diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1478418..1a6c522 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Zer0ne
+# Zer0ne Blog
@@ -6,28 +6,17 @@
Hello friend 🤖,
-I am nairolf32, A cyberecurity enthusiast slowly getting stronger. I Play CTFs and challenges on various websites and decided to keep a track of what I already know/did/learnt by writing it down. Here is a good place for that. This repository used to simply host my ctf writeups but I turnt it into a blog.
+I am *nairolf32*, A cybersecurity enthusiast slowly getting stronger. I Play CTFs and challenges on various websites and decided to keep a track of what I already know/did/learnt by writing it down. Here is a good place for that. This repository used to simply host my ctf writeups but I turnt it into my cybersec blog and here I share the best things I learnt throughout my learning journey. The writeups are from many platforms. My favorites ones are Tryhackme and Hackthebox. The writeups are mostly from those platforms.
-Here I share the best things I learnt throughout my learning journey
-The writeups are from many platforms. My favorites ones are Tryhackme and Hackthebox and the writeups are mostly for those.
-You can click [here](https://nair0lf32.github.io/zer0ne/about/) to learn more about it!
+You can click [here](https://nair0lf32.github.io/zer0ne/about/) to learn more about this blog!
## Usage
-This repository is not really open for external contributions but feel free to open an issue for anything you want to share
-simply clone the repo with `git clone` and run `hugo` (it manages everything for you)
-Most importantly, as I use a submodule theme you need to get it locally too using
-`git submodule init`then `git submodule update`
-This is deployed with `github pages + actions`
+This repository is not really open for external contributions but feel free to open an issue for anything you want to share. For further usage simply clone the repo with `git clone` and run `hugo` (it manages everything for you)
-To test it run below commands:
+Most importantly, as I use a submodule theme you need to get it locally too using `git submodule init`then `git submodule update`. This is deployed with `github pages + actions`. To test it run below commands:
-`hugo server` for local development then `hugo -D` for building
+- `hugo server` for local development
+- `hugo -D` for building
-Check [hugo website](https://gohugo.io/) for more informations
+Check [hugo website](https://gohugo.io/) for more information about this great static site generator
diff --git a/config.toml b/config.toml
index 5159314..4c6c478 100644
--- a/config.toml
+++ b/config.toml
@@ -1,161 +1,160 @@
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- dateform = "Jan 2, 2006"
- dateformShort = "Jan 2"
- dateformNum = "2006-01-02"
- dateformNumTime = "2006-01-02 15:04"
- description = "Welcome friend"
- keywords = "hacking, cybersecurity, ctf, nair0lf32"
- images = [""]
- homeSubtitle = "it's pronounced zero-one"
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- # linking local files with their path relative to the static folder, e.g. "css/styles.css"
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- "Made with ❤ by nair0lf32",
- "Theme used: Hello-friend-ng"
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- # Commento is more than just a comments widget you can embed —
- # it’s a return to the roots of the internet.
- # An internet without the tracking and invasions of privacy.
- # An internet that is simple and lightweight.
- # An internet that is focused on interesting discussions, not ads.
- # A better internet.
- # Uncomment this to enable Commento.
- #
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+dateform = "Jan 2, 2006"
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+dateformNum = "2006-01-02"
+dateformNumTime = "2006-01-02 15:04"
+description = "Welcome friend"
+keywords = "hacking, cybersecurity, ctf, nair0lf32, zerone, zer0ne"
+images = [""]
+homeSubtitle = "Another cybersecurity blog"
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+# linking local files with their path relative to the static folder, e.g. "css/styles.css"
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+ "Made with ❤ by nair0lf32",
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+# Commento is more than just a comments widget you can embed —
+# it’s a return to the roots of the internet.
+# An internet without the tracking and invasions of privacy.
+# An internet that is simple and lightweight.
+# An internet that is focused on interesting discussions, not ads.
+# A better internet.
+# Uncomment this to enable Commento.
+# [params.commento]
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+url = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/florian-edemessi/"
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+url = "https://www.stackoverflow.com/users/14132197/florian-edemessi"
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- # And you can even create generic menu
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- url = "/about"
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- name = "Blog"
- url = "/posts"
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- name = "Writeups"
- url = "/writeups"
+title = "Zer0ne"
+subtitle = "welcome friend"
+keywords = ""
+copyright = 'CC BY-NC 4.0'
+readOtherPosts = "Read other posts"
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+# alt = "Your example logo alt text"
+# And you can even create generic menu
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+url = "/about"
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+name = "Blog"
+url = "/posts"
+identifier = "writeups"
+name = "Writeups"
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