Game statistics and dice rolls use capitalized words:
- AC
- Damage Reduction
- Damage Threshold
- Spell Save DC
any ability- Strength
- Dexterity
- Constitution
- Intelligence
- Wisdom
- Charisma
- Ability Score
- Strength Ability Score
- Dexterity Ability Score
- Constitution Ability Score
- Intelligence Ability Score
- Wisdom Ability Score
- Charisma Ability Score
- Mental Ability Scores
- Physical Ability Scores
- Ability Check
- Strength Ability Check
- Dexterity Ability Check
- Constitution Ability Check
- Intelligence Ability Check
- Wisdom Ability Check
- Charisma Ability Check
- Mental Ability Checks
- Physical Ability Checks
- Saving Throw
- Strength Saving Throw
- Dexterity Saving Throw
- Constitution Saving Throw
- Intelligence Saving Throw
- Wisdom Saving Throw
- Charisma Saving Throw
- Mental Saving Throws
- Physical Saving Throws
- Attack Roll
- Ranged Attack
- Melee Attack
- Spell Attack
- Weapon Attack
- Ranged Spell Attack
- Ranged Weapon Attack
- Melee Spell Attack
- Melee Weapon Attack
- Damage Roll
- Attack & Damage Rolls
- Flip a Coin
variable classes, subclasses, races, subraces, and creatures:- Half-Orc
- Variant Human
- Fighter
- …
Conditions are specifically emphasized and bolded:
- blinded
- charmed
- deafened
- fatigued
- frightened
- grappled
- incapacitated
- insane
- invisible
- paralyzed
- petrified
- poisoned
- prone
- restrained
- stunned
- unconscious
- concentration
- exhaustion
Other game mechanics, actions, sizes, and items are italicized:
actions in combat:- attack
- cast a spell
- dash
- disengage
- dodge
- help
- hide
- ready
- search
- use an object
variable sizes:- tiny
- small
- medium
- large
- huge
- gargantuan
- titanic
variable items:- alchemist's fire
- greatsword
- potion of greater healing
- …
Spells in particular are italicized and linked: