On Ginsburg, you want to perform most actions in the scratch storage space: /burg/abernathey/users/<your_username>
. So navigate there first.
Find basic instructions for getting the code and compiling here.
Do not modify the code tree, i.e. make a separate directory for your project outside the code tree. Inside this directory, create four folders:
- build
- code
- input
- run
Modifications to the code tree reside in the code
directory. To start with, you need to put the build options file in code
. A build options file that should work on Ginsburg is pasted below. You should name it linux_ia64_ifort_ginsburg
# Tested on uv100.awi.de (SGI UV 100, details:
# http://www.sgi.com/products/servers/uv/specs.html)
# a) For more speed, provided your data size does not exceed 2GB you can
# remove -fPIC which carries a performance penalty of 2-6%.
# b) You can replace -fPIC with '-mcmodel=medium -shared-intel' which may
# perform faster than -fPIC and still support data sizes over 2GB per
# process but all the libraries you link to must be compiled with
# -fPIC or -mcmodel=medium
# c) flags adjusted for ifort 12.1.0
if test "x$MPI" = xtrue ; then
CPP='/lib/cpp -traditional -P'
LIBS="$(nf-config --flibs)"
INCLUDES="$(nf-config --fflags)"
INCLUDEDIRS="$(nf-config --includedir)"
if test "x$MPI" = xtrue ; then
LIBS+=" -L$I_MPI_ROOT/lib64 -lmpi"
INCLUDES+=" -I$I_MPI_ROOT/intel64/include"
INCLUDEDIRS+=" $I_MPI_ROOT/intel64/include"
if test "x$IEEE" = x ; then
# No need for IEEE-754
FFLAGS="$FFLAGS -WB -convert big_endian -assume byterecl -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel"
FOPTIM='-O3 -align '
NOOPTFILES='calc_oce_mxlayer.F fizhi_lsm.F fizhi_clockstuff.F'
# Try to follow IEEE-754
FFLAGS="$FFLAGS -W0 -WB -convert big_endian -assume byterecl -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel"
FOPTIM='-O0 -noalign'
if test "x$DEVEL" = xtrue ; then
FFLAGS="$FFLAGS -g -O0 -convert big_endian -assume byterecl -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel -traceback"
FOPTIM='-O0 -noalign'
You will also need some other files, including your own copy of SIZE.h. I recommend copying these from an example in the verifications directory of the code tree if you just want to get started.
I recommend creating an executable file called compile, and putting the following lines in it:
module load intel-parallel-studio/2020
module load netcdf-fortran-intel/4.5.3
make CLEAN
../MITgcm/tools/genmake2 -rootdir ../MITgcm -mpi -mods ../code -of ../code/linux_ia64_ifort_ginsburg
make depend
Modify ../MITgcm
wherever it appears in this file, to point to the location of your actual code tree.
The command ./compile
will compile your code, and generate the executable file mitgcmuv
. This is the file you need to run the MITgcm.
If you are running an example from the verification
directory, copy the files from their input file into your own input file (having a copy of these makes it easier to start a clean run if things go wrong). Also copy them into your run directory.
Copy mitgcmuv
along with input fields into the run
directory (you can also use soft links here). To run the MItgcm on ginsburg, you will need to create the file batch.sh
in your run directory:
# Simple "Hello World" submit script for Slurm.
# Replace <ACCOUNT> with your account name before submitting.
#SBATCH --account=abernathey # The account name for the job.
#SBATCH --job-name=JOB-NAME # The job name.
#SBATCH -N 3 # The number of nodes to use
#(note there are 32 cores per node)
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00 # The time the job will take to run.
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=<your-email>
module load intel-parallel-studio/2020
module load netcdf-fortran-intel/4.5.3
mpirun -n 96 ./mitgcmuv
# End of script
Information on job submission is here.