From 0a7663ede86d1d53000ec6589fa16f34fb21aad8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: oddish3 Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2024 22:15:26 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] commit DGP1 --- .Rhistory | 292 +++++++++++++------------- R/npiv_regression.R | 12 +- simulation/working-sim.R | 10 +- tests/testthat/test-matlab-equality.R | 1 + 4 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 154 deletions(-) diff --git a/.Rhistory b/.Rhistory index 8729339..4e1502a 100644 --- a/.Rhistory +++ b/.Rhistory @@ -1,149 +1,3 @@ -y2 <- y1 + treat_noise -# Calculate change in outcomes -dy <- y2 - y1 -# Calculate true ATT -pop_att <- dgp_params$E_func -samp_att <- mean(treatment_effect[treatment == 1]) -# Calculate observed ATE (difference-in-differences) -diff_treated <- mean(dy[treatment == 1]) -diff_control <- mean(dy[treatment == 0]) -observed_ate <- diff_treated - diff_control -# Calculate true ACR -samp_acr <- mean(dgp_params$func_deriv(dose[dose > 0])) -pop_acr <- dgp_params$E_deriv -browser() -x_grid <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 1000) -func_values <- dgp_params$func(x_grid) -func_deriv_values <- dgp_params$func_deriv(x_grid) -df <- data.frame( -y1 = y1, -y2 = y2, -dy = dy, -treatment = treatment, -dose = dose -) -return(list( -data = df, -info = list( -pop_att = pop_att, -obs_ate = observed_ate, -pop_acr = pop_acr, -func_values = func_values, -func_deriv_values = func_deriv_values, -noisy_treatment_effect = noisy_treatment_effect -) -)) -} -# Generate data -# set.seed(1234567) -dat <- gdata(n = n, dgp = dgp) -func_values <- dgp_params$func(x_grid) -func_deriv_values <- dgp_params$func_deriv(x_grid) -<- -x_grid <- if (length(x) == 1) rep(x, 1000) else seq(0, 1, length.out = 1000) -x_grid <- if (length(x) == 1) rep(x, 1000) else seq(0, 1, length.out = 1000) -if (length(x) == 1) rep(x, 1000) else seq(0, 1, length.out = 1000) -func_values <- dgp_params$func(x_grid) -func_deriv_values <- dgp_params$func_deriv(x_grid) -func_values <- dgp_params$func(x_grid) -if (length(x) == 1) { -x_grid <- c(x_grid, rep(x, length(x_grid))) -} -func_deriv_values <- if (is.numeric(dgp_params$func_deriv) && length(dgp_params$func_deriv) == 1) { -rep(dgp_params$func_deriv, length(x_grid)) -} else if (is.function(dgp_params$func_deriv)) { -dgp_params$func_deriv(x_grid) -} else { -stop("dgp_params$func_deriv must be either a scalar or a function") -} -is.numeric(dgp_params$func_deriv) -length(dgp_params$func_deriv) == 1 -func_deriv_values <- if (length(dgp_params$func_deriv) == 1) { -rep(dgp_params$func_deriv, length(x_grid)) -} else if (is.function(dgp_params$func_deriv)) { -dgp_params$func_deriv(x_grid) -} else { -stop("dgp_params$func_deriv must be either a scalar or a function") -} -# Generate data -# set.seed(1234567) -dat <- gdata(n = n, dgp = dgp) -# browser() -tryCatch({ -if (any(data$dose < 0 | data$dose > 1, na.rm = TRUE)) { -knots <- c(0.4, 0.5, 0.6) -} else { -quantiles <- quantile(data$dose, probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), na.rm = TRUE) -if (length(unique(quantiles)) == 3) { -margin <- 0.05 -knots <- pmax(margin, pmin(1 - margin, quantiles)) -} else { -knots <- c(0.4, 0.5, 0.6) -} -} -formula <- bquote( -dy ~ splines2::bSpline(dose, knots = .(knots), degree = 3, intercept = TRUE) - 1 -) -model <- suppressWarnings( -fixest::feols( -eval(formula), -data = data, -# cluster = ~ individual -) -) -att_SR <- predict(model) -mean_att_SR <- mean(att_SR) -spline_dosage_SR <- bSpline(data$dose, -knots = knots, -degree = 3, -intercept = TRUE) -n_treated_SR <- sum(data$dose > 0) -infl_reg_SR <- model$residuals * spline_dosage_SR %*% -(MASS::ginv(t(spline_dosage_SR) %*% spline_dosage_SR / n_treated_SR)) -infl_att_SR <- infl_reg_SR %*% t(spline_dosage_SR) -se_att_SR <- sqrt(mean(colMeans(infl_att_SR^2)) / n_treated_SR) -derivative_spline_dosage_SR <- dbs(data$dose, -knots = knots, -degree = 3, -intercept = TRUE) -coefficients_SR <- coef(model) -acrt_SR <- as.vector(derivative_spline_dosage_SR %*% coefficients_SR) -acrt_SR_filtered <- acrt_SR[data$dose > 0] -ACR_hat_0 <- mean(acrt_SR_filtered) -list( -att_estimate = mean_att_SR, -att_se = se_att_SR, -acr_estimate = ACR_hat_0 -) -}, error = function(e) { -return(list( -att_estimate = NA_real_, -att_se = NA_real_, -acr_estimate = NA_real_, -)) -}) -source("~/Documents/uni/master-dissertation/contdid/simulation/DGP1.R") -source("~/Documents/uni/master-dissertation/contdid/R/ucb_cvge.R") -devtools::document() -# # Run estimators and calculate metrics -# NPIV -# debugonce(npiv_regression) -npiv_result <- tryCatch({ -result <- npiv_regression( -data = data, -treatment_col = "dose", -outcome_col = "dy", -) -# write_debug_info("npiv_regression completed successfully") -result -}, error = function(e) { -# write_debug_info(paste("Error in npiv_regression:", e$message)) -return(NULL) -}) -npiv_result <- tryCatch({ -result <- npiv_regression( -data = data, -treatment_col = "dose", outcome_col = "dy", ) # write_debug_info("npiv_regression completed successfully") @@ -510,3 +364,149 @@ stopCluster(cl) toc() View(results_list) devtools::test() +devtools::load_all() +devtools::test() +devtools::load_all() +devtools::test() +devtools::load_all() +devtools::test() +debugonce(npiv_regression) +devtools::load_all() +devtools::test() +library(testthat) +library(readr) +library(dplyr) +library(purrr) +library(contdid) +set.seed(1234567) +# Helper function to load CSV files +load_csv_files <- function(directory) { +tryCatch({ +csv_files <- list.files(directory, pattern = "\\.csv$", full.names = TRUE) +if (length(csv_files) == 0) { +stop("No CSV files found in the specified directory") +} +message(paste("Found", length(csv_files), "CSV files")) +data_list <- map(csv_files, ~{ +message(paste("Processing file:", .x)) +var_name <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(.x)) +var_name <- sub("^123_", "", var_name) # Remove "123_" prefix +data <- read_csv(.x, col_types = cols(), col_names = FALSE) +if (ncol(data) == 1) { +setNames(list(as.numeric(data[[1]])), var_name) +} else { +setNames(list(data), var_name) +} +}) %>% flatten() +message("CSV files loaded successfully") +return(data_list) +}, error = function(e) { +message(paste("Error in load_csv_files:", e$message)) +return(NULL) +}) +} +# Test function +test_matlab_equality <- function(r_result, matlab_data, tolerance = 1e-2) { +tryCatch({ +common_vars <- intersect(names(r_result), names(matlab_data)) +message(paste("Testing", length(common_vars), "common variables")) +for (var in common_vars) { +message(paste("Testing variable:", var)) +r_value <- r_result[[var]] +matlab_value <- matlab_data[[var]] +# Convert to vector if it's a single-column data frame +restructure_variable <- function(var) { +if ( && ncol(var) == 1) { +# If the variable is a data frame with 1 column, extract the vector +var <- var[[1]] +} +if (is.matrix(var) && ncol(var) == 1) { +# If the variable is a matrix with 1 column, convert to a vector +var <- as.numeric(var) +} +if (is.array(var) && length(dim(var)) == 2 && dim(var)[2] == 1) { +# If the variable is a 2D array with 1 column, convert to a vector +var <- as.numeric(var) +} +return(var) +} +# Restructure r_value and matlab_value +r_value <- restructure_variable(r_value) +matlab_value <- restructure_variable(matlab_value) +# Check if the lengths are the same +expect_equal(length(r_value), length(matlab_value), +info = paste("Length mismatch for variable:", var)) +# Check if the values are approximately equal +expect_equal(r_value, matlab_value, tolerance = tolerance, +info = paste("Value mismatch for variable:", var)) +} +message("All variables tested successfully") +}, error = function(e) { +message(paste("Error in test_matlab_equality:", e$message)) +}) +} +tryCatch({ +skip_if_not(dir.exists(test_path("data", "matlab_results")), +"MATLAB data directory not found") +skip_if_not(file.exists(test_path("data", "medicare1.csv")), +"Medicare data file not found") +message("Loading MATLAB CSV files") +matlab_data <- load_csv_files(test_path("data", "matlab_results")) +if (is.null(matlab_data)) { +skip("Failed to load MATLAB data") +} +message("Loading R data") +data <- read.csv(test_path("data", "medicare1.csv")) +message(paste("R data dimensions:", nrow(data), "x", ncol(data))) +message("Running npiv_regression") +r_result <- npiv_regression(data, "medicare_share_1983", "d_capital_labor_ratio") +message("Comparing results") +test_matlab_equality(r_result, matlab_data) +message("Test completed successfully") +}, error = function(e) { +message(paste("Error in main test:", e$message)) +stop(e) +}) +skip_if_not(dir.exists(test_path("data", "matlab_results")), +"MATLAB data directory not found") +skip_if_not(file.exists(test_path("data", "medicare1.csv")), +"Medicare data file not found") +message("Loading MATLAB CSV files") +matlab_data <- load_csv_files(test_path("data", "matlab_results")) +if (is.null(matlab_data)) { +skip("Failed to load MATLAB data") +} +message("Loading R data") +data <- read.csv(test_path("data", "medicare1.csv")) +message(paste("R data dimensions:", nrow(data), "x", ncol(data))) +message("Running npiv_regression") +r_result <- npiv_regression(data, "medicare_share_1983", "d_capital_labor_ratio") +debugonce(npiv_regression) +r_result <- npiv_regression(data, "medicare_share_1983", "d_capital_labor_ratio") +devtools::load_all() +devtools::test() +results_list <- readRDS("~/Documents/uni/master-dissertation/contdid/simulation/results_list.rds") +# saveRDS(results_list, file = "results_list.rds") +# Combine all results into a single data frame +all_results <-, results_list) +# Calculate mean results +mean_results <- all_results %>% +group_by(n, dgp) %>% +summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)), .groups = "drop") +library(tictoc) +library(parallel) +library(doParallel) +library(foreach) +library(doRNG) +library(tidyverse) +library(fixest) +library(splines2) +library(triangle) +# saveRDS(results_list, file = "results_list.rds") +# Combine all results into a single data frame +all_results <-, results_list) +# Calculate mean results +mean_results <- all_results %>% +group_by(n, dgp) %>% +summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)), .groups = "drop") +View(mean_results) diff --git a/R/npiv_regression.R b/R/npiv_regression.R index 052007c..f05bb03 100644 --- a/R/npiv_regression.R +++ b/R/npiv_regression.R @@ -62,13 +62,19 @@ npiv_regression <- function(data, CJ <- c(0, cumsum(TJ)) # log_dimensions("TJ", TJ) # log_dimensions("CJ", CJ) - # Create grid for x - # Xx <- seq(0, 1, length.out = nx) - # Xx_sub <- Xx[Xx>0.01 & Xx<=0.99] + + # Create grid for x + # x_min <- min(x) + # x_max <- max(x) + # Xx <- seq(x_min, x_max, length.out = nx + 1) + # buffer <- 0.01 * (x_max - x_min) + # Xx_sub <- Xx[Xx > x_min + buffer & Xx <= x_max - buffer] + Xx <- seq(0, 1, length.out = nx + 1) # +0 because MATLAB's 0:1/nx:1 includes both endpoints removed + 1 Xx_sub <- Xx[Xx > 0.01 & Xx <= 0.99] # log_dimensions("Xx", Xx) # log_dimensions("Xx_sub", Xx_sub) + # Compute basis functions compute_basis_functions <- function(x, nL, r, CJ, derivative = FALSE) { result <- matrix(0, nrow = length(x), ncol = CJ[length(CJ)]) diff --git a/simulation/working-sim.R b/simulation/working-sim.R index 49ef3be..377b7f6 100644 --- a/simulation/working-sim.R +++ b/simulation/working-sim.R @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ clusterExport(cl, c("dgp_function", "gdata", "run_twfe", "run_feols_bspline", "c results_list <- list() tic() -for (dgp in 2:2) { +for (dgp in 1:4) { # cat("Processing DGP:", dgp, "\n") dgp_results <- list() for (sample_size in n) { @@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ stopCluster(cl) toc() # saveRDS(results_list, file = "results_list.rds") # Combine all results into a single data frame -# all_results <-, results_list) +all_results <-, results_list) # Calculate mean results -# mean_results <- all_results %>% -# group_by(n, dgp) %>% -# summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)), .groups = "drop") +mean_results <- all_results %>% + group_by(n, dgp) %>% + summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)), .groups = "drop") diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-matlab-equality.R b/tests/testthat/test-matlab-equality.R index e9c07cb..6dea0af 100644 --- a/tests/testthat/test-matlab-equality.R +++ b/tests/testthat/test-matlab-equality.R @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ test_that("Short Test: R results match MATLAB results", { message(paste("R data dimensions:", nrow(data), "x", ncol(data))) message("Running npiv_regression") + # debugonce(npiv_regression) r_result <- npiv_regression(data, "medicare_share_1983", "d_capital_labor_ratio") message("Comparing results")