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62 lines (51 loc) · 3.26 KB

File metadata and controls

62 lines (51 loc) · 3.26 KB


Code for preparing the EEG data for #EEGManyPipelines.

In the EEGManyPipelines project, we will provide a set of (almost) unprocessed raw EEG data, and ask participants/analysts to process these data with an analysis pipeline of their choice. The dataset for this project is from an experiment on visual recognition memory. For the purpose of EEGManyPipelines, these data need to be prepared and curated.


This Matlab script loads the original raw data in Biosemi .bdf format, converts them to EEGLAB format, and then goes through the following steps:

  1. remove empty channels;
  2. rereference to Cz (because Biosemi is recorded reference-free, which might otherwise confuse analysts);
  3. compute HEOG and VEOG
  4. downsample to 512 Hz;
  5. remove all triggers from events that are irrelevant for the EEGManyPipelines analysis, leaving only triggers indicating image onset;
  6. replace subject name with arbitrary, anonymous id.


  • [ ]


This script loads each subjects' EEG data and the corresponding behavioral log file. From the log file, I construct a table coding for each trial:

  • LOG.trial: number of this trial
  • LOG.scene_name: beach(1), forest(2), highway(3), building(4)
  • LOG.scene_cat: the same information, numerically coded
  • LOG.scene_man: is this scene category natural (1) or man-made (2)
  • LOG.is_old: is the image on this trial old (1) or new (0), or in rare cases cannot be determined (9)/don't ask me why
  • LOG.recognition: was the subject's response on this trial a ...
    • hit: old item correctly judged as old (1)
    • miss: old item incorrectly judged as new (2)
    • false alarm: new item incorrectly judged as new (3)
    • correct rejection: new item correctly judged as new (4)
    • rare cases when the response was not recorded (9)
  • LOG.subscorrect = is the subject going to remember the image from this trial next time it is repeated?
    • subsequently remembered (1)
    • subsequently forgotten (2)
    • some images are shown a second time (9)

The script performs the following checks:

  • Does the number of trials in EEG and Log file match?
  • Does scene category information match, indicating that trial order is correct?

New trigger codes are generated as five-digit numbers coding (from left-most digit to right):

  • scene_cat: 1,2,3,4; beach, building, highway, forest
  • scene_man: 1,2; manmade/building+highway (1), natural/bach+forest (2)
  • is_old: 1, 0, 9; old (1), new (0), missing (9)
  • recognition: 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; hit (1), miss (2), false alarm (3), correct rejection (4)
  • subscorrect: 0, 1, 9; subsequently remembered (1), subsequently forgotten (0), not applicable (9)

For example: 42040

This is a trial with a forest scene (scene_cat=4), which is a natural category (scene_man=2), that was shown for the first time (is_old=0) and was correctly rejected, i.e. not incorrectly judged as old (recognition=4). The next time this image was shown, it was not recognized as old (subsequent memory=0).

The script produces the following output:

  • EEG in eeglab format including new trigger codes and a copy of the logfile table
  • EEG in EDF format
  • Logfile table in CSV format
  • Channel coordinates in CSV format


  • EEG in EDF format
  • Logfile table in CSV format
  • Channel coordinates in CSV format