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# gaming_tracker
-A flutter app to track your gaming habits, time spent on each game in a week, and performance modes utilized.
+This app is designed to log and track your daily gaming habits, providing weekly and daily statistics on
+- Hours spent playing certain games.
+- Power modes used during a session (Balanced/Performance/Turbo).
+- Average fan speed of the Computer's CPU and GPU.
+- Fan modes applied during the session(Auto/Custom/Max).
> [!NOTE]
-> This project has been under development for some time, and the first version is ready for release. It will be deployed shortly. Currently, a beta release exists, but it does not contain the statistics part of the app. Please wait for the developer to build the release version and deploy it to github.
-> For more information check the pull requests and commit history of this repository.
+> This tracker app does not automatically log sessions, and stores all information on the phone's local file system.
+Before logging any information, users need to register the games they play in the "Games" section.
+Once the user has registered their games, they can proceed to select a day via the calendar page and proceeding to view existing sessions or logging new ones.
+The cards which display "hours played" alongside the game's name and image on the "Today's Games" page are clickable. Clicking a card reveals the power mode, fan mode and the CPU/GPU fan speed averaged during the session.
+The statistics section of the app can be used to view a weekly/fortnightly graph of your gaming data. This section has two views:
+- Standard view:
+ - X-Axis represents days(Monday-Sunday). The week range displayed is determined by the date selected in the calendar page- all days between the
+ closest previous monday and the nearest next Sunday are displayed in the standard view.
+ - Y-Axis represents hours in the day(0-24).
+ - A dropdown is present which can be used to select which game's session data you wish to be dispalyed on the graph.
+ - If more than 24 hours have been logged on a particular day, it will be rounded down to 24 on the graph.
+- Custom View:
+ - Date ranges can be inputted manually, must be greater than 4 days and lesser than 21 days.
+ - The game select drop down is present on this page as well, and shares it's state with the standard view game select drop-down.
+ - It is to noted that The standard view is the default view, and is the view which is displayed when navigating to the
+ stats page. Both the standard and custom view maintain their state when the stats tab is selected on
+ the landing page. However, if the user navigates to the calendar page or games page, the standard
+ view maintains it's state while the custom view gets reset.
+### Screenshots: