The first place to start is Google; a huge part of being a good developer is learning how to find answers to things you don't know. Many of the best results come from Stack Overflow. If you don't find what you need, start a thread there yourself!
A key part of learning programming is learning how to get unstuck. It's going to be hard going at first, but you're going to get much better at it with practice!
- Beginning Ruby, Appendix B.
The built-in, basic datatypes (Array, String, Hash) contain many useful methods that make your life easier. There's a lot of power in them. The Ruby documentation lists out all these methods:
- Array
- String
- Hash
- Enumerable
- Array, and Hash both mixin Enumerable, which means you can use Enumerable methods when working with either an Array or Hash. Enumerable contains many useful methods.
With just these few pages, you will be able to write a lot of powerful logic/code. Try to be as familiar as you can with these.
Below are additional materials that will help you get a leg up on Ruby.
- Command Line Crash Course. Please go through this book if you don't have much experience with the command line. 1, 2, 4-7, 10-16 are the essential chapters. 17-19 are optional.
- Peter Cooper's Beginning Ruby
- ch12: build a larger project in Ruby
- Ruby Koans. A good introduction to TDD & Ruby.