This class implements a layer that splits a single input blob into several output blobs along the Channels
void SetOutputCounts(const CArray<int>& outputCounts);
Sets the values of the Channels
dimension for the output blobs. See below for more details on the size and number of the outputs.
void SetOutputCounts2(int count0);
void SetOutputCounts3(int count0, int count1);
void SetOutputCounts4(int count0, int count1, int count2);
These auxiliary methods set the values of the Channels
dimension for the outputs blobs, in the cases where you want 2, 3, or 4 outputs. Equivalent to calling the SetOutputCounts(const CArray<int>&)
with the array of 1
, 2
, or 3
elements. See below for more details on the size and number of the outputs.
This layer has no trainable parameters.
There is a single input which accepts a blob of any size. The only limitation is that its Channels
dimension must be greater or equal to the sum of the elements of the GetOutputCounts()
The layer has at least GetOutputCounts().Size()
outputs. Each of the outputs contains a blob of the dimensions:
are equal to the corresponding dimensions of the input.Channels
is equal to the corresponding element of theGetOutputCount()
array; for example, the first outputChannels
is equal toGetOutputCount()[0]
and so on.
However, if the Channels
dimension of the input is greater than the sum of the GetOutputCounts()
elements, the layer will have one more output of the dimensions:
are equal to the corresponding dimensions of the input.Channels
is equal to the difference between the inputChannels
and the sum of theGetOutputCount()