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Tutorial: simulation of biofilm deformation and detachment

Bowen Li edited this page Jun 4, 2019 · 16 revisions

In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to simulate and visualise a biofilm system with fluid dynamics. The simulation requires three solvers:

  1. NUFEB - for the simulation of biofilm formation and particle motion.
  2. OpenFoam - for the fluid flow simulation.
  3. SediFoam - for the coupling between NUFEB and OpenFaom.

1. Installation

Downloading NUFEB

Make sure you have git, gcc/g++, openmpi and Paraview installed on your system. For example, on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install git-core g++ openmpi-bin openmpi-common

on Centos:

sudo yum install git gcc-c++ openmpi

For Paraview, we recommend to download it from its website: The executable paraview is located in /ParaView-xxx/bin/ directory.

Get NUFEB source code and submodules for its third-party libraries:

git clone --recursive

Building SediFoam

The current version of SediFoam is supported by OpenFoam 2.3.0, 2.3.x, 2.4.0. We recommend to refer the website, for example, for installing OpenFoam 2.4.0 on any Linux distributions.

Once the OpenFoam is install, we can build the SediFoam using the installation file:

cd thirdparty

Note that if you are using Centos, please replace the line "cat Make/options-ubuntu-openmpi >> Make/options" with "cat Make/options-linux-openmpi >> Make/options" in file.

You can type the following command to check whether the build is success:


an executable file named lammpsFoam should be in the directory.