132 -.6635754 +_Ibplsta~152 | -18.8274 3.609425 -5.22 0.000 -26.27689 -11.37791 +_Ibplsta~153 | -25.12441 3.969135 -6.33 0.000 -33.3163 -16.93251 +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | -9.913522 3.14985 -3.15 0.004 -16.41449 -3.412551 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~112 | -.0008525 .0006209 -1.37 0.182 -.002134 .000429 +_IbplXyo~113 | -.0001439 .0011152 -0.13 0.898 -.0024457 .0021578 +_IbplXyo~115 | -.0003317 .0012971 -0.26 0.800 -.0030088 .0023454 +_IbplXyo~116 | .0079014 .00053 14.91 0.000 .0068075 .0089953 +_IbplXyo~121 | .0056628 .0015316 3.70 0.001 .0025017 .0088238 +_IbplXyo~122 | .008379 .0016094 5.21 0.000 .0050575 .0117005 +_IbplXyo~123 | .0101947 .0021875 4.66 0.000 .0056799 .0147095 +_IbplXyo~124 | .0094814 .0019007 4.99 0.000 .0055586 .0134043 +_IbplXyo~125 | .0110589 .0016104 6.87 0.000 .0077353 .0143825 +_IbplXyo~126 | .0100606 .0022662 4.44 0.000 .0053833 .0147378 +_IbplXyo~127 | .0059348 .0017616 3.37 0.003 .0022991 .0095706 +_IbplXyo~128 | .0031349 .0016812 1.86 0.074 -.0003349 .0066047 +_IbplXyo~129 | .0063903 .0017915 3.57 0.002 .0026928 .0100877 +_IbplXyo~131 | .0076166 .0017115 4.45 0.000 .0040843 .0111488 +_IbplXyo~132 | .0051588 .0017106 3.02 0.006 .0016282 .0086893 +_IbplXyo~133 | .0068457 .0019252 3.56 0.002 .0028723 .010819 +_IbplXyo~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | .0081933 .002163 3.79 0.001 .0037292 .0126574 +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | .005726 .0016849 3.40 0.002 .0022487 .0092034 +_IbplXyo~142 | .0086899 .0015991 5.43 0.000 .0053894 .0119903 +_IbplXyo~143 | .0043334 .0018297 2.37 0.026 .0005571 .0081096 +_IbplXyo~151 | .0040456 .0018254 2.22 0.036 .0002782 .0078129 +_IbplXyo~152 | .0095792 .0018708 5.12 0.000 .0057181 .0134403 +_IbplXyo~153 | .0132 .0020578 6.41 0.000 .0089529 .0174471 +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | .0050903 .0016334 3.12 0.005 .0017192 .0084614 +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | 1.30535 .0178182 73.26 0.000 1.268576 1.342125 + _Iyear_1991 | 3.421774 .0194595 175.84 0.000 3.381612 3.461937 + _Iyear_2000 | -1.678778 .0274895 -61.07 0.000 -1.735514 -1.622043 + _cons | 7.815274 .1036313 75.41 0.000 7.60139 8.029159 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (61 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1970-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1970 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because 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omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3091 + F( 25, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9983 + Adj R-squared = 0.9983 + Root MSE = .08508 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1326859 .1170531 1.13 0.268 -.1088999 .3742716 + dens | -.0022543 .0134498 -0.17 0.868 -.0300133 .0255047 + lnele | .000835 .0174906 0.05 0.962 -.0352639 .0369339 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -14.43054 3.248264 -4.44 0.000 -21.13463 -7.726452 +_Ibplregbr_3 | -5.397748 3.572514 -1.51 0.144 -12.77105 1.975559 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -13.65728 2.904556 -4.70 0.000 -19.65199 -7.662573 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -25.77592 3.974905 -6.48 0.000 -33.97972 -17.57212 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.1425975 .0585711 -2.43 0.023 -.2634823 -.0217128 +_IbplXyrex~3 | -.0187975 .0800191 -0.23 0.816 -.1839487 .1463537 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .0534762 .0886627 0.60 0.552 -.1295145 .236467 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.0607001 .0583721 -1.04 0.309 -.1811742 .059774 +_Ibplsta~112 | -3.057075 1.196785 -2.55 0.017 -5.527117 -.5870334 +_Ibplsta~113 | 4.161378 2.022197 2.06 0.051 -.0122316 8.334987 +_Ibplsta~115 | 1.913133 2.481569 0.77 0.448 -3.208573 7.03484 +_Ibplsta~116 | -6.300556 1.063139 -5.93 0.000 -8.494767 -4.106346 +_Ibplsta~121 | -5.122384 1.861717 -2.75 0.011 -8.96478 -1.279989 +_Ibplsta~122 | -4.257073 2.492654 -1.71 0.101 -9.401659 .887512 +_Ibplsta~123 | -3.872235 2.833818 -1.37 0.184 -9.720947 1.976478 +_Ibplsta~124 | 1.435401 2.814828 0.51 0.615 -4.374119 7.24492 +_Ibplsta~125 | -1.336379 2.395477 -0.56 0.582 -6.280402 3.607643 +_Ibplsta~126 | -.6355519 2.380154 -0.27 0.792 -5.547949 4.276846 +_Ibplsta~127 | 3.629188 1.7488 2.08 0.049 .0198413 7.238535 +_Ibplsta~128 | 16.19656 1.771116 9.14 0.000 12.54116 19.85197 +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | -6.704803 .9425248 -7.11 0.000 -8.650078 -4.759527 +_Ibplsta~132 | .4624458 2.981986 0.16 0.878 -5.69207 6.616962 +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | -2.096856 .8734597 -2.40 0.024 -3.899588 -.2941239 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | .3503614 .5005396 0.70 0.491 -.6827015 1.383424 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | 1.922706 1.012995 1.90 0.070 -.1680135 4.013425 +_Ibplsta~151 | 14.01685 3.4856 4.02 0.000 6.822927 21.21078 +_Ibplsta~152 | 6.408234 2.696579 2.38 0.026 .8427682 11.9737 +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | 2.039155 3.351806 0.61 0.549 -4.878633 8.956944 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_112 | .0014075 .0006206 2.27 0.033 .0001267 .0026883 +_IbplXy~_113 | -.0022278 .0010494 -2.12 0.044 -.0043936 -.000062 +_IbplXy~_115 | -.0011262 .0012872 -0.87 0.390 -.0037828 .0015305 +_IbplXy~_116 | .003238 .0005513 5.87 0.000 .0021003 .0043758 +_IbplXy~_121 | .009684 .0013696 7.07 0.000 .0068573 .0125106 +_IbplXy~_122 | .0092198 .0014661 6.29 0.000 .0061939 .0122456 +_IbplXy~_123 | .009123 .0021055 4.33 0.000 .0047774 .0134686 +_IbplXy~_124 | .0064487 .0017842 3.61 0.001 .0027662 .0101311 +_IbplXy~_125 | .0078591 .0014933 5.26 0.000 .004777 .0109412 +_IbplXy~_126 | .0075861 .0022224 3.41 0.002 .0029993 .0121728 +_IbplXy~_127 | .0053381 .0016449 3.25 0.003 .0019431 .008733 +_IbplXy~_128 | -.0010486 .0015504 -0.68 0.505 -.0042485 .0021514 +_IbplXy~_129 | .0072135 .0016852 4.28 0.000 .0037354 .0106916 +_IbplXy~_131 | .0061404 .001606 3.82 0.001 .0028258 .009455 +_IbplXy~_132 | .002497 .0017725 1.41 0.172 -.0011613 .0061552 +_IbplXy~_133 | .0029123 .0018539 1.57 0.129 -.0009139 .0067386 +_IbplXy~_134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | .0041054 .0021141 1.94 0.064 -.000258 .0084687 +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | .0068172 .001585 4.30 0.000 .0035459 .0100885 +_IbplXy~_142 | .0070603 .0015082 4.68 0.000 .0039476 .010173 +_IbplXy~_143 | .0060302 .0017645 3.42 0.002 .0023883 .009672 +_IbplXy~_151 | .0059927 .0016218 3.69 0.001 .0026454 .00934 +_IbplXy~_152 | .0098397 .0016869 5.83 0.000 .0063582 .0133213 +_IbplXy~_153 | .0134544 .0020692 6.50 0.000 .0091838 .017725 +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | -.000997 .0017376 -0.57 0.571 -.0045832 .0025893 +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a112 | .0001184 .0000105 11.31 0.000 .0000968 .0001401 +_IbplXy~a113 | -.0000777 .0000102 -7.64 0.000 -.0000987 -.0000567 +_IbplXy~a115 | -.0000109 .0000104 -1.04 0.307 -.0000325 .0000106 +_IbplXy~a116 | -.0002104 2.76e-06 -76.32 0.000 -.0002161 -.0002047 +_IbplXy~a121 | .0001643 8.71e-06 18.86 0.000 .0001463 .0001823 +_IbplXy~a122 | .0000339 8.65e-06 3.92 0.001 .0000161 .0000518 +_IbplXy~a123 | -.0000209 6.70e-06 -3.12 0.005 -.0000347 -7.06e-06 +_IbplXy~a124 | -.0000928 7.68e-06 -12.07 0.000 -.0001086 -.0000769 +_IbplXy~a125 | -.0000905 9.28e-06 -9.75 0.000 -.0001096 -.0000713 +_IbplXy~a126 | -.0000676 6.95e-06 -9.73 0.000 -.000082 -.0000533 +_IbplXy~a127 | 8.26e-06 8.47e-06 0.98 0.339 -9.22e-06 .0000257 +_IbplXy~a128 | -.0001319 8.71e-06 -15.13 0.000 -.0001499 -.0001139 +_IbplXy~a129 | .0000323 9.79e-06 3.30 0.003 .0000121 .0000525 +_IbplXy~a131 | -.0000393 9.34e-06 -4.21 0.000 -.0000585 -.00002 +_IbplXy~a132 | -.0000683 .0000112 -6.11 0.000 -.0000914 -.0000452 +_IbplXy~a133 | -.0001146 8.13e-06 -14.10 0.000 -.0001313 -.0000978 +_IbplXy~a134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | -.0001249 7.59e-06 -16.46 0.000 -.0001406 -.0001092 +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | .0000545 8.18e-06 6.67 0.000 .0000376 .0000714 +_IbplXy~a142 | -.0000514 8.59e-06 -5.98 0.000 -.0000691 -.0000337 +_IbplXy~a143 | .0000692 7.94e-06 8.72 0.000 .0000529 .0000856 +_IbplXy~a151 | .0000862 8.31e-06 10.37 0.000 .000069 .0001033 +_IbplXy~a152 | .0000457 8.17e-06 5.60 0.000 .0000289 .0000626 +_IbplXy~a153 | .0002484 .0000262 9.48 0.000 .0001943 .0003025 +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | -.0002734 4.96e-06 -55.10 0.000 -.0002836 -.0002631 +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | 1.305327 .0178896 72.97 0.000 1.268405 1.34225 + _Iyear_1991 | 3.421719 .0195588 174.95 0.000 3.381351 3.462086 + _Iyear_2000 | -1.67872 .0276248 -60.77 0.000 -1.735735 -1.621705 + _cons | 7.835729 .1082771 72.37 0.000 7.612256 8.059202 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (61 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1970-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1970 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3091 + F( 24, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9981 + Adj R-squared = 0.9981 + Root MSE = .09036 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .3074908 .0619334 4.96 0.000 .1796664 .4353151 + dens | -.0323901 .0189757 -1.71 0.101 -.0715541 .0067739 + lnele | -.0435228 .0254402 -1.71 0.100 -.0960288 .0089833 + inmort | .0727404 .0282721 2.57 0.017 .0143896 .1310912 + ea | -.7032807 .7605638 -0.92 0.364 -2.273007 .8664458 + eaag | 1.460497 2.565051 0.57 0.574 -3.833508 6.754501 + eaexin | 1.181155 2.456254 0.48 0.635 -3.888304 6.250613 + eaintr | 2.925186 2.76281 1.06 0.300 -2.776975 8.627346 + eatran | -.1501785 4.065609 -0.04 0.971 -8.541183 8.240826 + easer | 5.514015 4.242463 1.30 0.206 -3.241998 14.27003 + eaoth | -.555708 3.132287 -0.18 0.861 -7.02043 5.909014 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -.9445985 .1066 -8.86 0.000 -1.16461 -.7245869 +_Ibplregbr_3 | .0482127 .1087443 0.44 0.661 -.1762245 .27265 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -.1643719 .1059653 -1.55 0.134 -.3830734 .0543297 +_Ibplregbr_5 | .3474966 .125243 2.77 0.011 .0890078 .6059854 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.0183195 .0985766 -0.19 0.854 -.2217716 .1851327 +_IbplXyrex~3 | .2487522 .1161662 2.14 0.043 .0089969 .4885075 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .3849614 .115219 3.34 0.003 .1471612 .6227617 +_IbplXyrex~5 | .1072653 .0924061 1.16 0.257 -.0834515 .2979822 +_Ibplsta~112 | -.3405682 .1009794 -3.37 0.003 -.5489795 -.1321569 +_Ibplsta~113 | -.3019215 .1204956 -2.51 0.019 -.5506123 -.0532307 +_Ibplsta~115 | -.3644856 .1071443 -3.40 0.002 -.5856205 -.1433506 +_Ibplsta~116 | -.175956 .1260935 -1.40 0.176 -.4362001 .0842881 +_Ibplsta~121 | .1529797 .01337 11.44 0.000 .1253854 .180574 +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | .1678613 .0183074 9.17 0.000 .1300768 .2056459 +_Ibplsta~124 | .2431639 .0218699 11.12 0.000 .1980267 .2883011 +_Ibplsta~125 | .2418015 .0208865 11.58 0.000 .198694 .2849091 +_Ibplsta~126 | .4340462 .0287091 15.12 0.000 .3747934 .4932989 +_Ibplsta~127 | .352422 .0294879 11.95 0.000 .2915619 .4132821 +_Ibplsta~128 | .4100649 .0273141 15.01 0.000 .3536914 .4664385 +_Ibplsta~129 | .389602 .0155108 25.12 0.000 .3575893 .4216147 +_Ibplsta~131 | -.3932434 .0158152 -24.86 0.000 -.4258843 -.3606025 +_Ibplsta~132 | -.3012994 .0227554 -13.24 0.000 -.3482644 -.2543345 +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | .2128782 .0172079 12.37 0.000 .1773629 .2483935 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | .0394099 .016465 2.39 0.025 .0054279 .073392 +_Ibplsta~143 | .0286888 .0154243 1.86 0.075 -.0031454 .0605229 +_Ibplsta~151 | -.5753404 .081222 -7.08 0.000 -.7429744 -.4077065 +_Ibplsta~152 | -.7437083 .0694031 -10.72 0.000 -.8869494 -.6004673 +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | -.2064555 .1191498 -1.73 0.096 -.4523687 .0394577 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | 1.305248 .017778 73.42 0.000 1.268556 1.34194 + _Iyear_1991 | 3.421711 .0193953 176.42 0.000 3.381681 3.461741 + _Iyear_2000 | -1.678814 .0274297 -61.20 0.000 -1.735426 -1.622202 + _cons | 7.242662 1.523398 4.75 0.000 4.098524 10.3868 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (61 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1970-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1970 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_332 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3091 + F( 24, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9983 + Adj R-squared = 0.9982 + Root MSE = .08687 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .3471678 .0533981 6.50 0.000 .2369596 .457376 + dens | -.0386417 .015938 -2.42 0.023 -.0715361 -.0057473 + lnele | -.0056408 .0168526 -0.33 0.741 -.040423 .0291413 + inmort | .0174598 .0320324 0.55 0.591 -.0486518 .0835715 + ea | 1.383213 .4765305 2.90 0.008 .3997026 2.366724 + eaag | 5.858651 1.277931 4.58 0.000 3.221131 8.49617 + eaexin | 5.413075 1.239002 4.37 0.000 2.855901 7.970248 + eaintr | 6.767809 1.437175 4.71 0.000 3.801627 9.733992 + eatran | 5.732809 1.893095 3.03 0.006 1.825653 9.639964 + easer | 9.456343 2.273886 4.16 0.000 4.763273 14.14941 + eaoth | 6.141241 1.710042 3.59 0.001 2.611888 9.670594 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -21.47651 4.049519 -5.30 0.000 -29.83431 -13.11871 +_Ibplregbr_3 | -20.69513 3.919387 -5.28 0.000 -28.78435 -12.60592 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -24.51563 3.957353 -6.19 0.000 -32.6832 -16.34805 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -33.17204 4.720871 -7.03 0.000 -42.91544 -23.42864 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.1984446 .0743846 -2.67 0.013 -.351967 -.0449223 +_IbplXyrex~3 | -.0206371 .0745573 -0.28 0.784 -.1745159 .1332417 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .1582556 .0678853 2.33 0.028 .0181471 .298364 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.1432451 .0611776 -2.34 0.028 -.2695095 -.0169806 +_Ibplsta~112 | -4.126934 4.2664 -0.97 0.343 -12.93235 4.678483 +_Ibplsta~113 | -11.39395 4.362705 -2.61 0.015 -20.39814 -2.389773 +_Ibplsta~115 | -8.132134 4.001909 -2.03 0.053 -16.39167 .1274008 +_Ibplsta~116 | -11.25427 4.848344 -2.32 0.029 -21.26076 -1.247784 +_Ibplsta~121 | .4815121 1.148289 0.42 0.679 -1.888441 2.851465 +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | -4.353274 1.721141 -2.53 0.018 -7.905534 -.801013 +_Ibplsta~124 | -3.705171 2.017199 -1.84 0.079 -7.868466 .4581229 +_Ibplsta~125 | -9.29775 1.637752 -5.68 0.000 -12.6779 -5.917596 +_Ibplsta~126 | -4.556791 2.521397 -1.81 0.083 -9.7607 .647117 +_Ibplsta~127 | 4.271708 2.234333 1.91 0.068 -.3397288 8.883144 +_Ibplsta~128 | 12.65855 1.881705 6.73 0.000 8.774904 16.5422 +_Ibplsta~129 | .7759609 1.75745 0.44 0.663 -2.851237 4.403159 +_Ibplsta~131 | -1.159531 1.176592 -0.99 0.334 -3.587897 1.268835 +_Ibplsta~132 | .2921912 1.435866 0.20 0.840 -2.671292 3.255674 +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | 1.012722 1.044088 0.97 0.342 -1.142169 3.167613 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | 6.886833 1.258594 5.47 0.000 4.289222 9.484443 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | 10.3324 1.602517 6.45 0.000 7.024964 13.63983 +_Ibplsta~151 | 18.46482 3.899866 4.73 0.000 10.41589 26.51375 +_Ibplsta~152 | 8.257185 3.146405 2.62 0.015 1.763325 14.75104 +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | -2.497625 4.944218 -0.51 0.618 -12.70199 7.70674 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~112 | .0020132 .0022112 0.91 0.372 -.0025505 .0065769 +_IbplXyo~113 | .0058035 .0022609 2.57 0.017 .0011372 .0104698 +_IbplXyo~115 | .0040773 .0020739 1.97 0.061 -.0002031 .0083577 +_IbplXyo~116 | .0057264 .0025129 2.28 0.032 .0005401 .0109128 +_IbplXyo~121 | .0105012 .0021564 4.87 0.000 .0060507 .0149517 +_IbplXyo~122 | .0106811 .0020988 5.09 0.000 .0063493 .0150129 +_IbplXyo~123 | .0130169 .0021081 6.17 0.000 .008666 .0173679 +_IbplXyo~124 | .0127267 .0019862 6.41 0.000 .0086273 .016826 +_IbplXyo~125 | .0156 .0021439 7.28 0.000 .0111752 .0200247 +_IbplXyo~126 | .0132427 .002226 5.95 0.000 .0086486 .0178369 +_IbplXyo~127 | .0086622 .0020635 4.20 0.000 .0044034 .0129211 +_IbplXyo~128 | .0043818 .0017125 2.56 0.017 .0008473 .0079163 +_IbplXyo~129 | .0104789 .0020174 5.19 0.000 .0063152 .0146426 +_IbplXyo~131 | .0111796 .0021285 5.25 0.000 .0067867 .0155726 +_IbplXyo~132 | .0104862 .0020239 5.18 0.000 .006309 .0146634 +_IbplXyo~133 | .0107943 .0020313 5.31 0.000 .0066019 .0149867 +_IbplXyo~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | .0103704 .0020145 5.15 0.000 .0062126 .0145281 +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | .0090801 .0019776 4.59 0.000 .0049986 .0131616 +_IbplXyo~142 | .012668 .0020509 6.18 0.000 .0084352 .0169007 +_IbplXyo~143 | .0073313 .00222 3.30 0.003 .0027495 .0119131 +_IbplXyo~151 | .0075571 .0023484 3.22 0.004 .0027103 .0124038 +_IbplXyo~152 | .0127344 .0019955 6.38 0.000 .0086159 .016853 +_IbplXyo~153 | .0173722 .0024481 7.10 0.000 .0123197 .0224248 +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | .0012448 .0025628 0.49 0.632 -.0040446 .0065342 +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | 1.305356 .0178347 73.19 0.000 1.268547 1.342164 + _Iyear_1991 | 3.421813 .019461 175.83 0.000 3.381648 3.461979 + _Iyear_2000 | -1.678732 .0275026 -61.04 0.000 -1.735494 -1.621969 + _cons | 4.208696 .7370883 5.71 0.000 2.687421 5.729972 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (61 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1970-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1970 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_332 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_305 omitted because of collinearity 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_IbplXyoba330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba332 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3091 + F( 25, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9984 + Adj R-squared = 0.9983 + Root MSE = .08481 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .3486076 .0693876 5.02 0.000 .2053986 .4918166 + dens | -.0279164 .0171265 -1.63 0.116 -.0632636 .0074309 + lnele | -.0201969 .0194219 -1.04 0.309 -.0602818 .019888 + inmort | .0230096 .0317164 0.73 0.475 -.0424499 .0884691 + ea | 1.295377 .5520676 2.35 0.028 .1559658 2.434789 + eaag | 5.329946 1.433117 3.72 0.001 2.372138 8.287753 + eaexin | 4.910049 1.405321 3.49 0.002 2.009609 7.81049 + eaintr | 6.328308 1.591065 3.98 0.001 3.044511 9.612105 + eatran | 5.733641 1.988833 2.88 0.008 1.628892 9.83839 + easer | 9.626319 2.371728 4.06 0.000 4.731313 14.52133 + eaoth | 4.673013 2.041243 2.29 0.031 .4600948 8.885931 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -23.49767 3.807295 -6.17 0.000 -31.35554 -15.6398 +_Ibplregbr_3 | -14.04785 3.680428 -3.82 0.001 -21.64388 -6.451822 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -21.92446 3.600071 -6.09 0.000 -29.35464 -14.49428 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -33.4276 5.411462 -6.18 0.000 -44.59631 -22.25889 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.2249591 .0748219 -3.01 0.006 -.3793839 -.0705343 +_IbplXyrex~3 | -.0212725 .0794103 -0.27 0.791 -.1851672 .1426222 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .1600835 .0774202 2.07 0.050 .0002961 .3198709 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.1202729 .0620656 -1.94 0.064 -.2483701 .0078243 +_Ibplsta~112 | -10.09113 4.414693 -2.29 0.031 -19.20261 -.9796528 +_Ibplsta~113 | -8.149504 3.9 -2.09 0.047 -16.19871 -.1002985 +_Ibplsta~115 | -7.706545 3.688831 -2.09 0.047 -15.31992 -.0931718 +_Ibplsta~116 | -4.68842 4.475578 -1.05 0.305 -13.92556 4.548719 +_Ibplsta~121 | -6.406731 1.244916 -5.15 0.000 -8.976112 -3.837351 +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | -.8775049 1.891317 -0.46 0.647 -4.780992 3.025982 +_Ibplsta~124 | 3.65844 2.229114 1.64 0.114 -.9422256 8.259106 +_Ibplsta~125 | -2.399908 1.892347 -1.27 0.217 -6.305521 1.505704 +_Ibplsta~126 | 1.118361 2.94948 0.38 0.708 -4.969067 7.20579 +_Ibplsta~127 | 5.777729 2.65462 2.18 0.040 .2988628 11.2566 +_Ibplsta~128 | 22.54981 2.061575 10.94 0.000 18.29493 26.80469 +_Ibplsta~129 | .478482 2.07646 0.23 0.820 -3.807122 4.764086 +_Ibplsta~131 | -6.210733 1.738706 -3.57 0.002 -9.799246 -2.62222 +_Ibplsta~132 | -2.430467 2.193272 -1.11 0.279 -6.957157 2.096224 +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | 2.068308 1.443016 1.43 0.165 -.9099298 5.046546 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | 1.094289 1.440433 0.76 0.455 -1.878618 4.067196 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | 3.497872 2.196917 1.59 0.124 -1.036342 8.032086 +_Ibplsta~151 | 13.82074 4.433688 3.12 0.005 4.670056 22.97142 +_Ibplsta~152 | 7.013975 4.067231 1.72 0.097 -1.380378 15.40833 +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | 8.455327 4.622229 1.83 0.080 -1.084485 17.99514 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_112 | .005061 .00229 2.21 0.037 .0003347 .0097874 +_IbplXy~_113 | .0041588 .0020245 2.05 0.051 -.0000196 .0083371 +_IbplXy~_115 | .0038665 .0019149 2.02 0.055 -.0000856 .0078186 +_IbplXy~_116 | .0024038 .0023237 1.03 0.311 -.0023921 .0071998 +_IbplXy~_121 | .0150556 .0019808 7.60 0.000 .0109675 .0191438 +_IbplXy~_122 | .011722 .0019762 5.93 0.000 .0076434 .0158006 +_IbplXy~_123 | .0122791 .0019339 6.35 0.000 .0082877 .0162705 +_IbplXy~_124 | .0100041 .0017795 5.62 0.000 .0063314 .0136767 +_IbplXy~_125 | .0131152 .0019778 6.63 0.000 .0090333 .0171971 +_IbplXy~_126 | .0113843 .0021083 5.40 0.000 .0070329 .0157357 +_IbplXy~_127 | .0089321 .0019606 4.56 0.000 .0048856 .0129785 +_IbplXy~_128 | .0003694 .0015515 0.24 0.814 -.0028327 .0035715 +_IbplXy~_129 | .0116718 .0018418 6.34 0.000 .0078705 .0154731 +_IbplXy~_131 | .0103747 .0019901 5.21 0.000 .0062673 .0144821 +_IbplXy~_132 | .0084845 .001882 4.51 0.000 .0046002 .0123689 +_IbplXy~_133 | .0074028 .0019106 3.87 0.001 .0034595 .0113461 +_IbplXy~_134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | .0064396 .0017976 3.58 0.002 .0027297 .0101496 +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | .0107242 .0018513 5.79 0.000 .0069032 .0145452 +_IbplXy~_142 | .0113524 .001869 6.07 0.000 .007495 .0152097 +_IbplXy~_143 | .009507 .0021599 4.40 0.000 .0050493 .0139648 +_IbplXy~_151 | .0100678 .0020486 4.91 0.000 .0058397 .014296 +_IbplXy~_152 | .0134994 .0017857 7.56 0.000 .009814 .0171848 +_IbplXy~_153 | .0174289 .0028183 6.18 0.000 .0116121 .0232456 +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | -.0043209 .0023992 -1.80 0.084 -.0092725 .0006308 +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a112 | .0000973 .0000106 9.20 0.000 .0000755 .0001191 +_IbplXy~a113 | -.000094 9.70e-06 -9.69 0.000 -.000114 -.0000739 +_IbplXy~a115 | -.0000293 .0000102 -2.87 0.009 -.0000504 -8.20e-06 +_IbplXy~a116 | -.0002147 .0000112 -19.21 0.000 -.0002377 -.0001916 +_IbplXy~a121 | .0001462 .0000102 14.40 0.000 .0001252 .0001672 +_IbplXy~a122 | 9.57e-06 .0000102 0.94 0.358 -.0000115 .0000307 +_IbplXy~a123 | -.0000442 9.69e-06 -4.56 0.000 -.0000642 -.0000242 +_IbplXy~a124 | -.0001146 .0000102 -11.25 0.000 -.0001356 -.0000936 +_IbplXy~a125 | -.0001058 9.48e-06 -11.15 0.000 -.0001253 -.0000862 +_IbplXy~a126 | -.0000887 .00001 -8.82 0.000 -.0001094 -.0000679 +_IbplXy~a127 | -.0000135 .0000105 -1.28 0.212 -.0000352 8.23e-06 +_IbplXy~a128 | -.0001614 .0000115 -14.08 0.000 -.0001851 -.0001378 +_IbplXy~a129 | .0000136 .0000104 1.31 0.202 -7.83e-06 .0000351 +_IbplXy~a131 | -.0000586 .0000101 -5.82 0.000 -.0000793 -.0000378 +_IbplXy~a132 | -.0000825 .0000104 -7.93 0.000 -.000104 -.0000611 +_IbplXy~a133 | -.0001341 .00001 -13.36 0.000 -.0001548 -.0001134 +_IbplXy~a134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | -.0001505 9.87e-06 -15.24 0.000 -.0001709 -.0001301 +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | .0000336 9.81e-06 3.43 0.002 .0000134 .0000538 +_IbplXy~a142 | -.0000711 .0000101 -7.00 0.000 -.000092 -.0000501 +_IbplXy~a143 | .0000469 .0000101 4.64 0.000 .000026 .0000678 +_IbplXy~a151 | .0000655 9.78e-06 6.69 0.000 .0000453 .0000857 +_IbplXy~a152 | .0000248 9.86e-06 2.52 0.019 4.47e-06 .0000452 +_IbplXy~a153 | .0002255 .0000364 6.20 0.000 .0001504 .0003005 +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | -.0002838 9.98e-06 -28.45 0.000 -.0003044 -.0002632 +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | 1.305346 .0179052 72.90 0.000 1.268392 1.342301 + _Iyear_1991 | 3.421769 .0195588 174.95 0.000 3.381402 3.462137 + _Iyear_2000 | -1.678661 .0276351 -60.74 0.000 -1.735697 -1.621624 + _cons | 4.531598 .8212011 5.52 0.000 2.836723 6.226474 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (61 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, DROP EARLY YEARS + +19:40:27 on 1 Feb 2010 + +DROP EARLY YEARS + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 3091 3091 3091 3091 3091 3091 +Depvar: inctot inctot inctot inctot inctot inctot +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.2670* 0.1218 0.1327 0.3075* 0.3472* 0.3486* + (0.0989) (0.1155) (0.1171) (0.0619) (0.0534) (0.0694) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. restore + +. +. egen regionxyearxyob = group(year yob bplreg) +(50 missing values generated) + +. local meanrev "dens lnele" + +. local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplregbr_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_332 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1980 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1991 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 23, 24) = 6.6e+06 + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.9983 + Adj R-squared = 0.9979 + Root MSE = .08955 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .3317474 .1348545 2.46 0.021 .0534214 .6100734 + dens | .0341016 .0178095 1.91 0.068 -.0026554 .0708586 + lnele | .0141577 .0205118 0.69 0.497 -.0281766 .0564919 +_Ibplregbr_2 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_5 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~3 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~4 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~112 | -.3157824 .0198135 -15.94 0.000 -.3566755 -.2748894 +_Ibplsta~113 | -.2592296 .0301631 -8.59 0.000 -.3214831 -.1969761 +_Ibplsta~115 | -.3361534 .035901 -9.36 0.000 -.4102494 -.2620574 +_Ibplsta~116 | -.0244372 .0176442 -1.39 0.179 -.060853 .0119785 +_Ibplsta~121 | -.2635676 .0190575 -13.83 0.000 -.3029003 -.224235 +_Ibplsta~122 | -.3326608 .0232275 -14.32 0.000 -.3806001 -.2847216 +_Ibplsta~123 | -.2461175 .0186625 -13.19 0.000 -.2846349 -.2076 +_Ibplsta~124 | -.1497342 .0131421 -11.39 0.000 -.1768582 -.1226102 +_Ibplsta~125 | -.1767327 .0060988 -28.98 0.000 -.18932 -.1641455 +_Ibplsta~126 | -.0248325 .01734 -1.43 0.165 -.0606204 .0109555 +_Ibplsta~127 | -.0791329 .0028108 -28.15 0.000 -.0849341 -.0733317 +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | .0004212 .0145905 0.03 0.977 -.0296921 .0305345 +_Ibplsta~131 | -.3724586 .0109858 -33.90 0.000 -.3951322 -.3497849 +_Ibplsta~132 | -.2933723 .0297457 -9.86 0.000 -.3547644 -.2319801 +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | .2244004 .0094489 23.75 0.000 .2048988 .2439019 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | -.1004162 .007312 -13.73 0.000 -.1155075 -.0853249 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | -.0581951 .0098178 -5.93 0.000 -.0784581 -.0379321 +_Ibplsta~151 | -.481902 .1190155 -4.05 0.000 -.7275378 -.2362661 +_Ibplsta~152 | -.6269558 .1065185 -5.89 0.000 -.8467993 -.4071124 +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | .0640452 .0454969 1.41 0.172 -.0298558 .1579462 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1991 | (omitted) + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) + _cons | 8.3303 .1227009 67.89 0.000 8.077058 8.583543 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (775 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplregbr_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_332 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_332 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1980 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1991 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 23, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9986 + Adj R-squared = 0.9982 + Root MSE = .08203 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .2004121 .117414 1.71 0.101 -.0419185 .4427426 + dens | -.0436535 .0203244 -2.15 0.042 -.0856011 -.001706 + lnele | -.0100603 .017855 -0.56 0.578 -.0469113 .0267907 +_Ibplregbr_2 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_5 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~3 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~4 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~112 | -.2927054 1.923517 -0.15 0.880 -4.26265 3.677239 +_Ibplsta~113 | -3.279244 2.098109 -1.56 0.131 -7.609528 1.05104 +_Ibplsta~115 | -3.982155 3.07393 -1.30 0.207 -10.32643 2.362124 +_Ibplsta~116 | -17.11483 1.748115 -9.79 0.000 -20.72277 -13.5069 +_Ibplsta~121 | 12.66726 1.624091 7.80 0.000 9.315303 16.01922 +_Ibplsta~122 | 13.11345 2.08531 6.29 0.000 8.809582 17.41732 +_Ibplsta~123 | -4.529933 .9358585 -4.84 0.000 -6.46145 -2.598416 +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | -5.547427 1.44048 -3.85 0.001 -8.520431 -2.574423 +_Ibplsta~126 | -7.561696 1.923159 -3.93 0.001 -11.5309 -3.592491 +_Ibplsta~127 | 1.314618 1.766108 0.74 0.464 -2.33045 4.959686 +_Ibplsta~128 | 5.260616 1.558686 3.38 0.003 2.043647 8.477585 +_Ibplsta~129 | 4.936167 1.813737 2.72 0.012 1.192797 8.679537 +_Ibplsta~131 | -9.28304 2.187969 -4.24 0.000 -13.79879 -4.767295 +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | -10.57996 2.746608 -3.85 0.001 -16.24868 -4.911239 +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | -10.80056 3.061369 -3.53 0.002 -17.11891 -4.482202 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | -3.245288 .9657298 -3.36 0.003 -5.238456 -1.252119 +_Ibplsta~143 | .8592844 .6865153 1.25 0.223 -.5576136 2.276182 +_Ibplsta~151 | 28.1842 10.76537 2.62 0.015 5.96557 50.40282 +_Ibplsta~152 | 18.16269 9.24131 1.97 0.061 -.9104404 37.23581 +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | -7.310684 3.216584 -2.27 0.032 -13.94939 -.6719804 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~112 | .0000274 .0009936 0.03 0.978 -.0020232 .0020781 +_IbplXyo~113 | .0015846 .0010845 1.46 0.157 -.0006537 .003823 +_IbplXyo~115 | .0019286 .0015916 1.21 0.237 -.0013563 .0052136 +_IbplXyo~116 | .0087623 .0009059 9.67 0.000 .0068927 .010632 +_IbplXyo~121 | -.0039696 .0014791 -2.68 0.013 -.0070223 -.0009168 +_IbplXyo~122 | -.0042364 .0017897 -2.37 0.026 -.0079303 -.0005426 +_IbplXyo~123 | .0049092 .001 4.91 0.000 .0028454 .0069731 +_IbplXyo~124 | .0026237 .0008092 3.24 0.003 .0009535 .0042939 +_IbplXyo~125 | .0054655 .000316 17.30 0.000 .0048134 .0061177 +_IbplXyo~126 | .0065957 .0007849 8.40 0.000 .0049758 .0082156 +_IbplXyo~127 | .001994 .0001599 12.47 0.000 .0016641 .002324 +_IbplXyo~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~129 | .0001471 .0006823 0.22 0.831 -.001261 .0015552 +_IbplXyo~131 | .0047334 .0011358 4.17 0.000 .0023892 .0070776 +_IbplXyo~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~133 | .0056186 .0014256 3.94 0.001 .0026764 .0085608 +_IbplXyo~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | .0058454 .0015893 3.68 0.001 .0025652 .0091256 +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | -.001724 .0004988 -3.46 0.002 -.0027534 -.0006946 +_IbplXyo~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~143 | -.0021352 .0005392 -3.96 0.001 -.0032481 -.0010224 +_IbplXyo~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~152 | .0051018 .0008253 6.18 0.000 .0033984 .0068051 +_IbplXyo~153 | .0148722 .0055874 2.66 0.014 .0033404 .026404 +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | .0037374 .0016677 2.24 0.035 .0002955 .0071793 +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1991 | (omitted) + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) + _cons | 4.872439 .3307549 14.73 0.000 4.189794 5.555083 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (775 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplregbr_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: 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omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1980 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1991 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 25, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9987 + Adj R-squared = 0.9984 + Root MSE = .0783 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .246413 .1205521 2.04 0.052 -.0023943 .4952202 + dens | .000462 .0145884 0.03 0.975 -.0296469 .0305708 + lnele | -.0042871 .01988 -0.22 0.831 -.0453175 .0367432 +_Ibplregbr_2 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_5 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~3 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~4 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~112 | -2.30519 1.252655 -1.84 0.078 -4.890542 .280163 +_Ibplsta~113 | 4.188573 2.198067 1.91 0.069 -.3480138 8.72516 +_Ibplsta~115 | .4300692 2.849724 0.15 0.881 -5.451473 6.311611 +_Ibplsta~116 | -7.578107 1.236495 -6.13 0.000 -10.13011 -5.026107 +_Ibplsta~121 | -6.288195 1.45782 -4.31 0.000 -9.296989 -3.279401 +_Ibplsta~122 | -7.218565 1.394034 -5.18 0.000 -10.09571 -4.34142 +_Ibplsta~123 | -4.764152 1.465671 -3.25 0.003 -7.789149 -1.739155 +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | -3.971453 1.688502 -2.35 0.027 -7.45635 -.4865551 +_Ibplsta~126 | -3.28975 2.543886 -1.29 0.208 -8.540072 1.960573 +_Ibplsta~127 | 3.76864 1.788388 2.11 0.046 .0775884 7.459691 +_Ibplsta~128 | 14.52823 1.690477 8.59 0.000 11.03926 18.01721 +_Ibplsta~129 | -2.709251 2.936816 -0.92 0.365 -8.770541 3.352039 +_Ibplsta~131 | -8.610521 3.074987 -2.80 0.010 -14.95698 -2.264061 +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | -2.658035 3.715283 -0.72 0.481 -10.326 5.009932 +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | -5.434277 4.53692 -1.20 0.243 -14.79802 3.929465 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | -3.056064 .7100303 -4.30 0.000 -4.521495 -1.590634 +_Ibplsta~143 | .9245728 .8950602 1.03 0.312 -.9227406 2.771886 +_Ibplsta~151 | 19.01997 5.531528 3.44 0.002 7.603458 30.43648 +_Ibplsta~152 | 10.48823 4.383729 2.39 0.025 1.440658 19.5358 +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | 1.938776 3.605091 0.54 0.596 -5.501765 9.379318 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_112 | .0010212 .0006493 1.57 0.129 -.0003189 .0023612 +_IbplXy~_113 | -.0022438 .0011405 -1.97 0.061 -.0045976 .00011 +_IbplXy~_115 | -.0003614 .0014778 -0.24 0.809 -.0034115 .0026887 +_IbplXy~_116 | .0038978 .0006418 6.07 0.000 .0025732 .0052225 +_IbplXy~_121 | .0104616 .0009406 11.12 0.000 .0085204 .0124029 +_IbplXy~_122 | .0108992 .0012131 8.98 0.000 .0083955 .0134028 +_IbplXy~_123 | .009763 .0012526 7.79 0.000 .0071778 .0123482 +_IbplXy~_124 | .00736 .0008733 8.43 0.000 .0055577 .0091623 +_IbplXy~_125 | .0093921 .0004802 19.56 0.000 .0084011 .0103832 +_IbplXy~_126 | .0091383 .0012846 7.11 0.000 .0064869 .0117896 +_IbplXy~_127 | .0054674 .0002089 26.18 0.000 .0050363 .0058985 +_IbplXy~_128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_129 | .0088021 .0009907 8.88 0.000 .0067573 .0108469 +_IbplXy~_131 | .0043946 .0015899 2.76 0.011 .0011131 .007676 +_IbplXy~_132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_133 | .0015546 .0019205 0.81 0.426 -.0024091 .0055183 +_IbplXy~_134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | .0030896 .0023452 1.32 0.200 -.0017507 .0079299 +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | -.0016205 .0003672 -4.41 0.000 -.0023783 -.0008627 +_IbplXy~_142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_143 | -.002072 .0006521 -3.18 0.004 -.0034179 -.0007262 +_IbplXy~_151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_152 | .0043136 .0007308 5.90 0.000 .0028054 .0058219 +_IbplXy~_153 | .0100403 .002878 3.49 0.002 .0041004 .0159802 +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | -.0009516 .0018701 -0.51 0.615 -.0048113 .002908 +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a112 | .0001023 .0000168 6.09 0.000 .0000676 .000137 +_IbplXy~a113 | -.0000989 .0000154 -6.42 0.000 -.0001306 -.0000671 +_IbplXy~a115 | -1.18e-06 .0000122 -0.10 0.924 -.0000263 .0000239 +_IbplXy~a116 | -.0002094 3.62e-06 -57.78 0.000 -.0002169 -.000202 +_IbplXy~a121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a122 | .000018 2.60e-06 6.93 0.000 .0000126 .0000234 +_IbplXy~a123 | -.0002679 .0000111 -24.05 0.000 -.0002909 -.0002449 +_IbplXy~a124 | -.0002747 9.33e-06 -29.44 0.000 -.000294 -.0002554 +_IbplXy~a125 | -.0002886 9.75e-06 -29.61 0.000 -.0003087 -.0002685 +_IbplXy~a126 | -.0003148 .0000126 -25.07 0.000 -.0003407 -.0002889 +_IbplXy~a127 | -.0002934 8.72e-06 -33.64 0.000 -.0003114 -.0002754 +_IbplXy~a128 | -.0003998 8.45e-06 -47.32 0.000 -.0004172 -.0003823 +_IbplXy~a129 | -.0001895 .0000104 -18.22 0.000 -.0002109 -.000168 +_IbplXy~a131 | .0000661 5.78e-06 11.45 0.000 .0000542 .000078 +_IbplXy~a132 | .000087 .0000149 5.82 0.000 .0000561 .0001178 +_IbplXy~a133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | .0000324 5.07e-06 6.38 0.000 .0000219 .0000428 +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a142 | 9.46e-06 8.14e-06 1.16 0.257 -7.34e-06 .0000263 +_IbplXy~a143 | .0000109 5.06e-06 2.15 0.042 4.23e-07 .0000213 +_IbplXy~a151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a152 | .0000257 5.52e-06 4.65 0.000 .0000143 .0000371 +_IbplXy~a153 | .0002105 .0000573 3.67 0.001 .0000922 .0003288 +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | -.0002664 5.00e-06 -53.28 0.000 -.0002767 -.000256 +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1991 | (omitted) + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) + _cons | 1.78996 .5499208 3.25 0.003 .6549793 2.924941 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (775 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplregbr_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_332 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1980 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1991 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 24, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9984 + Adj R-squared = 0.9980 + Root MSE = .08724 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .3658956 .1095506 3.34 0.003 .1397943 .5919969 + dens | -.0296981 .0243656 -1.22 0.235 -.0799863 .0205901 + lnele | -.0058612 .0305021 -0.19 0.849 -.0688145 .0570921 + inmort | .1267421 .0453619 2.79 0.010 .0331196 .2203645 + ea | .1181521 .9093686 0.13 0.898 -1.758693 1.994997 + eaag | 2.284367 2.936148 0.78 0.444 -3.775543 8.344278 + eaexin | 1.977428 2.839149 0.70 0.493 -3.882288 7.837143 + eaintr | 3.383856 3.128094 1.08 0.290 -3.072212 9.839925 + eatran | -.1783233 4.781526 -0.04 0.971 -10.04691 9.690261 + easer | 4.873917 4.887621 1.00 0.329 -5.213637 14.96147 + eaoth | 2.421338 3.650678 0.66 0.513 -5.113291 9.955967 +_Ibplregbr_2 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_5 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~3 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~4 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~112 | -.3797498 .1323791 -2.87 0.008 -.6529668 -.1065328 +_Ibplsta~113 | -.3432322 .1480729 -2.32 0.029 -.6488397 -.0376247 +_Ibplsta~115 | -.4020686 .1363169 -2.95 0.007 -.6834127 -.1207244 +_Ibplsta~116 | -.209554 .1586586 -1.32 0.199 -.5370092 .1179012 +_Ibplsta~121 | -.0292432 .027033 -1.08 0.290 -.0850367 .0265502 +_Ibplsta~122 | -.1518278 .0313306 -4.85 0.000 -.2164909 -.0871647 +_Ibplsta~123 | -.0881513 .0136537 -6.46 0.000 -.1163311 -.0599715 +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | -.00934 .0238943 -0.39 0.699 -.0586555 .0399755 +_Ibplsta~126 | .147946 .0207215 7.14 0.000 .105179 .1907131 +_Ibplsta~127 | .0905044 .0312961 2.89 0.008 .0259125 .1550964 +_Ibplsta~128 | .1712941 .0256409 6.68 0.000 .1183739 .2242143 +_Ibplsta~129 | .1741653 .0181564 9.59 0.000 .1366922 .2116383 +_Ibplsta~131 | -.3905863 .0156541 -24.95 0.000 -.4228947 -.3582779 +_Ibplsta~132 | -.2698544 .028068 -9.61 0.000 -.3277839 -.211925 +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | .2227454 .014997 14.85 0.000 .1917932 .2536977 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | -.0530137 .0200316 -2.65 0.014 -.0943569 -.0116705 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | -.0362724 .0238885 -1.52 0.142 -.0855759 .013031 +_Ibplsta~151 | -.5949977 .1047745 -5.68 0.000 -.8112417 -.3787537 +_Ibplsta~152 | -.7600389 .0997316 -7.62 0.000 -.9658748 -.554203 +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | -.1963789 .1544088 -1.27 0.216 -.5150631 .1223052 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1991 | (omitted) + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) + _cons | 6.998183 1.521637 4.60 0.000 3.85768 10.13869 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (775 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplregbr_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_332 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_332 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1980 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1991 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 24, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9986 + Adj R-squared = 0.9982 + Root MSE = .08161 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .3241446 .0905666 3.58 0.002 .1372244 .5110649 + dens | -.0325957 .0234082 -1.39 0.177 -.0809079 .0157165 + lnele | -.0642566 .0289752 -2.22 0.036 -.1240584 -.0044548 + inmort | -.0842134 .0460927 -1.83 0.080 -.1793441 .0109173 + ea | -.8770605 .8309053 -1.06 0.302 -2.591965 .8378437 + eaag | 2.336524 2.862718 0.82 0.422 -3.571835 8.244883 + eaexin | 2.099655 2.721207 0.77 0.448 -3.516641 7.715951 + eaintr | 3.725418 3.094634 1.20 0.240 -2.661593 10.11243 + eatran | 2.320538 4.527431 0.51 0.613 -7.02362 11.6647 + easer | 7.718379 5.082591 1.52 0.142 -2.771574 18.20833 + eaoth | -.9753494 2.998219 -0.33 0.748 -7.16337 5.212671 +_Ibplregbr_2 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_5 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~3 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~4 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~112 | -.7394481 8.199166 -0.09 0.929 -17.6617 16.1828 +_Ibplsta~113 | -5.73255 11.05626 -0.52 0.609 -28.55155 17.08645 +_Ibplsta~115 | -4.155361 9.364489 -0.44 0.661 -23.48272 15.17199 +_Ibplsta~116 | -12.00228 9.973504 -1.20 0.241 -32.58658 8.582027 +_Ibplsta~121 | 14.8753 3.52422 4.22 0.000 7.601666 22.14893 +_Ibplsta~122 | 20.45358 3.807392 5.37 0.000 12.59551 28.31165 +_Ibplsta~123 | -2.34177 1.985491 -1.18 0.250 -6.439621 1.756081 +_Ibplsta~124 | -.4877856 2.178913 -0.22 0.825 -4.98484 4.009269 +_Ibplsta~125 | -5.845309 1.782454 -3.28 0.003 -9.524113 -2.166505 +_Ibplsta~126 | -8.398503 1.499865 -5.60 0.000 -11.49407 -5.302934 +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | 8.837174 1.859812 4.75 0.000 4.998711 12.67564 +_Ibplsta~129 | 6.196698 1.596445 3.88 0.001 2.901798 9.491598 +_Ibplsta~131 | -6.086759 1.06478 -5.72 0.000 -8.284357 -3.889161 +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | -7.204094 1.397605 -5.15 0.000 -10.08861 -4.319578 +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | -4.439136 1.385582 -3.20 0.004 -7.298838 -1.579435 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | -.4109119 1.35075 -0.30 0.764 -3.198723 2.376899 +_Ibplsta~142 | -3.617454 2.734893 -1.32 0.198 -9.261995 2.027088 +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | 13.59488 5.451768 2.49 0.020 2.342985 24.84678 +_Ibplsta~152 | 6.324503 3.282971 1.93 0.066 -.4512165 13.10022 +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | 3.265845 9.387371 0.35 0.731 -16.10874 22.64043 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~112 | .0002588 .0042488 0.06 0.952 -.0085104 .0090279 +_IbplXyo~113 | .0028565 .0057309 0.50 0.623 -.0089714 .0146845 +_IbplXyo~115 | .0020181 .0048528 0.42 0.681 -.0079977 .0120338 +_IbplXyo~116 | .0061124 .0051698 1.18 0.249 -.0045574 .0167823 +_IbplXyo~121 | -.003258 .0019215 -1.70 0.103 -.0072237 .0007078 +_IbplXyo~122 | -.006187 .0017768 -3.48 0.002 -.0098541 -.0025198 +_IbplXyo~123 | .0056305 .0014175 3.97 0.001 .0027049 .0085561 +_IbplXyo~124 | .0047345 .0014794 3.20 0.004 .0016812 .0077878 +_IbplXyo~125 | .0074778 .0014886 5.02 0.000 .0044055 .0105501 +_IbplXyo~126 | .0088879 .0015447 5.75 0.000 .0056998 .0120759 +_IbplXyo~127 | .0045343 .0009659 4.69 0.000 .0025406 .0065279 +_IbplXyo~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~129 | .0013499 .0012902 1.05 0.306 -.0013128 .0040127 +_IbplXyo~131 | .0030757 .0005526 5.57 0.000 .0019352 .0042162 +_IbplXyo~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~133 | .0038676 .0007256 5.33 0.000 .00237 .0053652 +_IbplXyo~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | .0025441 .0007194 3.54 0.002 .0010594 .0040288 +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | -.001704 .0011755 -1.45 0.160 -.00413 .000722 +_IbplXyo~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~143 | -.0018824 .0014168 -1.33 0.196 -.0048066 .0010418 +_IbplXyo~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~152 | .0036734 .0017163 2.14 0.043 .0001312 .0072156 +_IbplXyo~153 | .0073019 .0028299 2.58 0.016 .0014613 .0131425 +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | -.001746 .0048664 -0.36 0.723 -.0117897 .0082977 +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1991 | (omitted) + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) + _cons | 3.903478 1.835779 2.13 0.044 .1146157 7.692341 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (775 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg inctot malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplregbr_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregbr_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrexp_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_322 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_332 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_134 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_304 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_305 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_307 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_308 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_309 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_310 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_311 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_312 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_313 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_314 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_315 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_316 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_318 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_319 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_321 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_322 omitted because of 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_IbplXyoba324 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba325 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba326 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba328 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba330 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba331 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba332 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1980 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1991 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 3734 + F( 25, 24) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9987 + Adj R-squared = 0.9984 + Root MSE = .0779 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .4109448 .0921261 4.46 0.000 .220806 .6010837 + dens | -.0257529 .0163594 -1.57 0.129 -.059517 .0080112 + lnele | -.0563299 .0266271 -2.12 0.045 -.1112857 -.0013742 + inmort | .0009074 .0289158 0.03 0.975 -.0587719 .0605868 + ea | .3161953 .7010031 0.45 0.656 -1.130604 1.762995 + eaag | 4.036945 1.707095 2.36 0.026 .5136752 7.560215 + eaexin | 3.665627 1.643769 2.23 0.035 .2730546 7.058199 + eaintr | 5.59786 1.880554 2.98 0.007 1.716587 9.479134 + eatran | 4.882622 2.499592 1.95 0.063 -.2762815 10.04153 + easer | 9.622341 2.903897 3.31 0.003 3.628993 15.61569 + eaoth | 1.186429 2.694166 0.44 0.664 -4.374057 6.746915 +_Ibplregbr_2 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_5 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~2 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~3 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~4 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~112 | -9.529167 5.063213 -1.88 0.072 -19.97913 .9207916 +_Ibplsta~113 | -5.682245 5.678866 -1.00 0.327 -17.40285 6.038359 +_Ibplsta~115 | -7.452982 5.026189 -1.48 0.151 -17.82653 2.920563 +_Ibplsta~116 | -6.075831 6.277991 -0.97 0.343 -19.03297 6.881306 +_Ibplsta~121 | -10.42327 3.103606 -3.36 0.003 -16.82879 -4.017739 +_Ibplsta~122 | -4.298919 3.691979 -1.16 0.256 -11.91879 3.320951 +_Ibplsta~123 | -5.310757 2.512205 -2.11 0.045 -10.49569 -.12582 +_Ibplsta~124 | -2.214187 2.662967 -0.83 0.414 -7.710281 3.281907 +_Ibplsta~125 | -8.674178 2.04607 -4.24 0.000 -12.89706 -4.451296 +_Ibplsta~126 | -7.135439 1.800377 -3.96 0.001 -10.85123 -3.419644 +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | 17.52604 1.931552 9.07 0.000 13.53951 21.51257 +_Ibplsta~129 | -5.141043 2.569432 -2.00 0.057 -10.44409 .1620041 +_Ibplsta~131 | -4.980984 1.979827 -2.52 0.019 -9.067146 -.8948224 +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | 1.876347 2.500537 0.75 0.460 -3.284508 7.037202 +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | 3.880265 1.855471 2.09 0.047 .0507618 7.709768 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | -.7190415 1.765751 -0.41 0.687 -4.363373 2.92529 +_Ibplsta~142 | -2.748151 3.121826 -0.88 0.387 -9.191283 3.69498 +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | 14.22185 3.783883 3.76 0.001 6.412302 22.0314 +_Ibplsta~152 | 8.123692 2.936831 2.77 0.011 2.06237 14.18501 +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | 10.75244 6.168339 1.74 0.094 -1.978389 23.48326 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_112 | .0047719 .0026279 1.82 0.082 -.0006517 .0101955 +_IbplXy~_113 | .0028765 .0029473 0.98 0.339 -.0032064 .0089593 +_IbplXy~_115 | .0037302 .0026097 1.43 0.166 -.0016559 .0091163 +_IbplXy~_116 | .0031202 .0032604 0.96 0.348 -.003609 .0098493 +_IbplXy~_121 | .014148 .0013971 10.13 0.000 .0112645 .0170315 +_IbplXy~_122 | .0109367 .0014333 7.63 0.000 .0079785 .0138949 +_IbplXy~_123 | .0115942 .0012067 9.61 0.000 .0091036 .0140847 +_IbplXy~_124 | .0100526 .0011894 8.45 0.000 .0075978 .0125075 +_IbplXy~_125 | .0133703 .0010835 12.34 0.000 .0111341 .0156066 +_IbplXy~_126 | .0126737 .0014328 8.85 0.000 .0097165 .0156309 +_IbplXy~_127 | .0089631 .0009979 8.98 0.000 .0069036 .0110226 +_IbplXy~_128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_129 | .0116072 .0010818 10.73 0.000 .0093745 .0138399 +_IbplXy~_131 | .0025171 .0010232 2.46 0.021 .0004054 .0046289 +_IbplXy~_132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_133 | -.0007899 .0012924 -0.61 0.547 -.0034571 .0018774 +_IbplXy~_134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | -.0017249 .0009593 -1.80 0.085 -.0037047 .000255 +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | -.0010894 .0010554 -1.03 0.312 -.0032676 .0010888 +_IbplXy~_142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_143 | -.0014349 .001614 -0.89 0.383 -.0047661 .0018962 +_IbplXy~_151 | -.0075448 .0019664 -3.84 0.001 -.0116031 -.0034864 +_IbplXy~_152 | -.0044897 .0015312 -2.93 0.007 -.0076498 -.0013295 +_IbplXy~_153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | -.0055201 .0032026 -1.72 0.098 -.01213 .0010899 +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a112 | .0000845 .0000194 4.35 0.000 .0000444 .0001247 +_IbplXy~a113 | -.0001103 .0000161 -6.86 0.000 -.0001434 -.0000771 +_IbplXy~a115 | -.0000172 .000015 -1.15 0.263 -.0000482 .0000138 +_IbplXy~a116 | -.0002125 .0000166 -12.79 0.000 -.0002468 -.0001782 +_IbplXy~a121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a122 | -3.32e-06 5.19e-06 -0.64 0.529 -.000014 7.40e-06 +_IbplXy~a123 | -.0002806 .0000111 -25.36 0.000 -.0003035 -.0002578 +_IbplXy~a124 | -.0002802 .0000111 -25.18 0.000 -.0003031 -.0002572 +_IbplXy~a125 | -.0002828 9.62e-06 -29.39 0.000 -.0003027 -.000263 +_IbplXy~a126 | -.0003129 .0000142 -22.10 0.000 -.0003421 -.0002837 +_IbplXy~a127 | -.0002919 .000014 -20.90 0.000 -.0003207 -.0002631 +_IbplXy~a128 | -.0004285 .0000133 -32.14 0.000 -.000456 -.0004009 +_IbplXy~a129 | -.000194 9.71e-06 -19.98 0.000 -.000214 -.0001739 +_IbplXy~a131 | .0000708 8.21e-06 8.63 0.000 .0000539 .0000878 +_IbplXy~a132 | .0001021 .0000109 9.40 0.000 .0000796 .0001245 +_IbplXy~a133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | .000012 7.62e-06 1.57 0.129 -3.73e-06 .0000277 +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a142 | 6.15e-06 7.30e-06 0.84 0.408 -8.91e-06 .0000212 +_IbplXy~a143 | .000012 8.36e-06 1.44 0.162 -5.21e-06 .0000293 +_IbplXy~a151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a152 | .000017 9.43e-06 1.80 0.085 -2.50e-06 .0000364 +_IbplXy~a153 | .0002295 .00005 4.59 0.000 .0001264 .0003327 +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | -.0002723 .0000153 -17.83 0.000 -.0003038 -.0002408 +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1980 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1991 | (omitted) + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) + _cons | .0529295 1.361921 0.04 0.969 -2.757938 2.863797 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (775 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, INCLUDE REGION x YEAR x YOB EFFECTS + +19:40:45 on 1 Feb 2010 + +INCLUDE REGION x YEAR x YOB EFFECTS + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 3734 3734 3734 3734 3734 3734 +Depvar: inctot inctot inctot inctot inctot inctot +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.3317~ 0.2004 0.2464~ 0.3659* 0.3241* 0.4109* + (0.1349) (0.1174) (0.1206) (0.1096) (0.0906) (0.0921) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.998 0.999 0.999 0.998 0.999 0.999 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. drop regionxyearxyob + +. +. local alt_mal "tempavg altitude tempxalt" + +. foreach x of local alt_mal { + 2. replace `x' = `x' * yrexp + 3. } +(3043 real changes made, 30 to missing) +(3043 real changes made, 30 to missing) +(3043 real changes made, 30 to missing) + +. local meanrev "dens lnele" + +. local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year i.yob +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1905-1975 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1905 omitted) + +. ivreg inctot (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +(sum of wgt is 1.1694e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 3734 + F( 23, 24) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.9968 + Root MSE = .11237 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .6241213 .3366345 1.85 0.076 -.0706583 1.318901 + dens | .048606 .023051 2.11 0.046 .001031 .0961809 + lnele | .0258025 .0256019 1.01 0.324 -.0270371 .0786422 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -.5382327 .0549229 -9.80 0.000 -.651588 -.4248775 +_Ibplregbr_3 | .023901 .0586858 0.41 0.687 -.0972205 .1450224 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -.0412445 .0547357 -0.75 0.458 -.1542133 .0717244 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -.1982816 .0588258 -3.37 0.003 -.319692 -.0768711 +_IbplXyrex~2 | .0171228 .0939138 0.18 0.857 -.1767057 .2109513 +_IbplXyrex~3 | .2848176 .1662213 1.71 0.100 -.0582462 .6278815 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .4184404 .2176504 1.92 0.066 -.030768 .8676488 +_IbplXyrex~5 | .211974 .0971456 2.18 0.039 .0114754 .4124725 +_Ibplsta~112 | -.3152061 .0286977 -10.98 0.000 -.3744353 -.2559769 +_Ibplsta~113 | -.2666397 .0470974 -5.66 0.000 -.363844 -.1694354 +_Ibplsta~115 | -.3307312 .0432396 -7.65 0.000 -.4199734 -.241489 +_Ibplsta~116 | .0101009 .0386744 0.26 0.796 -.0697191 .0899208 +_Ibplsta~121 | -.2677071 .0228205 -11.73 0.000 -.3148064 -.2206079 +_Ibplsta~122 | -.3522477 .0364922 -9.65 0.000 -.4275639 -.2769315 +_Ibplsta~123 | -.2779541 .0402358 -6.91 0.000 -.3609968 -.1949115 +_Ibplsta~124 | -.1778994 .033481 -5.31 0.000 -.2470008 -.1087981 +_Ibplsta~125 | -.1815702 .0084103 -21.59 0.000 -.1989283 -.1642121 +_Ibplsta~126 | -.0394502 .0245546 -1.61 0.121 -.0901283 .011228 +_Ibplsta~127 | -.0797144 .0031142 -25.60 0.000 -.0861418 -.073287 +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | .0210949 .0255852 0.82 0.418 -.0317104 .0739002 +_Ibplsta~131 | -.374108 .0117602 -31.81 0.000 -.3983799 -.3498361 +_Ibplsta~132 | -.2932144 .0325093 -9.02 0.000 -.3603103 -.2261184 +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | .2099913 .0157387 13.34 0.000 .1775082 .2424743 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | -.0969855 .0102156 -9.49 0.000 -.1180695 -.0759015 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | -.0507162 .0121975 -4.16 0.000 -.0758905 -.0255418 +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | -.1525352 .0162707 -9.37 0.000 -.1861162 -.1189542 +_Ibplsta~153 | .5733345 .1650826 3.47 0.002 .2326208 .9140482 +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | .1156836 .0662243 1.75 0.093 -.0209967 .252364 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.6579151 .0313477 -20.99 0.000 -.7226135 -.5932166 + _Iyear_1980 | .6526305 .040381 16.16 0.000 .5692883 .7359728 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.767291 .0402659 68.73 0.000 2.684186 2.850396 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.332996 .0462491 -50.44 0.000 -2.428449 -2.237543 + _Iyob_1906 | .1747075 .028052 6.23 0.000 .116811 .232604 + _Iyob_1907 | .201062 .0260668 7.71 0.000 .1472629 .2548612 + _Iyob_1908 | .1267774 .0177483 7.14 0.000 .0901467 .1634081 + _Iyob_1909 | .2402512 .0270924 8.87 0.000 .1843353 .2961671 + _Iyob_1910 | -.014826 .0203711 -0.73 0.474 -.0568698 .0272177 + _Iyob_1911 | .2291883 .0235805 9.72 0.000 .1805206 .2778561 + _Iyob_1912 | .096656 .0161161 6.00 0.000 .0633939 .129918 + _Iyob_1913 | .2388626 .0263177 9.08 0.000 .1845456 .2931796 + _Iyob_1914 | .1880043 .0184856 10.17 0.000 .1498519 .2261568 + _Iyob_1915 | .0275955 .0188034 1.47 0.155 -.0112128 .0664039 + _Iyob_1916 | .1611581 .0243187 6.63 0.000 .1109667 .2113495 + _Iyob_1917 | .1948391 .0236934 8.22 0.000 .1459383 .24374 + _Iyob_1918 | .1449152 .0235134 6.16 0.000 .096386 .1934444 + _Iyob_1919 | .1974411 .019205 10.28 0.000 .1578038 .2370783 + _Iyob_1920 | .0028451 .0216148 0.13 0.896 -.0417657 .0474559 + _Iyob_1921 | .2122075 .0266666 7.96 0.000 .1571703 .2672448 + _Iyob_1922 | .1278673 .0229578 5.57 0.000 .0804847 .1752499 + _Iyob_1923 | .2190103 .0255867 8.56 0.000 .166202 .2718187 + _Iyob_1924 | .1864441 .0229385 8.13 0.000 .1391014 .2337869 + _Iyob_1925 | .0577289 .0200061 2.89 0.008 .0164384 .0990195 + _Iyob_1926 | .1570699 .0254814 6.16 0.000 .1044789 .2096609 + _Iyob_1927 | .17884 .0265292 6.74 0.000 .1240865 .2335936 + _Iyob_1928 | .1439996 .025173 5.72 0.000 .092045 .1959542 + _Iyob_1929 | .2102649 .0282973 7.43 0.000 .1518622 .2686677 + _Iyob_1930 | .0429205 .0229886 1.87 0.074 -.0045257 .0903667 + _Iyob_1931 | .1743192 .0283308 6.15 0.000 .1158473 .2327912 + _Iyob_1932 | .1146997 .0259287 4.42 0.000 .0611855 .1682138 + _Iyob_1933 | .1571595 .0280041 5.61 0.000 .0993619 .214957 + _Iyob_1934 | .1407211 .0312375 4.50 0.000 .0762501 .2051922 + _Iyob_1935 | .068365 .0262886 2.60 0.016 .0141079 .122622 + _Iyob_1936 | .1084626 .0280536 3.87 0.001 .0505629 .1663623 + _Iyob_1937 | .1186253 .0278233 4.26 0.000 .0612007 .1760499 + _Iyob_1938 | .1052614 .0276308 3.81 0.001 .0482341 .1622886 + _Iyob_1939 | .1354834 .0287883 4.71 0.000 .0760673 .1948995 + _Iyob_1940 | .0008725 .0382436 0.02 0.982 -.0780584 .0798035 + _Iyob_1941 | .0055486 .0654957 0.08 0.933 -.129628 .1407251 + _Iyob_1942 | -.0580521 .0892225 -0.65 0.521 -.2421982 .1260941 + _Iyob_1943 | -.090804 .1197533 -0.76 0.456 -.3379626 .1563546 + _Iyob_1944 | -.1566048 .1454523 -1.08 0.292 -.4568035 .1435939 + _Iyob_1945 | -.2443996 .1722271 -1.42 0.169 -.599859 .1110597 + _Iyob_1946 | -.2295186 .200921 -1.14 0.265 -.6441992 .1851621 + _Iyob_1947 | -.2661484 .2295256 -1.16 0.258 -.739866 .2075692 + _Iyob_1948 | -.3104587 .2580627 -1.20 0.241 -.8430739 .2221565 + _Iyob_1949 | -.3546169 .2852592 -1.24 0.226 -.943363 .2341292 + _Iyob_1950 | -.4316443 .3124608 -1.38 0.180 -1.076532 .2132431 + _Iyob_1951 | -.4777325 .3419039 -1.40 0.175 -1.183387 .2279224 + _Iyob_1952 | -.5365461 .3694677 -1.45 0.159 -1.29909 .2259976 + _Iyob_1953 | -.5935317 .3992801 -1.49 0.150 -1.417605 .2305418 + _Iyob_1954 | -.6507795 .4258554 -1.53 0.140 -1.529702 .2281429 + _Iyob_1955 | -.7336982 .4531751 -1.62 0.119 -1.669006 .2016093 + _Iyob_1956 | -.7226527 .4809409 -1.50 0.146 -1.715266 .2699605 + _Iyob_1957 | -.7674351 .5100132 -1.50 0.145 -1.820051 .2851805 + _Iyob_1958 | -.8013689 .5102303 -1.57 0.129 -1.854432 .2516947 + _Iyob_1959 | -.7961225 .5117057 -1.56 0.133 -1.852231 .2599861 + _Iyob_1960 | -.8404164 .5106837 -1.65 0.113 -1.894416 .213583 + _Iyob_1961 | -.8579228 .5106572 -1.68 0.106 -1.911867 .1960219 + _Iyob_1962 | -.8770486 .510441 -1.72 0.099 -1.930547 .1764499 + _Iyob_1963 | -.892795 .5108886 -1.75 0.093 -1.947217 .1616273 + _Iyob_1964 | -.9197267 .5109668 -1.80 0.084 -1.97431 .1348569 + _Iyob_1965 | -.9420487 .5117254 -1.84 0.078 -1.998198 .1141007 + _Iyob_1966 | -.9765894 .510718 -1.91 0.068 -2.030659 .0774807 + _Iyob_1967 | -.9364071 .5110872 -1.83 0.079 -1.991239 .1184251 + _Iyob_1968 | -.954504 .5112548 -1.87 0.074 -2.009682 .1006741 + _Iyob_1969 | -.9661624 .5127082 -1.88 0.072 -2.02434 .0920154 + _Iyob_1970 | -1.019499 .5117821 -1.99 0.058 -2.075765 .0367677 + _Iyob_1971 | -1.021883 .512031 -2.00 0.057 -2.078663 .0348971 + _Iyob_1972 | -1.064703 .5124452 -2.08 0.049 -2.122338 -.0070677 + _Iyob_1973 | -1.095904 .5127292 -2.14 0.043 -2.154125 -.037683 + _Iyob_1974 | -1.149179 .5129543 -2.24 0.035 -2.207865 -.0904937 + _Iyob_1975 | -1.191674 .5120088 -2.33 0.029 -2.248409 -.1349403 + _cons | 8.612261 .0712327 120.90 0.000 8.465244 8.759279 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: dens lnele _Ibplregbr_2 _Ibplregbr_3 _Ibplregbr_4 + _Ibplregbr_5 _IbplXyrexp_2 _IbplXyrexp_3 _IbplXyrexp_4 + _IbplXyrexp_5 _Ibplstate_112 _Ibplstate_113 _Ibplstate_115 + _Ibplstate_116 _Ibplstate_121 _Ibplstate_122 _Ibplstate_123 + _Ibplstate_124 _Ibplstate_125 _Ibplstate_126 _Ibplstate_127 + _Ibplstate_128 _Ibplstate_129 _Ibplstate_131 _Ibplstate_132 + _Ibplstate_133 _Ibplstate_134 _Ibplstate_135 _Ibplstate_136 + _Ibplstate_141 _Ibplstate_142 _Ibplstate_143 _Ibplstate_151 + _Ibplstate_152 _Ibplstate_153 _Ibplstate_191 _Ibplstate_192 + _Ibplstate_203 _Ibplstate_205 _Ibplstate_208 _Ibplstate_213 + _Ibplstate_215 _Ibplstate_217 _Ibplstate_219 _Ibplstate_225 + _Ibplstate_227 _Ibplstate_241 _Ibplstate_247 _Ibplstate_252 + _Ibplstate_254 _Ibplstate_268 _Ibplstate_273 _Ibplstate_276 + _Ibplstate_301 _Ibplstate_302 _Ibplstate_303 _Ibplstate_304 + _Ibplstate_305 _Ibplstate_306 _Ibplstate_307 _Ibplstate_308 + _Ibplstate_309 _Ibplstate_310 _Ibplstate_311 _Ibplstate_312 + _Ibplstate_313 _Ibplstate_314 _Ibplstate_315 _Ibplstate_316 + _Ibplstate_317 _Ibplstate_318 _Ibplstate_319 _Ibplstate_320 + _Ibplstate_321 _Ibplstate_322 _Ibplstate_323 _Ibplstate_324 + _Ibplstate_325 _Ibplstate_326 _Ibplstate_327 _Ibplstate_328 + _Ibplstate_329 _Ibplstate_330 _Ibplstate_331 _Ibplstate_332 + _Iyear_1970 _Iyear_1980 _Iyear_1991 _Iyear_2000 _Iyob_1906 + _Iyob_1907 _Iyob_1908 _Iyob_1909 _Iyob_1910 _Iyob_1911 + _Iyob_1912 _Iyob_1913 _Iyob_1914 _Iyob_1915 _Iyob_1916 + _Iyob_1917 _Iyob_1918 _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 + _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 + _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 + _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 + _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 + _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 + _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 + _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 + _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 + _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 _Iyob_1966 + _Iyob_1967 _Iyob_1968 _Iyob_1969 _Iyob_1970 _Iyob_1971 + _Iyob_1972 _Iyob_1973 _Iyob_1974 _Iyob_1975 tempavg altitude + tempxalt +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year i.yob +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1905-1975 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1905 omitted) + +. ivreg inctot (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +(sum of wgt is 1.1694e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 3734 + F( 25, 24) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.9973 + Root MSE = .10324 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0070656 .2531071 0.03 0.978 -.5153217 .5294529 + dens | -.0562564 .0201504 -2.79 0.010 -.0978448 -.014668 + lnele | -.0140032 .0166945 -0.84 0.410 -.048459 .0204525 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -10.03524 1.738773 -5.77 0.000 -13.62389 -6.446587 +_Ibplregbr_3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_4 | -17.64302 2.506836 -7.04 0.000 -22.81687 -12.46916 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -9.837722 2.017344 -4.88 0.000 -14.00132 -5.674128 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.0727266 .0773648 -0.94 0.357 -.2323997 .0869465 +_IbplXyrex~3 | .0467756 .1305497 0.36 0.723 -.2226657 .316217 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .1416334 .1876225 0.75 0.458 -.2456003 .5288672 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.0636775 .0823832 -0.77 0.447 -.2337081 .1063531 +_Ibplsta~112 | 2.609479 1.889251 1.38 0.180 -1.289742 6.5087 +_Ibplsta~113 | -.3983962 2.619884 -0.15 0.880 -5.805572 5.008779 +_Ibplsta~115 | -.2753406 2.841805 -0.10 0.924 -6.140537 5.589856 +_Ibplsta~116 | -15.35543 2.601734 -5.90 0.000 -20.72515 -9.985719 +_Ibplsta~121 | -5.157129 1.745947 -2.95 0.007 -8.760586 -1.553672 +_Ibplsta~122 | -5.799003 2.701782 -2.15 0.042 -11.37521 -.2227995 +_Ibplsta~123 | -24.26047 2.389278 -10.15 0.000 -29.1917 -19.32924 +_Ibplsta~124 | -19.62569 2.108932 -9.31 0.000 -23.97831 -15.27307 +_Ibplsta~125 | -23.7456 1.319597 -17.99 0.000 -26.46911 -21.02208 +_Ibplsta~126 | -26.00699 1.833232 -14.19 0.000 -29.79059 -22.22338 +_Ibplsta~127 | -16.42434 1.65197 -9.94 0.000 -19.83384 -13.01485 +_Ibplsta~128 | -12.47244 1.514485 -8.24 0.000 -15.59819 -9.346697 +_Ibplsta~129 | -11.02678 3.088039 -3.57 0.002 -17.40018 -4.653378 +_Ibplsta~131 | -25.38719 3.05716 -8.30 0.000 -31.69686 -19.07752 +_Ibplsta~132 | -16.2377 2.48353 -6.54 0.000 -21.36346 -11.11195 +_Ibplsta~133 | -26.4428 3.785012 -6.99 0.000 -34.25468 -18.63092 +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | -27.57261 3.775231 -7.30 0.000 -35.3643 -19.78092 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | 3.883803 .8453199 4.59 0.000 2.139149 5.628458 +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | 5.588449 1.00635 5.55 0.000 3.511444 7.665454 +_Ibplsta~151 | -.6789253 4.189993 -0.16 0.873 -9.326645 7.968795 +_Ibplsta~152 | -11.33478 4.428645 -2.56 0.017 -20.47505 -2.194505 +_Ibplsta~153 | -29.78962 8.846503 -3.37 0.003 -48.04791 -11.53134 +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | -5.632239 3.535486 -1.59 0.124 -12.92912 1.664646 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~112 | -.0014446 .0009791 -1.48 0.153 -.0034654 .0005761 +_IbplXyo~113 | .0001279 .0013575 0.09 0.926 -.0026738 .0029296 +_IbplXyo~115 | .0000416 .0014718 0.03 0.978 -.0029961 .0030792 +_IbplXyo~116 | .007852 .0013486 5.82 0.000 .0050686 .0106355 +_IbplXyo~121 | .0075189 .0009782 7.69 0.000 .0055 .0095377 +_IbplXyo~122 | .0078163 .0014152 5.52 0.000 .0048956 .0107371 +_IbplXyo~123 | .0173847 .00181 9.61 0.000 .0136491 .0211203 +_IbplXyo~124 | .0150446 .0015687 9.59 0.000 .011807 .0182823 +_IbplXyo~125 | .0171447 .0012756 13.44 0.000 .0145119 .0197774 +_IbplXyo~126 | .0184034 .0017897 10.28 0.000 .0147096 .0220973 +_IbplXyo~127 | .0134344 .0015431 8.71 0.000 .0102496 .0166192 +_IbplXyo~128 | .0114374 .0014331 7.98 0.000 .0084797 .0143952 +_IbplXyo~129 | .0106652 .0019427 5.49 0.000 .0066556 .0146747 +_IbplXyo~131 | .0129924 .0015803 8.22 0.000 .0097308 .016254 +_IbplXyo~132 | .0083341 .0012866 6.48 0.000 .0056788 .0109895 +_IbplXyo~133 | .0137552 .0019591 7.02 0.000 .0097117 .0177986 +_IbplXyo~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | .0144515 .0019534 7.40 0.000 .0104199 .0184831 +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | .0070899 .0013614 5.21 0.000 .0042801 .0098996 +_IbplXyo~142 | .0091358 .0012968 7.04 0.000 .0064594 .0118122 +_IbplXyo~143 | .0062418 .0016152 3.86 0.001 .0029081 .0095755 +_IbplXyo~151 | .0053885 .0019221 2.80 0.010 .0014216 .0093555 +_IbplXyo~152 | .0108193 .0019501 5.55 0.000 .0067944 .0148442 +_IbplXyo~153 | .0207215 .0048592 4.26 0.000 .0106925 .0307505 +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | .0028687 .0018334 1.56 0.131 -.0009153 .0066527 +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.6662502 .0330985 -20.13 0.000 -.7345621 -.5979382 + _Iyear_1980 | .6456553 .0424035 15.23 0.000 .5581388 .7331718 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.760372 .0420594 65.63 0.000 2.673566 2.847179 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.339857 .0484845 -48.26 0.000 -2.439924 -2.23979 + _Iyob_1906 | .1580446 .0266816 5.92 0.000 .1029766 .2131126 + _Iyob_1907 | .171756 .0257672 6.67 0.000 .1185752 .2249369 + _Iyob_1908 | .0868689 .0178661 4.86 0.000 .0499951 .1237427 + _Iyob_1909 | .186891 .0267268 6.99 0.000 .1317296 .2420523 + _Iyob_1910 | -.0764828 .0227519 -3.36 0.003 -.1234404 -.0295253 + _Iyob_1911 | .1498876 .0238243 6.29 0.000 .1007166 .1990587 + _Iyob_1912 | .0075041 .0197126 0.38 0.707 -.0331807 .0481888 + _Iyob_1913 | .135383 .0288283 4.70 0.000 .0758844 .1948817 + _Iyob_1914 | .0722348 .0213113 3.39 0.002 .0282505 .1162192 + _Iyob_1915 | -.1036418 .0247575 -4.19 0.000 -.1547388 -.0525447 + _Iyob_1916 | .0147957 .029114 0.51 0.616 -.0452926 .0748841 + _Iyob_1917 | .0376644 .0248413 1.52 0.143 -.0136055 .0889343 + _Iyob_1918 | -.0231765 .0274379 -0.84 0.407 -.0798056 .0334526 + _Iyob_1919 | .0163397 .025799 0.63 0.532 -.0369068 .0695863 + _Iyob_1920 | -.1885051 .0285404 -6.60 0.000 -.2474096 -.1296007 + _Iyob_1921 | .0072648 .0327792 0.22 0.826 -.0603882 .0749177 + _Iyob_1922 | -.0876033 .0282834 -3.10 0.005 -.1459774 -.0292291 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0073838 .0317626 -0.23 0.818 -.0729386 .0581711 + _Iyob_1924 | -.0515806 .0324019 -1.59 0.124 -.1184548 .0152937 + _Iyob_1925 | -.1921436 .0310529 -6.19 0.000 -.2562336 -.1280537 + _Iyob_1926 | -.105012 .0363214 -2.89 0.008 -.1799757 -.0300484 + _Iyob_1927 | -.0949982 .0374738 -2.54 0.018 -.1723404 -.017656 + _Iyob_1928 | -.1411889 .0367879 -3.84 0.001 -.2171154 -.0652624 + _Iyob_1929 | -.0865556 .0372395 -2.32 0.029 -.163414 -.0096971 + _Iyob_1930 | -.2652283 .0375623 -7.06 0.000 -.3427531 -.1877035 + _Iyob_1931 | -.1451817 .0404807 -3.59 0.001 -.2287299 -.0616335 + _Iyob_1932 | -.2167037 .0402274 -5.39 0.000 -.299729 -.1336784 + _Iyob_1933 | -.1853839 .0413446 -4.48 0.000 -.270715 -.1000528 + _Iyob_1934 | -.2135306 .0451974 -4.72 0.000 -.3068134 -.1202478 + _Iyob_1935 | -.2969951 .042476 -6.99 0.000 -.3846613 -.2093289 + _Iyob_1936 | -.2655273 .0460837 -5.76 0.000 -.3606394 -.1704153 + _Iyob_1937 | -.2662977 .0442332 -6.02 0.000 -.3575907 -.1750048 + _Iyob_1938 | -.2901861 .0453733 -6.40 0.000 -.383832 -.1965402 + _Iyob_1939 | -.2715164 .0481518 -5.64 0.000 -.3708969 -.1721359 + _Iyob_1940 | -.3506343 .0419866 -8.35 0.000 -.4372904 -.2639782 + _Iyob_1941 | -.2905197 .0461214 -6.30 0.000 -.3857097 -.1953297 + _Iyob_1942 | -.2992353 .053616 -5.58 0.000 -.4098934 -.1885773 + _Iyob_1943 | -.2768333 .0645032 -4.29 0.000 -.4099614 -.1437052 + _Iyob_1944 | -.2876678 .0800568 -3.59 0.001 -.452897 -.1224387 + _Iyob_1945 | -.3202334 .0963163 -3.32 0.003 -.5190206 -.1214463 + _Iyob_1946 | -.2507607 .1110679 -2.26 0.033 -.4799936 -.0215278 + _Iyob_1947 | -.2324234 .1282794 -1.81 0.083 -.4971791 .0323322 + _Iyob_1948 | -.2217401 .1438946 -1.54 0.136 -.5187239 .0752438 + _Iyob_1949 | -.2109151 .1590007 -1.33 0.197 -.5390765 .1172462 + _Iyob_1950 | -.2330246 .1767653 -1.32 0.200 -.5978502 .131801 + _Iyob_1951 | -.2242634 .1925962 -1.16 0.256 -.6217625 .1732357 + _Iyob_1952 | -.228177 .2092721 -1.09 0.286 -.6600934 .2037394 + _Iyob_1953 | -.2303885 .2268211 -1.02 0.320 -.6985241 .2377472 + _Iyob_1954 | -.2327207 .2419729 -0.96 0.346 -.7321281 .2666868 + _Iyob_1955 | -.2609773 .2582014 -1.01 0.322 -.7938788 .2719242 + _Iyob_1956 | -.195271 .2756125 -0.71 0.485 -.7641072 .3735651 + _Iyob_1957 | -.1853171 .2940653 -0.63 0.535 -.792238 .4216039 + _Iyob_1958 | -.2303735 .2933174 -0.79 0.440 -.8357508 .3750038 + _Iyob_1959 | -.2359664 .29267 -0.81 0.428 -.8400075 .3680748 + _Iyob_1960 | -.2908412 .2935173 -0.99 0.332 -.8966311 .3149488 + _Iyob_1961 | -.3193089 .2926293 -1.09 0.286 -.923266 .2846483 + _Iyob_1962 | -.3490481 .2926938 -1.19 0.245 -.9531385 .2550423 + _Iyob_1963 | -.3755673 .2947355 -1.27 0.215 -.9838715 .2327369 + _Iyob_1964 | -.4133786 .2928112 -1.41 0.171 -1.017711 .1909541 + _Iyob_1965 | -.4468134 .2908353 -1.54 0.138 -1.047068 .1534411 + _Iyob_1966 | -.4918395 .2906693 -1.69 0.104 -1.091751 .1080724 + _Iyob_1967 | -.462465 .2895424 -1.60 0.123 -1.060051 .1351212 + _Iyob_1968 | -.4916906 .290439 -1.69 0.103 -1.091127 .1077461 + _Iyob_1969 | -.5136687 .2905877 -1.77 0.090 -1.113412 .0860748 + _Iyob_1970 | -.5774967 .289152 -2.00 0.057 -1.174277 .0192838 + _Iyob_1971 | -.5908676 .2874102 -2.06 0.051 -1.184053 .0023179 + _Iyob_1972 | -.6440338 .2875599 -2.24 0.035 -1.237528 -.0505392 + _Iyob_1973 | -.6860367 .2854854 -2.40 0.024 -1.27525 -.0968238 + _Iyob_1974 | -.7502791 .2880512 -2.60 0.016 -1.344788 -.1557706 + _Iyob_1975 | -.802813 .2881528 -2.79 0.010 -1.397531 -.2080948 + _cons | 8.854748 .0577815 153.25 0.000 8.735493 8.974004 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: dens lnele _Ibplregbr_2 _Ibplregbr_3 _Ibplregbr_4 + _Ibplregbr_5 _IbplXyrexp_2 _IbplXyrexp_3 _IbplXyrexp_4 + _IbplXyrexp_5 _Ibplstate_112 _Ibplstate_113 _Ibplstate_115 + _Ibplstate_116 _Ibplstate_121 _Ibplstate_122 _Ibplstate_123 + _Ibplstate_124 _Ibplstate_125 _Ibplstate_126 _Ibplstate_127 + _Ibplstate_128 _Ibplstate_129 _Ibplstate_131 _Ibplstate_132 + _Ibplstate_133 _Ibplstate_134 _Ibplstate_135 _Ibplstate_136 + _Ibplstate_141 _Ibplstate_142 _Ibplstate_143 _Ibplstate_151 + _Ibplstate_152 _Ibplstate_153 _Ibplstate_191 _Ibplstate_192 + _Ibplstate_203 _Ibplstate_205 _Ibplstate_208 _Ibplstate_213 + _Ibplstate_215 _Ibplstate_217 _Ibplstate_219 _Ibplstate_225 + _Ibplstate_227 _Ibplstate_241 _Ibplstate_247 _Ibplstate_252 + _Ibplstate_254 _Ibplstate_268 _Ibplstate_273 _Ibplstate_276 + _Ibplstate_301 _Ibplstate_302 _Ibplstate_303 _Ibplstate_304 + _Ibplstate_305 _Ibplstate_306 _Ibplstate_307 _Ibplstate_308 + _Ibplstate_309 _Ibplstate_310 _Ibplstate_311 _Ibplstate_312 + _Ibplstate_313 _Ibplstate_314 _Ibplstate_315 _Ibplstate_316 + _Ibplstate_317 _Ibplstate_318 _Ibplstate_319 _Ibplstate_320 + _Ibplstate_321 _Ibplstate_322 _Ibplstate_323 _Ibplstate_324 + _Ibplstate_325 _Ibplstate_326 _Ibplstate_327 _Ibplstate_328 + _Ibplstate_329 _Ibplstate_330 _Ibplstate_331 _Ibplstate_332 + _IbplXyob_112 _IbplXyob_113 _IbplXyob_115 _IbplXyob_116 + _IbplXyob_121 _IbplXyob_122 _IbplXyob_123 _IbplXyob_124 + _IbplXyob_125 _IbplXyob_126 _IbplXyob_127 _IbplXyob_128 + _IbplXyob_129 _IbplXyob_131 _IbplXyob_132 _IbplXyob_133 + _IbplXyob_134 _IbplXyob_135 _IbplXyob_136 _IbplXyob_141 + _IbplXyob_142 _IbplXyob_143 _IbplXyob_151 _IbplXyob_152 + _IbplXyob_153 _IbplXyob_191 _IbplXyob_192 _IbplXyob_203 + _IbplXyob_205 _IbplXyob_208 _IbplXyob_213 _IbplXyob_215 + _IbplXyob_217 _IbplXyob_219 _IbplXyob_225 _IbplXyob_227 + _IbplXyob_241 _IbplXyob_247 _IbplXyob_252 _IbplXyob_254 + _IbplXyob_268 _IbplXyob_273 _IbplXyob_276 _IbplXyob_301 + _IbplXyob_302 _IbplXyob_303 _IbplXyob_304 _IbplXyob_305 + _IbplXyob_306 _IbplXyob_307 _IbplXyob_308 _IbplXyob_309 + _IbplXyob_310 _IbplXyob_311 _IbplXyob_312 _IbplXyob_313 + _IbplXyob_314 _IbplXyob_315 _IbplXyob_316 _IbplXyob_317 + _IbplXyob_318 _IbplXyob_319 _IbplXyob_320 _IbplXyob_321 + _IbplXyob_322 _IbplXyob_323 _IbplXyob_324 _IbplXyob_325 + _IbplXyob_326 _IbplXyob_327 _IbplXyob_328 _IbplXyob_329 + _IbplXyob_330 _IbplXyob_331 _IbplXyob_332 _Iyear_1970 + _Iyear_1980 _Iyear_1991 _Iyear_2000 _Iyob_1906 _Iyob_1907 + _Iyob_1908 _Iyob_1909 _Iyob_1910 _Iyob_1911 _Iyob_1912 + _Iyob_1913 _Iyob_1914 _Iyob_1915 _Iyob_1916 _Iyob_1917 + _Iyob_1918 _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 + _Iyob_1923 _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 + _Iyob_1928 _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 + _Iyob_1933 _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 + _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 + _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 + _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 + _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 + _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 + _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 _Iyob_1966 _Iyob_1967 + _Iyob_1968 _Iyob_1969 _Iyob_1970 _Iyob_1971 _Iyob_1972 + _Iyob_1973 _Iyob_1974 _Iyob_1975 tempavg altitude tempxalt +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.yob +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1905-1975 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1905 omitted) + +. ivreg inctot (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +(sum of wgt is 1.1694e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 3734 + F( 25, 24) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.9975 + Root MSE = .0996 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .2218225 .2502637 0.89 0.384 -.2946963 .7383413 + dens | -.0014697 .0170284 -0.09 0.932 -.0366147 .0336753 + lnele | -.0007368 .0194833 -0.04 0.970 -.0409484 .0394749 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -17.9982 3.729854 -4.83 0.000 -25.69624 -10.30016 +_Ibplregbr_3 | -6.174826 3.163006 -1.95 0.063 -12.70295 .3532984 +_Ibplregbr_4 | 2.980298 2.99477 1.00 0.330 -3.200603 9.161199 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -13.43739 3.120165 -4.31 0.000 -19.8771 -6.997685 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.1934526 .0574884 -3.37 0.003 -.3121029 -.0748023 +_IbplXyrex~3 | .0060715 .100148 0.06 0.952 -.2006238 .2127668 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .0851112 .1571708 0.54 0.593 -.2392734 .4094958 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.0983587 .0650338 -1.51 0.143 -.2325818 .0358643 +_Ibplsta~112 | -3.978316 1.625333 -2.45 0.022 -7.33284 -.623793 +_Ibplsta~113 | 2.873617 2.954241 0.97 0.340 -3.223636 8.970871 +_Ibplsta~115 | -.4267689 2.658018 -0.16 0.874 -5.912649 5.059111 +_Ibplsta~116 | -7.012184 2.276354 -3.08 0.005 -11.71035 -2.31402 +_Ibplsta~121 | -4.208619 4.096392 -1.03 0.314 -12.66316 4.245918 +_Ibplsta~122 | -5.494279 5.681703 -0.97 0.343 -17.22074 6.232179 +_Ibplsta~123 | -2.858301 6.595888 -0.43 0.669 -16.47154 10.75494 +_Ibplsta~124 | 1.570566 6.171464 0.25 0.801 -11.16671 14.30784 +_Ibplsta~125 | -2.242141 3.791076 -0.59 0.560 -10.06654 5.582256 +_Ibplsta~126 | -.8306901 4.527644 -0.18 0.856 -10.17529 8.513908 +_Ibplsta~127 | 5.916146 2.898327 2.04 0.052 -.0657056 11.898 +_Ibplsta~128 | 16.59956 2.899608 5.72 0.000 10.61507 22.58406 +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | -8.705863 2.879376 -3.02 0.006 -14.6486 -2.763123 +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | -1.997861 3.325517 -0.60 0.554 -8.861391 4.865668 +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | -5.291954 4.117605 -1.29 0.211 -13.79027 3.206366 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | -17.76178 4.683468 -3.79 0.001 -27.42798 -8.095579 +_Ibplsta~142 | -21.12405 4.381773 -4.82 0.000 -30.16759 -12.08052 +_Ibplsta~143 | -16.25184 5.342177 -3.04 0.006 -27.27755 -5.226126 +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | -8.854232 1.402964 -6.31 0.000 -11.74981 -5.958657 +_Ibplsta~153 | -17.78017 6.120895 -2.90 0.008 -30.41307 -5.147262 +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | 2.154709 4.191549 0.51 0.612 -6.496223 10.80564 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_112 | .0018708 .0008431 2.22 0.036 .0001308 .0036109 +_IbplXy~_113 | -.001578 .0015318 -1.03 0.313 -.0047395 .0015835 +_IbplXy~_115 | .0000672 .0013789 0.05 0.962 -.0027787 .002913 +_IbplXy~_116 | .0036088 .0011815 3.05 0.005 .0011704 .0060473 +_IbplXy~_121 | .011061 .0011804 9.37 0.000 .0086248 .0134971 +_IbplXy~_122 | .0116818 .0017561 6.65 0.000 .0080573 .0153063 +_IbplXy~_123 | .0104505 .0025563 4.09 0.000 .0051746 .0157265 +_IbplXy~_124 | .0082203 .0021283 3.86 0.001 .0038277 .012613 +_IbplXy~_125 | .0101701 .0012391 8.21 0.000 .0076127 .0127276 +_IbplXy~_126 | .0095399 .0021175 4.51 0.000 .0051695 .0139102 +_IbplXy~_127 | .0060293 .0013911 4.33 0.000 .0031582 .0089004 +_IbplXy~_128 | .0006014 .0012779 0.47 0.642 -.0020359 .0032388 +_IbplXy~_129 | .0090738 .0019276 4.71 0.000 .0050953 .0130522 +_IbplXy~_131 | .0075774 .0014166 5.35 0.000 .0046536 .0105012 +_IbplXy~_132 | .0031405 .0016362 1.92 0.067 -.0002364 .0065174 +_IbplXy~_133 | .0043512 .0017552 2.48 0.021 .0007287 .0079738 +_IbplXy~_134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | .0061499 .0019256 3.19 0.004 .0021757 .010124 +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | .0075904 .0013585 5.59 0.000 .0047865 .0103943 +_IbplXy~_142 | .0093675 .0013153 7.12 0.000 .0066529 .0120821 +_IbplXy~_143 | .0068384 .0015874 4.31 0.000 .0035622 .0101146 +_IbplXy~_151 | .0068755 .0016173 4.25 0.000 .0035375 .0102136 +_IbplXy~_152 | .011355 .0017158 6.62 0.000 .0078139 .0148962 +_IbplXy~_153 | .0162856 .0028411 5.73 0.000 .0104218 .0221493 +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | -.0010544 .0021738 -0.49 0.632 -.0055409 .0034321 +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a112 | .0002147 .0000128 16.73 0.000 .0001882 .0002411 +_IbplXy~a113 | .0000182 .0000115 1.58 0.127 -5.57e-06 .000042 +_IbplXy~a115 | .0001113 .0000108 10.32 0.000 .000089 .0001335 +_IbplXy~a116 | -.0002157 4.46e-06 -48.36 0.000 -.0002249 -.0002065 +_IbplXy~a121 | .000195 .0000146 13.40 0.000 .0001649 .000225 +_IbplXy~a122 | .0002149 .0000149 14.39 0.000 .0001841 .0002457 +_IbplXy~a123 | -.0000725 .0000166 -4.36 0.000 -.0001068 -.0000382 +_IbplXy~a124 | -.0000774 .0000174 -4.46 0.000 -.0001133 -.0000416 +_IbplXy~a125 | -.0000922 .0000192 -4.79 0.000 -.0001319 -.0000525 +_IbplXy~a126 | -.0001223 .0000137 -8.94 0.000 -.0001505 -.0000941 +_IbplXy~a127 | -.0000993 .000018 -5.51 0.000 -.0001364 -.0000621 +_IbplXy~a128 | -.0002053 .0000187 -10.99 0.000 -.0002439 -.0001667 +_IbplXy~a129 | 2.35e-06 .000026 0.09 0.929 -.0000513 .0000559 +_IbplXy~a131 | -.0000659 .0000202 -3.27 0.003 -.0001075 -.0000243 +_IbplXy~a132 | -.0000525 .0000208 -2.52 0.019 -.0000955 -9.54e-06 +_IbplXy~a133 | -.0001398 .0000173 -8.09 0.000 -.0001755 -.0001041 +_IbplXy~a134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | -.0001013 .0000141 -7.18 0.000 -.0001304 -.0000722 +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | .0000555 .0000161 3.45 0.002 .0000223 .0000887 +_IbplXy~a142 | .000055 .0000151 3.65 0.001 .0000239 .0000862 +_IbplXy~a143 | .0000598 .0000172 3.48 0.002 .0000244 .0000952 +_IbplXy~a151 | .0000534 .0000172 3.11 0.005 .0000179 .0000888 +_IbplXy~a152 | .0000817 .0000155 5.26 0.000 .0000496 .0001137 +_IbplXy~a153 | .0002216 .0000433 5.12 0.000 .0001323 .0003109 +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | -.0002827 3.95e-06 -71.50 0.000 -.0002908 -.0002745 +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.6691339 .0337927 -19.80 0.000 -.7388785 -.5993893 + _Iyear_1980 | .6432169 .0430559 14.94 0.000 .5543538 .73208 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.757791 .0425637 64.79 0.000 2.669943 2.845638 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.342278 .0491833 -47.62 0.000 -2.443788 -2.240769 + _Iyob_1906 | .1558401 .0263107 5.92 0.000 .1015375 .2101427 + _Iyob_1907 | .1691858 .0254562 6.65 0.000 .1166467 .2217248 + _Iyob_1908 | .0857628 .0193933 4.42 0.000 .0457371 .1257885 + _Iyob_1909 | .1837357 .0286865 6.40 0.000 .1245297 .2429416 + _Iyob_1910 | -.0764456 .0259901 -2.94 0.007 -.1300866 -.0228046 + _Iyob_1911 | .1483908 .0274202 5.41 0.000 .0917984 .2049832 + _Iyob_1912 | .0068671 .0247448 0.28 0.784 -.0442037 .0579378 + _Iyob_1913 | .1346832 .0312984 4.30 0.000 .0700865 .1992798 + _Iyob_1914 | .0723751 .0316776 2.28 0.031 .0069958 .1377544 + _Iyob_1915 | -.1057995 .0350826 -3.02 0.006 -.1782064 -.0333926 + _Iyob_1916 | .0128392 .0394963 0.33 0.748 -.0686771 .0943555 + _Iyob_1917 | .0385078 .0364823 1.06 0.302 -.0367879 .1138036 + _Iyob_1918 | -.0210732 .0408683 -0.52 0.611 -.1054213 .0632749 + _Iyob_1919 | .0192645 .0404554 0.48 0.638 -.0642313 .1027602 + _Iyob_1920 | -.1836539 .0439885 -4.18 0.000 -.2744416 -.0928662 + _Iyob_1921 | .0143922 .0478228 0.30 0.766 -.0843093 .1130936 + _Iyob_1922 | -.0786549 .0462234 -1.70 0.102 -.1740553 .0167455 + _Iyob_1923 | .0036837 .0510924 0.07 0.943 -.1017659 .1091332 + _Iyob_1924 | -.0383581 .0525985 -0.73 0.473 -.1469162 .0701999 + _Iyob_1925 | -.1770754 .0499876 -3.54 0.002 -.2802446 -.0739061 + _Iyob_1926 | -.0877213 .0566423 -1.55 0.135 -.2046252 .0291826 + _Iyob_1927 | -.0753027 .0578645 -1.30 0.205 -.1947292 .0441238 + _Iyob_1928 | -.1191592 .0589589 -2.02 0.055 -.2408445 .0025261 + _Iyob_1929 | -.0621037 .0601107 -1.03 0.312 -.1861661 .0619587 + _Iyob_1930 | -.2384792 .0593023 -4.02 0.000 -.3608732 -.1160852 + _Iyob_1931 | -.1156832 .0648678 -1.78 0.087 -.2495637 .0181973 + _Iyob_1932 | -.1847538 .0650362 -2.84 0.009 -.3189818 -.0505258 + _Iyob_1933 | -.1507271 .0681873 -2.21 0.037 -.2914586 -.0099955 + _Iyob_1934 | -.1761727 .0697264 -2.53 0.019 -.320081 -.0322644 + _Iyob_1935 | -.2569342 .068932 -3.73 0.001 -.3992028 -.1146656 + _Iyob_1936 | -.2212768 .0728462 -3.04 0.006 -.371624 -.0709296 + _Iyob_1937 | -.2191604 .0723228 -3.03 0.006 -.3684275 -.0698934 + _Iyob_1938 | -.2401617 .0747323 -3.21 0.004 -.3944016 -.0859217 + _Iyob_1939 | -.2185553 .0773584 -2.83 0.009 -.3782152 -.0588954 + _Iyob_1940 | -.3123649 .0624098 -5.01 0.000 -.4411724 -.1835574 + _Iyob_1941 | -.2673067 .0558946 -4.78 0.000 -.3826674 -.151946 + _Iyob_1942 | -.2906281 .0534248 -5.44 0.000 -.4008915 -.1803647 + _Iyob_1943 | -.2830991 .0582177 -4.86 0.000 -.4032546 -.1629436 + _Iyob_1944 | -.3084125 .0667828 -4.62 0.000 -.4462454 -.1705796 + _Iyob_1945 | -.3556843 .0794285 -4.48 0.000 -.5196166 -.191752 + _Iyob_1946 | -.3011393 .0936681 -3.21 0.004 -.4944608 -.1078178 + _Iyob_1947 | -.2974999 .1131712 -2.63 0.015 -.5310739 -.063926 + _Iyob_1948 | -.3011865 .12856 -2.34 0.028 -.5665213 -.0358517 + _Iyob_1949 | -.3049145 .1444289 -2.11 0.045 -.6030011 -.0068278 + _Iyob_1950 | -.3413056 .1617533 -2.11 0.045 -.675148 -.0074632 + _Iyob_1951 | -.346866 .1817558 -1.91 0.068 -.7219915 .0282596 + _Iyob_1952 | -.3651112 .1987656 -1.84 0.079 -.7753433 .0451208 + _Iyob_1953 | -.3817054 .2182291 -1.75 0.093 -.8321082 .0686973 + _Iyob_1954 | -.3982607 .2340773 -1.70 0.102 -.8813726 .0848512 + _Iyob_1955 | -.4407697 .2520958 -1.75 0.093 -.96107 .0795305 + _Iyob_1956 | -.3891348 .2714358 -1.43 0.165 -.9493507 .1710811 + _Iyob_1957 | -.3933388 .2910718 -1.35 0.189 -.9940814 .2074039 + _Iyob_1958 | -.434715 .2913045 -1.49 0.149 -1.035938 .166508 + _Iyob_1959 | -.4367341 .2908224 -1.50 0.146 -1.036962 .1634938 + _Iyob_1960 | -.487881 .2907082 -1.68 0.106 -1.087873 .1121112 + _Iyob_1961 | -.5127179 .2892277 -1.77 0.089 -1.109655 .0842187 + _Iyob_1962 | -.5387907 .2896331 -1.86 0.075 -1.136564 .0589827 + _Iyob_1963 | -.5616429 .2908 -1.93 0.065 -1.161825 .0385389 + _Iyob_1964 | -.5957487 .2894975 -2.06 0.051 -1.193242 .0017447 + _Iyob_1965 | -.6253871 .2876642 -2.17 0.040 -1.219097 -.0316775 + _Iyob_1966 | -.6668207 .2872217 -2.32 0.029 -1.259617 -.0740241 + _Iyob_1967 | -.634 .2866239 -2.21 0.037 -1.225563 -.0424373 + _Iyob_1968 | -.6594268 .287386 -2.29 0.031 -1.252562 -.0662913 + _Iyob_1969 | -.67792 .2879241 -2.35 0.027 -1.272166 -.083674 + _Iyob_1970 | -.7380384 .2856095 -2.58 0.016 -1.327507 -.1485695 + _Iyob_1971 | -.7476755 .2846984 -2.63 0.015 -1.335264 -.1600868 + _Iyob_1972 | -.7972379 .2851975 -2.80 0.010 -1.385857 -.2086191 + _Iyob_1973 | -.8356175 .2823832 -2.96 0.007 -1.418428 -.2528073 + _Iyob_1974 | -.895714 .2853233 -3.14 0.004 -1.484592 -.3068356 + _Iyob_1975 | -.9448962 .2844716 -3.32 0.003 -1.532017 -.3577757 + _cons | 8.835244 .065645 134.59 0.000 8.699759 8.970729 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: dens lnele _Ibplregbr_2 _Ibplregbr_3 _Ibplregbr_4 + _Ibplregbr_5 _IbplXyrexp_2 _IbplXyrexp_3 _IbplXyrexp_4 + _IbplXyrexp_5 _Ibplstate_112 _Ibplstate_113 _Ibplstate_115 + _Ibplstate_116 _Ibplstate_121 _Ibplstate_122 _Ibplstate_123 + _Ibplstate_124 _Ibplstate_125 _Ibplstate_126 _Ibplstate_127 + _Ibplstate_128 _Ibplstate_129 _Ibplstate_131 _Ibplstate_132 + _Ibplstate_133 _Ibplstate_134 _Ibplstate_135 _Ibplstate_136 + _Ibplstate_141 _Ibplstate_142 _Ibplstate_143 _Ibplstate_151 + _Ibplstate_152 _Ibplstate_153 _Ibplstate_191 _Ibplstate_192 + _Ibplstate_203 _Ibplstate_205 _Ibplstate_208 _Ibplstate_213 + _Ibplstate_215 _Ibplstate_217 _Ibplstate_219 _Ibplstate_225 + _Ibplstate_227 _Ibplstate_241 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_IbplXyob_205 _IbplXyob_208 _IbplXyob_213 _IbplXyob_215 + _IbplXyob_217 _IbplXyob_219 _IbplXyob_225 _IbplXyob_227 + _IbplXyob_241 _IbplXyob_247 _IbplXyob_252 _IbplXyob_254 + _IbplXyob_268 _IbplXyob_273 _IbplXyob_276 _IbplXyob_301 + _IbplXyob_302 _IbplXyob_303 _IbplXyob_304 _IbplXyob_305 + _IbplXyob_306 _IbplXyob_307 _IbplXyob_308 _IbplXyob_309 + _IbplXyob_310 _IbplXyob_311 _IbplXyob_312 _IbplXyob_313 + _IbplXyob_314 _IbplXyob_315 _IbplXyob_316 _IbplXyob_317 + _IbplXyob_318 _IbplXyob_319 _IbplXyob_320 _IbplXyob_321 + _IbplXyob_322 _IbplXyob_323 _IbplXyob_324 _IbplXyob_325 + _IbplXyob_326 _IbplXyob_327 _IbplXyob_328 _IbplXyob_329 + _IbplXyob_330 _IbplXyob_331 _IbplXyob_332 _IbplXyoba112 + _IbplXyoba113 _IbplXyoba115 _IbplXyoba116 _IbplXyoba121 + _IbplXyoba122 _IbplXyoba123 _IbplXyoba124 _IbplXyoba125 + _IbplXyoba126 _IbplXyoba127 _IbplXyoba128 _IbplXyoba129 + _IbplXyoba131 _IbplXyoba132 _IbplXyoba133 _IbplXyoba134 + _IbplXyoba135 _IbplXyoba136 _IbplXyoba141 _IbplXyoba142 + _IbplXyoba143 _IbplXyoba151 _IbplXyoba152 _IbplXyoba153 + _IbplXyoba191 _IbplXyoba192 _IbplXyoba203 _IbplXyoba205 + _IbplXyoba208 _IbplXyoba213 _IbplXyoba215 _IbplXyoba217 + _IbplXyoba219 _IbplXyoba225 _IbplXyoba227 _IbplXyoba241 + _IbplXyoba247 _IbplXyoba252 _IbplXyoba254 _IbplXyoba268 + _IbplXyoba273 _IbplXyoba276 _IbplXyoba301 _IbplXyoba302 + _IbplXyoba303 _IbplXyoba304 _IbplXyoba305 _IbplXyoba306 + _IbplXyoba307 _IbplXyoba308 _IbplXyoba309 _IbplXyoba310 + _IbplXyoba311 _IbplXyoba312 _IbplXyoba313 _IbplXyoba314 + _IbplXyoba315 _IbplXyoba316 _IbplXyoba317 _IbplXyoba318 + _IbplXyoba319 _IbplXyoba320 _IbplXyoba321 _IbplXyoba322 + _IbplXyoba323 _IbplXyoba324 _IbplXyoba325 _IbplXyoba326 + _IbplXyoba327 _IbplXyoba328 _IbplXyoba329 _IbplXyoba330 + _IbplXyoba331 _IbplXyoba332 _Iyear_1970 _Iyear_1980 + _Iyear_1991 _Iyear_2000 _Iyob_1906 _Iyob_1907 _Iyob_1908 + _Iyob_1909 _Iyob_1910 _Iyob_1911 _Iyob_1912 _Iyob_1913 + _Iyob_1914 _Iyob_1915 _Iyob_1916 _Iyob_1917 _Iyob_1918 + _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 + _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 + _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 + _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 + _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 + _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 + _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 + _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 + _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 + _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 _Iyob_1966 _Iyob_1967 _Iyob_1968 + _Iyob_1969 _Iyob_1970 _Iyob_1971 _Iyob_1972 _Iyob_1973 + _Iyob_1974 _Iyob_1975 tempavg altitude tempxalt +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls i.year i.yob +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1905-1975 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1905 omitted) + +. ivreg inctot (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +(sum of wgt is 1.1694e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 3734 + F( 24, 24) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.9968 + Root MSE = .11111 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .8666926 .3531919 2.45 0.022 .1377403 1.595645 + dens | .0030891 .0516276 0.06 0.953 -.103465 .1096431 + lnele | .0139955 .0390578 0.36 0.723 -.066616 .0946069 + inmort | .0983851 .0779168 1.26 0.219 -.0624272 .2591974 + ea | .3510279 1.033223 0.34 0.737 -1.78144 2.483496 + eaag | 8.451771 4.031136 2.10 0.047 .1319152 16.77163 + eaexin | 7.906262 3.867949 2.04 0.052 -.0767925 15.88932 + eaintr | 9.927383 4.242679 2.34 0.028 1.170924 18.68384 + eatran | 7.11579 5.415852 1.31 0.201 -4.061979 18.29356 + easer | 14.07693 5.920042 2.38 0.026 1.858566 26.2953 + eaoth | 8.891771 5.229365 1.70 0.102 -1.901107 19.68465 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -.5720838 .1098281 -5.21 0.000 -.7987579 -.3454098 +_Ibplregbr_3 | .0075481 .1225353 0.06 0.951 -.2453523 .2604485 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -.1300457 .1218707 -1.07 0.297 -.3815745 .1214831 +_Ibplregbr_5 | .4773671 .2251184 2.12 0.044 .0127456 .9419885 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.1652929 .2002415 -0.83 0.417 -.5785711 .2479853 +_IbplXyrex~3 | .247666 .1859022 1.33 0.195 -.1360173 .6313493 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .4913449 .1997348 2.46 0.021 .0791126 .9035773 +_IbplXyrex~5 | .0600589 .1429847 0.42 0.678 -.235047 .3551648 +_Ibplsta~112 | -.3174131 .1224422 -2.59 0.016 -.5701214 -.0647048 +_Ibplsta~113 | -.2352778 .1325898 -1.77 0.089 -.5089297 .0383742 +_Ibplsta~115 | -.3210882 .1224298 -2.62 0.015 -.573771 -.0684055 +_Ibplsta~116 | -.1797462 .1458828 -1.23 0.230 -.4808335 .1213411 +_Ibplsta~121 | -.1758727 .0339031 -5.19 0.000 -.2458453 -.1059002 +_Ibplsta~122 | -.3407786 .0450894 -7.56 0.000 -.4338386 -.2477186 +_Ibplsta~123 | -.2773404 .0300638 -9.23 0.000 -.3393889 -.2152918 +_Ibplsta~124 | -.1812086 .0327906 -5.53 0.000 -.248885 -.1135322 +_Ibplsta~125 | -.1486 .0306345 -4.85 0.000 -.2118264 -.0853735 +_Ibplsta~126 | -.0155749 .0258122 -0.60 0.552 -.0688487 .0376989 +_Ibplsta~127 | -.0683864 .0246147 -2.78 0.010 -.1191886 -.0175842 +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | .0548414 .0443191 1.24 0.228 -.0366287 .1463115 +_Ibplsta~131 | -.3888286 .0215977 -18.00 0.000 -.433404 -.3442531 +_Ibplsta~132 | -.2260298 .0300893 -7.51 0.000 -.2881312 -.1639285 +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | .2214406 .0207717 10.66 0.000 .1785699 .2643114 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | .0640029 .0316218 2.02 0.054 -.0012612 .1292671 +_Ibplsta~143 | .0228282 .0226905 1.01 0.324 -.0240027 .069659 +_Ibplsta~151 | -.6742772 .1890697 -3.57 0.002 -1.064498 -.2840566 +_Ibplsta~152 | -.8547274 .1856646 -4.60 0.000 -1.23792 -.4715346 +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | -.1221505 .1547321 -0.79 0.438 -.4415019 .1972009 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.6604905 .0315983 -20.90 0.000 -.7257063 -.5952748 + _Iyear_1980 | .6500735 .0409008 15.89 0.000 .5656583 .7344886 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.765006 .0405918 68.12 0.000 2.681229 2.848783 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.335295 .0467357 -49.97 0.000 -2.431753 -2.238837 + _Iyob_1906 | .1746494 .0281799 6.20 0.000 .1164889 .23281 + _Iyob_1907 | .2009223 .0263279 7.63 0.000 .1465843 .2552604 + _Iyob_1908 | .127062 .0177987 7.14 0.000 .0903273 .1637968 + _Iyob_1909 | .2409149 .0273266 8.82 0.000 .1845157 .2973142 + _Iyob_1910 | -.0146442 .0204024 -0.72 0.480 -.0567527 .0274643 + _Iyob_1911 | .2290614 .0238194 9.62 0.000 .1799006 .2782223 + _Iyob_1912 | .096645 .0162474 5.95 0.000 .063112 .1301781 + _Iyob_1913 | .2387791 .0267365 8.93 0.000 .1835976 .2939605 + _Iyob_1914 | .1879732 .0185262 10.15 0.000 .1497371 .2262094 + _Iyob_1915 | .027757 .0187874 1.48 0.153 -.0110182 .0665322 + _Iyob_1916 | .1608868 .0245573 6.55 0.000 .110203 .2115706 + _Iyob_1917 | .1951185 .0239627 8.14 0.000 .1456619 .2445752 + _Iyob_1918 | .1450055 .023734 6.11 0.000 .0960209 .1939901 + _Iyob_1919 | .1971518 .0193634 10.18 0.000 .1571877 .2371158 + _Iyob_1920 | .0025082 .0216221 0.12 0.909 -.0421175 .047134 + _Iyob_1921 | .2122318 .0269806 7.87 0.000 .1565466 .267917 + _Iyob_1922 | .1277378 .0231915 5.51 0.000 .0798729 .1756028 + _Iyob_1923 | .2192121 .0259176 8.46 0.000 .1657208 .2727035 + _Iyob_1924 | .1868096 .0233448 8.00 0.000 .1386283 .2349909 + _Iyob_1925 | .0579606 .0202354 2.86 0.009 .0161967 .0997245 + _Iyob_1926 | .1572479 .0257706 6.10 0.000 .10406 .2104358 + _Iyob_1927 | .1790466 .0269366 6.65 0.000 .1234521 .2346411 + _Iyob_1928 | .14405 .0254771 5.65 0.000 .0914678 .1966322 + _Iyob_1929 | .2102853 .0287317 7.32 0.000 .150986 .2695845 + _Iyob_1930 | .0427432 .0232296 1.84 0.078 -.0052004 .0906868 + _Iyob_1931 | .1743465 .0287068 6.07 0.000 .1150986 .2335943 + _Iyob_1932 | .1143237 .0261956 4.36 0.000 .0602586 .1683888 + _Iyob_1933 | .1568367 .0282713 5.55 0.000 .0984876 .2151857 + _Iyob_1934 | .1401652 .0315294 4.45 0.000 .0750918 .2052386 + _Iyob_1935 | .0683151 .0265681 2.57 0.017 .0134813 .1231489 + _Iyob_1936 | .1082463 .0283265 3.82 0.001 .0497834 .1667093 + _Iyob_1937 | .1185492 .028198 4.20 0.000 .0603514 .1767471 + _Iyob_1938 | .1053844 .0279082 3.78 0.001 .0477847 .162984 + _Iyob_1939 | .1354217 .0291575 4.64 0.000 .0752434 .1955999 + _Iyob_1940 | -.5008279 .2430634 -2.06 0.050 -1.002486 .0008304 + _Iyob_1941 | -.9974221 .4873649 -2.05 0.052 -2.003294 .0084495 + _Iyob_1942 | -1.562681 .7265339 -2.15 0.042 -3.062173 -.0631886 + _Iyob_1943 | -2.096782 .9677861 -2.17 0.040 -4.094194 -.0993698 + _Iyob_1944 | -2.664198 1.206265 -2.21 0.037 -5.153807 -.1745894 + _Iyob_1945 | -3.253411 1.44581 -2.25 0.034 -6.237416 -.2694057 + _Iyob_1946 | -3.740057 1.687641 -2.22 0.036 -7.223177 -.2569377 + _Iyob_1947 | -4.278136 1.928714 -2.22 0.036 -8.258806 -.2974661 + _Iyob_1948 | -4.824018 2.168976 -2.22 0.036 -9.300564 -.3474724 + _Iyob_1949 | -5.369641 2.410576 -2.23 0.036 -10.34483 -.3944563 + _Iyob_1950 | -5.948122 2.64862 -2.25 0.034 -11.4146 -.4816385 + _Iyob_1951 | -6.495656 2.891281 -2.25 0.034 -12.46297 -.5283461 + _Iyob_1952 | -7.055939 3.132803 -2.25 0.034 -13.52173 -.5901514 + _Iyob_1953 | -7.614373 3.373172 -2.26 0.033 -14.57626 -.652489 + _Iyob_1954 | -8.172979 3.614437 -2.26 0.033 -15.63281 -.7131483 + _Iyob_1955 | -8.75736 3.85414 -2.27 0.032 -16.71191 -.8028055 + _Iyob_1956 | -9.247971 4.094514 -2.26 0.033 -17.69863 -.7973099 + _Iyob_1957 | -9.794116 4.333898 -2.26 0.033 -18.73884 -.849391 + _Iyob_1958 | -9.828129 4.33594 -2.27 0.033 -18.77707 -.8791878 + _Iyob_1959 | -9.822855 4.336083 -2.27 0.033 -18.77209 -.8736205 + _Iyob_1960 | -9.866839 4.335524 -2.28 0.032 -18.81492 -.9187573 + _Iyob_1961 | -9.884444 4.335188 -2.28 0.032 -18.83183 -.9370566 + _Iyob_1962 | -9.903531 4.335452 -2.28 0.031 -18.85146 -.955598 + _Iyob_1963 | -9.91923 4.334939 -2.29 0.031 -18.8661 -.9723554 + _Iyob_1964 | -9.946205 4.335684 -2.29 0.031 -18.89462 -.9977923 + _Iyob_1965 | -9.968567 4.337579 -2.30 0.031 -18.92089 -1.016244 + _Iyob_1966 | -10.00287 4.336175 -2.31 0.030 -18.9523 -1.053444 + _Iyob_1967 | -9.962614 4.337808 -2.30 0.031 -18.91541 -1.009817 + _Iyob_1968 | -9.980848 4.337026 -2.30 0.030 -18.93203 -1.029666 + _Iyob_1969 | -9.992303 4.337786 -2.30 0.030 -18.94505 -1.039553 + _Iyob_1970 | -10.04547 4.338845 -2.32 0.029 -19.00041 -1.090533 + _Iyob_1971 | -10.04796 4.339317 -2.32 0.029 -19.00387 -1.092054 + _Iyob_1972 | -10.09061 4.338429 -2.33 0.029 -19.04469 -1.136532 + _Iyob_1973 | -10.12174 4.340793 -2.33 0.028 -19.0807 -1.162789 + _Iyob_1974 | -10.17512 4.338862 -2.35 0.028 -19.13009 -1.220154 + _Iyob_1975 | -10.2176 4.337505 -2.36 0.027 -19.16977 -1.265431 + _cons | 8.625071 .1236003 69.78 0.000 8.369973 8.880169 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: dens lnele inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth + _Ibplregbr_2 _Ibplregbr_3 _Ibplregbr_4 _Ibplregbr_5 + _IbplXyrexp_2 _IbplXyrexp_3 _IbplXyrexp_4 _IbplXyrexp_5 + _Ibplstate_112 _Ibplstate_113 _Ibplstate_115 _Ibplstate_116 + _Ibplstate_121 _Ibplstate_122 _Ibplstate_123 _Ibplstate_124 + _Ibplstate_125 _Ibplstate_126 _Ibplstate_127 _Ibplstate_128 + _Ibplstate_129 _Ibplstate_131 _Ibplstate_132 _Ibplstate_133 + _Ibplstate_134 _Ibplstate_135 _Ibplstate_136 _Ibplstate_141 + _Ibplstate_142 _Ibplstate_143 _Ibplstate_151 _Ibplstate_152 + _Ibplstate_153 _Ibplstate_191 _Ibplstate_192 _Ibplstate_203 + _Ibplstate_205 _Ibplstate_208 _Ibplstate_213 _Ibplstate_215 + _Ibplstate_217 _Ibplstate_219 _Ibplstate_225 _Ibplstate_227 + _Ibplstate_241 _Ibplstate_247 _Ibplstate_252 _Ibplstate_254 + _Ibplstate_268 _Ibplstate_273 _Ibplstate_276 _Ibplstate_301 + _Ibplstate_302 _Ibplstate_303 _Ibplstate_304 _Ibplstate_305 + _Ibplstate_306 _Ibplstate_307 _Ibplstate_308 _Ibplstate_309 + _Ibplstate_310 _Ibplstate_311 _Ibplstate_312 _Ibplstate_313 + _Ibplstate_314 _Ibplstate_315 _Ibplstate_316 _Ibplstate_317 + _Ibplstate_318 _Ibplstate_319 _Ibplstate_320 _Ibplstate_321 + _Ibplstate_322 _Ibplstate_323 _Ibplstate_324 _Ibplstate_325 + _Ibplstate_326 _Ibplstate_327 _Ibplstate_328 _Ibplstate_329 + _Ibplstate_330 _Ibplstate_331 _Ibplstate_332 _Iyear_1970 + _Iyear_1980 _Iyear_1991 _Iyear_2000 _Iyob_1906 _Iyob_1907 + _Iyob_1908 _Iyob_1909 _Iyob_1910 _Iyob_1911 _Iyob_1912 + _Iyob_1913 _Iyob_1914 _Iyob_1915 _Iyob_1916 _Iyob_1917 + _Iyob_1918 _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 + _Iyob_1923 _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 + _Iyob_1928 _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 + _Iyob_1933 _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 + _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 + _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 + _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 + _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 + _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 + _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 _Iyob_1966 _Iyob_1967 + _Iyob_1968 _Iyob_1969 _Iyob_1970 _Iyob_1971 _Iyob_1972 + _Iyob_1973 _Iyob_1974 _Iyob_1975 tempavg altitude tempxalt +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.year i.yob +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1905-1975 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1905 omitted) + +. ivreg inctot (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +(sum of wgt is 1.1694e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 3734 + F( 25, 24) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.9973 + Root MSE = .10301 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .3627765 .1471004 2.47 0.021 .0591762 .6663769 + dens | -.0291884 .0204123 -1.43 0.166 -.0713174 .0129405 + lnele | -.0495698 .0275255 -1.80 0.084 -.1063797 .0072401 + inmort | -.0907341 .0338888 -2.68 0.013 -.1606771 -.0207911 + ea | -.9535671 .633492 -1.51 0.145 -2.26103 .3538961 + eaag | 1.526496 2.301091 0.66 0.513 -3.222722 6.275714 + eaexin | 1.328686 2.196985 0.60 0.551 -3.205668 5.863041 + eaintr | 2.743146 2.394292 1.15 0.263 -2.198431 7.684723 + eatran | .9381065 3.585815 0.26 0.796 -6.462652 8.338865 + easer | 6.13318 3.885053 1.58 0.128 -1.885175 14.15153 + eaoth | -1.524526 2.596394 -0.59 0.563 -6.883221 3.834169 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -19.3747 7.086322 -2.73 0.012 -34.00015 -4.749253 +_Ibplregbr_3 | -23.93474 7.281347 -3.29 0.003 -38.9627 -8.906776 +_Ibplregbr_4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregbr_5 | -29.32918 6.617318 -4.43 0.000 -42.98665 -15.67171 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.2410446 .09149 -2.63 0.015 -.4298707 -.0522185 +_IbplXyrex~3 | -.0013187 .1015015 -0.01 0.990 -.2108076 .2081702 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .2995538 .099724 3.00 0.006 .0937336 .5053739 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.1336152 .0723307 -1.85 0.077 -.2828985 .0156681 +_Ibplsta~112 | 6.703152 6.178624 1.08 0.289 -6.048902 19.45521 +_Ibplsta~113 | 3.279319 8.516554 0.39 0.704 -14.29799 20.85662 +_Ibplsta~115 | 4.143352 7.069037 0.59 0.563 -10.44642 18.73313 +_Ibplsta~116 | -11.48926 7.302561 -1.57 0.129 -26.56101 3.582483 +_Ibplsta~121 | 9.576906 1.849955 5.18 0.000 5.758787 13.39503 +_Ibplsta~122 | 14.70615 2.26835 6.48 0.000 10.0245 19.38779 +_Ibplsta~123 | -7.754348 2.265195 -3.42 0.002 -12.42948 -3.079215 +_Ibplsta~124 | -6.599084 2.040245 -3.23 0.004 -10.80994 -2.388227 +_Ibplsta~125 | -12.03177 .7358856 -16.35 0.000 -13.55056 -10.51298 +_Ibplsta~126 | -13.86697 2.071056 -6.70 0.000 -18.14142 -9.592515 +_Ibplsta~127 | -6.22973 1.61696 -3.85 0.001 -9.566972 -2.892489 +_Ibplsta~128 | 1.882291 2.079882 0.90 0.374 -2.410375 6.174957 +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | 1.524286 .8412365 1.81 0.083 -.2119412 3.260513 +_Ibplsta~132 | 7.847971 1.439088 5.45 0.000 4.877838 10.8181 +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | 3.148643 1.080981 2.91 0.008 .9176071 5.379678 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | -9.27045 6.980893 -1.33 0.197 -23.67831 5.137405 +_Ibplsta~142 | -13.95477 7.161952 -1.95 0.063 -28.73631 .8267718 +_Ibplsta~143 | -8.282768 7.578603 -1.09 0.285 -23.92424 7.3587 +_Ibplsta~151 | 20.43613 5.584387 3.66 0.001 8.910519 31.96174 +_Ibplsta~152 | 13.2269 4.095722 3.23 0.004 4.773743 21.68005 +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | 2.19005 7.418776 0.30 0.770 -13.12155 17.50165 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~112 | -.0035666 .0032018 -1.11 0.276 -.0101748 .0030415 +_IbplXyo~113 | -.0017784 .0044142 -0.40 0.691 -.0108888 .007332 +_IbplXyo~115 | -.002249 .0036634 -0.61 0.545 -.0098098 .0053119 +_IbplXyo~116 | .005848 .003785 1.55 0.135 -.0019639 .0136599 +_IbplXyo~121 | .004722 .0036676 1.29 0.210 -.0028475 .0122916 +_IbplXyo~122 | .0020259 .0035037 0.58 0.569 -.0052054 .0092572 +_IbplXyo~123 | .0136669 .0038384 3.56 0.002 .0057449 .0215889 +_IbplXyo~124 | .0131336 .0036708 3.58 0.002 .0055574 .0207098 +_IbplXyo~125 | .0159154 .0038475 4.14 0.000 .0079745 .0238564 +_IbplXyo~126 | .0169528 .003915 4.33 0.000 .0088727 .025033 +_IbplXyo~127 | .0129941 .0035648 3.65 0.001 .0056367 .0203515 +_IbplXyo~128 | .0088366 .0029674 2.98 0.007 .0027122 .014961 +_IbplXyo~129 | .0097927 .0036703 2.67 0.013 .0022175 .0173679 +_IbplXyo~131 | .0114502 .0038858 2.95 0.007 .0034303 .0194702 +_IbplXyo~132 | .0082575 .003747 2.20 0.037 .000524 .015991 +_IbplXyo~133 | .0124563 .003772 3.30 0.003 .0046712 .0202413 +_IbplXyo~134 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | .010931 .0037595 2.91 0.008 .0031717 .0186902 +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | .0047626 .003616 1.32 0.200 -.0027006 .0122257 +_IbplXyo~142 | .0072241 .0037112 1.95 0.063 -.0004355 .0148837 +_IbplXyo~143 | .0042868 .0039257 1.09 0.286 -.0038155 .012389 +_IbplXyo~151 | .0045489 .0042598 1.07 0.296 -.004243 .0133407 +_IbplXyo~152 | .0081901 .0035939 2.28 0.032 .0007727 .0156076 +_IbplXyo~153 | .0153797 .0034303 4.48 0.000 .0083 .0224595 +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | -.0011863 .0038456 -0.31 0.760 -.0091232 .0067506 +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~305 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~307 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~309 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~310 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~311 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~312 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~313 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~314 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~315 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~316 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~317 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~318 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~319 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~320 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~321 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~322 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~325 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~326 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~327 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~328 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~329 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~330 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~331 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.6663915 .033196 -20.07 0.000 -.7349047 -.5978782 + _Iyear_1980 | .645537 .0424083 15.22 0.000 .5580105 .7330634 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.760215 .0420283 65.68 0.000 2.673473 2.846957 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.34002 .0484791 -48.27 0.000 -2.440076 -2.239964 + _Iyob_1906 | .1590313 .0270954 5.87 0.000 .1031091 .2149535 + _Iyob_1907 | .174667 .0266495 6.55 0.000 .1196652 .2296688 + _Iyob_1908 | .091852 .0193279 4.75 0.000 .0519611 .131743 + _Iyob_1909 | .1934277 .0286795 6.74 0.000 .134236 .2526193 + _Iyob_1910 | -.0669368 .0241871 -2.77 0.011 -.1168564 -.0170172 + _Iyob_1911 | .1605693 .0310264 5.18 0.000 .096534 .2246046 + _Iyob_1912 | .0204006 .0300964 0.68 0.504 -.0417153 .0825165 + _Iyob_1913 | .1499479 .0394982 3.80 0.001 .0684275 .2314682 + _Iyob_1914 | .0889256 .0369692 2.41 0.024 .0126248 .1652263 + _Iyob_1915 | -.0851291 .040906 -2.08 0.048 -.169555 -.0007032 + _Iyob_1916 | .035146 .0474843 0.74 0.466 -.0628568 .1331488 + _Iyob_1917 | .0601437 .0502028 1.20 0.243 -.0434699 .1637573 + _Iyob_1918 | .0013333 .0531367 0.03 0.980 -.1083355 .1110021 + _Iyob_1919 | .0427672 .0566272 0.76 0.457 -.0741056 .1596399 + _Iyob_1920 | -.1598375 .0570891 -2.80 0.010 -.2776637 -.0420114 + _Iyob_1921 | .0378224 .0655594 0.58 0.569 -.0974855 .1731303 + _Iyob_1922 | -.054949 .0633539 -0.87 0.394 -.1857051 .0758071 + _Iyob_1923 | .0272385 .0712464 0.38 0.706 -.1198069 .1742839 + _Iyob_1924 | -.014954 .0715918 -0.21 0.836 -.1627123 .1328043 + _Iyob_1925 | -.1534421 .0741449 -2.07 0.049 -.3064696 -.0004146 + _Iyob_1926 | -.0642612 .0833073 -0.77 0.448 -.236199 .1076767 + _Iyob_1927 | -.0521651 .0856159 -0.61 0.548 -.2288676 .1245374 + _Iyob_1928 | -.0963189 .0883151 -1.09 0.286 -.2785922 .0859545 + _Iyob_1929 | -.0395603 .0926835 -0.43 0.673 -.2308497 .1517291 + _Iyob_1930 | -.2163138 .0953204 -2.27 0.033 -.4130455 -.0195821 + _Iyob_1931 | -.0940906 .0985825 -0.95 0.349 -.2975549 .1093738 + _Iyob_1932 | -.1635918 .1015956 -1.61 0.120 -.3732749 .0460913 + _Iyob_1933 | -.1302249 .1053887 -1.24 0.229 -.3477365 .0872868 + _Iyob_1934 | -.1563034 .1110471 -1.41 0.172 -.3854934 .0728866 + _Iyob_1935 | -.2377722 .1115976 -2.13 0.044 -.4680983 -.0074461 + _Iyob_1936 | -.2038974 .1170536 -1.74 0.094 -.4454842 .0376895 + _Iyob_1937 | -.2025811 .1208874 -1.68 0.107 -.4520804 .0469182 + _Iyob_1938 | -.2243865 .1234824 -1.82 0.082 -.4792418 .0304687 + _Iyob_1939 | -.203701 .1271989 -1.60 0.122 -.4662267 .0588247 + _Iyob_1940 | -.322795 .2397776 -1.35 0.191 -.8176716 .1720815 + _Iyob_1941 | -.302689 .3754285 -0.81 0.428 -1.077535 .4721575 + _Iyob_1942 | -.3514046 .513481 -0.68 0.500 -1.411177 .7083682 + _Iyob_1943 | -.3689545 .6517029 -0.57 0.577 -1.714003 .9760942 + _Iyob_1944 | -.4197138 .7914276 -0.53 0.601 -2.05314 1.213713 + _Iyob_1945 | -.49229 .9322262 -0.53 0.602 -2.41631 1.43173 + _Iyob_1946 | -.4628071 1.072615 -0.43 0.670 -2.676575 1.750961 + _Iyob_1947 | -.484468 1.214144 -0.40 0.693 -2.990338 2.021402 + _Iyob_1948 | -.5137845 1.353969 -0.38 0.708 -3.30824 2.28067 + _Iyob_1949 | -.5429599 1.495611 -0.36 0.720 -3.62975 2.543831 + _Iyob_1950 | -.6050701 1.636041 -0.37 0.715 -3.981693 2.771553 + _Iyob_1951 | -.6363076 1.777629 -0.36 0.724 -4.305153 3.032538 + _Iyob_1952 | -.6802551 1.920117 -0.35 0.726 -4.643182 3.282672 + _Iyob_1953 | -.7224586 2.059493 -0.35 0.729 -4.973044 3.528127 + _Iyob_1954 | -.7647795 2.200846 -0.35 0.731 -5.307101 3.777542 + _Iyob_1955 | -.8330305 2.342041 -0.36 0.725 -5.666765 4.000704 + _Iyob_1956 | -.8073903 2.483424 -0.33 0.748 -5.932926 4.318146 + _Iyob_1957 | -.8374157 2.622672 -0.32 0.752 -6.250345 4.575513 + _Iyob_1958 | -.8804133 2.627591 -0.34 0.740 -6.303496 4.542669 + _Iyob_1959 | -.8839254 2.628524 -0.34 0.740 -6.308932 4.541081 + _Iyob_1960 | -.9367462 2.632679 -0.36 0.725 -6.370329 4.496836 + _Iyob_1961 | -.9631218 2.63314 -0.37 0.718 -6.397657 4.471413 + _Iyob_1962 | -.990799 2.638001 -0.38 0.711 -6.435366 4.453768 + _Iyob_1963 | -1.015219 2.639922 -0.38 0.704 -6.463751 4.433312 + _Iyob_1964 | -1.050917 2.641634 -0.40 0.694 -6.502981 4.401148 + _Iyob_1965 | -1.082209 2.645003 -0.41 0.686 -6.541226 4.376808 + _Iyob_1966 | -1.1251 2.64708 -0.43 0.675 -6.588405 4.338206 + _Iyob_1967 | -1.093581 2.649789 -0.41 0.683 -6.562477 4.375315 + _Iyob_1968 | -1.120663 2.651594 -0.42 0.676 -6.593284 4.351958 + _Iyob_1969 | -1.140495 2.654958 -0.43 0.671 -6.62006 4.33907 + _Iyob_1970 | -1.202177 2.656902 -0.45 0.655 -6.685753 4.2814 + _Iyob_1971 | -1.21338 2.658802 -0.46 0.652 -6.700879 4.274118 + _Iyob_1972 | -1.26441 2.661108 -0.48 0.639 -6.756668 4.227847 + _Iyob_1973 | -1.304221 2.665116 -0.49 0.629 -6.804751 4.196309 + _Iyob_1974 | -1.366321 2.668001 -0.51 0.613 -6.872805 4.140163 + _Iyob_1975 | -1.416676 2.66877 -0.53 0.600 -6.924746 4.091393 + _cons | 8.807443 .1046009 84.20 0.000 8.591558 9.023329 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: dens lnele inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth + _Ibplregbr_2 _Ibplregbr_3 _Ibplregbr_4 _Ibplregbr_5 + _IbplXyrexp_2 _IbplXyrexp_3 _IbplXyrexp_4 _IbplXyrexp_5 + _Ibplstate_112 _Ibplstate_113 _Ibplstate_115 _Ibplstate_116 + _Ibplstate_121 _Ibplstate_122 _Ibplstate_123 _Ibplstate_124 + _Ibplstate_125 _Ibplstate_126 _Ibplstate_127 _Ibplstate_128 + _Ibplstate_129 _Ibplstate_131 _Ibplstate_132 _Ibplstate_133 + _Ibplstate_134 _Ibplstate_135 _Ibplstate_136 _Ibplstate_141 + _Ibplstate_142 _Ibplstate_143 _Ibplstate_151 _Ibplstate_152 + _Ibplstate_153 _Ibplstate_191 _Ibplstate_192 _Ibplstate_203 + _Ibplstate_205 _Ibplstate_208 _Ibplstate_213 _Ibplstate_215 + _Ibplstate_217 _Ibplstate_219 _Ibplstate_225 _Ibplstate_227 + _Ibplstate_241 _Ibplstate_247 _Ibplstate_252 _Ibplstate_254 + _Ibplstate_268 _Ibplstate_273 _Ibplstate_276 _Ibplstate_301 + _Ibplstate_302 _Ibplstate_303 _Ibplstate_304 _Ibplstate_305 + _Ibplstate_306 _Ibplstate_307 _Ibplstate_308 _Ibplstate_309 + _Ibplstate_310 _Ibplstate_311 _Ibplstate_312 _Ibplstate_313 + _Ibplstate_314 _Ibplstate_315 _Ibplstate_316 _Ibplstate_317 + _Ibplstate_318 _Ibplstate_319 _Ibplstate_320 _Ibplstate_321 + _Ibplstate_322 _Ibplstate_323 _Ibplstate_324 _Ibplstate_325 + _Ibplstate_326 _Ibplstate_327 _Ibplstate_328 _Ibplstate_329 + _Ibplstate_330 _Ibplstate_331 _Ibplstate_332 _IbplXyob_112 + _IbplXyob_113 _IbplXyob_115 _IbplXyob_116 _IbplXyob_121 + _IbplXyob_122 _IbplXyob_123 _IbplXyob_124 _IbplXyob_125 + _IbplXyob_126 _IbplXyob_127 _IbplXyob_128 _IbplXyob_129 + _IbplXyob_131 _IbplXyob_132 _IbplXyob_133 _IbplXyob_134 + _IbplXyob_135 _IbplXyob_136 _IbplXyob_141 _IbplXyob_142 + _IbplXyob_143 _IbplXyob_151 _IbplXyob_152 _IbplXyob_153 + _IbplXyob_191 _IbplXyob_192 _IbplXyob_203 _IbplXyob_205 + _IbplXyob_208 _IbplXyob_213 _IbplXyob_215 _IbplXyob_217 + _IbplXyob_219 _IbplXyob_225 _IbplXyob_227 _IbplXyob_241 + _IbplXyob_247 _IbplXyob_252 _IbplXyob_254 _IbplXyob_268 + _IbplXyob_273 _IbplXyob_276 _IbplXyob_301 _IbplXyob_302 + _IbplXyob_303 _IbplXyob_304 _IbplXyob_305 _IbplXyob_306 + _IbplXyob_307 _IbplXyob_308 _IbplXyob_309 _IbplXyob_310 + _IbplXyob_311 _IbplXyob_312 _IbplXyob_313 _IbplXyob_314 + _IbplXyob_315 _IbplXyob_316 _IbplXyob_317 _IbplXyob_318 + _IbplXyob_319 _IbplXyob_320 _IbplXyob_321 _IbplXyob_322 + _IbplXyob_323 _IbplXyob_324 _IbplXyob_325 _IbplXyob_326 + _IbplXyob_327 _IbplXyob_328 _IbplXyob_329 _IbplXyob_330 + _IbplXyob_331 _IbplXyob_332 _Iyear_1970 _Iyear_1980 + _Iyear_1991 _Iyear_2000 _Iyob_1906 _Iyob_1907 _Iyob_1908 + _Iyob_1909 _Iyob_1910 _Iyob_1911 _Iyob_1912 _Iyob_1913 + _Iyob_1914 _Iyob_1915 _Iyob_1916 _Iyob_1917 _Iyob_1918 + _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 + _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 + _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 + _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 + _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 + _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 + _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 + _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 + _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 + _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 _Iyob_1966 _Iyob_1967 _Iyob_1968 + _Iyob_1969 _Iyob_1970 _Iyob_1971 _Iyob_1972 _Iyob_1973 + _Iyob_1974 _Iyob_1975 tempavg altitude tempxalt +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplregbr*yrexp i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.yob +i.bplregbr _Ibplregbr_1-5 (naturally coded; _Ibplregbr_1 omitted) +i.bplre~r*yrexp _IbplXyrexp_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1905-1975 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1905 omitted) + +. ivreg inctot (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +(sum of wgt is 1.1694e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 3734 + F( 25, 24) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.9975 + Root MSE = .09954 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 25 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + inctot | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .7096703 .2267176 3.13 0.005 .2417482 1.177592 + dens | .0003884 .0259817 0.01 0.988 -.0532351 .054012 + lnele | -.0340563 .0281 -1.21 0.237 -.0920517 .0239392 + inmort | -.02576 .0330151 -0.78 0.443 -.0938997 .0423798 + ea | .2033987 .650175 0.31 0.757 -1.138497 1.545294 + eaag | 6.421834 2.084999 3.08 0.005 2.118608 10.72506 + eaexin | 5.989667 2.005689 2.99 0.006 1.850129 10.1292 + eaintr | 8.047942 2.15011 3.74 0.001 3.610333 12.48555 + eatran | 7.246337 2.559747 2.83 0.009 1.96328 12.52939 + easer | 13.11202 3.126149 4.19 0.000 6.659971 19.56408 + eaoth | 3.730878 3.13189 1.19 0.245 -2.733026 10.19478 +_Ibplregbr_2 | -27.41872 4.083232 -6.71 0.000 -35.8461 -18.99134 +_Ibplregbr_3 | -14.29976 3.711584 -3.85 0.001 -21.96009 -6.639429 +_Ibplregbr_4 | -18.47856 4.102778 -4.50 0.000 -26.94627 -10.01084 +_Ibplregbr_5 | -20.92427 3.764203 -5.56 0.000 -28.6932 -13.15533 +_IbplXyrex~2 | -.3917832 .0901747 -4.34 0.000 -.5778946 -.2056719 +_IbplXyrex~3 | -.0147885 .0786665 -0.19 0.852 -.1771481 .1475712 +_IbplXyrex~4 | .3185427 .119281 2.67 0.013 .0723588 .5647266 +_IbplXyrex~5 | -.1805457 .0565162 -3.19 0.004 -.2971894 -.0639021 +_Ibplsta~112 | -8.635803 4.047802 -2.13 0.043 -16.99006 -.2815499 +_Ibplsta~113 | -5.970278 4.05987 -1.47 0.154 -14.34944 2.408881 +_Ibplsta~115 | -6.767869 3.430737 -1.97 0.060 -13.84856 .3128252 +_Ibplsta~116 | -6.013626 4.265684 -1.41 0.171 -14.81757 2.790313 +_Ibplsta~121 | -1.83412 2.90092 -0.63 0.533 -7.821326 4.153085 +_Ibplsta~122 | 6.438793 4.346071 1.48 0.151 -2.531056 15.40864 +_Ibplsta~123 | 6.493038 5.49141 1.18 0.249 -4.840676 17.82675 +_Ibplsta~124 | 7.670291 4.947509 1.55 0.134 -2.540866 17.88145 +_Ibplsta~125 | -1.895362 2.748779 -0.69 0.497 -7.568563 3.777839 +_Ibplsta~126 | 2.508429 4.372152 0.57 0.571 -6.515248 11.53211 +_Ibplsta~127 | 8.037406 3.790435 2.12 0.044 .2143312 15.86048 +_Ibplsta~128 | 25.68289 3.409189 7.53 0.000 18.64667 32.71911 +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | -6.815648 2.248169 -3.03 0.006 -11.45564 -2.175654 +_Ibplsta~132 | -4.264996 2.778635 -1.53 0.138 -9.999816 1.469825 +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~134 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | 2.136637 2.058204 1.04 0.310 -2.111288 6.384562 +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | -.9538076 1.822696 -0.52 0.606 -4.715667 2.808052 +_Ibplsta~142 | -4.89173 3.453954 -1.42 0.170 -12.02034 2.23688 +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | -4.628817 2.475595 -1.87 0.074 -9.738195 .4805606 +_Ibplsta~153 | -15.48764 5.98454 -2.59 0.016 -27.83912 -3.136154 +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | 7.918819 5.15753 1.54 0.138 -2.725799 18.56344 +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~305 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~311 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~312 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~313 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~314 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~315 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~316 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~317 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~318 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~319 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~326 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~331 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~332 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_112 | .0042906 .0020986 2.04 0.052 -.0000407 .0086219 +_IbplXy~_113 | .0030081 .0021063 1.43 0.166 -.0013391 .0073553 +_IbplXy~_115 | .0033582 .0017811 1.89 0.072 -.0003178 .0070342 +_IbplXy~_116 | .0030926 .0022147 1.40 0.175 -.0014783 .0076634 +_IbplXy~_121 | .0147164 .0018297 8.04 0.000 .01094 .0184928 +_IbplXy~_122 | .0103935 .0021585 4.82 0.000 .0059386 .0148483 +_IbplXy~_123 | .0105002 .0025946 4.05 0.000 .0051452 .0158552 +_IbplXy~_124 | .0099498 .0023567 4.22 0.000 .0050858 .0148138 +_IbplXy~_125 | .0148717 .0019797 7.51 0.000 .0107858 .0189576 +_IbplXy~_126 | .0126956 .0022152 5.73 0.000 .0081238 .0172675 +_IbplXy~_127 | .0098143 .0018333 5.35 0.000 .0060306 .0135979 +_IbplXy~_128 | .0007896 .0014482 0.55 0.591 -.0021993 .0037786 +_IbplXy~_129 | .0139547 .0021157 6.60 0.000 .0095881 .0183213 +_IbplXy~_131 | .0108123 .0018378 5.88 0.000 .0070193 .0146053 +_IbplXy~_132 | .0095583 .0019077 5.01 0.000 .005621 .0134955 +_IbplXy~_133 | .007531 .0019249 3.91 0.001 .0035583 .0115037 +_IbplXy~_134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | .0065234 .00161 4.05 0.000 .0032005 .0098463 +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | .0100069 .0017168 5.83 0.000 .0064636 .0135501 +_IbplXy~_142 | .0120817 .0022188 5.45 0.000 .0075023 .0166611 +_IbplXy~_143 | .0095424 .0021265 4.49 0.000 .0051535 .0139313 +_IbplXy~_151 | .0107587 .0019531 5.51 0.000 .0067277 .0147896 +_IbplXy~_152 | .013053 .0016571 7.88 0.000 .0096329 .0164732 +_IbplXy~_153 | .018984 .003432 5.53 0.000 .0119006 .0260674 +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | -.0040412 .0026764 -1.51 0.144 -.0095651 .0014827 +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | 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.0000112 8.93 0.000 .0000766 .0001226 +_IbplXy~a116 | -.0002194 .0000105 -20.99 0.000 -.0002409 -.0001978 +_IbplXy~a121 | .000186 .0000136 13.63 0.000 .0001578 .0002142 +_IbplXy~a122 | .0001769 .0000146 12.14 0.000 .0001468 .0002069 +_IbplXy~a123 | -.0001092 .0000204 -5.34 0.000 -.0001514 -.000067 +_IbplXy~a124 | -.0000997 .0000204 -4.89 0.000 -.0001418 -.0000577 +_IbplXy~a125 | -.0000889 .0000178 -4.98 0.000 -.0001257 -.0000521 +_IbplXy~a126 | -.0001325 .0000177 -7.47 0.000 -.0001691 -.0000958 +_IbplXy~a127 | -.000104 .0000191 -5.45 0.000 -.0001434 -.0000646 +_IbplXy~a128 | -.0002411 .0000207 -11.66 0.000 -.0002838 -.0001984 +_IbplXy~a129 | 6.88e-06 .0000216 0.32 0.753 -.0000377 .0000514 +_IbplXy~a131 | -.0000753 .0000157 -4.79 0.000 -.0001077 -.0000429 +_IbplXy~a132 | -.000042 .0000156 -2.69 0.013 -.0000741 -9.79e-06 +_IbplXy~a133 | -.0001504 .000019 -7.93 0.000 -.0001895 -.0001113 +_IbplXy~a134 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | -.000135 .0000165 -8.20 0.000 -.000169 -.0001011 +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | .0000394 .0000171 2.30 0.030 4.05e-06 .0000747 +_IbplXy~a142 | .0000408 .0000192 2.12 0.044 1.09e-06 .0000805 +_IbplXy~a143 | .0000457 .0000176 2.60 0.016 9.41e-06 .000082 +_IbplXy~a151 | .0000474 .0000153 3.10 0.005 .0000158 .0000789 +_IbplXy~a152 | .0000605 .0000177 3.42 0.002 .000024 .000097 +_IbplXy~a153 | .0002053 .0000489 4.20 0.000 .0001044 .0003063 +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | -.0002893 9.42e-06 -30.72 0.000 -.0003087 -.0002699 +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a304 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a305 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a307 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a309 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a310 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a311 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a312 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a313 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a314 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a315 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a316 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a318 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a319 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a320 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a321 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a322 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a325 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a326 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a327 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a328 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a329 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a330 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a331 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a332 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1970 | -.6693129 .0338668 -19.76 0.000 -.7392105 -.5994152 + _Iyear_1980 | .6430408 .0430863 14.92 0.000 .554115 .7319666 + _Iyear_1991 | 2.757638 .0425698 64.78 0.000 2.669778 2.845498 + _Iyear_2000 | -2.342434 .0492054 -47.61 0.000 -2.443988 -2.240879 + _Iyob_1906 | .1513096 .026331 5.75 0.000 .0969651 .2056541 + _Iyob_1907 | .1604504 .0247875 6.47 0.000 .1092916 .2116092 + _Iyob_1908 | .0727095 .0175859 4.13 0.000 .0364141 .1090049 + _Iyob_1909 | .1662618 .0268921 6.18 0.000 .1107591 .2217644 + _Iyob_1910 | -.0975201 .0207271 -4.70 0.000 -.1402988 -.0547415 + _Iyob_1911 | .1230235 .0256092 4.80 0.000 .0701687 .1758784 + _Iyob_1912 | -.022525 .0230193 -0.98 0.338 -.0700345 .0249846 + _Iyob_1913 | .1010982 .0310035 3.26 0.003 .03711 .1650863 + _Iyob_1914 | .0348325 .0290699 1.20 0.243 -.0251648 .0948298 + _Iyob_1915 | -.1471603 .0308921 -4.76 0.000 -.2109183 -.0834022 + _Iyob_1916 | -.0325945 .0377273 -0.86 0.396 -.1104599 .0452708 + _Iyob_1917 | -.0109001 .0370135 -0.29 0.771 -.0872922 .065492 + _Iyob_1918 | -.0742695 .0407568 -1.82 0.081 -.1583874 .0098485 + _Iyob_1919 | -.0377284 .0413403 -0.91 0.371 -.1230506 .0475938 + _Iyob_1920 | -.2444704 .0396147 -6.17 0.000 -.326231 -.1627097 + _Iyob_1921 | -.0503157 .0480203 -1.05 0.305 -.1494246 .0487932 + _Iyob_1922 | -.1470303 .0451753 -3.25 0.003 -.2402675 -.0537931 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0685069 .0520688 -1.32 0.201 -.1759716 .0389578 + _Iyob_1924 | -.114251 .050221 -2.27 0.032 -.2179021 -.0105999 + _Iyob_1925 | -.2566277 .0491605 -5.22 0.000 -.3580899 -.1551655 + _Iyob_1926 | -.1708917 .0581283 -2.94 0.007 -.2908625 -.0509208 + _Iyob_1927 | -.1620611 .0604565 -2.68 0.013 -.2868372 -.0372851 + _Iyob_1928 | -.2095042 .0606021 -3.46 0.002 -.3345808 -.0844276 + _Iyob_1929 | -.1559462 .0654378 -2.38 0.025 -.2910032 -.0208891 + _Iyob_1930 | -.335937 .0616072 -5.45 0.000 -.4630879 -.2087861 + _Iyob_1931 | -.2165448 .067945 -3.19 0.004 -.3567764 -.0763131 + _Iyob_1932 | -.2891164 .0684695 -4.22 0.000 -.4304305 -.1478023 + _Iyob_1933 | -.2585075 .0718144 -3.60 0.001 -.4067252 -.1102898 + _Iyob_1934 | -.2873686 .074626 -3.85 0.001 -.4413891 -.133348 + _Iyob_1935 | -.3715138 .072186 -5.15 0.000 -.5204983 -.2225293 + _Iyob_1936 | -.3390885 .0773805 -4.38 0.000 -.4987939 -.179383 + _Iyob_1937 | -.3402576 .0799498 -4.26 0.000 -.5052658 -.1752494 + _Iyob_1938 | -.3644749 .0808163 -4.51 0.000 -.5312717 -.1976782 + _Iyob_1939 | -.3461252 .0832694 -4.16 0.000 -.5179847 -.1742657 + _Iyob_1940 | -.8073884 .1752515 -4.61 0.000 -1.16909 -.4456871 + _Iyob_1941 | -1.129581 .3053543 -3.70 0.001 -1.759801 -.4993605 + _Iyob_1942 | -1.520227 .4360286 -3.49 0.002 -2.420146 -.6203081 + _Iyob_1943 | -1.879904 .5696533 -3.30 0.003 -3.05561 -.7041969 + _Iyob_1944 | -2.272436 .7006859 -3.24 0.003 -3.718581 -.8262915 + _Iyob_1945 | -2.686904 .8338234 -3.22 0.004 -4.407831 -.9659771 + _Iyob_1946 | -2.999529 .9683625 -3.10 0.005 -4.998131 -1.000927 + _Iyob_1947 | -3.363057 1.102826 -3.05 0.006 -5.639177 -1.086936 + _Iyob_1948 | -3.733876 1.236601 -3.02 0.006 -6.286095 -1.181657 + _Iyob_1949 | -4.104724 1.370872 -2.99 0.006 -6.934064 -1.275384 + _Iyob_1950 | -4.508156 1.502691 -3.00 0.006 -7.609559 -1.406753 + _Iyob_1951 | -4.880775 1.63891 -2.98 0.007 -8.263319 -1.49823 + _Iyob_1952 | -5.266064 1.773985 -2.97 0.007 -8.927389 -1.60474 + _Iyob_1953 | -5.64967 1.907962 -2.96 0.007 -9.58751 -1.711831 + _Iyob_1954 | -6.033149 2.041499 -2.96 0.007 -10.2466 -1.819702 + _Iyob_1955 | -6.442596 2.17521 -2.96 0.007 -10.93201 -1.953183 + _Iyob_1956 | -6.757966 2.309674 -2.93 0.007 -11.5249 -1.991033 + _Iyob_1957 | -7.128993 2.442346 -2.92 0.008 -12.16975 -2.088238 + _Iyob_1958 | -7.173072 2.445296 -2.93 0.007 -12.21992 -2.126229 + _Iyob_1959 | -7.177765 2.445487 -2.94 0.007 -12.225 -2.130529 + _Iyob_1960 | -7.231466 2.445874 -2.96 0.007 -12.2795 -2.183431 + _Iyob_1961 | -7.25892 2.445849 -2.97 0.007 -12.3069 -2.210935 + _Iyob_1962 | -7.287579 2.447001 -2.98 0.007 -12.33794 -2.237217 + _Iyob_1963 | -7.312967 2.44699 -2.99 0.006 -12.36331 -2.262627 + _Iyob_1964 | -7.34957 2.447795 -3.00 0.006 -12.40157 -2.297569 + _Iyob_1965 | -7.381668 2.449451 -3.01 0.006 -12.43709 -2.326251 + _Iyob_1966 | -7.425536 2.449093 -3.03 0.006 -12.48022 -2.370856 + _Iyob_1967 | -7.395123 2.450328 -3.02 0.006 -12.45235 -2.337893 + _Iyob_1968 | -7.422935 2.450549 -3.03 0.006 -12.48062 -2.365251 + _Iyob_1969 | -7.443761 2.451152 -3.04 0.006 -12.50269 -2.384833 + _Iyob_1970 | -7.506232 2.451734 -3.06 0.005 -12.56636 -2.446101 + _Iyob_1971 | -7.518112 2.452068 -3.07 0.005 -12.57893 -2.457292 + _Iyob_1972 | -7.56993 2.451781 -3.09 0.005 -12.63016 -2.509703 + _Iyob_1973 | -7.610502 2.453937 -3.10 0.005 -12.67518 -2.545825 + _Iyob_1974 | -7.67277 2.453438 -3.13 0.005 -12.73642 -2.609123 + _Iyob_1975 | -7.724094 2.45263 -3.15 0.004 -12.78607 -2.662114 + _cons | 8.933764 .0735911 121.40 0.000 8.781879 9.085648 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: dens lnele inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth + _Ibplregbr_2 _Ibplregbr_3 _Ibplregbr_4 _Ibplregbr_5 + _IbplXyrexp_2 _IbplXyrexp_3 _IbplXyrexp_4 _IbplXyrexp_5 + _Ibplstate_112 _Ibplstate_113 _Ibplstate_115 _Ibplstate_116 + _Ibplstate_121 _Ibplstate_122 _Ibplstate_123 _Ibplstate_124 + _Ibplstate_125 _Ibplstate_126 _Ibplstate_127 _Ibplstate_128 + _Ibplstate_129 _Ibplstate_131 _Ibplstate_132 _Ibplstate_133 + _Ibplstate_134 _Ibplstate_135 _Ibplstate_136 _Ibplstate_141 + _Ibplstate_142 _Ibplstate_143 _Ibplstate_151 _Ibplstate_152 + _Ibplstate_153 _Ibplstate_191 _Ibplstate_192 _Ibplstate_203 + _Ibplstate_205 _Ibplstate_208 _Ibplstate_213 _Ibplstate_215 + _Ibplstate_217 _Ibplstate_219 _Ibplstate_225 _Ibplstate_227 + _Ibplstate_241 _Ibplstate_247 _Ibplstate_252 _Ibplstate_254 + _Ibplstate_268 _Ibplstate_273 _Ibplstate_276 _Ibplstate_301 + _Ibplstate_302 _Ibplstate_303 _Ibplstate_304 _Ibplstate_305 + _Ibplstate_306 _Ibplstate_307 _Ibplstate_308 _Ibplstate_309 + _Ibplstate_310 _Ibplstate_311 _Ibplstate_312 _Ibplstate_313 + _Ibplstate_314 _Ibplstate_315 _Ibplstate_316 _Ibplstate_317 + _Ibplstate_318 _Ibplstate_319 _Ibplstate_320 _Ibplstate_321 + _Ibplstate_322 _Ibplstate_323 _Ibplstate_324 _Ibplstate_325 + _Ibplstate_326 _Ibplstate_327 _Ibplstate_328 _Ibplstate_329 + _Ibplstate_330 _Ibplstate_331 _Ibplstate_332 _IbplXyob_112 + _IbplXyob_113 _IbplXyob_115 _IbplXyob_116 _IbplXyob_121 + _IbplXyob_122 _IbplXyob_123 _IbplXyob_124 _IbplXyob_125 + _IbplXyob_126 _IbplXyob_127 _IbplXyob_128 _IbplXyob_129 + _IbplXyob_131 _IbplXyob_132 _IbplXyob_133 _IbplXyob_134 + _IbplXyob_135 _IbplXyob_136 _IbplXyob_141 _IbplXyob_142 + _IbplXyob_143 _IbplXyob_151 _IbplXyob_152 _IbplXyob_153 + _IbplXyob_191 _IbplXyob_192 _IbplXyob_203 _IbplXyob_205 + _IbplXyob_208 _IbplXyob_213 _IbplXyob_215 _IbplXyob_217 + _IbplXyob_219 _IbplXyob_225 _IbplXyob_227 _IbplXyob_241 + _IbplXyob_247 _IbplXyob_252 _IbplXyob_254 _IbplXyob_268 + _IbplXyob_273 _IbplXyob_276 _IbplXyob_301 _IbplXyob_302 + _IbplXyob_303 _IbplXyob_304 _IbplXyob_305 _IbplXyob_306 + _IbplXyob_307 _IbplXyob_308 _IbplXyob_309 _IbplXyob_310 + _IbplXyob_311 _IbplXyob_312 _IbplXyob_313 _IbplXyob_314 + _IbplXyob_315 _IbplXyob_316 _IbplXyob_317 _IbplXyob_318 + _IbplXyob_319 _IbplXyob_320 _IbplXyob_321 _IbplXyob_322 + _IbplXyob_323 _IbplXyob_324 _IbplXyob_325 _IbplXyob_326 + _IbplXyob_327 _IbplXyob_328 _IbplXyob_329 _IbplXyob_330 + _IbplXyob_331 _IbplXyob_332 _IbplXyoba112 _IbplXyoba113 + _IbplXyoba115 _IbplXyoba116 _IbplXyoba121 _IbplXyoba122 + _IbplXyoba123 _IbplXyoba124 _IbplXyoba125 _IbplXyoba126 + _IbplXyoba127 _IbplXyoba128 _IbplXyoba129 _IbplXyoba131 + _IbplXyoba132 _IbplXyoba133 _IbplXyoba134 _IbplXyoba135 + _IbplXyoba136 _IbplXyoba141 _IbplXyoba142 _IbplXyoba143 + _IbplXyoba151 _IbplXyoba152 _IbplXyoba153 _IbplXyoba191 + _IbplXyoba192 _IbplXyoba203 _IbplXyoba205 _IbplXyoba208 + _IbplXyoba213 _IbplXyoba215 _IbplXyoba217 _IbplXyoba219 + _IbplXyoba225 _IbplXyoba227 _IbplXyoba241 _IbplXyoba247 + _IbplXyoba252 _IbplXyoba254 _IbplXyoba268 _IbplXyoba273 + _IbplXyoba276 _IbplXyoba301 _IbplXyoba302 _IbplXyoba303 + _IbplXyoba304 _IbplXyoba305 _IbplXyoba306 _IbplXyoba307 + _IbplXyoba308 _IbplXyoba309 _IbplXyoba310 _IbplXyoba311 + _IbplXyoba312 _IbplXyoba313 _IbplXyoba314 _IbplXyoba315 + _IbplXyoba316 _IbplXyoba317 _IbplXyoba318 _IbplXyoba319 + _IbplXyoba320 _IbplXyoba321 _IbplXyoba322 _IbplXyoba323 + _IbplXyoba324 _IbplXyoba325 _IbplXyoba326 _IbplXyoba327 + _IbplXyoba328 _IbplXyoba329 _IbplXyoba330 _IbplXyoba331 + _IbplXyoba332 _Iyear_1970 _Iyear_1980 _Iyear_1991 _Iyear_2000 + _Iyob_1906 _Iyob_1907 _Iyob_1908 _Iyob_1909 _Iyob_1910 + _Iyob_1911 _Iyob_1912 _Iyob_1913 _Iyob_1914 _Iyob_1915 + _Iyob_1916 _Iyob_1917 _Iyob_1918 _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 + _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 + _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 + _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 + _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 + _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 + _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 + _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 + _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 + _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 + _Iyob_1966 _Iyob_1967 _Iyob_1968 _Iyob_1969 _Iyob_1970 + _Iyob_1971 _Iyob_1972 _Iyob_1973 _Iyob_1974 _Iyob_1975 + tempavg altitude tempxalt +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, CORRECT FOR MEAS ERROR WITH IV + +19:41:07 on 1 Feb 2010 + +CORRECT FOR MEAS ERROR WITH IV + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 3734 3734 3734 3734 3734 3734 +Depvar: inctot inctot inctot inctot inctot inctot +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.6241 0.0071 0.2218 0.8667~ 0.3628~ 0.7097* + (0.3366) (0.2531) (0.2503) (0.3532) (0.1471) (0.2267) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. /* MEXICO */ +. +. use paneldata_mx,replace + +. +. local meanrev "dens lnele norte sur" + +. local the_rest " inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" + +. +. xi i.bpls i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 31, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9957 + Adj R-squared = 0.9956 + Root MSE = .18975 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .2141019 .0905158 2.37 0.024 .0294937 .3987102 + dens | -.053693 .0192302 -2.79 0.009 -.0929134 -.0144727 + lnele | .005685 .020286 0.28 0.781 -.0356885 .0470585 + norte | .373205 .0680882 5.48 0.000 .2343383 .5120717 + sur | .3117232 .0205398 15.18 0.000 .2698319 .3536145 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | .2275192 .0321479 7.08 0.000 .1619531 .2930853 +_Ibplsta~302 | .4491759 .016703 26.89 0.000 .4151098 .483242 +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | -.3577597 .0299181 -11.96 0.000 -.4187781 -.2967413 +_Ibplsta~305 | -.1255448 .0326537 -3.84 0.001 -.1921424 -.0589473 +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | -.8705125 .0588001 -14.80 0.000 -.9904361 -.7505888 +_Ibplsta~308 | -.0075274 .0352065 -0.21 0.832 -.0793316 .0642768 +_Ibplsta~309 | .8446061 .0739046 11.43 0.000 .6938767 .9953355 +_Ibplsta~310 | -.142759 .0369698 -3.86 0.001 -.2181594 -.0673586 +_Ibplsta~311 | .3262935 .0388346 8.40 0.000 .2470897 .4054973 +_Ibplsta~312 | -.3363649 .0409415 -8.22 0.000 -.4198656 -.2528643 +_Ibplsta~313 | -.0201408 .0458293 -0.44 0.663 -.1136103 .0733287 +_Ibplsta~314 | .4075998 .0702844 5.80 0.000 .2642538 .5509457 +_Ibplsta~315 | .2460284 .0701084 3.51 0.001 .1030413 .3890155 +_Ibplsta~316 | .2606493 .0718351 3.63 0.001 .1141407 .407158 +_Ibplsta~317 | .1766595 .0385571 4.58 0.000 .0980216 .2552973 +_Ibplsta~318 | -.1532751 .0365156 -4.20 0.000 -.2277491 -.0788011 +_Ibplsta~319 | .0808022 .0428638 1.89 0.069 -.0066191 .1682235 +_Ibplsta~320 | -.7524771 .0858822 -8.76 0.000 -.9276351 -.5773191 +_Ibplsta~321 | -.1911914 .0896944 -2.13 0.041 -.3741242 -.0082586 +_Ibplsta~322 | .2822196 .0341025 8.28 0.000 .2126672 .3517721 +_Ibplsta~323 | -.3190291 .0526553 -6.06 0.000 -.4264204 -.2116379 +_Ibplsta~324 | -.4407507 .0475501 -9.27 0.000 -.5377297 -.3437717 +_Ibplsta~325 | -.0169048 .0366078 -0.46 0.647 -.0915669 .0577572 +_Ibplsta~326 | -.0445478 .0340852 -1.31 0.201 -.1140649 .0249693 +_Ibplsta~327 | -.5523112 .0523875 -10.54 0.000 -.6591561 -.4454663 +_Ibplsta~328 | -.0408496 .0357193 -1.14 0.262 -.1136996 .0320005 +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | -.4872052 .0695782 -7.00 0.000 -.6291109 -.3452995 +_Ibplsta~331 | -.5854707 .0280928 -20.84 0.000 -.6427664 -.528175 +_Ibplsta~332 | -.2827879 .0336469 -8.40 0.000 -.3514112 -.2141647 + _Iyear_1990 | 7.866849 .0653456 120.39 0.000 7.733576 8.000122 + _Iyear_2000 | 2.875128 .0688669 41.75 0.000 2.734673 3.015583 + _cons | 5.274822 .1166587 45.22 0.000 5.036895 5.512749 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_320 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 31, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9964 + Adj R-squared = 0.9962 + Root MSE = .17437 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0071953 .0592933 0.12 0.904 -.1137342 .1281248 + dens | .0081389 .0120473 0.68 0.504 -.0164317 .0327095 + lnele | .0111677 .0201969 0.55 0.584 -.0300242 .0523596 + norte | -3.055449 1.336626 -2.29 0.029 -5.781515 -.3293821 + sur | -15.19314 3.753095 -4.05 0.000 -22.84763 -7.538652 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | -4.687218 .8691412 -5.39 0.000 -6.459843 -2.914593 +_Ibplsta~304 | 38.38947 4.087281 9.39 0.000 30.0534 46.72553 +_Ibplsta~305 | 18.16724 2.045974 8.88 0.000 13.99445 22.34003 +_Ibplsta~306 | 32.02277 4.17659 7.67 0.000 23.50456 40.54099 +_Ibplsta~307 | 12.87776 1.291857 9.97 0.000 10.243 15.51252 +_Ibplsta~308 | 2.513005 2.429133 1.03 0.309 -2.441245 7.467254 +_Ibplsta~309 | 36.53807 2.958786 12.35 0.000 30.50359 42.57256 +_Ibplsta~310 | 3.474978 2.397628 1.45 0.157 -1.415016 8.364971 +_Ibplsta~311 | 5.161493 .6078554 8.49 0.000 3.921764 6.401222 +_Ibplsta~312 | 4.95671 2.212888 2.24 0.032 .4434957 9.469925 +_Ibplsta~313 | 17.8056 1.189864 14.96 0.000 15.37886 20.23234 +_Ibplsta~314 | 9.562133 2.566561 3.73 0.001 4.327598 14.79667 +_Ibplsta~315 | 7.671759 2.69629 2.85 0.008 2.172639 13.17088 +_Ibplsta~316 | 8.656095 2.739616 3.16 0.004 3.068611 14.24358 +_Ibplsta~317 | 14.9798 1.063689 14.08 0.000 12.81039 17.14921 +_Ibplsta~318 | 15.47995 1.074298 14.41 0.000 13.2889 17.67099 +_Ibplsta~319 | 22.41233 2.366167 9.47 0.000 17.58651 27.23816 +_Ibplsta~320 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~321 | 7.775167 4.015268 1.94 0.062 -.414027 15.96436 +_Ibplsta~322 | 7.08695 .3319001 21.35 0.000 6.410036 7.763865 +_Ibplsta~323 | 26.94415 5.122737 5.26 0.000 16.49626 37.39204 +_Ibplsta~324 | 11.15131 2.38534 4.67 0.000 6.286376 16.01624 +_Ibplsta~325 | 13.00423 1.651655 7.87 0.000 9.635654 16.3728 +_Ibplsta~326 | 20.99354 2.432205 8.63 0.000 16.03302 25.95405 +_Ibplsta~327 | 26.26434 2.191894 11.98 0.000 21.79395 30.73474 +_Ibplsta~328 | 21.3605 1.837766 11.62 0.000 17.61235 25.10865 +_Ibplsta~329 | 6.958666 1.921248 3.62 0.001 3.040254 10.87708 +_Ibplsta~330 | 35.16511 2.270151 15.49 0.000 30.5351 39.79511 +_Ibplsta~331 | 41.22627 3.176154 12.98 0.000 34.74847 47.70408 +_Ibplsta~332 | -6.115477 1.548547 -3.95 0.000 -9.273759 -2.957195 +_IbplXyo~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | -.0041137 .000985 -4.18 0.000 -.0061227 -.0021048 +_IbplXyo~302 | -.002208 .0004492 -4.92 0.000 -.003124 -.0012919 +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | -.016058 .0006675 -24.06 0.000 -.0174193 -.0146967 +_IbplXyo~305 | -.0118093 .0009813 -12.03 0.000 -.0138106 -.009808 +_IbplXyo~306 | -.0126677 .0011995 -10.56 0.000 -.015114 -.0102214 +_IbplXyo~307 | -.0032466 .0016439 -1.97 0.057 -.0065994 .0001062 +_IbplXyo~308 | -.0037271 .0011447 -3.26 0.003 -.0060617 -.0013924 +_IbplXyo~309 | -.0226031 .0022793 -9.92 0.000 -.0272518 -.0179544 +_IbplXyo~310 | -.0042941 .0011544 -3.72 0.001 -.0066484 -.0019397 +_IbplXyo~311 | -.0067133 .0010956 -6.13 0.000 -.0089477 -.0044789 +_IbplXyo~312 | .0010448 .0012352 0.85 0.404 -.0014744 .0035639 +_IbplXyo~313 | -.0133515 .0012404 -10.76 0.000 -.0158813 -.0108216 +_IbplXyo~314 | -.0089169 .0014642 -6.09 0.000 -.0119031 -.0059307 +_IbplXyo~315 | -.0080599 .0016884 -4.77 0.000 -.0115035 -.0046163 +_IbplXyo~316 | -.0085266 .0015588 -5.47 0.000 -.0117057 -.0053474 +_IbplXyo~317 | -.0118017 .0013275 -8.89 0.000 -.0145092 -.0090942 +_IbplXyo~318 | -.0104485 .0008543 -12.23 0.000 -.0121909 -.008706 +_IbplXyo~319 | -.0138938 .0012193 -11.39 0.000 -.0163807 -.011407 +_IbplXyo~320 | .0034336 .0022656 1.52 0.140 -.001187 .0080543 +_IbplXyo~321 | -.008285 .002318 -3.57 0.001 -.0130126 -.0035574 +_IbplXyo~322 | -.0077027 .0010033 -7.68 0.000 -.009749 -.0056564 +_IbplXyo~323 | -.0101266 .0011349 -8.92 0.000 -.0124413 -.0078119 +_IbplXyo~324 | -.0083717 .0012955 -6.46 0.000 -.011014 -.0057295 +_IbplXyo~325 | -.0091184 .000926 -9.85 0.000 -.0110071 -.0072297 +_IbplXyo~326 | -.0131986 .0011368 -11.61 0.000 -.0155172 -.0108801 +_IbplXyo~327 | -.0099321 .0016514 -6.01 0.000 -.0133001 -.006564 +_IbplXyo~328 | -.0134088 .0009663 -13.88 0.000 -.0153795 -.0114381 +_IbplXyo~329 | -.0078061 .001677 -4.65 0.000 -.0112263 -.0043859 +_IbplXyo~330 | -.0145129 .0020493 -7.08 0.000 -.0186924 -.0103334 +_IbplXyo~331 | -.0176731 .0008601 -20.55 0.000 -.0194273 -.0159189 +_IbplXyo~332 | .0005391 .0008423 0.64 0.527 -.0011787 .0022569 + _Iyear_1990 | 7.863746 .0658245 119.47 0.000 7.729496 7.997996 + _Iyear_2000 | 2.872234 .0696638 41.23 0.000 2.730153 3.014314 + _cons | 13.37177 1.916468 6.98 0.000 9.463107 17.28043 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba302 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 33, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9967 + Adj R-squared = 0.9965 + Root MSE = .16734 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0261535 .049003 0.53 0.597 -.0737889 .1260958 + dens | .0020372 .0112154 0.18 0.857 -.0208367 .0249112 + lnele | .0175224 .0175213 1.00 0.325 -.0182125 .0532573 + norte | 2.268567 1.107939 2.05 0.049 .0089105 4.528224 + sur | 24.04203 .9838042 24.44 0.000 22.03555 26.04851 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | -9.851746 .9219815 -10.69 0.000 -11.73214 -7.971353 +_Ibplsta~304 | -18.01531 1.221277 -14.75 0.000 -20.50612 -15.5245 +_Ibplsta~305 | 1.238337 1.664795 0.74 0.463 -2.157035 4.633709 +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | -34.61092 2.686937 -12.88 0.000 -40.09096 -29.13088 +_Ibplsta~308 | -2.784229 2.062908 -1.35 0.187 -6.991559 1.4231 +_Ibplsta~309 | 18.1844 3.028621 6.00 0.000 12.00748 24.36131 +_Ibplsta~310 | -4.162484 2.017821 -2.06 0.048 -8.277857 -.047112 +_Ibplsta~311 | -9.880567 .586598 -16.84 0.000 -11.07694 -8.684192 +_Ibplsta~312 | -22.8684 2.313994 -9.88 0.000 -27.58782 -18.14898 +_Ibplsta~313 | -3.129524 1.168089 -2.68 0.012 -5.511858 -.7471896 +_Ibplsta~314 | 7.963157 2.523584 3.16 0.004 2.816274 13.11004 +_Ibplsta~315 | -4.434776 2.643028 -1.68 0.103 -9.825268 .9557164 +_Ibplsta~316 | 13.31232 2.69886 4.93 0.000 7.807961 18.81668 +_Ibplsta~317 | 6.113651 1.017606 6.01 0.000 4.03823 8.189071 +_Ibplsta~318 | 9.519762 .9134689 10.42 0.000 7.65673 11.38279 +_Ibplsta~319 | 10.67609 2.00511 5.32 0.000 6.586645 14.76554 +_Ibplsta~320 | -36.11455 3.824627 -9.44 0.000 -43.91493 -28.31417 +_Ibplsta~321 | 4.278402 3.877611 1.10 0.278 -3.630038 12.18684 +_Ibplsta~322 | -16.30505 .2970579 -54.89 0.000 -16.9109 -15.69919 +_Ibplsta~323 | -9.008103 1.786695 -5.04 0.000 -12.65209 -5.364114 +_Ibplsta~324 | -1.84453 1.932851 -0.95 0.347 -5.786605 2.097546 +_Ibplsta~325 | 6.375098 1.263375 5.05 0.000 3.798428 8.951768 +_Ibplsta~326 | 9.113935 2.03912 4.47 0.000 4.955123 13.27275 +_Ibplsta~327 | -20.06051 1.967578 -10.20 0.000 -24.07341 -16.04761 +_Ibplsta~328 | 2.310057 1.467566 1.57 0.126 -.6830648 5.303178 +_Ibplsta~329 | -.2760591 1.7 -0.16 0.872 -3.743232 3.191113 +_Ibplsta~330 | -17.04872 4.212664 -4.05 0.000 -25.64051 -8.456937 +_Ibplsta~331 | -23.49523 1.675299 -14.02 0.000 -26.91202 -20.07843 +_Ibplsta~332 | -3.350079 1.110047 -3.02 0.005 -5.614035 -1.086123 +_IbplXy~_112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_301 | -.0040239 .0010246 -3.93 0.000 -.0061136 -.0019342 +_IbplXy~_302 | -.0048296 .000476 -10.15 0.000 -.0058003 -.0038589 +_IbplXy~_303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_304 | -.0072238 .0005939 -12.16 0.000 -.0084352 -.0060125 +_IbplXy~_305 | -.0058154 .000994 -5.85 0.000 -.0078427 -.0037882 +_IbplXy~_306 | -.0162503 .0011439 -14.21 0.000 -.0185832 -.0139173 +_IbplXy~_307 | .0010388 .0015086 0.69 0.496 -.0020379 .0041155 +_IbplXy~_308 | -.003663 .001143 -3.20 0.003 -.0059942 -.0013318 +_IbplXy~_309 | -.013159 .0023637 -5.57 0.000 -.0179799 -.0083382 +_IbplXy~_310 | -.003037 .0011605 -2.62 0.014 -.0054039 -.0006701 +_IbplXy~_311 | .0010426 .0011557 0.90 0.374 -.0013144 .0033996 +_IbplXy~_312 | -.0046877 .0012055 -3.89 0.000 -.0071462 -.0022291 +_IbplXy~_313 | -.0025954 .0012701 -2.04 0.050 -.0051858 -4.93e-06 +_IbplXy~_314 | -.0080212 .0015168 -5.29 0.000 -.0111147 -.0049278 +_IbplXy~_315 | -.0018079 .0017544 -1.03 0.311 -.0053861 .0017703 +_IbplXy~_316 | -.0108202 .0016111 -6.72 0.000 -.0141061 -.0075343 +_IbplXy~_317 | -.0071953 .0013247 -5.43 0.000 -.0098969 -.0044936 +_IbplXy~_318 | -.0100366 .000832 -12.06 0.000 -.0117336 -.0083396 +_IbplXy~_319 | -.0105453 .0012593 -8.37 0.000 -.0131137 -.007977 +_IbplXy~_320 | .0019199 .0020856 0.92 0.364 -.0023337 .0061735 +_IbplXy~_321 | -.0064264 .0022987 -2.80 0.009 -.0111147 -.001738 +_IbplXy~_322 | .0043071 .0010092 4.27 0.000 .0022488 .0063654 +_IbplXy~_323 | -.0117085 .0007933 -14.76 0.000 -.0133264 -.0100906 +_IbplXy~_324 | -.0043814 .0012823 -3.42 0.002 -.0069967 -.0017661 +_IbplXy~_325 | -.0083704 .0009642 -8.68 0.000 -.0103369 -.006404 +_IbplXy~_326 | -.009781 .0011235 -8.71 0.000 -.0120725 -.0074895 +_IbplXy~_327 | -.0062355 .0014794 -4.21 0.000 -.0092527 -.0032182 +_IbplXy~_328 | -.0063321 .0010089 -6.28 0.000 -.0083898 -.0042745 +_IbplXy~_329 | -.0040215 .0015931 -2.52 0.017 -.0072707 -.0007724 +_IbplXy~_330 | -.0078225 .0020129 -3.89 0.001 -.0119278 -.0037171 +_IbplXy~_331 | -.004601 .0008894 -5.17 0.000 -.006415 -.002787 +_IbplXy~_332 | -.0035027 .0008591 -4.08 0.000 -.0052549 -.0017504 +_IbplXy~a112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | .0001632 8.46e-06 19.29 0.000 .0001459 .0001804 +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | .0001733 8.35e-06 20.75 0.000 .0001562 .0001903 +_IbplXy~a304 | .0004767 8.47e-06 56.30 0.000 .0004594 .000494 +_IbplXy~a305 | .0003834 7.25e-06 52.90 0.000 .0003687 .0003982 +_IbplXy~a306 | .0000208 8.34e-06 2.49 0.018 3.74e-06 .0000378 +_IbplXy~a307 | .0003273 5.62e-06 58.22 0.000 .0003158 .0003388 +_IbplXy~a308 | .0001787 7.32e-06 24.40 0.000 .0001637 .0001936 +_IbplXy~a309 | .0005102 4.36e-06 116.94 0.000 .0005013 .0005191 +_IbplXy~a310 | .0002236 7.91e-06 28.27 0.000 .0002075 .0002398 +_IbplXy~a311 | .0004219 8.06e-06 52.32 0.000 .0004054 .0004383 +_IbplXy~a312 | -.0000417 5.82e-06 -7.17 0.000 -.0000536 -.0000298 +_IbplXy~a313 | .0005398 6.48e-06 83.33 0.000 .0005266 .000553 +_IbplXy~a314 | .0002065 6.54e-06 31.57 0.000 .0001932 .0002199 +_IbplXy~a315 | .0003922 5.28e-06 74.27 0.000 .0003815 .000403 +_IbplXy~a316 | .0000976 6.49e-06 15.05 0.000 .0000844 .0001109 +_IbplXy~a317 | .0003221 5.88e-06 54.82 0.000 .0003102 .0003341 +_IbplXy~a318 | .0001764 8.92e-06 19.77 0.000 .0001582 .0001946 +_IbplXy~a319 | .0002894 6.42e-06 45.10 0.000 .0002764 .0003025 +_IbplXy~a320 | .0001227 6.61e-06 18.57 0.000 .0001092 .0001362 +_IbplXy~a321 | .0002444 5.55e-06 44.02 0.000 .0002331 .0002557 +_IbplXy~a322 | .0005772 7.71e-06 74.86 0.000 .0005615 .000593 +_IbplXy~a323 | .000043 8.27e-06 5.20 0.000 .0000262 .0000599 +_IbplXy~a324 | .0003121 6.68e-06 46.74 0.000 .0002985 .0003257 +_IbplXy~a325 | .000193 6.15e-06 31.40 0.000 .0001805 .0002055 +_IbplXy~a326 | .000299 6.86e-06 43.56 0.000 .000285 .000313 +_IbplXy~a327 | .0002969 6.09e-06 48.75 0.000 .0002844 .0003093 +_IbplXy~a328 | .0004215 6.55e-06 64.32 0.000 .0004082 .0004349 +_IbplXy~a329 | .000274 9.58e-06 28.60 0.000 .0002545 .0002936 +_IbplXy~a330 | .0004198 5.00e-06 83.89 0.000 .0004096 .00043 +_IbplXy~a331 | .0006293 7.16e-06 87.89 0.000 .0006147 .0006439 +_IbplXy~a332 | .0000389 7.89e-06 4.93 0.000 .0000228 .000055 + _Iyear_1990 | 7.864259 .0661817 118.83 0.000 7.729281 7.999238 + _Iyear_2000 | 2.872631 .0697618 41.18 0.000 2.730351 3.014911 + _cons | 13.12998 1.982754 6.62 0.000 9.086124 17.17383 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 31, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9960 + Adj R-squared = 0.9958 + Root MSE = .1846 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1566271 .0852481 1.84 0.076 -.0172374 .3304917 + dens | -.0588612 .0273833 -2.15 0.040 -.1147097 -.0030127 + lnele | .0134103 .0155636 0.86 0.395 -.0183319 .0451524 + norte | .3049896 .0649598 4.70 0.000 .1725032 .437476 + sur | .4230746 .073418 5.76 0.000 .2733376 .5728116 + inmort | .1633431 .1040619 1.57 0.127 -.0488925 .3755788 + ea | -6.043102 3.076347 -1.96 0.059 -12.31735 .2311495 + eaag | 1.312565 3.063307 0.43 0.671 -4.935091 7.560222 + eaexin | 1.567068 3.491993 0.45 0.657 -5.5549 8.689035 + eaintr | 2.559977 3.6319 0.70 0.486 -4.847331 9.967286 + eatran | -5.408028 6.336112 -0.85 0.400 -18.33061 7.514557 + easer | 2.699166 3.5018 0.77 0.447 -4.442802 9.841135 + eaoth | -.9067604 4.027314 -0.23 0.823 -9.120521 7.307001 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | .2977065 .1437972 2.07 0.047 .0044301 .5909828 +_Ibplsta~302 | .7043909 .1286799 5.47 0.000 .4419466 .9668353 +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | -.3019638 .0524687 -5.76 0.000 -.4089744 -.1949532 +_Ibplsta~305 | .0029483 .0758027 0.04 0.969 -.1516524 .1575489 +_Ibplsta~306 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~307 | -.8637568 .0513974 -16.81 0.000 -.9685825 -.7589311 +_Ibplsta~308 | .0653435 .0616193 1.06 0.297 -.06033 .191017 +_Ibplsta~309 | .9879426 .047285 20.89 0.000 .8915042 1.084381 +_Ibplsta~310 | -.0514698 .0555055 -0.93 0.361 -.1646739 .0617344 +_Ibplsta~311 | .2840166 .053261 5.33 0.000 .1753901 .392643 +_Ibplsta~312 | -.4251105 .0747437 -5.69 0.000 -.5775512 -.2726697 +_Ibplsta~313 | .0101852 .057366 0.18 0.860 -.1068135 .127184 +_Ibplsta~314 | .4225833 .0609876 6.93 0.000 .2981984 .5469683 +_Ibplsta~315 | .171918 .0460408 3.73 0.001 .0780171 .2658189 +_Ibplsta~316 | .2423982 .0627107 3.87 0.001 .114499 .3702975 +_Ibplsta~317 | .3073222 .0712093 4.32 0.000 .1620899 .4525545 +_Ibplsta~318 | .0271132 .0735516 0.37 0.715 -.1228964 .1771227 +_Ibplsta~319 | .3185021 .075695 4.21 0.000 .1641211 .4728831 +_Ibplsta~320 | -.8844398 .06937 -12.75 0.000 -1.025921 -.7429589 +_Ibplsta~321 | -.1365482 .0593822 -2.30 0.028 -.257659 -.0154373 +_Ibplsta~322 | .2895798 .066573 4.35 0.000 .1538034 .4253563 +_Ibplsta~323 | -.2840425 .0944859 -3.01 0.005 -.4767477 -.0913372 +_Ibplsta~324 | -.2834382 .0731927 -3.87 0.001 -.4327158 -.1341606 +_Ibplsta~325 | .1596504 .0685803 2.33 0.027 .0197799 .299521 +_Ibplsta~326 | .1876358 .0699081 2.68 0.012 .0450572 .3302144 +_Ibplsta~327 | -.6221677 .10405 -5.98 0.000 -.8343791 -.4099562 +_Ibplsta~328 | .2349241 .0919592 2.55 0.016 .0473721 .422476 +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | -.435892 .0730413 -5.97 0.000 -.5848607 -.2869234 +_Ibplsta~331 | -.5969305 .0415719 -14.36 0.000 -.6817169 -.5121441 +_Ibplsta~332 | -.2747418 .0539493 -5.09 0.000 -.384772 -.1647115 + _Iyear_1990 | 7.866148 .0653947 120.29 0.000 7.732775 7.999522 + _Iyear_2000 | 2.874123 .0689253 41.70 0.000 2.733549 3.014697 + _cons | 5.913708 2.419219 2.44 0.020 .9796792 10.84774 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 32, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9964 + Adj R-squared = 0.9963 + Root MSE = .17345 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1547626 .0477107 3.24 0.003 .0574559 .2520693 + dens | .0447846 .0154823 2.89 0.007 .0132082 .0763611 + lnele | -.0284179 .0144304 -1.97 0.058 -.0578488 .001013 + norte | -11.02417 4.811 -2.29 0.029 -20.83627 -1.212069 + sur | 2.230056 3.566692 0.63 0.536 -5.04426 9.504372 + inmort | -.1699808 .0820918 -2.07 0.047 -.337408 -.0025535 + ea | 2.949453 1.698915 1.74 0.092 -.5155078 6.414414 + eaag | -7.668165 2.091629 -3.67 0.001 -11.93407 -3.402259 + eaexin | -3.144862 2.223516 -1.41 0.167 -7.679752 1.390029 + eaintr | -7.548228 2.390514 -3.16 0.004 -12.42371 -2.672744 + eatran | -5.057311 4.431801 -1.14 0.263 -14.09603 3.981407 + easer | -11.78708 2.061282 -5.72 0.000 -15.99109 -7.583065 + eaoth | -7.204787 2.948835 -2.44 0.020 -13.21898 -1.190599 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | -16.24692 4.46634 -3.64 0.001 -25.35608 -7.137759 +_Ibplsta~304 | 17.97721 4.606929 3.90 0.000 8.581311 27.3731 +_Ibplsta~305 | 25.86905 3.426872 7.55 0.000 18.8799 32.8582 +_Ibplsta~306 | 2.71173 2.897727 0.94 0.357 -3.198223 8.621682 +_Ibplsta~307 | -12.23209 2.670536 -4.58 0.000 -17.67868 -6.785494 +_Ibplsta~308 | .3014747 3.845383 0.08 0.938 -7.541236 8.144186 +_Ibplsta~309 | 28.95476 3.020606 9.59 0.000 22.79419 35.11533 +_Ibplsta~310 | -.859176 3.624265 -0.24 0.814 -8.250914 6.532562 +_Ibplsta~311 | -.4268932 2.859159 -0.15 0.882 -6.258187 5.404401 +_Ibplsta~312 | -25.89639 2.08755 -12.41 0.000 -30.15397 -21.6388 +_Ibplsta~313 | 10.89888 3.646739 2.99 0.005 3.461308 18.33646 +_Ibplsta~314 | -1.631688 3.04308 -0.54 0.596 -7.83809 4.574714 +_Ibplsta~315 | -9.899388 4.314242 -2.29 0.029 -18.69834 -1.100434 +_Ibplsta~316 | -2.224685 3.467633 -0.64 0.526 -9.296969 4.847598 +_Ibplsta~317 | 8.327531 3.810869 2.19 0.037 .5552119 16.09985 +_Ibplsta~318 | 15.48278 3.078092 5.03 0.000 9.204972 21.76059 +_Ibplsta~319 | 31.42582 4.292642 7.32 0.000 22.67092 40.18072 +_Ibplsta~320 | -26.76646 2.515233 -10.64 0.000 -31.89631 -21.63661 +_Ibplsta~321 | -.6676531 3.806244 -0.18 0.862 -8.430538 7.095232 +_Ibplsta~322 | -2.95338 3.440068 -0.86 0.397 -9.969444 4.062685 +_Ibplsta~323 | -13.87701 5.566087 -2.49 0.018 -25.22912 -2.5249 +_Ibplsta~324 | 15.95636 3.576585 4.46 0.000 8.661864 23.25085 +_Ibplsta~325 | 11.42482 3.414681 3.35 0.002 4.460536 18.38911 +_Ibplsta~326 | 18.75398 4.058666 4.62 0.000 10.47628 27.03168 +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | 33.47823 3.036266 11.03 0.000 27.28573 39.67074 +_Ibplsta~329 | -3.026557 4.62942 -0.65 0.518 -12.46832 6.415208 +_Ibplsta~330 | 15.26924 2.941452 5.19 0.000 9.270106 21.26837 +_Ibplsta~331 | 23.04934 2.44083 9.44 0.000 18.07123 28.02744 +_Ibplsta~332 | -10.53697 4.053214 -2.60 0.014 -18.80356 -2.270389 +_IbplXyo~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | -.0142643 .0018397 -7.75 0.000 -.0180164 -.0105121 +_IbplXyo~302 | -.0082164 .0023201 -3.54 0.001 -.0129483 -.0034845 +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | -.0246547 .002084 -11.83 0.000 -.028905 -.0204043 +_IbplXyo~305 | -.0218199 .0012524 -17.42 0.000 -.0243741 -.0192656 +_IbplXyo~306 | -.0166392 .0017886 -9.30 0.000 -.020287 -.0129914 +_IbplXyo~307 | -.0094016 .0019264 -4.88 0.000 -.0133306 -.0054726 +_IbplXyo~308 | -.0085862 .0014052 -6.11 0.000 -.0114521 -.0057203 +_IbplXyo~309 | -.0288117 .0016408 -17.56 0.000 -.0321581 -.0254653 +_IbplXyo~310 | -.00805 .0013907 -5.79 0.000 -.0108863 -.0052136 +_IbplXyo~311 | -.0139587 .0014738 -9.47 0.000 -.0169645 -.0109529 +_IbplXyo~312 | -.002126 .0014869 -1.43 0.163 -.0051586 .0009065 +_IbplXyo~313 | -.0199117 .0016049 -12.41 0.000 -.0231848 -.0166385 +_IbplXyo~314 | -.0132488 .0019002 -6.97 0.000 -.0171243 -.0093732 +_IbplXyo~315 | -.0090776 .0025496 -3.56 0.001 -.0142776 -.0038776 +_IbplXyo~316 | -.0130217 .0019406 -6.71 0.000 -.0169795 -.0090639 +_IbplXyo~317 | -.0184942 .0019282 -9.59 0.000 -.0224268 -.0145616 +_IbplXyo~318 | -.0164583 .0016795 -9.80 0.000 -.0198836 -.013033 +_IbplXyo~319 | -.0245864 .0018347 -13.40 0.000 -.0283283 -.0208445 +_IbplXyo~320 | -.0018603 .0017792 -1.05 0.304 -.0054891 .0017684 +_IbplXyo~321 | -.014047 .0023368 -6.01 0.000 -.018813 -.009281 +_IbplXyo~322 | -.0126346 .0016651 -7.59 0.000 -.0160305 -.0092386 +_IbplXyo~323 | -.0081205 .0027587 -2.94 0.006 -.0137469 -.0024941 +_IbplXyo~324 | -.0168769 .0015448 -10.92 0.000 -.0200276 -.0137262 +_IbplXyo~325 | -.0143061 .0015638 -9.15 0.000 -.0174955 -.0111168 +_IbplXyo~326 | -.018043 .0017865 -10.10 0.000 -.0216866 -.0143993 +_IbplXyo~327 | -.0154872 .0017135 -9.04 0.000 -.0189818 -.0119925 +_IbplXyo~328 | -.0257144 .0015931 -16.14 0.000 -.0289635 -.0224653 +_IbplXyo~329 | -.0127664 .002573 -4.96 0.000 -.0180142 -.0075186 +_IbplXyo~330 | -.0233772 .0016874 -13.85 0.000 -.0268186 -.0199357 +_IbplXyo~331 | -.0274318 .0016754 -16.37 0.000 -.0308489 -.0240147 +_IbplXyo~332 | -.0031716 .0015141 -2.09 0.044 -.0062596 -.0000835 + _Iyear_1990 | 7.863503 .0658579 119.40 0.000 7.729185 7.997822 + _Iyear_2000 | 2.872062 .0696938 41.21 0.000 2.729921 3.014204 + _cons | 37.84739 3.625591 10.44 0.000 30.45295 45.24183 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_327 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba302 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 31, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9967 + Adj R-squared = 0.9965 + Root MSE = .16658 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1566313 .0466261 3.36 0.002 .0615368 .2517259 + dens | .0399557 .0139656 2.86 0.007 .0114727 .0684387 + lnele | -.0142257 .0107677 -1.32 0.196 -.0361865 .0077351 + norte | -10.01404 4.722461 -2.12 0.042 -19.64557 -.3825221 + sur | -5.232487 3.867569 -1.35 0.186 -13.12045 2.655472 + inmort | -.1867353 .0515574 -3.62 0.001 -.2918872 -.0815833 + ea | .7444538 1.598097 0.47 0.645 -2.514887 4.003794 + eaag | -5.841855 1.606007 -3.64 0.001 -9.117327 -2.566383 + eaexin | -2.310349 1.755941 -1.32 0.198 -5.891615 1.270917 + eaintr | -5.609033 1.931734 -2.90 0.007 -9.548831 -1.669235 + eatran | -3.335099 3.511555 -0.95 0.350 -10.49696 3.826764 + easer | -8.991462 1.539988 -5.84 0.000 -12.13229 -5.850636 + eaoth | -5.565064 2.221146 -2.51 0.018 -10.09512 -1.035007 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | -17.91735 3.594259 -4.98 0.000 -25.24789 -10.58681 +_Ibplsta~304 | 5.951743 4.865096 1.22 0.230 -3.970685 15.87417 +_Ibplsta~305 | 10.29363 2.942624 3.50 0.001 4.292108 16.29515 +_Ibplsta~306 | 14.65763 3.380631 4.34 0.000 7.762789 21.55247 +_Ibplsta~307 | -16.61517 3.003385 -5.53 0.000 -22.74061 -10.48973 +_Ibplsta~308 | -2.734734 3.06891 -0.89 0.380 -8.993818 3.524349 +_Ibplsta~309 | 8.285827 3.107221 2.67 0.012 1.948607 14.62305 +_Ibplsta~310 | -5.74304 3.047147 -1.88 0.069 -11.95774 .4716586 +_Ibplsta~311 | -18.56534 2.936262 -6.32 0.000 -24.55388 -12.57679 +_Ibplsta~312 | -8.388225 2.813037 -2.98 0.006 -14.12545 -2.650998 +_Ibplsta~313 | -14.0774 3.593385 -3.92 0.000 -21.40616 -6.748644 +_Ibplsta~314 | -5.726206 3.178413 -1.80 0.081 -12.20862 .7562106 +_Ibplsta~315 | -23.82685 3.603008 -6.61 0.000 -31.17524 -16.47847 +_Ibplsta~316 | 1.00253 3.419766 0.29 0.771 -5.97213 7.977189 +_Ibplsta~317 | -3.567669 3.748188 -0.95 0.349 -11.21215 4.076811 +_Ibplsta~318 | 10.22935 2.45929 4.16 0.000 5.213595 15.24511 +_Ibplsta~319 | 20.59583 3.422532 6.02 0.000 13.61553 27.57613 +_Ibplsta~320 | -18.37591 2.532089 -7.26 0.000 -23.54014 -13.21168 +_Ibplsta~321 | -8.385802 3.995045 -2.10 0.044 -16.53375 -.2378545 +_Ibplsta~322 | -29.54818 3.459348 -8.54 0.000 -36.60357 -22.49279 +_Ibplsta~323 | -4.190075 5.690915 -0.74 0.467 -15.79677 7.416624 +_Ibplsta~324 | 3.98469 2.937485 1.36 0.185 -2.00635 9.975729 +_Ibplsta~325 | 7.776838 2.779784 2.80 0.009 2.107431 13.44625 +_Ibplsta~326 | 8.36623 2.961501 2.82 0.008 2.326208 14.40625 +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | 14.13104 2.25999 6.25 0.000 9.521758 18.74032 +_Ibplsta~329 | -12.8894 3.990104 -3.23 0.003 -21.02727 -4.751527 +_Ibplsta~330 | 7.276775 3.319704 2.19 0.036 .5061943 14.04736 +_Ibplsta~331 | 1.589292 3.083643 0.52 0.610 -4.699838 7.878423 +_Ibplsta~332 | -6.183193 3.199835 -1.93 0.062 -12.7093 .3429144 +_IbplXy~_112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_301 | -.0145779 .0016053 -9.08 0.000 -.017852 -.0113038 +_IbplXy~_302 | -.0090105 .001868 -4.82 0.000 -.0128204 -.0052007 +_IbplXy~_303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_304 | -.0150269 .0017075 -8.80 0.000 -.0185094 -.0115443 +_IbplXy~_305 | -.0146952 .0009463 -15.53 0.000 -.0166252 -.0127652 +_IbplXy~_306 | -.0192227 .0015257 -12.60 0.000 -.0223343 -.0161111 +_IbplXy~_307 | -.0036655 .0017086 -2.15 0.040 -.0071502 -.0001809 +_IbplXy~_308 | -.0078727 .0010509 -7.49 0.000 -.010016 -.0057293 +_IbplXy~_309 | -.01858 .001207 -15.39 0.000 -.0210416 -.0161184 +_IbplXy~_310 | -.0064026 .0010539 -6.08 0.000 -.008552 -.0042531 +_IbplXy~_311 | -.0050068 .0013074 -3.83 0.001 -.0076732 -.0023403 +_IbplXy~_312 | -.0075686 .0012363 -6.12 0.000 -.01009 -.0050472 +_IbplXy~_313 | -.0074717 .0014514 -5.15 0.000 -.010432 -.0045115 +_IbplXy~_314 | -.0114759 .0013417 -8.55 0.000 -.0142122 -.0087395 +_IbplXy~_315 | -.0023008 .0017507 -1.31 0.198 -.0058714 .0012698 +_IbplXy~_316 | -.0149906 .001514 -9.90 0.000 -.0180783 -.0119028 +_IbplXy~_317 | -.0127288 .0017163 -7.42 0.000 -.0162292 -.0092285 +_IbplXy~_318 | -.0145888 .0015222 -9.58 0.000 -.0176933 -.0114843 +_IbplXy~_319 | -.0198761 .0011878 -16.73 0.000 -.0222986 -.0174537 +_IbplXy~_320 | -.0026511 .0015115 -1.75 0.089 -.0057338 .0004315 +_IbplXy~_321 | -.0104123 .0018628 -5.59 0.000 -.0142114 -.0066132 +_IbplXy~_322 | .000621 .0013968 0.44 0.660 -.0022279 .0034699 +_IbplXy~_323 | -.0095615 .0022316 -4.28 0.000 -.0141128 -.0050102 +_IbplXy~_324 | -.0115879 .0012886 -8.99 0.000 -.014216 -.0089598 +_IbplXy~_325 | -.0132815 .0012029 -11.04 0.000 -.0157347 -.0108283 +_IbplXy~_326 | -.0135763 .0012948 -10.49 0.000 -.0162172 -.0109355 +_IbplXy~_327 | -.0120115 .0019132 -6.28 0.000 -.0159136 -.0081094 +_IbplXy~_328 | -.0166487 .0013904 -11.97 0.000 -.0194844 -.013813 +_IbplXy~_329 | -.0080335 .0022417 -3.58 0.001 -.0126055 -.0034615 +_IbplXy~_330 | -.0158113 .0013287 -11.90 0.000 -.0185211 -.0131015 +_IbplXy~_331 | -.0129841 .0013454 -9.65 0.000 -.015728 -.0102402 +_IbplXy~_332 | -.006219 .0012493 -4.98 0.000 -.0087669 -.0036711 +_IbplXy~a112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | .0001446 7.93e-06 18.24 0.000 .0001285 .0001608 +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | .0001937 5.74e-06 33.74 0.000 .000182 .0002055 +_IbplXy~a304 | .0004716 8.18e-06 57.69 0.000 .000455 .0004883 +_IbplXy~a305 | .0003721 6.15e-06 60.49 0.000 .0003595 .0003846 +_IbplXy~a306 | .00003 7.16e-06 4.18 0.000 .0000154 .0000446 +_IbplXy~a307 | .0003309 6.29e-06 52.59 0.000 .0003181 .0003437 +_IbplXy~a308 | .0001846 5.83e-06 31.64 0.000 .0001727 .0001965 +_IbplXy~a309 | .0005128 4.63e-06 110.66 0.000 .0005034 .0005223 +_IbplXy~a310 | .0002347 6.60e-06 35.56 0.000 .0002212 .0002482 +_IbplXy~a311 | .0004204 6.52e-06 64.49 0.000 .0004071 .0004337 +_IbplXy~a312 | -.0000322 5.61e-06 -5.73 0.000 -.0000436 -.0000207 +_IbplXy~a313 | .0005435 5.91e-06 91.98 0.000 .0005314 .0005555 +_IbplXy~a314 | .0002161 6.27e-06 34.49 0.000 .0002033 .0002289 +_IbplXy~a315 | .0004056 4.78e-06 84.94 0.000 .0003959 .0004154 +_IbplXy~a316 | .0001044 6.36e-06 16.41 0.000 .0000914 .0001173 +_IbplXy~a317 | .0003241 5.63e-06 57.60 0.000 .0003127 .0003356 +_IbplXy~a318 | .0001815 7.80e-06 23.28 0.000 .0001656 .0001974 +_IbplXy~a319 | .0002804 6.28e-06 44.61 0.000 .0002675 .0002932 +_IbplXy~a320 | .000127 6.89e-06 18.44 0.000 .000113 .0001411 +_IbplXy~a321 | .000251 6.63e-06 37.83 0.000 .0002375 .0002645 +_IbplXy~a322 | .0005854 6.33e-06 92.46 0.000 .0005725 .0005983 +_IbplXy~a323 | .0000318 8.68e-06 3.66 0.001 .0000141 .0000495 +_IbplXy~a324 | .0003065 6.59e-06 46.51 0.000 .0002931 .0003199 +_IbplXy~a325 | .0001965 5.48e-06 35.83 0.000 .0001853 .0002077 +_IbplXy~a326 | .0003054 6.34e-06 48.20 0.000 .0002924 .0003183 +_IbplXy~a327 | .0002983 6.16e-06 48.40 0.000 .0002857 .0003109 +_IbplXy~a328 | .0004088 6.79e-06 60.18 0.000 .0003949 .0004226 +_IbplXy~a329 | .00028 8.30e-06 33.74 0.000 .0002631 .000297 +_IbplXy~a330 | .0004149 5.22e-06 79.51 0.000 .0004043 .0004256 +_IbplXy~a331 | .0006226 7.11e-06 87.60 0.000 .0006081 .000637 +_IbplXy~a332 | .0000529 5.98e-06 8.84 0.000 .0000407 .0000651 + _Iyear_1990 | 7.864037 .0662005 118.79 0.000 7.72902 7.999054 + _Iyear_2000 | 2.872485 .0697809 41.16 0.000 2.730165 3.014804 + _cons | 37.89705 3.212139 11.80 0.000 31.34585 44.44825 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, BASELINE + +19:41:19 on 1 Feb 2010 + +BASELINE + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 2965 2965 2965 2965 2965 2965 +Depvar: incearn incearn incearn incearn incearn incearn +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.2141~ 0.0072 0.0262 0.1566 0.1548* 0.1566* + (0.0905) (0.0593) (0.0490) (0.0852) (0.0477) (0.0466) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.996 0.996 0.997 0.996 0.996 0.997 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. +. +. +. +. local meanrev "dens lnele" + +. local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" + +. xi i.bpls i.year i.bpls*year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.bplstate*year _IbplXyea_# (coded as above) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_276 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 31, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9969 + Adj R-squared = 0.9967 + Root MSE = .16303 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1369644 .0347191 3.94 0.000 .0661544 .2077744 + dens | -.0319373 .0154057 -2.07 0.047 -.0633573 -.0005172 + lnele | .0043169 .0127124 0.34 0.736 -.0216103 .0302441 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | -25.03698 3.496329 -7.16 0.000 -32.16779 -17.90617 +_Ibplsta~302 | -33.11145 1.772315 -18.68 0.000 -36.72611 -29.49679 +_Ibplsta~303 | -19.60496 1.5713 -12.48 0.000 -22.80965 -16.40027 +_Ibplsta~304 | 26.11603 1.692512 15.43 0.000 22.66413 29.56793 +_Ibplsta~305 | 5.929632 3.049827 1.94 0.061 -.290531 12.14979 +_Ibplsta~306 | 12.2045 3.019044 4.04 0.000 6.047118 18.36188 +_Ibplsta~307 | -14.46507 3.111946 -4.65 0.000 -20.81193 -8.118216 +_Ibplsta~308 | -14.85399 3.047945 -4.87 0.000 -21.07031 -8.637661 +_Ibplsta~309 | 15.29263 6.375264 2.40 0.023 2.290193 28.29507 +_Ibplsta~310 | -15.66475 3.262968 -4.80 0.000 -22.31962 -9.009884 +_Ibplsta~311 | -11.12968 3.861574 -2.88 0.007 -19.00541 -3.253948 +_Ibplsta~312 | -30.98868 3.243003 -9.56 0.000 -37.60282 -24.37453 +_Ibplsta~313 | 12.08012 3.819471 3.16 0.003 4.290261 19.86999 +_Ibplsta~314 | -7.650326 4.06898 -1.88 0.070 -15.94907 .6484136 +_Ibplsta~315 | -10.80838 4.603782 -2.35 0.025 -20.19786 -1.418907 +_Ibplsta~316 | -9.045584 4.123745 -2.19 0.036 -17.45602 -.6351503 +_Ibplsta~317 | 4.181441 3.737088 1.12 0.272 -3.4404 11.80328 +_Ibplsta~318 | 3.571626 2.71839 1.31 0.199 -1.972566 9.115818 +_Ibplsta~319 | 8.054197 3.516683 2.29 0.029 .8818734 15.22652 +_Ibplsta~320 | -28.45951 3.658476 -7.78 0.000 -35.92102 -20.998 +_Ibplsta~321 | -1.050072 4.80826 -0.22 0.829 -10.85658 8.756438 +_Ibplsta~322 | -4.786033 3.33264 -1.44 0.161 -11.583 2.010931 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | -2.754142 3.459125 -0.80 0.432 -9.809075 4.300791 +_Ibplsta~325 | -4.208803 3.187875 -1.32 0.196 -10.71052 2.292912 +_Ibplsta~326 | 17.18924 2.949572 5.83 0.000 11.17355 23.20494 +_Ibplsta~327 | 10.68677 2.795309 3.82 0.001 4.985703 16.38784 +_Ibplsta~328 | 13.17862 3.171449 4.16 0.000 6.710409 19.64684 +_Ibplsta~329 | -.9717176 3.820374 -0.25 0.801 -8.763421 6.819986 +_Ibplsta~330 | 18.07912 4.355787 4.15 0.000 9.195438 26.96281 +_Ibplsta~331 | 36.42501 3.037934 11.99 0.000 30.22911 42.62092 +_Ibplsta~332 | -33.92467 3.143229 -10.79 0.000 -40.33533 -27.51401 + _Iyear_1990 | 5.706049 .0300097 190.14 0.000 5.644844 5.767254 + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~301 | .082818 .0012805 64.68 0.000 .0802065 .0854296 +_IbplXye~302 | .0871721 .001302 66.95 0.000 .0845167 .0898275 +_IbplXye~303 | .0801884 .0012941 61.97 0.000 .0775492 .0828277 +_IbplXye~304 | .0570198 .0012718 44.83 0.000 .054426 .0596137 +_IbplXye~305 | .0672903 .0009949 67.64 0.000 .0652613 .0693193 +_IbplXye~306 | .0641657 .0013781 46.56 0.000 .0613549 .0669764 +_IbplXye~307 | .0771422 .000939 82.16 0.000 .0752271 .0790572 +_IbplXye~308 | .0777878 .0010307 75.47 0.000 .0756858 .0798898 +_IbplXye~309 | .0628469 .0021982 28.59 0.000 .0583636 .0673301 +_IbplXye~310 | .0781267 .0010042 77.80 0.000 .0760787 .0801747 +_IbplXye~311 | .0758822 .0012665 59.92 0.000 .0732992 .0784652 +_IbplXye~312 | .0856937 .0009522 90.00 0.000 .0837517 .0876357 +_IbplXye~313 | .0640587 .0011444 55.97 0.000 .0617246 .0663927 +_IbplXye~314 | .0741804 .0011187 66.31 0.000 .0718988 .0764619 +_IbplXye~315 | .0756741 .0013156 57.52 0.000 .072991 .0783572 +_IbplXye~316 | .0748078 .0011132 67.20 0.000 .0725375 .0770782 +_IbplXye~317 | .0681243 .0012223 55.74 0.000 .0656314 .0706171 +_IbplXye~318 | .0684574 .0011985 57.12 0.000 .0660131 .0709017 +_IbplXye~319 | .0663227 .0010397 63.79 0.000 .0642022 .0684433 +_IbplXye~320 | .0842355 .0010328 81.56 0.000 .0821291 .0863419 +_IbplXye~321 | .070575 .0012682 55.65 0.000 .0679884 .0731616 +_IbplXye~322 | .0726797 .0011949 60.82 0.000 .0702426 .0751168 +_IbplXye~323 | .0701675 .0018504 37.92 0.000 .0663935 .0739415 +_IbplXye~324 | .0714949 .0009652 74.07 0.000 .0695263 .0734635 +_IbplXye~325 | .0724325 .0010082 71.84 0.000 .0703762 .0744888 +_IbplXye~326 | .061686 .0010569 58.37 0.000 .0595305 .0638415 +_IbplXye~327 | .0646773 .0010869 59.51 0.000 .0624607 .066894 +_IbplXye~328 | .0636914 .0010078 63.20 0.000 .061636 .0657467 +_IbplXye~329 | .0706124 .001729 40.84 0.000 .0670861 .0741387 +_IbplXye~330 | .0609828 .0011327 53.84 0.000 .0586727 .063293 +_IbplXye~331 | .0517199 .00107 48.34 0.000 .0495376 .0539023 +_IbplXye~332 | .0872225 .0010101 86.35 0.000 .0851623 .0892827 + _cons | -132.1636 3.724847 -35.48 0.000 -139.7605 -124.5667 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.year i.bpls*year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.bplstate*year _IbplXyea_# (coded as above) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_276 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 32, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9970 + Adj R-squared = 0.9968 + Root MSE = .15951 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0129405 .0570105 0.23 0.822 -.1033332 .1292142 + dens | .0039236 .0131179 0.30 0.767 -.0228306 .0306777 + lnele | .013498 .0206838 0.65 0.519 -.0286868 .0556828 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | -15.65882 2.285773 -6.85 0.000 -20.32068 -10.99695 +_Ibplsta~302 | -26.8811 1.774421 -15.15 0.000 -30.50005 -23.26214 +_Ibplsta~303 | -15.31023 2.177337 -7.03 0.000 -19.75094 -10.86952 +_Ibplsta~304 | 30.20508 1.282612 23.55 0.000 27.58917 32.82099 +_Ibplsta~305 | 13.59745 3.581826 3.80 0.001 6.292265 20.90263 +_Ibplsta~306 | 20.07637 1.79364 11.19 0.000 16.41822 23.73452 +_Ibplsta~307 | -11.2805 3.329569 -3.39 0.002 -18.0712 -4.489795 +_Ibplsta~308 | -7.456802 3.952204 -1.89 0.069 -15.51737 .6037718 +_Ibplsta~309 | 32.79754 4.694133 6.99 0.000 23.22379 42.37129 +_Ibplsta~310 | -7.781804 3.904958 -1.99 0.055 -15.74602 .1824111 +_Ibplsta~311 | -.7412517 2.725358 -0.27 0.787 -6.299655 4.817152 +_Ibplsta~312 | -24.77871 3.057928 -8.10 0.000 -31.0154 -18.54203 +_Ibplsta~313 | 21.30789 2.964898 7.19 0.000 15.26094 27.35484 +_Ibplsta~314 | 2.414684 4.147206 0.58 0.565 -6.043599 10.87297 +_Ibplsta~315 | 1.377889 4.328869 0.32 0.752 -7.450898 10.20668 +_Ibplsta~316 | 1.065555 4.280251 0.25 0.805 -7.664075 9.795184 +_Ibplsta~317 | 13.2256 2.737782 4.83 0.000 7.641861 18.80935 +_Ibplsta~318 | 10.62692 1.770297 6.00 0.000 7.016374 14.23746 +_Ibplsta~319 | 17.01681 3.80737 4.47 0.000 9.251631 24.78199 +_Ibplsta~320 | -27.17046 4.41245 -6.16 0.000 -36.16971 -18.17121 +_Ibplsta~321 | 7.561608 5.2642 1.44 0.161 -3.174798 18.29801 +_Ibplsta~322 | 3.937057 2.259815 1.74 0.091 -.6718663 8.545981 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | 4.311072 3.504484 1.23 0.228 -2.83637 11.45851 +_Ibplsta~325 | 3.853022 3.066882 1.26 0.218 -2.401926 10.10797 +_Ibplsta~326 | 24.0561 3.959945 6.07 0.000 15.97974 32.13246 +_Ibplsta~327 | 13.39998 2.702659 4.96 0.000 7.887874 18.91209 +_Ibplsta~328 | 21.52098 3.30115 6.52 0.000 14.78824 28.25372 +_Ibplsta~329 | 9.221587 2.420537 3.81 0.001 4.28487 14.1583 +_Ibplsta~330 | 26.03869 4.844169 5.38 0.000 16.15894 35.91843 +_Ibplsta~331 | 44.63176 2.531373 17.63 0.000 39.469 49.79453 +_Ibplsta~332 | -25.73321 3.016188 -8.53 0.000 -31.88476 -19.58165 +_IbplXyo~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | -.0106784 .0011424 -9.35 0.000 -.0130083 -.0083486 +_IbplXyo~302 | -.0108304 .0004926 -21.98 0.000 -.0118351 -.0098257 +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | -.0030787 .0007921 -3.89 0.000 -.0046941 -.0014633 +_IbplXyo~305 | -.0061752 .000986 -6.26 0.000 -.0081861 -.0041642 +_IbplXyo~306 | -.0024538 .0014742 -1.66 0.106 -.0054604 .0005529 +_IbplXyo~307 | -.0034009 .0016502 -2.06 0.048 -.0067666 -.0000352 +_IbplXyo~308 | -.0028368 .0011829 -2.40 0.023 -.0052493 -.0004243 +_IbplXyo~309 | -.0175854 .0023298 -7.55 0.000 -.0223371 -.0128338 +_IbplXyo~310 | -.0047543 .0011729 -4.05 0.000 -.0071463 -.0023622 +_IbplXyo~311 | -.0042439 .0011887 -3.57 0.001 -.0066682 -.0018196 +_IbplXyo~312 | -.0040091 .0012203 -3.29 0.003 -.0064978 -.0015203 +_IbplXyo~313 | -.00262 .0012666 -2.07 0.047 -.0052032 -.0000367 +_IbplXyo~314 | -.0081168 .0014429 -5.63 0.000 -.0110596 -.0051739 +_IbplXyo~315 | -.0059059 .0016453 -3.59 0.001 -.0092616 -.0025502 +_IbplXyo~316 | -.008084 .0015377 -5.26 0.000 -.0112202 -.0049478 +_IbplXyo~317 | -.0058446 .0014167 -4.13 0.000 -.008734 -.0029551 +_IbplXyo~318 | -.0045104 .0010334 -4.36 0.000 -.0066181 -.0024027 +_IbplXyo~319 | -.0089221 .0012013 -7.43 0.000 -.0113722 -.0064719 +_IbplXyo~320 | .0002234 .0022517 0.10 0.922 -.004369 .0048159 +_IbplXyo~321 | -.0013884 .002269 -0.61 0.545 -.0060161 .0032392 +_IbplXyo~322 | -.0028397 .0011372 -2.50 0.018 -.005159 -.0005204 +_IbplXyo~323 | -.0109935 .0011862 -9.27 0.000 -.0134127 -.0085743 +_IbplXyo~324 | -.004534 .0012576 -3.61 0.001 -.0070988 -.0019692 +_IbplXyo~325 | -.0071141 .0009007 -7.90 0.000 -.0089511 -.0052772 +_IbplXyo~326 | -.0014938 .0011757 -1.27 0.213 -.0038916 .0009039 +_IbplXyo~327 | -.0012319 .00176 -0.70 0.489 -.0048215 .0023578 +_IbplXyo~328 | -.003874 .0009422 -4.11 0.000 -.0057957 -.0019523 +_IbplXyo~329 | .0019981 .0020611 0.97 0.340 -.0022056 .0062017 +_IbplXyo~330 | -.0027741 .0020053 -1.38 0.176 -.0068639 .0013158 +_IbplXyo~331 | .0046606 .0008934 5.22 0.000 .0028386 .0064827 +_IbplXyo~332 | -.0074379 .0008238 -9.03 0.000 -.009118 -.0057577 + _Iyear_1990 | 5.70676 .0295363 193.21 0.000 5.646521 5.767 + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~301 | .0879596 .0010186 86.35 0.000 .0858822 .0900371 +_IbplXye~302 | .0940762 .0012004 78.37 0.000 .0916279 .0965246 +_IbplXye~303 | .0774539 .0010512 73.68 0.000 .0753101 .0795977 +_IbplXye~304 | .0574086 .0010803 53.14 0.000 .0552052 .0596119 +_IbplXye~305 | .0688896 .0010094 68.25 0.000 .0668309 .0709483 +_IbplXye~306 | .0620126 .0010921 56.78 0.000 .0597853 .0642399 +_IbplXye~307 | .0783074 .001044 75.01 0.000 .0761782 .0804367 +_IbplXye~308 | .0762521 .0010291 74.10 0.000 .0741533 .0783508 +_IbplXye~309 | .07062 .0010923 64.65 0.000 .0683923 .0728478 +_IbplXye~310 | .0782232 .0009998 78.24 0.000 .0761841 .0802622 +_IbplXye~311 | .0742007 .0010092 73.53 0.000 .0721425 .076259 +_IbplXye~312 | .0859126 .0010224 84.03 0.000 .0838274 .0879977 +_IbplXye~313 | .0613766 .0010061 61.00 0.000 .0593246 .0634287 +_IbplXye~314 | .0764598 .0009932 76.98 0.000 .0744341 .0784855 +_IbplXye~315 | .0747051 .0010196 73.27 0.000 .0726255 .0767847 +_IbplXye~316 | .0770325 .0009792 78.67 0.000 .0750354 .0790295 +_IbplXye~317 | .0686978 .0010656 64.47 0.000 .0665245 .070871 +_IbplXye~318 | .0687369 .0010541 65.21 0.000 .066587 .0708869 +_IbplXye~319 | .0699547 .0010356 67.55 0.000 .0678424 .0720669 +_IbplXye~320 | .0828139 .0010504 78.84 0.000 .0806716 .0849563 +_IbplXye~321 | .067 .0009978 67.14 0.000 .0649648 .0690351 +_IbplXye~322 | .0704707 .0010277 68.57 0.000 .0683746 .0725668 +_IbplXye~323 | .0804035 .0011666 68.92 0.000 .0780242 .0827827 +_IbplXye~324 | .0717924 .001012 70.94 0.000 .0697283 .0738564 +_IbplXye~325 | .0747512 .0010182 73.42 0.000 .0726747 .0768278 +_IbplXye~326 | .0591039 .0010634 55.58 0.000 .0569352 .0612727 +_IbplXye~327 | .063956 .0011045 57.90 0.000 .0617034 .0662087 +_IbplXye~328 | .0626904 .0010482 59.81 0.000 .0605525 .0648283 +_IbplXye~329 | .062912 .0011136 56.49 0.000 .0606408 .0651832 +_IbplXye~330 | .0590985 .0010147 58.24 0.000 .057029 .061168 +_IbplXye~331 | .0424228 .0010671 39.75 0.000 .0402464 .0445992 +_IbplXye~332 | .0897923 .0010005 89.75 0.000 .0877518 .0918327 + _cons | -131.0619 2.690216 -48.72 0.000 -136.5486 -125.5752 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.bpls*year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.bplstate*year _IbplXyea_# (coded as above) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_276 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 33, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9972 + Adj R-squared = 0.9970 + Root MSE = .15458 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0217756 .0526282 0.41 0.682 -.0855603 .1291116 + dens | .0037855 .0127442 0.30 0.768 -.0222065 .0297775 + lnele | .017509 .018687 0.94 0.356 -.0206035 .0556215 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | -30.66273 1.928539 -15.90 0.000 -34.59601 -26.72945 +_Ibplsta~302 | -34.69585 1.448784 -23.95 0.000 -37.65067 -31.74104 +_Ibplsta~303 | -21.2158 1.489196 -14.25 0.000 -24.25304 -18.17856 +_Ibplsta~304 | 17.00929 .7299458 23.30 0.000 15.52056 18.49803 +_Ibplsta~305 | -2.382411 2.836952 -0.84 0.407 -8.168412 3.403591 +_Ibplsta~306 | 43.54647 1.668456 26.10 0.000 40.14363 46.94931 +_Ibplsta~307 | -31.70399 2.701039 -11.74 0.000 -37.21279 -26.19518 +_Ibplsta~308 | -12.36807 3.176085 -3.89 0.000 -18.84574 -5.8904 +_Ibplsta~309 | 5.290527 4.414291 1.20 0.240 -3.712479 14.29353 +_Ibplsta~310 | -18.41562 3.188214 -5.78 0.000 -24.91802 -11.91321 +_Ibplsta~311 | -25.73673 2.29542 -11.21 0.000 -30.41827 -21.05519 +_Ibplsta~312 | -20.25014 2.394892 -8.46 0.000 -25.13455 -15.36573 +_Ibplsta~313 | -.8741545 2.463256 -0.35 0.725 -5.897999 4.14969 +_Ibplsta~314 | -4.855457 3.512849 -1.38 0.177 -12.01996 2.309047 +_Ibplsta~315 | -20.78804 3.743769 -5.55 0.000 -28.4235 -13.15257 +_Ibplsta~316 | 3.069435 3.655954 0.84 0.408 -4.386932 10.5258 +_Ibplsta~317 | 2.911791 2.35842 1.23 0.226 -1.898238 7.721821 +_Ibplsta~318 | 13.43172 1.298461 10.34 0.000 10.7835 16.07995 +_Ibplsta~319 | 8.497798 3.101864 2.74 0.010 2.171504 14.82409 +_Ibplsta~320 | -34.05462 3.850523 -8.84 0.000 -41.90781 -26.20142 +_Ibplsta~321 | 6.615146 4.635574 1.43 0.164 -2.839169 16.06946 +_Ibplsta~322 | -31.29584 1.830213 -17.10 0.000 -35.02859 -27.5631 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | -8.112994 2.798109 -2.90 0.007 -13.81978 -2.406212 +_Ibplsta~325 | -.8866021 2.367869 -0.37 0.711 -5.715903 3.942699 +_Ibplsta~326 | 26.08455 3.131582 8.33 0.000 19.69765 32.47145 +_Ibplsta~327 | 9.938848 2.282395 4.35 0.000 5.283873 14.59382 +_Ibplsta~328 | 8.353174 2.587965 3.23 0.003 3.074985 13.63136 +_Ibplsta~329 | 9.148261 2.587726 3.54 0.001 3.87056 14.42596 +_Ibplsta~330 | 17.41249 4.123057 4.22 0.000 9.003458 25.82152 +_Ibplsta~331 | 34.13096 1.9084 17.88 0.000 30.23875 38.02317 +_Ibplsta~332 | -31.39766 2.311754 -13.58 0.000 -36.11252 -26.68281 +_IbplX~b_112 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_113 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_115 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_116 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_121 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_122 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_123 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_124 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_125 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_126 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_127 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_128 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_129 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_131 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_132 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_133 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_135 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_136 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_141 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_142 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_143 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_151 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_152 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_153 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_191 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_192 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_203 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_205 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_208 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_213 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_215 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_217 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_219 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_225 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_227 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_241 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_247 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_252 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_254 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_268 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_273 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_276 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_301 | -.0086151 .0011776 -7.32 0.000 -.0110168 -.0062134 +_IbplX~b_302 | -.0103353 .0005063 -20.41 0.000 -.011368 -.0093027 +_IbplX~b_303 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_304 | -.001427 .0007251 -1.97 0.058 -.0029059 .0000518 +_IbplX~b_305 | -.0040142 .0010035 -4.00 0.000 -.0060607 -.0019676 +_IbplX~b_306 | -.0086939 .0013937 -6.24 0.000 -.0115363 -.0058515 +_IbplX~b_307 | -.0004598 .0015996 -0.29 0.776 -.0037222 .0028026 +_IbplX~b_308 | -.0032153 .0011684 -2.75 0.010 -.0055983 -.0008324 +_IbplX~b_309 | -.0132866 .0024811 -5.36 0.000 -.0183467 -.0082264 +_IbplX~b_310 | -.0038458 .0011772 -3.27 0.003 -.0062468 -.0014449 +_IbplX~b_311 | .0002434 .0012729 0.19 0.850 -.0023528 .0028395 +_IbplX~b_312 | -.0064202 .0012363 -5.19 0.000 -.0089417 -.0038987 +_IbplX~b_313 | .0009455 .001334 0.71 0.484 -.0017753 .0036663 +_IbplX~b_314 | -.0080013 .0015147 -5.28 0.000 -.0110905 -.0049121 +_IbplX~b_315 | -.0026291 .0017517 -1.50 0.144 -.0062018 .0009436 +_IbplX~b_316 | -.010149 .0016048 -6.32 0.000 -.0134221 -.0068759 +_IbplX~b_317 | -.004927 .001438 -3.43 0.002 -.0078599 -.0019941 +_IbplX~b_318 | -.0065056 .0010076 -6.46 0.000 -.0085605 -.0044507 +_IbplX~b_319 | -.0084833 .001257 -6.75 0.000 -.011047 -.0059196 +_IbplX~b_320 | .0002816 .0021885 0.13 0.898 -.004182 .0047451 +_IbplX~b_321 | -.002775 .0022836 -1.22 0.233 -.0074325 .0018825 +_IbplX~b_322 | .003821 .0011523 3.32 0.002 .001471 .0061711 +_IbplX~b_323 | -.0117649 .000965 -12.19 0.000 -.013733 -.0097968 +_IbplX~b_324 | -.0032152 .0012825 -2.51 0.018 -.0058309 -.0005995 +_IbplX~b_325 | -.0074767 .0009666 -7.74 0.000 -.009448 -.0055054 +_IbplX~b_326 | -.0033148 .0011483 -2.89 0.007 -.0056568 -.0009728 +_IbplX~b_327 | -.0017434 .0016752 -1.04 0.306 -.0051601 .0016732 +_IbplX~b_328 | -.0023686 .0010028 -2.36 0.025 -.0044139 -.0003234 +_IbplX~b_329 | .0009938 .0019386 0.51 0.612 -.0029601 .0049477 +_IbplX~b_330 | -.0024242 .002004 -1.21 0.236 -.0065114 .001663 +_IbplX~b_331 | .005628 .0009402 5.99 0.000 .0037104 .0075455 +_IbplX~b_332 | -.007634 .0008728 -8.75 0.000 -.0094141 -.0058539 +_IbplXy~a112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | .0001105 .0000131 8.41 0.000 .0000837 .0001373 +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | -.0000174 .000012 -1.45 0.157 -.0000418 7.08e-06 +_IbplXy~a304 | .000084 .0000115 7.29 0.000 .0000605 .0001076 +_IbplXy~a305 | .00013 .0000116 11.21 0.000 .0001064 .0001537 +_IbplXy~a306 | -.0004378 .0000113 -38.79 0.000 -.0004609 -.0004148 +_IbplXy~a307 | .0002004 9.42e-06 21.28 0.000 .0001812 .0002196 +_IbplXy~a308 | -.0000262 .0000112 -2.34 0.026 -.000049 -3.34e-06 +_IbplXy~a309 | .0003179 7.51e-06 42.35 0.000 .0003026 .0003332 +_IbplXy~a310 | .0000551 .0000131 4.21 0.000 .0000284 .0000817 +_IbplXy~a311 | .0002487 .0000129 19.33 0.000 .0002224 .0002749 +_IbplXy~a312 | -.0001658 .0000102 -16.20 0.000 -.0001866 -.0001449 +_IbplXy~a313 | .000218 .0000111 19.59 0.000 .0001953 .0002407 +_IbplXy~a314 | .0000101 .0000114 0.88 0.383 -.0000132 .0000334 +_IbplXy~a315 | .0002256 9.26e-06 24.38 0.000 .0002067 .0002445 +_IbplXy~a316 | -.0001194 .0000113 -10.56 0.000 -.0001424 -.0000963 +_IbplXy~a317 | .0000472 9.55e-06 4.94 0.000 .0000277 .0000667 +_IbplXy~a318 | -.0001373 .0000124 -11.04 0.000 -.0001627 -.0001119 +_IbplXy~a319 | .0000249 .0000102 2.45 0.020 4.21e-06 .0000457 +_IbplXy~a320 | 3.86e-06 .000011 0.35 0.727 -.0000185 .0000262 +_IbplXy~a321 | -.0000765 9.94e-06 -7.70 0.000 -.0000968 -.0000563 +_IbplXy~a322 | .0003983 .0000123 32.35 0.000 .0003732 .0004234 +_IbplXy~a323 | -.0001386 .0000103 -13.43 0.000 -.0001596 -.0001175 +_IbplXy~a324 | .0000803 .0000118 6.78 0.000 .0000562 .0001045 +_IbplXy~a325 | -.0000307 9.94e-06 -3.09 0.004 -.000051 -.0000104 +_IbplXy~a326 | -.0001259 .0000102 -12.28 0.000 -.0001468 -.000105 +_IbplXy~a327 | -.0000552 9.55e-06 -5.78 0.000 -.0000747 -.0000357 +_IbplXy~a328 | .0000903 .0000103 8.77 0.000 .0000693 .0001113 +_IbplXy~a329 | -.0001051 .0000127 -8.26 0.000 -.000131 -.0000791 +_IbplXy~a330 | .0000306 9.11e-06 3.36 0.002 .000012 .0000492 +_IbplXy~a331 | .0000497 .0000107 4.64 0.000 .0000278 .0000715 +_IbplXy~a332 | -.0000156 .0000132 -1.18 0.248 -.0000426 .0000114 + _Iyear_1990 | 5.707286 .0293844 194.23 0.000 5.647356 5.767216 + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~301 | .0891316 .0011709 76.13 0.000 .0867436 .0915195 +_IbplXye~302 | .0931909 .0015784 59.04 0.000 .0899717 .09641 +_IbplXye~303 | .0760983 .0012366 61.54 0.000 .0735762 .0786203 +_IbplXye~304 | .058081 .0012824 45.29 0.000 .0554654 .0606965 +_IbplXye~305 | .0704508 .0012023 58.60 0.000 .0679988 .0729029 +_IbplXye~306 | .052084 .0012938 40.26 0.000 .0494453 .0547226 +_IbplXye~307 | .0813252 .0012829 63.39 0.000 .0787086 .0839417 +_IbplXye~308 | .074766 .0012508 59.77 0.000 .072215 .0773171 +_IbplXye~309 | .0758477 .0014062 53.94 0.000 .0729798 .0787157 +_IbplXye~310 | .0783377 .001162 67.42 0.000 .0759678 .0807075 +_IbplXye~311 | .077994 .0011575 67.38 0.000 .0756334 .0803547 +_IbplXye~312 | .0816988 .0012292 66.47 0.000 .0791919 .0842058 +_IbplXye~313 | .064664 .0011973 54.01 0.000 .062222 .067106 +_IbplXye~314 | .0756684 .0011914 63.51 0.000 .0732385 .0780983 +_IbplXye~315 | .0782634 .0012704 61.60 0.000 .0756723 .0808545 +_IbplXye~316 | .0737393 .001174 62.81 0.000 .0713449 .0761337 +_IbplXye~317 | .0686456 .0013097 52.41 0.000 .0659745 .0713167 +_IbplXye~318 | .0649801 .0012218 53.18 0.000 .0624882 .067472 +_IbplXye~319 | .0694719 .0012751 54.48 0.000 .0668713 .0720725 +_IbplXye~320 | .0818853 .0012521 65.40 0.000 .0793315 .0844391 +_IbplXye~321 | .0645154 .00121 53.32 0.000 .0620477 .0669832 +_IbplXye~322 | .0772533 .0011922 64.80 0.000 .0748217 .0796849 +_IbplXye~323 | .0768563 .0015982 48.09 0.000 .0735967 .0801158 +_IbplXye~324 | .0724001 .0011924 60.72 0.000 .0699683 .074832 +_IbplXye~325 | .0731649 .0012356 59.21 0.000 .0706448 .0756849 +_IbplXye~326 | .0555615 .0013125 42.33 0.000 .0528846 .0582384 +_IbplXye~327 | .0618782 .0013236 46.75 0.000 .0591787 .0645778 +_IbplXye~328 | .0634881 .001283 49.48 0.000 .0608714 .0661048 +_IbplXye~329 | .0596273 .0012951 46.04 0.000 .056986 .0622686 +_IbplXye~330 | .0587536 .001254 46.85 0.000 .0561961 .0613111 +_IbplXye~331 | .0424155 .0013075 32.44 0.000 .0397488 .0450823 +_IbplXye~332 | .0885055 .0011585 76.39 0.000 .0861426 .0908683 + _cons | -122.4757 3.180305 -38.51 0.000 -128.962 -115.9894 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls i.year i.bpls*year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.bplstate*year _IbplXyea_# (coded as above) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_276 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 32, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9969 + Adj R-squared = 0.9967 + Root MSE = .16205 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1464233 .0248043 5.90 0.000 .0958347 .1970119 + dens | .007237 .0122852 0.59 0.560 -.0178188 .0322928 + lnele | -.0154233 .0088477 -1.74 0.091 -.0334683 .0026217 + inmort | .0163158 .0420345 0.39 0.701 -.0694142 .1020458 + ea | 2.81858 .9530401 2.96 0.006 .8748415 4.762318 + eaag | -2.048386 2.166267 -0.95 0.352 -6.466517 2.369745 + eaexin | 1.269433 2.447201 0.52 0.608 -3.721667 6.260532 + eaintr | -2.115968 2.324281 -0.91 0.370 -6.85637 2.624435 + eatran | .8629691 3.658266 0.24 0.815 -6.598114 8.324053 + easer | -4.928661 2.523809 -1.95 0.060 -10.076 .2186809 + eaoth | -1.562958 2.916525 -0.54 0.596 -7.511249 4.385332 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | -10.86138 5.107754 -2.13 0.042 -21.27871 -.4440455 +_Ibplsta~302 | -27.70501 3.789888 -7.31 0.000 -35.43454 -19.97548 +_Ibplsta~303 | -14.22151 4.859673 -2.93 0.006 -24.13288 -4.310141 +_Ibplsta~304 | 37.32162 3.26478 11.43 0.000 30.66306 43.98019 +_Ibplsta~305 | 19.82754 4.571626 4.34 0.000 10.50364 29.15143 +_Ibplsta~306 | 20.12468 2.912983 6.91 0.000 14.18361 26.06575 +_Ibplsta~307 | -3.304913 3.544269 -0.93 0.358 -10.5335 3.923671 +_Ibplsta~308 | -4.505939 4.514878 -1.00 0.326 -13.71409 4.702215 +_Ibplsta~309 | 22.42357 3.852887 5.82 0.000 14.56555 30.28158 +_Ibplsta~310 | -6.0213 3.688735 -1.63 0.113 -13.54452 1.501924 +_Ibplsta~311 | 4.484018 4.3969 1.02 0.316 -4.483519 13.45156 +_Ibplsta~312 | -21.60093 3.770086 -5.73 0.000 -29.29007 -13.91179 +_Ibplsta~313 | 27.68435 4.297014 6.44 0.000 18.92053 36.44817 +_Ibplsta~314 | 2.053805 3.945128 0.52 0.606 -5.992338 10.09995 +_Ibplsta~315 | 1.36407 4.380003 0.31 0.758 -7.569006 10.29715 +_Ibplsta~316 | 1.273437 4.361737 0.29 0.772 -7.622384 10.16926 +_Ibplsta~317 | 16.79024 4.489947 3.74 0.001 7.632932 25.94754 +_Ibplsta~318 | 15.55347 3.676457 4.23 0.000 8.055285 23.05165 +_Ibplsta~319 | 20.89582 4.91819 4.25 0.000 10.8651 30.92653 +_Ibplsta~320 | -17.50443 3.911075 -4.48 0.000 -25.48112 -9.527741 +_Ibplsta~321 | 12.45999 3.790742 3.29 0.003 4.728718 20.19125 +_Ibplsta~322 | 7.171722 4.118245 1.74 0.092 -1.227494 15.57094 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | 12.19349 4.103176 2.97 0.006 3.825006 20.56197 +_Ibplsta~325 | 5.208696 3.824486 1.36 0.183 -2.591394 13.00879 +_Ibplsta~326 | 26.83746 3.643511 7.37 0.000 19.40647 34.26845 +_Ibplsta~327 | 19.5661 4.43445 4.41 0.000 10.52198 28.61022 +_Ibplsta~328 | 28.85803 4.635855 6.22 0.000 19.40314 38.31292 +_Ibplsta~329 | 15.89738 4.250161 3.74 0.001 7.22912 24.56564 +_Ibplsta~330 | 31.3848 4.43779 7.07 0.000 22.33387 40.43573 +_Ibplsta~331 | 49.61405 4.569972 10.86 0.000 40.29353 58.93457 +_Ibplsta~332 | -20.32534 4.628209 -4.39 0.000 -29.76463 -10.88604 + _Iyear_1990 | 5.706615 .029899 190.86 0.000 5.645636 5.767595 + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~301 | .081563 .0021265 38.36 0.000 .077226 .0859001 +_IbplXye~302 | .0903923 .0017719 51.01 0.000 .0867785 .0940062 +_IbplXye~303 | .0834171 .0021672 38.49 0.000 .0789972 .087837 +_IbplXye~304 | .0572794 .0014646 39.11 0.000 .0542924 .0602664 +_IbplXye~305 | .0661769 .0013292 49.79 0.000 .063466 .0688879 +_IbplXye~306 | .0661007 .0013619 48.53 0.000 .0633231 .0688784 +_IbplXye~307 | .0774249 .0009967 77.68 0.000 .075392 .0794578 +_IbplXye~308 | .0784847 .0013201 59.45 0.000 .0757924 .081177 +_IbplXye~309 | .0651851 .0011294 57.71 0.000 .0628816 .0674886 +_IbplXye~310 | .0791828 .0011047 71.68 0.000 .0769297 .0814358 +_IbplXye~311 | .073894 .0012985 56.91 0.000 .0712457 .0765423 +_IbplXye~312 | .0868803 .0010316 84.22 0.000 .0847763 .0889843 +_IbplXye~313 | .0620754 .0010555 58.81 0.000 .0599227 .0642281 +_IbplXye~314 | .0752056 .0011906 63.17 0.000 .0727774 .0776338 +_IbplXye~315 | .0754406 .0011975 63.00 0.000 .0729983 .0778829 +_IbplXye~316 | .0755194 .0012633 59.78 0.000 .0729429 .078096 +_IbplXye~317 | .0676682 .0010498 64.46 0.000 .0655271 .0698093 +_IbplXye~318 | .0683211 .0010838 63.04 0.000 .0661108 .0705315 +_IbplXye~319 | .065748 .0015838 41.51 0.000 .0625179 .0689781 +_IbplXye~320 | .0846228 .0010803 78.33 0.000 .0824195 .0868261 +_IbplXye~321 | .0696595 .0010972 63.49 0.000 .0674217 .0718972 +_IbplXye~322 | .0725557 .0011618 62.45 0.000 .0701862 .0749253 +_IbplXye~323 | .0761414 .0021201 35.91 0.000 .0718174 .0804654 +_IbplXye~324 | .0698465 .0010963 63.71 0.000 .0676105 .0720824 +_IbplXye~325 | .0736038 .0010587 69.52 0.000 .0714446 .0757631 +_IbplXye~326 | .0627399 .0012385 50.66 0.000 .0602139 .0652659 +_IbplXye~327 | .0661232 .0011403 57.99 0.000 .0637975 .0684488 +_IbplXye~328 | .0616692 .0012796 48.19 0.000 .0590594 .064279 +_IbplXye~329 | .0679843 .0012362 55.00 0.000 .0654631 .0705055 +_IbplXye~330 | .0601715 .0011456 52.52 0.000 .057835 .062508 +_IbplXye~331 | .0509681 .0016267 31.33 0.000 .0476504 .0542857 +_IbplXye~332 | .0862616 .0012262 70.35 0.000 .0837607 .0887624 + _cons | -143.4193 4.231763 -33.89 0.000 -152.0501 -134.7886 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.year i.bpls*year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.bplstate*year _IbplXyea_# (coded as above) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_276 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 31, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9970 + Adj R-squared = 0.9968 + Root MSE = .15886 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1463979 .0630108 2.32 0.027 .0178864 .2749093 + dens | .0279129 .0161276 1.73 0.093 -.0049794 .0608053 + lnele | -.0191315 .015914 -1.20 0.238 -.0515882 .0133253 + inmort | -.1478823 .0775726 -1.91 0.066 -.3060927 .0103282 + ea | -.1120812 2.320257 -0.05 0.962 -4.844276 4.620113 + eaag | -6.989693 2.235715 -3.13 0.004 -11.54946 -2.429922 + eaexin | -3.352607 2.526191 -1.33 0.194 -8.504808 1.799595 + eaintr | -6.380975 2.539724 -2.51 0.017 -11.56077 -1.201174 + eatran | -7.653594 4.818192 -1.59 0.122 -17.48036 2.173173 + easer | -9.820719 2.167941 -4.53 0.000 -14.24226 -5.399174 + eaoth | -7.440059 3.365035 -2.21 0.035 -14.30309 -.5770256 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | 4.530448 6.643683 0.68 0.500 -9.019433 18.08033 +_Ibplsta~302 | -13.91391 4.501416 -3.09 0.004 -23.09461 -4.733215 +_Ibplsta~303 | -8.968615 5.3929 -1.66 0.106 -19.96751 2.030277 +_Ibplsta~304 | 46.44249 4.007021 11.59 0.000 38.27011 54.61486 +_Ibplsta~305 | 33.59301 5.543794 6.06 0.000 22.28637 44.89966 +_Ibplsta~306 | 29.55002 3.257535 9.07 0.000 22.90623 36.1938 +_Ibplsta~307 | 1.015638 4.120937 0.25 0.807 -7.389068 9.420345 +_Ibplsta~308 | 4.958234 5.935116 0.84 0.410 -7.146515 17.06298 +_Ibplsta~309 | 46.41787 4.87473 9.52 0.000 36.47579 56.35994 +_Ibplsta~310 | 2.645971 4.966173 0.53 0.598 -7.482605 12.77455 +_Ibplsta~311 | 15.4778 5.103136 3.03 0.005 5.069889 25.88572 +_Ibplsta~312 | -15.34688 4.804683 -3.19 0.003 -25.14609 -5.547662 +_Ibplsta~313 | 34.51549 4.554034 7.58 0.000 25.22747 43.8035 +_Ibplsta~314 | 13.91312 5.221341 2.66 0.012 3.264123 24.56211 +_Ibplsta~315 | 7.117665 5.9566 1.19 0.241 -5.0309 19.26623 +_Ibplsta~316 | 13.62559 5.935516 2.30 0.029 1.520021 25.73115 +_Ibplsta~317 | 25.88754 5.564428 4.65 0.000 14.53881 37.23627 +_Ibplsta~318 | 22.47814 4.163157 5.40 0.000 13.98733 30.96896 +_Ibplsta~319 | 36.59236 5.72899 6.39 0.000 24.90801 48.27671 +_Ibplsta~320 | -13.61375 5.073065 -2.68 0.012 -23.96034 -3.26717 +_Ibplsta~321 | 19.35172 4.656047 4.16 0.000 9.855653 28.84779 +_Ibplsta~322 | 15.9618 4.969082 3.21 0.003 5.827294 26.09631 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | 20.31593 4.440152 4.58 0.000 11.26018 29.37168 +_Ibplsta~325 | 15.41478 4.95994 3.11 0.004 5.298917 25.53065 +_Ibplsta~326 | 33.32003 4.494039 7.41 0.000 24.15437 42.48568 +_Ibplsta~327 | 27.25039 6.790033 4.01 0.000 13.40203 41.09875 +_Ibplsta~328 | 42.19556 4.868115 8.67 0.000 32.26698 52.12415 +_Ibplsta~329 | 19.52515 6.291515 3.10 0.004 6.693523 32.35678 +_Ibplsta~330 | 42.1197 4.847243 8.69 0.000 32.23368 52.00572 +_Ibplsta~331 | 63.71826 4.801123 13.27 0.000 53.9263 73.51021 +_Ibplsta~332 | -15.27387 5.666877 -2.70 0.011 -26.83154 -3.716201 +_IbplXyo~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | -.0189932 .0033494 -5.67 0.000 -.0258244 -.0121619 +_IbplXyo~302 | -.0148178 .0025779 -5.75 0.000 -.0200755 -.00956 +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | -.0090287 .0021799 -4.14 0.000 -.0134746 -.0045828 +_IbplXyo~305 | -.0144398 .0016239 -8.89 0.000 -.0177518 -.0111278 +_IbplXyo~306 | -.00431 .0023278 -1.85 0.074 -.0090577 .0004376 +_IbplXyo~307 | -.0069901 .002511 -2.78 0.009 -.0121113 -.0018689 +_IbplXyo~308 | -.0064815 .0015871 -4.08 0.000 -.0097184 -.0032446 +_IbplXyo~309 | -.0219564 .0017108 -12.83 0.000 -.0254455 -.0184672 +_IbplXyo~310 | -.0071754 .0016252 -4.42 0.000 -.01049 -.0038607 +_IbplXyo~311 | -.0102342 .0019719 -5.19 0.000 -.0142559 -.0062124 +_IbplXyo~312 | -.0058773 .0017303 -3.40 0.002 -.0094062 -.0023483 +_IbplXyo~313 | -.0067452 .0019687 -3.43 0.002 -.0107604 -.00273 +_IbplXyo~314 | -.011202 .0021076 -5.32 0.000 -.0155004 -.0069036 +_IbplXyo~315 | -.0055961 .0026296 -2.13 0.041 -.0109591 -.0002331 +_IbplXyo~316 | -.0118162 .0023667 -4.99 0.000 -.0166432 -.0069893 +_IbplXyo~317 | -.0096501 .0023422 -4.12 0.000 -.014427 -.0048732 +_IbplXyo~318 | -.0077978 .0020603 -3.78 0.001 -.0119999 -.0035958 +_IbplXyo~319 | -.0169185 .001875 -9.02 0.000 -.0207427 -.0130943 +_IbplXyo~320 | -.0041039 .0023375 -1.76 0.089 -.0088712 .0006634 +_IbplXyo~321 | -.0046711 .0028375 -1.65 0.110 -.0104583 .0011161 +_IbplXyo~322 | -.0062456 .0019787 -3.16 0.004 -.0102812 -.00221 +_IbplXyo~323 | -.0073285 .0031254 -2.34 0.026 -.0137028 -.0009543 +_IbplXyo~324 | -.0103542 .0019747 -5.24 0.000 -.0143816 -.0063268 +_IbplXyo~325 | -.0102182 .0017435 -5.86 0.000 -.013774 -.0066624 +_IbplXyo~326 | -.0032734 .0020318 -1.61 0.117 -.0074172 .0008704 +_IbplXyo~327 | -.0057411 .0027713 -2.07 0.047 -.0113932 -.000089 +_IbplXyo~328 | -.0125167 .0019873 -6.30 0.000 -.0165698 -.0084635 +_IbplXyo~329 | -.0004001 .0030449 -0.13 0.896 -.0066103 .0058101 +_IbplXyo~330 | -.0086083 .0018783 -4.58 0.000 -.0124392 -.0047775 +_IbplXyo~331 | -.0029722 .0021713 -1.37 0.181 -.0074006 .0014563 +_IbplXyo~332 | -.009888 .0017 -5.82 0.000 -.0133552 -.0064208 + _Iyear_1990 | 5.706657 .0295897 192.86 0.000 5.646309 5.767006 + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~301 | .0884948 .0010882 81.32 0.000 .0862754 .0907141 +_IbplXye~302 | .0940522 .0011698 80.40 0.000 .0916664 .0964379 +_IbplXye~303 | .0768996 .0010656 72.17 0.000 .0747263 .0790729 +_IbplXye~304 | .0576409 .0010858 53.09 0.000 .0554264 .0598553 +_IbplXye~305 | .0694751 .0009979 69.62 0.000 .0674399 .0715104 +_IbplXye~306 | .0616811 .0010609 58.14 0.000 .0595174 .0638447 +_IbplXye~307 | .0782352 .0010201 76.70 0.000 .0761547 .0803156 +_IbplXye~308 | .0761737 .001034 73.67 0.000 .0740648 .0782826 +_IbplXye~309 | .070639 .0011098 63.65 0.000 .0683755 .0729026 +_IbplXye~310 | .0779587 .0009882 78.89 0.000 .0759432 .0799741 +_IbplXye~311 | .074482 .0009784 76.13 0.000 .0724866 .0764774 +_IbplXye~312 | .0856133 .0010048 85.20 0.000 .0835639 .0876627 +_IbplXye~313 | .0613652 .0009824 62.46 0.000 .0593616 .0633688 +_IbplXye~314 | .0763006 .0009862 77.37 0.000 .0742893 .0783119 +_IbplXye~315 | .0741538 .0010379 71.45 0.000 .072037 .0762705 +_IbplXye~316 | .076966 .0009665 79.63 0.000 .0749948 .0789372 +_IbplXye~317 | .0686511 .0010612 64.69 0.000 .0664868 .0708155 +_IbplXye~318 | .0685959 .0010135 67.68 0.000 .0665289 .0706629 +_IbplXye~319 | .070491 .0010569 66.69 0.000 .0683354 .0726466 +_IbplXye~320 | .0828226 .0010289 80.49 0.000 .0807241 .0849211 +_IbplXye~321 | .0668852 .0009942 67.27 0.000 .0648575 .068913 +_IbplXye~322 | .0703572 .0009903 71.05 0.000 .0683375 .0723769 +_IbplXye~323 | .0794866 .0011604 68.50 0.000 .07712 .0818532 +_IbplXye~324 | .0720164 .0009972 72.22 0.000 .0699826 .0740503 +_IbplXye~325 | .0745779 .0010126 73.65 0.000 .0725127 .0766432 +_IbplXye~326 | .058804 .0010802 54.44 0.000 .0566009 .0610072 +_IbplXye~327 | .0639934 .0011108 57.61 0.000 .0617279 .0662588 +_IbplXye~328 | .0633001 .0010333 61.26 0.000 .0611928 .0654075 +_IbplXye~329 | .0626884 .0011456 54.72 0.000 .0603518 .0650249 +_IbplXye~330 | .0592976 .0010095 58.74 0.000 .0572387 .0613565 +_IbplXye~331 | .0428517 .0010382 41.28 0.000 .0407343 .044969 +_IbplXye~332 | .08954 .0009848 90.93 0.000 .0875316 .0915484 + _cons | -130.9228 6.140899 -21.32 0.000 -143.4473 -118.3984 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.bpls*year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.bplstate*year _IbplXyea_# (coded as above) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyea_276 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 33, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9972 + Adj R-squared = 0.9970 + Root MSE = .154 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1514541 .0603419 2.51 0.018 .0283861 .2745221 + dens | .0277129 .0148685 1.86 0.072 -.0026117 .0580375 + lnele | -.0115513 .0132798 -0.87 0.391 -.0386356 .0155329 + inmort | -.1606843 .0648994 -2.48 0.019 -.2930474 -.0283212 + ea | -.514426 2.169182 -0.24 0.814 -4.938502 3.90965 + eaag | -6.166958 1.86516 -3.31 0.002 -9.970977 -2.362939 + eaexin | -3.133296 2.058754 -1.52 0.138 -7.332152 1.065559 + eaintr | -5.7086 2.189617 -2.61 0.014 -10.17435 -1.242847 + eatran | -6.348125 4.041106 -1.57 0.126 -14.59001 1.893764 + easer | -8.605018 1.876068 -4.59 0.000 -12.43128 -4.778752 + eaoth | -6.406411 2.751057 -2.33 0.027 -12.01723 -.7955928 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | -12.02483 6.480125 -1.86 0.073 -25.24113 1.191474 +_Ibplsta~302 | -24.36542 3.635844 -6.70 0.000 -31.78077 -16.95006 +_Ibplsta~303 | -17.88521 4.508871 -3.97 0.000 -27.08111 -8.689308 +_Ibplsta~304 | 30.94807 3.171834 9.76 0.000 24.47907 37.41707 +_Ibplsta~305 | 14.83116 4.522397 3.28 0.003 5.607665 24.05465 +_Ibplsta~306 | 50.46882 2.706879 18.64 0.000 44.94811 55.98954 +_Ibplsta~307 | -22.21319 3.530041 -6.29 0.000 -29.41276 -15.01362 +_Ibplsta~308 | -2.77387 5.009605 -0.55 0.584 -12.99103 7.443286 +_Ibplsta~309 | 16.65448 4.215099 3.95 0.000 8.05773 25.25123 +_Ibplsta~310 | -10.88067 3.809089 -2.86 0.008 -18.64936 -3.111982 +_Ibplsta~311 | -13.10613 4.231329 -3.10 0.004 -21.73598 -4.476278 +_Ibplsta~312 | -13.42436 3.90146 -3.44 0.002 -21.38144 -5.467279 +_Ibplsta~313 | 8.674007 3.784772 2.29 0.029 .9549135 16.3931 +_Ibplsta~314 | 3.592411 4.164638 0.86 0.395 -4.901424 12.08625 +_Ibplsta~315 | -18.12292 4.962977 -3.65 0.001 -28.24497 -8.000857 +_Ibplsta~316 | 12.81279 4.895525 2.62 0.014 2.8283 22.79728 +_Ibplsta~317 | 13.13964 4.957171 2.65 0.013 3.029425 23.24986 +_Ibplsta~318 | 22.34568 3.412859 6.55 0.000 15.38511 29.30626 +_Ibplsta~319 | 25.50453 4.586671 5.56 0.000 16.14995 34.85911 +_Ibplsta~320 | -23.58432 4.459425 -5.29 0.000 -32.67937 -14.48926 +_Ibplsta~321 | 14.79969 3.697681 4.00 0.000 7.258218 22.34116 +_Ibplsta~322 | -22.62124 4.129603 -5.48 0.000 -31.04362 -14.19886 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | 4.984762 3.522772 1.42 0.167 -2.199979 12.1695 +_Ibplsta~325 | 8.623451 4.035777 2.14 0.041 .3924304 16.85447 +_Ibplsta~326 | 33.0975 3.540978 9.35 0.000 25.87563 40.31938 +_Ibplsta~327 | 21.87813 6.438563 3.40 0.002 8.746597 35.00967 +_Ibplsta~328 | 26.2926 4.071677 6.46 0.000 17.98836 34.59684 +_Ibplsta~329 | 16.07098 5.299983 3.03 0.005 5.261588 26.88036 +_Ibplsta~330 | 31.1961 3.882315 8.04 0.000 23.27806 39.11413 +_Ibplsta~331 | 50.34641 3.958836 12.72 0.000 42.27231 58.42051 +_Ibplsta~332 | -24.74588 4.845106 -5.11 0.000 -34.62754 -14.86422 +_IbplX~b_112 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_113 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_115 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_116 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_121 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_122 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_123 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_124 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_125 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_126 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_127 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_128 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_129 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_131 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_132 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_133 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_135 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_136 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_141 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_142 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_143 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_151 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_152 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_153 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_191 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_192 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_203 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_205 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_208 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_213 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_215 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_217 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_219 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_225 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_227 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_241 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_247 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_252 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_254 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_268 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_273 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_276 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_301 | -.0171529 .0033083 -5.18 0.000 -.0239001 -.0104056 +_IbplX~b_302 | -.0142692 .0022097 -6.46 0.000 -.0187758 -.0097625 +_IbplX~b_303 | (omitted) +_IbplX~b_304 | -.0074381 .0021379 -3.48 0.002 -.0117984 -.0030778 +_IbplX~b_305 | -.011866 .0015314 -7.75 0.000 -.0149893 -.0087426 +_IbplX~b_306 | -.0106579 .0021471 -4.96 0.000 -.0150368 -.0062789 +_IbplX~b_307 | -.0039139 .0023359 -1.68 0.104 -.008678 .0008502 +_IbplX~b_308 | -.0067348 .0014507 -4.64 0.000 -.0096935 -.003776 +_IbplX~b_309 | -.0178589 .001562 -11.43 0.000 -.0210446 -.0146732 +_IbplX~b_310 | -.0062403 .0014565 -4.28 0.000 -.0092109 -.0032697 +_IbplX~b_311 | -.0049888 .0018987 -2.63 0.013 -.0088612 -.0011164 +_IbplX~b_312 | -.0083655 .0016254 -5.15 0.000 -.0116805 -.0050504 +_IbplX~b_313 | -.0025552 .0018853 -1.36 0.185 -.0064003 .0012899 +_IbplX~b_314 | -.010892 .0018507 -5.89 0.000 -.0146665 -.0071175 +_IbplX~b_315 | -.0021478 .0022335 -0.96 0.344 -.006703 .0024075 +_IbplX~b_316 | -.0137623 .0020679 -6.66 0.000 -.0179799 -.0095447 +_IbplX~b_317 | -.0088069 .0022234 -3.96 0.000 -.0133415 -.0042724 +_IbplX~b_318 | -.0096376 .0019653 -4.90 0.000 -.0136459 -.0056293 +_IbplX~b_319 | -.0163186 .001704 -9.58 0.000 -.019794 -.0128432 +_IbplX~b_320 | -.0037357 .0021972 -1.70 0.099 -.0082169 .0007454 +_IbplX~b_321 | -.0055189 .0025579 -2.16 0.039 -.0107356 -.0003021 +_IbplX~b_322 | .0008185 .0018255 0.45 0.657 -.0029045 .0045416 +_IbplX~b_323 | -.0089578 .0028273 -3.17 0.003 -.0147242 -.0031914 +_IbplX~b_324 | -.0087025 .0018776 -4.63 0.000 -.0125319 -.0048731 +_IbplX~b_325 | -.0109338 .0016305 -6.71 0.000 -.0142593 -.0076083 +_IbplX~b_326 | -.0053618 .0018225 -2.94 0.006 -.0090789 -.0016447 +_IbplX~b_327 | -.006626 .0028275 -2.34 0.026 -.0123927 -.0008592 +_IbplX~b_328 | -.0107013 .0019313 -5.54 0.000 -.0146403 -.0067623 +_IbplX~b_329 | -.0010195 .0025887 -0.39 0.696 -.0062992 .0042602 +_IbplX~b_330 | -.0083369 .0017671 -4.72 0.000 -.011941 -.0047327 +_IbplX~b_331 | -.0016456 .0020383 -0.81 0.426 -.0058027 .0025115 +_IbplX~b_332 | -.0095492 .0015779 -6.05 0.000 -.0127673 -.006331 +_IbplXy~a112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | .0000962 .0000138 6.96 0.000 .000068 .0001244 +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | -7.12e-06 .0000107 -0.66 0.511 -.000029 .0000147 +_IbplXy~a304 | .0000806 .0000113 7.14 0.000 .0000576 .0001036 +_IbplXy~a305 | .0001197 .0000108 11.04 0.000 .0000976 .0001418 +_IbplXy~a306 | -.0004341 .000011 -39.41 0.000 -.0004565 -.0004116 +_IbplXy~a307 | .000201 .0000103 19.55 0.000 .0001801 .000222 +_IbplXy~a308 | -.0000249 .0000102 -2.43 0.021 -.0000458 -4.00e-06 +_IbplXy~a309 | .0003189 8.10e-06 39.34 0.000 .0003023 .0003354 +_IbplXy~a310 | .0000616 .0000122 5.03 0.000 .0000366 .0000865 +_IbplXy~a311 | .0002442 .0000117 20.86 0.000 .0002203 .0002681 +_IbplXy~a312 | -.0001616 .0000107 -15.10 0.000 -.0001834 -.0001398 +_IbplXy~a313 | .0002195 .0000112 19.53 0.000 .0001965 .0002424 +_IbplXy~a314 | .0000138 .000011 1.25 0.220 -8.69e-06 .0000364 +_IbplXy~a315 | .0002309 9.18e-06 25.16 0.000 .0002122 .0002496 +_IbplXy~a316 | -.000118 .0000115 -10.25 0.000 -.0001414 -.0000945 +_IbplXy~a317 | .0000475 9.90e-06 4.80 0.000 .0000273 .0000677 +_IbplXy~a318 | -.0001346 .000012 -11.23 0.000 -.000159 -.0001101 +_IbplXy~a319 | .0000193 9.91e-06 1.94 0.061 -9.51e-07 .0000395 +_IbplXy~a320 | 3.98e-06 .0000117 0.34 0.737 -.0000199 .0000279 +_IbplXy~a321 | -.0000732 .0000114 -6.39 0.000 -.0000966 -.0000499 +_IbplXy~a322 | .0004012 .0000118 33.89 0.000 .000377 .0004253 +_IbplXy~a323 | -.0001659 .0000141 -11.75 0.000 -.0001946 -.0001371 +_IbplXy~a324 | .0000758 .000012 6.32 0.000 .0000513 .0001003 +_IbplXy~a325 | -.0000294 9.89e-06 -2.97 0.006 -.0000496 -9.25e-06 +_IbplXy~a326 | -.0001226 .0000101 -12.17 0.000 -.0001431 -.000102 +_IbplXy~a327 | -.0000557 9.93e-06 -5.61 0.000 -.0000759 -.0000354 +_IbplXy~a328 | .0000827 .0000105 7.90 0.000 .0000613 .0001041 +_IbplXy~a329 | -.0001011 .0000109 -9.24 0.000 -.0001234 -.0000788 +_IbplXy~a330 | .0000278 .0000101 2.76 0.010 7.26e-06 .0000483 +_IbplXy~a331 | .0000436 .000011 3.94 0.000 .000021 .0000661 +_IbplXy~a332 | -7.28e-06 .0000116 -0.63 0.536 -.000031 .0000164 + _Iyear_1990 | 5.707184 .0294318 193.91 0.000 5.647158 5.767211 + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXye~301 | .0894058 .0011901 75.12 0.000 .0869785 .0918331 +_IbplXye~302 | .0931782 .0015481 60.19 0.000 .0900209 .0963355 +_IbplXye~303 | .0757916 .0012501 60.63 0.000 .073242 .0783412 +_IbplXye~304 | .0582669 .0012981 44.89 0.000 .0556194 .0609145 +_IbplXye~305 | .0707767 .0012039 58.79 0.000 .0683213 .0732321 +_IbplXye~306 | .0518758 .0012802 40.52 0.000 .0492648 .0544867 +_IbplXye~307 | .0812699 .0012663 64.18 0.000 .0786873 .0838524 +_IbplXye~308 | .0747217 .0012506 59.75 0.000 .0721711 .0772724 +_IbplXye~309 | .0759335 .0014261 53.25 0.000 .073025 .0788421 +_IbplXye~310 | .0782369 .0011592 67.49 0.000 .0758728 .080601 +_IbplXye~311 | .0780845 .0011552 67.59 0.000 .0757283 .0804406 +_IbplXye~312 | .0815206 .0012265 66.46 0.000 .0790191 .0840222 +_IbplXye~313 | .0646246 .0011859 54.49 0.000 .0622059 .0670433 +_IbplXye~314 | .0755907 .0011877 63.64 0.000 .0731684 .0780131 +_IbplXye~315 | .0778276 .0012616 61.69 0.000 .0752545 .0804006 +_IbplXye~316 | .0737108 .0011676 63.13 0.000 .0713295 .0760921 +_IbplXye~317 | .0686323 .0013028 52.68 0.000 .0659752 .0712893 +_IbplXye~318 | .0649019 .0012046 53.88 0.000 .0624452 .0673587 +_IbplXye~319 | .0698834 .0012961 53.92 0.000 .06724 .0725268 +_IbplXye~320 | .0818831 .0012497 65.52 0.000 .0793344 .0844319 +_IbplXye~321 | .0644282 .0012006 53.67 0.000 .0619796 .0668767 +_IbplXye~322 | .07717 .0011812 65.33 0.000 .074761 .079579 +_IbplXye~323 | .0755161 .0016158 46.74 0.000 .0722206 .0788115 +_IbplXye~324 | .0725027 .0011841 61.23 0.000 .0700876 .0749177 +_IbplXye~325 | .0731023 .0012328 59.30 0.000 .070588 .0756166 +_IbplXye~326 | .0553886 .0013064 42.40 0.000 .0527241 .0580531 +_IbplXye~327 | .0619758 .0013401 46.25 0.000 .0592425 .064709 +_IbplXye~328 | .0639131 .0012686 50.38 0.000 .0613259 .0665004 +_IbplXye~329 | .059467 .0013099 45.40 0.000 .0567955 .0621385 +_IbplXye~330 | .0589223 .0012498 47.14 0.000 .0563733 .0614713 +_IbplXye~331 | .0426799 .0012998 32.84 0.000 .0400289 .0453309 +_IbplXye~332 | .0883838 .0011513 76.77 0.000 .0860357 .090732 + _cons | -120.2334 5.66616 -21.22 0.000 -131.7896 -108.6771 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (71 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, ALLOW FOR BPL x TIME EFFECTS + +19:41:38 on 1 Feb 2010 + +ALLOW FOR BPL x TIME EFFECTS + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 2965 2965 2965 2965 2965 2965 +Depvar: incearn incearn incearn incearn incearn incearn +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.1370* 0.0129 0.0218 0.1464* 0.1464~ 0.1515~ + (0.0347) (0.0570) (0.0526) (0.0248) (0.0630) (0.0603) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. +. +. +. preserve + +. drop if year<1970 +(981 observations deleted) + +. local meanrev "dens lnele" + +. local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" + +. xi i.bpls i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1990-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1990 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 1984 + F( 31, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9980 + Adj R-squared = 0.9979 + Root MSE = .1165 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1041689 .0421159 2.47 0.019 .0182729 .1900649 + dens | -.018383 .012243 -1.50 0.143 -.0433527 .0065868 + lnele | .0041757 .012916 0.32 0.749 -.0221667 .0305181 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | -.40937 .0455991 -8.98 0.000 -.5023699 -.3163701 +_Ibplsta~302 | .2132379 .0645393 3.30 0.002 .0816091 .3448667 +_Ibplsta~303 | -.1884417 .0748268 -2.52 0.017 -.3410519 -.0358314 +_Ibplsta~304 | -.7032194 .0708748 -9.92 0.000 -.8477695 -.5586693 +_Ibplsta~305 | -.4220225 .0570121 -7.40 0.000 -.5382995 -.3057456 +_Ibplsta~306 | -.3790308 .0553064 -6.85 0.000 -.4918289 -.2662327 +_Ibplsta~307 | -1.141934 .06288 -18.16 0.000 -1.270178 -1.013689 +_Ibplsta~308 | -.2474008 .060616 -4.08 0.000 -.3710278 -.1237737 +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | -.396905 .0567291 -7.00 0.000 -.5126048 -.2812051 +_Ibplsta~311 | -.3633414 .0400211 -9.08 0.000 -.4449649 -.2817179 +_Ibplsta~312 | -.6007516 .0529823 -11.34 0.000 -.7088097 -.4926935 +_Ibplsta~313 | -.7349489 .041546 -17.69 0.000 -.8196825 -.6502152 +_Ibplsta~314 | -.2616436 .0443245 -5.90 0.000 -.3520439 -.1712433 +_Ibplsta~315 | -.4588506 .0342215 -13.41 0.000 -.5286458 -.3890554 +_Ibplsta~316 | -.3936974 .0441469 -8.92 0.000 -.4837355 -.3036592 +_Ibplsta~317 | -.5138346 .041835 -12.28 0.000 -.5991578 -.4285115 +_Ibplsta~318 | -.4370651 .0566017 -7.72 0.000 -.5525049 -.3216252 +_Ibplsta~319 | -.2335627 .0494161 -4.73 0.000 -.3343475 -.1327779 +_Ibplsta~320 | -.9565006 .0702794 -13.61 0.000 -1.099836 -.8131649 +_Ibplsta~321 | -.8423356 .0463464 -18.17 0.000 -.9368597 -.7478114 +_Ibplsta~322 | -.4080642 .0474668 -8.60 0.000 -.5048733 -.311255 +_Ibplsta~323 | -.5574559 .0893786 -6.24 0.000 -.7397446 -.3751671 +_Ibplsta~324 | -.7081923 .0511458 -13.85 0.000 -.8125048 -.6038798 +_Ibplsta~325 | -.2919811 .0502987 -5.80 0.000 -.3945659 -.1893963 +_Ibplsta~326 | -.328151 .0630563 -5.20 0.000 -.4567551 -.199547 +_Ibplsta~327 | -.8497611 .0665653 -12.77 0.000 -.985522 -.7140002 +_Ibplsta~328 | -.355379 .05166 -6.88 0.000 -.4607402 -.2500178 +_Ibplsta~329 | -.7102876 .0529688 -13.41 0.000 -.8183182 -.602257 +_Ibplsta~330 | -.8502904 .0483142 -17.60 0.000 -.9488278 -.751753 +_Ibplsta~331 | -.9971302 .0510685 -19.53 0.000 -1.101285 -.8929752 +_Ibplsta~332 | -.4994672 .0518788 -9.63 0.000 -.6052748 -.3936596 + _Iyear_2000 | -4.991936 .0301741 -165.44 0.000 -5.053477 -4.930396 + _cons | 13.75631 .1224389 112.35 0.000 13.5066 14.00603 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (41 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1990-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1990 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_323 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 1984 + F( 31, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9982 + Adj R-squared = 0.9980 + Root MSE = .11081 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0206758 .0329548 0.63 0.535 -.0465359 .0878875 + dens | -.0201986 .0102003 -1.98 0.057 -.0410022 .000605 + lnele | .0222773 .0127018 1.75 0.089 -.0036283 .0481828 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | -17.13128 2.630381 -6.51 0.000 -22.49598 -11.76659 +_Ibplsta~302 | -19.7918 1.809379 -10.94 0.000 -23.48205 -16.10154 +_Ibplsta~303 | -23.98823 1.558424 -15.39 0.000 -27.16666 -20.80981 +_Ibplsta~304 | -14.57916 1.047311 -13.92 0.000 -16.71517 -12.44315 +_Ibplsta~305 | -19.36889 3.130364 -6.19 0.000 -25.75331 -12.98447 +_Ibplsta~306 | -9.379078 2.040881 -4.60 0.000 -13.54148 -5.216673 +_Ibplsta~307 | -31.45176 2.815257 -11.17 0.000 -37.19351 -25.71 +_Ibplsta~308 | -21.2517 3.336381 -6.37 0.000 -28.05629 -14.44711 +_Ibplsta~309 | -10.53397 5.606204 -1.88 0.070 -21.9679 .8999595 +_Ibplsta~310 | -23.92052 3.389803 -7.06 0.000 -30.83407 -17.00697 +_Ibplsta~311 | -31.38112 3.08741 -10.16 0.000 -37.67794 -25.08431 +_Ibplsta~312 | -20.50544 2.838284 -7.22 0.000 -26.29415 -14.71672 +_Ibplsta~313 | -26.24794 3.201217 -8.20 0.000 -32.77687 -19.71902 +_Ibplsta~314 | -14.31997 4.00254 -3.58 0.001 -22.48321 -6.156738 +_Ibplsta~315 | -25.70478 4.445638 -5.78 0.000 -34.77172 -16.63784 +_Ibplsta~316 | -7.996446 4.121095 -1.94 0.061 -16.40147 .4085828 +_Ibplsta~317 | -17.26502 3.084062 -5.60 0.000 -23.55501 -10.97504 +_Ibplsta~318 | -11.88401 1.864496 -6.37 0.000 -15.68668 -8.081345 +_Ibplsta~319 | -11.78896 3.563435 -3.31 0.002 -19.05664 -4.52129 +_Ibplsta~320 | -32.17922 3.506138 -9.18 0.000 -39.33003 -25.0284 +_Ibplsta~321 | -19.74476 4.802499 -4.11 0.000 -29.53952 -9.95 +_Ibplsta~322 | -37.50795 2.536142 -14.79 0.000 -42.68044 -32.33545 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | -20.13981 3.203379 -6.29 0.000 -26.67314 -13.60647 +_Ibplsta~325 | -11.55285 2.940134 -3.93 0.000 -17.54929 -5.556409 +_Ibplsta~326 | -12.19145 3.250746 -3.75 0.001 -18.82139 -5.561513 +_Ibplsta~327 | -18.67265 2.396819 -7.79 0.000 -23.561 -13.78431 +_Ibplsta~328 | -19.2533 3.095712 -6.22 0.000 -25.56705 -12.93956 +_Ibplsta~329 | -27.89848 2.57894 -10.82 0.000 -33.15827 -22.6387 +_Ibplsta~330 | -15.38884 4.358106 -3.53 0.001 -24.27725 -6.500422 +_Ibplsta~331 | -24.24028 2.567205 -9.44 0.000 -29.47613 -19.00443 +_Ibplsta~332 | -19.18401 2.860982 -6.71 0.000 -25.01902 -13.349 +_IbplXyo~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | .0087961 .0013644 6.45 0.000 .0060134 .0115787 +_IbplXyo~302 | .0104729 .000938 11.16 0.000 .0085598 .012386 +_IbplXyo~303 | .0124113 .0008085 15.35 0.000 .0107623 .0140603 +_IbplXyo~304 | .0073568 .0005439 13.52 0.000 .0062474 .0084661 +_IbplXyo~305 | .0099176 .0016234 6.11 0.000 .0066067 .0132286 +_IbplXyo~306 | .0048651 .0010588 4.60 0.000 .0027057 .0070244 +_IbplXyo~307 | .0157695 .0014603 10.80 0.000 .0127912 .0187479 +_IbplXyo~308 | .0109659 .0017301 6.34 0.000 .0074373 .0144945 +_IbplXyo~309 | .0056158 .0029073 1.93 0.063 -.0003137 .0115454 +_IbplXyo~310 | .0122553 .0017578 6.97 0.000 .0086704 .0158403 +_IbplXyo~311 | .0161003 .0016012 10.06 0.000 .0128346 .019366 +_IbplXyo~312 | .0104328 .0014724 7.09 0.000 .0074299 .0134357 +_IbplXyo~313 | .013291 .0016603 8.00 0.000 .0099047 .0166773 +_IbplXyo~314 | .0074151 .0020755 3.57 0.001 .0031822 .0116481 +_IbplXyo~315 | .0131293 .0023054 5.69 0.000 .0084274 .0178313 +_IbplXyo~316 | .0041157 .0021368 1.93 0.063 -.0002423 .0084737 +_IbplXyo~317 | .0088203 .0015996 5.51 0.000 .0055578 .0120828 +_IbplXyo~318 | .0061083 .0009676 6.31 0.000 .0041349 .0080817 +_IbplXyo~319 | .0061387 .0018479 3.32 0.002 .0023698 .0099075 +_IbplXyo~320 | .0162493 .0018184 8.94 0.000 .0125407 .019958 +_IbplXyo~321 | .0099065 .0024902 3.98 0.000 .0048277 .0149853 +_IbplXyo~322 | .0192157 .0013157 14.61 0.000 .0165324 .021899 +_IbplXyo~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~324 | .0101818 .0016614 6.13 0.000 .0067933 .0135703 +_IbplXyo~325 | .0059977 .0015249 3.93 0.000 .0028876 .0091078 +_IbplXyo~326 | .0062965 .0016858 3.74 0.001 .0028583 .0097347 +_IbplXyo~327 | .0094004 .0012433 7.56 0.000 .0068647 .0119362 +_IbplXyo~328 | .0098964 .0016055 6.16 0.000 .0066219 .0131709 +_IbplXyo~329 | .0141609 .0013375 10.59 0.000 .011433 .0168888 +_IbplXyo~330 | .0076769 .0022599 3.40 0.002 .0030677 .0122861 +_IbplXyo~331 | .0121294 .0013317 9.11 0.000 .0094134 .0148455 +_IbplXyo~332 | .00979 .0014839 6.60 0.000 .0067635 .0128165 + _Iyear_2000 | -4.991616 .030449 -163.93 0.000 -5.053717 -4.929514 + _cons | 13.14933 .0633748 207.49 0.000 13.02008 13.27859 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (41 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1990-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1990 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba323 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 1984 + F( 32, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9982 + Adj R-squared = 0.9980 + Root MSE = .10987 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1102788 .1442431 0.76 0.450 -.183907 .4044646 + dens | -.0605196 .020728 -2.92 0.006 -.1027946 -.0182445 + lnele | .048496 .0375169 1.29 0.206 -.0280203 .1250122 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | -13.82994 3.780771 -3.66 0.001 -21.54087 -6.119002 +_Ibplsta~302 | -17.03992 2.920564 -5.83 0.000 -22.99645 -11.08339 +_Ibplsta~303 | -26.7959 2.93519 -9.13 0.000 -32.78226 -20.80954 +_Ibplsta~304 | -8.708323 1.756241 -4.96 0.000 -12.2902 -5.126447 +_Ibplsta~305 | -12.12786 5.458031 -2.22 0.034 -23.25959 -.9961312 +_Ibplsta~306 | -8.778226 2.7981 -3.14 0.004 -14.48499 -3.071462 +_Ibplsta~307 | -27.06177 5.971299 -4.53 0.000 -39.24031 -14.88323 +_Ibplsta~308 | -16.26306 5.971723 -2.72 0.011 -28.44247 -4.083653 +_Ibplsta~309 | -13.02574 8.011139 -1.63 0.114 -29.36456 3.313086 +_Ibplsta~310 | -20.66255 5.947877 -3.47 0.002 -32.79333 -8.531773 +_Ibplsta~311 | -32.39612 4.501575 -7.20 0.000 -41.57714 -23.2151 +_Ibplsta~312 | -16.22582 5.099457 -3.18 0.003 -26.62623 -5.825407 +_Ibplsta~313 | -27.53735 4.962231 -5.55 0.000 -37.65789 -17.41682 +_Ibplsta~314 | -11.75559 6.675892 -1.76 0.088 -25.37116 1.859984 +_Ibplsta~315 | -27.55337 7.175521 -3.84 0.001 -42.18794 -12.9188 +_Ibplsta~316 | -6.185157 6.903611 -0.90 0.377 -20.26516 7.89485 +_Ibplsta~317 | -16.60123 4.645125 -3.57 0.001 -26.07502 -7.127433 +_Ibplsta~318 | -8.850248 2.74499 -3.22 0.003 -14.44869 -3.251805 +_Ibplsta~319 | -5.331986 6.033452 -0.88 0.384 -17.63729 6.973321 +_Ibplsta~320 | -26.95048 8.228528 -3.28 0.003 -43.73268 -10.16829 +_Ibplsta~321 | -17.30716 8.84191 -1.96 0.059 -35.34035 .7260365 +_Ibplsta~322 | -39.87879 3.713767 -10.74 0.000 -47.45307 -32.30451 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | -18.0306 5.686416 -3.17 0.003 -29.62813 -6.433082 +_Ibplsta~325 | -11.15521 4.861764 -2.29 0.029 -21.07085 -1.23958 +_Ibplsta~326 | -8.805895 5.917745 -1.49 0.147 -20.87522 3.263426 +_Ibplsta~327 | -18.3211 4.946158 -3.70 0.001 -28.40885 -8.233342 +_Ibplsta~328 | -14.21672 5.217998 -2.72 0.010 -24.8589 -3.574544 +_Ibplsta~329 | -32.54835 3.629185 -8.97 0.000 -39.95012 -25.14658 +_Ibplsta~330 | -11.5262 8.03499 -1.43 0.161 -27.91367 4.861272 +_Ibplsta~331 | -23.08143 4.087843 -5.65 0.000 -31.41864 -14.74422 +_Ibplsta~332 | -17.59572 4.740703 -3.71 0.001 -27.26445 -7.926993 +_IbplXy~_112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_301 | .0071935 .0019804 3.63 0.001 .0031545 .0112326 +_IbplXy~_302 | .0091028 .0015295 5.95 0.000 .0059834 .0122222 +_IbplXy~_303 | .0138285 .0015375 8.99 0.000 .0106927 .0169643 +_IbplXy~_304 | .0044016 .00092 4.78 0.000 .0025253 .006278 +_IbplXy~_305 | .0062447 .002859 2.18 0.037 .0004138 .0120757 +_IbplXy~_306 | .0046391 .0014656 3.17 0.003 .00165 .0076282 +_IbplXy~_307 | .0135461 .0031274 4.33 0.000 .0071677 .0199246 +_IbplXy~_308 | .0084225 .0031278 2.69 0.011 .0020434 .0148017 +_IbplXy~_309 | .0070108 .0041966 1.67 0.105 -.0015482 .0155699 +_IbplXy~_310 | .0105994 .0031153 3.40 0.002 .0042458 .016953 +_IbplXy~_311 | .0166863 .0023582 7.08 0.000 .0118767 .0214959 +_IbplXy~_312 | .0082817 .002671 3.10 0.004 .0028343 .0137292 +_IbplXy~_313 | .0140011 .002599 5.39 0.000 .0087004 .0193018 +_IbplXy~_314 | .0061366 .0034966 1.76 0.089 -.0009947 .0132679 +_IbplXy~_315 | .0141111 .0037585 3.75 0.001 .0064456 .0217765 +_IbplXy~_316 | .0032174 .0036156 0.89 0.380 -.0041567 .0105916 +_IbplXy~_317 | .0085512 .0024328 3.51 0.001 .0035894 .013513 +_IbplXy~_318 | .0046226 .0014382 3.21 0.003 .0016894 .0075559 +_IbplXy~_319 | .0028784 .0031603 0.91 0.369 -.0035671 .0093239 +_IbplXy~_320 | .0135785 .0043092 3.15 0.004 .0047897 .0223672 +_IbplXy~_321 | .0086719 .0046308 1.87 0.071 -.0007726 .0181164 +_IbplXy~_322 | .0204824 .0019455 10.53 0.000 .0165146 .0244502 +_IbplXy~_323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_324 | .0091253 .0029783 3.06 0.004 .003051 .0151997 +_IbplXy~_325 | .0058217 .0025469 2.29 0.029 .0006271 .0110162 +_IbplXy~_326 | .0045607 .0030995 1.47 0.151 -.0017608 .0108822 +_IbplXy~_327 | .009248 .0025907 3.57 0.001 .0039643 .0145317 +_IbplXy~_328 | .0073591 .0027332 2.69 0.011 .0017847 .0129335 +_IbplXy~_329 | .0166402 .0019003 8.76 0.000 .0127645 .0205159 +_IbplXy~_330 | .0057171 .0042084 1.36 0.184 -.0028659 .0143002 +_IbplXy~_331 | .0115812 .0021408 5.41 0.000 .0072151 .0159474 +_IbplXy~_332 | .0090096 .0024831 3.63 0.001 .0039452 .0140739 +_IbplXy~a112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | -.0006671 .0001237 -5.39 0.000 -.0009193 -.0004149 +_IbplXy~a302 | -.0003678 .0000923 -3.98 0.000 -.0005561 -.0001795 +_IbplXy~a303 | .0001889 .000096 1.97 0.058 -6.95e-06 .0003848 +_IbplXy~a304 | -.0005492 .0000586 -9.37 0.000 -.0006687 -.0004297 +_IbplXy~a305 | -.0004919 .0001785 -2.76 0.010 -.0008559 -.0001278 +_IbplXy~a306 | -.0005346 .0000915 -5.85 0.000 -.0007212 -.0003481 +_IbplXy~a307 | -.0003363 .0001944 -1.73 0.094 -.0007328 .0000602 +_IbplXy~a308 | -.0002768 .0001944 -1.42 0.164 -.0006733 .0001197 +_IbplXy~a309 | -.0006512 .0002644 -2.46 0.020 -.0011905 -.000112 +_IbplXy~a310 | -.0002247 .0001934 -1.16 0.254 -.0006192 .0001698 +_IbplXy~a311 | -.0003859 .0001484 -2.60 0.014 -.0006886 -.0000832 +_IbplXy~a312 | -.0004226 .0001667 -2.53 0.017 -.0007626 -.0000826 +_IbplXy~a313 | -.0002809 .000162 -1.73 0.093 -.0006113 .0000495 +_IbplXy~a314 | -.0003272 .000217 -1.51 0.142 -.0007698 .0001153 +_IbplXy~a315 | -.000161 .0002343 -0.69 0.497 -.0006389 .0003168 +_IbplXy~a316 | -.0002703 .0002237 -1.21 0.236 -.0007266 .000186 +_IbplXy~a317 | -.0004746 .0001511 -3.14 0.004 -.0007828 -.0001663 +_IbplXy~a318 | -.0005343 .0000916 -5.83 0.000 -.0007211 -.0003474 +_IbplXy~a319 | -.0005384 .000197 -2.73 0.010 -.0009403 -.0001365 +_IbplXy~a320 | -.0002592 .000267 -0.97 0.339 -.0008037 .0002853 +_IbplXy~a321 | -.0001989 .0002867 -0.69 0.493 -.0007836 .0003859 +_IbplXy~a322 | -.0002596 .0001229 -2.11 0.043 -.0005102 -9.01e-06 +_IbplXy~a323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a324 | -.0002487 .0001854 -1.34 0.190 -.0006268 .0001295 +_IbplXy~a325 | -.0002108 .0001601 -1.32 0.198 -.0005374 .0001158 +_IbplXy~a326 | -.000137 .000193 -0.71 0.483 -.0005305 .0002566 +_IbplXy~a327 | -.0002032 .0001616 -1.26 0.218 -.0005327 .0001264 +_IbplXy~a328 | -.0004595 .0001706 -2.69 0.011 -.0008075 -.0001115 +_IbplXy~a329 | -.0004384 .0001169 -3.75 0.001 -.0006768 -.0002001 +_IbplXy~a330 | -.0002775 .0002615 -1.06 0.297 -.0008108 .0002559 +_IbplXy~a331 | -.0003383 .0001328 -2.55 0.016 -.0006091 -.0000675 +_IbplXy~a332 | -.0002844 .0001553 -1.83 0.077 -.0006012 .0000324 + _Iyear_2000 | -4.991495 .0307306 -162.43 0.000 -5.054171 -4.92882 + _cons | 12.98179 .1990507 65.22 0.000 12.57582 13.38776 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (41 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1990-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1990 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_309 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 1984 + F( 31, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9980 + Adj R-squared = 0.9979 + Root MSE = .11461 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1288736 .0473084 2.72 0.010 .0323874 .2253598 + dens | -.0067901 .0136808 -0.50 0.623 -.0346922 .0211121 + lnele | -.0150121 .0115378 -1.30 0.203 -.0385437 .0085194 + inmort | .1120887 .0626882 1.79 0.084 -.0157648 .2399422 + ea | .8022948 1.614943 0.50 0.623 -2.491403 4.095993 + eaag | -2.532415 1.304803 -1.94 0.061 -5.193579 .1287488 + eaexin | .8979381 1.527495 0.59 0.561 -2.217409 4.013285 + eaintr | -2.039888 1.52063 -1.34 0.190 -5.141234 1.061458 + eatran | -5.578091 3.029567 -1.84 0.075 -11.75693 .6007501 + easer | -4.2116 1.536427 -2.74 0.010 -7.345164 -1.078035 + eaoth | -2.44109 1.811616 -1.35 0.188 -6.135905 1.253725 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | -.4261644 .0364374 -11.70 0.000 -.5004791 -.3518497 +_Ibplsta~302 | .207955 .0461398 4.51 0.000 .1138523 .3020577 +_Ibplsta~303 | -.2542624 .056132 -4.53 0.000 -.3687444 -.1397805 +_Ibplsta~304 | -.6969318 .0367805 -18.95 0.000 -.7719461 -.6219176 +_Ibplsta~305 | -.5408596 .0217243 -24.90 0.000 -.5851666 -.4965527 +_Ibplsta~306 | -.3672427 .0367413 -10.00 0.000 -.442177 -.2923084 +_Ibplsta~307 | -1.187898 .0313575 -37.88 0.000 -1.251852 -1.123944 +_Ibplsta~308 | -.338095 .0261219 -12.94 0.000 -.391371 -.2848191 +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | -.4207811 .0376721 -11.17 0.000 -.4976138 -.3439484 +_Ibplsta~311 | -.5179808 .0247486 -20.93 0.000 -.5684559 -.4675057 +_Ibplsta~312 | -.6242176 .0324793 -19.22 0.000 -.6904596 -.5579756 +_Ibplsta~313 | -.868678 .0266777 -32.56 0.000 -.9230875 -.8142684 +_Ibplsta~314 | -.3180948 .023682 -13.43 0.000 -.3663945 -.2697951 +_Ibplsta~315 | -.5520003 .0339005 -16.28 0.000 -.6211407 -.4828598 +_Ibplsta~316 | -.4412633 .0427315 -10.33 0.000 -.5284147 -.3541119 +_Ibplsta~317 | -.5614452 .0331552 -16.93 0.000 -.6290657 -.4938247 +_Ibplsta~318 | -.4863544 .0265578 -18.31 0.000 -.5405194 -.4321895 +_Ibplsta~319 | -.2985405 .0259764 -11.49 0.000 -.3515197 -.2455613 +_Ibplsta~320 | -1.056151 .026471 -39.90 0.000 -1.110139 -1.002163 +_Ibplsta~321 | -.9396969 .0301717 -31.15 0.000 -1.001232 -.8781613 +_Ibplsta~322 | -.5074353 .0267072 -19.00 0.000 -.561905 -.4529657 +_Ibplsta~323 | -.4507135 .0890667 -5.06 0.000 -.6323664 -.2690607 +_Ibplsta~324 | -.7968393 .0182275 -43.72 0.000 -.8340145 -.759664 +_Ibplsta~325 | -.2735626 .0269211 -10.16 0.000 -.3284686 -.2186566 +_Ibplsta~326 | -.3239061 .0297655 -10.88 0.000 -.3846133 -.2631989 +_Ibplsta~327 | -.8701619 .0439493 -19.80 0.000 -.9597972 -.7805267 +_Ibplsta~328 | -.4389098 .0247994 -17.70 0.000 -.4894885 -.3883311 +_Ibplsta~329 | -.8358562 .0367586 -22.74 0.000 -.910826 -.7608865 +_Ibplsta~330 | -.8692829 .0252907 -34.37 0.000 -.9208636 -.8177023 +_Ibplsta~331 | -1.071487 .0229794 -46.63 0.000 -1.118354 -1.02462 +_Ibplsta~332 | -.6344169 .0316661 -20.03 0.000 -.6990003 -.5698335 + _Iyear_2000 | -4.991984 .0302358 -165.10 0.000 -5.05365 -4.930317 + _cons | 15.15133 1.38179 10.97 0.000 12.33316 17.96951 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (41 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1990-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1990 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_323 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 1984 + F( 32, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9982 + Adj R-squared = 0.9981 + Root MSE = .11028 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1037515 .0415633 2.50 0.018 .0189826 .1885205 + dens | .0006623 .0129314 0.05 0.959 -.0257115 .0270361 + lnele | .0038464 .0081055 0.47 0.638 -.0126849 .0203776 + inmort | -.1927218 .0601823 -3.20 0.003 -.3154644 -.0699791 + ea | .7249737 1.312863 0.55 0.585 -1.952627 3.402575 + eaag | -2.883595 1.219866 -2.36 0.025 -5.371529 -.3956608 + eaexin | -1.706251 1.456056 -1.17 0.250 -4.675896 1.263394 + eaintr | -2.776059 1.484518 -1.87 0.071 -5.803754 .2516362 + eatran | -.9349138 2.290712 -0.41 0.686 -5.606851 3.737023 + easer | -4.687125 1.560748 -3.00 0.005 -7.870293 -1.503958 + eaoth | -1.74098 1.597423 -1.09 0.284 -4.998946 1.516985 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | -3.26688 6.036066 -0.54 0.592 -15.57752 9.043759 +_Ibplsta~302 | -10.98278 4.269111 -2.57 0.015 -19.68969 -2.275873 +_Ibplsta~303 | -25.1498 5.828418 -4.32 0.000 -37.03693 -13.26266 +_Ibplsta~304 | -.6355224 4.055768 -0.16 0.877 -8.907315 7.63627 +_Ibplsta~305 | -7.47495 6.522769 -1.15 0.261 -20.77822 5.828324 +_Ibplsta~306 | -4.050578 3.237483 -1.25 0.220 -10.65347 2.552313 +_Ibplsta~307 | -23.57481 4.915098 -4.80 0.000 -33.59921 -13.5504 +_Ibplsta~308 | -15.71286 6.627584 -2.37 0.024 -29.22991 -2.195811 +_Ibplsta~309 | -.6870217 5.452794 -0.13 0.901 -11.80807 10.43403 +_Ibplsta~310 | -18.17568 5.099147 -3.56 0.001 -28.57545 -7.775898 +_Ibplsta~311 | -25.03393 5.862331 -4.27 0.000 -36.99024 -13.07763 +_Ibplsta~312 | -14.68683 5.267857 -2.79 0.009 -25.43069 -3.942961 +_Ibplsta~313 | -21.07406 5.459047 -3.86 0.001 -32.20786 -9.94026 +_Ibplsta~314 | -8.60231 5.615917 -1.53 0.136 -20.05605 2.851429 +_Ibplsta~315 | -26.15754 6.07239 -4.31 0.000 -38.54226 -13.77282 +_Ibplsta~316 | -1.868055 5.887068 -0.32 0.753 -13.87481 10.1387 +_Ibplsta~317 | -7.537918 6.24185 -1.21 0.236 -20.26826 5.192419 +_Ibplsta~318 | -3.874619 4.668178 -0.83 0.413 -13.39543 5.646191 +_Ibplsta~319 | 5.006456 6.9341 0.72 0.476 -9.135733 19.14865 +_Ibplsta~320 | -26.1836 6.147559 -4.26 0.000 -38.72163 -13.64557 +_Ibplsta~321 | -14.67128 5.657384 -2.59 0.014 -26.20959 -3.132969 +_Ibplsta~322 | -32.0925 5.351578 -6.00 0.000 -43.00712 -21.17789 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | -10.53079 5.665113 -1.86 0.073 -22.08486 1.023288 +_Ibplsta~325 | -1.591031 5.358977 -0.30 0.769 -12.52074 9.338674 +_Ibplsta~326 | -4.47649 5.203424 -0.86 0.396 -15.08894 6.135962 +_Ibplsta~327 | -8.753009 6.9361 -1.26 0.216 -22.89928 5.393261 +_Ibplsta~328 | -4.257754 6.156887 -0.69 0.494 -16.81481 8.2993 +_Ibplsta~329 | -22.58554 5.533591 -4.08 0.000 -33.87137 -11.2997 +_Ibplsta~330 | -2.045726 6.341147 -0.32 0.749 -14.97858 10.88713 +_Ibplsta~331 | -11.85462 5.53955 -2.14 0.040 -23.15261 -.5566332 +_Ibplsta~332 | -17.33708 6.080235 -2.85 0.008 -29.73781 -4.936363 +_IbplXyo~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | .0016079 .0031302 0.51 0.611 -.0047763 .007992 +_IbplXyo~302 | .0059036 .002214 2.67 0.012 .001388 .0104192 +_IbplXyo~303 | .0130097 .0030221 4.30 0.000 .0068461 .0191733 +_IbplXyo~304 | .0001268 .0021041 0.06 0.952 -.0041646 .0044182 +_IbplXyo~305 | .0037509 .0033825 1.11 0.276 -.0031477 .0106495 +_IbplXyo~306 | .0021003 .0016799 1.25 0.221 -.0013258 .0055264 +_IbplXyo~307 | .011684 .0025496 4.58 0.000 .0064841 .0168839 +_IbplXyo~308 | .0080919 .0034368 2.35 0.025 .0010824 .0151014 +_IbplXyo~309 | .0005088 .0028282 0.18 0.858 -.0052594 .0062769 +_IbplXyo~310 | .0092742 .0026449 3.51 0.001 .0038799 .0146685 +_IbplXyo~311 | .0128072 .0030402 4.21 0.000 .0066066 .0190078 +_IbplXyo~312 | .0074139 .0027323 2.71 0.011 .0018412 .0129865 +_IbplXyo~313 | .0106059 .0028315 3.75 0.001 .0048311 .0163807 +_IbplXyo~314 | .0044485 .0029127 1.53 0.137 -.0014921 .010389 +_IbplXyo~315 | .013362 .0031494 4.24 0.000 .0069387 .0197852 +_IbplXyo~316 | .000936 .0030532 0.31 0.761 -.005291 .007163 +_IbplXyo~317 | .0037756 .0032373 1.17 0.252 -.0028269 .0103781 +_IbplXyo~318 | .0019542 .0024216 0.81 0.426 -.0029847 .006893 +_IbplXyo~319 | -.0025691 .0035959 -0.71 0.480 -.0099029 .0047647 +_IbplXyo~320 | .013139 .0031885 4.12 0.000 .006636 .019642 +_IbplXyo~321 | .0072738 .0029342 2.48 0.019 .0012894 .0132582 +_IbplXyo~322 | .0164055 .0027757 5.91 0.000 .0107444 .0220666 +_IbplXyo~323 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~324 | .005199 .0029382 1.77 0.087 -.0007936 .0111916 +_IbplXyo~325 | .000832 .0027794 0.30 0.767 -.0048367 .0065007 +_IbplXyo~326 | .0022949 .002699 0.85 0.402 -.0032096 .0077995 +_IbplXyo~327 | .0042561 .0035969 1.18 0.246 -.0030798 .0115921 +_IbplXyo~328 | .0021218 .0031931 0.66 0.511 -.0043905 .0086341 +_IbplXyo~329 | .0114043 .00287 3.97 0.000 .0055509 .0172577 +_IbplXyo~330 | .0007584 .0032887 0.23 0.819 -.0059489 .0074657 +_IbplXyo~331 | .0057068 .0028732 1.99 0.056 -.0001531 .0115668 +_IbplXyo~332 | .0088279 .0031532 2.80 0.009 .002397 .0152588 + _Iyear_2000 | -4.991511 .0305364 -163.46 0.000 -5.05379 -4.929231 + _cons | 15.79727 1.032803 15.30 0.000 13.69086 17.90369 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (41 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1990-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1990 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(yob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba323 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 1984 + F( 32, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9982 + Adj R-squared = 0.9981 + Root MSE = .10946 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0845534 .0968086 0.87 0.389 -.1128889 .2819958 + dens | .0702911 .0487817 1.44 0.160 -.0291998 .1697821 + lnele | .0320332 .0290724 1.10 0.279 -.0272603 .0913267 + inmort | -.421351 .159061 -2.65 0.013 -.745758 -.0969441 + ea | 4.220739 3.975065 1.06 0.297 -3.88646 12.32794 + eaag | 2.417868 5.489221 0.44 0.663 -8.777472 13.61321 + eaexin | 4.955498 6.924425 0.72 0.480 -9.166959 19.07796 + eaintr | -.7980403 6.189724 -0.13 0.898 -13.42206 11.82598 + eatran | 15.1621 10.92559 1.39 0.175 -7.120783 37.44499 + easer | -.2434139 6.087437 -0.04 0.968 -12.65882 12.172 + eaoth | 6.455913 7.657572 0.84 0.406 -9.161808 22.07363 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | 1.862758 16.52355 0.11 0.911 -31.83725 35.56277 +_Ibplsta~302 | -12.89185 9.83908 -1.31 0.200 -32.95878 7.175088 +_Ibplsta~303 | -22.70193 13.55415 -1.67 0.104 -50.3458 4.941946 +_Ibplsta~304 | 4.85785 10.1979 0.48 0.637 -15.94091 25.6566 +_Ibplsta~305 | -3.5292 14.4121 -0.24 0.808 -32.92287 25.86447 +_Ibplsta~306 | 3.03275 7.518637 0.40 0.689 -12.30161 18.36711 +_Ibplsta~307 | -13.73874 10.73133 -1.28 0.210 -35.62544 8.147962 +_Ibplsta~308 | -8.567413 14.5823 -0.59 0.561 -38.30822 21.17339 +_Ibplsta~309 | -2.210414 12.03117 -0.18 0.855 -26.74815 22.32732 +_Ibplsta~310 | -8.141964 12.22841 -0.67 0.510 -33.08197 16.79804 +_Ibplsta~311 | -27.8366 13.37171 -2.08 0.046 -55.10839 -.5648167 +_Ibplsta~312 | -2.126836 12.35435 -0.17 0.864 -27.3237 23.07003 +_Ibplsta~313 | -13.54585 12.71007 -1.07 0.295 -39.4682 12.37651 +_Ibplsta~314 | -7.182068 12.64964 -0.57 0.574 -32.98119 18.61705 +_Ibplsta~315 | -19.53726 14.13055 -1.38 0.177 -48.35671 9.282198 +_Ibplsta~316 | 4.283046 13.64291 0.31 0.756 -23.54184 32.10794 +_Ibplsta~317 | 4.615491 13.5238 0.34 0.735 -22.96649 32.19747 +_Ibplsta~318 | 5.892367 10.51545 0.56 0.579 -15.55403 27.33876 +_Ibplsta~319 | 6.718729 15.68718 0.43 0.671 -25.27549 38.71295 +_Ibplsta~320 | -24.20993 13.32813 -1.82 0.079 -51.39283 2.972975 +_Ibplsta~321 | -10.77534 12.9611 -0.83 0.412 -37.20967 15.65899 +_Ibplsta~322 | -32.17794 12.14132 -2.65 0.013 -56.94033 -7.415548 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | -2.891647 12.92168 -0.22 0.824 -29.24558 23.46229 +_Ibplsta~325 | 8.021006 12.33131 0.65 0.520 -17.12886 33.17087 +_Ibplsta~326 | 7.105503 11.57 0.61 0.544 -16.49167 30.70267 +_Ibplsta~327 | -2.130145 14.18039 -0.15 0.882 -31.05124 26.79095 +_Ibplsta~328 | 7.414197 13.35452 0.56 0.583 -19.82252 34.65091 +_Ibplsta~329 | -18.66242 14.20054 -1.31 0.198 -47.62461 10.29977 +_Ibplsta~330 | 12.83758 14.51391 0.88 0.383 -16.76374 42.43889 +_Ibplsta~331 | -12.46308 12.49068 -1.00 0.326 -37.938 13.01183 +_Ibplsta~332 | -7.278927 14.26531 -0.51 0.613 -36.37321 21.81536 +_IbplXy~_112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_301 | -.0010262 .0086546 -0.12 0.906 -.0186773 .0166249 +_IbplXy~_302 | .0069322 .0051543 1.34 0.188 -.0035801 .0174445 +_IbplXy~_303 | .0116836 .0071001 1.65 0.110 -.0027971 .0261644 +_IbplXy~_304 | -.0027045 .0053422 -0.51 0.616 -.0136 .0081911 +_IbplXy~_305 | .0017401 .0075492 0.23 0.819 -.0136566 .0171368 +_IbplXy~_306 | -.0015478 .0039387 -0.39 0.697 -.0095809 .0064854 +_IbplXy~_307 | .0065673 .0056217 1.17 0.252 -.0048981 .0180328 +_IbplXy~_308 | .0043909 .0076385 0.57 0.570 -.011188 .0199698 +_IbplXy~_309 | .0013456 .0063023 0.21 0.832 -.011508 .0141991 +_IbplXy~_310 | .0040411 .0064059 0.63 0.533 -.0090238 .017106 +_IbplXy~_311 | .0142962 .0070043 2.04 0.050 .0000108 .0285815 +_IbplXy~_312 | .0008968 .0064718 0.14 0.891 -.0123026 .0140962 +_IbplXy~_313 | .0066725 .006658 1.00 0.324 -.0069066 .0202516 +_IbplXy~_314 | .0037396 .0066262 0.56 0.577 -.0097747 .0172539 +_IbplXy~_315 | .0099119 .007402 1.34 0.190 -.0051845 .0250083 +_IbplXy~_316 | -.0022664 .0071462 -0.32 0.753 -.0168412 .0123085 +_IbplXy~_317 | -.0025625 .0070843 -0.36 0.720 -.017011 .0118859 +_IbplXy~_318 | -.0030993 .0055087 -0.56 0.578 -.0143343 .0081357 +_IbplXy~_319 | -.003434 .0082172 -0.42 0.679 -.0201932 .0133251 +_IbplXy~_320 | .0121418 .0069819 1.74 0.092 -.0020979 .0263814 +_IbplXy~_321 | .0052496 .0067894 0.77 0.445 -.0085973 .0190966 +_IbplXy~_322 | .0164478 .00636 2.59 0.015 .0034764 .0294191 +_IbplXy~_323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_324 | .001196 .0067689 0.18 0.861 -.0126092 .0150012 +_IbplXy~_325 | -.0042221 .0064595 -0.65 0.518 -.0173964 .0089521 +_IbplXy~_326 | -.0037741 .006061 -0.62 0.538 -.0161356 .0085874 +_IbplXy~_327 | .0007671 .0074281 0.10 0.918 -.0143825 .0159167 +_IbplXy~_328 | -.0039711 .0069955 -0.57 0.574 -.0182385 .0102962 +_IbplXy~_329 | .0093666 .0074387 1.26 0.217 -.0058048 .0245381 +_IbplXy~_330 | -.0070439 .0076029 -0.93 0.361 -.0225502 .0084623 +_IbplXy~_331 | .0060189 .0065426 0.92 0.365 -.0073248 .0193627 +_IbplXy~_332 | .003605 .0074723 0.48 0.633 -.0116348 .0188448 +_IbplXy~a112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | -.0001542 .0005389 -0.29 0.777 -.0012533 .0009449 +_IbplXy~a302 | -.0002477 .0003252 -0.76 0.452 -.0009109 .0004156 +_IbplXy~a303 | .0003255 .0004453 0.73 0.470 -.0005827 .0012336 +_IbplXy~a304 | -.0001051 .0003363 -0.31 0.757 -.0007909 .0005808 +_IbplXy~a305 | -.0002075 .0004719 -0.44 0.663 -.00117 .000755 +_IbplXy~a306 | -.0001472 .0002479 -0.59 0.557 -.0006528 .0003584 +_IbplXy~a307 | .0001002 .0003536 0.28 0.779 -.0006209 .0008213 +_IbplXy~a308 | -.000022 .0004783 -0.05 0.964 -.0009975 .0009535 +_IbplXy~a309 | -.0002971 .0003946 -0.75 0.457 -.0011018 .0005077 +_IbplXy~a310 | .0001848 .0004032 0.46 0.650 -.0006376 .0010073 +_IbplXy~a311 | -.0002273 .0004381 -0.52 0.608 -.0011207 .0006661 +_IbplXy~a312 | .0000379 .0004069 0.09 0.926 -.0007921 .0008679 +_IbplXy~a313 | .0001759 .0004181 0.42 0.677 -.0006769 .0010287 +_IbplXy~a314 | -.0001709 .0004153 -0.41 0.684 -.0010178 .000676 +_IbplXy~a315 | .0001024 .0004638 0.22 0.827 -.0008436 .0010483 +_IbplXy~a316 | .0000746 .0004467 0.17 0.868 -.0008364 .0009856 +_IbplXy~a317 | .0002219 .0004445 0.50 0.621 -.0006847 .0011284 +_IbplXy~a318 | -.0000533 .0003471 -0.15 0.879 -.0007611 .0006546 +_IbplXy~a319 | -.0001432 .0005141 -0.28 0.783 -.0011917 .0009054 +_IbplXy~a320 | -.0001657 .0004389 -0.38 0.708 -.0010607 .0007294 +_IbplXy~a321 | .0000188 .0004255 0.04 0.965 -.0008489 .0008866 +_IbplXy~a322 | -2.84e-06 .000399 -0.01 0.994 -.0008165 .0008109 +_IbplXy~a323 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a324 | .0002438 .0004249 0.57 0.570 -.0006227 .0011103 +_IbplXy~a325 | .0004131 .0004053 1.02 0.316 -.0004135 .0012397 +_IbplXy~a326 | .0003857 .0003812 1.01 0.319 -.0003918 .0011632 +_IbplXy~a327 | .0003265 .0004655 0.70 0.488 -.0006229 .0012758 +_IbplXy~a328 | .0002482 .0004385 0.57 0.575 -.000646 .0011425 +_IbplXy~a329 | .0000159 .0004667 0.03 0.973 -.0009359 .0009678 +_IbplXy~a330 | .0005164 .0004772 1.08 0.287 -.0004567 .0014896 +_IbplXy~a331 | .0000106 .0004088 0.03 0.979 -.0008232 .0008445 +_IbplXy~a332 | .000056 .0004671 0.12 0.905 -.0008965 .0010086 + _Iyear_2000 | -4.99149 .0307951 -162.09 0.000 -5.054297 -4.928682 + _cons | 11.20107 4.845504 2.31 0.028 1.318596 21.08354 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + yob | absorbed (41 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, DROP EARLY YEARS + +19:41:47 on 1 Feb 2010 + +DROP EARLY YEARS + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 +Depvar: incearn incearn incearn incearn incearn incearn +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.1042~ 0.0207 0.1103 0.1289* 0.1038~ 0.0846 + (0.0421) (0.0330) (0.1442) (0.0473) (0.0416) (0.0968) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. restore + +. +. +. +. +. egen regionxyearxyob = group(year yob bplreg) +(43 missing values generated) + +. local meanrev "dens lnele" + +. local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" + +. xi i.bpls i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1990 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 30, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9962 + Adj R-squared = 0.9958 + Root MSE = .18569 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .3539875 .1100414 3.22 0.003 .1295565 .5784184 + dens | -.0766359 .016867 -4.54 0.000 -.1110365 -.0422354 + lnele | -.0015073 .016174 -0.09 0.926 -.0344944 .0314797 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | .469253 .0158207 29.66 0.000 .4369865 .5015195 +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | .0019753 .0251081 0.08 0.938 -.049233 .0531835 +_Ibplsta~305 | -.0877912 .0273168 -3.21 0.003 -.1435042 -.0320781 +_Ibplsta~306 | .3983499 .0462056 8.62 0.000 .304113 .4925869 +_Ibplsta~307 | -.5457361 .0719746 -7.58 0.000 -.6925292 -.398943 +_Ibplsta~308 | .0271262 .0289849 0.94 0.357 -.031989 .0862414 +_Ibplsta~309 | .7063784 .0554009 12.75 0.000 .5933875 .8193692 +_Ibplsta~310 | -.103653 .0304996 -3.40 0.002 -.1658574 -.0414486 +_Ibplsta~311 | .108118 .0084417 12.81 0.000 .090901 .125335 +_Ibplsta~312 | .0366664 .0560163 0.65 0.518 -.0775796 .1509125 +_Ibplsta~313 | -.2597332 .0198314 -13.10 0.000 -.3001796 -.2192867 +_Ibplsta~314 | .1885299 .0310241 6.08 0.000 .1252558 .2518039 +_Ibplsta~315 | .04689 .033382 1.40 0.170 -.021193 .1149729 +_Ibplsta~316 | .0392691 .0319454 1.23 0.228 -.0258839 .1044221 +_Ibplsta~317 | -.0720574 .025827 -2.79 0.009 -.1247319 -.0193829 +_Ibplsta~318 | -.1313893 .0342177 -3.84 0.001 -.2011767 -.0616019 +_Ibplsta~319 | .1340448 .0366541 3.66 0.001 .0592883 .2088014 +_Ibplsta~320 | -.4637856 .1020116 -4.55 0.000 -.6718396 -.2557316 +_Ibplsta~321 | -.451925 .0577462 -7.83 0.000 -.5696992 -.3341507 +_Ibplsta~322 | .0408607 .0091905 4.45 0.000 .0221166 .0596048 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | -.4260619 .0460123 -9.26 0.000 -.5199045 -.3322193 +_Ibplsta~325 | .0203557 .032428 0.63 0.535 -.0457818 .0864931 +_Ibplsta~326 | -.0174514 .0278145 -0.63 0.535 -.0741794 .0392765 +_Ibplsta~327 | -.2388956 .0721826 -3.31 0.002 -.386113 -.0916781 +_Ibplsta~328 | .0008772 .0310728 0.03 0.978 -.0624962 .0642506 +_Ibplsta~329 | -.2315635 .0269832 -8.58 0.000 -.2865961 -.176531 +_Ibplsta~330 | -.0960669 .077752 -1.24 0.226 -.2546431 .0625094 +_Ibplsta~331 | -.1801362 .0500091 -3.60 0.001 -.2821304 -.078142 +_Ibplsta~332 | -.243083 .0291001 -8.35 0.000 -.302433 -.1837331 + _Iyear_1990 | (omitted) + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) + _cons | 10.20869 .0882722 115.65 0.000 10.02866 10.38872 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (279 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_329 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1990 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 31, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9968 + Adj R-squared = 0.9964 + Root MSE = .17038 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | -.0692689 .0792978 -0.87 0.389 -.2309978 .0924599 + dens | .0283437 .0141914 2.00 0.055 -.0005998 .0572872 + lnele | .0152222 .0171435 0.89 0.381 -.0197422 .0501866 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | -7.524571 1.636722 -4.60 0.000 -10.86269 -4.186454 +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | -5.170058 1.114158 -4.64 0.000 -7.442399 -2.897717 +_Ibplsta~304 | 12.70189 1.737161 7.31 0.000 9.158925 16.24485 +_Ibplsta~305 | 19.85568 1.772102 11.20 0.000 16.24146 23.46991 +_Ibplsta~306 | 8.418246 2.631345 3.20 0.003 3.051583 13.78491 +_Ibplsta~307 | -13.41878 4.624876 -2.90 0.007 -22.85127 -3.986281 +_Ibplsta~308 | 3.936779 2.067852 1.90 0.066 -.2806331 8.154191 +_Ibplsta~309 | 34.16665 3.946098 8.66 0.000 26.11853 42.21477 +_Ibplsta~310 | 5.353455 2.068711 2.59 0.015 1.134291 9.572619 +_Ibplsta~311 | -2.014351 2.02191 -1.00 0.327 -6.138063 2.109362 +_Ibplsta~312 | -19.40588 3.842683 -5.05 0.000 -27.24309 -11.56868 +_Ibplsta~313 | 10.04021 2.355447 4.26 0.000 5.236248 14.84418 +_Ibplsta~314 | 2.304984 3.745192 0.62 0.543 -5.333385 9.943354 +_Ibplsta~315 | 1.801603 3.828377 0.47 0.641 -6.006423 9.609629 +_Ibplsta~316 | 1.312435 3.852114 0.34 0.736 -6.544002 9.168873 +_Ibplsta~317 | 7.323554 2.07616 3.53 0.001 3.089197 11.55791 +_Ibplsta~318 | 16.78637 1.223229 13.72 0.000 14.29158 19.28117 +_Ibplsta~319 | 24.79528 2.118942 11.70 0.000 20.47367 29.11689 +_Ibplsta~320 | -27.72298 6.28944 -4.41 0.000 -40.55037 -14.89558 +_Ibplsta~321 | -.5572847 4.879277 -0.11 0.910 -10.50864 9.394066 +_Ibplsta~322 | -.8777438 1.648352 -0.53 0.598 -4.239579 2.484092 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | 12.34983 2.480978 4.98 0.000 7.289838 17.40982 +_Ibplsta~325 | 14.79579 1.576079 9.39 0.000 11.58136 18.01023 +_Ibplsta~326 | 22.10289 2.065618 10.70 0.000 17.89003 26.31574 +_Ibplsta~327 | -.6558107 4.364041 -0.15 0.882 -9.556331 8.24471 +_Ibplsta~328 | 23.30332 1.659893 14.04 0.000 19.91795 26.68869 +_Ibplsta~329 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~330 | 11.49099 5.41299 2.12 0.042 .4511229 22.53086 +_Ibplsta~331 | 17.60096 3.070991 5.73 0.000 11.33763 23.86428 +_Ibplsta~332 | -4.018413 1.440001 -2.79 0.009 -6.955314 -1.081513 +_IbplXyo~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~302 | -.0024653 .0005759 -4.28 0.000 -.00364 -.0012907 +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | -.0023058 .0007361 -3.13 0.004 -.0038071 -.0008046 +_IbplXyo~305 | -.0129365 .0009786 -13.22 0.000 -.0149324 -.0109407 +_IbplXyo~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~307 | .0108245 .0016103 6.72 0.000 .0075402 .0141088 +_IbplXyo~308 | -.0047171 .0010681 -4.42 0.000 -.0068954 -.0025388 +_IbplXyo~309 | -.0211624 .0016541 -12.79 0.000 -.024536 -.0177888 +_IbplXyo~310 | -.0055194 .0011166 -4.94 0.000 -.0077966 -.0032421 +_IbplXyo~311 | -.0027805 .0002887 -9.63 0.000 -.0033693 -.0021918 +_IbplXyo~312 | .0141106 .0011518 12.25 0.000 .0117615 .0164597 +_IbplXyo~313 | -.0091121 .0006121 -14.89 0.000 -.0103605 -.0078636 +_IbplXyo~314 | -.004942 .0011241 -4.40 0.000 -.0072347 -.0026494 +_IbplXyo~315 | -.0048038 .0012235 -3.93 0.000 -.0072992 -.0023084 +_IbplXyo~316 | -.0045067 .0011928 -3.78 0.001 -.0069394 -.002074 +_IbplXyo~317 | -.0076172 .000689 -11.06 0.000 -.0090223 -.006212 +_IbplXyo~318 | -.0113783 .0010119 -11.24 0.000 -.013442 -.0093145 +_IbplXyo~319 | -.015383 .0012748 -12.07 0.000 -.0179829 -.0127831 +_IbplXyo~320 | .0182462 .0025072 7.28 0.000 .0131327 .0233598 +_IbplXyo~321 | -.0037506 .0019346 -1.94 0.062 -.0076963 .0001951 +_IbplXyo~322 | -.0033588 .00024 -14.00 0.000 -.0038483 -.0028694 +_IbplXyo~323 | .004285 .0013627 3.14 0.004 .0015057 .0070643 +_IbplXyo~324 | -.009245 .0014891 -6.21 0.000 -.0122819 -.006208 +_IbplXyo~325 | -.0103007 .001075 -9.58 0.000 -.0124932 -.0081083 +_IbplXyo~326 | -.014025 .001043 -13.45 0.000 -.0161523 -.0118978 +_IbplXyo~327 | .0044586 .0014737 3.03 0.005 .0014529 .0074643 +_IbplXyo~328 | -.0146693 .001062 -13.81 0.000 -.0168352 -.0125033 +_IbplXyo~329 | -.0039847 .0008509 -4.68 0.000 -.0057202 -.0022492 +_IbplXyo~330 | -.0018066 .0020081 -0.90 0.375 -.0059021 .0022889 +_IbplXyo~331 | -.0049922 .0008101 -6.16 0.000 -.0066445 -.0033399 +_IbplXyo~332 | -.0008005 .0009615 -0.83 0.411 -.0027614 .0011605 + _Iyear_1990 | (omitted) + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) + _cons | 12.57132 1.005718 12.50 0.000 10.52015 14.6225 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (279 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1990 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 34, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9971 + Adj R-squared = 0.9967 + Root MSE = .16324 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | -.0369175 .0600319 -0.61 0.543 -.1593535 .0855184 + dens | .0225354 .0123881 1.82 0.079 -.0027302 .047801 + lnele | .0201657 .014397 1.40 0.171 -.0091971 .0495286 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | 10.96605 .9671351 11.34 0.000 8.993565 12.93853 +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | -6.183088 .9499377 -6.51 0.000 -8.120499 -4.245677 +_Ibplsta~305 | 12.98013 1.857201 6.99 0.000 9.192348 16.76792 +_Ibplsta~306 | 13.99049 2.012545 6.95 0.000 9.885873 18.0951 +_Ibplsta~307 | -22.93922 3.442132 -6.66 0.000 -29.95949 -15.91895 +_Ibplsta~308 | 8.751906 2.008676 4.36 0.000 4.655184 12.84863 +_Ibplsta~309 | 23.00274 3.26363 7.05 0.000 16.34652 29.65896 +_Ibplsta~310 | 7.73466 2.121554 3.65 0.001 3.407722 12.0616 +_Ibplsta~311 | -9.53159 .5215083 -18.28 0.000 -10.59521 -8.467967 +_Ibplsta~312 | -9.630888 2.927003 -3.29 0.002 -15.60055 -3.661227 +_Ibplsta~313 | -3.438474 1.144038 -3.01 0.005 -5.771754 -1.105194 +_Ibplsta~314 | 8.00911 2.055165 3.90 0.000 3.817573 12.20065 +_Ibplsta~315 | -3.044279 2.31464 -1.32 0.198 -7.765019 1.676461 +_Ibplsta~316 | 13.22521 2.198306 6.02 0.000 8.74174 17.70869 +_Ibplsta~317 | 5.886639 1.22591 4.80 0.000 3.386379 8.386898 +_Ibplsta~318 | 21.26476 1.839468 11.56 0.000 17.51314 25.01638 +_Ibplsta~319 | 23.33396 2.435551 9.58 0.000 18.36662 28.3013 +_Ibplsta~320 | -25.39144 4.713105 -5.39 0.000 -35.00388 -15.779 +_Ibplsta~321 | 3.339365 3.526166 0.95 0.351 -3.852298 10.53103 +_Ibplsta~322 | -16.93901 .3644814 -46.47 0.000 -17.68237 -16.19564 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | 9.828919 2.844504 3.46 0.002 4.027514 15.63032 +_Ibplsta~325 | 18.52307 2.081316 8.90 0.000 14.27819 22.76794 +_Ibplsta~326 | 20.39473 1.935149 10.54 0.000 16.44797 24.34149 +_Ibplsta~327 | -8.874337 3.119893 -2.84 0.008 -15.2374 -2.511273 +_Ibplsta~328 | 14.48723 2.050827 7.06 0.000 10.30454 18.66991 +_Ibplsta~329 | .2142747 1.368568 0.16 0.877 -2.576939 3.005488 +_Ibplsta~330 | -3.096451 4.530946 -0.68 0.499 -12.33738 6.144474 +_Ibplsta~331 | -9.282778 2.464161 -3.77 0.001 -14.30847 -4.25709 +_Ibplsta~332 | 9.041118 1.861744 4.86 0.000 5.244066 12.83817 +_IbplXy~_112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_302 | -.0054099 .0005 -10.82 0.000 -.0064297 -.0043901 +_IbplXy~_303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_304 | .0101492 .0006675 15.21 0.000 .0087878 .0115106 +_IbplXy~_305 | -.006798 .0009635 -7.06 0.000 -.0087629 -.004833 +_IbplXy~_306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_307 | .0184984 .0014024 13.19 0.000 .0156381 .0213586 +_IbplXy~_308 | -.0045383 .0010419 -4.36 0.000 -.0066633 -.0024132 +_IbplXy~_309 | -.0116353 .0016937 -6.87 0.000 -.0150897 -.0081809 +_IbplXy~_310 | -.0040995 .0011005 -3.72 0.001 -.006344 -.0018549 +_IbplXy~_311 | .0048852 .0002708 18.04 0.000 .0043329 .0054376 +_IbplXy~_312 | .0119576 .0010067 11.88 0.000 .0099044 .0140109 +_IbplXy~_313 | .0015879 .0005931 2.68 0.012 .0003782 .0027976 +_IbplXy~_314 | -.0040215 .0010657 -3.77 0.001 -.006195 -.0018481 +_IbplXy~_315 | .0014954 .0012002 1.25 0.222 -.0009524 .0039432 +_IbplXy~_316 | -.0067523 .0011397 -5.92 0.000 -.0090768 -.0044278 +_IbplXy~_317 | -.0030534 .0006354 -4.81 0.000 -.0043493 -.0017574 +_IbplXy~_318 | -.0110206 .0009538 -11.55 0.000 -.0129659 -.0090753 +_IbplXy~_319 | -.0120031 .0012635 -9.50 0.000 -.0145801 -.0094261 +_IbplXy~_320 | .0198749 .0020909 9.51 0.000 .0156105 .0241393 +_IbplXy~_321 | -.0019163 .0018287 -1.05 0.303 -.0056461 .0018134 +_IbplXy~_322 | .0086591 .0001887 45.89 0.000 .0082743 .0090439 +_IbplXy~_323 | .0071198 .0010465 6.80 0.000 .0049855 .0092542 +_IbplXy~_324 | -.0053274 .0014753 -3.61 0.001 -.0083362 -.0023186 +_IbplXy~_325 | -.0095637 .0010795 -8.86 0.000 -.0117655 -.007362 +_IbplXy~_326 | -.0105231 .001004 -10.48 0.000 -.0125707 -.0084756 +_IbplXy~_327 | .0114721 .0012158 9.44 0.000 .0089924 .0139519 +_IbplXy~_328 | -.0075408 .0010638 -7.09 0.000 -.0097105 -.0053711 +_IbplXy~_329 | -.0002529 .000711 -0.36 0.725 -.0017029 .0011972 +_IbplXy~_330 | .0084509 .0018498 4.57 0.000 .0046783 .0122235 +_IbplXy~_331 | .0115401 .000717 16.09 0.000 .0100777 .0130024 +_IbplXy~_332 | -.0048206 .0009657 -4.99 0.000 -.0067903 -.002851 +_IbplXy~a112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | -.0001588 4.94e-06 -32.12 0.000 -.0001689 -.0001487 +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | .0001711 9.47e-06 18.08 0.000 .0001518 .0001904 +_IbplXy~a304 | .0004574 4.74e-06 96.42 0.000 .0004477 .0004671 +_IbplXy~a305 | .0003843 7.29e-06 52.73 0.000 .0003695 .0003992 +_IbplXy~a306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a307 | .0003075 5.56e-06 55.31 0.000 .0002962 .0003189 +_IbplXy~a308 | .0001792 7.75e-06 23.12 0.000 .0001634 .000195 +_IbplXy~a309 | .0001826 3.71e-06 49.16 0.000 .000175 .0001902 +_IbplXy~a310 | .0002228 8.05e-06 27.69 0.000 .0002064 .0002392 +_IbplXy~a311 | .0001006 5.20e-06 19.33 0.000 .00009 .0001112 +_IbplXy~a312 | -.0000615 4.74e-06 -12.95 0.000 -.0000711 -.0000518 +_IbplXy~a313 | .0002191 2.92e-06 75.02 0.000 .0002132 .0002251 +_IbplXy~a314 | -.0001143 3.24e-06 -35.31 0.000 -.0001209 -.0001077 +_IbplXy~a315 | .0000671 2.09e-06 32.02 0.000 .0000628 .0000713 +_IbplXy~a316 | -.0002225 3.34e-06 -66.69 0.000 -.0002293 -.0002157 +_IbplXy~a317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a318 | .0001743 8.59e-06 20.29 0.000 .0001568 .0001918 +_IbplXy~a319 | .0002888 7.09e-06 40.75 0.000 .0002743 .0003032 +_IbplXy~a320 | .0000981 6.01e-06 16.34 0.000 .0000859 .0001104 +_IbplXy~a321 | -.0000743 3.67e-06 -20.27 0.000 -.0000818 -.0000668 +_IbplXy~a322 | .000259 4.13e-06 62.65 0.000 .0002505 .0002674 +_IbplXy~a323 | .0000694 .0000183 3.78 0.001 .000032 .0001068 +_IbplXy~a324 | .0003103 8.04e-06 38.58 0.000 .0002939 .0003268 +_IbplXy~a325 | .0001918 7.29e-06 26.32 0.000 .0001769 .0002067 +_IbplXy~a326 | .0002997 6.77e-06 44.30 0.000 .0002859 .0003135 +_IbplXy~a327 | .0002767 4.89e-06 56.52 0.000 .0002667 .0002866 +_IbplXy~a328 | .000422 6.79e-06 62.13 0.000 .0004082 .0004359 +_IbplXy~a329 | -.0000466 5.23e-06 -8.91 0.000 -.0000573 -.0000359 +_IbplXy~a330 | .0003979 6.38e-06 62.39 0.000 .0003849 .0004109 +_IbplXy~a331 | .0006019 4.11e-06 146.38 0.000 .0005935 .0006103 +_IbplXy~a332 | .0000351 7.88e-06 4.45 0.000 .000019 .0000512 + _Iyear_1990 | (omitted) + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) + _cons | 6.312839 .5809157 10.87 0.000 5.128053 7.497624 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (279 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1990 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 31, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9964 + Adj R-squared = 0.9960 + Root MSE = .18098 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .2033471 .1095492 1.86 0.073 -.0200799 .4267741 + dens | -.0424159 .0240252 -1.77 0.087 -.0914155 .0065837 + lnele | .0136525 .0146862 0.93 0.360 -.0163002 .0436053 + inmort | .1268167 .1001907 1.27 0.215 -.0775235 .331157 + ea | -6.784703 2.995559 -2.26 0.031 -12.89419 -.6752197 + eaag | 1.13087 2.700634 0.42 0.678 -4.377109 6.638849 + eaexin | -.1868903 3.078036 -0.06 0.952 -6.464586 6.090805 + eaintr | 2.788899 3.273533 0.85 0.401 -3.887516 9.465315 + eatran | -5.801656 5.782474 -1.00 0.323 -17.59509 5.991777 + easer | 2.882175 3.136848 0.92 0.365 -3.515468 9.279818 + eaoth | -2.753713 3.621091 -0.76 0.453 -10.13898 4.631551 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | .6411371 .1190739 5.38 0.000 .3982843 .8839899 +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | -.0063058 .0906912 -0.07 0.945 -.1912718 .1786602 +_Ibplsta~305 | -.0345364 .0697044 -0.50 0.624 -.1766995 .1076268 +_Ibplsta~306 | .2588494 .0814196 3.18 0.003 .092793 .4249057 +_Ibplsta~307 | -.6090101 .0975784 -6.24 0.000 -.8080226 -.4099976 +_Ibplsta~308 | .050027 .0565961 0.88 0.384 -.0654016 .1654556 +_Ibplsta~309 | .6879354 .1515141 4.54 0.000 .3789203 .9969504 +_Ibplsta~310 | -.1349767 .0587079 -2.30 0.028 -.2547122 -.0152412 +_Ibplsta~311 | -.0033175 .1508722 -0.02 0.983 -.3110233 .3043883 +_Ibplsta~312 | -.1682739 .1051422 -1.60 0.120 -.3827127 .046165 +_Ibplsta~313 | -.2596237 .1684428 -1.54 0.133 -.6031651 .0839176 +_Ibplsta~314 | .1584552 .1519148 1.04 0.305 -.1513772 .4682875 +_Ibplsta~315 | -.0991034 .1552265 -0.64 0.528 -.4156898 .2174831 +_Ibplsta~316 | -.0479986 .1471911 -0.33 0.747 -.3481968 .2521996 +_Ibplsta~317 | .0388143 .159098 0.24 0.809 -.2856683 .3632968 +_Ibplsta~318 | -.0710657 .0746451 -0.95 0.348 -.2233054 .0811739 +_Ibplsta~319 | .2709398 .0678811 3.99 0.000 .1324954 .4093842 +_Ibplsta~320 | -.6582164 .1211655 -5.43 0.000 -.905335 -.4110978 +_Ibplsta~321 | -.4373001 .1621072 -2.70 0.011 -.76792 -.1066802 +_Ibplsta~322 | .0128966 .1695039 0.08 0.940 -.3328089 .3586022 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | -.3816704 .0729245 -5.23 0.000 -.5304009 -.2329399 +_Ibplsta~325 | .0572269 .0648062 0.88 0.384 -.0749463 .1894 +_Ibplsta~326 | .162416 .0645466 2.52 0.017 .0307724 .2940595 +_Ibplsta~327 | -.3711655 .1662016 -2.23 0.033 -.7101358 -.0321951 +_Ibplsta~328 | .199029 .0837015 2.38 0.024 .0283186 .3697394 +_Ibplsta~329 | -.2856644 .1466385 -1.95 0.061 -.5847357 .0134069 +_Ibplsta~330 | -.1538775 .1148193 -1.34 0.190 -.3880531 .0802981 +_Ibplsta~331 | -.3068007 .1096512 -2.80 0.009 -.5304359 -.0831655 +_Ibplsta~332 | -.3389423 .060819 -5.57 0.000 -.4629835 -.2149011 + _Iyear_1990 | (omitted) + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) + _cons | 11.34359 2.099112 5.40 0.000 7.06242 15.62475 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (279 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1990 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 31, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9969 + Adj R-squared = 0.9964 + Root MSE = .16938 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1038077 .0654598 1.59 0.123 -.0296983 .2373138 + dens | .0386509 .0172128 2.25 0.032 .0035452 .0737565 + lnele | -.0267085 .0145509 -1.84 0.076 -.0563853 .0029682 + inmort | -.1144511 .1007547 -1.14 0.265 -.3199418 .0910395 + ea | 3.427996 1.635088 2.10 0.044 .0932128 6.76278 + eaag | -7.510803 1.961975 -3.83 0.001 -11.51228 -3.509329 + eaexin | -1.9224 2.200927 -0.87 0.389 -6.411221 2.566421 + eaintr | -7.687423 2.28492 -3.36 0.002 -12.34755 -3.027298 + eatran | -4.708071 4.088132 -1.15 0.258 -13.04587 3.629728 + easer | -11.90777 1.868334 -6.37 0.000 -15.71827 -8.097282 + eaoth | -5.921336 2.896581 -2.04 0.050 -11.82895 -.0137203 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | 12.91835 3.964314 3.26 0.003 4.833083 21.00363 +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | 32.16615 3.853563 8.35 0.000 24.30675 40.02554 +_Ibplsta~305 | 41.3237 2.151147 19.21 0.000 36.9364 45.71099 +_Ibplsta~306 | 16.13438 3.86131 4.18 0.000 8.259186 24.00957 +_Ibplsta~307 | .3611519 4.545181 0.08 0.937 -8.908806 9.63111 +_Ibplsta~308 | 16.89515 2.790981 6.05 0.000 11.20291 22.58739 +_Ibplsta~309 | 30.37108 3.016576 10.07 0.000 24.21873 36.52343 +_Ibplsta~310 | 12.32049 2.677764 4.60 0.000 6.859156 17.78183 +_Ibplsta~311 | .2773942 2.526281 0.11 0.913 -4.87499 5.429778 +_Ibplsta~312 | -12.79979 4.83275 -2.65 0.013 -22.65625 -2.943331 +_Ibplsta~313 | 12.23411 3.230501 3.79 0.001 5.645459 18.82276 +_Ibplsta~314 | .1056672 2.682569 0.04 0.969 -5.365469 5.576803 +_Ibplsta~315 | -7.424587 3.950602 -1.88 0.070 -15.48189 .6327183 +_Ibplsta~316 | -2.029255 3.297383 -0.62 0.543 -8.754313 4.695802 +_Ibplsta~317 | 9.570197 3.691094 2.59 0.014 2.042161 17.09823 +_Ibplsta~318 | 27.88935 3.212013 8.68 0.000 21.33841 34.4403 +_Ibplsta~319 | 46.27727 2.897905 15.97 0.000 40.36695 52.18759 +_Ibplsta~320 | -15.56216 5.485503 -2.84 0.008 -26.74992 -4.374404 +_Ibplsta~321 | -.5363323 3.414741 -0.16 0.876 -7.500743 6.428079 +_Ibplsta~322 | -2.024377 3.14999 -0.64 0.525 -8.448825 4.40007 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | 28.5045 2.919357 9.76 0.000 22.55043 34.45857 +_Ibplsta~325 | 23.35483 2.83328 8.24 0.000 17.57632 29.13334 +_Ibplsta~326 | 34.56948 3.207164 10.78 0.000 28.02842 41.11053 +_Ibplsta~327 | 12.01563 6.14199 1.96 0.059 -.5110461 24.5423 +_Ibplsta~328 | 48.69917 2.86476 17.00 0.000 42.85645 54.54188 +_Ibplsta~329 | -1.725464 4.690996 -0.37 0.716 -11.29281 7.841885 +_Ibplsta~330 | 29.38274 5.266607 5.58 0.000 18.64142 40.12405 +_Ibplsta~331 | 37.79432 4.663299 8.10 0.000 28.28346 47.30518 +_Ibplsta~332 | 4.180141 3.339286 1.25 0.220 -2.630378 10.99066 +_IbplXyo~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~302 | -.0064926 .0020604 -3.15 0.004 -.0106949 -.0022903 +_IbplXyo~303 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~304 | -.0084119 .0021521 -3.91 0.000 -.0128013 -.0040226 +_IbplXyo~305 | -.0214068 .0011179 -19.15 0.000 -.0236867 -.0191269 +_IbplXyo~306 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~307 | .0076729 .0014154 5.42 0.000 .0047862 .0105597 +_IbplXyo~308 | -.0087654 .0014504 -6.04 0.000 -.0117235 -.0058073 +_IbplXyo~309 | -.0152786 .0015652 -9.76 0.000 -.0184709 -.0120864 +_IbplXyo~310 | -.0064539 .0013915 -4.64 0.000 -.0092919 -.0036159 +_IbplXyo~311 | -.00006 .001313 -0.05 0.964 -.0027378 .0026179 +_IbplXyo~312 | .0146865 .0015099 9.73 0.000 .011607 .0177661 +_IbplXyo~313 | -.0063403 .0016786 -3.78 0.001 -.0097638 -.0029169 +_IbplXyo~314 | .0001125 .0013945 0.08 0.936 -.0027316 .0029567 +_IbplXyo~315 | .0039028 .0020529 1.90 0.067 -.0002842 .0080897 +_IbplXyo~316 | .0011414 .0017136 0.67 0.510 -.0023535 .0046363 +_IbplXyo~317 | -.0048731 .0019172 -2.54 0.016 -.0087832 -.000963 +_IbplXyo~318 | -.0144622 .0016694 -8.66 0.000 -.0178669 -.0110575 +_IbplXyo~319 | -.0238608 .0015065 -15.84 0.000 -.0269334 -.0207882 +_IbplXyo~320 | .0159362 .0019469 8.19 0.000 .0119655 .0199068 +_IbplXyo~321 | .00015 .0017748 0.08 0.933 -.0034697 .0037696 +_IbplXyo~322 | .0011486 .0016369 0.70 0.488 -.0021899 .0044871 +_IbplXyo~323 | .0082911 .0020014 4.14 0.000 .0042093 .012373 +_IbplXyo~324 | -.0149541 .0015169 -9.86 0.000 -.0180479 -.0118603 +_IbplXyo~325 | -.0120631 .0014726 -8.19 0.000 -.0150665 -.0090597 +_IbplXyo~326 | -.0178175 .0016671 -10.69 0.000 -.0212175 -.0144175 +_IbplXyo~327 | .001883 .0021233 0.89 0.382 -.0024476 .0062135 +_IbplXyo~328 | -.0251808 .0014889 -16.91 0.000 -.0282174 -.0221442 +_IbplXyo~329 | .0008235 .0024384 0.34 0.738 -.0041496 .0057966 +_IbplXyo~330 | -.0070948 .0018326 -3.87 0.001 -.0108324 -.0033571 +_IbplXyo~331 | -.0114775 .0011417 -10.05 0.000 -.0138061 -.009149 +_IbplXyo~332 | -.0023751 .0017352 -1.37 0.181 -.005914 .0011638 + _Iyear_1990 | (omitted) + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) + _cons | 10.14183 1.757015 5.77 0.000 6.558376 13.72529 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (279 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) + +. areg incearn malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplstate) +note: _Ibplstate_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplstate_323 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_301 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_303 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba112 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba113 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba115 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba116 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba121 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba122 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba123 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba124 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba125 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba126 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba127 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba128 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba129 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba131 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba132 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba133 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba135 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba136 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba141 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba142 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba143 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba151 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba152 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba153 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba191 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba192 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba203 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba205 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba208 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba213 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba215 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba217 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba219 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba225 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba227 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba241 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba247 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba252 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba254 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba268 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba273 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba276 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba302 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba306 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyoba317 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1990 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_2000 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2965 + F( 33, 31) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.9971 + Adj R-squared = 0.9967 + Root MSE = .16254 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 32 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1206391 .0554359 2.18 0.037 .0075769 .2337014 + dens | .0366011 .0148105 2.47 0.019 .0063949 .0668073 + lnele | -.0126152 .0111075 -1.14 0.265 -.0352691 .0100388 + inmort | -.1384058 .0567582 -2.44 0.021 -.254165 -.0226467 + ea | .9921788 1.598323 0.62 0.539 -2.267623 4.251981 + eaag | -5.959933 1.557557 -3.83 0.001 -9.136591 -2.783276 + eaexin | -2.032721 1.889494 -1.08 0.290 -5.88637 1.820927 + eaintr | -5.859464 1.859691 -3.15 0.004 -9.652329 -2.0666 + eatran | -3.52392 3.386139 -1.04 0.306 -10.43 3.382155 + easer | -9.27898 1.446102 -6.42 0.000 -12.22832 -6.329636 + eaoth | -5.250435 2.339001 -2.24 0.032 -10.02086 -.4800113 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~302 | 17.26425 3.914474 4.41 0.000 9.280628 25.24787 +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | 11.62795 2.965834 3.92 0.000 5.579093 17.67681 +_Ibplsta~305 | 28.32105 2.097611 13.50 0.000 24.04294 32.59915 +_Ibplsta~306 | 20.24347 2.801964 7.22 0.000 14.52883 25.95811 +_Ibplsta~307 | -11.55868 3.576406 -3.23 0.003 -18.85281 -4.264556 +_Ibplsta~308 | 15.94012 2.092312 7.62 0.000 11.67282 20.20742 +_Ibplsta~309 | 9.077124 3.37006 2.69 0.011 2.20384 15.95041 +_Ibplsta~310 | 10.79427 2.636345 4.09 0.000 5.41741 16.17113 +_Ibplsta~311 | -17.75867 3.213754 -5.53 0.000 -24.31317 -11.20418 +_Ibplsta~312 | -3.210224 3.745866 -0.86 0.398 -10.84997 4.429519 +_Ibplsta~313 | -13.54614 3.740483 -3.62 0.001 -21.17491 -5.917377 +_Ibplsta~314 | -4.511263 3.241398 -1.39 0.174 -11.12214 2.099611 +_Ibplsta~315 | -22.08482 3.613052 -6.11 0.000 -29.45369 -14.71595 +_Ibplsta~316 | 1.042972 3.503917 0.30 0.768 -6.103314 8.189257 +_Ibplsta~317 | -3.499614 3.921859 -0.89 0.379 -11.4983 4.499071 +_Ibplsta~318 | 26.62586 3.821972 6.97 0.000 18.8309 34.42082 +_Ibplsta~319 | 38.38938 2.429715 15.80 0.000 33.43394 43.34481 +_Ibplsta~320 | -13.75778 4.460963 -3.08 0.004 -22.85597 -4.659588 +_Ibplsta~321 | -8.293692 4.106597 -2.02 0.052 -16.66915 .0817675 +_Ibplsta~322 | -29.10727 3.651911 -7.97 0.000 -36.5554 -21.65915 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | 20.45633 3.248333 6.30 0.000 13.83131 27.08135 +_Ibplsta~325 | 23.64235 2.968275 7.97 0.000 17.58852 29.69619 +_Ibplsta~326 | 26.52623 2.591854 10.23 0.000 21.24011 31.81235 +_Ibplsta~327 | 4.253821 5.869626 0.72 0.474 -7.71736 16.225 +_Ibplsta~328 | 31.84288 2.960001 10.76 0.000 25.80591 37.87984 +_Ibplsta~329 | -12.31309 4.263088 -2.89 0.007 -21.00771 -3.618461 +_Ibplsta~330 | 12.80083 4.192106 3.05 0.005 4.250972 21.35069 +_Ibplsta~331 | 8.486344 3.547704 2.39 0.023 1.250754 15.72193 +_Ibplsta~332 | 11.68155 3.103271 3.76 0.001 5.352389 18.01071 +_IbplXy~_112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_301 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_302 | -.0086731 .0020351 -4.26 0.000 -.0128238 -.0045225 +_IbplXy~_303 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_304 | .0041518 .0017241 2.41 0.022 .0006356 .0076681 +_IbplXy~_305 | -.0147545 .0010884 -13.56 0.000 -.0169744 -.0125347 +_IbplXy~_306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_307 | .0158381 .0011513 13.76 0.000 .0134899 .0181862 +_IbplXy~_308 | -.0082671 .0010855 -7.62 0.000 -.010481 -.0060532 +_IbplXy~_309 | -.0044117 .0017468 -2.53 0.017 -.0079743 -.0008491 +_IbplXy~_310 | -.0056892 .0013674 -4.16 0.000 -.0084781 -.0029002 +_IbplXy~_311 | .0091532 .0016664 5.49 0.000 .0057546 .0125518 +_IbplXy~_312 | .0118699 .0011906 9.97 0.000 .0094417 .0142981 +_IbplXy~_313 | .00683 .0019394 3.52 0.001 .0028745 .0107855 +_IbplXy~_314 | .0024716 .0016809 1.47 0.152 -.0009566 .0058998 +_IbplXy~_315 | .0113733 .001874 6.07 0.000 .0075513 .0151953 +_IbplXy~_316 | -.0004345 .0018168 -0.24 0.813 -.0041399 .0032709 +_IbplXy~_317 | .001813 .0020344 0.89 0.380 -.0023361 .0059621 +_IbplXy~_318 | -.0138023 .0019822 -6.96 0.000 -.0178451 -.0097595 +_IbplXy~_319 | -.0198138 .001261 -15.71 0.000 -.0223856 -.017242 +_IbplXy~_320 | .0170831 .0016049 10.64 0.000 .0138098 .0203564 +_IbplXy~_321 | .0041166 .0021299 1.93 0.062 -.0002273 .0084606 +_IbplXy~_322 | .0149697 .0018934 7.91 0.000 .0111082 .0188312 +_IbplXy~_323 | .0103767 .0014568 7.12 0.000 .0074056 .0133479 +_IbplXy~_324 | -.0108396 .0016847 -6.43 0.000 -.0142756 -.0074036 +_IbplXy~_325 | -.0122196 .0015402 -7.93 0.000 -.0153609 -.0090784 +_IbplXy~_326 | -.0137031 .0013451 -10.19 0.000 -.0164464 -.0109598 +_IbplXy~_327 | .0079047 .0021826 3.62 0.001 .0034533 .0123561 +_IbplXy~_328 | -.0165444 .0015358 -10.77 0.000 -.0196768 -.0134121 +_IbplXy~_329 | .0062441 .0022119 2.82 0.008 .0017329 .0107553 +_IbplXy~_330 | .0034467 .0015607 2.21 0.035 .0002636 .0066299 +_IbplXy~_331 | .0055643 .0009149 6.08 0.000 .0036983 .0074303 +_IbplXy~_332 | -.006193 .0016092 -3.85 0.001 -.009475 -.002911 +_IbplXy~a112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | -.0001807 7.86e-06 -22.99 0.000 -.0001968 -.0001647 +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | .0001902 8.91e-06 21.34 0.000 .000172 .0002084 +_IbplXy~a304 | .0004397 5.76e-06 76.33 0.000 .0004279 .0004514 +_IbplXy~a305 | .0003749 8.12e-06 46.15 0.000 .0003584 .0003915 +_IbplXy~a306 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a307 | .000299 5.40e-06 55.42 0.000 .000288 .00031 +_IbplXy~a308 | .0001854 8.21e-06 22.59 0.000 .0001686 .0002021 +_IbplXy~a309 | .0001858 4.12e-06 45.07 0.000 .0001774 .0001942 +_IbplXy~a310 | .0002401 .0000103 23.23 0.000 .000219 .0002611 +_IbplXy~a311 | .0000939 5.69e-06 16.50 0.000 .0000823 .0001055 +_IbplXy~a312 | -.0000616 4.40e-06 -14.00 0.000 -.0000706 -.0000527 +_IbplXy~a313 | .000218 3.27e-06 66.64 0.000 .0002114 .0002247 +_IbplXy~a314 | -.0001108 3.32e-06 -33.40 0.000 -.0001175 -.000104 +_IbplXy~a315 | .000078 3.50e-06 22.29 0.000 .0000709 .0000851 +_IbplXy~a316 | -.0002197 3.40e-06 -64.54 0.000 -.0002266 -.0002127 +_IbplXy~a317 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a318 | .0001848 .0000116 15.99 0.000 .0001612 .0002084 +_IbplXy~a319 | .0002831 8.47e-06 33.43 0.000 .0002658 .0003003 +_IbplXy~a320 | .0000897 5.62e-06 15.95 0.000 .0000782 .0001011 +_IbplXy~a321 | -.0000724 4.27e-06 -16.97 0.000 -.0000811 -.0000637 +_IbplXy~a322 | .0002618 3.10e-06 84.50 0.000 .0002555 .0002681 +_IbplXy~a323 | .0000471 .0000173 2.72 0.011 .0000118 .0000824 +_IbplXy~a324 | .0003099 .0000102 30.25 0.000 .000289 .0003308 +_IbplXy~a325 | .0002017 9.13e-06 22.10 0.000 .0001831 .0002203 +_IbplXy~a326 | .0003069 8.61e-06 35.64 0.000 .0002893 .0003244 +_IbplXy~a327 | .0002663 4.25e-06 62.69 0.000 .0002577 .000275 +_IbplXy~a328 | .0004122 9.38e-06 43.94 0.000 .000393 .0004313 +_IbplXy~a329 | -.0000433 7.27e-06 -5.95 0.000 -.0000581 -.0000285 +_IbplXy~a330 | .0003835 5.35e-06 71.61 0.000 .0003726 .0003944 +_IbplXy~a331 | .0005842 3.73e-06 156.47 0.000 .0005766 .0005918 +_IbplXy~a332 | .0000532 9.85e-06 5.40 0.000 .0000331 .0000732 + _Iyear_1990 | (omitted) + _Iyear_2000 | (omitted) + _cons | 8.810775 1.222648 7.21 0.000 6.317167 11.30438 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (279 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, INCLUDE REGION x YEAR x YOB EFFECTS + +19:42:00 on 1 Feb 2010 + +INCLUDE REGION x YEAR x YOB EFFECTS + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 2965 2965 2965 2965 2965 2965 +Depvar: incearn incearn incearn incearn incearn incearn +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.3540* -0.0693 -0.0369 0.2033 0.1038 0.1206~ + (0.110) (0.0793) (0.060) (0.1095) (0.0655) (0.0554) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.996 0.997 0.997 0.996 0.997 0.997 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. drop regionxyearxyob + +. +. +. +. local alt_mal "tempavg altitude tempxalt" + +. foreach x of local alt_mal { + 2. replace `x' = `x' * yrexp + 3. } +(1902 real changes made, 26 to missing) +(1902 real changes made, 26 to missing) +(1902 real changes made, 26 to missing) + +. local meanrev "dens lnele" + +. local the_rest "inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth" + +. xi i.bpls i.year i.yob +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1905-1975 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1905 omitted) + +. ivreg incearn (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +(sum of wgt is 6.9276e+04) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 2688 + F( 27, 28) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.9959 + Root MSE = .18662 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 29 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .19642 .1785167 1.10 0.281 -.1692548 .5620948 + dens | -.0472651 .0224859 -2.10 0.045 -.0933254 -.0012049 + lnele | .001792 .0228029 0.08 0.938 -.0449175 .0485016 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | -.1603311 .0538581 -2.98 0.006 -.2706545 -.0500076 +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | -.4237098 .0306573 -13.82 0.000 -.4865085 -.3609112 +_Ibplsta~305 | -.1277146 .0382879 -3.34 0.002 -.2061437 -.0492855 +_Ibplsta~306 | -.076541 .0568443 -1.35 0.189 -.1929813 .0398992 +_Ibplsta~307 | -.9310476 .1262446 -7.37 0.000 -1.189648 -.6724473 +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | .4444785 .1251174 3.55 0.001 .1881871 .7007699 +_Ibplsta~310 | -.1442978 .0438888 -3.29 0.003 -.2342 -.0543956 +_Ibplsta~311 | -.0612193 .060412 -1.01 0.320 -.1849677 .0625291 +_Ibplsta~312 | -.4015871 .0794677 -5.05 0.000 -.5643694 -.2388048 +_Ibplsta~313 | -.4042173 .069499 -5.82 0.000 -.5465795 -.2618551 +_Ibplsta~314 | .0283993 .0622626 0.46 0.652 -.0991399 .1559385 +_Ibplsta~315 | -.1371805 .0768183 -1.79 0.085 -.2945357 .0201747 +_Ibplsta~316 | -.1179964 .0669826 -1.76 0.089 -.255204 .0192112 +_Ibplsta~317 | -.2094688 .0772577 -2.71 0.011 -.367724 -.0512135 +_Ibplsta~318 | -.1640264 .043525 -3.77 0.001 -.2531834 -.0748695 +_Ibplsta~319 | .0764127 .0505888 1.51 0.142 -.0272139 .1800392 +_Ibplsta~320 | -.8080618 .1798106 -4.49 0.000 -1.176387 -.4397364 +_Ibplsta~321 | -.5650924 .1233313 -4.58 0.000 -.817725 -.3124598 +_Ibplsta~322 | -.1034463 .055071 -1.88 0.071 -.2162542 .0093615 +_Ibplsta~323 | -.3795458 .0428384 -8.86 0.000 -.4672963 -.2917952 +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | -.0229171 .0467785 -0.49 0.628 -.1187384 .0729043 +_Ibplsta~326 | -.0424687 .0405444 -1.05 0.304 -.1255202 .0405828 +_Ibplsta~327 | -.6168598 .1241341 -4.97 0.000 -.8711369 -.3625826 +_Ibplsta~328 | -.045646 .0437034 -1.04 0.305 -.1351683 .0438763 +_Ibplsta~329 | -.3961243 .0770069 -5.14 0.000 -.5538657 -.2383828 +_Ibplsta~330 | -.5488398 .1096297 -5.01 0.000 -.773406 -.3242737 +_Ibplsta~331 | -.6548885 .047768 -13.71 0.000 -.7527368 -.5570402 +_Ibplsta~332 | -.2889648 .0412954 -7.00 0.000 -.3735546 -.2043751 + _Iyear_1990 | 7.850283 .0704615 111.41 0.000 7.705949 7.994617 + _Iyear_2000 | 2.852576 .0743491 38.37 0.000 2.700279 3.004873 + _Iyob_1906 | .247162 .0861075 2.87 0.008 .0707787 .4235452 + _Iyob_1907 | .3812602 .0924456 4.12 0.000 .191894 .5706264 + _Iyob_1908 | .2590533 .0970313 2.67 0.012 .0602937 .4578128 + _Iyob_1909 | .2590383 .1067033 2.43 0.022 .0404665 .47761 + _Iyob_1910 | .1569102 .071939 2.18 0.038 .0095499 .3042705 + _Iyob_1911 | .4021712 .0798075 5.04 0.000 .2386929 .5656495 + _Iyob_1912 | .1963332 .0759396 2.59 0.015 .0407779 .3518885 + _Iyob_1913 | .453476 .0910411 4.98 0.000 .2669867 .6399652 + _Iyob_1914 | .2502275 .0747798 3.35 0.002 .0970479 .4034071 + _Iyob_1915 | .1457803 .0896842 1.63 0.115 -.0379295 .3294901 + _Iyob_1916 | .5150735 .0982649 5.24 0.000 .313787 .71636 + _Iyob_1917 | .3754016 .0969665 3.87 0.001 .1767747 .5740284 + _Iyob_1918 | .3361033 .0849128 3.96 0.000 .1621674 .5100392 + _Iyob_1919 | .4879383 .105444 4.63 0.000 .271946 .7039306 + _Iyob_1920 | .1827736 .0691857 2.64 0.013 .0410531 .324494 + _Iyob_1921 | .4071169 .0755358 5.39 0.000 .2523887 .561845 + _Iyob_1922 | .2408928 .072649 3.32 0.003 .0920781 .3897075 + _Iyob_1923 | .305838 .0896747 3.41 0.002 .1221477 .4895283 + _Iyob_1924 | .3188013 .0812466 3.92 0.001 .1523752 .4852274 + _Iyob_1925 | .2410701 .0649814 3.71 0.001 .1079619 .3741784 + _Iyob_1926 | .4784787 .0873659 5.48 0.000 .2995177 .6574396 + _Iyob_1927 | .3812115 .0750432 5.08 0.000 .2274925 .5349306 + _Iyob_1928 | .427641 .0845896 5.06 0.000 .2543671 .6009149 + _Iyob_1929 | .4327001 .0695081 6.23 0.000 .2903192 .5750811 + _Iyob_1930 | .1733585 .0749256 2.31 0.028 .0198803 .3268367 + _Iyob_1931 | .3780712 .0696445 5.43 0.000 .235411 .5207314 + _Iyob_1932 | .2074283 .0745273 2.78 0.010 .054766 .3600906 + _Iyob_1933 | .2286861 .0839802 2.72 0.011 .0566604 .4007118 + _Iyob_1934 | .2522921 .0778688 3.24 0.003 .0927851 .4117992 + _Iyob_1935 | .192787 .0734971 2.62 0.014 .0422349 .3433391 + _Iyob_1936 | .2572791 .074237 3.47 0.002 .1052114 .4093468 + _Iyob_1937 | .3123766 .0740245 4.22 0.000 .1607443 .4640089 + _Iyob_1938 | .2870417 .0775999 3.70 0.001 .1280856 .4459979 + _Iyob_1939 | .3541386 .0871749 4.06 0.000 .1755689 .5327083 + _Iyob_1940 | .2380999 .0791077 3.01 0.005 .0760552 .4001446 + _Iyob_1941 | .3100677 .0768824 4.03 0.000 .1525812 .4675541 + _Iyob_1942 | .29308 .0797188 3.68 0.001 .1297835 .4563765 + _Iyob_1943 | .3609866 .0820319 4.40 0.000 .1929519 .5290214 + _Iyob_1944 | .3408033 .0908134 3.75 0.001 .1547804 .5268261 + _Iyob_1945 | .4407857 .0945929 4.66 0.000 .2470208 .6345505 + _Iyob_1946 | .3181223 .1090532 2.92 0.007 .0947369 .5415076 + _Iyob_1947 | .2976915 .1204483 2.47 0.020 .0509644 .5444186 + _Iyob_1948 | .3439958 .1347939 2.55 0.016 .0678831 .6201086 + _Iyob_1949 | .3753484 .1467398 2.56 0.016 .0747655 .6759313 + _Iyob_1950 | .3189827 .1587502 2.01 0.054 -.0062023 .6441677 + _Iyob_1951 | .3305814 .1739477 1.90 0.068 -.0257343 .6868971 + _Iyob_1952 | .3303326 .185788 1.78 0.086 -.0502368 .710902 + _Iyob_1953 | .3538808 .1998781 1.77 0.088 -.055551 .7633126 + _Iyob_1954 | .331473 .2138465 1.55 0.132 -.1065717 .7695177 + _Iyob_1955 | .3567194 .2277722 1.57 0.129 -.1098507 .8232895 + _Iyob_1956 | .3466903 .2415692 1.44 0.162 -.1481418 .8415225 + _Iyob_1957 | .363126 .2571355 1.41 0.169 -.1635922 .8898441 + _Iyob_1958 | .3500864 .2568343 1.36 0.184 -.1760149 .8761876 + _Iyob_1959 | .3924337 .2567719 1.53 0.138 -.1335396 .918407 + _Iyob_1960 | .3309635 .2554436 1.30 0.206 -.1922889 .8542159 + _Iyob_1961 | .3113316 .2568711 1.21 0.236 -.214845 .8375082 + _Iyob_1962 | .3100044 .2551257 1.22 0.234 -.2125968 .8326056 + _Iyob_1963 | .2941278 .2544317 1.16 0.257 -.2270518 .8153074 + _Iyob_1964 | .2863633 .2525189 1.13 0.266 -.2308983 .8036248 + _Iyob_1965 | .266141 .2558673 1.04 0.307 -.2579794 .7902614 + _Iyob_1966 | .3043311 .2574147 1.18 0.247 -.2229589 .8316212 + _Iyob_1967 | .3149997 .257725 1.22 0.232 -.212926 .8429253 + _Iyob_1968 | .2882765 .2563391 1.12 0.270 -.2368103 .8133632 + _Iyob_1969 | .2964585 .2549743 1.16 0.255 -.2258327 .8187498 + _Iyob_1970 | .2846733 .254444 1.12 0.273 -.2365316 .8058781 + _Iyob_1971 | .2419643 .2549334 0.95 0.351 -.2802431 .7641717 + _Iyob_1972 | .278362 .2534826 1.10 0.281 -.2408737 .7975977 + _Iyob_1973 | .244278 .2558354 0.95 0.348 -.2797771 .7683332 + _Iyob_1974 | .2487393 .2546654 0.98 0.337 -.2729192 .7703977 + _Iyob_1975 | .2243791 .2544429 0.88 0.385 -.2968236 .7455818 + _cons | 5.376943 .0967834 55.56 0.000 5.178691 5.575195 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: dens lnele _Ibplstate_112 _Ibplstate_113 _Ibplstate_115 + _Ibplstate_116 _Ibplstate_121 _Ibplstate_122 _Ibplstate_123 + _Ibplstate_124 _Ibplstate_125 _Ibplstate_126 _Ibplstate_127 + _Ibplstate_128 _Ibplstate_129 _Ibplstate_131 _Ibplstate_132 + _Ibplstate_133 _Ibplstate_135 _Ibplstate_136 _Ibplstate_141 + _Ibplstate_142 _Ibplstate_143 _Ibplstate_151 _Ibplstate_152 + _Ibplstate_153 _Ibplstate_191 _Ibplstate_192 _Ibplstate_203 + _Ibplstate_205 _Ibplstate_208 _Ibplstate_213 _Ibplstate_215 + _Ibplstate_217 _Ibplstate_219 _Ibplstate_225 _Ibplstate_227 + _Ibplstate_241 _Ibplstate_247 _Ibplstate_252 _Ibplstate_254 + _Ibplstate_268 _Ibplstate_273 _Ibplstate_276 _Ibplstate_301 + _Ibplstate_302 _Ibplstate_303 _Ibplstate_304 _Ibplstate_305 + _Ibplstate_306 _Ibplstate_307 _Ibplstate_308 _Ibplstate_309 + _Ibplstate_310 _Ibplstate_311 _Ibplstate_312 _Ibplstate_313 + _Ibplstate_314 _Ibplstate_315 _Ibplstate_316 _Ibplstate_317 + _Ibplstate_318 _Ibplstate_319 _Ibplstate_320 _Ibplstate_321 + _Ibplstate_322 _Ibplstate_323 _Ibplstate_324 _Ibplstate_325 + _Ibplstate_326 _Ibplstate_327 _Ibplstate_328 _Ibplstate_329 + _Ibplstate_330 _Ibplstate_331 _Ibplstate_332 _Iyear_1990 + _Iyear_2000 _Iyob_1906 _Iyob_1907 _Iyob_1908 _Iyob_1909 + _Iyob_1910 _Iyob_1911 _Iyob_1912 _Iyob_1913 _Iyob_1914 + _Iyob_1915 _Iyob_1916 _Iyob_1917 _Iyob_1918 _Iyob_1919 + _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 _Iyob_1924 + _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 _Iyob_1929 + _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 _Iyob_1934 + _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 + _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 + _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 + _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 + _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 + _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 + _Iyob_1965 _Iyob_1966 _Iyob_1967 _Iyob_1968 _Iyob_1969 + _Iyob_1970 _Iyob_1971 _Iyob_1972 _Iyob_1973 _Iyob_1974 + _Iyob_1975 tempavg altitude tempxalt +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.year i.yob +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1905-1975 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1905 omitted) + +. ivreg incearn (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +(sum of wgt is 6.9276e+04) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 2688 + F( 29, 28) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.9966 + Root MSE = .17106 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 29 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | -.0779136 .1243473 -0.63 0.536 -.3326275 .1768002 + dens | .0073732 .0144075 0.51 0.613 -.0221392 .0368855 + lnele | .0036236 .0232535 0.16 0.877 -.044009 .0512563 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | -17.18474 2.26478 -7.59 0.000 -21.82393 -12.54555 +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | -24.59157 3.976115 -6.18 0.000 -32.73627 -16.44687 +_Ibplsta~304 | 5.840631 3.397595 1.72 0.097 -1.119028 12.80029 +_Ibplsta~305 | -2.528555 2.895467 -0.87 0.390 -8.45965 3.40254 +_Ibplsta~306 | -.4036553 3.006578 -0.13 0.894 -6.562351 5.755041 +_Ibplsta~307 | -22.95275 4.296366 -5.34 0.000 -31.75346 -14.15205 +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | 18.42046 1.188512 15.50 0.000 15.98591 20.85502 +_Ibplsta~310 | -17.41574 2.9542 -5.90 0.000 -23.46714 -11.36433 +_Ibplsta~311 | -12.32299 1.624141 -7.59 0.000 -15.64989 -8.996086 +_Ibplsta~312 | -29.36639 2.355708 -12.47 0.000 -34.19184 -24.54094 +_Ibplsta~313 | -.5009909 1.264138 -0.40 0.695 -3.09046 2.088478 +_Ibplsta~314 | -8.557942 2.255194 -3.79 0.001 -13.1775 -3.938387 +_Ibplsta~315 | -10.48167 1.889201 -5.55 0.000 -14.35152 -6.611816 +_Ibplsta~316 | -9.675273 2.315064 -4.18 0.000 -14.41747 -4.933079 +_Ibplsta~317 | -3.420142 1.510229 -2.26 0.031 -6.513706 -.3265778 +_Ibplsta~318 | -4.896312 2.734126 -1.79 0.084 -10.49692 .7042915 +_Ibplsta~319 | 1.525564 2.478697 0.62 0.543 -3.551816 6.602944 +_Ibplsta~320 | -37.62697 6.56161 -5.73 0.000 -51.06782 -24.18612 +_Ibplsta~321 | -12.77495 4.158383 -3.07 0.005 -21.29301 -4.25689 +_Ibplsta~322 | -10.46684 1.988674 -5.26 0.000 -14.54045 -6.393222 +_Ibplsta~323 | -5.159478 4.801977 -1.07 0.292 -14.99588 4.676927 +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | -7.869374 2.089874 -3.77 0.001 -12.15029 -3.588461 +_Ibplsta~326 | .0835776 3.304973 0.03 0.980 -6.686353 6.853508 +_Ibplsta~327 | -9.285917 4.363438 -2.13 0.042 -18.22401 -.3478194 +_Ibplsta~328 | .5638675 2.362314 0.24 0.813 -4.275114 5.402849 +_Ibplsta~329 | -9.821814 3.758137 -2.61 0.014 -17.52001 -2.123619 +_Ibplsta~330 | -.1372483 3.66154 -0.04 0.970 -7.637572 7.363076 +_Ibplsta~331 | 8.255054 1.942323 4.25 0.000 4.276385 12.23372 +_Ibplsta~332 | -26.76943 2.293062 -11.67 0.000 -31.46655 -22.07231 +_IbplXyo~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | .0123657 .0021158 5.84 0.000 .0080317 .0166997 +_IbplXyo~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~303 | .0163051 .0019797 8.24 0.000 .0122499 .0203603 +_IbplXyo~304 | .000511 .0022627 0.23 0.823 -.0041241 .005146 +_IbplXyo~305 | .0049071 .0009172 5.35 0.000 .0030284 .0067858 +_IbplXyo~306 | .0038375 .0026246 1.46 0.155 -.0015387 .0092137 +_IbplXyo~307 | .015028 .0024368 6.17 0.000 .0100364 .0200196 +_IbplXyo~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~309 | -.0056379 .001998 -2.82 0.009 -.0097306 -.0015453 +_IbplXyo~310 | .0125235 .0007124 17.58 0.000 .0110641 .0139829 +_IbplXyo~311 | .0099222 .0018219 5.45 0.000 .0061902 .0136542 +_IbplXyo~312 | .0185359 .0015042 12.32 0.000 .0154547 .0216172 +_IbplXyo~313 | .0037116 .0015664 2.37 0.025 .000503 .0069202 +_IbplXyo~314 | .0080488 .000641 12.56 0.000 .0067358 .0093618 +_IbplXyo~315 | .0089236 .0008203 10.88 0.000 .0072433 .0106038 +_IbplXyo~316 | .0085492 .000551 15.52 0.000 .0074205 .0096778 +_IbplXyo~317 | .0053101 .0019049 2.79 0.009 .0014081 .0092121 +_IbplXyo~318 | .0061021 .0022246 2.74 0.010 .0015452 .0106589 +_IbplXyo~319 | .002922 .00074 3.95 0.000 .0014061 .0044378 +_IbplXyo~320 | .0226419 .0034561 6.55 0.000 .0155624 .0297214 +_IbplXyo~321 | .009944 .0017232 5.77 0.000 .0064142 .0134738 +_IbplXyo~322 | .0089693 .0019916 4.50 0.000 .0048898 .0130488 +_IbplXyo~323 | .0062139 .0028789 2.16 0.040 .0003166 .0121111 +_IbplXyo~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~325 | .0076907 .0011598 6.63 0.000 .0053149 .0100666 +_IbplXyo~326 | .0036292 .0006818 5.32 0.000 .0022326 .0050259 +_IbplXyo~327 | .0081967 .0028469 2.88 0.008 .0023651 .0140283 +_IbplXyo~328 | .0033601 .0010138 3.31 0.003 .0012834 .0054368 +_IbplXyo~329 | .0084635 .003223 2.63 0.014 .0018616 .0150654 +_IbplXyo~330 | .0034871 .0014096 2.47 0.020 .0005996 .0063745 +_IbplXyo~331 | -.0008846 .0015569 -0.57 0.574 -.0040738 .0023047 +_IbplXyo~332 | .0172338 .0012612 13.66 0.000 .0146502 .0198173 + _Iyear_1990 | 7.847135 .0710366 110.47 0.000 7.701623 7.992647 + _Iyear_2000 | 2.84973 .0753285 37.83 0.000 2.695426 3.004033 + _Iyob_1906 | .2264556 .0837875 2.70 0.012 .0548248 .3980864 + _Iyob_1907 | .3553899 .0936471 3.79 0.001 .1635624 .5472174 + _Iyob_1908 | .2239565 .0952835 2.35 0.026 .0287772 .4191359 + _Iyob_1909 | .2245954 .1089011 2.06 0.049 .0015216 .4476692 + _Iyob_1910 | .1167476 .0710508 1.64 0.112 -.0287934 .2622886 + _Iyob_1911 | .3445937 .0792076 4.35 0.000 .1823442 .5068431 + _Iyob_1912 | .131924 .0765035 1.72 0.096 -.0247863 .2886344 + _Iyob_1913 | .3779715 .0889718 4.25 0.000 .1957211 .560222 + _Iyob_1914 | .1665121 .0775759 2.15 0.041 .0076052 .3254191 + _Iyob_1915 | .0562287 .0910828 0.62 0.542 -.1303461 .2428034 + _Iyob_1916 | .4147259 .0976997 4.24 0.000 .214597 .6148547 + _Iyob_1917 | .2647237 .0972248 2.72 0.011 .0655676 .4638798 + _Iyob_1918 | .2184515 .0809909 2.70 0.012 .0525492 .3843538 + _Iyob_1919 | .3598836 .1113907 3.23 0.003 .1317101 .5880572 + _Iyob_1920 | .0498582 .0652882 0.76 0.451 -.0838786 .183595 + _Iyob_1921 | .2633589 .0704326 3.74 0.001 .1190843 .4076336 + _Iyob_1922 | .0896313 .0785691 1.14 0.264 -.0713101 .2505727 + _Iyob_1923 | .1451952 .0893985 1.62 0.116 -.0379293 .3283198 + _Iyob_1924 | .1541873 .0791182 1.95 0.061 -.007879 .3162535 + _Iyob_1925 | .0686797 .0622782 1.10 0.280 -.0588915 .1962509 + _Iyob_1926 | .2961289 .0794117 3.73 0.001 .1334613 .4587965 + _Iyob_1927 | .1916845 .0749797 2.56 0.016 .0380956 .3452734 + _Iyob_1928 | .2282336 .0824027 2.77 0.010 .0594394 .3970278 + _Iyob_1929 | .2255897 .0779613 2.89 0.007 .0658932 .3852863 + _Iyob_1930 | -.0416898 .0825979 -0.50 0.618 -.210884 .1275044 + _Iyob_1931 | .154619 .063885 2.42 0.022 .0237565 .2854815 + _Iyob_1932 | -.0238452 .0749348 -0.32 0.753 -.1773422 .1296517 + _Iyob_1933 | -.0118614 .0864428 -0.14 0.892 -.1889315 .1652086 + _Iyob_1934 | .0039306 .0755659 0.05 0.959 -.1508592 .1587204 + _Iyob_1935 | -.0624392 .0754265 -0.83 0.415 -.2169432 .0920649 + _Iyob_1936 | -.0056739 .0727026 -0.08 0.938 -.1545985 .1432507 + _Iyob_1937 | .041991 .0744823 0.56 0.577 -.1105791 .1945611 + _Iyob_1938 | .007508 .0773042 0.10 0.923 -.1508425 .1658586 + _Iyob_1939 | .0666871 .0827161 0.81 0.427 -.1027492 .2361234 + _Iyob_1940 | -.0651396 .0823054 -0.79 0.435 -.2337347 .1034554 + _Iyob_1941 | -.0058988 .0855016 -0.07 0.945 -.1810408 .1692432 + _Iyob_1942 | -.0376142 .0918987 -0.41 0.685 -.2258602 .1506317 + _Iyob_1943 | .0170351 .1014764 0.17 0.868 -.1908299 .2249002 + _Iyob_1944 | -.0174498 .1154078 -0.15 0.881 -.253852 .2189523 + _Iyob_1945 | .0672588 .1279981 0.53 0.603 -.1949334 .3294511 + _Iyob_1946 | -.0690074 .1354586 -0.51 0.614 -.3464818 .208467 + _Iyob_1947 | -.1038111 .1451223 -0.72 0.480 -.4010806 .1934585 + _Iyob_1948 | -.0718392 .1570036 -0.46 0.651 -.3934464 .2497681 + _Iyob_1949 | -.0549565 .1729873 -0.32 0.753 -.4093049 .299392 + _Iyob_1950 | -.1249171 .1870177 -0.67 0.510 -.5080055 .2581712 + _Iyob_1951 | -.1277637 .1950086 -0.66 0.518 -.5272207 .2716933 + _Iyob_1952 | -.1418257 .2100875 -0.68 0.505 -.5721704 .288519 + _Iyob_1953 | -.1327758 .2247707 -0.59 0.559 -.5931976 .3276461 + _Iyob_1954 | -.169218 .2360884 -0.72 0.479 -.6528231 .3143871 + _Iyob_1955 | -.157463 .2517321 -0.63 0.537 -.6731128 .3581869 + _Iyob_1956 | -.1821236 .2667397 -0.68 0.500 -.7285151 .3642678 + _Iyob_1957 | -.179958 .2780278 -0.65 0.523 -.7494721 .389556 + _Iyob_1958 | -.2007909 .2790268 -0.72 0.478 -.7723514 .3707696 + _Iyob_1959 | -.1661756 .279178 -0.60 0.556 -.7380459 .4056946 + _Iyob_1960 | -.2346992 .2815329 -0.83 0.412 -.8113931 .3419948 + _Iyob_1961 | -.262181 .2789702 -0.94 0.355 -.8336256 .3092636 + _Iyob_1962 | -.2710958 .2821959 -0.96 0.345 -.8491479 .3069563 + _Iyob_1963 | -.2947474 .2830772 -1.04 0.307 -.8746048 .28511 + _Iyob_1964 | -.3103415 .2847709 -1.09 0.285 -.8936681 .2729852 + _Iyob_1965 | -.3383076 .2828484 -1.20 0.242 -.9176964 .2410812 + _Iyob_1966 | -.3080596 .2848417 -1.08 0.289 -.8915313 .2754121 + _Iyob_1967 | -.3048383 .284699 -1.07 0.293 -.8880177 .2783412 + _Iyob_1968 | -.3397564 .2858015 -1.19 0.245 -.9251943 .2456814 + _Iyob_1969 | -.33821 .2841974 -1.19 0.244 -.920362 .2439419 + _Iyob_1970 | -.3593331 .2904832 -1.24 0.226 -.954361 .2356947 + _Iyob_1971 | -.4078801 .2898664 -1.41 0.170 -1.001645 .1858844 + _Iyob_1972 | -.3800957 .2854785 -1.33 0.194 -.9648719 .2046805 + _Iyob_1973 | -.4218219 .2867978 -1.47 0.152 -1.009301 .1656569 + _Iyob_1974 | -.4245848 .290573 -1.46 0.155 -1.019797 .170627 + _Iyob_1975 | -.4573255 .2903475 -1.58 0.126 -1.052075 .1374243 + _cons | -1.400223 3.349402 -0.42 0.679 -8.261161 5.460716 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: dens lnele _Ibplstate_112 _Ibplstate_113 _Ibplstate_115 + _Ibplstate_116 _Ibplstate_121 _Ibplstate_122 _Ibplstate_123 + _Ibplstate_124 _Ibplstate_125 _Ibplstate_126 _Ibplstate_127 + _Ibplstate_128 _Ibplstate_129 _Ibplstate_131 _Ibplstate_132 + _Ibplstate_133 _Ibplstate_135 _Ibplstate_136 _Ibplstate_141 + _Ibplstate_142 _Ibplstate_143 _Ibplstate_151 _Ibplstate_152 + _Ibplstate_153 _Ibplstate_191 _Ibplstate_192 _Ibplstate_203 + _Ibplstate_205 _Ibplstate_208 _Ibplstate_213 _Ibplstate_215 + _Ibplstate_217 _Ibplstate_219 _Ibplstate_225 _Ibplstate_227 + _Ibplstate_241 _Ibplstate_247 _Ibplstate_252 _Ibplstate_254 + _Ibplstate_268 _Ibplstate_273 _Ibplstate_276 _Ibplstate_301 + _Ibplstate_302 _Ibplstate_303 _Ibplstate_304 _Ibplstate_305 + _Ibplstate_306 _Ibplstate_307 _Ibplstate_308 _Ibplstate_309 + _Ibplstate_310 _Ibplstate_311 _Ibplstate_312 _Ibplstate_313 + _Ibplstate_314 _Ibplstate_315 _Ibplstate_316 _Ibplstate_317 + _Ibplstate_318 _Ibplstate_319 _Ibplstate_320 _Ibplstate_321 + _Ibplstate_322 _Ibplstate_323 _Ibplstate_324 _Ibplstate_325 + _Ibplstate_326 _Ibplstate_327 _Ibplstate_328 _Ibplstate_329 + _Ibplstate_330 _Ibplstate_331 _Ibplstate_332 _IbplXyob_112 + _IbplXyob_113 _IbplXyob_115 _IbplXyob_116 _IbplXyob_121 + _IbplXyob_122 _IbplXyob_123 _IbplXyob_124 _IbplXyob_125 + _IbplXyob_126 _IbplXyob_127 _IbplXyob_128 _IbplXyob_129 + _IbplXyob_131 _IbplXyob_132 _IbplXyob_133 _IbplXyob_135 + _IbplXyob_136 _IbplXyob_141 _IbplXyob_142 _IbplXyob_143 + _IbplXyob_151 _IbplXyob_152 _IbplXyob_153 _IbplXyob_191 + _IbplXyob_192 _IbplXyob_203 _IbplXyob_205 _IbplXyob_208 + _IbplXyob_213 _IbplXyob_215 _IbplXyob_217 _IbplXyob_219 + _IbplXyob_225 _IbplXyob_227 _IbplXyob_241 _IbplXyob_247 + _IbplXyob_252 _IbplXyob_254 _IbplXyob_268 _IbplXyob_273 + _IbplXyob_276 _IbplXyob_301 _IbplXyob_302 _IbplXyob_303 + _IbplXyob_304 _IbplXyob_305 _IbplXyob_306 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_Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 + _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 _Iyob_1966 _Iyob_1967 + _Iyob_1968 _Iyob_1969 _Iyob_1970 _Iyob_1971 _Iyob_1972 + _Iyob_1973 _Iyob_1974 _Iyob_1975 tempavg altitude tempxalt +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.yob +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1905-1975 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1905 omitted) + +. ivreg incearn (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +(sum of wgt is 6.9276e+04) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 2688 + F( 28, 28) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.9969 + Root MSE = .16431 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 29 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | -.0519322 .1061772 -0.49 0.629 -.2694262 .1655619 + dens | .0009784 .0131266 0.07 0.941 -.0259102 .027867 + lnele | .0097774 .0205076 0.48 0.637 -.0322305 .0517853 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | 7.270717 2.279094 3.19 0.003 2.602204 11.93923 +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~304 | 13.1033 1.548912 8.46 0.000 9.9305 16.2761 +_Ibplsta~305 | 10.25572 2.108574 4.86 0.000 5.936503 14.57494 +_Ibplsta~306 | 31.2215 2.678207 11.66 0.000 25.73544 36.70756 +_Ibplsta~307 | -6.810512 5.39621 -1.26 0.217 -17.86415 4.243124 +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | 24.1682 4.997267 4.84 0.000 13.93176 34.40463 +_Ibplsta~310 | 4.675872 2.486706 1.88 0.071 -.4179149 9.769659 +_Ibplsta~311 | -2.928585 2.506722 -1.17 0.253 -8.063372 2.206202 +_Ibplsta~312 | 6.350151 3.593636 1.77 0.088 -1.011079 13.71138 +_Ibplsta~313 | 2.878311 3.054496 0.94 0.354 -3.37854 9.135161 +_Ibplsta~314 | 14.15635 3.236092 4.37 0.000 7.527512 20.78518 +_Ibplsta~315 | 1.601979 3.711597 0.43 0.669 -6.000883 9.20484 +_Ibplsta~316 | 19.25677 3.502898 5.50 0.000 12.08141 26.43213 +_Ibplsta~317 | 12.00815 3.320949 3.62 0.001 5.20549 18.8108 +_Ibplsta~318 | 18.96446 1.959549 9.68 0.000 14.95051 22.97842 +_Ibplsta~319 | 19.41006 2.679179 7.24 0.000 13.92201 24.89812 +_Ibplsta~320 | -10.1397 7.804607 -1.30 0.204 -26.12671 5.847315 +_Ibplsta~321 | 7.907807 6.119762 1.29 0.207 -4.627956 20.44357 +_Ibplsta~322 | -9.499152 2.337578 -4.06 0.000 -14.28746 -4.71084 +_Ibplsta~323 | 22.07685 1.902757 11.60 0.000 18.17923 25.97447 +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | 15.15977 2.152726 7.04 0.000 10.75011 19.56943 +_Ibplsta~326 | 17.8686 2.516376 7.10 0.000 12.71404 23.02316 +_Ibplsta~327 | 8.059815 5.256447 1.53 0.136 -2.707528 18.82716 +_Ibplsta~328 | 11.18323 2.183539 5.12 0.000 6.710452 15.656 +_Ibplsta~329 | 7.40423 3.690613 2.01 0.055 -.1556478 14.96411 +_Ibplsta~330 | 11.11181 5.3666 2.07 0.048 .1188297 22.10479 +_Ibplsta~331 | 7.109652 2.138729 3.32 0.002 2.728664 11.49064 +_Ibplsta~332 | 5.765254 1.821709 3.16 0.004 2.033652 9.496856 +_IbplXy~_112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_301 | -.0088369 .0053908 -1.64 0.112 -.0198794 .0022057 +_IbplXy~_302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_303 | -.0049757 .0054761 -0.91 0.371 -.0161929 .0062415 +_IbplXy~_304 | -.0119365 .0051998 -2.30 0.029 -.0225878 -.0012852 +_IbplXy~_305 | -.0103576 .0064353 -1.61 0.119 -.0235398 .0028245 +_IbplXy~_306 | -.0210163 .0049954 -4.21 0.000 -.0312489 -.0107837 +_IbplXy~_307 | -.0019516 .0071207 -0.27 0.786 -.0165377 .0126344 +_IbplXy~_308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_309 | -.0173048 .0068204 -2.54 0.017 -.0312757 -.0033339 +_IbplXy~_310 | -.0074862 .0066446 -1.13 0.269 -.0210971 .0061248 +_IbplXy~_311 | -.0036047 .005722 -0.63 0.534 -.0153258 .0081164 +_IbplXy~_312 | -.0084145 .006577 -1.28 0.211 -.021887 .005058 +_IbplXy~_313 | -.0067534 .006189 -1.09 0.284 -.0194311 .0059242 +_IbplXy~_314 | -.0122752 .0068433 -1.79 0.084 -.026293 .0017426 +_IbplXy~_315 | -.0059812 .0069234 -0.86 0.395 -.0201631 .0082008 +_IbplXy~_316 | -.0149453 .0069811 -2.14 0.041 -.0292454 -.0006451 +_IbplXy~_317 | -.0112946 .0060613 -1.86 0.073 -.0237106 .0011213 +_IbplXy~_318 | -.0148003 .0052081 -2.84 0.008 -.0254685 -.004132 +_IbplXy~_319 | -.0149408 .006616 -2.26 0.032 -.028493 -.0013886 +_IbplXy~_320 | -.0001234 .0081835 -0.02 0.988 -.0168864 .0166396 +_IbplXy~_321 | -.0093506 .0080849 -1.16 0.257 -.0259118 .0072106 +_IbplXy~_322 | -.0002649 .0055516 -0.05 0.962 -.0116369 .0111071 +_IbplXy~_323 | -.0164064 .0049669 -3.30 0.003 -.0265808 -.0062321 +_IbplXy~_324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_325 | -.0127922 .0062148 -2.06 0.049 -.0255225 -.0000618 +_IbplXy~_326 | -.0141871 .006694 -2.12 0.043 -.0278991 -.000475 +_IbplXy~_327 | -.0093922 .0065822 -1.43 0.165 -.0228752 .0040909 +_IbplXy~_328 | -.0107997 .0063262 -1.71 0.099 -.0237584 .0021589 +_IbplXy~_329 | -.0090472 .0045972 -1.97 0.059 -.0184642 .0003698 +_IbplXy~_330 | -.0110002 .0077452 -1.42 0.167 -.0268656 .0048652 +_IbplXy~_331 | -.0090469 .005912 -1.53 0.137 -.0211571 .0030632 +_IbplXy~_332 | -.0080953 .0060866 -1.33 0.194 -.0205631 .0043725 +_IbplXy~a112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | -.0003924 .0000993 -3.95 0.000 -.0005958 -.000189 +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | -.0003816 .0001009 -3.78 0.001 -.0005882 -.000175 +_IbplXy~a304 | -.000077 .0001003 -0.77 0.449 -.0002824 .0001284 +_IbplXy~a305 | -.0001712 .0001036 -1.65 0.109 -.0003834 .0000409 +_IbplXy~a306 | -.0005335 .0000994 -5.36 0.000 -.0007372 -.0003298 +_IbplXy~a307 | -.0002224 .0001047 -2.12 0.043 -.0004368 -7.92e-06 +_IbplXy~a308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a309 | -.0000421 .0001046 -0.40 0.690 -.0002564 .0001722 +_IbplXy~a310 | -.0003309 .0001037 -3.19 0.003 -.0005434 -.0001184 +_IbplXy~a311 | -.0001332 .0000996 -1.34 0.192 -.0003373 .0000709 +_IbplXy~a312 | -.0005924 .0001038 -5.71 0.000 -.000805 -.0003798 +_IbplXy~a313 | -.0000125 .0001027 -0.12 0.904 -.0002228 .0001977 +_IbplXy~a314 | -.0003469 .0001048 -3.31 0.003 -.0005614 -.0001323 +_IbplXy~a315 | -.0001601 .0001045 -1.53 0.136 -.0003741 .0000538 +_IbplXy~a316 | -.000455 .0001053 -4.32 0.000 -.0006706 -.0002394 +_IbplXy~a317 | -.0002298 .0001031 -2.23 0.034 -.000441 -.0000186 +_IbplXy~a318 | -.0003789 .0000989 -3.83 0.001 -.0005815 -.0001762 +_IbplXy~a319 | -.0002642 .0001039 -2.54 0.017 -.0004771 -.0000513 +_IbplXy~a320 | -.0004238 .0001066 -3.97 0.000 -.0006422 -.0002054 +_IbplXy~a321 | -.0003039 .0001081 -2.81 0.009 -.0005253 -.0000825 +_IbplXy~a322 | .0000238 .0001002 0.24 0.814 -.0001814 .000229 +_IbplXy~a323 | -.0005001 .000109 -4.59 0.000 -.0007233 -.0002769 +_IbplXy~a324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a325 | -.0003604 .0001029 -3.50 0.002 -.0005712 -.0001496 +_IbplXy~a326 | -.0002548 .0001043 -2.44 0.021 -.0004685 -.0000411 +_IbplXy~a327 | -.000253 .0001032 -2.45 0.021 -.0004645 -.0000415 +_IbplXy~a328 | -.0001325 .0001032 -1.28 0.210 -.0003439 .0000789 +_IbplXy~a329 | -.0002818 .0000984 -2.87 0.008 -.0004833 -.0000804 +_IbplXy~a330 | -.0001297 .0001068 -1.21 0.235 -.0003485 .000089 +_IbplXy~a331 | .0000761 .000102 0.75 0.462 -.0001329 .0002851 +_IbplXy~a332 | -.0005162 .0001019 -5.07 0.000 -.0007248 -.0003075 + _Iyear_1990 | 7.847661 .0713967 109.92 0.000 7.701412 7.993911 + _Iyear_2000 | 2.849992 .0753864 37.81 0.000 2.695569 3.004414 + _Iyob_1906 | .2101515 .0843367 2.49 0.019 .0373957 .3829074 + _Iyob_1907 | .3344101 .0948319 3.53 0.001 .1401557 .5286646 + _Iyob_1908 | .1909324 .0954958 2.00 0.055 -.0046819 .3865467 + _Iyob_1909 | .1895977 .1080401 1.75 0.090 -.0317125 .4109078 + _Iyob_1910 | .0729585 .0672298 1.09 0.287 -.0647555 .2106724 + _Iyob_1911 | .2838289 .071393 3.98 0.000 .137587 .4300707 + _Iyob_1912 | .0725162 .0687145 1.06 0.300 -.0682391 .2132715 + _Iyob_1913 | .3076225 .0877833 3.50 0.002 .1278065 .4874385 + _Iyob_1914 | .0895942 .0666315 1.34 0.190 -.0468943 .2260826 + _Iyob_1915 | -.0249731 .0831183 -0.30 0.766 -.1952333 .145287 + _Iyob_1916 | .3263237 .0919851 3.55 0.001 .1379007 .5147467 + _Iyob_1917 | .1707069 .0796258 2.14 0.041 .0076009 .3338129 + _Iyob_1918 | .1195414 .0825615 1.45 0.159 -.049578 .2886609 + _Iyob_1919 | .2581078 .1024376 2.52 0.018 .048274 .4679416 + _Iyob_1920 | -.0545028 .0616268 -0.88 0.384 -.1807397 .071734 + _Iyob_1921 | .1574844 .0713734 2.21 0.036 .0112826 .3036862 + _Iyob_1922 | -.0200429 .0747465 -0.27 0.791 -.1731543 .1330684 + _Iyob_1923 | .0347439 .0715873 0.49 0.631 -.1118961 .1813838 + _Iyob_1924 | .0417128 .0773192 0.54 0.594 -.1166684 .200094 + _Iyob_1925 | -.0436533 .0491057 -0.89 0.382 -.1442417 .0569351 + _Iyob_1926 | .1821773 .0793854 2.29 0.029 .0195636 .344791 + _Iyob_1927 | .0790143 .0704215 1.12 0.271 -.0652375 .2232661 + _Iyob_1928 | .1166585 .081749 1.43 0.165 -.0507967 .2841137 + _Iyob_1929 | .1153492 .0771757 1.49 0.146 -.0427379 .2734364 + _Iyob_1930 | -.1495016 .0672019 -2.22 0.034 -.2871583 -.0118448 + _Iyob_1931 | .0488508 .0718053 0.68 0.502 -.0982356 .1959372 + _Iyob_1932 | -.1263871 .0635093 -1.99 0.056 -.2564799 .0037058 + _Iyob_1933 | -.1106868 .0620909 -1.78 0.085 -.2378742 .0165005 + _Iyob_1934 | -.0910628 .0683319 -1.33 0.193 -.2310343 .0489088 + _Iyob_1935 | -.1530326 .0338651 -4.52 0.000 -.2224021 -.0836631 + _Iyob_1936 | -.091397 .0323225 -2.83 0.009 -.1576066 -.0251875 + _Iyob_1937 | -.0379884 .0275066 -1.38 0.178 -.094333 .0183563 + _Iyob_1938 | -.0662103 .0275906 -2.40 0.023 -.1227272 -.0096935 + _Iyob_1939 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1940 | -.1276491 .0319133 -4.00 0.000 -.1930206 -.0622776 + _Iyob_1941 | -.0635284 .0316136 -2.01 0.054 -.128286 .0012291 + _Iyob_1942 | -.0900255 .0363291 -2.48 0.020 -.1644422 -.0156088 + _Iyob_1943 | -.0294456 .0467946 -0.63 0.534 -.1252999 .0664088 + _Iyob_1944 | -.0576588 .0551668 -1.05 0.305 -.1706628 .0553452 + _Iyob_1945 | .0340627 .0707239 0.48 0.634 -.1108086 .178934 + _Iyob_1946 | -.0947323 .0654519 -1.45 0.159 -.2288044 .0393399 + _Iyob_1947 | -.1214045 .0758352 -1.60 0.121 -.2767459 .0339369 + _Iyob_1948 | -.0806569 .0823257 -0.98 0.336 -.2492935 .0879798 + _Iyob_1949 | -.0546243 .0879709 -0.62 0.540 -.2348246 .125576 + _Iyob_1950 | -.1156398 .0986036 -1.17 0.251 -.3176201 .0863406 + _Iyob_1951 | -.10819 .0994658 -1.09 0.286 -.3119365 .0955564 + _Iyob_1952 | -.1119117 .1103677 -1.01 0.319 -.3379896 .1141662 + _Iyob_1953 | -.0915426 .1155615 -0.79 0.435 -.3282596 .1451744 + _Iyob_1954 | -.1166516 .1204218 -0.97 0.341 -.3633245 .1300212 + _Iyob_1955 | -.0930815 .1291083 -0.72 0.477 -.3575479 .1713849 + _Iyob_1956 | -.1050174 .1356067 -0.77 0.445 -.3827952 .1727604 + _Iyob_1957 | -.0898955 .1391224 -0.65 0.523 -.3748748 .1950839 + _Iyob_1958 | -.0945975 .1338565 -0.71 0.486 -.3687902 .1795952 + _Iyob_1959 | -.0430726 .1278541 -0.34 0.739 -.3049699 .2188248 + _Iyob_1960 | -.0946471 .1234819 -0.77 0.450 -.3475883 .1582941 + _Iyob_1961 | -.1043458 .1126758 -0.93 0.362 -.3351517 .12646 + _Iyob_1962 | -.095101 .1079969 -0.88 0.386 -.3163226 .1261206 + _Iyob_1963 | -.1000827 .1012983 -0.99 0.332 -.3075828 .1074175 + _Iyob_1964 | -.0965083 .095975 -1.01 0.323 -.2931041 .1000875 + _Iyob_1965 | -.1048664 .0858551 -1.22 0.232 -.2807327 .0709998 + _Iyob_1966 | -.0542728 .0802618 -0.68 0.504 -.2186817 .1101361 + _Iyob_1967 | -.0303792 .0689228 -0.44 0.663 -.1715612 .1108027 + _Iyob_1968 | -.0441445 .0635511 -0.69 0.493 -.174323 .086034 + _Iyob_1969 | -.021157 .0546945 -0.39 0.702 -.1331936 .0908796 + _Iyob_1970 | -.0197059 .0506465 -0.39 0.700 -.1234505 .0840387 + _Iyob_1971 | -.0459791 .0415039 -1.11 0.277 -.130996 .0390378 + _Iyob_1972 | .0049186 .0298406 0.16 0.870 -.0562071 .0660444 + _Iyob_1973 | -.0131402 .0222589 -0.59 0.560 -.0587355 .0324551 + _Iyob_1974 | .0079434 .0219067 0.36 0.720 -.0369304 .0528172 + _Iyob_1975 | (omitted) + _cons | 15.53415 10.69569 1.45 0.158 -6.374978 37.44328 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: dens lnele _Ibplstate_112 _Ibplstate_113 _Ibplstate_115 + _Ibplstate_116 _Ibplstate_121 _Ibplstate_122 _Ibplstate_123 + _Ibplstate_124 _Ibplstate_125 _Ibplstate_126 _Ibplstate_127 + _Ibplstate_128 _Ibplstate_129 _Ibplstate_131 _Ibplstate_132 + _Ibplstate_133 _Ibplstate_135 _Ibplstate_136 _Ibplstate_141 + _Ibplstate_142 _Ibplstate_143 _Ibplstate_151 _Ibplstate_152 + _Ibplstate_153 _Ibplstate_191 _Ibplstate_192 _Ibplstate_203 + _Ibplstate_205 _Ibplstate_208 _Ibplstate_213 _Ibplstate_215 + _Ibplstate_217 _Ibplstate_219 _Ibplstate_225 _Ibplstate_227 + _Ibplstate_241 _Ibplstate_247 _Ibplstate_252 _Ibplstate_254 + _Ibplstate_268 _Ibplstate_273 _Ibplstate_276 _Ibplstate_301 + _Ibplstate_302 _Ibplstate_303 _Ibplstate_304 _Ibplstate_305 + _Ibplstate_306 _Ibplstate_307 _Ibplstate_308 _Ibplstate_309 + _Ibplstate_310 _Ibplstate_311 _Ibplstate_312 _Ibplstate_313 + _Ibplstate_314 _Ibplstate_315 _Ibplstate_316 _Ibplstate_317 + _Ibplstate_318 _Ibplstate_319 _Ibplstate_320 _Ibplstate_321 + _Ibplstate_322 _Ibplstate_323 _Ibplstate_324 _Ibplstate_325 + _Ibplstate_326 _Ibplstate_327 _Ibplstate_328 _Ibplstate_329 + _Ibplstate_330 _Ibplstate_331 _Ibplstate_332 _IbplXyob_112 + _IbplXyob_113 _IbplXyob_115 _IbplXyob_116 _IbplXyob_121 + _IbplXyob_122 _IbplXyob_123 _IbplXyob_124 _IbplXyob_125 + _IbplXyob_126 _IbplXyob_127 _IbplXyob_128 _IbplXyob_129 + _IbplXyob_131 _IbplXyob_132 _IbplXyob_133 _IbplXyob_135 + _IbplXyob_136 _IbplXyob_141 _IbplXyob_142 _IbplXyob_143 + _IbplXyob_151 _IbplXyob_152 _IbplXyob_153 _IbplXyob_191 + _IbplXyob_192 _IbplXyob_203 _IbplXyob_205 _IbplXyob_208 + _IbplXyob_213 _IbplXyob_215 _IbplXyob_217 _IbplXyob_219 + _IbplXyob_225 _IbplXyob_227 _IbplXyob_241 _IbplXyob_247 + _IbplXyob_252 _IbplXyob_254 _IbplXyob_268 _IbplXyob_273 + _IbplXyob_276 _IbplXyob_301 _IbplXyob_302 _IbplXyob_303 + _IbplXyob_304 _IbplXyob_305 _IbplXyob_306 _IbplXyob_307 + _IbplXyob_308 _IbplXyob_309 _IbplXyob_310 _IbplXyob_311 + _IbplXyob_312 _IbplXyob_313 _IbplXyob_314 _IbplXyob_315 + _IbplXyob_316 _IbplXyob_317 _IbplXyob_318 _IbplXyob_319 + _IbplXyob_320 _IbplXyob_321 _IbplXyob_322 _IbplXyob_323 + _IbplXyob_324 _IbplXyob_325 _IbplXyob_326 _IbplXyob_327 + _IbplXyob_328 _IbplXyob_329 _IbplXyob_330 _IbplXyob_331 + _IbplXyob_332 _IbplXyoba112 _IbplXyoba113 _IbplXyoba115 + _IbplXyoba116 _IbplXyoba121 _IbplXyoba122 _IbplXyoba123 + _IbplXyoba124 _IbplXyoba125 _IbplXyoba126 _IbplXyoba127 + _IbplXyoba128 _IbplXyoba129 _IbplXyoba131 _IbplXyoba132 + _IbplXyoba133 _IbplXyoba135 _IbplXyoba136 _IbplXyoba141 + _IbplXyoba142 _IbplXyoba143 _IbplXyoba151 _IbplXyoba152 + _IbplXyoba153 _IbplXyoba191 _IbplXyoba192 _IbplXyoba203 + _IbplXyoba205 _IbplXyoba208 _IbplXyoba213 _IbplXyoba215 + _IbplXyoba217 _IbplXyoba219 _IbplXyoba225 _IbplXyoba227 + _IbplXyoba241 _IbplXyoba247 _IbplXyoba252 _IbplXyoba254 + _IbplXyoba268 _IbplXyoba273 _IbplXyoba276 _IbplXyoba301 + _IbplXyoba302 _IbplXyoba303 _IbplXyoba304 _IbplXyoba305 + _IbplXyoba306 _IbplXyoba307 _IbplXyoba308 _IbplXyoba309 + _IbplXyoba310 _IbplXyoba311 _IbplXyoba312 _IbplXyoba313 + _IbplXyoba314 _IbplXyoba315 _IbplXyoba316 _IbplXyoba317 + _IbplXyoba318 _IbplXyoba319 _IbplXyoba320 _IbplXyoba321 + _IbplXyoba322 _IbplXyoba323 _IbplXyoba324 _IbplXyoba325 + _IbplXyoba326 _IbplXyoba327 _IbplXyoba328 _IbplXyoba329 + _IbplXyoba330 _IbplXyoba331 _IbplXyoba332 _Iyear_1990 + _Iyear_2000 _Iyob_1906 _Iyob_1907 _Iyob_1908 _Iyob_1909 + _Iyob_1910 _Iyob_1911 _Iyob_1912 _Iyob_1913 _Iyob_1914 + _Iyob_1915 _Iyob_1916 _Iyob_1917 _Iyob_1918 _Iyob_1919 + _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 _Iyob_1924 + _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 _Iyob_1929 + _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 _Iyob_1934 + _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 + _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 + _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 + _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 + _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 + _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 + _Iyob_1965 _Iyob_1966 _Iyob_1967 _Iyob_1968 _Iyob_1969 + _Iyob_1970 _Iyob_1971 _Iyob_1972 _Iyob_1973 _Iyob_1974 + _Iyob_1975 tempavg altitude tempxalt +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls i.year i.yob +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1905-1975 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1905 omitted) + +. ivreg incearn (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +(sum of wgt is 6.9276e+04) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 2688 + F( 28, 28) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.9962 + Root MSE = .18061 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 29 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1405435 .1625748 0.86 0.395 -.192476 .4735629 + dens | -.0307099 .0254857 -1.20 0.238 -.082915 .0214951 + lnele | .0183093 .0153169 1.20 0.242 -.013066 .0496845 + inmort | .1070002 .1187583 0.90 0.375 -.1362651 .3502655 + ea | -5.770653 3.138426 -1.84 0.077 -12.19943 .6581203 + eaag | 3.394223 3.540073 0.96 0.346 -3.857288 10.64573 + eaexin | 4.367743 3.509547 1.24 0.224 -2.821238 11.55672 + eaintr | 5.131843 4.343143 1.18 0.247 -3.764682 14.02837 + eatran | -.1524108 6.603847 -0.02 0.982 -13.67978 13.37496 + easer | 4.320841 4.079635 1.06 0.299 -4.035912 12.67759 + eaoth | 1.109424 4.062488 0.27 0.787 -7.212206 9.431054 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | -.7310919 .1258905 -5.81 0.000 -.9889669 -.4732168 +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | -.6690042 .0698282 -9.58 0.000 -.8120408 -.5259675 +_Ibplsta~304 | -.8794578 .0721071 -12.20 0.000 -1.027163 -.7317531 +_Ibplsta~305 | -.6664861 .0396619 -16.80 0.000 -.7477298 -.5852424 +_Ibplsta~306 | -.5389817 .0614731 -8.77 0.000 -.6649037 -.4130597 +_Ibplsta~307 | -1.414182 .052338 -27.02 0.000 -1.521392 -1.306973 +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~310 | -.7461077 .0491198 -15.19 0.000 -.8467249 -.6454904 +_Ibplsta~311 | -.7174743 .0438991 -16.34 0.000 -.8073976 -.6275511 +_Ibplsta~312 | -1.005991 .0581071 -17.31 0.000 -1.125018 -.8869636 +_Ibplsta~313 | -.9877653 .0494973 -19.96 0.000 -1.089156 -.8863747 +_Ibplsta~314 | -.5512158 .0288199 -19.13 0.000 -.6102507 -.4921809 +_Ibplsta~315 | -.8313329 .0419378 -19.82 0.000 -.9172385 -.7454273 +_Ibplsta~316 | -.7482411 .0368878 -20.28 0.000 -.8238024 -.6726799 +_Ibplsta~317 | -.670798 .0511568 -13.11 0.000 -.775588 -.566008 +_Ibplsta~318 | -.6348435 .0464929 -13.65 0.000 -.7300798 -.5396072 +_Ibplsta~319 | -.3566456 .044691 -7.98 0.000 -.4481909 -.2651003 +_Ibplsta~320 | -1.454913 .0723833 -20.10 0.000 -1.603183 -1.306642 +_Ibplsta~321 | -1.135967 .0437713 -25.95 0.000 -1.225629 -1.046306 +_Ibplsta~322 | -.6801745 .0453896 -14.99 0.000 -.7731509 -.587198 +_Ibplsta~323 | -.7843406 .1309277 -5.99 0.000 -1.052534 -.5161472 +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | -.528789 .0429105 -12.32 0.000 -.6166873 -.4408907 +_Ibplsta~326 | -.4790434 .0383577 -12.49 0.000 -.5576156 -.4004712 +_Ibplsta~327 | -1.179015 .1003565 -11.75 0.000 -1.384586 -.9734443 +_Ibplsta~328 | -.4253923 .0648199 -6.56 0.000 -.5581697 -.2926148 +_Ibplsta~329 | -1.041308 .0830608 -12.54 0.000 -1.21145 -.8711659 +_Ibplsta~330 | -1.038219 .0492032 -21.10 0.000 -1.139007 -.9374309 +_Ibplsta~331 | -1.137889 .0469768 -24.22 0.000 -1.234116 -1.041661 +_Ibplsta~332 | -.9589416 .0428762 -22.37 0.000 -1.046769 -.8711138 + _Iyear_1990 | 7.848737 .0705666 111.22 0.000 7.704188 7.993286 + _Iyear_2000 | 2.850632 .0744738 38.28 0.000 2.698079 3.003185 + _Iyob_1906 | .2436826 .0857844 2.84 0.008 .0679613 .4194039 + _Iyob_1907 | .3775748 .0924213 4.09 0.000 .1882582 .5668913 + _Iyob_1908 | .2555116 .0965379 2.65 0.013 .0577627 .4532605 + _Iyob_1909 | .2573244 .1070386 2.40 0.023 .0380657 .476583 + _Iyob_1910 | .1563228 .0714364 2.19 0.037 .009992 .3026536 + _Iyob_1911 | .3990168 .0798816 5.00 0.000 .2353868 .5626468 + _Iyob_1912 | .1925324 .0761789 2.53 0.017 .0364869 .3485778 + _Iyob_1913 | .4491668 .0912842 4.92 0.000 .2621797 .6361539 + _Iyob_1914 | .2457986 .0749836 3.28 0.003 .0922016 .3993956 + _Iyob_1915 | .1429509 .0902482 1.58 0.124 -.0419141 .327816 + _Iyob_1916 | .5123433 .0980482 5.23 0.000 .3115007 .7131858 + _Iyob_1917 | .3709454 .0982078 3.78 0.001 .1697759 .5721149 + _Iyob_1918 | .3336091 .0848005 3.93 0.001 .1599033 .507315 + _Iyob_1919 | .4810915 .1066138 4.51 0.000 .262703 .69948 + _Iyob_1920 | .1794065 .069321 2.59 0.015 .0374088 .3214041 + _Iyob_1921 | .4021917 .0757641 5.31 0.000 .2469959 .5573875 + _Iyob_1922 | .2366363 .0728764 3.25 0.003 .0873557 .3859169 + _Iyob_1923 | .2995109 .089538 3.35 0.002 .1161006 .4829213 + _Iyob_1924 | .3169166 .0815848 3.88 0.001 .1497977 .4840355 + _Iyob_1925 | .2383721 .0649261 3.67 0.001 .105377 .3713673 + _Iyob_1926 | .4749676 .0874734 5.43 0.000 .2957865 .6541487 + _Iyob_1927 | .3770571 .0748105 5.04 0.000 .2238148 .5302994 + _Iyob_1928 | .423784 .0850832 4.98 0.000 .2494989 .598069 + _Iyob_1929 | .427033 .0697284 6.12 0.000 .2842008 .5698652 + _Iyob_1930 | .1693441 .0755635 2.24 0.033 .0145593 .3241289 + _Iyob_1931 | .37276 .0705996 5.28 0.000 .2281432 .5173767 + _Iyob_1932 | .203653 .0749283 2.72 0.011 .0501693 .3571368 + _Iyob_1933 | .2241095 .0844466 2.65 0.013 .0511285 .3970905 + _Iyob_1934 | .247749 .0783668 3.16 0.004 .087222 .4082761 + _Iyob_1935 | .1888428 .0740164 2.55 0.016 .0372271 .3404586 + _Iyob_1936 | .2520504 .0747071 3.37 0.002 .0990198 .405081 + _Iyob_1937 | .3071411 .0744319 4.13 0.000 .1546742 .459608 + _Iyob_1938 | .280891 .0780971 3.60 0.001 .1209163 .4408658 + _Iyob_1939 | .347309 .0874118 3.97 0.000 .1682541 .5263639 + _Iyob_1940 | .1747344 .2053971 0.85 0.402 -.2460026 .5954713 + _Iyob_1941 | .1873428 .4021937 0.47 0.645 -.6365137 1.011199 + _Iyob_1942 | .1126461 .6102302 0.18 0.855 -1.137354 1.362646 + _Iyob_1943 | .1218825 .8212175 0.15 0.883 -1.560305 1.80407 + _Iyob_1944 | .0434237 1.023546 0.04 0.966 -2.053215 2.140062 + _Iyob_1945 | .0857476 1.232959 0.07 0.945 -2.439855 2.61135 + _Iyob_1946 | -.095371 1.441162 -0.07 0.948 -3.047457 2.856715 + _Iyob_1947 | -.1742917 1.648562 -0.11 0.917 -3.551218 3.202635 + _Iyob_1948 | -.1863582 1.861554 -0.10 0.921 -3.999579 3.626862 + _Iyob_1949 | -.2135647 2.065875 -0.10 0.918 -4.445318 4.018189 + _Iyob_1950 | -.3276597 2.274047 -0.14 0.886 -4.985833 4.330514 + _Iyob_1951 | -.3743607 2.482495 -0.15 0.881 -5.459522 4.7108 + _Iyob_1952 | -.4327199 2.695099 -0.16 0.874 -5.953379 5.087939 + _Iyob_1953 | -.4671944 2.898331 -0.16 0.873 -6.404157 5.469768 + _Iyob_1954 | -.5476929 3.107394 -0.18 0.861 -6.9129 5.817514 + _Iyob_1955 | -.5805587 3.318228 -0.17 0.862 -7.37764 6.216523 + _Iyob_1956 | -.6482962 3.524178 -0.18 0.855 -7.867248 6.570655 + _Iyob_1957 | -.6898556 3.732419 -0.18 0.855 -8.33537 6.955659 + _Iyob_1958 | -.7029279 3.732126 -0.19 0.852 -8.347841 6.941985 + _Iyob_1959 | -.6597389 3.73237 -0.18 0.861 -8.305153 6.985675 + _Iyob_1960 | -.7221461 3.734185 -0.19 0.848 -8.371278 6.926986 + _Iyob_1961 | -.7411453 3.730777 -0.20 0.844 -8.383295 6.901004 + _Iyob_1962 | -.7425912 3.731013 -0.20 0.844 -8.385226 6.900043 + _Iyob_1963 | -.7582981 3.730169 -0.20 0.840 -8.399202 6.882606 + _Iyob_1964 | -.7662248 3.731384 -0.21 0.839 -8.409619 6.877169 + _Iyob_1965 | -.7864346 3.731487 -0.21 0.835 -8.430039 6.85717 + _Iyob_1966 | -.7483435 3.733858 -0.20 0.843 -8.396806 6.900119 + _Iyob_1967 | -.737487 3.730565 -0.20 0.845 -8.379202 6.904228 + _Iyob_1968 | -.7644436 3.730298 -0.20 0.839 -8.405612 6.876725 + _Iyob_1969 | -.7557267 3.731639 -0.20 0.841 -8.399642 6.888188 + _Iyob_1970 | -.7680524 3.730442 -0.21 0.838 -8.409516 6.873411 + _Iyob_1971 | -.8100331 3.730474 -0.22 0.830 -8.451563 6.831497 + _Iyob_1972 | -.7739884 3.734384 -0.21 0.837 -8.423528 6.875551 + _Iyob_1973 | -.8081774 3.730849 -0.22 0.830 -8.450475 6.83412 + _Iyob_1974 | -.8035389 3.733211 -0.22 0.831 -8.450675 6.843597 + _Iyob_1975 | -.8278804 3.730566 -0.22 0.826 -8.469599 6.813838 + _cons | 5.935898 .0717707 82.71 0.000 5.788883 6.082914 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: dens lnele inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth + _Ibplstate_112 _Ibplstate_113 _Ibplstate_115 _Ibplstate_116 + _Ibplstate_121 _Ibplstate_122 _Ibplstate_123 _Ibplstate_124 + _Ibplstate_125 _Ibplstate_126 _Ibplstate_127 _Ibplstate_128 + _Ibplstate_129 _Ibplstate_131 _Ibplstate_132 _Ibplstate_133 + _Ibplstate_135 _Ibplstate_136 _Ibplstate_141 _Ibplstate_142 + _Ibplstate_143 _Ibplstate_151 _Ibplstate_152 _Ibplstate_153 + _Ibplstate_191 _Ibplstate_192 _Ibplstate_203 _Ibplstate_205 + _Ibplstate_208 _Ibplstate_213 _Ibplstate_215 _Ibplstate_217 + _Ibplstate_219 _Ibplstate_225 _Ibplstate_227 _Ibplstate_241 + _Ibplstate_247 _Ibplstate_252 _Ibplstate_254 _Ibplstate_268 + _Ibplstate_273 _Ibplstate_276 _Ibplstate_301 _Ibplstate_302 + _Ibplstate_303 _Ibplstate_304 _Ibplstate_305 _Ibplstate_306 + _Ibplstate_307 _Ibplstate_308 _Ibplstate_309 _Ibplstate_310 + _Ibplstate_311 _Ibplstate_312 _Ibplstate_313 _Ibplstate_314 + _Ibplstate_315 _Ibplstate_316 _Ibplstate_317 _Ibplstate_318 + _Ibplstate_319 _Ibplstate_320 _Ibplstate_321 _Ibplstate_322 + _Ibplstate_323 _Ibplstate_324 _Ibplstate_325 _Ibplstate_326 + _Ibplstate_327 _Ibplstate_328 _Ibplstate_329 _Ibplstate_330 + _Ibplstate_331 _Ibplstate_332 _Iyear_1990 _Iyear_2000 + _Iyob_1906 _Iyob_1907 _Iyob_1908 _Iyob_1909 _Iyob_1910 + _Iyob_1911 _Iyob_1912 _Iyob_1913 _Iyob_1914 _Iyob_1915 + _Iyob_1916 _Iyob_1917 _Iyob_1918 _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 + _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 + _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 + _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 + _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 + _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 + _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 + _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 + _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 + _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 + _Iyob_1966 _Iyob_1967 _Iyob_1968 _Iyob_1969 _Iyob_1970 + _Iyob_1971 _Iyob_1972 _Iyob_1973 _Iyob_1974 _Iyob_1975 + tempavg altitude tempxalt +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.year i.yob +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1905-1975 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1905 omitted) + +. ivreg incearn (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +(sum of wgt is 6.9276e+04) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 2688 + F( 29, 28) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.9966 + Root MSE = .17013 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 29 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1919338 .1227644 1.56 0.129 -.0595376 .4434052 + dens | .0400906 .016062 2.50 0.019 .0071891 .0729921 + lnele | -.0315935 .0154209 -2.05 0.050 -.0631819 -5.19e-06 + inmort | -.1527415 .1185455 -1.29 0.208 -.3955709 .090088 + ea | 3.245764 2.329115 1.39 0.174 -1.525212 8.01674 + eaag | -9.024974 2.5588 -3.53 0.001 -14.26644 -3.78351 + eaexin | -4.582773 2.590574 -1.77 0.088 -9.889323 .7237773 + eaintr | -9.171496 3.235506 -2.83 0.008 -15.79913 -2.543863 + eatran | -6.781013 4.986425 -1.36 0.185 -16.99524 3.433215 + easer | -13.29242 2.58535 -5.14 0.000 -18.58826 -7.996568 + eaoth | -8.79982 3.101363 -2.84 0.008 -15.15267 -2.446965 +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | -2.99526 4.376098 -0.68 0.499 -11.95929 5.96877 +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | -31.9681 5.905717 -5.41 0.000 -44.06541 -19.87078 +_Ibplsta~304 | 17.03622 8.037267 2.12 0.043 .5726261 33.49982 +_Ibplsta~305 | 11.86177 4.312736 2.75 0.010 3.027532 20.69601 +_Ibplsta~306 | 2.687571 5.971876 0.45 0.656 -9.545261 14.9204 +_Ibplsta~307 | -11.67398 4.082521 -2.86 0.008 -20.03664 -3.311313 +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | 25.85566 4.249177 6.08 0.000 17.15161 34.5597 +_Ibplsta~310 | -15.87041 6.315292 -2.51 0.018 -28.8067 -2.934124 +_Ibplsta~311 | -3.739885 6.048077 -0.62 0.541 -16.12881 8.649038 +_Ibplsta~312 | -27.19387 5.870415 -4.63 0.000 -39.21887 -15.16887 +_Ibplsta~313 | 7.999856 5.559899 1.44 0.161 -3.389082 19.38879 +_Ibplsta~314 | -4.836183 4.807554 -1.01 0.323 -14.68401 5.011645 +_Ibplsta~315 | -13.74695 5.499656 -2.50 0.019 -25.01248 -2.481411 +_Ibplsta~316 | -5.547909 5.114639 -1.08 0.287 -16.02477 4.928955 +_Ibplsta~317 | 5.790988 3.18748 1.82 0.080 -.7382688 12.32024 +_Ibplsta~318 | 1.874926 5.385099 0.35 0.730 -9.15595 12.9058 +_Ibplsta~319 | 17.03092 5.383515 3.16 0.004 6.003287 28.05855 +_Ibplsta~320 | -26.6054 2.995403 -8.88 0.000 -32.7412 -20.46959 +_Ibplsta~321 | -3.144419 5.723854 -0.55 0.587 -14.8692 8.580365 +_Ibplsta~322 | -5.839066 5.047279 -1.16 0.257 -16.17795 4.499817 +_Ibplsta~323 | -13.81519 10.26816 -1.35 0.189 -34.84856 7.218181 +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | -3.069411 5.29684 -0.58 0.567 -13.9195 7.780674 +_Ibplsta~326 | 4.493152 4.735378 0.95 0.351 -5.20683 14.19313 +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | 20.46481 4.265089 4.80 0.000 11.72817 29.20145 +_Ibplsta~329 | -7.484579 7.905065 -0.95 0.352 -23.67737 8.708213 +_Ibplsta~330 | 14.43157 5.140959 2.81 0.009 3.900788 24.96234 +_Ibplsta~331 | 23.27499 4.567495 5.10 0.000 13.9189 32.63108 +_Ibplsta~332 | -25.3063 4.721362 -5.36 0.000 -34.97757 -15.63503 +_IbplXyo~112 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~113 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~115 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~116 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~121 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~122 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~123 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~124 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~125 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~126 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~127 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~128 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~129 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~131 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~132 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~133 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~135 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~136 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~141 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~142 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~143 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~151 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~152 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~153 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~191 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~192 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~203 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~205 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~208 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~213 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~215 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~217 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~219 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~225 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~227 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~241 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~247 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~252 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~254 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~268 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~273 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~276 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~301 | .0066988 .0017134 3.91 0.001 .003189 .0102086 +_IbplXyo~302 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~303 | .0218479 .0024058 9.08 0.000 .0169198 .0267759 +_IbplXyo~304 | -.0035996 .0027205 -1.32 0.196 -.0091724 .0019731 +_IbplXyo~305 | -.000863 .0012924 -0.67 0.510 -.0035103 .0017843 +_IbplXyo~306 | .0039393 .0016698 2.36 0.026 .0005188 .0073598 +_IbplXyo~307 | .0108748 .0008954 12.14 0.000 .0090406 .012709 +_IbplXyo~308 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~309 | -.007794 .000991 -7.87 0.000 -.0098239 -.0057641 +_IbplXyo~310 | .0134285 .0016926 7.93 0.000 .0099615 .0168956 +_IbplXyo~311 | .0071695 .0016225 4.42 0.000 .003846 .0104931 +_IbplXyo~312 | .0191143 .0017479 10.94 0.000 .015534 .0226947 +_IbplXyo~313 | .001002 .0014533 0.69 0.496 -.0019749 .0039788 +_IbplXyo~314 | .0078232 .0010394 7.53 0.000 .005694 .0099524 +_IbplXyo~315 | .012329 .0021034 5.86 0.000 .0080203 .0166376 +_IbplXyo~316 | .0081121 .0013714 5.92 0.000 .0053029 .0109213 +_IbplXyo~317 | .0022312 .001708 1.31 0.202 -.0012675 .0057299 +_IbplXyo~318 | .0042912 .0015689 2.74 0.011 .0010775 .0075049 +_IbplXyo~319 | -.003428 .0017112 -2.00 0.055 -.0069333 .0000773 +_IbplXyo~320 | .0186219 .0016404 11.35 0.000 .0152618 .0219821 +_IbplXyo~321 | .006647 .0009614 6.91 0.000 .0046776 .0086165 +_IbplXyo~322 | .0082722 .0015896 5.20 0.000 .0050161 .0115283 +_IbplXyo~323 | .012416 .0035731 3.47 0.002 .0050968 .0197353 +_IbplXyo~324 | (omitted) +_IbplXyo~325 | .006904 .001574 4.39 0.000 .0036798 .0101283 +_IbplXyo~326 | .0030458 .001206 2.53 0.017 .0005754 .0055161 +_IbplXyo~327 | .0050796 .0026157 1.94 0.062 -.0002785 .0104376 +_IbplXyo~328 | -.005274 .0014172 -3.72 0.001 -.008177 -.0023709 +_IbplXyo~329 | .0089572 .0032022 2.80 0.009 .0023977 .0155167 +_IbplXyo~330 | -.0023758 .0010991 -2.16 0.039 -.0046272 -.0001244 +_IbplXyo~331 | -.006983 .0010692 -6.53 0.000 -.0091732 -.0047929 +_IbplXyo~332 | .0181814 .0017964 10.12 0.000 .0145016 .0218612 + _Iyear_1990 | 7.846749 .0710093 110.50 0.000 7.701293 7.992204 + _Iyear_2000 | 2.849287 .075239 37.87 0.000 2.695167 3.003407 + _Iyob_1906 | .2264578 .0851096 2.66 0.013 .0521187 .4007969 + _Iyob_1907 | .3593496 .0935152 3.84 0.001 .1677924 .5509069 + _Iyob_1908 | .2285629 .0948329 2.41 0.023 .0343065 .4228194 + _Iyob_1909 | .2320261 .1088531 2.13 0.042 .0090506 .4550015 + _Iyob_1910 | .127262 .0718913 1.77 0.088 -.0200006 .2745245 + _Iyob_1911 | .356504 .082427 4.33 0.000 .18766 .525348 + _Iyob_1912 | .1475241 .0779642 1.89 0.069 -.0121783 .3072264 + _Iyob_1913 | .3940063 .094524 4.17 0.000 .2003826 .5876299 + _Iyob_1914 | .1858809 .0800684 2.32 0.028 .0218682 .3498936 + _Iyob_1915 | .077619 .0964542 0.80 0.428 -.1199585 .2751964 + _Iyob_1916 | .4376602 .0993109 4.41 0.000 .234231 .6410894 + _Iyob_1917 | .2903966 .0995728 2.92 0.007 .086431 .4943623 + _Iyob_1918 | .2461181 .0842119 2.92 0.007 .0736177 .4186185 + _Iyob_1919 | .388885 .1196136 3.25 0.003 .1438676 .6339024 + _Iyob_1920 | .0817153 .0690792 1.18 0.247 -.059787 .2232176 + _Iyob_1921 | .297847 .079095 3.77 0.001 .1358283 .4598658 + _Iyob_1922 | .126059 .0862448 1.46 0.155 -.0506055 .3027234 + _Iyob_1923 | .1839482 .1023239 1.80 0.083 -.0256529 .3935492 + _Iyob_1924 | .1950713 .0881551 2.21 0.035 .0144937 .375649 + _Iyob_1925 | .1118078 .0683489 1.64 0.113 -.0281984 .2518141 + _Iyob_1926 | .341364 .094706 3.60 0.001 .1473676 .5353605 + _Iyob_1927 | .2390957 .0828591 2.89 0.007 .0693665 .408825 + _Iyob_1928 | .2779043 .0888035 3.13 0.004 .0959987 .45981 + _Iyob_1929 | .2779621 .0909526 3.06 0.005 .0916541 .46427 + _Iyob_1930 | .0126436 .0900245 0.14 0.889 -.1717633 .1970504 + _Iyob_1931 | .2108614 .0730281 2.89 0.007 .0612701 .3604527 + _Iyob_1932 | .0343512 .0828645 0.41 0.682 -.135389 .2040914 + _Iyob_1933 | .0492449 .1044551 0.47 0.641 -.1647218 .2632116 + _Iyob_1934 | .0670682 .0913345 0.73 0.469 -.1200221 .2541585 + _Iyob_1935 | .0032501 .083028 0.04 0.969 -.1668252 .1733253 + _Iyob_1936 | .0621873 .081751 0.76 0.453 -.105272 .2296466 + _Iyob_1937 | .1121279 .084856 1.32 0.197 -.0616917 .2859476 + _Iyob_1938 | .0798164 .0857526 0.93 0.360 -.0958399 .2554727 + _Iyob_1939 | .1418533 .0968325 1.46 0.154 -.0564991 .3402057 + _Iyob_1940 | .4525308 .2029625 2.23 0.034 .036781 .8682807 + _Iyob_1941 | .9539569 .3548971 2.69 0.012 .2269832 1.680931 + _Iyob_1942 | 1.36436 .5232063 2.61 0.014 .2926204 2.4361 + _Iyob_1943 | 1.86167 .6841359 2.72 0.011 .4602809 3.263058 + _Iyob_1944 | 2.269646 .844289 2.69 0.012 .5401981 3.999093 + _Iyob_1945 | 2.797198 1.009675 2.77 0.010 .7289732 4.865422 + _Iyob_1946 | 3.103132 1.181835 2.63 0.014 .682254 5.52401 + _Iyob_1947 | 3.510967 1.345986 2.61 0.014 .7538401 6.268095 + _Iyob_1948 | 3.985403 1.509636 2.64 0.013 .8930535 7.077753 + _Iyob_1949 | 4.444825 1.678146 2.65 0.013 1.007299 7.882352 + _Iyob_1950 | 4.817277 1.842529 2.61 0.014 1.043029 8.591526 + _Iyob_1951 | 5.256862 2.010878 2.61 0.014 1.137765 9.375958 + _Iyob_1952 | 5.685259 2.17278 2.62 0.014 1.234522 10.136 + _Iyob_1953 | 6.136782 2.340196 2.62 0.014 1.343108 10.93046 + _Iyob_1954 | 6.542823 2.504948 2.61 0.014 1.41167 11.67398 + _Iyob_1955 | 6.996886 2.674043 2.62 0.014 1.519357 12.47442 + _Iyob_1956 | 7.414682 2.83847 2.61 0.014 1.600339 13.22902 + _Iyob_1957 | 7.859346 3.006867 2.61 0.014 1.700058 14.01863 + _Iyob_1958 | 7.840942 3.004566 2.61 0.014 1.686367 13.99552 + _Iyob_1959 | 7.877582 3.004543 2.62 0.014 1.723056 14.03211 + _Iyob_1960 | 7.811304 3.003189 2.60 0.015 1.659551 13.96306 + _Iyob_1961 | 7.786133 3.005035 2.59 0.015 1.630599 13.94167 + _Iyob_1962 | 7.779569 3.005235 2.59 0.015 1.623624 13.93551 + _Iyob_1963 | 7.758152 3.003295 2.58 0.015 1.60618 13.91012 + _Iyob_1964 | 7.744842 3.000945 2.58 0.015 1.597683 13.892 + _Iyob_1965 | 7.719114 3.004312 2.57 0.016 1.565059 13.87317 + _Iyob_1966 | 7.751661 3.005531 2.58 0.015 1.595109 13.90821 + _Iyob_1967 | 7.757144 3.005887 2.58 0.015 1.599864 13.91442 + _Iyob_1968 | 7.724485 3.003563 2.57 0.016 1.571966 13.877 + _Iyob_1969 | 7.728258 3.00428 2.57 0.016 1.57427 13.88225 + _Iyob_1970 | 7.709421 3.001987 2.57 0.016 1.56013 13.85871 + _Iyob_1971 | 7.663084 3.001365 2.55 0.016 1.515066 13.8111 + _Iyob_1972 | 7.69316 3.002693 2.56 0.016 1.542421 13.8439 + _Iyob_1973 | 7.65352 3.004951 2.55 0.017 1.498157 13.80888 + _Iyob_1974 | 7.652993 2.998026 2.55 0.016 1.511815 13.79417 + _Iyob_1975 | 7.622577 3.002954 2.54 0.017 1.471305 13.77385 + _cons | -4.728267 5.02965 -0.94 0.355 -15.03104 5.574503 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: dens lnele inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth + _Ibplstate_112 _Ibplstate_113 _Ibplstate_115 _Ibplstate_116 + _Ibplstate_121 _Ibplstate_122 _Ibplstate_123 _Ibplstate_124 + _Ibplstate_125 _Ibplstate_126 _Ibplstate_127 _Ibplstate_128 + _Ibplstate_129 _Ibplstate_131 _Ibplstate_132 _Ibplstate_133 + _Ibplstate_135 _Ibplstate_136 _Ibplstate_141 _Ibplstate_142 + _Ibplstate_143 _Ibplstate_151 _Ibplstate_152 _Ibplstate_153 + _Ibplstate_191 _Ibplstate_192 _Ibplstate_203 _Ibplstate_205 + _Ibplstate_208 _Ibplstate_213 _Ibplstate_215 _Ibplstate_217 + _Ibplstate_219 _Ibplstate_225 _Ibplstate_227 _Ibplstate_241 + _Ibplstate_247 _Ibplstate_252 _Ibplstate_254 _Ibplstate_268 + _Ibplstate_273 _Ibplstate_276 _Ibplstate_301 _Ibplstate_302 + _Ibplstate_303 _Ibplstate_304 _Ibplstate_305 _Ibplstate_306 + _Ibplstate_307 _Ibplstate_308 _Ibplstate_309 _Ibplstate_310 + _Ibplstate_311 _Ibplstate_312 _Ibplstate_313 _Ibplstate_314 + _Ibplstate_315 _Ibplstate_316 _Ibplstate_317 _Ibplstate_318 + _Ibplstate_319 _Ibplstate_320 _Ibplstate_321 _Ibplstate_322 + _Ibplstate_323 _Ibplstate_324 _Ibplstate_325 _Ibplstate_326 + _Ibplstate_327 _Ibplstate_328 _Ibplstate_329 _Ibplstate_330 + _Ibplstate_331 _Ibplstate_332 _IbplXyob_112 _IbplXyob_113 + _IbplXyob_115 _IbplXyob_116 _IbplXyob_121 _IbplXyob_122 + _IbplXyob_123 _IbplXyob_124 _IbplXyob_125 _IbplXyob_126 + _IbplXyob_127 _IbplXyob_128 _IbplXyob_129 _IbplXyob_131 + _IbplXyob_132 _IbplXyob_133 _IbplXyob_135 _IbplXyob_136 + _IbplXyob_141 _IbplXyob_142 _IbplXyob_143 _IbplXyob_151 + _IbplXyob_152 _IbplXyob_153 _IbplXyob_191 _IbplXyob_192 + _IbplXyob_203 _IbplXyob_205 _IbplXyob_208 _IbplXyob_213 + _IbplXyob_215 _IbplXyob_217 _IbplXyob_219 _IbplXyob_225 + _IbplXyob_227 _IbplXyob_241 _IbplXyob_247 _IbplXyob_252 + _IbplXyob_254 _IbplXyob_268 _IbplXyob_273 _IbplXyob_276 + _IbplXyob_301 _IbplXyob_302 _IbplXyob_303 _IbplXyob_304 + _IbplXyob_305 _IbplXyob_306 _IbplXyob_307 _IbplXyob_308 + _IbplXyob_309 _IbplXyob_310 _IbplXyob_311 _IbplXyob_312 + _IbplXyob_313 _IbplXyob_314 _IbplXyob_315 _IbplXyob_316 + _IbplXyob_317 _IbplXyob_318 _IbplXyob_319 _IbplXyob_320 + _IbplXyob_321 _IbplXyob_322 _IbplXyob_323 _IbplXyob_324 + _IbplXyob_325 _IbplXyob_326 _IbplXyob_327 _IbplXyob_328 + _IbplXyob_329 _IbplXyob_330 _IbplXyob_331 _IbplXyob_332 + _Iyear_1990 _Iyear_2000 _Iyob_1906 _Iyob_1907 _Iyob_1908 + _Iyob_1909 _Iyob_1910 _Iyob_1911 _Iyob_1912 _Iyob_1913 + _Iyob_1914 _Iyob_1915 _Iyob_1916 _Iyob_1917 _Iyob_1918 + _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 + _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 + _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 + _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 + _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 + _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 + _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 + _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 + _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 + _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 _Iyob_1966 _Iyob_1967 _Iyob_1968 + _Iyob_1969 _Iyob_1970 _Iyob_1971 _Iyob_1972 _Iyob_1973 + _Iyob_1974 _Iyob_1975 tempavg altitude tempxalt +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bpls*yob i.bpls*yob2 i.year i.yob +i.bplstate _Ibplstate_111-332 (naturally coded; _Ibplstate_111 omitted) +i.bplstate*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplstate*yob2 _IbplXyoba# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1960-2000 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1905-1975 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1905 omitted) + +. ivreg incearn (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplstate) +(sum of wgt is 6.9276e+04) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 2688 + F( 29, 28) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.9938 + Root MSE = .23286 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 29 clusters in bplstate) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incearn | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | 1.467425 16.07994 0.09 0.928 -31.47084 34.40569 + dens | .3363543 3.348733 0.10 0.921 -6.523215 7.195924 + lnele | -.0714294 .7026911 -0.10 0.920 -1.510827 1.367968 + inmort | -.7579781 5.504536 -0.14 0.891 -12.03351 10.51755 + ea | -55.71771 647.4348 -0.09 0.932 -1381.928 1270.492 + eaag | -17.37456 167.4111 -0.10 0.918 -360.3007 325.5516 + eaexin | -17.92371 200.8985 -0.09 0.930 -429.4457 393.5983 + eaintr | -22.68322 237.3278 -0.10 0.925 -508.8272 463.4607 + eatran | (omitted) + easer | -28.1307 251.2685 -0.11 0.912 -542.831 486.5695 + eaoth | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~112 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~115 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~116 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~121 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~122 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~123 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~124 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~125 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~126 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~127 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~128 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~129 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~131 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~132 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~133 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~135 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~136 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~141 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~142 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~143 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~152 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~153 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~191 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~192 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~203 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~208 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~213 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~217 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~219 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~225 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~227 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~241 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~252 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~254 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~268 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~273 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~276 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~301 | 153.9409 1695.905 0.09 0.928 -3319.963 3627.845 +_Ibplsta~302 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~303 | -69.77591 534.0597 -0.13 0.897 -1163.748 1024.196 +_Ibplsta~304 | 34.95298 271.054 0.13 0.898 -520.2759 590.1819 +_Ibplsta~305 | 61.37517 610.5868 0.10 0.921 -1189.355 1312.105 +_Ibplsta~306 | -22.0397 418.3089 -0.05 0.958 -878.9066 834.8272 +_Ibplsta~307 | -34.7665 208.3582 -0.17 0.869 -461.5689 392.036 +_Ibplsta~308 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~309 | 31.07583 175.0452 0.18 0.860 -327.4879 389.6396 +_Ibplsta~310 | -4.851427 51.9863 -0.09 0.926 -111.3405 101.6377 +_Ibplsta~311 | -9.547573 43.50098 -0.22 0.828 -98.6553 79.56015 +_Ibplsta~312 | -11.76775 99.33591 -0.12 0.907 -215.2481 191.7126 +_Ibplsta~313 | -39.90155 363.098 -0.11 0.913 -783.6742 703.8711 +_Ibplsta~314 | 22.73888 221.0266 0.10 0.919 -430.0137 475.4914 +_Ibplsta~315 | -1.313088 157.0181 -0.01 0.993 -322.9501 320.3239 +_Ibplsta~316 | 57.82756 545.9194 0.11 0.916 -1060.438 1176.093 +_Ibplsta~317 | 39.92038 396.5994 0.10 0.921 -772.4767 852.3175 +_Ibplsta~318 | 1.088143 110.0028 0.01 0.992 -224.2424 226.4187 +_Ibplsta~319 | 106.6849 915.2249 0.12 0.908 -1768.068 1981.438 +_Ibplsta~320 | 18.70315 437.9852 0.04 0.966 -878.4689 915.8752 +_Ibplsta~321 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~322 | -25.98593 79.02113 -0.33 0.745 -187.8534 135.8815 +_Ibplsta~323 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~324 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~325 | 36.49656 327.0749 0.11 0.912 -633.486 706.4792 +_Ibplsta~326 | 15.80775 104.7154 0.15 0.881 -198.692 230.3075 +_Ibplsta~327 | (omitted) +_Ibplsta~328 | 44.05508 391.8108 0.11 0.911 -758.5331 846.6432 +_Ibplsta~329 | 8.832545 112.9812 0.08 0.938 -222.599 240.2641 +_Ibplsta~330 | 49.81852 443.182 0.11 0.911 -857.9987 957.6357 +_Ibplsta~331 | 39.37919 415.8127 0.09 0.925 -812.3746 891.133 +_Ibplsta~332 | -13.29521 62.40729 -0.21 0.833 -141.1307 114.5403 +_IbplXy~_112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_301 | 1.309419 13.95298 0.09 0.926 -27.27197 29.89081 +_IbplXy~_302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_303 | 1.42552 15.10613 0.09 0.925 -29.51799 32.36903 +_IbplXy~_304 | 1.371048 14.69538 0.09 0.926 -28.73106 31.47316 +_IbplXy~_305 | 1.357444 14.51592 0.09 0.926 -28.37707 31.09195 +_IbplXy~_306 | 1.40095 15.04604 0.09 0.926 -29.41947 32.22137 +_IbplXy~_307 | 1.406828 14.93682 0.09 0.926 -29.18985 32.00351 +_IbplXy~_308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_309 | 1.373438 14.74339 0.09 0.926 -28.82702 31.5739 +_IbplXy~_310 | 1.391738 14.82172 0.09 0.926 -28.96918 31.75266 +_IbplXy~_311 | 1.394149 14.82504 0.09 0.926 -28.97357 31.76187 +_IbplXy~_312 | 1.395291 14.87642 0.09 0.926 -29.07767 31.86826 +_IbplXy~_313 | 1.409807 15.02011 0.09 0.926 -29.35749 32.1771 +_IbplXy~_314 | 1.377561 14.71925 0.09 0.926 -28.77345 31.52857 +_IbplXy~_315 | 1.38989 14.75352 0.09 0.926 -28.83133 31.61111 +_IbplXy~_316 | 1.359483 14.5513 0.09 0.926 -28.4475 31.16647 +_IbplXy~_317 | 1.368514 14.62738 0.09 0.926 -28.59431 31.33134 +_IbplXy~_318 | 1.388811 14.88148 0.09 0.926 -29.09452 31.87214 +_IbplXy~_319 | 1.3342 14.35913 0.09 0.927 -28.07914 30.74754 +_IbplXy~_320 | 1.37925 14.60636 0.09 0.925 -28.54053 31.29903 +_IbplXy~_321 | 1.389322 14.83481 0.09 0.926 -28.99841 31.77706 +_IbplXy~_322 | 1.402626 14.86455 0.09 0.925 -29.04602 31.85128 +_IbplXy~_323 | 1.39073 14.84719 0.09 0.926 -29.02236 31.80382 +_IbplXy~_324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~_325 | 1.37035 14.66352 0.09 0.926 -28.66652 31.40722 +_IbplXy~_326 | 1.381115 14.7818 0.09 0.926 -28.89803 31.66026 +_IbplXy~_327 | 1.388164 14.82149 0.09 0.926 -28.97229 31.74862 +_IbplXy~_328 | 1.366429 14.62925 0.09 0.926 -28.60024 31.33309 +_IbplXy~_329 | 1.384638 14.78093 0.09 0.926 -28.89272 31.66199 +_IbplXy~_330 | 1.36326 14.60313 0.09 0.926 -28.54989 31.27641 +_IbplXy~_331 | 1.368473 14.61703 0.09 0.926 -28.57315 31.3101 +_IbplXy~_332 | 1.396069 14.85495 0.09 0.926 -29.03291 31.82505 +_IbplXy~a112 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a113 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a115 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a116 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a121 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a122 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a123 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a124 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a125 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a126 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a127 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a128 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a129 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a131 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a132 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a133 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a135 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a136 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a141 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a142 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a143 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a151 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a152 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a153 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a191 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a192 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a203 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a205 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a208 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a213 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a215 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a217 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a219 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a225 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a227 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a241 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a247 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a252 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a254 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a268 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a273 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a276 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a301 | .0176456 .191131 0.09 0.927 -.3738685 .4091597 +_IbplXy~a302 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a303 | .0181021 .1957439 0.09 0.927 -.3828611 .4190653 +_IbplXy~a304 | .0182213 .194092 0.09 0.926 -.379358 .4158007 +_IbplXy~a305 | .0180766 .1935069 0.09 0.926 -.3783042 .4144575 +_IbplXy~a306 | .0178714 .1950213 0.09 0.928 -.3816116 .4173544 +_IbplXy~a307 | .0182034 .1953457 0.09 0.926 -.3819441 .4183508 +_IbplXy~a308 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a309 | .0182721 .1941363 0.09 0.926 -.3793981 .4159423 +_IbplXy~a310 | .0180693 .1950036 0.09 0.927 -.3813774 .417516 +_IbplXy~a311 | .0182158 .1945644 0.09 0.926 -.3803314 .4167629 +_IbplXy~a312 | .0177864 .194827 0.09 0.928 -.3812987 .4168714 +_IbplXy~a313 | .018331 .1944619 0.09 0.926 -.3800062 .4166681 +_IbplXy~a314 | .0180113 .1945626 0.09 0.927 -.3805321 .4165548 +_IbplXy~a315 | .0181302 .1937957 0.09 0.926 -.3788422 .4151027 +_IbplXy~a316 | .017671 .1920604 0.09 0.927 -.3757469 .411089 +_IbplXy~a317 | .0181018 .1943418 0.09 0.926 -.3799894 .416193 +_IbplXy~a318 | .0179674 .1944897 0.09 0.927 -.3804268 .4163616 +_IbplXy~a319 | .0178124 .1917639 0.09 0.927 -.3749982 .410623 +_IbplXy~a320 | .0178432 .1936009 0.09 0.927 -.3787302 .4144166 +_IbplXy~a321 | .0177402 .191328 0.09 0.927 -.3741774 .4096578 +_IbplXy~a322 | .018364 .1944006 0.09 0.925 -.3798476 .4165756 +_IbplXy~a323 | .0159311 .1733378 0.09 0.927 -.3391352 .3709975 +_IbplXy~a324 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~a325 | .0180737 .1954353 0.09 0.927 -.3822573 .4184048 +_IbplXy~a326 | .0181893 .1955023 0.09 0.927 -.3822791 .4186577 +_IbplXy~a327 | .0192894 .2080204 0.09 0.927 -.406821 .4453997 +_IbplXy~a328 | .0181968 .1943867 0.09 0.926 -.3799864 .41638 +_IbplXy~a329 | .0179212 .1929771 0.09 0.927 -.3773745 .4132168 +_IbplXy~a330 | .0181196 .1935569 0.09 0.926 -.3783637 .4146029 +_IbplXy~a331 | .018427 .1945721 0.09 0.925 -.3801358 .4169898 +_IbplXy~a332 | .0179068 .1951657 0.09 0.928 -.3818719 .4176856 + _Iyear_1990 | 7.85825 .1363981 57.61 0.000 7.578851 8.137648 + _Iyear_2000 | 2.857571 .1161086 24.61 0.000 2.619733 3.095408 + _Iyob_1906 | .7658888 5.891893 0.13 0.898 -11.30311 12.83488 + _Iyob_1907 | 1.479538 12.12105 0.12 0.904 -23.3493 26.30838 + _Iyob_1908 | 1.869761 17.78534 0.11 0.917 -34.56186 38.30138 + _Iyob_1909 | 2.359235 23.02207 0.10 0.919 -44.79934 49.51781 + _Iyob_1910 | 2.702267 27.86994 0.10 0.923 -54.38672 59.79126 + _Iyob_1911 | 3.3408 32.40952 0.10 0.919 -63.0471 69.7287 + _Iyob_1912 | 3.538588 36.74433 0.10 0.924 -71.72877 78.80594 + _Iyob_1913 | 4.099045 40.19442 0.10 0.919 -78.23548 86.43357 + _Iyob_1914 | 4.214619 43.72427 0.10 0.924 -85.35049 93.77973 + _Iyob_1915 | 4.378199 46.68686 0.09 0.926 -91.25549 100.0119 + _Iyob_1916 | 4.9599 49.13519 0.10 0.920 -95.68897 105.6088 + _Iyob_1917 | 5.014366 51.34364 0.10 0.923 -100.1583 110.187 + _Iyob_1918 | 5.123975 53.04768 0.10 0.924 -103.5393 113.7872 + _Iyob_1919 | 5.394808 54.46745 0.10 0.922 -106.1767 116.9663 + _Iyob_1920 | 5.181922 55.52076 0.09 0.926 -108.5472 118.911 + _Iyob_1921 | 5.452463 56.14681 0.10 0.923 -109.5591 120.464 + _Iyob_1922 | 5.295638 56.35942 0.09 0.926 -110.1514 120.7427 + _Iyob_1923 | 5.334846 56.19591 0.09 0.925 -109.7772 120.4469 + _Iyob_1924 | 5.288969 55.65918 0.10 0.925 -108.7237 119.3016 + _Iyob_1925 | 5.116279 54.71089 0.09 0.926 -106.9539 117.1865 + _Iyob_1926 | 5.218918 53.40065 0.10 0.923 -104.1674 114.6052 + _Iyob_1927 | 4.95328 51.6941 0.10 0.924 -100.9373 110.8438 + _Iyob_1928 | 4.78843 49.54827 0.10 0.924 -96.7066 106.2835 + _Iyob_1929 | 4.556661 47.10206 0.10 0.924 -91.92753 101.0409 + _Iyob_1930 | 4.015223 44.17092 0.09 0.928 -86.46481 94.49526 + _Iyob_1931 | 3.909189 40.96041 0.10 0.925 -79.9944 87.81278 + _Iyob_1932 | 3.383979 37.2284 0.09 0.928 -72.87494 79.6429 + _Iyob_1933 | 3.024451 33.25393 0.09 0.928 -65.09313 71.14203 + _Iyob_1934 | 2.623185 28.78883 0.09 0.928 -56.34807 61.59444 + _Iyob_1935 | 2.094215 23.83972 0.09 0.931 -46.73923 50.92766 + _Iyob_1936 | 1.668687 18.66955 0.09 0.929 -36.57416 39.91154 + _Iyob_1937 | 1.19338 13.0681 0.09 0.928 -25.57541 27.96217 + _Iyob_1938 | .5964398 7.038696 0.08 0.933 -13.82168 15.01456 + _Iyob_1939 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1940 | 1.849015 20.96453 0.09 0.930 -41.09488 44.79291 + _Iyob_1941 | 3.794372 40.90912 0.09 0.927 -80.00415 87.5929 + _Iyob_1942 | 5.607611 60.41514 0.09 0.927 -118.1472 129.3624 + _Iyob_1943 | 7.474323 79.55796 0.09 0.926 -155.4928 170.4414 + _Iyob_1944 | 9.212376 98.27979 0.09 0.926 -192.1046 210.5294 + _Iyob_1945 | 11.03745 116.6541 0.09 0.925 -227.9177 249.9926 + _Iyob_1946 | 12.60351 134.6193 0.09 0.926 -263.1516 288.3586 + _Iyob_1947 | 14.23788 152.2256 0.09 0.926 -297.5822 326.058 + _Iyob_1948 | 15.90088 169.4214 0.09 0.926 -331.1431 362.9449 + _Iyob_1949 | 17.51207 186.2189 0.09 0.926 -363.9401 398.9643 + _Iyob_1950 | 19.00078 202.6503 0.09 0.926 -396.1096 434.1112 + _Iyob_1951 | 20.52002 218.6721 0.09 0.926 -427.4095 468.4496 + _Iyob_1952 | 21.99237 234.3232 0.09 0.926 -457.9969 501.9817 + _Iyob_1953 | 23.45091 249.5637 0.09 0.926 -487.7572 534.6591 + _Iyob_1954 | 24.82831 264.4303 0.09 0.926 -516.8326 566.4892 + _Iyob_1955 | 26.2189 278.9192 0.09 0.926 -545.1212 597.559 + _Iyob_1956 | 27.53415 292.989 0.09 0.926 -572.6267 627.695 + _Iyob_1957 | 28.84058 306.6771 0.09 0.926 -599.359 657.0401 + _Iyob_1958 | 27.53935 292.9338 0.09 0.926 -572.5083 627.587 + _Iyob_1959 | 26.25437 278.7689 0.09 0.926 -544.7778 597.2865 + _Iyob_1960 | 24.83497 264.2683 0.09 0.926 -516.4941 566.1641 + _Iyob_1961 | 23.4164 249.3312 0.09 0.926 -487.3155 534.1483 + _Iyob_1962 | 21.98251 234.0328 0.09 0.926 -457.412 501.3771 + _Iyob_1963 | 20.4961 218.33 0.09 0.926 -426.7327 467.7249 + _Iyob_1964 | 18.98264 202.2493 0.09 0.926 -395.3063 433.2716 + _Iyob_1965 | 17.42042 185.7779 0.09 0.926 -363.1283 397.9691 + _Iyob_1966 | 15.88235 168.9338 0.09 0.926 -330.1628 361.9275 + _Iyob_1967 | 14.27928 151.6867 0.09 0.926 -296.4367 324.9953 + _Iyob_1968 | 12.60174 134.0515 0.09 0.926 -261.9902 287.1937 + _Iyob_1969 | 10.92603 116.045 0.09 0.926 -226.7813 248.6333 + _Iyob_1970 | 9.187594 97.6034 0.09 0.926 -190.7439 209.1191 + _Iyob_1971 | 7.389853 78.82192 0.09 0.926 -154.0695 168.8492 + _Iyob_1972 | 5.630175 59.6314 0.09 0.925 -116.5192 127.7796 + _Iyob_1973 | 3.76448 40.04653 0.09 0.926 -78.26712 85.79608 + _Iyob_1974 | 1.903321 20.09259 0.09 0.925 -39.25449 43.06113 + _Iyob_1975 | (omitted) + _cons | -2696.144 28844.79 -0.09 0.926 -61782.01 56389.72 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: dens lnele inmort ea eaag eaexin eaintr eatran easer eaoth + _Ibplstate_112 _Ibplstate_113 _Ibplstate_115 _Ibplstate_116 + _Ibplstate_121 _Ibplstate_122 _Ibplstate_123 _Ibplstate_124 + _Ibplstate_125 _Ibplstate_126 _Ibplstate_127 _Ibplstate_128 + _Ibplstate_129 _Ibplstate_131 _Ibplstate_132 _Ibplstate_133 + _Ibplstate_135 _Ibplstate_136 _Ibplstate_141 _Ibplstate_142 + _Ibplstate_143 _Ibplstate_151 _Ibplstate_152 _Ibplstate_153 + _Ibplstate_191 _Ibplstate_192 _Ibplstate_203 _Ibplstate_205 + _Ibplstate_208 _Ibplstate_213 _Ibplstate_215 _Ibplstate_217 + _Ibplstate_219 _Ibplstate_225 _Ibplstate_227 _Ibplstate_241 + _Ibplstate_247 _Ibplstate_252 _Ibplstate_254 _Ibplstate_268 + _Ibplstate_273 _Ibplstate_276 _Ibplstate_301 _Ibplstate_302 + _Ibplstate_303 _Ibplstate_304 _Ibplstate_305 _Ibplstate_306 + _Ibplstate_307 _Ibplstate_308 _Ibplstate_309 _Ibplstate_310 + _Ibplstate_311 _Ibplstate_312 _Ibplstate_313 _Ibplstate_314 + _Ibplstate_315 _Ibplstate_316 _Ibplstate_317 _Ibplstate_318 + _Ibplstate_319 _Ibplstate_320 _Ibplstate_321 _Ibplstate_322 + _Ibplstate_323 _Ibplstate_324 _Ibplstate_325 _Ibplstate_326 + _Ibplstate_327 _Ibplstate_328 _Ibplstate_329 _Ibplstate_330 + _Ibplstate_331 _Ibplstate_332 _IbplXyob_112 _IbplXyob_113 + _IbplXyob_115 _IbplXyob_116 _IbplXyob_121 _IbplXyob_122 + _IbplXyob_123 _IbplXyob_124 _IbplXyob_125 _IbplXyob_126 + _IbplXyob_127 _IbplXyob_128 _IbplXyob_129 _IbplXyob_131 + _IbplXyob_132 _IbplXyob_133 _IbplXyob_135 _IbplXyob_136 + _IbplXyob_141 _IbplXyob_142 _IbplXyob_143 _IbplXyob_151 + _IbplXyob_152 _IbplXyob_153 _IbplXyob_191 _IbplXyob_192 + _IbplXyob_203 _IbplXyob_205 _IbplXyob_208 _IbplXyob_213 + _IbplXyob_215 _IbplXyob_217 _IbplXyob_219 _IbplXyob_225 + _IbplXyob_227 _IbplXyob_241 _IbplXyob_247 _IbplXyob_252 + _IbplXyob_254 _IbplXyob_268 _IbplXyob_273 _IbplXyob_276 + _IbplXyob_301 _IbplXyob_302 _IbplXyob_303 _IbplXyob_304 + _IbplXyob_305 _IbplXyob_306 _IbplXyob_307 _IbplXyob_308 + _IbplXyob_309 _IbplXyob_310 _IbplXyob_311 _IbplXyob_312 + _IbplXyob_313 _IbplXyob_314 _IbplXyob_315 _IbplXyob_316 + _IbplXyob_317 _IbplXyob_318 _IbplXyob_319 _IbplXyob_320 + _IbplXyob_321 _IbplXyob_322 _IbplXyob_323 _IbplXyob_324 + _IbplXyob_325 _IbplXyob_326 _IbplXyob_327 _IbplXyob_328 + _IbplXyob_329 _IbplXyob_330 _IbplXyob_331 _IbplXyob_332 + _IbplXyoba112 _IbplXyoba113 _IbplXyoba115 _IbplXyoba116 + _IbplXyoba121 _IbplXyoba122 _IbplXyoba123 _IbplXyoba124 + _IbplXyoba125 _IbplXyoba126 _IbplXyoba127 _IbplXyoba128 + _IbplXyoba129 _IbplXyoba131 _IbplXyoba132 _IbplXyoba133 + _IbplXyoba135 _IbplXyoba136 _IbplXyoba141 _IbplXyoba142 + _IbplXyoba143 _IbplXyoba151 _IbplXyoba152 _IbplXyoba153 + _IbplXyoba191 _IbplXyoba192 _IbplXyoba203 _IbplXyoba205 + _IbplXyoba208 _IbplXyoba213 _IbplXyoba215 _IbplXyoba217 + _IbplXyoba219 _IbplXyoba225 _IbplXyoba227 _IbplXyoba241 + _IbplXyoba247 _IbplXyoba252 _IbplXyoba254 _IbplXyoba268 + _IbplXyoba273 _IbplXyoba276 _IbplXyoba301 _IbplXyoba302 + _IbplXyoba303 _IbplXyoba304 _IbplXyoba305 _IbplXyoba306 + _IbplXyoba307 _IbplXyoba308 _IbplXyoba309 _IbplXyoba310 + _IbplXyoba311 _IbplXyoba312 _IbplXyoba313 _IbplXyoba314 + _IbplXyoba315 _IbplXyoba316 _IbplXyoba317 _IbplXyoba318 + _IbplXyoba319 _IbplXyoba320 _IbplXyoba321 _IbplXyoba322 + _IbplXyoba323 _IbplXyoba324 _IbplXyoba325 _IbplXyoba326 + _IbplXyoba327 _IbplXyoba328 _IbplXyoba329 _IbplXyoba330 + _IbplXyoba331 _IbplXyoba332 _Iyear_1990 _Iyear_2000 + _Iyob_1906 _Iyob_1907 _Iyob_1908 _Iyob_1909 _Iyob_1910 + _Iyob_1911 _Iyob_1912 _Iyob_1913 _Iyob_1914 _Iyob_1915 + _Iyob_1916 _Iyob_1917 _Iyob_1918 _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 + _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 + _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 + _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 + _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 + _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 + _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 + _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 + _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 + _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 + _Iyob_1966 _Iyob_1967 _Iyob_1968 _Iyob_1969 _Iyob_1970 + _Iyob_1971 _Iyob_1972 _Iyob_1973 _Iyob_1974 _Iyob_1975 + tempavg altitude tempxalt +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, CORRECT FOR MEAS ERROR WITH IV + +19:42:18 on 1 Feb 2010 + +CORRECT FOR MEAS ERROR WITH IV + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 2688 2688 2688 2688 2688 2688 +Depvar: incearn incearn incearn incearn incearn incearn +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.1964 -0.0779 -0.0519 0.1405 0.1919 1.4674 + (0.1785) (0.1243) (0.1062) (0.1626) (0.1228) (16.0799) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.996 0.997 0.997 0.996 0.997 0.994 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. /* COLOMBIA */ +. +. +. clear + +. clear matrix + +. set mem 1000m + +Current memory allocation +------------------------- + + current memory usage + settable value description (1M = 1024k) + -------------------------------------------------------------------- + set maxvar 5000 max. variables allowed 1.790M + set memory 1000M max. data space 1,000.000M + set matsize 800 max. RHS vars in models 4.950M + ----------- + 1,006.740M + +. set matsize 4000 + +Current memory allocation +------------------------- + + current memory usage + settable value description (1M = 1024k) + -------------------------------------------------------------------- + set maxvar 5000 max. variables allowed 1.790M + set memory 1000M max. data space 1,000.000M + set matsize 4000 max. RHS vars in models 122.406M + ----------- + 1,124.196M + +. use paneldata_co,clear + +. +. local meanrev "lndens nivel" + +. local the_rest "helm hook leish yelfev land vio* cafetera carbon ganad mkta manuf" + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 37357 + F( 67, 512) = 66.60 + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.6048 + Adj R-squared = 0.5986 + Root MSE = .10804 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 513 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0519029 .0097036 5.35 0.000 .0328391 .0709667 + lndens | -.0113377 .0038191 -2.97 0.003 -.0188408 -.0038346 +nivel_de_v~a | .0061249 .0025746 2.38 0.018 .0010667 .011183 + _Iyob_1919 | .0399782 .008167 4.90 0.000 .0239332 .0560232 + _Iyob_1920 | .0695284 .0083276 8.35 0.000 .053168 .0858889 + _Iyob_1921 | .0509535 .0081834 6.23 0.000 .0348764 .0670306 + _Iyob_1922 | .082419 .0089967 9.16 0.000 .0647441 .100094 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0026128 .0066681 -0.39 0.695 -.015713 .0104874 + _Iyob_1924 | .1035711 .0091514 11.32 0.000 .0855923 .12155 + _Iyob_1925 | .0533723 .0072607 7.35 0.000 .0391078 .0676367 + _Iyob_1926 | .089028 .0082506 10.79 0.000 .0728188 .1052371 + _Iyob_1927 | .1117764 .0082938 13.48 0.000 .0954822 .1280705 + _Iyob_1928 | .0199667 .006699 2.98 0.003 .0068059 .0331275 + _Iyob_1929 | .114491 .0082978 13.80 0.000 .0981891 .130793 + _Iyob_1930 | .1171163 .008 14.64 0.000 .1013995 .1328331 + _Iyob_1931 | .0961736 .0071514 13.45 0.000 .0821238 .1102234 + _Iyob_1932 | .140261 .0092703 15.13 0.000 .1220485 .1584736 + _Iyob_1933 | .0313922 .0069162 4.54 0.000 .0178046 .0449799 + _Iyob_1934 | .1287392 .0083868 15.35 0.000 .1122624 .1452161 + _Iyob_1935 | .0863089 .0071474 12.08 0.000 .072267 .1003509 + _Iyob_1936 | .1264062 .0079475 15.91 0.000 .1107926 .1420199 + _Iyob_1937 | .0989505 .0081601 12.13 0.000 .0829191 .1149819 + _Iyob_1938 | .0151165 .0063654 2.37 0.018 .002611 .0276221 + _Iyob_1939 | .0693926 .0070434 9.85 0.000 .0555551 .08323 + _Iyob_1940 | .0905558 .0070162 12.91 0.000 .0767717 .10434 + _Iyob_1941 | .079432 .008581 9.26 0.000 .0625738 .0962903 + _Iyob_1942 | .1287548 .0113365 11.36 0.000 .106483 .1510266 + _Iyob_1943 | .0584233 .0137733 4.24 0.000 .0313641 .0854825 + _Iyob_1944 | .1389575 .0162078 8.57 0.000 .1071156 .1707993 + _Iyob_1945 | .1105692 .0190081 5.82 0.000 .0732257 .1479127 + _Iyob_1946 | .1457383 .0214384 6.80 0.000 .1036203 .1878563 + _Iyob_1947 | .1487618 .0245139 6.07 0.000 .1006017 .196922 + _Iyob_1948 | .1217103 .027416 4.44 0.000 .0678486 .1755721 + _Iyob_1949 | .1628905 .0299492 5.44 0.000 .1040519 .221729 + _Iyob_1950 | .1651417 .0328838 5.02 0.000 .100538 .2297455 + _Iyob_1951 | .155435 .035709 4.35 0.000 .0852808 .2255891 + _Iyob_1952 | .18114 .0386039 4.69 0.000 .1052984 .2569815 + _Iyob_1953 | .1377113 .0416233 3.31 0.001 .0559378 .2194848 + _Iyob_1954 | .1815778 .0440474 4.12 0.000 .095042 .2681137 + _Iyob_1955 | .1550696 .0472372 3.28 0.001 .062267 .2478723 + _Iyob_1956 | .1844638 .0498483 3.70 0.000 .0865315 .2823961 + _Iyob_1957 | .1861865 .0526096 3.54 0.000 .0828292 .2895438 + _Iyob_1958 | .2135655 .0538366 3.97 0.000 .1077977 .3193332 + _Iyob_1959 | .2526222 .053467 4.72 0.000 .1475805 .3576639 + _Iyob_1960 | .2552491 .0533068 4.79 0.000 .1505221 .359976 + _Iyob_1961 | .2370078 .053762 4.41 0.000 .1313865 .3426292 + _Iyob_1962 | .2718153 .0533157 5.10 0.000 .1670707 .3765598 + _Iyob_1963 | .2054434 .0539946 3.80 0.000 .0993652 .3115216 + _Iyob_1964 | .2427774 .0536557 4.52 0.000 .137365 .3481898 + _Iyob_1965 | .2137067 .0535119 3.99 0.000 .1085768 .3188365 + _Iyob_1966 | .2217456 .0536075 4.14 0.000 .1164278 .3270634 + _Iyob_1967 | .2104824 .0534203 3.94 0.000 .1055324 .3154323 + _Iyob_1968 | .1831136 .0536476 3.41 0.001 .0777171 .2885101 + _Iyob_1969 | .1889238 .0534106 3.54 0.000 .083993 .2938546 + _Iyob_1970 | .1792139 .0531742 3.37 0.001 .0747475 .2836802 + _Iyob_1971 | .1522875 .0529708 2.87 0.004 .0482207 .2563542 + _Iyob_1972 | .1615235 .0525349 3.07 0.002 .0583131 .264734 + _Iyob_1973 | .12013 .0526358 2.28 0.023 .0167213 .2235388 +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | -.0502017 .0093395 -5.38 0.000 -.0685502 -.0318533 +_IbplXyrex_4 | -.058234 .011841 -4.92 0.000 -.081497 -.034971 +_IbplXyrex_5 | -.0372624 .0105725 -3.52 0.000 -.0580333 -.0164915 +_IbplXyrex_6 | -.0130554 .0114661 -1.14 0.255 -.0355818 .009471 +_IbplXyrex_7 | -.0489105 .0093066 -5.26 0.000 -.0671943 -.0306267 +_IbplXyrex_8 | -.0397235 .0132525 -3.00 0.003 -.0657595 -.0136875 +_IbplXyrex_9 | -.0084542 .0233249 -0.36 0.717 -.0542785 .0373702 +_IbplXyre~10 | -.0736279 .0366557 -2.01 0.045 -.145642 -.0016138 + _Iyear_1993 | .075526 .0024362 31.00 0.000 .0707398 .0803121 + _cons | -.2658431 .0057126 -46.54 0.000 -.2770661 -.25462 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + bplcol2 | absorbed (513 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_16 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_17 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_19 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_22 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_23 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_25 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_27 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_30 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_31 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_32 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_33 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_34 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_38 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_61 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 37357 + F( 93, 512) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6086 + Adj R-squared = 0.6021 + Root MSE = .10756 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 513 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0459101 .0096684 4.75 0.000 .0269156 .0649046 + lndens | -.0090084 .0034149 -2.64 0.009 -.0157173 -.0022995 +nivel_de_v~a | .004204 .0026273 1.60 0.110 -.0009577 .0093657 + _Iyob_1919 | .0380181 .0081802 4.65 0.000 .0219473 .054089 + _Iyob_1920 | .0676266 .0083192 8.13 0.000 .0512826 .0839707 + _Iyob_1921 | .0477007 .0082331 5.79 0.000 .0315258 .0638755 + _Iyob_1922 | .0787758 .0090602 8.69 0.000 .0609761 .0965755 + _Iyob_1923 | -.006175 .0068098 -0.91 0.365 -.0195537 .0072036 + _Iyob_1924 | .0983972 .0093113 10.57 0.000 .0801041 .1166904 + _Iyob_1925 | .0476663 .0074835 6.37 0.000 .0329641 .0623685 + _Iyob_1926 | .0823688 .0084437 9.76 0.000 .0657801 .0989574 + _Iyob_1927 | .1046223 .0083468 12.53 0.000 .0882241 .1210204 + _Iyob_1928 | .012182 .0070713 1.72 0.086 -.0017104 .0260743 + _Iyob_1929 | .1058101 .0086932 12.17 0.000 .0887314 .1228888 + _Iyob_1930 | .1076429 .0084453 12.75 0.000 .0910511 .1242347 + _Iyob_1931 | .086058 .0079297 10.85 0.000 .0704792 .1016367 + _Iyob_1932 | .12909 .0097674 13.22 0.000 .1099008 .1482792 + _Iyob_1933 | .0198889 .0077809 2.56 0.011 .0046025 .0351754 + _Iyob_1934 | .1162942 .0093875 12.39 0.000 .0978514 .134737 + _Iyob_1935 | .0732113 .0083447 8.77 0.000 .0568174 .0896053 + _Iyob_1936 | .1124024 .0090589 12.41 0.000 .0946053 .1301996 + _Iyob_1937 | .0843882 .0093936 8.98 0.000 .0659336 .1028429 + _Iyob_1938 | -.0002353 .00812 -0.03 0.977 -.0161879 .0157173 + _Iyob_1939 | .0532352 .0088359 6.02 0.000 .0358762 .0705943 + _Iyob_1940 | .0692431 .0090124 7.68 0.000 .0515373 .086949 + _Iyob_1941 | .0529465 .0103601 5.11 0.000 .0325929 .0733001 + _Iyob_1942 | .0971683 .0127802 7.60 0.000 .0720602 .1222763 + _Iyob_1943 | .0217933 .014903 1.46 0.144 -.0074852 .0510718 + _Iyob_1944 | .0972396 .0170213 5.71 0.000 .0637995 .1306797 + _Iyob_1945 | .0636977 .019658 3.24 0.001 .0250773 .102318 + _Iyob_1946 | .0937677 .0218221 4.30 0.000 .0508959 .1366396 + _Iyob_1947 | .0916893 .0246319 3.72 0.000 .0432973 .1400813 + _Iyob_1948 | .0595079 .0271865 2.19 0.029 .0060971 .1129187 + _Iyob_1949 | .0955955 .0296728 3.22 0.001 .0373001 .1538909 + _Iyob_1950 | .0927351 .0323877 2.86 0.004 .0291059 .1563642 + _Iyob_1951 | .0779437 .0350692 2.22 0.027 .0090464 .146841 + _Iyob_1952 | .0984745 .0376658 2.61 0.009 .0244759 .1724731 + _Iyob_1953 | .049967 .0405104 1.23 0.218 -.02962 .1295541 + _Iyob_1954 | .0886982 .0429943 2.06 0.040 .0042313 .1731651 + _Iyob_1955 | .0571503 .0457838 1.25 0.213 -.0327969 .1470975 + _Iyob_1956 | .0814041 .0483656 1.68 0.093 -.0136153 .1764236 + _Iyob_1957 | .0781143 .0510611 1.53 0.127 -.0222008 .1784294 + _Iyob_1958 | .1048392 .0519696 2.02 0.044 .0027393 .2069392 + _Iyob_1959 | .1431101 .0516577 2.77 0.006 .041623 .2445972 + _Iyob_1960 | .1450508 .0516147 2.81 0.005 .0436481 .2464536 + _Iyob_1961 | .1260887 .0519756 2.43 0.016 .023977 .2282003 + _Iyob_1962 | .1601803 .0517981 3.09 0.002 .0584173 .2619434 + _Iyob_1963 | .0930024 .0524212 1.77 0.077 -.0099847 .1959895 + _Iyob_1964 | .129677 .0521863 2.48 0.013 .0271513 .2322027 + _Iyob_1965 | .09983 .0520782 1.92 0.056 -.0024832 .2021432 + _Iyob_1966 | .1071291 .0522381 2.05 0.041 .0045017 .2097565 + _Iyob_1967 | .0951186 .0522921 1.82 0.069 -.0076149 .1978521 + _Iyob_1968 | .0669662 .0525722 1.27 0.203 -.0363176 .1702501 + _Iyob_1969 | .072042 .0526244 1.37 0.172 -.0313442 .1754283 + _Iyob_1970 | .0615146 .0524548 1.17 0.241 -.0415384 .1645677 + _Iyob_1971 | .0338648 .0524531 0.65 0.519 -.0691849 .1369145 + _Iyob_1972 | .042517 .0524629 0.81 0.418 -.060552 .145586 + _Iyob_1973 | .000036 .0524923 0.00 0.999 -.1030907 .1031628 +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | .0215095 .0122172 1.76 0.079 -.0024925 .0455115 +_IbplXyrex_4 | .0319887 .0162852 1.96 0.050 -5.31e-06 .0639827 +_IbplXyrex_5 | -.0001834 .0130366 -0.01 0.989 -.0257952 .0254284 +_IbplXyrex_6 | .0594356 .0138805 4.28 0.000 .0321659 .0867053 +_IbplXyrex_7 | .0188064 .0126121 1.49 0.137 -.0059714 .0435843 +_IbplXyrex_8 | .0390452 .014256 2.74 0.006 .0110377 .0670527 +_IbplXyrex_9 | -.0629239 .0472371 -1.33 0.183 -.1557263 .0298785 +_IbplXyre~10 | -.108937 .0540826 -2.01 0.045 -.2151882 -.0026858 + _Ibplcol1_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_3 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_4 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_5 | -1.643666 .9155515 -1.80 0.073 -3.442366 .1550335 + _Ibplcol1_6 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_7 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_8 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_16 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_17 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_23 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_24 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_25 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_31 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_32 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.0007108 .0005919 -1.20 0.230 -.0018737 .0004521 + _IbplXyob_3 | .0003356 .0004063 0.83 0.409 -.0004628 .0011339 + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0001281 .0004998 -0.26 0.798 -.00111 .0008539 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0033256 .00043 7.73 0.000 .0024808 .0041703 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0010873 .0006164 -1.76 0.078 -.0022983 .0001237 + _IbplXyob_7 | .0045706 .0017346 2.63 0.009 .0011628 .0079785 + _IbplXyob_8 | .0008817 .0005993 1.47 0.142 -.0002956 .002059 + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | .0000399 .0008498 0.05 0.963 -.0016297 .0017095 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | .0014729 .0004439 3.32 0.001 .0006008 .002345 +_IbplXyob_16 | .0018623 .0004503 4.14 0.000 .0009777 .0027469 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0015621 .0005606 2.79 0.006 .0004607 .0026634 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0006097 .0005913 -1.03 0.303 -.0017713 .000552 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | .0016927 .0011573 1.46 0.144 -.0005809 .0039664 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0008363 .0007204 -1.16 0.246 -.0022517 .000579 +_IbplXyob_23 | .0043412 .0017193 2.52 0.012 .0009635 .0077189 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.0002984 .0004244 -0.70 0.482 -.0011322 .0005354 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0012742 .0004843 2.63 0.009 .0003229 .0022256 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0000633 .0006777 -0.09 0.926 -.0013946 .0012681 +_IbplXyob_28 | .0000812 .0006777 0.12 0.905 -.0012502 .0014126 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0013737 .0004227 3.25 0.001 .0005431 .0022042 +_IbplXyob_30 | .0004644 .0005277 0.88 0.379 -.0005723 .0015011 +_IbplXyob_31 | .0006242 .0004789 1.30 0.193 -.0003167 .0015651 +_IbplXyob_32 | .0003922 .0004645 0.84 0.399 -.0005203 .0013047 +_IbplXyob_33 | .0055848 .0017596 3.17 0.002 .0021279 .0090416 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0025083 .0005555 4.52 0.000 .001417 .0035996 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | .0025336 .0015985 1.58 0.114 -.0006068 .0056739 +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_59 | .0022856 .0014987 1.53 0.128 -.0006588 .0052299 +_IbplXyob_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_62 | .0025348 .0015379 1.65 0.100 -.0004865 .0055561 + _Iyear_1993 | .0753267 .0024388 30.89 0.000 .0705354 .080118 + _cons | -1.566198 .5085404 -3.08 0.002 -2.56528 -.5671153 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + bplcol2 | absorbed (513 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_16 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_17 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_19 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_22 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_23 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_25 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_27 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_30 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_31 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_32 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_33 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_34 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_38 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_45 omitted 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of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_61 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 37357 + F( 116, 512) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6097 + Adj R-squared = 0.6029 + Root MSE = .10744 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 513 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0461559 .009674 4.77 0.000 .0271503 .0651615 + lndens | -.009104 .0034284 -2.66 0.008 -.0158395 -.0023686 +nivel_de_v~a | .004226 .0026297 1.61 0.109 -.0009403 .0093924 + _Iyob_1919 | .0373623 .0082283 4.54 0.000 .0211969 .0535278 + _Iyob_1920 | .0670102 .0083071 8.07 0.000 .05069 .0833305 + _Iyob_1921 | .0467423 .0082643 5.66 0.000 .0305061 .0629785 + _Iyob_1922 | .0775087 .0090709 8.54 0.000 .059688 .0953295 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0083219 .0068801 -1.21 0.227 -.0218386 .0051947 + _Iyob_1924 | .0963683 .009267 10.40 0.000 .0781622 .1145743 + _Iyob_1925 | .0454517 .0074188 6.13 0.000 .0308767 .0600267 + _Iyob_1926 | .0799356 .0086618 9.23 0.000 .0629186 .0969526 + _Iyob_1927 | .1019378 .0086672 11.76 0.000 .0849102 .1189654 + _Iyob_1928 | .0091531 .0072393 1.26 0.207 -.0050692 .0233755 + _Iyob_1929 | .1026765 .0089749 11.44 0.000 .0850444 .1203086 + _Iyob_1930 | .1043977 .0087387 11.95 0.000 .0872296 .1215657 + _Iyob_1931 | .0826428 .0082573 10.01 0.000 .0664204 .0988652 + _Iyob_1932 | .1255649 .0102033 12.31 0.000 .1055195 .1456103 + _Iyob_1933 | .0161216 .0082927 1.94 0.052 -.0001704 .0324135 + _Iyob_1934 | .112493 .0098807 11.39 0.000 .0930812 .1319048 + _Iyob_1935 | .0693115 .0088904 7.80 0.000 .0518454 .0867777 + _Iyob_1936 | .1084257 .0093684 11.57 0.000 .0900205 .1268309 + _Iyob_1937 | .0803761 .0094491 8.51 0.000 .0618123 .0989399 + _Iyob_1938 | -.0044072 .0087525 -0.50 0.615 -.0216024 .012788 + _Iyob_1939 | .0490026 .0093823 5.22 0.000 .0305702 .0674351 + _Iyob_1940 | .0655298 .0094284 6.95 0.000 .0470067 .0840529 + _Iyob_1941 | .0497367 .0107025 4.65 0.000 .0287104 .070763 + _Iyob_1942 | .0944162 .0127549 7.40 0.000 .0693579 .1194745 + _Iyob_1943 | .0197743 .0150982 1.31 0.191 -.0098876 .0494363 + _Iyob_1944 | .0956367 .0171354 5.58 0.000 .0619722 .1293011 + _Iyob_1945 | .0627531 .0197273 3.18 0.002 .0239967 .1015095 + _Iyob_1946 | .0933802 .0218249 4.28 0.000 .0505028 .1362575 + _Iyob_1947 | .0918589 .0246686 3.72 0.000 .0433948 .140323 + _Iyob_1948 | .060374 .0271854 2.22 0.027 .0069653 .1137828 + _Iyob_1949 | .0970276 .0296283 3.27 0.001 .0388196 .1552355 + _Iyob_1950 | .0947936 .0323558 2.93 0.004 .031227 .1583601 + _Iyob_1951 | .0806828 .0350637 2.30 0.022 .0117963 .1495692 + _Iyob_1952 | .1018396 .0376306 2.71 0.007 .0279102 .175769 + _Iyob_1953 | .0540823 .0404958 1.34 0.182 -.0254761 .1336408 + _Iyob_1954 | .0934319 .0430036 2.17 0.030 .0089468 .1779171 + _Iyob_1955 | .0625891 .0458012 1.37 0.172 -.0273922 .1525705 + _Iyob_1956 | .0874952 .0483779 1.81 0.071 -.0075485 .1825388 + _Iyob_1957 | .084918 .0510874 1.66 0.097 -.0154488 .1852848 + _Iyob_1958 | .1119377 .0519728 2.15 0.032 .0098315 .2140438 + _Iyob_1959 | .1504424 .0516478 2.91 0.004 .0489748 .2519101 + _Iyob_1960 | .1526343 .051617 2.96 0.003 .0512271 .2540416 + _Iyob_1961 | .1339384 .0520129 2.58 0.010 .0317535 .2361233 + _Iyob_1962 | .1682575 .0518163 3.25 0.001 .0664587 .2700562 + _Iyob_1963 | .1013396 .0524492 1.93 0.054 -.0017024 .2043816 + _Iyob_1964 | .1382665 .0522459 2.65 0.008 .0356238 .2409092 + _Iyob_1965 | .1086887 .0521455 2.08 0.038 .0062431 .2111342 + _Iyob_1966 | .1162631 .0523234 2.22 0.027 .0134682 .2190581 + _Iyob_1967 | .1045223 .0523718 2.00 0.046 .0016321 .2074124 + _Iyob_1968 | .0765643 .0526948 1.45 0.147 -.0269603 .1800889 + _Iyob_1969 | .081868 .0527636 1.55 0.121 -.0217917 .1855278 + _Iyob_1970 | .0714809 .0526231 1.36 0.175 -.0319028 .1748646 + _Iyob_1971 | .0441627 .0526463 0.84 0.402 -.0592666 .147592 + _Iyob_1972 | .0530925 .0526909 1.01 0.314 -.0504245 .1566095 + _Iyob_1973 | .0106268 .0527768 0.20 0.841 -.0930589 .1143124 +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | .0109936 .0124784 0.88 0.379 -.0135215 .0355087 +_IbplXyrex_4 | .027586 .0165375 1.67 0.096 -.0049036 .0600756 +_IbplXyrex_5 | -.0104254 .013267 -0.79 0.432 -.0364898 .0156391 +_IbplXyrex_6 | .0508735 .0134233 3.79 0.000 .0245021 .0772449 +_IbplXyrex_7 | .0083236 .0127016 0.66 0.513 -.0166301 .0332773 +_IbplXyrex_8 | .0300937 .014247 2.11 0.035 .002104 .0580834 +_IbplXyrex_9 | -.0747081 .045287 -1.65 0.100 -.1636793 .014263 +_IbplXyre~10 | -.1272658 .0618352 -2.06 0.040 -.2487477 -.0057839 + _Ibplcol1_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_3 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_4 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_5 | 4.82074 1.471538 3.28 0.001 1.929745 7.711736 + _Ibplcol1_6 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_7 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_8 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_16 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_17 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_23 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_24 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_25 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_31 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_32 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.0013308 .0007035 -1.89 0.059 -.0027128 .0000513 + _IbplXyob_3 | -.000587 .000479 -1.23 0.221 -.001528 .0003541 + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0000104 .0007104 -0.01 0.988 -.001406 .0013852 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0019874 .0006917 2.87 0.004 .0006284 .0033464 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0018462 .0008937 -2.07 0.039 -.0036021 -.0000904 + _IbplXyob_7 | .0048745 .0019069 2.56 0.011 .0011282 .0086208 + _IbplXyob_8 | .0012056 .0008099 1.49 0.137 -.0003855 .0027966 + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | .0009314 .0009387 0.99 0.322 -.0009127 .0027755 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | .0023127 .0006177 3.74 0.000 .0010992 .0035263 +_IbplXyob_16 | .0006185 .0006389 0.97 0.333 -.0006367 .0018736 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0024449 .0006555 3.73 0.000 .001157 .0037328 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0011392 .0008043 -1.42 0.157 -.0027194 .000441 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | .0021104 .001071 1.97 0.049 6.22e-06 .0042145 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0006953 .0007098 -0.98 0.328 -.0020899 .0006992 +_IbplXyob_23 | .0040578 .001757 2.31 0.021 .000606 .0075095 +_IbplXyob_24 | .000125 .0006046 0.21 0.836 -.0010627 .0013128 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0016731 .0006364 2.63 0.009 .0004229 .0029233 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0021439 .0010799 -1.99 0.048 -.0042655 -.0000222 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0010424 .0009409 -1.11 0.268 -.0028909 .000806 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0011693 .0006023 1.94 0.053 -.000014 .0023525 +_IbplXyob_30 | .0005515 .0006759 0.82 0.415 -.0007764 .0018793 +_IbplXyob_31 | .0004007 .0005987 0.67 0.504 -.0007755 .0015768 +_IbplXyob_32 | .0001546 .0005746 0.27 0.788 -.0009743 .0012835 +_IbplXyob_33 | .0055568 .0027622 2.01 0.045 .0001301 .0109834 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0044528 .0007293 6.11 0.000 .00302 .0058857 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | .00686 .0022341 3.07 0.002 .0024709 .011249 +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_59 | .0006848 .0015929 0.43 0.667 -.0024446 .0038142 +_IbplXyob_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_62 | .0113559 .0017222 6.59 0.000 .0079725 .0147392 +_IbplXyob2_2 | -.0000227 .0000185 -1.23 0.220 -.0000591 .0000136 +_IbplXyob2_3 | -.0000279 7.70e-06 -3.63 0.000 -.0000431 -.0000128 +_IbplXyob2_4 | 6.98e-06 .0000136 0.51 0.609 -.0000198 .0000337 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -.0000392 .0000143 -2.73 0.007 -.0000674 -.000011 +_IbplXyob2_6 | -.0000227 .0000161 -1.41 0.159 -.0000543 8.90e-06 +_IbplXyob2_7 | 6.77e-06 .000031 0.22 0.827 -.0000541 .0000677 +_IbplXyob2_8 | .000013 .0000163 0.80 0.426 -.0000191 .0000451 +_IbplXyob2_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_10 | .0000482 .0000246 1.96 0.050 -5.44e-08 .0000965 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_15 | .0000377 .0000138 2.73 0.006 .0000106 .0000648 +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000357 .0000126 -2.84 0.005 -.0000605 -.000011 +_IbplXy~2_17 | .0000363 .0000191 1.90 0.058 -1.28e-06 .0000738 +_IbplXy~2_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_19 | -.0000183 .0000188 -0.97 0.332 -.0000553 .0000187 +_IbplXy~2_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_21 | .0000203 .0000239 0.85 0.395 -.0000266 .0000672 +_IbplXy~2_22 | 8.42e-06 .0000151 0.56 0.577 -.0000212 .0000381 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -.0000146 .0000268 -0.54 0.587 -.0000673 .0000381 +_IbplXy~2_24 | .0000168 .0000143 1.18 0.238 -.0000112 .0000449 +_IbplXy~2_25 | .0000161 .0000133 1.21 0.227 -.00001 .0000422 +_IbplXy~2_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_27 | -.0000748 .0000208 -3.60 0.000 -.0001156 -.000034 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -.0000372 .0000167 -2.23 0.026 -.00007 -4.40e-06 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -7.52e-06 .0000143 -0.53 0.599 -.0000356 .0000206 +_IbplXy~2_30 | 5.74e-06 .0000173 0.33 0.740 -.0000282 .0000397 +_IbplXy~2_31 | -6.43e-06 .0000147 -0.44 0.661 -.0000353 .0000224 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -9.34e-06 .0000131 -0.71 0.477 -.0000351 .0000165 +_IbplXy~2_33 | -2.70e-07 .0000746 -0.00 0.997 -.0001468 .0001462 +_IbplXy~2_34 | .0003227 .0000889 3.63 0.000 .000148 .0004975 +_IbplXy~2_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_38 | .0002059 .0000118 17.37 0.000 .0001826 .0002291 +_IbplXy~2_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_59 | -.0000836 .0000102 -8.21 0.000 -.0001036 -.0000636 +_IbplXy~2_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_62 | .0003801 8.76e-06 43.39 0.000 .0003629 .0003973 + _Iyear_1993 | .0753564 .0024409 30.87 0.000 .0705609 .0801519 + _cons | -1.564547 .7046729 -2.22 0.027 -2.948953 -.1801412 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + bplcol2 | absorbed (513 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 36888 + F( 79, 505) = 58.21 + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.5999 + Adj R-squared = 0.5935 + Root MSE = .108 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 506 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0535161 .0101286 5.28 0.000 .0336167 .0734155 + lndens | -.0115564 .0034855 -3.32 0.001 -.0184042 -.0047085 +nivel_de_v~a | .0075137 .0027778 2.70 0.007 .0020562 .0129712 + helminth_nh | .0556165 .0252774 2.20 0.028 .0059547 .1052784 + hookworm | -.0035137 .0120061 -0.29 0.770 -.0271017 .0200743 +leishmania~s | .0171112 .0128006 1.34 0.182 -.0080377 .0422602 + yelfev | -.0233962 .0129855 -1.80 0.072 -.0489085 .0021161 + land_inadeq | -.0018565 .0064201 -0.29 0.773 -.0144699 .0107568 + vioearly | .000085 .0033194 0.03 0.980 -.0064365 .0066065 + violate | .0030805 .0024696 1.25 0.213 -.0017714 .0079324 + cafetera | -.0113077 .0073862 -1.53 0.126 -.0258191 .0032037 + carbon | .0020403 .0096607 0.21 0.833 -.0169399 .0210204 +ganadera_n~a | -.0181193 .0117575 -1.54 0.124 -.0412188 .0049803 + mktaccess | .0010266 .0014537 0.71 0.480 -.0018294 .0038827 + manuf | -.3413244 .2828146 -1.21 0.228 -.8969625 .2143138 + _Iyob_1919 | .0402617 .0082414 4.89 0.000 .0240699 .0564534 + _Iyob_1920 | .0701278 .0083958 8.35 0.000 .0536328 .0866228 + _Iyob_1921 | .0503161 .0082689 6.08 0.000 .0340704 .0665619 + _Iyob_1922 | .0824073 .0090876 9.07 0.000 .0645531 .1002615 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0023758 .0067352 -0.35 0.724 -.0156081 .0108566 + _Iyob_1924 | .1044824 .0092101 11.34 0.000 .0863876 .1225772 + _Iyob_1925 | .0531523 .0073359 7.25 0.000 .0387396 .067565 + _Iyob_1926 | .0896021 .0083184 10.77 0.000 .0732591 .1059451 + _Iyob_1927 | .1119061 .0083989 13.32 0.000 .095405 .1284072 + _Iyob_1928 | .0199571 .0067653 2.95 0.003 .0066655 .0332488 + _Iyob_1929 | .1147992 .0083871 13.69 0.000 .0983213 .1312772 + _Iyob_1930 | .1180189 .0080981 14.57 0.000 .1021089 .133929 + _Iyob_1931 | .0966943 .0072329 13.37 0.000 .0824839 .1109046 + _Iyob_1932 | .1405615 .0093969 14.96 0.000 .1220998 .1590233 + _Iyob_1933 | .031034 .0069746 4.45 0.000 .0173311 .0447369 + _Iyob_1934 | .1293502 .0084875 15.24 0.000 .1126749 .1460254 + _Iyob_1935 | .0869294 .007228 12.03 0.000 .0727287 .1011301 + _Iyob_1936 | .126343 .0080555 15.68 0.000 .1105166 .1421695 + _Iyob_1937 | .0998631 .008217 12.15 0.000 .0837195 .1160068 + _Iyob_1938 | .0155873 .0064468 2.42 0.016 .0029214 .0282531 + _Iyob_1939 | .0700681 .0071217 9.84 0.000 .0560763 .0840599 + _Iyob_1940 | .0881881 .0070784 12.46 0.000 .0742814 .1020948 + _Iyob_1941 | .0751358 .0082816 9.07 0.000 .0588653 .0914064 + _Iyob_1942 | .1225488 .0110367 11.10 0.000 .1008652 .1442323 + _Iyob_1943 | .0495621 .0129227 3.84 0.000 .0241733 .0749509 + _Iyob_1944 | .1279665 .015395 8.31 0.000 .0977205 .1582126 + _Iyob_1945 | .0968673 .0178421 5.43 0.000 .0618134 .1319211 + _Iyob_1946 | .1306733 .0200856 6.51 0.000 .0912117 .170135 + _Iyob_1947 | .1314456 .0229176 5.74 0.000 .0864201 .1764711 + _Iyob_1948 | .1018977 .0255218 3.99 0.000 .0517556 .1520398 + _Iyob_1949 | .1407949 .0278161 5.06 0.000 .0861453 .1954445 + _Iyob_1950 | .1407582 .0306769 4.59 0.000 .0804882 .2010282 + _Iyob_1951 | .1289368 .0331848 3.89 0.000 .0637394 .1941341 + _Iyob_1952 | .1524829 .0359006 4.25 0.000 .0819499 .2230158 + _Iyob_1953 | .106645 .0387934 2.75 0.006 .0304287 .1828613 + _Iyob_1954 | .1487709 .0410915 3.62 0.000 .0680395 .2295023 + _Iyob_1955 | .1194323 .0440709 2.71 0.007 .0328473 .2060173 + _Iyob_1956 | .1474308 .0464735 3.17 0.002 .0561255 .238736 + _Iyob_1957 | .1468247 .0491963 2.98 0.003 .0501701 .2434793 + _Iyob_1958 | .1736096 .0498543 3.48 0.001 .0756622 .271557 + _Iyob_1959 | .2123115 .0495421 4.29 0.000 .1149774 .3096456 + _Iyob_1960 | .2155627 .049535 4.35 0.000 .1182426 .3128828 + _Iyob_1961 | .1969086 .0498914 3.95 0.000 .0988884 .2949288 + _Iyob_1962 | .2318656 .049454 4.69 0.000 .1347046 .3290266 + _Iyob_1963 | .1654893 .0500372 3.31 0.001 .0671826 .2637959 + _Iyob_1964 | .2031577 .0499797 4.06 0.000 .1049639 .3013514 + _Iyob_1965 | .1734843 .0496819 3.49 0.001 .0758756 .2710929 + _Iyob_1966 | .1816474 .0498049 3.65 0.000 .0837971 .2794978 + _Iyob_1967 | .1709939 .0495304 3.45 0.001 .0736829 .2683048 + _Iyob_1968 | .1426188 .0499291 2.86 0.004 .0445244 .2407132 + _Iyob_1969 | .1496069 .0497495 3.01 0.003 .0518654 .2473483 + _Iyob_1970 | .1393992 .0495535 2.81 0.005 .0420428 .2367556 + _Iyob_1971 | .113035 .0494694 2.28 0.023 .0158437 .2102262 + _Iyob_1972 | .1222076 .0492022 2.48 0.013 .0255415 .2188738 + _Iyob_1973 | .0805705 .0492881 1.63 0.103 -.0162646 .1774055 +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | -.0498189 .0127779 -3.90 0.000 -.0749233 -.0247146 +_IbplXyrex_4 | -.0728143 .0176797 -4.12 0.000 -.1075491 -.0380795 +_IbplXyrex_5 | -.0344068 .0123843 -2.78 0.006 -.0587378 -.0100757 +_IbplXyrex_6 | -.0306305 .0167193 -1.83 0.068 -.0634785 .0022175 +_IbplXyrex_7 | -.0663287 .0182791 -3.63 0.000 -.102241 -.0304163 +_IbplXyrex_8 | -.0388466 .0147571 -2.63 0.009 -.0678396 -.0098537 +_IbplXyrex_9 | .0175752 .0264371 0.66 0.506 -.0343651 .0695155 +_IbplXyre~10 | -.0471836 .0362226 -1.30 0.193 -.1183491 .023982 + _Iyear_1993 | .0754155 .0024777 30.44 0.000 .0705478 .0802833 + _cons | -.2694639 .0057777 -46.64 0.000 -.2808153 -.2581126 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + bplcol2 | absorbed (506 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_16 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_17 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_19 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_22 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_23 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_25 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_27 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_30 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_31 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_32 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_33 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_34 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_38 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_62 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 36888 + F( 105, 505) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6031 + Adj R-squared = 0.5965 + Root MSE = .1076 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 506 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0476176 .0102595 4.64 0.000 .0274611 .0677741 + lndens | -.0074321 .0035314 -2.10 0.036 -.0143701 -.000494 +nivel_de_v~a | .0042377 .002816 1.50 0.133 -.0012949 .0097703 + helminth_nh | .0603247 .027916 2.16 0.031 .0054788 .1151706 + hookworm | .0003113 .011945 0.03 0.979 -.0231566 .0237792 +leishmania~s | -.0076739 .0180508 -0.43 0.671 -.0431378 .02779 + yelfev | -.0094891 .0144916 -0.65 0.513 -.0379603 .0189822 + land_inadeq | -.0011689 .0061122 -0.19 0.848 -.0131773 .0108395 + vioearly | -.0005736 .0033995 -0.17 0.866 -.0072526 .0061053 + violate | .0019916 .0025038 0.80 0.427 -.0029276 .0069107 + cafetera | -.0062059 .0069473 -0.89 0.372 -.019855 .0074432 + carbon | -.0016381 .0087401 -0.19 0.851 -.0188096 .0155334 +ganadera_n~a | -.0026908 .0124029 -0.22 0.828 -.0270584 .0216768 + mktaccess | 1.74e-06 .0013824 0.00 0.999 -.0027143 .0027178 + manuf | -.2812993 .2665125 -1.06 0.292 -.8049092 .2423106 + _Iyob_1919 | .0382626 .0082649 4.63 0.000 .0220248 .0545004 + _Iyob_1920 | .0681473 .0083927 8.12 0.000 .0516584 .0846361 + _Iyob_1921 | .0470559 .0083281 5.65 0.000 .0306939 .063418 + _Iyob_1922 | .0786346 .0091566 8.59 0.000 .0606449 .0966244 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0060304 .0068802 -0.88 0.381 -.0195479 .007487 + _Iyob_1924 | .0991989 .0093924 10.56 0.000 .0807459 .1176518 + _Iyob_1925 | .0473842 .0075951 6.24 0.000 .0324623 .062306 + _Iyob_1926 | .0829268 .0085392 9.71 0.000 .0661501 .0997036 + _Iyob_1927 | .104692 .0084645 12.37 0.000 .088062 .1213219 + _Iyob_1928 | .0121276 .0071746 1.69 0.092 -.0019682 .0262234 + _Iyob_1929 | .1060592 .008889 11.93 0.000 .0885952 .1235232 + _Iyob_1930 | .1083994 .0086147 12.58 0.000 .0914743 .1253246 + _Iyob_1931 | .0865183 .0081243 10.65 0.000 .0705567 .10248 + _Iyob_1932 | .1293227 .0100063 12.92 0.000 .1096636 .1489819 + _Iyob_1933 | .0194967 .0079614 2.45 0.015 .0038551 .0351382 + _Iyob_1934 | .116827 .0096141 12.15 0.000 .0979383 .1357156 + _Iyob_1935 | .0737682 .0085867 8.59 0.000 .0568981 .0906383 + _Iyob_1936 | .1123264 .0093403 12.03 0.000 .0939759 .130677 + _Iyob_1937 | .0852286 .0096635 8.82 0.000 .066243 .1042142 + _Iyob_1938 | .0002348 .0084357 0.03 0.978 -.0163385 .0168081 + _Iyob_1939 | .0539251 .0091342 5.90 0.000 .0359794 .0718708 + _Iyob_1940 | .0659003 .0094041 7.01 0.000 .0474243 .0843763 + _Iyob_1941 | .0467114 .0106886 4.37 0.000 .0257119 .0677109 + _Iyob_1942 | .0879661 .013224 6.65 0.000 .0619853 .1139469 + _Iyob_1943 | .0089822 .0151826 0.59 0.554 -.0208466 .038811 + _Iyob_1944 | .0812576 .0176433 4.61 0.000 .0465943 .115921 + _Iyob_1945 | .0440337 .0202569 2.17 0.030 .0042356 .0838318 + _Iyob_1946 | .0717424 .0225127 3.19 0.002 .0275123 .1159725 + _Iyob_1947 | .0663858 .025319 2.62 0.009 .0166423 .1161293 + _Iyob_1948 | .0307313 .027942 1.10 0.272 -.0241655 .0856282 + _Iyob_1949 | .0635305 .0305457 2.08 0.038 .0035183 .1235427 + _Iyob_1950 | .0573756 .0334142 1.72 0.087 -.0082723 .1230235 + _Iyob_1951 | .039466 .0361015 1.09 0.275 -.0314616 .1103937 + _Iyob_1952 | .0568303 .0387821 1.47 0.143 -.0193638 .1330244 + _Iyob_1953 | .0048942 .0417573 0.12 0.907 -.0771452 .0869336 + _Iyob_1954 | .0409095 .0443841 0.92 0.357 -.0462907 .1281096 + _Iyob_1955 | .0055165 .0472605 0.12 0.907 -.0873349 .098368 + _Iyob_1956 | .027367 .0498962 0.55 0.584 -.0706626 .1253966 + _Iyob_1957 | .020742 .0528366 0.39 0.695 -.0830645 .1245486 + _Iyob_1958 | .0467944 .0533314 0.88 0.381 -.0579843 .151573 + _Iyob_1959 | .0847391 .0531506 1.59 0.111 -.0196844 .1891626 + _Iyob_1960 | .0873077 .0532009 1.64 0.101 -.0172146 .19183 + _Iyob_1961 | .0678996 .0534274 1.27 0.204 -.0370678 .1728669 + _Iyob_1962 | .1021385 .0532048 1.92 0.055 -.0023916 .2066686 + _Iyob_1963 | .034914 .0538794 0.65 0.517 -.0709414 .1407694 + _Iyob_1964 | .0719582 .0537891 1.34 0.182 -.0337198 .1776361 + _Iyob_1965 | .0414763 .0535311 0.77 0.439 -.0636948 .1466475 + _Iyob_1966 | .0489323 .0537399 0.91 0.363 -.0566489 .1545135 + _Iyob_1967 | .0375456 .0537801 0.70 0.485 -.0681147 .1432058 + _Iyob_1968 | .0083482 .0541304 0.15 0.877 -.0980002 .1146967 + _Iyob_1969 | .0146088 .0542674 0.27 0.788 -.0920088 .1212265 + _Iyob_1970 | .0036101 .0541225 0.07 0.947 -.1027229 .1099431 + _Iyob_1971 | -.0234878 .0542307 -0.43 0.665 -.1300334 .0830577 + _Iyob_1972 | -.0148952 .054396 -0.27 0.784 -.1217655 .0919752 + _Iyob_1973 | -.0576139 .0544199 -1.06 0.290 -.1645312 .0493034 +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | .0229082 .0158122 1.45 0.148 -.0081576 .053974 +_IbplXyrex_4 | .0239977 .0209157 1.15 0.252 -.0170948 .0650902 +_IbplXyrex_5 | .0011129 .0148682 0.07 0.940 -.0280983 .0303241 +_IbplXyrex_6 | .0508962 .0174977 2.91 0.004 .016519 .0852735 +_IbplXyrex_7 | .0089515 .0217079 0.41 0.680 -.0336974 .0516004 +_IbplXyrex_8 | .0400941 .0161773 2.48 0.014 .008311 .0718771 +_IbplXyrex_9 | -.0606024 .0511953 -1.18 0.237 -.1611845 .0399797 +_IbplXyre~10 | -.1041423 .0633804 -1.64 0.101 -.228664 .0203793 + _Ibplcol1_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_3 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_4 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_5 | -.3583781 1.277381 -0.28 0.779 -2.868014 2.151257 + _Ibplcol1_6 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_7 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_8 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_16 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_17 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_23 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_24 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_25 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_31 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_32 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.0006273 .0005205 -1.21 0.229 -.00165 .0003953 + _IbplXyob_3 | .0003542 .0004611 0.77 0.443 -.0005518 .0012602 + _IbplXyob_4 | -7.72e-06 .0005015 -0.02 0.988 -.000993 .0009776 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0032982 .0004514 7.31 0.000 .0024113 .004185 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0009276 .0006438 -1.44 0.150 -.0021925 .0003374 + _IbplXyob_7 | .0044089 .0018724 2.35 0.019 .0007302 .0080876 + _IbplXyob_8 | .0008957 .0006263 1.43 0.153 -.0003348 .0021262 + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0000728 .0008732 -0.08 0.934 -.0017883 .0016428 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | .001363 .0004542 3.00 0.003 .0004706 .0022554 +_IbplXyob_16 | .0018519 .0004653 3.98 0.000 .0009378 .002766 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0015249 .0006546 2.33 0.020 .0002389 .002811 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | -.000463 .0006016 -0.77 0.442 -.0016448 .0007189 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | .0015281 .0011767 1.30 0.195 -.0007837 .00384 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0008308 .000705 -1.18 0.239 -.0022158 .0005542 +_IbplXyob_23 | .0044865 .0017427 2.57 0.010 .0010627 .0079103 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.0004057 .0005179 -0.78 0.434 -.0014233 .0006118 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0012709 .0005195 2.45 0.015 .0002502 .0022916 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0004112 .0007616 -0.54 0.590 -.0019076 .0010852 +_IbplXyob_28 | .0000195 .0006988 0.03 0.978 -.0013535 .0013925 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0013595 .0004353 3.12 0.002 .0005043 .0022148 +_IbplXyob_30 | .0003892 .0005472 0.71 0.477 -.0006859 .0014644 +_IbplXyob_31 | .0005438 .0005087 1.07 0.286 -.0004557 .0015433 +_IbplXyob_32 | .0004324 .0005018 0.86 0.389 -.0005536 .0014183 +_IbplXyob_33 | .0053419 .0018118 2.95 0.003 .0017823 .0089015 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0031428 .0007018 4.48 0.000 .001764 .0045217 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | .0024544 .0016864 1.46 0.146 -.0008587 .0057676 +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_59 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_62 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1993 | .0752105 .00248 30.33 0.000 .0703382 .0800829 + _cons | -1.663756 .5451496 -3.05 0.002 -2.734796 -.5927152 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + bplcol2 | absorbed (506 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_16 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_17 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_19 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_22 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_23 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_25 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_27 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_30 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_31 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_32 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_33 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_34 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_38 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_14 omitted because of 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+note: _IbplXyob_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_62 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 36888 + F( 128, 505) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6042 + Adj R-squared = 0.5972 + Root MSE = .10749 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 506 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0480773 .0102553 4.69 0.000 .0279289 .0682257 + lndens | -.0075458 .0035619 -2.12 0.035 -.0145437 -.0005479 +nivel_de_v~a | .0042561 .0028173 1.51 0.131 -.0012789 .0097912 + helminth_nh | .0608909 .0279534 2.18 0.030 .0059715 .1158103 + hookworm | -.0003807 .0119866 -0.03 0.975 -.0239305 .023169 +leishmania~s | -.0080867 .0181187 -0.45 0.656 -.0436839 .0275106 + yelfev | -.0091769 .0144653 -0.63 0.526 -.0375965 .0192428 + land_inadeq | -.00125 .0061224 -0.20 0.838 -.0132784 .0107784 + vioearly | -.0004992 .0033928 -0.15 0.883 -.0071649 .0061665 + violate | .0019755 .0025046 0.79 0.431 -.0029453 .0068963 + cafetera | -.0056836 .0069635 -0.82 0.415 -.0193646 .0079974 + carbon | -.0016358 .0087414 -0.19 0.852 -.0188098 .0155383 +ganadera_n~a | -.0025282 .0123962 -0.20 0.838 -.0268826 .0218262 + mktaccess | -5.04e-06 .0013829 -0.00 0.997 -.0027219 .0027118 + manuf | -.2726782 .2655474 -1.03 0.305 -.794392 .2490355 + _Iyob_1919 | .037716 .0083089 4.54 0.000 .0213918 .0540403 + _Iyob_1920 | .0674324 .0083812 8.05 0.000 .050966 .0838988 + _Iyob_1921 | .0460178 .0083682 5.50 0.000 .0295771 .0624585 + _Iyob_1922 | .0772699 .0091797 8.42 0.000 .0592348 .095305 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0083102 .0069696 -1.19 0.234 -.0220032 .0053829 + _Iyob_1924 | .0971072 .0093654 10.37 0.000 .0787073 .1155071 + _Iyob_1925 | .0449921 .0075526 5.96 0.000 .0301536 .0598306 + _Iyob_1926 | .0802935 .0087917 9.13 0.000 .0630208 .0975662 + _Iyob_1927 | .1017923 .0088336 11.52 0.000 .0844371 .1191475 + _Iyob_1928 | .0089642 .0073861 1.21 0.225 -.0055471 .0234756 + _Iyob_1929 | .1026954 .0092057 11.16 0.000 .0846091 .1207816 + _Iyob_1930 | .1049171 .0089714 11.69 0.000 .0872913 .1225429 + _Iyob_1931 | .0828528 .0085071 9.74 0.000 .0661391 .0995664 + _Iyob_1932 | .1255415 .0104993 11.96 0.000 .1049138 .1461692 + _Iyob_1933 | .0154817 .0085376 1.81 0.070 -.0012919 .0322552 + _Iyob_1934 | .112749 .0101642 11.09 0.000 .0927796 .1327183 + _Iyob_1935 | .0695829 .0092018 7.56 0.000 .0515044 .0876614 + _Iyob_1936 | .1080614 .0097099 11.13 0.000 .0889846 .1271381 + _Iyob_1937 | .0809179 .0097685 8.28 0.000 .061726 .1001098 + _Iyob_1938 | -.0042363 .0091359 -0.46 0.643 -.0221853 .0137127 + _Iyob_1939 | .0493925 .0097455 5.07 0.000 .0302459 .0685392 + _Iyob_1940 | .0618803 .0099899 6.19 0.000 .0422534 .0815072 + _Iyob_1941 | .0431889 .0112948 3.82 0.000 .0209983 .0653795 + _Iyob_1942 | .0848959 .013512 6.28 0.000 .0583493 .1114425 + _Iyob_1943 | .0066374 .0157567 0.42 0.674 -.0243195 .0375942 + _Iyob_1944 | .0793297 .0181679 4.37 0.000 .0436357 .1150237 + _Iyob_1945 | .0427641 .0207636 2.06 0.040 .0019704 .0835577 + _Iyob_1946 | .0710255 .0229719 3.09 0.002 .0258932 .1161577 + _Iyob_1947 | .0662362 .0258315 2.56 0.011 .0154857 .1169866 + _Iyob_1948 | .0312751 .0284369 1.10 0.272 -.0245941 .0871444 + _Iyob_1949 | .0646444 .031008 2.08 0.038 .0037239 .1255648 + _Iyob_1950 | .0591295 .0338991 1.74 0.082 -.0074711 .12573 + _Iyob_1951 | .0418758 .0366279 1.14 0.253 -.030086 .1138376 + _Iyob_1952 | .0598833 .0392842 1.52 0.128 -.0172974 .1370639 + _Iyob_1953 | .0087178 .0422868 0.21 0.837 -.074362 .0917975 + _Iyob_1954 | .0453494 .0449458 1.01 0.313 -.0429543 .1336532 + _Iyob_1955 | .0106729 .0478388 0.22 0.824 -.0833146 .1046604 + _Iyob_1956 | .0331961 .0504652 0.66 0.511 -.0659516 .1323437 + _Iyob_1957 | .0272974 .0534231 0.51 0.610 -.0776614 .1322563 + _Iyob_1958 | .0536564 .053876 1.00 0.320 -.0521923 .1595052 + _Iyob_1959 | .09185 .0536671 1.71 0.088 -.0135884 .1972883 + _Iyob_1960 | .094677 .0537154 1.76 0.079 -.0108562 .2002102 + _Iyob_1961 | .0755568 .0539606 1.40 0.162 -.0304581 .1815716 + _Iyob_1962 | .1100455 .0536936 2.05 0.041 .0045551 .2155359 + _Iyob_1963 | .0431011 .0543558 0.79 0.428 -.0636903 .1498925 + _Iyob_1964 | .0804198 .0542806 1.48 0.139 -.0262238 .1870635 + _Iyob_1965 | .0502132 .0540158 0.93 0.353 -.0559101 .1563365 + _Iyob_1966 | .0579622 .0542168 1.07 0.286 -.048556 .1644805 + _Iyob_1967 | .0468723 .0542293 0.86 0.388 -.0596706 .1534151 + _Iyob_1968 | .0179162 .0545975 0.33 0.743 -.08935 .1251824 + _Iyob_1969 | .0244318 .0547282 0.45 0.655 -.0830912 .1319549 + _Iyob_1970 | .01361 .0545864 0.25 0.803 -.0936344 .1208545 + _Iyob_1971 | -.0131822 .0546941 -0.24 0.810 -.1206382 .0942738 + _Iyob_1972 | -.0042124 .0548737 -0.08 0.939 -.1120213 .1035965 + _Iyob_1973 | -.0469129 .0549224 -0.85 0.393 -.1548174 .0609916 +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | .0118248 .0160642 0.74 0.462 -.0197361 .0433857 +_IbplXyrex_4 | .0191338 .0210418 0.91 0.364 -.0222064 .0604741 +_IbplXyrex_5 | -.008992 .0151074 -0.60 0.552 -.0386731 .020689 +_IbplXyrex_6 | .0420054 .01743 2.41 0.016 .0077612 .0762495 +_IbplXyrex_7 | -.0019504 .02177 -0.09 0.929 -.0447212 .0408205 +_IbplXyrex_8 | .0312618 .0161939 1.93 0.054 -.000554 .0630775 +_IbplXyrex_9 | -.072961 .0496299 -1.47 0.142 -.1704674 .0245454 +_IbplXyre~10 | -.1231841 .0721128 -1.71 0.088 -.2648622 .018494 + _Ibplcol1_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_3 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_4 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_5 | 5.607026 1.654797 3.39 0.001 2.355892 8.85816 + _Ibplcol1_6 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_7 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_8 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_16 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_17 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_23 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_24 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_25 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_31 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_32 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.0012404 .0006921 -1.79 0.074 -.0026001 .0001193 + _IbplXyob_3 | -.000577 .0005359 -1.08 0.282 -.0016299 .0004758 + _IbplXyob_4 | .0001054 .0007115 0.15 0.882 -.0012924 .0015033 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0019425 .0007204 2.70 0.007 .0005272 .0033577 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0016905 .0009158 -1.85 0.065 -.0034897 .0001088 + _IbplXyob_7 | .0047073 .002057 2.29 0.023 .000666 .0087485 + _IbplXyob_8 | .0011962 .0008411 1.42 0.156 -.0004564 .0028487 + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | .0007975 .0009647 0.83 0.409 -.0010979 .0026929 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | .0021966 .0006302 3.49 0.001 .0009585 .0034347 +_IbplXyob_16 | .0005981 .0006676 0.90 0.371 -.0007135 .0019097 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0024356 .0006907 3.53 0.000 .0010787 .0037925 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0009986 .000834 -1.20 0.232 -.0026371 .0006398 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | .0019198 .001097 1.75 0.081 -.0002354 .0040751 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0007164 .0007186 -1.00 0.319 -.0021283 .0006955 +_IbplXyob_23 | .0041775 .0017863 2.34 0.020 .000668 .007687 +_IbplXyob_24 | -4.84e-06 .00069 -0.01 0.994 -.0013605 .0013509 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0015484 .0006786 2.28 0.023 .0002152 .0028817 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0025228 .0011663 -2.16 0.031 -.0048142 -.0002314 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0011204 .0009651 -1.16 0.246 -.0030164 .0007757 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0011344 .0006267 1.81 0.071 -.0000969 .0023657 +_IbplXyob_30 | .0004524 .0007027 0.64 0.520 -.0009281 .0018329 +_IbplXyob_31 | .0002956 .0006335 0.47 0.641 -.0009491 .0015403 +_IbplXyob_32 | .0002581 .0006165 0.42 0.676 -.0009531 .0014693 +_IbplXyob_33 | .005328 .0027976 1.90 0.057 -.0001684 .0108245 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0048165 .0008201 5.87 0.000 .0032052 .0064278 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | .0067317 .0023037 2.92 0.004 .0022056 .0112578 +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_59 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_62 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_2 | -.0000223 .0000189 -1.18 0.239 -.0000596 .0000149 +_IbplXyob2_3 | -.0000285 8.38e-06 -3.40 0.001 -.000045 -.000012 +_IbplXyob2_4 | 6.93e-06 .0000139 0.50 0.618 -.0000203 .0000342 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -.00004 .0000147 -2.73 0.007 -.0000688 -.0000112 +_IbplXyob2_6 | -.0000227 .0000163 -1.39 0.166 -.0000547 9.41e-06 +_IbplXyob2_7 | 6.04e-06 .0000325 0.19 0.853 -.0000578 .0000699 +_IbplXyob2_8 | .000012 .0000167 0.72 0.474 -.0000209 .0000448 +_IbplXyob2_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_10 | .000048 .0000248 1.93 0.054 -7.64e-07 .0000968 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_15 | .0000375 .0000142 2.64 0.008 9.64e-06 .0000654 +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000361 .0000131 -2.76 0.006 -.0000617 -.0000104 +_IbplXy~2_17 | .0000366 .0000193 1.90 0.058 -1.22e-06 .0000745 +_IbplXy~2_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_19 | -.0000183 .0000192 -0.96 0.340 -.0000559 .0000193 +_IbplXy~2_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_21 | .0000198 .000024 0.82 0.410 -.0000274 .000067 +_IbplXy~2_22 | 7.66e-06 .0000155 0.49 0.622 -.0000228 .0000381 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -.0000155 .0000288 -0.54 0.591 -.000072 .0000411 +_IbplXy~2_24 | .0000162 .0000146 1.11 0.269 -.0000125 .0000449 +_IbplXy~2_25 | .0000117 .0000138 0.85 0.398 -.0000155 .0000389 +_IbplXy~2_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_27 | -.0000759 .0000212 -3.58 0.000 -.0001175 -.0000343 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -.0000378 .000017 -2.23 0.026 -.0000711 -4.44e-06 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -7.87e-06 .0000146 -0.54 0.590 -.0000366 .0000208 +_IbplXy~2_30 | 4.82e-06 .0000176 0.27 0.784 -.0000297 .0000393 +_IbplXy~2_31 | -7.24e-06 .0000149 -0.49 0.628 -.0000365 .0000221 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -6.62e-06 .0000135 -0.49 0.625 -.0000332 .00002 +_IbplXy~2_33 | 4.14e-07 .0000748 0.01 0.996 -.0001465 .0001474 +_IbplXy~2_34 | .0002907 .0000884 3.29 0.001 .000117 .0004644 +_IbplXy~2_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_38 | .0002044 .0000136 15.07 0.000 .0001777 .000231 +_IbplXy~2_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_59 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_62 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1993 | .0752542 .002482 30.32 0.000 .0703779 .0801305 + _cons | -1.595671 .7686436 -2.08 0.038 -3.105804 -.085538 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + bplcol2 | absorbed (506 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, BASELINE + +19:44:57 on 1 Feb 2010 + +BASELINE + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 37357 37357 37357 36888 36888 36888 +Depvar: incscore incscore incscore incscore incscore incscore +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.0519* 0.0459* 0.0462* 0.0535* 0.0476* 0.0481* + (0.0097) (0.0097) (0.0097) (0.0101) (0.0103) (0.0103) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.605 0.609 0.61 0.6 0.603 0.604 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. +. +. local meanrev "lndens nivel" + +. local the_rest "helm hook leish yelfev land vio* cafetera carbon ganad mkta manuf" + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year i.bplcol1*year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*year _IbplXyear_# (coded as above) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_16 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_17 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_19 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_22 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_23 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_25 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_27 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_30 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_31 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_32 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_33 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_34 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_38 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_61 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 37357 + F( 92, 512) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6101 + Adj R-squared = 0.6037 + Root MSE = .10735 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 513 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0465119 .0094 4.95 0.000 .0280446 .0649792 + lndens | -.0112401 .0036202 -3.10 0.002 -.0183523 -.0041279 +nivel_de_v~a | .0066852 .0024328 2.75 0.006 .0019057 .0114648 + _Iyob_1919 | .0397305 .0081602 4.87 0.000 .0236989 .0557622 + _Iyob_1920 | .0696715 .0083123 8.38 0.000 .0533411 .0860019 + _Iyob_1921 | .0508525 .008182 6.22 0.000 .034778 .066927 + _Iyob_1922 | .0825572 .0089926 9.18 0.000 .0648903 .1002242 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0025639 .0066765 -0.38 0.701 -.0156806 .0105528 + _Iyob_1924 | .1036889 .0091595 11.32 0.000 .085694 .1216837 + _Iyob_1925 | .0533734 .0072601 7.35 0.000 .03911 .0676367 + _Iyob_1926 | .0890112 .0082519 10.79 0.000 .0727995 .105223 + _Iyob_1927 | .1119262 .0082829 13.51 0.000 .0956535 .128199 + _Iyob_1928 | .0199663 .0066925 2.98 0.003 .0068183 .0331144 + _Iyob_1929 | .1145948 .0082841 13.83 0.000 .0983199 .1308697 + _Iyob_1930 | .1172272 .0080013 14.65 0.000 .1015077 .1329466 + _Iyob_1931 | .0963085 .0071541 13.46 0.000 .0822535 .1103634 + _Iyob_1932 | .1402505 .0092762 15.12 0.000 .1220265 .1584746 + _Iyob_1933 | .0314384 .0069119 4.55 0.000 .0178593 .0450175 + _Iyob_1934 | .1288106 .0083838 15.36 0.000 .1123396 .1452815 + _Iyob_1935 | .0864869 .0071391 12.11 0.000 .0724614 .1005125 + _Iyob_1936 | .1263578 .0079472 15.90 0.000 .1107448 .1419709 + _Iyob_1937 | .0990814 .0081417 12.17 0.000 .0830862 .1150767 + _Iyob_1938 | .0151655 .0063615 2.38 0.017 .0026677 .0276633 + _Iyob_1939 | .0694822 .0070373 9.87 0.000 .0556566 .0833078 + _Iyob_1940 | .0896774 .0069806 12.85 0.000 .0759633 .1033914 + _Iyob_1941 | .0773123 .0084169 9.19 0.000 .0607763 .0938483 + _Iyob_1942 | .1255505 .0110102 11.40 0.000 .1039198 .1471813 + _Iyob_1943 | .0543752 .0132963 4.09 0.000 .028253 .0804973 + _Iyob_1944 | .1338947 .0155905 8.59 0.000 .1032654 .164524 + _Iyob_1945 | .1044781 .0182798 5.72 0.000 .0685654 .1403908 + _Iyob_1946 | .1385419 .0205032 6.76 0.000 .0982611 .1788226 + _Iyob_1947 | .1405492 .0234645 5.99 0.000 .0944506 .1866478 + _Iyob_1948 | .1124926 .0261569 4.30 0.000 .0611044 .1638807 + _Iyob_1949 | .1526336 .0286374 5.33 0.000 .0963723 .2088949 + _Iyob_1950 | .1537045 .0314121 4.89 0.000 .0919921 .2154169 + _Iyob_1951 | .1429904 .0341118 4.19 0.000 .075974 .2100068 + _Iyob_1952 | .167669 .0367923 4.56 0.000 .0953865 .2399516 + _Iyob_1953 | .123255 .0397426 3.10 0.002 .0451763 .2013337 + _Iyob_1954 | .165951 .0420706 3.94 0.000 .0832987 .2486032 + _Iyob_1955 | .1385097 .0450587 3.07 0.002 .0499869 .2270324 + _Iyob_1956 | .1667912 .0475784 3.51 0.000 .0733183 .2602642 + _Iyob_1957 | .1675954 .0502392 3.34 0.001 .068895 .2662957 + _Iyob_1958 | .1950506 .0514333 3.79 0.000 .0940044 .2960969 + _Iyob_1959 | .2340608 .051054 4.58 0.000 .1337597 .3343618 + _Iyob_1960 | .2366375 .0508402 4.65 0.000 .1367563 .3365186 + _Iyob_1961 | .2184801 .0512688 4.26 0.000 .117757 .3192031 + _Iyob_1962 | .2532655 .0508382 4.98 0.000 .1533883 .3531427 + _Iyob_1963 | .1869396 .051532 3.63 0.000 .0856993 .2881798 + _Iyob_1964 | .2242804 .0511712 4.38 0.000 .1237491 .3248117 + _Iyob_1965 | .1952693 .0510215 3.83 0.000 .095032 .2955066 + _Iyob_1966 | .2032649 .0510938 3.98 0.000 .1028856 .3036443 + _Iyob_1967 | .1920828 .0509425 3.77 0.000 .0920008 .2921649 + _Iyob_1968 | .164675 .0512521 3.21 0.001 .0639846 .2653653 + _Iyob_1969 | .1704658 .0509824 3.34 0.001 .0703054 .2706261 + _Iyob_1970 | .160754 .0507736 3.17 0.002 .0610038 .2605042 + _Iyob_1971 | .1338489 .050577 2.65 0.008 .0344849 .2332129 + _Iyob_1972 | .1430831 .0502042 2.85 0.005 .0444515 .2417147 + _Iyob_1973 | .1017073 .0502782 2.02 0.044 .0029303 .2004844 +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | -.0367994 .0083656 -4.40 0.000 -.0532345 -.0203642 +_IbplXyrex_4 | -.0240622 .0095571 -2.52 0.012 -.0428382 -.0052862 +_IbplXyrex_5 | -.0380112 .0098539 -3.86 0.000 -.0573701 -.0186522 +_IbplXyrex_6 | .0036534 .0094992 0.38 0.701 -.0150087 .0223156 +_IbplXyrex_7 | -.0138938 .008085 -1.72 0.086 -.0297777 .0019901 +_IbplXyrex_8 | -.0090275 .0120939 -0.75 0.456 -.0327871 .0147322 +_IbplXyrex_9 | .0184761 .02547 0.73 0.469 -.0315625 .0685146 +_IbplXyre~10 | -.1100885 .0320613 -3.43 0.001 -.1730763 -.0471007 + _Iyear_1993 | .0802351 .0046638 17.20 0.000 .0710725 .0893977 + _Ibplcol1_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_3 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_4 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_5 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_6 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_7 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_8 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_16 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_17 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_23 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_24 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_25 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_31 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_32 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) +_IbplXyear_2 | -.0014445 .0005498 -2.63 0.009 -.0025247 -.0003643 +_IbplXyear_3 | -.0005318 .0003362 -1.58 0.114 -.0011924 .0001287 +_IbplXyear_4 | -.0014722 .0007262 -2.03 0.043 -.002899 -.0000455 +_IbplXyear_5 | .001885 .0005303 3.55 0.000 .0008431 .0029268 +_IbplXyear_6 | -.0022357 .0006854 -3.26 0.001 -.0035821 -.0008892 +_IbplXyear_7 | .0044474 .0012779 3.48 0.001 .0019368 .0069579 +_IbplXyear_8 | -.0016865 .0007454 -2.26 0.024 -.0031509 -.0002221 +_IbplXyear_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~10 | -.0027 .0010232 -2.64 0.009 -.0047102 -.0006898 +_IbplXyea~11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~15 | .0007871 .0005749 1.37 0.172 -.0003423 .0019165 +_IbplXyea~16 | .0003833 .0004343 0.88 0.378 -.0004699 .0012366 +_IbplXyea~17 | .0007141 .0008778 0.81 0.416 -.0010104 .0024386 +_IbplXyea~18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~19 | -.0015571 .0004868 -3.20 0.001 -.0025135 -.0006007 +_IbplXyea~20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~21 | .0017462 .0014822 1.18 0.239 -.0011657 .0046582 +_IbplXyea~22 | -.0018963 .0007292 -2.60 0.010 -.003329 -.0004637 +_IbplXyea~23 | -.0008728 .0009921 -0.88 0.379 -.002822 .0010763 +_IbplXyea~24 | -.0028106 .0005173 -5.43 0.000 -.003827 -.0017942 +_IbplXyea~25 | .0016566 .0004753 3.49 0.001 .0007228 .0025903 +_IbplXyea~26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~27 | -.0000632 .0005124 -0.12 0.902 -.0010699 .0009435 +_IbplXyea~28 | -.000803 .0007726 -1.04 0.299 -.0023208 .0007148 +_IbplXyea~29 | .0008751 .0003843 2.28 0.023 .0001202 .0016301 +_IbplXyea~30 | -.0010807 .0006067 -1.78 0.075 -.0022727 .0001113 +_IbplXyea~31 | .0006513 .0005308 1.23 0.220 -.0003916 .0016942 +_IbplXyea~32 | -.0004294 .0004317 -0.99 0.320 -.0012774 .0004186 +_IbplXyea~33 | -.0006411 .0019942 -0.32 0.748 -.0045589 .0032766 +_IbplXyea~34 | .0018956 .0005265 3.60 0.000 .0008613 .0029299 +_IbplXyea~35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~38 | .0034738 .0013299 2.61 0.009 .000861 .0060866 +_IbplXyea~39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~59 | .0002353 .0008251 0.29 0.776 -.0013857 .0018564 +_IbplXyea~60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~62 | .0047541 .0004713 10.09 0.000 .0038282 .0056801 + _cons | .2338417 .4339143 0.54 0.590 -.6186299 1.086313 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + bplcol2 | absorbed (513 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year i.bplcol1*year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) +i.bplcol1*year _IbplXyear_# (coded as above) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_16 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_17 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_19 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_22 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_23 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_25 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_27 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_30 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_31 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_32 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_33 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_34 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_38 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_61 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 37357 + F( 116, 512) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6121 + Adj R-squared = 0.6054 + Root MSE = .1071 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 513 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .046106 .0096684 4.77 0.000 .0271114 .0651007 + lndens | -.0090467 .0034044 -2.66 0.008 -.015735 -.0023585 +nivel_de_v~a | .00416 .0026241 1.59 0.114 -.0009954 .0093153 + _Iyob_1919 | .0376992 .0081717 4.61 0.000 .0216451 .0537533 + _Iyob_1920 | .0670135 .008313 8.06 0.000 .0506817 .0833453 + _Iyob_1921 | .0468747 .0082107 5.71 0.000 .0307439 .0630055 + _Iyob_1922 | .0776387 .0090488 8.58 0.000 .0598613 .0954161 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0075916 .0067614 -1.12 0.262 -.020875 .0056918 + _Iyob_1924 | .0966815 .0092898 10.41 0.000 .0784307 .1149323 + _Iyob_1925 | .045702 .0074117 6.17 0.000 .031141 .060263 + _Iyob_1926 | .0801193 .0084218 9.51 0.000 .0635739 .0966648 + _Iyob_1927 | .1021156 .0084217 12.13 0.000 .0855703 .1186609 + _Iyob_1928 | .0093423 .0070218 1.33 0.184 -.0044528 .0231374 + _Iyob_1929 | .1027349 .0086901 11.82 0.000 .0856623 .1198075 + _Iyob_1930 | .1043153 .0084581 12.33 0.000 .0876985 .1209321 + _Iyob_1931 | .0824669 .0078446 10.51 0.000 .0670553 .0978786 + _Iyob_1932 | .1252147 .0097404 12.86 0.000 .1060785 .1443508 + _Iyob_1933 | .0155669 .0077505 2.01 0.045 .0003402 .0307935 + _Iyob_1934 | .1118424 .0092857 12.04 0.000 .0935997 .1300851 + _Iyob_1935 | .0684596 .008273 8.28 0.000 .0522064 .0847129 + _Iyob_1936 | .1073117 .0089704 11.96 0.000 .0896884 .124935 + _Iyob_1937 | .0790394 .0092644 8.53 0.000 .0608385 .0972403 + _Iyob_1938 | -.0058265 .0080826 -0.72 0.471 -.0217056 .0100527 + _Iyob_1939 | .0473701 .0087559 5.41 0.000 .0301681 .064572 + _Iyob_1940 | .0634111 .0088591 7.16 0.000 .0460065 .0808156 + _Iyob_1941 | .0468584 .0102412 4.58 0.000 .0267385 .0669783 + _Iyob_1942 | .0909909 .0125545 7.25 0.000 .0663262 .1156557 + _Iyob_1943 | .0156277 .0146489 1.07 0.287 -.0131515 .044407 + _Iyob_1944 | .0909882 .0168312 5.41 0.000 .0579215 .1240549 + _Iyob_1945 | .0574293 .0194421 2.95 0.003 .0192332 .0956254 + _Iyob_1946 | .0873075 .0216181 4.04 0.000 .0448363 .1297787 + _Iyob_1947 | .085162 .0243881 3.49 0.001 .0372489 .133075 + _Iyob_1948 | .0529594 .0269232 1.97 0.050 .0000658 .1058529 + _Iyob_1949 | .0889544 .0293904 3.03 0.003 .0312137 .1466951 + _Iyob_1950 | .085849 .032092 2.68 0.008 .0228008 .1488973 + _Iyob_1951 | .0710203 .0347339 2.04 0.041 .0027819 .1392587 + _Iyob_1952 | .0915612 .0373479 2.45 0.015 .0181872 .1649352 + _Iyob_1953 | .0430171 .0401386 1.07 0.284 -.0358396 .1218737 + _Iyob_1954 | .0815456 .0426535 1.91 0.056 -.0022518 .1653431 + _Iyob_1955 | .049951 .0454018 1.10 0.272 -.0392457 .1391477 + _Iyob_1956 | .0740886 .0479732 1.54 0.123 -.02016 .1683371 + _Iyob_1957 | .0707856 .0506486 1.40 0.163 -.0287191 .1702903 + _Iyob_1958 | .0972475 .0515819 1.89 0.060 -.0040908 .1985858 + _Iyob_1959 | .1350716 .0512482 2.64 0.009 .0343889 .2357543 + _Iyob_1960 | .136684 .0511901 2.67 0.008 .0361155 .2372526 + _Iyob_1961 | .117516 .0515451 2.28 0.023 .0162502 .2187818 + _Iyob_1962 | .1512163 .0513855 2.94 0.003 .0502639 .2521686 + _Iyob_1963 | .0838457 .0520236 1.61 0.108 -.0183602 .1860517 + _Iyob_1964 | .1201724 .0517398 2.32 0.021 .0185239 .2218209 + _Iyob_1965 | .0900694 .0516802 1.74 0.082 -.011462 .1916008 + _Iyob_1966 | .0970364 .0518107 1.87 0.062 -.0047514 .1988241 + _Iyob_1967 | .0847379 .0518537 1.63 0.103 -.0171344 .1866102 + _Iyob_1968 | .0562445 .052128 1.08 0.281 -.0461666 .1586557 + _Iyob_1969 | .060994 .0521666 1.17 0.243 -.0414929 .1634808 + _Iyob_1970 | .0501467 .0520135 0.96 0.335 -.0520395 .1523328 + _Iyob_1971 | .0221623 .0520046 0.43 0.670 -.0800062 .1243309 + _Iyob_1972 | .0304999 .0519899 0.59 0.558 -.0716398 .1326397 + _Iyob_1973 | -.0123799 .0520054 -0.24 0.812 -.1145501 .0897903 +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | .0199168 .0123722 1.61 0.108 -.0043897 .0442232 +_IbplXyrex_4 | .0254283 .016265 1.56 0.119 -.0065259 .0573826 +_IbplXyrex_5 | .0015173 .0130148 0.12 0.907 -.0240516 .0270862 +_IbplXyrex_6 | .0574364 .0141904 4.05 0.000 .0295577 .085315 +_IbplXyrex_7 | .0112737 .0128227 0.88 0.380 -.0139178 .0364653 +_IbplXyrex_8 | .0333209 .0143941 2.31 0.021 .0050422 .0615997 +_IbplXyrex_9 | -.0676943 .047958 -1.41 0.159 -.1619129 .0265244 +_IbplXyre~10 | -.0997649 .0568234 -1.76 0.080 -.2114006 .0118709 + _Ibplcol1_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_3 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_4 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_5 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_6 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_7 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_8 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_16 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_17 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_23 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_24 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_25 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_31 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_32 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.0001468 .0006317 -0.23 0.816 -.0013878 .0010942 + _IbplXyob_3 | -.0000485 .0004204 -0.12 0.908 -.0008744 .0007774 + _IbplXyob_4 | .0007086 .0005352 1.32 0.186 -.0003428 .00176 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0030021 .0004005 7.50 0.000 .0022152 .003789 + _IbplXyob_6 | .0000217 .0005563 0.04 0.969 -.0010711 .0011146 + _IbplXyob_7 | .0025199 .0016952 1.49 0.138 -.0008105 .0058502 + _IbplXyob_8 | .0023446 .0005278 4.44 0.000 .0013076 .0033816 + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | .0017104 .0007335 2.33 0.020 .0002693 .0031515 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | .0016333 .0004209 3.88 0.000 .0008064 .0024603 +_IbplXyob_16 | .0017353 .0004329 4.01 0.000 .0008848 .0025857 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0018467 .0007278 2.54 0.011 .0004169 .0032766 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | -2.41e-06 .000612 -0.00 0.997 -.0012048 .0012 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | .0012455 .001035 1.20 0.229 -.0007878 .0032788 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0001254 .0006854 -0.18 0.855 -.0014719 .0012211 +_IbplXyob_23 | .0051973 .0018477 2.81 0.005 .0015672 .0088274 +_IbplXyob_24 | .0012154 .0004804 2.53 0.012 .0002716 .0021592 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0003893 .0005006 0.78 0.437 -.0005942 .0013729 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | .0001508 .0007002 0.22 0.830 -.0012247 .0015263 +_IbplXyob_28 | .0008583 .0005799 1.48 0.139 -.000281 .0019976 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0011086 .0004104 2.70 0.007 .0003022 .0019149 +_IbplXyob_30 | .001362 .0004953 2.75 0.006 .0003889 .0023351 +_IbplXyob_31 | .0005035 .0004796 1.05 0.294 -.0004388 .0014458 +_IbplXyob_32 | .000735 .0004927 1.49 0.136 -.000233 .0017031 +_IbplXyob_33 | .0069849 .0014013 4.98 0.000 .0042319 .0097379 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0027115 .0005539 4.90 0.000 .0016234 .0037996 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | .0009591 .0017407 0.55 0.582 -.0024607 .0043789 +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_59 | .0020903 .0015844 1.32 0.188 -.0010224 .005203 +_IbplXyob_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_62 | .0001195 .0017329 0.07 0.945 -.003285 .003524 + _Iyear_1993 | .0863647 .0047286 18.26 0.000 .0770747 .0956546 +_IbplXyear_2 | -.0010088 .0005147 -1.96 0.051 -.00202 2.45e-06 +_IbplXyear_3 | .0007481 .0002352 3.18 0.002 .000286 .0012103 +_IbplXyear_4 | -.001648 .0008055 -2.05 0.041 -.0032303 -.0000656 +_IbplXyear_5 | .0006455 .0005158 1.25 0.211 -.0003679 .0016588 +_IbplXyear_6 | -.0021571 .0006734 -3.20 0.001 -.0034801 -.0008341 +_IbplXyear_7 | .0036993 .0011825 3.13 0.002 .0013762 .0060224 +_IbplXyear_8 | -.0029132 .000687 -4.24 0.000 -.004263 -.0015635 +_IbplXyear_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~10 | -.0036496 .0007882 -4.63 0.000 -.0051981 -.0021011 +_IbplXyea~11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~15 | -.0001051 .000571 -0.18 0.854 -.0012269 .0010166 +_IbplXyea~16 | .0001812 .0004121 0.44 0.660 -.0006283 .0009908 +_IbplXyea~17 | -.0006405 .001126 -0.57 0.570 -.0028527 .0015717 +_IbplXyea~18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~19 | -.0013214 .0004149 -3.18 0.002 -.0021365 -.0005062 +_IbplXyea~20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~21 | .0012312 .0012546 0.98 0.327 -.0012336 .0036961 +_IbplXyea~22 | -.0013365 .0005606 -2.38 0.017 -.0024379 -.0002351 +_IbplXyea~23 | -.0017566 .001042 -1.69 0.092 -.0038037 .0002905 +_IbplXyea~24 | -.003028 .0005888 -5.14 0.000 -.0041848 -.0018713 +_IbplXyea~25 | .0017951 .0004831 3.72 0.000 .000846 .0027442 +_IbplXyea~26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~27 | -.0001734 .0004439 -0.39 0.696 -.0010455 .0006987 +_IbplXyea~28 | -.0014291 .0006138 -2.33 0.020 -.0026349 -.0002233 +_IbplXyea~29 | .0003841 .0003675 1.05 0.296 -.0003379 .001106 +_IbplXyea~30 | -.0017588 .0005435 -3.24 0.001 -.0028266 -.000691 +_IbplXyea~31 | .0002882 .0005328 0.54 0.589 -.0007586 .0013351 +_IbplXyea~32 | -.0003975 .0004465 -0.89 0.374 -.0012746 .0004796 +_IbplXyea~33 | -.003069 .0022724 -1.35 0.177 -.0075334 .0013953 +_IbplXyea~34 | .0009452 .0006585 1.44 0.152 -.0003485 .0022389 +_IbplXyea~35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~38 | .0036062 .0002398 15.04 0.000 .0031351 .0040773 +_IbplXyea~39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~59 | -.0002496 .0002372 -1.05 0.293 -.0007157 .0002165 +_IbplXyea~60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~62 | .0053295 .0003763 14.16 0.000 .0045903 .0060687 + _cons | -1.150407 .5828675 -1.97 0.049 -2.295514 -.005301 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + bplcol2 | absorbed (513 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year i.bplcol1*year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) +i.bplcol1*year _IbplXyear_# (coded as above) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_16 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_17 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_19 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_22 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_23 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_25 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_27 omitted 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+note: _IbplXyob2_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_61 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 37357 + F( 139, 512) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6132 + Adj R-squared = 0.6062 + Root MSE = .10699 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 513 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0463863 .0096752 4.79 0.000 .0273784 .0653942 + lndens | -.0091396 .0034191 -2.67 0.008 -.0158569 -.0024224 +nivel_de_v~a | .004176 .0026276 1.59 0.113 -.0009863 .0093382 + _Iyob_1919 | .0371145 .008222 4.51 0.000 .0209616 .0532675 + _Iyob_1920 | .0664876 .0083032 8.01 0.000 .0501752 .0828001 + _Iyob_1921 | .0460256 .00825 5.58 0.000 .0298175 .0622337 + _Iyob_1922 | .0765454 .009067 8.44 0.000 .0587323 .0943585 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0095146 .0068506 -1.39 0.165 -.0229734 .0039441 + _Iyob_1924 | .0949183 .0092626 10.25 0.000 .0767209 .1131158 + _Iyob_1925 | .0437652 .0073764 5.93 0.000 .0292734 .058257 + _Iyob_1926 | .0780032 .0086589 9.01 0.000 .0609918 .0950146 + _Iyob_1927 | .099789 .0087466 11.41 0.000 .0826054 .1169726 + _Iyob_1928 | .0067089 .0072272 0.93 0.354 -.0074896 .0209075 + _Iyob_1929 | .1000229 .0089981 11.12 0.000 .0823452 .1177006 + _Iyob_1930 | .1015217 .0087805 11.56 0.000 .0842715 .118772 + _Iyob_1931 | .0795293 .0082253 9.67 0.000 .0633699 .0956887 + _Iyob_1932 | .1221911 .0102148 11.96 0.000 .1021231 .1422591 + _Iyob_1933 | .0123258 .0083121 1.48 0.139 -.0040042 .0286559 + _Iyob_1934 | .1085933 .009839 11.04 0.000 .0892635 .1279232 + _Iyob_1935 | .0651331 .0088815 7.33 0.000 .0476844 .0825818 + _Iyob_1936 | .1039297 .0093492 11.12 0.000 .0855621 .1222973 + _Iyob_1937 | .0756382 .0094035 8.04 0.000 .0571639 .0941124 + _Iyob_1938 | -.0093749 .0087844 -1.07 0.286 -.0266327 .007883 + _Iyob_1939 | .0437805 .0093783 4.67 0.000 .0253558 .0622052 + _Iyob_1940 | .0603642 .0093706 6.44 0.000 .0419547 .0787738 + _Iyob_1941 | .044367 .0106708 4.16 0.000 .023403 .0653309 + _Iyob_1942 | .0889929 .0126244 7.05 0.000 .0641909 .1137949 + _Iyob_1943 | .0143937 .0149329 0.96 0.336 -.0149436 .0437311 + _Iyob_1944 | .0902066 .0170233 5.30 0.000 .0567624 .1236507 + _Iyob_1945 | .0573447 .0195871 2.93 0.004 .0188637 .0958257 + _Iyob_1946 | .0878077 .0216936 4.05 0.000 .0451883 .1304272 + _Iyob_1947 | .0862558 .0244965 3.52 0.000 .0381299 .1343818 + _Iyob_1948 | .0547989 .0269921 2.03 0.043 .00177 .1078278 + _Iyob_1949 | .0913727 .0294148 3.11 0.002 .0335841 .1491613 + _Iyob_1950 | .088928 .0321287 2.77 0.006 .0258077 .1520483 + _Iyob_1951 | .074802 .0347958 2.15 0.032 .0064419 .143162 + _Iyob_1952 | .0959848 .0373793 2.57 0.011 .0225492 .1694204 + _Iyob_1953 | .0482322 .0401896 1.20 0.231 -.0307246 .127189 + _Iyob_1954 | .0873968 .0427261 2.05 0.041 .0034568 .1713369 + _Iyob_1955 | .0565357 .0454838 1.24 0.214 -.0328222 .1458936 + _Iyob_1956 | .0813413 .0480493 1.69 0.091 -.0130568 .1757394 + _Iyob_1957 | .0787703 .0507376 1.55 0.121 -.0209092 .1784498 + _Iyob_1958 | .1055219 .051645 2.04 0.042 .0040596 .2069841 + _Iyob_1959 | .1435675 .051298 2.80 0.005 .042787 .2443479 + _Iyob_1960 | .145426 .0512518 2.84 0.005 .0447363 .2461158 + _Iyob_1961 | .126514 .0516392 2.45 0.015 .0250632 .2279648 + _Iyob_1962 | .1604276 .0514583 3.12 0.002 .0593321 .261523 + _Iyob_1963 | .0933011 .0521034 1.79 0.074 -.0090617 .1956638 + _Iyob_1964 | .1298625 .051851 2.50 0.013 .0279956 .2317294 + _Iyob_1965 | .1000028 .0517959 1.93 0.054 -.0017559 .2017615 + _Iyob_1966 | .1072252 .051942 2.06 0.039 .0051795 .2092709 + _Iyob_1967 | .0951772 .0519787 1.83 0.068 -.0069407 .197295 + _Iyob_1968 | .0668587 .0522932 1.28 0.202 -.0358769 .1695943 + _Iyob_1969 | .0718134 .0523461 1.37 0.171 -.0310262 .174653 + _Iyob_1970 | .061081 .0522198 1.17 0.243 -.0415104 .1636725 + _Iyob_1971 | .0333934 .0522309 0.64 0.523 -.0692199 .1360068 + _Iyob_1972 | .0419953 .0522518 0.80 0.422 -.060659 .1446496 + _Iyob_1973 | -.0009112 .0523194 -0.02 0.986 -.1036984 .1018759 +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | .0089272 .012603 0.71 0.479 -.0158328 .0336871 +_IbplXyrex_4 | .0203403 .0164148 1.24 0.216 -.0119084 .0525889 +_IbplXyrex_5 | -.0090054 .0131991 -0.68 0.495 -.0349365 .0169256 +_IbplXyrex_6 | .0483947 .0137427 3.52 0.000 .0213956 .0753938 +_IbplXyrex_7 | -.0001613 .0128827 -0.01 0.990 -.0254707 .0251482 +_IbplXyrex_8 | .0236057 .0143562 1.64 0.101 -.0045986 .05181 +_IbplXyrex_9 | -.0813176 .0459261 -1.77 0.077 -.1715444 .0089092 +_IbplXyre~10 | -.1192395 .0646076 -1.85 0.066 -.2461682 .0076892 + _Ibplcol1_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_3 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_4 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_5 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_6 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_7 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_8 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_16 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_17 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_23 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_24 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_25 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_31 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_32 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.000723 .0007386 -0.98 0.328 -.002174 .0007281 + _IbplXyob_3 | -.0010144 .0004896 -2.07 0.039 -.0019763 -.0000525 + _IbplXyob_4 | .0008953 .0006989 1.28 0.201 -.0004778 .0022684 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0015894 .0006193 2.57 0.011 .0003727 .0028061 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0006688 .0007677 -0.87 0.384 -.002177 .0008394 + _IbplXyob_7 | .0028733 .0017435 1.65 0.100 -.000552 .0062986 + _IbplXyob_8 | .0027891 .0007278 3.83 0.000 .0013592 .004219 + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | .0025173 .0008752 2.88 0.004 .0007979 .0042367 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | .0025116 .000555 4.53 0.000 .0014212 .0036019 +_IbplXyob_16 | .0004411 .0006134 0.72 0.472 -.000764 .0016463 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0027803 .0005912 4.70 0.000 .0016188 .0039419 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0004884 .0007812 -0.63 0.532 -.002023 .0010463 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | .0016525 .0008547 1.93 0.054 -.0000266 .0033316 +_IbplXyob_22 | .0000762 .000748 0.10 0.919 -.0013934 .0015457 +_IbplXyob_23 | .0049319 .0018776 2.63 0.009 .0012432 .0086206 +_IbplXyob_24 | .0017527 .0006404 2.74 0.006 .0004945 .0030109 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0007207 .0006795 1.06 0.289 -.0006142 .0020555 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0019547 .0010749 -1.82 0.070 -.0040664 .0001571 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0002152 .0008078 -0.27 0.790 -.0018022 .0013717 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0008853 .0005746 1.54 0.124 -.0002436 .0020142 +_IbplXyob_30 | .0015288 .0006817 2.24 0.025 .0001894 .0028681 +_IbplXyob_31 | .0002713 .0006266 0.43 0.665 -.0009597 .0015022 +_IbplXyob_32 | .0005314 .0006309 0.84 0.400 -.0007081 .001771 +_IbplXyob_33 | .0068274 .0021981 3.11 0.002 .0025089 .0111459 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0046986 .0007267 6.47 0.000 .0032709 .0061263 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | .0051663 .0024157 2.14 0.033 .0004204 .0099123 +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_59 | .0005018 .0016683 0.30 0.764 -.0027758 .0037795 +_IbplXyob_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_62 | .0088851 .0020078 4.43 0.000 .0049406 .0128296 +_IbplXyob2_2 | -.0000207 .0000185 -1.12 0.263 -.0000571 .0000156 +_IbplXyob2_3 | -.0000285 7.70e-06 -3.70 0.000 -.0000436 -.0000134 +_IbplXyob2_4 | 9.37e-06 .0000133 0.70 0.481 -.0000167 .0000355 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -.0000404 .000014 -2.88 0.004 -.000068 -.0000128 +_IbplXyob2_6 | -.0000199 .000016 -1.24 0.214 -.0000513 .0000115 +_IbplXyob2_7 | 7.94e-06 .0000305 0.26 0.795 -.0000519 .0000678 +_IbplXyob2_8 | .000017 .0000162 1.05 0.295 -.0000149 .0000489 +_IbplXyob2_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_10 | .0000448 .0000239 1.88 0.061 -2.05e-06 .0000917 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_15 | .0000384 .0000136 2.83 0.005 .0000117 .000065 +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000362 .0000125 -2.88 0.004 -.0000608 -.0000115 +_IbplXy~2_17 | .0000375 .0000182 2.06 0.039 1.82e-06 .0000732 +_IbplXy~2_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_19 | -.0000163 .0000187 -0.87 0.385 -.000053 .0000204 +_IbplXy~2_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_21 | .0000192 .0000237 0.81 0.418 -.0000274 .0000658 +_IbplXy~2_22 | .0000105 .0000154 0.68 0.496 -.0000197 .0000407 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -.0000161 .0000257 -0.63 0.531 -.0000666 .0000344 +_IbplXy~2_24 | .0000206 .0000141 1.46 0.145 -7.14e-06 .0000483 +_IbplXy~2_25 | .0000134 .0000138 0.97 0.331 -.0000137 .0000405 +_IbplXy~2_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_27 | -.0000742 .0000206 -3.61 0.000 -.0001146 -.0000338 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -.0000346 .0000163 -2.12 0.035 -.0000667 -2.52e-06 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -7.88e-06 .0000142 -0.55 0.580 -.0000359 .0000201 +_IbplXy~2_30 | 8.52e-06 .0000175 0.49 0.626 -.0000258 .0000428 +_IbplXy~2_31 | -6.56e-06 .0000148 -0.44 0.658 -.0000356 .0000225 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -8.34e-06 .0000133 -0.63 0.532 -.0000345 .0000178 +_IbplXy~2_33 | -9.03e-06 .0000802 -0.11 0.910 -.0001666 .0001486 +_IbplXy~2_34 | .0003295 .0000891 3.70 0.000 .0001544 .0005046 +_IbplXy~2_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_38 | .0001879 .0000141 13.30 0.000 .0001602 .0002157 +_IbplXy~2_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_59 | -.0000818 .0000104 -7.88 0.000 -.0001022 -.0000614 +_IbplXy~2_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_62 | .0003412 8.37e-06 40.78 0.000 .0003247 .0003576 + _Iyear_1993 | .0861228 .0047208 18.24 0.000 .0768482 .0953974 +_IbplXyear_2 | -.0009785 .000516 -1.90 0.058 -.0019921 .0000352 +_IbplXyear_3 | .0007937 .0002347 3.38 0.001 .0003325 .0012548 +_IbplXyear_4 | -.0016513 .0008032 -2.06 0.040 -.0032292 -.0000733 +_IbplXyear_5 | .00071 .0005128 1.38 0.167 -.0002975 .0017175 +_IbplXyear_6 | -.0021321 .0006701 -3.18 0.002 -.0034487 -.0008156 +_IbplXyear_7 | .0036929 .0011819 3.12 0.002 .001371 .0060149 +_IbplXyear_8 | -.0029256 .0006834 -4.28 0.000 -.0042682 -.001583 +_IbplXyear_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~10 | -.0035856 .0007796 -4.60 0.000 -.0051173 -.0020539 +_IbplXyea~11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~15 | -.0001355 .0005676 -0.24 0.811 -.0012506 .0009796 +_IbplXyea~16 | .0002362 .0004111 0.57 0.566 -.0005715 .0010439 +_IbplXyea~17 | -.0006838 .0011119 -0.61 0.539 -.0028683 .0015006 +_IbplXyea~18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~19 | -.0012994 .0004082 -3.18 0.002 -.0021013 -.0004975 +_IbplXyea~20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~21 | .0012164 .0012479 0.97 0.330 -.0012352 .0036679 +_IbplXyea~22 | -.0013408 .0005674 -2.36 0.019 -.0024555 -.000226 +_IbplXyea~23 | -.001763 .0010367 -1.70 0.090 -.0037997 .0002737 +_IbplXyea~24 | -.0030402 .0005878 -5.17 0.000 -.004195 -.0018854 +_IbplXyea~25 | .0017813 .000484 3.68 0.000 .0008304 .0027321 +_IbplXyea~26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~27 | -.0000757 .0004383 -0.17 0.863 -.0009369 .0007854 +_IbplXyea~28 | -.001381 .0006039 -2.29 0.023 -.0025674 -.0001945 +_IbplXyea~29 | .0003945 .0003653 1.08 0.281 -.0003232 .0011122 +_IbplXyea~30 | -.0017632 .0005465 -3.23 0.001 -.0028369 -.0006894 +_IbplXyea~31 | .0002997 .0005354 0.56 0.576 -.0007522 .0013516 +_IbplXyea~32 | -.0003875 .0004506 -0.86 0.390 -.0012728 .0004977 +_IbplXyea~33 | -.0030696 .002473 -1.24 0.215 -.0079281 .0017889 +_IbplXyea~34 | -.0023494 .0008936 -2.63 0.009 -.0041049 -.0005939 +_IbplXyea~35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~38 | .0030782 .0002405 12.80 0.000 .0026057 .0035507 +_IbplXyea~39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~59 | -.0001495 .0002363 -0.63 0.527 -.0006137 .0003147 +_IbplXyea~60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~62 | .0033005 .0004112 8.03 0.000 .0024927 .0041083 + _cons | -.6781406 .7618056 -0.89 0.374 -2.17479 .8185088 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + bplcol2 | absorbed (513 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year i.bplcol1*year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*year _IbplXyear_# (coded as above) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_16 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_17 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_19 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_22 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_23 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_25 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_27 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_30 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_31 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_32 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_33 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_34 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_38 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_62 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 36888 + F( 104, 505) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6049 + Adj R-squared = 0.5982 + Root MSE = .10736 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 506 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0495317 .0100308 4.94 0.000 .0298245 .069239 + lndens | -.0104194 .0034746 -3.00 0.003 -.0172458 -.003593 +nivel_de_v~a | .0069632 .0026661 2.61 0.009 .0017252 .0122012 + helminth_nh | .0577818 .0247409 2.34 0.020 .009174 .1063896 + hookworm | -.0008966 .0118335 -0.08 0.940 -.0241456 .0223524 +leishmania~s | .0011693 .0122415 0.10 0.924 -.0228813 .0252199 + yelfev | -.0152011 .0123019 -1.24 0.217 -.0393704 .0089682 + land_inadeq | -.0003728 .0062402 -0.06 0.952 -.0126326 .0118871 + vioearly | -.0008181 .0033348 -0.25 0.806 -.0073698 .0057337 + violate | .0017725 .0024411 0.73 0.468 -.0030234 .0065684 + cafetera | -.0087231 .0071624 -1.22 0.224 -.0227949 .0053486 + carbon | -.0003496 .0092897 -0.04 0.970 -.0186008 .0179017 +ganadera_n~a | -.0105694 .0113782 -0.93 0.353 -.0329239 .011785 + mktaccess | .0003962 .0014103 0.28 0.779 -.0023747 .0031671 + manuf | -.3549152 .2799821 -1.27 0.206 -.9049884 .1951579 + _Iyob_1919 | .0399714 .0082392 4.85 0.000 .0237841 .0561587 + _Iyob_1920 | .0701881 .0083811 8.37 0.000 .0537219 .0866542 + _Iyob_1921 | .0501781 .008268 6.07 0.000 .0339343 .0664219 + _Iyob_1922 | .0824084 .009084 9.07 0.000 .0645613 .1002555 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0023682 .0067399 -0.35 0.725 -.01561 .0108735 + _Iyob_1924 | .1044967 .0092164 11.34 0.000 .0863896 .1226039 + _Iyob_1925 | .0530603 .0073378 7.23 0.000 .0386439 .0674768 + _Iyob_1926 | .0895388 .0083216 10.76 0.000 .0731896 .105888 + _Iyob_1927 | .111954 .0083862 13.35 0.000 .0954778 .1284301 + _Iyob_1928 | .0198859 .0067598 2.94 0.003 .0066051 .0331666 + _Iyob_1929 | .1147965 .0083801 13.70 0.000 .0983324 .1312606 + _Iyob_1930 | .1179531 .0080989 14.56 0.000 .1020414 .1338647 + _Iyob_1931 | .0967248 .0072338 13.37 0.000 .0825127 .1109369 + _Iyob_1932 | .1404256 .0094055 14.93 0.000 .1219468 .1589044 + _Iyob_1933 | .0309749 .0069709 4.44 0.000 .0172793 .0446704 + _Iyob_1934 | .1292716 .0084831 15.24 0.000 .1126052 .1459381 + _Iyob_1935 | .0869833 .0072237 12.04 0.000 .0727911 .1011755 + _Iyob_1936 | .1261946 .0080544 15.67 0.000 .1103703 .1420189 + _Iyob_1937 | .0998436 .0082023 12.17 0.000 .0837289 .1159584 + _Iyob_1938 | .0155181 .0064418 2.41 0.016 .0028621 .0281741 + _Iyob_1939 | .0700365 .0071142 9.84 0.000 .0560594 .0840135 + _Iyob_1940 | .0867174 .0071161 12.19 0.000 .0727365 .1006983 + _Iyob_1941 | .0720474 .0083569 8.62 0.000 .0556288 .088466 + _Iyob_1942 | .1178878 .0110419 10.68 0.000 .0961941 .1395814 + _Iyob_1943 | .0436323 .0130076 3.35 0.001 .0180767 .0691879 + _Iyob_1944 | .1205452 .0155771 7.74 0.000 .0899414 .151149 + _Iyob_1945 | .0880011 .0180775 4.87 0.000 .0524847 .1235175 + _Iyob_1946 | .120265 .0202766 5.93 0.000 .0804281 .1601019 + _Iyob_1947 | .1195588 .0231446 5.17 0.000 .0740873 .1650303 + _Iyob_1948 | .0886113 .025721 3.45 0.001 .038078 .1391446 + _Iyob_1949 | .126028 .0281788 4.47 0.000 .0706658 .1813902 + _Iyob_1950 | .1243481 .0310254 4.01 0.000 .0633933 .185303 + _Iyob_1951 | .1110755 .033582 3.31 0.001 .0450978 .1770531 + _Iyob_1952 | .1331344 .03621 3.68 0.000 .0619937 .2042752 + _Iyob_1953 | .0858645 .0392098 2.19 0.029 .0088301 .162899 + _Iyob_1954 | .1264119 .0415483 3.04 0.002 .0447831 .2080408 + _Iyob_1955 | .0956876 .0445146 2.15 0.032 .008231 .1831442 + _Iyob_1956 | .1221224 .0469557 2.60 0.010 .0298699 .2143749 + _Iyob_1957 | .1201591 .0497652 2.41 0.016 .0223868 .2179315 + _Iyob_1958 | .1469671 .050432 2.91 0.004 .0478848 .2460494 + _Iyob_1959 | .1856467 .0501646 3.70 0.000 .0870898 .2842037 + _Iyob_1960 | .1888612 .050056 3.77 0.000 .0905176 .2872048 + _Iyob_1961 | .1702706 .050359 3.38 0.001 .0713318 .2692095 + _Iyob_1962 | .2052147 .0499236 4.11 0.000 .1071311 .3032982 + _Iyob_1963 | .1388397 .0506157 2.74 0.006 .0393964 .238283 + _Iyob_1964 | .1765465 .0504139 3.50 0.001 .0774996 .2755933 + _Iyob_1965 | .1468899 .0501403 2.93 0.004 .0483808 .2453991 + _Iyob_1966 | .155037 .0502415 3.09 0.002 .0563288 .2537452 + _Iyob_1967 | .1444665 .0500142 2.89 0.004 .046205 .2427281 + _Iyob_1968 | .1160328 .0504718 2.30 0.022 .0168722 .2151933 + _Iyob_1969 | .1230138 .050256 2.45 0.015 .0242771 .2217504 + _Iyob_1970 | .1128214 .0500831 2.25 0.025 .0144244 .2112184 + _Iyob_1971 | .0864513 .0500021 1.73 0.084 -.0117864 .184689 + _Iyob_1972 | .0956505 .0498028 1.92 0.055 -.0021957 .1934968 + _Iyob_1973 | .0540056 .0498535 1.08 0.279 -.0439402 .1519514 +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | -.035152 .0121429 -2.89 0.004 -.0590089 -.0112951 +_IbplXyrex_4 | -.0340487 .0158212 -2.15 0.032 -.0651322 -.0029652 +_IbplXyrex_5 | -.0354796 .011969 -2.96 0.003 -.0589948 -.0119645 +_IbplXyrex_6 | -.0059508 .0150525 -0.40 0.693 -.0355241 .0236224 +_IbplXyrex_7 | -.0267441 .0173316 -1.54 0.123 -.0607951 .0073068 +_IbplXyrex_8 | -.0090781 .0136589 -0.66 0.507 -.0359134 .0177573 +_IbplXyrex_9 | .0319803 .0297775 1.07 0.283 -.0265228 .0904833 +_IbplXyre~10 | -.1013673 .0361685 -2.80 0.005 -.1724266 -.030308 + _Iyear_1993 | .0806719 .0049916 16.16 0.000 .070865 .0904788 + _Ibplcol1_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_3 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_4 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_5 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_6 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_7 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_8 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_16 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_17 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_23 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_24 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_25 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_31 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_32 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) +_IbplXyear_2 | -.0013824 .000514 -2.69 0.007 -.0023923 -.0003725 +_IbplXyear_3 | -.0004766 .0004066 -1.17 0.242 -.0012755 .0003223 +_IbplXyear_4 | -.0013952 .0007507 -1.86 0.064 -.0028702 .0000798 +_IbplXyear_5 | .0018042 .0005417 3.33 0.001 .00074 .0028683 +_IbplXyear_6 | -.0020884 .0006866 -3.04 0.002 -.0034374 -.0007394 +_IbplXyear_7 | .0043504 .0012628 3.45 0.001 .0018695 .0068313 +_IbplXyear_8 | -.001824 .0007481 -2.44 0.015 -.0032939 -.0003542 +_IbplXyear_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~10 | -.0026888 .0010094 -2.66 0.008 -.004672 -.0007057 +_IbplXyea~11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~15 | .0006485 .0005697 1.14 0.255 -.0004707 .0017678 +_IbplXyea~16 | .0003759 .0004449 0.84 0.399 -.0004983 .00125 +_IbplXyea~17 | .0005069 .0008909 0.57 0.570 -.0012434 .0022571 +_IbplXyea~18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~19 | -.001441 .0004975 -2.90 0.004 -.0024185 -.0004635 +_IbplXyea~20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~21 | .0016108 .0014785 1.09 0.276 -.0012939 .0045154 +_IbplXyea~22 | -.0018476 .000716 -2.58 0.010 -.0032544 -.0004409 +_IbplXyea~23 | -.0008471 .000972 -0.87 0.384 -.0027568 .0010625 +_IbplXyea~24 | -.0027931 .0005393 -5.18 0.000 -.0038525 -.0017336 +_IbplXyea~25 | .0016488 .0005008 3.29 0.001 .000665 .0026327 +_IbplXyea~26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~27 | -.000384 .0005285 -0.73 0.468 -.0014224 .0006543 +_IbplXyea~28 | -.0008989 .0007555 -1.19 0.235 -.0023832 .0005854 +_IbplXyea~29 | .0008816 .0003925 2.25 0.025 .0001105 .0016526 +_IbplXyea~30 | -.001204 .0006217 -1.94 0.053 -.0024253 .0000174 +_IbplXyea~31 | .0005665 .0005391 1.05 0.294 -.0004927 .0016257 +_IbplXyea~32 | -.0004311 .0004422 -0.97 0.330 -.0012999 .0004377 +_IbplXyea~33 | -.0009068 .002051 -0.44 0.659 -.0049363 .0031228 +_IbplXyea~34 | .0018222 .0005375 3.39 0.001 .0007661 .0028782 +_IbplXyea~35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~38 | .0035387 .0013871 2.55 0.011 .0008135 .0062639 +_IbplXyea~39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~59 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~62 | (omitted) + _cons | .288623 .465704 0.62 0.536 -.6263329 1.203579 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + bplcol2 | absorbed (506 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year i.bplcol1*year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) +i.bplcol1*year _IbplXyear_# (coded as above) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_16 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_17 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_19 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_22 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_23 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_25 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_27 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_30 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_31 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_32 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_33 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_34 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_38 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_62 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 36888 + F( 128, 505) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6068 + Adj R-squared = 0.5999 + Root MSE = .10714 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 506 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0481074 .0102545 4.69 0.000 .0279607 .0682541 + lndens | -.0075492 .0035291 -2.14 0.033 -.0144828 -.0006156 +nivel_de_v~a | .0042499 .0028133 1.51 0.132 -.0012774 .0097772 + helminth_nh | .0600705 .0279198 2.15 0.032 .0052173 .1149237 + hookworm | -.0001049 .0119278 -0.01 0.993 -.0235391 .0233292 +leishmania~s | -.007167 .0181954 -0.39 0.694 -.042915 .0285811 + yelfev | -.0097038 .0144859 -0.67 0.503 -.038164 .0187563 + land_inadeq | -.0012721 .0061084 -0.21 0.835 -.0132731 .0107289 + vioearly | -.000544 .0033964 -0.16 0.873 -.0072167 .0061288 + violate | .0020508 .0025012 0.82 0.413 -.0028631 .0069648 + cafetera | -.0059165 .0069374 -0.85 0.394 -.0195463 .0077133 + carbon | -.0014582 .0087242 -0.17 0.867 -.0185985 .0156821 +ganadera_n~a | -.0032871 .0124089 -0.26 0.791 -.0276665 .0210923 + mktaccess | -.0000228 .0013824 -0.02 0.987 -.0027387 .0026932 + manuf | -.2737979 .2657298 -1.03 0.303 -.79587 .2482742 + _Iyob_1919 | .0379564 .0082555 4.60 0.000 .021737 .0541758 + _Iyob_1920 | .0675222 .0083864 8.05 0.000 .0510456 .0839988 + _Iyob_1921 | .0462138 .0083057 5.56 0.000 .0298959 .0625318 + _Iyob_1922 | .0774728 .0091466 8.47 0.000 .0595027 .0954429 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0074767 .0068272 -1.10 0.274 -.0208899 .0059366 + _Iyob_1924 | .0974584 .0093702 10.40 0.000 .0790491 .1158677 + _Iyob_1925 | .0453752 .0075197 6.03 0.000 .0306014 .0601489 + _Iyob_1926 | .0806316 .0085183 9.47 0.000 .0638959 .0973674 + _Iyob_1927 | .1021298 .0085448 11.95 0.000 .0853421 .1189175 + _Iyob_1928 | .0092319 .007125 1.30 0.196 -.0047663 .0232301 + _Iyob_1929 | .1029183 .0088881 11.58 0.000 .0854561 .1203805 + _Iyob_1930 | .1050036 .0086332 12.16 0.000 .0880422 .121965 + _Iyob_1931 | .0828532 .0080443 10.30 0.000 .0670488 .0986576 + _Iyob_1932 | .1253744 .0099824 12.56 0.000 .1057623 .1449865 + _Iyob_1933 | .0150806 .007928 1.90 0.058 -.0004954 .0306566 + _Iyob_1934 | .112275 .0095151 11.80 0.000 .0935809 .1309691 + _Iyob_1935 | .0689239 .0085189 8.09 0.000 .0521871 .0856608 + _Iyob_1936 | .1071417 .0092544 11.58 0.000 .0889599 .1253234 + _Iyob_1937 | .0797734 .009538 8.36 0.000 .0610344 .0985125 + _Iyob_1938 | -.0054862 .008408 -0.65 0.514 -.0220051 .0110327 + _Iyob_1939 | .0479277 .0090746 5.28 0.000 .0300991 .0657562 + _Iyob_1940 | .0599652 .0092403 6.49 0.000 .0418111 .0781193 + _Iyob_1941 | .0406096 .0105565 3.85 0.000 .0198694 .0613497 + _Iyob_1942 | .0818311 .0129746 6.31 0.000 .0563403 .107322 + _Iyob_1943 | .0028836 .0149029 0.19 0.847 -.0263957 .0321629 + _Iyob_1944 | .0751288 .0174396 4.31 0.000 .0408657 .1093919 + _Iyob_1945 | .0379469 .0200267 1.89 0.059 -.0013989 .0772928 + _Iyob_1946 | .065525 .0222942 2.94 0.003 .0217241 .1093259 + _Iyob_1947 | .0601496 .0250625 2.40 0.017 .0109101 .1093891 + _Iyob_1948 | .0245721 .0276695 0.89 0.375 -.0297894 .0789336 + _Iyob_1949 | .0573299 .0302562 1.89 0.059 -.0021136 .1167733 + _Iyob_1950 | .0509618 .0331161 1.54 0.124 -.0141006 .1160241 + _Iyob_1951 | .0330794 .0357713 0.92 0.356 -.0371995 .1033584 + _Iyob_1952 | .0504827 .0384738 1.31 0.190 -.0251056 .1260711 + _Iyob_1953 | -.0014055 .0413966 -0.03 0.973 -.0827362 .0799252 + _Iyob_1954 | .0344701 .0440615 0.78 0.434 -.0520964 .1210366 + _Iyob_1955 | -.000911 .0469001 -0.02 0.985 -.0930543 .0912324 + _Iyob_1956 | .0208604 .0495306 0.42 0.674 -.076451 .1181718 + _Iyob_1957 | .0142931 .0524579 0.27 0.785 -.0887696 .1173557 + _Iyob_1958 | .0400846 .0529694 0.76 0.450 -.0639829 .1441522 + _Iyob_1959 | .077568 .0527681 1.47 0.142 -.026104 .18124 + _Iyob_1960 | .0798188 .0527985 1.51 0.131 -.023913 .1835505 + _Iyob_1961 | .0602095 .0530208 1.14 0.257 -.0439591 .1643781 + _Iyob_1962 | .09405 .0528065 1.78 0.076 -.0096975 .1977975 + _Iyob_1963 | .0266188 .0534954 0.50 0.619 -.0784822 .1317198 + _Iyob_1964 | .0633071 .0533592 1.19 0.236 -.0415263 .1681405 + _Iyob_1965 | .0325477 .0531465 0.61 0.541 -.0718677 .1369632 + _Iyob_1966 | .0396661 .0533219 0.74 0.457 -.065094 .1444261 + _Iyob_1967 | .0279828 .0533496 0.52 0.600 -.0768316 .1327972 + _Iyob_1968 | -.0015572 .0536849 -0.03 0.977 -.1070304 .103916 + _Iyob_1969 | .0043687 .0538113 0.08 0.935 -.1013528 .1100903 + _Iyob_1970 | -.0069576 .0536841 -0.13 0.897 -.1124293 .0985141 + _Iyob_1971 | -.0344058 .0537785 -0.64 0.523 -.1400629 .0712513 + _Iyob_1972 | -.0261301 .0539185 -0.48 0.628 -.1320623 .079802 + _Iyob_1973 | -.0692595 .0539256 -1.28 0.200 -.1752056 .0366867 +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | .0210449 .0159288 1.32 0.187 -.0102501 .0523399 +_IbplXyrex_4 | .0169377 .0209018 0.81 0.418 -.0241275 .0580029 +_IbplXyrex_5 | .0026525 .0148269 0.18 0.858 -.0264774 .0317824 +_IbplXyrex_6 | .0482519 .0178385 2.70 0.007 .0132051 .0832986 +_IbplXyrex_7 | .0009082 .0217703 0.04 0.967 -.0418632 .0436796 +_IbplXyrex_8 | .0342995 .0163172 2.10 0.036 .0022415 .0663575 +_IbplXyrex_9 | -.0652671 .0517792 -1.26 0.208 -.1669963 .036462 +_IbplXyre~10 | -.0968571 .0659147 -1.47 0.142 -.2263579 .0326437 + _Ibplcol1_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_3 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_4 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_5 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_6 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_7 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_8 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_16 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_17 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_23 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_24 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_25 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_31 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_32 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.0000634 .000555 -0.11 0.909 -.0011538 .001027 + _IbplXyob_3 | -.0000238 .0004729 -0.05 0.960 -.000953 .0009054 + _IbplXyob_4 | .0008251 .0005144 1.60 0.109 -.0001855 .0018357 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0029842 .0004224 7.07 0.000 .0021544 .003814 + _IbplXyob_6 | .0001903 .0005911 0.32 0.748 -.0009709 .0013515 + _IbplXyob_7 | .002413 .0018682 1.29 0.197 -.0012574 .0060834 + _IbplXyob_8 | .0023965 .0005662 4.23 0.000 .0012841 .0035089 + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | .0015984 .0007472 2.14 0.033 .0001304 .0030664 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | .0015185 .0004428 3.43 0.001 .0006485 .0023886 +_IbplXyob_16 | .001724 .0004484 3.85 0.000 .0008431 .0026049 +_IbplXyob_17 | .001812 .0008312 2.18 0.030 .000179 .0034449 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | .0001503 .0006206 0.24 0.809 -.0010691 .0013696 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | .0010746 .0010507 1.02 0.307 -.0009897 .0031389 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0001149 .0006729 -0.17 0.864 -.0014369 .001207 +_IbplXyob_23 | .0053572 .0018839 2.84 0.005 .001656 .0090583 +_IbplXyob_24 | .001123 .0005876 1.91 0.057 -.0000315 .0022776 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0003463 .0005389 0.64 0.521 -.0007125 .0014051 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0002143 .0007907 -0.27 0.786 -.0017677 .0013391 +_IbplXyob_28 | .0007951 .0006239 1.27 0.203 -.0004307 .0020209 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0010956 .0004244 2.58 0.010 .0002618 .0019294 +_IbplXyob_30 | .0012815 .0005078 2.52 0.012 .0002837 .0022792 +_IbplXyob_31 | .0004213 .0005081 0.83 0.407 -.0005769 .0014195 +_IbplXyob_32 | .000752 .0005404 1.39 0.165 -.0003097 .0018136 +_IbplXyob_33 | .0067586 .0014477 4.67 0.000 .0039144 .0096028 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0033455 .0007026 4.76 0.000 .001965 .0047259 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | .000901 .001811 0.50 0.619 -.002657 .004459 +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_59 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_62 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1993 | .0865549 .0050685 17.08 0.000 .076597 .0965129 +_IbplXyear_2 | -.0010116 .0005209 -1.94 0.053 -.0020351 .0000118 +_IbplXyear_3 | .0007439 .0002522 2.95 0.003 .0002484 .0012393 +_IbplXyear_4 | -.0016434 .0008113 -2.03 0.043 -.0032373 -.0000496 +_IbplXyear_5 | .0006283 .0005239 1.20 0.231 -.000401 .0016577 +_IbplXyear_6 | -.0021691 .0006796 -3.19 0.002 -.0035043 -.0008339 +_IbplXyear_7 | .0037106 .0011857 3.13 0.002 .001381 .0060402 +_IbplXyear_8 | -.0030074 .0006999 -4.30 0.000 -.0043824 -.0016324 +_IbplXyear_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~10 | -.003646 .000796 -4.58 0.000 -.0052099 -.0020821 +_IbplXyea~11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~15 | -.000104 .000579 -0.18 0.858 -.0012415 .0010336 +_IbplXyea~16 | .0001775 .0004222 0.42 0.674 -.000652 .001007 +_IbplXyea~17 | -.0006489 .0011338 -0.57 0.567 -.0028765 .0015787 +_IbplXyea~18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~19 | -.0013307 .0004248 -3.13 0.002 -.0021652 -.0004961 +_IbplXyea~20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~21 | .0012331 .0012565 0.98 0.327 -.0012355 .0037016 +_IbplXyea~22 | -.0013399 .0005687 -2.36 0.019 -.0024572 -.0002227 +_IbplXyea~23 | -.0017933 .0010497 -1.71 0.088 -.0038555 .000269 +_IbplXyea~24 | -.0030292 .0005979 -5.07 0.000 -.0042038 -.0018545 +_IbplXyea~25 | .0018895 .0005133 3.68 0.000 .0008811 .0028978 +_IbplXyea~26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~27 | -.0001614 .0004547 -0.35 0.723 -.0010546 .0007319 +_IbplXyea~28 | -.0014305 .0006223 -2.30 0.022 -.002653 -.0002079 +_IbplXyea~29 | .0003797 .0003785 1.00 0.316 -.0003639 .0011233 +_IbplXyea~30 | -.0017581 .0005505 -3.19 0.001 -.0028395 -.0006766 +_IbplXyea~31 | .0002873 .0005402 0.53 0.595 -.0007741 .0013487 +_IbplXyea~32 | -.0003661 .0004693 -0.78 0.436 -.0012882 .000556 +_IbplXyea~33 | -.0030791 .002278 -1.35 0.177 -.0075546 .0013964 +_IbplXyea~34 | .0002931 .0008073 0.36 0.717 -.0012929 .0018792 +_IbplXyea~35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~38 | .003605 .000259 13.92 0.000 .0030962 .0041138 +_IbplXyea~39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~59 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~62 | (omitted) + _cons | -1.128653 .6255086 -1.80 0.072 -2.357573 .1002662 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + bplcol2 | absorbed (506 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year i.bplcol1*year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) +i.bplcol1*year _IbplXyear_# (coded as above) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(bplcol2) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_2 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_15 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_16 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_17 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_19 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_22 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_23 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_24 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_25 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_27 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_30 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_31 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_32 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_33 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_34 omitted because of collinearity 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_IbplXyear_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyear_62 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 36888 + F( 151, 505) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.6078 + Adj R-squared = 0.6007 + Root MSE = .10703 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 506 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0486122 .0102545 4.74 0.000 .0284654 .068759 + lndens | -.0076706 .0035621 -2.15 0.032 -.0146689 -.0006723 +nivel_de_v~a | .0042575 .002816 1.51 0.131 -.001275 .00979 + helminth_nh | .0605988 .0279739 2.17 0.031 .0056392 .1155585 + hookworm | -.0008141 .0119731 -0.07 0.946 -.0243373 .0227091 +leishmania~s | -.0074477 .0182941 -0.41 0.684 -.0433897 .0284942 + yelfev | -.0094895 .014457 -0.66 0.512 -.0378927 .0189137 + land_inadeq | -.0013602 .0061189 -0.22 0.824 -.0133818 .0106614 + vioearly | -.000462 .0033903 -0.14 0.892 -.0071229 .0061989 + violate | .0020405 .0025022 0.82 0.415 -.0028756 .0069566 + cafetera | -.0053952 .0069552 -0.78 0.438 -.0190599 .0082696 + carbon | -.0014553 .0087257 -0.17 0.868 -.0185984 .0156879 +ganadera_n~a | -.0031326 .0124095 -0.25 0.801 -.0275133 .0212481 + mktaccess | -.0000261 .001383 -0.02 0.985 -.0027433 .002691 + manuf | -.2645647 .2647503 -1.00 0.318 -.7847125 .255583 + _Iyob_1919 | .0374564 .0083021 4.51 0.000 .0211456 .0537672 + _Iyob_1920 | .0669 .0083776 7.99 0.000 .0504408 .0833593 + _Iyob_1921 | .0452881 .0083543 5.42 0.000 .0288747 .0617014 + _Iyob_1922 | .0762872 .0091778 8.31 0.000 .0582558 .0943187 + _Iyob_1923 | -.009525 .0069378 -1.37 0.170 -.0231554 .0041054 + _Iyob_1924 | .0956245 .0093614 10.21 0.000 .0772323 .1140166 + _Iyob_1925 | .0432695 .0075099 5.76 0.000 .028515 .058024 + _Iyob_1926 | .078326 .0087922 8.91 0.000 .0610522 .0955999 + _Iyob_1927 | .099599 .0089205 11.17 0.000 .0820731 .1171249 + _Iyob_1928 | .0064682 .0073787 0.88 0.381 -.0080286 .020965 + _Iyob_1929 | .0999898 .0092355 10.83 0.000 .081845 .1181345 + _Iyob_1930 | .1019877 .0090231 11.30 0.000 .0842603 .119715 + _Iyob_1931 | .0796808 .0084855 9.39 0.000 .0630095 .096352 + _Iyob_1932 | .1221112 .0105188 11.61 0.000 .1014452 .1427771 + _Iyob_1933 | .011609 .0085622 1.36 0.176 -.005213 .0284309 + _Iyob_1934 | .1087672 .0101328 10.73 0.000 .0888596 .1286749 + _Iyob_1935 | .0653308 .0092046 7.10 0.000 .0472467 .0834148 + _Iyob_1936 | .1034908 .009702 10.67 0.000 .0844296 .122552 + _Iyob_1937 | .0760942 .0097364 7.82 0.000 .0569654 .0952229 + _Iyob_1938 | -.0093136 .0091859 -1.01 0.311 -.0273609 .0087337 + _Iyob_1939 | .0440586 .0097694 4.51 0.000 .0248649 .0632524 + _Iyob_1940 | .0566541 .0099344 5.70 0.000 .0371363 .076172 + _Iyob_1941 | .0378457 .0112639 3.36 0.001 .0157159 .0599755 + _Iyob_1942 | .0795639 .0133743 5.95 0.000 .0532877 .1058401 + _Iyob_1943 | .0013928 .0155861 0.09 0.929 -.0292288 .0320144 + _Iyob_1944 | .0741002 .0180591 4.10 0.000 .0386199 .1095805 + _Iyob_1945 | .0376255 .0206282 1.82 0.069 -.0029021 .0781531 + _Iyob_1946 | .0657945 .022846 2.88 0.004 .0209096 .1106794 + _Iyob_1947 | .0610287 .0256692 2.38 0.018 .0105971 .1114602 + _Iyob_1948 | .0261925 .0282579 0.93 0.354 -.0293249 .0817099 + _Iyob_1949 | .0595472 .0308118 1.93 0.054 -.0009879 .1200824 + _Iyob_1950 | .0538663 .0336954 1.60 0.111 -.0123341 .1200666 + _Iyob_1951 | .0366724 .0363926 1.01 0.314 -.0348272 .1081719 + _Iyob_1952 | .0547513 .0390707 1.40 0.162 -.0220098 .1315124 + _Iyob_1953 | .0036755 .0420214 0.09 0.930 -.0788828 .0862339 + _Iyob_1954 | .0401922 .0447172 0.90 0.369 -.0476625 .1280468 + _Iyob_1955 | .005561 .0475748 0.12 0.907 -.087908 .0990299 + _Iyob_1956 | .0280346 .0501967 0.56 0.577 -.0705855 .1266546 + _Iyob_1957 | .0222196 .0531413 0.42 0.676 -.0821857 .1266249 + _Iyob_1958 | .0483146 .0536076 0.90 0.368 -.0570068 .153636 + _Iyob_1959 | .0860337 .0533766 1.61 0.108 -.0188339 .1909013 + _Iyob_1960 | .088533 .0534048 1.66 0.098 -.01639 .193456 + _Iyob_1961 | .0691991 .0536428 1.29 0.198 -.0361914 .1745896 + _Iyob_1962 | .1032734 .0533818 1.93 0.054 -.0016043 .2081511 + _Iyob_1963 | .036108 .0540526 0.67 0.504 -.0700877 .1423037 + _Iyob_1964 | .0730537 .053931 1.35 0.176 -.0329031 .1790104 + _Iyob_1965 | .0425485 .0537069 0.79 0.429 -.062968 .148065 + _Iyob_1966 | .0499391 .0538709 0.93 0.354 -.0558996 .1557778 + _Iyob_1967 | .038533 .0538695 0.72 0.475 -.067303 .1443691 + _Iyob_1968 | .0092088 .0542188 0.17 0.865 -.0973133 .1157309 + _Iyob_1969 | .0153662 .0543348 0.28 0.777 -.091384 .1221164 + _Iyob_1970 | .0041882 .0542072 0.08 0.938 -.1023112 .1106877 + _Iyob_1971 | -.0229815 .0542948 -0.42 0.672 -.1296529 .0836899 + _Iyob_1972 | -.0143534 .0544488 -0.26 0.792 -.1213275 .0926207 + _Iyob_1973 | -.0575045 .0544741 -1.06 0.292 -.1645283 .0495193 +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | .0094658 .0161647 0.59 0.558 -.0222925 .0412241 +_IbplXyrex_4 | .0113175 .0209451 0.54 0.589 -.0298328 .0524678 +_IbplXyrex_5 | -.0077372 .0150279 -0.51 0.607 -.0372621 .0217877 +_IbplXyrex_6 | .0388111 .0177862 2.18 0.030 .003867 .0737552 +_IbplXyrex_7 | -.0110321 .021822 -0.51 0.613 -.0539052 .0318409 +_IbplXyrex_8 | .0246918 .0163144 1.51 0.131 -.0073606 .0567443 +_IbplXyrex_9 | -.0793856 .0501215 -1.58 0.114 -.1778581 .0190868 +_IbplXyre~10 | -.1155779 .0747606 -1.55 0.123 -.262458 .0313022 + _Ibplcol1_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_3 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_4 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_5 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_6 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_7 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_8 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_16 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_17 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_23 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_24 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_25 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_31 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_32 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.0006324 .0007184 -0.88 0.379 -.0020438 .000779 + _IbplXyob_3 | -.0009978 .0005441 -1.83 0.067 -.0020667 .000071 + _IbplXyob_4 | .0010072 .0006796 1.48 0.139 -.000328 .0023425 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0015544 .0006498 2.39 0.017 .0002777 .0028311 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0005022 .0007954 -0.63 0.528 -.0020648 .0010604 + _IbplXyob_7 | .0027201 .0019332 1.41 0.160 -.0010781 .0065183 + _IbplXyob_8 | .0028237 .000768 3.68 0.000 .0013149 .0043325 + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | .0023863 .0008942 2.67 0.008 .0006295 .0041431 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | .0023907 .0005768 4.14 0.000 .0012575 .0035239 +_IbplXyob_16 | .0004196 .0006429 0.65 0.514 -.0008435 .0016827 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0027734 .0006662 4.16 0.000 .0014646 .0040822 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0003402 .0008105 -0.42 0.675 -.0019326 .0012521 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | .0014568 .0008765 1.66 0.097 -.0002652 .0031788 +_IbplXyob_22 | .0000604 .0007611 0.08 0.937 -.0014349 .0015558 +_IbplXyob_23 | .0050673 .0019167 2.64 0.008 .0013016 .008833 +_IbplXyob_24 | .0016423 .0007419 2.21 0.027 .0001848 .0030999 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0005497 .0007176 0.77 0.444 -.0008601 .0019595 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0023558 .0011689 -2.02 0.044 -.0046523 -.0000592 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0002956 .0008533 -0.35 0.729 -.0019721 .0013808 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0008515 .0006012 1.42 0.157 -.0003297 .0020328 +_IbplXyob_30 | .0014241 .000702 2.03 0.043 .0000448 .0028034 +_IbplXyob_31 | .0001628 .0006578 0.25 0.805 -.0011296 .0014552 +_IbplXyob_32 | .0006105 .0006849 0.89 0.373 -.0007351 .0019562 +_IbplXyob_33 | .0066135 .0022338 2.96 0.003 .0022248 .0110023 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0050651 .0008197 6.18 0.000 .0034547 .0066756 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | .0050512 .0024787 2.04 0.042 .0001814 .0099211 +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_59 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_62 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_2 | -.0000204 .0000189 -1.08 0.283 -.0000575 .0000168 +_IbplXyob2_3 | -.0000291 8.39e-06 -3.47 0.001 -.0000456 -.0000126 +_IbplXyob2_4 | 9.32e-06 .0000136 0.69 0.492 -.0000173 .0000359 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -.0000412 .0000144 -2.87 0.004 -.0000695 -.000013 +_IbplXyob2_6 | -.0000198 .0000162 -1.22 0.223 -.0000517 .0000121 +_IbplXyob2_7 | 7.12e-06 .0000321 0.22 0.824 -.0000559 .0000701 +_IbplXyob2_8 | .0000162 .0000166 0.98 0.330 -.0000164 .0000489 +_IbplXyob2_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_10 | .0000447 .0000242 1.85 0.065 -2.73e-06 .0000922 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_15 | .0000382 .000014 2.73 0.007 .0000107 .0000656 +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000365 .000013 -2.81 0.005 -.0000621 -.000011 +_IbplXy~2_17 | .0000379 .0000183 2.07 0.039 1.85e-06 .0000739 +_IbplXy~2_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_19 | -.0000162 .000019 -0.85 0.393 -.0000535 .0000211 +_IbplXy~2_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_21 | .0000187 .0000238 0.78 0.433 -.0000282 .0000656 +_IbplXy~2_22 | 9.75e-06 .0000158 0.62 0.538 -.0000213 .0000408 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -.000017 .0000278 -0.61 0.541 -.0000715 .0000376 +_IbplXy~2_24 | .00002 .0000145 1.38 0.168 -8.44e-06 .0000484 +_IbplXy~2_25 | 8.86e-06 .0000143 0.62 0.537 -.0000193 .000037 +_IbplXy~2_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_27 | -.0000755 .000021 -3.60 0.000 -.0001167 -.0000342 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -.0000352 .0000166 -2.12 0.035 -.0000679 -2.52e-06 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -8.21e-06 .0000146 -0.56 0.573 -.0000368 .0000204 +_IbplXy~2_30 | 7.59e-06 .0000177 0.43 0.669 -.0000273 .0000425 +_IbplXy~2_31 | -7.39e-06 .000015 -0.49 0.623 -.0000369 .0000221 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -5.68e-06 .0000137 -0.41 0.680 -.0000327 .0000213 +_IbplXy~2_33 | -8.39e-06 .0000803 -0.10 0.917 -.0001662 .0001495 +_IbplXy~2_34 | .0002979 .0000885 3.36 0.001 .0001239 .0004718 +_IbplXy~2_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_38 | .0001865 .0000156 11.94 0.000 .0001558 .0002172 +_IbplXy~2_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_59 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_62 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1993 | .0863005 .0050583 17.06 0.000 .0763626 .0962384 +_IbplXyear_2 | -.0009821 .0005219 -1.88 0.060 -.0020075 .0000433 +_IbplXyear_3 | .0007896 .0002516 3.14 0.002 .0002954 .0012838 +_IbplXyear_4 | -.0016467 .0008088 -2.04 0.042 -.0032358 -.0000576 +_IbplXyear_5 | .0006942 .0005208 1.33 0.183 -.0003291 .0017174 +_IbplXyear_6 | -.0021439 .0006762 -3.17 0.002 -.0034724 -.0008154 +_IbplXyear_7 | .0037059 .001186 3.12 0.002 .0013759 .0060359 +_IbplXyear_8 | -.0030205 .000696 -4.34 0.000 -.0043879 -.0016531 +_IbplXyear_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~10 | -.0035811 .0007874 -4.55 0.000 -.0051281 -.0020341 +_IbplXyea~11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~15 | -.0001341 .0005756 -0.23 0.816 -.001265 .0009967 +_IbplXyea~16 | .0002328 .0004212 0.55 0.581 -.0005947 .0010603 +_IbplXyea~17 | -.0006935 .0011198 -0.62 0.536 -.0028934 .0015065 +_IbplXyea~18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~19 | -.0013086 .0004181 -3.13 0.002 -.00213 -.0004871 +_IbplXyea~20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~21 | .0012194 .0012496 0.98 0.330 -.0012358 .0036745 +_IbplXyea~22 | -.0013433 .0005754 -2.33 0.020 -.0024737 -.0002128 +_IbplXyea~23 | -.0017997 .0010458 -1.72 0.086 -.0038543 .0002549 +_IbplXyea~24 | -.0030408 .000597 -5.09 0.000 -.0042137 -.0018679 +_IbplXyea~25 | .0018811 .0005135 3.66 0.000 .0008722 .0028899 +_IbplXyea~26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~27 | -.0000622 .0004493 -0.14 0.890 -.0009448 .0008205 +_IbplXyea~28 | -.0013817 .0006127 -2.26 0.025 -.0025855 -.000178 +_IbplXyea~29 | .000391 .0003764 1.04 0.299 -.0003485 .0011304 +_IbplXyea~30 | -.0017616 .0005533 -3.18 0.002 -.0028487 -.0006744 +_IbplXyea~31 | .0002997 .0005427 0.55 0.581 -.0007664 .0013659 +_IbplXyea~32 | -.0003592 .0004738 -0.76 0.449 -.00129 .0005716 +_IbplXyea~33 | -.0030754 .002476 -1.24 0.215 -.0079399 .0017891 +_IbplXyea~34 | -.0027529 .0009801 -2.81 0.005 -.0046785 -.0008274 +_IbplXyea~35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~38 | .0030817 .0002595 11.88 0.000 .0025719 .0035915 +_IbplXyea~39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~59 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyea~62 | (omitted) + _cons | -.6246274 .8303612 -0.75 0.452 -2.256015 1.00676 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + bplcol2 | absorbed (506 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, ALLOW FOR BPL x TIME EFFECTS + +19:49:00 on 1 Feb 2010 + +ALLOW FOR BPL x TIME EFFECTS + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 37357 37357 37357 36888 36888 36888 +Depvar: incscore incscore incscore incscore incscore incscore +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.0465* 0.0461* 0.0464* 0.0495* 0.0481* 0.0486* + (0.0094) (0.0097) (0.0097) (0.010) (0.0103) (0.0103) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.61 0.612 0.613 0.605 0.607 0.608 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. +. +. egen regionxyearxyob = group(year yob bplregcol) +(72 missing values generated) + +. local meanrev "lndens nivel" + +. local the_rest "helm hook leish yelfev land vio* cafetera carbon ganad mkta manuf" + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Iyob_1919 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1920 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1921 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1922 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1923 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1924 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1925 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1926 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1927 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1928 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1929 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1930 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1931 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1932 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1933 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1934 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1935 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1936 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1937 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1938 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1939 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1940 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1941 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1942 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1943 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1944 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1945 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1946 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1947 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1948 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1949 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1950 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1951 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1952 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1953 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1954 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1955 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1956 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1957 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1958 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1959 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1960 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1961 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1962 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1963 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1964 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1965 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1966 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1967 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1968 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1969 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1971 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1972 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1973 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1993 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 37357 + F( 3, 512) = 68.04 + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.2488 + Adj R-squared = 0.2348 + Root MSE = .14916 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 513 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0988154 .018505 5.34 0.000 .0624603 .1351705 + lndens | .059246 .00669 8.86 0.000 .0461027 .0723892 +nivel_de_v~a | -.0122791 .006092 -2.02 0.044 -.0242476 -.0003106 + _Iyob_1919 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1920 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1921 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1922 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1923 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1924 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1925 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1926 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1927 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1928 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1929 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1930 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1931 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1932 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1933 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1934 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1935 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1936 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1937 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1938 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1939 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1940 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1941 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1942 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1943 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1944 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1945 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1946 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1947 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1948 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1949 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1950 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1951 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1952 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1953 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1954 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1955 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1956 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1957 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1958 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1959 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1960 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1961 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1962 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1963 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1964 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1965 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1966 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1967 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1968 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1969 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1971 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1972 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1973 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_4 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_5 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_6 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_7 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_8 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyre~10 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1993 | (omitted) + _cons | -.6026831 .0527266 -11.43 0.000 -.7062702 -.4990959 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (684 categories) + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Iyob_1919 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1920 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1921 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1922 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1923 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1924 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1925 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1926 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1927 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1928 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1929 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1930 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1931 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1932 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1933 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1934 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1935 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1936 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1937 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1938 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1939 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1940 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1941 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1942 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1943 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1944 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1945 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1946 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1947 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1948 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1949 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1950 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1951 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1952 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1953 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1954 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1955 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1956 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1957 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1958 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1959 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1960 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1961 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1962 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1963 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1964 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1965 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1966 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1967 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1968 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1969 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1971 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1972 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1973 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_19 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_23 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_34 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_23 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_27 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_31 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1993 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 37357 + F( 44, 512) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.3420 + Adj R-squared = 0.3289 + Root MSE = .13968 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 513 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0764229 .0190113 4.02 0.000 .0390731 .1137728 + lndens | .0576145 .0057543 10.01 0.000 .0463095 .0689195 +nivel_de_v~a | .0023114 .0054296 0.43 0.671 -.0083557 .0129784 + _Iyob_1919 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1920 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1921 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1922 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1923 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1924 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1925 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1926 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1927 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1928 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1929 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1930 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1931 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1932 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1933 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1934 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1935 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1936 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1937 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1938 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1939 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1940 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1941 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1942 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1943 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1944 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1945 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1946 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1947 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1948 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1949 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1950 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1951 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1952 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1953 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1954 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1955 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1956 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1957 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1958 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1959 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1960 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1961 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1962 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1963 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1964 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1965 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1966 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1967 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1968 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1969 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1971 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1972 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1973 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_4 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_5 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_6 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_7 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_8 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyre~10 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_2 | 15.04145 3.774948 3.98 0.000 7.625152 22.45774 + _Ibplcol1_3 | 27.49994 3.31801 8.29 0.000 20.98135 34.01853 + _Ibplcol1_4 | 8.173824 1.948873 4.19 0.000 4.345052 12.0026 + _Ibplcol1_5 | 13.78359 3.061275 4.50 0.000 7.769384 19.7978 + _Ibplcol1_6 | 2.558796 1.587123 1.61 0.108 -.559279 5.67687 + _Ibplcol1_7 | 4.994993 3.441847 1.45 0.147 -1.766887 11.75687 + _Ibplcol1_8 | 15.80468 2.248617 7.03 0.000 11.38702 20.22233 + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | 5.53562 2.119104 2.61 0.009 1.37241 9.69883 +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | 4.056901 1.750271 2.32 0.021 .6183038 7.495498 +_Ibplcol1_16 | 17.74854 3.027616 5.86 0.000 11.80046 23.69662 +_Ibplcol1_17 | -7.810069 1.804582 -4.33 0.000 -11.35537 -4.264773 +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | 6.388215 1.964849 3.25 0.001 2.528057 10.24837 +_Ibplcol1_23 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_24 | 19.29367 2.180556 8.85 0.000 15.00974 23.57761 +_Ibplcol1_25 | -1.304185 1.218138 -1.07 0.285 -3.697349 1.08898 +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | 5.10585 1.638648 3.12 0.002 1.886548 8.325152 +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | 7.025413 1.676202 4.19 0.000 3.732332 10.31849 +_Ibplcol1_31 | .9252947 1.524173 0.61 0.544 -2.069108 3.919697 +_Ibplcol1_32 | 20.12578 2.41102 8.35 0.000 15.38907 24.86249 +_Ibplcol1_33 | -10.44848 3.369728 -3.10 0.002 -17.06868 -3.828283 +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | 8.458851 2.233426 3.79 0.000 4.071044 12.84666 +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | -4.666312 1.024446 -4.55 0.000 -6.678947 -2.653677 +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.0048411 .001978 -2.45 0.015 -.0087271 -.0009552 + _IbplXyob_3 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0013519 .00111 -1.22 0.224 -.0035325 .0008288 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0069268 .0004998 13.86 0.000 .0059449 .0079087 + _IbplXyob_6 | .0012853 .0006554 1.96 0.050 -2.39e-06 .0025729 + _IbplXyob_7 | .0054756 .0016275 3.36 0.001 .0022783 .008673 + _IbplXyob_8 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | .0007138 .0010391 0.69 0.492 -.0013276 .0027552 +_IbplXyob_16 | .0049073 .000586 8.37 0.000 .0037561 .0060585 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0039898 .000923 4.32 0.000 .0021765 .0058031 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | .0004515 .0007892 0.57 0.568 -.001099 .0020019 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | .0028774 .0010875 2.65 0.008 .0007408 .0050139 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0004272 .0011403 -0.37 0.708 -.0026674 .001813 +_IbplXyob_23 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_24 | -.0018105 .0005748 -3.15 0.002 -.0029397 -.0006813 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0006484 .0006184 1.05 0.295 -.0005665 .0018634 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_28 | .0025986 .0008518 3.05 0.002 .0009251 .0042721 +_IbplXyob_29 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0007907 .0009991 -0.79 0.429 -.0027536 .0011721 +_IbplXyob_31 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0021403 .0008309 -2.58 0.010 -.0037726 -.000508 +_IbplXyob_33 | .0053506 .0017283 3.10 0.002 .0019551 .0087461 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0139559 .001726 8.09 0.000 .010565 .0173468 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | .0038354 .0005743 6.68 0.000 .0027072 .0049637 +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_59 | .0106651 .0010478 10.18 0.000 .0086067 .0127235 +_IbplXyob_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_62 | .0081404 .0011472 7.10 0.000 .0058867 .0103942 + _Iyear_1993 | (omitted) + _cons | -10.03694 .9464072 -10.61 0.000 -11.89626 -8.177622 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (684 categories) + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Iyob_1919 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1920 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1921 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1922 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1923 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1924 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1925 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1926 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1927 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1928 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1929 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1930 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1931 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1932 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1933 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1934 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1935 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1936 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1937 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1938 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1939 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1940 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1941 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1942 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1943 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1944 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1945 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1946 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1947 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1948 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1949 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1950 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1951 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1952 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1953 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1954 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1955 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1956 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1957 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1958 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1959 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1960 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1961 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1962 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1963 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1964 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1965 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1966 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1967 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1968 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1969 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1971 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1972 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1973 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_19 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_23 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_34 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_23 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_27 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_31 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_25 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_31 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_33 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_34 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1993 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 37357 + F( 64, 512) = . + Prob > F = + R-squared = 0.3426 + Adj R-squared = 0.3292 + Root MSE = .13966 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 513 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0765214 .0190184 4.02 0.000 .0391577 .1138851 + lndens | .0576176 .0057687 9.99 0.000 .0462842 .0689509 +nivel_de_v~a | .0023414 .0054337 0.43 0.667 -.0083337 .0130165 + _Iyob_1919 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1920 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1921 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1922 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1923 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1924 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1925 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1926 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1927 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1928 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1929 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1930 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1931 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1932 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1933 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1934 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1935 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1936 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1937 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1938 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1939 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1940 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1941 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1942 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1943 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1944 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1945 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1946 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1947 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1948 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1949 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1950 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1951 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1952 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1953 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1954 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1955 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1956 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1957 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1958 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1959 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1960 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1961 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1962 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1963 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1964 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1965 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1966 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1967 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1968 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1969 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1971 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1972 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1973 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_4 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_5 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_6 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_7 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_8 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyre~10 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_2 | 18.09857 4.142494 4.37 0.000 9.960197 26.23695 + _Ibplcol1_3 | 29.81302 2.943408 10.13 0.000 24.03038 35.59567 + _Ibplcol1_4 | 9.268902 2.769761 3.35 0.001 3.827407 14.7104 + _Ibplcol1_5 | 16.85191 2.888381 5.83 0.000 11.17737 22.52645 + _Ibplcol1_6 | 2.055086 2.036729 1.01 0.313 -1.946288 6.056461 + _Ibplcol1_7 | 21.92042 2.885966 7.60 0.000 16.25063 27.59021 + _Ibplcol1_8 | 33.72475 1.45394 23.20 0.000 30.86833 36.58118 + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | 5.252331 2.675384 1.96 0.050 -.0037508 10.50841 +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | 3.316373 2.479945 1.34 0.182 -1.555747 8.188492 +_Ibplcol1_16 | 20.45576 2.820801 7.25 0.000 14.91399 25.99753 +_Ibplcol1_17 | -10.80248 1.825378 -5.92 0.000 -14.38863 -7.216327 +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | 6.906395 2.406622 2.87 0.004 2.178326 11.63446 +_Ibplcol1_23 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_24 | 37.01423 1.17017 31.63 0.000 34.7153 39.31315 +_Ibplcol1_25 | -2.788593 1.650431 -1.69 0.092 -6.031042 .453857 +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | 7.394986 2.037158 3.63 0.000 3.392769 11.3972 +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | 7.987582 2.496995 3.20 0.001 3.081965 12.8932 +_Ibplcol1_31 | .4390184 1.928467 0.23 0.820 -3.349664 4.227701 +_Ibplcol1_32 | 38.95206 1.669652 23.33 0.000 35.67184 42.23227 +_Ibplcol1_33 | -10.96117 5.101619 -2.15 0.032 -20.98385 -.9384912 +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | 16.22658 1.057235 15.35 0.000 14.14953 18.30364 +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | 16.40282 1.081234 15.17 0.000 14.27862 18.52702 +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.0065433 .0019937 -3.28 0.001 -.0104602 -.0026264 + _IbplXyob_3 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0020539 .0012681 -1.62 0.106 -.0045451 .0004374 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0065419 .000642 10.19 0.000 .0052808 .0078031 + _IbplXyob_6 | .0027096 .000942 2.88 0.004 .0008591 .0045602 + _IbplXyob_7 | .0059922 .0015375 3.90 0.000 .0029715 .0090128 + _IbplXyob_8 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | .0009474 .0011296 0.84 0.402 -.0012719 .0031667 +_IbplXyob_16 | .0047066 .0006842 6.88 0.000 .0033623 .0060508 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0055153 .0009379 5.88 0.000 .0036727 .0073579 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | .0002035 .0009949 0.20 0.838 -.0017511 .0021581 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | .0027335 .0013733 1.99 0.047 .0000355 .0054316 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0008351 .0011037 -0.76 0.450 -.0030035 .0013332 +_IbplXyob_23 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_24 | -.0017088 .0007866 -2.17 0.030 -.0032542 -.0001634 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0014053 .0008393 1.67 0.095 -.0002436 .0030542 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_28 | .0037661 .0010551 3.57 0.000 .0016932 .005839 +_IbplXyob_29 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_30 | -.001425 .0011366 -1.25 0.211 -.003658 .000808 +_IbplXyob_31 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0026023 .0010312 -2.52 0.012 -.0046283 -.0005763 +_IbplXyob_33 | .0056114 .0025899 2.17 0.031 .0005232 .0106996 +_IbplXyob_34 | .0151272 .0015366 9.84 0.000 .0121084 .018146 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | .0090111 .0007219 12.48 0.000 .0075929 .0104293 +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_59 | .0090711 .0008931 10.16 0.000 .0073165 .0108256 +_IbplXyob_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_62 | .0172873 .0007407 23.34 0.000 .0158322 .0187424 +_IbplXyob2_2 | -.0000729 .0000271 -2.69 0.007 -.0001262 -.0000197 +_IbplXyob2_3 | -.0001825 .000055 -3.32 0.001 -.0002906 -.0000744 +_IbplXyob2_4 | -.000033 .0000246 -1.35 0.179 -.0000813 .0000152 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -.0001989 .0000559 -3.56 0.000 -.0003088 -.000089 +_IbplXyob2_6 | 9.81e-06 .0000194 0.51 0.614 -.0000283 .000048 +_IbplXyob2_7 | -.0003893 .0000402 -9.69 0.000 -.0004682 -.0003103 +_IbplXyob2_8 | -.0002553 .0000519 -4.92 0.000 -.0003573 -.0001533 +_IbplXyob2_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_10 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_15 | 5.79e-06 .000024 0.24 0.809 -.0000413 .0000529 +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.000192 .0000561 -3.42 0.001 -.0003023 -.0000817 +_IbplXy~2_17 | .0000613 .0000196 3.13 0.002 .0000229 .0000997 +_IbplXy~2_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_19 | -9.56e-06 .000022 -0.43 0.664 -.0000528 .0000337 +_IbplXy~2_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_21 | -9.86e-06 .0000386 -0.26 0.798 -.0000856 .0000659 +_IbplXy~2_22 | -.0000211 .0000263 -0.80 0.423 -.0000728 .0000306 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -.0000145 .0001095 -0.13 0.895 -.0002296 .0002006 +_IbplXy~2_24 | -.0002513 .0000513 -4.90 0.000 -.000352 -.0001505 +_IbplXy~2_25 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_27 | -.0000457 .0000228 -2.00 0.046 -.0000904 -8.79e-07 +_IbplXy~2_28 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_29 | -.0000297 .0000187 -1.59 0.112 -.0000664 6.97e-06 +_IbplXy~2_30 | -.0000302 .0000265 -1.14 0.254 -.0000823 .0000218 +_IbplXy~2_31 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_32 | -.0002741 .000051 -5.38 0.000 -.0003742 -.0001739 +_IbplXy~2_33 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_34 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_38 | -.0000342 .0000498 -0.69 0.493 -.0001321 .0000638 +_IbplXy~2_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_59 | -.0004879 .0000324 -15.05 0.000 -.0005516 -.0004242 +_IbplXy~2_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_62 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1993 | (omitted) + _cons | -13.63784 .9084376 -15.01 0.000 -15.42256 -11.85311 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (684 categories) + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Iyob_1919 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1920 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1921 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1922 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1923 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1924 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1925 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1926 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1927 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1928 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1929 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1930 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1931 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1932 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1933 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1934 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1935 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1936 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1937 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1938 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1939 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1940 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1941 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1942 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1943 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1944 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1945 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1946 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1947 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1948 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1949 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1950 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1951 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1952 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1953 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1954 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1955 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1956 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1957 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1958 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1959 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1960 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1961 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1962 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1963 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1964 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1965 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1966 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1967 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1968 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1969 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1971 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1972 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1973 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1993 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 36888 + F( 15, 505) = 15.42 + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.2907 + Adj R-squared = 0.2770 + Root MSE = .14402 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 506 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0805633 .0195538 4.12 0.000 .0421465 .1189801 + lndens | .0318501 .0069522 4.58 0.000 .0181913 .045509 +nivel_de_v~a | -.0059969 .0049411 -1.21 0.225 -.0157046 .0037107 + helminth_nh | -.0461451 .056427 -0.82 0.414 -.1570056 .0647155 + hookworm | .0107306 .0213626 0.50 0.616 -.0312399 .052701 +leishmania~s | .0536609 .0280788 1.91 0.057 -.0015047 .1088265 + yelfev | -.0328553 .0290832 -1.13 0.259 -.0899942 .0242836 + land_inadeq | -.0063428 .0123175 -0.51 0.607 -.0305427 .0178571 + vioearly | -.0092935 .0048904 -1.90 0.058 -.0189015 .0003144 + violate | .0079816 .0036345 2.20 0.029 .000841 .0151223 + cafetera | -.0074561 .0122221 -0.61 0.542 -.0314685 .0165564 + carbon | -.0064213 .0144476 -0.44 0.657 -.0348061 .0219634 +ganadera_n~a | -.0156831 .0164283 -0.95 0.340 -.0479593 .0165932 + mktaccess | -.0009091 .0026756 -0.34 0.734 -.0061658 .0043477 + manuf | 4.260838 .8455329 5.04 0.000 2.599642 5.922033 + _Iyob_1919 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1920 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1921 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1922 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1923 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1924 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1925 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1926 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1927 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1928 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1929 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1930 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1931 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1932 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1933 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1934 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1935 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1936 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1937 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1938 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1939 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1940 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1941 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1942 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1943 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1944 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1945 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1946 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1947 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1948 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1949 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1950 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1951 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1952 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1953 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1954 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1955 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1956 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1957 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1958 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1959 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1960 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1961 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1962 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1963 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1964 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1965 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1966 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1967 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1968 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1969 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1971 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1972 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1973 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_4 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_5 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_6 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_7 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_8 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyre~10 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1993 | (omitted) + _cons | -.4095509 .0535184 -7.65 0.000 -.514697 -.3044048 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (684 categories) + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Iyob_1919 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1920 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1921 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1922 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1923 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1924 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1925 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1926 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1927 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1928 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1929 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1930 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1931 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1932 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1933 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1934 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1935 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1936 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1937 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1938 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1939 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1940 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1941 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1942 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1943 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1944 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1945 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1946 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1947 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1948 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1949 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1950 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1951 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1952 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1953 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1954 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1955 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1956 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1957 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1958 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1959 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1960 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1961 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1962 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1963 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1964 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1965 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1966 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1967 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1968 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1969 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1971 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1972 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1973 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_19 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_33 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_34 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_31 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_33 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1993 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 36888 + F( 53, 505) = 98.62 + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.3707 + Adj R-squared = 0.3579 + Root MSE = .13573 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 506 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0676577 .019768 3.42 0.001 .0288201 .1064953 + lndens | .02932 .0067385 4.35 0.000 .0160811 .0425588 +nivel_de_v~a | .002848 .004908 0.58 0.562 -.0067946 .0124905 + helminth_nh | .0105506 .0502207 0.21 0.834 -.0881165 .1092178 + hookworm | .0073795 .019737 0.37 0.709 -.0313973 .0461563 +leishmania~s | -.0276932 .0313607 -0.88 0.378 -.0893068 .0339204 + yelfev | -.0245923 .0331182 -0.74 0.458 -.0896588 .0404741 + land_inadeq | -.0032844 .0114975 -0.29 0.775 -.0258732 .0193044 + vioearly | -.01199 .0045359 -2.64 0.008 -.0209017 -.0030784 + violate | .002897 .003487 0.83 0.406 -.0039537 .0097477 + cafetera | -.0164068 .0114319 -1.44 0.152 -.0388668 .0060532 + carbon | -.0040443 .0120845 -0.33 0.738 -.0277865 .0196979 +ganadera_n~a | -.0142067 .0193548 -0.73 0.463 -.0522326 .0238192 + mktaccess | -.0012807 .0024984 -0.51 0.608 -.0061892 .0036277 + manuf | 3.682511 .7163199 5.14 0.000 2.275177 5.089845 + _Iyob_1919 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1920 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1921 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1922 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1923 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1924 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1925 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1926 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1927 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1928 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1929 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1930 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1931 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1932 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1933 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1934 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1935 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1936 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1937 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1938 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1939 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1940 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1941 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1942 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1943 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1944 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1945 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1946 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1947 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1948 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1949 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1950 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1951 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1952 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1953 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1954 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1955 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1956 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1957 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1958 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1959 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1960 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1961 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1962 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1963 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1964 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1965 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1966 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1967 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1968 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1969 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1971 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1972 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1973 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_4 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_5 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_6 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_7 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_8 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyre~10 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_2 | 13.31061 4.520625 2.94 0.003 4.429063 22.19216 + _Ibplcol1_3 | 24.55329 2.913607 8.43 0.000 18.829 30.27757 + _Ibplcol1_4 | 7.084223 2.515949 2.82 0.005 2.141207 12.02724 + _Ibplcol1_5 | 7.767526 2.599724 2.99 0.003 2.65992 12.87513 + _Ibplcol1_6 | 2.181063 1.656299 1.32 0.188 -1.073022 5.435148 + _Ibplcol1_7 | -12.9837 3.905243 -3.32 0.001 -20.65623 -5.311179 + _Ibplcol1_8 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | 4.135059 2.210546 1.87 0.062 -.207939 8.478058 +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | 2.779231 1.971935 1.41 0.159 -1.094975 6.653437 +_Ibplcol1_16 | 11.75925 2.586261 4.55 0.000 6.678093 16.8404 +_Ibplcol1_17 | -5.25828 2.024641 -2.60 0.010 -9.236037 -1.280523 +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | 5.452819 2.149132 2.54 0.011 1.230478 9.675161 +_Ibplcol1_23 | 6.295718 3.188353 1.97 0.049 .0316484 12.55979 +_Ibplcol1_24 | 3.756779 1.993934 1.88 0.060 -.1606479 7.674207 +_Ibplcol1_25 | -2.011846 1.499717 -1.34 0.180 -4.9583 .9346075 +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | 4.026779 1.6153 2.49 0.013 .8532432 7.200314 +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | 5.851196 1.994467 2.93 0.004 1.932722 9.769671 +_Ibplcol1_31 | .686696 1.599966 0.43 0.668 -2.456714 3.830106 +_Ibplcol1_32 | 4.094163 1.749771 2.34 0.020 .6564363 7.53189 +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | -7.388011 2.153148 -3.43 0.001 -11.61824 -3.157779 +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.0068216 .0023109 -2.95 0.003 -.0113617 -.0022815 + _IbplXyob_3 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0036647 .0012795 -2.86 0.004 -.0061785 -.001151 + _IbplXyob_5 | .008518 .0006627 12.85 0.000 .0072161 .0098199 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0011177 .0008542 -1.31 0.191 -.0027959 .0005606 + _IbplXyob_7 | .0066056 .0020034 3.30 0.001 .0026696 .0105416 + _IbplXyob_8 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | -.002152 .0011303 -1.90 0.057 -.0043727 .0000688 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | -.0015015 .0010068 -1.49 0.137 -.0034795 .0004766 +_IbplXyob_16 | .0064849 .0007324 8.85 0.000 .005046 .0079238 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0026749 .0010429 2.56 0.011 .0006259 .0047238 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | .0003277 .0008256 0.40 0.692 -.0012943 .0019498 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0028198 .0010896 -2.59 0.010 -.0049606 -.000679 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0031973 .0016345 -1.96 0.051 -.0064085 .0000139 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.0019489 .0010272 -1.90 0.058 -.003967 .0000693 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0010101 .0007637 1.32 0.187 -.0004902 .0025105 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0020395 .0008341 -2.45 0.015 -.0036782 -.0004008 +_IbplXyob_28 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_29 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0030598 .0010182 -3.01 0.003 -.0050603 -.0010593 +_IbplXyob_31 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_32 | -.002021 .0008941 -2.26 0.024 -.0037776 -.0002645 +_IbplXyob_33 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_34 | .0124311 .0015153 8.20 0.000 .009454 .0154081 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | .0038576 .0011119 3.47 0.001 .0016731 .0060421 +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_59 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_62 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1993 | (omitted) + _cons | -5.06966 .6034051 -8.40 0.000 -6.255153 -3.884166 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (684 categories) + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.yob i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) + +. areg incscore malxexp `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], absorb(regionxyearxyob) cluster(bplcol2) +note: _Iyob_1919 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1920 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1921 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1922 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1923 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1924 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1925 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1926 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1927 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1928 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1929 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1930 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1931 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1932 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1933 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1934 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1935 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1936 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1937 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1938 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1939 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1940 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1941 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1942 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1943 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1944 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1945 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1946 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1947 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1948 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1949 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1950 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1951 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1952 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1953 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1954 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1955 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1956 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1957 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1958 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1959 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1960 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1961 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1962 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1963 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1964 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1965 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1966 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1967 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1968 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1969 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1970 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1971 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1972 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyob_1973 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplregcol_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_4 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_5 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_6 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyrex_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_19 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_33 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Ibplcol1_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_3 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_8 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_21 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_28 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_31 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_33 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_7 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_9 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_10 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_11 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_12 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_13 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_14 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_18 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_19 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_20 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_26 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_27 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_29 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_33 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_34 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_35 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_36 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_37 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_39 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_40 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_41 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_42 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_43 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_44 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_45 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_46 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_47 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_48 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_49 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_50 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_51 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_52 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_53 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_54 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_55 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_56 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_57 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_58 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_59 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_60 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_61 omitted because of collinearity +note: _IbplXyob2_62 omitted because of collinearity +note: _Iyear_1993 omitted because of collinearity + +Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 36888 + F( 72, 505) = 141.87 + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.3713 + Adj R-squared = 0.3582 + Root MSE = .1357 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 506 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .067818 .0197758 3.43 0.001 .0289649 .106671 + lndens | .0292405 .0067519 4.33 0.000 .0159751 .0425058 +nivel_de_v~a | .0028684 .0049103 0.58 0.559 -.0067787 .0125155 + helminth_nh | .0108935 .0502485 0.22 0.828 -.0878284 .1096154 + hookworm | .0070701 .0197502 0.36 0.721 -.0317326 .0458728 +leishmania~s | -.0279947 .0314181 -0.89 0.373 -.089721 .0337315 + yelfev | -.0245996 .0331505 -0.74 0.458 -.0897295 .0405303 + land_inadeq | -.003318 .0115064 -0.29 0.773 -.0259244 .0192884 + vioearly | -.0119534 .004535 -2.64 0.009 -.0208632 -.0030435 + violate | .0028782 .0034885 0.83 0.410 -.0039755 .0097319 + cafetera | -.0162986 .0114345 -1.43 0.155 -.0387636 .0061664 + carbon | -.004009 .0120775 -0.33 0.740 -.0277374 .0197193 +ganadera_n~a | -.0139266 .0193534 -0.72 0.472 -.0519498 .0240965 + mktaccess | -.0012596 .0024997 -0.50 0.615 -.0061706 .0036515 + manuf | 3.688672 .7178377 5.14 0.000 2.278356 5.098988 + _Iyob_1919 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1920 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1921 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1922 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1923 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1924 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1925 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1926 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1927 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1928 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1929 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1930 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1931 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1932 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1933 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1934 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1935 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1936 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1937 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1938 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1939 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1940 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1941 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1942 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1943 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1944 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1945 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1946 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1947 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1948 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1949 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1950 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1951 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1952 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1953 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1954 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1955 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1956 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1957 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1958 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1959 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1960 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1961 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1962 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1963 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1964 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1965 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1966 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1967 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1968 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1969 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1970 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1971 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1972 | (omitted) + _Iyob_1973 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~3 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_4 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_5 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_6 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_7 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_8 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyre~10 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_2 | 16.20408 4.769167 3.40 0.001 6.834227 25.57393 + _Ibplcol1_3 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_4 | 8.038554 3.098748 2.59 0.010 1.950528 14.12658 + _Ibplcol1_5 | -15.9114 1.520114 -10.47 0.000 -18.89792 -12.92487 + _Ibplcol1_6 | 1.604988 2.117653 0.76 0.449 -2.555507 5.765483 + _Ibplcol1_7 | -14.05703 3.645763 -3.86 0.000 -21.21976 -6.894295 + _Ibplcol1_8 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | 3.660897 2.533954 1.44 0.149 -1.317493 8.639286 +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | 1.9435 2.424233 0.80 0.423 -2.819324 6.706325 +_Ibplcol1_16 | -12.12376 1.534722 -7.90 0.000 -15.13898 -9.10853 +_Ibplcol1_17 | -8.102841 2.025628 -4.00 0.000 -12.08254 -4.123146 +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | 5.912209 2.388699 2.48 0.014 1.219197 10.60522 +_Ibplcol1_23 | 7.411411 5.036067 1.47 0.142 -2.482813 17.30563 +_Ibplcol1_24 | 3.675441 2.39116 1.54 0.125 -1.022404 8.373287 +_Ibplcol1_25 | -3.413605 2.012469 -1.70 0.090 -7.367447 .5402371 +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | 6.185154 1.927779 3.21 0.001 2.397699 9.972608 +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | 6.650541 2.522861 2.64 0.009 1.693945 11.60714 +_Ibplcol1_31 | .1971145 2.048597 0.10 0.923 -3.827708 4.221937 +_Ibplcol1_32 | 5.167922 2.162306 2.39 0.017 .9196991 9.416145 +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | -28.86915 2.672439 -10.80 0.000 -34.11962 -23.61868 +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | -17.46755 2.411661 -7.24 0.000 -22.20567 -12.72942 +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.0082964 .0024392 -3.40 0.001 -.0130886 -.0035041 + _IbplXyob_3 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0041511 .0015796 -2.63 0.009 -.0072544 -.0010477 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0080724 .0007812 10.33 0.000 .0065376 .0096072 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0008239 .001088 -0.76 0.449 -.0029614 .0013137 + _IbplXyob_7 | .0071624 .0018693 3.83 0.000 .0034898 .0108351 + _IbplXyob_8 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0019109 .0012968 -1.47 0.141 -.0044587 .0006369 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | -.0010754 .0012407 -0.87 0.386 -.0035129 .0013622 +_IbplXyob_16 | .0061433 .0007893 7.78 0.000 .0045926 .0076941 +_IbplXyob_17 | .004125 .0010475 3.94 0.000 .0020671 .0061829 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | .000078 .0010544 0.07 0.941 -.0019934 .0021495 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0030539 .0012174 -2.51 0.012 -.0054457 -.0006622 +_IbplXyob_23 | -.0037648 .0025574 -1.47 0.142 -.0087892 .0012595 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.0019075 .0012273 -1.55 0.121 -.0043187 .0005037 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0017249 .0010252 1.68 0.093 -.0002893 .003739 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0031403 .0009939 -3.16 0.002 -.005093 -.0011876 +_IbplXyob_28 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_29 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0034671 .0012885 -2.69 0.007 -.0059987 -.0009355 +_IbplXyob_31 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_32 | -.0025684 .001104 -2.33 0.020 -.0047374 -.0003995 +_IbplXyob_33 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_34 | .0146165 .001393 10.49 0.000 .0118797 .0173533 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | .008996 .0012421 7.24 0.000 .0065556 .0114364 +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_59 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_62 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_2 | -.0000742 .0000278 -2.67 0.008 -.0001288 -.0000197 +_IbplXyob2_3 | -.0003323 .0000635 -5.23 0.000 -.000457 -.0002075 +_IbplXyob2_4 | -.0000347 .0000248 -1.40 0.163 -.0000834 .0000141 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -.0003514 .0000648 -5.42 0.000 -.0004788 -.0002241 +_IbplXyob2_6 | .0000544 .0000233 2.33 0.020 8.53e-06 .0001002 +_IbplXyob2_7 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_8 | .000136 .0000369 3.69 0.000 .0000635 .0002085 +_IbplXyob2_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_10 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_15 | 3.11e-06 .0000244 0.13 0.898 -.0000448 .000051 +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0003476 .0000648 -5.36 0.000 -.0004749 -.0002202 +_IbplXy~2_17 | .0000582 .0000193 3.02 0.003 .0000203 .000096 +_IbplXy~2_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_19 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_21 | -.0000143 .0000375 -0.38 0.704 -.000088 .0000594 +_IbplXy~2_22 | -.0000243 .0000266 -0.91 0.363 -.0000766 .0000281 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -.0000316 .0001061 -0.30 0.766 -.0002401 .0001768 +_IbplXy~2_24 | .000138 .0000358 3.85 0.000 .0000676 .0002083 +_IbplXy~2_25 | .0000281 .00002 1.40 0.161 -.0000112 .0000673 +_IbplXy~2_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_27 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_28 | .0000431 .0000229 1.89 0.060 -1.81e-06 .000088 +_IbplXy~2_29 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_30 | -.0000315 .0000266 -1.19 0.236 -.0000838 .0000207 +_IbplXy~2_31 | 9.57e-06 .0000221 0.43 0.665 -.0000339 .000053 +_IbplXy~2_32 | .0001139 .0000351 3.25 0.001 .000045 .0001827 +_IbplXy~2_33 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_34 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_38 | .0003561 .0000335 10.64 0.000 .0002904 .0004219 +_IbplXy~2_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_59 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_62 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1993 | (omitted) + _cons | -.3511659 .1947037 -1.80 0.072 -.733695 .0313632 +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- +regionxyea~b | absorbed (684 categories) + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, INCLUDE REGION x YEAR x YOB EFFECTS + +19:51:59 on 1 Feb 2010 + +INCLUDE REGION x YEAR x YOB EFFECTS + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 37357 37357 37357 36888 36888 36888 +Depvar: incscore incscore incscore incscore incscore incscore +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.0988* 0.0764* 0.0765* 0.0806* 0.0677* 0.0678* + (0.0185) (0.0190) (0.0190) (0.0196) (0.0198) (0.0198) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.249 0.342 0.343 0.291 0.371 0.371 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. drop regionxyearxyob + +. +. +. +. local alt_mal "temperature altitude mell m46 areamal ecozone_stdry ecozone_stwet ecozone_trdry ecozone_trwet ecozone_warm" + +. foreach x of local alt_mal { + 2. replace `x' = `x' * yrexp + 3. } +(27690 real changes made) +(27690 real changes made) +(14326 real changes made) +(24288 real changes made) +areamalarica was byte now float +(22959 real changes made) +(6518 real changes made) +(17577 real changes made) +(9902 real changes made) +(2740 real changes made) +(10730 real changes made) + +. local meanrev "lndens nivel" + +. local the_rest "helm hook leish yelfev land vio* cafetera carbon ganad mkta manuf" + +. xi i.bplcol2 i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year i.yob +i.bplcol2 _Ibplcol2_1-535 (naturally coded; _Ibplcol2_1 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) + +. ivreg incscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplcol2) +(sum of wgt is 1.7159e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 36262 + F( 65, 494) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.6060 + Root MSE = .10715 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 495 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0884839 .0157351 5.62 0.000 .0575679 .1193999 + lndens | -.0106037 .0040625 -2.61 0.009 -.0185855 -.0026219 +nivel_de_v~a | .0049304 .002629 1.88 0.061 -.0002349 .0100957 + _Ibplcol2_2 | -.3186966 .0064625 -49.31 0.000 -.3313939 -.3059992 + _Ibplcol2_3 | -.1027803 .0051202 -20.07 0.000 -.1128403 -.0927203 + _Ibplcol2_4 | -.2832372 .0060942 -46.48 0.000 -.2952109 -.2712635 + _Ibplcol2_5 | -.4421517 .0152366 -29.02 0.000 -.4720883 -.4122151 + _Ibplcol2_6 | -.456669 .0107042 -42.66 0.000 -.4777003 -.4356377 + _Ibplcol2_7 | -.2467374 .0062261 -39.63 0.000 -.2589702 -.2345045 + _Ibplcol2_8 | -.0382134 .0033982 -11.25 0.000 -.0448901 -.0315367 + _Ibplcol2_9 | -.2838724 .0069644 -40.76 0.000 -.2975559 -.2701888 +_Ibplcol2_10 | -.0717941 .0058843 -12.20 0.000 -.0833553 -.0602328 +_Ibplcol2_11 | -.4456784 .0161794 -27.55 0.000 -.4774674 -.4138894 +_Ibplcol2_12 | -.3171058 .0072266 -43.88 0.000 -.3313045 -.3029071 +_Ibplcol2_13 | -.3193039 .0140238 -22.77 0.000 -.3468576 -.2917502 +_Ibplcol2_14 | -.4314677 .0150675 -28.64 0.000 -.4610719 -.4018635 +_Ibplcol2_15 | -.3374441 .0061173 -55.16 0.000 -.3494632 -.3254249 +_Ibplcol2_16 | -.0472981 .0043935 -10.77 0.000 -.0559304 -.0386658 +_Ibplcol2_17 | -.4389949 .0106721 -41.13 0.000 -.4599633 -.4180265 +_Ibplcol2_18 | -.2692997 .0140742 -19.13 0.000 -.2969523 -.2416471 +_Ibplcol2_19 | .001023 .0015748 0.65 0.516 -.0020712 .0041172 +_Ibplcol2_20 | -.1981458 .0057811 -34.27 0.000 -.2095044 -.1867872 +_Ibplcol2_21 | -.3948078 .009927 -39.77 0.000 -.4143122 -.3753034 +_Ibplcol2_22 | -.1614956 .0049876 -32.38 0.000 -.1712952 -.1516961 +_Ibplcol2_23 | -.188757 .0064117 -29.44 0.000 -.2013547 -.1761594 +_Ibplcol2_24 | .0133863 .0016316 8.20 0.000 .0101805 .0165921 +_Ibplcol2_25 | -.4076697 .0100309 -40.64 0.000 -.4273782 -.3879612 +_Ibplcol2_26 | -.2210905 .0060006 -36.84 0.000 -.2328803 -.2093007 +_Ibplcol2_27 | -.0209484 .0041197 -5.08 0.000 -.0290427 -.0128541 +_Ibplcol2_28 | -.2626363 .0050446 -52.06 0.000 -.2725478 -.2527247 +_Ibplcol2_29 | -.5098664 .0135446 -37.64 0.000 -.5364785 -.4832542 +_Ibplcol2_30 | -.2426325 .0111138 -21.83 0.000 -.2644686 -.2207964 +_Ibplcol2_31 | -.1276502 .005473 -23.32 0.000 -.1384034 -.1168971 +_Ibplcol2_32 | -.0325574 .0017386 -18.73 0.000 -.0359733 -.0291415 +_Ibplcol2_33 | -.3442669 .0088308 -38.98 0.000 -.3616175 -.3269163 +_Ibplcol2_34 | -.638354 .013303 -47.99 0.000 -.6644915 -.6122165 +_Ibplcol2_35 | -.4321159 .0067404 -64.11 0.000 -.4453593 -.4188724 +_Ibplcol2_36 | -.2462493 .0056383 -43.67 0.000 -.2573272 -.2351714 +_Ibplcol2_37 | -.2750414 .0080485 -34.17 0.000 -.2908549 -.259228 +_Ibplcol2_38 | -.2154193 .0040894 -52.68 0.000 -.2234542 -.2073845 +_Ibplcol2_39 | -.1189383 .0117199 -10.15 0.000 -.1419654 -.0959112 +_Ibplcol2_40 | -.2679267 .0075568 -35.45 0.000 -.2827742 -.2530792 +_Ibplcol2_41 | -.3621932 .0134139 -27.00 0.000 -.3885486 -.3358378 +_Ibplcol2_42 | -.3475801 .0102958 -33.76 0.000 -.3678091 -.327351 +_Ibplcol2_43 | -.2288451 .0075823 -30.18 0.000 -.2437427 -.2139475 +_Ibplcol2_44 | -.1301238 .0116869 -11.13 0.000 -.1530861 -.1071616 +_Ibplcol2_45 | .3930811 .0216561 18.15 0.000 .3505316 .4356306 +_Ibplcol2_46 | .2484233 .0144135 17.24 0.000 .2201039 .2767426 +_Ibplcol2_47 | .0446383 .01468 3.04 0.002 .0157952 .0734813 +_Ibplcol2_48 | .2428237 .0133348 18.21 0.000 .2166238 .2690235 +_Ibplcol2_49 | .3161493 .0127285 24.84 0.000 .2911407 .3411579 +_Ibplcol2_50 | .1562582 .0144013 10.85 0.000 .1279628 .1845536 +_Ibplcol2_51 | .1970733 .014669 13.43 0.000 .1682521 .2258945 +_Ibplcol2_52 | .3350203 .0180277 18.58 0.000 .2995999 .3704406 +_Ibplcol2_53 | .3344283 .0156928 21.31 0.000 .3035954 .3652611 +_Ibplcol2_54 | .3398108 .0141314 24.05 0.000 .3120458 .3675758 +_Ibplcol2_55 | -.0160061 .011163 -1.43 0.152 -.0379389 .0059268 +_Ibplcol2_56 | .1175472 .0128848 9.12 0.000 .0922314 .1428631 +_Ibplcol2_57 | .078927 .0128024 6.17 0.000 .0537731 .1040809 +_Ibplcol2_58 | .0547029 .013103 4.17 0.000 .0289585 .0804474 +_Ibplcol2_59 | .1320583 .0130405 10.13 0.000 .1064366 .15768 +_Ibplcol2_60 | -.0009145 .0132031 -0.07 0.945 -.0268557 .0250268 +_Ibplcol2_61 | .1347125 .013671 9.85 0.000 .107852 .161573 +_Ibplcol2_62 | -.0145186 .009461 -1.53 0.126 -.0331073 .0040701 +_Ibplcol2_63 | -.0084694 .0117321 -0.72 0.471 -.0315203 .0145816 +_Ibplcol2_64 | -.0202215 .0130286 -1.55 0.121 -.0458198 .0053768 +_Ibplcol2_65 | .0484913 .0125271 3.87 0.000 .0238784 .0731043 +_Ibplcol2_66 | .0053992 .0126285 0.43 0.669 -.0194129 .0302113 +_Ibplcol2_67 | -.0102538 .0116726 -0.88 0.380 -.0331878 .0126802 +_Ibplcol2_68 | .0537033 .0083095 6.46 0.000 .037377 .0700297 +_Ibplcol2_69 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_70 | -.0813245 .0196274 -4.14 0.000 -.119888 -.0427611 +_Ibplcol2_71 | .2308707 .013524 17.07 0.000 .2042991 .2574423 +_Ibplcol2_72 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_73 | .2224882 .0138161 16.10 0.000 .1953426 .2496337 +_Ibplcol2_74 | .2074815 .0131055 15.83 0.000 .181732 .233231 +_Ibplcol2_75 | .0409707 .0130495 3.14 0.002 .0153313 .0666101 +_Ibplcol2_76 | .1299596 .0123805 10.50 0.000 .1056345 .1542846 +_Ibplcol2_77 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_78 | .1997284 .0138035 14.47 0.000 .1726075 .2268493 +_Ibplcol2_79 | .1796742 .0084503 21.26 0.000 .1630712 .1962773 +_Ibplcol2_80 | -.0721795 .0107754 -6.70 0.000 -.0933508 -.0510082 +_Ibplcol2_81 | -.0475821 .0074116 -6.42 0.000 -.0621443 -.0330199 +_Ibplcol2_82 | -.0023078 .0048702 -0.47 0.636 -.0118766 .007261 +_Ibplcol2_83 | .0317647 .0070343 4.52 0.000 .0179439 .0455856 +_Ibplcol2_84 | -.1096861 .0100824 -10.88 0.000 -.1294958 -.0898764 +_Ibplcol2_85 | -.0031575 .0108183 -0.29 0.771 -.0244131 .0180981 +_Ibplcol2_86 | -.0718015 .0057361 -12.52 0.000 -.0830716 -.0605313 +_Ibplcol2_87 | -.0082429 .0110246 -0.75 0.455 -.0299038 .0134181 +_Ibplcol2_88 | .0226635 .0098653 2.30 0.022 .0032804 .0420467 +_Ibplcol2_89 | -.0274504 .0110397 -2.49 0.013 -.0491409 -.0057599 +_Ibplcol2_90 | -.2091205 .0093691 -22.32 0.000 -.2275287 -.1907123 +_Ibplcol2_91 | .0028307 .0098118 0.29 0.773 -.0164473 .0221087 +_Ibplcol2_92 | .0020204 .0116608 0.17 0.863 -.0208905 .0249313 +_Ibplcol2_93 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_94 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_95 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_96 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_97 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_98 | .4729172 .0110275 42.89 0.000 .4512506 .4945838 +_Ibplcol2_99 | .0972363 .0110595 8.79 0.000 .0755069 .1189656 +_Ibplcol~100 | .1167983 .011248 10.38 0.000 .0946984 .1388981 +_Ibplcol~101 | .2173121 .0111198 19.54 0.000 .1954642 .2391601 +_Ibplcol~102 | .3206991 .0088305 36.32 0.000 .3033492 .338049 +_Ibplcol~103 | .1346266 .0111998 12.02 0.000 .1126216 .1566316 +_Ibplcol~104 | .3093046 .0037307 82.91 0.000 .3019747 .3166346 +_Ibplcol~105 | .0740509 .0107858 6.87 0.000 .0528592 .0952426 +_Ibplcol~106 | .1880494 .011337 16.59 0.000 .1657747 .2103241 +_Ibplcol~107 | .1791041 .0112812 15.88 0.000 .156939 .2012691 +_Ibplcol~108 | .218806 .0113495 19.28 0.000 .1965067 .2411053 +_Ibplcol~109 | .2197196 .0110691 19.85 0.000 .1979714 .2414679 +_Ibplcol~110 | .4426397 .0082398 53.72 0.000 .4264503 .4588291 +_Ibplcol~111 | .3009468 .0062324 48.29 0.000 .2887015 .3131921 +_Ibplcol~112 | .2293191 .0110893 20.68 0.000 .2075311 .2511072 +_Ibplcol~113 | .1200106 .0124347 9.65 0.000 .0955791 .1444422 +_Ibplcol~114 | .1906536 .0072473 26.31 0.000 .1764143 .2048928 +_Ibplcol~115 | .2203463 .003358 65.62 0.000 .2137486 .2269441 +_Ibplcol~116 | .1611014 .0096836 16.64 0.000 .1420754 .1801275 +_Ibplcol~117 | .0359339 .0110455 3.25 0.001 .0142319 .057636 +_Ibplcol~118 | .0966478 .0116933 8.27 0.000 .073673 .1196226 +_Ibplcol~119 | .0484569 .014864 3.26 0.001 .0192524 .0776614 +_Ibplcol~120 | -.0085747 .0110881 -0.77 0.440 -.0303603 .013211 +_Ibplcol~121 | .050359 .0111757 4.51 0.000 .0284013 .0723167 +_Ibplcol~122 | -.0111697 .0114797 -0.97 0.331 -.0337249 .0113854 +_Ibplcol~123 | .0710368 .0101173 7.02 0.000 .0511587 .090915 +_Ibplcol~124 | .0502885 .0110903 4.53 0.000 .0284985 .0720785 +_Ibplcol~125 | .1066999 .0101748 10.49 0.000 .0867086 .1266911 +_Ibplcol~126 | .1007581 .012801 7.87 0.000 .0756069 .1259093 +_Ibplcol~127 | -.0272099 .0105827 -2.57 0.010 -.0480026 -.0064172 +_Ibplcol~128 | .0975639 .0145869 6.69 0.000 .068904 .1262239 +_Ibplcol~129 | .0377034 .0130485 2.89 0.004 .012066 .0633409 +_Ibplcol~130 | -.0320846 .0130376 -2.46 0.014 -.0577007 -.0064686 +_Ibplcol~131 | -.0159587 .013564 -1.18 0.240 -.042609 .0106916 +_Ibplcol~132 | .0287028 .0097591 2.94 0.003 .0095284 .0478772 +_Ibplcol~133 | -.0033449 .0102555 -0.33 0.744 -.0234947 .0168049 +_Ibplcol~134 | -.0903619 .0120385 -7.51 0.000 -.114015 -.0667088 +_Ibplcol~135 | -.011022 .0139444 -0.79 0.430 -.0384197 .0163756 +_Ibplcol~136 | -.0772357 .0140665 -5.49 0.000 -.1048733 -.0495981 +_Ibplcol~137 | -.0242994 .0122059 -1.99 0.047 -.0482813 -.0003175 +_Ibplcol~138 | -.0462873 .0136183 -3.40 0.001 -.0730442 -.0195304 +_Ibplcol~139 | -.0599348 .0059942 -10.00 0.000 -.0717121 -.0481575 +_Ibplcol~140 | -.0901241 .0115391 -7.81 0.000 -.1127959 -.0674522 +_Ibplcol~141 | .1891121 .0129579 14.59 0.000 .1636527 .2145714 +_Ibplcol~142 | .2453425 .0129323 18.97 0.000 .2199334 .2707516 +_Ibplcol~143 | .2662532 .0128081 20.79 0.000 .2410881 .2914183 +_Ibplcol~144 | .2557301 .0125625 20.36 0.000 .2310476 .2804126 +_Ibplcol~145 | .1814429 .0124299 14.60 0.000 .157021 .2058649 +_Ibplcol~146 | .2468332 .0112953 21.85 0.000 .2246405 .2690259 +_Ibplcol~147 | .0470561 .0081564 5.77 0.000 .0310306 .0630815 +_Ibplcol~148 | .1839416 .0122787 14.98 0.000 .1598167 .2080666 +_Ibplcol~149 | .1854273 .007304 25.39 0.000 .1710766 .199778 +_Ibplcol~150 | .1105353 .0124206 8.90 0.000 .0861316 .1349391 +_Ibplcol~151 | .1130213 .013714 8.24 0.000 .0860764 .1399663 +_Ibplcol~152 | .2499159 .0126337 19.78 0.000 .2250934 .2747384 +_Ibplcol~153 | .1219092 .0126524 9.64 0.000 .09705 .1467685 +_Ibplcol~154 | .0742516 .0087773 8.46 0.000 .0570062 .0914971 +_Ibplcol~155 | .2415272 .0129053 18.72 0.000 .2161712 .2668832 +_Ibplcol~156 | -.3078831 .0117567 -26.19 0.000 -.3309825 -.2847838 +_Ibplcol~157 | -.5421266 .0122558 -44.23 0.000 -.5662065 -.5180467 +_Ibplcol~158 | -.3382574 .0100809 -33.55 0.000 -.3580642 -.3184507 +_Ibplcol~159 | -.5196537 .0171803 -30.25 0.000 -.5534092 -.4858982 +_Ibplcol~160 | -.2002023 .0104684 -19.12 0.000 -.2207703 -.1796343 +_Ibplcol~161 | .0824798 .008825 9.35 0.000 .0651407 .0998189 +_Ibplcol~162 | -.1423467 .0054247 -26.24 0.000 -.1530051 -.1316883 +_Ibplcol~163 | -.0536657 .0109638 -4.89 0.000 -.0752071 -.0321243 +_Ibplcol~164 | -.1443446 .0111387 -12.96 0.000 -.1662296 -.1224595 +_Ibplcol~165 | -.105182 .0109794 -9.58 0.000 -.126754 -.0836099 +_Ibplcol~166 | -.2307819 .0120165 -19.21 0.000 -.2543917 -.2071722 +_Ibplcol~167 | .1590702 .008899 17.88 0.000 .1415857 .1765548 +_Ibplcol~168 | .1175365 .0111366 10.55 0.000 .0956555 .1394175 +_Ibplcol~169 | .1191014 .0105742 11.26 0.000 .0983254 .1398773 +_Ibplcol~170 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~171 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~172 | .0774643 .0108395 7.15 0.000 .0561671 .0987614 +_Ibplcol~173 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~174 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~175 | .1601427 .0059865 26.75 0.000 .1483806 .1719047 +_Ibplcol~176 | -.0151746 .0116882 -1.30 0.195 -.0381393 .0077901 +_Ibplcol~177 | .1603065 .0128459 12.48 0.000 .1350672 .1855458 +_Ibplcol~178 | .0983469 .0128323 7.66 0.000 .0731344 .1235595 +_Ibplcol~179 | .1282945 .0111212 11.54 0.000 .1064439 .1501451 +_Ibplcol~180 | -.0279414 .0108752 -2.57 0.010 -.0493088 -.0065739 +_Ibplcol~181 | .0611296 .0110842 5.52 0.000 .0393516 .0829075 +_Ibplcol~182 | -.0303506 .0103454 -2.93 0.004 -.0506771 -.0100242 +_Ibplcol~183 | .3894504 .0082562 47.17 0.000 .3732288 .4056719 +_Ibplcol~184 | .3683116 .009898 37.21 0.000 .3488642 .3877589 +_Ibplcol~185 | .2068656 .0114875 18.01 0.000 .1842953 .229436 +_Ibplcol~186 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~187 | .4497138 .0108815 41.33 0.000 .4283341 .4710935 +_Ibplcol~188 | .3853017 .0036716 104.94 0.000 .3780878 .3925157 +_Ibplcol~189 | .4188698 .0108274 38.69 0.000 .3975963 .4401433 +_Ibplcol~190 | .0818467 .0107508 7.61 0.000 .0607237 .1029697 +_Ibplcol~191 | .1566161 .0114262 13.71 0.000 .134166 .1790661 +_Ibplcol~192 | .4066579 .0089604 45.38 0.000 .3890527 .4242632 +_Ibplcol~193 | .2276094 .0109049 20.87 0.000 .2061837 .2490352 +_Ibplcol~194 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~195 | .0590631 .0109284 5.40 0.000 .0375913 .080535 +_Ibplcol~196 | .1929725 .0108899 17.72 0.000 .1715764 .2143687 +_Ibplcol~197 | .2495509 .0031924 78.17 0.000 .2432784 .2558233 +_Ibplcol~198 | .2688792 .010978 24.49 0.000 .2473099 .2904486 +_Ibplcol~199 | -.0639479 .0104213 -6.14 0.000 -.0844235 -.0434723 +_Ibplcol~200 | -.4149935 .0063258 -65.60 0.000 -.4274222 -.4025648 +_Ibplcol~201 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~202 | -.1862579 .0090506 -20.58 0.000 -.2040402 -.1684755 +_Ibplcol~203 | -.1714367 .0033582 -51.05 0.000 -.1780349 -.1648384 +_Ibplcol~204 | -.3846483 .0079774 -48.22 0.000 -.4003221 -.3689745 +_Ibplcol~205 | -.3699081 .0128337 -28.82 0.000 -.3951235 -.3446928 +_Ibplcol~206 | -.1127553 .0072224 -15.61 0.000 -.1269457 -.0985649 +_Ibplcol~207 | .1548783 .0012476 124.14 0.000 .152427 .1573296 +_Ibplcol~208 | .1119203 .0085917 13.03 0.000 .0950395 .1288011 +_Ibplcol~209 | -.0015551 .0092296 -0.17 0.866 -.0196891 .016579 +_Ibplcol~210 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~211 | .0230953 .0064968 3.55 0.000 .0103304 .0358601 +_Ibplcol~212 | .0027691 .0051651 0.54 0.592 -.0073791 .0129174 +_Ibplcol~213 | .0930002 .0082929 11.21 0.000 .0767064 .109294 +_Ibplcol~214 | -.0507338 .0095083 -5.34 0.000 -.0694155 -.0320521 +_Ibplcol~215 | .0744656 .0017536 42.46 0.000 .0710201 .0779111 +_Ibplcol~216 | -.0291592 .0053757 -5.42 0.000 -.0397213 -.0185971 +_Ibplcol~217 | -.1694641 .0095058 -17.83 0.000 -.1881408 -.1507873 +_Ibplcol~218 | .0374901 .0099888 3.75 0.000 .0178643 .0571158 +_Ibplcol~219 | .049984 .0050946 9.81 0.000 .0399742 .0599937 +_Ibplcol~220 | -.088824 .0105967 -8.38 0.000 -.1096441 -.0680039 +_Ibplcol~221 | -.3383613 .0122602 -27.60 0.000 -.3624498 -.3142728 +_Ibplcol~222 | -.0082977 .0023341 -3.56 0.000 -.0128837 -.0037118 +_Ibplcol~223 | -.1967441 .0074774 -26.31 0.000 -.2114356 -.1820526 +_Ibplcol~224 | -.1237555 .0039592 -31.26 0.000 -.1315345 -.1159765 +_Ibplcol~225 | -.2644978 .01116 -23.70 0.000 -.2864247 -.242571 +_Ibplcol~226 | -.3317741 .0095508 -34.74 0.000 -.3505392 -.3130089 +_Ibplcol~227 | -.1418615 .0053537 -26.50 0.000 -.1523803 -.1313428 +_Ibplcol~228 | -.2551549 .0098784 -25.83 0.000 -.2745636 -.2357461 +_Ibplcol~229 | -.1440282 .007407 -19.44 0.000 -.1585814 -.1294751 +_Ibplcol~230 | -.1771817 .0107775 -16.44 0.000 -.1983571 -.1560064 +_Ibplcol~231 | .2223152 .0157541 14.11 0.000 .1913619 .2532685 +_Ibplcol~232 | .1002133 .0145958 6.87 0.000 .0715358 .1288909 +_Ibplcol~233 | -.0601379 .0131132 -4.59 0.000 -.0859025 -.0343734 +_Ibplcol~234 | .0253135 .0132601 1.91 0.057 -.0007397 .0513667 +_Ibplcol~235 | .0957543 .0140148 6.83 0.000 .0682184 .1232902 +_Ibplcol~236 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~237 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~238 | -.0153927 .0122939 -1.25 0.211 -.0395475 .0087622 +_Ibplcol~239 | .0685057 .0140382 4.88 0.000 .0409238 .0960876 +_Ibplcol~240 | .0027991 .0120557 0.23 0.816 -.0208877 .0264859 +_Ibplcol~241 | .1120028 .0113853 9.84 0.000 .0896332 .1343724 +_Ibplcol~242 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~243 | -.2225903 .0054674 -40.71 0.000 -.2333326 -.2118481 +_Ibplcol~244 | -.0504236 .0104273 -4.84 0.000 -.070911 -.0299362 +_Ibplcol~245 | -.2078285 .0038744 -53.64 0.000 -.2154409 -.2002161 +_Ibplcol~246 | -.0019749 .0004535 -4.35 0.000 -.0028659 -.0010839 +_Ibplcol~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~248 | -.0242943 .0085461 -2.84 0.005 -.0410855 -.0075031 +_Ibplcol~249 | -.0653234 .0024255 -26.93 0.000 -.070089 -.0605579 +_Ibplcol~250 | .1152468 .0017985 64.08 0.000 .1117131 .1187804 +_Ibplcol~251 | -.1068249 .003157 -33.84 0.000 -.1130277 -.1006221 +_Ibplcol~252 | .0235872 .0082895 2.85 0.005 .0073001 .0398743 +_Ibplcol~253 | -.0127515 .0068402 -1.86 0.063 -.026191 .000688 +_Ibplcol~254 | -.0346251 .0034174 -10.13 0.000 -.0413395 -.0279107 +_Ibplcol~255 | -.125475 .0057003 -22.01 0.000 -.1366749 -.1142751 +_Ibplcol~256 | -.2152429 .004059 -53.03 0.000 -.2232179 -.2072678 +_Ibplcol~257 | -.2434364 .0120202 -20.25 0.000 -.2670533 -.2198195 +_Ibplcol~258 | -.0542134 .0024537 -22.09 0.000 -.0590344 -.0493925 +_Ibplcol~259 | -.2891563 .0129285 -22.37 0.000 -.314558 -.2637547 +_Ibplcol~260 | -.0434334 .0103825 -4.18 0.000 -.0638326 -.0230341 +_Ibplcol~261 | .5529823 .0097292 56.84 0.000 .5338667 .5720979 +_Ibplcol~262 | .3889986 .0066356 58.62 0.000 .3759612 .4020361 +_Ibplcol~263 | .2964853 .0110932 26.73 0.000 .2746896 .3182809 +_Ibplcol~264 | .4058737 .0052365 77.51 0.000 .3955852 .4161621 +_Ibplcol~265 | .476539 .01119 42.59 0.000 .4545531 .4985249 +_Ibplcol~266 | .3444667 .0065246 52.80 0.000 .3316473 .357286 +_Ibplcol~267 | .3844997 .0075895 50.66 0.000 .3695879 .3994114 +_Ibplcol~268 | .4367599 .0094723 46.11 0.000 .418149 .4553708 +_Ibplcol~269 | .4415318 .0072864 60.60 0.000 .4272156 .455848 +_Ibplcol~270 | .3631101 .008185 44.36 0.000 .3470284 .3791918 +_Ibplcol~271 | .4120581 .0112338 36.68 0.000 .3899861 .4341301 +_Ibplcol~272 | .4244125 .0112165 37.84 0.000 .4023745 .4464505 +_Ibplcol~273 | .3472046 .0085085 40.81 0.000 .3304873 .363922 +_Ibplcol~274 | .3649108 .0098614 37.00 0.000 .3455354 .3842863 +_Ibplcol~275 | .3424762 .0086714 39.49 0.000 .3254389 .3595136 +_Ibplcol~276 | .4944565 .0102657 48.17 0.000 .4742866 .5146263 +_Ibplcol~277 | .4250185 .011179 38.02 0.000 .4030543 .4469828 +_Ibplcol~278 | .3756843 .0110321 34.05 0.000 .3540087 .39736 +_Ibplcol~279 | .3800888 .008216 46.26 0.000 .3639462 .3962314 +_Ibplcol~280 | .472534 .0112177 42.12 0.000 .4504937 .4945743 +_Ibplcol~281 | .5326804 .0120276 44.29 0.000 .5090488 .5563119 +_Ibplcol~282 | .445554 .0064153 69.45 0.000 .4329493 .4581586 +_Ibplcol~283 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~284 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~285 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~286 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~287 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~288 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~289 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~290 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~291 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~292 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~293 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~294 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~295 | .0528832 .0126146 4.19 0.000 .0280983 .077668 +_Ibplcol~296 | .2302582 .011774 19.56 0.000 .2071248 .2533915 +_Ibplcol~297 | .1086227 .0114672 9.47 0.000 .0860923 .1311531 +_Ibplcol~298 | .2343742 .0170744 13.73 0.000 .2008268 .2679216 +_Ibplcol~299 | .0953143 .0157634 6.05 0.000 .0643428 .1262859 +_Ibplcol~300 | .0446919 .0115787 3.86 0.000 .0219423 .0674415 +_Ibplcol~301 | .1416922 .0159331 8.89 0.000 .1103872 .1729973 +_Ibplcol~302 | .0040086 .0112853 0.36 0.723 -.0181645 .0261817 +_Ibplcol~303 | .0594731 .0094999 6.26 0.000 .040808 .0781382 +_Ibplcol~304 | .0214845 .011042 1.95 0.052 -.0002106 .0431796 +_Ibplcol~305 | -.0184746 .0123925 -1.49 0.137 -.0428232 .0058739 +_Ibplcol~306 | -.0527199 .0121239 -4.35 0.000 -.0765407 -.0288992 +_Ibplcol~307 | -.0062235 .0115483 -0.54 0.590 -.0289135 .0164664 +_Ibplcol~308 | -.035458 .0137976 -2.57 0.010 -.0625671 -.0083488 +_Ibplcol~309 | .0489243 .0109922 4.45 0.000 .027327 .0705217 +_Ibplcol~310 | .0779441 .0116694 6.68 0.000 .0550163 .100872 +_Ibplcol~311 | -.0011232 .0102288 -0.11 0.913 -.0212204 .018974 +_Ibplcol~312 | -.062837 .0101151 -6.21 0.000 -.082711 -.0429631 +_Ibplcol~313 | -.3972085 .0109137 -36.40 0.000 -.4186515 -.3757656 +_Ibplcol~314 | -.3209429 .0074769 -42.92 0.000 -.3356333 -.3062525 +_Ibplcol~315 | -.4586917 .0100512 -45.64 0.000 -.4784402 -.4389433 +_Ibplcol~316 | -.3823172 .0057704 -66.25 0.000 -.3936548 -.3709795 +_Ibplcol~317 | -.3066647 .004836 -63.41 0.000 -.3161664 -.297163 +_Ibplcol~318 | -.2757976 .0058721 -46.97 0.000 -.287335 -.2642602 +_Ibplcol~319 | -.2830514 .0073601 -38.46 0.000 -.2975124 -.2685904 +_Ibplcol~320 | -.2956057 .0053759 -54.99 0.000 -.3061681 -.2850433 +_Ibplcol~321 | -.2948415 .0057394 -51.37 0.000 -.3061181 -.283565 +_Ibplcol~322 | -.3918844 .0062211 -62.99 0.000 -.4041074 -.3796614 +_Ibplcol~323 | -.3970666 .0060455 -65.68 0.000 -.4089446 -.3851886 +_Ibplcol~324 | .0568657 .0132703 4.29 0.000 .0307925 .0829389 +_Ibplcol~325 | -.1068172 .0150913 -7.08 0.000 -.1364682 -.0771662 +_Ibplcol~326 | .0443863 .0131669 3.37 0.001 .0185164 .0702563 +_Ibplcol~327 | .0679973 .0128416 5.30 0.000 .0427664 .0932283 +_Ibplcol~328 | .0049569 .012279 0.40 0.687 -.0191686 .0290823 +_Ibplcol~329 | -.0257371 .0119838 -2.15 0.032 -.0492825 -.0021916 +_Ibplcol~330 | -.0474395 .0133768 -3.55 0.000 -.0737219 -.0211572 +_Ibplcol~331 | -.0427067 .014571 -2.93 0.004 -.0713355 -.0140779 +_Ibplcol~332 | -.0038752 .0141039 -0.27 0.784 -.0315862 .0238358 +_Ibplcol~333 | -.0749791 .0130709 -5.74 0.000 -.1006606 -.0492977 +_Ibplcol~334 | .0158421 .0132544 1.20 0.233 -.0101999 .041884 +_Ibplcol~335 | .0303489 .013749 2.21 0.028 .0033352 .0573626 +_Ibplcol~336 | -.5339856 .010593 -50.41 0.000 -.5547986 -.5131727 +_Ibplcol~337 | -.2963937 .0090045 -32.92 0.000 -.3140857 -.2787018 +_Ibplcol~338 | -.2699445 .0106357 -25.38 0.000 -.2908413 -.2490477 +_Ibplcol~339 | -.4516824 .0086523 -52.20 0.000 -.4686822 -.4346826 +_Ibplcol~340 | -.3729516 .0123294 -30.25 0.000 -.397176 -.3487271 +_Ibplcol~341 | -.0025431 .0119843 -0.21 0.832 -.0260896 .0210035 +_Ibplcol~342 | -.3389627 .0114091 -29.71 0.000 -.3613791 -.3165463 +_Ibplcol~343 | -.3054233 .0105591 -28.93 0.000 -.3261695 -.284677 +_Ibplcol~345 | -.3734725 .007553 -49.45 0.000 -.3883125 -.3586325 +_Ibplcol~346 | -.4126251 .0063659 -64.82 0.000 -.4251327 -.4001175 +_Ibplcol~347 | -.4553511 .009221 -49.38 0.000 -.4734684 -.4372339 +_Ibplcol~348 | -.3425133 .0078952 -43.38 0.000 -.3580256 -.327001 +_Ibplcol~349 | -.4051775 .007884 -51.39 0.000 -.4206678 -.3896872 +_Ibplcol~350 | -.2984793 .0075708 -39.43 0.000 -.3133541 -.2836044 +_Ibplcol~351 | -.2690468 .0064647 -41.62 0.000 -.2817486 -.256345 +_Ibplcol~352 | -.3747619 .0077851 -48.14 0.000 -.390058 -.3594659 +_Ibplcol~353 | -.2693524 .0104179 -25.85 0.000 -.2898212 -.2488836 +_Ibplcol~354 | -.2440118 .0074925 -32.57 0.000 -.258733 -.2292906 +_Ibplcol~355 | -.2179573 .0069905 -31.18 0.000 -.2316922 -.2042225 +_Ibplcol~356 | -.2739925 .006993 -39.18 0.000 -.2877323 -.2602527 +_Ibplcol~357 | -.3161992 .0111332 -28.40 0.000 -.3380734 -.2943249 +_Ibplcol~358 | -.4204053 .0078028 -53.88 0.000 -.435736 -.4050745 +_Ibplcol~359 | -.3771182 .0054776 -68.85 0.000 -.3878805 -.366356 +_Ibplcol~360 | -.2846409 .0060679 -46.91 0.000 -.296563 -.2727188 +_Ibplcol~361 | -.3817221 .0078543 -48.60 0.000 -.397154 -.3662902 +_Ibplcol~362 | -.2885487 .0064435 -44.78 0.000 -.3012087 -.2758886 +_Ibplcol~363 | -.3420882 .0062654 -54.60 0.000 -.3543983 -.3297781 +_Ibplcol~364 | -.2559103 .0072995 -35.06 0.000 -.2702523 -.2415683 +_Ibplcol~365 | -.2612306 .0058384 -44.74 0.000 -.2727017 -.2497595 +_Ibplcol~366 | -.2965843 .006597 -44.96 0.000 -.3095459 -.2836226 +_Ibplcol~367 | -.2497129 .0059895 -41.69 0.000 -.2614809 -.2379449 +_Ibplcol~369 | -.2138695 .0058196 -36.75 0.000 -.2253038 -.2024352 +_Ibplcol~370 | -.2331833 .006893 -33.83 0.000 -.2467264 -.2196401 +_Ibplcol~371 | -.3204192 .0052478 -61.06 0.000 -.33073 -.3101084 +_Ibplcol~372 | -.2676415 .0094772 -28.24 0.000 -.286262 -.2490209 +_Ibplcol~373 | -.2584751 .004943 -52.29 0.000 -.2681871 -.2487631 +_Ibplcol~374 | -.2401307 .0078629 -30.54 0.000 -.2555795 -.2246819 +_Ibplcol~375 | -.2661793 .0042436 -62.73 0.000 -.274517 -.2578417 +_Ibplcol~376 | -.3350953 .0062378 -53.72 0.000 -.3473511 -.3228394 +_Ibplcol~377 | -.3108925 .0058169 -53.45 0.000 -.3223213 -.2994636 +_Ibplcol~378 | -.2904072 .00465 -62.45 0.000 -.2995434 -.2812709 +_Ibplcol~379 | -.322095 .0048229 -66.78 0.000 -.3315709 -.3126191 +_Ibplcol~380 | -.3019916 .0057452 -52.56 0.000 -.3132796 -.2907035 +_Ibplcol~381 | -.3869496 .0097112 -39.85 0.000 -.4060299 -.3678692 +_Ibplcol~382 | -.3777852 .0042321 -89.27 0.000 -.3861004 -.36947 +_Ibplcol~383 | -.3588374 .0048612 -73.82 0.000 -.3683886 -.3492862 +_Ibplcol~384 | -.2601075 .0059967 -43.37 0.000 -.2718898 -.2483253 +_Ibplcol~385 | -.3955675 .0085071 -46.50 0.000 -.412282 -.378853 +_Ibplcol~386 | -.1072667 .005276 -20.33 0.000 -.1176329 -.0969006 +_Ibplcol~387 | -.1730977 .004288 -40.37 0.000 -.1815226 -.1646728 +_Ibplcol~388 | -.1127475 .0084651 -13.32 0.000 -.1293795 -.0961155 +_Ibplcol~389 | -.0609179 .0073741 -8.26 0.000 -.0754063 -.0464295 +_Ibplcol~390 | .0279252 .0103126 2.71 0.007 .0076632 .0481872 +_Ibplcol~391 | -.0414006 .0112727 -3.67 0.000 -.063549 -.0192522 +_Ibplcol~392 | .0119686 .0124699 0.96 0.338 -.0125321 .0364692 +_Ibplcol~393 | .0653391 .0097281 6.72 0.000 .0462255 .0844528 +_Ibplcol~394 | .089435 .012861 6.95 0.000 .064166 .114704 +_Ibplcol~395 | .0817271 .0125456 6.51 0.000 .0570778 .1063765 +_Ibplcol~396 | .1337235 .012618 10.60 0.000 .1089319 .1585151 +_Ibplcol~397 | .1403005 .0120765 11.62 0.000 .1165729 .164028 +_Ibplcol~398 | .1465174 .0124818 11.74 0.000 .1219933 .1710414 +_Ibplcol~399 | -.0354694 .012043 -2.95 0.003 -.0591312 -.0118077 +_Ibplcol~400 | .1067562 .0125834 8.48 0.000 .0820325 .1314798 +_Ibplcol~401 | .0947603 .0119725 7.91 0.000 .0712369 .1182837 +_Ibplcol~402 | .2363094 .0120146 19.67 0.000 .2127034 .2599154 +_Ibplcol~403 | .0583269 .0125518 4.65 0.000 .0336654 .0829885 +_Ibplcol~404 | -.023029 .0119567 -1.93 0.055 -.0465213 .0004632 +_Ibplcol~405 | -.1120605 .0092236 -12.15 0.000 -.1301828 -.0939382 +_Ibplcol~406 | .0575842 .0122699 4.69 0.000 .0334766 .0816918 +_Ibplcol~407 | .0619791 .0120208 5.16 0.000 .038361 .0855972 +_Ibplcol~408 | .0880275 .0121829 7.23 0.000 .0640909 .1119641 +_Ibplcol~409 | .0248305 .0114592 2.17 0.031 .0023156 .0473453 +_Ibplcol~410 | -.0013502 .0095485 -0.14 0.888 -.0201108 .0174104 +_Ibplcol~411 | .0154056 .0085589 1.80 0.072 -.0014107 .0322219 +_Ibplcol~412 | .140518 .0128787 10.91 0.000 .1152142 .1658217 +_Ibplcol~413 | .0440553 .0123247 3.57 0.000 .01984 .0682707 +_Ibplcol~415 | .1047798 .0092192 11.37 0.000 .0866662 .1228934 +_Ibplcol~416 | .0260668 .0113495 2.30 0.022 .0037676 .0483661 +_Ibplcol~417 | .0080446 .012366 0.65 0.516 -.0162519 .0323411 +_Ibplcol~418 | .0463923 .0122322 3.79 0.000 .0223589 .0704258 +_Ibplcol~419 | -.0225026 .0077406 -2.91 0.004 -.0377112 -.007294 +_Ibplcol~420 | -.0986703 .0096099 -10.27 0.000 -.1175517 -.0797889 +_Ibplcol~421 | -.1038053 .0085127 -12.19 0.000 -.1205309 -.0870797 +_Ibplcol~422 | -.0182544 .0079767 -2.29 0.023 -.0339268 -.0025821 +_Ibplcol~423 | -.0765071 .0065988 -11.59 0.000 -.0894722 -.063542 +_Ibplcol~424 | -.1144489 .0073311 -15.61 0.000 -.1288528 -.100045 +_Ibplcol~425 | -.0671973 .0086335 -7.78 0.000 -.0841603 -.0502343 +_Ibplcol~426 | .0087436 .0024149 3.62 0.000 .0039989 .0134883 +_Ibplcol~427 | -.2573963 .0078413 -32.83 0.000 -.2728028 -.2419898 +_Ibplcol~428 | -.0988881 .0054014 -18.31 0.000 -.1095007 -.0882755 +_Ibplcol~429 | -.1539386 .0050001 -30.79 0.000 -.1637627 -.1441145 +_Ibplcol~430 | -.1074621 .0104138 -10.32 0.000 -.1279229 -.0870014 +_Ibplcol~431 | -.0624963 .006384 -9.79 0.000 -.0750394 -.0499532 +_Ibplcol~432 | -.0778171 .0061328 -12.69 0.000 -.0898666 -.0657675 +_Ibplcol~433 | .0299208 .0072096 4.15 0.000 .0157555 .0440861 +_Ibplcol~434 | .3242737 .0116129 27.92 0.000 .3014569 .3470906 +_Ibplcol~435 | .3670658 .0088356 41.54 0.000 .3497059 .3844258 +_Ibplcol~436 | .282231 .0080551 35.04 0.000 .2664045 .2980574 +_Ibplcol~437 | .3575144 .0114148 31.32 0.000 .335087 .3799419 +_Ibplcol~438 | .2658302 .0066245 40.13 0.000 .2528146 .2788458 +_Ibplcol~439 | .3872658 .0106927 36.22 0.000 .3662571 .4082745 +_Ibplcol~440 | .1978394 .004738 41.76 0.000 .1885303 .2071485 +_Ibplcol~441 | .3942086 .0110854 35.56 0.000 .3724282 .415989 +_Ibplcol~442 | .3325013 .0119944 27.72 0.000 .308935 .3560676 +_Ibplcol~443 | .2086095 .0110898 18.81 0.000 .1868205 .2303984 +_Ibplcol~444 | .1251873 .0089659 13.96 0.000 .1075713 .1428032 +_Ibplcol~445 | .0852595 .0111114 7.67 0.000 .063428 .107091 +_Ibplcol~446 | .1209464 .0079679 15.18 0.000 .1052913 .1366015 +_Ibplcol~447 | .1142297 .0121276 9.42 0.000 .0904018 .1380577 +_Ibplcol~448 | .0927842 .0037848 24.51 0.000 .0853478 .1002205 +_Ibplcol~449 | .1755122 .0050923 34.47 0.000 .165507 .1855174 +_Ibplcol~450 | .0955317 .0081564 11.71 0.000 .079506 .1115573 +_Ibplcol~451 | .0996202 .0100227 9.94 0.000 .0799278 .1193126 +_Ibplcol~452 | .1255325 .011148 11.26 0.000 .1036292 .1474358 +_Ibplcol~453 | .2549063 .0101451 25.13 0.000 .2349735 .2748391 +_Ibplcol~454 | .1068557 .0108072 9.89 0.000 .085622 .1280894 +_Ibplcol~455 | .3639691 .0108305 33.61 0.000 .3426896 .3852486 +_Ibplcol~456 | .1842238 .0107731 17.10 0.000 .163057 .2053906 +_Ibplcol~457 | .1396258 .0107026 13.05 0.000 .1185975 .160654 +_Ibplcol~458 | .1258 .0107641 11.69 0.000 .104651 .146949 +_Ibplcol~459 | .1403283 .0108517 12.93 0.000 .1190071 .1616494 +_Ibplcol~460 | .1410243 .0108568 12.99 0.000 .1196931 .1623556 +_Ibplcol~461 | .1740927 .0107358 16.22 0.000 .1529993 .1951861 +_Ibplcol~462 | -.1654401 .011957 -13.84 0.000 -.1889329 -.1419474 +_Ibplcol~463 | -.0632617 .0124155 -5.10 0.000 -.0876553 -.0388681 +_Ibplcol~464 | -.0408023 .0095918 -4.25 0.000 -.0596481 -.0219564 +_Ibplcol~465 | .0865789 .0128304 6.75 0.000 .06137 .1117877 +_Ibplcol~467 | .0361503 .0127865 2.83 0.005 .0110276 .0612729 +_Ibplcol~468 | -.0067026 .012738 -0.53 0.599 -.0317299 .0183246 +_Ibplcol~469 | -.0542495 .0122518 -4.43 0.000 -.0783216 -.0301774 +_Ibplcol~470 | .076986 .0123828 6.22 0.000 .0526565 .1013154 +_Ibplcol~471 | .1557051 .0121973 12.77 0.000 .1317401 .1796702 +_Ibplcol~472 | -.1426147 .0111736 -12.76 0.000 -.1645682 -.1206611 +_Ibplcol~473 | -.2409186 .0073968 -32.57 0.000 -.2554516 -.2263855 +_Ibplcol~474 | .1460453 .0124711 11.71 0.000 .1215423 .1705483 +_Ibplcol~475 | .1300024 .0127714 10.18 0.000 .1049095 .1550953 +_Ibplcol~476 | .1747334 .0109729 15.92 0.000 .153174 .1962928 +_Ibplcol~477 | .0282098 .0121322 2.33 0.020 .0043728 .0520468 +_Ibplcol~478 | .0208827 .0123839 1.69 0.092 -.003449 .0452144 +_Ibplcol~479 | .0314562 .012561 2.50 0.013 .0067766 .0561357 +_Ibplcol~480 | -.03592 .0126617 -2.84 0.005 -.0607974 -.0110427 +_Ibplcol~481 | -.0717202 .0119791 -5.99 0.000 -.0952564 -.0481839 +_Ibplcol~482 | -.029124 .0115597 -2.52 0.012 -.0518362 -.0064118 +_Ibplcol~483 | -.0271357 .0128928 -2.10 0.036 -.0524673 -.0018042 +_Ibplcol~484 | .08436 .0135743 6.21 0.000 .0576896 .1110305 +_Ibplcol~485 | -.0022693 .0127217 -0.18 0.858 -.0272646 .022726 +_Ibplcol~486 | .0456208 .0132257 3.45 0.001 .0196353 .0716063 +_Ibplcol~487 | .0080886 .0125681 0.64 0.520 -.016605 .0327821 +_Ibplcol~488 | .0262012 .0126529 2.07 0.039 .001341 .0510614 +_Ibplcol~489 | .0460821 .0124247 3.71 0.000 .0216704 .0704938 +_Ibplcol~490 | -.047874 .0126871 -3.77 0.000 -.0728012 -.0229467 +_Ibplcol~491 | .0509324 .012255 4.16 0.000 .026854 .0750108 +_Ibplcol~492 | -.0604597 .0112822 -5.36 0.000 -.0826267 -.0382927 +_Ibplcol~493 | -.0853862 .0103202 -8.27 0.000 -.1056632 -.0651093 +_Ibplcol~494 | -.1952521 .0089793 -21.74 0.000 -.2128944 -.1776099 +_Ibplcol~495 | -.179978 .0039013 -46.13 0.000 -.1876432 -.1723128 +_Ibplcol~496 | -.2939114 .0052833 -55.63 0.000 -.3042919 -.283531 +_Ibplcol~497 | -.0519406 .0087034 -5.97 0.000 -.0690408 -.0348404 +_Ibplcol~498 | .1241498 .0106961 11.61 0.000 .1031344 .1451653 +_Ibplcol~499 | .0744857 .0107947 6.90 0.000 .0532764 .0956949 +_Ibplcol~500 | .0821313 .0080677 10.18 0.000 .06628 .0979826 +_Ibplcol~501 | .1146351 .0115398 9.93 0.000 .0919619 .1373083 +_Ibplcol~502 | .19355 .0114238 16.94 0.000 .1711049 .2159952 +_Ibplcol~503 | -.2064111 .0075742 -27.25 0.000 -.2212927 -.1915295 +_Ibplcol~504 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~505 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~506 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~507 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~508 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~509 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~510 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~511 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~512 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~513 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~514 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~515 | .0123034 .005239 2.35 0.019 .0020099 .022597 +_Ibplcol~516 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~517 | -.0038212 .0051266 -0.75 0.456 -.0138938 .0062513 +_Ibplcol~518 | .20066 .0089258 22.48 0.000 .1831227 .2181973 +_Ibplcol~519 | .254573 .0102848 24.75 0.000 .2343657 .2747802 +_Ibplcol~520 | .0273789 .0067072 4.08 0.000 .0142008 .0405569 +_Ibplcol~521 | .2446048 .0073704 33.19 0.000 .2301236 .2590859 +_Ibplcol~522 | -.1700101 .0078564 -21.64 0.000 -.1854462 -.1545739 +_Ibplcol~523 | -.1520139 .0088357 -17.20 0.000 -.1693741 -.1346537 +_Ibplcol~524 | -.1687338 .007416 -22.75 0.000 -.1833047 -.154163 +_Ibplcol~525 | -.1140766 .0108601 -10.50 0.000 -.1354143 -.092739 +_Ibplcol~526 | -.123912 .0086381 -14.34 0.000 -.1408839 -.1069401 +_Ibplcol~527 | -.1154353 .0070701 -16.33 0.000 -.1293265 -.101544 +_Ibplcol~528 | -.1837135 .0067864 -27.07 0.000 -.1970474 -.1703797 +_Ibplcol~529 | -.2313395 .0100271 -23.07 0.000 -.2510405 -.2116386 +_Ibplcol~530 | -.1780357 .0083141 -21.41 0.000 -.194371 -.1617003 +_Ibplcol~531 | -.266969 .0098865 -27.00 0.000 -.2863937 -.2475442 +_Ibplcol~532 | -.223431 .01119 -19.97 0.000 -.2454169 -.2014452 +_Ibplcol~533 | .0401797 .0108919 3.69 0.000 .0187795 .0615799 +_Ibplcol~534 | -.2998006 .0079858 -37.54 0.000 -.3154909 -.2841103 +_Ibplcol~535 | -.5022774 .0112924 -44.48 0.000 -.5244645 -.4800903 +_Ibplregco~3 | .3456191 .0173585 19.91 0.000 .3115135 .3797246 +_Ibplregco~4 | .1141158 .0147774 7.72 0.000 .0850814 .1431502 +_Ibplregco~5 | .2851337 .017548 16.25 0.000 .2506559 .3196116 +_Ibplregco~6 | .0942972 .012513 7.54 0.000 .0697118 .1188825 +_Ibplregco~7 | -.251945 .008399 -30.00 0.000 -.2684471 -.2354428 +_Ibplregco~8 | -.0855446 .0207796 -4.12 0.000 -.1263719 -.0447173 +_Ibplregco~9 | -.2470579 .0246737 -10.01 0.000 -.2955363 -.1985795 +_Ibplregc~10 | .2923849 .0124586 23.47 0.000 .2679065 .3168633 +_IbplXyrex_3 | -.0526878 .0095343 -5.53 0.000 -.0714205 -.0339551 +_IbplXyrex_4 | -.0637398 .0123037 -5.18 0.000 -.0879138 -.0395658 +_IbplXyrex_5 | -.0441135 .0115399 -3.82 0.000 -.0667868 -.0214401 +_IbplXyrex_6 | -.0216085 .0122713 -1.76 0.079 -.0457189 .0025019 +_IbplXyrex_7 | -.0520412 .0095647 -5.44 0.000 -.0708337 -.0332488 +_IbplXyrex_8 | -.0634626 .016513 -3.84 0.000 -.0959071 -.0310182 +_IbplXyrex_9 | -.0335563 .0266917 -1.26 0.209 -.0859995 .0188869 +_IbplXyre~10 | -.1635815 .0285772 -5.72 0.000 -.2197294 -.1074336 + _Iyear_1993 | .0752947 .0024488 30.75 0.000 .0704832 .0801061 + _Iyob_1919 | .0432417 .0082187 5.26 0.000 .0270937 .0593896 + _Iyob_1920 | .0692467 .0083553 8.29 0.000 .0528305 .0856629 + _Iyob_1921 | .052045 .0080873 6.44 0.000 .0361552 .0679348 + _Iyob_1922 | .0836372 .0090733 9.22 0.000 .0658102 .1014642 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0010897 .006619 -0.16 0.869 -.0140945 .0119151 + _Iyob_1924 | .1036365 .009096 11.39 0.000 .0857648 .1215082 + _Iyob_1925 | .0551956 .0072583 7.60 0.000 .0409347 .0694566 + _Iyob_1926 | .0904512 .0083102 10.88 0.000 .0741235 .1067789 + _Iyob_1927 | .1128342 .0083651 13.49 0.000 .0963986 .1292699 + _Iyob_1928 | .0217203 .0067026 3.24 0.001 .0085511 .0348895 + _Iyob_1929 | .1153224 .0083514 13.81 0.000 .0989137 .1317311 + _Iyob_1930 | .1166944 .0080405 14.51 0.000 .1008966 .1324922 + _Iyob_1931 | .0960175 .0071722 13.39 0.000 .0819258 .1101093 + _Iyob_1932 | .1436997 .0093679 15.34 0.000 .1252938 .1621056 + _Iyob_1933 | .0329132 .0068959 4.77 0.000 .0193642 .0464621 + _Iyob_1934 | .1308614 .0084352 15.51 0.000 .1142881 .1474346 + _Iyob_1935 | .0871318 .0072065 12.09 0.000 .0729727 .1012909 + _Iyob_1936 | .1263417 .0079995 15.79 0.000 .1106244 .142059 + _Iyob_1937 | .1006049 .008172 12.31 0.000 .0845487 .1166611 + _Iyob_1938 | .016049 .0063303 2.54 0.012 .0036115 .0284866 + _Iyob_1939 | .0709715 .0070375 10.08 0.000 .0571444 .0847987 + _Iyob_1940 | .0910146 .0070616 12.89 0.000 .0771402 .104889 + _Iyob_1941 | .0797875 .00885 9.02 0.000 .0623992 .0971758 + _Iyob_1942 | .1287906 .0116566 11.05 0.000 .1058879 .1516933 + _Iyob_1943 | .0561543 .0144856 3.88 0.000 .0276932 .0846153 + _Iyob_1944 | .1381627 .0170241 8.12 0.000 .1047141 .1716112 + _Iyob_1945 | .1078688 .0200992 5.37 0.000 .0683783 .1473592 + _Iyob_1946 | .1420083 .0226912 6.26 0.000 .0974252 .1865915 + _Iyob_1947 | .143705 .0260219 5.52 0.000 .0925778 .1948322 + _Iyob_1948 | .1156945 .0291145 3.97 0.000 .0584909 .1728981 + _Iyob_1949 | .1564776 .0317873 4.92 0.000 .0940227 .2189325 + _Iyob_1950 | .1582118 .0349599 4.53 0.000 .0895234 .2269002 + _Iyob_1951 | .1479562 .0379681 3.90 0.000 .0733573 .2225551 + _Iyob_1952 | .1729117 .0411199 4.21 0.000 .0921203 .2537032 + _Iyob_1953 | .1293066 .0442639 2.92 0.004 .0423379 .2162754 + _Iyob_1954 | .1711938 .0468913 3.65 0.000 .0790628 .2633247 + _Iyob_1955 | .1448526 .0502595 2.88 0.004 .0461038 .2436014 + _Iyob_1956 | .1728279 .0531131 3.25 0.001 .0684725 .2771832 + _Iyob_1957 | .1745797 .0560546 3.11 0.002 .0644448 .2847146 + _Iyob_1958 | .2004012 .0573417 3.49 0.001 .0877376 .3130649 + _Iyob_1959 | .2400187 .057024 4.21 0.000 .1279792 .3520581 + _Iyob_1960 | .24224 .0567529 4.27 0.000 .1307333 .3537468 + _Iyob_1961 | .2241252 .05724 3.92 0.000 .1116613 .3365892 + _Iyob_1962 | .2572835 .0567718 4.53 0.000 .1457395 .3688275 + _Iyob_1963 | .1925621 .0574855 3.35 0.001 .0796159 .3055083 + _Iyob_1964 | .2302277 .0570722 4.03 0.000 .1180935 .342362 + _Iyob_1965 | .2012253 .0569933 3.53 0.000 .089246 .3132045 + _Iyob_1966 | .2088042 .0570782 3.66 0.000 .0966582 .3209502 + _Iyob_1967 | .1983912 .0568824 3.49 0.001 .0866299 .3101525 + _Iyob_1968 | .1697061 .057172 2.97 0.003 .0573758 .2820363 + _Iyob_1969 | .175452 .0569018 3.08 0.002 .0636525 .2872514 + _Iyob_1970 | .1657133 .0566902 2.92 0.004 .0543295 .277097 + _Iyob_1971 | .1396868 .056493 2.47 0.014 .0286907 .2506829 + _Iyob_1972 | .1480818 .0560534 2.64 0.009 .0379493 .2582143 + _Iyob_1973 | .1070059 .0561246 1.91 0.057 -.0032664 .2172782 + _cons | -.3146315 .013562 -23.20 0.000 -.3412778 -.2879852 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: lndens nivel_de_vida _Ibplcol2_2 _Ibplcol2_3 _Ibplcol2_4 + _Ibplcol2_5 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_Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 + _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 + _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 + _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 + _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 + _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 + _Iyob_1966 _Iyob_1967 _Iyob_1968 _Iyob_1969 _Iyob_1970 + _Iyob_1971 _Iyob_1972 _Iyob_1973 temperature altitude + mellinger m46 areamalarica ecozone_stdry ecozone_stwet + ecozone_trdry ecozone_trwet ecozone_warm +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl A nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplcol2 i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year i.yob +i.bplcol2 _Ibplcol2_1-535 (naturally coded; _Ibplcol2_1 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) + +. ivreg incscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplcol2) +(sum of wgt is 1.7159e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 36262 + F(113, 494) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.6094 + Root MSE = .10673 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 495 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0872024 .0167047 5.22 0.000 .0543814 .1200233 + lndens | -.0074357 .0036863 -2.02 0.044 -.0146784 -.000193 +nivel_de_v~a | .002913 .0026804 1.09 0.278 -.0023534 .0081795 + _Ibplcol2_2 | -.3120834 .005911 -52.80 0.000 -.3236972 -.3004697 + _Ibplcol2_3 | -.0972863 .0047086 -20.66 0.000 -.1065378 -.0880349 + _Ibplcol2_4 | -.2768611 .0055847 -49.58 0.000 -.2878337 -.2658885 + _Ibplcol2_5 | -.4212763 .0148814 -28.31 0.000 -.450515 -.3920376 + _Ibplcol2_6 | -.4435925 .011141 -39.82 0.000 -.4654821 -.4217029 + _Ibplcol2_7 | -.240265 .0057038 -42.12 0.000 -.2514717 -.2290584 + _Ibplcol2_8 | -.0341392 .003225 -10.59 0.000 -.0404756 -.0278029 + _Ibplcol2_9 | -.2768172 .0063673 -43.47 0.000 -.2893276 -.2643069 +_Ibplcol2_10 | -.0655908 .0054104 -12.12 0.000 -.0762211 -.0549606 +_Ibplcol2_11 | -.4220061 .0167262 -25.23 0.000 -.4548694 -.3891429 +_Ibplcol2_12 | -.3097913 .0066088 -46.88 0.000 -.3227761 -.2968066 +_Ibplcol2_13 | -.3009672 .0136463 -22.05 0.000 -.3277791 -.2741554 +_Ibplcol2_14 | -.4115408 .0146175 -28.15 0.000 -.4402608 -.3828207 +_Ibplcol2_15 | -.3308439 .0056309 -58.76 0.000 -.3419073 -.3197805 +_Ibplcol2_16 | -.0423126 .0040718 -10.39 0.000 -.0503127 -.0343124 +_Ibplcol2_17 | -.4244954 .0103234 -41.12 0.000 -.4447785 -.4042122 +_Ibplcol2_18 | -.2503527 .0144085 -17.38 0.000 -.2786622 -.2220433 +_Ibplcol2_19 | .0031169 .001643 1.90 0.058 -.0001112 .0063451 +_Ibplcol2_20 | -.1921344 .0052907 -36.32 0.000 -.2025293 -.1817394 +_Ibplcol2_21 | -.3810534 .0094232 -40.44 0.000 -.3995679 -.3625388 +_Ibplcol2_22 | -.1560561 .0045868 -34.02 0.000 -.1650682 -.1470441 +_Ibplcol2_23 | -.181995 .0058764 -30.97 0.000 -.1935408 -.1704492 +_Ibplcol2_24 | .0145986 .0016727 8.73 0.000 .0113122 .0178851 +_Ibplcol2_25 | -.3945991 .0095946 -41.13 0.000 -.4134503 -.3757479 +_Ibplcol2_26 | -.2147418 .0055021 -39.03 0.000 -.2255523 -.2039313 +_Ibplcol2_27 | -.0175636 .0037153 -4.73 0.000 -.0248634 -.0102638 +_Ibplcol2_28 | -.2570764 .0046442 -55.35 0.000 -.2662013 -.2479515 +_Ibplcol2_29 | -.4916615 .0140842 -34.91 0.000 -.5193339 -.4639892 +_Ibplcol2_30 | -.2293407 .0110893 -20.68 0.000 -.2511286 -.2075527 +_Ibplcol2_31 | -.1216411 .0050313 -24.18 0.000 -.1315266 -.1117556 +_Ibplcol2_32 | -.0310962 .0017636 -17.63 0.000 -.0345612 -.0276312 +_Ibplcol2_33 | -.3321394 .0083638 -39.71 0.000 -.3485724 -.3157065 +_Ibplcol2_34 | -.62106 .0140981 -44.05 0.000 -.6487596 -.5933604 +_Ibplcol2_35 | -.4251211 .0061661 -68.95 0.000 -.437236 -.4130062 +_Ibplcol2_36 | -.2402488 .0051739 -46.44 0.000 -.2504143 -.2300833 +_Ibplcol2_37 | -.2648332 .0076136 -34.78 0.000 -.2797922 -.2498741 +_Ibplcol2_38 | -.2106529 .0037934 -55.53 0.000 -.2181062 -.2031996 +_Ibplcol2_39 | -.1033224 .0114502 -9.02 0.000 -.1258195 -.0808253 +_Ibplcol2_40 | -.2600939 .006842 -38.01 0.000 -.273537 -.2466509 +_Ibplcol2_41 | -.3443449 .0132093 -26.07 0.000 -.3702984 -.3183915 +_Ibplcol2_42 | -.3342286 .0098288 -34.00 0.000 -.35354 -.3149172 +_Ibplcol2_43 | -.2182604 .0074781 -29.19 0.000 -.2329533 -.2035675 +_Ibplcol2_44 | -.1150647 .0116765 -9.85 0.000 -.1380064 -.0921231 +_Ibplcol2_45 | .1428578 .0089096 16.03 0.000 .1253524 .1603632 +_Ibplcol2_46 | .0031076 .0014796 2.10 0.036 .0002006 .0060147 +_Ibplcol2_47 | -.2010661 .0017604 -114.21 0.000 -.2045249 -.1976072 +_Ibplcol2_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_49 | .0711236 .0030699 23.17 0.000 .065092 .0771552 +_Ibplcol2_50 | -.0895224 .0016038 -55.82 0.000 -.0926735 -.0863713 +_Ibplcol2_51 | -.0480712 .0016401 -29.31 0.000 -.0512938 -.0448487 +_Ibplcol2_52 | .0882318 .0052483 16.81 0.000 .0779202 .0985435 +_Ibplcol2_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_54 | 9.180803 5.648164 1.63 0.105 -1.916585 20.27819 +_Ibplcol2_55 | 8.83268 5.647839 1.56 0.118 -2.264068 19.92943 +_Ibplcol2_56 | 8.961279 5.647776 1.59 0.113 -2.135345 20.0579 +_Ibplcol2_57 | 8.922316 5.647717 1.58 0.115 -2.174193 20.01882 +_Ibplcol2_58 | 8.901025 5.647915 1.58 0.116 -2.195872 19.99792 +_Ibplcol2_59 | 8.978741 5.647916 1.59 0.113 -2.118158 20.07564 +_Ibplcol2_60 | 8.841074 5.647759 1.57 0.118 -2.255517 19.93766 +_Ibplcol2_61 | 8.980286 5.647894 1.59 0.112 -2.11657 20.07714 +_Ibplcol2_62 | 8.835817 5.647697 1.56 0.118 -2.260652 19.93229 +_Ibplcol2_63 | 8.840611 5.647968 1.57 0.118 -2.25639 19.93761 +_Ibplcol2_64 | 8.830658 5.648326 1.56 0.119 -2.267046 19.92836 +_Ibplcol2_65 | 8.895099 5.647867 1.57 0.116 -2.201704 19.9919 +_Ibplcol2_66 | 8.848023 5.647701 1.57 0.118 -2.248455 19.9445 +_Ibplcol2_67 | 8.837604 5.647833 1.56 0.118 -2.259133 19.93434 +_Ibplcol2_68 | 8.904741 5.647916 1.58 0.116 -2.192159 20.00164 +_Ibplcol2_69 | 8.861232 5.648758 1.57 0.117 -2.237321 19.95979 +_Ibplcol2_70 | 8.763763 5.648603 1.55 0.121 -2.334486 19.86201 +_Ibplcol2_71 | 9.074082 5.647835 1.61 0.109 -2.022657 20.17082 +_Ibplcol2_72 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_73 | 3.186481 3.077486 1.04 0.301 -2.860096 9.233058 +_Ibplcol2_74 | 3.170552 3.077182 1.03 0.303 -2.875427 9.21653 +_Ibplcol2_75 | 3.00655 3.077262 0.98 0.329 -3.039585 9.052686 +_Ibplcol2_76 | 3.096837 3.07695 1.01 0.315 -2.948686 9.142359 +_Ibplcol2_77 | 2.961774 3.074117 0.96 0.336 -3.078182 9.001731 +_Ibplcol2_78 | 3.162382 3.077439 1.03 0.305 -2.884102 9.208865 +_Ibplcol2_79 | .2498876 .0064579 38.69 0.000 .2371993 .2625759 +_Ibplcol2_80 | .0001239 .0069435 0.02 0.986 -.0135184 .0137663 +_Ibplcol2_81 | .0239583 .003678 6.51 0.000 .0167319 .0311847 +_Ibplcol2_82 | .0700489 .0009498 73.75 0.000 .0681828 .071915 +_Ibplcol2_83 | .1116425 .0043963 25.39 0.000 .1030047 .1202803 +_Ibplcol2_84 | -.0381421 .0066942 -5.70 0.000 -.0512948 -.0249894 +_Ibplcol2_85 | .0683011 .0068842 9.92 0.000 .0547752 .081827 +_Ibplcol2_86 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_87 | .0647272 .0071103 9.10 0.000 .0507571 .0786974 +_Ibplcol2_88 | .0934853 .0065131 14.35 0.000 .0806885 .1062821 +_Ibplcol2_89 | .044411 .0070458 6.30 0.000 .0305675 .0582545 +_Ibplcol2_90 | -.1338703 .0033221 -40.30 0.000 -.1403974 -.1273432 +_Ibplcol2_91 | .0737873 .0065011 11.35 0.000 .061014 .0865605 +_Ibplcol2_92 | .0742717 .0073866 10.05 0.000 .0597586 .0887847 +_Ibplcol2_93 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_94 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_95 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_96 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_97 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_98 | 5.201214 2.919361 1.78 0.075 -.5346815 10.93711 +_Ibplcol2_99 | 4.830443 2.919339 1.65 0.099 -.9054089 10.56629 +_Ibplcol~100 | 4.845934 2.919521 1.66 0.098 -.8902768 10.58214 +_Ibplcol~101 | 4.946742 2.919499 1.69 0.091 -.7894244 10.68291 +_Ibplcol~102 | 5.04806 2.919419 1.73 0.084 -.6879508 10.78407 +_Ibplcol~103 | 4.868876 2.919493 1.67 0.096 -.867278 10.60503 +_Ibplcol~104 | 5.045019 2.919369 1.73 0.085 -.6908924 10.78093 +_Ibplcol~105 | 4.806248 2.919369 1.65 0.100 -.929663 10.54216 +_Ibplcol~106 | 4.917222 2.919537 1.68 0.093 -.8190193 10.65346 +_Ibplcol~107 | 4.910733 2.919548 1.68 0.093 -.8255292 10.647 +_Ibplcol~108 | 4.946024 2.919553 1.69 0.091 -.7902498 10.6823 +_Ibplcol~109 | 4.946808 2.919464 1.69 0.091 -.7892898 10.68291 +_Ibplcol~110 | 5.168939 2.919352 1.77 0.077 -.5669389 10.90482 +_Ibplcol~111 | 5.029406 2.919391 1.72 0.086 -.7065487 10.76536 +_Ibplcol~112 | 4.959602 2.919473 1.70 0.090 -.7765132 10.69572 +_Ibplcol~113 | 4.839381 2.919653 1.66 0.098 -.8970882 10.57585 +_Ibplcol~114 | 4.91841 2.919417 1.68 0.093 -.8175948 10.65441 +_Ibplcol~115 | 4.955772 2.919408 1.70 0.090 -.7802159 10.69176 +_Ibplcol~116 | .1217141 .0124229 9.80 0.000 .0973058 .1461225 +_Ibplcol~117 | -.0061836 .0107034 -0.58 0.564 -.0272134 .0148462 +_Ibplcol~118 | .0558653 .0105685 5.29 0.000 .0351005 .07663 +_Ibplcol~119 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~120 | -.0496444 .0131388 -3.78 0.000 -.0754592 -.0238296 +_Ibplcol~121 | .0088801 .013549 0.66 0.513 -.0177407 .0355009 +_Ibplcol~122 | -.0517169 .0106281 -4.87 0.000 -.0725988 -.030835 +_Ibplcol~123 | .0289602 .0114203 2.54 0.012 .0065219 .0513985 +_Ibplcol~124 | .0111425 .0092199 1.21 0.227 -.0069724 .0292575 +_Ibplcol~125 | .0641917 .0130519 4.92 0.000 .0385475 .0898358 +_Ibplcol~126 | 4.120664 3.312142 1.24 0.214 -2.386959 10.62829 +_Ibplcol~127 | 3.994238 3.312369 1.21 0.228 -2.513831 10.50231 +_Ibplcol~128 | 4.116652 3.31196 1.24 0.214 -2.390614 10.62392 +_Ibplcol~129 | 4.058669 3.312061 1.23 0.221 -2.448795 10.56613 +_Ibplcol~130 | 3.98888 3.312063 1.20 0.229 -2.518588 10.49635 +_Ibplcol~131 | 4.004292 3.312031 1.21 0.227 -2.503113 10.5117 +_Ibplcol~132 | 4.048065 3.312517 1.22 0.222 -2.460294 10.55642 +_Ibplcol~133 | 4.016792 3.312437 1.21 0.226 -2.491411 10.525 +_Ibplcol~134 | 3.930197 3.312189 1.19 0.236 -2.577517 10.43791 +_Ibplcol~135 | 4.007417 3.312041 1.21 0.227 -2.500007 10.51484 +_Ibplcol~136 | 3.944097 3.311947 1.19 0.234 -2.563143 10.45134 +_Ibplcol~137 | 3.995434 3.312013 1.21 0.228 -2.511936 10.5028 +_Ibplcol~138 | 3.974233 3.312002 1.20 0.231 -2.533116 10.48158 +_Ibplcol~139 | 3.962759 3.312594 1.20 0.232 -2.545752 10.47127 +_Ibplcol~140 | 3.927328 3.312388 1.19 0.236 -2.580778 10.43543 +_Ibplcol~141 | .0756177 .0015558 48.60 0.000 .0725609 .0786745 +_Ibplcol~142 | .1319654 .0015307 86.21 0.000 .1289579 .134973 +_Ibplcol~143 | .1521147 .0024745 61.47 0.000 .147253 .1569765 +_Ibplcol~144 | .1432919 .0024195 59.22 0.000 .1385382 .1480456 +_Ibplcol~145 | .0691633 .0027626 25.04 0.000 .0637354 .0745912 +_Ibplcol~146 | .132416 .0091337 14.50 0.000 .1144703 .1503616 +_Ibplcol~147 | -.0615406 .0061938 -9.94 0.000 -.0737101 -.0493711 +_Ibplcol~148 | .0722534 .0032601 22.16 0.000 .0658479 .0786589 +_Ibplcol~149 | .0783413 .0067988 11.52 0.000 .0649832 .0916994 +_Ibplcol~150 | -.0022769 .0027403 -0.83 0.406 -.007661 .0031072 +_Ibplcol~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~152 | .1366327 .0030724 44.47 0.000 .1305961 .1426693 +_Ibplcol~153 | .007743 .0027617 2.80 0.005 .0023169 .0131692 +_Ibplcol~154 | -.0379067 .006576 -5.76 0.000 -.050827 -.0249863 +_Ibplcol~155 | .1287774 .0015671 82.18 0.000 .1256985 .1318564 +_Ibplcol~156 | .0658945 .004348 15.16 0.000 .0573517 .0744372 +_Ibplcol~157 | -.1680271 .0039134 -42.94 0.000 -.1757161 -.1603381 +_Ibplcol~158 | .0335992 .0062892 5.34 0.000 .0212423 .0459561 +_Ibplcol~159 | -.1419515 .0050707 -27.99 0.000 -.1519143 -.1319888 +_Ibplcol~160 | .1721873 .0057476 29.96 0.000 .1608945 .18348 +_Ibplcol~161 | .3143209 .0014507 216.66 0.000 .3114705 .3171712 +_Ibplcol~162 | .0885082 .0052693 16.80 0.000 .0781552 .0988612 +_Ibplcol~163 | .1794046 .0029962 59.88 0.000 .1735177 .1852915 +_Ibplcol~164 | .0886866 .0021869 40.55 0.000 .0843897 .0929834 +_Ibplcol~165 | .1279912 .0029428 43.49 0.000 .1222092 .1337731 +_Ibplcol~166 | .005143 .0031858 1.61 0.107 -.0011164 .0114023 +_Ibplcol~167 | .0441706 .0033986 13.00 0.000 .0374931 .0508481 +_Ibplcol~168 | -.0018462 .0006946 -2.66 0.008 -.0032108 -.0004815 +_Ibplcol~169 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~170 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~171 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~172 | -.0381852 .0021517 -17.75 0.000 -.0424129 -.0339576 +_Ibplcol~173 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~174 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~175 | .1717799 .0083876 20.48 0.000 .1553001 .1882596 +_Ibplcol~176 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~177 | .1686505 .0039154 43.07 0.000 .1609575 .1763434 +_Ibplcol~178 | .1103766 .0018836 58.60 0.000 .1066758 .1140774 +_Ibplcol~179 | .140761 .0038862 36.22 0.000 .1331254 .1483965 +_Ibplcol~180 | -.016616 .0044872 -3.70 0.000 -.0254324 -.0077996 +_Ibplcol~181 | .0746559 .0021744 34.33 0.000 .0703836 .0789281 +_Ibplcol~182 | -.0165222 .0032374 -5.10 0.000 -.022883 -.0101615 +_Ibplcol~183 | .392437 .0101474 38.67 0.000 .3724997 .4123743 +_Ibplcol~184 | .3703706 .0114271 32.41 0.000 .347919 .3928223 +_Ibplcol~185 | .2024636 .0110891 18.26 0.000 .1806761 .2242511 +_Ibplcol~186 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~187 | .4386753 .0117658 37.28 0.000 .4155581 .4617924 +_Ibplcol~188 | .3780912 .0042845 88.25 0.000 .369673 .3865093 +_Ibplcol~189 | .4088334 .0118667 34.45 0.000 .3855179 .4321489 +_Ibplcol~190 | .0705095 .0117231 6.01 0.000 .0474761 .0935428 +_Ibplcol~191 | .1413166 .0121811 11.60 0.000 .1173835 .1652497 +_Ibplcol~192 | .3973059 .0098236 40.44 0.000 .3780046 .4166071 +_Ibplcol~193 | .2146195 .0117735 18.23 0.000 .1914872 .2377518 +_Ibplcol~194 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~195 | .0494719 .0119377 4.14 0.000 .0260169 .0729269 +_Ibplcol~196 | .1797652 .0117717 15.27 0.000 .1566364 .202894 +_Ibplcol~197 | .2423994 .00361 67.15 0.000 .2353065 .2494922 +_Ibplcol~198 | .2560532 .0118095 21.68 0.000 .2328502 .2792563 +_Ibplcol~199 | 4.721847 3.014106 1.57 0.118 -1.200202 10.6439 +_Ibplcol~200 | 4.373797 3.014708 1.45 0.147 -1.549434 10.29703 +_Ibplcol~201 | 4.784013 3.015157 1.59 0.113 -1.1401 10.70813 +_Ibplcol~202 | 4.596273 3.014084 1.52 0.128 -1.325731 10.51828 +_Ibplcol~203 | 4.613796 3.014544 1.53 0.127 -1.309113 10.53671 +_Ibplcol~204 | 4.404303 3.014343 1.46 0.145 -1.51821 10.32682 +_Ibplcol~205 | 4.418204 3.014455 1.47 0.143 -1.50453 10.34094 +_Ibplcol~206 | 4.674465 3.01427 1.55 0.122 -1.247905 10.59684 +_Ibplcol~207 | .155131 .0011721 132.35 0.000 .152828 .157434 +_Ibplcol~208 | .1142916 .0084171 13.58 0.000 .0977539 .1308294 +_Ibplcol~209 | .0036617 .0083484 0.44 0.661 -.0127412 .0200645 +_Ibplcol~210 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~211 | .0255614 .0057954 4.41 0.000 .0141748 .036948 +_Ibplcol~212 | .0063198 .0044908 1.41 0.160 -.0025036 .0151431 +_Ibplcol~213 | .0273092 .00939 2.91 0.004 .0088599 .0457585 +_Ibplcol~214 | -.1185133 .0111427 -10.64 0.000 -.1404062 -.0966204 +_Ibplcol~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~216 | -.0968569 .0072255 -13.40 0.000 -.1110533 -.0826604 +_Ibplcol~217 | -.2373729 .0111108 -21.36 0.000 -.2592032 -.2155427 +_Ibplcol~218 | -.0293265 .0117407 -2.50 0.013 -.0523943 -.0062587 +_Ibplcol~219 | 4.601385 2.845402 1.62 0.106 -.989198 10.19197 +_Ibplcol~220 | 4.469494 2.845651 1.57 0.117 -1.121578 10.06057 +_Ibplcol~221 | 4.22255 2.845724 1.48 0.138 -1.368666 9.813765 +_Ibplcol~222 | 4.547351 2.845696 1.60 0.111 -1.043808 10.13851 +_Ibplcol~223 | 4.362277 2.845846 1.53 0.126 -1.229179 9.953732 +_Ibplcol~224 | 4.433601 2.845879 1.56 0.120 -1.15792 10.02512 +_Ibplcol~225 | 4.296693 2.845897 1.51 0.132 -1.294861 9.888247 +_Ibplcol~226 | 4.226631 2.845757 1.49 0.138 -1.364649 9.81791 +_Ibplcol~227 | 4.413705 2.845631 1.55 0.122 -1.177326 10.00474 +_Ibplcol~228 | 4.304025 2.84579 1.51 0.131 -1.28732 9.895369 +_Ibplcol~229 | 4.411254 2.845589 1.55 0.122 -1.179696 10.0022 +_Ibplcol~230 | 4.376465 2.845729 1.54 0.125 -1.214759 9.96769 +_Ibplcol~231 | 6.594241 3.434824 1.92 0.055 -.1544254 13.34291 +_Ibplcol~232 | 6.473167 3.434897 1.88 0.060 -.2756426 13.22198 +_Ibplcol~233 | 6.314226 3.435061 1.84 0.067 -.4349047 13.06336 +_Ibplcol~234 | 6.399316 3.434973 1.86 0.063 -.3496421 13.14827 +_Ibplcol~235 | 6.469165 3.434796 1.88 0.060 -.2794469 13.21778 +_Ibplcol~236 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~237 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~238 | 6.35964 3.434997 1.85 0.065 -.3893656 13.10865 +_Ibplcol~239 | 6.44192 3.434876 1.88 0.061 -.3068476 13.19069 +_Ibplcol~240 | 6.378195 3.435072 1.86 0.064 -.3709574 13.12735 +_Ibplcol~241 | 6.48799 3.435135 1.89 0.060 -.2612871 13.23727 +_Ibplcol~242 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~243 | .0211659 .0078384 2.70 0.007 .0057651 .0365667 +_Ibplcol~244 | .1928857 .0026849 71.84 0.000 .1876104 .198161 +_Ibplcol~245 | .0353893 .0099983 3.54 0.000 .015745 .0550337 +_Ibplcol~246 | .2360711 .0122319 19.30 0.000 .2120381 .2601041 +_Ibplcol~247 | .2379487 .0126259 18.85 0.000 .2131417 .2627557 +_Ibplcol~248 | .2139962 .005336 40.10 0.000 .2035121 .2244802 +_Ibplcol~249 | .1746652 .0110858 15.76 0.000 .1528842 .1964463 +_Ibplcol~250 | .3547883 .0115683 30.67 0.000 .3320592 .3775174 +_Ibplcol~251 | .1332064 .0101001 13.19 0.000 .113362 .1530509 +_Ibplcol~252 | .2618535 .0058208 44.99 0.000 .250417 .27329 +_Ibplcol~253 | .2266152 .0061348 36.94 0.000 .2145617 .2386687 +_Ibplcol~254 | .2060097 .0106075 19.42 0.000 .1851683 .2268512 +_Ibplcol~255 | .1182722 .0076476 15.47 0.000 .1032463 .1332981 +_Ibplcol~256 | .0275282 .0093929 2.93 0.004 .0090732 .0459832 +_Ibplcol~257 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~258 | .1859518 .0110528 16.82 0.000 .1642355 .2076681 +_Ibplcol~259 | -.0438122 .0017467 -25.08 0.000 -.0472441 -.0403803 +_Ibplcol~260 | .1989578 .002958 67.26 0.000 .193146 .2047696 +_Ibplcol~261 | .017558 .0111792 1.57 0.117 -.0044067 .0395227 +_Ibplcol~262 | -.1409232 .0069598 -20.25 0.000 -.1545978 -.1272487 +_Ibplcol~263 | -.2344 .0022898 -102.37 0.000 -.238899 -.229901 +_Ibplcol~264 | -.1175606 .0082082 -14.32 0.000 -.1336879 -.1014332 +_Ibplcol~265 | -.0545835 .002131 -25.61 0.000 -.0587704 -.0503966 +_Ibplcol~266 | -.1858165 .0072037 -25.79 0.000 -.1999701 -.1716629 +_Ibplcol~267 | -.1482365 .0087412 -16.96 0.000 -.1654111 -.131062 +_Ibplcol~268 | -.0983596 .0107528 -9.15 0.000 -.1194865 -.0772327 +_Ibplcol~269 | -.0904229 .0074804 -12.09 0.000 -.1051203 -.0757255 +_Ibplcol~270 | -.16574 .0048856 -33.92 0.000 -.1753391 -.1561408 +_Ibplcol~271 | -.1181324 .0021865 -54.03 0.000 -.1224283 -.1138365 +_Ibplcol~272 | -.1059819 .0020972 -50.53 0.000 -.1101025 -.1018614 +_Ibplcol~273 | -.1838099 .0046185 -39.80 0.000 -.1928842 -.1747356 +_Ibplcol~274 | -.1646449 .0029046 -56.68 0.000 -.1703519 -.158938 +_Ibplcol~275 | -.1882594 .0042933 -43.85 0.000 -.1966947 -.1798241 +_Ibplcol~276 | -.0372872 .0030358 -12.28 0.000 -.0432518 -.0313225 +_Ibplcol~277 | -.1054767 .002174 -48.52 0.000 -.1097482 -.1012052 +_Ibplcol~278 | -.156472 .0032385 -48.32 0.000 -.1628349 -.150109 +_Ibplcol~279 | -.1509226 .0050934 -29.63 0.000 -.16093 -.1409151 +_Ibplcol~280 | -.0599785 .0031602 -18.98 0.000 -.0661877 -.0537694 +_Ibplcol~281 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~282 | -.0847229 .0073065 -11.60 0.000 -.0990785 -.0703672 +_Ibplcol~283 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~284 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~285 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~286 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~287 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~288 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~289 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~290 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~291 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~292 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~293 | .3027645 3.038275 0.10 0.921 -5.666771 6.2723 +_Ibplcol~294 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~295 | -.0676852 .0024891 -27.19 0.000 -.0725758 -.0627947 +_Ibplcol~296 | -.0139142 .0020721 -6.72 0.000 -.0179854 -.009843 +_Ibplcol~297 | -.1348103 .0023153 -58.23 0.000 -.1393593 -.1302612 +_Ibplcol~298 | -.013708 .0042256 -3.24 0.001 -.0220103 -.0054056 +_Ibplcol~299 | -.1503379 .0027906 -53.87 0.000 -.1558208 -.1448549 +_Ibplcol~300 | -.1996784 .0023781 -83.97 0.000 -.2043508 -.195006 +_Ibplcol~301 | -.1043591 .0029849 -34.96 0.000 -.1102238 -.0984944 +_Ibplcol~302 | -.2376318 .0029279 -81.16 0.000 -.2433844 -.2318791 +_Ibplcol~303 | .0673994 .0065756 10.25 0.000 .0544798 .080319 +_Ibplcol~304 | .0306951 .0044018 6.97 0.000 .0220465 .0393438 +_Ibplcol~305 | -.0096421 .004001 -2.41 0.016 -.0175032 -.0017809 +_Ibplcol~306 | -.0420743 .0034719 -12.12 0.000 -.0488957 -.0352529 +_Ibplcol~307 | .0058822 .0027246 2.16 0.031 .000529 .0112355 +_Ibplcol~308 | -.0773058 .0096152 -8.04 0.000 -.0961976 -.058414 +_Ibplcol~309 | .0066391 .0128118 0.52 0.605 -.0185333 .0318115 +_Ibplcol~310 | .0363446 .0127628 2.85 0.005 .0112685 .0614207 +_Ibplcol~311 | -.04929 .0113056 -4.36 0.000 -.071503 -.0270769 +_Ibplcol~312 | -.1020712 .0069733 -14.64 0.000 -.1157723 -.0883701 +_Ibplcol~313 | 4.388202 3.014117 1.46 0.146 -1.533869 10.31027 +_Ibplcol~314 | 4.469066 3.014336 1.48 0.139 -1.453435 10.39157 +_Ibplcol~315 | 4.326509 3.014131 1.44 0.152 -1.595589 10.24861 +_Ibplcol~316 | 4.405946 3.014696 1.46 0.145 -1.517262 10.32915 +_Ibplcol~317 | 4.480357 3.01447 1.49 0.138 -1.442406 10.40312 +_Ibplcol~318 | 4.512304 3.014554 1.50 0.135 -1.410624 10.43523 +_Ibplcol~319 | 4.501755 3.014151 1.49 0.136 -1.420382 10.42389 +_Ibplcol~320 | 4.490199 3.014401 1.49 0.137 -1.43243 10.41283 +_Ibplcol~321 | 4.49173 3.014284 1.49 0.137 -1.430667 10.41413 +_Ibplcol~322 | 4.396688 3.014638 1.46 0.145 -1.526406 10.31978 +_Ibplcol~323 | 4.391208 3.014562 1.46 0.146 -1.531737 10.31415 +_Ibplcol~324 | 8.900913 5.647891 1.58 0.116 -2.195937 19.99776 +_Ibplcol~325 | 3.908065 3.311958 1.18 0.239 -2.599198 10.41533 +_Ibplcol~326 | 8.887749 5.647786 1.57 0.116 -2.208896 19.98439 +_Ibplcol~327 | 8.911698 5.647769 1.58 0.115 -2.184912 20.00831 +_Ibplcol~328 | 8.851878 5.647818 1.57 0.118 -2.244828 19.94858 +_Ibplcol~329 | 8.821654 5.647835 1.56 0.119 -2.275086 19.91839 +_Ibplcol~330 | 6.326428 3.434885 1.84 0.066 -.4223574 13.07521 +_Ibplcol~331 | 6.33024 3.434909 1.84 0.066 -.4185939 13.07907 +_Ibplcol~332 | 6.369511 3.43497 1.85 0.064 -.3794411 13.11846 +_Ibplcol~333 | 3.941517 3.31213 1.19 0.235 -2.566082 10.44912 +_Ibplcol~334 | 4.03522 3.311979 1.22 0.224 -2.472083 10.54252 +_Ibplcol~335 | 4.05082 3.312011 1.22 0.222 -2.456546 10.55819 +_Ibplcol~336 | -.1614721 .0035347 -45.68 0.000 -.168417 -.1545272 +_Ibplcol~337 | .0751547 .0039729 18.92 0.000 .0673489 .0829605 +_Ibplcol~338 | .1036527 .0051964 19.95 0.000 .0934429 .1138625 +_Ibplcol~339 | -.0821186 .0040199 -20.43 0.000 -.0900167 -.0742205 +_Ibplcol~340 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~341 | 2.966751 3.076669 0.96 0.335 -3.07822 9.011722 +_Ibplcol~342 | -.323705 .0109258 -29.63 0.000 -.3451718 -.3022382 +_Ibplcol~343 | -.2908881 .0102232 -28.45 0.000 -.3109745 -.2708017 +_Ibplcol~345 | -.3623047 .0073232 -49.47 0.000 -.3766932 -.3479162 +_Ibplcol~346 | -.4036036 .0061671 -65.44 0.000 -.4157206 -.3914865 +_Ibplcol~347 | -.4440103 .0086736 -51.19 0.000 -.4610521 -.4269685 +_Ibplcol~348 | -.3360511 .0071338 -47.11 0.000 -.3500674 -.3220347 +_Ibplcol~349 | -.3949943 .0075049 -52.63 0.000 -.4097398 -.3802489 +_Ibplcol~350 | -.2896589 .0070481 -41.10 0.000 -.3035068 -.275811 +_Ibplcol~351 | -.2623801 .0059124 -44.38 0.000 -.2739967 -.2507636 +_Ibplcol~352 | -.3669535 .0071045 -51.65 0.000 -.3809123 -.3529947 +_Ibplcol~353 | -.2551346 .0100181 -25.47 0.000 -.274818 -.2354512 +_Ibplcol~354 | -.233961 .0071763 -32.60 0.000 -.2480609 -.2198611 +_Ibplcol~355 | -.2081846 .0066368 -31.37 0.000 -.2212244 -.1951447 +_Ibplcol~356 | -.2641383 .0067367 -39.21 0.000 -.2773744 -.2509022 +_Ibplcol~357 | -.3048644 .0113681 -26.82 0.000 -.3272002 -.2825286 +_Ibplcol~358 | -.410681 .0074479 -55.14 0.000 -.4253145 -.3960475 +_Ibplcol~359 | -.3711763 .0050341 -73.73 0.000 -.3810672 -.3612854 +_Ibplcol~360 | -.277986 .0055063 -50.49 0.000 -.2888046 -.2671674 +_Ibplcol~361 | -.3710574 .0073949 -50.18 0.000 -.3855867 -.3565281 +_Ibplcol~362 | -.2808476 .0060364 -46.53 0.000 -.2927076 -.2689875 +_Ibplcol~363 | -.3343263 .0059052 -56.62 0.000 -.3459288 -.3227238 +_Ibplcol~364 | -.2486401 .0066619 -37.32 0.000 -.2617293 -.235551 +_Ibplcol~365 | -.2548874 .0053656 -47.50 0.000 -.2654296 -.2443451 +_Ibplcol~366 | -.2898994 .0060272 -48.10 0.000 -.3017416 -.2780573 +_Ibplcol~367 | -.2432944 .0054341 -44.77 0.000 -.2539712 -.2326175 +_Ibplcol~369 | -.2075721 .0053855 -38.54 0.000 -.2181534 -.1969907 +_Ibplcol~370 | -.2275129 .0062193 -36.58 0.000 -.2397324 -.2152934 +_Ibplcol~371 | 4.238136 2.845912 1.49 0.137 -1.353449 9.829721 +_Ibplcol~372 | 4.291657 2.845811 1.51 0.132 -1.29973 9.883044 +_Ibplcol~373 | 4.299887 2.84597 1.51 0.131 -1.291811 9.891585 +_Ibplcol~374 | 4.318664 2.845849 1.52 0.130 -1.272797 9.910124 +_Ibplcol~375 | 4.291467 2.845907 1.51 0.132 -1.300109 9.883042 +_Ibplcol~376 | 4.218643 2.845914 1.48 0.139 -1.372945 9.810232 +_Ibplcol~377 | 4.246655 2.845802 1.49 0.136 -1.344713 9.838023 +_Ibplcol~378 | 4.267479 2.845931 1.50 0.134 -1.324143 9.859102 +_Ibplcol~379 | 4.235296 2.845848 1.49 0.137 -1.356163 9.826755 +_Ibplcol~380 | 4.257158 2.846026 1.50 0.135 -1.334651 9.848967 +_Ibplcol~381 | 4.172526 2.845846 1.47 0.143 -1.418928 9.76398 +_Ibplcol~382 | 4.179798 2.845887 1.47 0.143 -1.411737 9.771334 +_Ibplcol~383 | 4.198798 2.845873 1.48 0.141 -1.392709 9.790305 +_Ibplcol~384 | 4.297695 2.845829 1.51 0.132 -1.293726 9.889117 +_Ibplcol~385 | 4.16335 2.845815 1.46 0.144 -1.428044 9.754743 +_Ibplcol~386 | 4.447204 2.845577 1.56 0.119 -1.143721 10.03813 +_Ibplcol~387 | 4.382543 2.845876 1.54 0.124 -1.20897 9.974056 +_Ibplcol~388 | -.2198803 .0057919 -37.96 0.000 -.23126 -.2085005 +_Ibplcol~389 | -.1700008 .0066826 -25.44 0.000 -.1831306 -.156871 +_Ibplcol~390 | -.0834343 .0038224 -21.83 0.000 -.0909444 -.0759243 +_Ibplcol~391 | -.1522115 .003764 -40.44 0.000 -.159607 -.1448161 +_Ibplcol~392 | -.0980232 .0039783 -24.64 0.000 -.1058396 -.0902068 +_Ibplcol~393 | -.044368 .0048904 -9.07 0.000 -.0539766 -.0347594 +_Ibplcol~394 | -.0212781 .0033612 -6.33 0.000 -.0278822 -.014674 +_Ibplcol~395 | -.0282546 .0038455 -7.35 0.000 -.0358102 -.020699 +_Ibplcol~396 | .0235148 .0037162 6.33 0.000 .0162133 .0308163 +_Ibplcol~397 | .0288342 .0040248 7.16 0.000 .0209265 .036742 +_Ibplcol~398 | .0369634 .0040006 9.24 0.000 .0291031 .0448237 +_Ibplcol~399 | -.1468296 .0041659 -35.25 0.000 -.1550147 -.1386445 +_Ibplcol~400 | -.0039214 .003721 -1.05 0.292 -.0112324 .0033897 +_Ibplcol~401 | -.0149697 .0047378 -3.16 0.002 -.0242785 -.005661 +_Ibplcol~402 | .1255612 .0044623 28.14 0.000 .1167937 .1343287 +_Ibplcol~403 | -.0546459 .0024373 -22.42 0.000 -.0594346 -.0498571 +_Ibplcol~404 | -.1340976 .0046561 -28.80 0.000 -.1432457 -.1249494 +_Ibplcol~405 | -.2245428 .0052967 -42.39 0.000 -.2349497 -.2141359 +_Ibplcol~406 | -.0544898 .0032449 -16.79 0.000 -.0608653 -.0481143 +_Ibplcol~407 | -.0492093 .0043266 -11.37 0.000 -.0577102 -.0407084 +_Ibplcol~408 | -.0237137 .0035736 -6.64 0.000 -.030735 -.0166923 +_Ibplcol~409 | -.0882395 .0027755 -31.79 0.000 -.0936927 -.0827863 +_Ibplcol~410 | -.1137854 .0048323 -23.55 0.000 -.1232798 -.1042909 +_Ibplcol~411 | -.0956572 .0056907 -16.81 0.000 -.1068381 -.0844762 +_Ibplcol~412 | .026473 .0017908 14.78 0.000 .0229544 .0299916 +_Ibplcol~413 | -.0686442 .0030974 -22.16 0.000 -.0747298 -.0625585 +_Ibplcol~415 | -.0069809 .0052532 -1.33 0.184 -.0173024 .0033405 +_Ibplcol~416 | -.0864376 .002822 -30.63 0.000 -.0919822 -.080893 +_Ibplcol~417 | -.1041982 .0029374 -35.47 0.000 -.1099696 -.0984268 +_Ibplcol~418 | -.0657299 .0033673 -19.52 0.000 -.0723458 -.059114 +_Ibplcol~419 | -.1338674 .0072543 -18.45 0.000 -.1481205 -.1196144 +_Ibplcol~420 | -.0242815 .0040401 -6.01 0.000 -.0322194 -.0163435 +_Ibplcol~421 | -.0332166 .0052457 -6.33 0.000 -.0435233 -.02291 +_Ibplcol~422 | .0536376 .0036218 14.81 0.000 .0465216 .0607535 +_Ibplcol~423 | -.0052355 .0024202 -2.16 0.031 -.0099907 -.0004804 +_Ibplcol~424 | .1252812 .005846 21.43 0.000 .113795 .1367673 +_Ibplcol~425 | .1715286 .0051885 33.06 0.000 .1613343 .1817228 +_Ibplcol~426 | .2486302 .0112927 22.02 0.000 .2264425 .2708179 +_Ibplcol~427 | 2.698669 3.075133 0.88 0.381 -3.343284 8.740621 +_Ibplcol~428 | .1419918 .0081027 17.52 0.000 .1260718 .1579118 +_Ibplcol~429 | .0840187 .0086845 9.67 0.000 .0669554 .1010819 +_Ibplcol~430 | .135574 .0024608 55.09 0.000 .1307392 .1404089 +_Ibplcol~431 | .177792 .0066975 26.55 0.000 .1646329 .190951 +_Ibplcol~432 | .163954 .0081864 20.03 0.000 .1478695 .1800385 +_Ibplcol~433 | .0323088 .0070035 4.61 0.000 .0185485 .0460691 +_Ibplcol~434 | -.2075 .0013729 -151.14 0.000 -.2101975 -.2048025 +_Ibplcol~435 | -.1647562 .0050867 -32.39 0.000 -.1747504 -.154762 +_Ibplcol~436 | -.2439429 .0067717 -36.02 0.000 -.2572478 -.230638 +_Ibplcol~437 | -.175393 .0019629 -89.35 0.000 -.1792497 -.1715364 +_Ibplcol~438 | -.2637433 .0066909 -39.42 0.000 -.2768895 -.250597 +_Ibplcol~439 | -.1432027 .0026775 -53.48 0.000 -.1484634 -.137942 +_Ibplcol~440 | 4.931721 2.919415 1.69 0.092 -.8042797 10.66772 +_Ibplcol~441 | 5.121333 2.91948 1.75 0.080 -.6147964 10.85746 +_Ibplcol~442 | 5.060349 2.919633 1.73 0.084 -.6760805 10.79678 +_Ibplcol~443 | 4.940695 2.919515 1.69 0.091 -.7955039 10.67689 +_Ibplcol~444 | 4.857101 2.919395 1.66 0.097 -.8788616 10.59306 +_Ibplcol~445 | 4.815327 2.919386 1.65 0.100 -.9206177 10.55127 +_Ibplcol~446 | 4.851755 2.91938 1.66 0.097 -.8841781 10.58769 +_Ibplcol~447 | 4.852032 2.919543 1.66 0.097 -.8842199 10.58828 +_Ibplcol~448 | .0859274 .0043577 19.72 0.000 .0773655 .0944893 +_Ibplcol~449 | .1666616 .0053962 30.89 0.000 .1560593 .1772638 +_Ibplcol~450 | .0870939 .0089347 9.75 0.000 .0695392 .1046487 +_Ibplcol~451 | .0897238 .0109292 8.21 0.000 .0682503 .1111973 +_Ibplcol~452 | .1145075 .0120173 9.53 0.000 .0908961 .1381189 +_Ibplcol~453 | .2499055 .0109998 22.72 0.000 .2282934 .2715176 +_Ibplcol~454 | .0963131 .0117637 8.19 0.000 .0732 .1194263 +_Ibplcol~455 | .3524017 .0117373 30.02 0.000 .3293404 .3754629 +_Ibplcol~456 | .171829 .0117067 14.68 0.000 .148828 .1948301 +_Ibplcol~457 | .1277615 .0116708 10.95 0.000 .1048309 .1506921 +_Ibplcol~458 | .1131511 .011672 9.69 0.000 .0902183 .1360839 +_Ibplcol~459 | .1280751 .0117361 10.91 0.000 .1050163 .1511339 +_Ibplcol~460 | .1312774 .0118672 11.06 0.000 .107961 .1545937 +_Ibplcol~461 | .1635225 .0117499 13.92 0.000 .1404365 .1866084 +_Ibplcol~462 | -.2308203 .0134405 -17.17 0.000 -.2572279 -.2044128 +_Ibplcol~463 | -.1276716 .0139331 -9.16 0.000 -.1550471 -.1002962 +_Ibplcol~464 | -.1082402 .0112515 -9.62 0.000 -.1303469 -.0861335 +_Ibplcol~465 | 3.052914 3.077189 0.99 0.322 -2.993078 9.098905 +_Ibplcol~467 | 2.99691 3.077279 0.97 0.331 -3.04926 9.043079 +_Ibplcol~468 | 2.959695 3.077142 0.96 0.337 -3.086206 9.005596 +_Ibplcol~469 | 2.913327 3.076902 0.95 0.344 -3.132101 8.958755 +_Ibplcol~470 | 3.044649 3.076997 0.99 0.323 -3.000967 9.090265 +_Ibplcol~471 | 3.118748 3.076973 1.01 0.311 -2.926821 9.164317 +_Ibplcol~472 | 2.823758 3.076244 0.92 0.359 -3.220377 8.867894 +_Ibplcol~473 | 2.709604 3.076664 0.88 0.379 -3.335357 8.754564 +_Ibplcol~474 | 3.11373 3.077042 1.01 0.312 -2.931975 9.159434 +_Ibplcol~475 | 3.096382 3.077156 1.01 0.315 -2.949546 9.14231 +_Ibplcol~476 | 3.142476 3.076877 1.02 0.308 -2.902903 9.187854 +_Ibplcol~477 | 2.995747 3.076996 0.97 0.331 -3.049866 9.04136 +_Ibplcol~478 | 2.987684 3.076952 0.97 0.332 -3.057843 9.033212 +_Ibplcol~479 | 2.998136 3.077057 0.97 0.330 -3.047598 9.04387 +_Ibplcol~480 | 2.930376 3.077094 0.95 0.341 -3.115429 8.976181 +_Ibplcol~481 | 2.89812 3.07687 0.94 0.347 -3.147247 8.943486 +_Ibplcol~482 | 2.93658 3.076786 0.95 0.340 -3.10862 8.98178 +_Ibplcol~483 | 2.939167 3.077203 0.96 0.340 -3.106854 8.985188 +_Ibplcol~484 | 3.049466 3.077433 0.99 0.322 -2.997007 9.095938 +_Ibplcol~485 | 2.964741 3.077154 0.96 0.336 -3.081182 9.010665 +_Ibplcol~486 | 3.011344 3.077327 0.98 0.328 -3.03492 9.057609 +_Ibplcol~487 | 2.97256 3.077155 0.97 0.335 -3.073366 9.018486 +_Ibplcol~488 | 2.991845 3.077062 0.97 0.331 -3.053898 9.037587 +_Ibplcol~489 | 3.013858 3.077018 0.98 0.328 -3.031798 9.059515 +_Ibplcol~490 | 2.917876 3.077127 0.95 0.343 -3.127995 8.963747 +_Ibplcol~491 | 3.01517 3.077069 0.98 0.328 -3.030587 9.060927 +_Ibplcol~492 | 2.90524 3.076854 0.94 0.346 -3.140094 8.950574 +_Ibplcol~493 | 2.880422 3.07668 0.94 0.350 -3.16457 8.925414 +_Ibplcol~494 | 2.766905 3.076153 0.90 0.369 -3.277051 8.810862 +_Ibplcol~495 | 4.374965 2.845803 1.54 0.125 -1.216406 9.966336 +_Ibplcol~496 | 4.263102 2.845735 1.50 0.135 -1.328136 9.854339 +_Ibplcol~497 | -.1594698 .0058054 -27.47 0.000 -.1708762 -.1480635 +_Ibplcol~498 | .1127983 .0117039 9.64 0.000 .0898026 .1357939 +_Ibplcol~499 | .0626127 .0117106 5.35 0.000 .039604 .0856215 +_Ibplcol~500 | .0710819 .0086575 8.21 0.000 .0540719 .0880919 +_Ibplcol~501 | .1017814 .0121274 8.39 0.000 .0779537 .1256091 +_Ibplcol~502 | .1823144 .0123566 14.75 0.000 .1580364 .2065923 +_Ibplcol~503 | 2.748458 3.075752 0.89 0.372 -3.294711 8.791628 +_Ibplcol~504 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~505 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~506 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~507 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~508 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~509 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~510 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~511 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~512 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~513 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~514 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~515 | .0118546 .0055343 2.14 0.033 .0009809 .0227284 +_Ibplcol~516 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~517 | -.0031469 .0048919 -0.64 0.520 -.0127585 .0064646 +_Ibplcol~518 | .2119883 .0109101 19.43 0.000 .1905525 .2334242 +_Ibplcol~519 | .2537207 .0125466 20.22 0.000 .2290695 .2783719 +_Ibplcol~520 | .0276142 .0075296 3.67 0.000 .0128203 .0424081 +_Ibplcol~521 | .2459209 .0084284 29.18 0.000 .229361 .2624809 +_Ibplcol~522 | .0630968 .0048334 13.05 0.000 .0536001 .0725934 +_Ibplcol~523 | .0785698 .0033163 23.69 0.000 .072054 .0850855 +_Ibplcol~524 | .0628587 .0031956 19.67 0.000 .0565802 .0691373 +_Ibplcol~525 | .1181964 .0018292 64.62 0.000 .1146024 .1217904 +_Ibplcol~526 | .1088668 .0037222 29.25 0.000 .1015535 .11618 +_Ibplcol~527 | .1167897 .0043069 27.12 0.000 .1083276 .1252517 +_Ibplcol~528 | .0475503 .0043892 10.83 0.000 .0389265 .0561741 +_Ibplcol~529 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~530 | .0557437 .0042111 13.24 0.000 .0474699 .0640176 +_Ibplcol~531 | -.0327351 .0031074 -10.53 0.000 -.0388404 -.0266298 +_Ibplcol~532 | .0105808 .00294 3.60 0.000 .0048044 .0163572 +_Ibplcol~533 | .0315191 .011972 2.63 0.009 .0079967 .0550414 +_Ibplcol~534 | -.2918479 .0072889 -40.04 0.000 -.3061689 -.2775269 +_Ibplcol~535 | -.1299033 .0044286 -29.33 0.000 -.1386044 -.1212022 +_Ibplregco~3 | 7.166658 3.167081 2.26 0.024 .9440472 13.38927 +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | .0177063 .0126681 1.40 0.163 -.0071837 .0425964 +_IbplXyrex_4 | .023704 .0181729 1.30 0.193 -.0120017 .0594098 +_IbplXyrex_5 | -.0090911 .0142062 -0.64 0.523 -.0370031 .0188209 +_IbplXyrex_6 | .053566 .0147819 3.62 0.000 .0245228 .0826092 +_IbplXyrex_7 | .0121427 .0135491 0.90 0.371 -.0144783 .0387638 +_IbplXyrex_8 | .0100578 .0184306 0.55 0.586 -.0261542 .0462698 +_IbplXyrex_9 | -.0778074 .0341477 -2.28 0.023 -.1448999 -.0107148 +_IbplXyre~10 | -.1842828 .0289275 -6.37 0.000 -.241119 -.1274466 + _Ibplcol1_2 | 8.835358 3.260427 2.71 0.007 2.429342 15.24137 + _Ibplcol1_3 | 6.422621 3.034564 2.12 0.035 .4603763 12.38487 + _Ibplcol1_4 | -1.628518 3.003772 -0.54 0.588 -7.530262 4.273226 + _Ibplcol1_5 | -2.5646 1.014746 -2.53 0.012 -4.55835 -.5708502 + _Ibplcol1_6 | 8.929705 2.610387 3.42 0.001 3.800875 14.05854 + _Ibplcol1_7 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_8 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | 6.715908 3.600942 1.87 0.063 -.3591434 13.79096 +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_16 | 3.627691 2.968385 1.22 0.222 -2.204525 9.459906 +_Ibplcol1_17 | -2.09614 1.162407 -1.80 0.072 -4.380011 .1877314 +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | 7.644447 3.131934 2.44 0.015 1.490892 13.798 +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | 2.777465 4.204383 0.66 0.509 -5.483214 11.03814 +_Ibplcol1_22 | 7.646524 3.682994 2.08 0.038 .4102596 14.88279 +_Ibplcol1_23 | -1.39548 4.173002 -0.33 0.738 -9.594502 6.803542 +_Ibplcol1_24 | 6.893398 3.027739 2.28 0.023 .9445638 12.84223 +_Ibplcol1_25 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | 7.616294 2.819572 2.70 0.007 2.076461 13.15613 +_Ibplcol1_28 | 6.876367 2.950902 2.33 0.020 1.0785 12.67423 +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_31 | 6.119149 3.150903 1.94 0.053 -.0716756 12.30997 +_Ibplcol1_32 | 6.590969 3.072624 2.15 0.032 .5539464 12.62799 +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.0009481 .0006033 -1.57 0.117 -.0021335 .0002373 + _IbplXyob_3 | .0004014 .0004205 0.95 0.340 -.0004247 .0012276 + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0002421 .0004917 -0.49 0.623 -.0012082 .000724 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0033187 .0004307 7.71 0.000 .0024725 .0041649 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0010619 .0006266 -1.69 0.091 -.002293 .0001693 + _IbplXyob_7 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_8 | .0009502 .0005838 1.63 0.104 -.0001969 .0020972 + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | .0000377 .0008408 0.04 0.964 -.0016143 .0016897 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | .001398 .0004435 3.15 0.002 .0005267 .0022694 +_IbplXyob_16 | .0017192 .0004523 3.80 0.000 .0008306 .0026078 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0008913 .0005974 1.49 0.136 -.0002824 .0020651 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0004887 .0006116 -0.80 0.425 -.0016902 .0007129 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | .0020962 .0012085 1.73 0.083 -.0002782 .0044706 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0004675 .0006856 -0.68 0.496 -.0018145 .0008795 +_IbplXyob_23 | .0041254 .0015179 2.72 0.007 .0011431 .0071078 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.000154 .0004357 -0.35 0.724 -.00101 .000702 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0012052 .0005089 2.37 0.018 .0002052 .0022051 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0003531 .0007164 -0.49 0.622 -.0017606 .0010544 +_IbplXyob_28 | .000063 .0006778 0.09 0.926 -.0012687 .0013947 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0013227 .0004298 3.08 0.002 .0004783 .0021671 +_IbplXyob_30 | .0001906 .0005387 0.35 0.724 -.0008679 .0012491 +_IbplXyob_31 | .0002882 .0004984 0.58 0.563 -.000691 .0012674 +_IbplXyob_32 | .0002666 .0004821 0.55 0.580 -.0006806 .0012138 +_IbplXyob_33 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_34 | .0020271 .0005893 3.44 0.001 .0008693 .0031849 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_53 | (omitted) 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.0903048 .1245876 + _Iyob_1930 | .1081418 .0084973 12.73 0.000 .0914466 .1248371 + _Iyob_1931 | .0868774 .0079333 10.95 0.000 .0712903 .1024646 + _Iyob_1932 | .133635 .0098181 13.61 0.000 .1143446 .1529254 + _Iyob_1933 | .0225635 .0077337 2.92 0.004 .0073685 .0377584 + _Iyob_1934 | .1196417 .009417 12.70 0.000 .1011394 .1381441 + _Iyob_1935 | .0753215 .0083735 9.00 0.000 .0588695 .0917735 + _Iyob_1936 | .1137565 .009069 12.54 0.000 .095938 .131575 + _Iyob_1937 | .0875222 .0093521 9.36 0.000 .0691473 .1058971 + _Iyob_1938 | .0022823 .0080485 0.28 0.777 -.0135313 .0180959 + _Iyob_1939 | .0565011 .0088174 6.41 0.000 .039177 .0738253 + _Iyob_1940 | .0708586 .008984 7.89 0.000 .0532071 .0885101 + _Iyob_1941 | .0539293 .010487 5.14 0.000 .0333247 .074534 + _Iyob_1942 | .0972998 .0129572 7.51 0.000 .0718417 .1227578 + _Iyob_1943 | .0190337 .0154333 1.23 0.218 -.0112893 .0493567 + _Iyob_1944 | .095415 .0176768 5.40 0.000 .0606841 .1301459 + _Iyob_1945 | .0594218 .0205699 2.89 0.004 .0190065 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_IbplXyob_31 _IbplXyob_32 _IbplXyob_33 + _IbplXyob_34 _IbplXyob_35 _IbplXyob_36 _IbplXyob_37 + _IbplXyob_38 _IbplXyob_39 _IbplXyob_40 _IbplXyob_41 + _IbplXyob_42 _IbplXyob_43 _IbplXyob_44 _IbplXyob_45 + _IbplXyob_46 _IbplXyob_47 _IbplXyob_48 _IbplXyob_49 + _IbplXyob_50 _IbplXyob_51 _IbplXyob_52 _IbplXyob_53 + _IbplXyob_54 _IbplXyob_55 _IbplXyob_56 _IbplXyob_57 + _IbplXyob_58 _IbplXyob_59 _IbplXyob_60 _IbplXyob_61 + _IbplXyob_62 _Iyear_1993 _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 + _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 + _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 + _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 + _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 + _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 + _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 + _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 + _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 + _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 _Iyob_1966 + _Iyob_1967 _Iyob_1968 _Iyob_1969 _Iyob_1970 _Iyob_1971 + _Iyob_1972 _Iyob_1973 temperature altitude mellinger m46 + areamalarica ecozone_stdry ecozone_stwet ecozone_trdry + ecozone_trwet ecozone_warm +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl B nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplcol2 i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year i.yob +i.bplcol2 _Ibplcol2_1-535 (naturally coded; _Ibplcol2_1 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) + +. ivreg incscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplcol2) +(sum of wgt is 1.7159e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 36262 + F(128, 494) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.6103 + Root MSE = .10663 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 495 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .0872788 .016721 5.22 0.000 .0544257 .1201319 + lndens | -.0075876 .0036912 -2.06 0.040 -.01484 -.0003353 +nivel_de_v~a | .002885 .0026816 1.08 0.283 -.0023837 .0081536 + _Ibplcol2_2 | -.312306 .0059169 -52.78 0.000 -.3239314 -.3006805 + _Ibplcol2_3 | -.0974735 .0047131 -20.68 0.000 -.1067337 -.0882132 + _Ibplcol2_4 | -.2770491 .0055893 -49.57 0.000 -.2880308 -.2660673 + _Ibplcol2_5 | -.4224527 .0149402 -28.28 0.000 -.451807 -.3930984 + _Ibplcol2_6 | -.4438527 .0111337 -39.87 0.000 -.4657279 -.4219776 + _Ibplcol2_7 | -.240525 .0057107 -42.12 0.000 -.2517453 -.2293048 + _Ibplcol2_8 | -.0342184 .0032256 -10.61 0.000 -.040556 -.0278808 + _Ibplcol2_9 | -.2770226 .0063727 -43.47 0.000 -.2895435 -.2645018 +_Ibplcol2_10 | -.0658092 .005416 -12.15 0.000 -.0764505 -.0551679 +_Ibplcol2_11 | -.4240388 .0168759 -25.13 0.000 -.4571962 -.3908814 +_Ibplcol2_12 | -.310087 .0066172 -46.86 0.000 -.3230883 -.2970856 +_Ibplcol2_13 | -.3016069 .0136714 -22.06 0.000 -.3284682 -.2747456 +_Ibplcol2_14 | -.4122742 .0146481 -28.15 0.000 -.4410544 -.3834939 +_Ibplcol2_15 | -.3310527 .0056442 -58.65 0.000 -.3421422 -.3199632 +_Ibplcol2_16 | -.0424632 .004075 -10.42 0.000 -.0504696 -.0344568 +_Ibplcol2_17 | -.4249009 .010333 -41.12 0.000 -.445203 -.4045989 +_Ibplcol2_18 | -.2511563 .0144301 -17.41 0.000 -.2795083 -.2228044 +_Ibplcol2_19 | .0031188 .0016424 1.90 0.058 -.0001081 .0063458 +_Ibplcol2_20 | -.1923342 .005296 -36.32 0.000 -.2027397 -.1819287 +_Ibplcol2_21 | -.3814616 .0094321 -40.44 0.000 -.3999937 -.3629296 +_Ibplcol2_22 | -.1562374 .0045912 -34.03 0.000 -.1652582 -.1472167 +_Ibplcol2_23 | -.1822137 .0058819 -30.98 0.000 -.1937704 -.170657 +_Ibplcol2_24 | .0145198 .0016786 8.65 0.000 .0112217 .0178179 +_Ibplcol2_25 | -.3949355 .0095995 -41.14 0.000 -.4137963 -.3760747 +_Ibplcol2_26 | -.2149555 .0055077 -39.03 0.000 -.2257769 -.2041341 +_Ibplcol2_27 | -.0176707 .0037196 -4.75 0.000 -.0249788 -.0103625 +_Ibplcol2_28 | -.2572482 .0046481 -55.34 0.000 -.2663807 -.2481157 +_Ibplcol2_29 | -.4925578 .0141071 -34.92 0.000 -.5202752 -.4648404 +_Ibplcol2_30 | -.2296272 .0111044 -20.68 0.000 -.2514448 -.2078096 +_Ibplcol2_31 | -.1219118 .0050399 -24.19 0.000 -.1318139 -.1120096 +_Ibplcol2_32 | -.0308967 .0017742 -17.41 0.000 -.0343826 -.0274109 +_Ibplcol2_33 | -.3324518 .0083726 -39.71 0.000 -.3489022 -.3160014 +_Ibplcol2_34 | -.6220077 .0141197 -44.05 0.000 -.6497497 -.5942658 +_Ibplcol2_35 | -.4253899 .0061735 -68.91 0.000 -.4375194 -.4132604 +_Ibplcol2_36 | -.2404336 .0051785 -46.43 0.000 -.2506081 -.2302591 +_Ibplcol2_37 | -.2651509 .0076198 -34.80 0.000 -.2801221 -.2501797 +_Ibplcol2_38 | -.2107961 .0037964 -55.53 0.000 -.2182551 -.2033371 +_Ibplcol2_39 | -.1036718 .0114605 -9.05 0.000 -.1261893 -.0811544 +_Ibplcol2_40 | -.2603773 .0068563 -37.98 0.000 -.2738485 -.2469061 +_Ibplcol2_41 | -.3449662 .0132316 -26.07 0.000 -.3709634 -.318969 +_Ibplcol2_42 | -.334569 .0098334 -34.02 0.000 -.3538895 -.3152486 +_Ibplcol2_43 | -.2184876 .0074793 -29.21 0.000 -.2331828 -.2037924 +_Ibplcol2_44 | -.1153838 .011683 -9.88 0.000 -.1383383 -.0924293 +_Ibplcol2_45 | -1.716541 3.182575 -0.54 0.590 -7.969595 4.536512 +_Ibplcol2_46 | -1.856497 3.182671 -0.58 0.560 -8.109737 4.396744 +_Ibplcol2_47 | -2.060556 3.182655 -0.65 0.518 -8.313766 4.192653 +_Ibplcol2_48 | -1.85952 3.1831 -0.58 0.559 -8.113604 4.394563 +_Ibplcol2_49 | -1.788723 3.183028 -0.56 0.574 -8.042665 4.465219 +_Ibplcol2_50 | -1.949087 3.182597 -0.61 0.541 -8.202183 4.304009 +_Ibplcol2_51 | -1.907561 3.182775 -0.60 0.549 -8.161006 4.345884 +_Ibplcol2_52 | -1.771127 3.18286 -0.56 0.578 -8.02474 4.482487 +_Ibplcol2_53 | -.2151376 3.377278 -0.06 0.949 -6.850737 6.420462 +_Ibplcol2_54 | -4.615663 2.781135 -1.66 0.098 -10.07998 .848649 +_Ibplcol2_55 | -4.963933 2.781104 -1.78 0.075 -10.42818 .5003175 +_Ibplcol2_56 | -4.835379 2.781018 -1.74 0.083 -10.29946 .6287037 +_Ibplcol2_57 | -4.874328 2.780987 -1.75 0.080 -10.33835 .5896932 +_Ibplcol2_58 | -4.895609 2.781021 -1.76 0.079 -10.3597 .5684791 +_Ibplcol2_59 | -4.817883 2.781022 -1.73 0.084 -10.28197 .6462061 +_Ibplcol2_60 | -4.955556 2.781127 -1.78 0.075 -10.41985 .5087404 +_Ibplcol2_61 | -4.816339 2.78097 -1.73 0.084 -10.28033 .6476494 +_Ibplcol2_62 | -4.961026 2.781187 -1.78 0.075 -10.42544 .5033887 +_Ibplcol2_63 | -4.956356 2.781157 -1.78 0.075 -10.42071 .5079987 +_Ibplcol2_64 | -4.966201 2.781235 -1.79 0.075 -10.43071 .4983065 +_Ibplcol2_65 | -4.901599 2.78103 -1.76 0.079 -10.36571 .5625068 +_Ibplcol2_66 | -4.948694 2.781134 -1.78 0.076 -10.413 .5156154 +_Ibplcol2_67 | -4.9591 2.781061 -1.78 0.075 -10.42327 .5050673 +_Ibplcol2_68 | -4.892216 2.781344 -1.76 0.079 -10.35694 .5725076 +_Ibplcol2_69 | -4.937997 2.782384 -1.77 0.077 -10.40476 .5287678 +_Ibplcol2_70 | -5.03281 2.78097 -1.81 0.071 -10.4968 .4311776 +_Ibplcol2_71 | -4.722448 2.780987 -1.70 0.090 -10.18647 .7415724 +_Ibplcol2_72 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_73 | -5.189312 3.603362 -1.44 0.150 -12.26912 1.890493 +_Ibplcol2_74 | -5.205262 3.60365 -1.44 0.149 -12.28563 1.875108 +_Ibplcol2_75 | -5.369813 3.603366 -1.49 0.137 -12.44963 1.71 +_Ibplcol2_76 | -5.27906 3.603593 -1.46 0.144 -12.35932 1.801199 +_Ibplcol2_77 | -5.411742 3.60496 -1.50 0.134 -12.49469 1.671203 +_Ibplcol2_78 | -5.213525 3.603472 -1.45 0.149 -12.29355 1.866498 +_Ibplcol2_79 | .2499926 .0064726 38.62 0.000 .2372755 .2627097 +_Ibplcol2_80 | .0002267 .0069507 0.03 0.974 -.0134299 .0138833 +_Ibplcol2_81 | .023988 .0036819 6.52 0.000 .0167539 .0312222 +_Ibplcol2_82 | .0701489 .000961 73.00 0.000 .0682608 .072037 +_Ibplcol2_83 | .1111975 .0043654 25.47 0.000 .1026205 .1197745 +_Ibplcol2_84 | -.0380093 .0067063 -5.67 0.000 -.0511857 -.0248329 +_Ibplcol2_85 | .0682169 .0068853 9.91 0.000 .054689 .0817449 +_Ibplcol2_86 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_87 | .0646948 .0071094 9.10 0.000 .0507264 .0786632 +_Ibplcol2_88 | .0934145 .0065165 14.33 0.000 .080611 .1062181 +_Ibplcol2_89 | .0444225 .0070484 6.30 0.000 .030574 .058271 +_Ibplcol2_90 | -.1340726 .0033255 -40.32 0.000 -.1406064 -.1275388 +_Ibplcol2_91 | .0738029 .0065063 11.34 0.000 .0610194 .0865864 +_Ibplcol2_92 | .0741451 .0073851 10.04 0.000 .059635 .0886551 +_Ibplcol2_93 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_94 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_95 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_96 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_97 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_98 | -3.958601 3.260716 -1.21 0.225 -10.36518 2.44798 +_Ibplcol2_99 | -4.329377 3.260527 -1.33 0.185 -10.73559 2.076834 +_Ibplcol~100 | -4.313885 3.26104 -1.32 0.186 -10.7211 2.093333 +_Ibplcol~101 | -4.213028 3.260961 -1.29 0.197 -10.62009 2.194037 +_Ibplcol~102 | -4.111816 3.26078 -1.26 0.208 -10.51852 2.294891 +_Ibplcol~103 | -4.290971 3.260851 -1.32 0.189 -10.69782 2.115877 +_Ibplcol~104 | -4.114957 3.260266 -1.26 0.207 -10.52065 2.290742 +_Ibplcol~105 | -4.353581 3.26061 -1.34 0.182 -10.75996 2.052793 +_Ibplcol~106 | -4.242751 3.261091 -1.30 0.194 -10.65007 2.164568 +_Ibplcol~107 | -4.249173 3.261089 -1.30 0.193 -10.65649 2.158141 +_Ibplcol~108 | -4.213836 3.261169 -1.29 0.197 -10.62131 2.193636 +_Ibplcol~109 | -4.212902 3.260963 -1.29 0.197 -10.61997 2.194165 +_Ibplcol~110 | -3.990873 3.260596 -1.22 0.222 -10.39722 2.415472 +_Ibplcol~111 | -4.13062 3.260571 -1.27 0.206 -10.53692 2.275679 +_Ibplcol~112 | -4.200255 3.260906 -1.29 0.198 -10.60721 2.2067 +_Ibplcol~113 | -4.320847 3.261788 -1.32 0.186 -10.72954 2.087841 +_Ibplcol~114 | -4.241462 3.260643 -1.30 0.194 -10.6479 2.164976 +_Ibplcol~115 | -4.204182 3.260352 -1.29 0.198 -10.61005 2.201684 +_Ibplcol~116 | -6.806766 3.117448 -2.18 0.029 -12.93186 -.6816734 +_Ibplcol~117 | -6.933887 3.117719 -2.22 0.027 -13.05951 -.8082612 +_Ibplcol~118 | -6.871699 3.118198 -2.20 0.028 -12.99827 -.7451336 +_Ibplcol~119 | -6.930951 3.121299 -2.22 0.027 -13.06361 -.7982921 +_Ibplcol~120 | -6.977143 3.116865 -2.24 0.026 -13.10109 -.8531966 +_Ibplcol~121 | -6.919501 3.116735 -2.22 0.027 -13.04319 -.7958105 +_Ibplcol~122 | -6.979412 3.118134 -2.24 0.026 -13.10585 -.8529723 +_Ibplcol~123 | -6.897605 3.118986 -2.21 0.027 -13.02572 -.7694919 +_Ibplcol~124 | -6.916746 3.119292 -2.22 0.027 -13.04546 -.7880294 +_Ibplcol~125 | -6.86321 3.117535 -2.20 0.028 -12.98847 -.7379463 +_Ibplcol~126 | -9.468198 2.949956 -3.21 0.001 -15.26421 -3.672192 +_Ibplcol~127 | -9.594716 2.950143 -3.25 0.001 -15.39109 -3.798342 +_Ibplcol~128 | -9.472275 2.949801 -3.21 0.001 -15.26798 -3.676572 +_Ibplcol~129 | -9.53064 2.949895 -3.23 0.001 -15.32653 -3.734752 +_Ibplcol~130 | -9.600117 2.949883 -3.25 0.001 -15.39598 -3.804252 +_Ibplcol~131 | -9.584888 2.949862 -3.25 0.001 -15.38071 -3.789065 +_Ibplcol~132 | -9.541129 2.950369 -3.23 0.001 -15.33795 -3.74431 +_Ibplcol~133 | -9.572075 2.95026 -3.24 0.001 -15.36868 -3.775469 +_Ibplcol~134 | -9.658864 2.950024 -3.27 0.001 -15.45501 -3.862722 +_Ibplcol~135 | -9.581538 2.949905 -3.25 0.001 -15.37745 -3.785631 +_Ibplcol~136 | -9.645028 2.949755 -3.27 0.001 -15.44064 -3.849415 +_Ibplcol~137 | -9.593329 2.949929 -3.25 0.001 -15.38928 -3.797375 +_Ibplcol~138 | -9.614964 2.949847 -3.26 0.001 -15.41076 -3.819169 +_Ibplcol~139 | -9.626407 2.950497 -3.26 0.001 -15.42348 -3.829335 +_Ibplcol~140 | -9.661157 2.950227 -3.27 0.001 -15.4577 -3.864616 +_Ibplcol~141 | -2.293222 3.336439 -0.69 0.492 -8.848583 4.262139 +_Ibplcol~142 | -2.236594 3.336502 -0.67 0.503 -8.792078 4.31889 +_Ibplcol~143 | -2.216682 3.336493 -0.66 0.507 -8.772148 4.338785 +_Ibplcol~144 | -2.224987 3.336534 -0.67 0.505 -8.780534 4.33056 +_Ibplcol~145 | -2.299703 3.336536 -0.69 0.491 -8.855255 4.25585 +_Ibplcol~146 | -2.236585 3.335671 -0.67 0.503 -8.790438 4.317268 +_Ibplcol~147 | -2.430746 3.336158 -0.73 0.467 -8.985554 4.124062 +_Ibplcol~148 | -2.296828 3.336562 -0.69 0.492 -8.852431 4.258776 +_Ibplcol~149 | -2.29104 3.336226 -0.69 0.493 -8.845983 4.263903 +_Ibplcol~150 | -2.371522 3.336504 -0.71 0.478 -8.92701 4.183967 +_Ibplcol~151 | -2.369036 3.336483 -0.71 0.478 -8.924483 4.186411 +_Ibplcol~152 | -2.231977 3.336578 -0.67 0.504 -8.787612 4.323657 +_Ibplcol~153 | -2.360909 3.336511 -0.71 0.480 -8.916412 4.194594 +_Ibplcol~154 | -2.406916 3.336019 -0.72 0.471 -8.961452 4.14762 +_Ibplcol~155 | -2.240004 3.33652 -0.67 0.502 -8.795525 4.315517 +_Ibplcol~156 | -3.794487 1.285518 -2.95 0.003 -6.320245 -1.268729 +_Ibplcol~157 | -4.028131 1.28562 -3.13 0.002 -6.554088 -1.502175 +_Ibplcol~158 | -3.826735 1.285401 -2.98 0.003 -6.352263 -1.301208 +_Ibplcol~159 | -4.002185 1.286013 -3.11 0.002 -6.528915 -1.475455 +_Ibplcol~160 | -3.688621 1.285479 -2.87 0.004 -6.214301 -1.162941 +_Ibplcol~161 | .3142673 .0014466 217.25 0.000 .3114251 .3171096 +_Ibplcol~162 | .0883678 .0052657 16.78 0.000 .0780219 .0987137 +_Ibplcol~163 | .1793877 .0030045 59.71 0.000 .1734845 .185291 +_Ibplcol~164 | .0886208 .0021898 40.47 0.000 .0843183 .0929232 +_Ibplcol~165 | .1279719 .0029496 43.39 0.000 .1221765 .1337673 +_Ibplcol~166 | .0048288 .0032438 1.49 0.137 -.0015446 .0112021 +_Ibplcol~167 | -10.38374 3.171093 -3.27 0.001 -16.61424 -4.153251 +_Ibplcol~168 | -10.42878 3.171286 -3.29 0.001 -16.65966 -4.197911 +_Ibplcol~169 | -10.42675 3.171375 -3.29 0.001 -16.6578 -4.195701 +_Ibplcol~170 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~171 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~172 | -10.46512 3.170537 -3.30 0.001 -16.69452 -4.235718 +_Ibplcol~173 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~174 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~175 | -4.120385 2.858648 -1.44 0.150 -9.736993 1.496222 +_Ibplcol~176 | -4.291981 2.858387 -1.50 0.134 -9.908075 1.324113 +_Ibplcol~177 | -4.123384 2.858231 -1.44 0.150 -9.739171 1.492404 +_Ibplcol~178 | -4.181692 2.858217 -1.46 0.144 -9.797453 1.434069 +_Ibplcol~179 | -4.151257 2.858455 -1.45 0.147 -9.767485 1.464971 +_Ibplcol~180 | -4.308698 2.858247 -1.51 0.132 -9.924518 1.307122 +_Ibplcol~181 | -4.217433 2.858137 -1.48 0.141 -9.833037 1.398172 +_Ibplcol~182 | -4.308708 2.858048 -1.51 0.132 -9.924137 1.306721 +_Ibplcol~183 | -8.95834 4.673535 -1.92 0.056 -18.1408 .2241186 +_Ibplcol~184 | -8.9806 4.674196 -1.92 0.055 -18.16436 .2031557 +_Ibplcol~185 | -9.148054 4.676098 -1.96 0.051 -18.33555 .0394389 +_Ibplcol~186 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~187 | -2.008436 3.209223 -0.63 0.532 -8.313845 4.296974 +_Ibplcol~188 | -2.069187 3.209131 -0.64 0.519 -8.374416 4.236041 +_Ibplcol~189 | -2.038505 3.209387 -0.64 0.526 -8.344238 4.267227 +_Ibplcol~190 | -2.376507 3.209237 -0.74 0.459 -8.681944 3.92893 +_Ibplcol~191 | -2.305909 3.209655 -0.72 0.473 -8.612168 4.00035 +_Ibplcol~192 | -2.049941 3.209346 -0.64 0.523 -8.355593 4.25571 +_Ibplcol~193 | -2.232637 3.209119 -0.70 0.487 -8.537842 4.072568 +_Ibplcol~194 | -2.447946 3.20914 -0.76 0.446 -8.753193 3.8573 +_Ibplcol~195 | -2.397538 3.209108 -0.75 0.455 -8.702722 3.907646 +_Ibplcol~196 | -2.267362 3.209106 -0.71 0.480 -8.572542 4.037817 +_Ibplcol~197 | -2.204887 3.209032 -0.69 0.492 -8.509922 4.100147 +_Ibplcol~198 | -2.19097 3.209101 -0.68 0.495 -8.496141 4.1142 +_Ibplcol~199 | .305764 .0041331 73.98 0.000 .2976433 .3138846 +_Ibplcol~200 | -.0422647 .0137604 -3.07 0.002 -.0693009 -.0152286 +_Ibplcol~201 | .3667775 .0135406 27.09 0.000 .3401733 .3933817 +_Ibplcol~202 | .1802656 .0079086 22.79 0.000 .164727 .1958042 +_Ibplcol~203 | .1978843 .0124978 15.83 0.000 .1733289 .2224397 +_Ibplcol~204 | -.0116113 .0079612 -1.46 0.145 -.0272533 .0040308 +_Ibplcol~205 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~206 | .2580412 .0070821 36.44 0.000 .2441264 .271956 +_Ibplcol~207 | 3.469933 3.967741 0.87 0.382 -4.325796 11.26566 +_Ibplcol~208 | 3.429008 3.968168 0.86 0.388 -4.367559 11.22558 +_Ibplcol~209 | 3.318769 3.968215 0.84 0.403 -4.477891 11.11543 +_Ibplcol~210 | 3.312967 3.96765 0.83 0.404 -4.482584 11.10852 +_Ibplcol~211 | 3.340368 3.968105 0.84 0.400 -4.456075 11.13681 +_Ibplcol~212 | 3.32112 3.967757 0.84 0.403 -4.474641 11.11688 +_Ibplcol~213 | .0263069 .0094761 2.78 0.006 .0076885 .0449254 +_Ibplcol~214 | -.1194014 .011222 -10.64 0.000 -.1414501 -.0973527 +_Ibplcol~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~216 | -.0976803 .0073326 -13.32 0.000 -.1120872 -.0832735 +_Ibplcol~217 | -.2383328 .0111955 -21.29 0.000 -.2603294 -.2163362 +_Ibplcol~218 | -.0301013 .0118138 -2.55 0.011 -.0533129 -.0068898 +_Ibplcol~219 | .3792665 .0139825 27.12 0.000 .351794 .406739 +_Ibplcol~220 | .2470039 .0036877 66.98 0.000 .2397585 .2542494 +_Ibplcol~221 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~222 | .325052 .0121996 26.64 0.000 .3010824 .3490216 +_Ibplcol~223 | .1398216 .0064509 21.67 0.000 .127147 .1524963 +_Ibplcol~224 | .2112108 .0119482 17.68 0.000 .1877354 .2346863 +_Ibplcol~225 | .0740565 .0026274 28.19 0.000 .0688943 .0792187 +_Ibplcol~226 | .0041574 .0051377 0.81 0.419 -.005937 .0142517 +_Ibplcol~227 | .1913885 .0091674 20.88 0.000 .1733766 .2094003 +_Ibplcol~228 | .0815077 .0041003 19.88 0.000 .0734515 .089564 +_Ibplcol~229 | .1889406 .0085014 22.22 0.000 .1722372 .205644 +_Ibplcol~230 | .1540344 .0062657 24.58 0.000 .1417237 .1663451 +_Ibplcol~231 | -4.894558 2.999779 -1.63 0.103 -10.78846 .9993417 +_Ibplcol~232 | -5.015679 2.999855 -1.67 0.095 -10.90973 .8783707 +_Ibplcol~233 | -5.174676 2.999991 -1.72 0.085 -11.06899 .7196393 +_Ibplcol~234 | -5.089573 2.999928 -1.70 0.090 -10.98376 .804619 +_Ibplcol~235 | -5.019707 2.999862 -1.67 0.095 -10.91377 .8743545 +_Ibplcol~236 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~237 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~238 | -5.129304 3.000031 -1.71 0.088 -11.0237 .7650903 +_Ibplcol~239 | -5.046951 2.999894 -1.68 0.093 -10.94108 .8471743 +_Ibplcol~240 | -5.110758 3.000029 -1.70 0.089 -11.00515 .7836322 +_Ibplcol~241 | -5.000994 3.000123 -1.67 0.096 -10.89557 .8935809 +_Ibplcol~242 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~243 | 1.852024 5.107726 0.36 0.717 -8.183523 11.88757 +_Ibplcol~244 | 2.023732 5.10802 0.40 0.692 -8.012393 12.05986 +_Ibplcol~245 | 1.866255 5.10759 0.37 0.715 -8.169025 11.90153 +_Ibplcol~246 | 2.066967 5.107495 0.40 0.686 -7.968126 12.10206 +_Ibplcol~247 | 2.068892 5.107476 0.41 0.686 -7.966163 12.10395 +_Ibplcol~248 | 2.044961 5.10789 0.40 0.689 -7.990907 12.08083 +_Ibplcol~249 | 2.005503 5.107473 0.39 0.695 -8.029547 12.04055 +_Ibplcol~250 | 2.185672 5.107459 0.43 0.669 -7.849349 12.22069 +_Ibplcol~251 | 1.96409 5.107513 0.38 0.701 -8.071038 11.99922 +_Ibplcol~252 | 2.092826 5.107864 0.41 0.682 -7.94299 12.12864 +_Ibplcol~253 | 2.057513 5.107755 0.40 0.687 -7.97809 12.09312 +_Ibplcol~254 | 2.036796 5.107472 0.40 0.690 -7.998252 12.07184 +_Ibplcol~255 | 1.949082 5.107719 0.38 0.703 -8.086451 11.98462 +_Ibplcol~256 | 1.858404 5.107666 0.36 0.716 -8.177025 11.89383 +_Ibplcol~257 | 1.830749 5.108206 0.36 0.720 -8.20574 11.86724 +_Ibplcol~258 | 2.0168 5.107459 0.39 0.693 -8.018223 12.05182 +_Ibplcol~259 | 1.786928 5.108121 0.35 0.727 -8.249395 11.82325 +_Ibplcol~260 | 2.029823 5.10793 0.40 0.691 -8.006124 12.06577 +_Ibplcol~261 | .0177346 .011167 1.59 0.113 -.004206 .0396752 +_Ibplcol~262 | -.1409775 .0069563 -20.27 0.000 -.154645 -.1273099 +_Ibplcol~263 | -.2344966 .0022925 -102.29 0.000 -.2390008 -.2299924 +_Ibplcol~264 | -.1177252 .008185 -14.38 0.000 -.1338069 -.1016434 +_Ibplcol~265 | -.0546059 .0021246 -25.70 0.000 -.0587802 -.0504315 +_Ibplcol~266 | -.1859149 .0071925 -25.85 0.000 -.2000466 -.1717833 +_Ibplcol~267 | -.148245 .0087298 -16.98 0.000 -.165397 -.1310929 +_Ibplcol~268 | -.0981439 .010744 -9.13 0.000 -.1192536 -.0770343 +_Ibplcol~269 | -.0904174 .0074684 -12.11 0.000 -.1050911 -.0757437 +_Ibplcol~270 | -.1658062 .0048661 -34.07 0.000 -.1753671 -.1562454 +_Ibplcol~271 | -.1181876 .0021746 -54.35 0.000 -.1224602 -.113915 +_Ibplcol~272 | -.1060384 .0020869 -50.81 0.000 -.1101387 -.101938 +_Ibplcol~273 | -.1838494 .0046037 -39.94 0.000 -.1928946 -.1748043 +_Ibplcol~274 | -.1647246 .0028939 -56.92 0.000 -.1704106 -.1590387 +_Ibplcol~275 | -.1882949 .0042795 -44.00 0.000 -.1967032 -.1798867 +_Ibplcol~276 | -.0372752 .003027 -12.31 0.000 -.0432226 -.0313278 +_Ibplcol~277 | -.1054644 .0021841 -48.29 0.000 -.1097557 -.1011732 +_Ibplcol~278 | -.1564421 .0032315 -48.41 0.000 -.1627912 -.1500929 +_Ibplcol~279 | -.1509905 .0050785 -29.73 0.000 -.1609686 -.1410123 +_Ibplcol~280 | -.0599451 .0031606 -18.97 0.000 -.066155 -.0537352 +_Ibplcol~281 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~282 | -.0848021 .007298 -11.62 0.000 -.0991411 -.0704631 +_Ibplcol~283 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~284 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~285 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~286 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~287 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~288 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~289 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~290 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~291 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~292 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~293 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~294 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~295 | -10.49457 3.171124 -3.31 0.001 -16.72512 -4.264012 +_Ibplcol~296 | -1.873656 3.182864 -0.59 0.556 -8.127277 4.379965 +_Ibplcol~297 | -1.994459 3.182875 -0.63 0.531 -8.248102 4.259183 +_Ibplcol~298 | -1.873215 3.18249 -0.59 0.556 -8.1261 4.37967 +_Ibplcol~299 | -2.009942 3.182737 -0.63 0.528 -8.263312 4.243429 +_Ibplcol~300 | -2.059316 3.182785 -0.65 0.518 -8.312781 4.194149 +_Ibplcol~301 | -1.963943 3.182675 -0.62 0.537 -8.217193 4.289306 +_Ibplcol~302 | -2.097435 3.18293 -0.66 0.510 -8.351185 4.156314 +_Ibplcol~303 | -4.224785 2.858302 -1.48 0.140 -9.840713 1.391143 +_Ibplcol~304 | -4.261424 2.858198 -1.49 0.137 -9.877147 1.3543 +_Ibplcol~305 | -4.301763 2.858203 -1.51 0.133 -9.917498 1.313971 +_Ibplcol~306 | -4.334111 2.858378 -1.52 0.130 -9.950189 1.281966 +_Ibplcol~307 | -4.286158 2.85805 -1.50 0.134 -9.90159 1.329275 +_Ibplcol~308 | -7.004692 3.119169 -2.25 0.025 -13.13317 -.8762173 +_Ibplcol~309 | -6.921067 3.117286 -2.22 0.027 -13.04584 -.7962918 +_Ibplcol~310 | -6.891354 3.117014 -2.21 0.028 -13.01559 -.7671141 +_Ibplcol~311 | -6.977403 3.117898 -2.24 0.026 -13.10338 -.8514264 +_Ibplcol~312 | -7.032576 3.120397 -2.25 0.025 -13.16346 -.9016899 +_Ibplcol~313 | -.0280473 .0087902 -3.19 0.002 -.045318 -.0107766 +_Ibplcol~314 | .0530905 .0081989 6.48 0.000 .0369815 .0691995 +_Ibplcol~315 | -.0896233 .0093063 -9.63 0.000 -.107908 -.0713385 +_Ibplcol~316 | -.0100109 .013672 -0.73 0.464 -.0368733 .0168514 +_Ibplcol~317 | .0646016 .0115146 5.61 0.000 .0419779 .0872252 +_Ibplcol~318 | .0962692 .0133854 7.19 0.000 .0699699 .1225684 +_Ibplcol~319 | .0856454 .0071404 11.99 0.000 .0716161 .0996747 +_Ibplcol~320 | .0743228 .0118121 6.29 0.000 .0511147 .0975309 +_Ibplcol~321 | .075746 .0092548 8.18 0.000 .0575624 .0939297 +_Ibplcol~322 | -.019293 .013496 -1.43 0.153 -.0458097 .0072236 +_Ibplcol~323 | -.0248144 .0134644 -1.84 0.066 -.0512689 .0016401 +_Ibplcol~324 | -4.895729 2.781087 -1.76 0.079 -10.35995 .5684897 +_Ibplcol~325 | -9.680282 2.949894 -3.28 0.001 -15.47617 -3.884396 +_Ibplcol~326 | -4.908931 2.781014 -1.77 0.078 -10.373 .5551431 +_Ibplcol~327 | -4.884903 2.78103 -1.76 0.080 -10.34901 .5792031 +_Ibplcol~328 | -4.944786 2.781035 -1.78 0.076 -10.4089 .5193298 +_Ibplcol~329 | -4.975098 2.781042 -1.79 0.074 -10.43923 .4890306 +_Ibplcol~330 | -5.162464 2.999945 -1.72 0.086 -11.05669 .731761 +_Ibplcol~331 | -5.158597 2.999851 -1.72 0.086 -11.05264 .7354426 +_Ibplcol~332 | -5.119356 2.999947 -1.71 0.089 -11.01359 .7748732 +_Ibplcol~333 | -9.646814 2.950005 -3.27 0.001 -15.44292 -3.850711 +_Ibplcol~334 | -9.553631 2.949877 -3.24 0.001 -15.34948 -3.757778 +_Ibplcol~335 | -9.538245 2.94982 -3.23 0.001 -15.33399 -3.742504 +_Ibplcol~336 | -4.021128 1.286176 -3.13 0.002 -6.548179 -1.494078 +_Ibplcol~337 | -3.784966 1.286779 -2.94 0.003 -6.313201 -1.256732 +_Ibplcol~338 | -3.756451 1.285208 -2.92 0.004 -6.281599 -1.231303 +_Ibplcol~339 | -3.941857 1.287944 -3.06 0.002 -6.472381 -1.411334 +_Ibplcol~340 | -3.860986 1.287686 -3.00 0.003 -6.391003 -1.330968 +_Ibplcol~341 | -5.409484 3.603611 -1.50 0.134 -12.48978 1.67081 +_Ibplcol~342 | -.324172 .0109402 -29.63 0.000 -.345667 -.302677 +_Ibplcol~343 | -.2913733 .0102354 -28.47 0.000 -.3114835 -.271263 +_Ibplcol~345 | -.3625828 .0073223 -49.52 0.000 -.3769696 -.3481961 +_Ibplcol~346 | -.4038315 .0061671 -65.48 0.000 -.4159486 -.3917145 +_Ibplcol~347 | -.4443711 .008681 -51.19 0.000 -.4614274 -.4273147 +_Ibplcol~348 | -.3362748 .0071414 -47.09 0.000 -.3503061 -.3222436 +_Ibplcol~349 | -.3952417 .0075079 -52.64 0.000 -.4099931 -.3804902 +_Ibplcol~350 | -.2899092 .007053 -41.10 0.000 -.3037668 -.2760516 +_Ibplcol~351 | -.2625751 .0059175 -44.37 0.000 -.2742017 -.2509486 +_Ibplcol~352 | -.3671867 .0071108 -51.64 0.000 -.3811579 -.3532155 +_Ibplcol~353 | -.2555678 .0100285 -25.48 0.000 -.2752716 -.235864 +_Ibplcol~354 | -.2341767 .0071782 -32.62 0.000 -.2482802 -.2200732 +_Ibplcol~355 | -.2084505 .0066402 -31.39 0.000 -.2214971 -.1954039 +_Ibplcol~356 | -.2643497 .0067381 -39.23 0.000 -.2775886 -.2511107 +_Ibplcol~357 | -.3052933 .0113946 -26.79 0.000 -.3276812 -.2829054 +_Ibplcol~358 | -.410985 .0074631 -55.07 0.000 -.4256483 -.3963217 +_Ibplcol~359 | -.371353 .0050385 -73.70 0.000 -.3812525 -.3614535 +_Ibplcol~360 | -.2781931 .0055162 -50.43 0.000 -.2890312 -.267355 +_Ibplcol~361 | -.3713504 .0074003 -50.18 0.000 -.3858903 -.3568105 +_Ibplcol~362 | -.2811383 .0060431 -46.52 0.000 -.2930117 -.2692648 +_Ibplcol~363 | -.3345471 .0059092 -56.61 0.000 -.3461574 -.3229369 +_Ibplcol~364 | -.2488774 .0066683 -37.32 0.000 -.2619791 -.2357757 +_Ibplcol~365 | -.2550654 .0053777 -47.43 0.000 -.2656313 -.2444995 +_Ibplcol~366 | -.2901511 .0060343 -48.08 0.000 -.3020072 -.2782951 +_Ibplcol~367 | -.2435423 .0054441 -44.74 0.000 -.2542387 -.232846 +_Ibplcol~369 | -.2077648 .0053982 -38.49 0.000 -.218371 -.1971586 +_Ibplcol~370 | -.2277458 .0062274 -36.57 0.000 -.2399812 -.2155105 +_Ibplcol~371 | .0156939 .009991 1.57 0.117 -.0039363 .0353241 +_Ibplcol~372 | .069163 .004419 15.65 0.000 .0604807 .0778453 +_Ibplcol~373 | .0774401 .0119135 6.50 0.000 .0540328 .1008475 +_Ibplcol~374 | .0961884 .0063655 15.11 0.000 .0836816 .1086952 +_Ibplcol~375 | .069053 .011932 5.79 0.000 .0456092 .0924968 +_Ibplcol~376 | -.0037759 .0116371 -0.32 0.746 -.0266403 .0190885 +_Ibplcol~377 | .024241 .0084032 2.88 0.004 .0077306 .0407514 +_Ibplcol~378 | .0450411 .0119023 3.78 0.000 .0216557 .0684265 +_Ibplcol~379 | .012892 .0100401 1.28 0.200 -.0068345 .0326186 +_Ibplcol~380 | .034665 .0119761 2.89 0.004 .0111346 .0581954 +_Ibplcol~381 | -.0499693 .0045745 -10.92 0.000 -.0589572 -.0409814 +_Ibplcol~382 | -.0426169 .0117661 -3.62 0.000 -.0657348 -.019499 +_Ibplcol~383 | -.0236121 .0100142 -2.36 0.019 -.0432878 -.0039365 +_Ibplcol~384 | .075265 .0083029 9.06 0.000 .0589516 .0915784 +_Ibplcol~385 | -.0591401 .0054908 -10.77 0.000 -.0699282 -.0483519 +_Ibplcol~386 | .2249335 .0103439 21.75 0.000 .2046101 .2452569 +_Ibplcol~387 | .1601627 .0118079 13.56 0.000 .1369627 .1833627 +_Ibplcol~388 | -2.589231 3.336312 -0.78 0.438 -9.144342 3.965881 +_Ibplcol~389 | -2.539407 3.336133 -0.76 0.447 -9.094167 4.015353 +_Ibplcol~390 | -2.452624 3.336227 -0.74 0.463 -9.007567 4.10232 +_Ibplcol~391 | -2.521439 3.336244 -0.76 0.450 -9.076417 4.033539 +_Ibplcol~392 | -2.467026 3.336543 -0.74 0.460 -9.022591 4.088538 +_Ibplcol~393 | -2.413403 3.336188 -0.72 0.470 -8.96827 4.141465 +_Ibplcol~394 | -2.390381 3.336472 -0.72 0.474 -8.945806 4.165045 +_Ibplcol~395 | -2.397276 3.336527 -0.72 0.473 -8.95281 4.158258 +_Ibplcol~396 | -2.345463 3.336528 -0.70 0.482 -8.900999 4.210073 +_Ibplcol~397 | -2.340177 3.33658 -0.70 0.483 -8.895816 4.215461 +_Ibplcol~398 | -2.331834 3.336539 -0.70 0.485 -8.887391 4.223724 +_Ibplcol~399 | -2.515881 3.336587 -0.75 0.451 -9.071533 4.039771 +_Ibplcol~400 | -2.373 3.336495 -0.71 0.477 -8.928471 4.182472 +_Ibplcol~401 | -2.384058 3.336626 -0.71 0.475 -8.939786 4.171671 +_Ibplcol~402 | -2.243175 3.336635 -0.67 0.502 -8.798921 4.312571 +_Ibplcol~403 | -2.423429 3.336488 -0.73 0.468 -8.978886 4.132027 +_Ibplcol~404 | -2.503181 3.336607 -0.75 0.453 -9.058872 4.052509 +_Ibplcol~405 | -2.593659 3.336113 -0.78 0.437 -9.14838 3.961062 +_Ibplcol~406 | -2.423667 3.336567 -0.73 0.468 -8.979278 4.131945 +_Ibplcol~407 | -2.418076 3.336624 -0.72 0.469 -8.9738 4.137648 +_Ibplcol~408 | -2.3923 3.336577 -0.72 0.474 -8.947933 4.163333 +_Ibplcol~409 | -2.457606 3.336339 -0.74 0.462 -9.012771 4.097559 +_Ibplcol~410 | -2.483104 3.336129 -0.74 0.457 -9.037857 4.071649 +_Ibplcol~411 | -2.464891 3.336168 -0.74 0.460 -9.019719 4.089937 +_Ibplcol~412 | -2.34262 3.336417 -0.70 0.483 -8.897938 4.212698 +_Ibplcol~413 | -2.437762 3.336487 -0.73 0.465 -8.993217 4.117693 +_Ibplcol~415 | -2.376303 3.336103 -0.71 0.477 -8.931005 4.178399 +_Ibplcol~416 | -2.455649 3.336378 -0.74 0.462 -9.01089 4.099592 +_Ibplcol~417 | -2.473281 3.336547 -0.74 0.459 -9.028854 4.082293 +_Ibplcol~418 | -2.43505 3.336561 -0.73 0.466 -8.99065 4.12055 +_Ibplcol~419 | -2.502772 3.335997 -0.75 0.453 -9.057266 4.051721 +_Ibplcol~420 | -.0245001 .0040313 -6.08 0.000 -.0324207 -.0165795 +_Ibplcol~421 | -.0332021 .0052519 -6.32 0.000 -.043521 -.0228832 +_Ibplcol~422 | .0535591 .003621 14.79 0.000 .0464447 .0606735 +_Ibplcol~423 | -.0053285 .002423 -2.20 0.028 -.0100892 -.0005679 +_Ibplcol~424 | 1.956183 5.10776 0.38 0.702 -8.079429 11.9918 +_Ibplcol~425 | 2.002484 5.107871 0.39 0.695 -8.033347 12.03831 +_Ibplcol~426 | 2.079512 5.107454 0.41 0.684 -7.9555 12.11452 +_Ibplcol~427 | -5.678035 3.60308 -1.58 0.116 -12.75729 1.401216 +_Ibplcol~428 | 1.972837 5.107582 0.39 0.699 -8.062426 12.0081 +_Ibplcol~429 | 1.91486 5.107578 0.37 0.708 -8.120396 11.95012 +_Ibplcol~430 | 1.966478 5.108049 0.38 0.700 -8.069704 12.00266 +_Ibplcol~431 | 2.008681 5.107685 0.39 0.694 -8.026785 12.04415 +_Ibplcol~432 | 1.99472 5.107561 0.39 0.696 -8.040502 12.02994 +_Ibplcol~433 | 3.345799 3.96803 0.84 0.400 -4.450498 11.1421 +_Ibplcol~434 | -.2076147 .001374 -151.10 0.000 -.2103144 -.204915 +_Ibplcol~435 | -.1647709 .0050718 -32.49 0.000 -.1747359 -.1548059 +_Ibplcol~436 | -.2440206 .0067511 -36.15 0.000 -.257285 -.2307562 +_Ibplcol~437 | -.1754835 .0019767 -88.78 0.000 -.1793673 -.1715998 +_Ibplcol~438 | -.263806 .0066883 -39.44 0.000 -.2769471 -.2506649 +_Ibplcol~439 | -.1433756 .0026653 -53.79 0.000 -.1486124 -.1381388 +_Ibplcol~440 | -4.228197 3.260437 -1.30 0.195 -10.63423 2.177836 +_Ibplcol~441 | -4.038295 3.260969 -1.24 0.216 -10.44537 2.368784 +_Ibplcol~442 | -4.098752 3.261187 -1.26 0.209 -10.50626 2.308754 +_Ibplcol~443 | -4.219295 3.260989 -1.29 0.196 -10.62641 2.187823 +_Ibplcol~444 | -4.302674 3.260616 -1.32 0.188 -10.70906 2.103713 +_Ibplcol~445 | -4.344154 3.260694 -1.33 0.183 -10.75069 2.062385 +_Ibplcol~446 | -4.30818 3.260606 -1.32 0.187 -10.71455 2.098186 +_Ibplcol~447 | -4.308312 3.260937 -1.32 0.187 -10.71533 2.098705 +_Ibplcol~448 | -2.361368 3.209095 -0.74 0.462 -8.666527 3.943791 +_Ibplcol~449 | -2.280678 3.209461 -0.71 0.478 -8.586557 4.0252 +_Ibplcol~450 | -2.36019 3.209091 -0.74 0.462 -8.66534 3.94496 +_Ibplcol~451 | -2.357274 3.209057 -0.73 0.463 -8.662358 3.947809 +_Ibplcol~452 | -2.332699 3.208984 -0.73 0.468 -8.637639 3.972241 +_Ibplcol~453 | -2.197472 3.209464 -0.68 0.494 -8.503354 4.108411 +_Ibplcol~454 | -2.350845 3.209278 -0.73 0.464 -8.656363 3.954673 +_Ibplcol~455 | -2.094774 3.209211 -0.65 0.514 -8.40016 4.210613 +_Ibplcol~456 | -2.275353 3.209166 -0.71 0.479 -8.58065 4.029945 +_Ibplcol~457 | -2.3195 3.209214 -0.72 0.470 -8.624893 3.985893 +_Ibplcol~458 | -2.334045 3.209386 -0.73 0.467 -8.639776 3.971686 +_Ibplcol~459 | -2.318947 3.20915 -0.72 0.470 -8.624215 3.98632 +_Ibplcol~460 | -2.315943 3.209383 -0.72 0.471 -8.621668 3.989781 +_Ibplcol~461 | -2.283624 3.209323 -0.71 0.477 -8.589232 4.021983 +_Ibplcol~462 | -.2319451 .0135308 -17.14 0.000 -.25853 -.2053601 +_Ibplcol~463 | -.1286841 .0140182 -9.18 0.000 -.1562268 -.1011415 +_Ibplcol~464 | -.1094331 .0113646 -9.63 0.000 -.131762 -.0871042 +_Ibplcol~465 | -5.323346 3.603382 -1.48 0.140 -12.40319 1.756499 +_Ibplcol~467 | -5.379149 3.603721 -1.49 0.136 -12.45966 1.70136 +_Ibplcol~468 | -5.416323 3.603438 -1.50 0.133 -12.49628 1.663632 +_Ibplcol~469 | -5.462874 3.603522 -1.52 0.130 -12.54299 1.617247 +_Ibplcol~470 | -5.331454 3.603469 -1.48 0.140 -12.41147 1.748562 +_Ibplcol~471 | -5.257461 3.603812 -1.46 0.145 -12.33815 1.823228 +_Ibplcol~472 | -5.552756 3.603981 -1.54 0.124 -12.63378 1.528265 +_Ibplcol~473 | -5.668653 3.602832 -1.57 0.116 -12.74742 1.410111 +_Ibplcol~474 | -5.262419 3.603437 -1.46 0.145 -12.34237 1.817533 +_Ibplcol~475 | -5.2797 3.603437 -1.47 0.144 -12.35965 1.800253 +_Ibplcol~476 | -5.233631 3.603312 -1.45 0.147 -12.31334 1.846077 +_Ibplcol~477 | -5.380418 3.603429 -1.49 0.136 -12.46036 1.699519 +_Ibplcol~478 | -5.388225 3.603579 -1.50 0.135 -12.46846 1.692008 +_Ibplcol~479 | -5.377998 3.60349 -1.49 0.136 -12.45806 1.702059 +_Ibplcol~480 | -5.445579 3.603488 -1.51 0.131 -12.52563 1.634475 +_Ibplcol~481 | -5.478025 3.603218 -1.52 0.129 -12.55755 1.601496 +_Ibplcol~482 | -5.439452 3.603643 -1.51 0.132 -12.51981 1.640906 +_Ibplcol~483 | -5.436908 3.603408 -1.51 0.132 -12.5168 1.642987 +_Ibplcol~484 | -5.326326 3.603337 -1.48 0.140 -12.40608 1.75343 +_Ibplcol~485 | -5.41127 3.603412 -1.50 0.134 -12.49117 1.668635 +_Ibplcol~486 | -5.364681 3.603351 -1.49 0.137 -12.44446 1.715102 +_Ibplcol~487 | -5.403667 3.603543 -1.50 0.134 -12.48383 1.676493 +_Ibplcol~488 | -5.38402 3.603571 -1.49 0.136 -12.46424 1.696196 +_Ibplcol~489 | -5.362045 3.60348 -1.49 0.137 -12.44208 1.717991 +_Ibplcol~490 | -5.458413 3.603443 -1.51 0.130 -12.53838 1.621552 +_Ibplcol~491 | -5.361046 3.603651 -1.49 0.137 -12.44142 1.719327 +_Ibplcol~492 | -5.470891 3.603494 -1.52 0.130 -12.55095 1.609174 +_Ibplcol~493 | -5.495965 3.603443 -1.53 0.128 -12.57593 1.584 +_Ibplcol~494 | -5.60877 3.604028 -1.56 0.120 -12.68988 1.472345 +_Ibplcol~495 | .1526081 .0118253 12.91 0.000 .1293739 .1758422 +_Ibplcol~496 | .0406842 .0085813 4.74 0.000 .0238239 .0575445 +_Ibplcol~497 | -2.528763 3.336361 -0.76 0.449 -9.08397 4.026444 +_Ibplcol~498 | -2.334316 3.209268 -0.73 0.467 -8.639814 3.971182 +_Ibplcol~499 | -2.384502 3.209184 -0.74 0.458 -8.689836 3.920832 +_Ibplcol~500 | -2.376033 3.20911 -0.74 0.459 -8.681222 3.929156 +_Ibplcol~501 | -2.345238 3.209008 -0.73 0.465 -8.650224 3.959749 +_Ibplcol~502 | -2.26473 3.208811 -0.71 0.481 -8.56933 4.039869 +_Ibplcol~503 | -5.628684 3.602973 -1.56 0.119 -12.70772 1.450356 +_Ibplcol~504 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~505 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~506 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~507 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~508 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~509 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~510 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~511 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~512 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~513 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~514 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~515 | -9.33901 4.679182 -2.00 0.046 -18.53256 -.1454569 +_Ibplcol~516 | -9.350723 4.680073 -2.00 0.046 -18.54603 -.1554185 +_Ibplcol~517 | -9.354148 4.677648 -2.00 0.046 -18.54469 -.163609 +_Ibplcol~518 | -9.13914 4.673703 -1.96 0.051 -18.32193 .0436469 +_Ibplcol~519 | -9.097086 4.672752 -1.95 0.052 -18.278 .0838326 +_Ibplcol~520 | -9.323018 4.675902 -1.99 0.047 -18.51013 -.1359099 +_Ibplcol~521 | -9.104809 4.676258 -1.95 0.052 -18.29262 .0829989 +_Ibplcol~522 | .0628417 .0048464 12.97 0.000 .0533195 .0723638 +_Ibplcol~523 | .078341 .0033319 23.51 0.000 .0717945 .0848875 +_Ibplcol~524 | .0626989 .0031958 19.62 0.000 .0564198 .068978 +_Ibplcol~525 | .1179649 .0018637 63.30 0.000 .1143033 .1216266 +_Ibplcol~526 | .108646 .0037357 29.08 0.000 .1013061 .1159859 +_Ibplcol~527 | .1165723 .0043118 27.04 0.000 .1081006 .1250439 +_Ibplcol~528 | .0474492 .0043976 10.79 0.000 .0388088 .0560896 +_Ibplcol~529 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~530 | .0557634 .0042034 13.27 0.000 .0475047 .064022 +_Ibplcol~531 | -.0328663 .0031122 -10.56 0.000 -.038981 -.0267516 +_Ibplcol~532 | .0106061 .0029391 3.61 0.000 .0048314 .0163809 +_Ibplcol~533 | -2.41594 3.209223 -0.75 0.452 -8.721351 3.889471 +_Ibplcol~534 | -.292197 .0072997 -40.03 0.000 -.3065394 -.2778547 +_Ibplcol~535 | -3.990053 1.285945 -3.10 0.002 -6.516649 -1.463456 +_Ibplregco~3 | -1.237536 3.811532 -0.32 0.746 -8.726349 6.251278 +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | -4.750782 3.543262 -1.34 0.181 -11.7125 2.210941 +_Ibplregco~6 | .1321737 3.767265 0.04 0.972 -7.269665 7.534013 +_Ibplregco~7 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~8 | 3.472151 2.396948 1.45 0.148 -1.237319 8.18162 +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | .0071375 .0130961 0.55 0.586 -.0185934 .0328683 +_IbplXyrex_4 | .0194462 .0184864 1.05 0.293 -.0168755 .0557679 +_IbplXyrex_5 | -.019127 .0144642 -1.32 0.187 -.047546 .0092919 +_IbplXyrex_6 | .0443532 .0145103 3.06 0.002 .0158437 .0728627 +_IbplXyrex_7 | .0007781 .013609 0.06 0.954 -.0259605 .0275166 +_IbplXyrex_8 | .0011574 .0184411 0.06 0.950 -.0350752 .0373901 +_IbplXyrex_9 | -.0890769 .0329171 -2.71 0.007 -.1537517 -.024402 +_IbplXyre~10 | -.2127096 .0290805 -7.31 0.000 -.2698463 -.1555728 + _Ibplcol1_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_3 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_4 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_5 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_6 | 2.009606 3.586428 0.56 0.576 -5.036929 9.05614 + _Ibplcol1_7 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_8 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_16 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_17 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_23 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_24 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_25 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_28 | .6653034 3.344872 0.20 0.842 -5.906626 7.237233 +_Ibplcol1_29 | .9880373 1.188942 0.83 0.406 -1.34797 3.324044 +_Ibplcol1_30 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_31 | -4.03625 4.870173 -0.83 0.408 -13.60506 5.532558 +_Ibplcol1_32 | -1.429772 3.335102 -0.43 0.668 -7.982506 5.122962 +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | -4.189402 1.482062 -2.83 0.005 -7.101324 -1.27748 +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | -5.235117 3.288471 -1.59 0.112 -11.69623 1.225998 +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.0015513 .000712 -2.18 0.030 -.0029502 -.0001523 + _IbplXyob_3 | -.0005036 .0004934 -1.02 0.308 -.0014731 .0004659 + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0000943 .0007034 -0.13 0.893 -.0014764 .0012877 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0019915 .0006996 2.85 0.005 .0006169 .0033661 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0018216 .0008951 -2.04 0.042 -.0035802 -.000063 + _IbplXyob_7 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_8 | .0013356 .0007978 1.67 0.095 -.0002319 .0029031 + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | .0009363 .0009227 1.01 0.311 -.0008765 .0027492 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | .0022699 .0006159 3.69 0.000 .0010597 .00348 +_IbplXyob_16 | .0004865 .0006387 0.76 0.447 -.0007685 .0017415 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0017904 .0006604 2.71 0.007 .0004928 .0030879 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0009442 .0008215 -1.15 0.251 -.0025582 .0006698 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | .0027722 .0010612 2.61 0.009 .0006872 .0048571 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0004368 .0007239 -0.60 0.546 -.001859 .0009854 +_IbplXyob_23 | .0038968 .0016375 2.38 0.018 .0006796 .0071141 +_IbplXyob_24 | .0003236 .0006111 0.53 0.597 -.0008771 .0015244 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0015936 .0006416 2.48 0.013 .0003329 .0028542 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0024482 .0011074 -2.21 0.028 -.004624 -.0002723 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0010579 .0009212 -1.15 0.251 -.0028678 .000752 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0011086 .0006068 1.83 0.068 -.0000837 .0023009 +_IbplXyob_30 | -7.84e-06 .0006767 -0.01 0.991 -.0013373 .0013217 +_IbplXyob_31 | .0001794 .0006286 0.29 0.775 -.0010557 .0014145 +_IbplXyob_32 | .0000713 .0005875 0.12 0.903 -.0010831 .0012257 +_IbplXyob_33 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_34 | .0041294 .0007232 5.71 0.000 .0027085 .0055503 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_59 | .0020767 .0003936 5.28 0.000 .0013033 .0028501 +_IbplXyob_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_62 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_2 | -.0000222 .0000185 -1.20 0.231 -.0000586 .0000142 +_IbplXyob2_3 | -.0000272 7.60e-06 -3.58 0.000 -.0000422 -.0000123 +_IbplXyob2_4 | 8.08e-06 .0000136 0.60 0.552 -.0000186 .0000348 +_IbplXyob2_5 | -.0000387 .0000147 -2.64 0.009 -.0000675 -9.86e-06 +_IbplXyob2_6 | -.0000225 .000016 -1.41 0.160 -.0000539 8.91e-06 +_IbplXyob2_7 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob2_8 | .0000146 .0000163 0.89 0.373 -.0000175 .0000467 +_IbplXyob2_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_10 | .0000485 .0000246 1.97 0.049 1.68e-07 .0000968 +_IbplXy~2_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_15 | .0000389 .0000138 2.82 0.005 .0000118 .000066 +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000353 .0000125 -2.82 0.005 -.0000599 -.0000107 +_IbplXy~2_17 | .0000368 .0000188 1.95 0.051 -2.06e-07 .0000737 +_IbplXy~2_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_19 | -.0000161 .0000188 -0.86 0.392 -.0000531 .0000209 +_IbplXy~2_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_21 | .0000307 .0000237 1.30 0.195 -.0000158 .0000773 +_IbplXy~2_22 | 3.80e-06 .0000154 0.25 0.806 -.0000265 .0000341 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -.0000108 .0000262 -0.41 0.680 -.0000623 .0000406 +_IbplXy~2_24 | .000018 .0000141 1.27 0.204 -9.81e-06 .0000458 +_IbplXy~2_25 | .0000159 .0000131 1.21 0.226 -9.87e-06 .0000417 +_IbplXy~2_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_27 | -.0000752 .0000206 -3.65 0.000 -.0001157 -.0000347 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -.0000369 .0000166 -2.23 0.026 -.0000694 -4.39e-06 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -7.64e-06 .0000144 -0.53 0.596 -.0000359 .0000206 +_IbplXy~2_30 | -5.86e-06 .0000162 -0.36 0.718 -.0000377 .000026 +_IbplXy~2_31 | -2.71e-06 .0000153 -0.18 0.859 -.0000327 .0000273 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -8.60e-06 .000013 -0.66 0.509 -.0000342 .000017 +_IbplXy~2_33 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_34 | .0003439 .000092 3.74 0.000 .0001633 .0005246 +_IbplXy~2_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_38 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_59 | -.000089 7.73e-06 -11.52 0.000 -.0001042 -.0000738 +_IbplXy~2_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_62 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1993 | .0751469 .0024535 30.63 0.000 .0703263 .0799675 + _Iyob_1919 | .0409462 .0082873 4.94 0.000 .0246635 .0572289 + _Iyob_1920 | .066966 .0083443 8.03 0.000 .0505714 .0833607 + _Iyob_1921 | .0483199 .0081746 5.91 0.000 .0322586 .0643812 + _Iyob_1922 | .0791728 .0091638 8.64 0.000 .061168 .0971775 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0063229 .0068165 -0.93 0.354 -.0197158 .0070701 + _Iyob_1924 | .0971159 .0092411 10.51 0.000 .0789593 .1152726 + _Iyob_1925 | .0478582 .0074049 6.46 0.000 .0333092 .0624071 + _Iyob_1926 | .0819753 .0087084 9.41 0.000 .0648652 .0990854 + _Iyob_1927 | .1037205 .0087239 11.89 0.000 .0865799 .120861 + _Iyob_1928 | .0117591 .0072112 1.63 0.104 -.0024093 .0259275 + _Iyob_1929 | .1043707 .0089972 11.60 0.000 .0866933 .1220482 + _Iyob_1930 | .1049372 .0087995 11.93 0.000 .0876481 .1222262 + _Iyob_1931 | .0835167 .0082626 10.11 0.000 .0672826 .0997508 + _Iyob_1932 | .1301575 .0102506 12.70 0.000 .1100174 .1502976 + _Iyob_1933 | .0188778 .0082497 2.29 0.023 .0026689 .0350866 + _Iyob_1934 | .1158838 .0099208 11.68 0.000 .0963916 .135376 + _Iyob_1935 | .0714748 .0089231 8.01 0.000 .0539429 .0890067 + _Iyob_1936 | .1098349 .0093779 11.71 0.000 .0914094 .1282603 + _Iyob_1937 | .0835572 .0094027 8.89 0.000 .065083 .1020314 + _Iyob_1938 | -.0018746 .0087064 -0.22 0.830 -.0189806 .0152315 + _Iyob_1939 | .052269 .0093964 5.56 0.000 .0338072 .0707307 + _Iyob_1940 | .0671989 .0094355 7.12 0.000 .0486603 .0857375 + _Iyob_1941 | .0508328 .0108512 4.68 0.000 .0295125 .072153 + _Iyob_1942 | .0947043 .0129548 7.31 0.000 .0692509 .1201577 + _Iyob_1943 | .0172286 .0156424 1.10 0.271 -.0135053 .0479625 + _Iyob_1944 | .0940844 .017805 5.28 0.000 .0591016 .1290672 + _Iyob_1945 | .0587822 .0206432 2.85 0.005 .0182229 .0993415 + _Iyob_1946 | .08788 .0229111 3.84 0.000 .0428647 .1328952 + _Iyob_1947 | .0845475 .0260068 3.25 0.001 .03345 .135645 + _Iyob_1948 | .0516168 .0287231 1.80 0.073 -.0048177 .1080512 + _Iyob_1949 | .0873386 .0312886 2.79 0.005 .0258634 .1488137 + _Iyob_1950 | .0841147 .0342755 2.45 0.014 .0167709 .1514585 + _Iyob_1951 | .0689197 .0371381 1.86 0.064 -.0040484 .1418878 + _Iyob_1952 | .0888391 .0399432 2.22 0.027 .0103596 .1673187 + _Iyob_1953 | .0404404 .0429508 0.94 0.347 -.0439484 .1248291 + _Iyob_1954 | .0772693 .045628 1.69 0.091 -.0123797 .1669182 + _Iyob_1955 | .0460898 .0485814 0.95 0.343 -.0493619 .1415415 + _Iyob_1956 | .0690833 .051374 1.34 0.179 -.0318553 .1700218 + _Iyob_1957 | .0660349 .054272 1.22 0.224 -.0405975 .1726673 + _Iyob_1958 | .0916102 .0552385 1.66 0.098 -.0169212 .2001417 + _Iyob_1959 | .1307416 .0549478 2.38 0.018 .0227815 .2387018 + _Iyob_1960 | .1326281 .054831 2.42 0.016 .0248974 .2403588 + _Iyob_1961 | .1141421 .0552446 2.07 0.039 .0055987 .2226855 + _Iyob_1962 | .1469013 .0549734 2.67 0.008 .0388909 .2549118 + _Iyob_1963 | .0817301 .0556946 1.47 0.143 -.0276973 .1911576 + _Iyob_1964 | .1191082 .0554013 2.15 0.032 .010257 .2279594 + _Iyob_1965 | .0897057 .0553453 1.62 0.106 -.0190355 .1984469 + _Iyob_1966 | .0969299 .0554962 1.75 0.081 -.0121079 .2059676 + _Iyob_1967 | .0861275 .0554891 1.55 0.121 -.0228962 .1951513 + _Iyob_1968 | .0569922 .0558418 1.02 0.308 -.0527246 .1667089 + _Iyob_1969 | .062323 .055902 1.11 0.265 -.047512 .1721579 + _Iyob_1970 | .0521056 .0557577 0.93 0.351 -.0574459 .1616572 + _Iyob_1971 | .0257613 .0557811 0.46 0.644 -.0838362 .1353589 + _Iyob_1972 | .0339242 .0557685 0.61 0.543 -.0756486 .1434969 + _Iyob_1973 | -.0080315 .0558342 -0.14 0.886 -.1177333 .1016703 + _cons | 1.2753 3.811112 0.33 0.738 -6.212688 8.763288 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: lndens nivel_de_vida _Ibplcol2_2 _Ibplcol2_3 _Ibplcol2_4 + _Ibplcol2_5 _Ibplcol2_6 _Ibplcol2_7 _Ibplcol2_8 _Ibplcol2_9 + 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ecozone_warm +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl C nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplcol2 i.bplregcol*yrexp i.year i.yob +i.bplcol2 _Ibplcol2_1-535 (naturally coded; _Ibplcol2_1 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) + +. ivreg incscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplcol2) +(sum of wgt is 1.6862e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 35831 + F( 77, 488) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.5990 + Root MSE = .10739 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 489 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1224693 .0219927 5.57 0.000 .0792572 .1656815 + lndens | -.0111672 .0037423 -2.98 0.003 -.0185203 -.0038142 +nivel_de_v~a | .0066995 .0027999 2.39 0.017 .0011982 .0122007 + helminth_nh | .0734137 .027765 2.64 0.008 .01886 .1279674 + hookworm | -.0313647 .014883 -2.11 0.036 -.0606074 -.002122 +leishmania~s | .0114669 .0131088 0.87 0.382 -.0142897 .0372235 + yelfev | -.0076047 .0155134 -0.49 0.624 -.038086 .0228766 + land_inadeq | .0098481 .007394 1.33 0.184 -.0046798 .024376 + vioearly | -.0007764 .0034455 -0.23 0.822 -.0075463 .0059935 + violate | .0024754 .0026163 0.95 0.345 -.0026652 .007616 + cafetera | .0013486 .007665 0.18 0.860 -.013712 .0164091 + carbon | -.0086706 .0106377 -0.82 0.415 -.0295721 .0122308 +ganadera_n~a | -.0320064 .0126214 -2.54 0.012 -.0568054 -.0072074 + mktaccess | .0022238 .0015485 1.44 0.152 -.0008187 .0052663 + manuf | -.3403589 .3040551 -1.12 0.264 -.9377776 .2570599 + _Ibplcol2_2 | .1445886 .0179038 8.08 0.000 .1094105 .1797667 + _Ibplcol2_3 | .3517015 .0149452 23.53 0.000 .3223366 .3810665 + _Ibplcol2_4 | .1810739 .0169537 10.68 0.000 .1477626 .2143853 + _Ibplcol2_5 | .0218581 .0115941 1.89 0.060 -.0009225 .0446388 + _Ibplcol2_6 | .007654 .0101766 0.75 0.452 -.0123413 .0276494 + _Ibplcol2_7 | .2174642 .0162324 13.40 0.000 .1855702 .2493582 + _Ibplcol2_8 | .4449309 .0256705 17.33 0.000 .3944925 .4953692 + _Ibplcol2_9 | .1916645 .0186794 10.26 0.000 .1549626 .2283664 +_Ibplcol2_10 | .3959771 .0189818 20.86 0.000 .3586809 .4332733 +_Ibplcol2_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_12 | .1469178 .0161955 9.07 0.000 .1150962 .1787394 +_Ibplcol2_13 | .1573685 .0124472 12.64 0.000 .1329118 .1818253 +_Ibplcol2_14 | .0256328 .0071233 3.60 0.000 .0116367 .0396288 +_Ibplcol2_15 | .1316518 .0153063 8.60 0.000 .1015775 .1617261 +_Ibplcol2_16 | .421524 .0165095 25.53 0.000 .3890855 .4539624 +_Ibplcol2_17 | .0158528 .0116056 1.37 0.173 -.0069503 .0386559 +_Ibplcol2_18 | .2079268 .0172779 12.03 0.000 .1739784 .2418751 +_Ibplcol2_19 | .471576 .0172061 27.41 0.000 .4377689 .5053831 +_Ibplcol2_20 | .2568989 .0174574 14.72 0.000 .2225979 .2911999 +_Ibplcol2_21 | .0699793 .0114863 6.09 0.000 .0474106 .092548 +_Ibplcol2_22 | .3030229 .0163773 18.50 0.000 .2708441 .3352016 +_Ibplcol2_23 | .2766549 .0161405 17.14 0.000 .2449414 .3083684 +_Ibplcol2_24 | .4923755 .0202525 24.31 0.000 .4525827 .5321683 +_Ibplcol2_25 | .0795319 .0202416 3.93 0.000 .0397604 .1193033 +_Ibplcol2_26 | .2390332 .0161793 14.77 0.000 .2072436 .2708228 +_Ibplcol2_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_28 | .201906 .0164178 12.30 0.000 .1696478 .2341642 +_Ibplcol2_29 | -.0275704 .0142962 -1.93 0.054 -.0556601 .0005193 +_Ibplcol2_30 | .235468 .015855 14.85 0.000 .2043155 .2666204 +_Ibplcol2_31 | .3336975 .0156553 21.32 0.000 .3029374 .3644575 +_Ibplcol2_32 | .4376882 .0173439 25.24 0.000 .4036102 .4717662 +_Ibplcol2_33 | .1244528 .01688 7.37 0.000 .0912863 .1576193 +_Ibplcol2_34 | -.1906426 .0049138 -38.80 0.000 -.2002974 -.1809879 +_Ibplcol2_35 | .0321912 .0161483 1.99 0.047 .0004624 .06392 +_Ibplcol2_36 | .2176265 .0175884 12.37 0.000 .1830681 .2521849 +_Ibplcol2_37 | .1875127 .0158113 11.86 0.000 .1564461 .2185794 +_Ibplcol2_38 | .2515586 .0164639 15.28 0.000 .2192097 .2839074 +_Ibplcol2_39 | .3177282 .0097691 32.52 0.000 .2985334 .3369229 +_Ibplcol2_40 | .2073147 .0187316 11.07 0.000 .17051 .2441193 +_Ibplcol2_41 | .1033863 .0083211 12.42 0.000 .0870368 .1197358 +_Ibplcol2_42 | .1299679 .0174614 7.44 0.000 .0956591 .1642766 +_Ibplcol2_43 | .249138 .0193161 12.90 0.000 .211185 .287091 +_Ibplcol2_44 | .3272997 .0150785 21.71 0.000 .2976729 .3569266 +_Ibplcol2_45 | .3910106 .0261696 14.94 0.000 .3395915 .4424297 +_Ibplcol2_46 | .2210485 .0194023 11.39 0.000 .1829262 .2591708 +_Ibplcol2_47 | .0134097 .019561 0.69 0.493 -.0250245 .0518439 +_Ibplcol2_48 | .2105916 .0188672 11.16 0.000 .1735207 .2476625 +_Ibplcol2_49 | .3172655 .0212125 14.96 0.000 .2755864 .3589447 +_Ibplcol2_50 | .1288349 .0194071 6.64 0.000 .0907031 .1669666 +_Ibplcol2_51 | .1634942 .019695 8.30 0.000 .1247968 .2021916 +_Ibplcol2_52 | .3041757 .0214563 14.18 0.000 .2620176 .3463338 +_Ibplcol2_53 | .3394007 .018454 18.39 0.000 .3031417 .3756598 +_Ibplcol2_54 | .3504174 .0220869 15.87 0.000 .3070202 .3938145 +_Ibplcol2_55 | -.0488666 .0188628 -2.59 0.010 -.085929 -.0118042 +_Ibplcol2_56 | .0964014 .0194927 4.95 0.000 .0581015 .1347013 +_Ibplcol2_57 | .047286 .0186037 2.54 0.011 .0107327 .0838393 +_Ibplcol2_58 | .0195477 .0198678 0.98 0.326 -.0194892 .0585847 +_Ibplcol2_59 | .0987562 .0185239 5.33 0.000 .0623598 .1351527 +_Ibplcol2_60 | -.0328551 .0212913 -1.54 0.123 -.0746891 .0089789 +_Ibplcol2_61 | .102993 .0187859 5.48 0.000 .0660818 .1399042 +_Ibplcol2_62 | -.0311625 .0129954 -2.40 0.017 -.0566964 -.0056285 +_Ibplcol2_63 | -.0436271 .017991 -2.42 0.016 -.0789764 -.0082777 +_Ibplcol2_64 | -.0330009 .0144422 -2.29 0.023 -.0613775 -.0046243 +_Ibplcol2_65 | .0072321 .0208856 0.35 0.729 -.0338047 .0482689 +_Ibplcol2_66 | -.0257152 .0201719 -1.27 0.203 -.0653497 .0139192 +_Ibplcol2_67 | -.0263967 .014379 -1.84 0.067 -.0546491 .0018556 +_Ibplcol2_68 | .0429486 .0109854 3.91 0.000 .0213641 .0645331 +_Ibplcol2_69 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_70 | -.1168836 .0220792 -5.29 0.000 -.1602657 -.0735015 +_Ibplcol2_71 | .2206571 .0215803 10.22 0.000 .1782554 .2630588 +_Ibplcol2_72 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_73 | .2228413 .0173 12.88 0.000 .1888496 .2568329 +_Ibplcol2_74 | .2225515 .0203757 10.92 0.000 .1825167 .2625863 +_Ibplcol2_75 | .0395912 .0168276 2.35 0.019 .0065278 .0726547 +_Ibplcol2_76 | .128474 .0162425 7.91 0.000 .0965602 .1603878 +_Ibplcol2_77 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_78 | .1931866 .0169855 11.37 0.000 .1598128 .2265604 +_Ibplcol2_79 | .1249719 .0129818 9.63 0.000 .0994648 .150479 +_Ibplcol2_80 | -.1276823 .0156373 -8.17 0.000 -.1584071 -.0969575 +_Ibplcol2_81 | -.1124849 .0121834 -9.23 0.000 -.1364233 -.0885465 +_Ibplcol2_82 | -.078604 .0063331 -12.41 0.000 -.0910476 -.0661604 +_Ibplcol2_83 | -.0215808 .0139208 -1.55 0.122 -.048933 .0057713 +_Ibplcol2_84 | -.170726 .015433 -11.06 0.000 -.2010494 -.1404026 +_Ibplcol2_85 | -.063693 .0142277 -4.48 0.000 -.0916481 -.0357378 +_Ibplcol2_86 | -.1449211 .0110605 -13.10 0.000 -.1666531 -.1231891 +_Ibplcol2_87 | -.0644176 .0154706 -4.16 0.000 -.0948147 -.0340205 +_Ibplcol2_88 | -.0444853 .0144142 -3.09 0.002 -.0728069 -.0161637 +_Ibplcol2_89 | -.0911579 .0144774 -6.30 0.000 -.1196037 -.0627121 +_Ibplcol2_90 | -.273809 .0139915 -19.57 0.000 -.3013 -.2463179 +_Ibplcol2_91 | -.0625306 .0143119 -4.37 0.000 -.0906511 -.0344102 +_Ibplcol2_92 | -.0670833 .0135878 -4.94 0.000 -.0937811 -.0403855 +_Ibplcol2_93 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_94 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_95 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_96 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_97 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_98 | .3548923 .0131709 26.95 0.000 .3290137 .3807709 +_Ibplcol2_99 | -.0270695 .0134916 -2.01 0.045 -.0535783 -.0005608 +_Ibplcol~100 | -.0008057 .0105141 -0.08 0.939 -.0214642 .0198529 +_Ibplcol~101 | .0953509 .010556 9.03 0.000 .07461 .1160918 +_Ibplcol~102 | .1906187 .0120496 15.82 0.000 .1669432 .2142942 +_Ibplcol~103 | .0181405 .0100405 1.81 0.071 -.0015874 .0378684 +_Ibplcol~104 | .1896595 .0149409 12.69 0.000 .160303 .2190159 +_Ibplcol~105 | -.0448096 .01287 -3.48 0.001 -.0700971 -.0195221 +_Ibplcol~106 | .0739751 .0112684 6.56 0.000 .0518346 .0961157 +_Ibplcol~107 | .0611261 .0129782 4.71 0.000 .035626 .0866262 +_Ibplcol~108 | .1061723 .0094969 11.18 0.000 .0875124 .1248322 +_Ibplcol~109 | .0995488 .0111632 8.92 0.000 .077615 .1214826 +_Ibplcol~110 | .3176358 .0135067 23.52 0.000 .2910973 .3441743 +_Ibplcol~111 | .1659176 .0168503 9.85 0.000 .1328095 .1990257 +_Ibplcol~112 | .1039211 .0097634 10.64 0.000 .0847376 .1231046 +_Ibplcol~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~114 | .058525 .0166208 3.52 0.000 .0258678 .0911821 +_Ibplcol~115 | .1096445 .0151141 7.25 0.000 .0799478 .1393412 +_Ibplcol~116 | .1215049 .0205835 5.90 0.000 .0810616 .1619481 +_Ibplcol~117 | .0268287 .0163571 1.64 0.102 -.0053104 .0589678 +_Ibplcol~118 | .0730728 .0231399 3.16 0.002 .0276068 .1185388 +_Ibplcol~119 | .0496569 .0177215 2.80 0.005 .0148372 .0844767 +_Ibplcol~120 | -.042119 .0179548 -2.35 0.019 -.0773971 -.0068408 +_Ibplcol~121 | .0256294 .0200483 1.28 0.202 -.0137622 .065021 +_Ibplcol~122 | -.0370352 .0213477 -1.73 0.083 -.0789799 .0049095 +_Ibplcol~123 | .0641043 .010113 6.34 0.000 .0442339 .0839747 +_Ibplcol~124 | .025242 .0241282 1.05 0.296 -.0221659 .0726499 +_Ibplcol~125 | .0833795 .0198606 4.20 0.000 .0443566 .1224023 +_Ibplcol~126 | .0698929 .0184287 3.79 0.000 .0336836 .1061023 +_Ibplcol~127 | -.0423353 .0137005 -3.09 0.002 -.0692545 -.0154161 +_Ibplcol~128 | .0686428 .0193429 3.55 0.000 .0306372 .1066484 +_Ibplcol~129 | .0077844 .0186503 0.42 0.677 -.0288605 .0444292 +_Ibplcol~130 | -.0528687 .0182855 -2.89 0.004 -.0887968 -.0169406 +_Ibplcol~131 | -.0449745 .0188522 -2.39 0.017 -.082016 -.0079331 +_Ibplcol~132 | .0203402 .0132531 1.53 0.125 -.0056999 .0463804 +_Ibplcol~133 | -.0363573 .0175151 -2.08 0.038 -.0707717 -.001943 +_Ibplcol~134 | -.1193284 .0181441 -6.58 0.000 -.1549787 -.0836782 +_Ibplcol~135 | -.0412509 .019099 -2.16 0.031 -.0787772 -.0037245 +_Ibplcol~136 | -.1122665 .019214 -5.84 0.000 -.1500188 -.0745141 +_Ibplcol~137 | -.0318267 .0189527 -1.68 0.094 -.0690658 .0054123 +_Ibplcol~138 | -.0784697 .0188337 -4.17 0.000 -.1154748 -.0414646 +_Ibplcol~139 | -.0909473 .0142517 -6.38 0.000 -.1189495 -.062945 +_Ibplcol~140 | -.1288436 .0184735 -6.97 0.000 -.165141 -.0925462 +_Ibplcol~141 | .1929587 .0164142 11.76 0.000 .1607074 .22521 +_Ibplcol~142 | .2465116 .0162654 15.16 0.000 .2145528 .2784705 +_Ibplcol~143 | .2762319 .0165594 16.68 0.000 .2436955 .3087684 +_Ibplcol~144 | .2615762 .016603 15.75 0.000 .2289541 .2941984 +_Ibplcol~145 | .1819681 .0158033 11.51 0.000 .1509171 .2130191 +_Ibplcol~146 | .2399503 .0125823 19.07 0.000 .2152281 .2646725 +_Ibplcol~147 | .0376214 .0159917 2.35 0.019 .0062004 .0690424 +_Ibplcol~148 | .1893342 .0165166 11.46 0.000 .1568818 .2217865 +_Ibplcol~149 | .2048045 .0118339 17.31 0.000 .1815529 .2280561 +_Ibplcol~150 | .109874 .0158263 6.94 0.000 .0787778 .1409701 +_Ibplcol~151 | .1204522 .0173536 6.94 0.000 .0863551 .1545492 +_Ibplcol~152 | .2576073 .0168067 15.33 0.000 .2245848 .2906298 +_Ibplcol~153 | .1288336 .0188768 6.82 0.000 .0917437 .1659235 +_Ibplcol~154 | .0702202 .0143207 4.90 0.000 .0420824 .0983579 +_Ibplcol~155 | .2453593 .0163841 14.98 0.000 .2131672 .2775515 +_Ibplcol~156 | .1413075 .0080219 17.62 0.000 .1255458 .1570693 +_Ibplcol~157 | -.0734444 .0132848 -5.53 0.000 -.099547 -.0473419 +_Ibplcol~158 | .1128226 .0131521 8.58 0.000 .0869809 .1386643 +_Ibplcol~159 | -.0672939 .0113517 -5.93 0.000 -.0895981 -.0449897 +_Ibplcol~160 | .2524553 .0129526 19.49 0.000 .2270055 .2779051 +_Ibplcol~161 | .0796606 .0111484 7.15 0.000 .0577559 .1015653 +_Ibplcol~162 | -.1456121 .009543 -15.26 0.000 -.1643626 -.1268616 +_Ibplcol~163 | -.0495015 .0129953 -3.81 0.000 -.0750352 -.0239679 +_Ibplcol~164 | -.1557906 .0122424 -12.73 0.000 -.1798448 -.1317363 +_Ibplcol~165 | -.1165576 .0119143 -9.78 0.000 -.1399673 -.093148 +_Ibplcol~166 | -.2454923 .013512 -18.17 0.000 -.2720412 -.2189435 +_Ibplcol~167 | .1209579 .0181205 6.68 0.000 .085354 .1565617 +_Ibplcol~168 | .0969817 .0182271 5.32 0.000 .0611685 .1327949 +_Ibplcol~169 | .0867266 .0194357 4.46 0.000 .0485385 .1249146 +_Ibplcol~170 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~171 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~172 | .0341143 .0209926 1.63 0.105 -.0071327 .0753613 +_Ibplcol~173 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~174 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~175 | .1408792 .0142411 9.89 0.000 .1128978 .1688607 +_Ibplcol~176 | -.0251762 .0143416 -1.76 0.080 -.0533551 .0030027 +_Ibplcol~177 | .1331266 .0205445 6.48 0.000 .09276 .1734931 +_Ibplcol~178 | .0838203 .0149121 5.62 0.000 .0545205 .11312 +_Ibplcol~179 | .1210461 .0143006 8.46 0.000 .0929478 .1491443 +_Ibplcol~180 | -.0379444 .0142979 -2.65 0.008 -.0660374 -.0098514 +_Ibplcol~181 | .0466013 .0139088 3.35 0.001 .0192728 .0739297 +_Ibplcol~182 | -.0461967 .0137184 -3.37 0.001 -.0731512 -.0192423 +_Ibplcol~183 | .3220768 .0252442 12.76 0.000 .272476 .3716777 +_Ibplcol~184 | .3145064 .024331 12.93 0.000 .2666999 .362313 +_Ibplcol~185 | .1374953 .0251975 5.46 0.000 .0879863 .1870044 +_Ibplcol~186 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~187 | .3352046 .0146888 22.82 0.000 .3063435 .3640656 +_Ibplcol~188 | .2825423 .0148831 18.98 0.000 .2532995 .3117852 +_Ibplcol~189 | .3044264 .0116385 26.16 0.000 .2815586 .3272943 +_Ibplcol~190 | -.0344477 .0141342 -2.44 0.015 -.0622191 -.0066762 +_Ibplcol~191 | .0438418 .0138667 3.16 0.002 .0165959 .0710876 +_Ibplcol~192 | .2897607 .0134844 21.49 0.000 .2632661 .3162553 +_Ibplcol~193 | .1173281 .0147222 7.97 0.000 .0884013 .1462549 +_Ibplcol~194 | -.0852748 .0165484 -5.15 0.000 -.1177897 -.0527599 +_Ibplcol~195 | -.0526333 .0137552 -3.83 0.000 -.07966 -.0256066 +_Ibplcol~196 | .0772604 .0143898 5.37 0.000 .0489867 .1055341 +_Ibplcol~197 | .15476 .0151511 10.21 0.000 .1249907 .1845294 +_Ibplcol~198 | .1478457 .0144413 10.24 0.000 .1194709 .1762206 +_Ibplcol~199 | -.0722522 .0179747 -4.02 0.000 -.1075694 -.0369349 +_Ibplcol~200 | -.4081607 .0128614 -31.74 0.000 -.4334311 -.3828902 +_Ibplcol~201 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~202 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~203 | -.1729703 .0106771 -16.20 0.000 -.1939491 -.1519915 +_Ibplcol~204 | -.3967943 .0154629 -25.66 0.000 -.4271763 -.3664123 +_Ibplcol~205 | -.3764683 .0228109 -16.50 0.000 -.421288 -.3316487 +_Ibplcol~206 | -.1301715 .0150332 -8.66 0.000 -.1597093 -.1006337 +_Ibplcol~207 | .0726348 .0082873 8.76 0.000 .0563517 .0889179 +_Ibplcol~208 | .0411705 .0142199 2.90 0.004 .0132307 .0691103 +_Ibplcol~209 | -.0766693 .011691 -6.56 0.000 -.0996402 -.0536984 +_Ibplcol~210 | -.0822473 .0080403 -10.23 0.000 -.0980451 -.0664496 +_Ibplcol~211 | -.0544835 .0088494 -6.16 0.000 -.0718711 -.037096 +_Ibplcol~212 | -.0783314 .0081762 -9.58 0.000 -.0943963 -.0622664 +_Ibplcol~213 | .0148233 .0095768 1.55 0.122 -.0039936 .0336401 +_Ibplcol~214 | -.1130487 .0142969 -7.91 0.000 -.1411397 -.0849577 +_Ibplcol~215 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~216 | -.1040651 .0070088 -14.85 0.000 -.1178361 -.090294 +_Ibplcol~217 | -.2355734 .0168456 -13.98 0.000 -.2686724 -.2024745 +_Ibplcol~218 | -.0210543 .0133245 -1.58 0.115 -.0472347 .0051261 +_Ibplcol~219 | .0608843 .0135074 4.51 0.000 .0343444 .0874241 +_Ibplcol~220 | -.0723145 .0210388 -3.44 0.001 -.1136523 -.0309767 +_Ibplcol~221 | -.3451723 .0195129 -17.69 0.000 -.3835121 -.3068326 +_Ibplcol~222 | .0001636 .012857 0.01 0.990 -.0250982 .0254255 +_Ibplcol~223 | -.2009917 .0149495 -13.44 0.000 -.2303649 -.1716184 +_Ibplcol~224 | -.1061801 .0159092 -6.67 0.000 -.1374391 -.074921 +_Ibplcol~225 | -.259561 .0187339 -13.86 0.000 -.29637 -.2227519 +_Ibplcol~226 | -.3245378 .0167138 -19.42 0.000 -.3573776 -.291698 +_Ibplcol~227 | -.1421209 .0145685 -9.76 0.000 -.1707455 -.1134962 +_Ibplcol~228 | -.2511939 .0167677 -14.98 0.000 -.2841397 -.2182481 +_Ibplcol~229 | -.1448083 .0152138 -9.52 0.000 -.1747009 -.1149157 +_Ibplcol~230 | -.1903263 .0178269 -10.68 0.000 -.2253533 -.1552993 +_Ibplcol~231 | .1934486 .0199998 9.67 0.000 .1541523 .2327449 +_Ibplcol~232 | .0639652 .0195207 3.28 0.001 .0256102 .1023202 +_Ibplcol~233 | -.0937122 .0185823 -5.04 0.000 -.1302235 -.0572009 +_Ibplcol~234 | -.0037677 .0201449 -0.19 0.852 -.0433491 .0358136 +_Ibplcol~235 | .0661163 .019147 3.45 0.001 .0284955 .1037371 +_Ibplcol~236 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~237 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~238 | -.0299519 .0218503 -1.37 0.171 -.0728841 .0129804 +_Ibplcol~239 | .0386053 .0191537 2.02 0.044 .0009714 .0762392 +_Ibplcol~240 | -.0306497 .0181056 -1.69 0.091 -.0662243 .0049249 +_Ibplcol~241 | .087389 .019644 4.45 0.000 .0487917 .1259863 +_Ibplcol~242 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~243 | -.2554666 .0122268 -20.89 0.000 -.2794903 -.2314429 +_Ibplcol~244 | -.071873 .0150638 -4.77 0.000 -.1014709 -.0422752 +_Ibplcol~245 | -.2331839 .0098968 -23.56 0.000 -.2526296 -.2137383 +_Ibplcol~246 | .0001831 .0019423 0.09 0.925 -.0036332 .0039995 +_Ibplcol~247 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~248 | -.0351798 .0115931 -3.03 0.003 -.0579583 -.0124013 +_Ibplcol~249 | -.0692661 .0035851 -19.32 0.000 -.0763103 -.0622219 +_Ibplcol~250 | .1174263 .0075263 15.60 0.000 .1026384 .1322141 +_Ibplcol~251 | -.113709 .0081081 -14.02 0.000 -.12964 -.0977779 +_Ibplcol~252 | .0088366 .0137322 0.64 0.520 -.0181449 .0358181 +_Ibplcol~253 | -.0120378 .0109612 -1.10 0.273 -.0335748 .0094993 +_Ibplcol~254 | -.0403258 .0085114 -4.74 0.000 -.0570494 -.0236022 +_Ibplcol~255 | -.1422156 .0106897 -13.30 0.000 -.1632191 -.1212122 +_Ibplcol~256 | -.2459434 .0106007 -23.20 0.000 -.266772 -.2251148 +_Ibplcol~257 | -.261775 .0183866 -14.24 0.000 -.2979016 -.2256483 +_Ibplcol~258 | -.0584087 .0039191 -14.90 0.000 -.0661092 -.0507083 +_Ibplcol~259 | -.3101919 .0164409 -18.87 0.000 -.3424955 -.2778883 +_Ibplcol~260 | -.0620948 .0139405 -4.45 0.000 -.0894855 -.0347041 +_Ibplcol~261 | .4294834 .0189124 22.71 0.000 .3923237 .4666431 +_Ibplcol~262 | .2632605 .0154837 17.00 0.000 .2328377 .2936834 +_Ibplcol~263 | .1707033 .0096361 17.71 0.000 .1517699 .1896367 +_Ibplcol~264 | .2970918 .0130378 22.79 0.000 .2714747 .3227089 +_Ibplcol~265 | .360464 .0106682 33.79 0.000 .3395028 .3814252 +_Ibplcol~266 | .2140241 .0140239 15.26 0.000 .1864694 .2415788 +_Ibplcol~267 | .24522 .0166225 14.75 0.000 .2125595 .2778804 +_Ibplcol~268 | .3046457 .0207965 14.65 0.000 .263784 .3455073 +_Ibplcol~269 | .3032356 .0156567 19.37 0.000 .2724729 .3339984 +_Ibplcol~270 | .2490201 .0099275 25.08 0.000 .2295141 .2685261 +_Ibplcol~271 | .3066916 .0160183 19.15 0.000 .2752183 .3381649 +_Ibplcol~272 | .3103749 .0131856 23.54 0.000 .2844674 .3362824 +_Ibplcol~273 | .2237298 .0129125 17.33 0.000 .1983588 .2491007 +_Ibplcol~274 | .24534 .0108972 22.51 0.000 .2239288 .2667512 +_Ibplcol~275 | .2122833 .0127419 16.66 0.000 .1872474 .2373191 +_Ibplcol~276 | .3735225 .0117863 31.69 0.000 .3503643 .3966807 +_Ibplcol~277 | .3101307 .0145837 21.27 0.000 .2814761 .3387853 +_Ibplcol~278 | .2543152 .0099242 25.63 0.000 .2348158 .2738145 +_Ibplcol~279 | .2451097 .0132411 18.51 0.000 .2190931 .2711262 +_Ibplcol~280 | .3545243 .0104417 33.95 0.000 .3340081 .3750406 +_Ibplcol~281 | .4193865 .0140477 29.85 0.000 .391785 .4469879 +_Ibplcol~282 | .3222938 .0185471 17.38 0.000 .2858517 .3587359 +_Ibplcol~283 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~284 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~285 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~286 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~287 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~288 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~289 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~290 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~291 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~292 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~293 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~294 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~295 | .0295362 .0214777 1.38 0.170 -.012664 .0717363 +_Ibplcol~296 | .2153154 .0183423 11.74 0.000 .1792758 .251355 +_Ibplcol~297 | .0930659 .0183899 5.06 0.000 .0569327 .1291991 +_Ibplcol~298 | .2010993 .0211079 9.53 0.000 .1596256 .2425729 +_Ibplcol~299 | .0640261 .0201548 3.18 0.002 .0244251 .103627 +_Ibplcol~300 | .0151291 .0171256 0.88 0.377 -.0185198 .0487781 +_Ibplcol~301 | .1079282 .0204395 5.28 0.000 .0677679 .1480885 +_Ibplcol~302 | -.0232089 .0180307 -1.29 0.199 -.0586363 .0122184 +_Ibplcol~303 | .0459067 .0170219 2.70 0.007 .0124614 .0793521 +_Ibplcol~304 | -.0080016 .0171202 -0.47 0.640 -.04164 .0256367 +_Ibplcol~305 | -.0501207 .0183923 -2.73 0.007 -.0862586 -.0139829 +_Ibplcol~306 | -.0657438 .0147751 -4.45 0.000 -.0947744 -.0367132 +_Ibplcol~307 | -.0224864 .014329 -1.57 0.117 -.0506406 .0056677 +_Ibplcol~308 | -.0480775 .0150441 -3.20 0.001 -.0776368 -.0185182 +_Ibplcol~309 | .0390915 .0129205 3.03 0.003 .0137047 .0644783 +_Ibplcol~310 | .0665804 .016022 4.16 0.000 .0350998 .0980611 +_Ibplcol~311 | -.0025628 .01333 -0.19 0.848 -.0287541 .0236285 +_Ibplcol~312 | -.065912 .0146124 -4.51 0.000 -.0946231 -.0372009 +_Ibplcol~313 | -.4032707 .0179309 -22.49 0.000 -.4385021 -.3680394 +_Ibplcol~314 | -.3262097 .0169431 -19.25 0.000 -.3595001 -.2929194 +_Ibplcol~315 | -.4669589 .0161581 -28.90 0.000 -.4987071 -.4352108 +_Ibplcol~316 | -.3762933 .0123412 -30.49 0.000 -.4005418 -.3520449 +_Ibplcol~317 | -.3086848 .0117782 -26.21 0.000 -.3318271 -.2855425 +_Ibplcol~318 | -.2722114 .0131161 -20.75 0.000 -.2979824 -.2464404 +_Ibplcol~319 | -.2926169 .0106825 -27.39 0.000 -.3136063 -.2716275 +_Ibplcol~320 | -.2989911 .0125815 -23.76 0.000 -.3237116 -.2742706 +_Ibplcol~321 | -.3057096 .0129856 -23.54 0.000 -.3312243 -.280195 +_Ibplcol~322 | -.3929299 .0126247 -31.12 0.000 -.4177354 -.3681244 +_Ibplcol~323 | -.3975761 .0124718 -31.88 0.000 -.4220811 -.3730711 +_Ibplcol~324 | .0436912 .0217027 2.01 0.045 .0010489 .0863336 +_Ibplcol~325 | -.1302889 .0186979 -6.97 0.000 -.1670273 -.0935505 +_Ibplcol~326 | .0131791 .0187667 0.70 0.483 -.0236943 .0500525 +_Ibplcol~327 | .0389078 .018515 2.10 0.036 .0025289 .0752867 +_Ibplcol~328 | -.0260715 .0181721 -1.43 0.152 -.0617768 .0096338 +_Ibplcol~329 | -.0419685 .0146438 -2.87 0.004 -.0707412 -.0131957 +_Ibplcol~330 | -.0772987 .018812 -4.11 0.000 -.1142613 -.0403361 +_Ibplcol~331 | -.076528 .0193641 -3.95 0.000 -.1145753 -.0384807 +_Ibplcol~332 | -.0297294 .0191318 -1.55 0.121 -.0673203 .0078615 +_Ibplcol~333 | -.0843544 .0201921 -4.18 0.000 -.1240285 -.0446803 +_Ibplcol~334 | -.0135599 .0179807 -0.75 0.451 -.048889 .0217692 +_Ibplcol~335 | -.0029475 .0189137 -0.16 0.876 -.0401099 .0342149 +_Ibplcol~336 | -.0603944 .0140683 -4.29 0.000 -.0880362 -.0327525 +_Ibplcol~337 | .1592118 .0104852 15.18 0.000 .1386101 .1798135 +_Ibplcol~338 | .1758527 .0129343 13.60 0.000 .1504389 .2012666 +_Ibplcol~339 | -.0004052 .0173277 -0.02 0.981 -.0344513 .0336409 +_Ibplcol~340 | .0780254 .0132785 5.88 0.000 .0519354 .1041155 +_Ibplcol~341 | -.0095642 .0165131 -0.58 0.563 -.0420098 .0228813 +_Ibplcol~342 | .1331248 .0151777 8.77 0.000 .1033031 .1629466 +_Ibplcol~343 | .1620429 .0124869 12.98 0.000 .1375083 .1865776 +_Ibplcol~345 | .0969542 .0169243 5.73 0.000 .0637007 .1302077 +_Ibplcol~346 | .0656 .0180265 3.64 0.000 .0301808 .1010192 +_Ibplcol~347 | .0174433 .015975 1.09 0.275 -.013945 .0488317 +_Ibplcol~348 | .133903 .0169725 7.89 0.000 .1005549 .1672511 +_Ibplcol~349 | .0727619 .0171743 4.24 0.000 .0390173 .1065066 +_Ibplcol~350 | .1736369 .0190313 9.12 0.000 .1362435 .2110303 +_Ibplcol~351 | .2064851 .0174233 11.85 0.000 .1722511 .240719 +_Ibplcol~352 | .1062828 .0176879 6.01 0.000 .0715289 .1410367 +_Ibplcol~353 | .1959844 .0147353 13.30 0.000 .1670319 .2249368 +_Ibplcol~354 | .2188811 .0159127 13.76 0.000 .1876152 .2501469 +_Ibplcol~355 | .2536846 .016885 15.02 0.000 .2205083 .2868609 +_Ibplcol~356 | .1997774 .0175116 11.41 0.000 .16537 .2341848 +_Ibplcol~357 | .1602769 .0159094 10.07 0.000 .1290175 .1915362 +_Ibplcol~358 | .0434924 .0168982 2.57 0.010 .0102902 .0766947 +_Ibplcol~359 | .0808802 .0155462 5.20 0.000 .0503344 .111426 +_Ibplcol~360 | .1802443 .0146647 12.29 0.000 .1514306 .2090579 +_Ibplcol~361 | .0753295 .0145337 5.18 0.000 .0467731 .1038859 +_Ibplcol~362 | .1747657 .0160714 10.87 0.000 .1431879 .2063434 +_Ibplcol~363 | .1158075 .0165773 6.99 0.000 .0832359 .1483792 +_Ibplcol~364 | .2074838 .0176936 11.73 0.000 .1727186 .2422489 +_Ibplcol~365 | .1871242 .0138014 13.56 0.000 .1600067 .2142417 +_Ibplcol~366 | .1581043 .0158791 9.96 0.000 .1269045 .1893041 +_Ibplcol~367 | .215408 .0174318 12.36 0.000 .1811573 .2496587 +_Ibplcol~369 | .2469457 .0175166 14.10 0.000 .2125284 .2813629 +_Ibplcol~370 | .2384789 .0185989 12.82 0.000 .201935 .2750228 +_Ibplcol~371 | -.3213927 .0132721 -24.22 0.000 -.3474702 -.2953152 +_Ibplcol~372 | -.257915 .0174608 -14.77 0.000 -.2922226 -.2236073 +_Ibplcol~373 | -.2551882 .0125513 -20.33 0.000 -.2798496 -.2305269 +_Ibplcol~374 | -.244253 .0157187 -15.54 0.000 -.2751377 -.2133684 +_Ibplcol~375 | -.2578388 .0098082 -26.29 0.000 -.2771104 -.2385673 +_Ibplcol~376 | -.3260131 .0084545 -38.56 0.000 -.3426249 -.3094013 +_Ibplcol~377 | -.3104085 .0136454 -22.75 0.000 -.3372195 -.2835975 +_Ibplcol~378 | -.2867397 .0118187 -24.26 0.000 -.3099614 -.2635179 +_Ibplcol~379 | -.3249841 .0121111 -26.83 0.000 -.3487804 -.3011877 +_Ibplcol~380 | -.2998839 .0119967 -25.00 0.000 -.3234554 -.2763123 +_Ibplcol~381 | -.3872513 .0167996 -23.05 0.000 -.4202599 -.3542428 +_Ibplcol~382 | -.3720396 .0116319 -31.98 0.000 -.3948944 -.3491847 +_Ibplcol~383 | -.36199 .0121084 -29.90 0.000 -.3857811 -.338199 +_Ibplcol~384 | -.2599351 .0137727 -18.87 0.000 -.2869963 -.2328739 +_Ibplcol~385 | -.3919515 .0158447 -24.74 0.000 -.4230837 -.3608192 +_Ibplcol~386 | -.1124418 .0120221 -9.35 0.000 -.1360633 -.0888202 +_Ibplcol~387 | -.1749418 .0125778 -13.91 0.000 -.1996552 -.1502285 +_Ibplcol~388 | -.1013479 .0128052 -7.91 0.000 -.1265081 -.0761878 +_Ibplcol~389 | -.070255 .015285 -4.60 0.000 -.1002876 -.0402224 +_Ibplcol~390 | .025602 .014937 1.71 0.087 -.0037467 .0549507 +_Ibplcol~391 | -.0476382 .0170689 -2.79 0.005 -.0811758 -.0141006 +_Ibplcol~392 | .0147087 .0191531 0.77 0.443 -.0229241 .0523415 +_Ibplcol~393 | .0587541 .0153659 3.82 0.000 .0285626 .0889456 +_Ibplcol~394 | .0906305 .0187901 4.82 0.000 .053711 .1275499 +_Ibplcol~395 | .0829846 .0186539 4.45 0.000 .0463326 .1196366 +_Ibplcol~396 | .1358109 .0188437 7.21 0.000 .0987861 .1728357 +_Ibplcol~397 | .1453664 .018015 8.07 0.000 .1099699 .180763 +_Ibplcol~398 | .1504881 .0192327 7.82 0.000 .1126989 .1882773 +_Ibplcol~399 | -.0371389 .0157939 -2.35 0.019 -.0681713 -.0061064 +_Ibplcol~400 | .1070551 .0182032 5.88 0.000 .0712888 .1428214 +_Ibplcol~401 | .1035715 .0189813 5.46 0.000 .0662763 .1408667 +_Ibplcol~402 | .2423722 .0186132 13.02 0.000 .2058003 .278944 +_Ibplcol~403 | .058014 .0161357 3.60 0.000 .0263101 .089718 +_Ibplcol~404 | -.0219888 .0160209 -1.37 0.171 -.0534672 .0094896 +_Ibplcol~405 | -.1152403 .0149376 -7.71 0.000 -.1445903 -.0858902 +_Ibplcol~406 | .0616818 .0161778 3.81 0.000 .0298951 .0934686 +_Ibplcol~407 | .0620426 .0158668 3.91 0.000 .0308669 .0932183 +_Ibplcol~408 | .0883754 .0159259 5.55 0.000 .0570836 .1196672 +_Ibplcol~409 | .0299339 .0173266 1.73 0.085 -.0041102 .0639779 +_Ibplcol~410 | -.0029814 .0154349 -0.19 0.847 -.0333086 .0273457 +_Ibplcol~411 | .0147503 .0150054 0.98 0.326 -.0147329 .0442336 +_Ibplcol~412 | .1433977 .0166488 8.61 0.000 .1106856 .1761098 +_Ibplcol~413 | .0527377 .0190266 2.77 0.006 .0153534 .0901219 +_Ibplcol~415 | .103726 .0148863 6.97 0.000 .0744769 .1329752 +_Ibplcol~416 | .0277161 .0181628 1.53 0.128 -.0079707 .063403 +_Ibplcol~417 | .0037061 .0157456 0.24 0.814 -.0272316 .0346437 +_Ibplcol~418 | .0356121 .0175617 2.03 0.043 .0011061 .070118 +_Ibplcol~419 | -.0280499 .0135781 -2.07 0.039 -.0547287 -.0013711 +_Ibplcol~420 | -.1594111 .0150416 -10.60 0.000 -.1889654 -.1298568 +_Ibplcol~421 | -.1711911 .0132783 -12.89 0.000 -.1972807 -.1451015 +_Ibplcol~422 | -.0847284 .0124739 -6.79 0.000 -.1092375 -.0602193 +_Ibplcol~423 | -.1483952 .009955 -14.91 0.000 -.1679552 -.1288353 +_Ibplcol~424 | -.1284206 .0101677 -12.63 0.000 -.1483984 -.1084427 +_Ibplcol~425 | -.085831 .0132151 -6.49 0.000 -.1117966 -.0598654 +_Ibplcol~426 | .0065617 .0112618 0.58 0.560 -.0155659 .0286893 +_Ibplcol~427 | -.2581181 .0099568 -25.92 0.000 -.2776816 -.2385545 +_Ibplcol~428 | -.108396 .0092534 -11.71 0.000 -.1265774 -.0902147 +_Ibplcol~429 | -.1679538 .0108644 -15.46 0.000 -.1893006 -.146607 +_Ibplcol~430 | -.1299966 .014732 -8.82 0.000 -.1589426 -.1010507 +_Ibplcol~431 | -.0677476 .0121043 -5.60 0.000 -.0915306 -.0439646 +_Ibplcol~432 | -.080114 .0091992 -8.71 0.000 -.0981889 -.062039 +_Ibplcol~433 | -.0462118 .0125358 -3.69 0.000 -.0708426 -.0215809 +_Ibplcol~434 | .2073065 .0062817 33.00 0.000 .194964 .219649 +_Ibplcol~435 | .2349547 .0122497 19.18 0.000 .210886 .2590233 +_Ibplcol~436 | .1622306 .0113248 14.33 0.000 .1399793 .1844819 +_Ibplcol~437 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~438 | .1376753 .0153898 8.95 0.000 .1074368 .1679138 +_Ibplcol~439 | .2775665 .0097828 28.37 0.000 .2583449 .296788 +_Ibplcol~440 | .0701823 .0144289 4.86 0.000 .0418319 .0985327 +_Ibplcol~441 | .276087 .0102319 26.98 0.000 .2559831 .296191 +_Ibplcol~442 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~443 | .0782144 .0114984 6.80 0.000 .0556219 .100807 +_Ibplcol~444 | -.0014222 .0132884 -0.11 0.915 -.0275317 .0246873 +_Ibplcol~445 | -.0296858 .0083214 -3.57 0.000 -.046036 -.0133356 +_Ibplcol~446 | -.0013497 .0146682 -0.09 0.927 -.0301702 .0274709 +_Ibplcol~447 | -.006458 .0139435 -0.46 0.643 -.0338546 .0209387 +_Ibplcol~448 | .0074272 .0148084 0.50 0.616 -.0216689 .0365234 +_Ibplcol~449 | .0798174 .0140847 5.67 0.000 .0521433 .1074915 +_Ibplcol~450 | -.0258878 .012975 -2.00 0.047 -.0513816 -.000394 +_Ibplcol~451 | -.0000641 .0140826 -0.00 0.996 -.0277342 .027606 +_Ibplcol~452 | .0115563 .0143691 0.80 0.422 -.0166767 .0397893 +_Ibplcol~453 | .1493859 .0146486 10.20 0.000 .1206037 .178168 +_Ibplcol~454 | -.0151797 .0139596 -1.09 0.277 -.0426081 .0122487 +_Ibplcol~455 | .2425997 .0126744 19.14 0.000 .2176965 .2675029 +_Ibplcol~456 | .0630882 .0127196 4.96 0.000 .0380963 .0880801 +_Ibplcol~457 | .0175134 .0139645 1.25 0.210 -.0099246 .0449513 +_Ibplcol~458 | .0103931 .013794 0.75 0.452 -.0167098 .0374961 +_Ibplcol~459 | .0241892 .0142989 1.69 0.091 -.0039059 .0522842 +_Ibplcol~460 | .0208637 .0137963 1.51 0.131 -.0062438 .0479712 +_Ibplcol~461 | .0547437 .0125517 4.36 0.000 .0300816 .0794058 +_Ibplcol~462 | -.2310754 .0175822 -13.14 0.000 -.2656216 -.1965293 +_Ibplcol~463 | -.1228188 .0167362 -7.34 0.000 -.1557027 -.0899348 +_Ibplcol~464 | -.1138512 .0127754 -8.91 0.000 -.1389528 -.0887496 +_Ibplcol~465 | .0893013 .0198235 4.50 0.000 .0503513 .1282512 +_Ibplcol~467 | .031484 .0161909 1.94 0.052 -.0003284 .0632964 +_Ibplcol~468 | -.0051121 .018972 -0.27 0.788 -.042389 .0321648 +_Ibplcol~469 | -.0566583 .017133 -3.31 0.001 -.0903217 -.0229948 +_Ibplcol~470 | .0742498 .0184525 4.02 0.000 .0379937 .1105059 +_Ibplcol~471 | .1556959 .0188171 8.27 0.000 .1187233 .1926685 +_Ibplcol~472 | -.1414 .0180306 -7.84 0.000 -.1768272 -.1059729 +_Ibplcol~473 | -.2237314 .0147189 -15.20 0.000 -.2526517 -.1948111 +_Ibplcol~474 | .1391695 .0161087 8.64 0.000 .1075186 .1708203 +_Ibplcol~475 | .1250046 .0161774 7.73 0.000 .0932186 .1567905 +_Ibplcol~476 | .1662906 .0164748 10.09 0.000 .1339203 .1986609 +_Ibplcol~477 | .0292215 .0181501 1.61 0.108 -.0064404 .0648835 +_Ibplcol~478 | .0173267 .0186086 0.93 0.352 -.0192362 .0538895 +_Ibplcol~479 | .0338389 .0188974 1.79 0.074 -.0032913 .0709691 +_Ibplcol~480 | -.0438844 .0162 -2.71 0.007 -.0757148 -.012054 +_Ibplcol~481 | -.0758894 .0181607 -4.18 0.000 -.1115723 -.0402066 +_Ibplcol~482 | -.0296892 .0185346 -1.60 0.110 -.0661068 .0067283 +_Ibplcol~483 | -.0302832 .0163574 -1.85 0.065 -.0624229 .0018564 +_Ibplcol~484 | .0819503 .01669 4.91 0.000 .0491572 .1147434 +_Ibplcol~485 | -.0043524 .0163872 -0.27 0.791 -.0365506 .0278458 +_Ibplcol~486 | .0437569 .016633 2.63 0.009 .0110757 .0764381 +_Ibplcol~487 | .0073752 .0161696 0.46 0.649 -.0243954 .0391458 +_Ibplcol~488 | .0322882 .0196065 1.65 0.100 -.0062353 .0708117 +_Ibplcol~489 | .0435634 .0186874 2.33 0.020 .0068456 .0802811 +_Ibplcol~490 | -.0518281 .0166493 -3.11 0.002 -.0845413 -.0191149 +_Ibplcol~491 | .0429406 .0168359 2.55 0.011 .0098608 .0760205 +_Ibplcol~492 | -.0673946 .015712 -4.29 0.000 -.0982661 -.0365231 +_Ibplcol~493 | -.0965343 .0140196 -6.89 0.000 -.1240805 -.0689882 +_Ibplcol~494 | -.1873104 .0125704 -14.90 0.000 -.2120092 -.1626117 +_Ibplcol~495 | -.164039 .0105485 -15.55 0.000 -.1847651 -.1433129 +_Ibplcol~496 | -.3032976 .0143423 -21.15 0.000 -.331478 -.2751173 +_Ibplcol~497 | -.0568304 .0163462 -3.48 0.001 -.088948 -.0247129 +_Ibplcol~498 | .00765 .014016 0.55 0.585 -.0198892 .0351892 +_Ibplcol~499 | -.0417236 .0142135 -2.94 0.003 -.0696508 -.0137964 +_Ibplcol~500 | -.0410577 .016802 -2.44 0.015 -.0740708 -.0080446 +_Ibplcol~501 | .0054093 .0141458 0.38 0.702 -.0223849 .0332035 +_Ibplcol~502 | .0739387 .0142077 5.20 0.000 .046023 .1018545 +_Ibplcol~503 | -.1850817 .0149477 -12.38 0.000 -.2144516 -.1557119 +_Ibplcol~504 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~505 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~506 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~507 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~508 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~509 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~510 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~511 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~512 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~513 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~514 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~515 | .0094842 .0142648 0.66 0.506 -.0185438 .0375122 +_Ibplcol~516 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~517 | -.0189898 .0072202 -2.63 0.009 -.0331763 -.0048033 +_Ibplcol~518 | .1733667 .0140885 12.31 0.000 .1456851 .2010482 +_Ibplcol~519 | .1899736 .0247144 7.69 0.000 .1414138 .2385334 +_Ibplcol~520 | .0017579 .0149353 0.12 0.906 -.0275876 .0311034 +_Ibplcol~521 | .198426 .0213917 9.28 0.000 .1563947 .2404573 +_Ibplcol~522 | -.1778573 .0126648 -14.04 0.000 -.2027417 -.152973 +_Ibplcol~523 | -.1566153 .0109826 -14.26 0.000 -.1781944 -.1350363 +_Ibplcol~524 | -.1856182 .0108656 -17.08 0.000 -.2069673 -.1642692 +_Ibplcol~525 | -.1033352 .0153267 -6.74 0.000 -.1334497 -.0732207 +_Ibplcol~526 | -.1350987 .0106716 -12.66 0.000 -.1560667 -.1141307 +_Ibplcol~527 | -.1284046 .0084454 -15.20 0.000 -.1449984 -.1118109 +_Ibplcol~528 | -.1952333 .0079324 -24.61 0.000 -.2108191 -.1796474 +_Ibplcol~529 | -.2434957 .0112247 -21.69 0.000 -.2655503 -.2214411 +_Ibplcol~530 | -.1837046 .0096524 -19.03 0.000 -.20267 -.1647391 +_Ibplcol~531 | -.2834875 .0118966 -23.83 0.000 -.3068624 -.2601127 +_Ibplcol~532 | -.2314655 .0123274 -18.78 0.000 -.2556868 -.2072443 +_Ibplcol~533 | -.0785255 .0143463 -5.47 0.000 -.1067137 -.0503373 +_Ibplcol~534 | .1653759 .0159807 10.35 0.000 .1339764 .1967755 +_Ibplcol~535 | -.0297361 .0117115 -2.54 0.011 -.0527473 -.0067249 +_Ibplregco~3 | -.1202665 .0184854 -6.51 0.000 -.1565874 -.0839456 +_Ibplregco~4 | .1818615 .0189083 9.62 0.000 .1447097 .2190132 +_Ibplregco~5 | .2840322 .0268461 10.58 0.000 .2312839 .3367804 +_Ibplregco~6 | .1045877 .0175268 5.97 0.000 .0701505 .1390249 +_Ibplregco~7 | -.1328245 .024437 -5.44 0.000 -.1808394 -.0848097 +_Ibplregco~8 | -.0619248 .0267983 -2.31 0.021 -.1145791 -.0092706 +_Ibplregco~9 | -.1936892 .0369943 -5.24 0.000 -.2663771 -.1210014 +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | -.0718185 .0153476 -4.68 0.000 -.1019741 -.0416629 +_IbplXyrex_4 | -.1108364 .0215325 -5.15 0.000 -.1531443 -.0685286 +_IbplXyrex_5 | -.0519565 .0149713 -3.47 0.001 -.0813728 -.0225403 +_IbplXyrex_6 | -.0625406 .0198744 -3.15 0.002 -.1015905 -.0234907 +_IbplXyrex_7 | -.0907475 .0213612 -4.25 0.000 -.1327188 -.0487763 +_IbplXyrex_8 | -.0828489 .0209831 -3.95 0.000 -.1240773 -.0416204 +_IbplXyrex_9 | -.0298716 .0348342 -0.86 0.392 -.0983151 .0385718 +_IbplXyre~10 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1993 | .0751851 .0024913 30.18 0.000 .0702902 .08008 + _Iyob_1919 | .0437811 .0082968 5.28 0.000 .0274792 .0600829 + _Iyob_1920 | .0698143 .0084288 8.28 0.000 .0532531 .0863755 + _Iyob_1921 | .0514941 .008165 6.31 0.000 .0354513 .067537 + _Iyob_1922 | .0836189 .0091707 9.12 0.000 .0656 .1016378 + _Iyob_1923 | -.000828 .006682 -0.12 0.901 -.013957 .012301 + _Iyob_1924 | .1051263 .0091525 11.49 0.000 .0871431 .1231094 + _Iyob_1925 | .0550165 .007334 7.50 0.000 .0406065 .0694266 + _Iyob_1926 | .091114 .0083801 10.87 0.000 .0746484 .1075796 + _Iyob_1927 | .1130719 .0084734 13.34 0.000 .096423 .1297208 + _Iyob_1928 | .021823 .0067612 3.23 0.001 .0085384 .0351076 + _Iyob_1929 | .1157598 .0084431 13.71 0.000 .0991704 .1323491 + _Iyob_1930 | .1175438 .0081364 14.45 0.000 .1015572 .1335305 + _Iyob_1931 | .0965727 .0072536 13.31 0.000 .0823206 .1108248 + _Iyob_1932 | .1440918 .0094943 15.18 0.000 .125437 .1627466 + _Iyob_1933 | .0326905 .0069525 4.70 0.000 .01903 .0463511 + _Iyob_1934 | .1315174 .0085314 15.42 0.000 .1147545 .1482802 + _Iyob_1935 | .0877484 .0072888 12.04 0.000 .073427 .1020698 + _Iyob_1936 | .1262746 .0081132 15.56 0.000 .1103334 .1422158 + _Iyob_1937 | .101517 .0082301 12.33 0.000 .0853463 .1176878 + _Iyob_1938 | .0165774 .0064116 2.59 0.010 .0039797 .0291751 + _Iyob_1939 | .0716742 .0071122 10.08 0.000 .0576998 .0856485 + _Iyob_1940 | .0881151 .0070993 12.41 0.000 .074166 .1020642 + _Iyob_1941 | .0741526 .0085436 8.68 0.000 .0573659 .0909393 + _Iyob_1942 | .1209991 .0113985 10.62 0.000 .0986029 .1433952 + _Iyob_1943 | .0446902 .0136594 3.27 0.001 .0178517 .0715287 + _Iyob_1944 | .1240639 .0162209 7.65 0.000 .0921924 .1559354 + _Iyob_1945 | .0902668 .0190571 4.74 0.000 .0528226 .1277109 + _Iyob_1946 | .1224511 .0214246 5.72 0.000 .0803553 .1645469 + _Iyob_1947 | .1214263 .0246133 4.93 0.000 .0730651 .1697874 + _Iyob_1948 | .0901705 .0274487 3.29 0.001 .0362382 .1441028 + _Iyob_1949 | .1279353 .0298237 4.29 0.000 .0693365 .1865341 + _Iyob_1950 | .1268893 .0330446 3.84 0.000 .061962 .1918166 + _Iyob_1951 | .113933 .0357446 3.19 0.002 .0437007 .1841652 + _Iyob_1952 | .1362186 .0386872 3.52 0.000 .0602046 .2122326 + _Iyob_1953 | .0895144 .0417866 2.14 0.033 .0074105 .1716182 + _Iyob_1954 | .1291234 .0442727 2.92 0.004 .0421348 .2161121 + _Iyob_1955 | .0991257 .0474689 2.09 0.037 .005857 .1923945 + _Iyob_1956 | .1252113 .0501531 2.50 0.013 .0266686 .223754 + _Iyob_1957 | .124072 .053085 2.34 0.020 .0197687 .2283753 + _Iyob_1958 | .1492547 .053808 2.77 0.006 .0435307 .2549787 + _Iyob_1959 | .1885129 .0536203 3.52 0.000 .0831578 .293868 + _Iyob_1960 | .1913594 .0534519 3.58 0.000 .0863352 .2963836 + _Iyob_1961 | .1728068 .0537439 3.22 0.001 .0672088 .2784049 + _Iyob_1962 | .2066857 .053256 3.88 0.000 .1020463 .311325 + _Iyob_1963 | .1413655 .0540423 2.62 0.009 .0351812 .2475498 + _Iyob_1964 | .1793934 .0538406 3.33 0.001 .0736055 .2851813 + _Iyob_1965 | .1498088 .0536999 2.79 0.005 .0442972 .2553205 + _Iyob_1966 | .1575325 .0537691 2.93 0.004 .051885 .2631801 + _Iyob_1967 | .1477617 .0534319 2.77 0.006 .0427767 .2527468 + _Iyob_1968 | .1181429 .0538783 2.19 0.029 .0122809 .224005 + _Iyob_1969 | .1249343 .0536403 2.33 0.020 .0195398 .2303288 + _Iyob_1970 | .1147512 .0535077 2.14 0.032 .0096172 .2198852 + _Iyob_1971 | .0892588 .0535345 1.67 0.096 -.0159277 .1944454 + _Iyob_1972 | .0977356 .0531384 1.84 0.066 -.0066727 .2021438 + _Iyob_1973 | .0561841 .0532385 1.06 0.292 -.0484209 .1607891 + _cons | -.3148295 .0174126 -18.08 0.000 -.3490424 -.2806165 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: lndens nivel_de_vida helminth_nh hookworm leishmaniasis + yelfev land_inadeq vioearly violate cafetera carbon + ganadera_neuva mktaccess manuf _Ibplcol2_2 _Ibplcol2_3 + _Ibplcol2_4 _Ibplcol2_5 _Ibplcol2_6 _Ibplcol2_7 _Ibplcol2_8 + _Ibplcol2_9 _Ibplcol2_10 _Ibplcol2_11 _Ibplcol2_12 + _Ibplcol2_13 _Ibplcol2_14 _Ibplcol2_15 _Ibplcol2_16 + _Ibplcol2_17 _Ibplcol2_18 _Ibplcol2_19 _Ibplcol2_20 + _Ibplcol2_21 _Ibplcol2_22 _Ibplcol2_23 _Ibplcol2_24 + _Ibplcol2_25 _Ibplcol2_26 _Ibplcol2_27 _Ibplcol2_28 + _Ibplcol2_29 _Ibplcol2_30 _Ibplcol2_31 _Ibplcol2_32 + _Ibplcol2_33 _Ibplcol2_34 _Ibplcol2_35 _Ibplcol2_36 + _Ibplcol2_37 _Ibplcol2_38 _Ibplcol2_39 _Ibplcol2_40 + _Ibplcol2_41 _Ibplcol2_42 _Ibplcol2_43 _Ibplcol2_44 + _Ibplcol2_45 _Ibplcol2_46 _Ibplcol2_47 _Ibplcol2_48 + _Ibplcol2_49 _Ibplcol2_50 _Ibplcol2_51 _Ibplcol2_52 + 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_Ibplregcol_9 _Ibplregcol_10 _IbplXyrex_3 + _IbplXyrex_4 _IbplXyrex_5 _IbplXyrex_6 _IbplXyrex_7 + _IbplXyrex_8 _IbplXyrex_9 _IbplXyrex_10 _Iyear_1993 + _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 _Iyob_1923 + _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 _Iyob_1928 + _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 _Iyob_1933 + _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 + _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 + _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 + _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 + _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 + _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 + _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 _Iyob_1966 _Iyob_1967 _Iyob_1968 + _Iyob_1969 _Iyob_1970 _Iyob_1971 _Iyob_1972 _Iyob_1973 + temperature altitude mellinger m46 areamalarica ecozone_stdry + ecozone_stwet ecozone_trdry ecozone_trwet ecozone_warm +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl D nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplcol2 i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.year i.yob +i.bplcol2 _Ibplcol2_1-535 (naturally coded; _Ibplcol2_1 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) + +. ivreg incscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplcol2) +(sum of wgt is 1.6862e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 35831 + F(106, 488) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.6020 + Root MSE = .10703 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 489 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1206401 .0222176 5.43 0.000 .076986 .1642942 + lndens | -.0075282 .0038626 -1.95 0.052 -.0151175 .0000611 +nivel_de_v~a | .0036476 .0028939 1.26 0.208 -.0020384 .0093336 + helminth_nh | .0743694 .0302206 2.46 0.014 .0149908 .133748 + hookworm | -.0245865 .0145885 -1.69 0.093 -.0532505 .0040776 +leishmania~s | -.0097879 .0184712 -0.53 0.596 -.0460808 .0265049 + yelfev | -.0016168 .0169277 -0.10 0.924 -.034877 .0316433 + land_inadeq | .0103674 .0072011 1.44 0.151 -.0037815 .0245163 + vioearly | -.0016585 .003487 -0.48 0.635 -.00851 .0051929 + violate | .0019968 .0026628 0.75 0.454 -.0032352 .0072289 + cafetera | .0045386 .007382 0.61 0.539 -.0099658 .0190429 + carbon | -.0116196 .009894 -1.17 0.241 -.0310596 .0078204 +ganadera_n~a | -.0229988 .0133071 -1.73 0.085 -.0491451 .0031475 + mktaccess | .0012954 .0015118 0.86 0.392 -.001675 .0042657 + manuf | -.2757959 .2907855 -0.95 0.343 -.8471421 .2955502 + _Ibplcol2_2 | .8665099 1.393092 0.62 0.534 -1.870688 3.603708 + _Ibplcol2_3 | 1.07351 1.394872 0.77 0.442 -1.667186 3.814205 + _Ibplcol2_4 | .901138 1.394476 0.65 0.518 -1.83878 3.641056 + _Ibplcol2_5 | .7617292 1.39945 0.54 0.586 -1.987963 3.511421 + _Ibplcol2_6 | .736075 1.400636 0.53 0.599 -2.015946 3.488096 + _Ibplcol2_7 | .9396684 1.393563 0.67 0.500 -1.798456 3.677792 + _Ibplcol2_8 | 1.16242 1.394265 0.83 0.405 -1.577083 3.901923 + _Ibplcol2_9 | .9094453 1.393849 0.65 0.514 -1.829241 3.648132 +_Ibplcol2_10 | 1.117908 1.39364 0.80 0.423 -1.620368 3.856184 +_Ibplcol2_11 | .7444156 1.404481 0.53 0.596 -2.01516 3.503991 +_Ibplcol2_12 | .8690883 1.3944 0.62 0.533 -1.870681 3.608858 +_Ibplcol2_13 | .8872059 1.397758 0.63 0.526 -1.85916 3.633572 +_Ibplcol2_14 | .7627349 1.400538 0.54 0.586 -1.989095 3.514565 +_Ibplcol2_15 | .8501496 1.395827 0.61 0.543 -1.892423 3.592722 +_Ibplcol2_16 | 1.141174 1.393569 0.82 0.413 -1.596963 3.87931 +_Ibplcol2_17 | .7489152 1.398161 0.54 0.592 -1.998244 3.496075 +_Ibplcol2_18 | .9347186 1.398234 0.67 0.504 -1.812584 3.682021 +_Ibplcol2_19 | 1.188273 1.393816 0.85 0.394 -1.550349 3.926895 +_Ibplcol2_20 | .9815145 1.393589 0.70 0.482 -1.75666 3.719689 +_Ibplcol2_21 | .7993343 1.396799 0.57 0.567 -1.945148 3.543816 +_Ibplcol2_22 | 1.024029 1.393588 0.73 0.463 -1.714144 3.762202 +_Ibplcol2_23 | .9989169 1.393559 0.72 0.474 -1.739199 3.737032 +_Ibplcol2_24 | 1.205809 1.393646 0.87 0.387 -1.532478 3.944096 +_Ibplcol2_25 | .8035701 1.392257 0.58 0.564 -1.931988 3.539128 +_Ibplcol2_26 | .9605922 1.394357 0.69 0.491 -1.779091 3.700276 +_Ibplcol2_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_28 | .923017 1.393598 0.66 0.508 -1.815176 3.66121 +_Ibplcol2_29 | .7029909 1.402667 0.50 0.616 -2.053022 3.459003 +_Ibplcol2_30 | .9592515 1.39688 0.69 0.493 -1.78539 3.703893 +_Ibplcol2_31 | 1.055169 1.394511 0.76 0.450 -1.684819 3.795157 +_Ibplcol2_32 | 1.153715 1.3938 0.83 0.408 -1.584876 3.892305 +_Ibplcol2_33 | .8474562 1.394112 0.61 0.544 -1.891747 3.586659 +_Ibplcol2_34 | .5464569 1.40355 0.39 0.697 -2.21129 3.304203 +_Ibplcol2_35 | .7549379 1.393562 0.54 0.588 -1.983184 3.49306 +_Ibplcol2_36 | .9392564 1.393239 0.67 0.501 -1.798231 3.676743 +_Ibplcol2_37 | .9129828 1.393679 0.66 0.513 -1.82537 3.651336 +_Ibplcol2_38 | .9713214 1.393589 0.70 0.486 -1.766855 3.709497 +_Ibplcol2_39 | 1.056025 1.399736 0.75 0.451 -1.694228 3.806279 +_Ibplcol2_40 | .9237887 1.393263 0.66 0.508 -1.813746 3.661324 +_Ibplcol2_41 | .8366623 1.400473 0.60 0.551 -1.915038 3.588363 +_Ibplcol2_42 | .8571324 1.393842 0.61 0.539 -1.88154 3.595805 +_Ibplcol2_43 | .9709831 1.39205 0.70 0.486 -1.764169 3.706135 +_Ibplcol2_44 | 1.055796 1.39745 0.76 0.450 -1.689966 3.801557 +_Ibplcol2_45 | 5.031005 2.561268 1.96 0.050 -.0014696 10.06348 +_Ibplcol2_46 | 4.870739 2.561022 1.90 0.058 -.1612527 9.90273 +_Ibplcol2_47 | 4.66426 2.560748 1.82 0.069 -.3671932 9.695713 +_Ibplcol2_48 | 4.864541 2.561071 1.90 0.058 -.1675458 9.896628 +_Ibplcol2_49 | 4.964342 2.561284 1.94 0.053 -.0681631 9.996848 +_Ibplcol2_50 | 4.778124 2.560961 1.87 0.063 -.2537482 9.809996 +_Ibplcol2_51 | 4.815878 2.560676 1.88 0.061 -.2154327 9.847189 +_Ibplcol2_52 | 4.953345 2.560783 1.93 0.054 -.0781757 9.984866 +_Ibplcol2_53 | 1.747071 1.222033 1.43 0.153 -.6540244 4.148167 +_Ibplcol2_54 | .3265677 .0237101 13.77 0.000 .2799813 .3731541 +_Ibplcol2_55 | -.0545079 .0200672 -2.72 0.007 -.0939367 -.0150791 +_Ibplcol2_56 | .0816831 .0213133 3.83 0.000 .039806 .1235602 +_Ibplcol2_57 | .0337438 .020072 1.68 0.093 -.0056944 .0731821 +_Ibplcol2_58 | .007837 .0210706 0.37 0.710 -.0335633 .0492372 +_Ibplcol2_59 | .0892111 .0196956 4.53 0.000 .0505125 .1279098 +_Ibplcol2_60 | -.048374 .0230784 -2.10 0.037 -.0937192 -.0030288 +_Ibplcol2_61 | .091992 .0200598 4.59 0.000 .0525778 .1314062 +_Ibplcol2_62 | -.0413528 .0140784 -2.94 0.003 -.0690146 -.013691 +_Ibplcol2_63 | -.0503303 .01897 -2.65 0.008 -.0876034 -.0130573 +_Ibplcol2_64 | -.0447052 .0148233 -3.02 0.003 -.0738305 -.0155799 +_Ibplcol2_65 | -.0028172 .0220373 -0.13 0.898 -.0461169 .0404825 +_Ibplcol2_66 | -.0427661 .0216421 -1.98 0.049 -.0852894 -.0002429 +_Ibplcol2_67 | -.0394851 .0154624 -2.55 0.011 -.0698662 -.0091041 +_Ibplcol2_68 | .0323181 .0119068 2.71 0.007 .0089232 .0557131 +_Ibplcol2_69 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_70 | -.1284588 .0231204 -5.56 0.000 -.1738867 -.083031 +_Ibplcol2_71 | .2030335 .0234794 8.65 0.000 .1569002 .2491668 +_Ibplcol2_72 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_73 | -1.977265 1.606806 -1.23 0.219 -5.134377 1.179846 +_Ibplcol2_74 | -1.976206 1.60625 -1.23 0.219 -5.132226 1.179814 +_Ibplcol2_75 | -2.156971 1.605609 -1.34 0.180 -5.311732 .9977904 +_Ibplcol2_76 | -2.067334 1.606364 -1.29 0.199 -5.223579 1.08891 +_Ibplcol2_77 | -2.205425 1.59767 -1.38 0.168 -5.344587 .9337372 +_Ibplcol2_78 | -2.004169 1.606928 -1.25 0.213 -5.161522 1.153183 +_Ibplcol2_79 | 8.864172 4.648883 1.91 0.057 -.2701251 17.99847 +_Ibplcol2_80 | 8.616788 4.648875 1.85 0.064 -.5174941 17.75107 +_Ibplcol2_81 | 8.629843 4.648442 1.86 0.064 -.5035873 17.76327 +_Ibplcol2_82 | 8.668688 4.646799 1.87 0.063 -.461515 17.79889 +_Ibplcol2_83 | 8.729186 4.646703 1.88 0.061 -.4008285 17.8592 +_Ibplcol2_84 | 8.575982 4.648196 1.85 0.066 -.5569655 17.70893 +_Ibplcol2_85 | 8.678799 4.648649 1.87 0.063 -.4550388 17.81264 +_Ibplcol2_86 | 8.599387 4.647663 1.85 0.065 -.5325139 17.73129 +_Ibplcol2_87 | 8.67988 4.648874 1.87 0.062 -.4543994 17.81416 +_Ibplcol2_88 | 8.701943 4.648014 1.87 0.062 -.4306472 17.83453 +_Ibplcol2_89 | 8.652971 4.648393 1.86 0.063 -.4803644 17.78631 +_Ibplcol2_90 | 8.471995 4.647889 1.82 0.069 -.6603493 17.60434 +_Ibplcol2_91 | 8.683149 4.648215 1.87 0.062 -.4498355 17.81613 +_Ibplcol2_92 | 8.680522 4.647582 1.87 0.062 -.4512191 17.81226 +_Ibplcol2_93 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_94 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_95 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_96 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_97 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_98 | -1.752425 1.212245 -1.45 0.149 -4.134289 .6294382 +_Ibplcol2_99 | -2.127633 1.211471 -1.76 0.080 -4.507975 .2527097 +_Ibplcol~100 | -2.108074 1.211678 -1.74 0.083 -4.488824 .2726766 +_Ibplcol~101 | -2.010864 1.211566 -1.66 0.098 -4.391393 .3696655 +_Ibplcol~102 | -1.917123 1.211834 -1.58 0.114 -4.298179 .4639336 +_Ibplcol~103 | -2.081802 1.21106 -1.72 0.086 -4.461337 .2977339 +_Ibplcol~104 | -1.914823 1.213007 -1.58 0.115 -4.298185 .4685393 +_Ibplcol~105 | -2.145462 1.211478 -1.77 0.077 -4.525818 .2348945 +_Ibplcol~106 | -2.032824 1.211794 -1.68 0.094 -4.413801 .3481534 +_Ibplcol~107 | -2.040964 1.212344 -1.68 0.093 -4.423023 .3410954 +_Ibplcol~108 | -1.999998 1.211981 -1.65 0.100 -4.381343 .3813472 +_Ibplcol~109 | -2.009315 1.212162 -1.66 0.098 -4.391017 .3723863 +_Ibplcol~110 | -1.790858 1.212033 -1.48 0.140 -4.172306 .59059 +_Ibplcol~111 | -1.941133 1.211467 -1.60 0.110 -4.321469 .4392027 +_Ibplcol~112 | -1.997935 1.211486 -1.65 0.100 -4.378308 .382437 +_Ibplcol~113 | -2.111827 1.214472 -1.74 0.083 -4.498065 .2744118 +_Ibplcol~114 | -2.050032 1.21143 -1.69 0.091 -4.430294 .3302305 +_Ibplcol~115 | -1.991362 1.211176 -1.64 0.101 -4.371125 .3884016 +_Ibplcol~116 | 3.230964 2.619976 1.23 0.218 -1.916861 8.37879 +_Ibplcol~117 | 3.127578 2.620372 1.19 0.233 -2.021026 8.276183 +_Ibplcol~118 | 3.165821 2.62178 1.21 0.228 -1.985549 8.317191 +_Ibplcol~119 | 3.140955 2.623511 1.20 0.232 -2.013816 8.295726 +_Ibplcol~120 | 3.066673 2.618867 1.17 0.242 -2.078973 8.212319 +_Ibplcol~121 | 3.123621 2.619481 1.19 0.234 -2.023233 8.270475 +_Ibplcol~122 | 3.05943 2.621372 1.17 0.244 -2.091139 8.209998 +_Ibplcol~123 | 3.169268 2.621565 1.21 0.227 -1.98168 8.320216 +_Ibplcol~124 | 3.118998 2.623007 1.19 0.235 -2.034783 8.272779 +_Ibplcol~125 | 3.179448 2.620245 1.21 0.226 -1.968907 8.327802 +_Ibplcol~126 | .1971918 .0050106 39.35 0.000 .1873467 .2070369 +_Ibplcol~127 | .083326 .0086727 9.61 0.000 .0662856 .1003665 +_Ibplcol~128 | .194206 .0064871 29.94 0.000 .1814599 .206952 +_Ibplcol~129 | .1355466 .0058688 23.10 0.000 .1240154 .1470778 +_Ibplcol~130 | .0756869 .0087318 8.67 0.000 .0585303 .0928435 +_Ibplcol~131 | .0818138 .0060327 13.56 0.000 .0699606 .093667 +_Ibplcol~132 | .146033 .01231 11.86 0.000 .1218458 .1702202 +_Ibplcol~133 | .0920964 .0052947 17.39 0.000 .0816932 .1024996 +_Ibplcol~134 | .0080658 .0057331 1.41 0.160 -.0031988 .0193304 +_Ibplcol~135 | .0840692 .0062391 13.47 0.000 .0718104 .0963279 +_Ibplcol~136 | .0179274 .0041361 4.33 0.000 .0098007 .0260541 +_Ibplcol~137 | .0923928 .0108089 8.55 0.000 .0711551 .1136306 +_Ibplcol~138 | .0497622 .0048466 10.27 0.000 .0402394 .0592851 +_Ibplcol~139 | .0429443 .0067563 6.36 0.000 .0296693 .0562194 +_Ibplcol~140 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~141 | .0730661 .0030521 23.94 0.000 .0670692 .0790629 +_Ibplcol~142 | .1272131 .0050232 25.32 0.000 .1173433 .1370829 +_Ibplcol~143 | .1535151 .0065764 23.34 0.000 .1405936 .1664366 +_Ibplcol~144 | .1437329 .0072798 19.74 0.000 .1294293 .1580364 +_Ibplcol~145 | .06218 .006341 9.81 0.000 .049721 .0746391 +_Ibplcol~146 | .1191891 .0112209 10.62 0.000 .0971418 .1412364 +_Ibplcol~147 | -.0723901 .0112095 -6.46 0.000 -.0944149 -.0503653 +_Ibplcol~148 | .0724178 .0077459 9.35 0.000 .0571984 .0876372 +_Ibplcol~149 | .0879065 .0110307 7.97 0.000 .066233 .1095799 +_Ibplcol~150 | -.0100957 .0070246 -1.44 0.151 -.023898 .0037065 +_Ibplcol~151 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~152 | .1367411 .0029605 46.19 0.000 .1309242 .142558 +_Ibplcol~153 | .0098273 .0079426 1.24 0.217 -.0057787 .0254333 +_Ibplcol~154 | -.0471845 .0114767 -4.11 0.000 -.0697343 -.0246347 +_Ibplcol~155 | .1261316 .0029244 43.13 0.000 .1203855 .1318776 +_Ibplcol~156 | .0732289 .0155899 4.70 0.000 .0425973 .1038605 +_Ibplcol~157 | -.1440912 .0146056 -9.87 0.000 -.1727888 -.1153937 +_Ibplcol~158 | .0433076 .0174863 2.48 0.014 .0089498 .0776654 +_Ibplcol~159 | -.1317539 .0122874 -10.72 0.000 -.1558966 -.1076111 +_Ibplcol~160 | .1790609 .0154714 11.57 0.000 .148662 .2094597 +_Ibplcol~161 | 3.351457 1.325646 2.53 0.012 .7467789 5.956134 +_Ibplcol~162 | 3.125673 1.326016 2.36 0.019 .5202671 5.73108 +_Ibplcol~163 | 3.217907 1.324869 2.43 0.016 .6147558 5.821058 +_Ibplcol~164 | 3.121031 1.32587 2.35 0.019 .5159127 5.72615 +_Ibplcol~165 | 3.157749 1.324983 2.38 0.018 .5543727 5.761124 +_Ibplcol~166 | 3.034068 1.32556 2.29 0.023 .4295585 5.638577 +_Ibplcol~167 | .0334651 .010005 3.34 0.001 .013807 .0531232 +_Ibplcol~168 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~169 | -.0111471 .0073057 -1.53 0.128 -.0255016 .0032073 +_Ibplcol~170 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~171 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~172 | -.0552514 .0105699 -5.23 0.000 -.0760196 -.0344833 +_Ibplcol~173 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~174 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~175 | 3.739766 2.73636 1.37 0.172 -1.636736 9.116267 +_Ibplcol~176 | 3.576396 2.735483 1.31 0.192 -1.798382 8.951174 +_Ibplcol~177 | 3.731433 2.735801 1.36 0.173 -1.64397 9.106836 +_Ibplcol~178 | 3.684497 2.734661 1.35 0.178 -1.688665 9.05766 +_Ibplcol~179 | 3.718334 2.73505 1.36 0.175 -1.655593 9.092262 +_Ibplcol~180 | 3.559826 2.734234 1.30 0.194 -1.812497 8.93215 +_Ibplcol~181 | 3.648775 2.734499 1.33 0.183 -1.724069 9.02162 +_Ibplcol~182 | 3.557653 2.734187 1.30 0.194 -1.81458 8.929885 +_Ibplcol~183 | .3180609 .0226113 14.07 0.000 .2736334 .3624883 +_Ibplcol~184 | .309795 .0176307 17.57 0.000 .2751536 .3444365 +_Ibplcol~185 | .12844 .0229692 5.59 0.000 .0833094 .1735707 +_Ibplcol~186 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~187 | .415478 .0126855 32.75 0.000 .390553 .4404029 +_Ibplcol~188 | .3650566 .0056736 64.34 0.000 .3539089 .3762043 +_Ibplcol~189 | .3909974 .0125871 31.06 0.000 .3662658 .415729 +_Ibplcol~190 | .0460734 .0127332 3.62 0.000 .0210549 .071092 +_Ibplcol~191 | .1181973 .0129445 9.13 0.000 .0927634 .1436311 +_Ibplcol~192 | .3755008 .0115425 32.53 0.000 .3528216 .3981799 +_Ibplcol~193 | .1963903 .013285 14.78 0.000 .1702874 .2224932 +_Ibplcol~194 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~195 | .0287804 .0129924 2.22 0.027 .0032525 .0543084 +_Ibplcol~196 | .1559802 .0125972 12.38 0.000 .1312287 .1807317 +_Ibplcol~197 | .2379387 .0039745 59.87 0.000 .2301294 .245748 +_Ibplcol~198 | .2290104 .0127212 18.00 0.000 .2040153 .2540056 +_Ibplcol~199 | -.0759106 .0184291 -4.12 0.000 -.1121207 -.0397005 +_Ibplcol~200 | -.4101586 .0131001 -31.31 0.000 -.4358981 -.384419 +_Ibplcol~201 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~202 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~203 | -.1774648 .0106864 -16.61 0.000 -.1984618 -.1564678 +_Ibplcol~204 | -.3982508 .0160701 -24.78 0.000 -.429826 -.3666756 +_Ibplcol~205 | -.3857182 .0238282 -16.19 0.000 -.4325368 -.3388997 +_Ibplcol~206 | -.1314561 .0155402 -8.46 0.000 -.16199 -.1009222 +_Ibplcol~207 | 8.41282 4.881658 1.72 0.085 -1.178842 18.00448 +_Ibplcol~208 | 8.3842 4.882337 1.72 0.087 -1.208797 17.9772 +_Ibplcol~209 | 8.269243 4.881955 1.69 0.091 -1.323003 17.86149 +_Ibplcol~210 | 8.25757 4.881795 1.69 0.091 -1.334362 17.8495 +_Ibplcol~211 | 8.285694 4.882209 1.70 0.090 -1.307051 17.87844 +_Ibplcol~212 | 8.262978 4.882018 1.69 0.091 -1.329392 17.85535 +_Ibplcol~213 | 6.870818 4.707057 1.46 0.145 -2.377781 16.11942 +_Ibplcol~214 | 6.738087 4.708901 1.43 0.153 -2.514135 15.99031 +_Ibplcol~215 | 6.847807 4.707159 1.45 0.146 -2.400993 16.09661 +_Ibplcol~216 | 6.751963 4.70695 1.43 0.152 -2.496428 16.00035 +_Ibplcol~217 | 6.619156 4.708692 1.41 0.160 -2.632657 15.87097 +_Ibplcol~218 | 6.833482 4.707831 1.45 0.147 -2.416638 16.0836 +_Ibplcol~219 | -.7056985 .9700437 -0.73 0.467 -2.611676 1.200279 +_Ibplcol~220 | -.8351715 .9738037 -0.86 0.392 -2.748537 1.078194 +_Ibplcol~221 | -1.099568 .9749467 -1.13 0.260 -3.01518 .8160431 +_Ibplcol~222 | -.7590004 .9706591 -0.78 0.435 -2.666187 1.148187 +_Ibplcol~223 | -.9579292 .9719493 -0.99 0.325 -2.867651 .9517927 +_Ibplcol~224 | -.8687559 .9697149 -0.90 0.371 -2.774088 1.036576 +_Ibplcol~225 | -1.016253 .9742886 -1.04 0.297 -2.930572 .898065 +_Ibplcol~226 | -1.088738 .9721534 -1.12 0.263 -2.998861 .8213848 +_Ibplcol~227 | -.9028342 .9713671 -0.93 0.353 -2.811412 1.005744 +_Ibplcol~228 | -1.013449 .9725618 -1.04 0.298 -2.924375 .8974764 +_Ibplcol~229 | -.9078497 .9715059 -0.93 0.351 -2.816701 1.001001 +_Ibplcol~230 | -.953114 .9726845 -0.98 0.328 -2.864281 .9580526 +_Ibplcol~231 | 3.201294 2.530733 1.26 0.206 -1.771184 8.173772 +_Ibplcol~232 | 3.075724 2.530491 1.22 0.225 -1.896279 8.047726 +_Ibplcol~233 | 2.918551 2.530612 1.15 0.249 -2.053688 7.890791 +_Ibplcol~234 | 3.005026 2.530221 1.19 0.236 -1.966445 7.976497 +_Ibplcol~235 | 3.07545 2.530594 1.22 0.225 -1.896755 8.047655 +_Ibplcol~236 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~237 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~238 | 2.97817 2.530544 1.18 0.240 -1.993937 7.950277 +_Ibplcol~239 | 3.048124 2.530673 1.20 0.229 -1.924236 8.020483 +_Ibplcol~240 | 2.982503 2.530516 1.18 0.239 -1.989548 7.954555 +_Ibplcol~241 | 3.09768 2.530462 1.22 0.221 -1.874266 8.069626 +_Ibplcol~242 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~243 | 1.806822 1.169501 1.54 0.123 -.4910561 4.1047 +_Ibplcol~244 | 1.988852 1.168611 1.70 0.089 -.307278 4.284983 +_Ibplcol~245 | 1.825942 1.170218 1.56 0.119 -.4733463 4.12523 +_Ibplcol~246 | 2.045591 1.170123 1.75 0.081 -.2535106 4.344692 +_Ibplcol~247 | 2.045508 1.170397 1.75 0.081 -.2541321 4.345148 +_Ibplcol~248 | 2.016336 1.169428 1.72 0.085 -.2813991 4.314072 +_Ibplcol~249 | 1.980418 1.170012 1.69 0.091 -.3184642 4.279301 +_Ibplcol~250 | 2.165463 1.169269 1.85 0.065 -.1319611 4.462887 +_Ibplcol~251 | 1.934985 1.169331 1.65 0.099 -.3625601 4.23253 +_Ibplcol~252 | 2.063896 1.16819 1.77 0.078 -.2314074 4.359199 +_Ibplcol~253 | 2.037217 1.16893 1.74 0.082 -.2595392 4.333973 +_Ibplcol~254 | 2.010621 1.170085 1.72 0.086 -.2884047 4.309647 +_Ibplcol~255 | 1.916237 1.169768 1.64 0.102 -.3821666 4.214641 +_Ibplcol~256 | 1.812047 1.170081 1.55 0.122 -.4869704 4.111065 +_Ibplcol~257 | 1.801351 1.168902 1.54 0.124 -.4953513 4.098053 +_Ibplcol~258 | 1.991784 1.169755 1.70 0.089 -.3065933 4.290162 +_Ibplcol~259 | 1.75356 1.169379 1.50 0.134 -.5440792 4.051199 +_Ibplcol~260 | 1.995753 1.168732 1.71 0.088 -.3006157 4.292121 +_Ibplcol~261 | -.4866592 1.164251 -0.42 0.676 -2.774223 1.800904 +_Ibplcol~262 | -.6470453 1.163607 -0.56 0.578 -2.933343 1.639253 +_Ibplcol~263 | -.7398854 1.163797 -0.64 0.525 -3.026557 1.546787 +_Ibplcol~264 | -.6097044 1.163963 -0.52 0.601 -2.896703 1.677294 +_Ibplcol~265 | -.5526848 1.16516 -0.47 0.635 -2.842033 1.736664 +_Ibplcol~266 | -.6955943 1.163527 -0.60 0.550 -2.981736 1.590548 +_Ibplcol~267 | -.6674542 1.162704 -0.57 0.566 -2.951978 1.61707 +_Ibplcol~268 | -.6121167 1.163446 -0.53 0.599 -2.898099 1.673865 +_Ibplcol~269 | -.6084753 1.162711 -0.52 0.601 -2.893013 1.676062 +_Ibplcol~270 | -.6611447 1.164045 -0.57 0.570 -2.948304 1.626015 +_Ibplcol~271 | -.6069747 1.164273 -0.52 0.602 -2.894582 1.680633 +_Ibplcol~272 | -.600637 1.164134 -0.52 0.606 -2.887971 1.686697 +_Ibplcol~273 | -.6890257 1.164133 -0.59 0.554 -2.976357 1.598305 +_Ibplcol~274 | -.6636924 1.164611 -0.57 0.569 -2.951964 1.624579 +_Ibplcol~275 | -.6995537 1.163642 -0.60 0.548 -2.985921 1.586814 +_Ibplcol~276 | -.5412395 1.164212 -0.46 0.642 -2.828727 1.746248 +_Ibplcol~277 | -.6006428 1.164949 -0.52 0.606 -2.889579 1.688293 +_Ibplcol~278 | -.659767 1.164185 -0.57 0.571 -2.9472 1.627667 +_Ibplcol~279 | -.6652803 1.162889 -0.57 0.568 -2.950167 1.619607 +_Ibplcol~280 | -.5592243 1.164872 -0.48 0.631 -2.848007 1.729558 +_Ibplcol~281 | -.4935404 1.164651 -0.42 0.672 -2.78189 1.79481 +_Ibplcol~282 | -.5904947 1.162917 -0.51 0.612 -2.875438 1.694448 +_Ibplcol~283 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~284 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~285 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~286 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~287 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~288 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~289 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~290 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~291 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~292 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~293 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~294 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~295 | -.0785553 .0098202 -8.00 0.000 -.0978505 -.0592601 +_Ibplcol~296 | 4.864801 2.561332 1.90 0.058 -.1677994 9.897402 +_Ibplcol~297 | 4.743199 2.56143 1.85 0.065 -.2895933 9.775991 +_Ibplcol~298 | 4.850263 2.560405 1.89 0.059 -.1805156 9.881041 +_Ibplcol~299 | 4.714734 2.560794 1.84 0.066 -.3168084 9.746277 +_Ibplcol~300 | 4.668078 2.560747 1.82 0.069 -.3633732 9.699528 +_Ibplcol~301 | 4.759279 2.560589 1.86 0.064 -.2718612 9.790419 +_Ibplcol~302 | 4.63055 2.561386 1.81 0.071 -.4021564 9.663255 +_Ibplcol~303 | 3.644036 2.734532 1.33 0.183 -1.728874 9.016946 +_Ibplcol~304 | 3.594371 2.734689 1.31 0.189 -1.778847 8.96759 +_Ibplcol~305 | 3.551786 2.734978 1.30 0.195 -1.822001 8.925573 +_Ibplcol~306 | 3.532333 2.734523 1.29 0.197 -1.840559 8.905226 +_Ibplcol~307 | 3.579081 2.734129 1.31 0.191 -1.793036 8.951198 +_Ibplcol~308 | 3.054874 2.62239 1.16 0.245 -2.097695 8.207443 +_Ibplcol~309 | 3.140579 2.619802 1.20 0.231 -2.006904 8.288063 +_Ibplcol~310 | 3.166986 2.619962 1.21 0.227 -1.980813 8.314784 +_Ibplcol~311 | 3.09379 2.619169 1.18 0.238 -2.05245 8.240031 +_Ibplcol~312 | 3.039509 2.623187 1.16 0.247 -2.114627 8.193644 +_Ibplcol~313 | -.4129386 .0189487 -21.79 0.000 -.4501696 -.3757075 +_Ibplcol~314 | -.3288098 .018375 -17.89 0.000 -.3649137 -.292706 +_Ibplcol~315 | -.471754 .0167195 -28.22 0.000 -.504605 -.438903 +_Ibplcol~316 | -.3783869 .0125122 -30.24 0.000 -.4029713 -.3538025 +_Ibplcol~317 | -.3127657 .0121255 -25.79 0.000 -.3365903 -.2889411 +_Ibplcol~318 | -.2741589 .0137554 -19.93 0.000 -.301186 -.2471318 +_Ibplcol~319 | -.2938939 .0118113 -24.88 0.000 -.3171012 -.2706866 +_Ibplcol~320 | -.3018166 .0133894 -22.54 0.000 -.3281247 -.2755086 +_Ibplcol~321 | -.308464 .013526 -22.81 0.000 -.3350404 -.2818877 +_Ibplcol~322 | -.3927082 .0133179 -29.49 0.000 -.4188756 -.3665407 +_Ibplcol~323 | -.3980674 .013214 -30.12 0.000 -.4240307 -.3721041 +_Ibplcol~324 | .0281426 .0234475 1.20 0.231 -.017928 .0742131 +_Ibplcol~325 | -.0082231 .0067005 -1.23 0.220 -.0213885 .0049423 +_Ibplcol~326 | -.0008363 .0201519 -0.04 0.967 -.0404315 .0387589 +_Ibplcol~327 | .0248631 .0199098 1.25 0.212 -.0142565 .0639826 +_Ibplcol~328 | -.0356904 .0194117 -1.84 0.067 -.0738312 .0024505 +_Ibplcol~329 | -.0555029 .0157679 -3.52 0.000 -.0864843 -.0245214 +_Ibplcol~330 | 2.933599 2.530536 1.16 0.247 -2.038493 7.905691 +_Ibplcol~331 | 2.934806 2.530416 1.16 0.247 -2.037049 7.90666 +_Ibplcol~332 | 2.979205 2.530648 1.18 0.240 -1.993106 7.951515 +_Ibplcol~333 | .0369043 .0103551 3.56 0.000 .0165582 .0572503 +_Ibplcol~334 | .1145331 .0048964 23.39 0.000 .1049124 .1241537 +_Ibplcol~335 | .1256955 .0044167 28.46 0.000 .1170173 .1343736 +_Ibplcol~336 | -.1335722 .0147504 -9.06 0.000 -.1625544 -.10459 +_Ibplcol~337 | .0885955 .0162381 5.46 0.000 .0566901 .1205008 +_Ibplcol~338 | .1077822 .0176827 6.10 0.000 .0730385 .1425259 +_Ibplcol~339 | -.0695077 .0206744 -3.36 0.001 -.1101295 -.0288859 +_Ibplcol~340 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~341 | -2.200027 1.604999 -1.37 0.171 -5.353589 .9535348 +_Ibplcol~342 | .8618612 1.395007 0.62 0.537 -1.879101 3.602824 +_Ibplcol~343 | .8914542 1.396586 0.64 0.524 -1.852609 3.635518 +_Ibplcol~345 | .8216168 1.393878 0.59 0.556 -1.917126 3.56036 +_Ibplcol~346 | .7848162 1.393968 0.56 0.574 -1.954104 3.523736 +_Ibplcol~347 | .7446012 1.394285 0.53 0.594 -1.994942 3.484144 +_Ibplcol~348 | .8542252 1.393779 0.61 0.540 -1.884324 3.592774 +_Ibplcol~349 | .7966146 1.393842 0.57 0.568 -1.942057 3.535286 +_Ibplcol~350 | .895329 1.393163 0.64 0.521 -1.842009 3.632667 +_Ibplcol~351 | .9254653 1.393292 0.66 0.507 -1.812127 3.663058 +_Ibplcol~352 | .8261553 1.393337 0.59 0.554 -1.911525 3.563835 +_Ibplcol~353 | .923698 1.395652 0.66 0.508 -1.818532 3.665928 +_Ibplcol~354 | .9439968 1.39396 0.68 0.499 -1.794907 3.682901 +_Ibplcol~355 | .976314 1.393709 0.70 0.484 -1.762097 3.714725 +_Ibplcol~356 | .920142 1.393862 0.66 0.509 -1.818569 3.658853 +_Ibplcol~357 | .8821536 1.397385 0.63 0.528 -1.86348 3.627787 +_Ibplcol~358 | .7651916 1.394445 0.55 0.583 -1.974666 3.50505 +_Ibplcol~359 | .8031617 1.394004 0.58 0.565 -1.935829 3.542152 +_Ibplcol~360 | .9002805 1.395255 0.65 0.519 -1.841169 3.64173 +_Ibplcol~361 | .8014764 1.394823 0.57 0.566 -1.939123 3.542076 +_Ibplcol~362 | .8987697 1.393743 0.64 0.519 -1.839709 3.637248 +_Ibplcol~363 | .8398653 1.393582 0.60 0.547 -1.898296 3.578027 +_Ibplcol~364 | .9301406 1.393072 0.67 0.505 -1.807019 3.667301 +_Ibplcol~365 | .9112319 1.396236 0.65 0.514 -1.832145 3.654609 +_Ibplcol~366 | .8802522 1.394355 0.63 0.528 -1.859429 3.619933 +_Ibplcol~367 | .9361954 1.393745 0.67 0.502 -1.802285 3.674676 +_Ibplcol~369 | .968132 1.394603 0.69 0.488 -1.772036 3.7083 +_Ibplcol~370 | .9578682 1.392864 0.69 0.492 -1.778883 3.69462 +_Ibplcol~371 | -1.07948 .9719619 -1.11 0.267 -2.989226 .8302671 +_Ibplcol~372 | -1.018045 .9729901 -1.05 0.296 -2.929813 .8937216 +_Ibplcol~373 | -1.013505 .9711677 -1.04 0.297 -2.921692 .8946809 +_Ibplcol~374 | -1.003431 .9717179 -1.03 0.302 -2.912698 .9058362 +_Ibplcol~375 | -1.014275 .9711055 -1.04 0.297 -2.922339 .8937895 +_Ibplcol~376 | -1.090506 .9709695 -1.12 0.262 -2.998303 .8172909 +_Ibplcol~377 | -1.071007 .9711142 -1.10 0.271 -2.979088 .8370742 +_Ibplcol~378 | -1.046697 .9707932 -1.08 0.281 -2.954147 .860754 +_Ibplcol~379 | -1.083095 .9707041 -1.12 0.265 -2.990371 .8241802 +_Ibplcol~380 | -1.058708 .9708693 -1.09 0.276 -2.966308 .8488919 +_Ibplcol~381 | -1.146884 .9721026 -1.18 0.239 -3.056907 .7631393 +_Ibplcol~382 | -1.131899 .9703779 -1.17 0.244 -3.038533 .7747357 +_Ibplcol~383 | -1.119778 .9707612 -1.15 0.249 -3.027166 .7876092 +_Ibplcol~384 | -1.020197 .971102 -1.05 0.294 -2.928255 .88786 +_Ibplcol~385 | -1.150618 .9717832 -1.18 0.237 -3.060014 .7587778 +_Ibplcol~386 | -.8718201 .9709475 -0.90 0.370 -2.779574 1.035933 +_Ibplcol~387 | -.9355012 .9703536 -0.96 0.335 -2.842088 .9710855 +_Ibplcol~388 | -.2173388 .0116008 -18.73 0.000 -.2401325 -.1945451 +_Ibplcol~389 | -.1811979 .0114318 -15.85 0.000 -.2036595 -.1587363 +_Ibplcol~390 | -.0906018 .0099703 -9.09 0.000 -.1101918 -.0710117 +_Ibplcol~391 | -.1619547 .0095698 -16.92 0.000 -.1807579 -.1431516 +_Ibplcol~392 | -.0983613 .0097594 -10.08 0.000 -.1175369 -.0791858 +_Ibplcol~393 | -.0535902 .0091888 -5.83 0.000 -.0716448 -.0355356 +_Ibplcol~394 | -.0225462 .0088161 -2.56 0.011 -.0398684 -.0052239 +_Ibplcol~395 | -.0293764 .0087779 -3.35 0.001 -.0466235 -.0121292 +_Ibplcol~396 | .0228219 .0089852 2.54 0.011 .0051674 .0404764 +_Ibplcol~397 | .0281531 .0081743 3.44 0.001 .0120919 .0442143 +_Ibplcol~398 | .0388333 .0086992 4.46 0.000 .0217408 .0559259 +_Ibplcol~399 | -.1532855 .0066858 -22.93 0.000 -.1664221 -.140149 +_Ibplcol~400 | -.0075861 .0092515 -0.82 0.413 -.0257638 .0105915 +_Ibplcol~401 | -.0103881 .0072727 -1.43 0.154 -.0246777 .0039015 +_Ibplcol~402 | .1275803 .0080291 15.89 0.000 .1118044 .1433562 +_Ibplcol~403 | -.0604421 .0062262 -9.71 0.000 -.0726756 -.0482086 +_Ibplcol~404 | -.1413939 .007279 -19.42 0.000 -.155696 -.1270918 +_Ibplcol~405 | -.2325859 .0104343 -22.29 0.000 -.2530876 -.2120842 +_Ibplcol~406 | -.0572342 .0086267 -6.63 0.000 -.0741843 -.0402841 +_Ibplcol~407 | -.0545202 .0063251 -8.62 0.000 -.066948 -.0420924 +_Ibplcol~408 | -.0288665 .0058863 -4.90 0.000 -.0404321 -.0173009 +_Ibplcol~409 | -.0883886 .0096112 -9.20 0.000 -.107273 -.0695041 +_Ibplcol~410 | -.1198433 .0099838 -12.00 0.000 -.1394599 -.1002267 +_Ibplcol~411 | -.1009798 .0091211 -11.07 0.000 -.1189013 -.0830584 +_Ibplcol~412 | .0226971 .0083284 2.73 0.007 .0063332 .0390609 +_Ibplcol~413 | -.0636271 .0097213 -6.55 0.000 -.0827279 -.0445264 +_Ibplcol~415 | -.0132694 .0103795 -1.28 0.202 -.0336635 .0071247 +_Ibplcol~416 | -.0889684 .0097577 -9.12 0.000 -.1081406 -.0697961 +_Ibplcol~417 | -.1142827 .0076578 -14.92 0.000 -.1293289 -.0992364 +_Ibplcol~418 | -.0787569 .0092711 -8.49 0.000 -.0969731 -.0605406 +_Ibplcol~419 | -.142693 .0109185 -13.07 0.000 -.164146 -.12124 +_Ibplcol~420 | 8.586663 4.648007 1.85 0.065 -.5459135 17.71924 +_Ibplcol~421 | 8.571753 4.648365 1.84 0.066 -.5615264 17.70503 +_Ibplcol~422 | 8.657916 4.648395 1.86 0.063 -.4754224 17.79125 +_Ibplcol~423 | 8.595852 4.648011 1.85 0.065 -.5367324 17.72844 +_Ibplcol~424 | 1.923353 1.169467 1.64 0.101 -.3744587 4.221164 +_Ibplcol~425 | 1.967852 1.168287 1.68 0.093 -.3276421 4.263347 +_Ibplcol~426 | 2.054838 1.169001 1.76 0.079 -.2420593 4.351735 +_Ibplcol~427 | -2.477948 1.598753 -1.55 0.122 -5.619237 .6633407 +_Ibplcol~428 | 1.943848 1.168975 1.66 0.097 -.3529978 4.240695 +_Ibplcol~429 | 1.883403 1.169561 1.61 0.108 -.4145947 4.1814 +_Ibplcol~430 | 1.931939 1.169091 1.65 0.099 -.3651335 4.229012 +_Ibplcol~431 | 1.981727 1.168873 1.70 0.091 -.3149191 4.278373 +_Ibplcol~432 | 1.970889 1.169252 1.69 0.093 -.3265008 4.268278 +_Ibplcol~433 | 8.296169 4.882427 1.70 0.090 -1.297004 17.88934 +_Ibplcol~434 | -.7064732 1.163902 -0.61 0.544 -2.993351 1.580404 +_Ibplcol~435 | -.6777873 1.163423 -0.58 0.560 -2.963724 1.60815 +_Ibplcol~436 | -.7460541 1.163998 -0.64 0.522 -3.03312 1.541012 +_Ibplcol~437 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~438 | -.7739151 1.163748 -0.67 0.506 -3.06049 1.512659 +_Ibplcol~439 | -.6330071 1.16465 -0.54 0.587 -2.921354 1.65534 +_Ibplcol~440 | -2.029013 1.210652 -1.68 0.094 -4.407746 .3497198 +_Ibplcol~441 | -1.831746 1.21238 -1.51 0.131 -4.213875 .5503836 +_Ibplcol~442 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~443 | -2.021199 1.21191 -1.67 0.096 -4.402405 .3600067 +_Ibplcol~444 | -2.104254 1.211277 -1.74 0.083 -4.484217 .2757083 +_Ibplcol~445 | -2.135742 1.214238 -1.76 0.079 -4.521523 .2500383 +_Ibplcol~446 | -2.107778 1.21352 -1.74 0.083 -4.492146 .27659 +_Ibplcol~447 | -2.100982 1.212247 -1.73 0.084 -4.48285 .2808871 +_Ibplcol~448 | .0916884 .0069743 13.15 0.000 .077985 .1053918 +_Ibplcol~449 | .1589969 .006128 25.95 0.000 .1469564 .1710373 +_Ibplcol~450 | .0610829 .0110168 5.54 0.000 .0394366 .0827292 +_Ibplcol~451 | .0783209 .0108035 7.25 0.000 .0570937 .0995481 +_Ibplcol~452 | .0919674 .012932 7.11 0.000 .0665582 .1173766 +_Ibplcol~453 | .23381 .0109428 21.37 0.000 .2123091 .2553109 +_Ibplcol~454 | .0683984 .012875 5.31 0.000 .0431012 .0936956 +_Ibplcol~455 | .3269538 .012664 25.82 0.000 .3020712 .3518364 +_Ibplcol~456 | .1467458 .0125476 11.70 0.000 .1220918 .1713997 +_Ibplcol~457 | .1002197 .0127065 7.89 0.000 .0752534 .1251859 +_Ibplcol~458 | .0892452 .0125588 7.11 0.000 .0645692 .1139211 +_Ibplcol~459 | .103722 .0126584 8.19 0.000 .0788504 .1285936 +_Ibplcol~460 | .1048521 .0128859 8.14 0.000 .0795334 .1301708 +_Ibplcol~461 | .1395512 .0127022 10.99 0.000 .1145935 .1645089 +_Ibplcol~462 | 6.625206 4.708277 1.41 0.160 -2.625791 15.8762 +_Ibplcol~463 | 6.733001 4.707452 1.43 0.153 -2.516375 15.98238 +_Ibplcol~464 | 6.743299 4.707093 1.43 0.153 -2.505371 15.99197 +_Ibplcol~465 | -2.103881 1.606867 -1.31 0.191 -5.261113 1.05335 +_Ibplcol~467 | -2.169877 1.606659 -1.35 0.177 -5.3267 .9869465 +_Ibplcol~468 | -2.199001 1.607021 -1.37 0.172 -5.356536 .9585341 +_Ibplcol~469 | -2.249737 1.605962 -1.40 0.162 -5.405192 .9057171 +_Ibplcol~470 | -2.117018 1.606237 -1.32 0.188 -5.273012 1.038977 +_Ibplcol~471 | -2.041084 1.606028 -1.27 0.204 -5.196668 1.1145 +_Ibplcol~472 | -2.336965 1.60398 -1.46 0.146 -5.488524 .8145935 +_Ibplcol~473 | -2.443922 1.601355 -1.53 0.128 -5.590325 .7024802 +_Ibplcol~474 | -2.053609 1.606052 -1.28 0.202 -5.209239 1.102021 +_Ibplcol~475 | -2.069988 1.606596 -1.29 0.198 -5.226688 1.086712 +_Ibplcol~476 | -2.024926 1.606082 -1.26 0.208 -5.180616 1.130763 +_Ibplcol~477 | -2.1641 1.606613 -1.35 0.179 -5.320833 .9926317 +_Ibplcol~478 | -2.174417 1.60629 -1.35 0.176 -5.330515 .9816805 +_Ibplcol~479 | -2.160561 1.607019 -1.34 0.179 -5.318091 .9969687 +_Ibplcol~480 | -2.237834 1.606378 -1.39 0.164 -5.394104 .9184369 +_Ibplcol~481 | -2.265912 1.605723 -1.41 0.159 -5.420895 .8890711 +_Ibplcol~482 | -2.224622 1.605495 -1.39 0.166 -5.379158 .9299144 +_Ibplcol~483 | -2.226254 1.606992 -1.39 0.167 -5.383731 .9312239 +_Ibplcol~484 | -2.115512 1.607516 -1.32 0.189 -5.274019 1.042995 +_Ibplcol~485 | -2.200045 1.60696 -1.37 0.172 -5.357459 .9573689 +_Ibplcol~486 | -2.153376 1.607405 -1.34 0.181 -5.311664 1.004912 +_Ibplcol~487 | -2.191504 1.60691 -1.36 0.173 -5.34882 .9658123 +_Ibplcol~488 | -2.162668 1.606497 -1.35 0.179 -5.319173 .9938366 +_Ibplcol~489 | -2.147124 1.606207 -1.34 0.182 -5.303058 1.00881 +_Ibplcol~490 | -2.24768 1.605612 -1.40 0.162 -5.402446 .9070862 +_Ibplcol~491 | -2.154857 1.605955 -1.34 0.180 -5.310297 1.000583 +_Ibplcol~492 | -2.264282 1.605699 -1.41 0.159 -5.41922 .8906555 +_Ibplcol~493 | -2.294629 1.605693 -1.43 0.154 -5.449553 .8602957 +_Ibplcol~494 | -2.392881 1.603528 -1.49 0.136 -5.543552 .7577897 +_Ibplcol~495 | -.9252107 .9705909 -0.95 0.341 -2.832264 .9818423 +_Ibplcol~496 | -1.060256 .9720085 -1.09 0.276 -2.970095 .849582 +_Ibplcol~497 | -.1709501 .0115679 -14.78 0.000 -.1936792 -.148221 +_Ibplcol~498 | .0885491 .0127132 6.97 0.000 .0635698 .1135285 +_Ibplcol~499 | .0382294 .0126639 3.02 0.003 .0133469 .063112 +_Ibplcol~500 | .0394314 .0118351 3.33 0.001 .0161774 .0626854 +_Ibplcol~501 | .086268 .0138455 6.23 0.000 .0590638 .1134723 +_Ibplcol~502 | .1647879 .0142792 11.54 0.000 .1367316 .1928441 +_Ibplcol~503 | -2.403587 1.598978 -1.50 0.133 -5.545318 .7381438 +_Ibplcol~504 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~505 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~506 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~507 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~508 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~509 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~510 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~511 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~512 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~513 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~514 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~515 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~516 | -.0040735 .0149008 -0.27 0.785 -.0333512 .0252041 +_Ibplcol~517 | -.0206418 .0140475 -1.47 0.142 -.048243 .0069593 +_Ibplcol~518 | .1797366 .018488 9.72 0.000 .1434107 .2160625 +_Ibplcol~519 | .1851111 .0206766 8.95 0.000 .1444851 .2257372 +_Ibplcol~520 | -.0058237 .0122337 -0.48 0.634 -.0298609 .0182135 +_Ibplcol~521 | .1897652 .0164078 11.57 0.000 .1575265 .222004 +_Ibplcol~522 | 3.095673 1.325617 2.34 0.020 .4910518 5.700293 +_Ibplcol~523 | 3.114732 1.325167 2.35 0.019 .5109941 5.71847 +_Ibplcol~524 | 3.08874 1.326249 2.33 0.020 .4828759 5.694604 +_Ibplcol~525 | 3.162826 1.325087 2.39 0.017 .5592448 5.766407 +_Ibplcol~526 | 3.139592 1.325783 2.37 0.018 .5346441 5.744539 +_Ibplcol~527 | 3.142212 1.32628 2.37 0.018 .5362872 5.748137 +_Ibplcol~528 | 3.076805 1.325786 2.32 0.021 .4718512 5.681759 +_Ibplcol~529 | 3.032056 1.325867 2.29 0.023 .426942 5.637169 +_Ibplcol~530 | 3.088049 1.325168 2.33 0.020 .4843095 5.691788 +_Ibplcol~531 | 2.994545 1.326062 2.26 0.024 .389049 5.600041 +_Ibplcol~532 | 3.04273 1.324955 2.30 0.022 .4394089 5.646051 +_Ibplcol~533 | .0059507 .0131514 0.45 0.651 -.0198897 .0317911 +_Ibplcol~534 | .8890354 1.393521 0.64 0.524 -1.849006 3.627077 +_Ibplcol~535 | -.1017855 .0153598 -6.63 0.000 -.131965 -.0716059 +_Ibplregco~3 | 1.468261 1.464403 1.00 0.317 -1.409052 4.345573 +_Ibplregco~4 | -4.352619 4.088121 -1.06 0.288 -12.38511 3.679871 +_Ibplregco~5 | .7596073 1.261071 0.60 0.547 -1.718192 3.237406 +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | 2.615872 1.167043 2.24 0.025 .3228223 4.908922 +_Ibplregco~8 | -.663689 1.684783 -0.39 0.694 -3.974013 2.646636 +_Ibplregco~9 | -5.905559 3.082876 -1.92 0.056 -11.96291 .1517898 +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | .0021956 .0179957 0.12 0.903 -.0331631 .0375542 +_IbplXyrex_4 | -.0158256 .0258565 -0.61 0.541 -.0666293 .0349782 +_IbplXyrex_5 | -.0170474 .017309 -0.98 0.325 -.0510568 .016962 +_IbplXyrex_6 | .0194749 .0211314 0.92 0.357 -.0220448 .0609945 +_IbplXyrex_7 | -.0227013 .0254735 -0.89 0.373 -.0727527 .02735 +_IbplXyrex_8 | -.0096513 .0226446 -0.43 0.670 -.0541443 .0348417 +_IbplXyrex_9 | -.0932756 .0395702 -2.36 0.019 -.1710245 -.0155266 +_IbplXyre~10 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_3 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_4 | 3.334599 2.537153 1.31 0.189 -1.650493 8.31969 + _Ibplcol1_5 | -1.763686 1.452375 -1.21 0.225 -4.617366 1.089993 + _Ibplcol1_6 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_7 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_8 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | .2919948 2.481117 0.12 0.906 -4.582997 5.166986 +_Ibplcol1_16 | -.7783496 1.199503 -0.65 0.517 -3.135178 1.578479 +_Ibplcol1_17 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_23 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_24 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_25 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_31 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_32 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.0008916 .000526 -1.69 0.091 -.0019252 .0001419 + _IbplXyob_3 | .0004838 .0004856 1.00 0.320 -.0004703 .0014379 + _IbplXyob_4 | -.0002084 .0004921 -0.42 0.672 -.0011752 .0007585 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0032387 .000449 7.21 0.000 .0023565 .0041209 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0009805 .0006618 -1.48 0.139 -.0022808 .0003198 + _IbplXyob_7 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_8 | .0008596 .0006056 1.42 0.156 -.0003303 .0020496 + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | -.0000969 .0008052 -0.12 0.904 -.001679 .0014852 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | .0012812 .0004535 2.83 0.005 .0003902 .0021723 +_IbplXyob_16 | .0016642 .0004641 3.59 0.000 .0007523 .0025761 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0004112 .000716 0.57 0.566 -.0009957 .0018181 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0004394 .0006252 -0.70 0.482 -.0016678 .000789 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | .0015443 .0012812 1.21 0.229 -.000973 .0040615 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.000352 .0007389 -0.48 0.634 -.0018039 .0010998 +_IbplXyob_23 | .0041526 .001543 2.69 0.007 .0011208 .0071844 +_IbplXyob_24 | -.0002675 .0005292 -0.51 0.614 -.0013073 .0007724 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0009546 .0005466 1.75 0.081 -.0001194 .0020286 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0007727 .0008476 -0.91 0.362 -.0024381 .0008927 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.00001 .0007084 -0.01 0.989 -.0014019 .0013818 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0013424 .0004494 2.99 0.003 .0004593 .0022255 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0000479 .0005579 -0.09 0.932 -.0011442 .0010483 +_IbplXyob_31 | .0001854 .0005291 0.35 0.726 -.0008542 .001225 +_IbplXyob_32 | .0002468 .0005264 0.47 0.639 -.0007876 .0012811 +_IbplXyob_33 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_34 | .0023596 .0007751 3.04 0.002 .0008367 .0038826 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_59 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_62 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1993 | .0749736 .0024929 30.07 0.000 .0700755 .0798717 + _Iyob_1919 | .0417483 .0083353 5.01 0.000 .0253708 .0581257 + _Iyob_1920 | .0680941 .0084444 8.06 0.000 .0515022 .0846859 + _Iyob_1921 | .0488858 .0082201 5.95 0.000 .0327347 .0650368 + _Iyob_1922 | .0805695 .0092515 8.71 0.000 .0623918 .0987471 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0039474 .0068154 -0.58 0.563 -.0173386 .0094438 + _Iyob_1924 | .1007154 .0093431 10.78 0.000 .0823577 .1190731 + _Iyob_1925 | .0501973 .0075794 6.62 0.000 .035305 .0650896 + _Iyob_1926 | .0854083 .0085914 9.94 0.000 .0685275 .102289 + _Iyob_1927 | .106962 .0085376 12.53 0.000 .0901869 .1237371 + _Iyob_1928 | .0152061 .0071585 2.12 0.034 .0011408 .0292714 + _Iyob_1929 | .1083893 .0089252 12.14 0.000 .0908527 .125926 + _Iyob_1930 | .1095282 .0086737 12.63 0.000 .0924859 .1265706 + _Iyob_1931 | .0880289 .0081273 10.83 0.000 .0720601 .1039976 + _Iyob_1932 | .1347152 .0100535 13.40 0.000 .1149617 .1544687 + _Iyob_1933 | .0230355 .0079259 2.91 0.004 .0074624 .0386087 + _Iyob_1934 | .1210918 .0096322 12.57 0.000 .1021662 .1400175 + _Iyob_1935 | .0767867 .0086077 8.92 0.000 .0598739 .0936995 + _Iyob_1936 | .1146144 .0093495 12.26 0.000 .0962442 .1329847 + _Iyob_1937 | .0893782 .0096043 9.31 0.000 .0705073 .108249 + _Iyob_1938 | .0038234 .0083552 0.46 0.647 -.0125932 .02024 + _Iyob_1939 | .0582678 .009106 6.40 0.000 .0403759 .0761596 + _Iyob_1940 | .0693573 .009376 7.40 0.000 .0509351 .0877795 + _Iyob_1941 | .050022 .0108798 4.60 0.000 .028645 .0713989 + _Iyob_1942 | .0915011 .0135699 6.74 0.000 .0648385 .1181637 + _Iyob_1943 | .0099064 .0159955 0.62 0.536 -.0215222 .041335 + _Iyob_1944 | .0839296 .018616 4.51 0.000 .0473522 .120507 + _Iyob_1945 | .0447684 .0216944 2.06 0.040 .0021424 .0873944 + _Iyob_1946 | .0716151 .0242074 2.96 0.003 .0240516 .1191787 + _Iyob_1947 | .0652256 .0274182 2.38 0.018 .0113533 .1190979 + _Iyob_1948 | .0286204 .0303841 0.94 0.347 -.0310795 .0883202 + _Iyob_1949 | .0610395 .0331499 1.84 0.066 -.0040946 .1261736 + _Iyob_1950 | .0546333 .0364597 1.50 0.135 -.0170041 .1262707 + _Iyob_1951 | .0363387 .0393971 0.92 0.357 -.0410701 .1137476 + _Iyob_1952 | .0532096 .0424113 1.25 0.210 -.0301217 .1365409 + _Iyob_1953 | .0011774 .0456904 0.03 0.979 -.0885967 .0909516 + _Iyob_1954 | .0354082 .0485551 0.73 0.466 -.0599946 .1308111 + _Iyob_1955 | .0000917 .0517437 0.00 0.999 -.1015762 .1017595 + _Iyob_1956 | .0207961 .0547174 0.38 0.704 -.0867147 .1283069 + _Iyob_1957 | .0143863 .0579633 0.25 0.804 -.0995021 .1282747 + _Iyob_1958 | .0389968 .0585314 0.67 0.506 -.0760078 .1540014 + _Iyob_1959 | .0776352 .0583966 1.33 0.184 -.0371046 .1923749 + _Iyob_1960 | .0799617 .0583178 1.37 0.171 -.0346233 .1945467 + _Iyob_1961 | .0607879 .0585124 1.04 0.299 -.0541794 .1757552 + _Iyob_1962 | .0940996 .0582286 1.62 0.107 -.0203101 .2085094 + _Iyob_1963 | .0280949 .0590563 0.48 0.634 -.087941 .1441309 + _Iyob_1964 | .0656569 .0588351 1.12 0.265 -.0499444 .1812582 + _Iyob_1965 | .0354303 .0587326 0.60 0.547 -.0799697 .1508303 + _Iyob_1966 | .0426061 .0588651 0.72 0.470 -.0730544 .1582665 + _Iyob_1967 | .0322309 .0587724 0.55 0.584 -.0832473 .1477091 + _Iyob_1968 | .001968 .0591515 0.03 0.973 -.1142551 .1181912 + _Iyob_1969 | .0081699 .0592409 0.14 0.890 -.1082287 .1245686 + _Iyob_1970 | -.0025647 .0591131 -0.04 0.965 -.1187122 .1135829 + _Iyob_1971 | -.0286175 .0592815 -0.48 0.629 -.1450961 .0878611 + _Iyob_1972 | -.0206431 .0592466 -0.35 0.728 -.137053 .0957669 + _Iyob_1973 | -.0629985 .0593153 -1.06 0.289 -.1795433 .0535464 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_Iyob_1937 _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 + _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 + _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 + _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 + _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 + _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 + _Iyob_1965 _Iyob_1966 _Iyob_1967 _Iyob_1968 _Iyob_1969 + _Iyob_1970 _Iyob_1971 _Iyob_1972 _Iyob_1973 temperature + altitude mellinger m46 areamalarica ecozone_stdry + ecozone_stwet ecozone_trdry ecozone_trwet ecozone_warm +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl E nocon mal=malxexp + +. xi i.bplcol2 i.bplregcol*yrexp i.bplcol1*yob i.bplcol1*yob2 i.year i.yob +i.bplcol2 _Ibplcol2_1-535 (naturally coded; _Ibplcol2_1 omitted) +i.bplregcol _Ibplregcol_1-10 (naturally coded; _Ibplregcol_1 omitted) +i.bplre~l*yrexp _IbplXyrex_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1 _Ibplcol1_1-62 (_Ibplcol1_1 for bplcol1==5 omitted) +i.bplcol1*yob _IbplXyob_# (coded as above) +i.bplcol1*yob2 _IbplXyob2_# (coded as above) +i.year _Iyear_1973-1993 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1973 omitted) +i.yob _Iyob_1918-1973 (naturally coded; _Iyob_1918 omitted) + +. ivreg incscore (malxexp = `alt_mal') `meanrev' `the_rest' _I* [aw=wtbpl], cluster(bplcol2) +(sum of wgt is 1.6862e+05) + +Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 35831 + F(129, 488) = . + Prob > F = 0.0000 + R-squared = 0.6030 + Root MSE = .10693 + + (Std. Err. adjusted for 489 clusters in bplcol2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | Robust + incscore | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] +-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- + malxexp | .1209572 .0222132 5.45 0.000 .077312 .1646025 + lndens | -.0077126 .0038826 -1.99 0.048 -.0153412 -.000084 +nivel_de_v~a | .0036009 .0028949 1.24 0.214 -.0020872 .0092889 + helminth_nh | .0748165 .0302154 2.48 0.014 .0154483 .1341848 + hookworm | -.0252023 .0146179 -1.72 0.085 -.0539241 .0035195 +leishmania~s | -.0098195 .0184848 -0.53 0.596 -.0461392 .0265002 + yelfev | -.0016701 .016846 -0.10 0.921 -.0347696 .0314295 + land_inadeq | .0103055 .0072076 1.43 0.153 -.0038563 .0244672 + vioearly | -.0015741 .0034852 -0.45 0.652 -.008422 .0052739 + violate | .0019808 .002665 0.74 0.458 -.0032556 .0072171 + cafetera | .0050612 .0073894 0.68 0.494 -.0094578 .0195802 + carbon | -.0116092 .0098834 -1.17 0.241 -.0310286 .0078101 +ganadera_n~a | -.0226731 .01328 -1.71 0.088 -.0487662 .0034201 + mktaccess | .0013006 .001511 0.86 0.390 -.0016683 .0042694 + manuf | -.2644869 .2892375 -0.91 0.361 -.8327914 .3038176 + _Ibplcol2_2 | 2.614154 1.415855 1.85 0.065 -.1677696 5.396078 + _Ibplcol2_3 | 2.821121 1.417568 1.99 0.047 .0358306 5.606411 + _Ibplcol2_4 | 2.649013 1.417283 1.87 0.062 -.1357165 5.433743 + _Ibplcol2_5 | 2.508745 1.42216 1.76 0.078 -.2855683 5.303059 + _Ibplcol2_6 | 2.484057 1.423315 1.75 0.082 -.3125259 5.280639 + _Ibplcol2_7 | 2.68753 1.416207 1.90 0.058 -.0950859 5.470146 + _Ibplcol2_8 | 2.909655 1.416081 2.05 0.040 .1272866 5.692023 + _Ibplcol2_9 | 2.657381 1.416576 1.88 0.061 -.12596 5.440721 +_Ibplcol2_10 | 2.865173 1.416112 2.02 0.044 .0827436 5.647602 +_Ibplcol2_11 | 2.490594 1.42745 1.74 0.082 -.314113 5.295301 +_Ibplcol2_12 | 2.616726 1.416856 1.85 0.065 -.1671653 5.400618 +_Ibplcol2_13 | 2.634493 1.420423 1.85 0.064 -.156407 5.425393 +_Ibplcol2_14 | 2.510216 1.423009 1.76 0.078 -.2857645 5.306196 +_Ibplcol2_15 | 2.597957 1.418446 1.83 0.068 -.1890578 5.384972 +_Ibplcol2_16 | 2.889026 1.416066 2.04 0.042 .1066871 5.671364 +_Ibplcol2_17 | 2.496749 1.420768 1.76 0.079 -.2948276 5.288326 +_Ibplcol2_18 | 2.682136 1.421288 1.89 0.060 -.1104637 5.474736 +_Ibplcol2_19 | 2.936248 1.416254 2.07 0.039 .1535397 5.718956 +_Ibplcol2_20 | 2.729152 1.416406 1.93 0.055 -.0538543 5.512158 +_Ibplcol2_21 | 2.546861 1.419403 1.79 0.073 -.242035 5.335757 +_Ibplcol2_22 | 2.771974 1.416232 1.96 0.051 -.0106904 5.554639 +_Ibplcol2_23 | 2.746784 1.416141 1.94 0.053 -.035702 5.52927 +_Ibplcol2_24 | 2.953475 1.41589 2.09 0.038 .1714826 5.735468 +_Ibplcol2_25 | 2.551154 1.415206 1.80 0.072 -.2294952 5.331804 +_Ibplcol2_26 | 2.708502 1.416978 1.91 0.057 -.0756282 5.492633 +_Ibplcol2_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_28 | 2.670975 1.416234 1.89 0.060 -.111694 5.453644 +_Ibplcol2_29 | 2.450238 1.425951 1.72 0.086 -.3515232 5.252 +_Ibplcol2_30 | 2.706904 1.419498 1.91 0.057 -.0821773 5.495986 +_Ibplcol2_31 | 2.80295 1.417087 1.98 0.048 .0186054 5.587295 +_Ibplcol2_32 | 2.901908 1.416219 2.05 0.041 .1192692 5.684548 +_Ibplcol2_33 | 2.594778 1.416996 1.83 0.068 -.1893884 5.378945 +_Ibplcol2_34 | 2.293801 1.426244 1.61 0.108 -.5085357 5.096137 +_Ibplcol2_35 | 2.502781 1.416191 1.77 0.078 -.2798034 5.285366 +_Ibplcol2_36 | 2.686895 1.415957 1.90 0.058 -.0952299 5.469021 +_Ibplcol2_37 | 2.660495 1.41635 1.88 0.061 -.1224015 5.443391 +_Ibplcol2_38 | 2.719239 1.416163 1.92 0.055 -.0632899 5.501768 +_Ibplcol2_39 | 2.803609 1.42219 1.97 0.049 .0092364 5.597981 +_Ibplcol2_40 | 2.671265 1.416148 1.89 0.060 -.1112348 5.453765 +_Ibplcol2_41 | 2.5842 1.423196 1.82 0.070 -.2121474 5.380547 +_Ibplcol2_42 | 2.604819 1.416469 1.84 0.067 -.1783112 5.387949 +_Ibplcol2_43 | 2.71841 1.414903 1.92 0.055 -.0616444 5.498464 +_Ibplcol2_44 | 2.803328 1.420228 1.97 0.049 .0128107 5.593845 +_Ibplcol2_45 | 7.471888 2.405819 3.11 0.002 2.744845 12.19893 +_Ibplcol2_46 | 7.311788 2.407281 3.04 0.003 2.581873 12.0417 +_Ibplcol2_47 | 7.105421 2.407057 2.95 0.003 2.375947 11.83489 +_Ibplcol2_48 | 7.305661 2.407624 3.03 0.003 2.575071 12.03625 +_Ibplcol2_49 | 7.40506 2.406528 3.08 0.002 2.676623 12.1335 +_Ibplcol2_50 | 7.219213 2.407234 3.00 0.003 2.48939 11.94904 +_Ibplcol2_51 | 7.257023 2.407027 3.01 0.003 2.527607 11.98644 +_Ibplcol2_52 | 7.394657 2.406672 3.07 0.002 2.665938 12.12337 +_Ibplcol2_53 | 4.840375 1.794939 2.70 0.007 1.313611 8.367138 +_Ibplcol2_54 | 4.628531 2.369844 1.95 0.051 -.0278264 9.284889 +_Ibplcol2_55 | 4.247372 2.372962 1.79 0.074 -.4151118 8.909855 +_Ibplcol2_56 | 4.383527 2.371318 1.85 0.065 -.2757275 9.042781 +_Ibplcol2_57 | 4.335705 2.372022 1.83 0.068 -.3249327 8.996342 +_Ibplcol2_58 | 4.3099 2.372638 1.82 0.070 -.3519462 8.971747 +_Ibplcol2_59 | 4.391219 2.372904 1.85 0.065 -.271151 9.05359 +_Ibplcol2_60 | 4.253512 2.371249 1.79 0.073 -.405605 8.912629 +_Ibplcol2_61 | 4.393964 2.372683 1.85 0.065 -.2679716 9.0559 +_Ibplcol2_62 | 4.260231 2.37256 1.80 0.073 -.4014622 8.921925 +_Ibplcol2_63 | 4.251343 2.373501 1.79 0.074 -.4122006 8.914887 +_Ibplcol2_64 | 4.256878 2.373579 1.79 0.074 -.4068194 8.920574 +_Ibplcol2_65 | 4.298824 2.372733 1.81 0.071 -.363209 8.960858 +_Ibplcol2_66 | 4.25911 2.371796 1.80 0.073 -.4010831 8.919304 +_Ibplcol2_67 | 4.262265 2.372342 1.80 0.073 -.3990001 8.92353 +_Ibplcol2_68 | 4.333807 2.372833 1.83 0.068 -.3284238 8.996038 +_Ibplcol2_69 | 4.299115 2.375367 1.81 0.071 -.3680945 8.966324 +_Ibplcol2_70 | 4.173693 2.373865 1.76 0.079 -.4905646 8.837951 +_Ibplcol2_71 | 4.505025 2.370436 1.90 0.058 -.1524954 9.162545 +_Ibplcol2_72 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_73 | -4.468024 1.84932 -2.42 0.016 -8.101638 -.8344109 +_Ibplcol2_74 | -4.466806 1.848477 -2.42 0.016 -8.098762 -.8348496 +_Ibplcol2_75 | -4.648273 1.848769 -2.51 0.012 -8.280804 -1.015742 +_Ibplcol2_76 | -4.557823 1.848954 -2.47 0.014 -8.190717 -.9249295 +_Ibplcol2_77 | -4.693954 1.845013 -2.54 0.011 -8.319104 -1.068805 +_Ibplcol2_78 | -4.494709 1.849235 -2.43 0.015 -8.128153 -.8612636 +_Ibplcol2_79 | 7.251439 2.073707 3.50 0.001 3.176942 11.32593 +_Ibplcol2_80 | 7.004165 2.073546 3.38 0.001 2.929984 11.07835 +_Ibplcol2_81 | 7.017075 2.074027 3.38 0.001 2.941951 11.0922 +_Ibplcol2_82 | 7.056253 2.074434 3.40 0.001 2.980327 11.13218 +_Ibplcol2_83 | 7.116432 2.074074 3.43 0.001 3.041215 11.19165 +_Ibplcol2_84 | 6.963646 2.073414 3.36 0.001 2.889726 11.03757 +_Ibplcol2_85 | 7.066001 2.073341 3.41 0.001 2.992223 11.13978 +_Ibplcol2_86 | 6.986879 2.074165 3.37 0.001 2.911483 11.06228 +_Ibplcol2_87 | 7.067105 2.073596 3.41 0.001 2.992827 11.14138 +_Ibplcol2_88 | 7.089394 2.073403 3.42 0.001 3.015495 11.16329 +_Ibplcol2_89 | 7.040253 2.073441 3.40 0.001 2.966278 11.11423 +_Ibplcol2_90 | 6.859052 2.074039 3.31 0.001 2.783904 10.9342 +_Ibplcol2_91 | 7.070707 2.073471 3.41 0.001 2.996675 11.14474 +_Ibplcol2_92 | 7.067663 2.073353 3.41 0.001 2.993862 11.14146 +_Ibplcol2_93 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_94 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_95 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_96 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_97 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol2_98 | .3590663 .0139461 25.75 0.000 .3316646 .3864681 +_Ibplcol2_99 | -.0159912 .0150015 -1.07 0.287 -.0454667 .0134843 +_Ibplcol~100 | .0035507 .0117753 0.30 0.763 -.0195859 .0266873 +_Ibplcol~101 | .1007913 .0118279 8.52 0.000 .0775514 .1240312 +_Ibplcol~102 | .194399 .0125914 15.44 0.000 .1696589 .2191391 +_Ibplcol~103 | .0300184 .0119295 2.52 0.012 .0065788 .0534579 +_Ibplcol~104 | .197013 .0165635 11.89 0.000 .1644683 .2295576 +_Ibplcol~105 | -.0338432 .0144425 -2.34 0.020 -.0622202 -.0054661 +_Ibplcol~106 | .0786362 .0122561 6.42 0.000 .054555 .1027174 +_Ibplcol~107 | .0705036 .014629 4.82 0.000 .04176 .0992472 +_Ibplcol~108 | .1119045 .0102243 10.94 0.000 .0918154 .1319937 +_Ibplcol~109 | .1023847 .0120297 8.51 0.000 .0787484 .1260211 +_Ibplcol~110 | .3208562 .0138779 23.12 0.000 .2935884 .348124 +_Ibplcol~111 | .1701428 .0172243 9.88 0.000 .1362998 .2039858 +_Ibplcol~112 | .1138706 .0111544 10.21 0.000 .091954 .1357873 +_Ibplcol~113 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~114 | .0614156 .0169542 3.62 0.000 .0281035 .0947278 +_Ibplcol~115 | .1204695 .0167064 7.21 0.000 .0876442 .1532948 +_Ibplcol~116 | 2.762845 2.431693 1.14 0.256 -2.015036 7.540726 +_Ibplcol~117 | 2.660093 2.431452 1.09 0.274 -2.117314 7.4375 +_Ibplcol~118 | 2.698786 2.433197 1.11 0.268 -2.082049 7.479621 +_Ibplcol~119 | 2.670693 2.434664 1.10 0.273 -2.113025 7.454411 +_Ibplcol~120 | 2.600021 2.430564 1.07 0.285 -2.175642 7.375684 +_Ibplcol~121 | 2.656068 2.431373 1.09 0.275 -2.121184 7.433321 +_Ibplcol~122 | 2.592645 2.433033 1.07 0.287 -2.187867 7.373158 +_Ibplcol~123 | 2.70347 2.432351 1.11 0.267 -2.075704 7.482643 +_Ibplcol~124 | 2.651563 2.434472 1.09 0.277 -2.131777 7.434904 +_Ibplcol~125 | 2.71257 2.43192 1.12 0.265 -2.065756 7.490896 +_Ibplcol~126 | .0524956 2.260027 0.02 0.981 -4.388089 4.49308 +_Ibplcol~127 | -.0617136 2.259931 -0.03 0.978 -4.50211 4.378683 +_Ibplcol~128 | .0494609 2.259886 0.02 0.983 -4.390846 4.489768 +_Ibplcol~129 | -.0095739 2.259957 -0.00 0.997 -4.450021 4.430873 +_Ibplcol~130 | -.0692691 2.259359 -0.03 0.976 -4.508542 4.370003 +_Ibplcol~131 | -.0631867 2.25995 -0.03 0.978 -4.50362 4.377247 +_Ibplcol~132 | .0007197 2.259533 0.00 1.000 -4.438894 4.440333 +_Ibplcol~133 | -.0525986 2.260385 -0.02 0.981 -4.493886 4.388689 +_Ibplcol~134 | -.1368608 2.260106 -0.06 0.952 -4.577602 4.30388 +_Ibplcol~135 | -.060681 2.260035 -0.03 0.979 -4.501282 4.37992 +_Ibplcol~136 | -.127016 2.259692 -0.06 0.955 -4.566943 4.312911 +_Ibplcol~137 | -.0522441 2.259327 -0.02 0.982 -4.491454 4.386965 +_Ibplcol~138 | -.0952452 2.259869 -0.04 0.966 -4.53552 4.34503 +_Ibplcol~139 | -.1020883 2.25995 -0.05 0.964 -4.542522 4.338346 +_Ibplcol~140 | -.1443632 2.260318 -0.06 0.949 -4.585521 4.296794 +_Ibplcol~141 | -.0140005 .0100341 -1.40 0.164 -.0337159 .0057149 +_Ibplcol~142 | .0405266 .0100425 4.04 0.000 .0207948 .0602585 +_Ibplcol~143 | .0661526 .0103307 6.40 0.000 .0458545 .0864508 +_Ibplcol~144 | .0573041 .0103605 5.53 0.000 .0369474 .0776608 +_Ibplcol~145 | -.0251237 .0098215 -2.56 0.011 -.0444212 -.0058261 +_Ibplcol~146 | .0318016 .0114232 2.78 0.006 .0093569 .0542463 +_Ibplcol~147 | -.1602132 .0114845 -13.95 0.000 -.1827783 -.1376481 +_Ibplcol~148 | -.0148166 .0104926 -1.41 0.159 -.0354329 .0057997 +_Ibplcol~149 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~150 | -.097741 .0098676 -9.91 0.000 -.1171292 -.0783529 +_Ibplcol~151 | -.0873146 .0110565 -7.90 0.000 -.1090387 -.0655905 +_Ibplcol~152 | .0498233 .0111111 4.48 0.000 .0279918 .0716547 +_Ibplcol~153 | -.076984 .0123581 -6.23 0.000 -.1012657 -.0527023 +_Ibplcol~154 | -.1347236 .0106083 -12.70 0.000 -.1555672 -.11388 +_Ibplcol~155 | .0391468 .010152 3.86 0.000 .0191998 .0590938 +_Ibplcol~156 | .0740248 .0156134 4.74 0.000 .0433469 .1047027 +_Ibplcol~157 | -.1430103 .0146623 -9.75 0.000 -.1718194 -.1142012 +_Ibplcol~158 | .0442629 .0175366 2.52 0.012 .0098063 .0787195 +_Ibplcol~159 | -.1308599 .0122957 -10.64 0.000 -.155019 -.1067009 +_Ibplcol~160 | .17961 .0155499 11.55 0.000 .1490569 .210163 +_Ibplcol~161 | .3189645 .0078604 40.58 0.000 .30352 .3344089 +_Ibplcol~162 | .0931097 .00915 10.18 0.000 .0751315 .1110879 +_Ibplcol~163 | .185814 .009405 19.76 0.000 .1673346 .2042933 +_Ibplcol~164 | .0888303 .0044461 19.98 0.000 .0800944 .0975662 +_Ibplcol~165 | .1253455 .007542 16.62 0.000 .1105267 .1401643 +_Ibplcol~166 | .0013317 .0067132 0.20 0.843 -.0118586 .014522 +_Ibplcol~167 | .0323869 .0099477 3.26 0.001 .0128414 .0519325 +_Ibplcol~168 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~169 | -.0110906 .0073238 -1.51 0.131 -.0254806 .0032994 +_Ibplcol~170 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~171 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~172 | -.0555422 .0105822 -5.25 0.000 -.0763345 -.03475 +_Ibplcol~173 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~174 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~175 | 4.954628 2.436364 2.03 0.043 .16757 9.741686 +_Ibplcol~176 | 4.791569 2.434689 1.97 0.050 .0078027 9.575335 +_Ibplcol~177 | 4.94636 2.43589 2.03 0.043 .1602322 9.732487 +_Ibplcol~178 | 4.899545 2.434067 2.01 0.045 .117001 9.68209 +_Ibplcol~179 | 4.933337 2.434324 2.03 0.043 .1502867 9.716388 +_Ibplcol~180 | 4.774859 2.433589 1.96 0.050 -.0067469 9.556464 +_Ibplcol~181 | 4.863817 2.433955 2.00 0.046 .0814919 9.646142 +_Ibplcol~182 | 4.772533 2.433754 1.96 0.050 -.0093973 9.554463 +_Ibplcol~183 | .3220269 .0281123 11.46 0.000 .2667908 .377263 +_Ibplcol~184 | .3137849 .0276958 11.33 0.000 .2593671 .3682026 +_Ibplcol~185 | .1331032 .0286859 4.64 0.000 .0767401 .1894663 +_Ibplcol~186 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~187 | .4159178 .0126842 32.79 0.000 .3909953 .4408403 +_Ibplcol~188 | .3656487 .0056872 64.29 0.000 .3544743 .376823 +_Ibplcol~189 | .3915742 .0126095 31.05 0.000 .3667985 .4163499 +_Ibplcol~190 | .0467042 .0127365 3.67 0.000 .0216791 .0717294 +_Ibplcol~191 | .118587 .0129478 9.16 0.000 .0931467 .1440274 +_Ibplcol~192 | .3761099 .01154 32.59 0.000 .3534358 .398784 +_Ibplcol~193 | .19674 .0132882 14.81 0.000 .1706308 .2228492 +_Ibplcol~194 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~195 | .029528 .0130056 2.27 0.024 .0039742 .0550819 +_Ibplcol~196 | .1565012 .0126022 12.42 0.000 .13174 .1812625 +_Ibplcol~197 | .2385013 .0039941 59.71 0.000 .2306535 .2463491 +_Ibplcol~198 | .229604 .0127357 18.03 0.000 .2045805 .2546275 +_Ibplcol~199 | -.0749841 .018482 -4.06 0.000 -.1112982 -.03867 +_Ibplcol~200 | -.4093708 .0131319 -31.17 0.000 -.4351728 -.3835687 +_Ibplcol~201 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~202 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~203 | -.1765371 .0106804 -16.53 0.000 -.1975223 -.155552 +_Ibplcol~204 | -.3974163 .0161247 -24.65 0.000 -.4290986 -.365734 +_Ibplcol~205 | -.3864683 .023859 -16.20 0.000 -.4333473 -.3395893 +_Ibplcol~206 | -.1309806 .0155629 -8.42 0.000 -.1615591 -.1004022 +_Ibplcol~207 | 9.561391 2.654892 3.60 0.000 4.34496 14.77782 +_Ibplcol~208 | 9.533156 2.654602 3.59 0.000 4.317297 14.74902 +_Ibplcol~209 | 9.418517 2.655422 3.55 0.000 4.201045 14.63599 +_Ibplcol~210 | 9.404245 2.654904 3.54 0.000 4.187791 14.6207 +_Ibplcol~211 | 9.434451 2.655698 3.55 0.000 4.216436 14.65247 +_Ibplcol~212 | 9.411722 2.655639 3.54 0.000 4.193824 14.62962 +_Ibplcol~213 | 6.05806 2.17984 2.78 0.006 1.775029 10.34109 +_Ibplcol~214 | 5.925589 2.178881 2.72 0.007 1.644444 10.20673 +_Ibplcol~215 | 6.03637 2.181384 2.77 0.006 1.750306 10.32243 +_Ibplcol~216 | 5.939676 2.179208 2.73 0.007 1.657887 10.22147 +_Ibplcol~217 | 5.806813 2.17875 2.67 0.008 1.525924 10.0877 +_Ibplcol~218 | 6.021038 2.178245 2.76 0.006 1.741141 10.30093 +_Ibplcol~219 | .2128461 1.236152 0.17 0.863 -2.215991 2.641683 +_Ibplcol~220 | .0827848 1.239293 0.07 0.947 -2.352224 2.517794 +_Ibplcol~221 | -.1814542 1.240392 -0.15 0.884 -2.618622 2.255714 +_Ibplcol~222 | .159723 1.23675 0.13 0.897 -2.270289 2.589735 +_Ibplcol~223 | -.0393214 1.237924 -0.03 0.975 -2.471641 2.392998 +_Ibplcol~224 | .0494044 1.236318 0.04 0.968 -2.379759 2.478568 +_Ibplcol~225 | -.0982068 1.239444 -0.08 0.937 -2.533511 2.337098 +_Ibplcol~226 | -.1706589 1.237971 -0.14 0.890 -2.60307 2.261752 +_Ibplcol~227 | .0154445 1.237595 0.01 0.990 -2.416228 2.447117 +_Ibplcol~228 | -.095465 1.238312 -0.08 0.939 -2.528547 2.337617 +_Ibplcol~229 | .0105185 1.237481 0.01 0.993 -2.42093 2.441967 +_Ibplcol~230 | -.0349039 1.23856 -0.03 0.978 -2.468473 2.398665 +_Ibplcol~231 | 4.917473 2.316061 2.12 0.034 .3667904 9.468156 +_Ibplcol~232 | 4.791866 2.316036 2.07 0.039 .2412325 9.3425 +_Ibplcol~233 | 4.634619 2.316199 2.00 0.046 .0836659 9.185573 +_Ibplcol~234 | 4.720966 2.31582 2.04 0.042 .1707572 9.271175 +_Ibplcol~235 | 4.791571 2.316054 2.07 0.039 .2409018 9.34224 +_Ibplcol~236 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~237 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~238 | 4.694075 2.316425 2.03 0.043 .1426766 9.245474 +_Ibplcol~239 | 4.764257 2.316139 2.06 0.040 .2134217 9.315093 +_Ibplcol~240 | 4.69851 2.31617 2.03 0.043 .1476138 9.249407 +_Ibplcol~241 | 4.81361 2.316296 2.08 0.038 .2624669 9.364754 +_Ibplcol~242 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~243 | .0058632 .0129745 0.45 0.652 -.0196296 .0313559 +_Ibplcol~244 | .1876892 .005846 32.11 0.000 .1762027 .1991757 +_Ibplcol~245 | .0250396 .0166408 1.50 0.133 -.0076569 .0577362 +_Ibplcol~246 | .2450068 .0186763 13.12 0.000 .2083109 .2817027 +_Ibplcol~247 | .2450392 .0192828 12.71 0.000 .2071516 .2829267 +_Ibplcol~248 | .2153342 .0126595 17.01 0.000 .1904603 .2402082 +_Ibplcol~249 | .1796912 .0172734 10.40 0.000 .1457517 .2136306 +_Ibplcol~250 | .3646234 .0173349 21.03 0.000 .3305631 .3986837 +_Ibplcol~251 | .1341032 .0154969 8.65 0.000 .1036544 .164552 +_Ibplcol~252 | .2631063 .0110867 23.73 0.000 .2413228 .2848899 +_Ibplcol~253 | .2363402 .0134476 17.57 0.000 .2099177 .2627626 +_Ibplcol~254 | .2095263 .0188358 11.12 0.000 .1725171 .2465356 +_Ibplcol~255 | .1152955 .0134502 8.57 0.000 .0888681 .1417229 +_Ibplcol~256 | .0108815 .0150898 0.72 0.471 -.0187675 .0405305 +_Ibplcol~257 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~258 | .1911065 .0176316 10.84 0.000 .1564632 .2257497 +_Ibplcol~259 | -.0477851 .0057347 -8.33 0.000 -.0590528 -.0365174 +_Ibplcol~260 | .194661 .0069989 27.81 0.000 .1809094 .2084126 +_Ibplcol~261 | .722716 1.407447 0.51 0.608 -2.042688 3.48812 +_Ibplcol~262 | .562327 1.407196 0.40 0.690 -2.202583 3.327237 +_Ibplcol~263 | .4694429 1.407247 0.33 0.739 -2.295568 3.234454 +_Ibplcol~264 | .5999954 1.407213 0.43 0.670 -2.164949 3.36494 +_Ibplcol~265 | .6566296 1.408386 0.47 0.641 -2.11062 3.423879 +_Ibplcol~266 | .5138612 1.407013 0.37 0.715 -2.25069 3.278412 +_Ibplcol~267 | .5417914 1.406447 0.39 0.700 -2.221647 3.30523 +_Ibplcol~268 | .5972461 1.407068 0.42 0.671 -2.167413 3.361905 +_Ibplcol~269 | .6007417 1.406532 0.43 0.669 -2.162865 3.364349 +_Ibplcol~270 | .5484368 1.407139 0.39 0.697 -2.216362 3.313236 +_Ibplcol~271 | .6018901 1.408027 0.43 0.669 -2.164653 3.368433 +_Ibplcol~272 | .6083463 1.407828 0.43 0.666 -2.157806 3.374499 +_Ibplcol~273 | .5202163 1.407576 0.37 0.712 -2.245441 3.285874 +_Ibplcol~274 | .5456735 1.407771 0.39 0.698 -2.220367 3.311714 +_Ibplcol~275 | .5097337 1.407212 0.36 0.717 -2.255209 3.274676 +_Ibplcol~276 | .6680205 1.407727 0.47 0.635 -2.097933 3.433974 +_Ibplcol~277 | .608505 1.408389 0.43 0.666 -2.158749 3.375759 +_Ibplcol~278 | .5496833 1.407533 0.39 0.696 -2.215891 3.315257 +_Ibplcol~279 | .5439308 1.406633 0.39 0.699 -2.219873 3.307734 +_Ibplcol~280 | .6501326 1.408131 0.46 0.645 -2.116616 3.416881 +_Ibplcol~281 | .7157991 1.408064 0.51 0.611 -2.050816 3.482415 +_Ibplcol~282 | .6186568 1.406826 0.44 0.660 -2.145527 3.382841 +_Ibplcol~283 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~284 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~285 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~286 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~287 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~288 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~289 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~290 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~291 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~292 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~293 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~294 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~295 | -.0788067 .0098338 -8.01 0.000 -.0981286 -.0594848 +_Ibplcol~296 | 7.305653 2.407358 3.03 0.003 2.575586 12.03572 +_Ibplcol~297 | 7.184125 2.407659 2.98 0.003 2.453469 11.91478 +_Ibplcol~298 | 7.29143 2.406378 3.03 0.003 2.563289 12.01957 +_Ibplcol~299 | 7.155801 2.406906 2.97 0.003 2.426623 11.88498 +_Ibplcol~300 | 7.109088 2.407349 2.95 0.003 2.379039 11.83914 +_Ibplcol~301 | 7.200362 2.406709 2.99 0.003 2.47157 11.92915 +_Ibplcol~302 | 7.071358 2.408077 2.94 0.003 2.339878 11.80284 +_Ibplcol~303 | 4.859088 2.434618 2.00 0.047 .0754599 9.642717 +_Ibplcol~304 | 4.809548 2.434642 1.98 0.049 .0258731 9.593223 +_Ibplcol~305 | 4.766959 2.43492 1.96 0.051 -.0172614 9.55118 +_Ibplcol~306 | 4.747419 2.43388 1.95 0.052 -.0347588 9.529596 +_Ibplcol~307 | 4.794173 2.433642 1.97 0.049 .0124625 9.575883 +_Ibplcol~308 | 2.588212 2.433104 1.06 0.288 -2.192442 7.368865 +_Ibplcol~309 | 2.673508 2.431082 1.10 0.272 -2.103173 7.450189 +_Ibplcol~310 | 2.699629 2.430989 1.11 0.267 -2.076867 7.476126 +_Ibplcol~311 | 2.626271 2.430757 1.08 0.280 -2.149769 7.402312 +_Ibplcol~312 | 2.569561 2.434414 1.06 0.292 -2.213665 7.352787 +_Ibplcol~313 | -.412171 .0190311 -21.66 0.000 -.449564 -.3747781 +_Ibplcol~314 | -.3279278 .0184239 -17.80 0.000 -.3641279 -.2917278 +_Ibplcol~315 | -.4711526 .0167981 -28.05 0.000 -.5041581 -.4381471 +_Ibplcol~316 | -.3775063 .0125395 -30.11 0.000 -.4021443 -.3528683 +_Ibplcol~317 | -.3117026 .0121427 -25.67 0.000 -.335561 -.2878441 +_Ibplcol~318 | -.2735003 .013777 -19.85 0.000 -.3005699 -.2464307 +_Ibplcol~319 | -.2928833 .0118148 -24.79 0.000 -.3160975 -.2696691 +_Ibplcol~320 | -.3009932 .0134024 -22.46 0.000 -.3273267 -.2746596 +_Ibplcol~321 | -.3076162 .0135409 -22.72 0.000 -.3342218 -.2810106 +_Ibplcol~322 | -.391968 .0133454 -29.37 0.000 -.4181896 -.3657464 +_Ibplcol~323 | -.3973438 .0132344 -30.02 0.000 -.4233473 -.3713403 +_Ibplcol~324 | 4.330014 2.370643 1.83 0.068 -.3279129 8.987941 +_Ibplcol~325 | -.1524405 2.259692 -0.07 0.946 -4.592367 4.287486 +_Ibplcol~326 | 4.301106 2.372192 1.81 0.070 -.3598652 8.962078 +_Ibplcol~327 | 4.326814 2.372228 1.82 0.069 -.3342265 8.987855 +_Ibplcol~328 | 4.266197 2.372811 1.80 0.073 -.3959905 8.928385 +_Ibplcol~329 | 4.2462 2.372277 1.79 0.074 -.4149378 8.907337 +_Ibplcol~330 | 4.64967 2.316162 2.01 0.045 .0987891 9.200551 +_Ibplcol~331 | 4.650878 2.315972 2.01 0.045 .1003707 9.201386 +_Ibplcol~332 | 4.695202 2.316162 2.03 0.043 .1443221 9.246083 +_Ibplcol~333 | -.1073128 2.259709 -0.05 0.962 -4.547273 4.332647 +_Ibplcol~334 | -.0301315 2.259562 -0.01 0.989 -4.469803 4.40954 +_Ibplcol~335 | -.0191812 2.259828 -0.01 0.993 -4.459375 4.421013 +_Ibplcol~336 | -.1319813 .0148149 -8.91 0.000 -.1610902 -.1028724 +_Ibplcol~337 | .0897209 .0162728 5.51 0.000 .0577476 .1216943 +_Ibplcol~338 | .1089801 .017723 6.15 0.000 .0741572 .143803 +_Ibplcol~339 | -.0678307 .0206935 -3.28 0.001 -.10849 -.0271714 +_Ibplcol~340 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~341 | -4.690955 1.848559 -2.54 0.011 -8.323072 -1.058837 +_Ibplcol~342 | 2.608956 1.417822 1.84 0.066 -.1768337 5.394746 +_Ibplcol~343 | 2.638776 1.419273 1.86 0.064 -.149864 5.427416 +_Ibplcol~345 | 2.569259 1.416692 1.81 0.070 -.2143093 5.352827 +_Ibplcol~346 | 2.532444 1.416946 1.79 0.075 -.2516241 5.316511 +_Ibplcol~347 | 2.492254 1.416972 1.76 0.079 -.2918653 5.276373 +_Ibplcol~348 | 2.602016 1.416433 1.84 0.067 -.1810449 5.385076 +_Ibplcol~349 | 2.544401 1.416473 1.80 0.073 -.238737 5.327539 +_Ibplcol~350 | 2.643203 1.415968 1.87 0.063 -.1389442 5.42535 +_Ibplcol~351 | 2.673318 1.416 1.89 0.060 -.1088909 5.455528 +_Ibplcol~352 | 2.573944 1.415934 1.82 0.070 -.2081356 5.356025 +_Ibplcol~353 | 2.670901 1.418492 1.88 0.060 -.1162049 5.458008 +_Ibplcol~354 | 2.691686 1.416665 1.90 0.058 -.0918288 5.475201 +_Ibplcol~355 | 2.723951 1.416506 1.92 0.055 -.0592521 5.507154 +_Ibplcol~356 | 2.667666 1.416745 1.88 0.060 -.1160063 5.451339 +_Ibplcol~357 | 2.629723 1.420193 1.85 0.065 -.1607251 5.420172 +_Ibplcol~358 | 2.51244 1.417362 1.77 0.077 -.2724455 5.297326 +_Ibplcol~359 | 2.550816 1.416745 1.80 0.072 -.2328585 5.33449 +_Ibplcol~360 | 2.647946 1.417826 1.87 0.062 -.1378519 5.433744 +_Ibplcol~361 | 2.549005 1.417493 1.80 0.073 -.2361383 5.334149 +_Ibplcol~362 | 2.646598 1.416401 1.87 0.062 -.136398 5.429595 +_Ibplcol~363 | 2.587472 1.416304 1.83 0.068 -.1953334 5.370278 +_Ibplcol~364 | 2.67776 1.415812 1.89 0.059 -.1040801 5.459601 +_Ibplcol~365 | 2.659114 1.418853 1.87 0.062 -.1287008 5.446929 +_Ibplcol~366 | 2.627866 1.417105 1.85 0.064 -.1565147 5.412246 +_Ibplcol~367 | 2.683854 1.41651 1.89 0.059 -.0993566 5.467065 +_Ibplcol~369 | 2.715885 1.41738 1.92 0.056 -.0690365 5.500806 +_Ibplcol~370 | 2.705591 1.415611 1.91 0.057 -.0758531 5.487036 +_Ibplcol~371 | -.1611834 1.237764 -0.13 0.896 -2.593188 2.270821 +_Ibplcol~372 | -.099832 1.238412 -0.08 0.936 -2.533109 2.333445 +_Ibplcol~373 | -.0951765 1.236898 -0.08 0.939 -2.525479 2.335126 +_Ibplcol~374 | -.085192 1.237929 -0.07 0.945 -2.517521 2.347137 +_Ibplcol~375 | -.095597 1.236518 -0.08 0.938 -2.525154 2.33396 +_Ibplcol~376 | -.1720379 1.236678 -0.14 0.889 -2.601908 2.257832 +_Ibplcol~377 | -.1526459 1.237196 -0.12 0.902 -2.583534 2.278242 +_Ibplcol~378 | -.1283074 1.236715 -0.10 0.917 -2.558251 2.301636 +_Ibplcol~379 | -.164664 1.236751 -0.13 0.894 -2.594679 2.265351 +_Ibplcol~380 | -.140306 1.236838 -0.11 0.910 -2.570491 2.289879 +_Ibplcol~381 | -.2289132 1.237951 -0.18 0.853 -2.661286 2.203459 +_Ibplcol~382 | -.2134309 1.236302 -0.17 0.863 -2.642562 2.215701 +_Ibplcol~383 | -.2013442 1.236774 -0.16 0.871 -2.631404 2.228716 +_Ibplcol~384 | -.1018556 1.237201 -0.08 0.934 -2.532754 2.329043 +_Ibplcol~385 | -.2323313 1.237276 -0.19 0.851 -2.663378 2.198715 +_Ibplcol~386 | .0470692 1.236595 0.04 0.970 -2.382639 2.476777 +_Ibplcol~387 | -.0170472 1.236093 -0.01 0.989 -2.445769 2.411674 +_Ibplcol~388 | -.3055044 .0078937 -38.70 0.000 -.3210142 -.2899947 +_Ibplcol~389 | -.2692387 .0111608 -24.12 0.000 -.2911679 -.2473095 +_Ibplcol~390 | -.1783891 .009883 -18.05 0.000 -.1978076 -.1589705 +_Ibplcol~391 | -.2496208 .011259 -22.17 0.000 -.2717429 -.2274987 +_Ibplcol~392 | -.1858787 .0121535 -15.29 0.000 -.2097584 -.1619989 +_Ibplcol~393 | -.1407995 .0105166 -13.39 0.000 -.161463 -.120136 +_Ibplcol~394 | -.1097679 .0119938 -9.15 0.000 -.1333337 -.0862021 +_Ibplcol~395 | -.1165281 .0119493 -9.75 0.000 -.1400066 -.0930497 +_Ibplcol~396 | -.0642671 .0121876 -5.27 0.000 -.0882136 -.0403205 +_Ibplcol~397 | -.0593207 .0115346 -5.14 0.000 -.0819844 -.036657 +_Ibplcol~398 | -.0482032 .0122683 -3.93 0.000 -.0723084 -.024098 +_Ibplcol~399 | -.2404682 .0100602 -23.90 0.000 -.2602348 -.2207017 +_Ibplcol~400 | -.0950452 .011511 -8.26 0.000 -.1176624 -.072428 +_Ibplcol~401 | -.0978084 .0125805 -7.77 0.000 -.1225271 -.0730897 +_Ibplcol~402 | .0406578 .0122415 3.32 0.001 .0166053 .0647104 +_Ibplcol~403 | -.1473345 .0100825 -14.61 0.000 -.167145 -.1275241 +_Ibplcol~404 | -.2286172 .01045 -21.88 0.000 -.2491497 -.2080847 +_Ibplcol~405 | -.3201886 .0102868 -31.13 0.000 -.3404005 -.2999767 +_Ibplcol~406 | -.1448359 .0101849 -14.22 0.000 -.1648475 -.1248243 +_Ibplcol~407 | -.141531 .0102022 -13.87 0.000 -.1615766 -.1214853 +_Ibplcol~408 | -.115594 .0100543 -11.50 0.000 -.135349 -.095839 +_Ibplcol~409 | -.176199 .0109602 -16.08 0.000 -.197734 -.154664 +_Ibplcol~410 | -.2076825 .0101588 -20.44 0.000 -.227643 -.1877221 +_Ibplcol~411 | -.1888634 .0102455 -18.43 0.000 -.2089941 -.1687327 +_Ibplcol~412 | -.0647956 .0103527 -6.26 0.000 -.085137 -.0444543 +_Ibplcol~413 | -.1509135 .0123252 -12.24 0.000 -.1751305 -.1266965 +_Ibplcol~415 | -.1011054 .010186 -9.93 0.000 -.1211191 -.0810916 +_Ibplcol~416 | -.1767331 .0117965 -14.98 0.000 -.1999114 -.1535548 +_Ibplcol~417 | -.2017748 .0098037 -20.58 0.000 -.2210375 -.1825122 +_Ibplcol~418 | -.1665999 .0115782 -14.39 0.000 -.1893492 -.1438505 +_Ibplcol~419 | -.2298567 .0103522 -22.20 0.000 -.2501971 -.2095163 +_Ibplcol~420 | 6.973762 2.073735 3.36 0.001 2.89921 11.04831 +_Ibplcol~421 | 6.959062 2.073647 3.36 0.001 2.884684 11.03344 +_Ibplcol~422 | 7.045092 2.073885 3.40 0.001 2.970246 11.11994 +_Ibplcol~423 | 6.982948 2.074245 3.37 0.001 2.907394 11.0585 +_Ibplcol~424 | .122273 .0132867 9.20 0.000 .0961669 .1483791 +_Ibplcol~425 | .1668166 .0090336 18.47 0.000 .149067 .1845662 +_Ibplcol~426 | .2536385 .0172226 14.73 0.000 .219799 .2874781 +_Ibplcol~427 | -4.9695 1.854324 -2.68 0.008 -8.612945 -1.326055 +_Ibplcol~428 | .142781 .0120601 11.84 0.000 .1190848 .1664772 +_Ibplcol~429 | .0822265 .0157744 5.21 0.000 .0512323 .1132206 +_Ibplcol~430 | .1307771 .0082657 15.82 0.000 .1145363 .147018 +_Ibplcol~431 | .1808927 .0145996 12.39 0.000 .1522068 .2095786 +_Ibplcol~432 | .1698434 .0137514 12.35 0.000 .1428242 .1968627 +_Ibplcol~433 | 9.443581 2.65466 3.56 0.000 4.227607 14.65955 +_Ibplcol~434 | .5031155 1.407017 0.36 0.721 -2.261444 3.267675 +_Ibplcol~435 | .5315731 1.406965 0.38 0.706 -2.232884 3.29603 +_Ibplcol~436 | .4635226 1.407261 0.33 0.742 -2.301516 3.228561 +_Ibplcol~437 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~438 | .4352771 1.40735 0.31 0.757 -2.329937 3.200491 +_Ibplcol~439 | .576366 1.407648 0.41 0.682 -2.189433 3.342165 +_Ibplcol~440 | .0825488 .0155642 5.30 0.000 .0519677 .1131298 +_Ibplcol~441 | .2800025 .0112487 24.89 0.000 .2579005 .3021044 +_Ibplcol~442 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~443 | .0902168 .0128357 7.03 0.000 .0649968 .1154367 +_Ibplcol~444 | .0073773 .0145538 0.51 0.612 -.0212187 .0359732 +_Ibplcol~445 | -.0232109 .009781 -2.37 0.018 -.0424291 -.0039928 +_Ibplcol~446 | .0036374 .015725 0.23 0.817 -.0272597 .0345345 +_Ibplcol~447 | .0103318 .0163984 0.63 0.529 -.0218883 .0425519 +_Ibplcol~448 | .0922509 .0069916 13.19 0.000 .0785136 .1059881 +_Ibplcol~449 | .1595623 .0061614 25.90 0.000 .1474561 .1716685 +_Ibplcol~450 | .0618425 .0110176 5.61 0.000 .0401948 .0834902 +_Ibplcol~451 | .0789377 .0108673 7.26 0.000 .0575854 .1002901 +_Ibplcol~452 | .0924869 .012943 7.15 0.000 .067056 .1179178 +_Ibplcol~453 | .2338933 .0109914 21.28 0.000 .212297 .2554897 +_Ibplcol~454 | .0688732 .0128869 5.34 0.000 .0435525 .0941939 +_Ibplcol~455 | .3277059 .012676 25.85 0.000 .3027995 .3526122 +_Ibplcol~456 | .147472 .0125595 11.74 0.000 .1227946 .1721493 +_Ibplcol~457 | .1005964 .0127168 7.91 0.000 .0756101 .1255828 +_Ibplcol~458 | .0896887 .0125617 7.14 0.000 .0650071 .1143703 +_Ibplcol~459 | .1043568 .0126639 8.24 0.000 .0794743 .1292394 +_Ibplcol~460 | .1052543 .0128933 8.16 0.000 .0799211 .1305875 +_Ibplcol~461 | .140307 .0127092 11.04 0.000 .1153355 .1652786 +_Ibplcol~462 | 5.812452 2.178071 2.67 0.008 1.532898 10.09201 +_Ibplcol~463 | 5.920523 2.177437 2.72 0.007 1.642214 10.19883 +_Ibplcol~464 | 5.930467 2.177947 2.72 0.007 1.651157 10.20978 +_Ibplcol~465 | -4.594854 1.84888 -2.49 0.013 -8.227601 -.9621066 +_Ibplcol~467 | -4.660534 1.848856 -2.52 0.012 -8.293235 -1.027833 +_Ibplcol~468 | -4.689634 1.848843 -2.54 0.012 -8.322308 -1.056959 +_Ibplcol~469 | -4.740643 1.848935 -2.56 0.011 -8.3735 -1.107787 +_Ibplcol~470 | -4.607737 1.848445 -2.49 0.013 -8.23963 -.9758434 +_Ibplcol~471 | -4.531959 1.848177 -2.45 0.015 -8.163325 -.9005931 +_Ibplcol~472 | -4.828536 1.847545 -2.61 0.009 -8.458661 -1.198411 +_Ibplcol~473 | -4.937352 1.853689 -2.66 0.008 -8.579548 -1.295156 +_Ibplcol~474 | -4.544371 1.8488 -2.46 0.014 -8.176961 -.9117813 +_Ibplcol~475 | -4.560657 1.849043 -2.47 0.014 -8.193725 -.9275897 +_Ibplcol~476 | -4.515661 1.848446 -2.44 0.015 -8.147556 -.8837653 +_Ibplcol~477 | -4.654884 1.84863 -2.52 0.012 -8.287141 -1.022628 +_Ibplcol~478 | -4.664913 1.848454 -2.52 0.012 -8.296823 -1.033003 +_Ibplcol~479 | -4.651266 1.848777 -2.52 0.012 -8.283812 -1.018721 +_Ibplcol~480 | -4.728361 1.848945 -2.56 0.011 -8.361237 -1.095485 +_Ibplcol~481 | -4.757036 1.848646 -2.57 0.010 -8.389324 -1.124748 +_Ibplcol~482 | -4.715666 1.848399 -2.55 0.011 -8.347468 -1.083863 +_Ibplcol~483 | -4.716891 1.849216 -2.55 0.011 -8.3503 -1.083483 +_Ibplcol~484 | -4.605869 1.849441 -2.49 0.013 -8.23972 -.9720177 +_Ibplcol~485 | -4.69062 1.849209 -2.54 0.012 -8.324014 -1.057227 +_Ibplcol~486 | -4.643957 1.849398 -2.51 0.012 -8.277723 -1.010191 +_Ibplcol~487 | -4.682313 1.849117 -2.53 0.012 -8.315528 -1.049099 +_Ibplcol~488 | -4.653278 1.848642 -2.52 0.012 -8.285559 -1.020997 +_Ibplcol~489 | -4.637675 1.848483 -2.51 0.012 -8.269643 -1.005707 +_Ibplcol~490 | -4.738844 1.848792 -2.56 0.011 -8.371419 -1.10627 +_Ibplcol~491 | -4.646011 1.848708 -2.51 0.012 -8.278422 -1.0136 +_Ibplcol~492 | -4.755407 1.848949 -2.57 0.010 -8.38829 -1.122523 +_Ibplcol~493 | -4.78589 1.848815 -2.59 0.010 -8.418511 -1.15327 +_Ibplcol~494 | -4.883346 1.84724 -2.64 0.008 -8.512871 -1.253821 +_Ibplcol~495 | -.0068763 1.23618 -0.01 0.996 -2.435769 2.422016 +_Ibplcol~496 | -.1416061 1.237534 -0.11 0.909 -2.573159 2.289947 +_Ibplcol~497 | -.2588463 .0116055 -22.30 0.000 -.2816492 -.2360433 +_Ibplcol~498 | .0890812 .0127157 7.01 0.000 .0640968 .1140655 +_Ibplcol~499 | .0387682 .0126677 3.06 0.002 .0138781 .0636582 +_Ibplcol~500 | .0399161 .0118074 3.38 0.001 .0167165 .0631157 +_Ibplcol~501 | .0871925 .0138568 6.29 0.000 .0599662 .1144188 +_Ibplcol~502 | .1653719 .0143253 11.54 0.000 .1372251 .1935188 +_Ibplcol~503 | -4.895885 1.852556 -2.64 0.008 -8.535856 -1.255915 +_Ibplcol~504 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~505 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~506 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~507 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~508 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~509 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~510 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~511 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~512 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~513 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~514 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~515 | .0041534 .0150926 0.28 0.783 -.0255012 .033808 +_Ibplcol~516 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~517 | -.0168439 .0075861 -2.22 0.027 -.0317493 -.0019385 +_Ibplcol~518 | .1830074 .0160974 11.37 0.000 .1513785 .2146363 +_Ibplcol~519 | .1894423 .0274595 6.90 0.000 .1354889 .2433957 +_Ibplcol~520 | -.0015033 .0171352 -0.09 0.930 -.0351711 .0321645 +_Ibplcol~521 | .1936301 .0240739 8.04 0.000 .1463288 .2409315 +_Ibplcol~522 | .0630814 .0117433 5.37 0.000 .0400077 .0861552 +_Ibplcol~523 | .0820538 .0085667 9.58 0.000 .0652217 .0988859 +_Ibplcol~524 | .0560789 .0085214 6.58 0.000 .0393357 .0728221 +_Ibplcol~525 | .1303721 .0127919 10.19 0.000 .1052382 .1555061 +_Ibplcol~526 | .1068821 .0077629 13.77 0.000 .0916293 .122135 +_Ibplcol~527 | .1096105 .0083202 13.17 0.000 .0932627 .1259582 +_Ibplcol~528 | .0446614 .0069484 6.43 0.000 .0310089 .0583139 +_Ibplcol~529 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol~530 | .0558883 .0087295 6.40 0.000 .0387363 .0730404 +_Ibplcol~531 | -.0380788 .0071934 -5.29 0.000 -.0522127 -.0239449 +_Ibplcol~532 | .0104762 .0078748 1.33 0.184 -.0049965 .0259488 +_Ibplcol~533 | .0061297 .0131478 0.47 0.641 -.0197035 .0319629 +_Ibplcol~534 | 2.63675 1.416116 1.86 0.063 -.145687 5.419186 +_Ibplcol~535 | -.1009091 .0154106 -6.55 0.000 -.1311885 -.0706297 +_Ibplregco~3 | .9913901 1.984574 0.50 0.618 -2.907975 4.890755 +_Ibplregco~4 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~5 | 1.54192 1.925059 0.80 0.424 -2.240508 5.324348 +_Ibplregco~6 | (omitted) +_Ibplregco~7 | 2.981492 1.755631 1.70 0.090 -.4680365 6.431021 +_Ibplregco~8 | -.6376125 .826473 -0.77 0.441 -2.261497 .9862722 +_Ibplregco~9 | (omitted) +_Ibplregc~10 | (omitted) +_IbplXyrex_3 | -.009157 .0183066 -0.50 0.617 -.0451264 .0268124 +_IbplXyrex_4 | -.0210031 .0260744 -0.81 0.421 -.0722351 .0302289 +_IbplXyrex_5 | -.027376 .0175977 -1.56 0.120 -.0619527 .0072007 +_IbplXyrex_6 | .0097292 .0212207 0.46 0.647 -.0319659 .0514243 +_IbplXyrex_7 | -.0347929 .0254527 -1.37 0.172 -.0848033 .0152175 +_IbplXyrex_8 | -.0184098 .0227139 -0.81 0.418 -.063039 .0262193 +_IbplXyrex_9 | -.1040367 .0386636 -2.69 0.007 -.1800044 -.0280691 +_IbplXyre~10 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_2 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_3 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_4 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_5 | 4.644233 1.602727 2.90 0.004 1.495136 7.793331 + _Ibplcol1_6 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_7 | (omitted) + _Ibplcol1_8 | -1.912913 1.638557 -1.17 0.244 -5.132411 1.306585 + _Ibplcol1_9 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_10 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_11 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_12 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_13 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_14 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_15 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_16 | 3.052812 1.910443 1.60 0.111 -.7008971 6.80652 +_Ibplcol1_17 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_18 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_19 | 5.23088 2.15048 2.43 0.015 1.005537 9.456223 +_Ibplcol1_20 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_21 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_22 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_23 | -4.182392 3.577141 -1.17 0.243 -11.21089 2.846107 +_Ibplcol1_24 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_25 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_26 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_27 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_28 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_29 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_30 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_31 | 3.346911 1.938104 1.73 0.085 -.4611469 7.154968 +_Ibplcol1_32 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_33 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_34 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_35 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_36 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_37 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_38 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_39 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_40 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_41 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_42 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_43 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_44 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_45 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_46 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_47 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_48 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_49 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_50 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_51 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_52 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_53 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_54 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_55 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_56 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_57 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_58 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_59 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_60 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_61 | (omitted) +_Ibplcol1_62 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_2 | -.0015024 .000689 -2.18 0.030 -.0028562 -.0001485 + _IbplXyob_3 | -.0004497 .0005519 -0.81 0.416 -.001534 .0006347 + _IbplXyob_4 | -.000068 .0006977 -0.10 0.922 -.0014389 .001303 + _IbplXyob_5 | .0018843 .0007162 2.63 0.009 .0004771 .0032915 + _IbplXyob_6 | -.0017325 .0009191 -1.88 0.060 -.0035383 .0000734 + _IbplXyob_7 | (omitted) + _IbplXyob_8 | .0012201 .0008198 1.49 0.137 -.0003907 .0028309 + _IbplXyob_9 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_10 | .0007733 .0009099 0.85 0.396 -.0010145 .0025611 +_IbplXyob_11 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_12 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_13 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_14 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_15 | .0021373 .0006158 3.47 0.001 .0009274 .0033472 +_IbplXyob_16 | .0003981 .000658 0.60 0.545 -.0008948 .0016911 +_IbplXyob_17 | .0013017 .0007269 1.79 0.074 -.0001265 .0027299 +_IbplXyob_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_19 | -.0009132 .0008523 -1.07 0.285 -.0025878 .0007615 +_IbplXyob_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_21 | .0021777 .0011631 1.87 0.062 -.0001076 .004463 +_IbplXyob_22 | -.0003381 .000793 -0.43 0.670 -.0018961 .00122 +_IbplXyob_23 | .0039196 .0016651 2.35 0.019 .000648 .0071913 +_IbplXyob_24 | .000194 .000694 0.28 0.780 -.0011695 .0015576 +_IbplXyob_25 | .0012029 .0006775 1.78 0.076 -.0001282 .002534 +_IbplXyob_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_27 | -.0029329 .0012355 -2.37 0.018 -.0053605 -.0005054 +_IbplXyob_28 | -.0011701 .0009474 -1.24 0.217 -.0030315 .0006914 +_IbplXyob_29 | .0011229 .0006339 1.77 0.077 -.0001226 .0023683 +_IbplXyob_30 | -.0002891 .0006994 -0.41 0.679 -.0016633 .001085 +_IbplXyob_31 | .0000444 .0006589 0.07 0.946 -.0012503 .001339 +_IbplXyob_32 | .0000919 .0006325 0.15 0.885 -.0011509 .0013347 +_IbplXyob_33 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_34 | .0042588 .0007846 5.43 0.000 .0027171 .0058005 +_IbplXyob_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_38 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXyob_49 | (omitted) 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.0000108 .0000664 +_IbplXy~2_16 | -.0000363 .0000129 -2.80 0.005 -.0000617 -.0000109 +_IbplXy~2_17 | .0000358 .0000188 1.91 0.057 -1.04e-06 .0000727 +_IbplXy~2_18 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_19 | -.0000166 .0000192 -0.87 0.387 -.0000543 .0000211 +_IbplXy~2_20 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_21 | .0000296 .0000237 1.25 0.211 -.0000169 .0000762 +_IbplXy~2_22 | 3.80e-06 .0000158 0.24 0.810 -.0000273 .0000349 +_IbplXy~2_23 | -8.88e-06 .0000287 -0.31 0.757 -.0000652 .0000475 +_IbplXy~2_24 | .0000175 .0000145 1.21 0.228 -.000011 .0000459 +_IbplXy~2_25 | .0000106 .0000135 0.78 0.436 -.0000161 .0000372 +_IbplXy~2_26 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_27 | -.0000776 .0000209 -3.71 0.000 -.0001187 -.0000365 +_IbplXy~2_28 | -.0000384 .0000168 -2.29 0.023 -.0000714 -5.39e-06 +_IbplXy~2_29 | -7.63e-06 .0000147 -0.52 0.603 -.0000364 .0000212 +_IbplXy~2_30 | -7.23e-06 .0000165 -0.44 0.661 -.0000396 .0000252 +_IbplXy~2_31 | -3.70e-06 .0000155 -0.24 0.812 -.0000342 .0000268 +_IbplXy~2_32 | -6.49e-06 .0000134 -0.48 0.628 -.0000328 .0000198 +_IbplXy~2_33 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_34 | .000323 .0000989 3.27 0.001 .0001287 .0005174 +_IbplXy~2_35 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_36 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_37 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_38 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_39 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_40 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_41 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_42 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_43 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_44 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_45 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_46 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_47 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_48 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_49 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_50 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_51 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_52 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_53 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_54 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_55 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_56 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_57 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_58 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_59 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_60 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_61 | (omitted) +_IbplXy~2_62 | (omitted) + _Iyear_1993 | .0750328 .0024946 30.08 0.000 .0701313 .0799343 + _Iyob_1919 | .041307 .0083753 4.93 0.000 .0248508 .0577632 + _Iyob_1920 | .0674514 .0084301 8.00 0.000 .0508876 .0840151 + _Iyob_1921 | .0478505 .008271 5.79 0.000 .0315994 .0641016 + _Iyob_1922 | .0791895 .0092838 8.53 0.000 .0609483 .0974307 + _Iyob_1923 | -.0060804 .0069078 -0.88 0.379 -.0196532 .0074923 + _Iyob_1924 | .0985455 .0093437 10.55 0.000 .0801867 .1169043 + _Iyob_1925 | .0477294 .0075483 6.32 0.000 .0328982 .0625606 + _Iyob_1926 | .0828025 .0088491 9.36 0.000 .0654154 .1001896 + _Iyob_1927 | .1040678 .0088986 11.69 0.000 .0865836 .121552 + _Iyob_1928 | .0120352 .0073683 1.63 0.103 -.0024424 .0265127 + _Iyob_1929 | .1050215 .0092407 11.37 0.000 .086865 .123178 + _Iyob_1930 | .1060225 .0090504 11.71 0.000 .08824 .123805 + _Iyob_1931 | .0843512 .0085206 9.90 0.000 .0676097 .1010927 + _Iyob_1932 | .1309122 .0105552 12.40 0.000 .1101729 .1516514 + _Iyob_1933 | .0190072 .0085233 2.23 0.026 .0022604 .035754 + _Iyob_1934 | .1169841 .010206 11.46 0.000 .096931 .1370371 + _Iyob_1935 | .0725804 .0092409 7.85 0.000 .0544234 .0907373 + _Iyob_1936 | .1103312 .0097432 11.32 0.000 .0911873 .129475 + _Iyob_1937 | .0850391 .0097199 8.75 0.000 .065941 .1041372 + _Iyob_1938 | -.000704 .0091051 -0.08 0.938 -.018594 .0171861 + _Iyob_1939 | .0536701 .0097718 5.49 0.000 .0344701 .0728702 + _Iyob_1940 | .0653484 .0100195 6.52 0.000 .0456618 .0850351 + _Iyob_1941 | .0465866 .0115188 4.04 0.000 .023954 .0692191 + _Iyob_1942 | .0885843 .0138778 6.38 0.000 .0613166 .1158519 + _Iyob_1943 | .0077906 .0165606 0.47 0.638 -.0247483 .0403294 + _Iyob_1944 | .0823079 .019121 4.30 0.000 .0447383 .1198775 + _Iyob_1945 | .0438622 .0221545 1.98 0.048 .0003323 .0873921 + _Iyob_1946 | .0713322 .0246087 2.90 0.004 .0229802 .1196843 + _Iyob_1947 | .0655904 .0278502 2.36 0.019 .0108694 .1203115 + _Iyob_1948 | .0297636 .0307746 0.97 0.334 -.0307034 .0902307 + _Iyob_1949 | .0628011 .033499 1.87 0.061 -.003019 .1286213 + _Iyob_1950 | .0571233 .0368152 1.55 0.121 -.0152126 .1294592 + _Iyob_1951 | .0395575 .0397731 0.99 0.320 -.0385901 .1177051 + _Iyob_1952 | .0571517 .0427475 1.34 0.182 -.0268402 .1411436 + _Iyob_1953 | .0059651 .0460359 0.13 0.897 -.0844879 .0964182 + _Iyob_1954 | .0408825 .0489198 0.84 0.404 -.055237 .1370021 + _Iyob_1955 | .0063679 .0521038 0.12 0.903 -.0960075 .1087433 + _Iyob_1956 | .0278114 .0550511 0.51 0.614 -.080355 .1359777 + _Iyob_1957 | .0222041 .0582982 0.38 0.703 -.0923423 .1367505 + _Iyob_1958 | .047149 .0588259 0.80 0.423 -.0684343 .1627323 + _Iyob_1959 | .0860248 .0586617 1.47 0.143 -.0292358 .2012854 + _Iyob_1960 | .0886105 .0585807 1.51 0.131 -.0264909 .203712 + _Iyob_1961 | .0697331 .0587906 1.19 0.236 -.0457809 .1852472 + _Iyob_1962 | .103294 .0584623 1.77 0.078 -.0115749 .2181629 + _Iyob_1963 | .0375762 .0592753 0.63 0.526 -.0788902 .1540426 + _Iyob_1964 | .0754148 .0590719 1.28 0.202 -.0406518 .1914814 + _Iyob_1965 | .0454685 .0589594 0.77 0.441 -.0703771 .1613141 + _Iyob_1966 | .0529421 .0590751 0.90 0.371 -.0631308 .1690149 + _Iyob_1967 | .0428654 .0589582 0.73 0.468 -.072978 .1587087 + _Iyob_1968 | .0128593 .0593554 0.22 0.829 -.1037643 .1294829 + _Iyob_1969 | .01932 .0594318 0.33 0.745 -.0974539 .1360938 + _Iyob_1970 | .0087752 .0593033 0.15 0.882 -.1077461 .1252964 + _Iyob_1971 | -.0169692 .0594689 -0.29 0.776 -.133816 .0998776 + _Iyob_1972 | -.0086522 .0594416 -0.15 0.884 -.1254452 .1081408 + _Iyob_1973 | -.0509509 .0595279 -0.86 0.392 -.1679136 .0660118 + _cons | -3.883712 1.734268 -2.24 0.026 -7.291266 -.476158 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Instrumented: malxexp +Instruments: lndens nivel_de_vida helminth_nh hookworm leishmaniasis + yelfev land_inadeq vioearly violate cafetera carbon + ganadera_neuva mktaccess manuf _Ibplcol2_2 _Ibplcol2_3 + _Ibplcol2_4 _Ibplcol2_5 _Ibplcol2_6 _Ibplcol2_7 _Ibplcol2_8 + _Ibplcol2_9 _Ibplcol2_10 _Ibplcol2_11 _Ibplcol2_12 + _Ibplcol2_13 _Ibplcol2_14 _Ibplcol2_15 _Ibplcol2_16 + _Ibplcol2_17 _Ibplcol2_18 _Ibplcol2_19 _Ibplcol2_20 + _Ibplcol2_21 _Ibplcol2_22 _Ibplcol2_23 _Ibplcol2_24 + _Ibplcol2_25 _Ibplcol2_26 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+ _Ibplcol2_379 _Ibplcol2_380 _Ibplcol2_381 _Ibplcol2_382 + _Ibplcol2_383 _Ibplcol2_384 _Ibplcol2_385 _Ibplcol2_386 + _Ibplcol2_387 _Ibplcol2_388 _Ibplcol2_389 _Ibplcol2_390 + _Ibplcol2_391 _Ibplcol2_392 _Ibplcol2_393 _Ibplcol2_394 + _Ibplcol2_395 _Ibplcol2_396 _Ibplcol2_397 _Ibplcol2_398 + _Ibplcol2_399 _Ibplcol2_400 _Ibplcol2_401 _Ibplcol2_402 + _Ibplcol2_403 _Ibplcol2_404 _Ibplcol2_405 _Ibplcol2_406 + _Ibplcol2_407 _Ibplcol2_408 _Ibplcol2_409 _Ibplcol2_410 + _Ibplcol2_411 _Ibplcol2_412 _Ibplcol2_413 _Ibplcol2_415 + _Ibplcol2_416 _Ibplcol2_417 _Ibplcol2_418 _Ibplcol2_419 + _Ibplcol2_420 _Ibplcol2_421 _Ibplcol2_422 _Ibplcol2_423 + _Ibplcol2_424 _Ibplcol2_425 _Ibplcol2_426 _Ibplcol2_427 + _Ibplcol2_428 _Ibplcol2_429 _Ibplcol2_430 _Ibplcol2_431 + _Ibplcol2_432 _Ibplcol2_433 _Ibplcol2_434 _Ibplcol2_435 + _Ibplcol2_436 _Ibplcol2_437 _Ibplcol2_438 _Ibplcol2_439 + _Ibplcol2_440 _Ibplcol2_441 _Ibplcol2_442 _Ibplcol2_443 + _Ibplcol2_444 _Ibplcol2_445 _Ibplcol2_446 _Ibplcol2_447 + _Ibplcol2_448 _Ibplcol2_449 _Ibplcol2_450 _Ibplcol2_451 + _Ibplcol2_452 _Ibplcol2_453 _Ibplcol2_454 _Ibplcol2_455 + _Ibplcol2_456 _Ibplcol2_457 _Ibplcol2_458 _Ibplcol2_459 + _Ibplcol2_460 _Ibplcol2_461 _Ibplcol2_462 _Ibplcol2_463 + _Ibplcol2_464 _Ibplcol2_465 _Ibplcol2_467 _Ibplcol2_468 + _Ibplcol2_469 _Ibplcol2_470 _Ibplcol2_471 _Ibplcol2_472 + _Ibplcol2_473 _Ibplcol2_474 _Ibplcol2_475 _Ibplcol2_476 + _Ibplcol2_477 _Ibplcol2_478 _Ibplcol2_479 _Ibplcol2_480 + _Ibplcol2_481 _Ibplcol2_482 _Ibplcol2_483 _Ibplcol2_484 + _Ibplcol2_485 _Ibplcol2_486 _Ibplcol2_487 _Ibplcol2_488 + _Ibplcol2_489 _Ibplcol2_490 _Ibplcol2_491 _Ibplcol2_492 + _Ibplcol2_493 _Ibplcol2_494 _Ibplcol2_495 _Ibplcol2_496 + _Ibplcol2_497 _Ibplcol2_498 _Ibplcol2_499 _Ibplcol2_500 + _Ibplcol2_501 _Ibplcol2_502 _Ibplcol2_503 _Ibplcol2_504 + _Ibplcol2_505 _Ibplcol2_506 _Ibplcol2_507 _Ibplcol2_508 + _Ibplcol2_509 _Ibplcol2_510 _Ibplcol2_511 _Ibplcol2_512 + _Ibplcol2_513 _Ibplcol2_514 _Ibplcol2_515 _Ibplcol2_516 + _Ibplcol2_517 _Ibplcol2_518 _Ibplcol2_519 _Ibplcol2_520 + _Ibplcol2_521 _Ibplcol2_522 _Ibplcol2_523 _Ibplcol2_524 + _Ibplcol2_525 _Ibplcol2_526 _Ibplcol2_527 _Ibplcol2_528 + _Ibplcol2_529 _Ibplcol2_530 _Ibplcol2_531 _Ibplcol2_532 + _Ibplcol2_533 _Ibplcol2_534 _Ibplcol2_535 _Ibplregcol_3 + _Ibplregcol_4 _Ibplregcol_5 _Ibplregcol_6 _Ibplregcol_7 + _Ibplregcol_8 _Ibplregcol_9 _Ibplregcol_10 _IbplXyrex_3 + _IbplXyrex_4 _IbplXyrex_5 _IbplXyrex_6 _IbplXyrex_7 + _IbplXyrex_8 _IbplXyrex_9 _IbplXyrex_10 _Ibplcol1_2 + _Ibplcol1_3 _Ibplcol1_4 _Ibplcol1_5 _Ibplcol1_6 _Ibplcol1_7 + _Ibplcol1_8 _Ibplcol1_9 _Ibplcol1_10 _Ibplcol1_11 + _Ibplcol1_12 _Ibplcol1_13 _Ibplcol1_14 _Ibplcol1_15 + _Ibplcol1_16 _Ibplcol1_17 _Ibplcol1_18 _Ibplcol1_19 + _Ibplcol1_20 _Ibplcol1_21 _Ibplcol1_22 _Ibplcol1_23 + _Ibplcol1_24 _Ibplcol1_25 _Ibplcol1_26 _Ibplcol1_27 + _Ibplcol1_28 _Ibplcol1_29 _Ibplcol1_30 _Ibplcol1_31 + _Ibplcol1_32 _Ibplcol1_33 _Ibplcol1_34 _Ibplcol1_35 + _Ibplcol1_36 _Ibplcol1_37 _Ibplcol1_38 _Ibplcol1_39 + _Ibplcol1_40 _Ibplcol1_41 _Ibplcol1_42 _Ibplcol1_43 + _Ibplcol1_44 _Ibplcol1_45 _Ibplcol1_46 _Ibplcol1_47 + _Ibplcol1_48 _Ibplcol1_49 _Ibplcol1_50 _Ibplcol1_51 + _Ibplcol1_52 _Ibplcol1_53 _Ibplcol1_54 _Ibplcol1_55 + _Ibplcol1_56 _Ibplcol1_57 _Ibplcol1_58 _Ibplcol1_59 + _Ibplcol1_60 _Ibplcol1_61 _Ibplcol1_62 _IbplXyob_2 + _IbplXyob_3 _IbplXyob_4 _IbplXyob_5 _IbplXyob_6 _IbplXyob_7 + _IbplXyob_8 _IbplXyob_9 _IbplXyob_10 _IbplXyob_11 + _IbplXyob_12 _IbplXyob_13 _IbplXyob_14 _IbplXyob_15 + _IbplXyob_16 _IbplXyob_17 _IbplXyob_18 _IbplXyob_19 + _IbplXyob_20 _IbplXyob_21 _IbplXyob_22 _IbplXyob_23 + _IbplXyob_24 _IbplXyob_25 _IbplXyob_26 _IbplXyob_27 + _IbplXyob_28 _IbplXyob_29 _IbplXyob_30 _IbplXyob_31 + _IbplXyob_32 _IbplXyob_33 _IbplXyob_34 _IbplXyob_35 + _IbplXyob_36 _IbplXyob_37 _IbplXyob_38 _IbplXyob_39 + _IbplXyob_40 _IbplXyob_41 _IbplXyob_42 _IbplXyob_43 + _IbplXyob_44 _IbplXyob_45 _IbplXyob_46 _IbplXyob_47 + _IbplXyob_48 _IbplXyob_49 _IbplXyob_50 _IbplXyob_51 + _IbplXyob_52 _IbplXyob_53 _IbplXyob_54 _IbplXyob_55 + _IbplXyob_56 _IbplXyob_57 _IbplXyob_58 _IbplXyob_59 + _IbplXyob_60 _IbplXyob_61 _IbplXyob_62 _IbplXyob2_2 + _IbplXyob2_3 _IbplXyob2_4 _IbplXyob2_5 _IbplXyob2_6 + _IbplXyob2_7 _IbplXyob2_8 _IbplXyob2_9 _IbplXyob2_10 + _IbplXyob2_11 _IbplXyob2_12 _IbplXyob2_13 _IbplXyob2_14 + _IbplXyob2_15 _IbplXyob2_16 _IbplXyob2_17 _IbplXyob2_18 + _IbplXyob2_19 _IbplXyob2_20 _IbplXyob2_21 _IbplXyob2_22 + _IbplXyob2_23 _IbplXyob2_24 _IbplXyob2_25 _IbplXyob2_26 + _IbplXyob2_27 _IbplXyob2_28 _IbplXyob2_29 _IbplXyob2_30 + _IbplXyob2_31 _IbplXyob2_32 _IbplXyob2_33 _IbplXyob2_34 + _IbplXyob2_35 _IbplXyob2_36 _IbplXyob2_37 _IbplXyob2_38 + _IbplXyob2_39 _IbplXyob2_40 _IbplXyob2_41 _IbplXyob2_42 + _IbplXyob2_43 _IbplXyob2_44 _IbplXyob2_45 _IbplXyob2_46 + _IbplXyob2_47 _IbplXyob2_48 _IbplXyob2_49 _IbplXyob2_50 + _IbplXyob2_51 _IbplXyob2_52 _IbplXyob2_53 _IbplXyob2_54 + _IbplXyob2_55 _IbplXyob2_56 _IbplXyob2_57 _IbplXyob2_58 + _IbplXyob2_59 _IbplXyob2_60 _IbplXyob2_61 _IbplXyob2_62 + _Iyear_1993 _Iyob_1919 _Iyob_1920 _Iyob_1921 _Iyob_1922 + _Iyob_1923 _Iyob_1924 _Iyob_1925 _Iyob_1926 _Iyob_1927 + _Iyob_1928 _Iyob_1929 _Iyob_1930 _Iyob_1931 _Iyob_1932 + _Iyob_1933 _Iyob_1934 _Iyob_1935 _Iyob_1936 _Iyob_1937 + _Iyob_1938 _Iyob_1939 _Iyob_1940 _Iyob_1941 _Iyob_1942 + _Iyob_1943 _Iyob_1944 _Iyob_1945 _Iyob_1946 _Iyob_1947 + _Iyob_1948 _Iyob_1949 _Iyob_1950 _Iyob_1951 _Iyob_1952 + _Iyob_1953 _Iyob_1954 _Iyob_1955 _Iyob_1956 _Iyob_1957 + _Iyob_1958 _Iyob_1959 _Iyob_1960 _Iyob_1961 _Iyob_1962 + _Iyob_1963 _Iyob_1964 _Iyob_1965 _Iyob_1966 _Iyob_1967 + _Iyob_1968 _Iyob_1969 _Iyob_1970 _Iyob_1971 _Iyob_1972 + _Iyob_1973 temperature altitude mellinger m46 areamalarica + ecozone_stdry ecozone_stwet ecozone_trdry ecozone_trwet + ecozone_warm +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +. modl F nocon mal=malxexp + +. modltbl se (4) A B C D E F, CORRECT FOR MEAS ERROR WITH IV + +20:09:04 on 1 Feb 2010 + +CORRECT FOR MEAS ERROR WITH IV + + +(standard errors in parentheses with p<0.05 = ~, p<0.01 = *) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Model : A B C D E F +# obs : 36262 36262 36262 35831 35831 35831 +Depvar: incscore incscore incscore incscore incscore incscore +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mal 0.0885* 0.0872* 0.0873* 0.1225* 0.1206* 0.1210* + (0.0157) (0.0167) (0.0167) (0.0220) (0.0222) (0.0222) + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +R-sq 0.606 0.609 0.61 0.599 0.602 0.603 +=============================================================================== + +. macro drop _all + +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. +. log close + name: + log: /home/hoyt/projects/malaria/aejapplied/replication/panel/panel_results.log + log type: text + closed on: 1 Feb 2010, 20:09:04 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ diff --git a/application/113746-V1/panel/paneldata_br.dta b/application/113746-V1/panel/paneldata_br.dta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..419dea8 Binary files /dev/null and b/application/113746-V1/panel/paneldata_br.dta differ diff --git a/application/113746-V1/panel/paneldata_co.dta b/application/113746-V1/panel/paneldata_co.dta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbf422d Binary files /dev/null and b/application/113746-V1/panel/paneldata_co.dta differ diff --git a/application/113746-V1/panel/paneldata_mx.dta b/application/113746-V1/panel/paneldata_mx.dta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fa3591 Binary files /dev/null and b/application/113746-V1/panel/paneldata_mx.dta differ diff --git a/application/113746-V1/panel/paneldata_us.dta b/application/113746-V1/panel/paneldata_us.dta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df7ba8d Binary files /dev/null and b/application/113746-V1/panel/paneldata_us.dta differ diff --git a/application/script 1.R b/application/script 1.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b22703 --- /dev/null +++ b/application/script 1.R @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +rm(list=ls()) +library(fixest) +library(broom) +library(tidyverse) +library(haven) +library(binsreg) +library(contdid) +longdiff_col <- read_dta("application/113746-V1/longdiff/co/longdiff_col.dta") + +run_regression <- function(data, mal_measure, controls = NULL) { + dep_vars <- c("dlit", "dsch", "dscore") + results <- list() + + for (dv in dep_vars) { + formula <- as.formula(paste(dv, "~", mal_measure, "+ bplregcol", ifelse(!is.null(controls), paste("+", paste(controls, collapse = "+")), ""))) + model <- feols(formula, data = data, weights = ~ sqrt(wtbpl), vcov = "hetero") + results[[dv]] <- tidy(model) %>% + filter(term == mal_measure) %>% + select(estimate, std.error) + } + + bind_rows(results, .id = "dep_var") +} + +# Run regressions and create table +table_data <- bind_rows( + run_regression(longdiff_col, "poveda") %>% mutate(row = "None (basic specification)", measure = "Poveda"), + run_regression(longdiff_col, "poveda", c("vioearly", "violate")) %>% mutate(row = "Conflict", measure = "Poveda"), + run_regression(longdiff_col, "poveda", c("cafetera", "carbon", "ganadera_neuva", "mktaccess", "manuf", "nivel_de_vida", "lndens")) %>% mutate(row = "Economic activity", measure = "Poveda"), + run_regression(longdiff_col, "poveda", c("helminth_nh", "hookworm", "leishmaniasis", "yelfev")) %>% mutate(row = "Other diseases", measure = "Poveda"), + run_regression(longdiff_col, "mell") %>% mutate(row = "None (basic specification)", measure = "Mellinger"), + run_regression(longdiff_col, "mell", c("vioearly", "violate")) %>% mutate(row = "Conflict", measure = "Mellinger"), + run_regression(longdiff_col, "mell", c("cafetera", "carbon", "ganadera_neuva", "mktaccess", "manuf", "nivel_de_vida", "lndens")) %>% mutate(row = "Economic activity", measure = "Mellinger"), + run_regression(longdiff_col, "mell", c("helminth_nh", "hookworm", "leishmaniasis", "yelfev")) %>% mutate(row = "Other diseases", measure = "Mellinger") +) + +# Format table +formatted_table <- table_data %>% + pivot_wider( + id_cols = c(row, measure), + names_from = dep_var, + values_from = c(estimate, std.error), + names_glue = "{dep_var}_{.value}" + ) %>% + select(row, measure, + dlit_estimate, dlit_std.error, + dsch_estimate, dsch_std.error, + dscore_estimate, dscore_std.error) + +# Print formatted table +print(formatted_table, n = Inf) + +# Basic specification for literacy, using Poveda measure +basic_lit_model <- feols(dsch ~ poveda + bplregcol, + data = longdiff_col, + weights = ~ sqrt(wtbpl), + vcov = "hetero") + +# Print the summary of the model +summary(basic_lit_model) + +data <- longdiff_col + +data <- data %>% filter(!is.na(poveda & dsch) & poveda < 1) + +# Define the cont_twfe_weights function +cont_twfe_weights <- function(l, D) { + wt <- ( ( mean(D[D>=l]) - mean(D) ) * mean(1*(D>=l)) ) / var(D) + wt +} + +# Prepare the data +dose <- data$poveda +dy <- data$dsch # Using literacy as the outcome + +dL <- min(dose[dose>0]) +dU <- max(dose) + +# Create dose grid +dose_grid <- seq(dL, dU, length.out=100) + +# Density plot of the dose +dose_density_plot <- ggplot(data.frame(dose=dose[dose>0]), aes(x=dose)) + + geom_density(colour = "darkblue", linewidth = 1.2) + + xlim(c(min(dose_grid), max(dose_grid))) + + ylab("Density") + + xlab("Dose (Poveda)") + + ylim(c(0,3)) + + labs(title="Density of Malaria Ecology (Poveda)") + +print(dose_density_plot) + +# Calculate TWFE weights +twfe_weights <- sapply(dose_grid, cont_twfe_weights, D=dose) + +# Create dataframe for plotting +plot_df <- data.frame(dose_grid = dose_grid, twfe_weights = twfe_weights) + +# TWFE weights plot +twfe_weights_plot <- ggplot(data=plot_df, aes(x = dose_grid, y = twfe_weights)) + + geom_line(colour = "darkblue", linewidth = 1.2) + + xlim(c(min(dose_grid), max(dose_grid))) + + ylab("TWFE weights") + + xlab("Dose (Poveda)") + + geom_vline(xintercept = mean(dose), colour="black", linewidth = 0.5, linetype = "dotted") + + ylim(c(0,3)) + + labs(title="TWFE weights for Malaria Ecology (Poveda)") + +print(twfe_weights_plot) + +library(gridExtra) + +grid.arrange(dose_density_plot, twfe_weights_plot, ncol=2) + +res <- npiv_regression(treatment_col = "poveda", outcome_col = "dsch", data = data) + +att_df <- data.frame( + dose = res[["Xx"]], + att = res[["hhat"]], + upper = res[["ATT_upper_UCB"]], + lower = res[["ATT_lower_UCB"]], + se = res[["sigh"]] +) +# Calculate 95% CI +att_df$ci_lower <- att_df$att - 1.96 * att_df$se +att_df$ci_upper <- att_df$att + 1.96 * att_df$se +att_plot <- ggplot(att_df, aes(x = dose)) + + # UCB (wider, lighter ribbon) + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), fill = "lightblue", alpha = 0.2) + + # 95% CI (narrower, darker ribbon) + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ci_lower, ymax = ci_upper), fill = "blue", alpha = 0.2) + + # ATT line + geom_line(aes(y = att), color = "blue", size = 1) + + # Zero reference line + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "gray50") + + labs(title = "Nonparametric Estimates of ATT(d|d)", + subtitle = "With 95% CI (dark blue) and Uniform Confidence Bands (light blue)", + x = "Malaria Ecology (Poveda)", + y = "Average Treatment Effect on the Treated") + + scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::number_format(accuracy = 0.01), + breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 10)) + + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::number_format(accuracy = 0.01), + breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 10)) + + theme_minimal(base_size = 12) + + theme( + plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", size = 16), + plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 12), + axis.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 14), + axis.text = element_text(size = 12), + panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), + panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "gray90"), + plot.margin = margin(t = 20, r = 20, b = 20, l = 20, unit = "pt"), + legend.position = "none" + ) + +acr_df <- data.frame( + dose = res[["Xx"]], + acr = res[["dhat"]], + upper = res[["ACR_upper_UCB"]], + lower = res[["ACR_lower_UCB"]], + se = res[["sigd"]] +) + +acr_plot <- ggplot(acr_df, aes(x = dose)) + + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), fill = "lightgreen", alpha = 0.3) + + geom_line(aes(y = acr), color = "darkgreen", size = 1) + + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "gray50") + + labs(title = "Derivative of ATT(d|d): Average Causal Response", + x = "Malaria Ecology (Poveda)", + y = "Average Causal Response") + + theme_minimal() + + theme( + plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold"), + axis.title = element_text(face = "bold"), + panel.grid.minor = element_blank() + ) + +print(att_plot) +print(acr_plot) diff --git a/simulation/cred-cont-sim2.R b/simulation/cred-cont-sim2.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8bbbc7c --- /dev/null +++ b/simulation/cred-cont-sim2.R @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +# Clear environment and set seed +rm(list=ls()) +set.seed(123) + +# Load required libraries +library(dplyr) + +# Load the data (assuming you've already done this) +data <- readRDS("~/Downloads/combined_data.rds") + +# Step 1: Assign pre/post periods +data <- data %>% + mutate( + period = if_else(year <= 2010, "pre", "post"), + death_prob = total_deaths / population + ) + +# Step 2: Filter for all available years and exclude specific la_name if needed +data <- data %>% + filter(year >= 2001 & year <= 2021) + +# Ensure each la_name has data for all years +data <- data %>% + group_by(la_name) %>% + filter(n_distinct(year) == 21) %>% + ungroup() + +# Assign treatment status and dose +data <- data %>% + group_by(la_name) %>% + mutate( + treated = if_else(runif(1) > 0.5, 1, 0), + dose = if_else(treated == 1 & year >= 2011, runif(1), 0) + ) %>% + ungroup() + +# Calculate baseline rate (using pre-2011 data) +data <- data %>% + group_by(la_name) %>% + mutate(baseline_rate = mean(deaths_per_100k[year < 2011])) %>% + ungroup() + +# Define treatment effect function +avg_death_rate <- mean(data$deaths_per_100k) +treatment_effect <- function(d, avg_rate) { + return(0.5 * d * avg_rate / 100000) # Scale to match deaths per person +} + +# Apply treatment effect and simulate new deaths +data <- data %>% + mutate( + te = if_else(treated == 1 & year >= 2011, treatment_effect(dose, avg_death_rate), 0), + deaths_remove = if_else(year >= 2011 & treated == 1, + rbinom(n(), size = total_deaths, prob = te), + 0), + deaths_sim = total_deaths - deaths_remove, + deaths_per_100k_sim = (deaths_sim / population) * 100000 + ) + +# Calculate E[ΔY|D = 0] +e_delta_y_d0 <- data %>% + filter(treated == 0) %>% + group_by(la_name) %>% + summarize( + pre_mean = mean(deaths_per_100k[year < 2011]), + post_mean = mean(deaths_per_100k[year >= 2011]), + change = post_mean - pre_mean + ) %>% + summarize(mean_change = mean(change)) %>% + pull(mean_change) + +print(paste("E[ΔY|D = 0] =", e_delta_y_d0)) + +# Calculate E[ΔY|D > 0] +e_delta_y_d_positive <- data %>% + filter(treated == 1) %>% + group_by(la_name) %>% + summarize( + pre_mean = mean(deaths_per_100k[year < 2011]), + post_mean = mean(deaths_per_100k_sim[year >= 2011]), + change = post_mean - pre_mean + ) %>% + summarize(mean_change = mean(change)) %>% + pull(mean_change) + +print(paste("E[ΔY|D > 0] =", e_delta_y_d_positive)) + +# Calculate the difference (ATT) +att_difference <- e_delta_y_d_positive - e_delta_y_d0 +print(paste("ATT (E[ΔY|D = 0] - E[ΔY|D > 0]) =", att_difference)) + + + + + diff --git a/simulation/results_list2.rds b/simulation/results_list2.rds new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b156454 Binary files /dev/null and b/simulation/results_list2.rds differ diff --git a/simulation/working-sim.R b/simulation/working-sim.R index be35d74..cf2daf1 100644 --- a/simulation/working-sim.R +++ b/simulation/working-sim.R @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ source("~/Documents/uni/master-dissertation/contdid/simulation/run_simulation.R" seed1 <- 1234 set.seed(seed1) n <- c(100, 500, 1000,2500) -nrep <- 1 +nrep <- 1000 # Create cluster cl <- makeCluster(detectCores() - 1)