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How to implement a separate energy (or dose) scoring grid? #1246

Answered by mainegra
Jlambeck asked this question in Questions
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This is already possible using an EGS_XYZGeometry geometry!

There is an undocumented option for passing a geometry to an EGS_XYZGeometry to be voxelized.

Here is an example on how to do this for a geometry named seed:

:start geometry:
    library = egs_ndgeometry
    type    = EGS_XYZGeometry
    name    = seed_voxelized
    x-slabs = -0.3 0.00333 200
    y-slabs = -0.3 0.00333 200
    z-slabs = -0.3 0.00333 200
    voxelize geometry = seed
    #delete geometry = yes  # frees memory used by original geometry
:stop geometry:

The voxel midpoints of geometry seed_voxelized are mapped onto the original geometry seed using the geometry method isWhere(), and each voxel's medium is assigned bas…

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Answer selected by mainegra
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