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File metadata and controls

402 lines (259 loc) · 17.3 KB


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Read CRAM files (indexed or unindexed) with pure JS, works in node or in the browser.

  • Reads CRAM 3.x and 2.x
  • Does not read CRAM 1.x
  • Can use .crai indexes out of the box, for efficient sequence fetching, but also has an index API that would allow use with other index types
  • Does not implement bzip2 or lzma codecs (yet), as these are rarely used in-the-wild; if this is important to your use case, please file an issue


$ npm install --save @gmod/cram
# or
$ yarn add @gmod/cram


const { IndexedCramFile, CramFile, CraiIndex } = require('@gmod/cram')

//Use indexedfasta library for seqFetch, if using local file (see below)
const { IndexedFasta, BgzipIndexedFasta } = require('@gmod/indexedfasta')

const t = new IndexedFasta({
  path: '/filesystem/yourfile.fa',
  faiPath: '/filesystem/yourfile.fa.fai',

// open local files
const indexedFile = new IndexedCramFile({
  cramPath: '/filesystem/yourfile.cram',
  index: new CraiIndex({
    path: '/filesystem/yourfile.cram.crai'),
  seqFetch: async (seqId, start, end) => {
    // note:
    // * seqFetch should return a promise for a string, in this instance retrieved from IndexedFasta
    // * we use start-1 because cram-js uses 1-based but IndexedFasta uses 0-based coordinates
    // * the seqId is a numeric identifier
    return t.getSequence(seqId, start-1, end)
  checkSequenceMD5: false,

// example of fetching records from an indexed CRAM file.
// NOTE: only numeric IDs for the reference sequence are accepted.
// For indexedfasta the numeric ID is the order in which the sequence names appear in the header

// Wrap in an async and then run
run = async() => {
  const records = await indexedFile.getRecordsForRange(0, 10000, 20000)
  records.forEach(record => {
    console.log(`got a record named ${record.readName}`)
    record.readFeatures.forEach(({ code, pos, refPos, ref, sub }) => {
      // process the "read features". this can be used similar to
      // CIGAR/MD strings in SAM. see CRAM specs for more details.
      if (code === 'X')
          } shows a base substitution of ${ref}->${sub} at ${refPos}`,


// can also pass `cramUrl` (for the IndexedCramFile class), and `url` (for the CraiIndex) params to open remote URLs
// alternatively `cramFilehandle` (for the IndexedCramFile class) and `filehandle` (for the CraiIndex) can be used,  see for examples

API (auto-generated)


These are the record objects returned by this API. Much of the data is stored in them as simple object entries, but there are some accessor methods used for conveniently getting the values of each of the flags in the flags and cramFlags fields.

Static fields

  • flags (number): the SAM bit-flags field, see the SAM spec for interpretation. Some of the is* methods below interpret this field.
  • cramFlags (number): the CRAM-specific bit-flags field, see the CRAM spec for interpretation. Some of the is* methods below interpret this field.
  • sequenceId (number): the ID number of the record's reference sequence
  • readLength (number): length of the read in bases
  • alignmentStart (number): start coordinate of the alignment on the reference in 1-based closed coordinates
  • readGroupId (number): ID number of the read group, or -1 if none
  • readName (number): name of the read (string)
  • templateSize (number): for paired sequencing, the total size of the template
  • readFeatures (array[ReadFeature]): array of read features showing insertions, deletions, mismatches, etc. See ReadFeatures for their format.
  • lengthOnRef (number): span of the alignment along the reference sequence
  • mappingQuality (number): SAM mapping quality
  • qualityScores (array[number]): array of numeric quality scores
  • uniqueId (number): unique ID number of the record within the file
  • mate (object)
    • flags (number): CRAM mapping flags for the mate. See CRAM spec for interpretation. Some of the is* methods below interpret this field.
    • sequenceId (number): reference sequence ID for the mate mapping
    • alignmentStart (number): start coordinate of the mate mapping. 1-based coordinates.



Returns boolean true if the read is paired, regardless of whether both segments are mapped


Returns boolean true if the read is paired, and both segments are mapped


Returns boolean true if the read itself is unmapped; conflictive with isProperlyPaired


Returns boolean true if the read itself is unmapped; conflictive with isProperlyPaired


Returns boolean true if the read is mapped to the reverse strand


Returns boolean true if the mate is mapped to the reverse strand


Returns boolean true if this is read number 1 in a pair


Returns boolean true if this is read number 2 in a pair


Returns boolean true if this is a secondary alignment


Returns boolean true if this read has failed QC checks


Returns boolean true if the read is an optical or PCR duplicate


Returns boolean true if this is a supplementary alignment


Returns boolean true if the read is detached


Returns boolean true if the read has a mate in this same CRAM segment


Returns boolean true if the read contains qual scores


Returns boolean true if the read has no sequence bases


Get the original sequence of this read.

Returns String sequence basepairs


Annotates this feature with the given reference sequence basepair information. This will add a sub and a ref item to base subsitution read features given the actual substituted and reference base pairs, and will make the getReadSequence() method work.


  • refRegion object
  • compressionScheme CramContainerCompressionScheme

Returns undefined nothing


The feature objects appearing in the readFeatures member of CramRecord objects that show insertions, deletions, substitutions, etc.

Static fields

  • code (character): One of "bqBXIDiQNSPH". See page 15 of the CRAM v3 spec for their meanings.
  • data (any): the data associated with the feature. The format of this varies depending on the feature code.
  • pos (number): location relative to the read (1-based)
  • refPos (number): location relative to the reference (1-based)


The pairing of an index and a CramFile. Supports efficient fetching of records for sections of reference sequences.

Table of Contents



  • args object
    • args.cram CramFile
    • args.index Index-like object that supports getEntriesForRange(seqId,start,end) -> Promise[Array[index entries]]
    • args.cacheSize number? optional maximum number of CRAM records to cache. default 20,000
    • args.fetchSizeLimit number? optional maximum number of bytes to fetch in a single getRecordsForRange call. Default 3 MiB.
    • args.checkSequenceMD5 boolean? default true. if false, disables verifying the MD5 checksum of the reference sequence underlying a slice. In some applications, this check can cause an inconvenient amount (many megabases) of sequences to be fetched.



  • seq number numeric ID of the reference sequence
  • start number start of the range of interest. 1-based closed coordinates.
  • end number end of the range of interest. 1-based closed coordinates.



Returns Promise true if the CRAM file contains data for the given reference sequence numerical ID


Table of Contents



  • args object
    • args.filehandle object? a filehandle that implements the stat() and read() methods of the Node filehandle API
    • args.path object? path to the cram file
    • args.url object? url for the cram file. also supports file:// urls for local files
    • args.seqFetch function? a function with signature (seqId, startCoordinate, endCoordinate) that returns a promise for a string of sequence bases
    • args.cacheSize number? optional maximum number of CRAM records to cache. default 20,000
    • args.checkSequenceMD5 boolean? default true. if false, disables verifying the MD5 checksum of the reference sequence underlying a slice. In some applications, this check can cause an inconvenient amount (many megabases) of sequences to be fetched.


Returns number the number of containers in the file


Represents a .crai index.

Table of Contents





Returns Promise true if the index contains entries for the given reference sequence ID, false otherwise


fetch index entries for the given range


Returns Promise promise for an array of objects of the form {start, span, containerStart, sliceStart, sliceBytes }

Error Classes

@gmod/cram/errors contains some special error classes thrown by cram-js. A list of the error classes is below.

Table of Contents


Extends Error

Error caused by encountering a part of the CRAM spec that has not yet been implemented


Extends CramError

An error caused by malformed data.


Extends CramMalformedError

An error caused by attempting to read beyond the end of the defined data.


Extends CramError

An error caused by data being too big, exceeding a size limit.


Extends CramError

An invalid argument was supplied to a cram-js method or object.


Extends Error

Error caused by encountering a part of the CRAM spec that has not yet been implemented


Extends CramError

An error caused by malformed data.


Extends CramMalformedError

An error caused by attempting to read beyond the end of the defined data.

Academic Use

This package was written with funding from the NHGRI as part of the JBrowse project. If you use it in an academic project that you publish, please cite the most recent JBrowse paper, which will be linked from


MIT © Robert Buels