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File metadata and controls

367 lines (268 loc) · 16.2 KB


This is a comprehensive guide for performing TIP-seq peak calling using MACSr (an R wrapper for the peak caller MACS). You will learn how to call peaks with MACSr, including the parameters that need to be tuned and their relevance to TIP-seq. This tutorial forms part of a series designed to help researchers process and analyse TIP-seq data. Other tutorials include:

  1. Storing Epigenomic Data on HPC: This tutorial details the process of storing your raw and processed data on Imperial's High-Performance Computing (HPC) system. It covers steps from creating data folders to downloading data from sequencing facilities.
  2. Processing TIPseq Data Using nf-core/cutandrun on HPC: This tutorial provides a detailed workflow for analysing TIP-Seq data using the nf-core/cutandrun pipeline. It includes steps for logging into the HPC, creating a samplesheet, adjusting parameters, running the pipeline, and checking outputs.


Peak calling is the process of identifying regions of the genome enriched for sequence reads. In the context of TIP-seq, a peak represents the binding of your target protein (either a transcription factor or histone). These proteins can be separated into two classes based on the size of the physical "marks" they leave on the genome. Transcription factors and some histones, such as H3K27ac, are characterised by narrow, well-defined peaks, whereas the peaks of histones like H3K4me3, H3K9ac, and H3K27me3 are broad. It is important to know which class your target protein belongs to, as it comprises one of the arguments in the peak calling command.

In this tutorial, peak calling will be performed using Binary Alignment Map (BAM) files, which contain aligned sequence reads and their associated metadata (e.g. like alignment quality or, if paired-end sequencing has been performed, whether a read is the first or second mate in the read pair). If you have processed your TIP-seq data using the nf-core/cutandrun pipeline, which this tutorial assumes, you will always use BAM files for peak calling (if you have BAM files from another source, you will want to skip Step 2). We also assume that you have a single sample (no replicates). Where you have multiple replicates of a narrow mark protein, you will want to perform consensus peak calling with IDR in place of the simple peak calling detailed here (i.e. you will want to skip Step 3). An IDR peak calling tutorial is under development. If you have multiple replicates of a broad mark protein, you should follow all steps of this tutorial with each replicate.

Step 1: Installing all dependencies and packages.

  1. Install R and RStudio.
  1. Install Xcode (MAC users only).

    xcode-select --install

    There will be simple on-screen instructions for you to follow to complete the installation.

  2. Installing MACSr and Rsamtools.

    Open up RStudio and enter:

    if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
    BiocManager::install("MACSr", force = TRUE) # For peak calling
    BiocManager::install("Rsamtools") # For filtering paired-end BAM files

Step 2: Accessing TIP-seq data on the HPC.

If you have successfully followed the "Processing TIPseq Data Using nf-core/cutandrun on HPC" tutorial, you will have BAM files in the pipeline's output directory. These BAM files are used for peak calling, and they can be accessed in the following way.

  1. Mount the RDS on your local machine.

    From your desktop, enter CMD+K to bring up the "Connect to Server" window. Alternatively, navigate to the menu bar at the top of your desktop and click Go > Connect to Server.

    The Connect to Server window will appear after entering CMD+K

    Copy and paste the following text into the text field, replacing username with your Imperial username:


    Enter your Imperial password when prompted.

  2. Navigate to the experiment folder.

    Move through projects > neurogenomics-lab > live > Data > tip_seq > processed_data and open the folder that corresponds to your experiment. In the image below, we have navigated to the tipseq_14_01_nov_2022 experiment.

    After entering the correct experiment folder, the BAM files you need for peak calling will be stored in 02_alignment > bowtie2 > target > linear_dedup.

    The BAM files you will need for peak calling can be found in the linear_duplicates subdirectory.

  3. Specify the full path to the BAM file(s) from RStudio.

    When you have identified the BAM file(s) that you wish to use for peak calling, head back over to RStudio and store the path string in a variable:

    bam_file <- "/Volumes/USERNAME/projects/neurogenomics-lab/live/Data/tip_seq/processed_data/EXPERIMENT_NAME/02_alignment/bowtie2/target/linear_dedup/FILE_NAME.bam"

Step 3: Calling peaks using MACSr.

  1. Filter the paired-end BAM file to remove the secondary mate.

    All of the TIP-seq data experiments performed to date (July 2024) used paired-end sequencing, though the lab has realised that only single-end reads are necessary for accurate peak calling. Therefore, this first step filters a paired-end BAM file to remove all secondary mates.

    Copy and paste this function into your RStudio script:

    filter_bam <- function(bam_file, out_dir) {
      norm_out_dir <- normalizePath(out_dir, mustWork = TRUE)
      bam_file <- normalizePath(bam_file)
      index_destination <- file.path(norm_out_dir, paste0("read1_", basename(bam_file), ".bai")) # index should be in the same directory as the main file
      if (!file.exists(paste0(bam_file, ".bai"))) {
        bam_index <- indexBam(bam_file, destination = index_destination)
      } else {
        bam_index <- paste0(bam_file, ".bai")
      bam_index <- normalizePath(bam_index)
      # Define parameters for filtering first mate reads
      param <- ScanBamParam(
        what = scanBamWhat(),
        flag = scanBamFlag(isFirstMateRead = TRUE)
      destination <- file.path(norm_out_dir, paste0("read1_", basename(bam_file)))
        file = bam_file,
        destination = destination,
        index = bam_index,
        param = param

    Next, run the function on your paired-end BAM file with the following line:

    read1_bam_file <- filter_bam(bam_file = bam_file,
                                 outdir = "/Volumes/USERNAME/projects/neurogenomics-lab/live/Data/tip_seq/processed_data/EXPERIMENT_NAME/02_alignment/bowtie2/target/linear_dedup/")

    We recommend setting the outdir argument (the location the filtered BAM file will be saved) to the directory on the HPC that the paired-end BAM files are located. This way, all of the BAM files from a given experiment are stored together and can be found easily by future lab members. The path to the filtered BAM file will be stored in the variable read1_bam_file.

  2. Run the MACSr callpeak command.

      tfile = read1_bam_file, 
      nomodel = TRUE, 
      qvalue = 0.01, 
      shift = -75, 
      extsize = 150, 
      keepduplicates = "all",
      broad = FALSE, # use TRUE if the target protein is a broad mark histone
      format = "BAM", 
      name = "read1_peak_calls", 
      outdir = "/Users/sonic/Documents/peak_calling_output/" 


    Parameter Purpose
    tfile Specifies the path to the treatment file (e.g. BAM file).
    nomodel By default, MACS builds a ChIP-seq specific model. We disable this model for TIP-seq by setting the parameter to TRUE.
    qvalue The significance threshold (adjusted for multiple testing). Typical values are 0.05 or 0.01.
    shift An integer value denoting the number of base pairs the cut sites should be shifted. Negative values mean a 5' shift whereas positive values mean a 3' shift. For TIP-seq, this value should be set to -0.5 * extsize.
    extsize Used in conjunction with shift to extend reads to fix-sized fragments.
    keepduplicates Keep all duplicate reads. The nf-core/cutandrun pipeline will have already removed duplicates.
    broad Are the marks broad or narrow? For transcription factors and some histones like H3K27ac, you will want to set this argument to FALSE. For most histones, set this to TRUE.
    format Specifies the format of the input files.
    name The prefix for all output files.
    outdir Specifies the output directory where results will be saved. We recommend specifying the path to a folder on your computer.

    Output files

    Three files will be generated in the output directory:

    • The .narrowPeak file is in 6+4 BED (10 columns) format and contains all peak information. This is the file that you will use for visualisation.

Looking at the top row of the above screenshot, we can see there is a peak on chromosome 1 (column 1) with the coordinates 91,307-91,486 (column 2 & 3). This peak has a -log10 p-value of 16.1778 (column 8), and the point of highest enrichment, referred to as the summit, has a relative position within the peak of 109 (column 10). Note that MACS will generate a .broadPeak file in 6+3 BED (9 columns) format if broad = TRUE. This is identical to the .narrowPeak file, except there is NO relative summit position column.

To clarify, the main features of the file are:

Column Description
1 The chromosome the peak is on.
2 & 3 The start and end coordinates of each peak.
7, 8 & 9 The signal strength, -log10 p-value and -log10 q-value. These are just different measures of significance.
10 The relative summit position. The start coordinate (column 2) + the relative summit will give you the absolute position of the summit.
  • The .xls file is most useful if you cannot remember the command used to call the peaks. At the top of the file are the parameter settings.

  • The summits.bed file contains the coordinates of each peak summit. This file is NOT created if broad = TRUE.

For comprehensive details of all parameters and output files, see the MACS manual.

Note that we do not use controls for TIP-seq peak calling, because of the way they are handled by MACS. Where there is a difference in sequence depth between the treatment and control files, MACS linearly scales the larger sample to the same read depth as the smaller sample. This has proved problematic for TIP-seq, as the control files we generate have very low read counts relative to the treatment files, even though we ask for them to be sequenced to the same depth. As a result, scaling removes much of the signal in the treatment file and peak calling is overly conservative.

Step 4: Visualising the MACSr output.

The first thing you should do after peak calling is visualise the output in IGC (Integrative Genomics Viewer). This is a simple way to get a feel for how sensible your results are.

  1. Download IGV.

    Visit the IGV web page ( and download the appropriate desktop application.

  2. Loading peak files into IGV.

    First, select the genome build in the top left drop down menu. This will be the same genome build that was used when processing the data with the nf-core/cutandrun pipeline.

    Select the correct genome build

    Go to file > Load from file... and select the .narrowPeak file from the output directory (this is the 6+4 BED file with all of the peak information).

  3. Loading BAM files into IGV.

    Following the instructions from Step 2: Accessing TIP-seq data on the HPC, you want to mount the RDS on your local machine and navigate to the desired TIP-seq experiment. Find the BAM file that you used to call your peaks, and drag and drop the file into IGV:

    Alternatively, if the BAM files are just stored on your laptop, go to file > Load from file...

  4. Navigating the peaks and reads.

    Once you have loaded the peak and BAM files, you will need to select a chromosome to view. This decision is typically arbitrary, unless there is a specific locus you would like to check:

    With a chromosome selected, you can slide along the viewer and zoom into regions using the + and - buttons in the top right:

    [In this 18kb region, we see a well-defined pileup of reads (top track) that MACS has designated a peak (bottom track). We also see relatively little background noise surrounding this signal.]

    The top track in this view shows the aligned reads. If you double click on this track, you will be presented with options for colouring/sorting (e.g. coloured by read strand).

    The track below this shows the peaks. The vertical cyan line within each peak is the summit, which denotes the exact nucleotide where read pileup is highest (the summit will be absent if you have used the broad setting).