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nicolasedh edited this page Mar 17, 2013 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the hexBlocker wiki!

HexBlocker is and GUI for creating blockMeshDict files for OpenFOAM. It's not endorsed by, approved by nor affiliated with anyone but me.

This is what you need to compile and install hexBlocker on Ubunt 12.04

sudo apt-get install git cmake qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev libxt-dev

To install open up a terminal and go to some directory where you want it.

git clone git:// cd hexBlocker ./

The script will download and compile vtk-5.10.0 and then proceed to compiling hexBlocker. I really recommend that you review the script before running it. It should work for Ubuntu 12.04 but I take no responsibility if this causes your computer to crash, the international bank system to collapse or wastes your time.

Bear in mind that this is a spare time project. The intention was for me to learn some C++ outside OpenFOAM nevertheless I think this might be use full for some.

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