diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 7bfbceaf..e239bca8 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ Please check [dev](https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/tree/master/dev) direc 14. [Record entire DIV including video, image, textarea, input, drag/move/resize, everything](https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/RecordRTC/Canvas-Recording/) 15. [Record canvas 2D drawings, lines, shapes, texts, images, drag/resize/enlarge/move via a huge drawing tool!](https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/RecordRTC/Canvas-Recording/record-canvas-drawings.html) 16. [Record Canvas2D Animation](https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/RecordRTC/Canvas-Recording/Canvas-Animation-Recording.html) +17. [WebGL animation recording](https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/RecordRTC/webgl/) +18. [Plotly - WebGL animation recording](https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/RecordRTC/webgl/plotly.html) You can also try a chrome extension for screen recording: @@ -139,8 +141,8 @@ bower install recordrtc You can even link specific [releases](https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/releases): ```html - - + + ``` ## How to capture stream? diff --git a/RecordRTC.js b/RecordRTC.js index 2794b868..e7c4a97c 100644 --- a/RecordRTC.js +++ b/RecordRTC.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 'use strict'; -// Last time updated: 2016-06-24 10:56:24 PM UTC +// Last time updated: 2016-08-11 4:09:01 PM UTC // Open-Sourced: https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC @@ -1796,7 +1796,7 @@ function MediaStreamRecorder(mediaStream, config) { if (mediaRecorder.state === 'recording') { // "stop" method auto invokes "requestData"! - mediaRecorder.requestData(); + // mediaRecorder.requestData(); mediaRecorder.stop(); } }; diff --git a/RecordRTC.min.js b/RecordRTC.min.js index 65ec2f0e..7685273b 100644 --- a/RecordRTC.min.js +++ b/RecordRTC.min.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 'use strict'; -// Last time updated: 2016-06-24 10:56:24 PM UTC +// Last time updated: 2016-08-11 4:09:02 PM UTC -"use strict";function RecordRTC(mediaStream,config){function startRecording(){return config.disableLogs||console.debug("started recording "+config.type+" stream."),mediaRecorder?(mediaRecorder.clearRecordedData(),mediaRecorder.resume(),self.recordingDuration&&handleRecordingDuration(),self):(initRecorder(function(){self.recordingDuration&&handleRecordingDuration()}),self)}function initRecorder(initCallback){initCallback&&(config.initCallback=function(){initCallback(),initCallback=config.initCallback=null});var Recorder=new GetRecorderType(mediaStream,config);mediaRecorder=new Recorder(mediaStream,config),mediaRecorder.record(),config.disableLogs||console.debug("Initialized recorderType:",mediaRecorder.constructor.name,"for output-type:",config.type)}function stopRecording(callback){function _callback(__blob){for(var item in mediaRecorder)self&&(self[item]=mediaRecorder[item]),recordRTC&&(recordRTC[item]=mediaRecorder[item]);var blob=mediaRecorder.blob;if(!blob){if(!__blob)throw"Recording failed.";mediaRecorder.blob=blob=__blob}if(callback){var url=URL.createObjectURL(blob);callback(url)}blob&&!config.disableLogs&&console.debug(blob.type,"->",bytesToSize(blob.size)),config.autoWriteToDisk&&getDataURL(function(dataURL){var parameter={};parameter[config.type+"Blob"]=dataURL,DiskStorage.Store(parameter)})}if(!mediaRecorder)return console.warn(WARNING);var recordRTC=this;config.disableLogs||console.warn("Stopped recording "+config.type+" stream."),"gif"!==config.type?mediaRecorder.stop(_callback):(mediaRecorder.stop(),_callback())}function pauseRecording(){return mediaRecorder?(mediaRecorder.pause(),void(config.disableLogs||console.debug("Paused recording."))):console.warn(WARNING)}function resumeRecording(){return mediaRecorder?(mediaRecorder.resume(),void(config.disableLogs||console.debug("Resumed recording."))):console.warn(WARNING)}function readFile(_blob){postMessage((new FileReaderSync).readAsDataURL(_blob))}function getDataURL(callback,_mediaRecorder){function processInWebWorker(_function){var blob=URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([_function.toString(),"this.onmessage = function (e) {"+_function.name+"(e.data);}"],{type:"application/javascript"})),worker=new Worker(blob);return URL.revokeObjectURL(blob),worker}if(!callback)throw"Pass a callback function over getDataURL.";var blob=_mediaRecorder?_mediaRecorder.blob:(mediaRecorder||{}).blob;if(!blob)return config.disableLogs||console.warn("Blob encoder did not finish its job yet."),void setTimeout(function(){getDataURL(callback,_mediaRecorder)},1e3);if("undefined"==typeof Worker||navigator.mozGetUserMedia){var reader=new FileReader;reader.readAsDataURL(blob),reader.onload=function(event){callback(event.target.result)}}else{var webWorker=processInWebWorker(readFile);webWorker.onmessage=function(event){callback(event.data)},webWorker.postMessage(blob)}}function handleRecordingDuration(){setTimeout(function(){stopRecording(self.onRecordingStopped)},self.recordingDuration)}if(!mediaStream)throw"MediaStream is mandatory.";config=config||{type:"video"},config=new RecordRTCConfiguration(mediaStream,config);var mediaRecorder,self=this,WARNING='It seems that "startRecording" is not invoked for '+config.type+" recorder.",returnObject={startRecording:startRecording,stopRecording:stopRecording,pauseRecording:pauseRecording,resumeRecording:resumeRecording,initRecorder:initRecorder,setRecordingDuration:function(milliseconds,callback){if("undefined"==typeof milliseconds)throw"milliseconds is required.";if("number"!=typeof milliseconds)throw"milliseconds must be a number.";return self.recordingDuration=milliseconds,self.onRecordingStopped=callback||function(){},{onRecordingStopped:function(callback){self.onRecordingStopped=callback}}},clearRecordedData:function(){return mediaRecorder?(mediaRecorder.clearRecordedData(),void(config.disableLogs||console.debug("Cleared old recorded data."))):console.warn(WARNING)},getBlob:function(){return mediaRecorder?mediaRecorder.blob:console.warn(WARNING)},getDataURL:getDataURL,toURL:function(){return mediaRecorder?URL.createObjectURL(mediaRecorder.blob):console.warn(WARNING)},save:function(fileName){return mediaRecorder?void invokeSaveAsDialog(mediaRecorder.blob,fileName):console.warn(WARNING)},getFromDisk:function(callback){return mediaRecorder?void RecordRTC.getFromDisk(config.type,callback):console.warn(WARNING)},setAdvertisementArray:function(arrayOfWebPImages){config.advertisement=[];for(var length=arrayOfWebPImages.length,i=0;length>i;i++)config.advertisement.push({duration:i,image:arrayOfWebPImages[i]})},blob:null,bufferSize:0,sampleRate:0,buffer:null,view:null};if(!this)return self=returnObject,returnObject;for(var prop in returnObject)this[prop]=returnObject[prop];return self=this,returnObject}function RecordRTCConfiguration(mediaStream,config){return config.recorderType&&!config.type&&(config.recorderType===WhammyRecorder||config.recorderType===CanvasRecorder?config.type="video":config.recorderType===GifRecorder?config.type="gif":config.recorderType===StereoAudioRecorder?config.type="audio":config.recorderType===MediaStreamRecorder&&(mediaStream.getAudioTracks().length&&mediaStream.getVideoTracks().length?config.type="video":mediaStream.getAudioTracks().length&&!mediaStream.getVideoTracks().length?config.type="audio":!mediaStream.getAudioTracks().length&&mediaStream.getVideoTracks().length&&(config.type="audio"))),"undefined"!=typeof MediaStreamRecorder&&"undefined"!=typeof MediaRecorder&&"requestData"in MediaRecorder.prototype&&(config.mimeType||(config.mimeType="video/webm"),config.type||(config.type=config.mimeType.split("/")[0]),!config.bitsPerSecond),config.type||(config.mimeType&&(config.type=config.mimeType.split("/")[0]),config.type||(config.type="audio")),config}function GetRecorderType(mediaStream,config){var recorder;return(isChrome||isEdge||isOpera)&&(recorder=StereoAudioRecorder),"undefined"!=typeof MediaRecorder&&"requestData"in MediaRecorder.prototype&&!isChrome&&(recorder=MediaStreamRecorder),"video"===config.type&&(isChrome||isOpera)&&(recorder=WhammyRecorder),"gif"===config.type&&(recorder=GifRecorder),"canvas"===config.type&&(recorder=CanvasRecorder),isMediaRecorderCompatible()&&recorder!==CanvasRecorder&&recorder!==GifRecorder&&"undefined"!=typeof MediaRecorder&&"requestData"in MediaRecorder.prototype&&mediaStream.getVideoTracks().length&&(recorder=MediaStreamRecorder),config.recorderType&&(recorder=config.recorderType),!config.disableLogs&&recorder&&recorder.name&&console.debug("Using recorderType:",recorder.name||recorder.constructor.name),recorder}function MRecordRTC(mediaStream){this.addStream=function(_mediaStream){_mediaStream&&(mediaStream=_mediaStream)},this.mediaType={audio:!0,video:!0},this.startRecording=function(){var recorderType,mediaType=this.mediaType,mimeType=this.mimeType||{audio:null,video:null,gif:null};if("function"!=typeof mediaType.audio&&isMediaRecorderCompatible()&&mediaStream.getAudioTracks&&!mediaStream.getAudioTracks().length&&(mediaType.audio=!1),"function"!=typeof mediaType.video&&isMediaRecorderCompatible()&&mediaStream.getVideoTracks&&!mediaStream.getVideoTracks().length&&(mediaType.video=!1),!mediaType.audio&&!mediaType.video)throw"MediaStream must have either audio or video tracks.";if(mediaType.audio&&(recorderType=null,"function"==typeof mediaType.audio&&(recorderType=mediaType.audio),this.audioRecorder=new RecordRTC(mediaStream,{type:"audio",bufferSize:this.bufferSize,sampleRate:this.sampleRate,numberOfAudioChannels:this.numberOfAudioChannels||2,disableLogs:this.disableLogs,recorderType:recorderType,mimeType:mimeType.audio}),mediaType.video||this.audioRecorder.startRecording()),mediaType.video){recorderType=null,"function"==typeof mediaType.video&&(recorderType=mediaType.video);var newStream=mediaStream;if(isMediaRecorderCompatible()&&mediaType.audio&&"function"==typeof mediaType.audio){var videoTrack=mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0];navigator.mozGetUserMedia?(newStream=new MediaStream,newStream.addTrack(videoTrack),recorderType&&recorderType===WhammyRecorder&&(recorderType=MediaStreamRecorder)):newStream=new MediaStream([videoTrack])}this.videoRecorder=new RecordRTC(newStream,{type:"video",video:this.video,canvas:this.canvas,frameInterval:this.frameInterval||10,disableLogs:this.disableLogs,recorderType:recorderType,mimeType:mimeType.video}),mediaType.audio||this.videoRecorder.startRecording()}if(mediaType.audio&&mediaType.video){var self=this;isMediaRecorderCompatible()?(self.audioRecorder=null,self.videoRecorder.startRecording()):self.videoRecorder.initRecorder(function(){self.audioRecorder.initRecorder(function(){self.videoRecorder.startRecording(),self.audioRecorder.startRecording()})})}mediaType.gif&&(recorderType=null,"function"==typeof mediaType.gif&&(recorderType=mediaType.gif),this.gifRecorder=new RecordRTC(mediaStream,{type:"gif",frameRate:this.frameRate||200,quality:this.quality||10,disableLogs:this.disableLogs,recorderType:recorderType,mimeType:mimeType.gif}),this.gifRecorder.startRecording())},this.stopRecording=function(callback){callback=callback||function(){},this.audioRecorder&&this.audioRecorder.stopRecording(function(blobURL){callback(blobURL,"audio")}),this.videoRecorder&&this.videoRecorder.stopRecording(function(blobURL){callback(blobURL,"video")}),this.gifRecorder&&this.gifRecorder.stopRecording(function(blobURL){callback(blobURL,"gif")})},this.pauseRecording=function(){this.audioRecorder&&this.audioRecorder.pauseRecording(),this.videoRecorder&&this.videoRecorder.pauseRecording(),this.gifRecorder&&this.gifRecorder.pauseRecording()},this.resumeRecording=function(){this.audioRecorder&&this.audioRecorder.resumeRecording(),this.videoRecorder&&this.videoRecorder.resumeRecording(),this.gifRecorder&&this.gifRecorder.resumeRecording()},this.getBlob=function(callback){var output={};return this.audioRecorder&&(output.audio=this.audioRecorder.getBlob()),this.videoRecorder&&(output.video=this.videoRecorder.getBlob()),this.gifRecorder&&(output.gif=this.gifRecorder.getBlob()),callback&&callback(output),output},this.getDataURL=function(callback){function getDataURL(blob,callback00){if("undefined"!=typeof Worker){var webWorker=processInWebWorker(function(_blob){postMessage((new FileReaderSync).readAsDataURL(_blob))});webWorker.onmessage=function(event){callback00(event.data)},webWorker.postMessage(blob)}else{var reader=new FileReader;reader.readAsDataURL(blob),reader.onload=function(event){callback00(event.target.result)}}}function processInWebWorker(_function){var url,blob=URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([_function.toString(),"this.onmessage = function (e) {"+_function.name+"(e.data);}"],{type:"application/javascript"})),worker=new Worker(blob);if("undefined"!=typeof URL)url=URL;else{if("undefined"==typeof webkitURL)throw"Neither URL nor webkitURL detected.";url=webkitURL}return url.revokeObjectURL(blob),worker}this.getBlob(function(blob){getDataURL(blob.audio,function(_audioDataURL){getDataURL(blob.video,function(_videoDataURL){callback({audio:_audioDataURL,video:_videoDataURL})})})})},this.writeToDisk=function(){RecordRTC.writeToDisk({audio:this.audioRecorder,video:this.videoRecorder,gif:this.gifRecorder})},this.save=function(args){args=args||{audio:!0,video:!0,gif:!0},args.audio&&this.audioRecorder&&this.audioRecorder.save("string"==typeof args.audio?args.audio:""),args.video&&this.videoRecorder&&this.videoRecorder.save("string"==typeof args.video?args.video:""),args.gif&&this.gifRecorder&&this.gifRecorder.save("string"==typeof args.gif?args.gif:"")}}function bytesToSize(bytes){var k=1e3,sizes=["Bytes","KB","MB","GB","TB"];if(0===bytes)return"0 Bytes";var i=parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes)/Math.log(k)),10);return(bytes/Math.pow(k,i)).toPrecision(3)+" "+sizes[i]}function invokeSaveAsDialog(file,fileName){if(!file)throw"Blob object is required.";if(!file.type)try{file.type="video/webm"}catch(e){}var fileExtension=(file.type||"video/webm").split("/")[1];if(fileName&&-1!==fileName.indexOf(".")){var splitted=fileName.split(".");fileName=splitted[0],fileExtension=splitted[1]}var fileFullName=(fileName||Math.round(9999999999*Math.random())+888888888)+"."+fileExtension;if("undefined"!=typeof navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob)return navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(file,fileFullName);if("undefined"!=typeof navigator.msSaveBlob)return navigator.msSaveBlob(file,fileFullName);var hyperlink=document.createElement("a");hyperlink.href=URL.createObjectURL(file),hyperlink.target="_blank",hyperlink.download=fileFullName,navigator.mozGetUserMedia&&(hyperlink.onclick=function(){(document.body||document.documentElement).removeChild(hyperlink)},(document.body||document.documentElement).appendChild(hyperlink));var evt=new MouseEvent("click",{view:window,bubbles:!0,cancelable:!0});hyperlink.dispatchEvent(evt),navigator.mozGetUserMedia||URL.revokeObjectURL(hyperlink.href)}function isMediaRecorderCompatible(){var isOpera=!!window.opera||navigator.userAgent.indexOf(" OPR/")>=0,isChrome=!!window.chrome&&!isOpera,isFirefox="undefined"!=typeof window.InstallTrigger;if(isFirefox)return!0;var verOffset,ix,nAgt=(navigator.appVersion,navigator.userAgent),fullVersion=""+parseFloat(navigator.appVersion),majorVersion=parseInt(navigator.appVersion,10);return(isChrome||isOpera)&&(verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Chrome"),fullVersion=nAgt.substring(verOffset+7)),-1!==(ix=fullVersion.indexOf(";"))&&(fullVersion=fullVersion.substring(0,ix)),-1!==(ix=fullVersion.indexOf(" "))&&(fullVersion=fullVersion.substring(0,ix)),majorVersion=parseInt(""+fullVersion,10),isNaN(majorVersion)&&(fullVersion=""+parseFloat(navigator.appVersion),majorVersion=parseInt(navigator.appVersion,10)),majorVersion>=49}function MediaStreamRecorder(mediaStream,config){function isMediaStreamActive(){if("active"in mediaStream){if(!mediaStream.active)return!1}else if("ended"in mediaStream&&mediaStream.ended)return!1;return!0}var self=this;if(config=config||{mimeType:"video/webm"},"audio"===config.type){if(mediaStream.getVideoTracks().length&&mediaStream.getAudioTracks().length){var stream;navigator.mozGetUserMedia?(stream=new MediaStream,stream.addTrack(mediaStream.getAudioTracks()[0])):stream=new MediaStream(mediaStream.getAudioTracks()),mediaStream=stream}config.mimeType&&-1!==config.mimeType.indexOf("audio")||(config.mimeType=isChrome?"audio/webm":"audio/ogg")}this.record=function(){self.blob=null;var recorderHints=config;config.disableLogs||console.log("Passing following config over MediaRecorder API.",recorderHints),mediaRecorder&&(mediaRecorder=null),isChrome&&!isMediaRecorderCompatible()&&(recorderHints="video/vp8");try{mediaRecorder=new MediaRecorder(mediaStream,recorderHints)}catch(e){mediaRecorder=new MediaRecorder(mediaStream)}"canRecordMimeType"in mediaRecorder&&mediaRecorder.canRecordMimeType(config.mimeType)===!1&&(config.disableLogs||console.warn("MediaRecorder API seems unable to record mimeType:",config.mimeType)),mediaRecorder.ignoreMutedMedia=config.ignoreMutedMedia||!1,mediaRecorder.ondataavailable=function(e){self.dontFireOnDataAvailableEvent||!e.data||!e.data.size||e.data.size<100||self.blob||(self.blob=config.getNativeBlob?e.data:new Blob([e.data],{type:config.mimeType||"video/webm"}),self.recordingCallback&&(self.recordingCallback(self.blob),self.recordingCallback=null))},mediaRecorder.onerror=function(error){config.disableLogs||("InvalidState"===error.name?console.error("The MediaRecorder is not in a state in which the proposed operation is allowed to be executed."):"OutOfMemory"===error.name?console.error("The UA has exhaused the available memory. User agents SHOULD provide as much additional information as possible in the message attribute."):"IllegalStreamModification"===error.name?console.error("A modification to the stream has occurred that makes it impossible to continue recording. An example would be the addition of a Track while recording is occurring. User agents SHOULD provide as much additional information as possible in the message attribute."):"OtherRecordingError"===error.name?console.error("Used for an fatal error other than those listed above. User agents SHOULD provide as much additional information as possible in the message attribute."):"GenericError"===error.name?console.error("The UA cannot provide the codec or recording option that has been requested.",error):console.error("MediaRecorder Error",error)),"inactive"!==mediaRecorder.state&&"stopped"!==mediaRecorder.state&&mediaRecorder.stop()},mediaRecorder.start(36e5),config.onAudioProcessStarted&&config.onAudioProcessStarted(),config.initCallback&&config.initCallback()},this.stop=function(callback){mediaRecorder&&(this.recordingCallback=function(blob){mediaRecorder=null,callback&&callback(blob)},"recording"===mediaRecorder.state&&(mediaRecorder.requestData(),mediaRecorder.stop()))},this.pause=function(){mediaRecorder&&"recording"===mediaRecorder.state&&mediaRecorder.pause()},this.resume=function(){if(this.dontFireOnDataAvailableEvent){this.dontFireOnDataAvailableEvent=!1;var disableLogs=config.disableLogs;return config.disableLogs=!0,this.record(),void(config.disableLogs=disableLogs)}mediaRecorder&&"paused"===mediaRecorder.state&&mediaRecorder.resume()},this.clearRecordedData=function(){mediaRecorder&&(this.pause(),this.dontFireOnDataAvailableEvent=!0,this.stop())};var mediaRecorder,self=this;!function looper(){return mediaRecorder?isMediaStreamActive()===!1?(config.disableLogs||console.log("MediaStream seems stopped."),void self.stop()):void setTimeout(looper,1e3):void 0}()}function StereoAudioRecorder(mediaStream,config){function isMediaStreamActive(){if("active"in mediaStream){if(!mediaStream.active)return!1}else if("ended"in mediaStream&&mediaStream.ended)return!1;return!0}function mergeLeftRightBuffers(config,callback){function mergeAudioBuffers(config,cb){function mergeBuffers(channelBuffer,rLength){for(var result=new Float64Array(rLength),offset=0,lng=channelBuffer.length,i=0;lng>i;i++){var buffer=channelBuffer[i];result.set(buffer,offset),offset+=buffer.length}return result}function interleave(leftChannel,rightChannel){for(var length=leftChannel.length+rightChannel.length,result=new Float64Array(length),inputIndex=0,index=0;length>index;)result[index++]=leftChannel[inputIndex],result[index++]=rightChannel[inputIndex],inputIndex++;return result}function writeUTFBytes(view,offset,string){for(var lng=string.length,i=0;lng>i;i++)view.setUint8(offset+i,string.charCodeAt(i))}var numberOfAudioChannels=config.numberOfAudioChannels,leftBuffers=config.leftBuffers.slice(0),rightBuffers=config.rightBuffers.slice(0),sampleRate=config.sampleRate,internalInterleavedLength=config.internalInterleavedLength;2===numberOfAudioChannels&&(leftBuffers=mergeBuffers(leftBuffers,internalInterleavedLength),rightBuffers=mergeBuffers(rightBuffers,internalInterleavedLength)),1===numberOfAudioChannels&&(leftBuffers=mergeBuffers(leftBuffers,internalInterleavedLength));var interleaved;2===numberOfAudioChannels&&(interleaved=interleave(leftBuffers,rightBuffers)),1===numberOfAudioChannels&&(interleaved=leftBuffers);var interleavedLength=interleaved.length,resultingBufferLength=44+2*interleavedLength,buffer=new ArrayBuffer(resultingBufferLength),view=new DataView(buffer);writeUTFBytes(view,0,"RIFF"),view.setUint32(4,44+2*interleavedLength,!0),writeUTFBytes(view,8,"WAVE"),writeUTFBytes(view,12,"fmt "),view.setUint32(16,16,!0),view.setUint16(20,1,!0),view.setUint16(22,numberOfAudioChannels,!0),view.setUint32(24,sampleRate,!0),view.setUint32(28,2*sampleRate,!0),view.setUint16(32,2*numberOfAudioChannels,!0),view.setUint16(34,16,!0),writeUTFBytes(view,36,"data"),view.setUint32(40,2*interleavedLength,!0);for(var lng=interleavedLength,index=44,volume=1,i=0;lng>i;i++)view.setInt16(index,interleaved[i]*(32767*volume),!0),index+=2;return cb?cb({buffer:buffer,view:view}):void postMessage({buffer:buffer,view:view})}if(!isChrome)return void mergeAudioBuffers(config,function(data){callback(data.buffer,data.view)});var webWorker=processInWebWorker(mergeAudioBuffers);webWorker.onmessage=function(event){callback(event.data.buffer,event.data.view),URL.revokeObjectURL(webWorker.workerURL)},webWorker.postMessage(config)}function processInWebWorker(_function){var workerURL=URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([_function.toString(),";this.onmessage = function (e) {"+_function.name+"(e.data);}"],{type:"application/javascript"})),worker=new Worker(workerURL);return worker.workerURL=workerURL,worker}function onAudioProcessDataAvailable(e){if(!isPaused){if(isMediaStreamActive()===!1&&(config.disableLogs||console.log("MediaStream seems stopped."),jsAudioNode.disconnect(),recording=!1),!recording)return void audioInput.disconnect();isAudioProcessStarted||(isAudioProcessStarted=!0,config.onAudioProcessStarted&&config.onAudioProcessStarted(),config.initCallback&&config.initCallback());var left=e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);if(leftchannel.push(new Float32Array(left)),2===numberOfAudioChannels){var right=e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(1);rightchannel.push(new Float32Array(right))}recordingLength+=bufferSize}}if(!mediaStream.getAudioTracks().length)throw"Your stream has no audio tracks.";config=config||{};var jsAudioNode,self=this,leftchannel=[],rightchannel=[],recording=!1,recordingLength=0,numberOfAudioChannels=2;config.leftChannel===!0&&(numberOfAudioChannels=1),1===config.numberOfAudioChannels&&(numberOfAudioChannels=1),config.disableLogs||console.debug("StereoAudioRecorder is set to record number of channels: ",numberOfAudioChannels),this.record=function(){if(isMediaStreamActive()===!1)throw"Please make sure MediaStream is active.";leftchannel.length=rightchannel.length=0,recordingLength=0,audioInput&&audioInput.connect(jsAudioNode),isAudioProcessStarted=isPaused=!1,recording=!0},this.stop=function(callback){recording=!1,mergeLeftRightBuffers({sampleRate:sampleRate,numberOfAudioChannels:numberOfAudioChannels,internalInterleavedLength:recordingLength,leftBuffers:leftchannel,rightBuffers:1===numberOfAudioChannels?[]:rightchannel},function(buffer,view){self.blob=new Blob([view],{type:"audio/wav"}),self.buffer=new ArrayBuffer(view.buffer.byteLength),self.view=view,self.sampleRate=sampleRate,self.bufferSize=bufferSize,self.length=recordingLength,callback&&callback(),isAudioProcessStarted=!1})},Storage.AudioContextConstructor||(Storage.AudioContextConstructor=new Storage.AudioContext);var context=Storage.AudioContextConstructor,audioInput=context.createMediaStreamSource(mediaStream),legalBufferValues=[0,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384],bufferSize="undefined"==typeof config.bufferSize?4096:config.bufferSize;if(-1===legalBufferValues.indexOf(bufferSize)&&(config.disableLogs||console.warn("Legal values for buffer-size are "+JSON.stringify(legalBufferValues,null," "))),context.createJavaScriptNode)jsAudioNode=context.createJavaScriptNode(bufferSize,numberOfAudioChannels,numberOfAudioChannels);else{if(!context.createScriptProcessor)throw"WebAudio API has no support on this browser.";jsAudioNode=context.createScriptProcessor(bufferSize,numberOfAudioChannels,numberOfAudioChannels)}audioInput.connect(jsAudioNode),config.bufferSize||(bufferSize=jsAudioNode.bufferSize);var sampleRate="undefined"!=typeof config.sampleRate?config.sampleRate:context.sampleRate||44100;(22050>sampleRate||sampleRate>96e3)&&(config.disableLogs||console.warn("sample-rate must be under range 22050 and 96000.")),config.disableLogs||(console.log("sample-rate",sampleRate),console.log("buffer-size",bufferSize));var isPaused=!1;this.pause=function(){isPaused=!0},this.resume=function(){if(isMediaStreamActive()===!1)throw"Please make sure MediaStream is active.";return recording?void(isPaused=!1):(config.disableLogs||console.info("Seems recording has been restarted."),void this.record())},this.clearRecordedData=function(){this.pause(),leftchannel.length=rightchannel.length=0,recordingLength=0};var isAudioProcessStarted=!1;jsAudioNode.onaudioprocess=onAudioProcessDataAvailable,jsAudioNode.connect(context.destination)}function CanvasRecorder(htmlElement,config){function cloneCanvas(){var newCanvas=document.createElement("canvas"),context=newCanvas.getContext("2d");return newCanvas.width=htmlElement.width,newCanvas.height=htmlElement.height,context.drawImage(htmlElement,0,0),newCanvas}function drawCanvasFrame(){if(isPausedRecording)return lastTime=(new Date).getTime(),setTimeout(drawCanvasFrame,500);if("canvas"===htmlElement.nodeName.toLowerCase()){var duration=(new Date).getTime()-lastTime;return 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RecordRTCConfiguration(mediaStream,config){return config.recorderType&&!config.type&&(config.recorderType===WhammyRecorder||config.recorderType===CanvasRecorder?config.type="video":config.recorderType===GifRecorder?config.type="gif":config.recorderType===StereoAudioRecorder?config.type="audio":config.recorderType===MediaStreamRecorder&&(mediaStream.getAudioTracks().length&&mediaStream.getVideoTracks().length?config.type="video":mediaStream.getAudioTracks().length&&!mediaStream.getVideoTracks().length?config.type="audio":!mediaStream.getAudioTracks().length&&mediaStream.getVideoTracks().length&&(config.type="audio"))),"undefined"!=typeof MediaStreamRecorder&&"undefined"!=typeof MediaRecorder&&"requestData"in MediaRecorder.prototype&&(config.mimeType||(config.mimeType="video/webm"),config.type||(config.type=config.mimeType.split("/")[0]),!config.bitsPerSecond),config.type||(config.mimeType&&(config.type=config.mimeType.split("/")[0]),config.type||(config.type="audio")),config}function 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mediaType.video&&(recorderType=mediaType.video);var newStream=mediaStream;if(isMediaRecorderCompatible()&&mediaType.audio&&"function"==typeof mediaType.audio){var videoTrack=mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0];navigator.mozGetUserMedia?(newStream=new MediaStream,newStream.addTrack(videoTrack),recorderType&&recorderType===WhammyRecorder&&(recorderType=MediaStreamRecorder)):newStream=new MediaStream([videoTrack])}this.videoRecorder=new RecordRTC(newStream,{type:"video",video:this.video,canvas:this.canvas,frameInterval:this.frameInterval||10,disableLogs:this.disableLogs,recorderType:recorderType,mimeType:mimeType.video}),mediaType.audio||this.videoRecorder.startRecording()}if(mediaType.audio&&mediaType.video){var self=this;isMediaRecorderCompatible()?(self.audioRecorder=null,self.videoRecorder.startRecording()):self.videoRecorder.initRecorder(function(){self.audioRecorder.initRecorder(function(){self.videoRecorder.startRecording(),self.audioRecorder.startRecording()})})}mediaType.gif&&(recorderType=null,"function"==typeof mediaType.gif&&(recorderType=mediaType.gif),this.gifRecorder=new RecordRTC(mediaStream,{type:"gif",frameRate:this.frameRate||200,quality:this.quality||10,disableLogs:this.disableLogs,recorderType:recorderType,mimeType:mimeType.gif}),this.gifRecorder.startRecording())},this.stopRecording=function(callback){callback=callback||function(){},this.audioRecorder&&this.audioRecorder.stopRecording(function(blobURL){callback(blobURL,"audio")}),this.videoRecorder&&this.videoRecorder.stopRecording(function(blobURL){callback(blobURL,"video")}),this.gifRecorder&&this.gifRecorder.stopRecording(function(blobURL){callback(blobURL,"gif")})},this.pauseRecording=function(){this.audioRecorder&&this.audioRecorder.pauseRecording(),this.videoRecorder&&this.videoRecorder.pauseRecording(),this.gifRecorder&&this.gifRecorder.pauseRecording()},this.resumeRecording=function(){this.audioRecorder&&this.audioRecorder.resumeRecording(),this.videoRecorder&&this.videoRecorder.resumeRecording(),this.gifRecorder&&this.gifRecorder.resumeRecording()},this.getBlob=function(callback){var output={};return this.audioRecorder&&(output.audio=this.audioRecorder.getBlob()),this.videoRecorder&&(output.video=this.videoRecorder.getBlob()),this.gifRecorder&&(output.gif=this.gifRecorder.getBlob()),callback&&callback(output),output},this.getDataURL=function(callback){function getDataURL(blob,callback00){if("undefined"!=typeof Worker){var webWorker=processInWebWorker(function(_blob){postMessage((new FileReaderSync).readAsDataURL(_blob))});webWorker.onmessage=function(event){callback00(event.data)},webWorker.postMessage(blob)}else{var reader=new FileReader;reader.readAsDataURL(blob),reader.onload=function(event){callback00(event.target.result)}}}function processInWebWorker(_function){var url,blob=URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([_function.toString(),"this.onmessage = function (e) {"+_function.name+"(e.data);}"],{type:"application/javascript"})),worker=new Worker(blob);if("undefined"!=typeof URL)url=URL;else{if("undefined"==typeof webkitURL)throw"Neither URL nor webkitURL detected.";url=webkitURL}return url.revokeObjectURL(blob),worker}this.getBlob(function(blob){getDataURL(blob.audio,function(_audioDataURL){getDataURL(blob.video,function(_videoDataURL){callback({audio:_audioDataURL,video:_videoDataURL})})})})},this.writeToDisk=function(){RecordRTC.writeToDisk({audio:this.audioRecorder,video:this.videoRecorder,gif:this.gifRecorder})},this.save=function(args){args=args||{audio:!0,video:!0,gif:!0},args.audio&&this.audioRecorder&&this.audioRecorder.save("string"==typeof args.audio?args.audio:""),args.video&&this.videoRecorder&&this.videoRecorder.save("string"==typeof args.video?args.video:""),args.gif&&this.gifRecorder&&this.gifRecorder.save("string"==typeof args.gif?args.gif:"")}}function bytesToSize(bytes){var k=1e3,sizes=["Bytes","KB","MB","GB","TB"];if(0===bytes)return"0 Bytes";var i=parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes)/Math.log(k)),10);return(bytes/Math.pow(k,i)).toPrecision(3)+" "+sizes[i]}function invokeSaveAsDialog(file,fileName){if(!file)throw"Blob object is required.";if(!file.type)try{file.type="video/webm"}catch(e){}var fileExtension=(file.type||"video/webm").split("/")[1];if(fileName&&-1!==fileName.indexOf(".")){var splitted=fileName.split(".");fileName=splitted[0],fileExtension=splitted[1]}var fileFullName=(fileName||Math.round(9999999999*Math.random())+888888888)+"."+fileExtension;if("undefined"!=typeof navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob)return navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(file,fileFullName);if("undefined"!=typeof navigator.msSaveBlob)return navigator.msSaveBlob(file,fileFullName);var hyperlink=document.createElement("a");hyperlink.href=URL.createObjectURL(file),hyperlink.target="_blank",hyperlink.download=fileFullName,navigator.mozGetUserMedia&&(hyperlink.onclick=function(){(document.body||document.documentElement).removeChild(hyperlink)},(document.body||document.documentElement).appendChild(hyperlink));var evt=new MouseEvent("click",{view:window,bubbles:!0,cancelable:!0});hyperlink.dispatchEvent(evt),navigator.mozGetUserMedia||URL.revokeObjectURL(hyperlink.href)}function isMediaRecorderCompatible(){var isOpera=!!window.opera||navigator.userAgent.indexOf(" OPR/")>=0,isChrome=!!window.chrome&&!isOpera,isFirefox="undefined"!=typeof window.InstallTrigger;if(isFirefox)return!0;var verOffset,ix,nAgt=(navigator.appVersion,navigator.userAgent),fullVersion=""+parseFloat(navigator.appVersion),majorVersion=parseInt(navigator.appVersion,10);return(isChrome||isOpera)&&(verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Chrome"),fullVersion=nAgt.substring(verOffset+7)),-1!==(ix=fullVersion.indexOf(";"))&&(fullVersion=fullVersion.substring(0,ix)),-1!==(ix=fullVersion.indexOf(" "))&&(fullVersion=fullVersion.substring(0,ix)),majorVersion=parseInt(""+fullVersion,10),isNaN(majorVersion)&&(fullVersion=""+parseFloat(navigator.appVersion),majorVersion=parseInt(navigator.appVersion,10)),majorVersion>=49}function MediaStreamRecorder(mediaStream,config){function isMediaStreamActive(){if("active"in mediaStream){if(!mediaStream.active)return!1}else if("ended"in mediaStream&&mediaStream.ended)return!1;return!0}var self=this;if(config=config||{mimeType:"video/webm"},"audio"===config.type){if(mediaStream.getVideoTracks().length&&mediaStream.getAudioTracks().length){var stream;navigator.mozGetUserMedia?(stream=new MediaStream,stream.addTrack(mediaStream.getAudioTracks()[0])):stream=new MediaStream(mediaStream.getAudioTracks()),mediaStream=stream}config.mimeType&&-1!==config.mimeType.indexOf("audio")||(config.mimeType=isChrome?"audio/webm":"audio/ogg")}this.record=function(){self.blob=null;var recorderHints=config;config.disableLogs||console.log("Passing following config over MediaRecorder API.",recorderHints),mediaRecorder&&(mediaRecorder=null),isChrome&&!isMediaRecorderCompatible()&&(recorderHints="video/vp8");try{mediaRecorder=new MediaRecorder(mediaStream,recorderHints)}catch(e){mediaRecorder=new MediaRecorder(mediaStream)}"canRecordMimeType"in mediaRecorder&&mediaRecorder.canRecordMimeType(config.mimeType)===!1&&(config.disableLogs||console.warn("MediaRecorder API seems unable to record mimeType:",config.mimeType)),mediaRecorder.ignoreMutedMedia=config.ignoreMutedMedia||!1,mediaRecorder.ondataavailable=function(e){self.dontFireOnDataAvailableEvent||!e.data||!e.data.size||e.data.size<100||self.blob||(self.blob=config.getNativeBlob?e.data:new Blob([e.data],{type:config.mimeType||"video/webm"}),self.recordingCallback&&(self.recordingCallback(self.blob),self.recordingCallback=null))},mediaRecorder.onerror=function(error){config.disableLogs||("InvalidState"===error.name?console.error("The MediaRecorder is not in a state in which the proposed operation is allowed to be executed."):"OutOfMemory"===error.name?console.error("The UA has exhaused the available memory. User agents SHOULD provide as much additional information as possible in the message attribute."):"IllegalStreamModification"===error.name?console.error("A modification to the stream has occurred that makes it impossible to continue recording. An example would be the addition of a Track while recording is occurring. User agents SHOULD provide as much additional information as possible in the message attribute."):"OtherRecordingError"===error.name?console.error("Used for an fatal error other than those listed above. User agents SHOULD provide as much additional information as possible in the message attribute."):"GenericError"===error.name?console.error("The UA cannot provide the codec or recording option that has been requested.",error):console.error("MediaRecorder Error",error)),"inactive"!==mediaRecorder.state&&"stopped"!==mediaRecorder.state&&mediaRecorder.stop()},mediaRecorder.start(36e5),config.onAudioProcessStarted&&config.onAudioProcessStarted(),config.initCallback&&config.initCallback()},this.stop=function(callback){mediaRecorder&&(this.recordingCallback=function(blob){mediaRecorder=null,callback&&callback(blob)},"recording"===mediaRecorder.state&&mediaRecorder.stop())},this.pause=function(){mediaRecorder&&"recording"===mediaRecorder.state&&mediaRecorder.pause()},this.resume=function(){if(this.dontFireOnDataAvailableEvent){this.dontFireOnDataAvailableEvent=!1;var disableLogs=config.disableLogs;return config.disableLogs=!0,this.record(),void(config.disableLogs=disableLogs)}mediaRecorder&&"paused"===mediaRecorder.state&&mediaRecorder.resume()},this.clearRecordedData=function(){mediaRecorder&&(this.pause(),this.dontFireOnDataAvailableEvent=!0,this.stop())};var mediaRecorder,self=this;!function looper(){return mediaRecorder?isMediaStreamActive()===!1?(config.disableLogs||console.log("MediaStream seems stopped."),void self.stop()):void setTimeout(looper,1e3):void 0}()}function StereoAudioRecorder(mediaStream,config){function isMediaStreamActive(){if("active"in mediaStream){if(!mediaStream.active)return!1}else if("ended"in mediaStream&&mediaStream.ended)return!1;return!0}function mergeLeftRightBuffers(config,callback){function mergeAudioBuffers(config,cb){function mergeBuffers(channelBuffer,rLength){for(var result=new Float64Array(rLength),offset=0,lng=channelBuffer.length,i=0;lng>i;i++){var buffer=channelBuffer[i];result.set(buffer,offset),offset+=buffer.length}return result}function interleave(leftChannel,rightChannel){for(var length=leftChannel.length+rightChannel.length,result=new Float64Array(length),inputIndex=0,index=0;length>index;)result[index++]=leftChannel[inputIndex],result[index++]=rightChannel[inputIndex],inputIndex++;return result}function writeUTFBytes(view,offset,string){for(var lng=string.length,i=0;lng>i;i++)view.setUint8(offset+i,string.charCodeAt(i))}var numberOfAudioChannels=config.numberOfAudioChannels,leftBuffers=config.leftBuffers.slice(0),rightBuffers=config.rightBuffers.slice(0),sampleRate=config.sampleRate,internalInterleavedLength=config.internalInterleavedLength;2===numberOfAudioChannels&&(leftBuffers=mergeBuffers(leftBuffers,internalInterleavedLength),rightBuffers=mergeBuffers(rightBuffers,internalInterleavedLength)),1===numberOfAudioChannels&&(leftBuffers=mergeBuffers(leftBuffers,internalInterleavedLength));var interleaved;2===numberOfAudioChannels&&(interleaved=interleave(leftBuffers,rightBuffers)),1===numberOfAudioChannels&&(interleaved=leftBuffers);var interleavedLength=interleaved.length,resultingBufferLength=44+2*interleavedLength,buffer=new ArrayBuffer(resultingBufferLength),view=new DataView(buffer);writeUTFBytes(view,0,"RIFF"),view.setUint32(4,44+2*interleavedLength,!0),writeUTFBytes(view,8,"WAVE"),writeUTFBytes(view,12,"fmt "),view.setUint32(16,16,!0),view.setUint16(20,1,!0),view.setUint16(22,numberOfAudioChannels,!0),view.setUint32(24,sampleRate,!0),view.setUint32(28,2*sampleRate,!0),view.setUint16(32,2*numberOfAudioChannels,!0),view.setUint16(34,16,!0),writeUTFBytes(view,36,"data"),view.setUint32(40,2*interleavedLength,!0);for(var lng=interleavedLength,index=44,volume=1,i=0;lng>i;i++)view.setInt16(index,interleaved[i]*(32767*volume),!0),index+=2;return cb?cb({buffer:buffer,view:view}):void postMessage({buffer:buffer,view:view})}if(!isChrome)return void mergeAudioBuffers(config,function(data){callback(data.buffer,data.view)});var webWorker=processInWebWorker(mergeAudioBuffers);webWorker.onmessage=function(event){callback(event.data.buffer,event.data.view),URL.revokeObjectURL(webWorker.workerURL)},webWorker.postMessage(config)}function processInWebWorker(_function){var workerURL=URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([_function.toString(),";this.onmessage = function (e) {"+_function.name+"(e.data);}"],{type:"application/javascript"})),worker=new Worker(workerURL);return worker.workerURL=workerURL,worker}function onAudioProcessDataAvailable(e){if(!isPaused){if(isMediaStreamActive()===!1&&(config.disableLogs||console.log("MediaStream seems stopped."),jsAudioNode.disconnect(),recording=!1),!recording)return void audioInput.disconnect();isAudioProcessStarted||(isAudioProcessStarted=!0,config.onAudioProcessStarted&&config.onAudioProcessStarted(),config.initCallback&&config.initCallback());var left=e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);if(leftchannel.push(new Float32Array(left)),2===numberOfAudioChannels){var right=e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(1);rightchannel.push(new Float32Array(right))}recordingLength+=bufferSize}}if(!mediaStream.getAudioTracks().length)throw"Your stream has no audio tracks.";config=config||{};var jsAudioNode,self=this,leftchannel=[],rightchannel=[],recording=!1,recordingLength=0,numberOfAudioChannels=2;config.leftChannel===!0&&(numberOfAudioChannels=1),1===config.numberOfAudioChannels&&(numberOfAudioChannels=1),config.disableLogs||console.debug("StereoAudioRecorder is set to record number of channels: ",numberOfAudioChannels),this.record=function(){if(isMediaStreamActive()===!1)throw"Please make sure MediaStream is active.";leftchannel.length=rightchannel.length=0,recordingLength=0,audioInput&&audioInput.connect(jsAudioNode),isAudioProcessStarted=isPaused=!1,recording=!0},this.stop=function(callback){recording=!1,mergeLeftRightBuffers({sampleRate:sampleRate,numberOfAudioChannels:numberOfAudioChannels,internalInterleavedLength:recordingLength,leftBuffers:leftchannel,rightBuffers:1===numberOfAudioChannels?[]:rightchannel},function(buffer,view){self.blob=new Blob([view],{type:"audio/wav"}),self.buffer=new ArrayBuffer(view.buffer.byteLength),self.view=view,self.sampleRate=sampleRate,self.bufferSize=bufferSize,self.length=recordingLength,callback&&callback(),isAudioProcessStarted=!1})},Storage.AudioContextConstructor||(Storage.AudioContextConstructor=new Storage.AudioContext);var context=Storage.AudioContextConstructor,audioInput=context.createMediaStreamSource(mediaStream),legalBufferValues=[0,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384],bufferSize="undefined"==typeof config.bufferSize?4096:config.bufferSize;if(-1===legalBufferValues.indexOf(bufferSize)&&(config.disableLogs||console.warn("Legal values for buffer-size are "+JSON.stringify(legalBufferValues,null," "))),context.createJavaScriptNode)jsAudioNode=context.createJavaScriptNode(bufferSize,numberOfAudioChannels,numberOfAudioChannels);else{if(!context.createScriptProcessor)throw"WebAudio API has no support on this browser.";jsAudioNode=context.createScriptProcessor(bufferSize,numberOfAudioChannels,numberOfAudioChannels)}audioInput.connect(jsAudioNode),config.bufferSize||(bufferSize=jsAudioNode.bufferSize);var sampleRate="undefined"!=typeof config.sampleRate?config.sampleRate:context.sampleRate||44100;(22050>sampleRate||sampleRate>96e3)&&(config.disableLogs||console.warn("sample-rate must be under range 22050 and 96000.")),config.disableLogs||(console.log("sample-rate",sampleRate),console.log("buffer-size",bufferSize));var isPaused=!1;this.pause=function(){isPaused=!0},this.resume=function(){if(isMediaStreamActive()===!1)throw"Please make sure MediaStream is active.";return recording?void(isPaused=!1):(config.disableLogs||console.info("Seems recording has been restarted."),void this.record())},this.clearRecordedData=function(){this.pause(),leftchannel.length=rightchannel.length=0,recordingLength=0};var isAudioProcessStarted=!1;jsAudioNode.onaudioprocess=onAudioProcessDataAvailable,jsAudioNode.connect(context.destination)}function CanvasRecorder(htmlElement,config){function cloneCanvas(){var newCanvas=document.createElement("canvas"),context=newCanvas.getContext("2d");return newCanvas.width=htmlElement.width,newCanvas.height=htmlElement.height,context.drawImage(htmlElement,0,0),newCanvas}function drawCanvasFrame(){if(isPausedRecording)return lastTime=(new Date).getTime(),setTimeout(drawCanvasFrame,500);if("canvas"===htmlElement.nodeName.toLowerCase()){var duration=(new Date).getTime()-lastTime;return 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document.createElement("canvas")&&(isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing=!0)});var _isChrome=!(!window.webkitRTCPeerConnection&&!window.webkitGetUserMedia||!window.chrome),chromeVersion=50,matchArray=navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom(e|ium)\/([0-9]+)\./);_isChrome&&matchArray&&matchArray[2]&&(chromeVersion=parseInt(matchArray[2],10)),_isChrome&&52>chromeVersion&&(isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing=!1);var globalCanvas,mediaStreamRecorder;if(isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing)if(config.disableLogs||console.debug("Your browser supports both MediRecorder API and canvas.captureStream!"),htmlElement instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)globalCanvas=htmlElement;else{if(!(htmlElement instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D))throw"Please pass either HTMLCanvasElement or CanvasRenderingContext2D.";globalCanvas=htmlElement.canvas}else navigator.mozGetUserMedia&&(config.disableLogs||console.error("Canvas recording is NOT supported in Firefox."));var isRecording;this.record=function(){if(isRecording=!0,isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing){var canvasMediaStream;"captureStream"in globalCanvas?canvasMediaStream=globalCanvas.captureStream(25):"mozCaptureStream"in globalCanvas?canvasMediaStream=globalCanvas.mozCaptureStream(25):"webkitCaptureStream"in globalCanvas&&(canvasMediaStream=globalCanvas.webkitCaptureStream(25));try{var mdStream=new MediaStream;mdStream.addTrack(canvasMediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0]),canvasMediaStream=mdStream}catch(e){}if(!canvasMediaStream)throw"captureStream API are NOT available.";mediaStreamRecorder=new MediaStreamRecorder(canvasMediaStream,{mimeType:"video/webm"}),mediaStreamRecorder.record()}else whammy.frames=[],lastTime=(new Date).getTime(),drawCanvasFrame();config.initCallback&&config.initCallback()},this.getWebPImages=function(callback){if("canvas"!==htmlElement.nodeName.toLowerCase())return void callback();var framesLength=whammy.frames.length;whammy.frames.forEach(function(frame,idx){var framesRemaining=framesLength-idx;config.disableLogs||console.debug(framesRemaining+"/"+framesLength+" frames remaining"),config.onEncodingCallback&&config.onEncodingCallback(framesRemaining,framesLength);var webp=frame.image.toDataURL("image/webp",1);whammy.frames[idx].image=webp}),config.disableLogs||console.debug("Generating WebM"),callback()},this.stop=function(callback){isRecording=!1;var that=this;return isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing&&mediaStreamRecorder?void mediaStreamRecorder.stop(callback):void this.getWebPImages(function(){whammy.compile(function(blob){config.disableLogs||console.debug("Recording finished!"),that.blob=blob,that.blob.forEach&&(that.blob=new Blob([],{type:"video/webm"})),callback&&callback(that.blob),whammy.frames=[]})})};var isPausedRecording=!1;this.pause=function(){isPausedRecording=!0},this.resume=function(){isPausedRecording=!1,isRecording||this.record()},this.clearRecordedData=function(){this.pause(),whammy.frames=[]};var lastTime=(new Date).getTime(),whammy=new Whammy.Video(100)}function WhammyRecorder(mediaStream,config){function drawFrames(frameInterval){frameInterval="undefined"!=typeof frameInterval?frameInterval:10;var duration=(new Date).getTime()-lastTime;return duration?isPausedRecording?(lastTime=(new Date).getTime(),setTimeout(drawFrames,100)):(lastTime=(new Date).getTime(),video.paused&&video.play(),context.drawImage(video,0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height),whammy.frames.push({duration:duration,image:canvas.toDataURL("image/webp")}),void(isStopDrawing||setTimeout(drawFrames,frameInterval,frameInterval))):setTimeout(drawFrames,frameInterval,frameInterval)}function asyncLoop(o){var i=-1,length=o.length,loop=function(){return i++,i===length?void o.callback():void o.functionToLoop(loop,i)};loop()}function dropBlackFrames(_frames,_framesToCheck,_pixTolerance,_frameTolerance,callback){var localCanvas=document.createElement("canvas");localCanvas.width=canvas.width,localCanvas.height=canvas.height;var 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Uses [jQuery](http://jquery.com/). + +Uses [Paul Irisih's requestAnimationFrame snippet](http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/) for the animation loop. + +Water material from the [GLGE waterdemo](https://github.com/supereggbert/GLGE/tree/master/examples/waterdemo). + +Duck model, duck icon and plane model are from the [COLLADA Basic Samples collection](https://collada.org/owl/browse.php?sess=0&parent=120&expand=1&order=name&curview=0&sortname=ASC). + +Target model is a modified version of ["Target" on the Google 3D Warehouse](http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=9b449f001b59e44bf68f483d72a2d14). + +`DST-Canopy` is the song "Canopy" by [NoSoapRadio](http://www.nosoapradio.us/). + +Pickup sound generated using [Bfxr](http://www.bfxr.net/). + +Parts not written by me (Ian Langworth) are released under the terms of [the MIT license](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT). diff --git a/webgl/assets/DST-Canopy.mp3 b/webgl/assets/DST-Canopy.mp3 new file mode 100755 index 00000000..290e2902 Binary files /dev/null and b/webgl/assets/DST-Canopy.mp3 differ diff --git a/webgl/assets/DST-Canopy.ogg b/webgl/assets/DST-Canopy.ogg new file mode 100755 index 00000000..a69fe24b Binary files /dev/null and b/webgl/assets/DST-Canopy.ogg differ diff --git a/webgl/assets/blank.cur b/webgl/assets/blank.cur new file mode 100755 index 00000000..048f06b4 Binary files /dev/null and b/webgl/assets/blank.cur differ diff --git a/webgl/assets/duck.dae b/webgl/assets/duck.dae new file mode 100755 index 00000000..bbf9d752 --- /dev/null +++ b/webgl/assets/duck.dae @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ + + + + + gcorson + Maya 8.0 | ColladaMaya v3.02 | FCollada v3.2 + Collada Maya Export Options: bakeTransforms=0;exportPolygonMeshes=1;bakeLighting=0;isSampling=0; +curveConstrainSampling=0;exportCameraAsLookat=0; +exportLights=1;exportCameras=1;exportJointsAndSkin=1; +exportAnimations=1;exportTriangles=1;exportInvisibleNodes=0; +exportNormals=1;exportTexCoords=1;exportVertexColors=1;exportTangents=0; +exportTexTangents=0;exportConstraints=1;exportPhysics=0;exportXRefs=1; +dereferenceXRefs=0;cameraXFov=0;cameraYFov=1 + +Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. +Licensed under the SCEA Shared Source License, Version 1.0 (the +"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the +License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: +http://research.scea.com/scea_shared_source_license.html +Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +limitations under the License. + + file:///C:/vs2005/sample_data/Complete_Packages/SCEA_Private/Maya_MoonLander/Moonlander/untitled + + 2006-08-23T22:29:59Z + 2007-02-21T22:52:44Z + + Y_UP + + + + + + + 37.8492 + 1.5 + 1 + 10000 + + + + + + + + + + 1 1 1 + + + + + + + duckCM.png + + + + + + + + + + + + + file2 + A8R8G8B8 + + + + + file2-surface + LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR + LINEAR + + + + + + 0 0 0 1 + + + 0 0 0 1 + + + + + + 0 0 0 1 + + + 0.3 + + + 0 0 0 1 + + + 0.5 + + + 0 0 0 1 + + + 1 + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + 35.0226 89.3874 23.3732 19.5676 89.7173 22.4879 9.22909 91.5427 17.1037 4.33048 88.7008 4.57726 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5.99276 89.5698 10.1098 59.1034 90.0324 3.37689 -23.9364 11.5353 30.6125 -11.459 10.0413 29.8243 -24.5326 10.1147 22.2069 -35.1528 11.6836 17.7191 61.5472 14.2726 25.2082 43.6854 11.43 30.0164 47.7677 14.1162 33.6212 -19.459 14.309 37.9267 -36.067 14.5054 27.6816 -32.9292 18.5574 36.7248 -46.1733 18.6604 20.5246 73.3418 18.3468 14.9194 68.8732 23.4107 28.4208 55.7803 22.4988 38.5465 -27.0171 23.4671 43.0366 -45.2302 23.6628 30.9246 -41.0731 29.3325 39.4763 79.4615 29.1894 16.0672 76.9844 23.4678 15.5749 72.8865 35.1223 29.8369 63.2406 34.5574 39.8307 81.8608 42.114 16.7292 80.9318 35.3877 16.409 66.0817 48.5555 39.2449 73.9987 48.5347 29.6857 80.1688 55.1853 16.948 81.5894 48.8387 16.9628 61.1927 62.0057 37.295 70.17 61.0152 28.6395 74.8647 66.3268 16.601 77.7874 61.0196 16.7611 61.7637 71.037 26.8557 67.1835 75.4493 16.6366 71.6321 71.1772 16.667 -7.40039 76.1581 26.3759 14.8335 76.3145 32.0471 -20.947 75.0059 21.3995 -9.30957 78.0917 17.6635 2.33308 81.2658 10.7014 -55.3055 81.4823 20.1865 -44.1025 82.8784 21.08 -48.3998 77.2606 26.9595 -63.8341 69.8359 17.705 -58.2579 70.6396 26.4175 -58.1459 60.4109 31.5845 -50.1918 68.7831 33.097 -53.5557 46.1592 34.9928 -63.069 52.729 24.0553 -63.6495 60.7883 23.3658 -54.4261 28.5392 21.6382 -12.4228 39.2454 51.9419 -52.1766 34.1006 30.9987 -39.3582 37.1753 42.8245 -63.2047 33.3562 7.77354 -14.9689 48.0973 51.5712 -13.2184 68.1588 38.5488 -20.841 71.9312 31.5875 -34.0814 73.6573 23.1685 39.0864 77.6536 29.4959 52.286 78.2905 24.2985 28.6752 75.0467 34.74 24.5284 79.4248 29.0977 58.2456 81.6454 14.9372 62.5867 78.8584 16.1198 -40.058 73.3058 29.0169 -62.4832 42.7738 19.6053 -66.2542 57.7677 16.0138 -46.3972 55.562 40.3341 46.1403 83.2928 20.059 52.8472 87.516 12.3304 24.3957 81.2413 26.4145 17.5457 83.2299 21.6568 35.0308 86.9496 21.9178 5.66061 83.0193 2.97282 39.2717 10.0042 25.9897 49.7414 9.99683 19.7068 14.6156 10.0124 31.7958 28.2119 11.4278 34.5791 55.179 10.0309 11.4214 16.1259 13.9798 40.2177 33.0793 17.7336 41.3765 18.9195 36.2041 52.5892 10.6044 39.6524 53.4314 18.2523 44.3116 53.7955 25.9535 39.9994 52.7745 9.73549 48.0914 53.8815 16.9236 53.6009 53.2898 26.8721 49.8693 52.6952 9.12603 55.8675 52.7181 15.9783 60.8706 50.8542 23.2428 59.2083 51.1997 15.2006 70.9348 38.4909 -38.0814 66.6122 37.6368 -31.4745 63.2943 41.295 -12.9337 55.4359 50.6592 -29.8093 42.9681 46.5354 -18.6612 31.1764 47.8255 -30.266 55.8423 44.7033 36.2897 31.2217 48.0605 46.511 42.7776 47.7899 45.6636 56.4673 46.2574 32.8524 66.1703 44.2955 12.3579 67.2602 43.2175 -19.149 38.1518 50.4005 -23.6628 48.8825 49.2194 21.1045 32.7401 51.4785 32.4268 38.9651 51.46 35.2465 50.0413 50.7771 17.9201 63.7837 48.4371 30.018 60.597 49.2453 -20.4236 57.6424 48.1257 -7.11345 60.5511 48.2081 -5.54756 57.4675 50.6459 -6.2067 51.4293 52.475 -5.95461 43.3855 53.166 -4.66971 35.7333 52.2177 -5.70251 32.445 51.1085 -8.3205 17.8723 43.3717 -2.69678 11.3425 36.4653 -27.2981 42.8866 48.0687 -27.8897 55.043 46.5161 -16.4436 32.2248 49.3054 -18.5848 62.3861 45.599 13.6265 28.0639 49.9986 41.3922 43.4352 49.4685 32.3868 32.7171 49.8711 40.4699 56.3449 48.0345 28.9733 65.0389 46.3945 11.0523 65.6624 45.6909 -37.9272 11.78 6.99728 -50.2675 18.389 7.36354 75.8256 18.3928 2.93945 64.2756 11.6576 2.65993 82.8128 29.1368 2.93945 85.8726 42.1384 2.93945 84.9147 55.2091 3.25752 79.936 66.2007 3.25752 72.9207 75.6569 3.11665 -13.2799 78.2816 6.78078 -42.4217 91.5301 9.02211 -66.2519 42.375 7.59116 -67.9758 58.5114 6.99802 8.76422 81.5601 20.2429 8.65004 83.1534 13.7124 6.16626 86.3527 3.3376 10.3479 87.4003 13.9949 7.91973 84.7475 8.18356 19.5238 87.0994 20.6484 13.8638 85.0248 17.2846 35.1961 83.043 23.5111 26.055 84.941 22.3278 44.4291 87.1742 18.6599 55.1672 83.7325 13.2216 53.3737 85.5572 12.3674 -18.7264 10.108 26.6814 -28.5504 10.1785 15.7995 -28.6467 14.412 33.9793 -40.9463 14.6426 19.2219 68.6182 14.2022 14.0757 -36.9819 23.7436 38.5844 48.5084 72.1529 33.9029 -14.7042 76.6096 19.7209 -49.515 83.8778 20.7678 -60.3339 76.3635 19.0618 -54.5522 64.8765 32.9243 -60.8158 55.9957 28.5728 -50.6442 23.4975 21.2438 -45.1383 35.1824 39.0803 -57.747 33.5446 21.51 -27.5531 73.6877 22.8942 26.6207 76.9559 31.9144 -39.393 77.9086 22.2647 -65.5928 51.6658 17.2594 -44.8336 71.3336 32.1213 -65.569 63.5509 16.5565 25.3055 83.1594 23.781 12.1192 83.2358 18.075 25.9631 10.0257 30.0393 30.5288 14.0969 38.2233 18.4628 39.992 53.2994 17.691 48.9863 53.8221 16.1429 57.6002 52.3171 32.2615 71.41 37.9727 51.4408 62.676 41.4618 57.6406 48.9151 43.8433 52.9177 35.0586 44.5773 36.217 23.1483 43.9056 -31.7681 36.6178 45.7769 -37.83 51.5724 43.6927 -25.9576 36.5644 47.2776 -31.2662 49.6491 45.6583 26.7542 27.5116 48.1161 23.2102 67.8126 43.5534 -9.81152 64.5785 42.5347 -5.73514 54.6841 51.8166 -6.34459 47.5345 53.0926 -5.18279 39.3551 52.8687 -13.0679 23.5531 45.6457 -5.21985 14.0791 40.2548 -0.679352 10.0168 31.8299 -28.752 49.271 47.2864 -23.8534 36.6519 48.7626 -24.6964 59.5316 45.8889 -7.15942 29.3978 49.7079 38.1551 37.5127 49.7814 23.9612 29.5453 49.9126 42.2701 49.9123 48.8776 35.8278 61.6884 47.1419 20.5055 66.243 45.9037 -8.95663 63.2617 45.5834 -31.1142 10.1703 6.38486 -44.1714 14.6552 7.27827 70.6407 14.3913 2.92833 79.9353 23.413 2.93945 84.5803 35.3544 2.93945 85.9631 48.8595 3.25752 82.8254 61.0226 3.25826 76.7546 71.3433 3.2553 -19.2017 77.8115 7.33611 -48.5489 92.2656 9.06511 -60.1596 84.4057 8.28143 -55.757 23.043 7.73055 -29.2013 79.6561 8.08569 -37.1064 88.1752 8.91461 -68.0046 51.5783 7.15372 -66.9147 65.618 7.07735 57.0756 10.1525 2.28551 6.64003 83.0734 8.64102 7.67061 86.759 8.63805 14.3983 87.2706 17.8748 26.21 86.9437 22.1654 62.3057 92.5874 2.9313 1.3848 69.2606 38.5873 1.56273 65.4519 43.0262 1.32251 64.1537 45.6605 4.95551 9.99831 32.3904 4.63076 11.3477 37.0599 4.48174 13.922 40.9628 4.08211 17.3859 43.9419 3.02928 21.4474 45.8963 3.07525 28.2293 49.9356 3.11009 31.6361 51.3265 3.03002 35.4574 52.4675 2.61333 39.4033 53.3009 2.11362 43.4389 53.8266 1.75772 47.519 53.7873 1.63762 51.3863 53.3032 1.70287 54.8295 52.4802 1.76736 58.0161 51.0099 1.52196 61.5001 48.3586 1.93642 72.8387 33.8763 3.64763 75.9142 30.548 5.31806 78.4269 26.9639 58.5778 87.5953 2.23361 59.1501 85.8263 2.11721 61.5583 84.2063 2.51758 64.9644 82.1214 2.892 69.0133 79.1475 3.00989 32.7991 89.7151 -30.4233 18.3501 89.4171 -27.9721 8.67525 89.5668 -20.9938 2.39314 90.3705 -9.85685 41.3633 90.1718 -28.7054 -31.106 11.4775 -32.9686 -16.1893 11.413 -41.8242 -37.8441 11.7199 -17.9362 51.1145 17.827 -43.7764 65.4167 18.372 -34.6672 55.5386 11.4663 -30.2365 -22.7101 18.3816 -48.1723 -41.2258 18.6322 -37.22 -49.9064 18.1281 -19.4546 62.0944 11.4196 -20.5393 59.314 28.4606 -46.5397 70.9277 29.0352 -36.8544 -33.1991 29.873 -50.7109 -49.3615 28.878 -39.0246 73.4812 41.7559 -37.3453 64.6226 41.5905 -46.5931 72.9066 55.0971 -37.0309 63.9264 55.2231 -45.5736 67.308 66.4328 -36.116 55.8026 66.7664 -44.1694 43.9561 74.6649 -39.815 57.8297 75.238 -34.1393 15.5401 73.1894 -42.5115 -12.2174 73.8819 -36.4385 15.3978 78.7998 -35.5147 -2.0421 78.412 -29.475 -24.7876 76.5792 -19.7267 -12.534 78.2897 -17.6678 4.34457 81.1227 -24.1642 -55.8163 87.2424 -22.0756 -43.7036 88.3494 -22.3158 -54.1303 74.7924 -34.6324 -44.4888 77.8752 -33.6648 -65.5053 72.5896 -18.5049 -61.9613 65.7536 -32.9553 -43.4634 60.448 -47.4894 -65.1954 57.0723 -29.5143 -59.2654 27.9119 -20.2361 -49.2087 49.1998 -47.3723 -58.9689 43.7199 -35.5858 -66.3446 42.1948 -19.4391 15.5861 70.0443 -46.0785 -33.1287 69.3852 -41.4713 -34.4892 80.0254 -21.5618 48.699 81.1865 -30.8689 34.2382 80.5703 -34.2498 16.5759 81.1153 -31.895 0.727875 81.1872 -12.4148 -68.018 58.2133 -17.8183 14.7802 11.3848 -44.0174 16.9221 17.4452 -50.8066 -13.0864 43.3447 -58.8481 10.4495 43.9097 -61.0858 -9.32663 36.6667 -59.0505 -14.22 51.903 -58.0496 9.45597 51.998 -60.0277 24.246 37.0634 -60.5519 11.3896 35.7436 -60.2776 26.5918 44.6467 -61.0071 25.4626 54.4929 -59.5273 9.00666 58.9948 -57.2808 21.3366 60.5555 -57.2059 -11.1972 57.2725 -56.9708 -22.2438 53.1256 -56.0203 -20.3457 43.0689 -57.3067 -12.1122 35.0371 -58.1689 -14.9222 59.3774 -55.2218 12.2904 31.7184 -59.1973 27.7581 35.2002 -59.4961 33.8971 44.4969 -59.5273 32.7486 55.5991 -57.9969 24.5692 62.5262 -55.8246 9.69026 62.3164 -55.2589 6.31009 84.6215 -9.59067 9.94086 84.9232 -20.0693 19.0219 85.0345 -27.4843 34.7653 85.0426 -29.4209 44.1941 85.119 -26.7866 50.8728 90.6708 -23.6459 25.0482 89.5646 -29.954 12.9607 89.423 -24.9078 5.25504 89.8204 -16.202 3.24726 88.5844 -2.72431 56.928 89.7848 -10.5352 -24.3405 11.4359 -38.3603 -12.0514 9.99387 -37.4698 -25.119 9.92937 -30.186 -35.4745 11.6324 -25.6774 -30.9667 10.1577 -16.9998 61 14.303 -32.6913 42.9826 11.5093 -37.4209 46.9722 14.2133 -40.7944 -19.5197 14.3549 -45.3897 -36.488 14.4595 -35.3605 -33.1887 18.5722 -44.2309 -44.1233 14.4447 -18.6976 -46.6619 18.3928 -28.2843 73.0378 18.3468 -22.5011 68.5692 23.4107 -36.0025 54.8395 22.7093 -45.7182 -26.8814 23.6917 -50.1401 -45.535 23.6628 -38.5063 -41.3718 29.3444 -46.7703 79.1575 29.1894 -23.6481 76.6804 23.4678 -23.1566 72.5633 35.1268 -37.3883 62.517 34.8109 -46.6606 81.5568 42.114 -24.311 80.6278 35.3877 -23.9899 65.2083 48.5511 -46.1149 73.84 48.5629 -37.3 80.6871 55.3477 -24.807 81.674 48.8988 -24.6283 60.7961 61.4452 -45.0316 70.7794 61.119 -36.7907 75.5475 66.5218 -24.6246 78.6126 61.265 -24.804 62.9885 71.049 -35.1951 66.8647 75.4648 -24.4251 71.4756 71.2009 -24.4489 -6.85692 76.1307 -33.2993 15.3904 76.124 -38.9186 -20.6749 74.9933 -28.8188 -18.659 77.1776 -18.9697 -8.319 78.3549 -24.2702 1.96458 81.2562 -18.3514 -55.843 81.314 -28.5504 -49.6254 89.3466 -22.4648 -44.4451 82.6048 -28.9686 -48.6808 77.2324 -34.5316 -64.3131 69.6573 -25.8984 -61.7107 81.899 -20.9783 -58.7835 70.7123 -34.1097 -58.4469 60.3879 -39.1736 -50.5077 68.7809 -40.6817 -54.183 45.9931 -42.2824 -63.8549 52.5711 -32.0063 -63.9335 60.729 -31.1655 -54.957 22.8131 -19.9766 -55.152 28.2115 -29.5499 -11.2032 39.4137 -59.029 -53.076 34.2815 -38.5249 -39.7533 37.3377 -50.1979 -63.1283 33.463 -20.1464 -14.2141 47.7244 -58.4915 -30.0695 77.3155 -20.5683 -21.5757 71.2928 -39.3886 -34.2579 73.9026 -30.84 39.2161 77.6454 -37.0836 52.7939 78.4766 -32.8685 29.7051 73.7336 -42.0511 25.218 79.3136 -35.8083 57.9394 81.7173 -23.2211 62.3879 78.9177 -24.2442 -40.3947 73.317 -36.5831 -38.6256 84.6334 -22.1512 -63.1328 42.5522 -27.8513 -68.0395 51.255 -18.387 -66.6864 57.5891 -24.6884 -46.719 55.3544 -48.0974 -67.0838 65.1042 -17.911 46.0958 83.2499 -28.6417 50.9529 87.3143 -20.6038 25.2513 81.0708 -33.3601 17.9216 83.2039 -29.0153 34.0372 87.1164 -29.0287 5.17719 83.0067 -10.4967 38.7965 10.0502 -33.6129 49.3922 10.0272 -27.3241 14.187 9.93604 -39.5629 27.7425 11.4278 -42.1534 55.0359 10.0176 -19.0023 15.6372 13.9546 -47.8631 32.7953 17.7996 -48.8099 18.8513 36.2745 -60.5645 10.861 39.7903 -60.8997 18.3879 44.3219 -61.3282 25.5709 40.1514 -60.9249 9.98461 48.0417 -60.7803 17.172 53.0256 -60.1664 26.7053 49.7018 -60.6231 9.02446 55.628 -58.8755 15.9709 59.969 -57.3289 23.2776 58.2326 -58.209 44.1377 66.4765 -47.442 32.9162 70.0487 -45.5996 -39.1943 64.8054 -45.7138 55.5401 55.5242 -49.7715 51.248 61.6595 -48.7462 56.0065 41.9561 -51.2803 57.0734 48.8091 -50.5693 46.5132 29.225 -51.505 52.5663 35.3329 -51.6029 17.5056 21.4015 -53.1414 35.7529 23.258 -51.4249 -24.8654 30.3579 -52.8774 -37.595 44.6801 -51.7631 -32.3879 37.056 -52.6379 -36.3175 56.5451 -50.6094 -38.0947 50.8613 -51.419 -25.0582 65.9138 -47.2878 -13.0315 55.2283 -57.5699 -29.5994 42.7331 -54.0504 -17.7196 32.1054 -55.3997 -31.0452 54.9518 -52.1567 14.4814 25.6447 -55.9766 35.6595 31.6265 -55.6473 45.0786 43.2372 -55.4835 44.2682 56.1306 -54.0718 32.613 65.3459 -51.8098 12.2638 66.6664 -50.3239 -16.8788 38.5536 -57.7812 -22.2779 48.1633 -56.692 20.9614 32.7638 -59.3975 31.7892 39.2914 -59.6303 34.2463 50.1711 -58.9927 17.7651 63.1379 -55.4049 29.3959 59.9275 -56.7944 -19.9928 57.0804 -55.4805 -7.23875 60.3598 -55.204 -5.65804 57.5512 -57.0761 -6.0065 51.3551 -59.049 -5.22208 43.4715 -59.8809 -3.96387 36.0409 -59.508 -5.15608 32.8988 -58.5686 -13.5854 23.9342 -52.6112 -9.06415 18.1577 -50.5723 -3.25877 11.387 -43.9714 -26.2193 42.6871 -55.6006 -28.5919 54.4558 -53.8865 -15.0875 33.3422 -56.7928 -18.825 61.9909 -52.8915 13.3618 27.7844 -57.7174 39.8055 43.952 -57.5439 31.8122 33.1212 -57.6826 38.9151 56.1492 -56.0878 28.5307 64.3375 -53.8731 10.8825 65.2576 -52.8604 -38.7872 11.7814 -10.3899 -51.3804 18.2081 -11.1306 75.9308 18.2734 -10.619 64.3713 11.5264 -10.1319 82.6956 29.1294 -10.748 85.6139 42.137 -11.5317 84.7924 55.3455 -12.4133 79.6343 66.3979 -12.9219 71.6684 75.6332 -12.7061 -25.2621 79.1542 -11.2952 -14.3624 78.3676 -10.5812 -55.4174 91.1379 -15.1558 -43.1913 92.0224 -14.9719 -65.5402 74.7902 -11.1558 -61.0434 28.0454 -11.3123 -32.6111 84.6875 -12.5304 -67.2833 42.4839 -10.9141 -68.8802 58.6841 -10.4374 0.543259 81.1205 -6.22162 9.52418 81.0708 -28.7966 8.37571 83.1824 -21.1125 5.53085 86.6678 -9.24443 6.35532 84.3783 -3.72153 9.91936 86.9399 -19.9543 7.46301 84.8157 -15.1358 19.1716 86.9829 -27.1848 13.7244 84.9789 -24.2465 35.0315 83.0667 -31.2656 26.1633 85.0641 -29.3275 42.8321 87.2394 -26.5835 54.4673 83.6613 -21.5529 52.1903 85.3592 -20.4029 -19.1772 9.97014 -34.5627 -29.0093 10.0524 -23.9684 -28.9966 14.3787 -41.6404 -41.4341 14.4313 -27.1351 68.2653 14.2141 -21.6559 -37.1724 23.751 -45.8917 49.1935 70.9503 -42.3484 -14.5648 76.6133 -27.0075 -49.8916 83.6109 -28.9872 -61.1227 76.1114 -27.2671 -55.0601 65.0337 -40.5186 -61.3029 55.8348 -36.2984 -51.2017 23.1727 -29.0783 -45.8464 35.4359 -46.3143 -58.6945 33.6906 -29.4149 -27.3062 73.8878 -30.3291 27.1279 76.7275 -38.8845 -39.6428 78.0687 -29.8339 -66.1326 51.3373 -25.8257 -45.1368 71.2869 -39.6934 -65.8464 63.4174 -25.0094 25.8474 83.1357 -30.877 12.1451 83.2039 -25.5855 25.4849 9.93826 -37.9992 30.078 14.1043 -45.7664 18.448 40.0625 -61.2347 17.9876 48.7616 -61.0605 16.2348 56.7727 -58.8674 -32.2767 62.0154 -49.2051 -13.9368 67.8282 -45.9206 -24.8684 37.0434 -54.8511 -31.525 48.8313 -53.174 26.4258 27.5071 -55.6637 23.2554 67.017 -50.8845 -10.1563 64.4547 -50.0444 -5.75739 54.7064 -58.2557 -5.8419 47.5145 -59.5984 -4.37907 39.5768 -59.8409 -5.9761 14.2111 -47.5917 -0.926239 9.96272 -39.5747 -28.5177 48.5533 -54.7769 -21.6936 37.4949 -56.2842 -25.4638 59.1765 -53.191 -6.8028 30.1029 -57.2111 37.0326 38.1125 -57.7227 23.7499 29.4563 -57.6722 40.6137 50.1599 -57.0286 34.858 61.1842 -54.92 20.4387 65.7863 -53.1414 -9.18353 63.1068 -52.8225 -31.7926 10.1666 -9.9777 -45.2866 14.5017 -10.8326 70.7816 14.2259 -10.5137 79.9368 23.3648 -10.642 84.3683 35.367 -11.0661 85.8037 48.9262 -12.0255 82.7112 61.2146 -12.6921 76.0168 71.4278 -13.3949 -20.2604 77.9924 -11.2248 -49.3845 92.9811 -15.3182 -60.8729 85.6046 -14.2238 -56.4851 22.8762 -11.2211 -64.3531 34.2467 -11.1677 -29.1309 81.0871 -11.445 -37.3177 89.3021 -14.5323 -69.0093 51.6317 -10.622 -67.6547 66.1837 -10.4878 5.71547 83.0356 -4.42811 57.0919 10.0917 -9.5929 6.03725 83.0742 -16.133 5.45968 86.1214 -3.26036 7.12048 86.8962 -15.0149 13.8867 86.9385 -24.0596 25.9809 87.0964 -28.959 -11.6043 122.781 8.68477 -11.2981 122.692 9.69681 -10.977 122.366 10.6888 -10.6656 121.82 11.586 -10.3765 121.078 12.3445 -10.1237 120.175 12.9302 -9.91827 119.156 13.3142 -9.77222 118.067 13.4803 -9.68768 116.96 13.4188 -9.67062 115.887 13.1341 -9.72327 114.899 12.6358 -9.85822 114.021 11.8907 -10.7227 112.914 8.71887 -11.1023 127.944 8.41562 -10.4921 127.767 10.4464 -9.85971 127.122 12.423 -9.24655 126.037 14.2114 -8.68082 124.561 15.7276 -8.18628 122.764 16.8946 -7.78964 120.733 17.6635 -7.49306 118.563 17.9719 -7.3344 116.363 17.8451 -7.30846 114.233 17.2735 -7.41818 112.273 16.2733 -7.69992 110.534 14.786 -8.2775 109.033 12.4727 -9.35776 108.08 8.5424 -9.95609 132.998 7.96262 -9.04932 132.737 10.981 -8.11142 131.781 13.9103 -7.20317 130.173 16.5602 -6.3661 127.988 18.8075 -5.64024 125.328 20.5468 -5.05821 122.318 21.6961 -4.64821 119.099 22.2025 -4.42282 115.824 22.0238 -4.39761 112.65 21.1845 -4.56294 109.746 19.6875 -4.97073 107.211 17.3891 -7.42485 103.383 8.21767 -8.20483 137.879 7.33685 -7.0141 137.537 11.2983 -5.78555 136.284 15.1374 -4.59557 134.176 18.611 -3.49826 131.313 21.5559 -2.54626 127.827 23.8351 -1.78407 123.883 25.3417 -1.24654 119.664 26.006 -0.958862 115.367 25.7954 -0.932175 111.202 24.7018 -1.15683 107.411 22.6977 -1.71957 104.094 19.6809 -4.90993 99.0215 7.7476 -5.87453 142.516 6.54797 -4.41762 142.098 11.3954 -2.91623 140.566 16.0879 -1.46082 137.989 20.3341 -0.119568 134.489 23.9337 1.04373 130.229 26.72 1.97571 125.407 28.5617 2.63261 120.249 29.3728 2.98405 114.998 29.1163 3.01297 109.897 27.8025 2.72233 105.248 25.381 2.00388 101.315 21.4907 -1.90344 95.1527 7.08847 -2.99854 146.84 5.6071 -1.29695 146.353 11.2694 0.45578 144.564 16.7478 2.15439 141.556 21.7035 3.72029 137.47 25.9059 5.07858 132.497 29.1585 6.16626 126.869 31.3079 6.93364 120.848 32.2555 7.3429 114.718 31.9552 7.37701 108.764 30.4219 7.02557 103.335 27.5927 6.15958 98.8146 22.9217 1.31064 91.5316 5.92221 0.38089 150.789 4.52833 2.30194 150.239 10.9231 4.28081 148.22 17.1066 6.19814 144.825 22.7007 7.96496 140.213 27.4444 9.49823 134.6 31.1152 10.7268 128.246 33.5419 11.592 121.45 34.611 12.0547 114.531 34.2722 12.0932 107.81 32.5417 11.6995 101.628 29.4492 10.7461 96.4739 24.1724 4.21408 154.305 3.32648 6.32714 153.7 10.3604 8.50323 151.481 17.1593 10.6111 147.749 23.3102 12.5537 142.677 28.5254 14.2397 136.505 32.5617 15.5905 129.519 35.2301 16.5418 122.048 36.4053 17.0504 114.439 36.0331 17.0919 107.05 34.1306 16.6589 100.258 30.74 15.7233 94.7279 25.791 8.4454 157.338 2.02082 10.7201 156.687 9.59079 13.0608 154.299 16.9057 15.3288 150.283 23.5229 17.4189 144.827 29.1348 19.2332 138.186 33.4774 20.6856 130.67 36.3481 21.7103 122.631 37.6123 22.2575 114.445 37.2119 22.3019 106.495 35.1648 21.8259 99.2209 31.4888 20.825 93.3985 26.5962 13.0133 159.842 0.628418 15.4163 159.154 8.62471 17.8875 156.633 16.3489 20.283 152.392 23.3369 22.4903 146.631 29.2623 24.4054 139.618 33.8481 25.9394 131.682 36.879 27.0211 123.193 38.2151 27.5987 114.549 37.7917 27.6461 106.153 35.6297 27.1561 98.4202 31.8069 26.2026 92.3353 26.7949 17.8512 161.781 -0.829224 20.3468 161.067 7.47549 22.9136 158.449 15.497 25.4011 154.045 22.7534 27.6929 148.063 28.9072 29.6814 140.78 33.6686 31.2747 132.539 36.8168 32.3972 123.724 38.2032 33.0378 114.732 37.7776 33.1394 106.004 35.5511 32.5863 97.9694 31.5919 31.965 91.3737 26.2299 28.0317 162.761 5.43213 30.6652 160.074 13.6627 33.218 155.556 21.1096 35.5698 149.416 27.4236 37.6109 141.943 32.3103 39.2458 133.487 35.5408 40.3779 124.44 36.8931 41.0778 115.182 36.3645 41.3685 106.251 34.3441 40.5714 98.0124 30.0964 39.483 90.8428 24.5869 25.47 163.494 -3.09354 33.2647 163.97 -5.38011 35.8181 163.241 3.11665 38.442 160.564 11.3176 40.9852 156.062 18.737 45.5605 150.164 24.1539 46.9596 143.512 28.5313 48.7731 136.143 30.9839 48.1273 125.112 34.1698 49.5294 116.289 34.2469 49.9179 107.113 32.426 48.6893 98.8206 27.8254 47.2243 91.628 22.178 38.4532 163.455 -6.88224 40.9503 162.742 1.42916 43.5171 160.123 9.45065 47.7967 155.173 17.3906 53.1913 129.392 30.4605 57.4434 120.187 30.353 57.7555 108.881 29.1971 56.501 100.349 24.8901 54.4406 93.4897 18.651 43.5401 162.322 -8.34137 45.9453 161.636 -0.335434 50.4154 158.124 9.95186 48.4521 160.589 -9.73451 50.7305 159.939 -2.15119 54.3182 157.614 6.23138 63.8033 119.565 25.3861 63.9101 110.06 24.7226 62.901 102.219 20.9027 60.7679 96.0876 14.7059 53.1171 158.28 -11.0416 55.2347 157.675 -3.99215 58.19 155.872 2.80748 67.2969 119.573 21.0355 67.7537 111.25 20.0049 67.3733 103.92 17.1459 65.043 98.1407 11.5222 57.4671 155.429 -12.245 59.394 154.879 -5.83163 62.1915 152.982 0.103493 69.6977 119.848 16.5973 70.8076 112.269 15.649 70.4413 106.039 12.8968 68.5447 100.725 8.19913 61.4382 152.077 -13.326 63.1457 151.59 -7.6422 65.78 149.427 -2.04368 72.9933 113.56 10.1899 72.6093 109.123 7.23009 71.4208 102.692 -5.93692 66.1158 146.314 -14.556 67.6306 145.656 -8.87371 68.937 144.641 -4.73136 71.1249 140.238 -3.87204 72.9303 135.432 -3.25369 73.955 129.872 0.956131 73.8222 124.051 6.88754 69.9913 140.169 -15.5436 71.876 138.749 -9.69077 -11.3759 117.634 8.77818 63.3644 132.244 19.7795 58.7861 144.777 19.4836 67.0122 129.764 16.8798 70.6155 138.855 5.83472 63.4756 148.383 9.49515 62.8195 133.184 17.464 65.3848 131.323 15.0306 58.8061 141.77 16.8434 60.1659 137.06 18.4575 67.3103 131.311 12.1873 59.8997 144.627 13.2097 68.6945 133.697 9.63008 62.6779 144.573 10.0134 68.5944 137.783 7.94185 66.1373 141.972 8.0323 63.5846 133.449 17.7798 66.1373 131.523 15.497 59.6002 142.393 17.3936 68.0977 131.472 12.4801 69.5345 133.885 9.64862 63.3399 145.241 10.1906 69.4233 138.273 7.76169 66.8358 142.631 7.99524 70.3049 128.194 12.73 72.5233 132.983 6.70811 70.8876 139.701 3.88477 57.3232 138.168 24.4749 62.3546 131.157 22.7541 67.3926 146.279 4.41341 62.6852 151.575 8.16354 58.5355 152.152 14.7897 56.0087 147.327 21.699 67.4163 128.203 18.5732 61.7689 138.738 16.9517 60.1192 142.066 15.9826 64.1066 135.62 16.4201 65.946 133.39 14.7222 67.2903 132.939 12.8657 68.2793 135.009 11.4955 67.7633 138.355 10.7993 65.6517 141.685 10.9157 62.861 143.967 11.7343 60.6115 144.197 13.6175 60.9733 137.35 18.8824 60.8999 145.33 13.6701 65.4233 132.097 14.9091 64.194 132.052 16.3667 63.0381 133.984 17.1452 60.5626 137.576 18.0038 59.2072 139.485 18.0623 59.179 141.815 16.5439 61.4122 134.887 18.1943 67.2154 132.019 12.4453 66.4087 131.047 13.613 59.0411 143.572 15.1678 60.1096 144.464 13.3409 68.5151 134.306 10.3248 68.0821 132.189 10.829 61.149 144.974 11.4258 62.7831 144.363 10.5976 68.2882 138.059 8.96576 68.9548 135.624 8.61655 64.3898 143.534 8.86493 66.015 141.892 9.0614 67.5801 139.948 7.72906 62.5229 143.343 13.2497 61.0674 143.946 13.8533 64.8184 141.126 13.1519 66.8854 138.187 12.9695 67.3889 133.651 13.1986 66.7994 134.635 14.1328 65.5909 137.242 14.9847 63.4504 140.109 15.2998 61.4471 142.587 14.915 69.5049 129.705 12.5735 72.1177 136.32 4.77299 71.5801 133.393 8.20432 59.2932 134.201 23.8217 59.9546 137.579 21.2023 65.0801 149.359 5.97188 67.3192 144.395 6.27661 56.9459 150.409 18.5398 60.5959 148.729 14.5628 56.1303 142.947 23.7928 65.2135 129.283 20.9902 68.9562 127.783 15.7988 69.2988 142.988 3.69571 60.547 152.61 11.1863 71.7477 130.025 9.56706 72.9533 131.626 4.33482 71.3592 125.34 12.6099 70.8958 140.288 0.80043 60.4142 128.485 25.3476 53.3566 137.368 28.099 60.1785 154.454 5.65604 66.8521 148.152 1.54631 50.4599 149.321 23.457 54.4777 155.19 14.0957 66.8083 125.61 19.6379 60.7657 140.445 16.6648 62.9418 137.1 16.8738 65.1157 134.361 15.6497 66.6044 132.832 13.8036 67.9094 133.728 12.0538 68.246 136.622 11.0736 66.8721 140.078 10.7355 64.2593 143.015 11.2634 61.6205 144.401 12.4393 60.0361 143.345 14.9402 62.2167 135.13 18.5205 60.0235 144.253 15.7061 59.9835 139.927 18.519 64.9258 132.28 16.7923 67.1776 131.236 14.0179 68.9044 132.335 10.9928 69.7696 135.952 8.50682 68.3794 140.573 7.55853 64.9874 144.212 8.9287 61.9957 145.611 11.7513 64.3364 132.866 16.125 59.6128 139.75 17.5893 61.7458 135.583 17.8214 66.3694 131.791 13.6738 59.3318 143.457 15.0788 67.9657 132.894 11.3154 61.3218 144.772 11.7684 68.6738 136.094 9.51442 64.4194 143.374 9.69681 67.3615 140.039 8.78485 61.7844 144.005 13.1407 63.6091 142.365 13.2305 65.9438 139.693 13.0347 67.4912 136.673 12.9257 66.9492 133.714 13.8169 66.3464 135.861 14.5969 64.5685 138.672 15.2167 62.3546 141.447 15.1878 60.8028 143.341 14.6881 70.7571 131.099 10.3129 71.4393 136.084 6.66586 61.5272 134.531 20.6551 65.2209 146.715 7.63861 59.5052 147.331 17.3142 58.8328 141.204 20.8056 65.3699 130.706 18.6303 68.3045 129.387 14.7556 69.1838 141.704 5.63008 61.9527 149.098 11.8158 72.6026 127.566 8.47568 72.3965 136.097 1.70497 56.5247 132.614 27.6949 63.6929 151.685 3.08774 52.022 153.009 18.9305 51.1249 144.226 26.8356 63.9865 126.508 22.5154 69.2202 125.238 16.535 69.0541 144.317 0.692924 57.2187 155.661 9.56113 67.741 135.282 12.8723 67.7907 134.283 12.7419 71.6609 136.111 -15.9358 72.3201 105.969 -15.2641 74.0417 117.157 -16.1597 75.2065 106.525 -16.2769 79.8634 107.308 -17.6552 91.3867 109.457 -21.1013 88.3001 106.164 -20.0804 79.2991 114.295 -17.6596 83.595 107.064 -18.7273 84.1132 113.461 -18.9875 85.3967 106.488 -19.2404 74.3568 135.883 -16.7173 78.9611 134.305 -18.0244 82.9529 133.126 -19.1618 84.9244 134.248 -19.7638 86.99 136.683 -20.4237 90.4947 139.433 -21.5114 93.7133 139.447 -22.4507 94.9967 133.968 -22.6969 95.4994 138.023 -22.9393 92.0955 130.536 -21.7701 88.3638 126.832 -20.5942 85.6599 124.96 -19.7608 81.4537 123.062 -18.4885 74.8654 115.813 -16.3999 75.0456 119.162 -16.437 77.3477 106.901 -16.9108 90.4702 107.067 -20.7351 76.8324 114.944 -16.9597 81.866 106.977 -18.232 81.8267 113.709 -18.3173 87.5994 113.172 -20.0641 72.8517 136.463 -16.4526 76.6211 135.168 -17.3616 81.0749 133.56 -18.6235 84.1259 133.478 -19.5125 85.7941 135.222 -20.0404 95.5972 136.005 -22.9201 93.7963 132.209 -22.3054 90.1255 128.604 -21.1495 87.0197 125.694 -20.1745 83.7714 124.169 -19.1907 77.8207 121.529 -17.3927 90.9181 111.196 -21.0087 72.5032 108.223 -2.09484 75.2258 128.38 -2.75545 73.0089 134.723 -11.6266 74.987 120.808 6.20024 75.9205 117.527 -9.42607 74.9633 116.553 -9.73895 78.1707 127.11 -4.45851 76.4373 109.876 3.38505 75.8359 108.157 -4.45555 81.7666 127.621 -5.91393 76.6804 114.045 7.19746 76.6345 120.205 6.07716 82.3917 119.936 3.28125 80.7256 108.785 -7.12913 83.5075 117.685 2.46864 82.9974 115.277 1.76725 92.4261 111.042 -14.8022 90.3783 110.634 -9.15768 95.4037 129.402 -7.5814 96.0984 136.789 -17.4832 82.3405 119.579 -9.26593 80.8413 115.369 -9.65369 85.2625 124.587 -1.81087 84.8272 129.21 -7.48057 85.7451 117.806 -3.52579 86.8232 121.414 -9.52765 85.9097 118.886 0.325172 87.199 131.776 -9.16064 88.7516 134.416 -11.1099 90.1003 121.341 -5.78863 94.2515 126.991 -9.62626 89.9564 123.624 -10.2795 92.7753 126.838 -11.8772 90.8128 122.536 -2.9371 84.8317 108.856 -9.63812 86.0135 114.746 -2.76731 86.5792 108.162 -11.0609 90.7371 125.097 -2.53673 73.043 106.875 -10.3143 75.0849 116.366 -9.04127 75.9716 116.037 -9.92357 74.6763 117.226 -13.3023 76.6107 127.495 -3.81347 75.8715 107.338 -10.9986 74.2945 131.787 -6.83849 77.6673 130.92 -7.97213 79.9509 127.383 -5.12654 76.4239 117.364 7.49699 79.6098 120.36 4.88643 79.5468 114.305 5.90663 78.3479 108.471 -5.80049 80.1169 108.117 -13.6233 81.3351 130.611 -9.06203 83.483 116.149 2.62879 83.0011 114.026 3.50368 91.761 108.672 -14.126 92.1266 109.889 -18.0081 93.8845 131.645 -7.45462 96.1799 134.037 -11.4887 81.9698 117.706 -6.57603 78.9833 118.659 -9.33636 78.2737 115.773 -9.7916 81.6235 116.026 -5.37269 79.8693 114.493 -14.8934 83.5372 128.01 -6.78511 83.5372 116.896 -3.09725 86.2686 119.313 -6.65833 84.7701 120.477 -9.37344 85.7155 117.814 -1.09836 82.8336 116.065 -0.2435 84.0376 118.31 1.24899 82.4806 122.05 -11.5955 87.1182 124.405 -12.0018 88.0999 133.229 -10.2009 92.2897 123.818 -7.20253 93.4241 126.82 -10.8934 91.5661 125.3 -11.0513 89.9394 122.25 -7.90022 90.4806 121.459 -4.05592 93.4426 125.358 -4.55564 95.0537 127.861 -8.4207 86.6067 133.598 -11.5288 88.5707 135.852 -12.9256 89.8207 126.465 -12.6372 92.9117 128.817 -13.9117 95.0404 130.344 -13.2941 82.9299 109.011 -8.36213 85.6702 113.376 -2.09262 83.9642 114.927 -0.734322 83.2265 115.122 -10.3417 85.751 115.129 -7.31301 84.1511 107.994 -14.6242 84.6693 113.83 -16.0203 88.6597 113.95 -5.64331 88.16 112.314 -5.20661 87.6284 114.616 -8.44739 91.1709 112.257 -10.1186 89.261 107.896 -12.7825 84.4929 131.425 -10.2884 88.4714 122.412 -9.79086 88.4424 120.148 -1.065 85.9995 121.323 0.560211 86.1099 130.434 -8.26055 87.8345 118.872 -4.42515 91.1968 133.419 -9.01013 88.8191 128.275 -4.56676 81.5976 122.873 0.828606 76.9644 122.205 2.94316 81.4612 110.902 -0.296883 85.7392 110.723 -3.63627 75.9894 134.176 -12.4407 80.1251 132.842 -13.5803 83.9442 132.485 -14.6398 85.946 134.022 -15.3694 88.0213 136.327 -16.4059 91.3103 138.582 -16.933 94.3976 138.399 -17.1755 95.3962 132.764 -17.8798 92.8436 130.018 -17.5358 89.2928 126.974 -16.3569 86.4413 124.91 -15.6051 82.4754 123.01 -14.5108 91.896 112.486 -14.9156 82.8751 115.658 -0.544518 86.2805 115.188 -4.50003 76.1644 116.572 -8.83145 75.4185 115.882 -13.8516 76.0488 119.438 -12.6624 75.6543 131.457 -7.41829 79.4986 117.656 6.72963 79.0322 110.008 1.65974 78.0128 107.635 -12.0211 79.5268 130.758 -8.47779 82.1877 117.111 4.66623 91.3177 107.267 -17.6789 94.3523 135.804 -11.3701 79.199 116.397 -7.74822 77.416 115.064 -14.3959 84.1318 118.571 -6.36101 83.3881 117.034 -0.32283 85.0712 123.225 -11.8706 91.807 124.332 -9.03386 92.9703 124.047 -5.59067 87.5542 134.782 -12.3095 91.394 127.808 -13.2948 94.0891 129.464 -13.8324 83.6906 111.07 -2.07482 83.6929 113.909 0.096817 83.6402 115.586 -6.22978 82.2292 108.145 -14.0185 82.2626 114.108 -15.3812 85.9475 107.439 -15.3597 88.2578 113.456 -17.1125 88.2163 114.084 -11.2463 88.9763 106.666 -16.7455 83.1168 130.614 -9.81607 88.5233 125.332 -12.2287 88.5596 122.718 -0.990116 88.1236 120.568 -7.14322 91.5424 136.545 -12.2591 90.1959 130.708 -6.46555 83.1835 123.375 -0.566017 79.5957 122.783 1.99635 74.3672 117.295 7.88031 87.5631 110.072 -6.37584 74.1744 134.769 -11.9588 77.8467 133.564 -12.9456 82.0565 132.388 -14.1586 85.1416 133.114 -14.9897 86.8728 135.108 -15.8513 96.088 134.721 -17.6366 94.3716 131.254 -17.9443 90.9752 128.478 -16.8885 87.8886 125.817 -15.9581 84.6456 124.017 -15.1551 78.798 121.528 -13.6567 91.6357 111.58 -17.9377 84.2971 115.519 -2.50114 83.7426 120.625 1.77541 88.5833 114.451 -6.97195 88.0828 118.976 -2.26166 92.4098 128.085 -4.46593 90.9233 113.198 -10.8133 95.8359 131.912 -12.44 88.8584 109.104 -9.27186 75.6269 121.857 3.65715 78.5266 120.452 -11.3783 85.7325 132.479 -10.7807 87.2109 126.227 -3.03349 82.3865 115.792 -3.39975 85.5323 114.683 -10.7629 88.5351 113.906 -14.361 85.1809 114.135 -13.5766 82.7372 114.618 -13.0324 80.3171 114.815 -12.4815 77.8096 115.265 -12.0804 75.7054 115.895 -11.7089 74.7512 116.96 -11.2522 75.744 118.732 -10.8711 69.843 141.836 -9.30819 67.9679 143.189 -15.0231 72.8213 119.941 10.9157 71.6506 104.986 0.684029 69.456 100.727 -14.47 73.995 114.29 6.9995 73.1142 110.85 3.56299 72.9748 136.288 -10.6843 71.3295 137.732 -15.8765 71.3963 104.177 -15.1099 74.1581 133.103 -5.27631 75.2109 128.825 -1.40012 75.073 122.123 6.21136 74.2901 118.616 8.83824 74.0083 114.133 7.99301 73.4597 110.347 4.91832 72.8198 106.93 -0.967873 82.4554 113.29 2.18171 79.572 111.521 3.2642 80.1607 112.304 4.14649 -10.1429 113.254 10.7089 72.7842 105.382 -7.25814 -5.83078 104.99 14.0223 -2.85619 101.143 15.3198 0.690811 97.9167 16.3207 4.67302 94.8688 16.9057 66.3361 95.2358 0.153168 -11.892 122.645 7.67271 -12.1529 122.274 6.67995 -12.3643 121.685 5.78059 -12.534 120.909 5.0184 -12.626 119.978 4.42898 -12.646 118.938 4.04047 -12.5956 117.84 3.87142 -12.4777 116.734 3.92851 -12.2953 115.674 4.20803 -12.0595 114.707 4.70033 -11.7659 113.862 5.43361 -11.6777 127.672 6.3856 -12.1989 126.934 4.40896 -12.6304 125.765 2.6199 -12.9514 124.219 1.10294 -13.1465 122.369 -0.071487 -13.2072 120.301 -0.848503 -13.1242 118.113 -1.18808 -12.8996 115.91 -1.07389 -12.5437 113.798 -0.511894 -12.0803 111.876 0.468269 -11.5131 110.201 1.90664 -10.7279 108.684 4.35558 -10.8109 132.596 4.94501 -11.5843 131.502 2.01563 -12.2226 129.769 -0.634972 -12.6979 127.479 -2.88298 -12.987 124.738 -4.62311 -13.0768 121.674 -5.77454 -12.9633 118.431 -6.28242 -12.6504 115.16 -6.12376 -12.1492 112.018 -5.30077 -11.4627 109.168 -3.83942 -10.636 106.694 -1.7434 -9.32736 137.352 3.37615 -10.3401 135.919 -0.462959 -11.1772 133.648 -3.93729 -11.8 130.646 -6.88298 -12.1796 127.054 -9.1636 -12.2968 123.039 -10.6717 -12.1477 118.789 -11.3375 -11.7385 114.502 -11.1299 -11.0883 110.379 -10.0578 -10.1881 106.649 -8.12857 -9.11383 103.415 -5.39493 -7.24765 141.871 1.70126 -8.48584 140.119 -2.99197 -9.509 137.344 -7.23812 -10.2704 133.674 -10.8392 -10.7339 129.283 -13.627 -10.8777 124.375 -15.4702 -10.6953 119.179 -16.2843 -10.1948 113.94 -16.03 -9.38 108.916 -14.6924 -8.24042 104.41 -12.2576 -6.81169 100.55 -8.6587 -4.60298 146.087 -0.054435 -6.04802 144.042 -5.53284 -7.24321 140.802 -10.4893 -8.13144 136.519 -14.6932 -8.67267 131.393 -17.9473 -8.84024 125.664 -20.0997 -8.62744 119.599 -21.0494 -8.04318 113.482 -20.7529 -7.08603 107.625 -19.1759 -5.77963 102.353 -16.3577 -4.12698 97.8226 -12.2769 -1.43115 149.939 -1.86574 -3.0623 147.631 -8.04924 -4.41095 143.974 -13.6441 -5.41411 139.139 -18.3892 -6.02504 133.353 -22.0622 -6.21411 126.886 -24.4919 -5.97388 120.04 -25.564 -5.31401 113.136 -25.2289 -4.25377 106.509 -23.4776 -2.81467 100.514 -20.3577 -0.857285 95.3878 -15.9247 2.22112 153.371 -3.70596 0.427597 150.832 -10.5049 -1.05525 146.812 -16.6565 -2.15849 141.496 -21.8739 -2.82948 135.134 -25.9124 -3.03783 128.024 -28.5838 -2.77313 120.497 -29.7627 -2.04877 112.906 -29.3942 -0.897324 105.606 -27.4954 0.658188 98.9955 -24.1115 2.66969 93.7269 -19.7623 6.30045 156.332 -5.54841 4.37052 153.602 -12.8633 2.77497 149.275 -19.4821 1.58868 143.556 -25.0954 0.866531 136.711 -29.4409 0.642624 129.061 -32.3147 0.926575 120.963 -33.5833 1.70657 112.796 -33.1866 2.9455 104.941 -31.144 4.64336 97.9398 -27.491 6.69341 92.8958 -23.465 10.7483 158.78 -7.36639 8.71009 155.896 -15.0906 7.02557 151.328 -22.08 5.77182 145.289 -28.0077 5.00963 138.061 -32.5957 4.77312 129.983 -35.6311 5.07339 121.431 -36.9701 5.89712 112.807 -36.5512 7.20499 104.513 -34.3944 9.05486 97.2925 -30.556 11.2406 92.5807 -26.9734 15.4979 160.678 -9.13321 13.3818 157.684 -17.1547 11.6321 152.94 -24.4125 10.3309 146.669 -30.5671 9.53901 139.163 -35.3323 9.29359 130.775 -38.4834 9.60574 121.895 -39.8743 10.4606 112.939 -39.4398 11.8189 104.326 -37.2 14.0588 96.9514 -33.3467 16.6434 92.4725 -29.9718 23.0545 162.362 -11.6177 20.8829 159.289 -19.8483 19.0871 154.421 -27.2967 17.7525 147.986 -33.6129 16.9392 140.284 -38.5019 16.6871 131.675 -41.736 17.0074 122.563 -43.1632 17.8853 113.373 -42.7169 19.2791 104.535 -40.4185 21.2106 97.0107 -36.2628 23.42 92.7149 -32.4103 30.8573 162.843 -13.8754 28.6938 159.781 -22.0763 26.9055 154.931 -29.4973 27.9242 148.749 -36.2635 26.8335 141.896 -40.4148 27.1308 134.403 -43.1558 24.8332 123.19 -45.306 25.7073 114.033 -44.8611 27.096 105.227 -42.5709 28.977 97.7766 -38.3173 31.01 93.1798 -33.7501 36.0984 162.352 -15.1936 33.9816 159.358 -23.2144 33.3826 154.015 -31.9877 31.2043 127.797 -45.1888 41.2721 161.261 -16.3458 39.5527 157.252 -27.2589 34.1114 118.081 -46.7154 35.274 106.958 -44.7195 36.8836 99.3018 -39.4702 38.9366 94.263 -33.7738 46.3034 159.583 -17.3163 44.8502 156.854 -26.2038 42.5748 117.521 -46.6924 42.9789 108.591 -45.2964 44.501 100.951 -40.6187 47.291 94.8665 -33.4268 51.1197 157.345 -18.0904 49.9772 155.213 -25.3275 48.2059 117.708 -45.7612 48.7168 109.961 -44.0908 50.3568 102.509 -40.027 53.4827 96.7468 -32.9174 55.6498 154.578 -18.6568 54.8409 152.392 -25.0769 52.7864 118.209 -43.2581 53.6228 111.351 -41.2941 55.2413 104.656 -38.0407 58.7364 99.47 -31.8202 59.8286 151.323 -19.0083 59.0656 148.888 -25.0487 58.6371 112.647 -37.2162 60.0213 108.358 -34.3455 66.7364 101.215 -23.2055 64.3461 145.393 -20.1264 63.2939 144.171 -24.2324 64.6093 139.563 -25.8976 66.0209 134.24 -27.224 64.8265 128.137 -31.0498 61.4092 121.344 -36.0211 68.4454 138.292 -21.5291 45.453 130.809 -41.5454 41.6524 143.401 -39.21 50.101 128.433 -40.9145 59.0129 137.957 -33.7931 50.9314 147.376 -33.4765 46.2433 131.854 -39.2708 49.7303 130.061 -38.4737 43.1271 140.511 -36.8678 43.4601 135.718 -38.774 52.9147 130.138 -37.0872 45.9668 143.509 -34.5197 55.443 132.636 -35.7653 50.0284 143.557 -33.3201 56.2208 136.784 -34.4582 54.0432 141.001 -33.4001 46.726 132.091 -39.9847 50.1181 130.245 -39.3182 43.4927 141.099 -37.7857 53.4219 130.291 -37.7879 56.1362 132.807 -36.2509 50.4828 144.208 -33.8546 57.0422 137.29 -34.817 54.643 141.653 -33.7723 55.0842 126.961 -39.0439 60.0643 131.807 -35.2485 60.3282 138.873 -32.42 37.8104 136.599 -42.3736 42.95 129.62 -43.6504 57.0126 145.449 -31.2322 50.941 150.632 -32.0693 43.8723 150.975 -35.442 38.0876 145.889 -39.6926 49.5108 126.802 -42.685 45.605 137.439 -38.4211 44.6923 140.828 -36.8618 47.893 134.316 -39.1277 50.3776 132.134 -38.6198 52.5225 131.75 -37.7278 54.0743 133.869 -37.1666 53.9713 137.248 -36.4482 52.0865 140.596 -35.554 49.2647 142.875 -34.8407 46.3531 143.052 -35.2278 43.9086 135.978 -39.5785 46.5533 144.179 -35.4761 49.8356 130.846 -38.4441 47.9983 130.76 -39.0142 46.6052 132.656 -39.1566 44.0339 136.249 -38.6168 42.8387 138.17 -38.0111 43.6017 140.564 -36.8188 44.6634 133.535 -39.1929 52.6931 130.851 -37.3023 51.3763 129.845 -37.8198 44.2029 142.382 -35.6615 46.0758 143.337 -34.7362 54.9106 133.214 -36.2776 54.299 131.078 -36.3859 47.9753 143.917 -33.7041 49.8059 143.321 -33.8591 55.4037 137.025 -35.1736 56.1837 134.599 -35.1328 52.1021 142.547 -33.2281 53.387 140.878 -34.1972 55.4482 138.973 -33.8331 48.1733 142.19 -35.9091 46.6141 142.785 -35.6607 50.1892 139.952 -36.9649 52.0658 136.997 -37.7961 52.4194 132.447 -38.0845 51.4089 133.398 -38.5931 49.903 135.983 -38.7555 47.893 138.861 -37.994 46.3798 141.377 -36.6995 54.5637 128.486 -38.5583 60.8235 135.305 -33.5811 58.5718 132.382 -36.0552 39.8159 132.627 -42.8845 41.7955 136.119 -41.0087 54.1663 148.483 -31.4153 55.9539 143.477 -32.6654 40.5373 149.092 -37.6693 45.7748 147.539 -36.2109 37.1201 141.421 -41.3319 46.3145 127.804 -43.6823 52.3171 126.477 -40.9857 59.1168 142.133 -31.5495 47.4993 151.562 -33.5084 58.2159 128.907 -37.3334 61.9319 130.28 -33.5996 55.9843 124.214 -39.8068 61.9357 139.512 -29.8517 40.0547 127.159 -44.8752 32.5262 135.693 -43.2641 50.1396 153.648 -28.7343 58.0699 147.457 -28.6001 32.4395 147.874 -38.275 40.7865 154.09 -32.8062 48.5485 123.891 -44.2502 44.8917 139.171 -37.7145 46.6541 135.791 -38.9245 49.1683 133.076 -38.9875 51.4356 131.609 -38.169 53.4767 132.569 -37.389 54.253 135.498 -36.8633 53.2321 138.983 -35.9892 50.709 141.926 -35.1558 47.8345 143.294 -34.7866 45.1675 142.152 -35.9951 45.1713 133.754 -39.9113 44.7331 143.025 -36.6728 43.2421 138.583 -38.8326 48.3979 130.967 -39.812 51.8085 130.009 -38.6079 54.898 131.214 -36.9842 56.9414 134.926 -35.5317 56.2052 139.595 -34.146 52.5633 143.214 -33.6329 48.5055 144.528 -34.4611 48.2504 131.567 -38.9341 43.4311 138.451 -37.8428 45.1446 134.246 -39.058 51.3088 130.573 -37.8872 44.498 142.267 -35.7379 53.9312 131.767 -36.7632 47.939 143.698 -34.0771 55.4586 135.033 -35.7586 51.6817 142.351 -33.9384 54.6942 139.021 -34.6087 47.6009 142.867 -35.4487 49.1112 141.201 -36.4341 51.2183 138.511 -37.4098 52.6196 135.479 -38.0192 51.7129 132.488 -38.381 50.7646 134.609 -38.7822 48.8984 137.414 -38.4633 47.013 140.215 -37.3683 45.949 142.148 -36.1946 56.8747 130.003 -37.3653 59.271 135.122 -34.8148 43.4222 133.063 -41.3875 53.4219 145.768 -32.7803 43.3933 146.037 -37.8806 41.0259 139.775 -40.1938 47.7811 129.312 -41.5937 52.3542 128.12 -39.7631 57.9468 140.752 -33.0391 48.3905 148.009 -34.6435 59.466 126.101 -36.8574 62.769 134.918 -31.1499 35.337 130.917 -44.7544 54.5184 150.949 -28.3414 36.1436 151.734 -35.4628 31.2473 142.63 -41.2578 44.4825 124.75 -45.068 52.223 123.767 -42.08 60.3461 143.735 -29.0309 45.5294 154.723 -30.4826 52.8762 134.088 -38.0496 52.9993 133.095 -37.9288 65.4323 107.528 -26.9171 67.9487 126.833 -28.5074 70.5081 134.319 -20.2732 62.6749 119.616 -35.7438 72.6589 117.278 -23.098 72.2444 116.442 -22.3254 71.3889 125.795 -28.3703 65.5901 109.029 -33.5959 69.3603 107.637 -26.6398 75.0515 126.757 -29.2103 63.5342 113.12 -36.9642 64.2148 119.206 -36.4696 70.5985 118.958 -37.1681 74.9121 108.319 -27.0453 71.9998 116.742 -36.9872 71.9612 114.391 -36.0381 88.8094 110.578 -26.9527 84.1169 110.131 -30.6072 87.2695 128.749 -35.4465 93.0867 136.547 -27.8016 77.576 118.913 -26.6205 76.2215 114.981 -25.3972 75.678 123.817 -34.645 78.3012 128.686 -29.8368 77.0845 117.097 -33.174 81.2906 120.822 -28.8656 75.1464 118.021 -36.546 81.172 131.293 -29.8079 83.4949 133.994 -29.1154 81.9364 120.685 -33.7567 87.4282 126.444 -33.002 84.2007 123.162 -29.9962 87.3956 126.405 -30.3062 80.9881 121.747 -36.5927 79.7217 108.446 -27.144 76.8458 113.737 -33.7746 81.9683 107.792 -26.8548 80.6767 124.289 -36.9998 70.1714 106.645 -20.1493 72.022 116.241 -22.9037 72.8888 115.884 -22.6383 73.3892 117.141 -19.0068 69.7533 125.895 -28.1175 72.9185 107.101 -21.1147 69.1965 130.484 -24.8144 72.6997 129.897 -25.4795 73.1742 126.294 -28.81 63.1531 116.358 -37.3542 67.3688 119.359 -37.0517 66.7935 113.286 -37.5877 72.197 107.977 -26.8719 77.8994 107.939 -21.2215 76.3201 129.88 -26.4826 71.9026 115.225 -37.0598 71.0463 113.066 -37.4483 87.9791 108.369 -27.0824 90.3568 109.787 -24.1197 85.8919 131.003 -34.834 89.9668 133.538 -32.7744 75.3807 117.261 -28.6335 74.2589 118.273 -24.8974 74.5081 115.555 -23.9173 74.7186 115.201 -29.2771 78.273 114.414 -20.2702 76.9377 127.337 -29.5447 74.9877 116.19 -32.3036 79.228 118.61 -30.8741 79.7455 119.59 -27.752 75.7618 117.015 -35.1966 72.8947 115.268 -34.2906 73.0867 117.445 -36.2917 78.8617 122.15 -25.111 82.7305 124.079 -27.0743 82.4725 132.777 -29.4795 84.5114 123.193 -33.8509 87.4141 126.338 -31.4821 85.952 124.849 -30.2847 82.9247 121.687 -31.9314 81.3232 120.724 -35.4257 84.0399 124.603 -36.7655 87.4445 127.25 -34.4856 81.9223 133.222 -27.574 84.3016 135.509 -27.551 85.3181 126.104 -28.0604 88.5803 128.469 -28.7521 90.0231 129.941 -30.4819 77.43 108.57 -27.2025 76.3149 112.625 -34.143 74.121 114.113 -34.4307 78.5236 114.752 -26.0741 79.2235 114.861 -29.7308 81.84 107.809 -22.5419 82.8432 113.477 -21.7471 80.6945 113.198 -32.7484 80.1006 111.667 -32.8137 81.4167 114.445 -29.7768 85.2891 111.653 -30.1957 85.1586 107.567 -26.8363 79.5016 131.024 -27.3879 82.7149 121.901 -29.5647 78.0128 119.311 -36.7914 75.0649 120.445 -36.8974 79.7863 129.926 -29.9221 79.3229 118.187 -33.5803 84.4402 132.877 -32.1553 80.111 127.576 -34.3959 71.2569 121.989 -34.7844 66.2834 120.958 -33.9154 71.8315 110.129 -33.2852 77.2358 110.04 -32.7655 73.4782 133.884 -21.131 77.6228 132.464 -22.2276 81.3655 132.277 -23.4746 83.426 133.82 -24.0033 85.7036 136.141 -24.3458 88.7308 138.375 -25.7679 91.4667 138.163 -27.2159 92.7583 132.552 -26.9171 90.4562 129.827 -25.7152 86.8669 126.78 -24.6669 84.0844 124.721 -23.6771 80.1888 122.834 -22.3988 88.4224 111.98 -26.642 73.0971 114.872 -34.0422 78.0365 114.257 -32.4652 72.6559 116.366 -23.6348 74.0565 115.738 -18.8756 74.3546 119.371 -20.3332 70.6786 130.252 -24.9797 66.3234 116.559 -38.424 68.7427 109.182 -33.5877 75.2695 107.415 -21.4172 74.5162 129.923 -26.0103 69.7229 116.044 -38.0771 89.5331 107.124 -23.792 88.3401 135.32 -31.9677 74.1388 115.95 -26.0645 75.9612 114.948 -19.4391 77.1416 118.114 -30.0044 73.3922 116.231 -34.5642 80.9955 123.121 -26.1556 85.0815 123.793 -32.0715 84.2148 123.344 -35.5836 83.1264 134.427 -27.4776 86.9811 127.454 -28.4118 89.522 129.098 -29.4795 74.6652 110.346 -32.9938 73.4634 113.087 -34.946 76.8228 114.888 -29.5521 79.8915 107.956 -22.0252 80.6122 114.073 -21.0487 83.7573 107.262 -22.8645 86.4999 113.195 -22.8837 83.3651 113.698 -27.6845 87.0649 106.513 -23.293 78.1729 130.027 -26.8719 84.0191 124.97 -27.6585 78.0395 121.874 -37.0279 80.9955 119.953 -31.531 86.4391 136.135 -29.7404 82.2626 130.071 -33.6418 73.3188 122.63 -34.5204 68.9993 121.598 -34.5597 61.1201 116.288 -36.4563 80.2549 109.485 -31.4116 71.6743 134.356 -20.764 75.3384 133.298 -21.6337 79.5527 132.054 -22.774 82.5547 132.906 -23.8513 84.4528 134.914 -24.1434 93.1861 134.488 -27.5777 91.9487 131.059 -26.2461 88.5515 128.283 -25.1888 85.4827 125.624 -24.1983 82.3397 123.833 -23.052 76.6708 121.456 -21.1288 89.869 111.457 -23.9848 75.2791 114.471 -33.131 72.5418 119.712 -36.6595 81.3907 113.876 -31.5584 78.3679 118.196 -35.5399 83.0864 127.336 -36.4037 85.4308 112.541 -29.518 90.2145 131.46 -31.6971 82.9166 108.627 -29.6277 64.7835 120.521 -33.7531 75.2428 120.861 -23.2937 80.7976 132.083 -27.6852 77.9572 125.484 -34.7339 74.1796 115.013 -31.4161 80.9021 114.638 -26.7177 85.1483 113.312 -25.263 82.0676 114.019 -24.0982 79.6802 114.358 -23.3746 77.3173 114.669 -22.6413 75.2124 115.161 -21.7041 73.588 115.837 -21.0027 72.7523 116.861 -20.956 73.4137 118.581 -21.8902 66.4762 141.604 -20.8641 58.3546 118.743 -38.2809 63.6573 103.164 -29.6181 61.2017 113.464 -35.2759 62.603 110.079 -31.8602 69.9438 135.891 -21.1621 68.2393 131.67 -26.2038 67.4378 127.136 -29.5202 62.8091 120.687 -35.9907 60.5767 117.653 -37.3935 60.7761 113.247 -36.1998 62.0921 109.556 -33.1525 65.2417 105.935 -28.1842 71.3073 112.394 -36.0092 68.3164 110.617 -35.2945 68.3445 111.331 -36.3747 -11.3552 113.133 6.63324 68.4684 104.805 -22.5375 -9.45044 104.401 1.95409 -7.56053 100.492 -0.627556 -5.0686 97.2087 -3.46945 -1.8849 93.9531 -6.38548 56.808 93.3547 -23.3279 61.9223 96.6682 -23.3508 59.4081 140.566 19.6623 60.4639 137.464 20.042 61.8763 134.831 19.5882 63.4845 132.857 18.7674 59.1931 143.585 18.4382 65.1653 131.503 17.6961 59.7648 145.792 16.5098 66.574 130.654 16.1776 60.7479 147.03 14.1165 67.7426 130.322 14.3856 61.9742 147.354 11.7839 68.7983 130.581 12.5261 63.4081 146.812 9.84286 69.823 131.736 10.6896 65.1046 145.464 8.28365 70.6207 133.636 8.99838 67.079 143.51 7.13741 70.6489 135.976 7.7083 68.7916 141.109 6.6273 70.0306 138.529 6.87865 46.0899 131.451 -40.7647 44.2964 133.408 -40.6498 42.8521 136.048 -40.2939 42.1344 139.179 -39.5132 48.0895 130.139 -40.7032 42.5725 142.25 -38.4974 50.1107 129.339 -40.116 44.0636 144.531 -37.2763 52.0814 129.065 -39.1855 46.164 145.859 -35.8431 53.992 129.384 -38.172 48.4484 146.268 -34.5523 55.8478 130.62 -37.1918 50.7075 145.792 -33.6656 57.2832 132.639 -36.2405 52.9926 144.492 -33.2066 58.0113 135.002 -35.2811 55.2984 142.565 -33.2185 57.9772 137.569 -34.3714 57.0771 140.172 -33.5929 1.38182 68.9774 -45.9569 1.47894 65.0285 -50.2728 1.09637 63.909 -52.87 4.59888 9.97681 -40.0908 4.56625 11.4122 -44.5415 4.27933 14.0176 -48.351 3.6239 17.5846 -51.2515 2.5518 21.6054 -53.3934 2.81797 25.9316 -56.0077 3.01964 28.3271 -57.5284 3.3214 31.8267 -58.9081 3.45486 35.6754 -59.9047 3.14198 39.6169 -60.4303 2.63558 43.6332 -60.5215 2.15143 47.625 -60.2798 1.8074 51.4352 -59.6459 1.64281 54.9177 -58.6553 1.54494 58.1214 -57.1999 1.24614 61.2169 -55.2299 2.20258 72.8765 -41.2252 4.0999 75.8378 -37.4454 6.18702 78.5203 -33.435 56.4936 87.4619 -10.08 57.7629 85.6098 -10.3506 59.9983 84.0135 -10.7406 63.4852 82.0057 -11.5406 67.5801 79.1089 -12.265 -10.1652 108.262 6.21582 -11.0734 112.965 7.57632 -0.481384 91.8178 -0.502998 -8.62003 103.705 4.73889 -6.45135 99.499 2.95057 -3.73181 95.6969 0.985786 -60.1092 28.2359 7.92776 -8.84988 108.395 10.4182 -10.438 113.006 9.67531 2.73864 92.5778 10.975 -6.7205 103.892 10.9765 -4.01207 99.6658 11.3213 -0.806137 95.8341 11.3643 64.3527 94.8043 -12.5052 60.0369 91.4033 -11.0824 -11.539 10.151 19.9241 -5.49863 10.1436 21.8177 -15.9268 10.1577 16.38 -19.33 10.1651 11.6357 -22.5381 10.1681 4.40154 32.719 10.1303 18.5309 40.266 10.1244 13.6679 14.2263 10.1377 23.0462 22.7994 10.1333 21.7028 2.70157 10.137 23.1159 44.4157 10.1281 7.56966 6.82094 10.137 23.6438 46.5807 10.1555 0.804138 -22.7316 10.1651 -8.79883 46.5392 10.1481 -8.35619 -6.5737 10.1422 -30.0845 -12.5993 10.151 -28.2717 -18.4966 10.1644 -25.6115 -21.6988 10.1659 -20.5282 -21.6462 10.1607 -14.2928 40.6619 10.1362 -21.951 32.9614 10.1496 -27.1618 22.9625 10.1599 -31.832 13.8408 10.1637 -33.647 2.11658 10.1488 -32.443 44.7679 10.1347 -15.5147 6.04318 10.1488 -32.526 12.5907 10.1733 -3.80531 59.1887 91.8044 8.95242 -37.1383 88.9529 -2.97714 -31.8022 10.0858 -1.97102 -25.1531 10.1622 -2.2068 -48.967 94.3801 -3.43312 -42.7435 92.7505 -3.24479 -45.2458 14.541 -1.9814 -38.8006 11.688 -1.94433 -51.5643 18.2037 -2.1067 -56.8395 22.9229 -2.04294 -61.3273 28.167 -2.00068 -64.683 34.1592 -1.92802 -67.7244 42.676 -1.88947 -69.2985 52.0358 -1.98363 -69.0782 59.0674 -1.98585 -68.0128 66.587 -1.96361 -66.3149 75.4782 -2.11857 -61.6254 86.6775 -2.9586 -55.4464 92.4777 -3.38715 -32.8632 83.5116 -1.95249 -29.1664 80.3716 -1.67964 -25.0219 78.6923 -1.82199 -19.731 77.9019 -1.94433 -13.8211 78.3245 -1.89985 0.599609 81.0967 -1.11393 5.68803 83.0274 -0.72765 6.50954 84.4391 -0.967133 5.72511 86.2104 -0.331726 3.73808 88.5303 1.10886 0.442429 91.5093 2.82008 -2.82133 95.1602 4.04714 -5.66766 99.1208 5.2742 -8.03503 103.465 6.34038 -9.79816 108.128 7.22415 -10.9333 112.931 8.02786 -26.7479 60.7542 43.6698 -20.1774 63.8423 42.5992 -8.42801 27.4619 48.2347 14.9477 25.7121 48.3904 3.09452 25.896 48.4757 42.6645 36.5214 48.0598 47.7344 49.638 47.1827 40.5551 62.2549 45.2372 -20.4769 63.1994 -50.3046 -27.628 60.1306 -51.1217 -8.33606 28.1588 -55.7549 41.6947 37.0493 -55.6696 46.1069 49.7648 -54.9594 39.661 61.5616 -52.9449 -28.2701 61.5994 42.6785 -21.096 64.5792 41.7131 -10.6093 65.5757 41.2676 1.58052 66.8139 41.2357 -20.6037 30.6107 47.064 -27.9498 36.4747 46.6355 -32.0076 43.3195 45.7562 -33.3289 50.1288 44.8568 -9.84192 26.1273 47.153 -32.1367 56.4888 43.8329 40.1118 30.266 46.5139 29.9349 25.9004 46.5236 16.4046 23.9305 47.0581 3.12344 24.0639 47.2805 46.8217 35.817 46.5762 50.7757 42.2756 46.3478 52.0569 49.3051 45.7651 50.1277 56.399 44.7582 45.0638 62.5551 43.5645 13.7088 68.7742 41.1082 26.4851 69.2584 41.2994 37.1171 66.9377 42.3456 1.53827 66.2289 -48.7276 -11.1349 65.489 -48.6957 -21.7418 64.0098 -49.2903 -29.2399 60.7943 -50.2557 -33.7448 49.2984 -52.3954 -32.2894 43.1438 -53.1362 -27.8334 36.8602 -53.862 -20.3917 31.2343 -54.2831 -10.0503 26.5855 -54.5085 -32.8298 55.3737 -51.4331 2.729 24.1781 -54.8289 15.8893 23.9164 -54.731 29.5034 26.0458 -54.0829 39.6795 30.5618 -53.8806 46.253 36.21 -53.7901 50.0128 42.5536 -53.5439 51.139 49.2547 -52.9597 49.321 55.8341 -52.0848 44.6241 61.6202 -51.0127 37.1431 65.7944 -49.8316 26.732 68.0261 -48.7847 13.6339 67.8667 -48.6371 + + + + + + + + + + -0.192109 -0.934569 0.299458 -0.06315 -0.993623 0.093407 -0.038767 -0.993005 0.111528 -0.11695 -0.921313 0.370816 -0.085264 -0.993927 0.06957 -0.25821 -0.942076 0.214058 -0.305238 -0.944237 0.123473 -0.103012 -0.993873 0.04007 -0.109849 -0.993698 0.02232 -0.319871 -0.945464 0.061492 0.322015 -0.653105 0.68539 0.238016 -0.809438 0.536805 0.39559 -0.829362 0.394547 0.547107 -0.665777 0.50736 0.149283 -0.925897 0.34703 0.227375 -0.943129 0.242504 -0.182106 -0.7902 0.585167 -0.310544 -0.820667 0.479654 -0.418246 -0.841388 0.342252 -0.407245 -0.671943 0.618582 -0.544891 -0.711903 0.443045 -0.234371 -0.618101 0.750347 -0.474249 -0.857348 0.200104 -0.472515 -0.875412 0.101901 -0.601129 -0.750567 0.274396 -0.593419 -0.791427 0.146617 0.282256 -0.953514 0.105559 0.497204 -0.845385 0.195227 0.680184 -0.678639 0.277127 0.475425 -0.378716 0.794069 0.394699 -0.508097 0.765539 0.651796 -0.507567 0.563506 0.728714 -0.35445 0.585953 -0.280085 -0.456993 0.844222 -0.472084 -0.52749 0.706322 -0.629949 -0.5896 0.505505 -0.525528 -0.402813 0.749375 -0.688269 -0.483465 0.540877 -0.345696 -0.333643 0.877027 0.797494 -0.502759 0.333521 0.868857 -0.332163 0.36709 0.779236 -0.208323 0.591094 0.556733 -0.232343 0.797537 0.611419 -0.086952 0.786515 0.805975 -0.07802 0.586786 0.901017 -0.198547 0.385677 0.912954 -0.073233 0.401437 0.587309 0.31693 0.74473 0.626298 0.112282 0.771455 0.807598 0.10215 0.580819 0.767563 0.296279 0.568389 0.905959 0.097128 0.412074 0.868972 0.273148 0.412646 0.369046 0.664292 0.650016 0.498279 0.502362 0.706648 0.692864 0.459155 0.555982 0.584348 0.597963 0.548615 0.813067 0.415121 0.408163 0.751114 0.515121 0.41289 0.19627 0.766932 0.610977 0.270011 0.7156 0.644213 0.477417 0.672112 0.565984 0.38089 0.730939 0.56626 0.665617 0.613839 0.424448 0.5601 0.712938 0.42191 -0.142237 0.892596 0.427833 -0.115435 0.801937 0.586149 -0.145778 0.823148 0.548795 -0.183731 0.901347 0.392196 -0.170598 0.892172 0.418242 -0.198923 0.94046 0.275618 -0.083913 0.784617 0.614276 -0.104776 0.836925 0.537195 -0.07128 0.762805 0.642687 -0.083732 0.95816 0.273711 -0.152017 0.963903 0.218593 -0.043758 0.995476 0.084341 0.11433 0.983142 0.142691 -0.188565 0.971095 0.146345 -0.153667 0.986837 0.050398 -0.277878 0.955105 0.102752 -0.278528 0.959779 0.035299 -0.266228 0.943946 0.195163 -0.494465 0.642119 0.585822 -0.123678 0.744163 0.656449 -0.094312 0.919596 0.381378 -0.521981 0.776809 0.352284 0.287464 0.72515 0.625717 0.35104 0.866307 0.355363 -0.085399 0.659129 0.747166 0.224013 0.689809 0.688464 -0.41145 0.564912 0.715251 -0.896437 0.304297 0.322186 -0.755967 0.475931 0.449448 -0.804069 0.52634 0.276477 -0.929837 0.307416 0.202235 -0.651421 0.428251 0.626301 -0.812838 0.261118 0.520685 -0.700828 0.14352 0.698743 -0.528973 0.340042 0.777534 -0.323564 0.505566 0.799819 -0.384671 0.217738 0.897005 -0.26768 0.410295 0.871783 -0.51729 -0.021456 0.855541 -0.703157 -0.1848 0.686599 -0.802326 -0.033833 0.595927 -0.877917 -0.14451 0.456484 -0.806047 -0.267053 0.528176 -0.89323 0.116397 0.434273 -0.92976 -0.00252 0.368157 -0.693473 -0.636086 0.338364 -0.705373 -0.68381 0.186692 -0.75587 -0.532488 0.380943 -0.796546 -0.566484 0.211211 -0.077417 -0.240522 0.967551 -0.089798 -0.134723 0.986806 -0.168487 -0.121841 0.978145 -0.138523 -0.221426 0.965289 -0.113525 -0.038943 0.992772 -0.195995 -0.017488 0.980449 -0.602195 -0.290799 0.743503 -0.742439 -0.374894 0.555193 -0.432918 -0.200289 0.878901 -0.818103 -0.413906 0.399236 -0.879805 -0.419705 0.22314 -0.8832 -0.285146 0.372357 -0.940384 -0.263381 0.215195 -0.205308 0.092751 0.974293 -0.12459 0.080228 0.988959 -0.122228 0.178941 0.976238 -0.196017 0.189929 0.962031 -0.04789 0.778827 0.625407 -0.065661 0.712179 0.698921 -0.086279 0.666075 0.740878 -0.054107 0.736647 0.674109 0.32735 0.918436 0.222077 0.038245 0.947019 0.318892 -0.067436 0.912058 0.404479 0.299059 0.868082 0.396229 0.020777 0.864061 0.502958 0.601008 0.74983 0.276665 0.10013 0.787789 0.607752 0.137884 0.80072 0.582954 0.293157 0.782715 0.549014 0.251535 0.793724 0.553834 0.033793 0.760625 0.648311 0.012829 0.792843 0.609291 -0.001462 0.805911 0.592035 0.470195 0.782277 0.408607 0.406592 0.824118 0.394351 -0.228092 0.919665 0.319673 -0.149194 0.877198 0.45636 0.221981 0.775644 0.590848 0.477153 0.718896 0.505483 0.642223 0.702693 0.306223 -0.941954 -0.151996 0.299365 -0.977272 -0.097629 0.18817 -0.969667 0.027366 0.242894 -0.984274 0.065087 0.16422 -0.081923 0.660823 0.746057 -0.143863 0.635643 0.75846 -0.950758 0.179022 0.253002 -0.969441 0.180582 0.166057 0.433741 0.791171 0.431182 0.286611 0.730746 0.619568 0.635928 0.49935 0.588427 0.410194 0.41588 0.811655 -0.030936 0.832088 0.553781 -0.063268 0.738092 0.671727 -0.236437 0.785277 0.572222 -0.098454 0.365739 0.925495 -0.356861 0.365039 0.859882 0.116456 0.704283 0.700303 0.160354 0.369389 0.915335 -0.380395 0.81813 0.431235 -0.491132 0.823545 0.283836 -0.59916 0.341103 0.724332 -0.798743 0.301719 0.520552 0.047573 -0.992573 0.111966 0.069354 -0.994739 0.075398 0.015592 -0.990695 0.135202 0.028503 -0.991144 0.129693 0.0864 -0.911356 0.402449 0.046371 -0.905885 0.420977 -0.018844 -0.991895 0.125654 -0.057065 -0.909815 0.411073 0.087743 -0.99576 0.027619 0.126144 -0.779499 0.613571 0.067151 -0.760559 0.645787 0.153713 -0.607983 0.778928 0.075394 -0.57677 0.81342 -0.085238 -0.760064 0.644234 -0.102578 -0.566247 0.817827 0.045094 -0.227711 0.972684 0.047131 -0.133922 0.98987 0.005657 -0.158915 0.987276 0.006376 -0.238835 0.971039 0.058631 -0.040878 0.997442 0.002975 -0.056704 0.998387 0.127635 -0.116289 0.98498 0.152279 -0.014755 0.988227 0.100619 -0.20516 0.973543 0.059288 0.068169 0.995911 -0.006745 0.055506 0.998436 0.05032 0.180626 0.982264 -0.021925 0.163036 0.986376 0.163736 0.099069 0.981517 0.156175 0.220652 0.962768 0.020684 0.317842 0.947918 -0.050294 0.316731 0.947181 -0.025411 0.533931 0.845146 -0.086911 0.5228 0.848014 0.127716 0.356862 0.925385 0.071441 0.516034 0.853584 -0.061054 0.766638 0.63917 0.078289 0.741306 0.666586 0.208508 0.671416 0.711144 0.313289 0.499706 0.807554 0.378689 0.310587 0.871855 0.400342 0.118619 0.908656 0.381543 -0.070384 0.921668 0.331083 -0.22771 0.915714 0.260306 -0.364971 0.893889 0.178111 -0.473128 0.862802 0.071351 -0.485088 0.87155 -0.127917 -0.411323 0.902469 -0.217134 -0.272275 0.9374 -0.28612 -0.114565 0.95132 -0.297833 0.014133 0.954513 -0.259212 0.153056 0.953616 -0.214461 0.319798 0.922895 -0.151901 0.528641 0.835144 -0.103669 0.295387 0.949736 -0.165776 0.313209 0.935104 -0.083675 0.492895 0.866056 -0.119834 0.470121 0.874429 -0.087588 0.774585 0.626376 -0.256922 -0.123444 0.958516 -0.282852 0.013185 0.959073 -0.378724 -0.276752 0.883163 -0.438423 -0.070607 0.895991 -0.437651 -0.063548 0.896897 -0.390678 -0.27619 0.878117 -0.251518 -0.431278 0.866451 -0.276371 -0.456203 0.845871 -0.19905 -0.303218 0.9319 -0.274611 0.135247 0.951996 -0.249887 0.293965 0.922573 -0.442099 0.099565 0.891423 -0.416837 0.295755 0.859521 -0.412837 0.32408 0.851198 -0.438351 0.113033 0.891668 0.156401 -0.497394 0.85331 0.061408 -0.535686 0.842181 0.119454 -0.452018 0.883974 0.032667 -0.468626 0.882793 0.050048 -0.559259 0.827481 0.150699 -0.524664 0.837865 0.208739 -0.361482 0.908713 0.238743 -0.413555 0.878621 0.232419 -0.391651 0.890276 -0.125806 -0.451337 0.883441 -0.128663 -0.465603 0.875591 -0.150994 -0.530967 0.833832 0.284031 -0.235212 0.929517 0.269401 -0.199777 0.942079 0.293517 -0.238502 0.925724 0.286186 -0.032306 0.957629 0.310905 -0.056264 0.948774 0.312743 -0.062252 0.947795 0.322676 0.120164 0.938851 0.286685 0.125421 0.94978 0.312932 0.123775 0.941676 0.279716 0.294166 0.913907 0.303905 0.313656 0.89959 0.309104 0.311381 0.898608 0.037576 0.808415 0.587412 0.169817 0.698638 0.69503 -0.000992 0.780213 0.625514 0.138259 0.681294 0.718834 0.161529 0.715447 0.679738 0.018778 0.826522 0.562592 -0.09996 0.801388 0.589733 -0.098648 0.85295 0.512587 -0.076807 0.814801 0.574631 0.262922 0.511395 0.818137 0.242579 0.49202 0.836105 0.262895 0.521513 0.811733 -0.185749 0.495789 0.848346 -0.322481 0.52883 0.785076 -0.160242 0.722224 0.672841 -0.146317 0.772841 0.617501 -0.312096 0.577251 0.754571 -0.076559 0.797941 0.597853 -0.071594 0.840171 0.537576 -0.107376 0.806238 0.581766 -0.112987 0.848782 0.51653 -0.287568 -0.01818 0.957588 -0.246849 -0.15606 0.956405 -0.173556 -0.290795 0.940913 -0.283237 0.22681 0.931844 -0.297529 0.100463 0.949412 0.014537 -0.330354 0.943745 0.072188 -0.329168 0.941508 0.150177 -0.268878 0.951394 -0.091484 -0.341365 0.935468 0.211928 -0.141481 0.96699 0.233591 -0.009434 0.972289 0.24083 0.120366 0.963075 0.233787 0.260424 0.936762 0.102888 0.613185 0.78321 -0.030399 0.694019 0.719314 -0.098708 0.675427 0.730791 0.204918 0.428836 0.879834 -0.132475 0.557408 0.819602 -0.232943 0.388015 0.89173 -0.075386 0.634728 0.769049 -0.09685 0.652599 0.751489 -0.092397 0.509504 0.855493 -0.081276 0.316551 0.945087 -0.068265 0.172012 0.982727 -0.054553 0.065325 0.996372 -0.043341 -0.055449 0.99752 -0.033383 -0.160096 0.986537 -0.028874 -0.24536 0.969002 -0.033304 -0.336054 0.941254 -0.042357 -0.467717 0.882863 -0.046567 -0.556118 0.829798 -0.037674 -0.519487 0.853647 -0.022566 -0.457423 0.888963 -0.012961 -0.556886 0.830488 -0.007732 -0.753873 0.656974 -0.003792 -0.90729 0.420489 -0.001149 -0.991208 0.132304 0.512335 -0.857386 0.049017 0.70555 -0.704425 0.077354 0.297092 -0.954566 0.023258 0.84286 -0.528889 0.09931 0.930258 -0.348816 0.113782 0.968103 -0.21837 0.122848 0.986591 -0.093131 0.134031 0.985676 0.081564 0.147617 0.95281 0.259757 0.157095 0.894834 0.417704 0.157465 0.844113 0.514896 0.149516 0.774064 0.618654 0.134508 0.673761 0.729252 0.119321 0.59429 0.795832 0.116061 0.5205 0.84585 0.116695 0.525074 0.841884 0.124616 0.765546 0.621669 0.16573 0.097097 -0.995263 0.004896 -0.565407 0.809464 0.158374 -0.611313 0.789337 0.056957 -0.920895 0.236324 0.310006 -0.979363 0.144989 0.140806 -0.738247 -0.362498 0.568846 -0.830423 -0.418752 0.367485 -0.844491 -0.498578 0.195588 -0.637358 -0.672695 0.37584 -0.668066 -0.709833 0.223216 -0.553902 -0.635855 0.537476 -0.346188 -0.291036 0.891881 -0.564224 -0.330618 0.756534 -0.436173 -0.617389 0.654663 -0.266348 -0.628612 0.730688 -0.097978 -0.251576 0.962865 -0.086895 -0.643915 0.760146 0.176816 -0.222898 0.958672 0.120695 -0.699248 0.704617 0.465192 -0.190422 0.864486 0.373032 -0.681742 0.629345 0.749171 -0.141411 0.647105 0.57208 -0.682024 0.455597 0.984143 0.023025 0.175875 0.738366 -0.656556 0.154109 -0.095635 0.76965 0.631263 -0.315057 -0.948903 0.017974 -0.110306 -0.993886 0.004918 -0.457702 -0.888528 0.032039 -0.589111 -0.807168 0.037792 0.510058 -0.858624 -0.051043 0.70623 -0.703125 -0.082786 0.294439 -0.955391 -0.023102 0.843862 -0.525198 -0.109834 0.928966 -0.346434 -0.130403 0.964683 -0.219414 -0.145751 0.981881 -0.104853 -0.157847 0.98501 0.058597 -0.162241 0.95819 0.238399 -0.158234 0.897823 0.414043 -0.149942 0.829346 0.538002 -0.150797 0.747675 0.644543 -0.159833 0.659153 0.734437 -0.161615 0.265044 0.963485 0.038059 0.039034 0.999086 0.017437 0.018622 0.997848 -0.062875 0.244836 0.962544 -0.116463 -0.130658 0.991351 0.012349 -0.138096 0.990164 -0.022449 -0.273293 0.96189 0.008822 -0.274255 0.961657 0.000421 -0.053579 0.998129 0.029453 -0.515915 0.855204 0.049583 0.344116 0.89883 -0.271457 -0.055876 0.956544 -0.286182 0.365283 0.930753 0.01632 -0.828131 0.557888 0.054409 -0.952772 0.299578 0.049783 -0.711727 -0.701459 0.037422 -0.905755 -0.418034 -0.069676 -0.8121 -0.578723 -0.074656 -0.818385 -0.573492 0.036778 -0.910268 -0.412077 0.040054 0.709552 0.701423 0.067393 0.515618 0.854187 0.067105 0.52626 0.835416 -0.158524 0.711562 0.67733 -0.186822 0.587221 0.793907 -0.157743 0.504751 0.849895 -0.151344 0.655685 0.754174 0.036026 0.627882 0.742251 -0.234154 -0.995755 -0.076042 0.051857 -0.966252 -0.253074 0.048064 -0.995208 0.084624 0.048994 -0.98245 0.180559 0.046801 0.500696 0.849415 -0.166726 0.699452 0.674292 -0.236847 -0.644888 0.764208 0.010314 -0.658085 0.75262 0.022063 -0.996997 0.052783 0.056672 -0.999004 0.031144 0.031952 0.095211 -0.995451 -0.003478 -0.828476 -0.551185 0.099113 -0.83354 -0.552229 0.015914 -0.680841 -0.722996 0.117184 -0.70438 -0.709823 0.000289 0.942473 0.130036 -0.307954 0.760792 -0.603232 -0.239387 -0.191598 -0.926128 -0.324926 -0.11404 -0.910397 -0.397707 -0.034523 -0.992382 -0.118262 -0.056307 -0.993628 -0.097639 -0.08229 -0.99447 -0.065257 -0.263919 -0.93806 -0.224478 -0.301453 -0.945273 -0.124839 -0.10268 -0.994176 -0.032728 -0.109842 -0.993816 -0.016268 -0.306215 -0.95011 -0.059356 0.319117 -0.647606 -0.691933 0.534285 -0.666968 -0.519319 0.385251 -0.83007 -0.403195 0.239592 -0.805165 -0.542499 0.228594 -0.939199 -0.256224 0.158278 -0.918607 -0.362089 -0.178484 -0.75672 -0.628902 -0.309497 -0.797477 -0.51792 -0.420841 -0.831771 -0.362009 -0.538657 -0.700909 -0.467519 -0.394197 -0.64598 -0.653696 -0.222745 -0.580396 -0.783278 -0.463953 -0.858375 -0.218951 -0.461429 -0.880375 -0.109649 -0.599801 -0.782405 -0.167575 -0.59309 -0.744341 -0.306921 0.280118 -0.952342 -0.120743 0.489162 -0.845976 -0.212238 0.674722 -0.67782 -0.292079 0.467443 -0.364911 -0.805194 0.712309 -0.345361 -0.611018 0.641575 -0.494023 -0.586791 0.39121 -0.489528 -0.779305 -0.257887 -0.431057 -0.864687 -0.450347 -0.520374 -0.725533 -0.610796 -0.588414 -0.529809 -0.665056 -0.488467 -0.56489 -0.505193 -0.408993 -0.759938 -0.312897 -0.314982 -0.896037 0.796286 -0.495922 -0.346396 0.865739 -0.328626 -0.377493 0.760432 -0.204661 -0.616326 0.545204 -0.224716 -0.807623 0.593644 -0.079984 -0.800743 0.783915 -0.086134 -0.614865 0.896384 -0.199742 -0.395726 0.906271 -0.095045 -0.411874 0.551478 0.253954 -0.794594 0.749758 0.226635 -0.62169 0.783116 0.056593 -0.619295 0.5969 0.085909 -0.797703 0.90526 0.04554 -0.42241 0.880719 0.218398 -0.420282 0.336343 0.599609 -0.726183 0.572035 0.582293 -0.577677 0.679985 0.408785 -0.6087 0.461982 0.425407 -0.778204 0.822759 0.398489 -0.405308 0.73865 0.550111 -0.389581 0.158279 0.713924 -0.6821 0.37644 0.723509 -0.578643 0.467127 0.676077 -0.569835 0.228363 0.685665 -0.691168 0.648361 0.657528 -0.383777 0.564637 0.73282 -0.379684 -0.132948 0.895471 -0.424801 -0.16783 0.911023 -0.376656 -0.12755 0.841928 -0.524298 -0.095044 0.810733 -0.577649 -0.191234 0.937857 -0.289574 -0.161097 0.88789 -0.430929 -0.099619 0.831047 -0.547207 -0.068866 0.782563 -0.618751 -0.042804 0.75673 -0.652324 -0.106611 0.95728 -0.268792 0.061832 0.967519 -0.24512 -0.090989 0.984179 -0.152028 -0.171442 0.958937 -0.225938 -0.170146 0.982001 -0.081999 -0.195635 0.967138 -0.16239 -0.282706 0.95847 -0.037576 -0.282545 0.952356 -0.114834 -0.262642 0.936921 -0.230646 -0.457702 0.605028 -0.651498 -0.494691 0.715297 -0.493589 -0.076223 0.822259 -0.563986 -0.087936 0.702019 -0.706709 0.319664 0.765998 -0.557729 0.294833 0.694844 -0.655946 0.224172 0.682804 -0.695361 -0.063717 0.649517 -0.757673 -0.387084 0.558006 -0.734027 -0.896043 0.261582 -0.358722 -0.944002 0.274393 -0.183216 -0.810194 0.488173 -0.324457 -0.742944 0.435424 -0.508371 -0.645648 0.412332 -0.642745 -0.811086 0.243382 -0.531887 -0.699157 0.136155 -0.701885 -0.530892 0.331786 -0.77979 -0.30426 0.511436 -0.803654 -0.248492 0.408629 -0.878222 -0.387347 0.198969 -0.900208 -0.511763 -0.033699 -0.858465 -0.688173 -0.178311 -0.703294 -0.790784 -0.260454 -0.553917 -0.872048 -0.112083 -0.476413 -0.794394 -0.013341 -0.607256 -0.920109 0.042291 -0.389372 -0.884532 0.127633 -0.44868 -0.676964 -0.636735 -0.369174 -0.702442 -0.678564 -0.214769 -0.78028 -0.57775 -0.239514 -0.733839 -0.540713 -0.41123 -0.092147 -0.181509 -0.979062 -0.144369 -0.166467 -0.975421 -0.159435 -0.079334 -0.984015 -0.094565 -0.065989 -0.993329 -0.168501 -0.000101 -0.985701 -0.104493 0.01153 -0.994459 -0.726284 -0.369697 -0.579514 -0.588438 -0.292192 -0.753899 -0.407291 -0.20071 -0.890971 -0.869486 -0.42871 -0.245363 -0.799739 -0.41079 -0.4378 -0.938755 -0.260153 -0.225963 -0.869609 -0.274794 -0.410206 -0.170534 0.079532 -0.982137 -0.161151 0.169743 -0.972223 -0.090409 0.181448 -0.979236 -0.10396 0.092065 -0.990311 -0.061474 0.779505 -0.623373 -0.054952 0.743789 -0.666152 -0.103099 0.66864 -0.736404 -0.089248 0.714186 -0.694242 0.313646 0.879357 -0.358269 0.027421 0.941997 -0.334499 -0.080622 0.891857 -0.445073 0.022338 0.831019 -0.555795 0.289168 0.850636 -0.43909 0.556005 0.699289 -0.449281 0.050624 0.773712 -0.631511 0.231632 0.808083 -0.541616 0.288863 0.771715 -0.566581 0.103245 0.744807 -0.659244 0.031939 0.724546 -0.688486 0.003268 0.749951 -0.661485 -0.026171 0.792703 -0.609046 0.482137 0.794981 -0.36817 0.398207 0.851469 -0.34122 -0.221077 0.901734 -0.371484 -0.143622 0.850839 -0.505417 0.234374 0.743588 -0.626216 0.46128 0.703836 -0.540218 0.562017 0.649813 -0.511741 -0.977474 -0.09123 -0.19032 -0.936551 -0.12725 -0.326619 -0.984003 0.070682 -0.163533 -0.961337 0.050417 -0.270718 -0.12138 0.620783 -0.774529 -0.05521 0.647511 -0.760053 -0.944461 0.162933 -0.285388 -0.972855 0.171501 -0.15537 0.237565 0.800499 -0.55024 0.395586 0.847721 -0.353385 0.35269 0.570432 -0.741766 0.568049 0.652016 -0.502191 -0.054488 0.806873 -0.588206 -0.221404 0.774347 -0.592762 -0.082141 0.728443 -0.680164 -0.34248 0.449493 -0.825023 -0.1184 0.432945 -0.893611 0.102358 0.477975 -0.872389 0.062161 0.735187 -0.675008 -0.351621 0.822971 -0.446186 -0.453177 0.839825 -0.298872 -0.753559 0.408132 -0.515341 -0.56556 0.457673 -0.686059 0.070662 -0.994095 -0.082354 0.053046 -0.991548 -0.1184 0.013209 -0.990078 -0.139895 0.042006 -0.899343 -0.435221 0.096965 -0.90473 -0.414802 0.032991 -0.99044 -0.133938 -0.056118 -0.897897 -0.436614 -0.016738 -0.990736 -0.134764 0.086464 -0.995644 -0.034877 0.061043 -0.750045 -0.658564 0.137198 -0.774505 -0.61751 0.069229 -0.578014 -0.813085 0.165722 -0.607498 -0.776841 -0.08926 -0.735213 -0.671934 -0.114239 -0.544747 -0.830783 0.019911 -0.230638 -0.972836 -0.030593 -0.214954 -0.976145 -0.045955 -0.097756 -0.994149 0.002659 -0.095509 -0.995425 -0.052141 0.011297 -0.998576 0.002127 0.01818 -0.999832 0.120697 0.01473 -0.99258 0.113372 -0.110702 -0.987366 0.096736 -0.223211 -0.969958 -0.055442 0.119889 -0.991238 -0.003618 0.136061 -0.990694 -0.057352 0.236947 -0.969828 -0.01353 0.263616 -0.964533 0.087309 0.294367 -0.951696 0.113304 0.153076 -0.981697 -0.061332 0.359879 -0.930981 -0.028754 0.371752 -0.927887 -0.069217 0.479884 -0.874597 -0.04309 0.485197 -0.873342 0.017067 0.479437 -0.87741 0.052641 0.398131 -0.915817 -0.034654 0.760876 -0.647972 0.07156 0.732098 -0.67743 0.191934 0.634425 -0.748777 0.303753 0.458556 -0.835141 0.384402 0.282027 -0.879031 0.419845 0.110042 -0.9009 0.406427 -0.062856 -0.911518 0.353955 -0.220425 -0.908916 0.281504 -0.354287 -0.89176 0.067511 -0.500136 -0.863311 0.193668 -0.469971 -0.861174 -0.14958 -0.414815 -0.897527 -0.228363 -0.298833 -0.926579 -0.288297 -0.161724 -0.943785 -0.298702 -0.022525 -0.954081 -0.190826 0.301532 -0.934165 -0.246409 0.126265 -0.960906 -0.15017 0.520238 -0.840715 -0.129702 0.309072 -0.942153 -0.066417 0.305119 -0.949995 -0.055085 0.462192 -0.885067 -0.090042 0.449004 -0.888981 -0.071733 0.766958 -0.637675 -0.283007 -0.028509 -0.958694 -0.281863 -0.191917 -0.940065 -0.351312 -0.084797 -0.932411 -0.309888 -0.241843 -0.919501 -0.329877 -0.256795 -0.908426 -0.371873 -0.083592 -0.924512 -0.244245 -0.370528 -0.896133 -0.261882 -0.399787 -0.878401 -0.239012 -0.350966 -0.905371 -0.228514 0.26963 -0.935457 -0.253264 0.114721 -0.960571 -0.387754 0.261515 -0.883887 -0.38213 0.068912 -0.921536 -0.395833 0.087229 -0.914171 -0.400411 0.295266 -0.867461 0.059717 -0.537384 -0.841221 0.170799 -0.490618 -0.854471 0.023673 -0.491984 -0.870282 0.138029 -0.482666 -0.864859 0.172547 -0.546798 -0.819292 0.048051 -0.585369 -0.809342 0.24535 -0.391127 -0.88703 0.271557 -0.425603 -0.863203 0.253362 -0.383231 -0.888224 -0.16392 -0.464478 -0.870282 -0.156074 -0.43633 -0.886147 -0.174103 -0.495914 -0.85074 0.311338 -0.234144 -0.921002 0.314452 -0.22765 -0.921573 0.331844 -0.253055 -0.908759 0.334948 -0.047443 -0.941041 0.358791 -0.06942 -0.930833 0.352034 -0.064094 -0.93379 0.370008 0.120956 -0.921121 0.325861 0.13785 -0.935314 0.365501 0.126808 -0.922133 0.293842 0.331419 -0.896559 0.345775 0.339247 -0.874843 0.349666 0.318511 -0.88107 0.181191 0.722006 -0.667741 0.050427 0.826013 -0.561391 0.124911 0.682336 -0.720288 -8.3e-005 0.771418 -0.636329 0.029371 0.862647 -0.504953 0.172441 0.753171 -0.634821 -0.088449 0.796983 -0.597491 -0.084759 0.878493 -0.470177 -0.056365 0.816918 -0.573992 0.28721 0.527283 -0.799677 0.229314 0.522426 -0.821271 0.28443 0.557632 -0.779838 -0.184783 0.47937 -0.857939 -0.159072 0.705689 -0.690434 -0.306838 0.513915 -0.801088 -0.313651 0.56677 -0.761837 -0.157757 0.765176 -0.624195 -0.073978 0.778021 -0.623867 -0.070331 0.835642 -0.544753 -0.087799 0.795672 -0.599331 -0.090591 0.859197 -0.503561 -0.232887 -0.144487 -0.961711 -0.244705 -0.029472 -0.96915 -0.189644 -0.261806 -0.946305 -0.251478 0.075314 -0.964928 -0.245154 0.195506 -0.949567 0.069738 -0.345456 -0.93584 -0.006898 -0.32309 -0.946343 0.169707 -0.300933 -0.938424 -0.116208 -0.315517 -0.941778 0.239122 -0.166926 -0.956533 0.255866 -0.011563 -0.966643 0.242809 0.152646 -0.957989 0.202267 0.315072 -0.927264 -0.032641 0.607102 -0.793953 0.060458 0.564272 -0.823372 -0.076278 0.598808 -0.797252 0.144831 0.45396 -0.879173 -0.202967 0.364176 -0.908945 -0.116061 0.523868 -0.843856 -0.061288 0.585836 -0.808109 -0.069247 0.590821 -0.803825 -0.06147 0.471147 -0.87991 -0.062087 0.339494 -0.938557 -0.069753 0.213116 -0.974534 -0.075711 0.106988 -0.991373 -0.074759 0.010224 -0.997149 -0.065915 -0.084862 -0.99421 -0.056359 -0.195476 -0.979088 -0.058264 -0.312594 -0.948098 -0.069962 -0.465689 -0.882179 -0.071195 -0.557949 -0.826815 -0.045754 -0.47841 -0.876944 -0.060646 -0.52652 -0.847997 -0.029989 -0.553187 -0.832517 -0.018388 -0.737572 -0.675018 -0.009087 -0.897441 -0.441041 -0.00158 -0.989993 -0.141109 -0.308322 -0.951065 -0.020322 -0.110713 -0.99381 -0.009215 -0.455221 -0.889796 -0.032191 -0.596471 -0.800898 -0.052761 -0.511407 0.823202 -0.246578 -0.952243 0.291325 -0.09145 -0.828387 0.538442 -0.154449 -0.712918 -0.697663 -0.070811 -0.964192 -0.256036 -0.069136 -0.99426 -0.077609 -0.073642 -0.993521 0.085088 -0.075342 -0.980403 0.180699 -0.07847 -0.618484 0.785248 -0.029371 -0.985065 0.143698 -0.094851 -0.540296 0.826158 -0.159823 -0.899944 0.302263 -0.314224 -0.858864 -0.489238 -0.15165 -0.711588 -0.680949 -0.173063 -0.767866 -0.270651 -0.580629 -0.848883 -0.383401 -0.36387 -0.671939 -0.656576 -0.342645 -0.602072 -0.614193 -0.510173 -0.382168 -0.137855 -0.913752 -0.607476 -0.181274 -0.773377 -0.492091 -0.563373 -0.66367 -0.327921 -0.53701 -0.777231 -0.13782 -0.132667 -0.981532 -0.138241 -0.548212 -0.824835 0.069946 -0.573914 -0.815923 0.11889 -0.117351 -0.985948 0.269629 -0.627654 -0.730309 0.418909 -0.085153 -0.904027 0.751138 0.018205 -0.659894 0.495888 -0.698066 -0.516526 -0.95931 0.034968 0.280182 -0.952229 0.032635 0.303636 -0.93144 0.167086 0.323268 -0.946666 0.171861 0.272557 -0.944846 0.025037 0.326557 -0.91551 0.150958 0.372899 -0.937578 0.012119 0.347564 -0.899986 0.12397 0.417919 -0.930687 -0.005661 0.365772 -0.885622 0.08696 0.456193 -0.924746 -0.02703 0.379623 -0.873384 0.042333 0.485189 -0.919713 -0.051956 0.389139 -0.863691 -0.010116 0.503919 -0.915891 -0.078133 0.39375 -0.857075 -0.064545 0.511132 -0.913924 -0.104134 0.392301 -0.854193 -0.116994 0.506623 -0.913686 -0.130204 0.385001 -0.854276 -0.170718 0.490986 -0.915221 -0.154787 0.372036 -0.856986 -0.224754 0.463745 -0.918574 -0.175545 0.354127 -0.862661 -0.271395 0.426803 -0.924357 -0.190998 0.330279 -0.874699 -0.302741 0.378484 -0.93489 -0.202027 0.291831 -0.900162 -0.32556 0.289342 -0.890596 -0.319641 0.323525 -0.930807 -0.199874 0.306022 -0.896 0.289458 0.336747 -0.918721 0.296141 0.261252 -0.872107 0.26593 0.410745 -0.848724 0.226438 0.477905 -0.827137 0.172709 0.534805 -0.80861 0.10747 0.578446 -0.794368 0.032855 0.606547 -0.785336 -0.046853 0.617294 -0.781515 -0.12666 0.610894 -0.781913 -0.208771 0.58739 -0.785856 -0.293485 0.544332 -0.793937 -0.361184 0.489091 -0.811021 -0.403504 0.423592 -0.835242 -0.430573 0.342022 -0.847345 0.403795 0.3449 -0.876998 0.412515 0.246384 -0.816114 0.373023 0.441375 -0.785473 0.321444 0.528872 -0.757102 0.251755 0.60284 -0.732492 0.167285 0.659903 -0.71285 0.071993 0.697612 -0.699448 -0.030237 0.714044 -0.693366 -0.135002 0.707826 -0.694705 -0.244186 0.676579 -0.700161 -0.36004 0.616559 -0.706167 -0.453566 0.543697 -0.723583 -0.510419 0.464651 -0.757493 -0.546167 0.357639 -0.786239 0.510828 0.347683 -0.822283 0.521471 0.227858 -0.748188 0.473296 0.464978 -0.710816 0.41044 0.571208 -0.676265 0.32557 0.66081 -0.646313 0.222825 0.729815 -0.622397 0.107069 0.775344 -0.605751 -0.016281 0.795488 -0.597541 -0.142104 0.789146 -0.599072 -0.273389 0.752576 -0.605625 -0.422009 0.67463 -0.607323 -0.542234 0.580639 -0.62045 -0.60942 0.493609 -0.663091 -0.648882 0.373178 -0.713977 0.609147 0.34522 -0.755821 0.6215 0.206088 -0.669772 0.565403 0.481378 -0.626414 0.492206 0.604433 -0.58635 0.393512 0.708055 -0.551603 0.274208 0.787746 -0.523909 0.140003 0.84019 -0.504656 -0.002861 0.863316 -0.494725 -0.148092 0.856339 -0.496885 -0.296649 0.81554 -0.511217 -0.470298 0.719359 -0.523448 -0.603062 0.601929 -0.54514 -0.6692 0.504969 -0.589688 -0.712391 0.380483 -0.632092 0.697412 0.337752 -0.679083 0.71125 0.181575 -0.582478 0.648166 0.490511 -0.533908 0.565768 0.62837 -0.489063 0.454778 0.744308 -0.450216 0.320826 0.833293 -0.419311 0.170384 0.891711 -0.397828 0.010371 0.917402 -0.386738 -0.152189 0.909545 -0.388906 -0.314579 0.865905 -0.416834 -0.497637 0.760662 -0.460989 -0.625959 0.629018 -0.542107 0.774681 0.32556 -0.593506 0.78981 0.15476 -0.487909 0.720672 0.492521 -0.434921 0.630341 0.64305 -0.3861 0.508756 0.769476 -0.343913 0.362223 0.866325 -0.310381 0.197869 0.929791 -0.287052 0.023243 0.957633 -0.274984 -0.154056 0.949026 -0.274153 -0.330443 0.903132 -0.301736 -0.514601 0.802584 -0.360883 -0.638403 0.679857 -0.445437 0.840329 0.308923 -0.50045 0.856542 0.126038 -0.387543 0.782319 0.487634 -0.331043 0.685354 0.648614 -0.279115 0.554987 0.783636 -0.234323 0.398047 0.886934 -0.198766 0.222238 0.954517 -0.174032 0.035606 0.984096 -0.161146 -0.153806 0.974872 -0.161623 -0.341915 0.925728 -0.183322 -0.527132 0.829774 -0.220903 -0.657095 0.720714 -0.343523 0.893833 0.288192 -0.401399 0.910874 0.095845 -0.282773 0.832684 0.476106 -0.223681 0.730476 0.645269 -0.169508 0.593188 0.787016 -0.122852 0.428085 0.895349 -0.085869 0.24334 0.966133 -0.060478 0.047525 0.997037 -0.048298 -0.151042 0.987347 -0.051169 -0.346801 0.936542 -0.071334 -0.536879 0.840638 -0.087789 -0.68823 0.720162 -0.21986 0.940431 0.259327 -0.28005 0.958152 0.059303 -0.156918 0.876718 0.454689 -0.095926 0.770248 0.630489 -0.040164 0.627316 0.777728 0.007734 0.455603 0.890149 0.046891 0.262808 0.963708 0.076503 0.059129 0.995315 0.087975 -0.141662 0.985998 0.082632 -0.346525 0.934394 0.066735 -0.543112 0.837004 0.044893 -0.70688 0.705907 -0.074449 0.972485 0.220751 -0.13589 0.990587 0.016451 -0.0105 0.907325 0.420298 0.052421 0.798072 0.600278 0.112271 0.651463 0.750327 0.17284 0.475296 0.862682 0.224622 0.286559 0.931359 0.237263 0.088989 0.967361 0.218281 -0.113 0.969322 0.208533 -0.342413 0.916116 0.208343 -0.548433 0.809824 0.177566 -0.726111 0.664254 0.072457 0.981536 0.17702 0.011184 0.999581 -0.026697 0.13045 0.91774 0.375149 0.17379 0.810665 0.559124 0.202259 0.677497 0.70717 0.281823 0.466274 0.838549 0.389486 0.279956 0.877454 0.38011 0.146887 0.913204 0.357385 -0.040932 0.93306 0.345941 -0.321259 0.881543 0.34413 -0.559385 0.754098 0.331752 -0.740685 0.584232 0.196145 0.971318 0.134422 0.140044 0.988072 -0.064045 0.22226 0.915547 0.335221 0.215212 0.826522 0.520139 0.485045 0.203691 0.850436 0.549186 0.085396 0.831326 0.51886 -0.274121 0.809717 0.494351 -0.559544 0.665228 0.486216 -0.716967 0.499552 0.288962 0.953069 0.090338 0.249176 0.963756 -0.09532 0.279421 0.910567 0.304618 0.388152 0.921065 0.031265 0.355698 0.926134 -0.125519 0.404067 0.903782 0.141097 0.68549 -0.217008 0.69499 0.702569 0.095581 0.705167 0.629523 -0.529053 0.569037 0.593718 -0.693079 0.408828 0.496683 0.867503 -0.027267 0.458279 0.875316 -0.154276 0.528047 0.848543 0.03378 0.806768 -0.152023 0.570977 0.808457 0.086821 0.582116 0.751952 -0.463847 0.468417 0.679141 -0.659907 0.321388 0.597185 0.799146 -0.068811 0.555473 0.811556 -0.181181 0.641605 0.76683 -0.017718 0.890943 -0.106367 0.441483 0.8665 0.068021 0.494522 0.874776 -0.373384 0.30879 0.812876 -0.546789 0.200637 0.713003 0.692155 -0.112017 0.675208 0.706006 -0.213658 0.760001 0.64795 -0.050575 0.881663 0.086627 0.463859 0.915057 -0.143088 0.377089 0.91943 -0.337729 0.201463 0.893271 -0.433495 0.118948 0.740476 -0.66906 0.063675 0.859379 -0.511092 0.015908 0.647012 -0.745143 -0.161672 0.622061 -0.770384 0.139818 0.519697 -0.840964 -0.150645 0.82048 0.555122 -0.136569 0.782459 0.574043 -0.241314 0.857424 0.511442 -0.057009 0.806681 0.536729 -0.247364 0.862468 0.496193 -0.099707 0.878972 0.473396 -0.057475 0.818208 0.516312 -0.252897 -0.95504 -0.087036 0.283414 0.458007 0.336509 0.822795 0.548647 0.436829 0.712858 0.498793 0.508214 0.702085 0.40895 0.438856 0.800103 0.458788 0.419381 0.783347 0.488579 0.295919 0.820806 0.338496 0.547557 0.765246 0.40128 0.540787 0.739273 0.447903 0.573978 0.685516 0.572577 0.090453 0.814846 0.659971 0.242585 0.711049 0.600793 0.356629 0.715446 0.507798 0.222804 0.832165 0.525407 0.175386 0.832579 0.592642 0.076696 0.801806 0.696495 -0.160757 0.699323 0.747071 -0.060562 0.66198 0.716368 0.089686 0.691935 0.643654 -0.044528 0.76402 0.679875 -0.004061 0.733317 0.751902 -0.071444 0.655392 0.836517 -0.293072 0.462977 0.828132 -0.230473 0.510959 0.762807 -0.199352 0.61513 0.753672 -0.259258 0.603957 0.803598 -0.130297 0.580735 0.857252 -0.175255 0.484153 0.916775 -0.199713 0.345889 0.913851 -0.163134 0.371839 0.958882 -0.051876 0.279022 0.954667 -0.015331 0.297282 0.878559 0.023718 0.477045 0.887732 -0.142315 0.437811 0.881622 0.374121 0.287709 0.786275 0.361357 0.501191 0.845764 0.203036 0.493417 0.938392 0.191581 0.287606 0.964699 0.141352 0.222208 0.919874 0.344658 0.187198 0.735833 0.601185 0.31165 0.66518 0.53777 0.518014 0.724119 0.464664 0.509645 0.811286 0.503396 0.297333 0.847399 0.503007 0.169996 0.757311 0.630422 0.170435 0.55095 0.766953 0.328993 0.550236 0.662384 0.508417 0.604139 0.603421 0.520479 0.650213 0.6874 0.32358 0.647232 0.739853 0.183595 0.52066 0.823219 0.226328 0.232539 0.84106 0.48841 0.333081 0.772484 0.540672 0.4542 0.75815 0.467879 0.390892 0.846896 0.360515 0.372475 0.869089 0.325495 0.285053 0.827495 0.483733 0.339781 0.673393 0.656575 0.238562 0.704887 0.668 0.320797 0.691569 0.647164 0.829927 0.324203 0.453996 0.78816 0.413058 0.456275 0.818961 0.437724 0.37108 0.868606 0.367447 0.332424 0.594766 0.761672 -0.257117 0.732865 0.586033 -0.345649 0.753901 0.533838 0.38295 0.862991 0.204761 0.461865 0.867214 0.193679 0.458725 0.940858 -0.000486 0.3388 0.908483 -0.022324 0.417326 0.966409 -0.169051 -0.193584 0.923393 -0.383468 0.01723 0.951149 0.102662 0.291162 0.867316 0.198019 0.456675 0.856872 0.261318 0.444391 0.920131 0.262219 0.290862 0.845974 0.375555 -0.378531 0.934245 0.115443 -0.337429 0.724297 0.540152 0.42852 0.705159 0.593618 0.387773 0.719293 0.595991 0.356949 0.405662 0.913937 -0.012545 0.486535 0.862055 -0.141935 0.71787 0.605721 0.343167 0.730039 0.584407 0.354276 0.725686 0.562032 0.396862 0.693853 0.591752 0.410363 0.217331 0.868422 0.445659 0.312452 0.932842 0.179389 0.629841 0.545507 0.552922 0.214362 0.527633 0.821981 0.173015 0.7023 0.690536 0.57713 0.459556 0.675077 0.602476 0.389152 0.696838 0.688167 0.493994 0.531411 0.689409 0.382203 0.615335 0.751692 0.33439 0.568456 0.797599 0.361585 0.482797 0.671211 0.364963 0.645196 0.411128 0.319273 0.853838 0.313319 0.402291 0.860228 0.718031 0.380064 0.58308 0.802641 0.402836 0.439876 0.786668 0.41629 0.455912 0.7261 0.396288 0.561903 0.493842 0.121551 0.861014 0.469657 0.240907 0.849345 0.710366 0.36318 0.602894 0.767343 0.380847 0.515888 0.773688 0.31236 0.551215 0.718919 0.257235 0.645744 0.615801 -0.251493 0.746687 0.530844 -0.044491 0.846301 0.775459 0.113009 0.621203 0.81328 0.246247 0.527199 0.846491 0.212923 0.487972 0.849483 0.012404 0.52747 0.842402 -0.47405 0.256193 0.735809 -0.426295 0.526173 0.762121 0.060604 0.644592 0.762121 0.060604 0.644592 0.670388 0.105094 0.734531 0.670388 0.105094 0.734531 0.53593 0.35712 0.765013 0.53593 0.35712 0.765013 0.519593 0.470857 0.712963 0.519593 0.470857 0.712963 0.592721 0.147272 0.791829 0.592721 0.147272 0.791829 0.539402 0.227876 0.810628 0.539402 0.227876 0.810628 0.838046 -0.041961 0.543984 0.838046 -0.041961 0.543984 0.805134 0.024108 0.592603 0.805134 0.024108 0.592603 0.458987 0.56981 0.681651 0.458987 0.56981 0.681651 0.36131 0.737053 0.571146 0.36131 0.737053 0.571146 0.930114 -0.106536 0.351481 0.930114 -0.106536 0.351481 0.880661 -0.11099 0.460561 0.880661 -0.11099 0.460561 0.320732 0.857422 0.402441 0.320732 0.857422 0.402441 0.44726 0.859353 0.247932 0.44726 0.859353 0.247932 0.95182 0.231775 0.200795 0.95182 0.231775 0.200795 0.964167 0.021103 0.264456 0.964167 0.021103 0.264456 0.579093 0.8006 0.153919 0.579093 0.8006 0.153919 0.697437 0.705567 0.12553 0.697437 0.705567 0.12553 0.814036 0.566095 0.129927 0.814036 0.566095 0.129927 0.890074 0.43096 0.148464 0.890074 0.43096 0.148464 0.029208 0.881474 -0.471328 0.029208 0.881474 -0.471328 0.096449 0.728365 -0.678368 0.096449 0.728365 -0.678368 0.4685 0.04873 -0.882118 0.4685 0.04873 -0.882118 0.638087 -0.253445 -0.727056 0.638087 -0.253445 -0.727056 0.178322 0.511529 -0.840559 0.178322 0.511529 -0.840559 0.316697 0.307225 -0.897394 0.316697 0.307225 -0.897394 -0.229597 0.97301 0.023188 -0.229597 0.97301 0.023188 -0.099111 0.961282 -0.257125 -0.099111 0.961282 -0.257125 0.690989 -0.552351 -0.466307 0.690989 -0.552351 -0.466307 0.614728 -0.774975 -0.146708 0.614728 -0.774975 -0.146708 -0.213285 0.674612 0.706689 -0.213285 0.674612 0.706689 -0.277125 0.880387 0.384865 -0.277125 0.880387 0.384865 0.522099 -0.831492 0.189823 0.522099 -0.831492 0.189823 0.41303 -0.701304 0.581016 0.41303 -0.701304 0.581016 0.016451 0.304495 0.952372 0.016451 0.304495 0.952372 -0.102423 0.482133 0.87009 -0.102423 0.482133 0.87009 0.321342 -0.449506 0.833477 0.321342 -0.449506 0.833477 0.240502 -0.251619 0.937468 0.240502 -0.251619 0.937468 0.177609 -0.048219 0.982919 0.177609 -0.048219 0.982919 0.113264 0.143803 0.983103 0.113264 0.143803 0.983103 0.856752 0.237426 0.457827 0.923385 0.210649 0.320917 0.807841 0.342573 0.479622 0.926355 0.306361 0.219111 0.893024 0.401372 0.203491 0.707489 0.350542 0.613661 0.690028 0.404138 0.600445 0.701459 0.296818 0.647962 0.79174 0.518629 0.322757 0.756722 0.567339 0.324806 0.829456 0.472735 0.297531 0.598529 0.538416 0.593188 0.611969 0.432342 0.662249 0.636119 0.597396 0.488334 0.661695 0.3349 0.670821 0.723255 0.374582 0.580165 0.790325 0.34767 0.504491 0.811959 0.371822 0.449969 0.863778 0.442517 0.24097 0.701135 0.600411 0.384599 0.932766 0.160597 0.322732 0.970845 0.170441 0.168552 0.883636 0.175716 0.433947 0.958137 0.275993 0.076165 0.918477 0.391142 0.058382 0.596042 0.268924 0.756581 0.631692 0.23949 0.737299 0.526233 0.296752 0.79688 0.713347 0.696389 0.078601 0.607873 0.785114 0.118686 0.815341 0.574919 0.068466 0.317442 0.747572 0.583409 0.328784 0.607429 0.72314 0.382484 0.824581 0.416859 0.421264 0.422347 0.802596 0.694449 0.183029 0.695875 0.790988 0.142639 0.594973 0.851498 0.154648 0.501034 0.88206 0.467139 0.061249 0.494106 0.834447 0.244044 0.898388 0.239427 0.368203 0.928433 0.290662 0.231361 0.927907 0.362185 0.088373 0.90613 0.422899 -0.009252 0.502343 -0.531378 -0.68212 0.481433 0.034979 -0.875785 0.821621 0.007587 -0.569984 0.601173 0.059321 -0.796914 0.288385 0.93379 -0.211824 0.988457 0.045901 -0.144378 0.606647 0.786641 -0.114787 0.631147 0.75431 -0.180748 0.972584 0.01879 -0.231792 0.50542 0.85821 -0.089584 0.979429 0.125423 -0.158074 0.681238 -0.704485 -0.199036 0.649817 -0.670326 -0.358331 0.486326 -0.865845 -0.117473 0.446328 -0.866561 -0.223303 0.749936 -0.639396 -0.169616 0.164446 0.814374 0.556554 0.230868 0.7458 0.624886 0.513037 0.656869 0.552553 0.434017 0.729299 0.528916 0.753221 0.48407 0.445347 0.753221 0.48407 0.445347 0.124146 -0.973254 0.193296 0.136691 -0.979344 0.149 0.136691 -0.979344 0.149 0.184839 -0.973906 0.131688 0.16227 -0.986484 -0.022769 0.212195 -0.968006 0.133929 0.212195 -0.968006 0.133929 0.404326 0.749489 0.524201 0.579587 0.654669 0.485269 0.579587 0.654669 0.485269 0.267339 0.835446 0.480167 0.245983 0.889628 0.38478 0.267339 0.835446 0.480167 0.316456 0.757992 0.570354 0.349573 0.870764 0.345787 0.299173 0.736411 0.60679 0.210334 0.763548 0.610536 0.173912 0.765408 0.619601 0.197207 0.7873 0.584182 0.208134 0.150701 0.966421 0.45413 0.145812 0.878922 0.34138 0.606573 0.718004 0.193961 0.656473 0.728987 0.702212 0.014831 0.711813 0.629702 0.408791 0.660579 0.464374 -0.299888 0.833321 0.195845 -0.470873 0.860188 0.247334 -0.957018 0.151467 0.40013 -0.846054 0.352263 0.156142 -0.842984 0.51478 0.487382 -0.796965 0.356799 0.24234 -0.955279 0.169453 0.220077 -0.968074 0.119991 0.144759 -0.978459 0.147185 0.183204 -0.982603 -0.03045 0.067622 -0.997704 0.003667 0.333609 0.885237 0.324131 0.26257 0.786829 0.558531 0.249027 0.818022 0.518484 0.310909 0.905688 0.288211 0.981618 -0.064667 0.179569 0.953472 -0.110057 0.280676 0.829047 -0.397145 0.393645 0.92859 0.156172 0.336647 0.777747 -0.421784 0.466056 0.769156 -0.579058 0.270354 0.995933 0.044395 0.078399 0.452986 -0.772336 0.445309 0.25562 -0.911562 0.322045 0.985612 -0.013881 -0.168452 0.7241 -0.689125 0.028032 0.669094 -0.721471 -0.178308 0.959852 -0.03757 -0.277979 0.142983 -0.970854 0.192352 0.080246 -0.996775 0.00032 0.399717 0.880195 0.255896 0.376418 0.74386 0.552252 0.932941 0.251988 0.257146 0.923519 0.376658 0.072404 0.341071 0.563945 0.752088 0.901143 0.06264 0.428972 0.473307 -0.704975 -0.528197 0.53861 0.034196 -0.841861 0.284747 -0.650038 -0.704536 0.28859 -0.717857 -0.633559 0.66476 -0.69131 -0.283167 0.687122 0.601648 -0.407288 0.19454 0.943367 -0.268726 0.142669 0.967481 -0.20887 0.158097 0.977372 -0.140534 0.267227 0.956959 -0.113221 0.206618 0.964826 -0.16254 0.111176 0.975912 -0.187714 0.29006 0.951394 -0.103509 0.197728 0.977642 -0.071559 0.133329 0.730763 0.669484 -0.021072 0.776457 0.629818 -0.048861 0.692427 0.719831 -0.267381 0.736738 0.621067 0.502201 -0.841758 -0.198082 0.347489 -0.823244 -0.44891 0.323269 -0.832159 -0.450565 0.365532 -0.909977 -0.195774 0.278989 -0.744812 -0.606152 0.310543 -0.724294 -0.615598 0.470573 -0.845704 0.251686 0.639991 -0.751749 0.159014 0.847528 -0.526779 -0.064814 0.931762 0.360605 -0.042234 0.731131 -0.37377 0.57074 0.545828 -0.440059 0.713036 0.28654 -0.807827 -0.515083 0.336227 -0.798398 -0.499512 0.390344 -0.778946 -0.490791 0.394888 -0.900382 -0.182694 0.453746 -0.877199 -0.156959 0.356802 -0.910855 -0.207449 -0.344161 0.695104 0.631176 -0.149439 0.640429 0.753338 -0.149043 0.665502 0.731364 -0.349826 0.693839 0.629452 -0.136209 0.702366 0.698663 -0.323407 0.705435 0.63069 0.682989 -0.682468 -0.260315 0.59895 -0.703991 -0.381648 0.629914 -0.656157 -0.415531 0.77097 -0.571238 -0.281588 0.426971 -0.693708 -0.580055 0.470882 -0.685627 -0.555145 0.547183 -0.735019 -0.400422 0.403878 -0.692278 -0.598025 0.639219 -0.729933 -0.242067 0.756317 -0.646196 0.102054 0.818345 -0.573567 0.036491 0.814869 -0.159464 0.557279 0.753505 -0.300809 0.584589 0.916322 -0.395282 -0.064085 -0.552229 0.717565 0.424433 -0.549898 0.723485 0.417351 -0.689114 0.695621 0.20306 -0.692124 0.693865 0.198787 -0.449937 0.772191 0.44864 -0.582332 0.776773 0.23982 0.4591 -0.736156 -0.497294 0.428557 -0.75507 -0.496193 0.470093 -0.756298 -0.455001 0.604445 -0.773438 -0.190894 0.573109 -0.784752 -0.236031 0.620477 -0.767507 -0.161065 -0.154659 0.830449 0.535196 -0.208047 0.933434 0.292262 0.839948 -0.488026 -0.237313 0.649751 -0.668884 -0.361136 0.686328 -0.685198 -0.243841 0.870409 -0.456272 -0.184943 0.113928 -0.971144 0.209524 0.420169 -0.778433 0.466369 0.36716 -0.763202 0.531711 -0.02591 -0.968892 0.246125 0.735247 0.502746 0.454597 0.760736 -0.231899 0.60622 0.709739 -0.164748 0.68493 0.677088 0.518341 0.522374 0.150157 0.985896 -0.073902 0.110758 0.979195 -0.170028 0.14924 0.977328 -0.150193 0.102024 0.980668 -0.166976 0.092901 0.976521 -0.194362 0.035026 -0.981694 0.187218 -0.094184 -0.972517 0.212932 -0.040179 -0.998571 0.035247 -0.134425 -0.988935 0.062742 0.104938 0.981244 -0.161707 0.151335 0.986059 -0.069173 0.069929 0.986197 -0.150086 0.095076 0.992657 -0.074781 -0.031932 -0.959846 0.278703 0.3959 -0.771292 0.498369 0.753955 -0.269659 0.599029 0.811465 0.345679 0.471202 0.245701 0.963498 -0.106314 0.226774 0.963215 -0.144187 -0.201856 -0.975954 0.082263 -0.144695 -0.963786 0.22401 0.238399 0.953876 -0.182445 0.263237 0.957272 -0.119739 0.137189 0.954008 0.266548 0.004047 0.860303 0.509766 -0.324412 0.82325 0.46585 -0.221133 0.946632 0.234497 0.552688 -0.819889 -0.14939 0.435697 -0.752668 -0.493618 0.365249 -0.701895 -0.611504 0.358271 0.298744 0.88453 0.369064 0.261778 0.891776 0.680582 -0.368671 0.633159 0.35026 0.27383 0.895732 -0.101362 0.652868 0.750659 -0.31403 0.712829 0.627104 0.528306 -0.819128 -0.223433 0.448996 -0.780542 -0.434921 0.341896 0.423686 0.838807 0.504935 0.340193 0.79329 0.181522 0.411952 0.892942 0.181522 0.411952 0.892942 0.465736 -0.606641 0.644264 -0.0363 0.939717 0.340021 0.06455 0.996125 -0.059741 -0.0363 0.939717 0.340021 0.286421 0.951044 -0.116095 0.288616 0.950349 -0.116354 0.275757 0.953921 -0.118292 0.150003 0.985457 -0.079833 -0.160278 0.98687 0.019962 -0.557805 0.804225 0.205125 -0.528811 0.837981 0.134713 -0.689987 0.699784 0.184985 -0.704052 0.684413 0.189445 -0.639015 0.750411 0.168948 -0.301208 0.951297 0.065638 0.321965 0.939617 -0.116016 0.978366 -0.179418 -0.103002 0.950511 -0.146462 -0.274005 0.864752 0.428163 -0.262451 0.86448 -0.440579 -0.242001 0.720676 -0.665351 -0.194768 0.631835 -0.756962 -0.166709 0.640249 -0.749264 -0.169365 0.627443 -0.760901 -0.165364 0.541996 -0.828837 -0.138816 0.434754 -0.894291 -0.105989 0.396475 -0.913174 -0.094449 0.3782 -0.921198 -0.091428 0.733887 0.635327 -0.240355 0.720343 0.687761 -0.089944 0.744559 0.62451 -0.235838 0.345736 0.9286 0.13479 0.993133 0.093733 0.070012 0.356159 0.925036 0.132136 0.187307 0.978163 -0.09007 0.502357 0.858922 0.099456 0.251333 0.962401 -0.103033 0.65335 -0.735934 0.17758 0.65112 0.755621 0.071276 0.96166 -0.25776 -0.093651 0.209729 0.846026 0.490157 0.369985 -0.806261 -0.461579 -0.486759 0.759504 0.431532 0.951681 0.185976 -0.24437 0.902737 0.332183 -0.273352 0.941165 0.315326 -0.121568 0.951681 0.185976 -0.24437 0.956675 0.290442 0.020395 0.999368 -0.03479 -0.007251 0.964422 0.229761 0.130768 0.952504 0.13236 0.274258 0.999368 -0.03479 -0.007251 0.940577 -0.003262 0.339566 0.985356 -0.047323 -0.163812 0.973149 -0.138935 0.183517 0.98634 -0.163979 0.015638 0.985356 -0.047323 -0.163812 0.800077 -0.569905 -0.187309 0.874318 -0.431977 -0.221278 0.945305 -0.32607 -0.008707 0.031586 -0.183913 0.982435 0.031586 -0.183913 0.982435 -0.030751 -0.950601 0.30889 -0.030751 -0.950601 0.30889 0.985137 -0.170059 0.024169 -0.138803 -0.672288 0.727161 -0.138803 -0.672288 0.727161 0.909257 -0.407951 -0.082632 0.909257 -0.407951 -0.082632 0.975975 0.172973 -0.132486 0.975975 0.172973 -0.132486 0.980139 0.18814 -0.062699 0.980139 0.18814 -0.062699 0.977763 -0.075286 0.195733 0.977763 -0.075286 0.195733 0.989301 -0.108793 0.097195 0.989301 -0.108793 0.097195 0.977445 0.124096 -0.170885 0.977445 0.124096 -0.170885 0.998153 0.056019 0.023506 0.998153 0.056019 0.023506 0.796335 -0.523715 0.302611 0.474101 -0.734714 0.485204 -0.961031 0.165053 0.221757 -0.966015 0.031778 0.256527 -0.974186 0.146597 0.171671 -0.972365 0.022683 0.232362 -0.984794 0.118521 0.127015 -0.97678 0.011602 0.213931 -0.992779 0.080892 0.088578 -0.980405 -0.006081 0.1969 -0.997692 0.034776 0.058321 -0.983084 -0.030932 0.180525 -0.999084 -0.01652 0.039467 -0.983546 -0.055798 0.171824 -0.996955 -0.071034 0.03217 -0.982323 -0.081459 0.168542 -0.991355 -0.12588 0.037019 -0.979425 -0.107879 0.170556 -0.982538 -0.178319 0.053122 -0.975168 -0.132497 0.177459 -0.97118 -0.224992 0.078667 -0.9699 -0.153567 0.188972 -0.957807 -0.263848 0.113978 -0.963903 -0.170188 0.204763 -0.939615 -0.29636 0.171153 -0.955655 -0.183417 0.230396 -0.916192 -0.318352 0.243403 -0.943673 -0.194814 0.26745 -0.940074 0.285894 0.18581 -0.959445 0.258862 0.111609 -0.975323 0.216319 0.04416 -0.986978 0.160325 -0.013014 -0.993968 0.093475 -0.057363 -0.996059 0.018754 -0.086686 -0.993227 -0.06055 -0.099163 -0.985628 -0.140582 -0.09367 -0.972899 -0.220345 -0.070116 -0.955697 -0.29262 -0.031897 -0.933885 -0.356815 0.023271 -0.904554 -0.412768 0.106793 -0.874187 -0.443341 0.198105 -0.904883 0.399162 0.14784 -0.930066 0.363832 0.051015 -0.950616 0.308169 -0.036885 -0.965592 0.235032 -0.111317 -0.974471 0.147814 -0.168987 -0.976979 0.05078 -0.207202 -0.973161 -0.05162 -0.224262 -0.963025 -0.155851 -0.219756 -0.94516 -0.263631 -0.192798 -0.918341 -0.367435 -0.147108 -0.884469 -0.46033 -0.076225 -0.846414 -0.531736 0.028979 -0.81683 -0.561478 0.132408 -0.856198 0.505244 0.107954 -0.886734 0.462178 -0.009715 -0.911564 0.394322 -0.116455 -0.92955 0.305236 -0.206801 -0.940103 0.199203 -0.276631 -0.942966 0.081326 -0.322801 -0.938215 -0.042948 -0.343377 -0.925514 -0.170798 -0.338011 -0.90304 -0.303133 -0.304351 -0.869126 -0.43109 -0.242446 -0.825613 -0.542663 -0.154533 -0.78679 -0.615366 -0.04782 -0.763783 -0.641746 0.069265 -0.795208 0.602633 0.06691 -0.830597 0.552504 -0.069627 -0.85928 0.473551 -0.193358 -0.879991 0.369951 -0.297914 -0.892055 0.246859 -0.378547 -0.895219 0.110198 -0.431786 -0.889617 -0.03377 -0.455457 -0.87547 -0.181874 -0.447743 -0.852671 -0.3311 -0.404135 -0.819795 -0.473097 -0.322669 -0.773161 -0.597383 -0.21297 -0.732323 -0.672114 -0.109388 -0.703802 -0.710148 0.018793 -0.723285 0.690084 0.025367 -0.762965 0.633675 -0.127835 -0.79508 0.544841 -0.266451 -0.818228 0.428382 -0.383395 -0.831653 0.290204 -0.47343 -0.835118 0.137002 -0.532737 -0.828804 -0.024239 -0.559013 -0.813771 -0.188224 -0.549862 -0.79107 -0.350428 -0.501406 -0.757687 -0.507139 -0.410755 -0.712161 -0.640658 -0.287028 -0.672656 -0.725938 0.143347 -0.641851 0.766661 -0.016075 -0.68527 0.704796 -0.183489 -0.720395 0.607414 -0.334782 -0.745674 0.479891 -0.46225 -0.760327 0.328783 -0.560182 -0.764125 0.161453 -0.624537 -0.757252 -0.014499 -0.652962 -0.740618 -0.191819 -0.643964 -0.713493 -0.368156 -0.596145 -0.67319 -0.539525 -0.505696 -0.633594 -0.66652 -0.392824 -0.552217 0.831757 -0.056883 -0.598779 0.765354 -0.236001 -0.636491 0.660838 -0.397708 -0.663675 0.524103 -0.533716 -0.679467 0.362301 -0.638015 -0.683616 0.18334 -0.706439 -0.676308 -0.004709 -0.736604 -0.658096 -0.193709 -0.72759 -0.624976 -0.385418 -0.678866 -0.57331 -0.567527 -0.590956 -0.539712 -0.669892 -0.509859 -0.455829 0.884817 -0.096532 -0.504906 0.814845 -0.284776 -0.544771 0.704701 -0.454557 -0.573584 0.560728 -0.597148 -0.59041 0.390539 -0.706325 -0.594941 0.202476 -0.777849 -0.58738 0.005005 -0.809296 -0.568315 -0.193377 -0.799765 -0.531724 -0.399254 -0.746904 -0.472063 -0.588647 -0.65624 -0.438252 -0.663694 -0.606173 -0.336649 0.931055 -0.140727 -0.387856 0.858178 -0.336301 -0.429627 0.743452 -0.512543 -0.459974 0.593597 -0.660353 -0.477869 0.416607 -0.773356 -0.482921 0.221168 -0.847273 -0.475295 0.016124 -0.879678 -0.455543 -0.189817 -0.869741 -0.417917 -0.406061 -0.812687 -0.353552 -0.60422 -0.714086 -0.307968 -0.666598 -0.678825 -0.193714 0.962913 -0.187815 -0.246267 0.8884 -0.387424 -0.288613 0.77069 -0.568101 -0.317008 0.616998 -0.720292 -0.324374 0.435579 -0.839674 -0.320365 0.248902 -0.91401 -0.326185 0.041175 -0.944409 -0.317893 -0.181748 -0.930544 -0.279515 -0.404386 -0.870829 -0.213288 -0.614544 -0.759503 -0.156721 -0.682515 -0.713871 -0.046463 0.971992 -0.230375 -0.103325 0.898972 -0.425645 -0.164362 0.783516 -0.59924 -0.218293 0.643744 -0.733446 -0.220032 0.426957 -0.877094 -0.163378 0.257767 -0.952294 -0.189104 0.091231 -0.97771 -0.196106 -0.137994 -0.970824 -0.15848 -0.395997 -0.904473 -0.068774 -0.626707 -0.776214 0.011498 -0.702817 -0.711278 0.080842 0.962059 -0.260588 -0.004368 0.897342 -0.441313 -0.108637 0.80053 -0.589364 -0.077282 0.160772 -0.983961 -0.047366 -0.005136 -0.998864 -0.055321 -0.376835 -0.924627 0.024205 -0.64051 -0.767568 0.122657 -0.746286 -0.654227 0.182989 0.944565 -0.272601 0.060296 0.892968 -0.446064 0.298773 0.913904 -0.274797 0.253313 0.891687 -0.375137 0.114854 -0.338324 -0.933994 0.102232 0.013353 -0.994671 0.151765 -0.614693 -0.774028 0.247572 -0.789545 -0.561539 0.422501 0.861523 -0.281553 0.416333 0.839555 -0.34902 0.37199 -0.274879 -0.886603 0.353485 0.017625 -0.935274 0.378321 -0.507369 -0.774242 0.386435 -0.730111 -0.563565 0.530382 0.793788 -0.297652 0.540498 0.759214 -0.362568 0.588887 -0.200332 -0.782994 0.56861 0.014756 -0.822475 0.582449 -0.344028 -0.736476 0.575726 -0.569224 -0.586961 0.65241 0.687716 -0.318445 0.658927 0.642592 -0.391012 0.527988 0.032741 -0.848621 0.572271 -0.222348 -0.789346 0.647447 -0.270239 -0.712589 0.71954 -0.352064 -0.598592 0.761452 -0.51329 -0.395884 0.588683 -0.724004 -0.359542 0.425419 -0.825843 -0.370137 0.75829 0.548346 -0.35258 0.752446 0.495489 -0.433954 0.762878 0.455469 -0.458873 0.774527 0.480972 -0.410821 -0.059483 0.299655 -0.952191 -0.090596 0.399221 -0.912368 0.036545 0.471124 -0.881309 0.07364 0.399264 -0.913874 -0.030114 0.266255 -0.963432 -0.038844 0.381241 -0.923659 -0.13284 0.509742 -0.85001 -0.066453 0.503298 -0.861554 0.001768 0.538105 -0.842876 0.050754 0.065758 -0.996544 -0.019181 0.193572 -0.980899 0.117727 0.320417 -0.939933 0.173089 0.209675 -0.962329 0.073986 0.047418 -0.996131 -0.002861 0.154045 -0.98806 0.22268 -0.189591 -0.956279 0.142047 -0.070696 -0.987332 0.235945 0.061061 -0.969846 0.284019 -0.085242 -0.955022 0.284187 -0.119522 -0.95129 0.18495 -0.046926 -0.981627 0.469944 -0.314762 -0.824668 0.324898 -0.286474 -0.901318 0.327435 -0.220891 -0.918691 0.436096 -0.251459 -0.864054 0.473624 -0.209127 -0.855538 0.371679 -0.174482 -0.911817 0.593781 -0.220328 -0.773873 0.64569 -0.038921 -0.762607 0.659388 -0.074842 -0.748068 0.577338 -0.188497 -0.794449 0.520053 -0.164818 -0.838081 0.486574 -0.003404 -0.873633 0.583694 0.350278 -0.732535 0.633952 0.167061 -0.755112 0.445809 0.172583 -0.878333 0.388775 0.329865 -0.860258 0.670839 0.324639 -0.666772 0.692093 0.11947 -0.711852 0.445222 0.577844 -0.684013 0.517686 0.479897 -0.708308 0.330597 0.433029 -0.838565 0.275479 0.50654 -0.817024 0.53871 0.612813 -0.578145 0.616696 0.484403 -0.620516 0.278003 0.744964 -0.606418 0.365453 0.664551 -0.651779 0.221829 0.57283 -0.789087 0.182217 0.632878 -0.752504 0.306851 0.80584 -0.506422 0.437533 0.722967 -0.534681 -0.077112 0.816166 -0.572649 0.125172 0.825515 -0.550324 0.121846 0.731498 -0.670868 -0.019603 0.743964 -0.667932 -0.030227 0.802231 -0.596248 0.128031 0.849287 -0.512171 -0.166759 0.672289 -0.721262 -0.074919 0.639876 -0.764817 -0.086363 0.65898 -0.747185 0.419268 0.406688 -0.811677 0.45283 0.31045 -0.835802 0.550354 0.354523 -0.755926 0.488995 0.426269 -0.761038 0.798505 0.589542 -0.121777 0.629664 0.764854 -0.136094 0.428097 0.516657 -0.741484 0.481992 0.162651 -0.860946 0.476625 0.173666 -0.861782 0.541781 -0.051837 -0.83892 0.610962 -0.026965 -0.7912 0.77405 -0.395398 -0.494477 0.920958 -0.172543 -0.349378 0.643893 0.078074 -0.761122 0.480736 0.233816 -0.845117 0.483133 0.167149 -0.859444 0.616661 0.240115 -0.749715 0.967736 0.117908 -0.222674 0.913198 0.379905 -0.147451 0.390578 0.591083 -0.705741 0.382839 0.535126 -0.753044 0.414139 0.577573 -0.70349 0.47634 0.860797 -0.179246 0.340392 0.907818 -0.24495 0.421549 0.584377 -0.693397 0.405414 0.540989 -0.736865 0.431518 0.576007 -0.694268 0.364935 0.56563 -0.739517 0.160295 0.921034 -0.354968 -0.063838 0.850342 -0.522343 0.231853 0.516573 -0.824255 -0.234963 0.674542 -0.699847 -0.263787 0.488611 -0.831671 0.143761 0.349005 -0.926028 0.121957 0.430188 -0.894463 0.244238 0.368175 -0.897104 0.286839 0.465666 -0.837185 0.431825 0.308888 -0.847417 0.349106 0.306214 -0.88564 0.242828 0.317447 -0.916658 -0.193183 0.358321 -0.913393 -0.108882 0.280328 -0.953709 0.308743 0.342271 -0.887428 0.400235 0.380025 -0.833902 0.437071 0.358464 -0.824907 0.306876 0.362809 -0.879885 -0.062544 0.201463 -0.977497 -0.04802 0.0781 -0.995788 0.266858 0.326827 -0.906626 0.350138 0.278047 -0.894479 0.354862 0.347322 -0.868009 0.255429 0.219947 -0.941477 -0.006971 -0.087812 -0.996113 0.120653 -0.291438 -0.94895 0.318338 0.07641 -0.944893 0.448609 0.180967 -0.875215 0.399034 0.212972 -0.89186 0.432397 -0.02109 -0.901437 0.342686 -0.457883 -0.820311 0.578434 -0.49519 -0.648229 0.296419 -0.000702 -0.955058 0.296419 -0.000702 -0.955058 0.172523 0.052896 -0.983584 0.172523 0.052896 -0.983584 0.039158 0.322577 -0.945733 0.039158 0.322577 -0.945733 0.047516 0.433082 -0.900101 0.047516 0.433082 -0.900101 0.073663 0.121903 -0.989805 0.073663 0.121903 -0.989805 0.020637 0.212144 -0.977021 0.020637 0.212144 -0.977021 0.424054 -0.091556 -0.900997 0.424054 -0.091556 -0.900997 0.357272 -0.03225 -0.933444 0.357272 -0.03225 -0.933444 0.012525 0.534209 -0.84526 0.012525 0.534209 -0.84526 -0.011494 0.7071 -0.707021 -0.011494 0.7071 -0.707021 0.597526 -0.131026 -0.791072 0.597526 -0.131026 -0.791072 0.505826 -0.146625 -0.850083 0.505826 -0.146625 -0.850083 0.043082 0.835064 -0.548463 0.043082 0.835064 -0.548463 0.232892 0.841802 -0.486962 0.232892 0.841802 -0.486962 0.692441 0.211038 -0.689919 0.692441 0.211038 -0.689919 0.670034 -0.002279 -0.742327 0.670034 -0.002279 -0.742327 0.395537 0.785831 -0.475416 0.395537 0.785831 -0.475416 0.511415 0.69064 -0.511342 0.511415 0.69064 -0.511342 0.608864 0.549501 -0.572131 0.608864 0.549501 -0.572131 0.665886 0.412472 -0.621662 0.665886 0.412472 -0.621662 0.267718 0.900516 0.342634 0.267718 0.900516 0.342634 0.434491 0.763425 0.477912 0.434491 0.763425 0.477912 0.869912 0.076138 0.487294 0.869912 0.076138 0.487294 0.932155 -0.229683 0.279881 0.932155 -0.229683 0.279881 0.602872 0.538559 0.588642 0.602872 0.538559 0.588642 0.752279 0.323048 0.574209 0.752279 0.323048 0.574209 -0.213672 0.974192 0.072768 -0.213672 0.974192 0.072768 0.039021 0.973056 0.227243 0.039021 0.973056 0.227243 0.840289 -0.540248 0.045233 0.840289 -0.540248 0.045233 0.606818 -0.775669 -0.17352 0.606818 -0.775669 -0.17352 -0.573632 0.648601 -0.500262 -0.573632 0.648601 -0.500262 -0.459052 0.865899 -0.198721 -0.459052 0.865899 -0.198721 0.348772 -0.845309 -0.404736 0.348772 -0.845309 -0.404736 0.044107 -0.731158 -0.680781 0.044107 -0.731158 -0.680781 -0.526631 0.262875 -0.808429 -0.526631 0.262875 -0.808429 -0.572583 0.444835 -0.688673 -0.572583 0.444835 -0.688673 -0.171813 -0.489749 -0.854767 -0.171813 -0.489749 -0.854767 -0.298216 -0.294897 -0.907801 -0.298216 -0.294897 -0.907801 -0.378075 -0.092709 -0.921121 -0.378075 -0.092709 -0.921121 -0.44719 0.096281 -0.889242 -0.44719 0.096281 -0.889242 0.612429 0.206829 -0.762989 0.464886 0.248405 -0.849809 0.407407 0.351958 -0.842701 0.648197 0.357749 -0.672202 0.671753 0.259933 -0.693674 0.260779 0.444292 -0.857088 0.266283 0.359019 -0.894538 0.239549 0.282383 -0.928911 0.456076 0.54318 -0.704947 0.484975 0.494828 -0.721072 0.523431 0.452679 -0.721874 0.154432 0.395601 -0.905345 0.17883 0.504716 -0.84456 0.266157 0.567731 -0.779001 0.193307 0.300033 -0.934138 0.427534 0.439385 -0.790035 0.307666 0.464115 -0.830626 0.465664 0.419078 -0.779442 0.586011 0.418412 -0.693919 0.376686 0.574397 -0.726757 0.72401 0.167928 -0.669036 0.615211 0.144276 -0.775048 0.538442 0.194451 -0.81992 0.755996 0.352652 -0.551458 0.765047 0.251817 -0.592698 0.104303 0.251884 -0.96212 0.084593 0.265317 -0.960443 0.005837 0.281933 -0.959416 0.438714 0.77153 -0.460728 0.549094 0.684577 -0.479427 0.639111 0.567102 -0.51955 -0.119349 0.571474 -0.811895 -0.055497 0.717664 -0.694175 0.087893 0.80095 -0.592244 -0.082255 0.383999 -0.919662 0.371981 0.25099 -0.893663 0.168173 0.254214 -0.952414 0.515832 0.244885 -0.820943 0.711746 0.448691 -0.540457 0.274747 0.816832 -0.507247 0.645705 0.281916 -0.70964 0.539281 0.220414 -0.812769 0.769022 0.394085 -0.503292 0.726749 0.338639 -0.597628 0.910687 0.132665 0.391214 0.999599 0.019627 0.020427 0.95412 0.024299 0.298438 0.445708 0.894704 -0.029136 0.965917 0.00636 -0.258774 0.63813 0.749781 -0.174984 0.564478 0.808758 -0.165152 0.955888 0.074409 -0.28415 0.833027 -0.550995 -0.049699 0.747769 -0.638876 -0.180774 0.496269 -0.862279 -0.100952 -0.207933 0.848115 -0.487303 0.067624 0.763984 -0.641681 0.12728 0.626188 -0.769213 -0.218784 0.728379 -0.649305 0.477035 0.407812 -0.778542 0.477035 0.407812 -0.778542 0.017333 -0.981177 -0.192329 0.100697 -0.980826 -0.166857 0.066985 -0.985016 -0.158922 0.066985 -0.985016 -0.158922 0.113176 -0.977596 -0.177477 0.113176 -0.977596 -0.177477 0.260639 0.584649 -0.768279 0.260639 0.584649 -0.768279 0.016554 0.67435 -0.738226 -0.106362 0.750404 -0.652366 -0.106362 0.750404 -0.652366 -0.052394 0.836039 -0.546163 0.073173 0.824552 -0.561034 -0.11046 0.686583 -0.718611 -0.155032 0.743111 -0.650962 -0.209657 0.806439 -0.552901 -0.277141 0.74834 -0.602644 -0.254322 0.755762 -0.603444 -0.358109 0.092557 -0.929081 -0.250923 0.673348 -0.695442 -0.112663 0.603179 -0.789609 -0.09202 0.089713 -0.991708 0.154625 0.382352 -0.910988 0.205405 -0.026468 -0.978319 -0.072607 -0.353019 -0.932795 -0.315135 -0.516218 -0.796372 0.137801 -0.96591 -0.219155 -0.147037 -0.862058 -0.485012 0.15353 -0.866566 -0.474859 0.229098 -0.817711 -0.528075 0.125194 -0.964684 -0.231758 0.055128 -0.985656 -0.159509 0.133227 -0.975043 -0.1776 0.08158 0.845691 -0.5274 0.078804 0.875247 -0.477213 -0.135909 0.78308 -0.606889 -0.14307 0.731129 -0.667069 0.652262 -0.134271 -0.746006 0.728452 -0.084587 -0.679855 0.489926 -0.423017 -0.762253 0.604152 0.140091 -0.784458 0.789901 0.036981 -0.612119 0.511155 -0.597093 -0.618224 0.41548 -0.442463 -0.794735 0.053874 -0.927755 -0.369281 0.152238 -0.796477 -0.58519 0.917433 -0.01634 -0.397554 0.60325 -0.699086 -0.383887 0.029478 -0.980033 -0.196639 0.188278 0.863211 -0.468421 0.734878 0.361526 -0.573806 0.645074 0.228829 -0.729052 0.011092 0.714503 -0.699544 0.528285 0.032629 -0.84844 -0.123905 0.526586 -0.841044 0.709036 -0.679127 0.189881 0.54884 -0.680148 0.485977 0.696633 -0.536154 0.476698 0.937025 0.142119 0.319041 0.883729 -0.390989 0.257199 0.771856 0.621298 -0.135006 0.80244 -0.582305 -0.130427 0.360455 0.931906 0.040288 0.246781 0.968966 0.014261 0.199409 0.979909 0.003657 0.20259 0.97835 0.042279 0.297397 0.954751 0.002279 0.296878 0.953346 -0.054732 -0.448272 0.750301 -0.485901 -0.299256 0.711329 -0.635969 -0.449932 0.662013 -0.599417 -0.604373 0.702658 -0.375506 0.543677 -0.837776 -0.05046 0.41825 -0.908309 0.006481 0.525642 -0.828016 0.195167 0.513327 -0.837473 0.187441 0.632445 -0.690176 0.351668 0.562937 -0.723503 0.399556 0.270888 -0.860723 -0.431018 0.466072 -0.760826 -0.451575 0.785817 -0.470274 -0.401664 0.806986 0.379916 -0.452147 0.311722 -0.406116 -0.859011 0.08011 -0.476468 -0.875534 0.492226 -0.783275 0.379728 0.564196 -0.75938 0.324076 0.615425 -0.747397 0.250297 0.467281 -0.880804 -0.076373 0.423525 -0.905139 -0.036738 0.388235 -0.921287 -0.022439 -0.638353 0.671458 -0.376365 -0.642083 0.670375 -0.371923 -0.527289 0.635121 -0.564436 -0.53912 0.609156 -0.581618 -0.499354 0.673213 -0.545371 -0.620665 0.681581 -0.387585 0.724403 -0.679107 -0.118553 0.808578 -0.568186 -0.152862 0.76273 -0.645516 0.039393 0.719046 -0.694329 0.029644 0.704086 -0.666952 0.243799 0.68063 -0.673335 0.288725 0.675478 -0.668555 0.311069 0.688796 -0.721756 0.068031 0.678689 -0.726051 -0.110594 0.590821 -0.659388 -0.464906 0.324614 -0.335183 -0.884465 0.389368 -0.193616 -0.900503 0.677507 -0.584788 -0.446103 0.811911 -0.403641 -0.421752 -0.702864 0.705439 -0.091315 -0.699069 0.693346 0.174852 -0.698884 0.694843 0.169571 -0.697074 0.711711 -0.08692 -0.629707 0.772938 0.077689 -0.630257 0.757744 -0.169115 0.665495 -0.718329 0.202779 0.637554 -0.7383 0.220087 0.650398 -0.741869 0.163133 0.619906 -0.781037 -0.075482 0.62189 -0.772088 -0.130895 0.619404 -0.767547 -0.164959 -0.428525 0.808484 -0.403384 -0.344282 0.922494 -0.174568 0.841854 -0.487833 -0.230867 0.838993 -0.458769 -0.292613 0.718357 -0.682624 -0.134116 0.750372 -0.66081 -0.016469 -0.004385 -0.980634 -0.195802 0.11327 -0.803082 -0.585003 0.033162 -0.790045 -0.612151 -0.142029 -0.978203 -0.151482 0.398848 0.500353 -0.768484 0.284867 0.522124 -0.803889 0.240759 -0.182234 -0.953324 0.326055 -0.256882 -0.90978 0.106126 0.992625 0.058596 0.101925 0.991712 -0.078227 0.185058 0.981762 0.043548 0.161241 0.98316 0.086007 0.203627 0.976108 0.075821 -0.181266 -0.979622 -0.086502 -0.058418 -0.989239 -0.134139 0.18691 0.981774 0.034418 0.16088 0.98655 0.028917 -0.164751 -0.970502 -0.176023 0.075477 -0.797038 -0.599194 0.41959 0.332341 -0.844685 0.322606 -0.288805 -0.901397 0.338129 0.937695 -0.079978 0.299596 0.953203 -0.040569 -0.230271 -0.970692 -0.068787 0.273756 0.960659 -0.046809 -0.093554 0.935084 -0.341855 -0.357811 0.927392 -0.109158 -0.580229 0.784645 -0.218327 -0.370232 0.823908 -0.429073 0.555442 -0.82035 -0.136052 0.648256 -0.730721 0.214037 0.665073 -0.670138 0.329534 -0.177345 0.255741 -0.950339 0.237945 -0.404121 -0.883215 -0.171659 0.218398 -0.960643 -0.191232 0.22974 -0.95428 -0.611039 0.688951 -0.389844 -0.497376 0.621066 -0.605717 0.578572 -0.812132 -0.075471 0.636769 -0.760919 0.124606 -0.168096 0.382717 -0.908445 -0.01579 0.29859 -0.954251 -0.354497 0.372019 -0.857866 -0.354497 0.372019 -0.857866 0.030753 -0.642052 -0.766044 -0.28865 0.899627 -0.327645 -0.28865 0.899627 -0.327645 -0.590748 0.801531 0.092551 0.882451 -0.187177 -0.431561 0.631213 0.690214 -0.3538 0.716773 0.651128 -0.249539 0.810085 0.079366 -0.580916 0.218435 0.918014 -0.330963 0.140919 0.983259 -0.115515 0.178425 0.905077 -0.386006 0.364259 0.817074 -0.446884 0.299785 0.939825 -0.163886 0.464631 -0.750462 -0.470027 0.536199 0.720631 -0.439525 0.864301 -0.265631 -0.427112 -0.127859 0.902899 -0.410396 0.648779 -0.746777 0.14632 -0.65206 0.746179 -0.134292 0.932257 0.179954 -0.313868 0.932257 0.179954 -0.313868 0.85443 0.301563 -0.423095 0.797829 0.26596 -0.541049 0.873116 -0.177098 -0.454207 0.873116 -0.177098 -0.454207 0.649289 0.072699 -0.757059 0.753442 0.191783 -0.628923 0.6043 -0.0704 -0.793641 0.921298 -0.001363 -0.388856 0.921298 -0.001363 -0.388856 0.805464 -0.09727 -0.584608 0.710857 -0.181827 -0.679427 0.859553 -0.250977 -0.445172 -0.504833 -0.252405 -0.825491 -0.504833 -0.252405 -0.825491 -0.176988 -0.95937 -0.219738 -0.176988 -0.95937 -0.219738 0.838581 -0.043777 -0.543014 -0.50884 -0.695521 -0.507279 -0.50884 -0.695521 -0.507279 0.843621 -0.371969 -0.387224 0.843621 -0.371969 -0.387224 0.897769 0.154532 -0.41247 0.897769 0.154532 -0.41247 0.883068 0.157461 -0.442037 0.883068 0.157461 -0.442037 0.71598 -0.20424 -0.667576 0.71598 -0.20424 -0.667576 0.84052 -0.139279 -0.523572 0.84052 -0.139279 -0.523572 0.889164 0.201883 -0.410647 0.889164 0.201883 -0.410647 0.844759 0.094819 -0.526679 0.844759 0.094819 -0.526679 0.516769 -0.546521 -0.658988 0.137687 -0.761356 -0.633545 -0.073521 0.769689 -0.634171 -0.902895 -0.325759 0.280467 -0.936415 -0.200727 0.287811 -0.858832 -0.448083 0.248252 -0.80054 -0.564124 0.202238 -0.740856 -0.649577 0.170825 -0.640499 -0.727822 0.245023 -0.852262 -0.443442 0.277505 -0.785146 -0.561254 0.261802 -0.709343 -0.657204 0.254784 0.578683 -0.759785 0.2964 -0.000115 -0.99999 -0.004589 -0.00051 -0.999977 -0.006811 -3.4e-005 -0.999995 -0.003095 -0.0006 -0.999998 -0.001658 0.001309 -0.999998 0.001288 -0.003465 -0.999976 -0.006061 -0.004195 -0.999979 -0.004981 -0.000633 -0.99997 -0.007748 -0.001948 -0.999974 -0.00693 -6e-006 -0.999971 -0.007673 -0.00264 -0.99998 -0.005704 -6.6e-005 -0.999967 -0.008151 -0.00142 -0.999996 -0.002481 0.003645 -0.999993 4.6e-005 -0.002686 -0.999991 0.003221 0.002724 -0.999944 0.010221 0.004946 -0.999932 0.010546 0.006765 -0.99992 0.010688 0.004595 -0.999966 0.006817 0.001146 -0.999997 0.002298 -0.004822 -0.999982 0.003527 -0.003588 -0.999964 0.00771 -0.00298 -0.999888 0.014663 -0.001243 -0.999863 0.016531 0.001848 -0.999933 0.011451 -0.004415 -0.999984 0.003674 0.001118 -0.999907 0.013595 0.001334 -0.999999 -0.000699 -0.00033 -1 -0.000292 + + + + + + + + + + 0.245158 0.423975 0.25011 0.468112 0.150442 0.543685 0.148569 0.498875 0.302841 0.416173 0.345064 0.636086 0.339502 0.673242 0.260986 0.672117 0.283208 0.642063 0.331126 0.714598 0.241009 0.71553 0.233372 0.762934 0.302959 0.373132 0.224027 0.289653 0.23558 0.359702 0.143764 0.429085 0.134156 0.320572 0.298228 0.319321 0.288073 0.263566 0.326898 0.757163 0.328393 0.797118 0.23841 0.805793 0.60087 0.640918 0.866606 0.398924 0.510699 0.676291 0.517366 0.634965 0.871384 0.397619 0.505796 0.719121 0.878048 0.397558 0.87416 0.398826 0.86606 0.397625 0.86057 0.399008 0.501279 0.762876 0.856321 0.39906 0.497144 0.804816 0.862375 0.397683 0.860024 0.397676 0.853776 0.399148 0.494669 0.842655 0.936097 0.40457 0.495808 0.877438 0.932361 0.401286 0.944998 0.401429 0.333511 0.830512 0.255441 0.838224 0.335539 0.859065 0.275714 0.857682 0.13703 0.645509 0.099669 0.709478 0.072436 0.710311 0.114209 0.64461 0.217381 0.600094 0.193334 0.589335 0.083907 0.774978 0.093256 0.834193 0.067488 0.842396 0.056643 0.778851 0.948825 0.405179 0.543475 0.557405 0.5578 0.533271 0.685834 0.551732 0.928618 0.398828 0.939922 0.398832 0.318062 0.571086 0.304302 0.551225 0.870712 0.401462 0.862287 0.401557 0.855482 0.401642 0.85836 0.405349 0.85103 0.405417 0.86725 0.404976 0.851008 0.401767 0.84805 0.401779 0.618068 0.949096 0.595914 0.442419 0.701364 0.36472 0.704143 0.312403 0.595493 0.387203 0.757075 0.288915 0.749567 0.262372 0.79867 0.019963 0.720188 0.090411 0.342229 0.232442 0.353643 0.285267 0.846214 0.405443 0.84246 0.405195 0.945825 0.3988 0.51556 0.94314 0.529717 0.959537 0.951482 0.401365 0.955814 0.405156 0.355112 0.336459 0.416748 0.23909 0.409212 0.301844 0.412385 0.174765 0.722678 0.141004 0.371257 0.129527 0.316583 0.183819 0.278107 0.146712 0.815355 0.094326 0.586596 0.164171 0.31201 0.090946 0.272238 0.213152 0.591566 0.221736 0.775513 0.183818 0.258385 0.177707 0.714664 0.225413 0.594393 0.311859 0.803506 0.201004 0.853165 0.100422 0.240207 0.064107 0.220228 0.127313 0.134162 0.116701 0.137886 0.045291 0.20962 0.176711 0.132836 0.176022 0.393776 0.367451 0.346805 0.380154 0.21424 0.228892 0.133514 0.241035 0.127886 0.880246 0.194162 0.909528 0.176891 0.924466 0.105635 0.892789 0.298575 0.918513 0.289302 0.932026 0.41004 0.927663 0.412647 0.940987 0.152917 0.714025 0.188039 0.660899 0.251002 0.622891 0.148083 0.821618 0.139091 0.770988 0.529124 0.59406 0.624566 0.605374 0.943792 0.414167 0.33386 0.602351 0.939709 0.408955 0.951716 0.40979 0.95394 0.414936 0.863781 0.409841 0.854643 0.410095 0.847079 0.410021 0.50373 0.914675 0.043999 0.560029 0.039161 0.51728 0.035514 0.442488 0.02836 0.327681 0.57657 0.399149 0.579657 0.45714 0.483058 0.467543 0.484696 0.402538 0.027211 0.11532 0.026409 0.041836 0.027231 0.176259 0.027041 0.244825 0.496033 0.232082 0.498386 0.171519 0.545104 0.178866 0.55478 0.242428 0.486973 0.320445 0.572701 0.32584 0.253473 0.42034 0.198325 0.471074 0.201641 0.514357 0.257191 0.464291 0.304409 0.414784 0.305266 0.371658 0.230885 0.286168 0.167912 0.306331 0.188981 0.401339 0.242536 0.354324 0.300813 0.31779 0.290984 0.262458 0.644363 0.422582 0.643061 0.366324 0.70337 0.314326 0.703499 0.366966 0.745969 0.26707 0.75382 0.293297 0.343946 0.231017 0.355397 0.284532 0.356783 0.335152 0.414764 0.29281 0.419941 0.236001 0.413771 0.173263 0.370421 0.125545 0.313385 0.086563 0.282902 0.142155 0.319456 0.18046 0.261679 0.175104 0.275739 0.211488 0.247515 0.05956 0.175872 0.043369 0.166908 0.113803 0.230266 0.122298 0.162066 0.173298 0.220575 0.173418 0.399643 0.347472 0.348371 0.378515 0.850892 0.415208 0.23283 0.882474 0.174218 0.860862 0.318561 0.890705 0.412205 0.900441 0.414872 0.864697 0.414169 0.832004 0.413463 0.796679 0.414763 0.757 0.418623 0.715141 0.424042 0.67374 0.797949 0.022112 0.816816 0.093012 0.720595 0.147032 0.715991 0.092651 0.636546 0.210325 0.627672 0.148444 0.772502 0.189202 0.711355 0.231084 0.641706 0.289174 0.223314 0.226619 0.162858 0.235961 0.139391 0.505963 0.140772 0.546375 0.105327 0.324975 0.131454 0.436403 0.855305 0.0942 0.800674 0.205793 0.103269 0.042003 0.100779 0.11305 0.099208 0.173793 0.099637 0.242841 0.428561 0.633258 0.429426 0.594048 0.429051 0.559095 0.429259 0.535162 0.35272 0.639241 0.294558 0.645659 0.274212 0.673847 0.348213 0.675519 0.253789 0.714174 0.339072 0.715472 0.241562 0.759109 0.241492 0.801977 0.330569 0.796358 0.332348 0.756954 0.843668 0.414845 0.519216 0.636196 0.513483 0.677706 0.858319 0.415536 0.509018 0.719971 0.595108 0.724198 0.959154 0.409842 0.961426 0.415077 0.955396 0.420505 0.503982 0.762367 0.946551 0.419988 0.498249 0.80295 0.581926 0.813498 0.948394 0.426244 0.956245 0.426562 0.493564 0.840197 0.962774 0.420748 0.49337 0.874734 0.5689 0.884732 0.963626 0.426902 0.947821 0.439136 0.254385 0.836095 0.333265 0.830744 0.334347 0.859927 0.274272 0.857068 0.111374 0.707428 0.160452 0.654158 0.126019 0.649524 0.074711 0.707898 0.232092 0.611555 0.203545 0.598866 0.085639 0.828171 0.086444 0.767612 0.053832 0.770468 0.05904 0.833261 0.5406 0.554531 0.653253 0.57169 0.949156 0.432796 0.552741 0.532581 0.956416 0.432776 0.955188 0.438695 0.321928 0.578317 0.3053 0.558373 0.963377 0.433055 0.962074 0.438861 0.939469 0.450342 0.944673 0.445101 0.952905 0.444195 0.949616 0.449137 0.959891 0.444199 0.95721 0.449055 0.928445 0.45763 0.933041 0.454385 0.647892 0.957038 0.945196 0.453364 0.513713 0.938992 0.528694 0.953445 0.940767 0.456994 0.954246 0.453493 0.191556 0.905473 0.119561 0.876603 0.09609 0.886393 0.173642 0.917872 0.296111 0.916924 0.285563 0.930752 0.407594 0.925155 0.699705 0.808301 0.767751 0.813767 0.770203 0.857847 0.710393 0.859091 0.67046 0.86001 0.652167 0.800156 0.732575 0.902022 0.706983 0.910753 0.776574 0.894725 0.709069 0.706824 0.772884 0.721001 0.769128 0.766819 0.69961 0.756109 0.650715 0.739559 0.665169 0.685443 0.747389 0.629544 0.781976 0.645207 0.777571 0.679447 0.726035 0.663915 0.69251 0.641696 0.7256 0.608173 0.800842 0.598447 0.800844 0.613722 0.782354 0.62203 0.77064 0.606739 0.761516 0.586356 0.801211 0.57812 0.833474 0.606525 0.843418 0.585771 0.884582 0.608278 0.861681 0.62927 0.826927 0.645008 0.821482 0.621769 0.901508 0.709495 0.841154 0.721344 0.835351 0.679466 0.88519 0.664947 0.920582 0.64464 0.946246 0.692573 0.905321 0.811872 0.840491 0.814502 0.842749 0.767471 0.908491 0.759591 0.957769 0.748636 0.953229 0.808266 0.87648 0.901039 0.832824 0.894364 0.83647 0.858222 0.893987 0.860506 0.934495 0.863509 0.904941 0.908789 0.811165 0.93926 0.808557 0.928096 0.833115 0.918674 0.850764 0.928355 0.866017 0.939324 0.815782 0.955298 0.781351 0.919619 0.767445 0.930389 0.756778 0.947206 0.874321 0.260529 0.87457 0.258357 0.870642 0.262514 0.870232 0.260129 0.875205 0.262091 0.87418 0.274349 0.878088 0.275377 0.879128 0.284194 0.875282 0.284248 0.876451 0.268146 0.87176 0.26763 0.879196 0.270887 0.875496 0.265391 0.893101 0.28442 0.892287 0.271326 0.879947 0.284131 0.862255 0.219399 0.877309 0.242158 0.869772 0.241647 0.855575 0.218438 0.862432 0.239621 0.84944 0.210845 0.867315 0.244511 0.849901 0.240235 0.863194 0.266321 0.876212 0.265675 0.880423 0.283451 0.866718 0.283089 0.870498 0.254293 0.863904 0.253791 0.870234 0.270504 0.864805 0.270607 0.879852 0.25405 0.878645 0.27023 0.884908 0.221559 0.894641 0.243235 0.885819 0.242521 0.87478 0.219802 0.853855 0.205189 0.868038 0.204565 0.870975 0.210424 0.856654 0.209577 0.882303 0.208527 0.885027 0.21281 0.869343 0.207181 0.855354 0.205901 0.879862 0.246326 0.872817 0.221463 0.859409 0.2185 0.885826 0.225344 0.891813 0.248223 0.886742 0.266822 0.897889 0.269881 0.890434 0.283337 0.902191 0.283202 0.887267 0.269985 0.888486 0.253806 0.897003 0.253871 0.897865 0.269734 0.890567 0.21382 0.890889 0.214313 0.887336 0.211472 0.940502 0.247339 0.935827 0.245027 0.948386 0.259727 0.952135 0.261243 0.929477 0.246937 0.935892 0.257903 0.955141 0.271935 0.951237 0.271687 0.951697 0.282445 0.956107 0.282705 0.939971 0.271031 0.941535 0.28252 0.963745 0.266939 0.955791 0.248173 0.96377 0.246708 0.971434 0.266214 0.948554 0.235961 0.955224 0.234835 0.896396 0.245174 0.886107 0.251776 0.887306 0.25714 0.901578 0.253513 0.893935 0.234459 0.893306 0.241625 0.88488 0.259333 0.895682 0.256287 0.898524 0.274248 0.887363 0.275119 0.885952 0.26722 0.897217 0.265981 0.888292 0.284017 0.899782 0.283788 0.893557 0.224473 0.903384 0.244263 0.904117 0.226402 0.909834 0.245212 0.898452 0.232315 0.90536 0.242289 0.914901 0.24109 0.908475 0.23147 0.912117 0.251402 0.92111 0.249824 0.905103 0.223634 0.894105 0.223477 0.891627 0.223783 0.892209 0.224715 0.894785 0.217728 0.904032 0.218825 0.905292 0.26092 0.916745 0.259188 0.925679 0.257542 0.919312 0.270264 0.927598 0.269904 0.909165 0.270372 0.922229 0.248254 0.923018 0.231732 0.931448 0.236491 0.927474 0.250713 0.939132 0.243721 0.931475 0.252998 0.941395 0.236759 0.941774 0.24318 0.951181 0.24757 0.953028 0.242625 0.943442 0.249961 0.949719 0.251412 0.932269 0.241398 0.935522 0.24909 0.930136 0.234395 0.929446 0.228394 0.942151 0.230847 0.942787 0.227016 0.929372 0.224433 0.954848 0.237908 0.922857 0.256527 0.927955 0.258098 0.929776 0.270263 0.925166 0.269641 0.93313 0.259066 0.935431 0.270899 0.938091 0.256867 0.945703 0.257403 0.953024 0.257866 0.948714 0.269472 0.957575 0.269677 0.940805 0.269454 0.944953 0.253898 0.950208 0.269278 0.961307 0.253711 0.957956 0.256418 0.964661 0.269455 0.96896 0.268209 0.902892 0.249987 0.897745 0.228849 0.908596 0.231834 0.912735 0.252197 0.897122 0.224227 0.89485 0.22181 0.90624 0.226903 0.908607 0.228742 0.903082 0.242361 0.906809 0.256103 0.917237 0.255133 0.919494 0.264606 0.908311 0.265315 0.907454 0.269025 0.916487 0.269043 0.911531 0.283044 0.919593 0.2829 0.909419 0.273405 0.911476 0.28336 0.920571 0.273041 0.922157 0.283218 0.922114 0.255039 0.920062 0.238863 0.921052 0.234472 0.923775 0.23538 0.929369 0.253983 0.934895 0.263753 0.927988 0.282737 0.92516 0.269608 0.937386 0.272947 0.938515 0.283177 0.906903 0.269654 0.905634 0.25451 0.912156 0.254648 0.915624 0.269303 0.934262 0.269581 0.931993 0.256855 0.928513 0.24901 0.928512 0.223212 0.917128 0.220406 0.916725 0.220767 0.9041 0.217973 0.914088 0.228391 0.916363 0.246441 0.918617 0.23227 0.923487 0.240784 0.938248 0.22777 0.892821 0.216321 0.844542 0.206031 0.874322 0.212263 0.870581 0.286403 0.864795 0.285932 0.877377 0.285736 0.887924 0.285532 0.898823 0.285311 0.908672 0.285115 0.917425 0.284957 0.921216 0.269224 0.922914 0.284906 0.926665 0.284912 0.930758 0.284928 0.936388 0.28496 0.952837 0.284936 0.967867 0.284724 0.971593 0.266723 0.976556 0.284338 0.976161 0.284497 0.973686 0.284223 0.968029 0.284169 0.960033 0.284154 0.950775 0.284138 0.942494 0.284121 0.936182 0.284123 0.929809 0.284158 0.920968 0.284223 0.910111 0.284292 0.952943 0.272204 0.950019 0.262148 0.953976 0.282879 0.900909 0.229617 0.889642 0.217102 0.912068 0.234085 0.913562 0.243735 0.925227 0.239763 0.92311 0.245509 0.916786 0.225007 0.940372 0.24984 0.963568 0.250138 0.888081 0.264217 0.918118 0.254988 0.844126 0.209259 0.844951 0.221286 0.886769 0.216308 0.872985 0.215718 0.879346 0.309871 0.875833 0.306046 0.875654 0.308144 0.879007 0.306407 0.876295 0.294136 0.878977 0.293033 0.879812 0.300399 0.876175 0.301094 0.880254 0.30345 0.882198 0.297454 0.893175 0.297687 0.865817 0.349629 0.859181 0.350621 0.872916 0.327332 0.880252 0.326495 0.865713 0.330422 0.852822 0.359205 0.869257 0.322943 0.877097 0.301439 0.864055 0.301093 0.852819 0.327816 0.866118 0.317194 0.872679 0.31623 0.865658 0.301152 0.871305 0.301562 0.879516 0.300927 0.881998 0.315802 0.888262 0.347411 0.878301 0.348969 0.888479 0.326114 0.897047 0.325511 0.857019 0.363938 0.860381 0.359999 0.874655 0.358691 0.872015 0.364197 0.888629 0.3558 0.886097 0.359632 0.872907 0.361011 0.858128 0.36229 0.881706 0.320824 0.862423 0.349295 0.875903 0.346079 0.888714 0.341972 0.893556 0.318638 0.898554 0.296744 0.887564 0.300041 0.888147 0.300674 0.898715 0.300283 0.89883 0.31539 0.89048 0.315686 0.894383 0.353795 0.894065 0.354129 0.890921 0.356254 0.942171 0.318343 0.9529 0.304272 0.949521 0.305533 0.937705 0.320863 0.937122 0.30759 0.931259 0.318903 0.955735 0.293528 0.951772 0.293299 0.940544 0.294181 0.964624 0.302435 0.972337 0.302695 0.965634 0.321964 0.957594 0.320997 0.957663 0.333351 0.950951 0.332759 0.897685 0.323309 0.904388 0.314564 0.887892 0.312338 0.888936 0.316243 0.699423 0.809253 0.710111 0.860044 0.769921 0.8588 0.767468 0.81472 0.651885 0.801109 0.669688 0.860514 0.732293 0.902975 0.706453 0.911484 0.776292 0.895678 0.708787 0.707777 0.699329 0.757062 0.768846 0.767772 0.772602 0.721954 0.664887 0.686395 0.650433 0.740512 0.747107 0.630497 0.725753 0.664868 0.777288 0.6804 0.781693 0.64616 0.725318 0.609127 0.692228 0.642648 0.80056 0.5994 0.770358 0.607692 0.782072 0.622983 0.800562 0.614675 0.800928 0.579073 0.761234 0.587309 0.833192 0.607478 0.861399 0.630223 0.8843 0.609231 0.843136 0.586725 0.8212 0.622722 0.826645 0.645961 0.901226 0.710448 0.884907 0.6659 0.835069 0.680418 0.840872 0.722297 0.945964 0.693526 0.920299 0.645594 0.905039 0.812825 0.908209 0.760544 0.842467 0.768423 0.840209 0.815454 0.952947 0.809219 0.957487 0.749588 0.876198 0.901993 0.893705 0.861459 0.836187 0.859175 0.832541 0.895317 0.904659 0.909742 0.934213 0.864462 0.810883 0.940213 0.850482 0.929308 0.832833 0.919627 0.808275 0.929049 0.815494 0.955807 0.865735 0.940277 0.767163 0.931342 0.781069 0.920572 0.878641 0.308129 0.757688 0.947696 0.89571 0.326063 0.896265 0.333541 0.887647 0.308911 0.896958 0.311973 0.898883 0.293285 0.897963 0.301935 0.887703 0.301029 0.887878 0.29293 0.905567 0.324686 0.896731 0.344468 0.906991 0.342485 0.911791 0.324251 0.900908 0.335596 0.911043 0.336295 0.917143 0.326675 0.907054 0.325968 0.923285 0.31808 0.915184 0.316034 0.908088 0.344187 0.897103 0.344536 0.894607 0.344154 0.895142 0.343144 0.898106 0.350443 0.90726 0.349181 0.907871 0.308374 0.918398 0.309598 0.927049 0.310818 0.928305 0.298442 0.920004 0.298182 0.909927 0.298243 0.924036 0.321254 0.929162 0.318872 0.933826 0.332572 0.925629 0.337191 0.941158 0.32555 0.933051 0.316658 0.943727 0.330971 0.955075 0.325269 0.952983 0.320359 0.943791 0.324629 0.951332 0.316568 0.945126 0.31796 0.937248 0.318798 0.934373 0.326359 0.932584 0.333273 0.932192 0.3393 0.932318 0.343421 0.945607 0.340893 0.944776 0.336887 0.957129 0.33006 0.924262 0.313255 0.925922 0.300164 0.930502 0.299579 0.929283 0.311724 0.936126 0.298969 0.93441 0.310774 0.939442 0.311396 0.947027 0.310849 0.954323 0.310334 0.958291 0.298597 0.94944 0.298819 0.941532 0.298832 0.946483 0.315703 0.950981 0.300512 0.962811 0.314479 0.969751 0.300159 0.965388 0.298807 0.959326 0.311738 0.904541 0.316598 0.900452 0.33816 0.911146 0.334819 0.914268 0.314088 0.900043 0.343367 0.910827 0.338483 0.909045 0.340214 0.897918 0.345703 0.907714 0.311836 0.905082 0.324826 0.918749 0.311513 0.909052 0.30192 0.920236 0.301846 0.91718 0.297035 0.908155 0.297332 0.909931 0.29344 0.92041 0.293444 0.923496 0.310879 0.922253 0.327378 0.925923 0.331262 0.923469 0.332076 0.930583 0.312153 0.934974 0.302503 0.925817 0.29614 0.93758 0.293425 0.907706 0.300101 0.916398 0.300537 0.913653 0.315103 0.907277 0.314776 0.934984 0.298714 0.933344 0.311407 0.930312 0.318902 0.931529 0.345055 0.919853 0.347075 0.920283 0.347817 0.907379 0.350402 0.918259 0.323025 0.916863 0.340467 0.921166 0.335346 0.925584 0.327014 0.941044 0.340685 0.896265 0.352186 0.847118 0.363087 0.877923 0.355511 0.921992 0.300554 0.972463 0.301867 0.950828 0.303658 0.953466 0.293583 0.892951 0.350759 0.90326 0.337983 0.915596 0.322974 0.91417 0.333036 0.927312 0.326701 0.92504 0.320904 0.919699 0.342662 0.941871 0.316003 0.965254 0.318221 0.889956 0.306147 0.919598 0.314755 0.845891 0.359181 0.847322 0.346695 0.890112 0.35133 0.87636 0.352039 0.950166 0.457401 0.877438 0.456074 0.890333 0.455013 0.891902 0.457826 0.881771 0.45805 0.893433 0.460126 0.885457 0.459788 0.90216 0.458193 0.902038 0.46051 0.902093 0.455956 0.869348 0.456995 0.875073 0.458463 0.870949 0.459563 0.865831 0.459946 0.88002 0.459819 0.876379 0.459992 0.890696 0.462723 0.889158 0.462546 0.893089 0.46287 0.842115 0.409869 0.837426 0.409453 0.838646 0.414482 0.833434 0.414204 0.847163 0.42056 0.840709 0.41957 0.839445 0.430603 0.83503 0.428579 0.852464 0.422383 0.843659 0.433436 0.835601 0.419062 0.830596 0.418889 0.831257 0.427506 0.827802 0.427141 0.876435 0.450731 0.866399 0.449489 0.869211 0.447456 0.878828 0.448367 0.861778 0.461251 0.86329 0.45579 0.869445 0.454182 0.919848 0.462088 0.9244 0.459418 0.936505 0.460001 0.932799 0.462552 0.914853 0.457033 0.912969 0.45878 0.983064 0.742705 0.970242 0.681277 0.978343 0.807461 0.961861 0.871181 0.925 0.920764 0.93957 0.629718 0.896636 0.591965 0.87816 0.953598 0.820182 0.969676 0.849136 0.56846 0.801508 0.561342 0.753635 0.961316 0.693916 0.922274 0.756457 0.570463 0.715065 0.59271 0.62759 0.729278 0.628526 0.797321 0.647916 0.672373 0.648988 0.865355 0.678001 0.627321 0.970524 0.680324 0.983346 0.741752 0.978626 0.806509 0.962143 0.870229 0.925282 0.919811 0.896919 0.591012 0.939853 0.628765 0.878442 0.952645 0.819304 0.969461 0.80179 0.560389 0.849419 0.567507 0.753465 0.960832 0.694447 0.921544 0.715348 0.591757 0.756739 0.569509 0.628808 0.796368 0.627873 0.728326 0.648199 0.671421 0.648584 0.866073 0.678283 0.626368 0.411737 0.936637 0.212659 0.665019 0.175067 0.711347 0.264355 0.628942 0.154113 0.763611 0.154483 0.81452 0.911051 0.461039 0.528987 0.594894 0.945951 0.460521 0.339791 0.607004 0.94197 0.46307 0.896594 0.462992 0.902819 0.462828 0.939147 0.46498 0.588358 0.917245 0.930869 0.464578 0.500784 0.908814 0.937502 0.466649 0.178893 0.855096 0.23388 0.878659 0.317203 0.888741 0.409219 0.897533 0.412456 0.865776 0.413517 0.832907 0.415303 0.797177 0.41903 0.758087 0.424284 0.717135 0.429773 0.675932 0.433166 0.635493 0.431719 0.596003 0.42845 0.560105 0.426262 0.535529 0.166927 0.932027 0.089131 0.90146 0.412839 0.954955 0.280654 0.94225 0.092604 0.643694 0.172265 0.583534 0.034269 0.783775 0.048602 0.713913 0.288973 0.53753 0.047197 0.849027 0.9297 0.466322 0.910929 0.462701 0.429574 0.516361 0.573602 0.514995 0.911763 0.464455 0.904647 0.46452 0.91245 0.466086 0.906026 0.466148 0.920833 0.464349 0.682918 0.980037 0.544365 0.975068 0.92089 0.466118 0.274953 0.94136 0.412382 0.948959 0.078614 0.893197 0.159929 0.926191 0.045546 0.712112 0.029763 0.775258 0.174568 0.589926 0.093871 0.647648 0.286715 0.542233 0.039682 0.837587 0.568016 0.514851 0.425296 0.517534 0.89967 0.464526 0.715649 0.536695 0.89649 0.46445 0.90127 0.466162 0.89793 0.466107 0.92457 0.397524 0.934172 0.397517 0.90196 0.397532 0.543555 0.96576 0.912366 0.397543 0.914428 0.398827 0.902477 0.39881 0.887934 0.397535 0.886084 0.398748 0.939158 0.397548 0.916553 0.401268 0.903345 0.401161 0.918892 0.404595 0.904419 0.40426 0.88377 0.401252 0.880927 0.404722 0.905294 0.428912 0.905488 0.424961 0.912357 0.424967 0.91334 0.429138 0.905906 0.421495 0.911087 0.422154 0.904076 0.437412 0.90478 0.43319 0.913199 0.433998 0.911884 0.43877 0.90321 0.444063 0.903361 0.441071 0.909872 0.442542 0.908067 0.444769 0.902496 0.453271 0.918142 0.453706 0.928783 0.450398 0.93573 0.445715 0.939896 0.439756 0.941415 0.433124 0.940295 0.426582 0.937084 0.420446 0.931618 0.414911 0.921769 0.409549 0.905101 0.407893 0.876573 0.40992 0.866307 0.415598 0.859425 0.421874 0.854503 0.429219 0.846009 0.439206 0.853866 0.435555 0.855666 0.44134 0.849189 0.44441 0.859693 0.44628 0.853635 0.449316 0.859396 0.453185 0.889827 0.45174 0.862926 0.421743 0.859205 0.428005 0.869662 0.416377 0.857993 0.434235 0.859086 0.440054 0.916008 0.412068 0.903601 0.410265 0.918257 0.418305 0.91053 0.415402 0.913091 0.413541 0.921836 0.416936 0.92534 0.416062 0.879532 0.412275 0.931494 0.42114 0.923547 0.422692 0.927682 0.421785 0.926515 0.428111 0.931209 0.427509 0.93512 0.42705 0.936295 0.433481 0.92732 0.434037 0.932331 0.433786 0.925669 0.439922 0.930432 0.440034 0.934525 0.439972 0.912845 0.451737 0.922595 0.449614 0.907361 0.448978 0.915126 0.447877 0.918684 0.448912 0.909842 0.450414 0.901128 0.451294 0.929882 0.445604 0.921412 0.444811 0.925747 0.445329 0.862632 0.44473 0.90791 0.418325 0.914417 0.420366 0.918293 0.424021 0.92059 0.42877 0.920879 0.434155 0.919487 0.439514 0.911345 0.446349 0.90499 0.446728 0.916084 0.443813 0.891421 0.410387 0.891335 0.407994 0.8923 0.404278 0.892667 0.401108 0.892803 0.398753 0.893101 0.397518 0.953337 0.401538 0.958091 0.405199 0.9475 0.399036 0.96186 0.409791 0.964499 0.415028 0.96612 0.420717 0.967305 0.426924 0.967388 0.433074 0.966427 0.438883 0.96451 0.444202 0.961861 0.44894 0.958944 0.453645 0.955428 0.457592 0.951844 0.460785 0.948132 0.463506 0.945008 0.465414 0.9428 0.466896 0.940897 0.39766 0.894646 0.464377 0.893748 0.464327 0.895819 0.465909 0.894732 0.465707 0.898046 0.468336 0.895591 0.467749 0.894211 0.467377 0.894053 0.470321 0.892528 0.469525 0.89702 0.472125 0.906461 0.46806 0.901761 0.468217 0.901883 0.471147 0.906501 0.470456 0.912592 0.467918 0.912253 0.470089 0.920682 0.467923 0.920674 0.470154 0.9293 0.468129 0.929876 0.470181 0.93702 0.468441 0.938213 0.470896 0.942275 0.468514 0.942757 0.470744 0.890006 0.4495 0.852976 0.399065 0.859393 0.397599 0.847065 0.401675 0.84127 0.405026 0.953466 0.401386 0.958188 0.405089 0.947588 0.398916 0.961862 0.409747 0.964391 0.415022 0.965926 0.420729 0.967068 0.426923 0.967242 0.433135 0.966314 0.439008 0.964406 0.444378 0.961584 0.44912 0.958267 0.453722 0.954279 0.457569 0.865611 0.460368 0.870463 0.459645 0.869977 0.459728 0.865391 0.460791 0.875883 0.460032 0.875386 0.460071 0.889107 0.462568 0.889055 0.46259 0.836433 0.409343 0.829542 0.419704 0.832578 0.41403 0.832317 0.414141 0.82924 0.419624 0.86181 0.461905 0.861843 0.46256 0.95053 0.46075 0.946775 0.4634 0.943577 0.465237 0.941527 0.466697 0.893773 0.464335 0.893798 0.464342 0.894526 0.465626 0.894385 0.465571 0.940912 0.397604 0.893807 0.467247 0.893563 0.467166 0.891985 0.469369 0.891535 0.469419 0.940364 0.468392 0.940762 0.470517 0.866236 0.398834 0.873711 0.398813 0.877506 0.397514 0.870971 0.397493 0.865522 0.397455 0.860032 0.398872 0.856026 0.399014 0.861954 0.397568 0.860159 0.397664 0.853853 0.399094 0.935431 0.404681 0.948546 0.405179 0.944496 0.401457 0.931632 0.401375 0.939488 0.398861 0.927974 0.398901 0.870657 0.401504 0.861966 0.401526 0.855096 0.4016 0.850751 0.405417 0.858121 0.405363 0.867731 0.405188 0.850561 0.401575 0.848094 0.401586 0.842791 0.404957 0.845766 0.405198 0.9455 0.398818 0.951158 0.401375 0.955535 0.405156 0.94295 0.41441 0.9536 0.414936 0.951437 0.40979 0.938847 0.409148 0.863906 0.410047 0.854469 0.410101 0.8468 0.410021 0.843291 0.414792 0.850618 0.415218 0.858112 0.415702 0.958875 0.409842 0.961147 0.415077 0.9551 0.420509 0.945887 0.42022 0.947818 0.426423 0.955942 0.426574 0.962495 0.420748 0.963347 0.426902 0.947179 0.438896 0.955415 0.438781 0.95627 0.432802 0.948355 0.432791 0.963455 0.433109 0.96255 0.43901 0.93973 0.449457 0.950281 0.449152 0.953464 0.44429 0.944309 0.444589 0.960647 0.444424 0.957836 0.449233 0.928866 0.456683 0.941589 0.457208 0.946319 0.453375 0.933669 0.453285 0.954103 0.453514 0.949874 0.457416 0.877353 0.455968 0.882269 0.458025 0.892317 0.457757 0.890577 0.455047 0.886684 0.460112 0.89423 0.460211 0.902677 0.460467 0.90267 0.458019 0.902808 0.455334 0.869597 0.456984 0.865825 0.458435 0.871446 0.458982 0.8752 0.458466 0.877063 0.46 0.880928 0.46006 0.889224 0.462652 0.890358 0.462714 0.892541 0.462593 0.841603 0.409572 0.838159 0.409243 0.834209 0.413908 0.837981 0.414182 0.839885 0.419736 0.846514 0.420792 0.834481 0.428371 0.838869 0.430451 0.84343 0.433385 0.852102 0.422532 0.830666 0.418987 0.834732 0.419195 0.827717 0.426976 0.830662 0.427303 0.875777 0.450429 0.878346 0.448288 0.868619 0.446935 0.865577 0.448677 0.860982 0.459109 0.863516 0.455972 0.868771 0.453598 0.919955 0.462087 0.933215 0.46265 0.936971 0.460171 0.92452 0.45941 0.915797 0.455832 0.913434 0.458571 0.911682 0.460937 0.945768 0.460575 0.941689 0.463136 0.897291 0.462545 0.903757 0.462585 0.930828 0.464538 0.938505 0.464915 0.929084 0.466249 0.936418 0.466469 0.911714 0.462545 0.904992 0.464496 0.91226 0.464434 0.906001 0.466171 0.912549 0.466198 0.920438 0.466178 0.920682 0.464371 0.899694 0.464496 0.896238 0.464476 0.897673 0.46607 0.901142 0.46612 0.933851 0.397545 0.924135 0.397565 0.901567 0.397461 0.902111 0.398787 0.913998 0.398826 0.911927 0.397463 0.885568 0.398789 0.887707 0.397486 0.939027 0.397536 0.902897 0.401138 0.916139 0.401275 0.904075 0.404332 0.918631 0.404656 0.883077 0.401373 0.880245 0.404983 0.905419 0.428922 0.912942 0.429219 0.912006 0.425106 0.905474 0.425025 0.910791 0.422281 0.905844 0.421559 0.904305 0.436885 0.911907 0.438227 0.913047 0.433844 0.905052 0.432984 0.903203 0.443238 0.908124 0.443775 0.909903 0.441649 0.903445 0.440313 0.90285 0.452456 0.918742 0.45246 0.929033 0.449192 0.935553 0.444785 0.939489 0.439171 0.940895 0.433027 0.939916 0.426757 0.936762 0.420698 0.931211 0.415109 0.90461 0.407951 0.921344 0.40965 0.876099 0.410269 0.865754 0.416146 0.858856 0.422274 0.85408 0.42925 0.845714 0.439016 0.8487 0.443676 0.855252 0.440105 0.853622 0.434905 0.852614 0.447663 0.858958 0.44511 0.858176 0.451853 0.889824 0.45148 0.858947 0.427844 0.863033 0.422095 0.869857 0.416948 0.858451 0.439034 0.857612 0.433475 0.903128 0.410252 0.915613 0.4122 0.910336 0.415321 0.91773 0.418674 0.921258 0.417307 0.91279 0.413538 0.924944 0.416332 0.879341 0.412694 0.930972 0.4215 0.922517 0.423241 0.926792 0.422268 0.92506 0.428584 0.929895 0.42793 0.93442 0.427304 0.935453 0.433435 0.925801 0.434263 0.930838 0.433902 0.924243 0.439743 0.929152 0.439726 0.933786 0.439455 0.922618 0.448568 0.913071 0.450609 0.91472 0.447235 0.9073 0.44856 0.909883 0.449686 0.918464 0.448158 0.90106 0.450464 0.929479 0.444749 0.920523 0.44435 0.924927 0.444695 0.861743 0.443993 0.907779 0.418347 0.914012 0.420577 0.917709 0.42432 0.919641 0.429082 0.919962 0.434273 0.918588 0.43924 0.904848 0.446138 0.911088 0.445577 0.915514 0.4432 0.890897 0.408138 0.891059 0.410492 0.89188 0.404459 0.892481 0.401195 0.892744 0.398811 0.892774 0.397499 0.852987 0.39915 0.859402 0.397672 0.847027 0.401638 0.84144 0.40503 0.836758 0.409301 0.826856 0.427241 0.893304 0.464316 0.894343 0.465793 0.894093 0.464377 0.895401 0.465971 0.893628 0.467665 0.890751 0.471053 0.897653 0.467915 0.895086 0.467874 0.893376 0.47055 0.896513 0.470318 0.906138 0.467954 0.901291 0.467913 0.900442 0.470186 0.905385 0.470181 0.912382 0.468058 0.911527 0.470316 0.918635 0.470453 0.91977 0.468076 0.926488 0.470872 0.927835 0.468189 0.935282 0.468257 0.935209 0.471328 0.877915 0.500707 0.878197 0.500625 0.878935 0.505269 0.878376 0.50543 0.87849 0.500327 0.879515 0.504678 0.878776 0.499827 0.880077 0.503685 0.879041 0.499148 0.880596 0.502336 0.879273 0.498323 0.88105 0.500691 0.879461 0.49739 0.881414 0.498833 0.879595 0.496393 0.881685 0.496848 0.879673 0.495381 0.881831 0.494834 0.879688 0.4944 0.881855 0.492886 0.879641 0.493495 0.881754 0.491093 0.879517 0.492692 0.881496 0.489502 0.879256 0.49199 0.880966 0.488128 0.878724 0.491679 0.879976 0.487255 0.880441 0.487544 0.878985 0.491764 0.880259 0.509816 0.879427 0.510054 0.881118 0.508941 0.881951 0.507469 0.882719 0.50547 0.883385 0.503037 0.883918 0.500283 0.884295 0.497337 0.884501 0.494341 0.884524 0.491438 0.884373 0.488781 0.883999 0.486461 0.88321 0.484429 0.882394 0.483424 0.882124 0.514208 0.881033 0.51452 0.883251 0.513061 0.884343 0.511133 0.885349 0.508513 0.886222 0.505324 0.886921 0.501715 0.887414 0.497854 0.887677 0.493924 0.887702 0.490113 0.887496 0.486645 0.88698 0.48361 0.885938 0.48091 0.884878 0.479558 0.884506 0.51838 0.88317 0.518762 0.885883 0.516979 0.887217 0.514621 0.888447 0.511419 0.889514 0.507521 0.890369 0.503109 0.890971 0.49839 0.891293 0.493586 0.89132 0.488919 0.891054 0.484665 0.890395 0.481066 0.88919 0.477958 0.887817 0.476052 0.887367 0.522273 0.885807 0.522719 0.888975 0.520637 0.890533 0.517885 0.891968 0.514147 0.893214 0.509596 0.894212 0.504446 0.894915 0.498938 0.895291 0.493329 0.895322 0.487882 0.895 0.482915 0.894205 0.478779 0.892842 0.475169 0.891068 0.473073 0.890668 0.525829 0.888906 0.526332 0.892483 0.523982 0.894241 0.520876 0.895861 0.516656 0.897267 0.51152 0.898394 0.505707 0.899187 0.499489 0.899612 0.493158 0.899646 0.487009 0.899286 0.481354 0.898411 0.476638 0.894359 0.528996 0.892421 0.529549 0.896354 0.526965 0.898288 0.52355 0.900069 0.518911 0.901615 0.513263 0.902854 0.506872 0.903726 0.500036 0.904193 0.493075 0.904231 0.486314 0.903834 0.4801 0.902975 0.47504 0.898388 0.531728 0.896302 0.532323 0.900534 0.529543 0.902614 0.525869 0.904531 0.520877 0.906194 0.514801 0.907527 0.507925 0.908466 0.50057 0.908967 0.493081 0.909009 0.485806 0.908572 0.479151 0.907654 0.473824 0.902694 0.533986 0.900491 0.534614 0.90496 0.531679 0.907157 0.527799 0.909181 0.522528 0.910937 0.516111 0.912345 0.50885 0.913336 0.501084 0.913866 0.493175 0.913909 0.485494 0.91346 0.478418 0.912585 0.472851 0.907215 0.535736 0.904927 0.536388 0.909569 0.53334 0.91185 0.529311 0.913952 0.523838 0.915776 0.517175 0.917237 0.509635 0.918266 0.50157 0.918854 0.493342 0.918947 0.485357 0.91844 0.478006 0.91787 0.471971 0.914263 0.537286 0.911914 0.537955 0.916678 0.534827 0.919019 0.530693 0.921175 0.525076 0.923047 0.518239 0.924546 0.510502 0.925585 0.502224 0.926227 0.493754 0.926493 0.485583 0.925762 0.478045 0.924764 0.471485 0.921403 0.537724 0.919062 0.538392 0.92381 0.535275 0.926142 0.531156 0.930338 0.525761 0.93162 0.519674 0.933283 0.512932 0.932692 0.502839 0.933977 0.494768 0.934333 0.486371 0.933206 0.478784 0.931863 0.472204 0.92611 0.537268 0.92382 0.53792 0.928464 0.534872 0.932388 0.530343 0.937335 0.506755 0.941235 0.498334 0.941521 0.487989 0.940371 0.480184 0.938481 0.473907 0.930691 0.536256 0.928485 0.536884 0.934789 0.533043 0.935078 0.534703 0.932989 0.535298 0.938368 0.532576 0.947164 0.489068 0.947066 0.497764 0.946239 0.481893 0.944283 0.476284 0.939209 0.532632 0.937267 0.533185 0.941919 0.530982 0.950689 0.490156 0.950271 0.497772 0.95034 0.48345 0.948203 0.478162 0.943023 0.530074 0.941256 0.530577 0.945589 0.528338 0.95349 0.491089 0.952472 0.498024 0.953154 0.485389 0.951415 0.480527 0.946464 0.527065 0.944898 0.52751 0.948879 0.525086 0.955336 0.498108 0.955494 0.49227 0.955142 0.488211 0.954263 0.484425 0.949389 0.475505 0.954052 0.482326 0.94757 0.475109 0.945693 0.473082 0.943613 0.471998 0.950577 0.521636 0.949187 0.522238 0.951775 0.520708 0.950886 0.519379 0.952605 0.518141 0.95447 0.515316 0.952742 0.516616 0.878125 0.495997 0.943537 0.514246 0.944979 0.511457 0.945299 0.511731 0.944004 0.514141 0.946866 0.510467 0.945612 0.512005 0.946775 0.509925 0.944125 0.524447 0.943125 0.523168 0.943363 0.52176 0.944265 0.522893 0.943213 0.51865 0.9436 0.520352 0.942839 0.519741 0.942465 0.520831 0.942508 0.517563 0.943036 0.516979 0.944472 0.514036 0.943564 0.516394 0.946664 0.509365 0.948503 0.507957 0.948316 0.508687 0.949207 0.508705 0.948096 0.509397 0.949608 0.50791 0.950009 0.507096 0.951195 0.506751 0.950679 0.507606 0.951005 0.508659 0.950161 0.508443 0.951647 0.507843 0.952323 0.510866 0.951744 0.509448 0.952587 0.5089 0.953318 0.510638 0.952296 0.507042 0.953444 0.508317 0.954198 0.510416 0.954069 0.512878 0.953344 0.512779 0.95222 0.51488 0.952538 0.512757 0.952777 0.515115 0.953314 0.515413 0.952001 0.51802 0.951641 0.517475 0.949848 0.518868 0.951263 0.516984 0.950071 0.519673 0.950291 0.520481 0.948367 0.522605 0.94826 0.52146 0.946642 0.521256 0.948152 0.520315 0.946704 0.522693 0.946766 0.524131 0.94537 0.524785 0.945389 0.52319 0.944404 0.521338 0.945409 0.521595 0.948517 0.508521 0.947425 0.509189 0.946164 0.510225 0.943731 0.513771 0.942852 0.515989 0.942484 0.51808 0.944874 0.511783 0.950283 0.508511 0.949456 0.508269 0.942699 0.51973 0.943487 0.520694 0.951552 0.510694 0.95099 0.509314 0.944633 0.521012 0.946034 0.520645 0.951461 0.514432 0.951791 0.512457 0.947604 0.519694 0.949207 0.518265 0.95053 0.516413 0.954352 0.507334 0.955064 0.51004 0.953029 0.50566 0.954691 0.513093 0.953563 0.516187 0.942931 0.511155 0.945738 0.50837 0.941124 0.514785 0.948237 0.525023 0.946042 0.527051 0.950358 0.522206 0.940778 0.525984 0.939919 0.523165 0.942236 0.527579 0.940031 0.519157 0.94836 0.506655 0.95038 0.505668 0.951792 0.505283 0.952106 0.519194 0.94408 0.527997 0.955136 0.505085 0.955458 0.508799 0.953996 0.503048 0.954947 0.51289 0.953571 0.516724 0.940392 0.509704 0.943959 0.505926 0.937487 0.514053 0.946965 0.527152 0.943743 0.529685 0.949863 0.52392 0.936263 0.528363 0.934831 0.524989 0.938515 0.530358 0.93544 0.520327 0.947235 0.504116 0.949823 0.503295 0.952034 0.502955 0.951882 0.52041 0.941028 0.53079 0.956255 0.501869 0.956376 0.507194 0.955436 0.512282 0.95378 0.516679 0.954272 0.512902 0.953969 0.514386 0.955477 0.513065 0.955509 0.511632 0.956562 0.510151 0.957541 0.50583 0.957528 0.506237 0.957401 0.500104 0.957323 0.498901 0.956684 0.496896 0.956413 0.492938 0.956425 0.492794 0.955922 0.48933 0.955605 0.489791 0.952251 0.480529 0.95403 0.483685 0.955302 0.484788 0.955335 0.486204 0.955539 0.486154 0.954877 0.485325 0.956687 0.508947 0.956754 0.495687 0.955045 0.487387 0.877848 0.505182 0.877652 0.500582 0.87737 0.504506 0.877412 0.500243 0.876974 0.503437 0.877218 0.499703 0.87668 0.502023 0.877063 0.498994 0.876501 0.50033 0.876979 0.498142 0.876446 0.498438 0.87696 0.497191 0.876522 0.496436 0.877006 0.496186 0.876728 0.49442 0.877115 0.495174 0.877054 0.492488 0.877281 0.494204 0.877479 0.49073 0.877498 0.49332 0.877999 0.489197 0.877767 0.492546 0.878719 0.487808 0.878144 0.491879 0.879235 0.487423 0.878402 0.491725 0.878643 0.509686 0.877934 0.508686 0.877348 0.507101 0.876912 0.505005 0.876647 0.502497 0.876565 0.499694 0.876669 0.496727 0.876956 0.493734 0.877416 0.490859 0.878045 0.488251 0.878803 0.485988 0.879891 0.48389 0.880652 0.483253 0.880004 0.514038 0.879075 0.512727 0.878307 0.510649 0.877736 0.507903 0.877388 0.504616 0.87728 0.500942 0.877417 0.497054 0.877793 0.493132 0.878389 0.48936 0.879214 0.485947 0.880199 0.482989 0.881623 0.480314 0.882641 0.479405 0.881911 0.518172 0.880775 0.516569 0.879836 0.51403 0.879138 0.510673 0.878713 0.506655 0.878582 0.502165 0.878749 0.497412 0.879208 0.492618 0.879955 0.488021 0.881001 0.483899 0.88231 0.480367 0.883909 0.47731 0.885135 0.475926 0.884336 0.52203 0.883011 0.520159 0.881915 0.517195 0.8811 0.513276 0.880604 0.508586 0.88045 0.503344 0.880646 0.497795 0.881181 0.492199 0.882059 0.48684 0.883257 0.482017 0.884772 0.477872 0.886828 0.474331 0.888116 0.472377 0.887245 0.525554 0.885749 0.523442 0.884512 0.520096 0.883592 0.515673 0.883032 0.510379 0.882858 0.504462 0.883079 0.498199 0.883683 0.491882 0.884656 0.485819 0.885976 0.480334 0.887771 0.475644 0.888962 0.472096 0.890594 0.528694 0.888949 0.526372 0.887589 0.522693 0.886578 0.51783 0.885962 0.512009 0.885771 0.505504 0.886014 0.498617 0.886678 0.491672 0.887734 0.484992 0.889161 0.478945 0.891005 0.474124 0.894335 0.531403 0.892565 0.528905 0.891102 0.524947 0.890014 0.519714 0.889351 0.513452 0.889146 0.506453 0.889407 0.499043 0.890122 0.491571 0.891258 0.484384 0.892815 0.477978 0.894695 0.473363 0.898413 0.533643 0.896544 0.531004 0.894999 0.526825 0.89385 0.5213 0.893151 0.514687 0.892934 0.507295 0.893209 0.499472 0.893965 0.491581 0.895164 0.483992 0.89686 0.477387 0.898865 0.473076 0.902769 0.53538 0.900829 0.53264 0.899224 0.5283 0.898031 0.522562 0.897305 0.515695 0.897079 0.50802 0.897366 0.499895 0.89815 0.491701 0.899396 0.483821 0.901449 0.477074 0.903819 0.472976 0.909699 0.53692 0.907707 0.534109 0.906061 0.529655 0.904836 0.523767 0.904091 0.516721 0.90386 0.508844 0.904153 0.500507 0.904958 0.492099 0.906237 0.484012 0.908008 0.477129 0.910034 0.473198 0.916854 0.53736 0.91487 0.534559 0.91323 0.530122 0.914164 0.524465 0.913164 0.518196 0.913437 0.51134 0.91133 0.50108 0.912131 0.492703 0.913405 0.484646 0.91513 0.47783 0.916994 0.473623 0.92166 0.536911 0.919719 0.534172 0.91917 0.529284 0.917172 0.505296 0.919838 0.496406 0.920904 0.486229 0.92238 0.479225 0.924263 0.474614 0.926405 0.535913 0.924828 0.532245 0.931019 0.534378 0.929686 0.53188 0.92797 0.487724 0.927599 0.495894 0.929366 0.480734 0.931925 0.475167 0.935435 0.53233 0.934387 0.530379 0.933232 0.488977 0.932764 0.496065 0.934736 0.482159 0.937602 0.476887 0.93959 0.529799 0.938848 0.527798 0.937731 0.490249 0.936964 0.496523 0.939215 0.484123 0.942421 0.479379 0.943421 0.526821 0.942722 0.524593 0.94207 0.497013 0.942329 0.491435 0.943599 0.487511 0.946933 0.482758 0.949756 0.480976 0.945342 0.476815 0.940652 0.473783 0.947564 0.521395 0.9466 0.520277 0.951324 0.514898 0.949518 0.517928 0.928377 0.510114 0.926885 0.51291 0.927854 0.512845 0.929178 0.51043 0.92998 0.510746 0.931406 0.509225 0.930823 0.508639 0.92835 0.521984 0.930534 0.523359 0.930891 0.521821 0.928964 0.520607 0.929579 0.519229 0.928441 0.517467 0.927597 0.51852 0.926179 0.516255 0.926753 0.519573 0.927195 0.51571 0.928211 0.515165 0.928823 0.512781 0.932374 0.506682 0.930239 0.508053 0.932657 0.507439 0.93294 0.508196 0.934517 0.507536 0.93451 0.506707 0.936567 0.505592 0.934502 0.505878 0.936317 0.506456 0.936067 0.50732 0.937546 0.507578 0.93807 0.506748 0.938901 0.508422 0.940036 0.50988 0.941088 0.509726 0.939772 0.507879 0.940713 0.507314 0.938594 0.505926 0.942911 0.511998 0.942269 0.509491 0.941755 0.511888 0.940774 0.511818 0.940867 0.513981 0.941724 0.514237 0.941696 0.517149 0.942674 0.514592 0.940898 0.516619 0.940099 0.51609 0.938667 0.517973 0.939267 0.518807 0.937547 0.521739 0.939868 0.519641 0.937153 0.52057 0.936759 0.519402 0.934851 0.520311 0.935057 0.52176 0.932933 0.523788 0.935263 0.523209 0.932985 0.522196 0.933038 0.520604 0.931248 0.520284 0.932573 0.508007 0.934161 0.507367 0.930964 0.509008 0.927841 0.514787 0.928411 0.512543 0.928106 0.516928 0.929515 0.510546 0.935671 0.507169 0.937081 0.507438 0.929093 0.51864 0.93071 0.519671 0.938351 0.508298 0.9394 0.509723 0.932552 0.520045 0.934434 0.519715 0.940079 0.511519 0.940113 0.513519 0.936336 0.518792 0.938116 0.517377 0.939405 0.515521 0.943638 0.508965 0.941943 0.506311 0.939071 0.504531 0.94388 0.51543 0.944335 0.512165 0.927944 0.506963 0.925069 0.509715 0.923231 0.513349 0.935271 0.526189 0.938229 0.524222 0.940839 0.521447 0.923484 0.521848 0.925731 0.524779 0.928789 0.526502 0.922597 0.517761 0.93396 0.504385 0.931029 0.505302 0.936534 0.504088 0.942769 0.518413 0.932116 0.527039 0.945351 0.507568 0.943089 0.503744 0.939896 0.502018 0.945354 0.516015 0.946118 0.511811 0.925289 0.504712 0.920962 0.50815 0.918385 0.51252 0.934537 0.528948 0.938552 0.526478 0.941809 0.523283 0.918305 0.523665 0.921702 0.527196 0.925959 0.529352 0.917212 0.518867 0.933078 0.501722 0.929349 0.502508 0.936447 0.501609 0.943896 0.519878 0.930309 0.529931 0.948005 0.505607 0.944871 0.499392 0.947806 0.516062 0.9491 0.511191 0.953215 0.511264 0.952698 0.512701 0.951135 0.50884 0.950868 0.504414 0.946032 0.497811 0.946155 0.49879 0.9504 0.504692 0.944108 0.496015 0.944681 0.492183 0.945966 0.489086 0.945497 0.488606 0.944291 0.491984 0.951345 0.48426 0.948386 0.485293 0.952907 0.485943 0.952013 0.507755 0.944606 0.494766 0.94856 0.486751 0.889967 0.448966 0.879572 0.4873 0.878531 0.491695 0.881189 0.483034 0.883359 0.479059 0.88597 0.475436 0.826451 0.427416 0.889758 0.472115 0.881748 0.482959 0.884054 0.478968 0.886811 0.475429 0.942835 0.472365 0.877975 0.397658 0.883515 0.397651 0.873951 0.397664 0.870831 0.397671 0.867889 0.397674 0.918562 0.397639 0.925482 0.397634 0.901603 0.397646 0.909465 0.397642 0.891034 0.397645 0.929288 0.397637 0.894812 0.397645 0.931273 0.397662 0.86549 0.397668 0.931235 0.397655 0.882529 0.39765 0.877003 0.397658 0.871595 0.397671 0.868659 0.397671 0.868707 0.397667 0.925845 0.397644 0.918784 0.397657 0.909614 0.397666 0.901249 0.39767 0.890498 0.397656 0.92961 0.397643 0.894099 0.397656 0.867711 0.397671 0.900103 0.397679 0.595916 0.679782 0.593633 0.724091 0.587548 0.772055 0.579229 0.819401 0.570764 0.860428 0.56898 0.893979 0.055194 0.327681 0.056512 0.244825 0.056323 0.176259 0.056343 0.11532 0.057144 0.041836 0.468306 0.320445 0.459246 0.232082 0.470583 0.402538 0.456894 0.171519 0.044392 0.51728 0.04804 0.442488 0.039555 0.560029 0.472222 0.467543 0.655545 0.572596 0.685594 0.967391 0.590033 0.92387 0.595756 0.680499 0.590769 0.76975 0.682275 0.551691 0.647404 0.965201 0.571758 0.851938 0.600135 0.64164 0.623018 0.605621 0.617347 0.944413 0.720327 0.535205 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

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You may obtain a copy of the License at: +http://research.scea.com/scea_shared_source_license.html +Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +limitations under the License. + + file:///C:/vs2005/sample_data/Complete_Packages/SCEA_Private/Maya_MoonLander/Moonlander/untitled + + 2006-12-13T01:46:41Z + 2007-02-21T23:12:59Z + + Y_UP + + + + + 0 1 + + + + + + + CONSTANT + CONSTANT + + + + 0 360 + + + + + + + + -0.333333 -120 0.666667 240 + + + + + + + + + 0.333333 120 1.33333 480 + + + + + + + + + LINEAR LINEAR + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 37.8492 + 1.5 + 0.01 + 1000 + + + + + + + + + + 1 1 1 + + + + + + + planeDiffuse.png + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + file1 + A8R8G8B8 + + + + + file1-surface + LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR + LINEAR + + + + + + 0 0 0 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-4.03699 0.86022 -0.470174 -4.02311 0.73676 -0.369507 -3.98025 1.75191 -0.471435 -4.13898 1.87337 -0.410506 -3.64247 1.74793 -0.53398 -4.13446 1.87162 -0.514682 -3.64323 1.84219 -0.437992 -3.88327 1.67616 -0.424942 -3.99305 1.75003 -0.383233 -3.7179 1.65892 -0.517515 -3.98488 1.72853 -0.506656 -3.70845 1.82397 -0.524786 -3.8758 1.8923 -0.539814 -4.02032 1.94958 -0.530876 -3.79282 1.57592 -0.362673 -3.81358 1.42663 -0.460754 -4.34199 1.68242 -0.37571 -3.3654 1.40976 -0.483392 -4.39144 1.68766 -0.404003 -3.31911 1.40626 -0.501771 -4.38984 1.6781 -0.454212 -3.31473 1.41591 -0.517001 -4.33708 1.66284 -0.478477 -3.35644 1.55005 -0.498473 -3.80173 1.64581 -0.337945 -3.54822 1.61723 -0.488002 -3.53512 1.49026 -0.422029 -4.11398 1.47342 -0.510439 -4.10626 2.00896 -0.474491 -3.68162 2.04729 -0.502784 -3.80653 1.99034 -0.518064 -4.05117 1.93851 -0.462814 -3.54444 2.04177 -0.525938 -3.93559 2.00968 -0.499799 -3.67282 3.26034 -1.86401 -2.20026 2.69077 -1.69032 -2.58087 3.23891 -1.88403 -0.307211 3.56447 -1.94886 -0.795543 3.72238 -2.04922 -1.53454 3.41305 -1.9549 -2.23677 2.66373 -1.72853 -2.6968 3.29576 -1.9857 -0.243145 3.67891 -2.04251 -0.812094 3.74544 -2.17188 -1.56565 3.35195 -2.00876 -2.27764 2.6462 -1.77564 -2.69921 3.20913 -2.0978 -0.230597 3.68099 -2.20042 -0.830104 3.67228 -2.18818 -1.54999 3.29664 -2.04013 -2.18567 2.64254 -1.82797 -2.58858 3.15494 -2.13429 -0.323737 3.59098 -2.21609 -0.884691 2.38302 -1.40465 -1.15365 1.99766 -1.46514 -2.46177 1.94245 -1.51072 -2.58832 1.92046 -1.567 -2.59096 1.93039 -1.63731 -2.46984 2.22061 -1.82034 -1.17312 2.46816 -1.95879 -0.092874 2.51662 -1.90334 0.016838 2.57671 -1.74956 0.024044 2.59107 -1.6442 -0.078134 1.72082 -1.12581 -0.966116 1.31419 -1.24065 -2.27678 1.25254 -1.30055 -2.40381 1.22548 -1.36982 -2.40706 1.23141 -1.45252 -2.28671 1.52097 -1.63732 -0.990082 1.76918 -1.774 0.090256 1.82311 -1.70241 0.200915 1.89705 -1.51316 0.209782 1.92042 -1.38689 0.108394 1.20091 -0.958425 -0.835745 0.802934 -1.08677 -2.09479 0.738492 -1.14688 -2.23473 0.710827 -1.21769 -2.23805 0.720844 -1.29688 -2.10463 1.00312 -1.46467 -0.859465 1.24711 -1.59528 0.199431 1.30543 -1.5192 0.316654 1.37211 -1.34852 0.324652 1.40129 -1.20066 0.217921 3.18825 -1.73667 -0.693287 3.06325 -2.08702 -0.714063 2.3671 -1.90782 -0.526968 2.54656 -1.4485 -0.505447 1.66752 -1.72482 -0.343942 1.88834 -1.15962 -0.31746 1.10058 -1.48655 -0.201459 1.29059 -1.00019 -0.178671 2.82879 -1.69399 -2.07601 2.75267 -1.90136 -2.08684 2.15964 -1.44997 -1.89863 2.05391 -1.72059 -1.91131 1.48443 -1.20459 -1.71268 1.35432 -1.53759 -1.72828 0.895315 -1.04515 -1.54278 0.783361 -1.3317 -1.5562 3.0468 -1.69102 -1.34229 2.92429 -2.00185 -1.35687 3.46854 -2.14065 -1.49747 3.54819 -1.94281 -1.48845 3.77412 -2.10725 -1.55435 3.71833 -2.11422 -0.827204 3.22605 -1.81554 -1.79738 2.9619 -1.76282 -2.35992 3.39173 -1.87621 -0.559926 3.5469 -1.97242 -1.90123 3.03049 -1.81458 -2.51793 3.48791 -1.98316 -0.48833 3.69576 -2.017 -1.15317 3.79161 -2.16896 -1.18894 3.03095 -1.8677 -2.55323 3.78052 -2.09197 -1.17602 3.57342 -2.12066 -1.92728 3.00474 -1.9164 -2.52587 3.45991 -2.1885 -0.514 3.73917 -2.21975 -1.19464 1.17172 -1.32602 0.198368 2.61439 -1.56036 -1.62514 2.65789 -1.95979 -0.924245 1.93391 -1.29308 -1.43504 1.61415 -1.37525 -2.46976 1.57936 -1.43498 -2.50459 1.56356 -1.50474 -2.47582 1.62795 -1.58487 -2.14285 1.94529 -1.77473 -0.737997 2.14239 -1.85077 0.082649 2.20122 -1.71711 0.122039 2.24971 -1.57607 0.095519 2.24571 -1.40514 -0.160051 1.27664 -1.03526 -1.25147 0.939596 -1.16152 -2.28824 0.899684 -1.23413 -2.32365 0.878917 -1.31683 -2.29551 0.940699 -1.40381 -1.96288 1.25803 -1.59367 -0.558022 1.45775 -1.66285 0.262957 1.5272 -1.50179 0.303651 1.58647 -1.3334 0.278394 1.59314 -1.13532 0.024079 2.07182 -1.85021 -0.180904 2.14588 -1.26134 -0.713942 1.38457 -1.66916 -0.000934 1.49862 -0.977896 -0.529171 0.948526 -1.17002 -0.823558 1.7233 -1.3408 -2.13141 1.78351 -1.67802 -1.45308 1.05507 -1.11107 -1.94916 1.09625 -1.49696 -1.2731 0.631804 -1.14906 -1.98954 3.3978 -1.84079 -1.07197 2.91697 -1.9257 -2.37178 3.32037 -2.16685 -0.588733 3.14597 -2.02968 -1.80823 3.30747 -2.12622 -1.09437 3.53531 -2.13859 -1.77289 3.64279 -2.20285 -1.2978 2.92091 -1.68516 -0.35068 2.31482 -1.5958 -2.6581 2.28754 -1.6423 -2.69285 2.93824 -1.82769 -0.094286 2.27504 -1.69761 -2.66287 2.90331 -1.94002 -0.066951 2.34028 -1.76985 -2.32902 2.85387 -2.04363 -0.104403 2.81564 -1.55604 -0.905328 2.78415 -2.0352 -0.367081 2.41527 -1.5779 -2.32003 2.49611 -1.86308 -1.63933 3.68161 -2.04799 -1.808 3.59777 -2.05292 -0.585343 3.61866 -2.074 -1.94191 3.5102 -2.11557 -0.487502 3.43894 -1.9143 -1.86109 3.00751 -1.78944 -2.46145 2.728 -1.68436 -2.37798 3.21034 -1.80425 -0.451491 3.45384 -1.94003 -0.513633 3.59298 -1.95206 -1.12688 3.6633 -2.00919 -1.524 3.60833 -2.01022 -1.89211 3.33861 -1.90734 -2.24563 3.03644 -1.84007 -2.54373 2.67256 -1.70659 -2.6711 3.25133 -1.93072 -0.241217 3.5254 -2.01699 -0.505179 3.63903 -2.0052 -0.803141 3.74524 -2.05662 -1.16487 3.7702 -2.08334 -1.52311 3.60013 -2.10413 -1.93911 3.36829 -1.97914 -2.28243 3.01879 -1.89423 -2.54706 2.65468 -1.75148 -2.7061 3.23474 -2.04079 -0.220439 3.4859 -2.16381 -0.495533 3.76995 -2.20354 -1.19139 3.71596 -2.18709 -1.56103 3.54848 -2.13 -1.88051 3.33014 -2.02794 -2.26002 2.97531 -1.92873 -2.473 2.63908 -1.80124 -2.67633 3.187 -2.12878 -0.254509 3.41161 -2.18955 -0.544526 3.65113 -2.21982 -0.841252 3.69741 -2.21903 -1.22226 3.60975 -2.17671 -1.53036 2.2711 -1.42548 -1.52924 1.96084 -1.48456 -2.56297 1.92921 -1.53764 -2.59762 1.91555 -1.60046 -2.5684 1.98086 -1.67686 -2.23513 2.29827 -1.86674 -0.830299 2.49439 -1.94649 -0.009933 2.54809 -1.82741 0.028646 2.59044 -1.70063 0.001586 2.58038 -1.54383 -0.254523 1.60251 -1.16305 -1.34248 1.274 -1.26764 -2.37824 1.23664 -1.33393 -2.41338 1.21828 -1.41026 -2.38493 1.2813 -1.49386 -2.05211 1.59865 -1.68372 -0.647264 1.79711 -1.75628 0.173544 1.86138 -1.60871 0.213587 1.91531 -1.45375 0.18772 1.9167 -1.269 -0.067202 2.04906 -1.26391 -1.05906 1.65287 -1.35203 -2.36847 1.59402 -1.40479 -2.49516 1.56945 -1.46768 -2.49811 1.57772 -1.54439 -2.37748 1.86761 -1.72833 -1.08082 2.11549 -1.86587 -0.000517 2.16636 -1.80211 0.109774 2.2335 -1.63027 0.117825 2.2528 -1.5144 0.01595 1.03305 -1.00561 -1.09938 0.696888 -1.10571 -2.16893 0.665678 -1.16327 -2.19563 0.648941 -1.22843 -2.17468 0.694685 -1.29534 -1.9253 1.01185 -1.44297 -0.580159 1.21804 -1.53219 0.291146 1.27266 -1.40476 0.321991 1.31975 -1.27187 0.303343 1.32738 -1.11676 0.112901 1.39798 -0.990231 -0.87474 0.981272 -1.1309 -2.18662 0.916812 -1.19768 -2.31394 0.887343 -1.2731 -2.31747 0.891128 -1.36163 -2.19743 1.18035 -1.54727 -0.90084 1.4289 -1.6831 0.179536 1.48567 -1.60392 0.290579 1.56619 -1.39783 0.300235 1.5936 -1.26154 0.199288 3.09954 -2.11487 -0.469843 2.42473 -1.9422 -0.273189 2.47781 -1.40722 -0.808768 1.72517 -1.75921 -0.090171 1.81957 -1.11828 -0.62077 1.16257 -1.53859 0.093136 1.20195 -0.956404 -0.557361 2.01416 -1.81582 -0.434675 2.21465 -1.30266 -0.410631 1.32691 -1.63477 -0.254703 1.56739 -1.01926 -0.225864 1.09677 -1.22105 -0.218711 2.66578 -1.85557 -2.38706 2.06621 -1.4584 -2.2249 2.13649 -1.77003 -1.54538 1.38633 -1.22505 -2.03952 1.43687 -1.58701 -1.36234 0.78506 -1.06402 -1.91446 0.890518 -1.37043 -1.11647 1.81909 -1.32625 -1.80485 1.70097 -1.6286 -1.81901 1.1554 -1.0849 -1.62205 1.01371 -1.44754 -1.63904 0.767489 -1.16332 -1.48467 3.09673 -1.79456 -2.12922 3.41886 -1.85447 -0.772453 3.04485 -1.97752 -2.14223 3.34758 -2.15849 -0.804145 3.33228 -1.82966 -1.42483 2.94047 -1.69221 -1.71658 3.13157 -1.70238 -0.995701 2.84005 -1.95152 -1.72894 3.00176 -2.04819 -1.01416 3.23021 -2.07998 -1.43665 3.38676 -2.09342 -1.83646 3.53462 -2.18181 -1.18291 2.72299 -1.54818 -1.24997 2.34889 -1.58006 -2.55678 2.93554 -1.77642 -0.17395 2.29904 -1.61869 -2.6836 2.92788 -1.87142 -0.071886 2.27973 -1.66811 -2.68591 2.87512 -2.00644 -0.078212 2.28979 -1.73134 -2.56386 2.82755 -2.05281 -0.1869 2.5803 -1.91341 -1.26709 2.88429 -1.59726 -0.601975 2.72661 -2.00084 -0.620884 2.50632 -1.57584 -1.99408 2.41342 -1.81362 -2.00522 3.72043 -2.07985 -0.83925 3.79739 -2.12783 -1.18468 3.64161 -2.04903 -1.90756 3.54381 -2.0699 -0.510556 3.76534 -2.14102 -1.56597 3.70429 -2.15982 -0.824788 1.66648 1.39328 2.62714 1.67331 1.42089 2.72176 1.69192 1.41224 2.81498 1.71951 1.37039 2.89622 1.75328 1.29841 2.95487 1.78705 1.20864 2.97863 1.81464 1.11833 2.96474 1.83325 1.03783 2.91695 1.84008 0.977508 2.83899 1.83325 0.949892 2.74437 1.81464 0.958541 2.65115 1.78705 1.00039 2.56991 1.75328 1.07238 2.51126 1.71951 1.16214 2.4875 1.69192 1.25246 2.50139 1.67331 1.33296 2.54919 1.91739 1.46891 2.5886 1.92297 1.49614 2.68342 1.9382 1.48644 2.77718 1.96077 1.44304 2.8592 1.9884 1.36915 2.91883 2.01602 1.27748 2.94356 2.03859 1.18561 2.93046 2.05382 1.10405 2.8832 2.05941 1.04335 2.80544 2.05382 1.01612 2.71062 2.03859 1.02582 2.61687 2.01602 1.06923 2.53484 1.9884 1.14312 2.47522 1.96077 1.23479 2.45049 1.9382 1.32666 2.46358 1.92297 1.40821 2.51084 2.13902 1.51829 2.56345 2.14271 1.54508 2.65848 2.15275 1.5342 2.75284 2.16764 1.48905 2.83576 2.18587 1.41301 2.89647 2.20409 1.3192 2.9223 2.21898 1.22558 2.91009 2.22902 1.14285 2.86343 2.23271 1.08171 2.78589 2.22902 1.05492 2.69086 2.21898 1.0658 2.5965 2.20409 1.11095 2.51358 2.18587 1.18699 2.45287 2.16764 1.2808 2.42704 2.15275 1.37442 2.43925 2.14271 1.45715 2.48591 2.33845 1.53982 2.55275 2.33909 1.56637 2.64792 2.34069 1.5546 2.74269 2.34303 1.50806 2.82624 2.34586 1.43029 2.88774 2.34866 1.33469 2.91436 2.35092 1.23956 2.90282 2.35242 1.15577 2.85662 2.35292 1.09417 2.77927 2.35228 1.06762 2.6841 2.35067 1.07939 2.58933 2.34833 1.12593 2.50578 2.3455 1.2037 2.44428 2.3427 1.2993 2.41766 2.34044 1.39443 2.4292 2.33894 1.47822 2.4754 2.51702 1.52647 2.55089 2.52022 1.55242 2.64622 2.51356 1.54079 2.74129 2.49837 1.49507 2.82524 2.47597 1.41874 2.88719 2.45032 1.32496 2.91424 2.42624 1.23168 2.90301 2.40642 1.14955 2.85699 2.3935 1.08921 2.77966 2.3903 1.06326 2.68432 2.39696 1.07489 2.58925 2.41215 1.12061 2.5053 2.43455 1.19694 2.44335 2.4602 1.29072 2.41631 2.48428 1.384 2.42753 2.5041 1.46613 2.47355 2.69164 1.43823 2.58292 2.68026 1.47087 2.67604 2.64628 1.47254 2.76645 2.59486 1.44484 2.84395 2.5312 1.38934 2.89834 2.46691 1.31535 2.9181 2.41377 1.23724 2.9012 2.37723 1.1642 2.85167 2.36274 1.10538 2.77354 2.37411 1.07275 2.68041 2.4081 1.07107 2.59 2.45951 1.09877 2.51251 2.52317 1.15427 2.45811 2.58747 1.22826 2.43835 2.6406 1.30637 2.45525 2.67714 1.37942 2.50478 2.7922 1.34627 2.64506 2.76782 1.39042 2.73067 2.71891 1.40554 2.8122 2.65249 1.39157 2.88056 2.57556 1.34844 2.92664 2.50235 1.28301 2.94056 2.44608 1.20828 2.92124 2.41223 1.13332 2.87278 2.40626 1.06722 2.79931 2.43065 1.02307 2.7137 2.47955 1.00795 2.63217 2.54597 1.02192 2.56381 2.6229 1.06506 2.51773 2.69611 1.13048 2.5038 2.75238 1.20522 2.52313 2.78623 1.28018 2.57159 2.90654 1.20346 2.78477 2.87298 1.25889 2.85939 2.81213 1.28863 2.92674 2.73251 1.29073 2.97954 2.64266 1.26328 3.0105 2.55929 1.21011 3.01262 2.49736 1.14212 2.98686 2.46273 1.06795 2.93773 2.46127 0.996215 2.8698 2.49483 0.940783 2.79518 2.55568 0.911047 2.72783 2.6353 0.908943 2.67503 2.72516 0.936401 2.64408 2.80852 0.989569 2.64195 2.87045 1.05756 2.66772 2.90508 1.13173 2.71684 2.99288 1.06469 2.92336 2.96129 1.11704 3.00136 2.90182 1.14469 3.0711 2.82286 1.14587 3.12508 2.73283 1.11885 3.15579 2.64844 1.06745 3.15623 2.58486 1.00219 3.1277 2.5482 0.931322 3.07513 2.54452 0.863113 3.00343 2.57611 0.810759 2.92543 2.63558 0.783113 2.85568 2.71454 0.781927 2.8017 2.80457 0.808948 2.771 2.88896 0.860345 2.77055 2.95253 0.925609 2.79908 2.9892 0.996477 2.85166 3.05942 0.964387 2.99657 3.04337 0.993291 3.09132 2.99938 0.997514 3.17787 2.93409 0.977985 3.24679 2.85414 0.935632 3.28864 2.77414 0.877484 3.29412 2.70873 0.814893 3.26387 2.66456 0.755277 3.20341 2.64827 0.706053 3.11823 2.66433 0.677149 3.02348 2.70831 0.672926 2.93693 2.7736 0.692456 2.86801 2.85356 0.734808 2.82616 2.93355 0.792956 2.82068 2.99897 0.855547 2.85093 3.04314 0.915164 2.91139 3.1252 0.888543 3.01709 3.12718 0.896781 3.11658 3.10231 0.879113 3.20808 3.05496 0.839044 3.28158 2.98952 0.780078 3.32707 2.91766 0.712613 3.3345 2.85282 0.649374 3.30424 2.80202 0.597356 3.24191 2.77227 0.563556 3.15312 2.77029 0.555318 3.05364 2.79516 0.572986 2.96214 2.84252 0.613055 2.88863 2.90796 0.672022 2.84314 2.97982 0.739487 2.83571 3.04466 0.802726 2.86597 3.09546 0.854743 2.92831 3.21252 0.795283 3.00527 3.23599 0.780923 3.10187 3.22986 0.743491 3.19062 3.19653 0.688591 3.26183 3.13839 0.621828 3.30579 3.0654 0.555429 3.31276 2.99158 0.50152 3.28316 2.92544 0.465558 3.22247 2.87545 0.452995 3.13617 2.85198 0.467356 3.03957 2.85811 0.504788 2.95081 2.89144 0.559688 2.8796 2.94958 0.626451 2.83565 3.02257 0.69285 2.82868 3.09639 0.746758 2.85828 3.16254 0.782721 2.91897 3.29294 0.682214 2.93795 3.33784 0.637186 3.0162 3.34731 0.577392 3.09151 3.3223 0.51052 3.15544 3.26374 0.44426 3.19953 3.18127 0.391336 3.21439 3.09105 0.360821 3.19863 3.00385 0.354924 3.15581 2.93044 0.375856 3.08948 2.88555 0.420885 3.01123 2.87608 0.480679 2.93592 2.90109 0.54755 2.87199 2.95964 0.61381 2.8279 3.04211 0.666734 2.81304 3.13233 0.69725 2.8288 3.21953 0.703146 2.87162 3.32396 0.591068 2.8339 3.37572 0.524551 2.88731 3.39072 0.447652 2.94295 3.36935 0.369766 2.99433 3.31199 0.300287 3.03494 3.22792 0.252929 3.05649 3.13373 0.235347 3.05591 3.04077 0.247849 3.03453 2.96042 0.290743 2.99368 2.90866 0.35726 2.94027 2.89366 0.434159 2.88462 2.91503 0.512045 2.83325 2.97239 0.581524 2.79264 3.05646 0.628882 2.77109 3.15066 0.646464 2.77167 3.24361 0.633962 2.79305 3.32695 0.508209 2.68861 3.3789 0.430702 2.72234 3.39404 0.345052 2.7623 3.37277 0.261529 2.80358 3.31543 0.190401 2.84123 3.23131 0.145886 2.86788 3.13701 0.134917 2.87914 3.0439 0.156827 2.87462 2.96335 0.210955 2.85389 2.9114 0.288462 2.82017 2.89625 0.374112 2.7802 2.91753 0.457635 2.73892 2.97486 0.528764 2.70127 3.05898 0.573278 2.67462 3.15329 0.584247 2.66336 3.2464 0.562337 2.66788 3.3027 0.431029 2.49927 3.35274 0.34826 2.51959 3.36638 0.258421 2.54888 3.34412 0.1722 2.58328 3.2865 0.100282 2.61892 3.20288 0.05713 2.64904 3.10972 0.049325 2.66837 3.01823 0.07574 2.67533 2.93964 0.135245 2.66831 2.88959 0.218014 2.64799 2.87596 0.307853 2.6187 2.89821 0.394074 2.5843 2.95583 0.465991 2.54866 3.03946 0.509144 2.51854 3.13262 0.516948 2.49921 3.2241 0.490533 2.49226 3.25736 0.393502 2.5178 3.29481 0.33133 2.53269 3.30497 0.263877 2.55439 3.28824 0.199167 2.58001 3.24502 0.14522 2.60669 3.18233 0.112886 2.62935 3.11251 0.107094 2.64405 3.04398 0.126989 2.64955 2.98511 0.171714 2.64463 2.94766 0.233885 2.62974 2.93749 0.301337 2.60804 2.95422 0.366049 2.58242 2.99744 0.419998 2.55574 3.06013 0.452334 2.53307 3.12995 0.458126 2.51837 3.19849 0.43823 2.51287 3.29013 0.482137 2.71488 3.329 0.423479 2.73808 3.3406 0.359595 2.76821 3.32517 0.298095 2.80143 3.28294 0.246591 2.83389 3.22072 0.215425 2.85933 3.1508 0.209375 2.87343 3.08163 0.227694 2.87521 3.02164 0.269638 2.86371 2.98277 0.328296 2.84051 2.97117 0.39218 2.81037 2.9866 0.453679 2.77716 3.02883 0.505184 2.7447 3.09105 0.536349 2.71925 3.16097 0.5424 2.70516 3.23014 0.524081 2.70338 1.47495 1.24402 1.79392 1.48178 1.27163 1.88854 1.50039 1.26298 1.98176 1.52798 1.22113 2.06299 1.56175 1.14915 2.12164 1.59552 1.05938 2.1454 1.62311 0.969067 2.13152 1.64172 0.888566 2.08372 1.64855 0.828248 2.00576 1.64172 0.800632 1.91114 1.62311 0.809282 1.81792 1.59552 0.851132 1.73669 1.56175 0.923117 1.67803 1.52798 1.01288 1.65427 1.50039 1.1032 1.66816 1.48178 1.1837 1.71596 1.72586 1.31965 1.75538 1.73144 1.34688 1.8502 1.74667 1.33718 1.94395 1.76924 1.29378 2.02597 1.79687 1.21989 2.0856 1.82449 1.12822 2.11033 1.84707 1.03635 2.09724 1.86229 0.954795 2.04997 1.86788 0.894093 1.97221 1.86229 0.866862 1.87739 1.84707 0.876562 1.78364 1.82449 0.919968 1.70162 1.79687 0.993857 1.64199 1.76924 1.08553 1.61726 1.74667 1.1774 1.63036 1.73144 1.25895 1.67762 1.94749 1.36903 1.73022 1.95118 1.39583 1.82526 1.96122 1.38494 1.91962 1.97611 1.33979 2.00253 1.99434 1.26376 2.06325 2.01256 1.16994 2.08907 2.02745 1.07632 2.07687 2.03749 0.993589 2.03021 2.04118 0.932453 1.95267 2.03749 0.905655 1.85763 2.02745 0.916536 1.76327 2.01256 0.961693 1.68036 1.99434 1.03773 1.61964 1.97611 1.13154 1.59382 1.96122 1.22516 1.60602 1.95118 1.30789 1.65268 2.14692 1.39056 1.71952 2.14756 1.41711 1.81469 2.14916 1.40535 1.90946 2.1515 1.35881 1.99301 2.15433 1.28103 2.05451 2.15713 1.18543 2.08114 2.1594 1.0903 2.0696 2.16089 1.00651 2.0234 2.16139 0.944909 1.94604 2.16075 0.918361 1.85088 2.15914 0.930127 1.75611 2.1568 0.976667 1.67256 2.15397 1.05444 1.61105 2.15117 1.15004 1.58443 2.14891 1.24517 1.59597 2.14742 1.32896 1.64217 2.32549 1.37721 1.71766 2.32869 1.40315 1.81299 2.32203 1.39153 1.90807 2.30684 1.34581 1.99201 2.28444 1.26948 2.05397 2.25879 1.1757 2.08101 2.23471 1.08242 2.06979 2.21489 1.00029 2.02377 2.20197 0.939948 1.94643 2.19877 0.914001 1.8511 2.20543 0.925628 1.75602 2.22062 0.971348 1.67208 2.24302 1.04768 1.61012 2.26867 1.14146 1.58308 2.29275 1.23474 1.5943 2.31257 1.31687 1.64032 2.50011 1.28897 1.74969 2.48874 1.32161 1.84282 2.45475 1.32328 1.93322 2.40333 1.29558 2.01072 2.33967 1.24008 2.06511 2.27538 1.16609 2.08488 2.22224 1.08799 2.06798 2.1857 1.01494 2.01844 2.17121 0.956122 1.94031 2.18258 0.923488 1.84718 2.21657 0.921812 1.75678 2.26798 0.949514 1.67928 2.33164 1.00502 1.62489 2.39594 1.07901 1.60512 2.44907 1.15711 1.62202 2.48561 1.23016 1.67155 2.60067 1.19701 1.81184 2.57628 1.24116 1.89744 2.52738 1.25628 1.97897 2.46096 1.24231 2.04733 2.38403 1.19918 2.09342 2.31082 1.13375 2.10734 2.25455 1.05902 2.08801 2.2207 0.984057 2.03956 2.21473 0.917961 1.96608 2.23912 0.873813 1.88047 2.28802 0.85869 1.79894 2.35444 0.872662 1.73059 2.43138 0.915797 1.6845 2.50459 0.981223 1.67058 2.56085 1.05596 1.6899 2.5947 1.13092 1.73836 2.71501 1.0542 1.95154 2.68145 1.10963 2.02616 2.6206 1.13937 2.09352 2.54098 1.14147 2.14632 2.45113 1.11402 2.17727 2.36776 1.06085 2.1794 2.30583 0.992863 2.15363 2.2712 0.918689 2.10451 2.26974 0.846956 2.03658 2.3033 0.791523 1.96196 2.36415 0.761788 1.8946 2.44377 0.759684 1.8418 2.53363 0.787142 1.81085 2.617 0.84031 1.80872 2.67892 0.908295 1.83449 2.71355 0.982469 1.88361 2.80135 0.915426 2.09013 2.76976 0.96778 2.16813 2.71028 0.995426 2.23787 2.63133 0.996613 2.29185 2.5413 0.969591 2.32256 2.4569 0.918194 2.323 2.39333 0.85293 2.29448 2.35667 0.782062 2.2419 2.35299 0.713854 2.1702 2.38458 0.6615 2.0922 2.44405 0.633854 2.02246 2.523 0.632667 1.96848 2.61304 0.659689 1.93777 2.69743 0.711086 1.93733 2.761 0.77635 1.96586 2.79767 0.847217 2.01843 2.86789 0.815128 2.16334 2.85184 0.844032 2.25809 2.80785 0.848255 2.34464 2.74256 0.828726 2.41356 2.66261 0.786373 2.45542 2.58261 0.728225 2.46089 2.5172 0.665634 2.43065 2.47303 0.606018 2.37018 2.45674 0.556794 2.285 2.4728 0.52789 2.19026 2.51679 0.523667 2.1037 2.58207 0.543196 2.03478 2.66202 0.585549 1.99293 2.74202 0.643697 1.98745 2.80744 0.706288 2.0177 2.85161 0.765904 2.07817 2.93367 0.739284 2.18387 2.93566 0.747522 2.28335 2.91078 0.729854 2.37485 2.86343 0.689785 2.44836 2.79799 0.630819 2.49385 2.72613 0.563354 2.50128 2.66129 0.500114 2.47101 2.61049 0.448097 2.40868 2.58074 0.414297 2.3199 2.57876 0.406059 2.22041 2.60363 0.423727 2.12891 2.65098 0.463796 2.05541 2.71643 0.522762 2.00991 2.78829 0.590227 2.00249 2.85313 0.653467 2.03275 2.90393 0.705484 2.09508 3.02099 0.646024 2.17204 3.04446 0.631664 2.26864 3.03833 0.594231 2.3574 3.005 0.539332 2.42861 2.94686 0.472569 2.47256 2.87387 0.40617 2.47953 2.80005 0.352261 2.44993 2.73391 0.316298 2.38924 2.68392 0.303736 2.30294 2.66045 0.318096 2.20634 2.66658 0.355529 2.11758 2.69991 0.410428 2.04637 2.75805 0.477191 2.00242 2.83104 0.54359 1.99545 2.90486 0.597499 2.02505 2.971 0.633462 2.08574 3.10141 0.532955 2.10473 3.14631 0.487926 2.18297 3.15578 0.428132 2.25829 3.13076 0.361261 2.32221 3.07221 0.295001 2.3663 2.98974 0.242077 2.38116 2.89952 0.211561 2.36541 2.81232 0.205665 2.32258 2.73891 0.226597 2.25625 2.69402 0.271625 2.17801 2.68455 0.331419 2.10269 2.70956 0.398291 2.03877 2.76811 0.464551 1.99468 2.85058 0.517475 1.97982 2.9408 0.54799 1.99557 3.028 0.553887 2.0384 3.13243 0.441809 2.00067 3.18419 0.375292 2.05409 3.19919 0.298393 2.10973 3.17782 0.220506 2.1611 3.12046 0.151028 2.20171 3.03639 0.10367 2.22326 2.94219 0.086087 2.22268 2.84924 0.098589 2.2013 2.76889 0.141484 2.16045 2.71713 0.208 2.10704 2.70213 0.284899 2.0514 2.7235 0.362786 2.00002 2.78086 0.432265 1.95941 2.86493 0.479623 1.93786 2.95913 0.497205 1.93844 3.05208 0.484703 1.95982 3.13542 0.35895 1.85538 3.18736 0.281442 1.88911 3.20251 0.195793 1.92908 3.18124 0.112269 1.97035 3.1239 0.041141 2.00801 3.03978 -0.003373 2.03465 2.94548 -0.014343 2.04592 2.85236 0.007568 2.04139 2.77182 0.061695 2.02067 2.71987 0.139203 1.98694 2.70472 0.224853 1.94697 2.726 0.308376 1.9057 2.78333 0.379504 1.86804 2.86745 0.424018 1.8414 2.96176 0.434988 1.83013 3.05487 0.413077 1.83466 3.11117 0.28177 1.66605 3.16121 0.199 1.68636 3.17485 0.109162 1.71565 3.15259 0.022941 1.75005 3.09497 -0.048977 1.7857 3.01135 -0.09213 1.81581 2.91819 -0.099934 1.83515 2.82671 -0.073519 1.8421 2.7481 -0.014015 1.83508 2.69806 0.068755 1.81477 2.68443 0.158593 1.78548 2.70668 0.244815 1.75108 2.7643 0.316732 1.71543 2.84793 0.359885 1.68532 2.94109 0.367689 1.66599 3.03257 0.341274 1.65903 3.06583 0.244243 1.68457 3.10328 0.18207 1.69947 3.11344 0.114618 1.72116 3.09671 0.049907 1.74679 3.05349 -0.004039 1.77346 2.9908 -0.036374 1.79613 2.92098 -0.042165 1.81083 2.85244 -0.022271 1.81633 2.79358 0.022455 1.81141 2.75612 0.084625 1.79651 2.74596 0.152078 1.77481 2.76269 0.216789 1.74919 2.80591 0.270739 1.72252 2.8686 0.303075 1.69985 2.93842 0.308867 1.68515 3.00696 0.288971 1.67965 3.0986 0.332878 1.88165 3.13747 0.27422 1.90485 3.14907 0.210336 1.93499 3.13364 0.148836 1.96821 3.09141 0.097331 2.00066 3.02919 0.066166 2.02611 2.95927 0.060116 2.0402 2.8901 0.078434 2.04198 2.83011 0.120378 2.03048 2.79124 0.179036 2.00728 2.77964 0.24292 1.97715 2.79507 0.30442 1.94393 2.8373 0.355925 1.91147 2.89952 0.38709 1.88603 2.96944 0.393141 1.87193 3.03862 0.374822 1.87015 1.28635 1.10154 0.941704 1.29317 1.12915 1.03632 1.31178 1.1205 1.12955 1.33938 1.07865 1.21078 1.37314 1.00667 1.26943 1.40691 0.916904 1.29319 1.4345 0.826588 1.2793 1.45312 0.746087 1.23151 1.45994 0.685769 1.15355 1.45312 0.658154 1.05893 1.4345 0.666803 0.965708 1.40691 0.708653 0.884476 1.37314 0.780638 0.825822 1.33938 0.870401 0.802061 1.31178 0.960718 0.81595 1.29317 1.04122 0.863746 1.53725 1.17717 0.903165 1.54284 1.2044 0.997982 1.55806 1.1947 1.09174 1.58064 1.1513 1.17376 1.60826 1.07741 1.23339 1.63589 0.98574 1.25812 1.65846 0.893867 1.24502 1.67369 0.812316 1.19776 1.67927 0.751613 1.12 1.67369 0.724383 1.02518 1.65846 0.734082 0.931426 1.63589 0.777489 0.849402 1.60826 0.851378 0.789779 1.58064 0.943047 0.765046 1.55806 1.03492 0.778143 1.54284 1.11647 0.825404 1.75889 1.22655 0.878007 1.76257 1.25335 0.973045 1.77262 1.24246 1.0674 1.78751 1.19731 1.15032 1.80573 1.12128 1.21103 1.82395 1.02747 1.23686 1.83884 0.933842 1.22465 1.84889 0.85111 1.17799 1.85257 0.789974 1.10045 1.84889 0.763176 1.00542 1.83884 0.774057 0.911059 1.82395 0.819214 0.828143 1.80573 0.895247 0.767426 1.78751 0.989058 0.741603 1.77262 1.08268 0.753806 1.76257 1.16541 0.800466 1.95831 1.24808 0.86731 1.95895 1.27463 0.962479 1.96056 1.26287 1.05725 1.9629 1.21633 1.1408 1.96573 1.13855 1.2023 1.96853 1.04295 1.22892 1.97079 0.947825 1.21738 1.97228 0.864031 1.17118 1.97278 0.80243 1.09383 1.97214 0.775882 0.998662 1.97053 0.787648 0.903892 1.9682 0.834188 0.820344 1.96537 0.911964 0.758841 1.96257 1.00756 0.732219 1.9603 1.10269 0.74376 1.95881 1.18648 0.789958 2.13688 1.23473 0.865449 2.14008 1.26068 0.960781 2.13342 1.24905 1.05585 2.11823 1.20333 1.1398 2.09584 1.127 1.20175 2.07018 1.03322 1.2288 2.04611 0.939941 1.21757 2.02628 0.857808 1.17155 2.01337 0.797469 1.09422 2.01017 0.771522 0.998884 2.01683 0.783149 0.903812 2.03202 0.828869 0.819866 2.05441 0.905201 0.757911 2.08007 0.998979 0.730867 2.10414 1.09226 0.742092 2.12397 1.17439 0.788111 2.3115 1.1465 0.897477 2.30013 1.17913 0.990604 2.26614 1.18081 1.08101 2.21473 1.1531 1.15851 2.15107 1.0976 1.2129 2.08677 1.02361 1.23266 2.03363 0.945506 1.21576 1.9971 0.872458 1.16623 1.9826 0.813643 1.0881 1.99397 0.781009 0.994969 2.02796 0.779333 0.904562 2.07938 0.807035 0.827068 2.14304 0.862536 0.772676 2.20733 0.936526 0.75291 2.26047 1.01463 0.76981 2.29701 1.08768 0.819342 2.41207 1.05453 0.959624 2.38768 1.09868 1.04523 2.33878 1.1138 1.12676 2.27236 1.09983 1.19512 2.19543 1.0567 1.2412 2.12221 0.991272 1.25512 2.06595 0.916537 1.2358 2.0321 0.841578 1.18734 2.02613 0.775482 1.11387 2.05051 0.731334 1.02826 2.09942 0.716211 0.946729 2.16584 0.730182 0.878372 2.24277 0.773319 0.832288 2.31598 0.838743 0.818366 2.37225 0.913479 0.837691 2.4061 0.988438 0.886149 2.52641 0.911724 1.09933 2.49285 0.967156 1.17395 2.432 0.996891 1.24131 2.35238 0.998995 1.29411 2.26252 0.971538 1.32506 2.17915 0.918369 1.32719 2.11722 0.850384 1.30142 2.0826 0.77621 1.25229 2.08113 0.704477 1.18436 2.11469 0.649044 1.10974 2.17555 0.619309 1.04239 2.25516 0.617205 0.989589 2.34502 0.644663 0.958638 2.42839 0.697831 0.956508 2.49032 0.765816 0.982278 2.52494 0.83999 1.0314 2.61274 0.772947 1.23792 2.58115 0.825301 1.31592 2.52168 0.852947 1.38566 2.44272 0.854134 1.43964 2.35269 0.827112 1.47035 2.2683 0.775715 1.47079 2.20473 0.710451 1.44226 2.16806 0.639583 1.38969 2.16438 0.571375 1.31799 2.19597 0.519021 1.23999 2.25544 0.491375 1.17025 2.3344 0.490188 1.11627 2.42443 0.51721 1.08556 2.50882 0.568607 1.08512 2.5724 0.633871 1.11364 2.60906 0.704738 1.16622 2.67929 0.672649 1.31113 2.66323 0.701553 1.40588 2.61925 0.705776 1.49243 2.55396 0.686247 1.56135 2.47401 0.643894 1.6032 2.39401 0.585746 1.60868 2.32859 0.523155 1.57843 2.28442 0.463539 1.51797 2.26814 0.414315 1.43279 2.28419 0.385411 1.33804 2.32818 0.381188 1.25149 2.39347 0.400717 1.18257 2.47342 0.44307 1.14072 2.55342 0.501218 1.13524 2.61883 0.563809 1.16549 2.663 0.623425 1.22595 2.74506 0.596805 1.33165 2.74705 0.605043 1.43114 2.72217 0.587375 1.52264 2.67482 0.547306 1.59614 2.60938 0.48834 1.64164 2.53752 0.420875 1.64906 2.47268 0.357635 1.6188 2.42188 0.305618 1.55647 2.39214 0.271818 1.46768 2.39015 0.26358 1.3682 2.41503 0.281248 1.2767 2.46238 0.321317 1.20319 2.52782 0.380283 1.1577 2.59968 0.447748 1.15027 2.66452 0.510988 1.18054 2.71532 0.563005 1.24287 2.83238 0.503545 1.31983 2.85585 0.489185 1.41643 2.84973 0.451752 1.50519 2.8164 0.396853 1.5764 2.75826 0.33009 1.62035 2.68526 0.263691 1.62732 2.61145 0.209782 1.59772 2.5453 0.173819 1.53703 2.49532 0.161257 1.45073 2.47185 0.175617 1.35413 2.47797 0.21305 1.26537 2.5113 0.267949 1.19416 2.56944 0.334712 1.15021 2.64243 0.401111 1.14324 2.71625 0.45502 1.17284 2.7824 0.490983 1.23353 2.9128 0.390476 1.25251 2.9577 0.345447 1.33076 2.96717 0.285653 1.40607 2.94216 0.218782 1.47 2.88361 0.152522 1.51409 2.80114 0.099598 1.52895 2.71092 0.069082 1.51319 2.62372 0.063185 1.47037 2.55031 0.084118 1.40404 2.50541 0.129146 1.32579 2.49594 0.188941 1.25048 2.52095 0.255812 1.18655 2.5795 0.322072 1.14246 2.66198 0.374996 1.1276 2.75219 0.405511 1.14336 2.83939 0.411408 1.18618 2.94383 0.29933 1.14846 2.99559 0.232813 1.20187 3.01059 0.155914 1.25751 2.98921 0.078027 1.30889 2.93185 0.008549 1.3495 2.84778 -0.038809 1.37105 2.75359 -0.056391 1.37047 2.66064 -0.04389 1.34909 2.58028 -0.000995 1.30824 2.52852 0.065521 1.25483 2.51352 0.142421 1.19919 2.5349 0.220307 1.14781 2.59226 0.289786 1.1072 2.67633 0.337144 1.08565 2.77052 0.354726 1.08623 2.86347 0.342224 1.10761 2.94681 0.216471 1.00317 2.99876 0.138963 1.0369 3.01391 0.053314 1.07686 2.99263 -0.03021 1.11814 2.9353 -0.101338 1.15579 2.85118 -0.145852 1.18244 2.75687 -0.156822 1.19371 2.66376 -0.134911 1.18918 2.58321 -0.080784 1.16845 2.53126 -0.003276 1.13473 2.51612 0.082374 1.09476 2.53739 0.165897 1.05349 2.59473 0.237025 1.01583 2.67885 0.281539 0.989184 2.77315 0.292509 0.977919 2.86626 0.270598 0.982445 2.92257 0.139291 0.813836 2.97261 0.056521 0.834152 2.98624 -0.033317 0.863442 2.96399 -0.119538 0.897841 2.90637 -0.191456 0.933485 2.82274 -0.234609 0.963601 2.72958 -0.242413 0.982935 2.6381 -0.215998 0.98989 2.5595 -0.156494 0.98287 2.50946 -0.073724 0.962555 2.49582 0.016114 0.933265 2.51808 0.102336 0.898865 2.5757 0.174253 0.863222 2.65932 0.217406 0.833105 2.75248 0.22521 0.813772 2.84397 0.198795 0.806817 2.87722 0.101764 0.832357 2.91467 0.039591 0.847255 2.92483 -0.027861 0.868951 2.9081 -0.092572 0.894573 2.86489 -0.146518 0.921248 2.80219 -0.178853 0.943915 2.73238 -0.184644 0.958613 2.66384 -0.16475 0.964114 2.60497 -0.120024 0.959193 2.56752 -0.057853 0.944296 2.55735 0.009599 0.922601 2.57408 0.074311 0.896979 2.6173 0.12826 0.870303 2.68 0.160596 0.847634 2.74981 0.166388 0.832936 2.81835 0.146492 0.827435 2.91 0.190399 1.02944 2.94887 0.131741 1.05264 2.96047 0.067857 1.08278 2.94504 0.006357 1.11599 2.9028 -0.045148 1.14845 2.84058 -0.076313 1.17389 2.77067 -0.082363 1.18799 2.70149 -0.064044 1.18977 2.6415 -0.022101 1.17827 2.60263 0.036557 1.15507 2.59103 0.100441 1.12494 2.60646 0.161941 1.09172 2.6487 0.213446 1.05926 2.71092 0.244611 1.03381 2.78084 0.250662 1.01972 2.85001 0.232343 1.01794 0.003672 0.472956 -4.07198 -0.369119 0.376353 -4.05794 -0.778886 0.015995 -4.00093 -0.908626 -0.379242 -3.97119 -0.845366 -0.815697 -3.93801 -0.565419 -1.17617 -3.91039 -0.200814 -1.38067 -3.89485 0.200765 -1.38067 -3.89485 0.56537 -1.17617 -3.91039 0.845317 -0.815697 -3.93801 0.908577 -0.379241 -3.97119 0.778836 0.015995 -4.00093 0.370777 0.376344 -4.05794 -1.17316 0.312639 -2.57158 -1.35274 -0.199812 -2.53664 -1.25681 -0.842963 -2.49465 -0.849239 -1.35242 -2.46258 -0.314003 -1.67667 -2.34255 0.314095 -1.67667 -2.34255 0.849324 -1.35242 -2.46258 1.2569 -0.842963 -2.49465 1.35284 -0.199811 -2.53664 1.17325 0.312638 -2.57157 -1.68479 -0.030086 -1.19154 -1.57215 -0.851319 -1.18514 -1.15326 -1.52357 -1.17988 -0.399819 -2.00641 -1.17984 0.399911 -2.00641 -1.17984 1.15336 -1.52357 -1.17988 1.57224 -0.851318 -1.18514 1.68488 -0.030083 -1.19153 -1.00374 1.86854 0.72701 -1.71873 1.15988 0.684026 -2.05604 0.186911 0.629317 -1.9216 -0.881812 0.653775 -1.39197 -1.81842 0.684697 -0.484612 -2.67537 0.683823 0.484613 -2.67537 0.683823 1.3919 -1.81836 0.684737 1.92165 -0.881845 0.65375 2.05602 0.186796 0.629283 1.71857 1.15915 0.683833 0.003687 2.68092 2.97844 -1.11633 2.38429 2.97728 -1.96704 1.56237 2.97609 -2.35203 0.403857 2.97474 -2.19492 -0.828006 2.98073 -1.6034 -1.92197 3.07015 -0.549195 -2.43542 2.97245 0.549248 -2.43546 2.97242 1.60395 -1.9224 3.06983 2.1947 -0.827838 2.98086 2.35199 0.403883 2.97477 1.96703 1.56231 2.97607 1.11757 2.38425 2.97727 0.003685 2.70162 3.52844 -1.10871 2.40765 3.53203 -1.95243 1.59309 3.54196 -2.33454 0.444531 3.55597 -2.17853 -0.775352 3.57099 -1.53425 -1.78901 3.58423 -0.551969 -2.3601 3.59122 0.551979 -2.3601 3.59121 1.53429 -1.78904 3.58421 2.17849 -0.775318 3.57102 2.33454 0.444539 3.55597 1.95243 1.59309 3.54196 1.10993 2.40766 3.53203 1.04682 -1.68917 -1.17923 1.27708 -2.23782 0.710048 1.43698 -2.43773 2.91518 0.547627 -2.94462 2.90843 -0.547625 -2.94462 2.90843 -1.43694 -2.43769 2.91521 -1.27709 -2.23783 0.710043 -1.04672 -1.68917 -1.17923 -1.31335 -2.36005 3.06637 -0.517427 -2.83485 3.06219 0.517429 -2.83485 3.06219 1.31335 -2.36005 3.06637 -0.468059 -2.47896 1.8706 -1.28809 -2.03123 2.03188 -1.08393 -2.39513 1.99852 -0.443454 -2.7272 1.84723 0.443456 -2.7272 1.84723 1.08394 -2.39513 1.99852 1.28816 -2.03129 2.03184 0.468069 -2.47897 1.87059 -1.44474 -1.88843 3.06279 1.44474 -1.88843 3.06279 0.003685 2.58701 3.68253 -1.05544 2.3069 3.68617 -1.85918 1.53074 3.69625 -2.22392 0.436339 3.71046 -2.076 -0.72564 3.72556 -1.46148 -1.6892 3.73816 -0.525264 -2.23314 3.74522 0.525265 -2.23314 3.74522 1.46148 -1.6892 3.73815 2.076 -0.725639 3.72556 2.22392 0.43634 3.71046 1.85918 1.53074 3.69625 1.05667 2.3069 3.68617 0.003685 2.86432 3.72878 -1.17688 2.55255 3.7327 -2.07164 1.68868 3.74356 -2.47574 0.470597 3.75888 -2.30873 -0.822644 3.77515 -1.62377 -1.89478 3.78863 -0.583234 -2.50019 3.79624 0.583235 -2.50019 3.79624 1.62377 -1.89478 3.78863 2.30873 -0.822643 3.77515 2.47574 0.470598 3.75888 2.07164 1.68868 3.74356 1.17811 2.55255 3.7327 0.003685 2.98458 3.9061 -1.226 2.65999 3.90972 -2.15752 1.76059 3.91976 -2.57746 0.492417 3.93392 -2.40265 -0.854005 3.94894 -1.68928 -1.97023 3.9614 -0.60665 -2.60054 3.96844 0.606651 -2.60054 3.96844 1.68928 -1.97023 3.9614 2.40265 -0.854004 3.94894 2.57746 0.492418 3.93392 2.15752 1.76059 3.91976 1.22723 2.65999 3.90972 0.003685 3.03351 4.50355 -1.22675 2.70863 4.50564 -2.15883 1.80842 4.51143 -2.57901 0.539092 4.51959 -2.40409 -0.808552 4.52825 -1.69028 -1.92579 4.53544 -0.607009 -2.55667 4.53949 0.60701 -2.55667 4.53949 1.69028 -1.92579 4.53544 2.40409 -0.808551 4.52825 2.57901 0.539093 4.51959 2.15883 1.80842 4.51143 1.22798 2.70863 4.50564 0.003685 2.97062 4.68997 -1.19278 2.65454 4.69153 -2.09945 1.77871 4.69587 -2.50871 0.543777 4.70198 -2.33921 -0.767356 4.70848 -1.64505 -1.85432 4.71386 -0.590844 -2.46811 4.7169 0.590845 -2.46811 4.7169 1.64505 -1.85432 4.71386 2.33921 -0.767354 4.70848 2.50871 0.543777 4.70198 2.09945 1.77871 4.69587 1.194 2.65454 4.69153 0.003685 2.80248 4.68172 -1.11924 2.50555 4.68321 -1.97086 1.68278 4.68734 -2.35638 0.522655 4.69316 -2.19851 -0.709051 4.69933 -1.5469 -1.73017 4.70445 -0.555755 -2.30678 4.70735 0.555757 -2.30678 4.70735 1.5469 -1.73017 4.70445 2.19851 -0.70905 4.69933 2.35638 0.522656 4.69316 1.97086 1.68278 4.68734 1.12047 2.50555 4.68321 0.003685 2.68538 4.56448 -1.07262 2.40061 4.56618 -1.88929 1.61156 4.57088 -2.25969 0.498986 4.5775 -2.10913 -0.68224 4.58453 -1.4845 -1.66151 4.59036 -0.533439 -2.21448 4.59365 0.533441 -2.21448 4.59365 1.4845 -1.66151 4.59036 2.10913 -0.682239 4.58453 2.25969 0.498986 4.5775 1.88929 1.61156 4.57088 1.07385 2.40061 4.56618 0.003685 2.65095 4.33602 -1.06658 2.36779 4.33822 -1.87873 1.58318 4.34432 -2.24716 0.476859 4.35293 -2.09754 -0.697722 4.36206 -1.47641 -1.67148 4.36963 -0.530546 -2.22135 4.37391 0.530547 -2.22134 4.37391 1.47642 -1.67148 4.36963 2.09754 -0.697721 4.36206 2.24716 0.47686 4.35293 1.87873 1.58318 4.34432 1.06781 2.36779 4.33822 0.003712 2.19302 0.872565 -1.53515 0.941799 -0.169395 -1.49209 0.605174 -1.19623 0.004709 1.18669 -3.19918 -0.470224 1.03937 -3.11848 -0.925873 0.540576 -2.59612 0.926474 0.540569 -2.59612 0.478907 1.03924 -3.11836 1.49218 0.605191 -1.19622 1.53512 0.941787 -0.169365 1.00466 1.86799 0.726839 0.005372 1.2582 -2.97903 -0.45652 1.12841 -2.89471 -1.00304 0.629835 -2.12223 -1.27584 0.807031 -1.2094 -1.26121 1.12132 -0.339412 -0.794124 1.85115 0.381878 0.004649 2.12572 0.53811 0.801782 1.85071 0.381638 1.26673 1.12136 -0.339277 1.28112 0.807047 -1.20936 1.00716 0.629848 -2.12222 0.469685 1.12828 -2.89457 0.008924 0.970654 -2.91796 -0.409008 0.89038 -2.83661 -0.637057 0.717289 -2.66709 -0.908185 0.501399 -2.03049 -1.15951 0.629422 -1.21007 -1.14366 0.897824 -0.38232 -0.696668 1.53569 0.297717 0.010021 1.75715 0.449467 0.740516 1.53541 0.297038 1.18231 0.897874 -0.382242 1.19632 0.629436 -1.21003 0.944624 0.501413 -2.03047 0.677848 0.717273 -2.66706 0.446266 0.890257 -2.83647 0.009692 -0.19192 -2.68493 -0.862345 -0.194047 -2.12962 -1.14214 -0.19386 -1.2392 -1.13254 -0.193694 -0.518297 -0.71179 -0.193182 0.040624 0.009298 -0.191237 0.216705 0.752231 -0.193182 0.040591 1.17725 -0.193694 -0.518132 1.18683 -0.19386 -1.23916 0.907227 -0.194047 -2.12961 0.67244 -0.194137 -2.47664 -0.562901 0.266515 -3.97108 0.563211 0.266514 -3.97108 -0.76422 0.813142 -2.9352 -0.742331 0.904911 -2.69597 -0.796013 0.538468 -2.371 0.443547 -0.193803 -2.6071 0.835526 0.538483 -2.37098 0.755256 0.904894 -2.69594 0.772022 0.813111 -2.93518 0.004192 0.907136 -3.63185 -0.441961 0.782425 -3.56624 -0.789078 0.39403 -3.28506 -0.986055 0.171302 -3.2785 -1.14334 -0.288485 -3.24494 -1.06347 -0.831466 -3.20697 -0.71099 -1.27092 -3.17454 -0.252404 -1.5266 -3.15668 0.252405 -1.5266 -3.15668 0.71099 -1.27092 -3.17454 1.06347 -0.831465 -3.20697 1.14334 -0.288485 -3.24493 0.986048 0.171301 -3.2785 0.78934 0.394025 -3.28506 0.447152 0.782354 -3.56618 0.689033 0.587609 -3.43553 -0.684824 0.587627 -3.43554 -0.625194 -0.194137 -2.47667 -0.400426 -0.193803 -2.60725 -0.730529 0.457278 -3.31032 -0.838913 0.620253 -2.71051 -0.859761 0.68549 -2.40457 0.86925 0.685501 -2.40455 0.843066 0.620243 -2.71051 0.732854 0.457272 -3.31032 0.159178 -1.22777 -4.3953 -0.159523 -1.22777 -4.3953 -0.449608 -1.06566 -4.4091 -0.672323 -0.777284 -4.4335 -0.722535 -0.430897 -4.4628 -0.61924 -0.113601 -4.48906 -0.44037 0.063609 -4.50118 -0.296578 0.151944 -4.51106 0.003597 0.22702 -4.51601 0.297618 0.151848 -4.51106 0.440045 0.063593 -4.50118 0.618894 -0.1136 -4.48906 0.72219 -0.430897 -4.4628 0.671977 -0.777284 -4.4335 0.449262 -1.06566 -4.4091 0.121439 -1.06761 -4.61052 -0.122477 -1.06761 -4.61052 -0.350049 -0.946283 -4.62165 -0.525049 -0.72249 -4.64112 -0.563646 -0.463937 -4.66352 -0.486802 -0.227082 -4.68341 -0.351722 -0.08528 -4.69249 -0.237992 -0.017381 -4.70086 0.003755 0.03241 -4.70451 0.23991 -0.01812 -4.7008 0.351482 -0.085403 -4.69248 0.486403 -0.227082 -4.68341 0.56325 -0.463937 -4.66352 0.524654 -0.72249 -4.64112 0.349562 -0.946283 -4.62165 0.093695 -0.95393 -4.58551 -0.098585 -0.95393 -4.58551 -0.285066 -0.85599 -4.59474 -0.429099 -0.673818 -4.61071 -0.460065 -0.473759 -4.62815 -0.400141 -0.290848 -4.64347 -0.289976 -0.17402 -4.65037 -0.196549 -0.118917 -4.65768 0.003879 -0.081446 -4.66041 0.199179 -0.120144 -4.65758 0.289852 -0.174225 -4.65036 0.399741 -0.290847 -4.64347 0.459669 -0.473758 -4.62815 0.428704 -0.673818 -4.61071 0.284029 -0.85599 -4.59474 0.089874 -0.907543 -4.11592 -0.095406 -0.907544 -4.11592 -0.276371 -0.812593 -4.1249 -0.41626 -0.635966 -4.14039 -0.446205 -0.443733 -4.15718 -0.388518 -0.268054 -4.17188 -0.281534 -0.154654 -4.1785 -0.190855 -0.101238 -4.18566 0.003896 -0.065225 -4.18827 0.193581 -0.10253 -4.18555 0.281426 -0.154869 -4.17848 0.388119 -0.268054 -4.17188 0.44581 -0.443733 -4.15718 0.415866 -0.635966 -4.14039 0.275242 -0.812593 -4.1249 0.003699 2.48826 1.90838 -1.05192 2.20406 1.89057 -1.86308 1.41588 1.85558 -2.22982 0.3127 1.81831 -2.08175 -0.866944 1.83166 -1.50822 -1.90213 1.85091 -1.38048 -2.43252 1.86584 -0.524076 -2.92497 1.84772 0.524077 -2.92497 1.84772 1.38043 -2.43248 1.86587 1.50788 -1.90186 1.85111 2.08197 -0.867111 1.83154 2.22985 0.312597 1.81827 1.86298 1.41542 1.85546 1.05321 2.20374 1.89047 -1.87544 0.082116 -0.234885 -1.75844 -0.873217 -0.223486 -1.27767 -1.6869 -0.210398 -1.17106 -1.97726 -0.203714 -0.444744 -2.3611 -0.213798 0.444745 -2.3611 -0.213798 1.17106 -1.97726 -0.203714 1.27767 -1.6869 -0.210398 1.75844 -0.873216 -0.223487 1.87544 0.082114 -0.234883 -1.48416 -0.142659 -2.059 -1.38046 -0.848278 -2.02368 -0.906233 -1.47372 -1.99377 -0.844354 -1.56367 -1.98596 -0.334883 -1.78182 -1.98626 0.335439 -1.78182 -1.98626 0.844918 -1.56367 -1.98596 0.906781 -1.47372 -1.99377 1.38101 -0.848277 -2.02368 1.4847 -0.142659 -2.059 -1.302 0.415192 -2.07925 1.30255 0.415194 -2.07924 -8.9e-005 -0.44762 -4.1558 -0.241906 1.02912 -3.37977 -0.967687 0.390007 -2.90938 -0.970315 -0.103665 -3.64173 -1.01929 -0.583854 -3.60639 -0.816165 -1.04187 -3.57274 -0.43916 -1.3649 -3.54877 0 -1.48375 -3.54025 0.439161 -1.3649 -3.54877 0.816166 -1.04187 -3.57274 1.01929 -0.583853 -3.60639 0.970315 -0.103665 -3.64173 0.967673 0.390003 -2.90938 -1.09388 0.505708 -2.34415 -1.56624 -0.47144 -1.65523 -1.28863 -1.17221 -1.63691 -0.715926 -1.74094 -1.62825 0.000183 -1.91764 -1.62695 0.716292 -1.74094 -1.62825 1.28899 -1.17221 -1.63691 1.56661 -0.471439 -1.65523 1.51316 0.243595 -1.67142 -1.43746 1.35499 0.379613 -1.68418 0.422473 -0.703742 -1.96176 -0.376815 0.187417 -1.61445 -1.33218 0.212839 -0.904325 -2.34014 0.23343 1e-006 -2.58613 0.218478 0.904326 -2.34014 0.233429 1.61445 -1.33218 0.21284 1.96176 -0.376814 0.187417 1.84531 0.604322 0.189599 1.43742 1.35445 0.379472 -0.559419 2.52989 2.47989 -1.55407 1.96271 2.46788 -2.17781 0.959813 2.44825 -2.29115 -0.250988 2.44172 -1.88436 -1.39632 2.45411 -1.05175 -2.74036 2.46007 1e-006 -3.03351 2.45154 1.05175 -2.74036 2.46007 1.88436 -1.39632 2.45411 2.29115 -0.250988 2.44172 2.17778 0.959673 2.44821 1.55406 1.96249 2.46781 0.56436 2.5298 2.47986 -0.576887 2.6406 3.31867 -1.59837 2.06277 3.32325 -2.23641 1.03949 3.33134 -2.35222 -0.194839 3.3411 -1.93406 -1.36088 3.35155 -1.0698 -2.12758 3.76791 1e-006 -2.48637 3.36134 1.0698 -2.12758 3.76791 1.93406 -1.36088 3.35155 2.35209 -0.194731 3.34118 2.23642 1.03949 3.33134 1.59837 2.06277 3.32324 0.581801 2.6406 3.31867 0.000378 0.178885 4.35525 1.33282 -1.92634 0.236427 1.55267 -2.18207 2.4644 0.838176 -2.43644 1.691 1e-006 -2.65169 1.68487 -0.838174 -2.43644 1.691 -1.44825 -2.10579 1.25887 -1.21427 -1.69878 -0.691072 -1.03201 -2.68088 3.06326 1e-006 -2.96982 3.0601 1.03201 -2.68088 3.06326 -0.903664 -2.60859 2.37486 1e-006 -2.85864 2.36221 0.903666 -2.60859 2.37487 1.51529 -2.14868 3.06636 1.32013 -2.16969 2.38121 -1.51515 -2.14857 3.06644 1e-006 -2.50466 2.38877 -1.32013 -2.16969 2.38121 -0.549937 2.54869 3.63759 -1.5243 1.99714 3.64496 -2.13349 1.0204 3.65801 -2.24488 -0.157773 3.67375 -1.84565 -1.26826 3.68883 1e-006 -2.33984 3.70331 1.84565 -1.26826 3.68883 2.24488 -0.157773 3.67375 2.13349 1.0204 3.65801 1.5243 1.99714 3.64496 0.55485 2.54869 3.63759 -0.568904 2.63079 3.70714 -1.5764 2.06065 3.71442 -2.2058 1.05098 3.72731 -2.32019 -0.166917 3.74287 -1.90655 -1.31403 3.75752 1e-006 -2.42118 3.77166 1.90655 -1.31403 3.75752 2.32019 -0.166916 3.74287 2.2058 1.05098 3.72731 1.5764 2.06065 3.71442 0.573817 2.63079 3.70714 -0.622866 2.86256 3.77262 -1.72465 2.23954 3.78024 -2.41166 1.13622 3.79374 -2.53469 -0.194638 3.81001 -2.0812 -1.44815 3.82535 -1.16715 -2.33715 3.83622 1e-006 -2.65799 3.84014 1.16715 -2.33715 3.83622 2.0812 -1.44815 3.82535 2.53469 -0.194638 3.81001 2.41166 1.13622 3.79374 1.72465 2.23954 3.78024 0.62778 2.86256 3.77262 -0.632377 2.93434 4.20441 -1.75076 2.30187 4.20998 -2.44788 1.18183 4.21984 -2.57237 -0.169193 4.23173 -2.11184 -1.4417 4.24294 -1.18421 -2.34418 4.25088 1e-006 -2.66987 4.25375 1.18421 -2.34418 4.25088 2.11184 -1.4417 4.24294 2.57237 -0.169192 4.23173 2.44788 1.18183 4.21984 1.75076 2.30187 4.20998 0.63729 2.93434 4.20441 -0.624346 2.93518 4.64539 -1.72872 2.31042 4.6487 -2.4173 1.20402 4.65458 -2.54056 -0.130551 4.66167 -2.08597 -1.38756 4.66834 -1.16981 -2.27905 4.67308 1e-006 -2.60078 4.67479 1.16981 -2.27905 4.67308 2.08597 -1.38756 4.66834 2.54056 -0.13055 4.66167 2.4173 1.20402 4.65458 1.72872 2.31042 4.6487 0.62926 2.93518 4.64539 -0.594392 2.81124 4.70108 -1.64645 2.21576 4.70398 -2.30314 1.16122 4.70911 -2.42169 -0.110806 4.7153 -1.98926 -1.3089 4.72113 -1.11593 -2.15861 4.72526 1e-006 -2.46526 4.72675 1.11593 -2.1586 4.72526 1.98926 -1.3089 4.72113 2.4217 -0.110805 4.7153 2.30314 1.16122 4.70911 1.64645 2.21576 4.70398 0.599306 2.81124 4.70108 -0.560093 2.6587 4.63801 -1.55222 2.09683 4.64102 -2.17231 1.10181 4.64636 -2.28539 -0.098419 4.6528 -1.87829 -1.22889 4.65886 -1.05408 -2.03064 4.66317 1e-006 -2.31998 4.66472 1.05408 -2.03063 4.66317 1.87829 -1.22889 4.65886 2.28539 -0.098418 4.6528 2.17231 1.10181 4.64636 1.55222 2.09683 4.64102 0.565007 2.6587 4.63801 -0.54769 2.58916 4.45897 -1.51814 2.03949 4.46271 -2.12495 1.06609 4.46933 -2.23602 -0.108064 4.47732 -1.83807 -1.21398 4.48484 -1.03165 -1.9983 4.49017 1e-006 -2.28136 4.4921 1.03166 -1.9983 4.49017 1.83807 -1.21398 4.48484 2.23602 -0.108063 4.47732 2.12495 1.06609 4.46933 1.51814 2.0395 4.46271 0.552604 2.58916 4.45897 0.223951 0.649945 -3.83848 0.023014 -0.194102 -2.36035 0.02009 -0.193564 -2.58417 -1.0206 0.221868 -1.67701 0.022354 -0.193773 -0.852228 0.022381 -0.193621 -0.205772 0.016585 -0.192522 0.149583 0.25354 1.20524 -3.0363 -0.645105 0.996764 -2.89073 -1.41867 0.873893 -0.738173 -0.453784 2.078 0.617853 0.45881 2.07767 0.61774 -0.227462 1.16812 -2.92728 -0.580965 0.994014 -2.78937 -0.875846 0.616364 -2.24442 -1.24567 0.897437 -0.775353 -0.383465 2.01819 0.472319 0.403451 2.01792 0.471956 1.26656 0.897509 -0.775221 0.793085 0.761637 -2.53281 0.60809 0.993923 -2.78927 0.246071 1.16802 -2.92719 -0.213491 0.447351 -2.79286 -0.526393 0.3726 -2.67611 -0.720456 0.262123 -2.45736 -1.18617 0.322424 -0.814736 -0.3624 0.885796 0.317338 0.393541 0.88569 0.317014 1.22943 0.322461 -0.814613 0.766016 0.262129 -2.45735 0.572893 0.372553 -2.67601 0.241829 0.447304 -2.79277 -0.244108 1.20533 -3.03639 0.654104 0.996673 -2.89063 1.41865 0.873967 -0.738088 0.536636 0.497559 -3.77697 -0.628399 0.824339 -3.25169 -0.681037 0.368445 -3.54589 -0.828725 0.762002 -2.64459 -0.83505 0.318417 -2.23271 0.878299 0.31843 -2.23268 0.835343 0.762001 -2.64458 0.665407 0.42528 -3.59256 -0.217991 0.649969 -3.8385 0.250177 1.02905 -3.37971 -0.534387 0.497585 -3.77698 -0.77172 0.227302 -3.66415 -0.815998 0.510902 -2.94417 -1.1928 0.02951 -2.88534 -1.25131 -0.54066 -2.84515 -1.00132 -1.09834 -2.80619 -0.538616 -1.48846 -2.77824 1e-006 -1.63607 -2.76855 0.538617 -1.48846 -2.77824 1.00132 -1.09834 -2.80619 1.25131 -0.54066 -2.84515 1.1928 0.02951 -2.88534 0.771702 0.227301 -3.66415 0.817668 0.510892 -2.94417 0.635144 0.824266 -3.25163 -0.779155 0.616902 -3.07157 -0.899899 0.625216 -2.4224 0.902292 0.625218 -2.42239 0.784153 0.61689 -3.07157 0.681795 0.368441 -3.54589 -0.663153 0.425285 -3.59256 -9.9e-005 -1.3292 -4.17897 -0.347954 -1.23514 -4.18654 -0.646428 -0.974517 -4.20751 -0.806924 -0.607027 -4.23708 -0.769645 -0.216862 -4.26847 -0.592502 0.066159 -4.289 -0.420648 0.200372 -4.2998 -0.179114 0.301346 -4.3085 0.183829 0.301346 -4.3085 0.420451 0.200373 -4.2998 0.592305 0.066159 -4.289 0.769447 -0.216862 -4.26847 0.806727 -0.607027 -4.23708 0.646231 -0.974517 -4.20751 0.347757 -1.23514 -4.18654 -0.000198 -1.16351 -4.53143 -0.273221 -1.0917 -4.53787 -0.509668 -0.888013 -4.55569 -0.636093 -0.601693 -4.5804 -0.607471 -0.30185 -4.6063 -0.471028 -0.080335 -4.62302 -0.336961 0.027607 -4.63219 -0.143101 0.102701 -4.63965 0.148101 0.102445 -4.63963 0.336924 0.02735 -4.63217 0.470625 -0.080335 -4.62302 0.607075 -0.30185 -4.6063 0.635698 -0.601693 -4.5804 0.509273 -0.888013 -4.55569 0.272826 -1.0917 -4.53787 -0.001665 -1.01595 -4.6429 -0.212489 -0.962114 -4.64806 -0.400486 -0.80367 -4.66228 -0.499655 -0.585303 -4.68125 -0.478611 -0.364558 -4.70044 -0.375281 -0.194813 -4.71264 -0.270945 -0.107173 -4.71995 -0.114778 -0.053658 -4.72597 0.12041 -0.054345 -4.72591 0.271522 -0.10786 -4.71989 0.374869 -0.194812 -4.71264 0.478215 -0.364558 -4.70044 0.49926 -0.585303 -4.68125 0.400091 -0.80367 -4.66228 0.210626 -0.962114 -4.64806 -0.003133 -0.937589 -4.38477 -0.187938 -0.889885 -4.38941 -0.356348 -0.748601 -4.40218 -0.444499 -0.557703 -4.41882 -0.426519 -0.368934 -4.43531 -0.335284 -0.220801 -4.44568 -0.241988 -0.142051 -4.45224 -0.102348 -0.095413 -4.45767 0.10824 -0.096275 -4.4576 0.242819 -0.142913 -4.45216 0.334873 -0.2208 -4.44568 0.426123 -0.368934 -4.43531 0.444104 -0.557703 -4.41882 0.355953 -0.7486 -4.40218 0.184607 -0.889885 -4.38941 -0.767228 0.761625 -2.53283 0.898459 0.616382 -2.24439 -0.516212 2.25953 1.32616 0.521207 2.25928 1.32608 -1.4426 1.72604 1.27533 -2.02863 0.797076 1.21222 -2.13548 -0.320201 1.19996 -1.75651 -1.3851 1.22961 -1.55267 -2.18207 2.4644 -0.981905 -2.61558 1.25589 1e-006 -2.88736 1.23699 0.981906 -2.61558 1.25589 1.44812 -2.10568 1.25895 1.75651 -1.3851 1.22961 2.13562 -0.320308 1.19988 2.02852 0.796662 1.21211 1.44257 1.72537 1.27515 1.17138 1.47118 0.152381 -1.17129 1.47143 0.15241 -1.00981 1.45507 0.038053 1.03533 1.45489 0.037822 -0.958965 0.605135 -0.08711 1.00681 0.605067 -0.087309 -1.08141 0.688063 -1.66132 1.1021 0.688068 -1.66131 0.022294 -0.193959 -1.71044 1.06339 0.221871 -1.67701 -1.35224 0.12595 -2.3256 1.27279 0.646781 -1.67762 -1.77529 -0.418619 -0.701472 -1.46806 -1.24648 -0.695443 -1.33282 -1.92634 0.236427 -0.822236 -2.01434 -0.692613 1e-006 -2.23343 -0.695681 0.822237 -2.01434 -0.692612 1.21427 -1.69878 -0.691072 1.46806 -1.24648 -0.695444 1.77529 -0.418618 -0.701472 1.68417 0.422511 -0.703724 -1.84539 0.604558 0.189653 -1.40966 -0.510998 -2.28814 -1.5128 0.243594 -1.67142 -1.13745 -1.13819 -2.24909 -1.0572 -1.51686 -1.62976 -0.538967 -1.66904 -2.16621 0.000183 -1.75498 -2.21901 0.711393 -1.5094 -2.28248 1.05757 -1.51686 -1.62976 1.13782 -1.13819 -2.24909 1.41003 -0.510998 -2.28814 1.3526 0.12595 -2.3256 1.09426 0.50571 -2.34414 -1.27242 0.646778 -1.67763 0.745285 -1.5457 -2.16827 0.539455 -1.66904 -2.16621 -0.711149 -1.5094 -2.28248 -0.744797 -1.5457 -2.16827 -1.03637 -2.05593 3.69955 1.03637 -2.05593 3.69955 1.08761 -2.18894 3.35908 -1.08747 -2.18883 3.35917 0.971399 -2.25124 2.3836 -0.97126 -2.25113 2.38368 0.426123 -0.350814 -4.16529 0.444105 -0.539584 -4.14881 0.355953 -0.730481 -4.13217 0.184607 -0.871766 -4.11939 -0.003133 -0.91947 -4.11476 -0.187938 -0.871766 -4.11939 -0.356348 -0.730481 -4.13217 -0.444499 -0.539584 -4.14881 -0.426518 -0.350815 -4.16529 -0.335284 -0.202681 -4.17567 -0.241988 -0.123932 -4.18222 -0.102348 -0.077294 -4.18765 0.10824 -0.078156 -4.18758 0.24282 -0.124794 -4.18215 0.334873 -0.202681 -4.17567 -0.245035 1.13951 -3.17629 0.004487 1.07307 -3.40231 -0.233349 0.867986 -3.6121 -0.461902 0.933955 -3.3252 -1.08689 0.247139 -2.9011 -1.04047 0.457775 -2.57938 -0.866838 0.472975 -2.92035 -0.877458 0.310488 -3.28676 -0.879826 0.092256 -3.6559 -0.862515 -0.166175 -3.98751 -1.0234 -0.336891 -3.62432 -1.08357 -0.036161 -3.26353 -1.1387 -0.562257 -3.22577 -0.904789 -0.600445 -3.95437 -0.952153 -0.825272 -3.58888 -0.911465 -1.0701 -3.18947 -0.72472 -1.01091 -3.92307 -0.636706 -1.22471 -3.55902 -0.490352 -1.42668 -3.1635 -0.390031 -1.30157 -3.90084 -0.226076 -1.45404 -3.54238 -2.4e-005 -1.40703 -3.89286 0.226076 -1.45404 -3.54238 0 -1.55991 -3.1544 0.389983 -1.30157 -3.90084 0.636707 -1.22471 -3.55902 0.490353 -1.42668 -3.1635 0.724671 -1.01091 -3.92307 0.952154 -0.825272 -3.58888 0.911466 -1.0701 -3.18947 0.90474 -0.600445 -3.95437 1.0234 -0.33689 -3.62432 1.1387 -0.562257 -3.22577 1.08357 -0.03616 -3.26353 0.862466 -0.166174 -3.98751 0.879822 0.092256 -3.6559 0.877432 0.310486 -3.28676 0.867237 0.472967 -2.92035 1.04057 0.457772 -2.57938 1.08689 0.247138 -2.9011 -0.968191 0.585682 -2.36542 -1.23566 0.360671 -2.3378 -1.16038 0.559983 -2.0836 -1.67222 -0.442488 -1.18853 -1.5791 -0.09093 -1.66497 -1.47337 -0.497076 -2.04171 -1.47062 -0.848383 -1.64495 -1.38458 -1.20198 -1.18236 -1.19974 -1.1525 -2.00914 -1.06346 -1.46948 -1.62998 -0.968752 -1.59657 -1.62927 -0.640478 -1.67621 -1.9776 -0.36939 -1.87346 -1.62728 -0.773712 -1.85604 -1.17948 0.000274 -1.81702 -1.98914 0.369757 -1.87346 -1.62728 4.6e-005 -2.05654 -1.17996 0.641057 -1.67621 -1.9776 0.969118 -1.59657 -1.62927 0.773804 -1.85604 -1.17948 1.06383 -1.46948 -1.62998 1.20029 -1.1525 -2.00914 1.47098 -0.848382 -1.64495 1.38467 -1.20198 -1.18236 1.47392 -0.497075 -2.04171 1.57947 -0.09093 -1.66497 1.67232 -0.442487 -1.18853 1.41903 0.171205 -2.07128 1.40013 0.500157 -1.67537 1.60991 0.331303 -1.19318 -1.65161 1.01834 0.245157 -1.40972 1.55597 0.750165 -1.28776 1.42491 0.263157 -1.60982 0.331293 -1.19318 -1.78259 0.027669 -0.703632 -1.75599 0.514455 -0.232872 -1.54216 0.71986 -0.711893 -2.04763 -0.352424 0.636379 -1.96627 0.133036 0.18108 -1.87271 -0.397504 -0.230632 -1.84133 -0.880165 0.200668 -1.54328 -1.29383 -0.216822 -1.33435 -1.75853 0.224471 -1.68455 -1.36233 0.669623 -1.22494 -2.1137 0.241655 -0.864705 -2.18574 -0.208144 -0.464758 -2.52463 0.222216 -0.942817 -2.48195 0.699107 1e-006 -2.41955 -0.215683 0.464759 -2.52463 0.222216 1e-006 -2.73984 0.678727 0.942818 -2.48195 0.699107 0.864707 -2.18574 -0.208144 1.22494 -2.1137 0.241655 1.33435 -1.75853 0.224472 1.54328 -1.29383 -0.216822 1.84133 -0.880164 0.200668 1.68455 -1.36233 0.669623 1.87271 -0.397503 -0.230632 1.96625 0.132978 0.181067 2.04766 -0.35245 0.636359 1.75596 0.514443 -0.232862 1.6515 1.01791 0.245054 1.94017 0.696833 0.644358 1.40969 1.55524 0.749957 1.28782 1.42458 0.26308 -0.573244 2.60459 2.97802 0.003692 2.60504 2.48249 -0.53916 2.41528 1.90302 -1.09025 2.31292 2.47428 -1.58929 2.02877 2.97675 -1.50206 1.86251 1.87471 -1.92517 1.50358 2.45957 -2.22453 1.00942 2.97492 -2.10845 0.889438 1.83334 -2.30286 0.364074 2.4402 -2.33983 -0.220413 2.97701 -2.21882 -0.284829 1.82084 -2.14941 -0.849684 2.44797 -1.92426 -1.38354 2.98493 -1.82492 -1.39744 1.84153 -1.55764 -1.91693 2.4602 -1.42495 -2.45421 2.46542 -1.01906 -2.71155 1.8581 -0.540841 -2.96022 2.45367 -1.06204 -2.72311 2.91179 1e-006 -2.99612 1.84427 0.540842 -2.96023 2.45367 1e-006 -3.01845 2.90731 1.06205 -2.72311 2.91179 1.01906 -2.71155 1.8581 1.42495 -2.45421 2.46542 1.55765 -1.91693 2.4602 1.82493 -1.39744 1.84153 2.14941 -0.849684 2.44797 1.92426 -1.38354 2.98493 2.21899 -0.284962 1.82074 2.30285 0.36404 2.44019 2.33966 -0.220279 2.97711 2.10838 0.889159 1.83326 1.92512 1.50334 2.45951 2.22452 1.00939 2.97492 1.50204 1.86206 1.87458 1.09151 2.31276 2.47423 1.58929 2.02871 2.97674 0.544128 2.41511 1.90297 0.578165 2.60456 2.97801 -1.12316 2.41953 3.32042 -0.569425 2.62597 3.52936 0.003685 2.71722 3.31807 -1.97773 1.59465 3.32695 -1.57787 2.05536 3.53632 -2.36454 0.431558 3.33614 -2.20792 1.04486 3.54865 -2.20641 -0.804166 3.34623 -2.32251 -0.174036 3.56351 -1.55461 -1.83308 3.35617 -1.90934 -1.32393 3.57813 -1.1343 -2.26647 3.7933 -1.53121 -1.77739 3.76343 -1.02128 -2.02317 3.7425 -0.550131 -2.34778 3.77072 1e-006 -2.50717 2.97295 0.560148 -2.41201 3.36078 1e-006 -2.43352 3.59209 -0.560113 -2.41199 3.3608 1.1343 -2.26647 3.7933 0.550132 -2.34778 3.77072 1.02128 -2.02317 3.7425 1.53121 -1.77739 3.76343 2.20624 -0.804031 3.34633 1.90934 -1.32393 3.57813 1.55478 -1.83321 3.35607 2.36451 0.431586 3.33616 2.32247 -0.174008 3.56353 1.97773 1.59465 3.32695 2.20792 1.04486 3.54865 1.12439 2.41953 3.32042 1.57787 2.05536 3.53632 0.574339 2.62597 3.52936 -0.54768 2.57807 4.33659 -1.51811 2.02845 4.34086 -2.12492 1.05511 4.34843 -2.23598 -0.118961 4.35756 -1.83804 -1.2248 4.36616 -1.03163 -2.00907 4.37226 1e-006 -2.2921 4.37446 1.03164 -2.00907 4.37226 1.83804 -1.2248 4.36616 2.23598 -0.11896 4.35756 2.12492 1.05511 4.34843 1.51811 2.02845 4.34086 0.552594 2.57807 4.33659 1.27497 -1.81942 -0.205502 1.38986 -2.02121 0.702113 1.50369 -2.16442 1.86152 1.56617 -2.17227 2.91641 0.877813 -2.31286 1.86708 0.4437 -2.59787 1.6864 0.848216 -2.55676 1.85904 1.1436 -2.26213 1.86662 1e-006 -2.53434 1.87176 -0.443698 -2.59787 1.6864 1e-006 -2.78401 1.84329 -0.877778 -2.31283 1.8671 -1.14359 -2.26213 1.86662 -0.848215 -2.55676 1.85904 -1.33006 -2.35224 1.26608 -1.50386 -2.16455 1.86142 -1.45146 -1.86779 1.24296 -1.38989 -2.02124 0.702092 -1.11291 -1.8259 -0.690693 -1.27497 -1.81942 -0.205502 -1.22099 -1.60231 -0.6926 -1.14394 -1.58955 -1.17944 -0.536903 -2.89758 3.06089 -0.981819 -2.62617 3.06459 -1.3899 -2.40333 3.06563 0.536904 -2.89758 3.06089 1e-006 -2.90441 3.06139 1.38994 -2.40336 3.06561 0.98182 -2.62617 3.06459 -0.472995 -2.79612 2.36538 -1.21253 -2.37384 2.38278 0.472996 -2.79612 2.36538 1.21253 -2.37384 2.38278 1.52435 -1.90541 3.06631 1.43221 -2.11818 3.0653 1.32708 -1.98084 2.37491 -1.56599 -2.17214 2.91651 -1.43221 -2.11818 3.0653 -1.52407 -1.9052 3.06647 -0.510868 -2.44128 2.3875 0.510903 -2.4413 2.38748 -1.32708 -1.98084 2.37491 -1.07095 2.33767 3.64041 -0.541927 2.51492 3.68347 0.003685 2.62182 3.63661 -1.88636 1.55032 3.65093 -1.50228 1.97121 3.69053 -2.25617 0.44013 3.66576 -2.10287 1.00836 3.70303 -2.10594 -0.738754 3.68157 -2.21292 -0.153064 3.71811 -1.48285 -1.71706 3.69499 -1.81929 -1.24719 3.73237 0.533116 -2.26886 3.70237 1e-006 -2.30313 3.74613 -0.533115 -2.26886 3.70237 2.10594 -0.738753 3.68158 1.81929 -1.24718 3.73238 1.48285 -1.71706 3.69499 2.25617 0.44013 3.66576 2.21292 -0.153063 3.71811 1.88636 1.55032 3.65093 2.10287 1.00836 3.70303 1.07218 2.33767 3.64041 1.50228 1.97122 3.69053 0.546841 2.51492 3.68347 -1.10769 2.41266 3.70992 -0.604629 2.78408 3.72979 0.003685 2.70639 3.70617 -1.95059 1.59876 3.72032 -1.67456 2.17893 3.7374 -2.33226 0.451144 3.73497 -2.34212 1.10726 3.75088 -2.17611 -0.767282 3.75054 -2.46225 -0.185414 3.76713 -2.02224 -1.40297 3.78245 1e-006 -2.5781 3.79722 2.17611 -0.767281 3.75054 2.02224 -1.40297 3.78245 2.33226 0.451145 3.73497 2.46225 -0.185413 3.76713 1.95059 1.59876 3.72032 2.34212 1.10726 3.75088 1.10892 2.41266 3.70992 1.67456 2.17893 3.7374 0.609543 2.78408 3.72979 -1.2122 2.62419 3.77554 -0.62999 2.90104 3.90704 0.003685 2.94517 3.77161 -2.13341 1.7348 3.78642 -1.74421 2.271 3.91407 -2.54892 0.480747 3.80175 -2.43879 1.15527 3.92652 -2.37632 -0.850688 3.81804 -2.56291 -0.190571 3.94154 -1.67093 -1.95449 3.83154 -2.10415 -1.45819 3.95569 -0.600093 -2.57778 3.83916 -1.17993 -2.3572 3.96572 0.600094 -2.57778 3.83916 1e-006 -2.68165 3.96934 1.67093 -1.95448 3.83154 1.17993 -2.3572 3.96572 2.37632 -0.850687 3.81804 2.10415 -1.45819 3.95569 2.54892 0.480748 3.80175 2.56291 -0.19057 3.94154 2.13341 1.7348 3.78642 2.43879 1.15527 3.92652 1.21343 2.62419 3.77554 1.74421 2.271 3.91407 0.634904 2.90104 3.90704 -1.23062 2.69236 4.20654 -0.630378 2.9499 4.50409 0.003685 3.0182 4.20367 -2.16559 1.78949 4.21449 -1.74528 2.31929 4.50814 -2.58701 0.516428 4.2257 -2.44027 1.20254 4.51532 -2.41147 -0.835185 4.2376 -2.56445 -0.144516 4.52398 -1.69543 -1.95571 4.24746 -2.1054 -1.41329 4.53214 -0.608847 -2.58845 4.25303 -1.18063 -2.31311 4.53793 0.608849 -2.58845 4.25303 1e-006 -2.63785 4.54001 1.69543 -1.95571 4.24746 1.18063 -2.31311 4.53793 2.41147 -0.835183 4.2376 2.1054 -1.41329 4.53214 2.58701 0.516429 4.2257 2.56446 -0.144514 4.52398 2.16559 1.78949 4.21449 2.44027 1.20254 4.51532 1.23185 2.69236 4.20654 1.74528 2.31929 4.50814 0.635291 2.9499 4.50409 -1.21507 2.69615 4.64666 -0.612834 2.88927 4.69037 0.003685 3.01802 4.64495 -2.13842 1.80428 4.65139 -1.6971 2.27575 4.69341 -2.55485 0.546721 4.65807 -2.37344 1.18925 4.69879 -2.3818 -0.788432 4.66516 -2.4949 -0.12131 4.70528 -1.67475 -1.89531 4.67104 -2.04883 -1.35571 4.71139 -0.601458 -2.52034 4.67436 -1.14912 -2.23115 4.71572 0.60146 -2.52034 4.67436 1e-006 -2.54709 4.71729 1.67475 -1.89531 4.67104 1.14912 -2.23115 4.71572 2.3818 -0.788431 4.66516 2.04883 -1.35571 4.71139 2.55485 0.546722 4.65807 2.4949 -0.121309 4.70528 2.13842 1.80428 4.65139 2.37344 1.18925 4.69879 1.2163 2.69615 4.64666 1.6971 2.27575 4.69341 0.617748 2.88927 4.69037 -1.15706 2.58341 4.70219 -0.574864 2.72606 4.68211 0.003685 2.8902 4.7007 -2.037 1.73334 4.70633 -1.59281 2.1497 4.685 -2.43474 0.534722 4.71216 -2.22867 1.12903 4.69011 -2.2709 -0.737854 4.71835 -2.34413 -0.102142 4.69629 -1.5974 -1.79285 4.72348 -1.92613 -1.26176 4.70211 -0.573811 -2.38859 4.72638 -1.08075 -2.08418 4.70623 0.573813 -2.38859 4.72638 1e-006 -2.38098 4.70772 1.5974 -1.79285 4.72348 1.08075 -2.08417 4.70623 2.2709 -0.737852 4.71835 1.92613 -1.26176 4.70211 2.43474 0.534723 4.71216 2.34413 -0.102141 4.69629 2.037 1.73334 4.70633 2.22867 1.12903 4.69011 1.15829 2.58341 4.70219 1.59281 2.14971 4.685 0.579778 2.72606 4.68211 -1.09063 2.44373 4.63916 -0.550796 2.61209 4.56492 0.003685 2.7332 4.63761 -1.92081 1.64164 4.64346 -1.52668 2.05935 4.56821 -2.29705 0.510674 4.64953 -2.13681 1.08051 4.57404 -2.14368 -0.690074 4.65597 -2.24838 -0.100205 4.58106 -1.50863 -1.68553 4.66131 -1.84814 -1.2123 4.58768 -0.542069 -2.24764 4.66433 -1.03727 -2.00101 4.59238 0.54207 -2.24764 4.66433 1e-006 -2.28564 4.59407 1.50863 -1.68553 4.66131 1.03727 -2.001 4.59238 2.14368 -0.690073 4.65597 1.84814 -1.2123 4.58768 2.29705 0.510675 4.64953 2.24838 -0.100204 4.58106 1.92081 1.64164 4.64346 2.13681 1.08051 4.57404 1.09186 2.44373 4.63916 1.52668 2.05935 4.56821 0.55571 2.61209 4.56492 -1.06661 2.37886 4.4604 0.003685 2.66204 4.45847 -1.87877 1.59419 4.46574 -2.24721 0.487797 4.47326 -2.09758 -0.686866 4.48125 -1.47644 -1.6607 4.48788 -0.530556 -2.2106 4.49162 0.530558 -2.2106 4.49162 1.47644 -1.66069 4.48788 2.09758 -0.686865 4.48125 2.24721 0.487798 4.47326 1.87877 1.59419 4.46574 1.06783 2.37886 4.4604 0.41169 0.575851 -3.8111 0.203963 0.439576 -4.06772 0.003898 0.685948 -3.85049 0.240464 0.86794 -3.61206 0.022676 -0.193987 -2.48455 -0.734681 -0.194102 -2.36035 0.022441 -0.194047 -2.12962 0.780709 -0.194102 -2.36034 0.573521 -0.194164 -2.55255 0.242108 -0.192676 -2.65936 -0.213213 -0.192676 -2.65945 -0.525764 -0.194164 -2.55265 -1.03795 0.54633 -1.65638 -1.14376 0.268589 -1.22198 -1.0163 -0.193959 -1.71044 -0.892439 0.224424 -2.0554 0.022358 -0.193694 -0.518214 1.23016 -0.193773 -0.85217 0.022342 -0.19386 -1.23918 -1.18545 -0.193773 -0.852286 -0.969723 -0.193621 -0.205809 0.020949 -0.19331 0.033895 1.01449 -0.193621 -0.205734 -0.373517 -0.192008 0.176453 0.400858 -0.192008 0.176411 0.478026 1.10742 -2.97639 0.254174 1.13943 -3.1762 0.004784 1.25094 -3.05981 0.250199 1.21769 -2.95497 -0.646027 0.927707 -3.03674 -0.767029 0.879428 -2.7798 -0.623972 1.02203 -2.80961 -0.468837 1.10755 -2.97653 -1.3764 0.755085 -1.20343 -1.36253 1.08531 -0.285136 -1.3183 0.920958 -0.765141 -0.862509 1.85981 0.483672 -0.488459 2.12599 0.860648 0.003714 2.14446 0.635646 -0.417136 2.06043 0.51575 0.493476 2.12568 0.860546 0.863901 1.85934 0.483523 0.425904 2.06013 0.515571 -0.238469 1.21779 -2.95506 -0.432052 1.09187 -2.86837 -0.217123 0.947555 -2.89317 0.007135 1.20081 -2.95169 -0.688069 0.881586 -2.68071 -0.54035 0.811335 -2.76615 -0.948954 0.623521 -2.03818 -0.841713 0.521024 -2.23784 -0.826976 0.663447 -2.37698 -0.905794 0.63943 -2.29255 -1.18776 1.09492 -0.360106 -1.20141 0.724276 -0.786116 -1.20354 0.787023 -1.20874 0.007454 2.07893 0.494553 -0.362108 1.7078 0.426526 -0.734242 1.8166 0.341429 0.760688 1.81622 0.340916 0.39236 1.7076 0.426051 1.32351 0.921031 -0.76502 1.22439 0.787039 -1.2087 1.23835 0.72434 -0.785986 1.20981 1.09496 -0.359999 0.714795 0.881569 -2.68068 0.765436 0.615121 -2.52471 0.851469 0.663463 -2.37696 0.82453 0.783367 -2.54999 0.637506 1.02194 -2.80951 0.457129 1.09173 -2.86823 0.581378 0.811254 -2.76606 0.242751 0.947473 -2.89308 -0.400967 0.416409 -2.73852 0.009589 0.459593 -2.818 -0.62211 0.31986 -2.5882 -0.725037 0.615111 -2.52473 -0.798936 0.24608 -2.32504 -1.13039 0.421799 -0.441153 0.010245 0.913441 0.347345 -0.695202 0.787959 0.186138 0.741168 0.78781 0.185683 1.18691 0.268597 -1.22195 1.17479 0.421829 -0.441047 0.668295 0.319849 -2.58817 0.843526 0.24609 -2.32502 0.443005 0.416339 -2.73837 0.775351 0.879404 -2.77977 0.654458 0.92762 -3.03666 1.54215 0.719924 -0.711848 1.37648 0.755102 -1.20341 1.36254 1.08534 -0.285038 0.615603 0.439294 -3.71211 0.47291 0.320161 -4.04562 0.595942 0.682337 -3.50769 -0.591446 0.682388 -3.50773 -0.735963 0.714057 -3.16518 -0.690591 0.314893 -3.63723 -0.752215 0.434558 -3.27013 -0.652244 0.370424 -3.62111 -0.816582 0.704277 -2.81799 -0.862309 0.66907 -2.51537 -0.813101 0.783358 -2.55 0.935113 0.224432 -2.05538 0.879501 0.521042 -2.23782 0.866762 0.66907 -2.51536 0.822793 0.704266 -2.81798 0.728624 0.51789 -3.34865 0.653585 0.37042 -3.62111 -0.198892 0.439582 -4.06773 -0.408493 0.575887 -3.81113 0.469087 0.933854 -3.32511 -0.472397 0.320167 -4.04562 -0.613373 0.439303 -3.71211 -0.670169 0.144506 -4.00906 -0.867015 0.580211 -2.63819 -0.79387 0.545105 -2.99114 -1.25706 -0.240538 -2.86555 -1.28627 0.085996 -2.55631 -1.16844 -0.83766 -2.82507 -1.3455 -0.522447 -2.51559 -0.781028 -1.31713 -2.79007 -1.07892 -1.12242 -2.47528 -0.277226 -1.59917 -2.77097 -0.60515 -1.52459 -2.46167 0.277227 -1.59917 -2.77097 1e-006 -1.71223 -2.3827 0.781029 -1.31713 -2.79007 0.605211 -1.52459 -2.46167 1.16844 -0.837659 -2.82507 1.07902 -1.12242 -2.47528 1.25706 -0.240538 -2.86555 1.34559 -0.522446 -2.51559 1.28636 0.085997 -2.55631 0.670115 0.144506 -4.00906 0.690758 0.31489 -3.63723 0.753391 0.434551 -3.27013 0.797222 0.545095 -2.99114 0.869133 0.580202 -2.63819 0.742211 0.71403 -3.16516 -0.72512 0.517898 -3.34865 0.913336 0.639444 -2.29254 0.969075 0.585685 -2.36541 -0.179193 -1.30569 -4.18086 -0.000173 -1.24859 -4.39352 0.178996 -1.30569 -4.18086 -0.504369 -1.12296 -4.19557 -0.309995 -1.1653 -4.40063 -0.753992 -0.79936 -4.22161 -0.576381 -0.933335 -4.4203 -0.810412 -0.409025 -4.25301 -0.719442 -0.606482 -4.44795 -0.693912 -0.051485 -4.28122 -0.686398 -0.260497 -4.47721 -0.492415 0.1466 -4.29434 -0.529272 -0.008527 -4.49624 -0.331461 0.245835 -4.30472 -0.376412 0.111689 -4.50637 0.003586 0.331614 -4.3101 -0.160051 0.200605 -4.51456 0.332492 0.245835 -4.30472 0.164793 0.200541 -4.51456 0.492218 0.1466 -4.29434 0.376156 0.111625 -4.50636 0.693714 -0.051484 -4.28122 0.528924 -0.008526 -4.49624 0.810214 -0.409025 -4.25301 0.686052 -0.260497 -4.47721 0.753795 -0.79936 -4.2216 0.719096 -0.606482 -4.44795 0.504172 -1.12296 -4.19557 0.576035 -0.933335 -4.4203 0.309649 -1.1653 -4.40063 -0.140114 -1.14556 -4.53304 -0.000564 -1.08296 -4.60909 0.139719 -1.14556 -4.53304 -0.397184 -1.00487 -4.54554 -0.239948 -1.02157 -4.61482 -0.594647 -0.750494 -4.56756 -0.44985 -0.843231 -4.63067 -0.638778 -0.449512 -4.59354 -0.561343 -0.594141 -4.65224 -0.549209 -0.17377 -4.61676 -0.536872 -0.337633 -4.67446 -0.393442 -0.015294 -4.6274 -0.419216 -0.14414 -4.68871 -0.265532 0.062295 -4.63656 -0.301927 -0.046979 -4.69686 0.003665 0.12427 -4.64087 -0.128073 0.01537 -4.70353 0.266942 0.061911 -4.63652 0.133418 0.014877 -4.70348 0.393126 -0.015358 -4.6274 0.302224 -0.047472 -4.69682 0.548811 -0.173769 -4.61676 0.418807 -0.144139 -4.68871 0.638383 -0.449512 -4.59354 0.536476 -0.337633 -4.67446 0.594251 -0.750493 -4.56756 0.560948 -0.594141 -4.65224 0.396789 -1.00487 -4.54554 0.449455 -0.843231 -4.63067 0.239186 -1.02157 -4.61482 -0.108121 -1.00249 -4.64419 -0.002766 -0.96624 -4.58431 0.105157 -1.00249 -4.64419 -0.311151 -0.895584 -4.65419 -0.194076 -0.917002 -4.58908 -0.467614 -0.696775 -4.67156 -0.367383 -0.771428 -4.60222 -0.501643 -0.473236 -4.69099 -0.458289 -0.573663 -4.61944 -0.435007 -0.268629 -4.70814 -0.439542 -0.3769 -4.6366 -0.315303 -0.141522 -4.71592 -0.345283 -0.223363 -4.64743 -0.21363 -0.081355 -4.72366 -0.249227 -0.142391 -4.65418 0.003829 -0.039512 -4.72675 -0.105456 -0.094034 -4.65975 0.215972 -0.082386 -4.72357 0.111282 -0.094853 -4.65968 0.315131 -0.141694 -4.71591 0.249995 -0.14321 -4.65411 0.434608 -0.268629 -4.70814 0.344872 -0.223363 -4.64743 0.501248 -0.473236 -4.69099 0.439146 -0.376899 -4.6366 0.467219 -0.696775 -4.67156 0.457893 -0.573663 -4.61944 0.310389 -0.895584 -4.65419 0.366988 -0.771428 -4.60222 0.191112 -0.917002 -4.58908 -0.095406 -0.925663 -4.38593 0.089874 -0.925663 -4.38593 -0.276371 -0.830712 -4.39492 -0.416261 -0.654086 -4.41041 -0.446205 -0.461853 -4.42719 -0.388518 -0.286174 -4.4419 -0.281534 -0.172773 -4.44852 -0.190856 -0.119358 -4.45568 0.003896 -0.083344 -4.45828 0.193581 -0.12065 -4.45557 0.281426 -0.172988 -4.4485 0.388119 -0.286174 -4.4419 0.44581 -0.461853 -4.42719 0.415866 -0.654086 -4.41041 0.275242 -0.830712 -4.39492 0.970017 0.623536 -2.03816 -1.00837 2.05635 1.30531 0.003706 2.32927 1.33428 1.0097 2.05588 1.30517 -1.79174 1.29685 1.24228 -1.94029 0.697269 0.644471 -2.14572 0.250222 1.19487 -2.00378 -0.877529 1.21552 -0.504859 -2.81942 1.24172 0.50486 -2.81942 1.24172 1.33003 -2.35222 1.2661 1.45118 -1.86757 1.24312 2.00395 -0.877662 1.21542 2.14573 0.250093 1.19483 1.7916 1.29617 1.2421 1.08744 1.48452 0.069816 -1.08099 1.48476 0.069875 -0.966299 1.217 0.00353 1.0101 1.21687 0.003186 -1.15743 0.702925 -1.67426 1.16288 0.70293 -1.67425 1.07432 0.546335 -1.65637 1.06089 -0.193959 -1.71043 -1.41857 -0.173069 -2.30867 -1.41848 0.171204 -2.07128 1.16093 0.559989 -2.08359 -1.6684 -0.861599 -0.698373 -0.424017 -2.17866 -0.694914 0.424018 -2.17866 -0.694914 1.11291 -1.8259 -0.690693 1.14403 -1.58955 -1.17944 1.22099 -1.60231 -0.692599 1.6684 -0.861598 -0.698372 1.78259 0.027679 -0.703628 -1.31834 -0.846487 -2.26722 -1.39976 0.500156 -1.67537 -0.91804 -1.36589 -2.24908 -0.931626 -1.49685 -1.98004 -0.638886 -1.60603 -2.19445 -0.298447 -1.7335 -2.20581 0.298844 -1.7335 -2.20581 0.918376 -1.36589 -2.24908 0.636613 -1.56997 -2.2221 0.932205 -1.49685 -1.98004 1.3187 -0.846486 -2.26722 1.41894 -0.173069 -2.30867 1.23603 0.360672 -2.3378 0.639313 -1.60603 -2.19445 -0.636248 -1.56997 -2.2221 -1.07259 -2.13983 3.5886 1.07262 -2.13985 3.58858 1.06073 -2.22035 2.97084 -1.06052 -2.22019 2.97096 1.40669 -1.99782 2.37843 -1.40642 -1.99761 2.37859 -1.82526 -0.48975 -4.15875 -1.57963 -0.479609 -4.32472 -1.8062 -0.404969 -3.44422 -1.93762 -0.436619 -3.65768 -2.01633 -0.497472 -3.92595 -1.89597 -0.513521 -4.16477 -1.57282 -0.499462 -4.36682 -1.83624 -0.433203 -3.42092 -1.98973 -0.462992 -3.66903 -2.03673 -0.536345 -3.93385 -1.87668 -0.535155 -4.17789 -1.57 -0.516138 -4.36541 -1.81242 -0.474272 -3.40621 -2.00426 -0.513899 -3.67237 -2.00925 -0.543708 -3.92558 -1.85623 -0.543299 -4.14388 -1.57256 -0.528435 -4.32076 -1.79455 -0.493803 -3.4392 -1.97123 -0.525358 -3.68718 -1.42872 -0.324292 -3.77462 -1.2678 -0.438207 -4.33689 -1.24827 -0.464723 -4.38936 -1.24411 -0.486565 -4.38746 -1.25508 -0.505003 -4.33106 -1.398 -0.485571 -3.76055 -1.51822 -0.46395 -3.28605 -1.53405 -0.43521 -3.24136 -1.54542 -0.375528 -3.24656 -1.54146 -0.341904 -3.2967 -1.14235 -0.2483 -3.69889 -0.958322 -0.395785 -4.32684 -0.93523 -0.430797 -4.38513 -0.929666 -0.460014 -4.38258 -0.941306 -0.485129 -4.31904 -1.10127 -0.46402 -3.68007 -1.236 -0.439153 -3.14872 -1.25465 -0.401124 -3.09908 -1.26986 -0.32129 -3.10604 -1.26709 -0.275908 -3.16296 -0.921069 -0.210103 -3.64503 -0.728926 -0.36886 -4.29558 -0.702666 -0.407122 -4.36545 -0.696634 -0.438793 -4.36269 -0.711039 -0.462774 -4.28738 -0.877971 -0.436383 -3.62529 -1.02068 -0.408671 -3.06275 -1.04247 -0.365687 -3.00593 -1.05698 -0.289509 -3.01258 -1.05429 -0.232201 -3.07815 -1.77446 -0.376979 -3.60013 -1.75521 -0.501828 -3.5917 -1.46966 -0.47442 -3.47648 -1.5036 -0.296221 -3.49203 -1.18153 -0.45153 -3.36195 -1.22693 -0.213178 -3.38274 -0.940549 -0.399872 -3.27659 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-4.37255 -1.12403 -0.49359 -4.21512 -1.28874 -0.467849 -3.56018 -1.38689 -0.438919 -3.17939 -1.40041 -0.382597 -3.1687 -1.40807 -0.327738 -3.18909 -1.38865 -0.277544 -3.31618 -0.946434 -0.26011 -3.85123 -0.789877 -0.397334 -4.37194 -0.778141 -0.431985 -4.38573 -0.776895 -0.465493 -4.366 -0.818091 -0.476768 -4.19085 -1.00112 -0.448169 -3.46311 -1.11072 -0.413411 -3.04026 -1.12781 -0.34032 -3.02933 -1.13826 -0.268818 -3.05287 -1.11862 -0.202585 -3.19497 -1.35435 -0.457658 -3.30047 -1.32832 -0.260078 -3.57831 -1.074 -0.436842 -3.17453 -1.05259 -0.177946 -3.48669 -0.833932 -0.31807 -3.62625 -1.14285 -0.394821 -4.22374 -1.2048 -0.480946 -3.89357 -0.842558 -0.348308 -4.20205 -0.907843 -0.462722 -3.83355 -0.662895 -0.404749 -4.25126 -1.86598 -0.421563 -3.75459 -1.69319 -0.534646 -4.22396 -1.86102 -0.508462 -3.55745 -1.78986 -0.530089 -4.01097 -1.85525 -0.519887 -3.75128 -1.95432 -0.544275 -3.99969 -1.99526 -0.537888 -3.83711 -1.66843 -0.353745 -3.44177 -1.41416 -0.473259 -4.38228 -1.40716 -0.492713 -4.39398 -1.68803 -0.389356 -3.33045 -1.40695 -0.511114 -4.37897 -1.68372 -0.428976 -3.31358 -1.43983 -0.51569 -4.23985 -1.67274 -0.469648 -3.32344 -1.61427 -0.342796 -3.67338 -1.64365 -0.483892 -3.43042 -1.45342 -0.444321 -4.24607 -1.51139 -0.504507 -3.95531 -2.00438 -0.511513 -4.0185 -1.95789 -0.458742 -3.57821 -1.98411 -0.528383 -4.06135 -1.92943 -0.477952 -3.53198 -1.89705 -0.481795 -4.03733 -1.71821 -0.490168 -4.26268 -1.59312 -0.465697 -4.24717 -1.78853 -0.386605 -3.50271 -1.8931 -0.424586 -3.542 -1.95196 -0.452407 -3.78061 -1.98945 -0.486751 -3.92168 -1.97349 -0.506544 -4.04638 -1.86149 -0.502239 -4.17155 -1.73558 -0.509151 -4.28881 -1.57423 -0.49043 -4.3583 -1.81486 -0.416816 -3.41725 -1.92695 -0.446317 -3.54213 -1.97117 -0.452241 -3.66379 -2.02063 -0.481499 -3.79857 -2.0379 -0.505735 -3.9227 -1.97946 -0.538432 -4.05899 -1.88058 -0.525341 -4.1808 -1.7335 -0.527495 -4.2874 -1.5713 -0.508006 -4.36918 -1.81757 -0.453399 -3.40522 -1.92421 -0.495094 -3.53233 -2.04338 -0.527908 -3.80559 -2.02646 -0.542071 -3.93083 -1.96036 -0.545998 -4.03736 -1.86937 -0.541371 -4.17119 -1.71817 -0.53733 -4.25979 -1.56926 -0.523937 -4.35557 -1.80647 -0.486929 -3.41354 -1.89803 -0.509271 -3.54553 -1.99457 -0.521839 -3.67401 -2.017 -0.537162 -3.81244 -1.98338 -0.541847 -3.91716 -1.38229 -0.358328 -3.93587 -1.25373 -0.452796 -4.3797 -1.24511 -0.475765 -4.39196 -1.24517 -0.497763 -4.37578 -1.28066 -0.503927 -4.22743 -1.436 -0.479653 -3.60984 -1.52846 -0.453566 -3.25073 -1.54046 -0.405203 -3.24032 -1.54663 -0.358172 -3.25905 -1.52728 -0.315492 -3.37841 -1.08922 -0.292425 -3.87895 -0.941925 -0.414929 -4.37454 -0.931198 -0.445539 -4.38784 -0.93047 -0.475077 -4.36929 -0.969869 -0.484573 -4.20293 -1.14382 -0.457392 -3.51128 -1.24775 -0.425578 -3.10928 -1.26304 -0.361017 -3.09847 -1.27205 -0.297978 -3.12042 -1.25246 -0.239906 -3.25505 -1.28425 -0.286167 -3.73641 -1.11175 -0.416571 -4.33184 -1.09028 -0.447233 -4.38726 -1.08543 -0.472691 -4.38504 -1.09692 -0.494416 -4.32505 -1.24845 -0.474125 -3.72001 -1.37598 -0.45088 -3.21683 -1.39305 -0.417562 -3.16955 -1.4063 -0.347997 -3.17562 -1.40307 -0.308645 -3.22924 -0.847528 -0.258547 -3.78124 -0.682721 -0.390606 -4.34048 -0.673401 -0.418647 -4.35105 -0.672209 -0.445798 -4.33566 -0.703999 -0.455163 -4.19994 -0.888531 -0.411343 -3.47999 -1.00803 -0.380367 -3.01334 -1.02175 -0.321209 -3.0051 -1.03033 -0.26328 -3.02355 -1.0156 -0.209454 -3.13384 -1.00291 -0.210691 -3.66203 -0.807384 -0.375787 -4.32188 -0.782605 -0.415288 -4.38298 -0.776299 -0.448396 -4.38009 -0.788101 -0.477032 -4.31305 -0.956349 -0.455144 -3.64071 -1.09817 -0.428657 -3.08166 -1.11837 -0.385751 -3.02969 -1.1356 -0.295286 -3.03759 -1.13341 -0.243667 -3.09779 -1.77147 -0.497324 -3.49518 -1.49784 -0.470043 -3.36493 -1.46995 -0.301372 -3.62539 -1.21309 -0.446627 -3.23701 -1.18924 -0.21893 -3.53209 -0.97947 -0.399147 -3.11729 -0.930208 -0.192525 -3.49908 -1.32446 -0.4623 -3.41877 -1.36401 -0.254625 -3.43689 -1.0408 -0.442001 -3.30598 -1.09224 -0.171901 -3.32955 -0.919078 -0.291302 -3.29947 -1.58339 -0.526667 -4.24211 -1.2968 -0.419176 -4.23482 -1.35683 -0.492003 -3.92421 -0.99146 -0.371214 -4.21282 -1.05517 -0.471222 -3.86335 -0.723811 -0.351141 -4.20901 -0.816279 -0.422615 -3.76693 -1.18525 -0.365297 -4.07484 -1.16194 -0.487654 -4.06416 -0.89053 -0.311037 -4.03699 -0.86022 -0.470174 -4.02311 -0.73676 -0.369506 -3.98025 -1.75191 -0.471435 -4.13898 -1.87337 -0.410506 -3.64247 -1.74792 -0.53398 -4.13446 -1.87162 -0.514682 -3.64323 -1.84219 -0.437992 -3.88327 -1.67616 -0.424942 -3.99305 -1.75003 -0.383233 -3.7179 -1.65892 -0.517515 -3.98488 -1.72852 -0.506655 -3.70845 -1.82397 -0.524786 -3.8758 -1.8923 -0.539813 -4.02032 -1.94958 -0.530876 -3.79282 -1.57592 -0.362673 -3.81358 -1.42662 -0.460754 -4.34199 -1.68242 -0.37571 -3.3654 -1.40976 -0.483392 -4.39144 -1.68766 -0.404003 -3.31911 -1.40625 -0.501771 -4.38984 -1.6781 -0.454212 -3.31473 -1.41591 -0.517001 -4.33708 -1.66284 -0.478477 -3.35644 -1.55005 -0.498472 -3.80173 -1.64581 -0.337944 -3.54822 -1.61723 -0.488002 -3.53512 -1.49026 -0.422029 -4.11398 -1.47342 -0.510439 -4.10626 -2.00896 -0.474491 -3.68162 -2.04729 -0.502784 -3.80653 -1.99034 -0.518064 -4.05117 -1.93851 -0.462813 -3.54444 -2.04177 -0.525938 -3.93559 -2.00968 -0.499799 -3.67282 -3.26033 -1.86401 -2.20026 -2.69077 -1.69032 -2.58087 -3.23891 -1.88403 -0.307211 -3.56447 -1.94886 -0.795543 -3.72238 -2.04922 -1.53454 -3.41305 -1.9549 -2.23677 -2.66373 -1.72853 -2.6968 -3.29576 -1.9857 -0.243145 -3.67891 -2.04251 -0.812094 -3.74544 -2.17188 -1.56565 -3.35195 -2.00876 -2.27764 -2.6462 -1.77564 -2.69921 -3.20912 -2.0978 -0.230597 -3.68099 -2.20042 -0.830104 -3.67228 -2.18818 -1.54999 -3.29664 -2.04013 -2.18567 -2.64254 -1.82797 -2.58858 -3.15494 -2.13429 -0.323738 -3.59098 -2.21609 -0.88469 -2.38302 -1.40465 -1.15365 -1.99766 -1.46514 -2.46177 -1.94245 -1.51072 -2.58832 -1.92046 -1.567 -2.59096 -1.93039 -1.63731 -2.46984 -2.22061 -1.82034 -1.17312 -2.46816 -1.95879 -0.092874 -2.51662 -1.90334 0.016838 -2.57671 -1.74956 0.024043 -2.59107 -1.6442 -0.078134 -1.72082 -1.12581 -0.966116 -1.31419 -1.24065 -2.27678 -1.25254 -1.30055 -2.40381 -1.22548 -1.36982 -2.40706 -1.23141 -1.45252 -2.28671 -1.52097 -1.63732 -0.990082 -1.76918 -1.774 0.090256 -1.82311 -1.70241 0.200915 -1.89705 -1.51316 0.209782 -1.92042 -1.38689 0.108394 -1.20091 -0.958425 -0.835745 -0.802934 -1.08677 -2.09479 -0.738492 -1.14688 -2.23473 -0.710827 -1.21769 -2.23805 -0.720844 -1.29688 -2.10464 -1.00312 -1.46467 -0.859466 -1.24711 -1.59528 0.199431 -1.30543 -1.5192 0.316654 -1.37211 -1.34852 0.324652 -1.40129 -1.20066 0.217921 -3.18825 -1.73667 -0.693287 -3.06325 -2.08702 -0.714063 -2.3671 -1.90782 -0.526968 -2.54656 -1.4485 -0.505447 -1.66752 -1.72482 -0.343942 -1.88834 -1.15962 -0.31746 -1.10058 -1.48655 -0.201459 -1.29059 -1.00019 -0.178671 -2.82879 -1.69399 -2.07601 -2.75267 -1.90136 -2.08684 -2.15964 -1.44997 -1.89863 -2.05391 -1.72059 -1.91131 -1.48443 -1.20459 -1.71268 -1.35432 -1.53759 -1.72828 -0.895315 -1.04515 -1.54278 -0.78336 -1.3317 -1.5562 -3.0468 -1.69102 -1.34229 -2.92429 -2.00185 -1.35687 -3.46854 -2.14065 -1.49747 -3.54819 -1.94281 -1.48845 -3.77412 -2.10725 -1.55435 -3.71833 -2.11422 -0.827204 -3.22605 -1.81554 -1.79738 -2.9619 -1.76282 -2.35992 -3.39173 -1.87621 -0.559926 -3.5469 -1.97242 -1.90123 -3.03049 -1.81458 -2.51793 -3.48791 -1.98316 -0.48833 -3.69575 -2.017 -1.15317 -3.79161 -2.16896 -1.18894 -3.03095 -1.8677 -2.55323 -3.78052 -2.09197 -1.17602 -3.57342 -2.12066 -1.92728 -3.00474 -1.9164 -2.52587 -3.45991 -2.1885 -0.514 -3.73917 -2.21975 -1.19464 -1.17172 -1.32602 0.198368 -2.61439 -1.56036 -1.62514 -2.65789 -1.95979 -0.924245 -1.93391 -1.29308 -1.43504 -1.61415 -1.37525 -2.46976 -1.57936 -1.43498 -2.50459 -1.56356 -1.50474 -2.47582 -1.62795 -1.58487 -2.14285 -1.94529 -1.77473 -0.737997 -2.14239 -1.85077 0.082648 -2.20122 -1.71711 0.122038 -2.24971 -1.57607 0.095518 -2.24571 -1.40514 -0.160051 -1.27664 -1.03526 -1.25147 -0.939596 -1.16152 -2.28824 -0.899684 -1.23413 -2.32365 -0.878916 -1.31683 -2.29551 -0.940699 -1.40381 -1.96288 -1.25803 -1.59367 -0.558022 -1.45775 -1.66285 0.262957 -1.5272 -1.50179 0.303651 -1.58647 -1.3334 0.278394 -1.59314 -1.13532 0.024079 -2.07182 -1.85021 -0.180904 -2.14588 -1.26134 -0.713943 -1.38457 -1.66916 -0.000934 -1.49862 -0.977896 -0.529171 -0.948526 -1.17002 -0.823558 -1.7233 -1.3408 -2.13141 -1.78351 -1.67802 -1.45308 -1.05507 -1.11107 -1.94916 -1.09625 -1.49696 -1.2731 -0.631804 -1.14906 -1.98954 -3.3978 -1.84079 -1.07197 -2.91697 -1.9257 -2.37178 -3.32037 -2.16685 -0.588733 -3.14597 -2.02968 -1.80823 -3.30747 -2.12622 -1.09437 -3.53531 -2.13859 -1.77289 -3.64279 -2.20285 -1.2978 -2.92091 -1.68516 -0.35068 -2.31482 -1.5958 -2.6581 -2.28754 -1.6423 -2.69285 -2.93824 -1.82769 -0.094286 -2.27504 -1.69761 -2.66287 -2.90331 -1.94002 -0.066951 -2.34028 -1.76985 -2.32902 -2.85387 -2.04363 -0.104403 -2.81564 -1.55604 -0.905328 -2.78415 -2.0352 -0.367081 -2.41527 -1.5779 -2.32003 -2.49611 -1.86308 -1.63933 -3.68161 -2.04799 -1.808 -3.59777 -2.05292 -0.585343 -3.61866 -2.074 -1.94191 -3.5102 -2.11557 -0.487503 -3.43894 -1.9143 -1.86109 -3.00751 -1.78944 -2.46145 -2.728 -1.68436 -2.37798 -3.21034 -1.80425 -0.451492 -3.45384 -1.94003 -0.513633 -3.59298 -1.95206 -1.12688 -3.6633 -2.00919 -1.524 -3.60833 -2.01022 -1.89211 -3.33861 -1.90734 -2.24563 -3.03644 -1.84007 -2.54373 -2.67256 -1.70659 -2.6711 -3.25133 -1.93072 -0.241217 -3.5254 -2.01699 -0.505179 -3.63903 -2.0052 -0.803141 -3.74524 -2.05662 -1.16487 -3.7702 -2.08334 -1.52311 -3.60013 -2.10413 -1.93911 -3.36829 -1.97914 -2.28243 -3.01879 -1.89423 -2.54706 -2.65468 -1.75148 -2.7061 -3.23474 -2.04079 -0.220439 -3.4859 -2.16381 -0.495533 -3.76995 -2.20354 -1.19139 -3.71596 -2.18709 -1.56103 -3.54848 -2.13 -1.88051 -3.33014 -2.02794 -2.26002 -2.97531 -1.92873 -2.473 -2.63908 -1.80124 -2.67633 -3.187 -2.12878 -0.254509 -3.41161 -2.18955 -0.544526 -3.65113 -2.21982 -0.841252 -3.69741 -2.21903 -1.22226 -3.60975 -2.17671 -1.53036 -2.2711 -1.42548 -1.52924 -1.96084 -1.48456 -2.56297 -1.92921 -1.53764 -2.59762 -1.91555 -1.60046 -2.5684 -1.98086 -1.67686 -2.23513 -2.29827 -1.86674 -0.830299 -2.49439 -1.94649 -0.009934 -2.54808 -1.82741 0.028646 -2.59044 -1.70063 0.001586 -2.58038 -1.54383 -0.254523 -1.60251 -1.16305 -1.34248 -1.274 -1.26764 -2.37824 -1.23664 -1.33393 -2.41338 -1.21827 -1.41026 -2.38493 -1.2813 -1.49386 -2.05211 -1.59865 -1.68372 -0.647264 -1.79711 -1.75628 0.173544 -1.86138 -1.60871 0.213587 -1.91531 -1.45375 0.187719 -1.9167 -1.269 -0.067202 -2.04906 -1.26391 -1.05906 -1.65287 -1.35203 -2.36847 -1.59402 -1.40479 -2.49516 -1.56945 -1.46768 -2.49811 -1.57772 -1.54439 -2.37748 -1.86761 -1.72833 -1.08082 -2.11549 -1.86587 -0.000517 -2.16636 -1.80211 0.109774 -2.2335 -1.63027 0.117825 -2.2528 -1.5144 0.01595 -1.03305 -1.00561 -1.09938 -0.696888 -1.10571 -2.16893 -0.665678 -1.16327 -2.19563 -0.648941 -1.22843 -2.17468 -0.694685 -1.29534 -1.9253 -1.01185 -1.44297 -0.580159 -1.21804 -1.53219 0.291145 -1.27266 -1.40476 0.321991 -1.31975 -1.27187 0.303342 -1.32738 -1.11676 0.112901 -1.39798 -0.990231 -0.87474 -0.981272 -1.1309 -2.18662 -0.916811 -1.19768 -2.31394 -0.887342 -1.2731 -2.31747 -0.891128 -1.36163 -2.19743 -1.18035 -1.54727 -0.90084 -1.4289 -1.6831 0.179536 -1.48567 -1.60392 0.290579 -1.56619 -1.39783 0.300235 -1.5936 -1.26154 0.199288 -3.09954 -2.11487 -0.469843 -2.42473 -1.9422 -0.273189 -2.47781 -1.40721 -0.808768 -1.72517 -1.75921 -0.090171 -1.81957 -1.11828 -0.62077 -1.16257 -1.53859 0.093136 -1.20195 -0.956404 -0.557361 -2.01416 -1.81582 -0.434675 -2.21465 -1.30266 -0.410631 -1.32691 -1.63476 -0.254703 -1.56739 -1.01926 -0.225864 -1.09677 -1.22105 -0.218711 -2.66578 -1.85557 -2.38706 -2.06621 -1.4584 -2.2249 -2.13649 -1.77003 -1.54538 -1.38633 -1.22505 -2.03952 -1.43687 -1.58701 -1.36234 -0.78506 -1.06402 -1.91446 -0.890518 -1.37043 -1.11647 -1.81909 -1.32625 -1.80485 -1.70097 -1.6286 -1.81901 -1.1554 -1.0849 -1.62205 -1.01371 -1.44754 -1.63904 -0.767489 -1.16332 -1.48467 -3.09673 -1.79456 -2.12922 -3.41886 -1.85447 -0.772453 -3.04485 -1.97752 -2.14223 -3.34758 -2.15849 -0.804145 -3.33228 -1.82966 -1.42483 -2.94047 -1.69221 -1.71658 -3.13157 -1.70238 -0.995702 -2.84005 -1.95152 -1.72894 -3.00176 -2.04819 -1.01416 -3.23021 -2.07998 -1.43665 -3.38676 -2.09342 -1.83646 -3.53462 -2.18181 -1.18291 -2.72299 -1.54818 -1.24997 -2.34889 -1.58006 -2.55678 -2.93554 -1.77642 -0.17395 -2.29904 -1.61869 -2.6836 -2.92788 -1.87142 -0.071886 -2.27973 -1.66811 -2.68591 -2.87512 -2.00644 -0.078212 -2.28979 -1.73134 -2.56386 -2.82755 -2.05281 -0.1869 -2.5803 -1.91341 -1.26709 -2.88429 -1.59726 -0.601975 -2.72661 -2.00084 -0.620884 -2.50632 -1.57584 -1.99408 -2.41342 -1.81362 -2.00522 -3.72043 -2.07985 -0.83925 -3.79739 -2.12783 -1.18468 -3.64161 -2.04903 -1.90756 -3.54381 -2.0699 -0.510557 -3.76534 -2.14101 -1.56597 -3.70429 -2.15982 -0.824788 -1.78823 0.95769 0.596406 -1.70028 1.18258 0.668031 -1.67595 1.33885 0.864062 -1.72452 1.36681 1.10962 -1.82744 1.25577 1.31091 -1.94541 1.04816 1.39105 -2.03335 0.823275 1.31943 -2.05769 0.667007 1.12339 -2.00912 0.639049 0.877836 -1.90619 0.75008 0.676545 -1.83037 0.978559 0.637317 -1.75328 1.17568 0.700097 -1.73195 1.31265 0.871919 -1.77453 1.33715 1.08715 -1.86474 1.23983 1.26359 -1.96814 1.05786 1.33383 -2.04522 0.860743 1.27105 -2.06655 0.723773 1.09923 -2.02398 0.699268 0.883992 -1.93377 0.796587 0.707559 -1.87488 1.00033 0.666719 -1.80636 1.17556 0.722527 -1.7874 1.29732 0.875269 -1.82524 1.3191 1.0666 -1.90544 1.23259 1.22344 -1.99736 1.07083 1.28589 -2.06588 0.895599 1.23008 -2.08484 0.773839 1.07733 -2.047 0.752054 0.886002 -1.9668 0.838567 0.729161 -1.84777 0.989288 0.761398 -1.79778 1.11714 0.802118 -1.78394 1.20598 0.913564 -1.81156 1.22188 1.05317 -1.87007 1.15875 1.16761 -1.93713 1.04072 1.21317 -1.98713 0.912871 1.17245 -2.00097 0.82403 1.061 -1.97335 0.808136 0.921395 -1.91484 0.871259 0.806958 -1.87998 1.00913 0.990418 -1.97196 0.707272 0.776885 -1.86339 0.863885 0.638561 -2.04642 0.666441 0.996513 -1.76219 1.07646 0.634376 -1.707 1.2638 0.765931 -1.71891 1.35435 0.982973 -2.05833 0.756989 1.21356 -2.00315 0.944329 1.34511 -1.90194 1.1569 1.34092 -1.79337 1.31352 1.2026 -1.99608 0.759352 0.793279 -1.90032 0.897492 0.671271 -2.06176 0.723337 0.987002 -1.81105 1.08499 0.66758 -1.76237 1.25024 0.783616 -1.77288 1.3301 0.975058 -2.07226 0.803205 1.17844 -2.02359 0.968447 1.29448 -1.93432 1.15595 1.29079 -1.83855 1.29409 1.16878 -1.97448 0.796854 0.82501 -1.89371 0.913362 0.722108 -2.02987 0.766479 0.988397 -1.81842 1.0715 0.718995 -1.77737 1.21087 0.816861 -1.78623 1.27823 0.978324 -2.03873 0.833839 1.14986 -1.99768 0.973206 1.24773 -1.92239 1.13135 1.24461 -1.84162 1.24785 1.14171 -1.93287 0.856718 0.879307 -1.8771 0.937171 0.808248 -1.97112 0.835742 0.992132 -1.8251 1.04637 0.806098 -1.79675 1.14261 0.873679 -1.80287 1.18913 0.985176 -1.97724 0.882257 1.10363 -1.94889 0.978496 1.17121 -1.8969 1.0877 1.16906 -1.84112 1.16815 1.098 -1.96221 0.679103 0.766333 -1.91952 0.773711 0.692836 -1.98286 0.734376 0.78626 -2.01587 0.669778 0.88126 -1.84623 0.846412 0.618563 -1.8091 0.968049 0.617821 -1.88121 0.881023 0.656738 -2.04175 0.635484 1.00096 -2.05259 0.696144 0.991912 -2.06133 0.695949 1.11112 -1.73811 1.0735 0.614093 -1.72678 1.17856 0.684867 -1.78644 1.08007 0.65282 -1.67915 1.27364 0.75463 -1.704 1.32484 0.868366 -1.73476 1.25549 0.776002 -1.69188 1.37037 0.986495 -1.74946 1.35101 1.09823 -1.74592 1.34028 0.979233 -2.05448 0.732216 1.23283 -2.06374 0.780929 1.19514 -2.03855 0.842227 1.29462 -1.99552 0.93235 1.37336 -2.01207 0.956348 1.31833 -1.95623 1.05274 1.36166 -1.88741 1.15944 1.36889 -1.9173 1.1554 1.31441 -1.84581 1.24708 1.28665 -1.77142 1.32675 1.22112 -1.81564 1.30204 1.18489 -1.94983 0.817955 0.719145 -2.01045 0.783264 0.799122 -2.03481 0.726281 0.885343 -1.85243 0.98937 0.652977 -1.92008 0.913627 0.683983 -2.07243 0.749277 0.981938 -2.07491 0.749364 1.08809 -1.77981 1.17505 0.712115 -1.83583 1.09057 0.6805 -1.75972 1.30408 0.87397 -1.7899 1.24651 0.790004 -1.79983 1.32716 1.07672 -1.79981 1.32188 0.970667 -2.08234 0.824647 1.1626 -2.05482 0.878389 1.24995 -2.03641 0.980587 1.27211 -1.98221 1.06407 1.30908 -1.95216 1.15753 1.26862 -1.88481 1.23549 1.24292 -1.86179 1.2879 1.15348 -1.93547 0.84628 0.762484 -2.00714 0.768961 0.902657 -1.85332 0.990852 0.706679 -2.04096 0.78843 1.07366 -1.79208 1.14746 0.756556 -1.77513 1.25628 0.893065 -1.80896 1.27575 1.06406 -2.02402 0.89725 1.21016 -1.96278 1.05386 1.26004 -1.88063 1.19843 1.20424 -1.93537 1.0914 1.45057 -1.84322 1.31629 1.51669 -1.80696 1.47256 1.71087 -1.84045 1.50051 1.95894 -1.93089 1.38948 2.16614 -2.04375 1.18187 2.25333 -2.1359 0.956983 2.18721 -2.17216 0.800715 1.99303 -2.13867 0.772757 1.74496 -2.04823 0.883788 1.53776 -1.97494 1.11227 1.49398 -1.89416 1.30938 1.55194 -1.86238 1.44635 1.72213 -1.89174 1.47086 1.93957 -1.97101 1.37354 2.12118 -2.06993 1.19157 2.1976 -2.1507 0.994451 2.13964 -2.18248 0.857481 1.96944 -2.15313 0.832976 1.75201 -2.07385 0.930295 1.5704 -2.01758 1.13404 1.52604 -1.94577 1.30927 1.57756 -1.91752 1.43103 1.72886 -1.94362 1.45281 1.92215 -2.01409 1.3663 2.08359 -2.10202 1.20453 2.15153 -2.17382 1.02931 2.10001 -2.20207 0.907547 1.94871 -2.17598 0.885762 1.75542 -2.10551 0.972275 1.59398 -1.98474 1.123 1.61889 -1.93235 1.25085 1.65648 -1.91173 1.33969 1.76688 -1.93077 1.35559 1.90791 -1.98219 1.29246 2.0257 -2.04635 1.17443 2.07527 -2.09874 1.04658 2.03768 -2.11935 0.957738 1.92728 -2.10032 0.941844 1.78626 -2.04889 1.00497 1.66846 -2.0029 1.14284 1.84945 -2.10774 0.84098 1.64193 -2.00782 0.997593 1.49724 -2.16866 0.800149 1.86569 -1.90706 1.21017 1.48688 -1.84395 1.39751 1.61482 -1.84259 1.48805 1.83218 -2.1673 0.890697 2.08306 -2.10418 1.07804 2.211 -2.00342 1.29061 2.20064 -1.9035 1.44723 2.05595 -2.13082 0.89306 1.65977 -2.04268 1.0312 1.53214 -2.18455 0.857045 1.85714 -1.95381 1.2187 1.523 -1.89814 1.38394 1.63585 -1.89694 1.46381 1.82758 -2.18335 0.936913 2.04886 -2.12768 1.10216 2.16171 -2.0388 1.28966 2.15258 -1.95067 1.4278 2.02495 -2.10732 0.930562 1.69012 -2.03299 1.04707 1.58248 -2.15264 0.900187 1.85658 -1.95803 1.20521 1.57478 -1.91107 1.34458 1.66995 -1.91006 1.41194 1.83165 -2.15162 0.967547 2.01829 -2.10467 1.10691 2.11346 -2.02971 1.26505 2.10576 -1.95538 1.38156 1.99812 -2.06247 0.990426 1.74177 -2.01114 1.07088 1.66744 -2.09376 0.96945 1.85672 -1.95938 1.18008 1.66212 -1.92696 1.27632 1.72785 -1.92626 1.32284 1.83951 -2.09307 1.01597 1.96839 -2.06064 1.1122 2.03411 -2.00888 1.22141 2.02879 -1.95755 1.30186 1.95446 -2.09866 0.812811 1.6308 -2.06054 0.907419 1.55484 -2.11806 0.868084 1.65195 -2.1452 0.803486 1.74879 -1.99191 0.98012 1.47623 -1.9549 1.10176 1.47322 -2.02449 1.01473 1.51647 -2.16373 0.769192 1.86985 -2.17509 0.829852 1.86148 -2.17655 0.829657 1.981 -1.88427 1.20721 1.46517 -1.86864 1.31227 1.53512 -1.93015 1.21378 1.50677 -1.81684 1.40735 1.60184 -1.8347 1.45855 1.71688 -1.87105 1.3892 1.62657 -1.81539 1.50408 1.83405 -1.86605 1.48472 1.94909 -1.86977 1.47398 1.8301 -2.16228 0.865923 2.10206 -2.17382 0.914637 2.06501 -2.14261 0.975935 2.16276 -2.09485 1.06606 2.23873 -2.11472 1.09006 2.18481 -2.05634 1.18645 2.22466 -1.98721 1.29315 2.22767 -2.02037 1.2891 2.17511 -1.95071 1.38078 2.14304 -1.88046 1.46046 2.0731 -1.92681 1.43575 2.03963 -2.08918 0.951663 1.58295 -2.1448 0.916972 1.66647 -2.16386 0.859989 1.75402 -1.996 1.12308 1.51096 -2.06163 1.04733 1.54603 -2.19551 0.882985 1.85273 -2.19151 0.883072 1.95884 -1.91991 1.30876 1.56555 -1.97776 1.22428 1.53741 -1.88998 1.43778 1.72588 -1.92522 1.38022 1.64391 -1.91763 1.46087 1.93069 -1.92409 1.45559 1.82484 -2.19438 0.958355 2.03367 -2.16157 1.0121 2.11917 -2.14184 1.1143 2.14016 -2.08548 1.19778 2.17376 -2.05796 1.29124 2.13154 -1.9923 1.36919 2.10177 -1.97479 1.4216 2.0111 -2.0722 0.979988 1.62533 -2.13518 0.902669 1.76962 -1.99361 1.12456 1.56461 -2.1585 0.922138 1.94236 -1.92944 1.28117 1.61066 -1.90419 1.38999 1.74588 -1.92751 1.40945 1.91862 -2.13326 1.03096 2.07758 -2.06908 1.18756 2.12363 -1.9905 1.33214 2.06291 -2.04131 1.21006 2.28757 -1.94582 1.43495 2.34878 -1.89945 1.59121 2.54079 -1.91991 1.61917 2.79027 -1.99939 1.50814 3.00192 -2.10752 1.30053 3.0949 -2.20301 1.07564 3.03369 -2.24938 0.919374 2.84167 -2.22892 0.891416 2.59219 -2.14944 1.00245 2.38054 -2.07855 1.23093 2.33299 -1.99485 1.42804 2.38664 -1.95421 1.56501 2.55494 -1.97214 1.58952 2.77361 -2.0418 1.4922 2.95912 -2.13658 1.31023 3.04061 -2.22028 1.11311 2.98696 -2.26092 0.97614 2.81866 -2.24299 0.951635 2.59999 -2.17333 1.04895 2.41448 -2.11945 1.2527 2.36724 -2.04505 1.42793 2.41493 -2.00892 1.54969 2.56454 -2.02486 1.57147 2.75893 -2.08679 1.48496 2.92384 -2.17104 1.32319 2.99629 -2.24544 1.14797 2.9486 -2.28158 1.02621 2.79898 -2.26563 1.00442 2.6046 -2.20371 1.09093 2.43968 -2.0818 1.24166 2.45824 -2.02751 1.36951 2.49304 -2.00115 1.45835 2.6022 -2.01278 1.47424 2.74403 -2.05796 1.41112 2.86436 -2.11944 1.29309 2.91722 -2.17373 1.16524 2.88242 -2.20009 1.0764 2.77326 -2.18846 1.0605 2.63142 -2.14327 1.12363 2.5111 -2.08787 1.2615 2.68943 -2.20343 0.959639 2.48768 -2.11122 1.11625 2.33796 -2.25255 0.918808 2.71433 -2.01114 1.32883 2.32235 -1.94141 1.51617 2.44681 -1.92868 1.60671 2.6638 -2.23981 1.00936 2.93133 -2.17009 1.1967 3.05579 -2.07001 1.40927 3.04017 -1.9778 1.56588 2.89045 -2.22554 1.01172 2.5067 -2.1442 1.14986 2.37464 -2.26886 0.975704 2.70662 -2.05593 1.33736 2.36087 -1.99443 1.5026 2.47065 -1.98319 1.58247 2.66205 -2.25763 1.05557 2.89802 -2.19613 1.22081 3.0078 -2.10785 1.40832 2.99402 -2.02652 1.54646 2.86196 -2.20048 1.04922 2.53579 -2.13189 1.16573 2.4244 -2.23702 1.01885 2.70439 -2.05743 1.32387 2.41279 -2.00556 1.46324 2.50537 -1.99609 1.5306 2.6668 -2.22755 1.08621 2.86582 -2.17568 1.22557 2.95841 -2.10123 1.38371 2.94679 -2.03263 1.50022 2.83541 -2.153 1.10909 2.58502 -2.10562 1.18954 2.50811 -2.17823 1.08811 2.70145 -2.05421 1.29874 2.50009 -2.01839 1.39498 2.56402 -2.01185 1.44149 2.6755 -2.17169 1.13462 2.81292 -2.13587 1.23086 2.87686 -2.08446 1.34007 2.86884 -2.03708 1.42052 2.79193 -2.19494 0.93147 2.4761 -2.16085 1.02608 2.39824 -2.2132 0.986743 2.49823 -2.23524 0.922145 2.59636 -2.09643 1.09878 2.31615 -2.05962 1.22042 2.31121 -2.12686 1.13339 2.35804 -2.24741 0.887851 2.71822 -2.2592 0.948511 2.71046 -2.25439 0.948316 2.82989 -1.98951 1.32587 2.29947 -1.97024 1.43093 2.3685 -2.03315 1.33244 2.34341 -1.91503 1.52601 2.43243 -1.92683 1.57721 2.54824 -1.96786 1.50786 2.45996 -1.90142 1.62274 2.66424 -1.94599 1.60338 2.78177 -1.95594 1.59264 2.66314 -2.23381 0.984582 2.95004 -2.24727 1.0333 2.91364 -2.21099 1.09459 3.00963 -2.15932 1.18472 3.083 -2.18199 1.20872 3.03018 -2.1216 1.30511 3.06692 -2.0524 1.41181 3.06632 -2.08827 1.40776 3.01556 -2.02038 1.49944 2.97989 -1.95389 1.57912 2.90637 -2.00193 1.55441 2.87537 -2.18798 1.07032 2.42781 -2.23915 1.03563 2.51414 -2.2536 0.978648 2.60256 -2.0987 1.24174 2.35104 -2.1624 1.16599 2.38951 -2.28004 1.00164 2.70279 -2.27049 1.00173 2.80854 -2.01985 1.42742 2.40158 -2.07909 1.34294 2.37651 -1.98157 1.55644 2.56012 -2.02105 1.49888 2.48011 -1.99846 1.57953 2.7661 -2.01045 1.57425 2.66073 -2.26944 1.07701 2.88342 -2.23221 1.13076 2.96708 -2.2114 1.23295 2.98702 -2.15336 1.31644 3.01762 -2.1281 1.4099 2.97402 -2.06408 1.48785 2.94085 -2.05134 1.54026 2.84939 -2.1688 1.09865 2.46925 -2.22415 1.02133 2.61663 -2.0935 1.24322 2.4045 -2.2384 1.0408 2.79036 -2.02701 1.39983 2.44712 -1.99472 1.50864 2.58084 -2.00896 1.52811 2.75456 -2.20611 1.14962 2.92407 -2.13961 1.30622 2.9667 -2.06431 1.4508 2.90195 -1.66648 1.39328 2.62714 -1.67331 1.42089 2.72176 -1.69192 1.41224 2.81498 -1.71951 1.37039 2.89622 -1.75328 1.29841 2.95487 -1.78705 1.20864 2.97863 -1.81464 1.11833 2.96474 -1.83325 1.03783 2.91695 -1.84008 0.977508 2.83899 -1.83325 0.949892 2.74437 -1.81464 0.958541 2.65115 -1.78705 1.00039 2.56991 -1.75328 1.07238 2.51126 -1.71951 1.16214 2.4875 -1.69192 1.25246 2.50139 -1.67331 1.33296 2.54919 -1.91739 1.46891 2.5886 -1.92297 1.49614 2.68342 -1.9382 1.48644 2.77718 -1.96077 1.44304 2.8592 -1.9884 1.36915 2.91882 -2.01602 1.27748 2.94356 -2.03859 1.18561 2.93046 -2.05382 1.10405 2.8832 -2.05941 1.04335 2.80544 -2.05382 1.01612 2.71062 -2.03859 1.02582 2.61687 -2.01602 1.06923 2.53484 -1.9884 1.14312 2.47522 -1.96077 1.23479 2.45049 -1.9382 1.32666 2.46358 -1.92297 1.40821 2.51084 -2.13902 1.51829 2.56345 -2.14271 1.54508 2.65848 -2.15275 1.5342 2.75284 -2.16764 1.48905 2.83576 -2.18586 1.41301 2.89647 -2.20409 1.3192 2.9223 -2.21898 1.22558 2.91009 -2.22902 1.14285 2.86343 -2.23271 1.08171 2.78589 -2.22902 1.05492 2.69085 -2.21898 1.0658 2.5965 -2.20409 1.11095 2.51358 -2.18586 1.18699 2.45287 -2.16764 1.2808 2.42704 -2.15275 1.37442 2.43925 -2.14271 1.45715 2.4859 -2.33845 1.53982 2.55275 -2.33908 1.56637 2.64792 -2.34069 1.5546 2.74269 -2.34303 1.50806 2.82624 -2.34586 1.43029 2.88774 -2.34866 1.33469 2.91436 -2.35092 1.23956 2.90282 -2.35242 1.15577 2.85662 -2.35292 1.09417 2.77927 -2.35228 1.06762 2.6841 -2.35067 1.07939 2.58933 -2.34833 1.12593 2.50578 -2.3455 1.2037 2.44428 -2.3427 1.2993 2.41766 -2.34044 1.39443 2.4292 -2.33894 1.47822 2.4754 -2.51702 1.52647 2.55089 -2.52022 1.55242 2.64622 -2.51356 1.54079 2.74129 -2.49837 1.49507 2.82524 -2.47597 1.41874 2.88719 -2.45032 1.32496 2.91424 -2.42624 1.23168 2.90301 -2.40642 1.14955 2.85699 -2.3935 1.08921 2.77966 -2.3903 1.06326 2.68432 -2.39696 1.07489 2.58925 -2.41215 1.12061 2.5053 -2.43455 1.19694 2.44335 -2.4602 1.29072 2.41631 -2.48427 1.384 2.42753 -2.5041 1.46613 2.47355 -2.69164 1.43823 2.58291 -2.68026 1.47087 2.67604 -2.64628 1.47254 2.76645 -2.59486 1.44484 2.84395 -2.5312 1.38934 2.89834 -2.46691 1.31535 2.9181 -2.41377 1.23724 2.9012 -2.37723 1.1642 2.85167 -2.36274 1.10538 2.77354 -2.37411 1.07275 2.68041 -2.40809 1.07107 2.59 -2.45951 1.09877 2.51251 -2.52317 1.15427 2.45811 -2.58746 1.22826 2.43835 -2.6406 1.30637 2.45525 -2.67714 1.37942 2.50478 -2.7922 1.34627 2.64506 -2.76782 1.39042 2.73067 -2.71891 1.40554 2.8122 -2.65249 1.39157 2.88056 -2.57556 1.34844 2.92664 -2.50235 1.28301 2.94056 -2.44608 1.20828 2.92124 -2.41223 1.13332 2.87278 -2.40626 1.06722 2.7993 -2.43065 1.02307 2.7137 -2.47955 1.00795 2.63217 -2.54597 1.02192 2.56381 -2.6229 1.06506 2.51773 -2.69611 1.13048 2.5038 -2.75238 1.20522 2.52313 -2.78623 1.28018 2.57159 -2.90654 1.20346 2.78477 -2.87298 1.25889 2.85939 -2.81213 1.28863 2.92674 -2.73251 1.29073 2.97954 -2.64266 1.26328 3.0105 -2.55929 1.21011 3.01262 -2.49736 1.14212 2.98686 -2.46273 1.06795 2.93773 -2.46127 0.996215 2.8698 -2.49483 0.940783 2.79518 -2.55568 0.911047 2.72783 -2.6353 0.908943 2.67503 -2.72516 0.936401 2.64408 -2.80852 0.989569 2.64195 -2.87045 1.05756 2.66772 -2.90508 1.13173 2.71684 -2.99288 1.06469 2.92336 -2.96129 1.11704 3.00136 -2.90182 1.14469 3.0711 -2.82286 1.14587 3.12508 -2.73283 1.11885 3.15579 -2.64843 1.06745 3.15623 -2.58486 1.00219 3.1277 -2.5482 0.931322 3.07512 -2.54452 0.863113 3.00343 -2.57611 0.810759 2.92543 -2.63558 0.783113 2.85568 -2.71453 0.781927 2.8017 -2.80457 0.808948 2.771 -2.88896 0.860345 2.77055 -2.95253 0.925609 2.79908 -2.9892 0.996477 2.85166 -3.05942 0.964387 2.99657 -3.04337 0.993291 3.09131 -2.99938 0.997514 3.17787 -2.93409 0.977985 3.24679 -2.85414 0.935632 3.28864 -2.77414 0.877484 3.29412 -2.70873 0.814893 3.26387 -2.66456 0.755277 3.20341 -2.64827 0.706053 3.11823 -2.66433 0.677149 3.02348 -2.70831 0.672926 2.93693 -2.7736 0.692456 2.86801 -2.85355 0.734808 2.82616 -2.93355 0.792957 2.82068 -2.99897 0.855547 2.85093 -3.04314 0.915164 2.91139 -3.1252 0.888543 3.01709 -3.12718 0.896781 3.11658 -3.10231 0.879113 3.20808 -3.05496 0.839044 3.28158 -2.98952 0.780078 3.32707 -2.91766 0.712613 3.3345 -2.85282 0.649374 3.30424 -2.80202 0.597356 3.24191 -2.77227 0.563556 3.15312 -2.77029 0.555318 3.05364 -2.79516 0.572986 2.96214 -2.84252 0.613056 2.88863 -2.90796 0.672022 2.84314 -2.97982 0.739487 2.83571 -3.04466 0.802726 2.86597 -3.09546 0.854743 2.92831 -3.21252 0.795284 3.00527 -3.23599 0.780923 3.10187 -3.22986 0.743491 3.19062 -3.19653 0.688591 3.26183 -3.13839 0.621828 3.30578 -3.0654 0.555429 3.31276 -2.99158 0.501521 3.28316 -2.92543 0.465558 3.22247 -2.87545 0.452995 3.13617 -2.85198 0.467356 3.03957 -2.85811 0.504788 2.95081 -2.89144 0.559688 2.8796 -2.94958 0.626451 2.83565 -3.02257 0.69285 2.82868 -3.09639 0.746758 2.85828 -3.16253 0.782721 2.91897 -3.29294 0.682214 2.93795 -3.33784 0.637186 3.0162 -3.34731 0.577392 3.09151 -3.32229 0.51052 3.15544 -3.26374 0.44426 3.19953 -3.18127 0.391336 3.21439 -3.09105 0.360821 3.19863 -3.00385 0.354924 3.15581 -2.93044 0.375856 3.08948 -2.88555 0.420885 3.01123 -2.87608 0.480679 2.93592 -2.90109 0.54755 2.87199 -2.95964 0.61381 2.8279 -3.04211 0.666734 2.81304 -3.13233 0.69725 2.8288 -3.21953 0.703146 2.87162 -3.32396 0.591068 2.8339 -3.37572 0.524551 2.88731 -3.39072 0.447652 2.94295 -3.36935 0.369766 2.99433 -3.31199 0.300287 3.03494 -3.22792 0.252929 3.05649 -3.13373 0.235347 3.05591 -3.04077 0.247849 3.03453 -2.96042 0.290743 2.99368 -2.90866 0.35726 2.94027 -2.89366 0.434159 2.88462 -2.91503 0.512045 2.83325 -2.97239 0.581524 2.79264 -3.05646 0.628882 2.77109 -3.15066 0.646464 2.77167 -3.24361 0.633962 2.79305 -3.32695 0.508209 2.68861 -3.3789 0.430702 2.72234 -3.39404 0.345052 2.7623 -3.37277 0.261529 2.80358 -3.31543 0.190401 2.84123 -3.23131 0.145886 2.86788 -3.13701 0.134917 2.87914 -3.0439 0.156827 2.87462 -2.96335 0.210955 2.85389 -2.9114 0.288462 2.82017 -2.89625 0.374112 2.7802 -2.91753 0.457635 2.73892 -2.97486 0.528764 2.70127 -3.05898 0.573278 2.67462 -3.15329 0.584248 2.66336 -3.2464 0.562337 2.66788 -3.3027 0.431029 2.49927 -3.35274 0.34826 2.51959 -3.36638 0.258421 2.54888 -3.34412 0.1722 2.58328 -3.2865 0.100282 2.61892 -3.20288 0.05713 2.64904 -3.10972 0.049325 2.66837 -3.01823 0.075741 2.67533 -2.93964 0.135245 2.66831 -2.88959 0.218014 2.64799 -2.87596 0.307853 2.6187 -2.89821 0.394074 2.5843 -2.95583 0.465991 2.54866 -3.03946 0.509144 2.51854 -3.13262 0.516948 2.49921 -3.2241 0.490533 2.49226 -3.25736 0.393502 2.5178 -3.29481 0.33133 2.53269 -3.30497 0.263877 2.55439 -3.28824 0.199167 2.58001 -3.24502 0.14522 2.60669 -3.18233 0.112886 2.62935 -3.11251 0.107094 2.64405 -3.04397 0.126989 2.64955 -2.98511 0.171714 2.64463 -2.94766 0.233885 2.62974 -2.93749 0.301337 2.60804 -2.95422 0.366049 2.58242 -2.99744 0.419998 2.55574 -3.06013 0.452334 2.53307 -3.12995 0.458126 2.51837 -3.19849 0.43823 2.51287 -3.29013 0.482137 2.71488 -3.329 0.423479 2.73808 -3.3406 0.359595 2.76821 -3.32517 0.298095 2.80143 -3.28294 0.246591 2.83389 -3.22072 0.215426 2.85933 -3.1508 0.209375 2.87343 -3.08163 0.227694 2.87521 -3.02164 0.269638 2.86371 -2.98277 0.328296 2.84051 -2.97117 0.39218 2.81037 -2.9866 0.45368 2.77716 -3.02883 0.505184 2.7447 -3.09105 0.536349 2.71925 -3.16097 0.5424 2.70516 -3.23014 0.524081 2.70338 -1.47495 1.24402 1.79392 -1.48178 1.27163 1.88854 -1.50039 1.26298 1.98176 -1.52798 1.22113 2.06299 -1.56175 1.14915 2.12164 -1.59552 1.05938 2.1454 -1.62311 0.969067 2.13152 -1.64172 0.888566 2.08372 -1.64855 0.828248 2.00576 -1.64172 0.800632 1.91114 -1.62311 0.809282 1.81792 -1.59552 0.851132 1.73669 -1.56175 0.923117 1.67803 -1.52798 1.01288 1.65427 -1.50039 1.1032 1.66816 -1.48178 1.1837 1.71596 -1.72586 1.31965 1.75538 -1.73144 1.34688 1.8502 -1.74667 1.33718 1.94395 -1.76924 1.29378 2.02597 -1.79687 1.21989 2.0856 -1.82449 1.12822 2.11033 -1.84707 1.03635 2.09724 -1.86229 0.954795 2.04997 -1.86788 0.894093 1.97221 -1.86229 0.866862 1.87739 -1.84707 0.876562 1.78364 -1.82449 0.919968 1.70162 -1.79687 0.993857 1.64199 -1.76924 1.08553 1.61726 -1.74667 1.1774 1.63036 -1.73144 1.25895 1.67762 -1.94749 1.36903 1.73022 -1.95118 1.39583 1.82526 -1.96122 1.38494 1.91961 -1.97611 1.33979 2.00253 -1.99434 1.26376 2.06325 -2.01256 1.16994 2.08907 -2.02745 1.07632 2.07687 -2.03749 0.993589 2.03021 -2.04118 0.932453 1.95267 -2.03749 0.905655 1.85763 -2.02745 0.916536 1.76327 -2.01256 0.961693 1.68036 -1.99434 1.03773 1.61964 -1.97611 1.13154 1.59382 -1.96122 1.22516 1.60602 -1.95118 1.30789 1.65268 -2.14692 1.39056 1.71952 -2.14756 1.41711 1.81469 -2.14916 1.40535 1.90946 -2.1515 1.35881 1.99301 -2.15433 1.28103 2.05451 -2.15713 1.18543 2.08114 -2.15939 1.0903 2.0696 -2.16089 1.00651 2.0234 -2.16139 0.944909 1.94604 -2.16075 0.918361 1.85088 -2.15914 0.930127 1.7561 -2.1568 0.976667 1.67256 -2.15397 1.05444 1.61105 -2.15117 1.15004 1.58443 -2.14891 1.24517 1.59597 -2.14742 1.32896 1.64217 -2.32549 1.37721 1.71766 -2.32869 1.40315 1.81299 -2.32203 1.39153 1.90806 -2.30684 1.34581 1.99201 -2.28444 1.26948 2.05397 -2.25879 1.1757 2.08101 -2.23471 1.08242 2.06979 -2.21489 1.00029 2.02377 -2.20197 0.939948 1.94643 -2.19877 0.914001 1.8511 -2.20543 0.925628 1.75602 -2.22062 0.971348 1.67208 -2.24302 1.04768 1.61012 -2.26867 1.14146 1.58308 -2.29275 1.23474 1.5943 -2.31257 1.31687 1.64032 -2.50011 1.28897 1.74969 -2.48873 1.32161 1.84282 -2.45475 1.32328 1.93322 -2.40333 1.29558 2.01072 -2.33967 1.24008 2.06511 -2.27538 1.16609 2.08488 -2.22224 1.08799 2.06798 -2.1857 1.01494 2.01844 -2.17121 0.956122 1.94031 -2.18258 0.923488 1.84718 -2.21657 0.921812 1.75678 -2.26798 0.949514 1.67928 -2.33164 1.00502 1.62489 -2.39594 1.07901 1.60512 -2.44907 1.15711 1.62202 -2.48561 1.23016 1.67155 -2.60067 1.19701 1.81184 -2.57628 1.24116 1.89744 -2.52738 1.25628 1.97897 -2.46096 1.24231 2.04733 -2.38403 1.19918 2.09341 -2.31082 1.13375 2.10734 -2.25455 1.05902 2.08801 -2.2207 0.984057 2.03956 -2.21473 0.917961 1.96608 -2.23912 0.873813 1.88047 -2.28802 0.85869 1.79894 -2.35444 0.872662 1.73059 -2.43138 0.915797 1.6845 -2.50459 0.981223 1.67058 -2.56085 1.05596 1.6899 -2.5947 1.13092 1.73836 -2.71501 1.0542 1.95154 -2.68145 1.10963 2.02616 -2.6206 1.13937 2.09352 -2.54098 1.14147 2.14632 -2.45113 1.11402 2.17727 -2.36776 1.06085 2.1794 -2.30583 0.992863 2.15363 -2.2712 0.918689 2.10451 -2.26974 0.846956 2.03658 -2.3033 0.791523 1.96196 -2.36415 0.761788 1.8946 -2.44377 0.759684 1.8418 -2.53363 0.787142 1.81085 -2.617 0.84031 1.80872 -2.67892 0.908295 1.83449 -2.71355 0.982469 1.88361 -2.80135 0.915426 2.09013 -2.76976 0.96778 2.16813 -2.71028 0.995426 2.23787 -2.63133 0.996613 2.29185 -2.5413 0.969591 2.32256 -2.4569 0.918194 2.323 -2.39333 0.85293 2.29447 -2.35667 0.782063 2.2419 -2.35299 0.713854 2.1702 -2.38458 0.6615 2.0922 -2.44405 0.633854 2.02246 -2.523 0.632667 1.96848 -2.61304 0.659689 1.93777 -2.69743 0.711086 1.93733 -2.761 0.77635 1.96586 -2.79767 0.847217 2.01843 -2.86789 0.815128 2.16334 -2.85184 0.844032 2.25809 -2.80785 0.848255 2.34464 -2.74256 0.828726 2.41356 -2.66261 0.786373 2.45542 -2.58261 0.728225 2.46089 -2.5172 0.665634 2.43065 -2.47302 0.606018 2.37018 -2.45674 0.556794 2.285 -2.4728 0.52789 2.19026 -2.51678 0.523667 2.1037 -2.58207 0.543196 2.03478 -2.66202 0.585549 1.99293 -2.74202 0.643697 1.98745 -2.80744 0.706288 2.0177 -2.85161 0.765904 2.07817 -2.93367 0.739284 2.18387 -2.93566 0.747522 2.28335 -2.91078 0.729854 2.37485 -2.86343 0.689785 2.44836 -2.79799 0.630819 2.49385 -2.72613 0.563354 2.50128 -2.66129 0.500114 2.47101 -2.61049 0.448097 2.40868 -2.58074 0.414297 2.3199 -2.57876 0.406059 2.22041 -2.60363 0.423727 2.12891 -2.65098 0.463796 2.05541 -2.71643 0.522762 2.00991 -2.78829 0.590227 2.00249 -2.85312 0.653467 2.03275 -2.90393 0.705484 2.09508 -3.02099 0.646024 2.17204 -3.04446 0.631664 2.26864 -3.03833 0.594231 2.3574 -3.005 0.539332 2.42861 -2.94686 0.472569 2.47256 -2.87387 0.40617 2.47953 -2.80005 0.352261 2.44993 -2.73391 0.316298 2.38924 -2.68392 0.303736 2.30294 -2.66045 0.318097 2.20634 -2.66658 0.355529 2.11758 -2.69991 0.410429 2.04637 -2.75805 0.477191 2.00242 -2.83104 0.543591 1.99545 -2.90486 0.597499 2.02505 -2.971 0.633462 2.08574 -3.10141 0.532955 2.10472 -3.14631 0.487926 2.18297 -3.15578 0.428132 2.25829 -3.13076 0.361261 2.32221 -3.07221 0.295001 2.3663 -2.98974 0.242077 2.38116 -2.89952 0.211561 2.36541 -2.81232 0.205665 2.32258 -2.73891 0.226597 2.25625 -2.69402 0.271626 2.17801 -2.68455 0.33142 2.10269 -2.70956 0.398291 2.03877 -2.76811 0.464551 1.99468 -2.85058 0.517475 1.97982 -2.9408 0.547991 1.99557 -3.028 0.553887 2.0384 -3.13243 0.441809 2.00067 -3.18419 0.375292 2.05409 -3.19919 0.298393 2.10973 -3.17782 0.220507 2.1611 -3.12046 0.151028 2.20171 -3.03639 0.10367 2.22326 -2.94219 0.086088 2.22268 -2.84924 0.09859 2.2013 -2.76889 0.141484 2.16045 -2.71713 0.208 2.10704 -2.70213 0.284899 2.0514 -2.7235 0.362786 2.00002 -2.78086 0.432265 1.95941 -2.86493 0.479623 1.93786 -2.95912 0.497205 1.93844 -3.05208 0.484703 1.95982 -3.13542 0.35895 1.85538 -3.18736 0.281442 1.88911 -3.20251 0.195793 1.92908 -3.18124 0.112269 1.97035 -3.1239 0.041141 2.00801 -3.03978 -0.003373 2.03465 -2.94548 -0.014343 2.04592 -2.85236 0.007568 2.04139 -2.77182 0.061695 2.02067 -2.71987 0.139203 1.98694 -2.70472 0.224853 1.94697 -2.726 0.308376 1.9057 -2.78333 0.379504 1.86804 -2.86745 0.424019 1.8414 -2.96176 0.434988 1.83013 -3.05487 0.413077 1.83466 -3.11117 0.28177 1.66605 -3.16121 0.199001 1.68636 -3.17485 0.109162 1.71565 -3.15259 0.022941 1.75005 -3.09497 -0.048977 1.7857 -3.01135 -0.09213 1.81581 -2.91819 -0.099934 1.83515 -2.82671 -0.073519 1.8421 -2.7481 -0.014014 1.83508 -2.69806 0.068755 1.81477 -2.68443 0.158593 1.78548 -2.70668 0.244815 1.75108 -2.7643 0.316732 1.71543 -2.84793 0.359885 1.68532 -2.94109 0.367689 1.66599 -3.03257 0.341274 1.65903 -3.06583 0.244243 1.68457 -3.10328 0.18207 1.69947 -3.11344 0.114618 1.72116 -3.09671 0.049907 1.74679 -3.05349 -0.004039 1.77346 -2.9908 -0.036373 1.79613 -2.92098 -0.042165 1.81083 -2.85244 -0.02227 1.81633 -2.79358 0.022455 1.81141 -2.75612 0.084625 1.79651 -2.74596 0.152078 1.77481 -2.76269 0.21679 1.74919 -2.80591 0.270739 1.72252 -2.8686 0.303075 1.69985 -2.93842 0.308867 1.68515 -3.00696 0.288971 1.67965 -3.0986 0.332878 1.88165 -3.13747 0.27422 1.90485 -3.14907 0.210336 1.93499 -3.13364 0.148836 1.96821 -3.09141 0.097331 2.00066 -3.02919 0.066166 2.02611 -2.95927 0.060116 2.0402 -2.8901 0.078434 2.04198 -2.83011 0.120378 2.03048 -2.79124 0.179036 2.00728 -2.77964 0.242921 1.97715 -2.79507 0.30442 1.94393 -2.8373 0.355925 1.91147 -2.89952 0.38709 1.88603 -2.96944 0.393141 1.87193 -3.03862 0.374822 1.87015 -1.28634 1.10154 0.941704 -1.29317 1.12915 1.03632 -1.31178 1.1205 1.12955 -1.33938 1.07865 1.21078 -1.37314 1.00667 1.26943 -1.40691 0.916904 1.29319 -1.4345 0.826588 1.2793 -1.45312 0.746087 1.23151 -1.45994 0.685769 1.15355 -1.45312 0.658154 1.05893 -1.4345 0.666803 0.965707 -1.40691 0.708653 0.884476 -1.37314 0.780638 0.825822 -1.33938 0.870401 0.80206 -1.31178 0.960718 0.81595 -1.29317 1.04122 0.863746 -1.53725 1.17717 0.903165 -1.54284 1.2044 0.997982 -1.55806 1.1947 1.09174 -1.58064 1.1513 1.17376 -1.60826 1.07741 1.23339 -1.63589 0.98574 1.25812 -1.65846 0.893867 1.24502 -1.67369 0.812316 1.19776 -1.67927 0.751613 1.12 -1.67369 0.724383 1.02518 -1.65846 0.734082 0.931426 -1.63589 0.777489 0.849402 -1.60826 0.851378 0.789778 -1.58064 0.943047 0.765046 -1.55806 1.03492 0.778142 -1.54284 1.11647 0.825403 -1.75889 1.22655 0.878006 -1.76257 1.25335 0.973045 -1.77262 1.24246 1.0674 -1.78751 1.19731 1.15032 -1.80573 1.12128 1.21103 -1.82395 1.02747 1.23686 -1.83884 0.933842 1.22465 -1.84889 0.85111 1.17799 -1.85257 0.789974 1.10045 -1.84889 0.763177 1.00541 -1.83884 0.774057 0.911058 -1.82395 0.819214 0.828142 -1.80573 0.895247 0.767426 -1.78751 0.989058 0.741602 -1.77262 1.08268 0.753806 -1.76257 1.16541 0.800466 -1.95831 1.24808 0.867309 -1.95895 1.27463 0.962479 -1.96056 1.26287 1.05725 -1.9629 1.21633 1.1408 -1.96573 1.13855 1.2023 -1.96853 1.04295 1.22892 -1.97079 0.947825 1.21738 -1.97228 0.864031 1.17118 -1.97278 0.80243 1.09383 -1.97214 0.775882 0.998662 -1.97053 0.787648 0.903891 -1.96819 0.834188 0.820343 -1.96537 0.911964 0.75884 -1.96256 1.00756 0.732219 -1.9603 1.10269 0.743759 -1.95881 1.18648 0.789957 -2.13688 1.23473 0.865449 -2.14008 1.26068 0.960781 -2.13342 1.24905 1.05585 -2.11823 1.20333 1.1398 -2.09584 1.127 1.20175 -2.07018 1.03322 1.2288 -2.04611 0.939941 1.21757 -2.02628 0.857809 1.17155 -2.01337 0.797469 1.09422 -2.01017 0.771522 0.998884 -2.01683 0.783149 0.903811 -2.03202 0.828869 0.819865 -2.05441 0.905201 0.757911 -2.08007 0.998979 0.730867 -2.10414 1.09226 0.742092 -2.12397 1.17439 0.788111 -2.3115 1.1465 0.897477 -2.30013 1.17913 0.990605 -2.26614 1.18081 1.08101 -2.21473 1.1531 1.1585 -2.15107 1.0976 1.2129 -2.08677 1.02361 1.23266 -2.03363 0.945506 1.21576 -1.9971 0.872458 1.16623 -1.9826 0.813643 1.0881 -1.99397 0.781009 0.994969 -2.02796 0.779333 0.904562 -2.07938 0.807035 0.827067 -2.14304 0.862536 0.772675 -2.20733 0.936526 0.75291 -2.26047 1.01463 0.76981 -2.29701 1.08768 0.819342 -2.41207 1.05453 0.959624 -2.38768 1.09868 1.04523 -2.33878 1.1138 1.12676 -2.27236 1.09983 1.19512 -2.19542 1.0567 1.2412 -2.12221 0.991272 1.25512 -2.06595 0.916537 1.2358 -2.0321 0.841579 1.18734 -2.02613 0.775482 1.11387 -2.05051 0.731334 1.02826 -2.09942 0.716211 0.946728 -2.16584 0.730182 0.878372 -2.24277 0.773319 0.832288 -2.31598 0.838743 0.818366 -2.37224 0.913479 0.837691 -2.4061 0.988438 0.886149 -2.52641 0.911724 1.09933 -2.49285 0.967156 1.17395 -2.432 0.996891 1.24131 -2.35238 0.998995 1.29411 -2.26252 0.971538 1.32506 -2.17915 0.918369 1.32719 -2.11722 0.850384 1.30142 -2.0826 0.77621 1.25229 -2.08113 0.704477 1.18436 -2.11469 0.649044 1.10974 -2.17554 0.619309 1.04239 -2.25516 0.617205 0.989589 -2.34502 0.644663 0.958638 -2.42839 0.697831 0.956508 -2.49032 0.765816 0.982278 -2.52494 0.83999 1.0314 -2.61274 0.772947 1.23792 -2.58115 0.825301 1.31592 -2.52168 0.852947 1.38566 -2.44272 0.854134 1.43964 -2.35269 0.827112 1.47035 -2.2683 0.775715 1.47079 -2.20473 0.710451 1.44226 -2.16806 0.639583 1.38969 -2.16438 0.571375 1.31799 -2.19597 0.519021 1.23999 -2.25544 0.491375 1.17025 -2.3344 0.490188 1.11627 -2.42443 0.51721 1.08556 -2.50882 0.568607 1.08512 -2.5724 0.633871 1.11364 -2.60906 0.704738 1.16622 -2.67929 0.672649 1.31113 -2.66323 0.701553 1.40588 -2.61924 0.705776 1.49243 -2.55396 0.686247 1.56135 -2.47401 0.643894 1.6032 -2.39401 0.585746 1.60868 -2.32859 0.523155 1.57843 -2.28442 0.463539 1.51797 -2.26814 0.414315 1.43279 -2.28419 0.385411 1.33804 -2.32818 0.381188 1.25149 -2.39347 0.400717 1.18257 -2.47342 0.44307 1.14072 -2.55342 0.501218 1.13524 -2.61883 0.563809 1.16549 -2.663 0.623425 1.22595 -2.74506 0.596805 1.33165 -2.74705 0.605043 1.43114 -2.72217 0.587375 1.52264 -2.67482 0.547306 1.59614 -2.60938 0.48834 1.64164 -2.53752 0.420875 1.64906 -2.47268 0.357635 1.6188 -2.42188 0.305618 1.55647 -2.39214 0.271818 1.46768 -2.39015 0.26358 1.3682 -2.41503 0.281248 1.2767 -2.46238 0.321317 1.20319 -2.52782 0.380283 1.1577 -2.59968 0.447749 1.15027 -2.66452 0.510988 1.18054 -2.71532 0.563005 1.24287 -2.83238 0.503545 1.31983 -2.85585 0.489185 1.41643 -2.84973 0.451752 1.50519 -2.8164 0.396853 1.5764 -2.75826 0.33009 1.62034 -2.68526 0.263691 1.62732 -2.61145 0.209782 1.59772 -2.5453 0.173819 1.53703 -2.49532 0.161257 1.45073 -2.47185 0.175618 1.35413 -2.47797 0.21305 1.26537 -2.5113 0.26795 1.19416 -2.56944 0.334712 1.15021 -2.64243 0.401111 1.14324 -2.71625 0.45502 1.17284 -2.7824 0.490983 1.23353 -2.9128 0.390476 1.25251 -2.9577 0.345448 1.33076 -2.96717 0.285653 1.40607 -2.94216 0.218782 1.47 -2.88361 0.152522 1.51409 -2.80114 0.099598 1.52895 -2.71092 0.069082 1.51319 -2.62372 0.063186 1.47037 -2.55031 0.084118 1.40404 -2.50541 0.129147 1.32579 -2.49594 0.188941 1.25048 -2.52095 0.255812 1.18655 -2.5795 0.322072 1.14246 -2.66197 0.374996 1.1276 -2.75219 0.405512 1.14336 -2.83939 0.411408 1.18618 -2.94383 0.29933 1.14846 -2.99559 0.232813 1.20187 -3.01059 0.155914 1.25751 -2.98921 0.078028 1.30889 -2.93185 0.008549 1.3495 -2.84778 -0.038809 1.37105 -2.75359 -0.056391 1.37047 -2.66064 -0.043889 1.34909 -2.58028 -0.000995 1.30824 -2.52852 0.065521 1.25483 -2.51352 0.142421 1.19919 -2.5349 0.220307 1.14781 -2.59226 0.289786 1.1072 -2.67633 0.337144 1.08565 -2.77052 0.354726 1.08623 -2.86347 0.342224 1.10761 -2.94681 0.216471 1.00317 -2.99876 0.138963 1.0369 -3.01391 0.053314 1.07686 -2.99263 -0.03021 1.11814 -2.9353 -0.101338 1.15579 -2.85118 -0.145852 1.18244 -2.75687 -0.156821 1.19371 -2.66376 -0.134911 1.18918 -2.58321 -0.080784 1.16845 -2.53126 -0.003276 1.13473 -2.51612 0.082374 1.09476 -2.53739 0.165897 1.05349 -2.59473 0.237025 1.01583 -2.67885 0.28154 0.989184 -2.77315 0.292509 0.977919 -2.86626 0.270598 0.982445 -2.92257 0.139291 0.813836 -2.97261 0.056522 0.834152 -2.98624 -0.033317 0.863442 -2.96399 -0.119538 0.897841 -2.90637 -0.191456 0.933484 -2.82274 -0.234609 0.963601 -2.72958 -0.242413 0.982935 -2.6381 -0.215998 0.98989 -2.5595 -0.156493 0.98287 -2.50946 -0.073724 0.962555 -2.49582 0.016114 0.933265 -2.51808 0.102336 0.898865 -2.5757 0.174253 0.863222 -2.65932 0.217406 0.833105 -2.75248 0.22521 0.813772 -2.84397 0.198795 0.806816 -2.87722 0.101764 0.832357 -2.91467 0.039591 0.847255 -2.92483 -0.027861 0.868951 -2.9081 -0.092571 0.894572 -2.86489 -0.146518 0.921247 -2.80219 -0.178852 0.943915 -2.73238 -0.184644 0.958613 -2.66384 -0.164749 0.964114 -2.60497 -0.120024 0.959193 -2.56752 -0.057853 0.944296 -2.55735 0.009599 0.922601 -2.57408 0.074311 0.896979 -2.6173 0.12826 0.870303 -2.68 0.160596 0.847634 -2.74981 0.166388 0.832936 -2.81835 0.146492 0.827435 -2.91 0.190399 1.02944 -2.94887 0.131741 1.05264 -2.96047 0.067857 1.08278 -2.94504 0.006357 1.11599 -2.9028 -0.045148 1.14845 -2.84058 -0.076313 1.17389 -2.77066 -0.082363 1.18799 -2.70149 -0.064044 1.18977 -2.6415 -0.022101 1.17827 -2.60263 0.036557 1.15507 -2.59103 0.100442 1.12494 -2.60646 0.161941 1.09172 -2.6487 0.213446 1.05926 -2.71092 0.244611 1.03381 -2.78084 0.250662 1.01972 -2.85001 0.232343 1.01794 1.78823 0.95769 0.596406 1.70028 1.18258 0.668031 1.67595 1.33885 0.864062 1.72452 1.36681 1.10962 1.82744 1.25577 1.31091 1.94541 1.04816 1.39105 2.03335 0.823275 1.31943 2.05769 0.667007 1.12339 2.00912 0.639049 0.877836 1.90619 0.75008 0.676545 1.83037 0.978559 0.637317 1.75328 1.17568 0.700097 1.73195 1.31265 0.871919 1.77453 1.33715 1.08715 1.86474 1.23983 1.26359 1.96814 1.05786 1.33383 2.04522 0.860743 1.27105 2.06655 0.723773 1.09923 2.02398 0.699268 0.883992 1.93377 0.796587 0.707559 1.87488 1.00033 0.666719 1.80636 1.17556 0.722527 1.7874 1.29732 0.875269 1.82524 1.3191 1.0666 1.90544 1.23259 1.22344 1.99736 1.07083 1.28589 2.06588 0.895599 1.23008 2.08484 0.773839 1.07733 2.047 0.752054 0.886002 1.9668 0.838567 0.729161 1.84777 0.989288 0.761398 1.79778 1.11714 0.802118 1.78394 1.20598 0.913564 1.81156 1.22188 1.05317 1.87007 1.15875 1.16761 1.93713 1.04072 1.21317 1.98713 0.912871 1.17245 2.00097 0.82403 1.061 1.97335 0.808136 0.921395 1.91484 0.871259 0.806958 1.87998 1.00913 0.990418 1.97196 0.707272 0.776885 1.86339 0.863885 0.638561 2.04642 0.666441 0.996513 1.76219 1.07646 0.634376 1.707 1.2638 0.765931 1.71891 1.35435 0.982973 2.05833 0.756989 1.21356 2.00315 0.944329 1.34511 1.90194 1.1569 1.34092 1.79337 1.31352 1.2026 1.99608 0.759352 0.793279 1.90032 0.897492 0.671271 2.06176 0.723337 0.987002 1.81105 1.08499 0.66758 1.76237 1.25024 0.783616 1.77288 1.3301 0.975058 2.07226 0.803205 1.17844 2.02359 0.968447 1.29448 1.93432 1.15595 1.29079 1.83855 1.29409 1.16878 1.97448 0.796854 0.82501 1.89371 0.913362 0.722108 2.02987 0.766479 0.988397 1.81842 1.0715 0.718995 1.77737 1.21087 0.816861 1.78623 1.27823 0.978324 2.03873 0.833839 1.14986 1.99768 0.973206 1.24773 1.92239 1.13135 1.24461 1.84162 1.24785 1.14171 1.93287 0.856718 0.879307 1.8771 0.937171 0.808248 1.97112 0.835742 0.992132 1.8251 1.04637 0.806098 1.79675 1.14261 0.873679 1.80287 1.18913 0.985176 1.97724 0.882257 1.10363 1.94889 0.978496 1.17121 1.8969 1.0877 1.16906 1.84112 1.16815 1.098 1.96221 0.679103 0.766333 1.91952 0.773711 0.692836 1.98286 0.734376 0.78626 2.01587 0.669778 0.88126 1.84623 0.846412 0.618563 1.8091 0.968049 0.617821 1.88121 0.881023 0.656738 2.04175 0.635484 1.00096 2.05259 0.696144 0.991912 2.06133 0.695949 1.11112 1.73811 1.0735 0.614093 1.72678 1.17856 0.684867 1.78644 1.08007 0.65282 1.67915 1.27364 0.75463 1.704 1.32484 0.868366 1.73476 1.25549 0.776002 1.69188 1.37037 0.986495 1.74946 1.35101 1.09823 1.74592 1.34028 0.979233 2.05448 0.732216 1.23283 2.06374 0.780929 1.19514 2.03855 0.842227 1.29462 1.99552 0.93235 1.37336 2.01207 0.956348 1.31833 1.95623 1.05274 1.36166 1.88741 1.15944 1.36889 1.9173 1.1554 1.31441 1.84581 1.24708 1.28665 1.77142 1.32675 1.22112 1.81564 1.30204 1.18489 1.94983 0.817955 0.719145 2.01045 0.783264 0.799122 2.03481 0.726281 0.885343 1.85243 0.98937 0.652977 1.92008 0.913627 0.683983 2.07243 0.749277 0.981938 2.07491 0.749364 1.08809 1.77981 1.17505 0.712115 1.83583 1.09057 0.6805 1.75972 1.30408 0.87397 1.7899 1.24651 0.790004 1.79983 1.32716 1.07672 1.79981 1.32188 0.970667 2.08234 0.824647 1.1626 2.05482 0.878389 1.24995 2.03641 0.980587 1.27211 1.98221 1.06407 1.30908 1.95216 1.15753 1.26862 1.88481 1.23549 1.24292 1.86179 1.2879 1.15348 1.93547 0.84628 0.762484 2.00714 0.768961 0.902657 1.85332 0.990852 0.706679 2.04096 0.78843 1.07366 1.79208 1.14746 0.756556 1.77513 1.25628 0.893065 1.80896 1.27575 1.06406 2.02402 0.89725 1.21016 1.96278 1.05386 1.26004 1.88063 1.19843 1.20424 1.93537 1.0914 1.45057 1.84322 1.31629 1.51669 1.80696 1.47256 1.71087 1.84045 1.50051 1.95894 1.93089 1.38948 2.16614 2.04375 1.18187 2.25333 2.1359 0.956983 2.18721 2.17216 0.800715 1.99303 2.13867 0.772757 1.74496 2.04823 0.883788 1.53776 1.97494 1.11227 1.49398 1.89416 1.30938 1.55194 1.86238 1.44635 1.72213 1.89174 1.47086 1.93957 1.97101 1.37354 2.12118 2.06993 1.19157 2.1976 2.1507 0.994451 2.13964 2.18248 0.857481 1.96944 2.15313 0.832976 1.75201 2.07385 0.930295 1.5704 2.01758 1.13404 1.52604 1.94577 1.30927 1.57756 1.91752 1.43103 1.72886 1.94362 1.45281 1.92215 2.01409 1.3663 2.08359 2.10202 1.20453 2.15153 2.17382 1.02931 2.10001 2.20207 0.907547 1.94871 2.17598 0.885762 1.75542 2.10551 0.972275 1.59398 1.98474 1.123 1.61889 1.93235 1.25085 1.65648 1.91173 1.33969 1.76688 1.93077 1.35559 1.90791 1.98219 1.29246 2.0257 2.04635 1.17443 2.07527 2.09874 1.04658 2.03768 2.11935 0.957738 1.92728 2.10032 0.941844 1.78626 2.04889 1.00497 1.66846 2.0029 1.14284 1.84945 2.10774 0.84098 1.64193 2.00782 0.997593 1.49724 2.16866 0.800149 1.86569 1.90706 1.21017 1.48688 1.84395 1.39751 1.61482 1.84259 1.48805 1.83218 2.1673 0.890697 2.08306 2.10418 1.07804 2.211 2.00342 1.29061 2.20064 1.9035 1.44723 2.05595 2.13082 0.89306 1.65977 2.04268 1.0312 1.53214 2.18455 0.857045 1.85714 1.95381 1.2187 1.523 1.89814 1.38394 1.63585 1.89694 1.46381 1.82758 2.18335 0.936913 2.04886 2.12768 1.10216 2.16171 2.0388 1.28966 2.15258 1.95067 1.4278 2.02495 2.10732 0.930562 1.69012 2.03299 1.04707 1.58248 2.15264 0.900187 1.85658 1.95803 1.20521 1.57478 1.91107 1.34458 1.66995 1.91006 1.41194 1.83165 2.15162 0.967547 2.01829 2.10467 1.10691 2.11346 2.02971 1.26505 2.10576 1.95538 1.38156 1.99812 2.06247 0.990426 1.74177 2.01114 1.07088 1.66744 2.09376 0.96945 1.85672 1.95938 1.18008 1.66212 1.92696 1.27632 1.72785 1.92626 1.32284 1.83951 2.09307 1.01597 1.96839 2.06064 1.1122 2.03411 2.00888 1.22141 2.02879 1.95755 1.30186 1.95446 2.09866 0.812811 1.6308 2.06054 0.907419 1.55484 2.11806 0.868084 1.65195 2.1452 0.803486 1.74879 1.99191 0.98012 1.47623 1.9549 1.10176 1.47322 2.02449 1.01473 1.51647 2.16373 0.769192 1.86985 2.17509 0.829852 1.86148 2.17655 0.829657 1.981 1.88427 1.20721 1.46517 1.86864 1.31227 1.53512 1.93015 1.21378 1.50677 1.81684 1.40735 1.60184 1.8347 1.45855 1.71688 1.87105 1.3892 1.62657 1.81539 1.50408 1.83405 1.86605 1.48472 1.94909 1.86977 1.47398 1.8301 2.16228 0.865923 2.10206 2.17382 0.914637 2.06501 2.14261 0.975935 2.16276 2.09485 1.06606 2.23873 2.11472 1.09006 2.18481 2.05634 1.18645 2.22466 1.98721 1.29315 2.22767 2.02037 1.2891 2.17511 1.95071 1.38078 2.14304 1.88046 1.46046 2.0731 1.92681 1.43575 2.03963 2.08918 0.951663 1.58295 2.1448 0.916972 1.66647 2.16386 0.859989 1.75402 1.996 1.12308 1.51096 2.06163 1.04733 1.54603 2.19551 0.882985 1.85273 2.19151 0.883072 1.95884 1.91991 1.30876 1.56555 1.97776 1.22428 1.53741 1.88998 1.43778 1.72588 1.92522 1.38022 1.64391 1.91763 1.46087 1.93069 1.92409 1.45559 1.82484 2.19438 0.958355 2.03367 2.16157 1.0121 2.11917 2.14184 1.1143 2.14016 2.08548 1.19778 2.17376 2.05796 1.29124 2.13154 1.9923 1.36919 2.10177 1.97479 1.4216 2.0111 2.0722 0.979988 1.62533 2.13518 0.902669 1.76962 1.99361 1.12456 1.56461 2.1585 0.922138 1.94236 1.92944 1.28117 1.61066 1.90419 1.38999 1.74588 1.92751 1.40945 1.91862 2.13326 1.03096 2.07758 2.06908 1.18756 2.12363 1.9905 1.33214 2.06291 2.04131 1.21006 2.28757 1.94582 1.43495 2.34878 1.89945 1.59121 2.54079 1.91991 1.61917 2.79027 1.99939 1.50814 3.00192 2.10752 1.30053 3.0949 2.20301 1.07564 3.03369 2.24938 0.919374 2.84167 2.22892 0.891416 2.59219 2.14944 1.00245 2.38054 2.07855 1.23093 2.33299 1.99485 1.42804 2.38664 1.95421 1.56501 2.55494 1.97214 1.58952 2.77361 2.0418 1.4922 2.95912 2.13658 1.31023 3.04061 2.22028 1.11311 2.98696 2.26092 0.97614 2.81866 2.24299 0.951635 2.59999 2.17333 1.04895 2.41448 2.11945 1.2527 2.36724 2.04505 1.42793 2.41493 2.00892 1.54969 2.56454 2.02486 1.57147 2.75893 2.08679 1.48496 2.92384 2.17104 1.32319 2.99629 2.24544 1.14797 2.9486 2.28158 1.02621 2.79898 2.26563 1.00442 2.6046 2.20371 1.09093 2.43968 2.0818 1.24166 2.45824 2.02751 1.36951 2.49304 2.00115 1.45835 2.6022 2.01278 1.47424 2.74403 2.05796 1.41112 2.86436 2.11944 1.29309 2.91722 2.17373 1.16524 2.88242 2.20009 1.0764 2.77326 2.18846 1.0605 2.63142 2.14327 1.12363 2.5111 2.08787 1.2615 2.68943 2.20343 0.959639 2.48768 2.11122 1.11625 2.33796 2.25255 0.918808 2.71433 2.01114 1.32883 2.32235 1.94141 1.51617 2.44681 1.92868 1.60671 2.6638 2.23981 1.00936 2.93133 2.17009 1.1967 3.05579 2.07001 1.40927 3.04017 1.9778 1.56588 2.89045 2.22554 1.01172 2.5067 2.1442 1.14986 2.37464 2.26886 0.975704 2.70662 2.05593 1.33736 2.36087 1.99443 1.5026 2.47065 1.98319 1.58247 2.66205 2.25763 1.05557 2.89802 2.19613 1.22081 3.0078 2.10785 1.40832 2.99402 2.02652 1.54646 2.86196 2.20048 1.04922 2.53579 2.13189 1.16573 2.4244 2.23702 1.01885 2.70439 2.05743 1.32387 2.41279 2.00556 1.46324 2.50537 1.99609 1.5306 2.6668 2.22755 1.08621 2.86582 2.17568 1.22557 2.95841 2.10123 1.38371 2.94679 2.03263 1.50022 2.83541 2.153 1.10909 2.58502 2.10562 1.18954 2.50811 2.17823 1.08811 2.70145 2.05421 1.29874 2.50009 2.01839 1.39498 2.56402 2.01185 1.44149 2.6755 2.17169 1.13462 2.81292 2.13587 1.23086 2.87686 2.08446 1.34007 2.86884 2.03708 1.42052 2.79193 2.19494 0.93147 2.4761 2.16085 1.02608 2.39824 2.2132 0.986743 2.49823 2.23524 0.922145 2.59636 2.09643 1.09878 2.31615 2.05962 1.22042 2.31121 2.12686 1.13339 2.35804 2.24741 0.887851 2.71822 2.2592 0.948511 2.71046 2.25439 0.948316 2.82989 1.98951 1.32587 2.29947 1.97024 1.43093 2.3685 2.03315 1.33244 2.34341 1.91503 1.52601 2.43243 1.92683 1.57721 2.54824 1.96786 1.50786 2.45996 1.90142 1.62274 2.66424 1.94599 1.60338 2.78177 1.95594 1.59264 2.66314 2.23381 0.984582 2.95004 2.24727 1.0333 2.91364 2.21099 1.09459 3.00963 2.15932 1.18472 3.083 2.18199 1.20872 3.03018 2.1216 1.30511 3.06692 2.0524 1.41181 3.06632 2.08827 1.40776 3.01556 2.02038 1.49944 2.97989 1.95389 1.57912 2.90637 2.00193 1.55441 2.87537 2.18798 1.07032 2.42781 2.23915 1.03563 2.51414 2.2536 0.978648 2.60256 2.0987 1.24174 2.35104 2.1624 1.16599 2.38951 2.28004 1.00164 2.70279 2.27049 1.00173 2.80854 2.01985 1.42742 2.40158 2.07909 1.34294 2.37651 1.98157 1.55644 2.56012 2.02105 1.49888 2.48011 1.99846 1.57953 2.7661 2.01045 1.57425 2.66073 2.26944 1.07701 2.88342 2.23221 1.13076 2.96708 2.2114 1.23295 2.98702 2.15336 1.31644 3.01762 2.1281 1.4099 2.97402 2.06408 1.48785 2.94085 2.05134 1.54026 2.84939 2.1688 1.09865 2.46925 2.22415 1.02133 2.61663 2.0935 1.24322 2.4045 2.2384 1.0408 2.79036 2.02701 1.39983 2.44712 1.99472 1.50864 2.58084 2.00896 1.52811 2.75456 2.20611 1.14962 2.92407 2.13961 1.30622 2.9667 2.06431 1.4508 2.90195 0.002014 -0.004543 6.43709 0.25315 -0.35031 6.35216 0.344051 -0.260786 6.35233 0.404528 -0.148448 6.35283 0.429205 -0.023275 6.35362 0.41589 0.103608 6.35463 0.365767 0.220929 6.35575 0.283289 0.318262 6.3569 0.175785 0.38696 6.35798 0.052806 0.420918 6.35888 -0.07472 0.417118 6.35952 -0.195461 0.375899 6.35986 -0.29869 0.300923 6.35986 -0.375233 0.198852 6.35952 -0.418291 0.078755 6.35886 -0.424037 -0.048696 6.35796 -0.39196 -0.172178 6.35688 -0.32491 -0.280717 6.35573 -0.228846 -0.36467 6.35461 -0.112303 -0.416577 6.35361 0.014364 -0.431827 6.35282 0.1399 -0.409064 6.35232 0.481165 -0.664237 6.10338 0.654891 -0.493144 6.10371 0.77047 -0.278448 6.10468 0.817632 -0.039226 6.10618 0.792186 0.203267 6.1081 0.696394 0.427483 6.11025 0.538766 0.613502 6.11245 0.333309 0.744793 6.1145 0.098279 0.809691 6.11623 -0.145441 0.80243 6.11746 -0.376195 0.723655 6.11811 -0.57348 0.580364 6.1181 -0.719766 0.385292 6.11745 -0.802056 0.155769 6.1162 -0.813036 -0.087809 6.11447 -0.751732 -0.3238 6.11241 -0.623591 -0.531235 6.11021 -0.439998 -0.691681 6.10806 -0.217267 -0.790884 6.10615 0.024811 -0.820028 6.10466 0.264728 -0.776524 6.1037 0.665744 -0.918353 5.70091 0.906859 -0.680893 5.70138 1.06727 -0.382917 5.70272 1.13273 -0.050901 5.7048 1.09741 0.285655 5.70746 0.964459 0.596845 5.71045 0.745688 0.85502 5.7135 0.460535 1.03724 5.71635 0.134337 1.12731 5.71874 -0.203922 1.11723 5.72046 -0.524186 1.0079 5.72136 -0.797998 0.809028 5.72135 -1.00103 0.538287 5.72044 -1.11524 0.219733 5.7187 -1.13048 -0.118329 5.7163 -1.04539 -0.445861 5.71345 -0.867547 -0.733759 5.71039 -0.612738 -0.956443 5.70741 -0.30361 -1.09413 5.70476 0.032371 -1.13457 5.70268 0.365351 -1.0742 5.70136 0.790659 -1.09032 5.21752 1.07774 -0.807592 5.21808 1.26873 -0.452813 5.21967 1.34666 -0.057503 5.22215 1.30461 0.343211 5.22532 1.14632 0.713724 5.22888 0.885843 1.02112 5.23251 0.546331 1.23807 5.2359 0.157949 1.34531 5.23875 -0.244793 1.33332 5.2408 -0.626109 1.20314 5.24186 -0.952119 0.966356 5.24185 -1.19385 0.644003 5.24077 -1.32984 0.264722 5.23871 -1.34798 -0.137786 5.23585 -1.24668 -0.527755 5.23245 -1.03493 -0.870536 5.22881 -0.731543 -1.13567 5.22526 -0.363485 -1.2996 5.22211 0.036545 -1.34776 5.21963 0.433002 -1.27587 5.21806 0.844874 -1.16494 4.70935 1.15241 -0.86207 4.70995 1.35701 -0.48201 4.71165 1.4405 -0.058532 4.71432 1.39545 0.370735 4.71771 1.22588 0.76765 4.72152 0.94684 1.09694 4.72541 0.583135 1.32936 4.72905 0.167079 1.44424 4.73209 -0.26436 1.43139 4.73429 -0.672848 1.29194 4.73543 -1.02209 1.03828 4.73542 -1.28105 0.69296 4.73426 -1.42672 0.286653 4.73205 -1.44616 -0.144535 4.72898 -1.33763 -0.562292 4.72534 -1.1108 -0.929498 4.72145 -0.785794 -1.21353 4.71764 -0.39151 -1.38914 4.71426 0.037024 -1.44073 4.71161 0.461731 -1.36372 4.70993 1.10249 -0.824079 4.52465 0.807973 -1.11413 4.52408 0.441052 -1.30449 4.52463 0.034327 -1.37824 4.52624 -0.376064 -1.32883 4.52878 -0.753655 -1.16066 4.53202 -1.06489 -0.888653 4.53566 -1.28213 -0.536994 4.53939 -1.38606 -0.136924 4.54288 -1.36744 0.276008 4.54581 -1.22794 0.665112 4.54793 -0.979943 0.995815 4.54904 -0.64549 1.23873 4.54905 -0.254297 1.37228 4.54796 0.158875 1.38459 4.54586 0.557316 1.27457 4.54294 0.905622 1.05199 4.53946 1.17284 0.736639 4.53573 1.33524 0.35653 4.53208 1.37838 -0.054563 4.52883 1.29842 -0.460111 4.52628 0.964428 -0.720092 4.37191 0.706372 -0.974236 4.37141 0.384872 -1.14103 4.3719 0.028496 -1.20565 4.37331 -0.331093 -1.16236 4.37553 -0.661942 -1.015 4.37837 -0.934654 -0.776672 4.38156 -1.125 -0.468545 4.38483 -1.21606 -0.118 4.38789 -1.19975 0.243816 4.39046 -1.07752 0.584753 4.39231 -0.860219 0.874518 4.39328 -0.567167 1.08736 4.39329 -0.2244 1.20438 4.39234 0.137626 1.21517 4.3905 0.486744 1.11876 4.38794 0.791933 0.923741 4.38489 1.02608 0.647426 4.38162 1.16837 0.31437 4.37842 1.20617 -0.045833 4.37558 1.13611 -0.401179 4.37334 + + + + + + + + + + 0.215935 0.955642 -0.2003 0.24334 0.952436 -0.183441 0.209421 0.957115 -0.200182 0.186759 0.957619 -0.219288 0.274087 0.946887 -0.168167 0.242059 0.950974 -0.192501 0.224053 0.949714 -0.218733 0.184771 0.962583 -0.198226 0.16615 0.963965 -0.207762 0.205984 0.945415 -0.25251 0.171755 0.965173 -0.197336 0.170059 0.948043 -0.268875 0.15625 0.967395 -0.199332 0.28897 0.956883 -0.029531 0.34096 0.932927 0.115733 0.375479 0.92304 0.083739 0.335748 0.941382 -0.032756 0.395671 0.891719 0.219734 0.435047 0.889527 0.139555 0.398674 0.917087 -0.003158 0.322802 0.932465 -0.162201 0.298955 0.930279 -0.212617 0.369497 0.916048 -0.155974 0.368961 0.895174 -0.250063 0.565305 0.609655 -0.555654 0.312256 0.898203 -0.3094 0.313646 0.839435 -0.443818 0.471317 0.489574 -0.733606 0.296167 0.443402 -0.845978 0.234859 0.811222 -0.5355 0.51271 0.763228 0.393208 0.524504 0.822516 0.219918 0.682981 0.362676 0.634037 0.62417 0.719541 0.304421 0.518302 0.852172 0.071875 0.466142 0.883632 0.04366 0.382264 0.919462 -0.091997 0.323016 0.93909 -0.117348 0.447079 0.891879 -0.068356 0.930321 0.282183 -0.234255 0.947465 0.310728 0.075882 0.974893 -0.180908 0.129831 0.949127 -0.225063 -0.220236 0.914212 0.17092 0.367428 0.903673 -0.15029 0.400984 0.739695 -0.553611 0.382577 0.754548 -0.639812 0.145933 0.706048 -0.693635 -0.142713 0.674665 -0.164817 -0.719487 0.512148 -0.118901 -0.850628 0.495238 -0.666432 -0.557323 0.372467 -0.639253 -0.672773 0.18399 -0.62424 -0.759257 0.282898 -0.119362 -0.951694 0.722266 0.669536 0.173359 0.671457 0.740953 -0.011585 0.628076 0.754235 -0.191441 0.302664 -0.952473 -0.034484 0.246484 -0.955874 -0.159844 0.60397 -0.694363 -0.391256 0.035144 -0.998885 0.031531 0.004751 -0.999989 -0.000144 -0.033982 -0.999422 -0.001352 0.197307 -0.947669 -0.250985 0.147225 -0.932123 -0.330865 -0.030929 -0.998762 -0.038962 -0.053008 -0.997328 -0.050264 0.049642 -0.921925 -0.384174 0.564571 -0.406987 0.718068 0.285646 -0.835637 0.469167 0.341613 -0.865868 0.365477 0.681715 -0.471219 0.559658 0.00383 -0.986497 0.163737 0.015511 -0.98999 0.140283 -0.007186 -0.99493 0.100315 0.344227 -0.905366 0.248638 0.33257 -0.935997 0.115354 0.026295 -0.9967 0.076793 -0.869076 -0.386602 0.308621 -0.869076 -0.386602 0.308621 -0.869076 -0.386602 0.308621 -0.869076 -0.386602 0.308621 -0.778563 -0.372123 0.505336 -0.778563 -0.372123 0.505336 -0.778563 -0.372123 0.505336 -0.363122 0.436348 0.823251 -0.363122 0.436348 0.823251 -0.363122 0.436348 0.823251 -0.524205 -0.184946 0.831267 -0.524205 -0.184946 0.831267 -0.524205 -0.184946 0.831267 -0.488751 0.673911 0.554046 -0.488751 0.673911 0.554046 -0.488751 0.673911 0.554046 -0.572757 0.703928 0.420042 -0.572757 0.703928 0.420042 -0.572757 0.703928 0.420042 -0.572757 0.703928 0.420042 -0.831502 0.50287 0.236064 -0.831502 0.50287 0.236064 -0.831502 0.50287 0.236064 -0.831502 0.50287 0.236064 -0.96124 -0.164469 0.221287 -0.96124 -0.164469 0.221287 -0.96124 -0.164469 0.221287 -0.96124 -0.164469 0.221287 0.170763 0.956363 -0.237086 0.195598 0.957028 -0.214102 0.155101 0.962575 -0.222246 0.14951 0.959925 -0.237044 0.163991 0.953348 -0.253444 0.188644 0.955373 -0.227324 -0.065335 -0.996314 0.055594 -0.065334 -0.996314 0.055593 -0.072604 -0.995706 0.057436 -0.072416 -0.995715 0.057518 -0.065333 -0.996314 0.055592 -0.072642 -0.995705 0.057408 -0.079816 -0.995051 0.059188 -0.079715 -0.995054 0.059274 -0.079175 -0.995078 0.059594 0.161046 0.949514 -0.269234 0.187241 0.952401 -0.240568 0.146157 0.956736 -0.251583 0.142916 0.953467 -0.265472 0.158166 0.945602 -0.28429 0.185817 0.949394 -0.253224 0.124415 0.949844 -0.286908 0.091485 0.799534 -0.593612 0.085038 0.777959 -0.622533 0.119953 0.944506 -0.305811 0.037504 0.429036 -0.902509 0.031306 0.396096 -0.917675 0.026017 0.36766 -0.929596 0.079099 0.757664 -0.647834 0.115679 0.939065 -0.323689 -0.019748 -0.081073 -0.996512 -0.01986 -0.081351 -0.996488 -0.062814 -0.564667 -0.822925 -0.057547 -0.534923 -0.842939 -0.053069 -0.509174 -0.859026 -0.019956 -0.081565 -0.996468 -0.079424 -0.897042 -0.434749 -0.072981 -0.882479 -0.464655 -0.073565 -0.995612 -0.057828 -0.06666 -0.995284 -0.070474 -0.060149 -0.994778 -0.082461 -0.067063 -0.868644 -0.490876 -0.066969 -0.996894 0.041437 -0.059574 -0.997494 0.038169 -0.065335 -0.996314 0.05559 -0.057809 -0.996881 0.053719 -0.050685 -0.997363 0.051943 -0.052577 -0.998001 0.035059 -0.057802 -0.996882 0.053718 -0.057801 -0.996882 0.053716 -0.057806 -0.996881 0.05372 -0.050683 -0.997363 0.051946 -0.05068 -0.997363 0.051943 -0.050679 -0.997363 0.051941 -0.007018 -0.98328 0.181966 0.203759 -0.793295 0.57373 0.221615 -0.774135 0.592961 0.006063 -0.981428 0.191737 0.396981 -0.323077 0.859085 0.404457 -0.299546 0.86411 0.410438 -0.27982 0.867895 0.361988 -0.4583 0.811742 0.018391 -0.979429 0.200949 0.062065 -0.952518 0.298089 0.455145 -0.008864 0.890373 0.455079 -0.008861 0.890407 0.480977 0.306402 0.821449 0.480129 0.282579 0.830437 0.479192 0.262615 0.837501 0.455026 -0.008841 0.890434 0.436096 0.711546 0.550928 0.443639 0.684274 0.578752 0.353434 0.892179 0.281248 0.365086 0.877325 0.31147 0.375512 0.862491 0.339264 0.449705 0.659347 0.602517 0.326977 0.930375 0.165795 0.337513 0.922224 0.188647 0.279087 0.960265 -0.0016 0.285945 0.958222 0.00683 0.292425 0.956173 0.014884 0.347225 0.913939 0.210118 0.028048 0.964189 -0.26373 0.048504 0.972146 -0.229303 0.033317 0.969523 -0.242725 -0.094985 0.971886 -0.21544 -0.094985 0.971886 -0.21544 -0.107298 0.963115 -0.246771 -0.107298 0.963115 -0.246771 -0.009535 0.790825 -0.611969 0.046385 0.946136 -0.320431 -0.070806 0.413754 -0.907631 -0.130528 0.692864 -0.709155 -0.130528 0.692864 -0.709155 -0.148726 0.961384 -0.231564 -0.052064 0.921386 -0.385145 -0.120836 -0.062633 -0.990695 -0.158779 -0.523735 -0.836953 -0.316805 -0.022295 -0.948229 -0.316805 -0.022295 -0.948229 -0.316805 -0.022295 -0.948229 -0.316805 -0.022295 -0.948229 -0.237525 -0.291737 -0.926537 -0.189116 0.208591 -0.959544 -0.164124 -0.878282 -0.449093 -0.131362 -0.98887 -0.069852 -0.396585 -0.917967 0.007582 -0.228132 -0.960746 -0.157868 -0.27475 -0.751556 -0.599731 -0.27475 -0.751556 -0.599731 -0.124281 -0.990515 0.0586 -0.148102 -0.985236 0.085878 -0.217665 -0.969809 0.10997 -0.390358 -0.915136 0.100734 -0.179336 -0.979206 0.094834 -0.167429 -0.982526 0.081298 -0.198814 -0.975807 0.090958 -0.337979 -0.931914 0.131556 -0.337979 -0.931914 0.131556 -0.277663 -0.950159 0.141783 -0.277663 -0.950159 0.141783 0.077468 -0.946239 0.314055 -0.038402 -0.926695 0.373847 -0.081335 -0.965346 0.247974 0.308782 -0.276368 0.910096 0.241651 -0.458173 0.855384 0.372597 -0.431466 0.821589 0.106113 -0.476174 0.872926 0.106113 -0.476174 0.872926 -0.153606 -0.891043 0.42714 -0.153606 -0.891043 0.42714 0.377365 0.009035 0.92602 0.389284 0.292979 0.873282 0.22957 0.041159 0.972421 0.22957 0.041159 0.972421 0.22957 0.041159 0.972421 0.22957 0.041159 0.972421 0.308942 0.11962 0.943528 0.282114 -0.066204 0.957094 0.349558 0.675797 0.648928 0.287117 0.875177 0.389397 0.209572 0.833527 0.511187 0.209572 0.833527 0.511187 0.267255 0.524385 0.808452 0.267255 0.524385 0.808452 0.223599 0.943747 0.243607 0.126469 0.990533 0.053388 0.011759 0.981154 0.19287 0.011759 0.981154 0.19287 0.169229 0.929131 0.328751 0.169229 0.929131 0.328751 -0.058078 -0.995654 0.072797 -0.04981 -0.996116 0.0726 -0.04198 -0.99649 0.07243 0.225001 0.962499 -0.15156 0.226757 0.961128 -0.157524 0.228378 0.95979 -0.163237 -0.162598 -0.981213 0.103836 -0.325255 -0.941966 0.083121 -0.325255 -0.941966 0.083121 -0.325255 -0.941966 0.083121 -0.325255 -0.941966 0.083121 -0.214828 -0.966411 0.141061 -0.352853 -0.927218 0.125544 0.071733 0.989481 -0.125623 -0.070841 0.987374 -0.141682 -0.070841 0.987374 -0.141682 -0.103967 0.994346 -0.021603 -0.103967 0.994346 -0.021603 -0.858876 0.476476 0.187892 -0.858876 0.476476 0.187892 -0.956151 0.175095 0.234769 -0.956151 0.175095 0.234769 -0.769277 0.634257 0.077011 -0.769277 0.634257 0.077011 -0.769277 0.634257 0.077011 -0.769277 0.634257 0.077011 -0.802638 0.584043 0.121105 -0.802638 0.584043 0.121105 -0.802638 0.584043 0.121105 -0.802638 0.584043 0.121105 -0.92393 -0.261388 0.279337 -0.92393 -0.261388 0.279337 -0.92393 -0.261388 0.279337 -0.92393 -0.261388 0.279337 -0.909887 -0.336717 0.242339 -0.909887 -0.336717 0.242339 -0.909887 -0.336717 0.242339 -0.909887 -0.336717 0.242339 -0.955431 -0.144231 0.257584 -0.955431 -0.144231 0.257584 0.139102 0.965929 -0.218249 0.135546 0.963398 -0.231283 0.132129 0.960794 -0.243755 -0.065335 -0.996314 0.05559 -0.057804 -0.996882 0.053717 -0.050681 -0.997363 0.051943 0.040896 0.973338 -0.225702 -0.277285 0.949285 -0.148226 -0.012017 0.980882 -0.194232 -0.055201 0.977282 -0.20463 -0.167153 -0.98283 0.078139 -0.292201 -0.953119 0.078629 -0.292201 -0.953119 0.078629 -0.276713 -0.952212 0.129312 -0.276713 -0.952212 0.129312 -0.730108 0.676605 0.095646 -0.730108 0.676605 0.095646 -0.730108 0.676605 0.095646 -0.730108 0.676605 0.095646 -0.522178 0.847933 -0.091327 -0.522178 0.847933 -0.091327 -0.431981 0.885934 -0.168856 -0.431981 0.885934 -0.168856 -0.431981 0.885934 -0.168856 -0.789155 -0.554881 -0.263328 -0.789155 -0.554881 -0.263328 -0.789155 -0.554881 -0.263328 -0.62913 0.669447 -0.395014 -0.62913 0.669447 -0.395014 -0.62913 0.669447 -0.395014 -0.643499 -0.764467 0.038714 -0.643499 -0.764467 0.038714 -0.643499 -0.764467 0.038714 -0.724771 -0.677924 0.122987 -0.724771 -0.677924 0.122987 -0.888761 -0.366414 0.275398 -0.888761 -0.366414 0.275398 -0.888761 -0.366414 0.275398 -0.888761 -0.366414 0.275398 0.28288 0.949338 -0.13688 0.248788 0.95769 -0.144685 -0.079441 -0.995113 0.058646 -0.077314 -0.996007 0.044648 -0.077468 -0.996012 0.044252 -0.081428 -0.995166 0.054896 -0.068803 -0.994808 0.074991 -0.078644 -0.994796 0.064779 -0.06886 -0.994833 0.074608 -0.08518 -0.99459 0.059451 -0.079769 -0.995061 0.059083 -0.086241 -0.99466 0.056686 -0.090624 -0.993961 0.061875 -0.086197 -0.994423 0.060772 -0.084572 -0.994509 0.061643 -0.083926 -0.994345 0.065079 -0.073354 -0.996006 0.050907 -0.06937 -0.995973 0.056798 -0.069364 -0.995516 0.064307 0.323327 0.935639 0.141563 0.277257 0.960714 -0.012538 0.35552 0.90057 0.250157 0.132668 0.811663 -0.56886 0.137293 0.952367 -0.272302 0.10921 0.446006 -0.888342 0.059856 -0.094043 -0.993767 -0.000646 -0.598152 -0.801382 0.458133 0.730308 0.506719 0.530806 0.321268 0.78424 -0.049298 -0.91157 -0.408178 -0.072593 -0.996169 -0.048763 0.653012 -0.089654 0.752022 0.509053 -0.022012 0.860454 0.438619 -0.35691 0.82476 -0.073258 -0.996337 0.044104 -0.072492 -0.995725 0.057238 0.216346 -0.814309 0.538605 -0.011906 -0.985039 0.171919 0.229298 0.962212 -0.146868 -0.065046 -0.995202 0.073087 0.144783 0.96771 -0.206336 -0.072621 -0.995708 0.05737 0.569293 0.761846 -0.309025 0.808878 0.340575 -0.479296 0.809669 0.422803 0.407031 0.814925 0.100229 0.570834 0.811479 -0.129451 0.569864 0.819432 -0.236984 -0.521891 0.394215 0.914732 -0.088656 0.429822 0.900226 -0.069609 0.388484 0.917469 -0.085618 0.358023 0.927399 -0.108404 0.468154 0.881984 -0.054185 0.429855 0.899501 -0.078249 0.403268 0.908714 -0.107767 0.356545 0.930614 -0.082658 0.331976 0.938574 -0.094188 0.372532 0.916308 -0.146965 0.33872 0.937278 -0.082335 0.321996 0.932418 -0.16406 0.31886 0.94401 -0.084699 0.454682 0.884065 0.108136 0.477931 0.833446 0.277399 0.529641 0.815389 0.233711 0.512633 0.85302 0.097796 0.506989 0.766264 0.394718 0.581978 0.758411 0.293453 0.580225 0.804819 0.124924 0.527334 0.848052 -0.052216 0.498706 0.860392 -0.104969 0.581734 0.811809 -0.050506 0.580957 0.799448 -0.152876 0.714031 0.502956 -0.487027 0.498899 0.83938 -0.215733 0.465138 0.804759 -0.368793 0.551286 0.454746 -0.699493 0.295354 0.492615 -0.818594 0.335223 0.820253 -0.463477 0.56778 0.595212 0.568638 0.653348 0.659408 0.37191 0.62848 0.146493 0.763906 0.726358 0.522932 0.446034 0.694026 0.693994 0.191576 0.646192 0.74404 0.169823 0.584346 0.811251 0.020272 0.517808 0.855495 -0.001772 0.652565 0.756769 0.038219 0.97807 0.045638 -0.203213 0.99599 0.041806 0.079093 0.925981 -0.371582 0.066983 0.900243 -0.361002 -0.243393 0.919383 -0.103052 0.379625 0.855518 -0.367195 0.365043 0.652005 -0.694633 0.303932 0.681403 -0.731146 0.033392 0.644333 -0.727098 -0.236991 0.67278 -0.211892 -0.70885 0.481329 -0.098637 -0.870972 0.439015 -0.634413 -0.636228 0.272651 -0.568662 -0.77607 0.007688 -0.48586 -0.874003 0.173378 -0.006346 -0.984835 0.859453 0.439455 0.261189 0.847533 0.52685 0.064163 0.815457 0.568132 -0.110708 0.225726 -0.958077 -0.176454 0.16405 -0.939404 -0.301013 0.557311 -0.689801 -0.462147 -0.092409 -0.989436 -0.111698 -0.131687 -0.980672 -0.144709 -0.191602 -0.970865 -0.143911 0.089546 -0.913605 -0.39662 0.000561 -0.874914 -0.484279 -0.201914 -0.961699 -0.185379 -0.245537 -0.94972 -0.194279 -0.151867 -0.828269 -0.539358 0.372529 -0.5413 0.753802 0.071197 -0.899943 0.430155 0.178538 -0.939506 0.292321 0.555097 -0.628179 0.545214 -0.190859 -0.979826 0.059282 -0.158175 -0.987073 0.025816 -0.167116 -0.985541 -0.027945 0.220283 -0.965844 0.136455 0.238948 -0.970795 -0.021466 -0.112187 -0.991857 -0.060281 -0.927931 -0.258751 0.268312 -0.927931 -0.258751 0.268312 -0.927931 -0.258751 0.268312 -0.927931 -0.258751 0.268312 -0.822406 -0.259115 0.506465 -0.822406 -0.259115 0.506465 -0.822406 -0.259115 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0.301483 0.940972 -0.153884 0.295725 0.939416 -0.173335 0.309923 0.930312 -0.19613 0.34216 0.926226 -0.158217 0.26024 0.947195 -0.187342 0.129939 0.847854 -0.514061 0.114448 0.82699 -0.550444 0.252728 0.943644 -0.213694 -0.056548 0.546429 -0.835594 -0.071154 0.513884 -0.854903 -0.083098 0.486456 -0.869745 0.100657 0.807287 -0.581512 0.245446 0.939618 -0.238484 -0.217558 0.130369 -0.967302 -0.217693 0.130437 -0.967262 -0.324033 -0.316529 -0.891522 -0.318008 -0.279149 -0.906061 -0.312677 -0.247977 -0.916919 -0.217821 0.130451 -0.967231 -0.35119 -0.737676 -0.576628 -0.353401 -0.711829 -0.606965 -0.298028 -0.934094 -0.196591 -0.302249 -0.929686 -0.210547 -0.306255 -0.925268 -0.223799 -0.35497 -0.688168 -0.632789 -0.271962 -0.9585 -0.08552 -0.273994 -0.957787 -0.087015 -0.267712 -0.960996 -0.069406 -0.26933 -0.960574 -0.068979 -0.270919 -0.960157 -0.068564 -0.275977 -0.957087 -0.088442 -0.269335 -0.960573 -0.068983 -0.269335 -0.960573 -0.068977 -0.269329 -0.960575 -0.06898 -0.270913 -0.960158 -0.068573 -0.270918 -0.960157 -0.068573 -0.270918 -0.960158 -0.068562 -0.232005 -0.968534 0.090085 -0.197727 -0.95507 0.220785 -0.197727 -0.95507 0.220785 -0.228728 -0.967471 0.108088 0.128264 -0.395878 0.909301 0.137126 -0.371676 0.918179 0.073571 -0.532156 0.843444 0.073571 -0.532156 0.843444 0.144179 -0.351976 0.924838 0.086711 -0.500192 0.861562 0.086711 -0.500192 0.861562 -0.225595 -0.966146 0.125175 -0.190204 -0.949419 0.249853 -0.190204 -0.949419 0.249853 0.219968 -0.131239 0.966639 0.219826 -0.13118 0.966679 0.306846 0.139325 0.941506 0.299561 0.113771 0.947269 0.293522 0.093114 0.951406 0.219712 -0.131135 0.966711 0.403694 0.545848 0.734221 0.398395 0.509319 0.762808 0.429691 0.767534 0.475666 0.430415 0.742003 0.513979 0.430272 0.717211 0.548156 0.393105 0.47693 0.786134 0.440307 0.828338 0.346391 0.442505 0.813305 0.377789 0.42897 0.890855 0.14954 0.430564 0.887755 0.162808 0.431987 0.884654 0.175426 0.444066 0.798313 0.406819 0.189475 0.965214 -0.180171 0.214235 0.967087 -0.137282 0.195367 0.968567 -0.153982 0.075419 0.988339 -0.132279 0.075419 0.988339 -0.132279 0.063335 0.98337 -0.170211 0.063335 0.98337 -0.170211 0.0321 0.835186 -0.549031 0.180616 0.953775 -0.240189 -0.149093 0.525743 -0.837475 -0.120009 0.745943 -0.655109 -0.120009 0.745943 -0.655109 0.009386 0.988544 -0.150638 0.063809 0.945213 -0.320157 -0.288793 0.156845 -0.944457 -0.396571 -0.240182 -0.886027 -0.420954 0.205883 -0.883408 -0.420954 0.205883 -0.883408 -0.420954 0.205883 -0.883408 -0.420954 0.205883 -0.883408 -0.413751 -0.013326 -0.910293 -0.286987 0.370214 -0.883505 -0.440465 -0.674238 -0.592784 -0.377543 -0.901541 -0.211387 -0.603814 -0.786986 -0.126735 -0.48019 -0.81981 -0.311976 -0.51802 -0.460517 -0.720819 -0.51802 -0.460517 -0.720819 -0.34666 -0.93589 -0.062745 -0.36434 -0.930736 -0.031407 -0.427016 -0.904231 -0.004873 -0.582531 -0.812572 -0.019609 -0.393333 -0.919138 -0.021791 -0.383194 -0.922908 -0.037467 -0.410588 -0.911413 -0.027275 -0.53367 -0.845494 0.01835 -0.53367 -0.845494 0.01835 -0.481227 -0.87601 0.03206 -0.481227 -0.87601 0.03206 -0.182956 -0.943247 0.27715 -0.287217 -0.895719 0.339403 -0.321904 -0.929945 0.17771 0.061261 -0.328588 0.942484 -0.011721 -0.468165 0.883563 0.097407 -0.473373 0.87546 -0.120709 -0.457339 0.881062 -0.120709 -0.457339 0.881062 -0.386594 -0.83296 0.395884 -0.386594 -0.83296 0.395884 0.136018 -0.099339 0.985713 0.222183 0.121313 0.967428 0.047012 -0.065074 0.996772 0.069917 -0.15457 0.985505 0.303435 0.485255 0.820033 0.34457 0.72466 0.596775 0.330945 0.833798 0.441878 0.278425 0.935996 0.215387 0.157242 0.913832 0.374413 -0.263443 -0.963482 -0.047955 -0.264458 -0.963345 -0.045034 -0.265471 -0.963195 -0.042199 0.391348 0.919687 -0.031969 0.388779 0.9205 -0.03912 0.386265 0.92124 -0.045989 -0.380821 -0.924607 -0.00874 -0.519557 -0.853425 -0.041562 -0.519557 -0.853425 -0.041562 -0.519557 -0.853425 -0.041562 -0.519557 -0.853425 -0.041562 -0.431471 -0.901394 0.03636 -0.546087 -0.837662 0.010561 0.240592 0.970593 -0.008065 0.106368 0.993514 -0.040193 0.106368 0.993514 -0.040193 0.073671 0.991548 0.106795 0.073671 0.991548 0.106795 -0.756075 0.608589 0.24077 -0.756075 0.608589 0.24077 -0.914416 0.317634 0.250904 -0.914416 0.317634 0.250904 -0.633528 0.763034 0.128145 -0.633528 0.763034 0.128145 -0.633528 0.763034 0.128145 -0.633528 0.763034 0.128145 -0.677267 0.714815 0.174212 -0.677267 0.714815 0.174212 -0.677267 0.714815 0.174212 -0.677267 0.714815 0.174212 -0.960105 -0.133255 0.24585 -0.960105 -0.133255 0.24585 -0.960105 -0.133255 0.24585 -0.960105 -0.133255 0.24585 -0.960909 -0.201216 0.190175 -0.960909 -0.201216 0.190175 -0.960909 -0.201216 0.190175 -0.960909 -0.201216 0.190175 -0.972327 -0.008206 0.233481 -0.972327 -0.008206 0.233481 0.296111 0.948707 -0.110788 0.291271 0.947854 -0.129359 0.286533 0.946706 -0.14713 -0.267713 -0.960996 -0.069398 -0.269333 -0.960574 -0.068974 -0.270917 -0.960158 -0.068558 0.203462 0.97005 -0.132688 -0.103275 0.992386 -0.067115 0.158242 0.982268 -0.100543 0.1159 0.986641 -0.114483 -0.382437 -0.923057 -0.041328 -0.496261 -0.867055 -0.044047 -0.496261 -0.867055 -0.044047 -0.478722 -0.877808 0.016673 -0.478722 -0.877808 0.016673 -0.584667 0.795367 0.159861 -0.584667 0.795367 0.159861 -0.584667 0.795367 0.159861 -0.584667 0.795367 0.159861 -0.357604 0.933423 -0.029016 -0.357604 0.933423 -0.029016 -0.274594 0.955133 -0.110992 -0.274594 0.955133 -0.110992 -0.274594 0.955133 -0.110992 -0.881041 -0.273732 -0.385795 -0.881041 -0.273732 -0.385795 -0.881041 -0.273732 -0.385795 -0.519089 0.767125 -0.376917 -0.519089 0.767125 -0.376917 -0.519089 0.767125 -0.376917 -0.800013 -0.593103 -0.0906 -0.800013 -0.593103 -0.0906 -0.800013 -0.593103 -0.0906 -0.85117 -0.524665 0.01536 -0.85117 -0.524665 0.01536 -0.943233 -0.241358 0.228162 -0.943233 -0.241358 0.228162 -0.943233 -0.241358 0.228162 -0.943233 -0.241358 0.228162 0.471161 0.881822 -0.019964 0.428425 0.903207 -0.025864 -0.26482 -0.961748 -0.07008 -0.26412 -0.960572 -0.086842 -0.255877 -0.96256 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0.654216 -0.337453 0.600318 0.714502 -0.359312 0.597885 0.71381 -0.364704 -0.488873 0.863651 -0.12292 -0.253558 0.958873 -0.127559 -0.252113 0.95194 -0.173925 -0.485747 0.857599 -0.16904 0.000306 0.99164 -0.129032 0.000356 0.984478 -0.175506 0.000421 0.972505 -0.232882 -0.248216 0.941146 -0.229418 -0.479234 0.849789 -0.219528 -0.843702 0.527195 -0.101151 -0.689659 0.715099 -0.114036 -0.68475 0.71114 -0.159367 -0.838174 0.52579 -0.144944 -0.676605 0.70787 -0.202796 -0.830534 0.527007 -0.180212 -0.993157 0.093568 -0.069882 -0.945148 0.315161 -0.085838 -0.940371 0.315188 -0.127902 -0.989353 0.093908 -0.111184 -0.935335 0.317767 -0.155474 -0.986425 0.095098 -0.133873 -0.940796 -0.336962 -0.036871 -0.99052 -0.126492 -0.053573 -0.98749 -0.125633 -0.095288 -0.938667 -0.335398 -0.08008 -0.985225 -0.125332 -0.116716 -0.936502 -0.335102 -0.103299 -0.849275 -0.524505 -0.060213 -0.870907 -0.4914 0.006884 -0.87294 -0.482566 -0.071458 -0.849275 -0.524505 -0.060213 -0.869712 -0.484254 -0.095385 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-0.053458 0.985253 -0.12521 -0.116617 0.986406 0.095287 -0.133877 0.989358 0.093951 -0.111102 0.993166 0.093487 -0.069861 0.940332 0.315264 -0.128002 0.945139 0.315169 -0.085918 0.935258 0.317934 -0.155598 0.830487 0.527012 -0.180416 0.838141 0.525786 -0.145147 0.843686 0.527192 -0.1013 0.685252 0.710615 -0.159551 0.690122 0.714631 -0.114164 0.677174 0.70728 -0.202956 0.481051 0.848744 -0.219601 0.487433 0.856619 -0.169152 0.490475 0.862732 -0.122992 0.253669 0.95151 -0.174015 0.255012 0.958479 -0.127623 0.249908 0.94068 -0.229493 -0.255093 0.966811 -0.014312 0.000282 0.999867 -0.016308 -0.491938 0.870591 -0.008272 -0.459007 0.81646 0.350293 -0.238097 0.906651 0.348274 0.000261 0.937566 0.347806 -0.693819 0.720148 0.001506 -0.847794 0.530132 0.014317 -0.790376 0.498257 0.356434 -0.647174 0.675769 0.352847 -0.948109 0.316642 0.028764 -0.994565 0.094408 0.043893 -0.925951 0.092048 0.366253 -0.883463 0.299153 0.360556 -0.990262 -0.125904 0.059417 -0.938707 -0.336229 0.076017 -0.869934 -0.307966 0.385189 -0.92061 -0.112998 0.373776 -0.848678 -0.513869 0.125236 -0.819343 -0.554975 0.143806 -0.685831 -0.705817 0.177364 -0.635734 -0.648154 0.419212 -0.775153 -0.488208 0.400987 -0.260044 -0.965351 0.021778 -3.1e-005 -0.999639 0.026853 -1.9e-005 -0.99017 0.139868 -0.260481 -0.955803 0.136348 0.259884 -0.965394 0.021803 0.260367 -0.955816 0.136473 0.237202 -0.863996 0.444124 -2e-006 -0.894552 0.446964 -0.237247 -0.864022 0.44405 0.819679 -0.554324 0.144399 0.848864 -0.513535 0.125349 0.685853 -0.705655 0.177923 0.938766 -0.336127 0.075741 0.870055 -0.30796 0.384921 0.775219 -0.488112 0.400976 0.635687 -0.648036 0.419465 0.990262 -0.126011 0.05918 0.994578 0.094317 0.0438 0.925986 0.092011 0.366175 0.9207 -0.113054 0.373538 0.948113 0.316632 0.028727 0.847792 0.530137 0.01427 0.790374 0.498258 0.356438 0.883464 0.29915 0.360556 0.694274 0.719709 0.001473 0.493518 0.869696 -0.008268 0.460497 0.815622 0.35029 0.647605 0.675365 0.352832 0.256512 0.966435 -0.014317 0.239426 0.906282 0.348322 4e-006 0.007774 0.99997 4e-006 0.007774 0.99997 4e-006 0.007774 0.99997 4e-006 0.007774 0.99997 3e-006 0.007775 0.99997 3e-006 0.007775 0.99997 3e-006 0.007775 0.99997 3e-006 0.007775 0.99997 1e-006 0.007776 0.99997 1e-006 0.007776 0.99997 1e-006 0.007776 0.99997 1e-006 0.007776 0.99997 3e-006 0.007779 0.99997 3e-006 0.007779 0.99997 3e-006 0.007779 0.99997 3e-006 0.007779 0.99997 4e-006 0.007777 0.99997 4e-006 0.007777 0.99997 4e-006 0.007777 0.99997 4e-006 0.007777 0.99997 0 0.007778 0.99997 0 0.007778 0.99997 0 0.007778 0.99997 0 0.007778 0.99997 -4e-006 0.007777 0.99997 -4e-006 0.007777 0.99997 -4e-006 0.007777 0.99997 -4e-006 0.007777 0.99997 -2e-006 0.007779 0.99997 -2e-006 0.007779 0.99997 -2e-006 0.007779 0.99997 -2e-006 0.007779 0.99997 -1e-006 0.007776 0.99997 -1e-006 0.007776 0.99997 -1e-006 0.007776 0.99997 -1e-006 0.007776 0.99997 -3e-006 0.007775 0.99997 -3e-006 0.007775 0.99997 -3e-006 0.007775 0.99997 -3e-006 0.007775 0.99997 -4e-006 0.007774 0.99997 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-0.811097 -0.007523 0.584863 -0.67415 -0.421654 0.606407 -0.549334 -0.557044 0.622844 -0.616439 -0.490396 0.616048 -0.616439 -0.490396 0.616048 -0.72138 -0.346813 0.599443 -0.72138 -0.346813 0.599443 1e-006 -0.761805 0.647806 -0.203442 -0.736448 0.645179 0.203439 -0.736448 0.64518 0.101705 -0.755077 0.647699 0.101705 -0.755077 0.647699 -0.101704 -0.755077 0.6477 -0.101704 -0.755077 0.6477 0.674148 -0.421639 0.60642 0.549301 -0.557002 0.62291 0.76003 -0.265628 0.593124 0.721362 -0.346806 0.599469 0.721362 -0.346806 0.599469 0.616414 -0.490383 0.616083 0.616414 -0.490383 0.616083 0.804837 -0.094985 0.585846 0.807123 0.08409 0.584365 0.811101 -0.007523 0.584858 0.811101 -0.007523 0.584858 0.787989 -0.180642 0.588593 0.787989 -0.180642 0.588593 0.766432 0.263334 0.585864 0.681695 0.433451 0.589418 0.729622 0.348068 0.588643 0.729622 0.348068 0.588643 0.791502 0.175132 0.585536 0.791502 0.175132 0.585536 0.555516 0.582937 0.592947 0.3932 0.699887 0.596282 0.479093 0.643896 0.596547 0.479093 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-0.24486 0.000652 0.978915 -0.204265 -0.136099 0.969879 -0.202019 -0.136099 0.969879 -0.202019 0.137443 0.970456 -0.198304 0.262442 0.935493 -0.236595 0.137443 0.970456 -0.198304 0.254847 0.93252 -0.255852 0.472923 0.820584 -0.320914 0.381185 0.877807 -0.290093 0.381185 0.877807 -0.290093 0.019585 0.459503 0.88796 0.019585 0.459503 0.88796 0.090829 0.335942 0.937493 0.000356 0.308851 0.95111 0.02621 0.539217 0.841759 0.165337 0.387419 0.906956 0.02621 0.539217 0.841759 0.300007 0.188301 0.935168 0.159493 0.177633 0.971086 0.001165 0.172339 0.985037 0.025208 0.602134 0.797997 0.025208 0.602134 0.797997 0.271077 0.442705 0.85471 0.072308 0.656296 0.75103 0.488745 0.410301 0.769923 0.072308 0.656296 0.75103 0.678955 0.205183 0.704925 0.484515 0.201018 0.851374 0.193668 0.976559 0.093937 0.193668 0.976559 0.093937 0.193668 0.976559 0.093937 0.193668 0.976559 0.093937 0.93697 0.134799 0.32236 0.892143 0.327694 0.310963 0.892143 0.327694 0.310963 0.880255 0.281844 0.381726 0.880255 0.281844 0.381726 0.880255 0.281844 0.381726 0.880255 0.281844 0.381726 0.159081 0.900519 0.404671 0.159081 0.900519 0.404671 0.159081 0.900519 0.404671 0.159081 0.900519 0.404671 0.267989 0.939293 -0.214269 0.267989 0.939293 -0.214269 0.267989 0.939293 -0.214269 0.267989 0.939293 -0.214269 0.205165 0.873579 -0.441325 0.205165 0.873579 -0.441325 0.205165 0.873579 -0.441325 0.205165 0.873579 -0.441325 0.917508 0.155052 -0.366249 0.986382 0.148704 -0.070274 0.938221 0.245612 -0.243753 0.938221 0.245612 -0.243753 0.96594 0.256623 0.033232 0.96594 0.256623 0.033232 -0.110154 0.66886 -0.735182 -0.110154 0.66886 -0.735182 0.033863 0.439776 -0.897469 0.26919 0.377411 -0.886057 -0.066073 0.683348 -0.727097 0.000205 0.436203 -0.899848 -0.066073 0.683348 -0.727097 5.6e-005 0.134573 -0.990904 0.170039 0.144121 -0.974842 0.470515 0.159718 -0.867817 0.067197 0.690539 -0.720167 0.067197 0.690539 -0.720167 -0.029809 0.444587 -0.89524 0.125004 0.685311 -0.717442 -0.27913 0.369638 -0.886258 0.125004 0.685311 -0.717442 -0.476872 0.14595 -0.866771 -0.167107 0.140825 -0.97583 -0.257057 0.859725 -0.441356 -0.257057 0.859725 -0.441356 -0.257057 0.859725 -0.441356 -0.257057 0.859725 -0.441356 -0.335255 0.920009 -0.202947 -0.335255 0.920009 -0.202947 -0.335255 0.920009 -0.202947 -0.335255 0.920009 -0.202947 -0.982291 0.096099 0.160837 -0.993997 0.096421 -0.051702 -0.984569 0.165437 0.057053 -0.984569 0.165437 0.057053 -0.934223 0.111285 -0.338884 -0.96458 0.163583 -0.206946 -0.96458 0.163583 -0.206946 -0.151243 0.725096 0.671834 -0.151243 0.725096 0.671834 -0.151243 0.725096 0.671834 -0.151243 0.725096 0.671834 -0.699697 0.174194 0.692878 -0.815614 0.13472 0.562693 -0.775145 0.202909 0.598313 -0.5248 0.373402 0.764955 -0.874861 0.164104 0.455728 -0.874861 0.164104 0.455728 -0.874861 0.164104 0.455728 -0.874861 0.164104 0.455728 -0.180304 0.795103 0.579052 -0.180304 0.795103 0.579052 -0.180304 0.795103 0.579052 -0.180304 0.795103 0.579052 -0.089731 0.646175 0.757896 -0.089731 0.646175 0.757896 -0.288464 0.423652 0.858666 -0.029722 0.597441 0.801362 -0.167801 0.37702 0.910878 -0.029722 0.597441 0.801362 -0.29532 0.178775 0.938523 -0.494179 0.181829 0.850133 -0.028015 0.535313 0.844189 -0.028015 0.535313 0.844189 -0.089516 0.331543 0.939184 -0.019813 0.457999 0.888732 -0.019813 0.457999 0.888732 -0.153602 0.174265 0.972645 0.17115 0.198569 0.965027 0.001712 0.198273 0.980145 0.31237 0.19769 0.929163 0.252022 0.200586 0.946705 0.252022 0.200586 0.946705 0.10469 0.20099 0.973983 0.10469 0.20099 0.973983 0.499844 0.185523 0.846013 0.689593 0.153749 0.707689 0.607103 0.167513 0.776766 0.607103 0.167513 0.776766 0.386201 0.195485 0.901462 0.386201 0.195485 0.901462 0.799749 0.164623 0.577323 0.801318 0.118641 0.586357 0.871081 0.087115 0.483352 0.871081 0.087115 0.483352 0.864692 0.086531 0.494794 0.864692 0.086531 0.494794 0.864692 0.086531 0.494794 0.864692 0.086531 0.494794 0.744232 0.12764 0.655612 0.744232 0.12764 0.655612 0.999316 0.023736 -0.028363 0.947665 0.050463 -0.315254 0.988001 0.014337 -0.153782 0.988001 0.014337 -0.153782 0.994192 -0.003642 0.107559 0.994192 -0.003642 0.107559 0.203972 0.127406 -0.970651 0.516009 0.119161 -0.848254 0.000575 0.124412 -0.99223 0.087334 0.122512 -0.988617 0.087334 0.122512 -0.988617 0.350951 0.124376 -0.928097 0.350951 0.124376 -0.928097 -0.197348 0.127745 -0.971975 -0.509179 0.119855 -0.852274 -0.338466 0.12638 -0.932453 -0.338466 0.12638 -0.932453 -0.085606 0.12264 -0.988752 -0.085606 0.12264 -0.988752 -0.999582 0.014697 -0.024883 -0.950206 0.044212 -0.30847 -0.983228 0.004037 0.182335 -0.994139 -0.006698 0.1079 -0.994139 -0.006698 0.1079 -0.988302 0.01261 -0.151986 -0.988302 0.01261 -0.151986 -0.876701 0.071859 0.475638 -0.806598 0.108911 0.58098 -0.876701 0.071859 0.475638 -0.693878 0.147811 0.704759 -0.747412 0.125707 0.652359 -0.747412 0.125707 0.652359 -0.867077 0.084339 0.490983 -0.867077 0.084339 0.490983 -0.867077 0.084339 0.490983 -0.867077 0.084339 0.490983 -0.497079 0.182445 0.848308 -0.300041 0.196792 0.933407 -0.374484 0.195801 0.906324 -0.374484 0.195801 0.906324 -0.608751 0.166003 0.7758 -0.608751 0.166003 0.7758 -0.162016 0.198273 0.966664 -0.100883 0.201018 0.974379 -0.100883 0.201018 0.974379 -0.235839 0.201141 0.950749 -0.235839 0.201141 0.950749 -0.319993 0.909475 -0.265442 -0.417095 0.898391 -0.137573 -0.417095 0.898391 -0.137573 -0.18133 0.977037 -0.111888 -0.18133 0.977037 -0.111888 0.68276 0.70269 -0.200164 0.706501 0.626561 -0.329057 0.577182 0.804622 -0.13944 0.577182 0.804622 -0.13944 0.7232 0.688748 -0.05106 0.846507 0.520023 -0.114024 0.7232 0.688748 -0.05106 0.882489 0.402682 -0.243023 0.826642 0.52134 -0.211818 0.632785 0.729235 -0.260383 0.625032 0.716014 -0.3109 0.625008 0.732009 -0.271162 0.480253 0.837975 -0.259142 0.480253 0.837975 -0.259142 0.488656 0.812509 -0.317876 0.488656 0.812509 -0.317876 0.872079 0.327206 -0.363887 0.858647 0.316769 -0.402967 0.648438 0.551124 -0.525158 0.694575 0.545941 -0.468523 0.723858 0.490723 -0.484996 0.723858 0.490723 -0.484996 0.500808 0.647132 -0.574815 0.500808 0.647132 -0.574815 -0.709346 0.590152 -0.38542 -0.883682 0.360794 -0.298216 -0.693564 0.549995 -0.465268 -0.870419 0.334779 -0.360961 -0.722789 0.599111 -0.344445 -0.66226 0.667514 -0.340348 -0.76224 0.5531 -0.336262 -0.722789 0.599111 -0.344445 -0.794651 0.523479 -0.307407 -0.885978 0.340681 -0.314609 -0.885978 0.340681 -0.314609 -0.970392 0.173814 -0.167716 -0.941459 0.327359 -0.08057 -0.982225 0.132451 -0.133008 -0.982225 0.132451 -0.133008 -0.917561 0.397512 0.00807 -0.917561 0.397512 0.00807 -0.917561 0.397512 0.00807 -0.917561 0.397512 0.00807 -0.846224 0.53028 0.052032 -0.846224 0.53028 0.052032 0.944294 0.015832 0.328723 0.944294 0.015832 0.328723 0.945207 0.02952 0.325133 0.94242 0.041373 0.331863 0.94242 0.041373 0.331863 -0.945439 0.020581 0.32515 -0.945439 0.020581 0.32515 -0.948201 0.013574 0.317381 -0.945577 0.079933 0.315429 -0.946528 0.011415 0.322419 -0.947048 0.004774 0.321056 -0.946528 0.011415 0.322419 -0.944376 0.107563 0.310779 0.868958 0.494455 0.020678 0.868958 0.494455 0.020678 0.948343 0.304367 -0.089476 0.940122 0.33996 -0.024454 0.940122 0.33996 -0.024454 0.940122 0.33996 -0.024454 0.940122 0.33996 -0.024454 0.984954 0.114048 -0.129844 0.973287 0.158255 -0.166335 0.984954 0.114048 -0.129844 0.945022 0.118416 -0.304812 0.955061 0.073124 -0.287247 0.945022 0.118416 -0.304812 0.965866 0.060762 -0.251817 0.971359 -0.082726 -0.222749 0.971359 -0.082726 -0.222749 -0.2565 0.698798 -0.667749 -0.449489 0.656391 -0.605896 -0.143417 0.718329 -0.68076 -0.143417 0.718329 -0.68076 -0.330289 0.694805 -0.638871 -0.330289 0.694805 -0.638871 0.534469 0.716721 -0.447944 0.322769 0.802396 -0.501976 -0.647138 0.554876 -0.522805 -0.857043 0.324005 -0.400621 -0.497989 0.650401 -0.573573 -0.497989 0.650401 -0.573573 -0.723184 0.494369 -0.482291 -0.723184 0.494369 -0.482291 -0.734054 0.582161 -0.349648 -0.693386 0.634117 -0.342215 -0.734054 0.582161 -0.349648 -0.640839 0.683956 -0.348612 -0.640839 0.683956 -0.348612 -0.815791 0.512512 -0.267986 -0.816518 0.523326 -0.243781 -0.935036 0.276987 -0.221327 -0.935036 0.276987 -0.221327 -0.915408 0.308279 -0.258829 -0.915408 0.308279 -0.258829 -0.902979 0.29957 -0.308036 -0.902434 0.302684 -0.306586 -0.953125 0.081151 -0.29149 -0.954705 0.078908 -0.286901 -0.950327 -0.157614 -0.268396 -0.878773 -0.409745 -0.244676 -0.880311 -0.406332 -0.244839 -0.951657 -0.157203 -0.263886 -0.751823 -0.620878 -0.221973 -0.623306 -0.753804 -0.208011 -0.627043 -0.74445 -0.229373 -0.75401 -0.614332 -0.23252 -0.472977 -0.858423 -0.198502 -0.25743 -0.946797 -0.193144 -0.385584 -0.902655 -0.191149 -0.482582 -0.848308 -0.217918 -4e-006 -0.981348 -0.192239 0.257425 -0.946794 -0.193166 0.131332 -0.973045 -0.189568 0.131332 -0.973045 -0.189568 -0.131351 -0.973045 -0.189555 -0.131351 -0.973045 -0.189555 0.385581 -0.902641 -0.191225 0.472968 -0.858417 -0.19855 0.482507 -0.84827 -0.218231 0.623287 -0.7538 -0.208086 0.626941 -0.74441 -0.229779 0.751802 -0.620868 -0.222075 0.753893 -0.614278 -0.233041 0.878745 -0.409737 -0.244791 0.880157 -0.406299 -0.245448 0.950291 -0.157621 -0.268519 0.951471 -0.15723 -0.26454 0.953088 0.081138 -0.291617 0.954515 0.078853 -0.287548 0.902943 0.299558 -0.308153 0.902261 0.302598 -0.307182 0.693774 0.633672 -0.342254 0.666385 0.663166 -0.340795 0.73401 0.582171 -0.349724 0.73401 0.582171 -0.349724 0.641734 0.6831 -0.348644 0.641734 0.6831 -0.348644 0.8064 0.505471 -0.30695 0.828498 0.492344 -0.266814 0.926547 0.276462 -0.255109 0.926547 0.276462 -0.255109 0.945274 0.243795 -0.216843 0.829305 0.503447 -0.242476 0.945274 0.243795 -0.216843 0.886152 0.352302 -0.301028 0.710609 0.586223 -0.389072 -0.972138 0.108492 -0.20779 -0.964819 0.075426 -0.251864 -0.982098 -0.018842 -0.187426 -0.982098 -0.018842 -0.187426 -0.98584 0.037199 -0.163509 -0.98584 0.037199 -0.163509 -0.721137 0.655898 -0.223069 -0.506587 0.841661 -0.187019 -0.506587 0.841661 -0.187019 -0.81778 0.569389 -0.083855 -0.81778 0.569389 -0.083855 -0.81778 0.569389 -0.083855 -0.81778 0.569389 -0.083855 -0.923429 0.326862 -0.201098 -0.923429 0.326862 -0.201098 0.856993 0.502953 -0.112257 0.856993 0.502953 -0.112257 0.856993 0.502953 -0.112257 0.856993 0.502953 -0.112257 0.533079 0.822349 -0.198922 0.5667 0.785515 -0.248629 0.737886 0.63591 -0.226145 0.533079 0.822349 -0.198922 0.934162 0.297435 -0.197162 0.934162 0.297435 -0.197162 0.973878 0.092374 -0.207433 0.986784 0.016802 -0.161166 0.986784 0.016802 -0.161166 0.981904 -0.038098 -0.185506 0.981904 -0.038098 -0.185506 0.897276 0.312144 -0.312188 0.772241 0.5389 -0.336496 0.897276 0.312144 -0.312188 0.730597 0.589232 -0.345012 0.730597 0.589232 -0.345012 -0.972239 -0.065334 -0.224686 -0.954001 0.086175 -0.287152 -0.972239 -0.065334 -0.224686 -0.943571 0.130182 -0.304511 -0.943571 0.130182 -0.304511 0.123051 -0.957609 -0.26047 0.123051 -0.957609 -0.26047 -1e-006 -0.951617 -0.307286 0.241187 -0.920542 -0.307296 -0.123054 -0.957624 -0.26041 -0.241204 -0.920581 -0.307165 -0.123054 -0.957624 -0.26041 -0.222821 -0.870877 -0.438091 -2e-006 -0.898036 -0.439922 0.222804 -0.870833 -0.438188 -0.364985 -0.893486 -0.261665 -0.364985 -0.893486 -0.261665 -0.452791 -0.837164 -0.306816 -0.551437 -0.790886 -0.265362 -0.610182 -0.729404 -0.30927 -0.551437 -0.790886 -0.265362 -0.572338 -0.698534 -0.42951 -0.421057 -0.797054 -0.432916 -0.682819 -0.677425 -0.273594 -0.682819 -0.677425 -0.273594 -0.737502 -0.595755 -0.318067 -0.80488 -0.518566 -0.288545 -0.854291 -0.398425 -0.333833 -0.80488 -0.518566 -0.288545 -0.807198 -0.388557 -0.444359 -0.695191 -0.573628 -0.433198 -0.910419 -0.275095 -0.308965 -0.910419 -0.275095 -0.308965 -0.923104 -0.161121 -0.34917 -0.944645 -0.041928 -0.325405 -0.929997 0.060739 -0.362513 -0.944645 -0.041928 -0.325405 -0.882343 0.045354 -0.468417 -0.874634 -0.164625 -0.455975 -0.925095 0.171773 -0.338664 -0.925095 0.171773 -0.338664 -0.8883 0.264668 -0.375331 -0.861076 0.368445 -0.350423 -0.788324 0.476127 -0.389676 -0.861076 0.368445 -0.350423 -0.746296 0.43859 -0.50068 -0.842438 0.238301 -0.483229 -0.720154 0.59129 -0.36298 -0.720154 0.59129 -0.36298 -0.657137 0.639643 -0.398784 -0.615462 0.691384 -0.378411 -0.59977 0.687497 -0.409418 -0.615462 0.691384 -0.378411 -0.552812 0.661424 -0.50687 -0.619076 0.599057 -0.507815 -0.635196 0.656434 -0.406964 -0.635196 0.656434 -0.406964 -0.520966 0.7349 -0.434185 -0.446103 0.76623 -0.462476 -0.377854 0.805755 -0.456055 -0.446103 0.76623 -0.462476 -0.351976 0.776573 -0.52254 -0.477811 0.713222 -0.512846 -0.319834 0.813326 -0.486011 -0.319834 0.813326 -0.486011 -0.233763 0.850838 -0.470564 -0.148281 0.851388 -0.503141 0.001023 0.87697 -0.480544 -0.148281 0.851388 -0.503141 0.001253 0.83854 -0.544838 -0.216623 0.81671 -0.534844 0.150096 0.851055 -0.503166 0.150096 0.851055 -0.503166 0.238244 0.849534 -0.470671 0.326086 0.810845 -0.486002 0.383506 0.803013 -0.456173 0.326086 0.810845 -0.486002 0.358142 0.77373 -0.522567 0.22163 0.815238 -0.53504 0.450236 0.76348 -0.463017 0.450236 0.76348 -0.463017 0.523245 0.733044 -0.434581 0.63572 0.65532 -0.407942 0.599963 0.686999 -0.409973 0.63572 0.65532 -0.407942 0.552769 0.661291 -0.50709 0.480179 0.711613 -0.512869 0.615836 0.690751 -0.378958 0.615836 0.690751 -0.378958 0.657144 0.639384 -0.399186 0.720062 0.591202 -0.363304 0.788188 0.476017 -0.390087 0.720062 0.591202 -0.363304 0.746146 0.43848 -0.501 0.61898 0.598933 -0.508078 0.860951 0.36836 -0.350821 0.860951 0.36836 -0.350821 0.88813 0.264576 -0.375799 0.924949 0.171708 -0.339096 0.929809 0.060683 -0.363005 0.924949 0.171708 -0.339096 0.882144 0.045305 -0.468796 0.842256 0.238215 -0.483589 0.944491 -0.041957 -0.325846 0.944491 -0.041957 -0.325846 0.922915 -0.161138 -0.349661 0.910272 -0.275095 -0.309398 0.854127 -0.398392 -0.334291 0.910272 -0.275095 -0.309398 0.807027 -0.388513 -0.444708 0.874436 -0.164632 -0.456352 0.80477 -0.518521 -0.288932 0.80477 -0.518521 -0.288932 0.737381 -0.595691 -0.318468 0.682739 -0.677374 -0.273921 0.610096 -0.729334 -0.309603 0.682739 -0.677374 -0.273921 0.572248 -0.698453 -0.429763 0.695063 -0.573552 -0.433503 0.551386 -0.790832 -0.265628 0.551386 -0.790832 -0.265628 0.452742 -0.8371 -0.307063 0.364961 -0.893444 -0.261841 0.364961 -0.893444 -0.261841 0.421006 -0.79698 -0.433101 -2e-005 -0.779257 -0.626704 0.184699 -0.758933 -0.624426 -0.184854 -0.759168 -0.624094 -0.126573 -0.567051 -0.8139 -7.9e-005 -0.579121 -0.815242 0.125943 -0.566043 -0.814698 -0.353443 -0.703193 -0.616925 -0.488354 -0.623229 -0.610816 -0.344395 -0.478041 -0.808003 -0.244603 -0.531966 -0.810667 -0.598569 -0.51694 -0.611954 -0.697571 -0.358319 -0.620486 -0.499773 -0.290774 -0.81589 -0.426873 -0.403115 -0.809492 -0.758935 -0.164495 -0.630047 -0.766221 0.018252 -0.642318 -0.552912 -0.019199 -0.833018 -0.546813 -0.151619 -0.823412 -0.729359 0.18475 -0.658713 -0.643403 0.354623 -0.678436 -0.45714 0.220934 -0.861517 -0.523776 0.100771 -0.845875 -0.536001 0.490643 -0.687002 -0.4827 0.544739 -0.685755 -0.347152 0.349657 -0.870187 -0.379961 0.314942 -0.869736 -0.413239 0.590634 -0.693098 -0.292582 0.644644 -0.706279 -0.200691 0.421537 -0.884324 -0.29698 0.38076 -0.875685 -0.171878 0.670787 -0.721459 0.001466 0.681309 -0.731994 0.001419 0.441483 -0.897269 -0.110182 0.438052 -0.892172 0.17684 0.66917 -0.721761 0.298335 0.641944 -0.706331 0.205076 0.419384 -0.884342 0.114245 0.436607 -0.892369 0.415544 0.589177 -0.69296 0.482788 0.544624 -0.685785 0.347388 0.349549 -0.870136 0.298903 0.379642 -0.875517 0.535966 0.490576 -0.687078 0.643326 0.354587 -0.678528 0.45712 0.220948 -0.861524 0.379983 0.314923 -0.869733 0.729277 0.184721 -0.658812 0.766134 0.018237 -0.642421 0.552912 -0.019197 -0.833019 0.523772 0.100776 -0.845877 0.758851 -0.164493 -0.630148 0.6975 -0.358297 -0.620579 0.499775 -0.290775 -0.815889 0.546814 -0.151618 -0.823411 0.598468 -0.516912 -0.612077 0.488117 -0.623153 -0.611083 0.343495 -0.477789 -0.808535 0.426649 -0.403125 -0.809606 0.353142 -0.702977 -0.617344 0.243377 -0.531055 -0.811633 0.045996 -0.449541 -0.892075 0.045996 -0.449541 -0.892075 -0.046235 -0.450659 -0.891498 -0.046235 -0.450659 -0.891498 0.233745 0.88277 -0.407531 0.000427 0.911403 -0.411515 0.10456 0.758551 -0.64317 0.10456 0.758551 -0.64317 -0.230262 0.88263 -0.409809 -0.103846 0.756818 -0.645324 -0.103846 0.756818 -0.645324 -0.135851 -0.433006 -0.891095 -0.135851 -0.433006 -0.891095 -0.217013 -0.400798 -0.890094 -0.217013 -0.400798 -0.890094 0.607748 0.694048 -0.385928 0.438873 0.805341 -0.398518 0.462346 0.629796 -0.624173 0.462346 0.629796 -0.624173 0.298645 0.710812 -0.636834 0.298645 0.710812 -0.636834 -0.284828 -0.35447 -0.890631 -0.284828 -0.35447 -0.890631 -0.341437 -0.290942 -0.893742 -0.341437 -0.290942 -0.893742 0.863409 0.357959 -0.355515 0.744476 0.554335 -0.372113 0.702547 0.39096 -0.594625 0.702547 0.39096 -0.594625 0.594439 0.524411 -0.609619 0.594439 0.524411 -0.609619 -0.393666 -0.190212 -0.899359 -0.393666 -0.190212 -0.899359 -0.414094 -0.085955 -0.906167 -0.414094 -0.085955 -0.906167 0.941387 -0.117638 -0.316151 0.935793 0.112746 -0.334035 0.833437 -0.033212 -0.551616 0.833437 -0.033212 -0.551616 0.799821 0.181619 -0.572102 0.799821 0.181619 -0.572102 -0.404515 0.006386 -0.914509 -0.404515 0.006386 -0.914509 -0.368573 0.09262 -0.924973 -0.368573 0.09262 -0.924973 0.801417 -0.518439 -0.298246 0.896494 -0.321355 -0.305008 0.751165 -0.385519 -0.535842 0.751165 -0.385519 -0.535842 0.812801 -0.219242 -0.539711 0.812801 -0.219242 -0.539711 -0.298697 0.184042 -0.936434 -0.298697 0.184042 -0.936434 -0.252045 0.227253 -0.940654 -0.252045 0.227253 -0.940654 0.600006 -0.746439 -0.287788 0.682933 -0.669735 -0.291647 0.546454 -0.646106 -0.532855 0.546454 -0.646106 -0.532855 0.640175 -0.551166 -0.535156 0.640175 -0.551166 -0.535156 -0.258101 0.22589 -0.939339 -0.258101 0.22589 -0.939339 -0.182706 0.268152 -0.945893 -0.182706 0.268152 -0.945893 0.312506 -0.907465 -0.280797 0.476232 -0.831594 -0.285754 0.318091 -0.787102 -0.528477 0.318091 -0.787102 -0.528477 0.487746 -0.692349 -0.531748 0.487746 -0.692349 -0.531748 -0.107427 0.292765 -0.950131 -0.107427 0.292765 -0.950131 -0.043825 0.298101 -0.953528 -0.043825 0.298101 -0.953528 -0.004365 -0.959433 -0.281903 0.178718 -0.943149 -0.280232 0.09548 -0.842629 -0.529962 0.09548 -0.842629 -0.529962 0.215329 -0.821812 -0.527502 0.215329 -0.821812 -0.527502 0.04635 0.297548 -0.953581 0.04635 0.297548 -0.953581 0.11149 0.290902 -0.950235 0.11149 0.290902 -0.950235 -0.321264 -0.904205 -0.281431 -0.189103 -0.940943 -0.280833 -0.225137 -0.818462 -0.528614 -0.225137 -0.818462 -0.528614 -0.102388 -0.841567 -0.53036 -0.102388 -0.841567 -0.53036 0.185451 0.266527 -0.945818 0.185451 0.266527 -0.945818 0.258582 0.225721 -0.939247 0.258582 0.225721 -0.939247 -0.600594 -0.74597 -0.287776 -0.479345 -0.829738 -0.285943 -0.488364 -0.691948 -0.531704 -0.488364 -0.691948 -0.531704 -0.322565 -0.784783 -0.529213 -0.322565 -0.784783 -0.529213 0.252141 0.227218 -0.940636 0.252141 0.227218 -0.940636 0.29867 0.184062 -0.936439 0.29867 0.184062 -0.936439 -0.801383 -0.518494 -0.298244 -0.683064 -0.669606 -0.291636 -0.64012 -0.551232 -0.535154 -0.64012 -0.551232 -0.535154 -0.546731 -0.645888 -0.532836 -0.546731 -0.645888 -0.532836 0.368567 0.092629 -0.924975 0.368567 0.092629 -0.924975 0.404518 0.006388 -0.914508 0.404518 0.006388 -0.914508 -0.941386 -0.11764 -0.316154 -0.896488 -0.321372 -0.305007 -0.8128 -0.219245 -0.539711 -0.8128 -0.219245 -0.539711 -0.751153 -0.385543 -0.535842 -0.751153 -0.385543 -0.535842 0.414098 -0.085953 -0.906165 0.414098 -0.085953 -0.906165 0.393666 -0.190212 -0.899359 0.393666 -0.190212 -0.899359 -0.863409 0.357957 -0.355515 -0.935792 0.112743 -0.334038 -0.79982 0.181614 -0.572105 -0.79982 0.181614 -0.572105 -0.833428 -0.033213 -0.551629 -0.833428 -0.033213 -0.551629 0.341437 -0.290942 -0.893742 0.341437 -0.290942 -0.893742 0.284113 -0.354466 -0.890861 0.284113 -0.354466 -0.890861 -0.602839 0.697307 -0.387747 -0.74333 0.555563 -0.372571 -0.592301 0.525625 -0.610653 -0.592301 0.525625 -0.610653 -0.702547 0.390959 -0.594624 -0.702547 0.390959 -0.594624 0.214934 -0.399906 -0.890999 0.214934 -0.399906 -0.890999 0.134183 -0.430972 -0.892333 0.134183 -0.430972 -0.892333 -0.432033 0.807585 -0.401441 -0.293564 0.708718 -0.641513 -0.293564 0.708718 -0.641513 -0.455982 0.63082 -0.627811 -0.455982 0.63082 -0.627811 0.000482 0.994504 -0.104697 -0.243005 0.96457 -0.102733 0.247143 0.96356 -0.102338 0.128719 0.989456 -0.066397 0.128719 0.989456 -0.066397 -0.127725 0.989584 -0.066407 -0.127725 0.989584 -0.066407 0.46284 0.881194 -0.096315 0.641241 0.762315 -0.087667 0.557646 0.828217 -0.055575 0.557646 0.828217 -0.055575 0.361972 0.930097 -0.062413 0.361972 0.930097 -0.062413 0.78572 0.613757 -0.077119 0.911397 0.406708 -0.062797 0.845469 0.532826 -0.035758 0.845469 0.532826 -0.035758 0.717636 0.694856 -0.046628 0.717636 0.694856 -0.046628 0.988168 0.146704 -0.044753 0.994815 -0.097742 -0.028099 0.999843 0.017692 -0.001187 0.999843 0.017692 -0.001187 0.959931 0.279606 -0.018765 0.959931 0.279606 -0.018765 0.948946 -0.315131 -0.013943 0.848944 -0.528482 -0.000607 0.909266 -0.415282 0.027865 0.909266 -0.415282 0.027865 0.978435 -0.206092 0.013828 0.978435 -0.206092 0.013828 0.72337 -0.690393 0.009685 0.640749 -0.76761 0.014678 0.666929 -0.743449 0.049889 0.666929 -0.743449 0.049889 0.77593 -0.629403 0.042237 0.77593 -0.629403 0.042237 0.514522 -0.85724 0.020161 0.335727 -0.941608 0.02571 0.408334 -0.910784 0.061116 0.408334 -0.910784 0.061116 0.61573 -0.786189 0.052755 0.61573 -0.786189 0.052755 0.188338 -0.981701 0.028138 -0.005022 -0.999568 0.028964 0.113001 -0.991365 0.066524 0.113001 -0.991365 0.066524 0.261956 -0.962914 0.064615 0.261956 -0.962914 0.064615 -0.200079 -0.979382 0.027918 -0.345528 -0.938064 0.025416 -0.275476 -0.959151 0.064363 -0.275476 -0.959151 0.064363 -0.123144 -0.990162 0.066443 -0.123144 -0.990162 0.066443 -0.518063 -0.855108 0.020015 -0.641467 -0.767011 0.014648 -0.616802 -0.785352 0.052701 -0.616802 -0.785352 0.052701 -0.414728 -0.907904 0.060926 -0.414728 -0.907904 0.060926 -0.723526 -0.69023 0.009678 -0.848907 -0.528542 -0.000603 -0.775863 -0.629485 0.042241 -0.775863 -0.629485 0.042241 -0.667353 -0.74307 0.049862 -0.667353 -0.74307 0.049862 -0.948939 -0.31515 -0.013941 -0.994815 -0.097745 -0.028096 -0.978434 -0.206096 0.01383 -0.978434 -0.206096 0.01383 -0.909251 -0.415315 0.02787 -0.909251 -0.415315 0.02787 -0.988168 0.146702 -0.044749 -0.911397 0.406709 -0.062795 -0.959931 0.279607 -0.018761 -0.959931 0.279607 -0.018761 -0.999843 0.017686 -0.001185 -0.999843 0.017686 -0.001185 -0.784359 0.615473 -0.077287 -0.635352 0.767167 -0.08822 -0.71445 0.698116 -0.046846 -0.71445 0.698116 -0.046846 -0.845466 0.532831 -0.035756 -0.845466 0.532831 -0.035756 -0.454628 0.885385 -0.09699 -0.354626 0.93291 -0.062603 -0.354626 0.93291 -0.062603 -0.548204 0.834468 -0.055995 -0.548204 0.834468 -0.055995 0.116308 0.737379 0.66539 0.116308 0.737379 0.66539 0.116308 0.737379 0.66539 0.116308 0.737379 0.66539 0.125717 0.810639 0.571891 0.125717 0.810639 0.571891 0.125717 0.810639 0.571891 0.125717 0.810639 0.571891 0.833259 0.250095 0.493084 0.833259 0.250095 0.493084 0.833259 0.250095 0.493084 0.833259 0.250095 0.493084 0.734595 0.263964 0.625054 -0.919936 0.165962 0.355211 -0.919936 0.165962 0.355211 -0.919936 0.165962 0.355211 -0.919936 0.165962 0.355211 -0.92653 0.209457 0.312521 -0.92653 0.209457 0.312521 -0.249079 0.961556 0.115632 -0.249079 0.961556 0.115632 -0.249079 0.961556 0.115632 -0.249079 0.961556 0.115632 -0.234102 0.876377 0.420904 -0.234102 0.876377 0.420904 -0.234102 0.876377 0.420904 -0.234102 0.876377 0.420904 -0.244819 0.930311 -0.273104 0.000491 0.961586 -0.274504 -0.475686 0.839255 -0.263391 0.47759 0.838169 -0.263401 0.246653 0.929811 -0.273155 -0.669105 0.702202 -0.243333 -0.820139 0.529684 -0.216349 -0.915713 0.331997 -0.226377 -0.928095 0.323404 -0.184526 -0.982844 0.097943 -0.156287 -0.982684 -0.125799 -0.136042 -0.933416 -0.336796 -0.123707 -0.865569 -0.486421 -0.119101 -0.834298 -0.535131 -0.132594 -0.834298 -0.535131 -0.132594 -0.840281 -0.531575 -0.106562 -0.840281 -0.531575 -0.106562 -0.96915 -0.239204 -0.059414 -0.996299 -0.065952 -0.055118 -0.996299 -0.065952 -0.055118 -0.996493 -0.019888 -0.081275 -0.996493 -0.019888 -0.081275 -0.495398 -0.845432 -0.199564 -0.263097 -0.941254 -0.211708 0 -0.976464 -0.21568 0.263097 -0.941254 -0.211708 0.495438 -0.845411 -0.199552 0.761834 -0.624055 -0.173676 0.964354 -0.232114 -0.127058 0.994054 -0.019563 -0.107115 0.994054 -0.019563 -0.107115 0.995403 -0.01933 -0.093801 0.995403 -0.01933 -0.093801 0.839909 -0.532178 -0.106487 0.839909 -0.532178 -0.106487 0.86535 -0.48682 -0.119062 0.834102 -0.535498 -0.132347 0.834102 -0.535498 -0.132347 0.933353 -0.336925 -0.123834 0.982682 -0.125666 -0.136177 0.982806 0.098178 -0.156378 0.927993 0.323637 -0.184629 0.820094 0.529703 -0.216472 0.669715 0.701594 -0.243408 0.525018 0.738265 -0.423463 0.525018 0.738265 -0.423463 0.525899 0.752088 -0.397234 0.525899 0.752088 -0.397234 -0.50421 0.744418 -0.437737 -0.50421 0.744418 -0.437737 -0.506392 0.754872 -0.416817 -0.506392 0.754872 -0.416817 0.039534 0.735358 -0.676525 0.039534 0.735358 -0.676525 0.039534 0.735358 -0.676525 0.039534 0.735358 -0.676525 -0.072882 0.67613 -0.733169 -0.072882 0.67613 -0.733169 -0.072882 0.67613 -0.733169 -0.072882 0.67613 -0.733169 0.746159 0.161904 -0.645782 0.591543 0.20978 -0.778504 0.793836 0.233056 -0.561702 0.793836 0.233056 -0.561702 -0.6241 0.170021 -0.762622 -0.767522 0.132297 -0.627222 0.093975 0.683896 -0.723502 0.093975 0.683896 -0.723502 0.093975 0.683896 -0.723502 0.093975 0.683896 -0.723502 -0.048767 0.733122 -0.678346 -0.048767 0.733122 -0.678346 -0.048767 0.733122 -0.678346 -0.048767 0.733122 -0.678346 -0.838505 0.169322 -0.517918 -0.838505 0.169322 -0.517918 0.88631 0.055575 -0.459746 0.791888 0.087887 -0.604308 0.88631 0.055575 -0.459746 0.68519 0.096637 -0.721925 0.68519 0.096637 -0.721925 -0.793783 0.08597 -0.602095 -0.887926 0.056739 -0.456474 -0.887926 0.056739 -0.456474 -0.679819 0.100409 -0.726474 -0.679819 0.100409 -0.726474 0.22152 0.971439 -0.085058 0.22152 0.971439 -0.085058 0.22152 0.971439 -0.085058 0.22152 0.971439 -0.085058 0.239264 0.959359 -0.149613 0.239264 0.959359 -0.149613 0.239264 0.959359 -0.149613 0.239264 0.959359 -0.149613 0.940051 0.277156 0.198716 0.940051 0.277156 0.198716 0.912254 0.304338 0.274173 0.912254 0.304338 0.274173 -0.957676 0.181379 0.223513 -0.957676 0.181379 0.223513 -0.9553 0.10239 0.27734 -0.295989 0.946053 -0.131812 -0.295989 0.946053 -0.131812 -0.295989 0.946053 -0.131812 -0.295989 0.946053 -0.131812 -0.272178 0.960035 -0.065202 -0.272178 0.960035 -0.065202 -0.272178 0.960035 -0.065202 -0.272178 0.960035 -0.065202 -0.933539 0.202295 0.295943 -0.933539 0.202295 0.295943 0 1 -0.00021 0 1 -0.00021 0 1 -0.00021 0 1 -0.00021 0 1 -0.000209 0 1 -0.000209 0 1 -0.000209 0 1 -0.000209 0 1 -0.000209 0 1 -0.000209 0 1 -0.00021 0 1 -0.00021 -0.965373 -0.012186 0.26059 -0.95556 0.000761 0.294795 -0.965373 -0.012186 0.26059 -0.942796 -0.008662 0.333259 -0.942796 -0.008662 0.333259 -0.958486 0.076023 -0.274818 -0.905281 0.301688 -0.299082 -0.912778 0.296056 -0.281401 0.447882 0.843448 -0.296644 0.594016 0.744576 -0.304553 0.447882 0.843448 -0.296644 0.588668 0.750046 -0.301497 0.443754 0.845388 -0.297322 0.443754 0.845388 -0.297322 -0.972647 -0.12595 -0.195177 -0.919039 -0.346761 -0.187416 -0.839568 -0.509829 -0.187614 -0.800293 -0.566702 -0.195908 -0.800293 -0.566702 -0.195908 -0.809443 -0.556447 -0.18753 -0.809443 -0.556447 -0.18753 -0.946355 -0.265097 -0.184759 -0.991818 -0.019649 -0.126141 -0.991818 -0.019649 -0.126141 -0.990778 -0.021461 -0.133789 -0.990778 -0.021461 -0.133789 -0.441138 -0.837376 -0.322798 -0.242402 -0.907381 -0.343367 0 -0.936385 -0.350973 0.242405 -0.907388 -0.343348 0.441143 -0.837388 -0.322761 0.64474 -0.708236 -0.287599 0.881296 -0.412216 -0.231074 0.911881 -0.352485 -0.210303 0.982481 -0.09898 -0.157905 0.982481 -0.09898 -0.157905 0.990578 -0.044384 -0.129559 0.990578 -0.044384 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0.114697 -0.944655 -0.307362 0.406639 -0.886404 -0.221206 0.50896 -0.824066 -0.248745 0.406639 -0.886404 -0.221206 0.629995 -0.734488 -0.252256 0.547149 -0.791443 -0.27248 0.547149 -0.791443 -0.27248 0.832474 -0.021229 -0.553658 0.914963 -0.278129 -0.292381 0.911728 -0.122282 -0.392171 0.911728 -0.122282 -0.392171 0.911728 -0.122282 -0.392171 0.718747 0.659697 -0.219551 0.968784 -0.134445 -0.208282 0.968784 -0.134445 -0.208282 0.706495 -0.666845 -0.23703 0.762849 -0.6007 -0.239209 0.884964 -0.398097 -0.241573 0.954682 -0.155309 -0.253893 0.958251 0.075959 -0.275655 0.905063 0.301571 -0.299861 0.784358 0.535671 -0.312793 0.617527 0.730668 -0.291179 0.499818 0.82457 -0.265079 -0.58774 0.749748 -0.304039 -0.431162 0.852692 -0.294985 -0.431162 0.852692 -0.294985 -0.432427 0.852225 -0.294482 -0.432427 0.852225 -0.294482 0.285232 0.763782 -0.579033 0.59249 -0.23097 -0.771757 0.285232 0.763782 -0.579033 0.460551 -0.762852 -0.453816 0.451129 -0.521535 -0.724213 0.451129 -0.521535 -0.724213 0.367647 -0.880063 -0.300542 0.334243 -0.857995 -0.390033 -0.547234 -0.791568 -0.271946 -0.509077 -0.824154 -0.248216 -0.547234 -0.791568 -0.271946 -0.406751 -0.886475 -0.220718 -0.406751 -0.886475 -0.220718 -0.592818 -0.231219 -0.77143 -0.285648 0.763499 -0.579202 -0.285648 0.763499 -0.579202 -0.45146 -0.521915 -0.723732 -0.45146 -0.521915 -0.723732 -0.454103 -0.777836 0.434467 -0.390439 -0.665124 0.636527 -0.301604 -0.704237 0.642718 -0.301604 -0.704237 0.642718 -0.472356 -0.614115 0.632252 -0.472356 -0.614115 0.632252 0.454007 -0.777764 0.434696 0.390416 -0.665097 0.63657 0.472339 -0.614083 0.632296 0.472339 -0.614083 0.632296 0.301604 -0.704235 0.642719 0.301604 -0.704235 0.642719 0.52439 -0.835014 0.166633 0.475642 -0.865009 0.159761 0.450268 -0.89197 0.040598 -0.475854 -0.864972 0.159331 -0.524788 -0.834909 0.165907 -0.45059 -0.891814 0.040444 0.539585 -0.840982 -0.039955 0.516649 -0.855302 -0.039153 0.450695 -0.892581 -0.01315 0.493335 -0.868995 -0.038323 -0.539712 -0.840919 -0.039571 -0.450935 -0.892463 -0.012963 -0.516923 -0.85515 -0.038856 -0.493761 -0.868762 -0.038113 -0.20942 0.957116 -0.200182 -0.243338 0.952437 -0.183441 -0.215935 0.955642 -0.2003 -0.186759 0.957619 -0.219288 -0.242059 0.950973 -0.192503 -0.27409 0.946887 -0.168168 -0.18477 0.962583 -0.198226 -0.224053 0.949714 -0.218733 -0.166148 0.963965 -0.207764 -0.171754 0.965173 -0.197336 -0.205984 0.945415 -0.25251 -0.156246 0.967396 -0.199332 -0.170054 0.948046 -0.268869 -0.375479 0.92304 0.083739 -0.340954 0.932929 0.115734 -0.28897 0.956883 -0.029528 -0.335748 0.941382 -0.032756 -0.435047 0.889527 0.139555 -0.395665 0.891722 0.21973 -0.398673 0.917088 -0.003158 -0.298957 0.930278 -0.212619 -0.322806 0.932463 -0.162201 -0.368962 0.895174 -0.250063 -0.369497 0.916048 -0.155974 -0.312255 0.898203 -0.3094 -0.565321 0.609615 -0.555681 -0.313645 0.839436 -0.443818 -0.471343 0.48947 -0.733659 -0.234858 0.811225 -0.535496 -0.296176 0.443353 -0.846001 -0.524504 0.822515 0.219918 -0.512709 0.763228 0.393208 -0.624167 0.719545 0.304419 -0.68298 0.362682 0.634035 -0.466141 0.883632 0.04366 -0.518303 0.852171 0.071875 -0.382266 0.919461 -0.091997 -0.323018 0.93909 -0.117347 -0.44708 0.891878 -0.068356 -0.974893 -0.180906 0.129831 -0.947464 0.310732 0.075882 -0.930319 0.282189 -0.234255 -0.949128 -0.225063 -0.220236 -0.903673 -0.150291 0.400984 -0.914211 0.170923 0.367428 -0.754549 -0.639812 0.145933 -0.739694 -0.553613 0.382577 -0.706047 -0.693636 -0.142713 -0.512147 -0.118906 -0.850627 -0.674657 -0.164813 -0.719496 -0.372496 -0.639193 -0.672814 -0.495227 -0.66644 -0.557322 -0.282906 -0.119383 -0.951689 -0.184002 -0.624211 -0.759278 -0.671456 0.740954 -0.011585 -0.722265 0.669538 0.173359 -0.628074 0.754237 -0.191441 -0.246453 -0.955886 -0.159823 -0.302664 -0.952473 -0.034484 -0.603945 -0.694394 -0.391238 -0.004749 -0.999989 -0.000144 -0.035144 -0.998885 0.031531 -0.197259 -0.947692 -0.250937 0.03398 -0.999422 -0.001353 -0.147205 -0.932137 -0.330834 0.03093 -0.998762 -0.038963 -0.049639 -0.921927 -0.384169 0.05301 -0.997328 -0.05026 -0.341607 -0.86587 0.365476 -0.285641 -0.835641 0.469163 -0.564568 -0.406994 0.718066 -0.681712 -0.471225 0.559657 -0.01551 -0.989989 0.140287 -0.003834 -0.986496 0.163742 -0.344225 -0.905367 0.248637 0.007186 -0.99493 0.100315 -0.33257 -0.935997 0.115354 -0.026295 -0.9967 0.076793 0.869076 -0.386601 0.308621 0.869076 -0.386601 0.308621 0.869076 -0.386601 0.308621 0.869076 -0.386601 0.308621 0.778563 -0.372122 0.505336 0.778563 -0.372122 0.505336 0.778563 -0.372122 0.505336 0.363121 0.436349 0.823251 0.363121 0.436349 0.823251 0.363121 0.436349 0.823251 0.524203 -0.184947 0.831268 0.524203 -0.184947 0.831268 0.524203 -0.184947 0.831268 0.488751 0.673909 0.554047 0.488751 0.673909 0.554047 0.488751 0.673909 0.554047 0.572761 0.703925 0.420041 0.572761 0.703925 0.420041 0.572761 0.703925 0.420041 0.572761 0.703925 0.420041 0.831503 0.502867 0.236067 0.831503 0.502867 0.236067 0.831503 0.502867 0.236067 0.831503 0.502867 0.236067 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-0.081067 -0.996513 0.057548 -0.534923 -0.842939 0.062815 -0.564667 -0.822925 0.019956 -0.081565 -0.996468 0.05307 -0.509174 -0.859026 0.072982 -0.882479 -0.464655 0.079425 -0.897045 -0.434744 0.06666 -0.995284 -0.070474 0.073565 -0.995612 -0.057828 0.067063 -0.868644 -0.490877 0.060149 -0.994777 -0.082461 0.059573 -0.997494 0.038169 0.066969 -0.996894 0.041439 0.057808 -0.996881 0.053719 0.065335 -0.996314 0.05559 0.052577 -0.998001 0.035059 0.050685 -0.997363 0.051944 0.057801 -0.996882 0.053717 0.057801 -0.996882 0.053715 0.057806 -0.996881 0.05372 0.050682 -0.997363 0.051944 0.050686 -0.997363 0.051945 0.05068 -0.997363 0.05194 -0.221617 -0.774132 0.592964 -0.203759 -0.793293 0.573732 0.007018 -0.98328 0.181966 -0.006064 -0.981428 0.191736 -0.404459 -0.299542 0.864111 -0.396981 -0.323075 0.859086 -0.361993 -0.458293 0.811744 -0.410438 -0.27982 0.867895 -0.018392 -0.979429 0.200951 -0.062065 -0.952518 0.298088 -0.455079 -0.008862 0.890407 -0.455146 -0.008864 0.890373 -0.480129 0.282579 0.830437 -0.480977 0.306403 0.821449 -0.455026 -0.008841 0.890434 -0.479192 0.262616 0.837501 -0.443638 0.684275 0.578751 -0.436096 0.711547 0.550928 -0.365086 0.877325 0.31147 -0.353435 0.89218 0.281243 -0.449705 0.659347 0.602517 -0.375512 0.862491 0.339263 -0.337514 0.922224 0.188647 -0.326981 0.930374 0.165793 -0.285946 0.958221 0.006829 -0.279089 0.960264 -0.001597 -0.347226 0.913939 0.210119 -0.292425 0.956173 0.014885 -0.028046 0.964189 -0.263731 -0.048504 0.972146 -0.229303 -0.033317 0.969523 -0.242725 0.094985 0.971886 -0.21544 0.094985 0.971886 -0.21544 0.107304 0.963115 -0.246771 0.107304 0.963115 -0.246771 0.009537 0.790823 -0.611971 -0.046386 0.946137 -0.320427 0.070808 0.413748 -0.907633 0.130534 0.692853 -0.709166 0.130534 0.692853 -0.709166 0.148724 0.961384 -0.231563 0.052065 0.92139 -0.385136 0.120837 -0.062632 -0.990695 0.15878 -0.523735 -0.836953 0.316804 -0.022295 -0.948229 0.316804 -0.022295 -0.948229 0.316804 -0.022295 -0.948229 0.316804 -0.022295 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0.11962 0.943529 -0.282114 -0.066203 0.957094 -0.349559 0.675795 0.64893 -0.287119 0.875176 0.389397 -0.209578 0.833522 0.511194 -0.209578 0.833522 0.511194 -0.267255 0.524384 0.808453 -0.267255 0.524384 0.808453 -0.223599 0.943747 0.243606 -0.126469 0.990533 0.053388 -0.011759 0.981154 0.19287 -0.011759 0.981154 0.19287 -0.169231 0.929133 0.328745 -0.169231 0.929133 0.328745 0.04981 -0.996116 0.0726 0.058078 -0.995654 0.072797 0.041981 -0.99649 0.072429 -0.226757 0.961128 -0.157524 -0.225001 0.962499 -0.151561 -0.228378 0.95979 -0.163238 0.162598 -0.981214 0.103832 0.32528 -0.941957 0.08313 0.32528 -0.941957 0.08313 0.32528 -0.941957 0.08313 0.32528 -0.941957 0.08313 0.214822 -0.966409 0.141083 0.352855 -0.927222 0.12551 -0.071734 0.989481 -0.125623 0.070841 0.987374 -0.141681 0.070841 0.987374 -0.141681 0.103962 0.994347 -0.021602 0.103962 0.994347 -0.021602 0.956152 0.175093 0.234769 0.858878 0.476471 0.187892 0.858878 0.476471 0.187892 0.956152 0.175093 0.234769 0.769278 0.634256 0.077009 0.769278 0.634256 0.077009 0.769278 0.634256 0.077009 0.769278 0.634256 0.077009 0.802636 0.584046 0.121105 0.802636 0.584046 0.121105 0.802636 0.584046 0.121105 0.802636 0.584046 0.121105 0.923931 -0.261387 0.279337 0.923931 -0.261387 0.279337 0.923931 -0.261387 0.279337 0.923931 -0.261387 0.279337 0.909886 -0.336717 0.242339 0.909886 -0.336717 0.242339 0.909886 -0.336717 0.242339 0.909886 -0.336717 0.242339 0.955431 -0.144231 0.257584 0.955431 -0.144231 0.257584 -0.135545 0.963398 -0.231283 -0.139106 0.965928 -0.218251 -0.132129 0.960794 -0.243755 0.057804 -0.996882 0.053717 0.065333 -0.996314 0.05559 0.050681 -0.997363 0.051943 -0.040896 0.973338 -0.225702 0.277283 0.949285 -0.148229 0.012017 0.980882 -0.194232 0.055201 0.977282 -0.20463 0.167152 -0.98283 0.078138 0.292202 -0.953119 0.07863 0.292202 -0.953119 0.07863 0.276715 -0.952212 0.129312 0.276715 -0.952212 0.129312 0.730106 0.676607 0.095646 0.730106 0.676607 0.095646 0.730106 0.676607 0.095646 0.730106 0.676607 0.095646 0.522173 0.847935 -0.091334 0.522173 0.847935 -0.091334 0.431982 0.885932 -0.168866 0.431982 0.885932 -0.168866 0.431982 0.885932 -0.168866 0.789154 -0.554885 -0.263323 0.789154 -0.554885 -0.263323 0.789154 -0.554885 -0.263323 0.629138 0.669438 -0.395017 0.629138 0.669438 -0.395017 0.629138 0.669438 -0.395017 0.643498 -0.764468 0.038722 0.643498 -0.764468 0.038722 0.643498 -0.764468 0.038722 0.724776 -0.677919 0.122989 0.724776 -0.677919 0.122989 0.888764 -0.366409 0.275398 0.888764 -0.366409 0.275398 0.888764 -0.366409 0.275398 0.888764 -0.366409 0.275398 -0.282879 0.949338 -0.13688 -0.248789 0.95769 -0.144686 0.077469 -0.996012 0.044246 0.077314 -0.996007 0.044643 0.079442 -0.995113 0.058647 0.081426 -0.995166 0.054896 0.068802 -0.994807 0.074994 0.078645 -0.994796 0.064779 0.068857 -0.994832 0.074612 0.085176 -0.994591 0.059452 0.07977 -0.995061 0.059085 0.086243 -0.99466 0.05669 0.086194 -0.994423 0.060771 0.090628 -0.993961 0.061874 0.084571 -0.994509 0.061641 0.083928 -0.994344 0.065077 0.073364 -0.996005 0.050911 0.069378 -0.995972 0.056798 0.069368 -0.995516 0.064306 -0.323325 0.93564 0.141562 -0.27726 0.960713 -0.012531 -0.355515 0.900575 0.250148 -0.132668 0.811668 -0.568853 -0.137292 0.95237 -0.272292 -0.10921 0.446006 -0.888342 -0.059854 -0.09405 -0.993767 0.00065 -0.598161 -0.801376 -0.458133 0.730309 0.506718 -0.530806 0.32127 0.784239 0.049299 -0.911573 -0.408171 0.072592 -0.996169 -0.048761 -0.509054 -0.022009 0.860453 -0.653013 -0.089651 0.752021 -0.438619 -0.356912 0.824759 0.073258 -0.996337 0.044103 0.072494 -0.995725 0.057238 -0.216346 -0.814311 0.538602 0.011903 -0.985039 0.17192 -0.229297 0.962212 -0.146869 0.065045 -0.995202 0.073089 -0.144783 0.96771 -0.206338 0.072622 -0.995708 0.057372 -0.569291 0.761847 -0.309025 -0.808877 0.340578 -0.479296 -0.809665 0.422813 0.407027 -0.814925 0.100241 0.570832 -0.811479 -0.129449 0.569863 -0.819432 -0.236985 -0.521891 -0.388485 0.917468 -0.08562 -0.429822 0.900226 -0.069609 -0.394215 0.914732 -0.088656 -0.358023 0.927399 -0.108404 -0.429852 0.899502 -0.07825 -0.468158 0.881982 -0.054184 -0.35655 0.930612 -0.082661 -0.403265 0.908716 -0.107762 -0.331976 0.938574 -0.094188 -0.338724 0.937276 -0.082336 -0.372532 0.916309 -0.14696 -0.31886 0.94401 -0.084699 -0.321996 0.932418 -0.16406 -0.529641 0.815389 0.233711 -0.477931 0.833446 0.277399 -0.454682 0.884065 0.108137 -0.512633 0.85302 0.097796 -0.581978 0.758411 0.293453 -0.506989 0.766264 0.394717 -0.58023 0.804815 0.124923 -0.498702 0.860394 -0.104967 -0.52733 0.848055 -0.052212 -0.580958 0.799448 -0.152876 -0.581726 0.811816 -0.050503 -0.498892 0.839386 -0.215726 -0.714031 0.502955 -0.487027 -0.465136 0.804763 -0.368788 -0.551286 0.454745 -0.699493 -0.335223 0.820253 -0.463477 -0.295354 0.492615 -0.818594 -0.653348 0.659408 0.371911 -0.567779 0.595212 0.568638 -0.72636 0.522928 0.446036 -0.628481 0.146488 0.763906 -0.646186 0.744047 0.169817 -0.694016 0.694005 0.191572 -0.584334 0.81126 0.02027 -0.517819 0.855489 -0.001772 -0.652545 0.756786 0.038217 -0.925985 -0.37157 0.066981 -0.99599 0.041801 0.079092 -0.978071 0.045625 -0.203215 -0.900252 -0.36098 -0.243393 -0.855519 -0.367193 0.365044 -0.919383 -0.103052 0.379625 -0.681416 -0.731134 0.033391 -0.652007 -0.69463 0.303933 -0.644358 -0.727074 -0.236995 -0.48133 -0.098638 -0.870972 -0.67278 -0.211893 -0.70885 -0.272651 -0.568661 -0.776071 -0.439015 -0.634414 -0.636227 -0.173378 -0.006346 -0.984835 -0.007688 -0.48586 -0.874003 -0.847533 0.52685 0.064163 -0.859453 0.439455 0.261189 -0.815458 0.568131 -0.110708 -0.16405 -0.939403 -0.301013 -0.225726 -0.958077 -0.176455 -0.557324 -0.689789 -0.462149 0.131687 -0.980672 -0.14471 0.092409 -0.989436 -0.111698 -0.089546 -0.913605 -0.396621 0.191602 -0.970865 -0.143911 -0.000561 -0.874913 -0.484279 0.201914 -0.961699 -0.185379 0.151867 -0.828269 -0.539358 0.245537 -0.949719 -0.194279 -0.178546 -0.939503 0.29233 -0.071206 -0.899937 0.430166 -0.372528 -0.5413 0.753802 -0.555096 -0.628177 0.545218 0.158176 -0.987073 0.025816 0.19086 -0.979826 0.059282 -0.220283 -0.965844 0.136455 0.167116 -0.985541 -0.027945 -0.238949 -0.970795 -0.021466 0.112187 -0.991857 -0.060281 0.927931 -0.258751 0.268313 0.927931 -0.258751 0.268313 0.927931 -0.258751 0.268313 0.927931 -0.258751 0.268313 0.822406 -0.259116 0.506465 0.822406 -0.259116 0.506465 0.822406 -0.259116 0.506465 0.309437 0.331544 0.891251 0.309437 0.331544 0.891251 0.309437 0.331544 0.891251 0.487136 0.288304 0.824366 0.136898 0.543685 0.828049 0.037259 0.141355 0.989258 0.233262 0.11831 0.96519 0.433684 0.707083 0.558528 0.004256 0.855818 0.517259 -0.026452 0.770127 0.637343 0.72234 0.619393 0.307534 0.72234 0.619393 0.307534 0.72234 0.619393 0.307534 0.72234 0.619393 0.307534 0.982654 -0.022891 0.184032 0.982654 -0.022891 0.184032 0.982654 -0.022891 0.184032 0.982654 -0.022891 0.184032 -0.335158 0.932958 -0.131369 -0.366053 0.924571 -0.105709 -0.316241 0.941909 -0.113135 -0.323557 0.933655 -0.153621 -0.307372 0.942178 -0.133505 -0.353684 0.927207 -0.123266 0.2662 -0.961387 -0.069809 0.267715 -0.960995 -0.069407 0.267714 -0.960996 -0.069398 0.266232 -0.961377 -0.06982 0.266193 -0.961389 -0.069799 0.267713 -0.960996 -0.069401 0.264767 -0.961754 -0.070195 0.264751 -0.96176 -0.070174 0.26486 -0.961724 -0.070255 -0.316668 0.93218 -0.175388 -0.347866 0.926861 -0.141129 -0.301483 0.940972 -0.153884 -0.309923 0.930312 -0.19613 -0.295725 0.939416 -0.173335 -0.34216 0.926226 -0.158217 -0.114448 0.82699 -0.550444 -0.129939 0.847854 -0.514062 -0.26024 0.947195 -0.187342 -0.252728 0.943644 -0.213694 0.071154 0.513884 -0.854903 0.056548 0.546429 -0.835594 -0.100657 0.807287 -0.581512 0.083098 0.486455 -0.869745 -0.245446 0.939618 -0.238484 0.217693 0.130437 -0.967262 0.217558 0.130369 -0.967302 0.318006 -0.279141 -0.906064 0.324033 -0.316529 -0.891523 0.217821 0.130451 -0.967231 0.312673 -0.24796 -0.916925 0.353399 -0.711827 -0.60697 0.35119 -0.737676 -0.576628 0.302247 -0.929687 -0.210544 0.298028 -0.934094 -0.196591 0.35497 -0.688161 -0.632796 0.306254 -0.925271 -0.223792 0.273994 -0.957787 -0.087015 0.271962 -0.9585 -0.08552 0.26933 -0.960574 -0.068979 0.267712 -0.960996 -0.069406 0.275977 -0.957086 -0.088442 0.270919 -0.960157 -0.068564 0.269335 -0.960573 -0.068983 0.269335 -0.960573 -0.068977 0.269329 -0.960575 -0.06898 0.27092 -0.960157 -0.068568 0.270919 -0.960157 -0.068572 0.270918 -0.960158 -0.068563 0.197727 -0.955069 0.220788 0.197727 -0.955069 0.220788 0.232004 -0.968534 0.090086 0.228728 -0.967471 0.108089 -0.073566 -0.532168 0.843437 -0.137127 -0.371677 0.918179 -0.128264 -0.395876 0.909302 -0.073566 -0.532168 0.843437 -0.086709 -0.500197 0.861559 -0.086709 -0.500197 0.861559 -0.14418 -0.351977 0.924838 0.190204 -0.949418 0.249854 0.225595 -0.966146 0.125175 0.190204 -0.949418 0.249854 -0.219828 -0.13118 0.966679 -0.219968 -0.131238 0.966639 -0.299562 0.113769 0.947269 -0.306844 0.139317 0.941508 -0.219713 -0.131135 0.966711 -0.293524 0.093118 0.951406 -0.398395 0.509319 0.762808 -0.403694 0.545846 0.734223 -0.430415 0.742001 0.513981 -0.429691 0.767533 0.475666 -0.393106 0.476932 0.786132 -0.430272 0.717209 0.548158 -0.442505 0.813305 0.377789 -0.440307 0.828338 0.346391 -0.430562 0.887755 0.162812 -0.428971 0.890853 0.149547 -0.444066 0.798313 0.406819 -0.431987 0.884654 0.175426 -0.189475 0.965214 -0.180171 -0.214235 0.967087 -0.137282 -0.195367 0.968567 -0.153982 -0.075419 0.988339 -0.132279 -0.075419 0.988339 -0.132279 -0.063335 0.98337 -0.170211 -0.063335 0.98337 -0.170211 -0.0321 0.835186 -0.549031 -0.180616 0.953775 -0.240189 0.149094 0.525742 -0.837476 0.120009 0.745944 -0.655108 0.120009 0.745944 -0.655108 -0.009386 0.988544 -0.150638 -0.063809 0.945213 -0.320157 0.288793 0.156847 -0.944456 0.396571 -0.24017 -0.886031 0.420954 0.205883 -0.883409 0.420954 0.205883 -0.883409 0.420954 0.205883 -0.883409 0.420954 0.205883 -0.883409 0.41375 -0.013314 -0.910293 0.286989 0.370208 -0.883506 0.440467 -0.674232 -0.59279 0.377543 -0.901542 -0.211386 0.48019 -0.819805 -0.31199 0.603813 -0.786986 -0.126739 0.518022 -0.460515 -0.720818 0.518022 -0.460515 -0.720818 0.346659 -0.93589 -0.062745 0.36434 -0.930736 -0.031407 0.58253 -0.812573 -0.019608 0.427016 -0.904231 -0.004873 0.393332 -0.919138 -0.021784 0.383194 -0.922908 -0.037467 0.410585 -0.911414 -0.027282 0.533657 -0.845502 0.018358 0.533657 -0.845502 0.018358 0.481227 -0.87601 0.03206 0.481227 -0.87601 0.03206 0.287217 -0.895718 0.339404 0.182956 -0.943247 0.277151 0.321904 -0.929945 0.177711 0.011723 -0.468167 0.883562 -0.06126 -0.328589 0.942484 -0.097407 -0.473373 0.87546 0.120713 -0.457342 0.88106 0.120713 -0.457342 0.88106 0.386594 -0.832959 0.395886 0.386594 -0.832959 0.395886 -0.136018 -0.099339 0.985713 -0.222184 0.121316 0.967428 -0.047012 -0.065074 0.996772 -0.069917 -0.15457 0.985505 -0.303435 0.485257 0.820032 -0.34457 0.724659 0.596776 -0.330945 0.833798 0.441878 -0.278425 0.935996 0.215387 -0.157242 0.913832 0.374414 0.264458 -0.963345 -0.045034 0.263443 -0.963482 -0.047955 0.265475 -0.963194 -0.042203 -0.388774 0.920502 -0.039118 -0.391348 0.919687 -0.031969 -0.386265 0.92124 -0.045989 0.38082 -0.924608 -0.008754 0.519557 -0.853425 -0.041562 0.519557 -0.853425 -0.041562 0.519557 -0.853425 -0.041562 0.519557 -0.853425 -0.041562 0.431471 -0.901394 0.036359 0.546068 -0.837675 0.010522 -0.240593 0.970593 -0.008065 -0.106368 0.993514 -0.040192 -0.106368 0.993514 -0.040192 -0.073671 0.991548 0.106795 -0.073671 0.991548 0.106795 0.914416 0.317634 0.250904 0.756075 0.608589 0.24077 0.756075 0.608589 0.24077 0.914416 0.317634 0.250904 0.633528 0.763034 0.128145 0.633528 0.763034 0.128145 0.633528 0.763034 0.128145 0.633528 0.763034 0.128145 0.677267 0.714815 0.174212 0.677267 0.714815 0.174212 0.677267 0.714815 0.174212 0.677267 0.714815 0.174212 0.960105 -0.133253 0.245851 0.960105 -0.133253 0.245851 0.960105 -0.133253 0.245851 0.960105 -0.133253 0.245851 0.960909 -0.201217 0.190175 0.960909 -0.201217 0.190175 0.960909 -0.201217 0.190175 0.960909 -0.201217 0.190175 0.972327 -0.008206 0.233481 0.972327 -0.008206 0.233481 -0.291271 0.947854 -0.129359 -0.296111 0.948707 -0.110788 -0.286533 0.946706 -0.14713 0.269333 -0.960574 -0.068974 0.267713 -0.960996 -0.069398 0.270917 -0.960158 -0.068558 -0.203462 0.97005 -0.132688 0.103276 0.992386 -0.067115 -0.158242 0.982268 -0.100543 -0.1159 0.986641 -0.114483 0.382437 -0.923057 -0.041328 0.496261 -0.867055 -0.044047 0.496261 -0.867055 -0.044047 0.478721 -0.877809 0.016673 0.478721 -0.877809 0.016673 0.584667 0.795367 0.159862 0.584667 0.795367 0.159862 0.584667 0.795367 0.159862 0.584667 0.795367 0.159862 0.357604 0.933423 -0.029016 0.357604 0.933423 -0.029016 0.274594 0.955133 -0.110991 0.274594 0.955133 -0.110991 0.274594 0.955133 -0.110991 0.881041 -0.273732 -0.385795 0.881041 -0.273732 -0.385795 0.881041 -0.273732 -0.385795 0.519088 0.767125 -0.376916 0.519088 0.767125 -0.376916 0.519088 0.767125 -0.376916 0.800013 -0.593103 -0.0906 0.800013 -0.593103 -0.0906 0.800013 -0.593103 -0.0906 0.851169 -0.524666 0.01536 0.851169 -0.524666 0.01536 0.943234 -0.241355 0.228162 0.943234 -0.241355 0.228162 0.943234 -0.241355 0.228162 0.943234 -0.241355 0.228162 -0.471161 0.881822 -0.019964 -0.428425 0.903207 -0.025864 0.255877 -0.96256 -0.089477 0.26412 -0.960572 -0.086843 0.26482 -0.961748 -0.07008 0.258213 -0.963027 -0.076847 0.247564 -0.967441 -0.052641 0.255814 -0.964451 -0.066285 0.256021 -0.965331 -0.05089 0.262296 -0.962304 -0.071923 0.264759 -0.96176 -0.070151 0.256613 -0.963448 -0.076931 0.263499 -0.96208 -0.070499 0.262651 -0.962295 -0.070726 0.261783 -0.962612 -0.069627 0.254469 -0.964734 -0.06733 0.23443 -0.96837 -0.08545 0.228965 -0.970207 -0.079208 0.230657 -0.970487 -0.070375 -0.446359 0.838331 0.312994 -0.433463 0.891322 0.132869 -0.445628 0.782165 0.43547 -0.190792 0.851368 -0.488643 -0.278636 0.945684 -0.167461 -0.041172 0.54984 -0.834255 0.118953 0.094448 -0.988398 0.243117 -0.383799 -0.890838 -0.451082 0.566674 0.689497 -0.383131 0.144068 0.91239 0.299513 -0.776153 -0.554868 0.283971 -0.940215 -0.188031 -0.294193 -0.159731 0.942304 -0.49809 -0.267911 0.8247 -0.187611 -0.448348 0.873949 0.269294 -0.959322 -0.084742 0.266224 -0.961383 -0.069774 0.043075 -0.854168 0.51821 0.224791 -0.971685 0.072786 -0.057008 -0.570826 0.819089 0.205494 -0.960052 0.189928 -0.400962 0.915704 -0.026767 0.261515 -0.963883 -0.050399 -0.303902 0.948042 -0.094129 0.266196 -0.961389 -0.069786 -0.763562 0.60397 -0.228459 -0.894733 0.155512 -0.418652 -0.853728 0.165127 0.493844 -0.759656 -0.149893 0.632815 -0.728403 -0.350328 0.588812 -0.798807 -0.325251 -0.506081 -0.882091 0.415599 -0.221794 -0.845276 0.513086 -0.14917 -0.782649 0.603323 -0.153173 -0.820494 0.526676 -0.222266 -0.881375 0.461012 -0.103183 -0.838673 0.542887 -0.043604 -0.915063 0.390262 -0.101764 -0.90289 0.429872 2.5e-005 -0.933434 0.327912 -0.145513 -0.95078 0.307409 -0.038945 -0.929466 0.297774 -0.217769 -0.964023 0.222349 -0.145673 -0.904689 0.31138 -0.290827 -0.937585 0.207115 -0.279354 -0.868561 0.363497 -0.336855 -0.881541 0.267587 -0.38895 -0.834897 0.434224 -0.338225 -0.817316 0.380588 -0.432606 -0.816534 0.496555 -0.294456 -0.769439 0.50305 -0.393579 -0.756223 0.588087 -0.286843 -0.850172 -0.134643 -0.508997 -0.859031 -0.110035 -0.499959 -0.924393 -0.16478 -0.344013 -0.91814 -0.191549 -0.346882 -0.769049 -0.030773 -0.638449 -0.781026 -0.010075 -0.624418 -0.817741 -0.212059 -0.535098 -0.727237 -0.096138 -0.67962 -0.893631 -0.275596 -0.354219 -0.681823 0.108136 -0.723481 -0.697161 0.123519 -0.706193 -0.598199 0.269946 -0.754511 -0.616683 0.279118 -0.736068 -0.629859 0.058938 -0.77447 -0.536549 0.239521 -0.809163 -0.96562 -0.198008 -0.168438 -0.970075 -0.170972 -0.172406 -0.992058 -0.125764 -0.001996 -0.988485 -0.151066 0.00877 -0.946591 -0.282723 -0.155027 -0.972153 -0.230407 0.042786 -0.524899 0.437756 -0.729966 -0.546127 0.440508 -0.71253 -0.470807 0.595681 -0.650773 -0.494107 0.592399 -0.636334 -0.454795 0.426805 -0.781664 -0.394416 0.603076 -0.69335 -0.439346 0.728228 -0.525984 -0.46388 0.719895 -0.5163 -0.435573 0.82201 -0.366847 -0.460282 0.81007 -0.363217 -0.359261 0.75097 -0.554053 -0.355047 0.855689 -0.376481 -0.457801 0.868636 -0.189444 -0.481698 0.854907 -0.192614 -0.505938 0.862498 -0.01117 -0.527983 0.848992 -0.021152 -0.379899 0.907648 -0.178472 -0.433566 0.900889 0.020507 -0.984095 -0.057559 0.168057 -0.987851 -0.035838 0.151215 -0.958144 0.091863 0.271149 -0.953232 0.07524 0.292726 -0.967207 -0.126019 0.220523 -0.932815 0.022185 0.359672 -0.898502 0.232844 0.372126 -0.905519 0.243418 0.34754 -0.835644 0.405135 0.370897 -0.825824 0.400986 0.396517 -0.871709 0.198141 0.448178 -0.790618 0.385787 0.475491 -0.741571 0.56249 0.365619 -0.754608 0.560487 0.341206 -0.671217 0.694401 0.259375 -0.654961 0.701705 0.280422 -0.696552 0.565996 0.44098 -0.599928 0.721408 0.345914 -0.573257 0.805323 0.1511 -0.592638 0.794074 0.135005 -0.508721 0.837005 0.201556 -0.776736 -0.291838 -0.558133 -0.860334 -0.361889 -0.358973 -0.677125 -0.164174 -0.71732 -0.708974 -0.266461 -0.652959 -0.708974 -0.266461 -0.652959 -0.802646 -0.367596 -0.469715 -0.802646 -0.367596 -0.469715 -0.569906 0.006653 -0.821683 -0.467119 0.205477 -0.859988 -0.490458 0.08293 -0.86751 -0.490458 0.08293 -0.86751 -0.597837 -0.10612 -0.794562 -0.597837 -0.10612 -0.794562 -0.918641 -0.369605 -0.139609 -0.946837 -0.312054 0.078247 -0.878904 -0.409369 -0.244838 -0.878904 -0.409369 -0.244838 -0.923142 -0.383871 -0.021252 -0.923142 -0.383871 -0.021252 -0.377062 0.411697 -0.829657 -0.31053 0.605832 -0.732488 -0.306711 0.505251 -0.806629 -0.306711 0.505251 -0.806629 -0.386876 0.300553 -0.871777 -0.386876 0.300553 -0.871777 -0.27189 0.768655 -0.579004 -0.267239 0.884043 -0.383472 -0.228172 0.839313 -0.493448 -0.228172 0.839313 -0.493448 -0.25024 0.697054 -0.671935 -0.25024 0.697054 -0.671935 -0.294667 0.941172 -0.16543 -0.353716 0.933811 0.053687 -0.284583 0.957463 -0.047724 -0.284583 0.957463 -0.047724 -0.240311 0.932041 -0.271202 -0.240311 0.932041 -0.271202 -0.941343 -0.197064 0.273932 -0.90351 -0.033891 0.427224 -0.935321 -0.291195 0.200947 -0.935321 -0.291195 0.200947 -0.91318 -0.14897 0.379355 -0.91318 -0.14897 0.379355 -0.836175 0.159896 0.524638 -0.746925 0.36654 0.554754 -0.856669 0.042848 0.514084 -0.856669 0.042848 0.514084 -0.776525 0.247557 0.579417 -0.776525 0.247557 0.579417 -0.643376 0.564976 0.516594 -0.536942 0.736155 0.412031 -0.672961 0.4653 0.574996 -0.672961 0.4653 0.574996 -0.56579 0.65423 0.501862 -0.56579 0.65423 0.501862 -0.436455 0.863405 0.25306 -0.454488 0.814603 0.360365 -0.454488 0.814603 0.360365 -0.360766 0.915681 0.177133 -0.360766 0.915681 0.177133 -0.674419 0.735822 0.061033 -0.434756 0.890088 0.13686 -0.434756 0.890088 0.13686 -0.520213 0.853855 -0.017622 -0.665617 0.697004 0.266719 -0.520871 0.79721 0.305206 -0.520871 0.79721 0.305206 -0.805901 0.546158 0.228549 -0.584249 0.785267 -0.204962 -0.623002 0.649856 0.43538 -0.623002 0.649856 0.43538 -0.832262 0.403733 0.379921 -0.721672 0.476223 0.502395 -0.721672 0.476223 0.502395 -0.928491 0.288679 0.233601 -0.324035 0.905135 -0.275196 -0.324035 0.905135 -0.275196 -0.451612 0.814355 -0.364517 -0.364688 0.92851 -0.069796 -0.364688 0.92851 -0.069796 -0.569821 0.6756 -0.467835 -0.816935 0.276203 0.506289 -0.816935 0.276203 0.506289 -0.956516 0.086017 0.278708 -0.8905 0.088053 0.446382 -0.8905 0.088053 0.446382 -0.995319 0.061789 0.074307 -0.942406 -0.088207 0.32263 -0.942406 -0.088207 0.32263 -0.99088 -0.134735 0.001843 -0.962741 -0.21894 0.158727 -0.962741 -0.21894 0.158727 -0.980892 -0.047856 -0.188578 -0.951542 -0.304128 -0.045532 -0.951542 -0.304128 -0.045532 -0.922283 -0.17417 -0.345049 -0.910943 -0.327411 -0.250969 -0.910943 -0.327411 -0.250969 -0.890717 0.00159 -0.454556 -0.333285 0.689182 -0.643388 -0.333285 0.689182 -0.643388 -0.485991 0.593602 -0.641443 -0.312812 0.819941 -0.479422 -0.312812 0.819941 -0.479422 -0.636635 0.448703 -0.627185 -0.458792 0.324789 -0.827056 -0.458792 0.324789 -0.827056 -0.610227 0.27588 -0.742639 -0.385207 0.512978 -0.767117 -0.385207 0.512978 -0.767117 -0.759206 0.191252 -0.622116 -0.65261 -0.048848 -0.756118 -0.65261 -0.048848 -0.756118 -0.776854 -0.017376 -0.629441 -0.554015 0.124874 -0.823088 -0.554015 0.124874 -0.823088 -0.840908 -0.289012 -0.457544 -0.840908 -0.289012 -0.457544 -0.754744 -0.19622 -0.625987 -0.754744 -0.19622 -0.625987 -0.893991 0.415591 -0.167526 -0.852789 0.51311 -0.097305 -0.790531 0.603333 -0.105116 -0.832519 0.5267 -0.171753 -0.886053 0.460974 -0.049131 -0.83977 0.542887 0.007703 -0.919577 0.390245 -0.04569 -0.901214 0.429852 0.055145 -0.940561 0.327948 -0.088284 -0.951367 0.307465 0.019156 -0.941017 0.297815 -0.160602 -0.971106 0.222396 -0.086563 -0.920755 0.311386 -0.235051 -0.952879 0.207158 -0.2216 -0.887513 0.363492 -0.283187 -0.903645 0.26758 -0.334404 -0.85398 0.43423 -0.286639 -0.842219 0.380614 -0.381837 -0.832994 0.496543 -0.244063 -0.792038 0.503043 -0.345867 -0.772315 0.588102 -0.240136 -0.879664 -0.134654 -0.456134 -0.888 -0.109926 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-0.528138 0.849085 0.011165 -0.390071 0.90765 -0.154972 -0.431493 0.900896 0.046901 -0.972007 -0.057531 0.227801 -0.976764 -0.035909 0.21129 -0.939803 0.091878 0.329133 -0.933594 0.075298 0.350332 -0.951939 -0.126015 0.279165 -0.909109 0.02221 0.415966 -0.874132 0.232888 0.426212 -0.882642 0.243469 0.402077 -0.811472 0.405153 0.421146 -0.800115 0.400998 0.446112 -0.842709 0.198139 0.500582 -0.760111 0.385786 0.522876 -0.717905 0.562496 0.410134 -0.732397 0.560489 0.386582 -0.654205 0.694361 0.299798 -0.636653 0.701685 0.319861 -0.668339 0.566008 0.482657 -0.577715 0.721387 0.381898 -0.562945 0.80533 0.18584 -0.583255 0.794097 0.170946 -0.495491 0.836987 0.232253 -0.809381 -0.29177 -0.50968 -0.880665 -0.361855 -0.305763 -0.719607 -0.164199 -0.674689 -0.747466 -0.266532 -0.608486 -0.747466 -0.266532 -0.608486 -0.829867 -0.367487 -0.419851 -0.829867 -0.367487 -0.419851 -0.618916 0.006565 -0.78543 -0.518677 0.20539 -0.829933 -0.542306 0.082763 -0.836095 -0.542306 0.082763 -0.836095 -0.645111 -0.10624 -0.756667 -0.645111 -0.10624 -0.756667 -0.925435 -0.369644 -0.083261 -0.940274 -0.312117 0.135895 -0.892238 -0.40931 -0.190727 -0.892238 -0.40931 -0.190727 -0.922761 -0.383771 0.035099 -0.922761 -0.383771 0.035099 -0.426921 0.411679 -0.805146 -0.354564 0.605851 -0.7122 -0.355338 0.50528 -0.786402 -0.355338 0.50528 -0.786402 -0.439233 0.300449 -0.846643 -0.439233 0.300449 -0.846643 -0.306667 0.768671 -0.561338 -0.290038 0.884075 -0.366455 -0.257637 0.83936 -0.478642 -0.257637 0.83936 -0.478642 -0.290735 0.697081 -0.655401 -0.290735 0.697081 -0.655401 -0.304066 0.941218 -0.14715 -0.349737 0.933827 0.075174 -0.28691 0.95748 -0.030251 -0.28691 0.95748 -0.030251 -0.256253 0.932074 -0.256072 -0.256253 0.932074 -0.256072 -0.922839 -0.197099 0.330938 -0.875718 -0.033881 0.481632 -0.92134 -0.291169 0.25759 -0.92134 -0.291169 0.25759 -0.888291 -0.148904 0.434472 -0.888291 -0.148904 0.434472 -0.802593 0.159914 0.574693 -0.711678 0.366545 0.599299 -0.823746 0.042922 0.565332 -0.823746 0.042922 0.565332 -0.739787 0.247645 0.62561 -0.739787 0.247645 0.62561 -0.610602 0.564985 0.554939 -0.510766 0.736144 0.444083 -0.636725 0.465269 0.614904 -0.636725 0.465269 0.614904 -0.533905 0.654276 0.535602 -0.533905 0.654276 0.535602 -0.420243 0.863377 0.27924 -0.431627 0.814583 0.387497 -0.431627 0.814583 0.387497 -0.349399 0.915641 0.198803 -0.349399 0.915641 0.198803 -0.669461 0.735802 0.10207 -0.425633 0.890073 0.163115 -0.425633 0.890073 0.163115 -0.520372 0.853823 0.014123 -0.648119 0.696987 0.30684 -0.501299 0.797186 0.336443 -0.501299 0.797186 0.336443 -0.790468 0.546141 0.277292 -0.595674 0.785265 -0.16891 -0.595319 0.649863 0.472518 -0.595319 0.649863 0.472518 -0.807552 0.403716 0.429968 -0.689687 0.476205 0.545491 -0.689687 0.476205 0.545491 -0.912497 0.288713 0.289819 -0.340278 0.905124 -0.254874 -0.340278 0.905124 -0.254874 -0.473023 0.814364 -0.336246 -0.368283 0.928503 -0.047429 -0.368283 0.928503 -0.047429 -0.597319 0.675599 -0.432177 -0.784495 0.276145 0.555258 -0.784495 0.276145 0.555258 -0.937708 0.086083 0.33659 -0.861592 0.088154 0.499888 -0.861592 0.088154 0.499888 -0.988927 0.061823 0.134915 -0.920941 -0.088187 0.379593 -0.920941 -0.088187 0.379593 -0.988916 -0.134768 0.062315 -0.951261 -0.218959 0.217164 -0.951261 -0.218959 0.217164 -0.990572 -0.047886 -0.128348 -0.952533 -0.304172 0.012639 -0.952533 -0.304172 0.012639 -0.941604 -0.174257 -0.288127 -0.924502 -0.327588 -0.19489 -0.924502 -0.327588 -0.19489 -0.916794 0.001575 -0.399357 -0.371884 0.68917 -0.62189 -0.371884 0.68917 -0.62189 -0.524217 0.593586 -0.610615 -0.341522 0.819937 -0.459419 -0.341522 0.819937 -0.459419 -0.67373 0.448731 -0.587136 -0.508273 0.324841 -0.797582 -0.508273 0.324841 -0.797582 -0.654408 0.275923 -0.704001 -0.431256 0.512942 -0.742232 -0.431256 0.512942 -0.742232 -0.795796 0.191247 -0.574573 -0.697579 -0.048902 -0.714837 -0.697579 -0.048902 -0.714837 -0.813837 -0.017408 -0.580832 -0.603118 0.124793 -0.787829 -0.603118 0.124793 -0.787829 -0.867228 -0.2891 -0.405385 -0.867228 -0.2891 -0.405385 -0.791556 -0.196178 -0.578751 -0.791556 -0.196178 -0.578751 -0.901526 0.415605 -0.120514 -0.856728 0.513083 -0.052568 -0.79497 0.603306 -0.063603 -0.840387 0.526671 -0.127932 -0.887396 0.461001 -0.002709 -0.838231 0.542867 0.051615 -0.920699 0.390266 0.002481 -0.897084 0.42987 0.102235 -0.943901 0.327925 -0.038932 -0.949069 0.307436 0.068931 -0.948142 0.297789 -0.111121 -0.974317 0.222348 -0.035607 -0.931787 0.311398 -0.186557 -0.963177 0.207144 -0.17141 -0.901104 0.36352 -0.236357 -0.9199 0.267594 -0.286665 -0.867821 0.434221 -0.241534 -0.861054 0.380613 -0.337224 -0.844616 0.496555 -0.200145 -0.809052 0.503051 -0.30393 -0.783815 0.588105 -0.199414 -0.902331 -0.134658 -0.40947 -0.910095 -0.110092 -0.399508 -0.957396 -0.164761 -0.237162 -0.951504 -0.191557 -0.240719 -0.836389 -0.030742 -0.547273 -0.846641 -0.010166 -0.532067 -0.873065 -0.212056 -0.439078 -0.799522 -0.096071 -0.592904 -0.927988 -0.275596 -0.25077 -0.75935 0.108178 -0.641627 -0.772574 0.123485 -0.622801 -0.679747 0.269941 -0.681964 -0.696037 0.279122 -0.661531 -0.713491 0.058967 -0.698178 -0.624665 0.239481 -0.743265 -0.978484 -0.197989 -0.058051 -0.983359 -0.170953 -0.061486 -0.98591 -0.125746 0.110318 -0.981144 -0.151028 0.120606 -0.958069 -0.282677 -0.046878 -0.961061 -0.230405 0.152565 -0.604128 0.437743 -0.66589 -0.623277 0.4405 -0.646131 -0.541474 0.59567 -0.593281 -0.562987 0.592379 -0.576309 -0.540315 0.426804 -0.725188 -0.470363 0.603088 -0.644239 -0.496098 0.728225 -0.472838 -0.519358 0.719903 -0.460442 -0.474308 0.822012 -0.315164 -0.498414 0.810087 -0.308775 -0.419719 0.75096 -0.509799 -0.395413 0.855684 -0.333847 -0.476305 0.868633 -0.136417 -0.500338 0.854946 -0.136853 -0.503911 0.86252 0.046175 -0.526876 0.849057 0.038778 -0.397648 0.90765 -0.134343 -0.428441 0.900898 0.069434 -0.958762 -0.057518 0.278329 -0.964392 -0.035818 0.262039 -0.921306 0.091891 0.377825 -0.913994 0.075291 0.39868 -0.936016 -0.126057 0.328609 -0.886107 0.022195 0.462949 -0.850636 0.232913 0.471349 -0.860387 0.243483 0.447718 -0.788294 0.405165 0.463071 -0.775682 0.401015 0.487344 -0.815375 0.198175 0.543958 -0.731732 0.385807 0.561891 -0.695486 0.562483 0.447115 -0.711171 0.560472 0.424389 -0.637704 0.694328 0.333531 -0.619067 0.70168 0.352705 -0.642204 0.565999 0.516932 -0.556934 0.72139 0.411607 -0.55246 0.805324 0.215037 -0.573612 0.794043 0.201158 -0.482622 0.837001 0.257887 -0.834958 -0.291784 -0.466591 -0.895476 -0.36182 -0.259247 -0.753947 -0.164185 -0.636088 -0.778389 -0.266443 -0.568435 -0.778389 -0.266443 -0.568435 -0.85078 -0.367365 -0.375787 -0.85078 -0.367365 -0.375787 -0.659212 0.006608 -0.751928 -0.561469 0.205445 -0.801589 -0.585571 0.082903 -0.806371 -0.585571 0.082903 -0.806371 -0.68384 -0.106145 -0.72187 -0.68384 -0.106145 -0.72187 -0.928535 -0.369617 -0.03472 -0.931857 -0.312151 0.184942 -0.900963 -0.409389 -0.143759 -0.900963 -0.409389 -0.143759 -0.919545 -0.38404 0.083369 -0.919545 -0.38404 0.083369 -0.468541 0.411709 -0.781643 -0.391394 0.605853 -0.692642 -0.396012 0.505238 -0.766753 -0.396012 0.505238 -0.766753 -0.483086 0.300582 -0.822361 -0.483086 0.300582 -0.822361 -0.335611 0.768674 -0.544524 -0.308821 0.884071 -0.350782 -0.282294 0.839352 -0.464541 -0.282294 0.839352 -0.464541 -0.324584 0.697098 -0.639297 -0.324584 0.697098 -0.639297 -0.311382 0.941208 -0.131028 -0.345337 0.933823 0.093369 -0.288091 0.957482 -0.015198 -0.288091 0.957482 -0.015198 -0.269263 0.932091 -0.242289 -0.269263 0.932091 -0.242289 -0.90424 -0.197139 0.378795 -0.849318 -0.033887 0.526793 -0.906516 -0.291302 0.30557 -0.906516 -0.291302 0.30557 -0.864364 -0.148893 0.480318 -0.864364 -0.148893 0.480318 -0.771408 0.159919 0.615919 -0.679286 0.366533 0.635786 -0.792985 0.042901 0.607728 -0.792985 0.042901 0.607728 -0.706008 0.247614 0.663506 -0.706008 0.247614 0.663506 -0.580645 0.564972 0.586224 -0.48678 0.736146 0.470249 -0.603479 0.465219 0.647599 -0.603479 0.465219 0.647599 -0.504954 0.654277 0.562977 -0.504954 0.654277 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-0.218939 0.158728 0.99088 -0.134735 0.001843 0.980892 -0.047855 -0.188578 0.951542 -0.304128 -0.045532 0.951542 -0.304128 -0.045532 0.910943 -0.327411 -0.250969 0.910943 -0.327411 -0.250969 0.922283 -0.17417 -0.345049 0.890716 0.00159 -0.454557 0.485991 0.593602 -0.641444 0.333285 0.689182 -0.643389 0.333285 0.689182 -0.643389 0.312811 0.819941 -0.479423 0.312811 0.819941 -0.479423 0.636635 0.448703 -0.627185 0.610227 0.27588 -0.742639 0.458793 0.324789 -0.827056 0.458793 0.324789 -0.827056 0.385207 0.512978 -0.767117 0.385207 0.512978 -0.767117 0.759206 0.191253 -0.622116 0.776853 -0.017375 -0.629442 0.652609 -0.048847 -0.756119 0.652609 -0.048847 -0.756119 0.554015 0.124875 -0.823088 0.554015 0.124875 -0.823088 0.840908 -0.289013 -0.457544 0.840908 -0.289013 -0.457544 0.754743 -0.196221 -0.625988 0.754743 -0.196221 -0.625988 0.89399 0.415592 -0.167526 0.832519 0.5267 -0.171753 0.790531 0.603333 -0.105117 0.852789 0.51311 -0.097305 0.83977 0.542888 0.007703 0.886052 0.460975 -0.049131 0.901214 0.429852 0.055145 0.919576 0.390246 -0.04569 0.951367 0.307465 0.019156 0.940561 0.327949 -0.088285 0.971106 0.222397 -0.086563 0.941017 0.297816 -0.160602 0.952879 0.207158 -0.2216 0.920755 0.311387 -0.235051 0.903645 0.267581 -0.334404 0.887512 0.363492 -0.283187 0.842219 0.380615 -0.381837 0.85398 0.434231 -0.286639 0.792038 0.503043 -0.345866 0.832994 0.496543 -0.244064 0.772315 0.588102 -0.240136 0.879664 -0.134655 -0.456134 0.9376 -0.19156 -0.290193 0.943677 -0.164737 -0.286941 0.888 -0.109926 -0.446511 0.817724 -0.00997 -0.575524 0.80662 -0.030686 -0.590273 0.767375 -0.096081 -0.633959 0.848873 -0.212065 -0.484194 0.913581 -0.275636 -0.298988 0.724742 0.108179 -0.680475 0.738949 0.123532 -0.66234 0.660436 0.27909 -0.697089 0.643135 0.269926 -0.716601 0.584964 0.239494 -0.774893 0.675993 0.05896 -0.734546 0.974111 -0.197948 -0.109199 0.986115 -0.151018 0.06907 0.990316 -0.125851 0.058611 0.978782 -0.171015 -0.112869 0.954288 -0.282726 -0.096957 0.967729 -0.230415 0.102031 0.56848 0.437758 -0.696562 0.588631 0.440497 -0.677847 0.53211 0.592376 -0.604938 0.509718 0.595661 -0.620786 0.435956 0.603078 -0.668011 0.50161 0.426813 -0.752475 0.470691 0.728209 -0.498159 0.494546 0.719896 -0.487006 0.481598 0.810073 -0.334434 0.457223 0.821985 -0.339539 0.377427 0.855678 -0.354067 0.392475 0.750949 -0.531074 0.468565 0.868607 -0.161147 0.492517 0.854935 -0.162827 0.528139 0.849085 0.011166 0.505641 0.862518 0.019727 0.431494 0.900896 0.046901 0.390071 0.90765 -0.154973 0.972007 -0.057531 0.227801 0.933594 0.075298 0.350331 0.939803 0.091878 0.329132 0.976763 -0.035908 0.211291 0.951938 -0.126015 0.279165 0.909109 0.02221 0.415966 0.874132 0.232888 0.426211 0.800116 0.400997 0.446112 0.811473 0.405152 0.421145 0.882643 0.243469 0.402076 0.84271 0.198139 0.500581 0.760112 0.385786 0.522875 0.717906 0.562496 0.410133 0.636654 0.701684 0.319861 0.654205 0.694361 0.299798 0.732399 0.560488 0.386581 0.66834 0.566008 0.482657 0.577716 0.721386 0.381898 0.562946 0.805329 0.185841 0.583256 0.794097 0.170947 0.495493 0.836986 0.232253 0.80938 -0.291772 -0.50968 0.880664 -0.361856 -0.305763 0.719606 -0.1642 -0.674689 0.747465 -0.266538 -0.608485 0.747465 -0.266538 -0.608485 0.829866 -0.367488 -0.419851 0.829866 -0.367488 -0.419851 0.618916 0.006565 -0.785429 0.518677 0.20539 -0.829933 0.542306 0.082764 -0.836094 0.542306 0.082764 -0.836094 0.645111 -0.10624 -0.756667 0.645111 -0.10624 -0.756667 0.925435 -0.369645 -0.083261 0.940274 -0.312117 0.135895 0.892238 -0.409311 -0.190727 0.892238 -0.409311 -0.190727 0.922761 -0.383771 0.035099 0.922761 -0.383771 0.035099 0.426921 0.411679 -0.805145 0.354564 0.605851 -0.7122 0.355336 0.505279 -0.786403 0.355336 0.505279 -0.786403 0.439231 0.300449 -0.846644 0.439231 0.300449 -0.846644 0.306668 0.768671 -0.561338 0.290038 0.884075 -0.366456 0.257636 0.83936 -0.478642 0.257636 0.83936 -0.478642 0.290734 0.697081 -0.655402 0.290734 0.697081 -0.655402 0.304066 0.941217 -0.147151 0.349737 0.933827 0.075173 0.286911 0.957479 -0.030251 0.286911 0.957479 -0.030251 0.256254 0.932073 -0.256073 0.256254 0.932073 -0.256073 0.922839 -0.197099 0.330938 0.875719 -0.033881 0.481631 0.92134 -0.291169 0.257591 0.92134 -0.291169 0.257591 0.888292 -0.148903 0.434472 0.888292 -0.148903 0.434472 0.802594 0.159913 0.574692 0.711679 0.366544 0.599299 0.823747 0.042921 0.56533 0.823747 0.042921 0.56533 0.739788 0.247644 0.625609 0.739788 0.247644 0.625609 0.610602 0.564985 0.554939 0.510767 0.736143 0.444084 0.636725 0.465269 0.614904 0.636725 0.465269 0.614904 0.533904 0.654276 0.535602 0.533904 0.654276 0.535602 0.420244 0.863377 0.27924 0.431628 0.814582 0.387498 0.431628 0.814582 0.387498 0.3494 0.91564 0.198803 0.3494 0.91564 0.198803 0.669461 0.735802 0.10207 0.520373 0.853823 0.014123 0.425634 0.890072 0.163116 0.425634 0.890072 0.163116 0.501299 0.797186 0.336443 0.501299 0.797186 0.336443 0.64812 0.696987 0.306839 0.790468 0.54614 0.277292 0.595674 0.785265 -0.16891 0.595321 0.649862 0.472517 0.595321 0.649862 0.472517 0.689688 0.476205 0.545491 0.689688 0.476205 0.545491 0.807553 0.403715 0.429968 0.912497 0.288712 0.289819 0.473023 0.814363 -0.336246 0.340278 0.905124 -0.254874 0.340278 0.905124 -0.254874 0.368283 0.928503 -0.047429 0.368283 0.928503 -0.047429 0.597319 0.675599 -0.432177 0.784495 0.276145 0.555259 0.784495 0.276145 0.555259 0.861592 0.088154 0.499888 0.861592 0.088154 0.499888 0.937708 0.086083 0.33659 0.988927 0.061823 0.134914 0.920941 -0.088186 0.379593 0.920941 -0.088186 0.379593 0.95126 -0.21896 0.217164 0.95126 -0.21896 0.217164 0.988916 -0.134769 0.062315 0.990572 -0.047886 -0.128348 0.952533 -0.304172 0.012639 0.952533 -0.304172 0.012639 0.924502 -0.327588 -0.19489 0.924502 -0.327588 -0.19489 0.941604 -0.174257 -0.288127 0.916794 0.001576 -0.399356 0.524217 0.593587 -0.610616 0.371884 0.68917 -0.62189 0.371884 0.68917 -0.62189 0.341521 0.819938 -0.459418 0.341521 0.819938 -0.459418 0.67373 0.448731 -0.587136 0.654408 0.275923 -0.704001 0.508272 0.32484 -0.797583 0.508272 0.32484 -0.797583 0.431255 0.512943 -0.742232 0.431255 0.512943 -0.742232 0.795796 0.191247 -0.574573 0.813837 -0.017407 -0.580832 0.697578 -0.048903 -0.714838 0.697578 -0.048903 -0.714838 0.603119 0.124792 -0.787829 0.603119 0.124792 -0.787829 0.867229 -0.289099 -0.405385 0.867229 -0.289099 -0.405385 0.791557 -0.196177 -0.578751 0.791557 -0.196177 -0.578751 0.901526 0.415605 -0.120514 0.840387 0.526672 -0.127932 0.794969 0.603306 -0.063604 0.856728 0.513083 -0.052568 0.838231 0.542867 0.051615 0.887396 0.461001 -0.002709 0.897084 0.42987 0.102235 0.920699 0.390266 0.002481 0.949069 0.307435 0.068931 0.943901 0.327925 -0.038932 0.974317 0.222348 -0.035607 0.948142 0.29779 -0.111121 0.963177 0.207144 -0.17141 0.931787 0.311398 -0.186557 0.9199 0.267594 -0.286666 0.901104 0.36352 -0.236357 0.861054 0.380613 -0.337224 0.867821 0.43422 -0.241534 0.809052 0.503052 -0.30393 0.844615 0.496555 -0.200145 0.783815 0.588106 -0.199414 0.902331 -0.134657 -0.40947 0.951505 -0.191555 -0.240719 0.957397 -0.164759 -0.237162 0.910095 -0.110091 -0.399509 0.846641 -0.010164 -0.532068 0.836389 -0.03074 -0.547273 0.799522 -0.096071 -0.592903 0.873065 -0.212057 -0.439078 0.927988 -0.275596 -0.250769 0.75935 0.108179 -0.641627 0.772574 0.123486 -0.622801 0.696039 0.279121 -0.66153 0.679748 0.269941 -0.681963 0.624666 0.239481 -0.743264 0.713492 0.058968 -0.698178 0.978484 -0.197988 -0.058051 0.981144 -0.151029 0.120606 0.98591 -0.125744 0.110318 0.983359 -0.17095 -0.061486 0.958068 -0.282679 -0.046878 0.96106 -0.230407 0.152565 0.604129 0.437743 -0.66589 0.623279 0.4405 -0.64613 0.562986 0.59238 -0.576309 0.541474 0.595671 -0.593281 0.470363 0.603088 -0.644239 0.540317 0.426804 -0.725187 0.496097 0.728225 -0.472838 0.519357 0.719904 -0.460442 0.498414 0.810087 -0.308775 0.474307 0.822012 -0.315164 0.395412 0.855684 -0.333848 0.419718 0.75096 -0.5098 0.476305 0.868634 -0.136418 0.500338 0.854946 -0.136853 0.526878 0.849056 0.038777 0.503912 0.86252 0.046174 0.428442 0.900898 0.069434 0.397649 0.907649 -0.134343 0.958762 -0.057519 0.278328 0.913995 0.075292 0.398679 0.921307 0.09189 0.377823 0.964393 -0.035818 0.262038 0.936016 -0.126057 0.328609 0.886107 0.022196 0.462949 0.850636 0.232914 0.471349 0.775682 0.401015 0.487344 0.788293 0.405165 0.463071 0.860387 0.243482 0.447717 0.815375 0.198176 0.543958 0.731732 0.385807 0.56189 0.695486 0.562483 0.447115 0.619067 0.701681 0.352705 0.637704 0.694328 0.333531 0.711171 0.560473 0.424389 0.642204 0.566 0.516931 0.556934 0.721391 0.411607 0.552461 0.805324 0.215037 0.573614 0.794042 0.201158 0.482622 0.837001 0.257887 0.834958 -0.291783 -0.466591 0.895476 -0.361821 -0.259247 0.753948 -0.164185 -0.636086 0.77839 -0.266441 -0.568435 0.77839 -0.266441 -0.568435 0.850781 -0.367364 -0.375787 0.850781 -0.367364 -0.375787 0.659213 0.006608 -0.751927 0.561471 0.205444 -0.801588 0.585571 0.082903 -0.80637 0.585571 0.082903 -0.80637 0.683842 -0.106146 -0.721868 0.683842 -0.106146 -0.721868 0.928535 -0.369619 -0.03472 0.931857 -0.312151 0.184942 0.900962 -0.40939 -0.143759 0.900962 -0.40939 -0.143759 0.919545 -0.384041 0.083368 0.919545 -0.384041 0.083368 0.468542 0.411709 -0.781642 0.391394 0.605852 -0.692642 0.396012 0.505237 -0.766753 0.396012 0.505237 -0.766753 0.483087 0.300582 -0.822361 0.483087 0.300582 -0.822361 0.335612 0.768673 -0.544524 0.308822 0.88407 -0.350783 0.282298 0.839351 -0.464541 0.282298 0.839351 -0.464541 0.324584 0.697097 -0.639298 0.324584 0.697097 -0.639298 0.311382 0.941208 -0.131028 0.345337 0.933822 0.093369 0.288092 0.957482 -0.015198 0.288092 0.957482 -0.015198 0.269263 0.932091 -0.24229 0.269263 0.932091 -0.24229 0.904241 -0.197137 0.378795 0.849318 -0.033886 0.526792 0.906517 -0.291298 0.305569 0.906517 -0.291298 0.305569 0.864366 -0.14889 0.480316 0.864366 -0.14889 0.480316 0.771408 0.159919 0.615918 0.679286 0.366533 0.635786 0.792985 0.042899 0.607728 0.792985 0.042899 0.607728 0.706008 0.247614 0.663506 0.706008 0.247614 0.663506 0.580645 0.564972 0.586224 0.48678 0.736147 0.470249 0.603478 0.46522 0.647599 0.603478 0.46522 0.647599 0.504953 0.654277 0.562978 0.504953 0.654277 0.562978 0.405036 0.863385 0.300853 0.410689 0.814599 0.409589 0.410689 0.814599 0.409589 0.338481 0.915653 0.216817 0.338481 0.915653 0.216817 0.663209 0.735797 0.136955 0.51891 0.853828 0.041351 0.416509 0.890079 0.185148 0.416509 0.890079 0.185148 0.483009 0.797191 0.3622 0.483009 0.797191 0.3622 0.63119 0.696972 0.340336 0.774867 0.546138 0.3183 0.603707 0.785253 -0.137531 0.569776 0.649839 0.503055 0.569776 0.649839 0.503055 0.660154 0.476206 0.580883 0.660154 0.476206 0.580883 0.783916 0.403734 0.471672 0.896072 0.288694 0.33721 0.489984 0.814347 -0.311054 0.353184 0.905088 -0.236803 0.353184 0.905088 -0.236803 0.37037 0.92846 -0.028071 0.37037 0.92846 -0.028071 0.619133 0.675601 -0.400298 0.754336 0.276171 0.595572 0.754336 0.276171 0.595572 0.834221 0.088057 0.544353 0.834221 0.088057 0.544353 0.918789 0.08602 0.385263 0.980512 0.06179 0.18649 0.899791 -0.088184 0.427318 0.899791 -0.088184 0.427318 0.938624 -0.218928 0.266561 0.938624 -0.218928 0.266561 0.984311 -0.134705 0.113962 0.995936 -0.047839 -0.076303 0.950611 -0.304026 0.06251 0.950611 -0.304026 0.06251 0.933471 -0.327493 -0.146219 0.933471 -0.327493 -0.146219 0.955405 -0.174203 -0.238444 0.936437 0.001569 -0.350832 0.555537 0.593601 -0.582252 0.404066 0.689161 -0.601488 0.404066 0.689161 -0.601488 0.365173 0.819941 -0.440846 0.365173 0.819941 -0.440846 0.703577 0.448737 -0.551013 0.690404 0.275889 -0.66875 0.549421 0.324833 -0.769819 0.549421 0.324833 -0.769819 0.469608 0.512996 -0.718542 0.469608 0.512996 -0.718542 0.824772 0.191245 -0.532143 0.843102 -0.017408 -0.537472 0.733997 -0.048862 -0.677392 0.733997 -0.048862 -0.677392 0.643598 0.124759 -0.755127 0.643598 0.124759 -0.755127 0.887242 -0.289106 -0.359472 0.887242 -0.289106 -0.359472 0.820742 -0.196237 -0.536539 0.820742 -0.196237 -0.536539 0.004799 -0.002644 0.999985 0.217379 -0.29933 0.929057 0.343286 -0.260446 0.902399 0.345266 -0.128841 0.929619 0.427508 -0.025705 0.903646 0.358419 0.077937 0.930302 0.310581 0.190036 0.931357 0.283361 0.31208 0.906815 0.152126 0.323593 0.933887 0.055403 0.413697 0.908727 -0.053211 0.352178 0.934419 -0.168578 0.312806 0.934737 -0.292302 0.295043 0.909675 -0.313616 0.164645 0.935167 -0.410591 0.075224 0.908711 -0.354816 -0.044606 0.933871 -0.384457 -0.172963 0.906795 -0.276815 -0.236599 0.93134 -0.185016 -0.316762 0.930286 -0.107829 -0.414517 0.903631 0.015699 -0.368211 0.92961 0.141464 -0.407034 0.902392 0.537339 -0.405437 0.739519 0.39573 -0.544879 0.73926 0.631579 -0.230459 0.740268 0.670093 -0.03547 0.741429 0.649435 0.162235 0.74291 0.571412 0.345101 0.744576 0.442946 0.496855 0.74628 0.275431 0.604011 0.747869 0.083721 0.657025 0.749206 -0.115104 0.651155 0.750165 -0.303363 0.586913 0.750669 -0.464324 0.470011 0.750662 -0.58365 0.310841 0.750154 -0.650733 0.123574 0.749184 -0.659612 -0.075117 0.747844 -0.609525 -0.26757 0.746248 -0.504949 -0.436672 0.744543 -0.355188 -0.567427 0.742878 -0.173565 -0.648227 0.741402 0.023781 -0.671916 0.740246 0.219323 -0.636415 0.739509 0.685783 -0.516002 0.513269 0.504452 -0.694561 0.512945 0.806465 -0.291927 0.514191 0.85577 -0.042228 0.51563 0.829301 0.210926 0.517466 0.729383 0.445068 0.519534 0.564869 0.639382 0.521646 0.350361 0.77658 0.523613 0.104907 0.844447 0.525266 -0.149671 0.836923 0.526458 -0.390731 0.754665 0.527077 -0.596822 0.604981 0.527069 -0.749607 0.401187 0.526438 -0.835505 0.161414 0.52524 -0.846885 -0.092998 0.52358 -0.782763 -0.339423 0.521607 -0.648866 -0.555966 0.519494 -0.457114 -0.723403 0.517431 -0.22455 -0.826882 0.515601 0.028148 -0.85723 0.514164 0.278554 -0.811774 0.513254 0.764451 -0.574253 0.292998 0.561929 -0.773688 0.292646 0.899219 -0.323983 0.294008 0.954251 -0.045107 0.295585 0.924652 0.237609 0.297592 0.813032 0.499068 0.29985 0.629287 0.716031 0.302154 0.389732 0.869199 0.304305 0.115656 0.944944 0.306112 -0.168598 0.936521 0.307412 -0.437753 0.844662 0.308087 -0.667857 0.677535 0.308079 -0.838456 0.450002 0.307392 -0.934389 0.18229 0.306084 -0.947132 -0.101789 0.304269 -0.875572 -0.376965 0.302111 -0.726085 -0.618804 0.299805 -0.511972 -0.805821 0.297552 -0.252264 -0.921418 0.295553 0.029953 -0.95534 0.293985 0.309628 -0.904593 0.292987 0.798003 -0.598181 -0.07328 0.586069 -0.806907 -0.073642 0.938995 -0.336261 -0.07223 0.996517 -0.044421 -0.070578 0.965458 0.251397 -0.068487 0.848585 0.524908 -0.066146 0.656286 0.751815 -0.063741 0.405651 0.911957 -0.061492 0.118954 0.991109 -0.05961 -0.178338 0.982243 -0.058264 -0.459819 0.886145 -0.057563 -0.700466 0.71136 -0.057568 -0.87891 0.473413 -0.058288 -0.979296 0.193442 -0.059656 -0.992704 -0.103687 -0.061544 -0.917938 -0.391562 -0.063789 -0.761641 -0.64461 -0.066194 -0.537687 -0.840354 -0.068539 -0.26598 -0.961388 -0.070622 0.029335 -0.996955 -0.072252 0.322025 -0.94389 -0.073289 0.489041 -0.673299 -0.554533 0.666823 -0.498189 -0.554216 0.26753 -0.788195 -0.554235 0.022 -0.832667 -0.553337 -0.225706 -0.802771 -0.551919 -0.453559 -0.701184 -0.550114 -0.641314 -0.536962 -0.548077 -0.772301 -0.324719 -0.545994 -0.834902 -0.083318 -0.544056 -0.823588 0.165778 -0.542421 -0.73939 0.400462 -0.541233 -0.589781 0.599916 -0.54061 -0.388051 0.746432 -0.540607 -0.152108 0.827012 -0.541215 0.097116 0.8345 -0.542383 0.337502 0.768209 -0.544011 0.547694 0.634009 -0.545952 0.709016 0.4438 -0.548031 0.807116 0.214459 -0.550065 0.833243 -0.033651 -0.551882 0.785054 -0.27846 -0.553309 0.388983 -0.535533 -0.749598 0.530988 -0.395668 -0.749332 0.212054 -0.627295 -0.749355 0.015949 -0.662811 -0.748617 -0.181901 -0.638932 -0.747448 -0.363883 -0.557789 -0.745963 -0.513833 -0.426623 -0.744291 -0.61844 -0.257095 -0.742586 -0.668423 -0.064292 -0.740997 -0.659383 0.134644 -0.739652 -0.592137 0.322074 -0.738676 -0.472648 0.481368 -0.738166 -0.311533 0.598378 -0.738167 -0.123103 0.662731 -0.73867 0.075937 0.668713 -0.739632 0.267924 0.61578 -0.740967 0.435806 0.508617 -0.742551 0.564668 0.356713 -0.744249 0.643025 0.17354 -0.745924 0.663897 -0.024631 -0.747418 0.625417 -0.220165 -0.748585 -0.314094 0.917248 -0.244952 -0.314094 0.917248 -0.244952 -0.259808 0.96395 -0.05745 -0.281726 0.854918 -0.435597 -0.26562 0.953614 0.141658 -0.26562 0.953614 0.141658 -0.199038 0.925455 0.322362 -0.179119 0.848438 0.498065 -0.179119 0.848438 0.498065 -0.108611 0.748774 0.653866 -0.063443 0.612309 0.788069 -0.063443 0.612309 0.788069 -1.7e-005 0.453982 0.891011 0.063381 0.27763 0.958595 0.063381 0.27763 0.958595 0.108384 0.088813 0.990134 0.178744 -0.095856 0.979215 0.178744 -0.095856 0.979215 0.198379 -0.283318 0.938284 0.264814 -0.446113 0.854901 0.264814 -0.446113 0.854901 0.25873 -0.613342 0.746238 0.312978 -0.737657 0.598254 0.312978 -0.737657 0.598254 0.280468 -0.855246 0.435766 0.312985 -0.917578 0.245134 0.312985 -0.917578 0.245134 0.258734 -0.96423 0.057588 0.264819 -0.953854 -0.141539 0.264819 -0.953854 -0.141539 0.198389 -0.925619 -0.32229 0.17876 -0.848538 -0.498024 0.17876 -0.848538 -0.498024 0.108379 -0.74881 -0.653864 0.06339 -0.61227 -0.788103 0.06339 -0.61227 -0.788103 -2.7e-005 -0.453975 -0.891014 -0.06342 -0.277659 -0.958584 -0.06342 -0.277659 -0.958584 -0.108602 -0.088902 -0.990102 -0.17909 0.095694 -0.979168 -0.17909 0.095694 -0.979168 -0.199031 0.283148 -0.938197 -0.26564 0.445929 -0.854742 -0.26564 0.445929 -0.854742 -0.259807 0.613082 -0.746077 -0.314107 0.737313 -0.598085 -0.314107 0.737313 -0.598085 -0.167733 0.983539 -0.0672 -0.181455 0.876108 -0.446663 -0.128727 0.940237 0.31525 -0.070363 0.756553 0.650136 -0.00017 0.453764 0.891122 0.069826 0.080899 0.994273 0.127659 -0.297754 0.946069 0.165993 -0.632488 0.756574 0.179246 -0.876469 0.446848 0.164722 -0.984035 0.06739 0.125936 -0.940655 -0.315131 0.068628 -0.756761 -0.650079 -0.000276 -0.453804 -0.891101 -0.069486 -0.080895 -0.994298 -0.127496 0.297732 -0.946097 -0.166873 0.632348 -0.756498 -0.017715 0.997203 -0.072614 -0.028961 0.890656 -0.453754 -0.003875 0.950104 0.311908 0.010135 0.761271 0.648355 0.021528 0.453645 0.890922 0.027076 0.076896 0.996671 0.024844 -0.305378 0.951907 0.01551 -0.643925 0.764931 0.004141 -0.890568 0.454831 -0.002675 -0.997351 0.072684 -0.006316 -0.950043 -0.312054 -0.012795 -0.761299 -0.648274 -0.022401 -0.453624 -0.890912 -0.031199 -0.076316 -0.996595 -0.035985 0.306475 -0.951198 -0.035369 0.644808 -0.763526 0.273919 0.959675 -0.063183 0.271719 0.850961 -0.449483 0.233096 0.917449 0.322419 0.15606 0.739933 0.654327 0.050776 0.452271 0.890434 0.027525 0.269481 0.962612 -0.012188 -0.11858 0.99287 -0.012188 -0.11858 0.99287 -0.056157 -0.4803 0.875304 -0.056157 -0.4803 0.875304 -0.096934 -0.777819 0.620968 -0.096934 -0.777819 0.620968 -0.11554 -0.957007 0.26606 -0.11554 -0.957007 0.26606 -0.162199 -0.912307 -0.376016 -0.103497 -0.986821 -0.124392 -0.149248 -0.743059 -0.652371 -0.054929 -0.450417 -0.891127 0.05057 -0.092667 -0.994412 0.148411 0.274616 -0.950032 0.2263 0.605724 -0.762815 0.568128 0.822869 -0.010828 0.613285 0.691657 -0.381434 0.437987 0.828067 0.349959 0.24321 0.71403 0.656513 0.005195 0.492746 0.870158 -0.042541 0.289598 0.956203 -0.234781 0.276343 0.93194 0.175015 0.073013 -0.981855 0.175015 0.073013 -0.981855 0.175015 0.073013 -0.981855 -0.248522 -0.040305 0.967787 -0.248522 -0.040305 0.967787 -0.248522 -0.040305 0.967787 0.339921 0.400502 -0.850912 0.339921 0.400502 -0.850912 0.339921 0.400502 -0.850912 0.339921 0.400502 -0.850912 0.455198 0.666115 -0.590835 0.455198 0.666115 -0.590835 0.455198 0.666115 -0.590835 0.455198 0.666115 -0.590835 0.504386 0.830523 -0.236278 0.504386 0.830523 -0.236278 0.504386 0.830523 -0.236278 0.504386 0.830523 -0.236278 -0.313065 -0.939813 -0.136899 -0.313065 -0.939813 -0.136899 -0.313065 -0.939813 -0.136899 0.469986 0.867947 0.160563 0.469986 0.867947 0.160563 0.469986 0.867947 0.160563 -0.236 -0.717483 -0.655379 -0.292283 -0.819344 -0.493199 -0.013151 -0.487298 -0.873137 0.220348 -0.18446 -0.957821 0.42146 0.142803 -0.895533 0.560547 0.450058 -0.695151 0.701126 0.710585 0.059082 0.801649 0.530313 -0.27591 0.497247 0.78148 0.376874 0.219102 0.738581 0.637568 -0.099314 0.583734 0.805848 -0.403642 0.337624 0.850343 -0.451966 0.113875 0.884737 -0.640851 0.041377 0.766549 -0.632241 -0.195648 0.749662 -0.632241 -0.195648 0.749662 -0.780057 -0.263887 0.56734 -0.721278 -0.48362 0.495853 -0.721278 -0.48362 0.495853 -0.800326 -0.532349 0.275831 -0.70239 -0.694116 0.15764 -0.70239 -0.694116 0.15764 -0.69745 -0.714295 -0.057853 -0.578103 -0.790709 -0.201437 -0.578103 -0.790709 -0.201437 -0.494295 -0.784001 -0.37552 -0.372733 -0.768151 -0.520591 -0.219557 -0.738203 -0.637848 0.094472 -0.579659 -0.809364 0.396318 -0.330597 -0.856526 0.634511 -0.034689 -0.772135 0.777281 0.266404 -0.569968 0.752617 0.648249 0.115499 0.879696 0.435643 -0.190654 0.513971 0.759565 0.398617 0.198026 0.757806 0.621703 -0.154811 0.640179 0.752466 -0.484028 0.424016 0.765458 -0.734252 0.148381 0.662463 -0.874536 -0.149653 0.461293 -0.882891 -0.430975 0.186452 -0.754398 -0.645802 -0.117572 -0.514705 -0.758626 -0.399456 -0.198581 -0.756893 -0.622638 0.153248 -0.63797 -0.754658 0.480897 -0.419896 -0.769692 0.730033 -0.142645 -0.66836 0.870315 0.155694 -0.467237 0.771052 0.620197 0.144345 0.889319 0.422588 -0.174734 0.538937 0.720756 0.435955 0.226276 0.71401 0.662562 -0.127275 0.597577 0.791646 -0.461333 0.3882 0.797792 -0.719565 0.12382 0.683297 -0.86998 -0.159008 0.466746 -0.889401 -0.422409 0.174748 -0.770965 -0.620355 -0.144127 -0.538306 -0.72157 -0.435389 -0.224917 -0.715478 -0.661441 0.128904 -0.599508 -0.789921 0.462553 -0.390087 -0.796164 0.720138 -0.124956 -0.682486 0.87008 0.158797 -0.466631 0.75317 0.643762 0.135301 0.82426 0.5188 -0.226808 0.57467 0.669702 0.470376 0.312463 0.597058 0.738842 -0.004997 0.43076 0.902453 -0.32548 0.194896 0.925245 -0.591353 -0.067511 0.803582 -0.765553 -0.317918 0.559336 -0.822647 -0.52117 0.22723 -0.753248 -0.643645 -0.135421 -0.574106 -0.670648 -0.469716 -0.308846 -0.601802 -0.736511 0.012801 -0.440389 -0.897716 0.335601 -0.207843 -0.918789 0.600073 0.055331 -0.798029 0.770608 0.31037 -0.556626 0.732255 0.669663 0.123907 0.726039 0.634979 -0.263949 0.631895 0.602899 0.487053 0.43884 0.445027 0.780622 0.1736 0.213279 0.961444 -0.12031 -0.053693 0.991283 -0.390524 -0.30707 0.86787 -0.600847 -0.511558 0.61424 -0.722654 -0.638629 0.264431 -0.735123 -0.666604 -0.123424 -0.639575 -0.595393 -0.486263 -0.447541 -0.437362 -0.780014 -0.177071 -0.211001 -0.961314 0.125711 0.047585 -0.990925 0.401119 0.295878 -0.866926 0.609866 0.501895 -0.613322 0.785916 0.609962 0.101405 0.69284 0.668423 -0.270524 0.761867 0.461386 0.454622 0.623652 0.241071 0.743602 0.384032 -0.023843 0.923012 0.083452 -0.285239 0.954816 -0.2221 -0.495936 0.839476 -0.491724 -0.630156 0.600925 -0.69106 -0.670609 0.269665 -0.78627 -0.609297 -0.102649 -0.762679 -0.458636 -0.456042 -0.623873 -0.238738 -0.744168 -0.385494 0.025308 -0.922363 -0.084522 0.285493 -0.954646 0.224175 0.493653 -0.840269 0.495034 0.626744 -0.601775 0.884881 0.465732 0.008891 0.71419 0.634756 -0.294987 0.923019 0.227916 0.309985 0.821045 -0.047788 0.56886 0.585058 -0.322482 0.744118 0.256149 -0.543799 0.799168 -0.101194 -0.67557 0.730318 -0.438039 -0.707516 0.554566 -0.713005 -0.636977 0.293061 -0.880621 -0.473539 -0.016345 -0.913485 -0.244554 -0.325174 -0.807212 0.02325 -0.589803 -0.573556 0.300498 -0.762059 -0.251207 0.532716 -0.808152 0.102278 0.672845 -0.732679 0.438262 0.70734 -0.554614 0.931767 0.345993 -0.109998 0.729079 0.604085 -0.321753 0.992554 0.038936 0.115413 0.904373 -0.276066 0.32542 0.672613 -0.554731 0.48976 0.334861 -0.745094 0.576804 -0.045577 -0.817604 0.573973 -0.416156 -0.768973 0.485278 -0.728697 -0.60528 0.320371 -0.93035 -0.351763 0.103498 -0.990218 -0.051041 -0.129859 -0.901296 0.259581 -0.34682 -0.669205 0.539719 -0.510753 -0.332376 0.736163 -0.589568 0.046353 0.814562 -0.578222 0.416096 0.768763 -0.485661 0.936036 0.292622 -0.195469 0.729998 0.597531 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0.144513 -0.500941 -0.862984 0.065694 -0.263502 -0.961853 0.073523 -0.259877 -0.947723 0.185164 -0.494635 -0.851267 0.175157 0 -0.997084 0.076314 0.263503 -0.961853 0.073523 0.259878 -0.947722 0.185164 0 -0.982029 0.188729 0.500942 -0.862984 0.065694 0.695254 -0.716724 0.054105 0.687611 -0.70801 0.160973 0.494635 -0.851267 0.175157 0.841462 -0.538834 0.039998 0.939867 -0.340678 0.024265 0.932743 -0.337293 0.127372 0.833661 -0.533034 0.144513 0.991646 -0.128774 0.007443 0.995694 0.09215 -0.010082 0.991323 0.092566 0.093331 0.985742 -0.127201 0.11015 0.948794 0.314677 -0.027726 0.847816 0.528406 -0.044664 0.846662 0.528513 0.061945 0.946092 0.314598 0.077056 0.693528 0.717955 -0.059664 0.492305 0.867482 -0.071482 0.492854 0.869273 0.038199 0.693534 0.718782 0.048609 0.255571 0.963552 -0.079065 0.256047 0.966154 0.031412 -0.227681 0.865771 0.445647 0.000227 0.895527 0.445008 -0.438744 0.778836 0.448239 -0.210343 0.376576 0.90219 -0.108847 0.417078 0.90233 0.000109 0.43072 0.902486 -0.618111 0.643379 0.451666 -0.753795 0.472611 0.456544 -0.365508 0.232414 0.901326 -0.297929 0.313327 0.901701 -0.840789 0.281703 0.462296 -0.878588 0.084219 0.470097 -0.430289 0.044611 0.901588 -0.410264 0.140764 0.901038 -0.870431 -0.110084 0.479824 -0.81923 -0.293923 0.492413 -0.399458 -0.13982 0.906026 -0.426482 -0.050507 0.903085 -0.727249 -0.462593 0.507066 -0.59504 -0.610128 0.523136 -0.28361 -0.287121 0.914946 -0.351307 -0.219895 0.910071 -0.424716 -0.728264 0.537818 -0.221814 -0.806051 0.548708 -0.103134 -0.37089 0.922932 -0.199654 -0.33859 0.919508 0 -0.833509 0.552506 0.221814 -0.80605 0.548709 0.103133 -0.370888 0.922933 0 -0.382119 0.924113 0.424715 -0.728264 0.537819 0.595039 -0.610128 0.523137 0.283608 -0.28712 0.914947 0.199651 -0.338587 0.91951 0.727249 -0.462593 0.507067 0.819226 -0.293923 0.492421 0.399461 -0.13982 0.906025 0.351308 -0.219895 0.910071 0.870423 -0.110083 0.47984 0.878583 0.084221 0.470105 0.43029 0.044612 0.901588 0.426486 -0.050507 0.903083 0.840789 0.281703 0.462297 0.753795 0.472611 0.456545 0.365507 0.232414 0.901326 0.410263 0.140764 0.901038 0.618485 0.643028 0.451653 0.440038 0.778106 0.448238 0.210982 0.376245 0.902179 0.298124 0.313172 0.90169 0.228837 0.865441 0.445697 0.109402 0.416896 0.902346 0.011583 -0.038855 0.999178 -1.3e-005 -0.040146 0.999194 0.022617 -0.034963 0.999133 0.192049 -0.334313 0.922687 0.098664 -0.368466 0.92439 -0.000106 -0.379849 0.925049 0.032558 -0.028739 0.999057 0.04079 -0.020465 0.998958 0.342445 -0.208638 0.91608 0.275094 -0.280001 0.91974 0.046878 -0.010646 0.998844 0.050348 0.000211 0.998732 0.416938 -0.034403 0.908283 0.39076 -0.125179 0.911941 0.051036 0.011474 0.998631 0.048683 0.022489 0.998561 0.399429 0.148803 0.904607 0.420165 0.058577 0.905555 0.043387 0.032635 0.998525 0.035319 0.041269 0.998524 0.290042 0.303209 0.907711 0.355741 0.231912 0.905354 0.024966 0.047891 0.99854 0.012915 0.052027 0.998562 0.106659 0.393686 0.913036 0.205626 0.358601 0.910562 0 0.05347 0.998569 -0.012916 0.052028 0.998562 -0.106662 0.393684 0.913037 0 0.405943 0.913898 -0.024967 0.047894 0.99854 -0.035318 0.04127 0.998524 -0.29004 0.303211 0.907711 -0.205627 0.358601 0.910562 -0.043386 0.032635 0.998525 -0.048677 0.022488 0.998561 -0.399426 0.148803 0.904608 -0.35574 0.231912 0.905354 -0.051022 0.011472 0.998632 -0.050339 0.000211 0.998732 -0.416935 -0.034403 0.908285 -0.420159 0.058576 0.905558 -0.046878 -0.010646 0.998844 -0.040793 -0.020466 0.998958 -0.342444 -0.208635 0.91608 -0.39076 -0.12518 0.911941 -0.032589 -0.028725 0.999056 -0.022697 -0.03493 0.999132 -0.192691 -0.334017 0.922661 -0.275297 -0.279857 0.919724 -0.011648 -0.038835 0.999178 -0.099211 -0.368305 0.924396 0.181022 -0.680846 0.709704 -0.0002 -0.702354 0.711827 0.351611 -0.617001 0.704045 0.457421 -0.8059 0.375888 0.236405 -0.892271 0.384661 -0.000266 -0.921733 0.387826 0.501736 -0.515687 0.694498 0.621811 -0.383947 0.682595 0.797526 -0.495749 0.343781 0.648528 -0.669796 0.361641 0.706245 -0.231379 0.66909 0.751399 -0.067117 0.656426 0.948704 -0.087969 0.303682 0.898184 -0.297542 0.323627 0.75686 0.10051 0.645802 0.722171 0.264213 0.639266 0.905115 0.328246 0.270225 0.950497 0.123149 0.285288 0.647991 0.417841 0.636802 0.53407 0.554044 0.638595 0.672923 0.695722 0.251286 0.813025 0.521596 0.258706 0.382953 0.663829 0.6424 0.200442 0.736118 0.646493 0.255175 0.935267 0.245279 0.485134 0.838835 0.246984 0 0.761696 0.647935 -0.200449 0.736116 0.646493 -0.255182 0.93527 0.245261 0 0.969604 0.24468 -0.382956 0.663829 0.642398 -0.534066 0.554048 0.638596 -0.672921 0.695724 0.251287 -0.485141 0.838838 0.246959 -0.64799 0.417841 0.636803 -0.72217 0.264213 0.639267 -0.905115 0.328246 0.270226 -0.813022 0.521595 0.258714 -0.756861 0.10051 0.645801 -0.7514 -0.067118 0.656424 -0.948703 -0.087969 0.303682 -0.950497 0.12315 0.285288 -0.706245 -0.231379 0.66909 -0.621809 -0.383944 0.682599 -0.797529 -0.495749 0.343775 -0.898184 -0.297542 0.323628 -0.502095 -0.515401 0.694451 -0.352797 -0.616415 0.703965 -0.458959 -0.805075 0.37578 -0.64898 -0.669398 0.361568 -0.182051 -0.680562 0.709713 -0.23777 -0.891911 0.384655 0.252777 -0.955845 0.149878 -0.000287 -0.98823 0.152973 0.487905 -0.861437 0.140981 0.374477 -0.923448 0.083735 0.374477 -0.923448 0.083735 0.1306 -0.987391 0.089453 0.1306 -0.987391 0.089453 0.689076 -0.713485 0.126941 0.843384 -0.526094 0.109215 0.776045 -0.628083 0.057151 0.776045 -0.628083 0.057151 0.599479 -0.797112 0.072367 0.599479 -0.797112 0.072367 0.94494 -0.314835 0.089264 0.993211 -0.09388 0.068685 0.978226 -0.206664 0.019102 0.978226 -0.206664 0.019102 0.905784 -0.421981 0.038555 0.905784 -0.421981 0.038555 0.990762 0.126653 0.048473 0.940211 0.339307 0.029561 0.972389 0.232436 -0.020834 0.972389 0.232436 -0.020834 0.999823 0.018758 -0.00133 0.999823 0.018758 -0.00133 0.842336 0.53881 0.012378 0.695988 0.71805 -0.002416 0.776168 0.627939 -0.057049 0.776168 0.627939 -0.057049 0.896563 0.441113 -0.039932 0.896563 0.441113 -0.039932 0.501228 0.865199 -0.014183 0.263509 0.964409 -0.021866 0.388944 0.917447 -0.083747 0.388944 0.917447 -0.083747 0.603251 0.794263 -0.072349 0.603251 0.794263 -0.072349 -2e-006 0.999698 -0.024583 -0.26351 0.964409 -0.021862 -0.131749 0.98718 -0.090095 -0.131749 0.98718 -0.090095 0.131739 0.987178 -0.090135 0.131739 0.987178 -0.090135 -0.50123 0.865198 -0.01421 -0.695991 0.718047 -0.002446 -0.603258 0.794252 -0.072408 -0.603258 0.794252 -0.072408 -0.388932 0.917456 -0.083702 -0.388932 0.917456 -0.083702 -0.842336 0.53881 0.012371 -0.940211 0.339307 0.029561 -0.896562 0.441114 -0.039932 -0.896562 0.441114 -0.039932 -0.776167 0.627936 -0.057109 -0.776167 0.627936 -0.057109 -0.990762 0.126652 0.048473 -0.993211 -0.093881 0.068685 -0.999823 0.018758 -0.00133 -0.999823 0.018758 -0.00133 -0.972389 0.232435 -0.020834 -0.972389 0.232435 -0.020834 -0.94494 -0.314835 0.089264 -0.843386 -0.526092 0.109214 -0.905784 -0.421981 0.038555 -0.905784 -0.421981 0.038555 -0.978226 -0.206664 0.019102 -0.978226 -0.206664 0.019102 -0.689544 -0.713041 0.126893 -0.48954 -0.860524 0.140889 -0.600516 -0.796337 0.072304 -0.600516 -0.796337 0.072304 -0.776047 -0.628078 0.057177 -0.776047 -0.628078 0.057177 -0.254245 -0.95546 0.149849 -0.131175 -0.987316 0.089449 -0.131175 -0.987316 0.089449 -0.37678 -0.922519 0.083638 -0.37678 -0.922519 0.083638 0.259808 0.96395 -0.05745 0.314094 0.917248 -0.244952 0.314094 0.917248 -0.244952 0.28173 0.854921 -0.43559 0.199038 0.925455 0.322362 0.26562 0.953614 0.141658 0.26562 0.953614 0.141658 0.108606 0.748762 0.653881 0.179119 0.848439 0.498065 0.179119 0.848439 0.498065 2e-005 0.453987 0.891008 0.063415 0.612284 0.788091 0.063415 0.612284 0.788091 -0.108377 0.088837 0.990132 -0.063383 0.27768 0.95858 -0.063383 0.27768 0.95858 -0.198379 -0.283318 0.938284 -0.178744 -0.095856 0.979215 -0.178744 -0.095856 0.979215 -0.25873 -0.613342 0.746238 -0.264815 -0.446113 0.854901 -0.264815 -0.446113 0.854901 -0.28047 -0.855247 0.435763 -0.312978 -0.737657 0.598253 -0.312978 -0.737657 0.598253 -0.258734 -0.964231 0.057583 -0.312985 -0.917578 0.245134 -0.312985 -0.917578 0.245134 -0.198387 -0.925619 -0.322292 -0.264819 -0.953854 -0.141539 -0.264819 -0.953854 -0.141539 -0.108379 -0.748809 -0.653864 -0.17876 -0.848538 -0.498024 -0.17876 -0.848538 -0.498024 2.7e-005 -0.453974 -0.891015 -0.06339 -0.61227 -0.788104 -0.06339 -0.61227 -0.788104 0.108603 -0.088902 -0.990102 0.06342 -0.277659 -0.958584 0.06342 -0.277659 -0.958584 0.199034 0.283136 -0.9382 0.17909 0.095694 -0.979168 0.17909 0.095694 -0.979168 0.259815 0.613077 -0.746078 0.26564 0.445928 -0.854742 0.26564 0.445928 -0.854742 0.314107 0.737313 -0.598085 0.314107 0.737313 -0.598085 0.167734 0.983539 -0.067199 0.181456 0.876115 -0.44665 0.128728 0.940237 0.315252 0.070366 0.756546 0.650143 0.000181 0.453766 0.891121 -0.069818 0.08091 0.994273 -0.127659 -0.297754 0.946069 -0.165993 -0.632488 0.756575 -0.179245 -0.876472 0.446842 -0.16472 -0.984036 0.06738 -0.125936 -0.940654 -0.315134 -0.068628 -0.756761 -0.65008 0.000277 -0.453803 -0.891102 0.069486 -0.080895 -0.994298 0.127492 0.297711 -0.946105 0.166871 0.632342 -0.756504 0.017717 0.997203 -0.072614 0.028958 0.89066 -0.453747 0.003876 0.950104 0.311909 -0.010135 0.761271 0.648354 -0.021528 0.453646 0.890922 -0.027076 0.076896 0.996671 -0.024844 -0.305378 0.951907 -0.01551 -0.643925 0.764932 -0.004138 -0.89057 0.454828 0.002676 -0.997352 0.072679 0.006315 -0.950043 -0.312055 0.012795 -0.7613 -0.648274 0.022402 -0.453624 -0.890912 0.031199 -0.076315 -0.996596 0.035978 0.306464 -0.951202 0.035358 0.644805 -0.763529 -0.273916 0.959676 -0.06318 -0.271713 0.85096 -0.449487 -0.233095 0.917449 0.322418 -0.15606 0.739933 0.654327 -0.050775 0.452272 0.890434 -0.027525 0.269481 0.962612 0.012187 -0.11858 0.99287 0.012187 -0.11858 0.99287 0.056157 -0.480301 0.875304 0.056157 -0.480301 0.875304 0.096933 -0.777819 0.620968 0.096933 -0.777819 0.620968 0.11554 -0.957007 0.266059 0.11554 -0.957007 0.266059 0.162211 -0.912301 -0.376024 0.103497 -0.986821 -0.124392 0.149257 -0.743053 -0.652376 0.054928 -0.450417 -0.891127 -0.05057 -0.092668 -0.994412 -0.148407 0.274613 -0.950033 -0.226292 0.605718 -0.762823 -0.568126 0.82287 -0.010823 -0.613285 0.691654 -0.381441 -0.437987 0.828067 0.349959 -0.24321 0.71403 0.656513 -0.005195 0.492746 0.870157 0.234781 0.276343 0.93194 0.042542 0.289598 0.956202 -0.175015 0.073013 -0.981855 -0.175015 0.073013 -0.981855 -0.175015 0.073013 -0.981855 0.248521 -0.040305 0.967788 0.248521 -0.040305 0.967788 0.248521 -0.040305 0.967788 -0.339918 0.400503 -0.850913 -0.339918 0.400503 -0.850913 -0.339918 0.400503 -0.850913 -0.339918 0.400503 -0.850913 -0.455196 0.666115 -0.590836 -0.455196 0.666115 -0.590836 -0.455196 0.666115 -0.590836 -0.455196 0.666115 -0.590836 -0.504385 0.830523 -0.236277 -0.504385 0.830523 -0.236277 -0.504385 0.830523 -0.236277 -0.504385 0.830523 -0.236277 0.313302 -0.939734 -0.136905 0.313302 -0.939734 -0.136905 0.313302 -0.939734 -0.136905 -0.469983 0.867959 0.16051 -0.469983 0.867959 0.16051 -0.469983 0.867959 0.16051 0.236003 -0.717477 -0.655385 0.292318 -0.81932 -0.493219 0.01315 -0.487295 -0.873138 -0.220343 -0.18446 -0.957822 -0.42145 0.142798 -0.895538 -0.56054 0.450047 -0.695163 -0.701126 0.710585 0.059084 -0.801652 0.530308 -0.275912 -0.497248 0.78148 0.376874 -0.219103 0.738581 0.637568 0.099313 0.583734 0.805848 0.403642 0.337624 0.850343 0.640851 0.041377 0.766549 0.451966 0.113875 0.884737 0.780056 -0.2639 0.567336 0.63224 -0.195648 0.749663 0.63224 -0.195648 0.749663 0.80032 -0.53236 0.275828 0.721252 -0.483662 0.49585 0.721252 -0.483662 0.49585 0.697446 -0.714299 -0.05784 0.702385 -0.694119 0.157652 0.702385 -0.694119 0.157652 0.494288 -0.784009 -0.375513 0.578094 -0.790726 -0.201398 0.578094 -0.790726 -0.201398 0.219551 -0.738204 -0.63785 0.37271 -0.768156 -0.520598 -0.094473 -0.579657 -0.809366 -0.396312 -0.330597 -0.856529 -0.634506 -0.034691 -0.772139 -0.777281 0.266397 -0.56997 -0.752618 0.648249 0.115499 -0.879697 0.435643 -0.190654 -0.513971 0.759565 0.398616 -0.198026 0.757806 0.621703 0.154808 0.640182 0.752464 0.484034 0.424017 0.765455 0.73426 0.14837 0.662456 0.874537 -0.14966 0.461288 0.882892 -0.430974 0.18645 0.754399 -0.645801 -0.117571 0.514709 -0.758624 -0.399455 0.198586 -0.756892 -0.622638 -0.153248 -0.63797 -0.754658 -0.480897 -0.419896 -0.769692 -0.730033 -0.142645 -0.66836 -0.870315 0.155694 -0.467237 -0.771054 0.620194 0.144342 -0.889319 0.422588 -0.174734 -0.538941 0.720755 0.435953 -0.226276 0.71401 0.662562 0.127269 0.597581 0.791644 0.46134 0.388196 0.797791 0.719581 0.123798 0.683284 0.869981 -0.159013 0.466742 0.889402 -0.422405 0.174755 0.770965 -0.620355 -0.144127 0.538313 -0.721569 -0.435382 0.224925 -0.71548 -0.661436 -0.128904 -0.599511 -0.789918 -0.462553 -0.390091 -0.796162 -0.720138 -0.124956 -0.682486 -0.87008 0.158797 -0.466631 -0.753172 0.643761 0.135293 -0.82426 0.5188 -0.226809 -0.574674 0.669703 0.47037 -0.312463 0.597059 0.738842 0.004994 0.430761 0.902452 0.32548 0.19489 0.925246 0.591362 -0.067521 0.803575 0.765556 -0.317917 0.559332 0.822649 -0.521166 0.227233 0.753248 -0.643645 -0.13542 0.574107 -0.670651 -0.469711 0.308847 -0.60181 -0.736504 -0.012799 -0.440398 -0.897712 -0.335599 -0.207848 -0.918789 -0.600073 0.055331 -0.798029 -0.770609 0.31037 -0.556627 -0.732254 0.669665 0.123902 -0.726041 0.634973 -0.263958 -0.631896 0.602902 0.487049 -0.438837 0.445017 0.780629 -0.17361 0.213272 0.961444 0.120297 -0.053689 0.991285 0.390522 -0.307065 0.867873 0.600853 -0.511553 0.614239 0.722659 -0.638627 0.264424 0.735123 -0.666604 -0.123424 0.639574 -0.595393 -0.486264 0.44754 -0.437366 -0.780012 0.177073 -0.211006 -0.961312 -0.12571 0.047586 -0.990925 -0.401127 0.295876 -0.866923 -0.609873 0.501883 -0.613326 -0.785915 0.609962 0.101406 -0.692836 0.668422 -0.270537 -0.761869 0.461377 0.454629 -0.623646 0.241049 0.743614 -0.384043 -0.023839 0.923007 -0.083472 -0.285225 0.954819 0.222094 -0.495931 0.83948 0.491728 -0.630158 0.60092 0.691066 -0.67061 0.269649 0.786269 -0.609298 -0.102649 0.762679 -0.458636 -0.456042 0.623874 -0.238736 -0.744168 0.385495 0.025309 -0.922363 0.084522 0.285493 -0.954647 -0.224184 0.493657 -0.840264 -0.495034 0.626741 -0.601778 -0.884882 0.465731 0.008891 -0.714183 0.634761 -0.294992 -0.923017 0.227899 0.310004 -0.821036 -0.047795 0.568873 -0.585068 -0.322462 0.74412 -0.256155 -0.543791 0.799172 0.101191 -0.67557 0.730319 0.438037 -0.707521 0.554561 0.713005 -0.63698 0.293052 0.880621 -0.473539 -0.016345 0.913485 -0.244554 -0.325174 0.807212 0.023251 -0.589803 0.573556 0.300498 -0.762059 0.251208 0.532716 -0.808151 -0.102279 0.67285 -0.732675 -0.438254 0.707346 -0.554612 -0.931767 0.345993 -0.109998 -0.729079 0.604085 -0.321753 -0.992553 0.038928 0.115425 -0.90437 -0.276061 0.325429 -0.67262 -0.554723 0.48976 -0.334861 -0.745094 0.576804 0.045577 -0.817605 0.573973 0.416156 -0.768973 0.485278 0.728696 -0.60528 0.320371 0.93035 -0.351763 0.103498 0.990218 -0.051041 -0.129859 0.901296 0.25958 -0.34682 0.669205 0.539718 -0.510753 0.332378 0.736163 -0.589567 -0.046353 0.814563 -0.57822 -0.416097 0.768764 -0.48566 -0.936037 0.292621 -0.195469 -0.729998 0.597531 -0.331753 -0.99813 -0.051764 -0.032511 -0.910961 -0.389528 0.135714 -0.681097 -0.673784 0.286569 -0.344884 -0.852474 0.392865 0.036705 -0.898393 0.437657 0.41168 -0.810393 0.416872 0.730006 -0.597689 0.33145 0.936103 -0.293465 0.19388 0.998371 0.04959 0.028234 0.911373 0.386084 -0.142611 0.681526 0.66997 -0.294385 0.345142 0.849415 -0.399214 -0.036604 0.896672 -0.441179 -0.411647 0.809854 -0.417951 -0.848793 0.44256 -0.289296 -0.848793 0.44256 -0.289296 -0.981526 0.09556 -0.165755 -0.981526 0.09556 -0.165755 -0.966137 -0.257167 -0.021101 -0.966137 -0.257167 -0.021101 -0.804371 -0.579649 0.130365 -0.804371 -0.579649 0.130365 -0.515381 -0.815408 0.263615 -0.515381 -0.815408 0.263615 -0.150332 -0.922713 0.354966 -0.150332 -0.922713 0.354966 0.22816 -0.891326 0.391767 0.22816 -0.891326 0.391767 0.58176 -0.724443 0.36978 0.58176 -0.724443 0.36978 0.848814 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0.702382 -0.694121 0.157655 0.702382 -0.694121 0.157655 0.494292 -0.783997 -0.375531 0.578096 -0.790711 -0.201448 0.578096 -0.790711 -0.201448 0.219568 -0.738191 -0.637859 0.372732 -0.768139 -0.520608 -0.094458 -0.579644 -0.809377 -0.396316 -0.330585 -0.856532 -0.634507 -0.034691 -0.772138 -0.777284 0.266411 -0.56996 -0.752613 0.648254 0.115501 -0.879693 0.435654 -0.190647 -0.513982 0.759561 0.398608 -0.198017 0.757806 0.621706 0.154799 0.640188 0.752461 0.484029 0.424016 0.765458 0.734258 0.148369 0.662459 0.874531 -0.149644 0.461304 0.88289 -0.430979 0.186445 0.754401 -0.645799 -0.117569 0.514706 -0.758627 -0.399455 0.198598 -0.756896 -0.62263 -0.153245 -0.637976 -0.754654 -0.480921 -0.41989 -0.76968 -0.730039 -0.142652 -0.668351 -0.870316 0.15569 -0.467237 -0.771043 0.620205 0.144358 -0.88932 0.422582 -0.17474 -0.53894 0.720753 0.435957 -0.226295 0.714012 0.662554 0.127271 0.597582 0.791643 0.461338 0.388196 0.797791 0.71957 0.123818 0.683292 0.869982 -0.159005 0.466742 0.8894 -0.422415 0.17474 0.770966 -0.620354 -0.144126 0.538317 -0.721567 -0.435381 0.224946 -0.715478 -0.661431 -0.128898 -0.599506 -0.789923 -0.462564 -0.390071 -0.796165 -0.720137 -0.124953 -0.682487 -0.87008 0.158786 -0.466634 -0.753153 0.643781 0.1353 -0.824255 0.518801 -0.226826 -0.574658 0.669717 0.470369 -0.312482 0.597083 0.738814 0.005007 0.430773 0.902446 0.325497 0.194891 0.92524 0.591353 -0.067509 0.803582 0.765558 -0.317928 0.559323 0.822648 -0.521175 0.227216 0.753252 -0.643641 -0.135416 0.574116 -0.670642 -0.469711 0.308862 -0.601807 -0.7365 -0.01281 -0.440395 -0.897713 -0.335634 -0.207845 -0.918777 -0.600084 0.055308 -0.798022 -0.77061 0.310356 -0.556632 -0.732254 0.669667 0.123897 -0.726033 0.634975 -0.263973 -0.631889 0.602909 0.487048 -0.438846 0.445042 0.78061 -0.173598 0.213268 0.961447 0.120319 -0.053718 0.991281 0.390524 -0.307089 0.867864 0.600839 -0.511569 0.61424 0.72265 -0.638634 0.264432 0.735126 -0.666601 -0.123421 0.639577 -0.595393 -0.48626 0.447549 -0.437375 -0.780002 0.177071 -0.210996 -0.961315 -0.125731 0.047609 -0.990921 -0.401116 0.295875 -0.866928 -0.609858 0.501888 -0.613337 -0.785921 0.609957 0.101394 -0.692836 0.668418 -0.270546 -0.761871 0.461377 0.454626 -0.623652 0.241045 0.743609 -0.384038 -0.023869 0.923008 -0.083464 -0.285249 0.954812 0.222107 -0.495936 0.839474 0.491729 -0.630154 0.600923 0.691057 -0.670611 0.269669 0.786266 -0.609302 -0.102648 0.762657 -0.458656 -0.456059 0.623789 -0.238825 -0.74421 0.385389 0.025187 -0.92241 0.084503 0.285451 -0.954661 -0.22415 0.49366 -0.840272 -0.495024 0.626743 -0.601785 -0.884881 0.465732 0.008887 -0.714181 0.634762 -0.294996 -0.923017 0.227891 0.310009 -0.821033 -0.047815 0.568875 -0.585064 -0.322481 0.744114 -0.256164 -0.543791 0.799169 0.101199 -0.675568 0.730319 0.438059 -0.707513 0.554554 0.713002 -0.636979 0.293062 0.880616 -0.473548 -0.016342 0.913472 -0.244578 -0.325194 0.807166 0.023171 -0.58987 0.573494 0.300406 -0.762142 0.251191 0.532671 -0.808186 -0.102282 0.672842 -0.732681 -0.438262 0.707343 -0.55461 -0.931769 0.345985 -0.110006 -0.729082 0.604079 -0.321756 -0.992553 0.03893 0.115421 -0.904367 -0.276066 0.325436 -0.672617 -0.554723 0.489765 -0.334868 -0.74509 0.576805 0.04558 -0.817605 0.573973 0.416174 -0.768963 0.485279 0.728698 -0.605274 0.320379 0.930349 -0.351764 0.103499 0.990218 -0.051044 -0.129859 0.9013 0.259592 -0.346801 0.669211 0.539748 -0.510714 0.332399 0.736176 -0.589539 -0.046338 0.814567 -0.578216 -0.416092 0.768766 -0.48566 -0.936037 0.292622 -0.195469 -0.730009 0.597518 -0.331753 -0.998131 -0.051745 -0.032519 -0.910963 -0.389523 0.135714 -0.681094 -0.673785 0.286575 -0.344887 -0.85247 0.392871 0.036707 -0.89839 0.437662 0.411688 -0.810389 0.416873 0.730009 -0.597681 0.331457 0.936107 -0.293449 0.193884 0.99837 0.04959 0.028237 0.911376 0.386078 -0.142611 0.681523 0.669969 -0.294394 0.345142 0.849408 -0.399227 -0.036597 0.896667 -0.44119 -0.411644 0.809852 -0.417958 -0.84881 0.44254 -0.289275 -0.84881 0.44254 -0.289275 -0.981522 0.095612 -0.165747 -0.981522 0.095612 -0.165747 -0.966136 -0.257168 -0.021102 -0.966136 -0.257168 -0.021102 -0.804381 -0.579636 0.130358 -0.804381 -0.579636 0.130358 -0.515357 -0.815421 0.263623 -0.515357 -0.815421 0.263623 -0.150369 -0.922709 0.35496 -0.150369 -0.922709 0.35496 0.2282 -0.89132 0.391758 0.2282 -0.89132 0.391758 0.581725 -0.724479 0.369766 0.581725 -0.724479 0.369766 0.848835 -0.442737 0.288899 0.848835 -0.442737 0.288899 0.981822 -0.096519 0.163429 0.981822 -0.096519 0.163429 0.966751 0.255199 0.016332 0.966751 0.255199 0.016332 0.805222 0.57699 -0.136747 0.805222 0.57699 -0.136747 0.516108 0.812936 -0.269754 0.516108 0.812936 -0.269754 0.150845 0.921029 -0.359099 0.150845 0.921029 -0.359099 -0.227989 0.890625 -0.393456 -0.227989 0.890625 -0.393456 -0.581702 0.72442 -0.369916 -0.581702 0.72442 -0.369916 0.127508 -0.306145 -0.943407 0.127508 -0.306145 -0.943407 0.127508 -0.306145 -0.943407 0.127508 -0.306145 -0.943407 0.115641 -0.322046 -0.939635 0.115641 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0.057603 -0.312992 -0.917569 0.245159 -0.312992 -0.917569 0.245159 -0.198374 -0.925616 -0.322308 -0.264814 -0.953855 -0.141542 -0.264814 -0.953855 -0.141542 -0.108375 -0.748817 -0.653856 -0.178734 -0.848531 -0.498046 -0.178734 -0.848531 -0.498046 2.5e-005 -0.453997 -0.891003 -0.063386 -0.612309 -0.788074 -0.063386 -0.612309 -0.788074 0.108606 -0.088899 -0.990102 0.063431 -0.277673 -0.958579 0.063431 -0.277673 -0.958579 0.199034 0.283148 -0.938197 0.179098 0.095705 -0.979165 0.179098 0.095705 -0.979165 0.259811 0.613085 -0.746073 0.265621 0.445929 -0.854747 0.265621 0.445929 -0.854747 0.314094 0.737328 -0.598074 0.314094 0.737328 -0.598074 0.167739 0.983538 -0.067202 0.181461 0.8761 -0.446678 0.12874 0.940229 0.31527 0.07038 0.756555 0.650132 0.000175 0.453772 0.891118 -0.069828 0.080902 0.994273 -0.127663 -0.297749 0.94607 -0.165994 -0.632495 0.756569 -0.17924 -0.876468 0.446853 -0.164722 -0.984034 0.067406 -0.125935 -0.940649 -0.315151 -0.068634 -0.756762 -0.650077 0.000264 -0.453816 -0.891096 0.069482 -0.080894 -0.994298 0.127499 0.297721 -0.946101 0.166882 0.632347 -0.756497 0.017702 0.997201 -0.072635 0.028953 0.890653 -0.453761 0.003864 0.950107 0.311899 -0.010144 0.761265 0.648362 -0.021537 0.453639 0.890925 -0.027077 0.076895 0.996671 -0.024837 -0.305369 0.95191 -0.015502 -0.643921 0.764935 -0.004137 -0.89057 0.454827 0.002655 -0.997351 0.072697 0.006291 -0.950043 -0.312055 0.012783 -0.761298 -0.648276 0.022397 -0.453637 -0.890905 0.031199 -0.076321 -0.996595 0.035976 0.306467 -0.951201 0.035358 0.644804 -0.76353 -0.273908 0.959677 -0.063197 -0.271709 0.850967 -0.449477 -0.2331 0.917452 0.322407 -0.156084 0.739923 0.654333 -0.050797 0.45227 0.890433 -0.027526 0.269481 0.962612 0.012196 -0.118584 0.992869 0.012196 -0.118584 0.992869 0.056178 -0.480281 0.875314 0.056178 -0.480281 0.875314 0.096949 -0.777818 0.620967 0.096949 -0.777818 0.620967 0.115533 -0.957013 0.266043 0.115533 -0.957013 0.266043 0.162162 -0.912314 -0.376013 0.103459 -0.98683 -0.124351 0.14922 -0.74306 -0.652377 0.054918 -0.450439 -0.891116 -0.050575 -0.092678 -0.994411 -0.148416 0.274621 -0.950029 -0.226298 0.605718 -0.76282 -0.568123 0.822872 -0.010822 -0.61328 0.69167 -0.38142 -0.437974 0.828071 0.349969 -0.243201 0.714035 0.656511 -0.005206 0.492769 0.870145 0.234776 0.276335 0.931944 0.042536 0.289602 0.956201 -0.174984 0.073056 -0.981857 -0.174984 0.073056 -0.981857 -0.174984 0.073056 -0.981857 0.248525 -0.040315 0.967786 0.248525 -0.040315 0.967786 0.248525 -0.040315 0.967786 -0.339947 0.400473 -0.850916 -0.339947 0.400473 -0.850916 -0.339947 0.400473 -0.850916 -0.339947 0.400473 -0.850916 -0.455226 0.666109 -0.59082 -0.455226 0.666109 -0.59082 -0.455226 0.666109 -0.59082 -0.455226 0.666109 -0.59082 -0.504264 0.830587 -0.236312 -0.504264 0.830587 -0.236312 -0.504264 0.830587 -0.236312 -0.504264 0.830587 -0.236312 0.312997 -0.939841 -0.136865 0.312997 -0.939841 -0.136865 0.312997 -0.939841 -0.136865 -0.469641 0.86815 0.160475 -0.469641 0.86815 0.160475 -0.469641 0.86815 0.160475 0.235981 -0.717477 -0.655393 0.292249 -0.819347 -0.493215 0.01314 -0.487297 -0.873138 -0.220356 -0.184469 -0.957818 -0.421458 0.14279 -0.895536 -0.560541 0.450052 -0.69516 -0.701124 0.710587 0.05908 -0.80165 0.530316 -0.275904 -0.497247 0.781487 0.376861 -0.219071 0.738596 0.63756 0.099329 0.583757 0.80583 0.403656 0.337628 0.850335 0.640872 0.041345 0.766533 0.451945 0.113825 0.884754 0.780053 -0.263897 0.567341 0.632219 -0.195698 0.749667 0.632219 -0.195698 0.749667 0.800322 -0.53234 0.275861 0.721233 -0.483648 0.495891 0.721233 -0.483648 0.495891 0.697444 -0.7143 -0.057848 0.702355 -0.694138 0.157704 0.702355 -0.694138 0.157704 0.494279 -0.784 -0.375542 0.57806 -0.790736 -0.201454 0.57806 -0.790736 -0.201454 0.219562 -0.738194 -0.637858 0.372715 -0.768146 -0.520611 -0.094469 -0.579645 -0.809374 -0.396316 -0.330587 -0.856531 -0.634503 -0.0347 -0.772141 -0.777281 0.266387 -0.569975 -0.752619 0.648246 0.115508 -0.879707 0.435621 -0.190658 -0.513984 0.75956 0.39861 -0.198007 0.757805 0.621712 0.154824 0.64018 0.752462 0.484044 0.424018 0.765448 0.734284 0.148358 0.662432 0.874545 -0.149631 0.461283 0.882906 -0.43094 0.186459 0.754405 -0.645793 -0.11758 0.514699 -0.758626 -0.399465 0.198592 -0.7569 -0.622627 -0.15325 -0.63798 -0.75465 -0.480894 -0.419909 -0.769686 -0.730035 -0.142644 -0.668357 -0.87032 0.155688 -0.467231 -0.771051 0.620192 0.144366 -0.889321 0.422578 -0.174744 -0.538954 0.720742 0.435957 -0.226283 0.714004 0.662567 0.127276 0.59757 0.791651 0.46133 0.388189 0.7978 0.719567 0.123812 0.683296 0.86998 -0.158998 0.466748 0.8894 -0.422407 0.174758 0.770958 -0.620364 -0.144125 0.538294 -0.721577 -0.435393 0.224936 -0.715482 -0.661429 -0.128894 -0.599505 -0.789924 -0.462537 -0.390096 -0.796169 -0.720145 -0.124961 -0.682478 -0.870085 0.158802 -0.46662 -0.753153 0.643779 0.135312 -0.824253 0.518803 -0.226826 -0.57467 0.669707 0.470368 -0.312481 0.59707 0.738826 0.005004 0.430764 0.902451 0.325487 0.194895 0.925243 0.591349 -0.067495 0.803586 0.765559 -0.31793 0.559321 0.822641 -0.521177 0.227235 0.753245 -0.64365 -0.135417 0.574098 -0.670643 -0.469734 0.308871 -0.601796 -0.736506 -0.012784 -0.440374 -0.897723 -0.335611 -0.207834 -0.918787 -0.600094 0.05531 -0.798015 -0.770612 0.310343 -0.556636 -0.732253 0.669667 0.123901 -0.726046 0.634964 -0.263966 -0.631881 0.602915 0.487052 -0.438834 0.445038 0.780619 -0.173593 0.213268 0.961448 0.120315 -0.053702 0.991282 0.390517 -0.307066 0.867875 0.60086 -0.511573 0.614216 0.722653 -0.638634 0.264424 0.73512 -0.666609 -0.123414 0.639582 -0.595384 -0.486264 0.447563 -0.43736 -0.780003 0.177075 -0.211003 -0.961313 -0.125737 0.047599 -0.990921 -0.401131 0.29588 -0.866919 -0.609863 0.501875 -0.613343 -0.785921 0.60996 0.101377 -0.692843 0.668416 -0.270533 -0.761873 0.461396 0.454602 -0.623644 0.241057 0.743613 -0.384026 -0.023861 0.923014 -0.083461 -0.28524 0.954815 0.222089 -0.495936 0.839478 0.491728 -0.630169 0.600909 0.69106 -0.67061 0.269661 0.786281 -0.609289 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0.519662 0.026328 0.475526 0.033533 0.454622 0.0426 0.455096 0.04535 0.515957 0.036953 0.516052 0.028293 0.498506 0.022336 0.487281 0.020456 0.475984 0.025547 0.463448 0.030914 0.452141 0.041132 0.446124 0.044216 0.523065 0.034101 0.517061 0.02909 0.508698 0.022655 0.498701 0.018546 0.488256 0.014388 0.473578 0.01537 0.379389 0.021588 0.461503 0.027411 0.449043 0.029247 0.354837 0.039108 0.443328 0.042942 0.525966 0.030878 0.521412 0.028134 0.426698 0.014941 0.500473 0.014964 0.40559 0.014312 0.392957 0.017293 0.381189 0.021573 0.366959 0.030854 0.357366 0.039855 0.348099 0.038549 0.432407 0.029814 0.4245 0.020808 0.41635 0.016938 0.404104 0.017623 0.393264 0.064597 0.47681 0.062758 0.444399 0.062222 0.441136 0.062444 0.346375 0.062305 0.358035 0.061559 0.406937 0.061065 0.43544 0.065314 0.528686 0.065678 0.525647 0.065985 0.517222 0.086181 0.477536 0.084356 0.445125 0.084033 0.441783 0.084739 0.347339 0.084584 0.358999 0.083841 0.407901 0.083359 0.436405 0.086912 0.529775 0.087275 0.526373 0.087567 0.517949 0.076163 0.48895 0.073859 0.447913 0.073523 0.443428 0.073121 0.439067 0.073695 0.34574 0.073657 0.350337 0.072986 0.395488 0.072375 0.433084 0.07228 0.43706 0.075944 0.531371 0.076466 0.527345 0.076676 0.523378 0.402278 0.042016 0.10713 0.47824 0.463888 0.026779 0.105309 0.44583 0.46583 0.022332 0.104999 0.442695 0.463888 0.017899 0.106368 0.348275 0.443745 0.015576 0.106207 0.359934 0.359282 0.015661 0.105465 0.408836 0.310057 0.018058 0.104988 0.43734 0.308105 0.027471 0.107759 0.530629 0.310057 0.036891 0.108228 0.527078 0.325781 0.046224 0.108515 0.518653 0.09738 0.489664 0.095076 0.448627 0.094744 0.444164 0.094348 0.439962 0.095601 0.346688 0.095559 0.351284 0.094888 0.396436 0.094277 0.434031 0.094187 0.438008 0.097025 0.532668 0.09767 0.528132 0.097893 0.524091 0.039654 0.424728 0.061246 0.426335 0.065791 0.499448 0.083526 0.427298 0.087376 0.500174 0.325781 0.015697 0.105149 0.428233 0.359282 0.05087 0.108324 0.500879 0.072626 0.417984 0.076942 0.509462 0.094528 0.418932 0.098159 0.510176 0.345091 0.032344 0.040688 0.357986 0.063359 0.45499 0.061945 0.382044 0.084942 0.455716 0.084226 0.383007 0.443745 0.032316 0.105889 0.45642 0.402278 0.015617 0.105851 0.383943 0.074792 0.465606 0.073373 0.369793 0.096009 0.46632 0.095275 0.37074 0.42089 0.026298 0.034118 0.465074 0.036932 0.507711 0.0308 0.368864 0.030079 0.415445 0.033889 0.487598 0.042918 0.476091 0.044221 0.49876 0.039569 0.381081 0.039183 0.405964 0.029644 0.393613 0.022419 0.381491 0.022066 0.404242 0.05419 0.488211 0.051883 0.447174 0.0547 0.522638 0.051251 0.442757 0.054383 0.526555 0.049444 0.438892 0.050892 0.344754 0.049477 0.436074 0.053776 0.530245 0.050972 0.349356 0.04969 0.432103 0.050304 0.394507 0.054976 0.508723 0.049952 0.417004 0.052827 0.464867 0.050698 0.368812 0.025606 0.508427 0.019508 0.498951 0.018361 0.47573 0.032528 0.517679 0.015097 0.487369 0.023152 0.5105 0.842926 0.226957 0.867891 0.198971 0.871065 0.332499 0.84764 0.308809 0.826712 0.26992 0.832299 0.226706 0.865648 0.191692 0.866493 0.337988 0.839525 0.309737 0.808771 0.270725 0.824111 0.217168 0.858659 0.180575 0.866522 0.349412 0.824422 0.316951 0.813622 0.095086 0.828999 0.043549 0.866681 0.004929 0.861101 0.174222 0.825797 0.140696 0.91032 0.27342 0.907374 0.197247 0.90676 0.188956 0.906483 0.180946 0.821364 0.094663 0.835712 0.050747 0.868211 0.017679 0.908772 0.351191 0.909594 0.344547 0.910155 0.337277 0.950323 0.275465 0.947379 0.199292 0.946901 0.190968 0.946456 0.182755 0.863393 0.163844 0.832945 0.134709 0.909926 0.007556 0.948662 0.355023 0.949632 0.346762 0.95016 0.339322 0.989286 0.278296 0.986097 0.197292 0.985781 0.193577 0.985152 0.185643 0.378965 0.049127 0.462104 0.029679 0.465996 0.024954 0.986872 0.357365 0.988606 0.348155 0.98884 0.344229 0.871855 0.309287 0.909511 0.016066 0.906806 0.099771 0.911104 0.311482 0.904455 0.169468 0.951104 0.313527 0.465996 0.020763 0.990214 0.316927 0.86897 0.228453 0.904346 0.17685 0.908537 0.230088 0.951187 0.010063 0.948537 0.232132 0.9508 0.018575 0.987248 0.232891 0.462104 0.016067 0.870004 0.271391 0.948094 0.10228 0.945744 0.171976 0.838348 0.269969 0.821233 0.269849 0.834536 0.310487 0.945607 0.179356 0.991108 0.012488 0.991015 0.016644 0.98814 0.105663 0.985711 0.177581 0.985529 0.181782 0.86433 0.138655 0.905415 0.141476 0.946699 0.143984 0.986715 0.148017 0.86725 0.050062 0.908359 0.052135 0.949643 0.054643 0.989757 0.055719 0.865334 0.097252 0.833307 0.095385 0.378965 0.016151 0.311795 0.016222 0.307882 0.020925 0.307882 0.035095 0.311795 0.039812 0.339407 0.016192 0.339407 0.053808 0.42561 0.036056 0.42561 0.016104 0.85181 0.248697 0.856865 0.21443 0.860818 0.319754 0.831382 0.2472 0.849949 0.206692 0.854512 0.325523 0.834553 0.290653 0.821109 0.292301 0.844788 0.201993 0.828104 0.290816 0.823048 0.070057 0.848723 0.025974 0.844444 0.155813 0.82149 0.117339 0.319694 0.030343 0.888901 0.250514 0.884871 0.120609 0.929617 0.252596 0.927282 0.192436 0.926791 0.186214 0.930521 0.010888 0.929855 0.032504 0.926895 0.123162 0.925079 0.176003 0.929327 0.349131 0.930066 0.343193 0.93088 0.32758 0.968938 0.254606 0.966606 0.194446 0.966123 0.188394 0.971108 0.013354 0.970438 0.03497 0.967478 0.125628 0.965666 0.178469 0.968516 0.35168 0.96939 0.345203 0.9702 0.32959 0.925682 0.159121 0.9311 0.294614 0.966265 0.161587 0.970421 0.296624 0.381327 0.03124 0.928025 0.212093 0.928416 0.077013 0.967346 0.214103 0.968999 0.079479 0.451237 0.023937 0.854089 0.290956 0.855014 0.034535 0.851222 0.149607 0.848121 0.072175 0.846603 0.118245 0.826653 0.079224 0.825642 0.109885 0.890178 0.325499 0.886465 0.190349 0.884373 0.184623 0.889249 0.341106 0.888393 0.008329 0.888323 0.346682 0.887847 0.029952 0.882952 0.173444 0.890383 0.292532 0.883674 0.156569 0.887324 0.210012 0.886392 0.07446 0.82444 0.254299 0.846102 0.321725 0.820679 0.245171 0.84789 0.329977 0.83852 0.247944 0.852557 0.209415 0.869355 0.210588 0.872484 0.323534 0.85691 0.323438 0.84142 0.290621 0.830736 0.269613 0.827616 0.248605 0.837463 0.225523 0.84778 0.204729 0.866923 0.193902 0.870152 0.336678 0.851588 0.325217 0.842567 0.309547 0.830958 0.290801 0.823676 0.271299 0.816441 0.243946 0.821311 0.069317 0.830184 0.221787 0.841385 0.198872 0.84784 0.024239 0.863261 0.188651 0.867696 0.342016 0.845472 0.333181 0.843449 0.157459 0.816597 0.293838 0.81971 0.117891 0.81891 0.094444 0.824818 0.072719 0.833216 0.04647 0.850737 0.028981 0.867728 0.012087 0.862577 0.168383 0.846635 0.153438 0.830199 0.138032 0.823418 0.1152 0.82504 0.095121 0.909442 0.251564 0.907082 0.191403 0.906193 0.185335 0.909673 0.009621 0.909036 0.031239 0.906071 0.121897 0.904231 0.174736 0.909093 0.347784 0.909866 0.342161 0.910708 0.326549 0.949444 0.253609 0.947108 0.193449 0.946618 0.187241 0.950984 0.012131 0.950318 0.033747 0.947358 0.124406 0.945542 0.177246 0.949108 0.350503 0.949892 0.344207 0.950706 0.328594 0.930497 0.274451 0.927552 0.198279 0.927074 0.189951 0.92647 0.181851 0.930556 0.008809 0.930337 0.017331 0.927631 0.101036 0.925281 0.170733 0.924977 0.178103 0.928717 0.353107 0.929817 0.345659 0.930333 0.338309 0.402287 0.042591 0.988267 0.255594 0.464051 0.027317 0.985939 0.195434 0.465996 0.022859 0.985466 0.18961 0.464051 0.018415 0.991062 0.014566 0.443857 0.016086 0.990386 0.036182 0.359186 0.016172 0.987427 0.12684 0.309838 0.018574 0.98562 0.179681 0.307882 0.02801 0.987739 0.35276 0.309838 0.037453 0.988723 0.346192 0.325601 0.04681 0.989527 0.330578 0.969818 0.276461 0.966873 0.200289 0.966403 0.192004 0.965804 0.184199 0.971148 0.011276 0.97092 0.019797 0.968214 0.103502 0.965865 0.173198 0.965568 0.180569 0.967767 0.356194 0.969109 0.347804 0.969654 0.340319 0.864875 0.154179 0.904863 0.157857 0.910925 0.293582 0.946145 0.160365 0.950926 0.295627 0.325601 0.016207 0.986213 0.162799 0.359186 0.051468 0.98975 0.297612 0.926236 0.142741 0.931278 0.312513 0.966819 0.145206 0.970598 0.314523 0.344959 0.032896 0.868953 0.030449 0.907854 0.211062 0.907592 0.075748 0.947852 0.213107 0.948879 0.078257 0.443857 0.032867 0.986673 0.215091 0.402287 0.016127 0.988948 0.080691 0.928711 0.231119 0.92918 0.0534 0.968031 0.233129 0.969763 0.055866 0.420946 0.026834 0.853304 0.228816 0.857141 0.30797 0.850265 0.0503 0.847419 0.136655 0.85215 0.270576 0.869266 0.24953 0.870948 0.291608 0.866129 0.073239 0.864609 0.119368 0.847321 0.096157 0.834314 0.073444 0.832924 0.115622 0.889775 0.27237 0.886825 0.196197 0.889606 0.336226 0.885796 0.187985 0.888892 0.343479 0.882571 0.18076 0.888303 0.006242 0.882724 0.175536 0.887647 0.350301 0.888302 0.014778 0.883246 0.168179 0.885602 0.098483 0.890569 0.310432 0.884221 0.140188 0.888003 0.229038 0.887165 0.050848 0.836116 0.308931 0.825114 0.291162 0.823739 0.248065 0.848652 0.326312 0.817309 0.269543 0.831497 0.312696 0.419347 0.066436 0.417945 0.074709 0.419744 0.082905 0.42472 0.090023 0.432071 0.09465 0.440344 0.096051 0.448539 0.094252 0.455658 0.089276 0.460284 0.081925 0.461686 0.073653 0.459886 0.065457 0.45491 0.058339 0.44756 0.053712 0.439287 0.052311 0.431092 0.05411 0.423973 0.059086 0.314483 0.53854 0.314385 0.549749 0.200291 0.548754 0.314385 0.549749 0.31436 0.552677 0.314247 0.565677 0.200152 0.564682 0.314247 0.565677 0.314155 0.576144 0.200061 0.575149 0.314155 0.576144 0.314079 0.584861 0.199985 0.583865 0.314079 0.584861 0.314007 0.593145 0.199912 0.59215 0.314007 0.593145 0.313929 0.602088 0.199834 0.601092 0.313929 0.602088 0.313847 0.61148 0.199752 0.610484 0.313847 0.61148 0.313746 0.623002 0.199652 0.622007 0.313746 0.623002 0.313629 0.636408 0.199535 0.635413 0.313629 0.636408 0.313533 0.647388 0.199439 0.646393 0.313533 0.647388 0.313474 0.654184 0.19938 0.653188 0.313474 0.654184 0.313429 0.65938 0.199334 0.658384 0.313429 0.65938 0.313368 0.666392 0.199273 0.665397 0.313368 0.666392 0.313278 0.676656 0.199184 0.675661 0.313278 0.676656 0.313165 0.689635 0.19907 0.688639 0.313165 0.689635 0.313027 0.70546 0.264787 0.538106 0.271781 0.538167 0.278775 0.538228 0.286015 0.538291 0.293255 0.538354 0.300249 0.538415 0.307243 0.538476 0.200389 0.537544 0.207629 0.537607 0.214623 0.537668 0.221617 0.537729 0.228857 0.537792 0.236097 0.537856 0.243092 0.537917 0.250086 0.537978 0.257436 0.538042 0.264688 0.549316 0.271683 0.549377 0.278677 0.549438 0.285917 0.549501 0.293157 0.549564 0.300151 0.549625 0.307146 0.549686 0.200291 0.548754 0.207531 0.548817 0.214525 0.548878 0.22152 0.548939 0.22876 0.549002 0.235999 0.549065 0.242994 0.549126 0.249988 0.549187 0.257338 0.549252 0.264663 0.552243 0.271657 0.552304 0.278652 0.552365 0.285891 0.552428 0.293132 0.552491 0.300126 0.552552 0.30712 0.552613 0.200266 0.551681 0.207505 0.551744 0.2145 0.551805 0.221494 0.551866 0.228734 0.551929 0.255979 0.704962 0.248629 0.704898 0.241635 0.704837 0.234641 0.704776 0.227401 0.704713 0.220161 0.70465 0.213166 0.704588 0.206172 0.704528 0.198932 0.704464 0.305787 0.705397 0.298792 0.705336 0.291798 0.705275 0.284558 0.705212 0.277318 0.705148 0.270324 0.705087 0.263329 0.705026 0.256118 0.689137 0.248767 0.689073 0.241773 0.689012 0.234779 0.688951 0.227539 0.688887 0.220299 0.688824 0.213305 0.688763 0.20631 0.688702 0.305925 0.689571 0.29893 0.68951 0.291936 0.689449 0.284696 0.689386 0.277456 0.689323 0.270462 0.689262 0.263468 0.689201 0.256231 0.676159 0.248881 0.676094 0.241886 0.676033 0.234892 0.675972 0.227652 0.675909 0.220412 0.675846 0.213418 0.675785 0.206423 0.675724 0.306038 0.676593 0.299044 0.676532 0.292049 0.676471 0.28481 0.676408 0.27757 0.676345 0.270575 0.676284 0.263581 0.676223 0.25632 0.665895 0.24897 0.66583 0.241976 0.665769 0.234982 0.665708 0.227742 0.665645 0.220502 0.665582 0.213508 0.665521 0.206513 0.66546 0.306128 0.666329 0.299133 0.666268 0.292139 0.666207 0.284899 0.666144 0.277659 0.666081 0.270665 0.66602 0.263671 0.665959 0.256382 0.658882 0.249031 0.658818 0.242037 0.658757 0.235043 0.658696 0.227803 0.658633 0.220563 0.65857 0.213569 0.658509 0.206574 0.658448 0.306189 0.659317 0.299195 0.659256 0.2922 0.659195 0.28496 0.659132 0.277721 0.659068 0.270726 0.659007 0.263732 0.658946 0.256427 0.653686 0.249077 0.653622 0.242082 0.653561 0.235088 0.6535 0.227848 0.653437 0.220608 0.653373 0.213614 0.653312 0.20662 0.653251 0.306234 0.654121 0.29924 0.65406 0.292246 0.653998 0.285006 0.653935 0.277766 0.653872 0.270771 0.653811 0.263777 0.65375 0.256486 0.64689 0.249136 0.646826 0.242142 0.646765 0.235147 0.646704 0.227907 0.646641 0.220668 0.646578 0.213673 0.646517 0.206679 0.646456 0.306293 0.647325 0.299299 0.647264 0.292305 0.647203 0.285065 0.64714 0.277825 0.647077 0.270831 0.647016 0.263836 0.646955 0.256582 0.635911 0.249232 0.635846 0.242237 0.635785 0.235243 0.635724 0.228003 0.635661 0.220763 0.635598 0.213769 0.635537 0.206775 0.635476 0.306389 0.636345 0.299395 0.636284 0.292401 0.636223 0.285161 0.63616 0.277921 0.636097 0.270926 0.636036 0.263932 0.635975 0.256699 0.622504 0.249349 0.62244 0.242354 0.622379 0.23536 0.622318 0.22812 0.622255 0.22088 0.622192 0.213886 0.622131 0.206892 0.62207 0.306506 0.622939 0.299512 0.622878 0.292518 0.622817 0.285278 0.622754 0.278038 0.622691 0.271044 0.62263 0.264049 0.622568 0.2568 0.610982 0.249449 0.610918 0.242455 0.610857 0.235461 0.610796 0.228221 0.610733 0.220981 0.610669 0.213987 0.610608 0.206992 0.610547 0.306607 0.611417 0.299613 0.611356 0.292618 0.611295 0.285379 0.611231 0.278139 0.611168 0.271144 0.611107 0.26415 0.611046 0.256882 0.60159 0.249531 0.601526 0.242537 0.601465 0.235543 0.601404 0.228303 0.601341 0.221063 0.601278 0.214069 0.601217 0.207074 0.601156 0.306689 0.602025 0.299695 0.601964 0.2927 0.601903 0.28546 0.60184 0.27822 0.601777 0.271226 0.601715 0.264232 0.601654 0.25696 0.592648 0.24961 0.592583 0.242615 0.592522 0.235621 0.592461 0.228381 0.592398 0.221141 0.592335 0.214147 0.592274 0.207152 0.592213 0.306767 0.593082 0.299773 0.593021 0.292778 0.59296 0.285538 0.592897 0.278299 0.592834 0.271304 0.592773 0.26431 0.592712 0.257032 0.584363 0.249682 0.584299 0.242687 0.584238 0.235693 0.584176 0.228453 0.584113 0.221213 0.58405 0.214219 0.583989 0.207225 0.583928 0.306839 0.584797 0.299845 0.584736 0.292851 0.584675 0.285611 0.584612 0.278371 0.584549 0.271376 0.584488 0.264382 0.584427 0.257108 0.575646 0.249758 0.575582 0.242763 0.575521 0.235769 0.57546 0.228529 0.575397 0.221289 0.575334 0.214295 0.575273 0.207301 0.575212 0.306915 0.576081 0.299921 0.57602 0.292927 0.575959 0.285687 0.575896 0.278447 0.575833 0.271452 0.575772 0.264458 0.575711 0.257199 0.565179 0.249849 0.565115 0.242855 0.565054 0.235861 0.564993 0.22862 0.56493 0.221381 0.564867 0.214386 0.564806 0.207392 0.564745 0.307006 0.565614 0.300012 0.565553 0.293018 0.565492 0.285778 0.565429 0.278538 0.565366 0.271544 0.565305 0.26455 0.565244 0.257313 0.552179 0.249963 0.552115 0.242968 0.552054 0.235974 0.551992 0.228734 0.551929 0.221494 0.551866 0.2145 0.551805 0.207505 0.551744 0.200266 0.551681 0.30712 0.552613 0.300126 0.552552 0.293132 0.552491 0.285891 0.552428 0.278652 0.552365 0.271657 0.552304 0.264663 0.552243 0.257338 0.549252 0.249988 0.549187 0.242994 0.549126 0.235999 0.549065 0.22876 0.549002 0.22152 0.548939 0.214525 0.548878 0.207531 0.548817 0.307146 0.549686 0.300151 0.549625 0.293157 0.549564 0.285917 0.549501 0.278677 0.549438 0.271683 0.549377 0.264688 0.549316 0.257436 0.538042 0.250086 0.537978 0.243092 0.537917 0.236097 0.537856 0.228857 0.537792 0.221617 0.537729 0.214623 0.537668 0.207629 0.537607 0.307243 0.538476 0.300249 0.538415 0.293255 0.538354 0.286015 0.538291 0.278775 0.538228 0.271781 0.538167 0.264787 0.538106 0.313027 0.70546 0.19907 0.688639 0.313165 0.689635 0.19907 0.688639 0.313165 0.689635 0.199184 0.675661 0.313278 0.676656 0.199184 0.675661 0.313278 0.676656 0.199273 0.665397 0.313368 0.666392 0.199273 0.665397 0.313368 0.666392 0.199334 0.658384 0.313429 0.65938 0.199334 0.658384 0.313429 0.65938 0.19938 0.653188 0.313474 0.654184 0.19938 0.653188 0.313474 0.654184 0.199439 0.646393 0.313533 0.647388 0.199439 0.646393 0.313533 0.647388 0.199535 0.635413 0.313629 0.636408 0.199535 0.635413 0.313629 0.636408 0.199652 0.622007 0.313746 0.623002 0.199652 0.622007 0.313746 0.623002 0.199752 0.610484 0.313847 0.61148 0.199752 0.610484 0.313847 0.61148 0.199834 0.601092 0.313929 0.602088 0.199834 0.601092 0.313929 0.602088 0.199912 0.59215 0.314007 0.593145 0.199912 0.59215 0.314007 0.593145 0.199985 0.583865 0.314079 0.584861 0.199985 0.583865 0.314079 0.584861 0.200061 0.575149 0.314155 0.576144 0.200061 0.575149 0.314155 0.576144 0.200152 0.564682 0.314247 0.565677 0.200152 0.564682 0.314247 0.565677 0.31436 0.552677 0.200291 0.548754 0.314385 0.549749 0.200291 0.548754 0.314385 0.549749 0.200389 0.537544 0.314483 0.53854 0.423973 0.059086 0.431092 0.05411 0.439287 0.052311 0.44756 0.053712 0.45491 0.058339 0.459886 0.065457 0.461686 0.073653 0.460284 0.081925 0.455658 0.089276 0.448539 0.094252 0.440344 0.096051 0.432071 0.09465 0.42472 0.090023 0.419744 0.082905 0.417945 0.074709 0.419347 0.066436 0.255979 0.704962 0.248629 0.704898 0.241635 0.704837 0.234641 0.704776 0.227401 0.704713 0.220161 0.70465 0.213166 0.704588 0.206172 0.704528 0.198932 0.704464 0.305787 0.705397 0.298792 0.705336 0.291798 0.705275 0.284558 0.705212 0.277318 0.705148 0.270324 0.705087 0.263329 0.705026 0.256118 0.689137 0.248767 0.689073 0.241773 0.689012 0.234779 0.688951 0.227539 0.688887 0.220299 0.688824 0.213305 0.688763 0.20631 0.688702 0.305925 0.689571 0.29893 0.68951 0.291936 0.689449 0.284696 0.689386 0.277456 0.689323 0.270462 0.689262 0.263468 0.689201 0.256231 0.676159 0.248881 0.676094 0.241886 0.676033 0.234892 0.675972 0.227652 0.675909 0.220412 0.675846 0.213418 0.675785 0.206423 0.675724 0.306038 0.676593 0.299044 0.676532 0.292049 0.676471 0.28481 0.676408 0.27757 0.676345 0.270575 0.676284 0.263581 0.676223 0.25632 0.665895 0.24897 0.66583 0.241976 0.665769 0.234982 0.665708 0.227742 0.665645 0.220502 0.665582 0.213508 0.665521 0.206513 0.66546 0.306128 0.666329 0.299133 0.666268 0.292139 0.666207 0.284899 0.666144 0.277659 0.666081 0.270665 0.66602 0.263671 0.665959 0.256382 0.658882 0.249031 0.658818 0.242037 0.658757 0.235043 0.658696 0.227803 0.658633 0.220563 0.65857 0.213569 0.658509 0.206574 0.658448 0.306189 0.659317 0.299195 0.659256 0.2922 0.659195 0.28496 0.659132 0.277721 0.659068 0.270726 0.659007 0.263732 0.658946 0.256427 0.653686 0.249077 0.653622 0.242082 0.653561 0.235088 0.6535 0.227848 0.653437 0.220608 0.653373 0.213614 0.653312 0.20662 0.653251 0.306234 0.654121 0.29924 0.65406 0.292246 0.653998 0.285006 0.653935 0.277766 0.653872 0.270771 0.653811 0.263777 0.65375 0.256486 0.64689 0.249136 0.646826 0.242142 0.646765 0.235147 0.646704 0.227907 0.646641 0.220668 0.646578 0.213673 0.646517 0.206679 0.646456 0.306293 0.647325 0.299299 0.647264 0.292305 0.647203 0.285065 0.64714 0.277825 0.647077 0.270831 0.647016 0.263836 0.646955 0.256582 0.635911 0.249232 0.635846 0.242237 0.635785 0.235243 0.635724 0.228003 0.635661 0.220763 0.635598 0.213769 0.635537 0.206775 0.635476 0.306389 0.636345 0.299395 0.636284 0.292401 0.636223 0.285161 0.63616 0.277921 0.636097 0.270926 0.636036 0.263932 0.635975 0.256699 0.622504 0.249349 0.62244 0.242354 0.622379 0.23536 0.622318 0.22812 0.622255 0.22088 0.622192 0.213886 0.622131 0.206892 0.62207 0.306506 0.622939 0.299512 0.622878 0.292518 0.622817 0.285278 0.622754 0.278038 0.622691 0.271044 0.62263 0.264049 0.622568 0.2568 0.610982 0.249449 0.610918 0.242455 0.610857 0.235461 0.610796 0.228221 0.610733 0.220981 0.610669 0.213987 0.610608 0.206992 0.610547 0.306607 0.611417 0.299613 0.611356 0.292618 0.611295 0.285379 0.611231 0.278139 0.611168 0.271144 0.611107 0.26415 0.611046 0.256882 0.60159 0.249531 0.601526 0.242537 0.601465 0.235543 0.601404 0.228303 0.601341 0.221063 0.601278 0.214069 0.601217 0.207074 0.601156 0.306689 0.602025 0.299695 0.601964 0.2927 0.601903 0.28546 0.60184 0.27822 0.601777 0.271226 0.601715 0.264232 0.601654 0.25696 0.592648 0.24961 0.592583 0.242615 0.592522 0.235621 0.592461 0.228381 0.592398 0.221141 0.592335 0.214147 0.592274 0.207152 0.592213 0.306767 0.593082 0.299773 0.593021 0.292778 0.59296 0.285538 0.592897 0.278299 0.592834 0.271304 0.592773 0.26431 0.592712 0.257032 0.584363 0.249682 0.584299 0.242687 0.584238 0.235693 0.584176 0.228453 0.584113 0.221213 0.58405 0.214219 0.583989 0.207225 0.583928 0.306839 0.584797 0.299845 0.584736 0.292851 0.584675 0.285611 0.584612 0.278371 0.584549 0.271376 0.584488 0.264382 0.584427 0.257108 0.575646 0.249758 0.575582 0.242763 0.575521 0.235769 0.57546 0.228529 0.575397 0.221289 0.575334 0.214295 0.575273 0.207301 0.575212 0.306915 0.576081 0.299921 0.57602 0.292927 0.575959 0.285687 0.575896 0.278447 0.575833 0.271452 0.575772 0.264458 0.575711 0.257199 0.565179 0.249849 0.565115 0.242855 0.565054 0.235861 0.564993 0.22862 0.56493 0.221381 0.564867 0.214386 0.564806 0.207392 0.564745 0.307006 0.565614 0.300012 0.565553 0.293018 0.565492 0.285778 0.565429 0.278538 0.565366 0.271544 0.565305 0.26455 0.565244 0.257313 0.552179 0.249963 0.552115 0.242968 0.552054 0.235974 0.551992 0.228734 0.551929 0.221494 0.551866 0.2145 0.551805 0.207505 0.551744 0.200266 0.551681 0.30712 0.552613 0.300126 0.552552 0.293132 0.552491 0.285891 0.552428 0.278652 0.552365 0.271657 0.552304 0.264663 0.552243 0.257338 0.549252 0.249988 0.549187 0.242994 0.549126 0.235999 0.549065 0.22876 0.549002 0.22152 0.548939 0.214525 0.548878 0.207531 0.548817 0.307146 0.549686 0.300151 0.549625 0.293157 0.549564 0.285917 0.549501 0.278677 0.549438 0.271683 0.549377 0.264688 0.549316 0.257436 0.538042 0.250086 0.537978 0.243092 0.537917 0.236097 0.537856 0.228857 0.537792 0.221617 0.537729 0.214623 0.537668 0.207629 0.537607 0.307243 0.538476 0.300249 0.538415 0.293255 0.538354 0.286015 0.538291 0.278775 0.538228 0.271781 0.538167 0.264787 0.538106 0.313027 0.70546 0.19907 0.688639 0.313165 0.689635 0.19907 0.688639 0.313165 0.689635 0.199184 0.675661 0.313278 0.676656 0.199184 0.675661 0.313278 0.676656 0.199273 0.665397 0.313368 0.666392 0.199273 0.665397 0.313368 0.666392 0.199334 0.658384 0.313429 0.65938 0.199334 0.658384 0.313429 0.65938 0.19938 0.653188 0.313474 0.654184 0.19938 0.653188 0.313474 0.654184 0.199439 0.646393 0.313533 0.647388 0.199439 0.646393 0.313533 0.647388 0.199535 0.635413 0.313629 0.636408 0.199535 0.635413 0.313629 0.636408 0.199652 0.622007 0.313746 0.623002 0.199652 0.622007 0.313746 0.623002 0.199752 0.610484 0.313847 0.61148 0.199752 0.610484 0.313847 0.61148 0.199834 0.601092 0.313929 0.602088 0.199834 0.601092 0.313929 0.602088 0.199912 0.59215 0.314007 0.593145 0.199912 0.59215 0.314007 0.593145 0.199985 0.583865 0.314079 0.584861 0.199985 0.583865 0.314079 0.584861 0.200061 0.575149 0.314155 0.576144 0.200061 0.575149 0.314155 0.576144 0.200152 0.564682 0.314247 0.565677 0.200152 0.564682 0.314247 0.565677 0.31436 0.552677 0.200291 0.548754 0.314385 0.549749 0.200291 0.548754 0.314385 0.549749 0.200389 0.537544 0.314483 0.53854 0.423973 0.059086 0.431092 0.05411 0.439287 0.052311 0.44756 0.053712 0.45491 0.058339 0.459886 0.065457 0.461686 0.073653 0.460284 0.081925 0.455658 0.089276 0.448539 0.094252 0.440344 0.096051 0.432071 0.09465 0.42472 0.090023 0.419744 0.082905 0.417945 0.074709 0.419347 0.066436 0.255979 0.704962 0.248629 0.704898 0.241635 0.704837 0.234641 0.704776 0.227401 0.704713 0.220161 0.70465 0.213166 0.704588 0.206172 0.704528 0.198932 0.704464 0.305787 0.705397 0.298792 0.705336 0.291798 0.705275 0.284558 0.705212 0.277318 0.705148 0.270324 0.705087 0.263329 0.705026 0.256118 0.689137 0.248767 0.689073 0.241773 0.689012 0.234779 0.688951 0.227539 0.688887 0.220299 0.688824 0.213305 0.688763 0.20631 0.688702 0.305925 0.689571 0.29893 0.68951 0.291936 0.689449 0.284696 0.689386 0.277456 0.689323 0.270462 0.689262 0.263468 0.689201 0.256231 0.676159 0.248881 0.676094 0.241886 0.676033 0.234892 0.675972 0.227652 0.675909 0.220412 0.675846 0.213418 0.675785 0.206423 0.675724 0.306038 0.676593 0.299044 0.676532 0.292049 0.676471 0.28481 0.676408 0.27757 0.676345 0.270575 0.676284 0.263581 0.676223 0.25632 0.665895 0.24897 0.66583 0.241976 0.665769 0.234982 0.665708 0.227742 0.665645 0.220502 0.665582 0.213508 0.665521 0.206513 0.66546 0.306128 0.666329 0.299133 0.666268 0.292139 0.666207 0.284899 0.666144 0.277659 0.666081 0.270665 0.66602 0.263671 0.665959 0.256382 0.658882 0.249031 0.658818 0.242037 0.658757 0.235043 0.658696 0.227803 0.658633 0.220563 0.65857 0.213569 0.658509 0.206574 0.658448 0.306189 0.659317 0.299195 0.659256 0.2922 0.659195 0.28496 0.659132 0.277721 0.659068 0.270726 0.659007 0.263732 0.658946 0.256427 0.653686 0.249077 0.653622 0.242082 0.653561 0.235088 0.6535 0.227848 0.653437 0.220608 0.653373 0.213614 0.653312 0.20662 0.653251 0.306234 0.654121 0.29924 0.65406 0.292246 0.653998 0.285006 0.653935 0.277766 0.653872 0.270771 0.653811 0.263777 0.65375 0.256486 0.64689 0.249136 0.646826 0.242142 0.646765 0.235147 0.646704 0.227907 0.646641 0.220668 0.646578 0.213673 0.646517 0.206679 0.646456 0.306293 0.647325 0.299299 0.647264 0.292305 0.647203 0.285065 0.64714 0.277825 0.647077 0.270831 0.647016 0.263836 0.646955 0.256582 0.635911 0.249232 0.635846 0.242237 0.635785 0.235243 0.635724 0.228003 0.635661 0.220763 0.635598 0.213769 0.635537 0.206775 0.635476 0.306389 0.636345 0.299395 0.636284 0.292401 0.636223 0.285161 0.63616 0.277921 0.636097 0.270926 0.636036 0.263932 0.635975 0.256699 0.622504 0.249349 0.62244 0.242354 0.622379 0.23536 0.622318 0.22812 0.622255 0.22088 0.622192 0.213886 0.622131 0.206892 0.62207 0.306506 0.622939 0.299512 0.622878 0.292518 0.622817 0.285278 0.622754 0.278038 0.622691 0.271044 0.62263 0.264049 0.622568 0.2568 0.610982 0.249449 0.610918 0.242455 0.610857 0.235461 0.610796 0.228221 0.610733 0.220981 0.610669 0.213987 0.610608 0.206992 0.610547 0.306607 0.611417 0.299613 0.611356 0.292618 0.611295 0.285379 0.611231 0.278139 0.611168 0.271144 0.611107 0.26415 0.611046 0.256882 0.60159 0.249531 0.601526 0.242537 0.601465 0.235543 0.601404 0.228303 0.601341 0.221063 0.601278 0.214069 0.601217 0.207074 0.601156 0.306689 0.602025 0.299695 0.601964 0.2927 0.601903 0.28546 0.60184 0.27822 0.601777 0.271226 0.601715 0.264232 0.601654 0.25696 0.592648 0.24961 0.592583 0.242615 0.592522 0.235621 0.592461 0.228381 0.592398 0.221141 0.592335 0.214147 0.592274 0.207152 0.592213 0.306767 0.593082 0.299773 0.593021 0.292778 0.59296 0.285538 0.592897 0.278299 0.592834 0.271304 0.592773 0.26431 0.592712 0.257032 0.584363 0.249682 0.584299 0.242687 0.584238 0.235693 0.584176 0.228453 0.584113 0.221213 0.58405 0.214219 0.583989 0.207225 0.583928 0.306839 0.584797 0.299845 0.584736 0.292851 0.584675 0.285611 0.584612 0.278371 0.584549 0.271376 0.584488 0.264382 0.584427 0.257108 0.575646 0.249758 0.575582 0.242763 0.575521 0.235769 0.57546 0.228529 0.575397 0.221289 0.575334 0.214295 0.575273 0.207301 0.575212 0.306915 0.576081 0.299921 0.57602 0.292927 0.575959 0.285687 0.575896 0.278447 0.575833 0.271452 0.575772 0.264458 0.575711 0.257199 0.565179 0.249849 0.565115 0.242855 0.565054 0.235861 0.564993 0.22862 0.56493 0.221381 0.564867 0.214386 0.564806 0.207392 0.564745 0.307006 0.565614 0.300012 0.565553 0.293018 0.565492 0.285778 0.565429 0.278538 0.565366 0.271544 0.565305 0.26455 0.565244 0.257313 0.552179 0.249963 0.552115 0.242968 0.552054 0.235974 0.551992 0.228734 0.551929 0.221494 0.551866 0.2145 0.551805 0.207505 0.551744 0.200266 0.551681 0.30712 0.552613 0.300126 0.552552 0.293132 0.552491 0.285891 0.552428 0.278652 0.552365 0.271657 0.552304 0.264663 0.552243 0.257338 0.549252 0.249988 0.549187 0.242994 0.549126 0.235999 0.549065 0.22876 0.549002 0.22152 0.548939 0.214525 0.548878 0.207531 0.548817 0.307146 0.549686 0.300151 0.549625 0.293157 0.549564 0.285917 0.549501 0.278677 0.549438 0.271683 0.549377 0.264688 0.549316 0.257436 0.538042 0.250086 0.537978 0.243092 0.537917 0.236097 0.537856 0.228857 0.537792 0.221617 0.537729 0.214623 0.537668 0.207629 0.537607 0.307243 0.538476 0.300249 0.538415 0.293255 0.538354 0.286015 0.538291 0.278775 0.538228 0.271781 0.538167 0.264787 0.538106 0.313027 0.70546 0.19907 0.688639 0.313165 0.689635 0.19907 0.688639 0.313165 0.689635 0.199184 0.675661 0.313278 0.676656 0.199184 0.675661 0.313278 0.676656 0.199273 0.665397 0.313368 0.666392 0.199273 0.665397 0.313368 0.666392 0.199334 0.658384 0.313429 0.65938 0.199334 0.658384 0.313429 0.65938 0.19938 0.653188 0.313474 0.654184 0.19938 0.653188 0.313474 0.654184 0.199439 0.646393 0.313533 0.647388 0.199439 0.646393 0.313533 0.647388 0.199535 0.635413 0.313629 0.636408 0.199535 0.635413 0.313629 0.636408 0.199652 0.622007 0.313746 0.623002 0.199652 0.622007 0.313746 0.623002 0.199752 0.610484 0.313847 0.61148 0.199752 0.610484 0.313847 0.61148 0.199834 0.601092 0.313929 0.602088 0.199834 0.601092 0.313929 0.602088 0.199912 0.59215 0.314007 0.593145 0.199912 0.59215 0.314007 0.593145 0.199985 0.583865 0.314079 0.584861 0.199985 0.583865 0.314079 0.584861 0.200061 0.575149 0.314155 0.576144 0.200061 0.575149 0.314155 0.576144 0.200152 0.564682 0.314247 0.565677 0.200152 0.564682 0.314247 0.565677 0.31436 0.552677 0.200291 0.548754 0.314385 0.549749 0.200291 0.548754 0.314385 0.549749 0.200389 0.537544 0.314483 0.53854 0.423973 0.059086 0.431092 0.05411 0.439287 0.052311 0.44756 0.053712 0.45491 0.058339 0.459886 0.065457 0.461686 0.073653 0.460284 0.081925 0.455658 0.089276 0.448539 0.094252 0.440344 0.096051 0.432071 0.09465 0.42472 0.090023 0.419744 0.082905 0.417945 0.074709 0.419347 0.066436 0.618502 0.443191 0.673885 0.443379 0.746513 0.444314 0.798185 0.443699 0.853198 0.443036 0.914829 0.4425 0.977478 0.440484 0.260633 0.44219 0.323197 0.4425 0.384831 0.443036 0.439848 0.443699 0.491524 0.444314 0.563939 0.443379 0.751762 0.517368 0.797312 0.51639 0.851918 0.515069 0.911612 0.513962 0.976428 0.516043 0.261604 0.516043 0.326425 0.513962 0.386116 0.515069 0.440719 0.51639 0.486267 0.517368 0.796097 0.584556 0.851078 0.580508 0.905303 0.576331 0.645975 0.008681 0.686606 0.007713 0.332729 0.576331 0.386956 0.580508 0.441934 0.584556 0.682779 0.690593 0.739532 0.684674 0.794847 0.676764 0.853103 0.672303 0.91382 0.666388 0.586926 0.060946 0.641501 0.073062 0.324212 0.666388 0.384928 0.672301 0.443181 0.676761 0.498476 0.684661 0.618828 0.807499 0.679323 0.805863 0.737838 0.801432 0.795128 0.795204 0.853682 0.788951 0.914556 0.787605 0.977087 0.784464 0.260252 0.779986 0.323484 0.787586 0.384354 0.788959 0.442905 0.795205 0.500192 0.801431 0.558645 0.805863 0.618827 0.836178 0.67933 0.834793 0.737784 0.830958 0.795047 0.825549 0.853519 0.819813 0.914511 0.815084 0.977173 0.813864 0.26079 0.812395 0.323522 0.815082 0.384514 0.819814 0.442985 0.82555 0.500248 0.830958 0.558638 0.834793 0.693931 0.071812 0.747222 0.057174 0.564229 0.138211 0.63793 0.150652 0.701472 0.149138 0.773323 0.133397 0.533757 0.25268 0.799671 0.22465 0.736524 0.06263 0.754594 0.138535 0.768978 0.221856 0.70746 0.230148 0.980346 0.7164 0.933246 0.717635 0.635453 0.231863 0.572412 0.227798 0.583791 0.142585 0.598118 0.065922 0.304786 0.717635 0.257686 0.7164 0.571544 0.240656 0.636038 0.247063 0.618817 0.852365 0.679272 0.851057 0.737726 0.847432 0.795015 0.842322 0.853482 0.836897 0.91443 0.832403 0.977124 0.828741 0.260796 0.829863 0.323602 0.832403 0.38455 0.836897 0.443017 0.842322 0.500306 0.847432 0.558694 0.851057 0.618836 0.874088 0.679628 0.872626 0.73826 0.868575 0.795599 0.862862 0.854076 0.856797 0.914937 0.85177 0.977424 0.849974 0.260582 0.84893 0.323095 0.85177 0.383956 0.856797 0.442433 0.862862 0.499772 0.868575 0.558344 0.872626 0.618843 0.889983 0.679822 0.888438 0.738563 0.884156 0.795942 0.878119 0.854423 0.87171 0.915222 0.866396 0.977552 0.859935 0.260467 0.863395 0.32281 0.866396 0.383609 0.87171 0.44209 0.878119 0.499469 0.884156 0.558153 0.888438 0.618844 0.919956 0.679745 0.918332 0.738427 0.913834 0.795776 0.907491 0.854258 0.900757 0.915099 0.895174 0.977475 0.894489 0.260513 0.892021 0.322933 0.895174 0.383774 0.900757 0.442256 0.907491 0.499604 0.913834 0.55823 0.918332 0.618839 0.935331 0.679652 0.933729 0.738289 0.929287 0.795626 0.923025 0.854106 0.916377 0.914967 0.910865 0.977429 0.906055 0.260568 0.907752 0.323065 0.910865 0.383926 0.916377 0.442406 0.923025 0.499743 0.929287 0.558321 0.933729 0.618828 0.953026 0.679482 0.951521 0.738047 0.947351 0.795373 0.941472 0.853844 0.93523 0.914733 0.930055 0.977298 0.927992 0.260668 0.927133 0.323299 0.930055 0.384188 0.93523 0.442659 0.941472 0.499985 0.947352 0.558487 0.951521 0.61882 0.96718 0.679417 0.96575 0.737968 0.961788 0.795303 0.956202 0.853769 0.950271 0.914652 0.945334 0.977251 0.940053 0.260706 0.942578 0.323381 0.945354 0.384263 0.950271 0.442729 0.956202 0.500064 0.961788 0.558549 0.96575 0.618753 0.994179 0.679816 0.992742 0.738281 0.98876 0.795315 0.983145 0.853604 0.977184 0.914546 0.972242 0.977311 0.968141 0.260722 0.969452 0.323486 0.972242 0.384427 0.977184 0.442717 0.983145 0.499751 0.98876 0.558216 0.992742 0.618798 0.699597 0.74046 0.640838 0.752339 0.5877 0.618623 0.490632 0.662269 0.493884 0.722262 0.517353 0.515727 0.517353 0.575055 0.49389 0.48569 0.5877 0.497574 0.64084 0.555186 0.690582 0.618569 0.503216 0.658494 0.50668 0.722476 0.541804 0.730147 0.587839 0.71838 0.632262 0.670769 0.671546 0.618726 0.680669 0.566811 0.671532 0.519359 0.632269 0.507599 0.58784 0.515278 0.541804 0.578479 0.506686 0.618431 0.511231 0.653308 0.515075 0.673474 0.520798 0.705967 0.546832 0.716734 0.585941 0.708995 0.623374 0.658826 0.660855 0.618559 0.665289 0.575762 0.660801 0.526824 0.623386 0.519126 0.58594 0.529258 0.546833 0.560919 0.520799 0.580996 0.515082 0.009218 0.636611 0.025424 0.630695 0.040299 0.61818 0.066085 0.600279 0.100538 0.610992 0.133058 0.625251 0.160859 0.68132 0.182977 0.694905 0.160813 0.681294 0.133068 0.625261 0.100538 0.610992 0.704118 0.447138 0.533889 0.447139 0.694793 0.501846 0.688629 0.5153 0.697427 0.534189 0.066086 0.60028 0.537262 0.53419 0.548416 0.515302 0.542657 0.501847 0.618601 0.467509 0.666679 0.470127 0.718833 0.482122 0.749683 0.481266 0.797799 0.480499 0.85236 0.479509 0.913224 0.478793 0.976485 0.478264 0.261303 0.478327 0.324808 0.478793 0.385672 0.479509 0.440232 0.480499 0.48835 0.481266 0.519178 0.482122 0.570878 0.47013 0.539723 0.475627 0.697964 0.475627 0.040299 0.61818 0.025432 0.630683 0.709952 0.481196 0.711221 0.512057 0.708678 0.528459 0.52866 0.528459 0.526506 0.512057 0.527891 0.481195 0.261001 0.418282 0.97687 0.416027 0.913636 0.418509 0.851434 0.418783 0.796589 0.419145 0.744887 0.419472 0.703675 0.419801 0.674468 0.419776 0.618372 0.419928 0.563361 0.419776 0.5344 0.419801 0.493177 0.419472 0.441452 0.419137 0.38658 0.418728 0.324349 0.418454 0.261578 0.409517 0.976112 0.409492 0.910944 0.409934 0.847929 0.409916 0.795312 0.410078 0.746058 0.410062 0.705261 0.410316 0.675778 0.410258 0.618128 0.41034 0.56174 0.410257 0.532794 0.410316 0.492019 0.410062 0.442732 0.410031 0.390079 0.409589 0.326989 0.409606 0.261081 0.399142 0.975671 0.403454 0.908104 0.399256 0.844259 0.399388 0.794075 0.399564 0.747334 0.399724 0.706394 0.399992 0.676637 0.39992 0.617884 0.399983 0.560542 0.399918 0.531628 0.399992 0.490752 0.399724 0.443973 0.399556 0.393746 0.399333 0.329631 0.399201 0.260069 0.362939 0.975881 0.362939 0.907858 0.362983 0.841974 0.363164 0.794291 0.363349 0.747535 0.363523 0.704213 0.363887 0.682362 0.363705 0.617576 0.36384 0.554926 0.363703 0.533914 0.363887 0.490552 0.363523 0.443757 0.363349 0.396033 0.363164 0.330087 0.362983 0.618818 0.752965 0.67858 0.750563 0.737215 0.744621 0.794507 0.73689 0.85359 0.731284 0.91495 0.726655 0.70736 0.245363 0.770724 0.235992 0.637069 0.355895 0.583916 0.350165 0.323073 0.726673 0.384437 0.731276 0.443522 0.736887 0.500803 0.744612 0.559375 0.750556 0.79521 0.632991 0.85249 0.62848 0.911493 0.625956 0.598314 0.309917 0.643167 0.315632 0.702215 0.31423 0.746313 0.306427 0.326539 0.625956 0.385543 0.62848 0.442823 0.632991 0.79723 0.540578 0.851487 0.538592 0.909061 0.533619 0.761527 0.346054 0.709359 0.354221 0.538666 0.261452 0.803516 0.255621 0.329018 0.533619 0.386558 0.538592 0.440796 0.540578 0.752624 0.542533 0.485386 0.542533 0.196049 0.362939 0.515032 0.011264 0.53337 0.011252 0.551816 0.021253 0.5669 0.040871 0.569378 0.061281 0.56334 0.080466 0.551235 0.092326 0.54478 0.09699 0.523449 0.102144 0.50287 0.096835 0.196653 0.478264 0.197646 0.440484 0.553756 0.179968 0.577508 0.185822 0.636377 0.194834 0.705093 0.193196 0.762823 0.181467 0.78552 0.174657 0.197341 0.813864 0.197256 0.784464 0.176239 0.352406 0.095052 0.332876 0.033445 0.278761 0.005497 0.202458 0.016847 0.121446 0.063964 0.054285 0.135714 0.016361 0.573846 0.103337 0.590275 0.105657 0.639596 0.113487 0.697911 0.112097 0.200515 0.7164 0.197292 0.828741 0.197593 0.849974 0.19772 0.859935 0.197643 0.894489 0.197598 0.906055 0.197466 0.927992 0.19742 0.940053 0.197479 0.969452 0.196596 0.516043 0.197038 0.416027 0.19628 0.408993 0.19584 0.403454 0.746309 0.101954 0.76217 0.098981 0.599583 0.026145 0.610844 0.034008 0.644943 0.039078 0.688889 0.03803 0.496661 0.092359 0.484542 0.080514 0.478487 0.061337 0.480945 0.040924 0.496011 0.021287 0.216205 0.016361 0.287956 0.054285 0.335072 0.121446 0.346422 0.202458 0.318474 0.278761 0.256961 0.332876 0.61887 0.51501 0.675221 0.537908 0.697265 0.586138 0.697529 0.618517 0.66879 0.646847 0.618851 0.654367 0.566606 0.646808 0.537883 0.618472 0.538155 0.586082 0.560231 0.537868 0.575136 0.525053 0.587573 0.519825 0.660112 0.525082 0.647656 0.519837 0.722439 0.031353 0.733204 0.023006 0.023515 0.554072 0.062912 0.55388 0.103291 0.55387 0.130405 0.553865 0.154136 0.55386 0.180081 0.554048 0.154133 0.55386 0.130414 0.553865 0.103291 0.55387 0.062913 0.55388 0.052177 0.553882 0.054223 0.603172 0.039568 0.553881 0.054224 0.603173 0.052177 0.553882 0.03956 0.553881 0.565735 0.326221 0.778871 0.321488 0.549349 0.259876 0.792813 0.254417 0.578274 0.253575 0.541551 0.22827 0.578274 0.253575 0.636038 0.247063 0.636198 0.256245 0.636198 0.256245 0.70736 0.245363 0.70752 0.254544 0.70752 0.254544 0.764423 0.249138 0.808293 0.248773 0.764423 0.249138 0.523921 0.06074 0.642211 0.480764 0.733426 0.500887 0.772041 0.46164 0.824882 0.460853 0.882981 0.460099 0.945516 0.45958 0.2291 0.459374 0.292516 0.45958 0.355051 0.460099 0.41315 0.460853 0.465991 0.46164 0.504606 0.500887 0.735376 0.529768 0.82325 0.559021 0.879132 0.55621 0.620169 0.052222 0.667337 0.055703 0.714065 0.049984 0.358917 0.55621 0.414784 0.559021 0.465175 0.562014 0.720259 0.670489 0.770185 0.611355 0.823556 0.651668 0.882657 0.647858 0.609718 0.128111 0.669301 0.132561 0.728292 0.125285 0.355375 0.647858 0.414476 0.651668 0.470458 0.656995 0.517755 0.67048 0.648948 0.781765 0.708363 0.778148 0.76608 0.771832 0.823965 0.765066 0.884056 0.759595 0.601956 0.21194 0.671243 0.216236 0.73986 0.208653 0.353976 0.759595 0.414067 0.765066 0.471947 0.77183 0.529662 0.778144 0.588826 0.781763 0.649252 0.824299 0.708907 0.821454 0.766531 0.816416 0.824118 0.810339 0.883836 0.804661 0.945849 0.840732 0.2291 0.799164 0.292183 0.840732 0.3542 0.804661 0.413916 0.810344 0.471501 0.816416 0.529125 0.821454 0.58853 0.824299 0.175988 0.181906 0.761867 0.117472 0.782317 0.200796 0.731089 0.333133 0.673013 0.336889 0.614494 0.335869 0.566956 0.160889 0.584487 0.083428 0.602071 0.238257 0.67166 0.241055 0.740645 0.234974 0.612866 0.286809 0.672336 0.287058 0.731353 0.283984 0.789482 0.240981 0.771908 0.284818 0.552631 0.245827 0.2291 0.750432 0.571667 0.289418 0.649167 0.844016 0.708722 0.841451 0.766333 0.836909 0.823945 0.83143 0.883636 0.826278 0.2291 0.821303 0.354396 0.826278 0.414087 0.83143 0.471699 0.836909 0.52931 0.841451 0.588604 0.844016 0.649259 0.863001 0.708948 0.860332 0.766625 0.855607 0.824258 0.849908 0.883915 0.844539 0.2291 0.839358 0.354117 0.844539 0.413774 0.849908 0.471407 0.855607 0.529084 0.860332 0.588519 0.863001 0.649446 0.88094 0.709384 0.878007 0.767165 0.872814 0.824827 0.866549 0.884458 0.860649 0.94621 0.856465 0.2291 0.854955 0.291822 0.856465 0.353574 0.860649 0.413205 0.866549 0.470867 0.872814 0.528648 0.878007 0.588354 0.88094 0.649468 0.904552 0.709433 0.901466 0.767221 0.896002 0.824884 0.889412 0.884516 0.883204 0.946251 0.878801 0.2291 0.877212 0.291781 0.878801 0.353516 0.883204 0.413148 0.889412 0.470811 0.896002 0.528599 0.901466 0.588334 0.904552 0.649416 0.928246 0.7093 0.925089 0.767045 0.919498 0.824694 0.912754 0.884343 0.906403 0.946143 0.901898 0.2291 0.900272 0.291889 0.901898 0.353689 0.906403 0.413337 0.912754 0.470987 0.919498 0.528731 0.925089 0.588384 0.928246 0.649338 0.943803 0.709126 0.940781 0.766842 0.935429 0.824485 0.928973 0.884135 0.922892 0.945998 0.91858 0.2291 0.917023 0.292034 0.91858 0.353897 0.922892 0.413547 0.928973 0.47119 0.935429 0.528905 0.940781 0.588451 0.943803 0.649257 0.959166 0.708956 0.956329 0.766649 0.951304 0.824289 0.945242 0.883935 0.939533 0.945855 0.935484 0.2291 0.934022 0.292177 0.935484 0.354097 0.939533 0.413743 0.945242 0.471383 0.951304 0.529076 0.956329 0.588517 0.959166 0.64926 0.979 0.708982 0.976264 0.766703 0.971418 0.824355 0.965572 0.883983 0.960066 0.945874 0.955834 0.2291 0.954752 0.292158 0.956162 0.354049 0.960066 0.413677 0.965572 0.471329 0.971418 0.52905 0.976264 0.588509 0.979 0.591069 0.455809 0.617675 0.531478 0.617869 0.520961 0.083207 0.579756 0.617708 0.602302 0.617702 0.632661 0.618082 0.649341 0.596962 0.498876 0.678169 0.505047 0.736822 0.612035 0.64698 0.686248 0.590748 0.686241 0.637694 0.508831 0.669628 0.514419 0.709181 0.537856 0.720318 0.607681 0.641791 0.67136 0.595 0.671343 0.51662 0.607688 0.542559 0.525248 0.56622 0.514423 0.598738 0.508835 0.024429 0.593815 0.039365 0.589159 0.052403 0.582278 0.116823 0.585995 0.169513 0.621033 0.169501 0.621027 0.116828 0.585997 0.052403 0.582279 0.039369 0.589156 0.024433 0.593812 0.640308 0.498872 0.559173 0.505051 0.501213 0.612039 0.550014 0.458074 0.682504 0.486079 0.710104 0.468943 0.703216 0.516107 0.061073 0.585777 0.061074 0.585778 0.534337 0.516107 0.533022 0.466911 0.646281 0.455808 0.595094 0.480767 0.68782 0.458074 0.727836 0.462279 0.715023 0.499791 0.7727 0.500172 0.823959 0.499149 0.881826 0.498131 0.944424 0.497454 0.2291 0.497154 0.293608 0.497454 0.356206 0.498131 0.414073 0.499149 0.465331 0.500172 0.510197 0.462279 0.52288 0.49979 0.554982 0.486082 0.705552 0.493984 0.716293 0.52649 0.521569 0.526491 0.532098 0.493983 0.527863 0.468943 0.704822 0.466912 0.229082 0.428256 0.945898 0.428378 0.88306 0.428715 0.824457 0.429191 0.770727 0.429696 0.722687 0.430175 0.690459 0.430349 0.648918 0.430451 0.588366 0.430451 0.547602 0.430349 0.515368 0.430175 0.467316 0.429696 0.413572 0.429191 0.354953 0.428715 0.292103 0.428378 0.229057 0.412635 0.944443 0.412944 0.880402 0.413137 0.822107 0.413299 0.769958 0.413474 0.722914 0.413691 0.690885 0.413806 0.649041 0.413833 0.587942 0.413833 0.547117 0.413806 0.515171 0.413691 0.4681 0.413474 0.41592 0.413174 0.357588 0.412887 0.293515 0.41282 0.228552 0.406348 0.942514 0.406626 0.876488 0.406758 0.819153 0.406846 0.770262 0.406935 0.724685 0.407103 0.692436 0.407204 0.649648 0.407188 0.58684 0.407187 0.545374 0.407203 0.513414 0.407103 0.467802 0.406935 0.418875 0.406721 0.361493 0.406508 0.29493 0.406502 0.228056 0.383196 0.941681 0.383218 0.874623 0.383331 0.817822 0.383514 0.770627 0.383694 0.725636 0.383963 0.693102 0.384054 0.64989 0.38403 0.586335 0.384029 0.544607 0.384053 0.512471 0.383963 0.467441 0.383694 0.420206 0.383514 0.363353 0.383331 0.295263 0.383218 0.69349 0.525247 0.527224 0.537857 0.648836 0.722634 0.588912 0.722628 0.708622 0.717255 0.766277 0.709158 0.823647 0.702602 0.883719 0.698421 0.55838 0.205447 0.605609 0.168366 0.670308 0.173233 0.734355 0.165297 0.771907 0.156099 0.354309 0.698421 0.414383 0.702598 0.471742 0.70915 0.529388 0.717242 0.534083 0.659745 0.70394 0.659747 0.690615 0.648326 0.545998 0.648315 0.144614 0.603574 0.144607 0.60357 0.719063 0.565325 0.517713 0.565326 0.617718 0.561999 0.083207 0.579756 0.773222 0.528675 0.499487 0.563848 0.823146 0.606996 0.880097 0.602894 0.575234 0.121845 0.61412 0.089665 0.668296 0.093933 0.721931 0.087095 0.750809 0.079508 0.357935 0.602894 0.414886 0.606996 0.467849 0.611356 0.767567 0.656999 0.823688 0.527161 0.772847 0.562014 0.880881 0.525778 0.59562 0.045845 0.631244 0.026782 0.666613 0.023485 0.30552 0.522134 0.738011 0.042475 0.357167 0.525778 0.414346 0.527161 0.4648 0.528675 0.502636 0.529768 0.738526 0.563848 0.716484 0.020021 0.701945 0.025096 0.932527 0.522134 0.616343 0.022392 0.945665 0.822625 0.292367 0.822625 0.292258 0.800633 0.945776 0.800638 0.286725 0.751521 0.951309 0.751526 0.481515 0.070926 0.467155 0.363436 0.479716 0.05113 0.419895 0.363257 0.488478 0.031106 0.36306 0.363073 0.505522 0.016275 0.295078 0.362961 0.524201 0.011258 0.228059 0.362939 0.542593 0.016253 0.941869 0.362961 0.559358 0.031062 0.874916 0.363073 0.568139 0.051076 0.818133 0.363257 0.566359 0.070874 0.770913 0.363436 0.557288 0.086396 0.725874 0.363705 0.548008 0.094658 0.693287 0.363796 0.534115 0.099567 0.649969 0.363773 0.51316 0.099489 0.586251 0.363772 0.499766 0.094597 0.54442 0.363795 0.490602 0.086437 0.512233 0.363705 0.641178 0.491526 0.618618 0.479871 0.643786 0.468289 0.664098 0.482986 0.750903 0.500541 0.734551 0.51775 0.721168 0.50078 0.731392 0.481593 0.748084 0.461973 0.771554 0.444016 0.798157 0.461269 0.772365 0.480911 0.824345 0.480001 0.825082 0.443363 0.852921 0.460444 0.882202 0.479115 0.883492 0.442745 0.91415 0.459813 0.944779 0.478517 0.946076 0.442311 0.976981 0.459374 0.19715 0.459374 0.229096 0.44215 0.260929 0.459426 0.2291 0.478264 0.291948 0.442311 0.323882 0.459813 0.293253 0.478517 0.354536 0.442745 0.385111 0.460444 0.35583 0.479115 0.41295 0.443363 0.439875 0.461269 0.413687 0.480001 0.465667 0.480911 0.466481 0.444016 0.489948 0.461973 0.506642 0.481593 0.516833 0.50078 0.503476 0.51775 0.487129 0.500541 0.723166 0.529129 0.752277 0.529313 0.736501 0.543085 0.822985 0.582513 0.796734 0.560557 0.823598 0.539558 0.851136 0.55753 0.878884 0.578782 0.880058 0.537701 0.907182 0.554975 0.593254 0.043545 0.60294 0.048589 0.624793 0.037667 0.643053 0.055131 0.616803 0.069778 0.666955 0.039184 0.691511 0.053976 0.667778 0.073726 0.708809 0.035664 0.730923 0.045545 0.718257 0.06736 0.330874 0.554975 0.740213 0.04009 0.357998 0.537701 0.386905 0.55753 0.359152 0.578782 0.414437 0.539558 0.441294 0.560557 0.415047 0.582513 0.464798 0.541634 0.485036 0.563181 0.466127 0.586396 0.742296 0.661975 0.711988 0.690088 0.71133 0.665038 0.771904 0.586395 0.795581 0.609261 0.768477 0.635391 0.749688 0.612529 0.823597 0.674248 0.795008 0.654063 0.823435 0.630653 0.852883 0.649653 0.881709 0.626576 0.912656 0.646172 0.569038 0.120774 0.883231 0.670539 0.586953 0.123947 0.611849 0.109802 0.638758 0.131822 0.60766 0.146872 0.668825 0.11424 0.699696 0.130369 0.669778 0.151394 0.731281 0.143926 0.725229 0.1071 0.750534 0.120066 0.325375 0.646172 0.767746 0.116189 0.356323 0.626576 0.38515 0.649653 0.3548 0.670539 0.414597 0.630653 0.443023 0.654062 0.414434 0.674247 0.469556 0.635392 0.495723 0.661968 0.471029 0.680228 0.526018 0.690074 0.526691 0.665032 0.649199 0.807072 0.618824 0.782295 0.648746 0.752309 0.678895 0.780331 0.708827 0.803946 0.7081 0.747953 0.737406 0.775291 0.766484 0.798433 0.765839 0.740709 0.794797 0.768261 0.824135 0.791997 0.823754 0.733838 0.853684 0.762195 0.883947 0.786207 0.884025 0.728955 0.914753 0.75713 0.547654 0.204119 0.574637 0.207735 0.603672 0.19069 0.635702 0.215596 0.601182 0.228876 0.67082 0.195655 0.706616 0.213906 0.671537 0.232271 0.74125 0.225542 0.737289 0.187505 0.766563 0.203331 0.323279 0.75713 0.792595 0.199654 0.354002 0.728955 0.384347 0.762195 0.35409 0.786207 0.414276 0.733833 0.443234 0.768261 0.4139 0.792002 0.472184 0.740704 0.500619 0.775286 0.471547 0.798433 0.529918 0.747944 0.559067 0.780327 0.529203 0.803945 0.589018 0.752305 0.588582 0.807072 0.679409 0.82321 0.649209 0.835821 0.618829 0.824676 0.737898 0.819149 0.708806 0.833134 0.795155 0.813423 0.766417 0.828376 0.853613 0.807355 0.82402 0.822637 0.914614 0.80238 0.883729 0.817252 0.946064 0.850026 0.914653 0.842371 0.945678 0.830844 0.977274 0.839358 0.197443 0.839358 0.2291 0.779631 0.260791 0.799531 0.2291 0.812049 0.197299 0.799164 0.97713 0.799164 0.291968 0.850026 0.2607 0.839701 0.292354 0.830844 0.323379 0.842371 0.384422 0.807361 0.354304 0.817252 0.323422 0.802374 0.442877 0.813424 0.414013 0.822638 0.500134 0.819149 0.471615 0.828376 0.558561 0.82321 0.529227 0.833134 0.588571 0.835821 0.134414 0.347379 0.649285 0.99346 0.060801 0.309471 0.709049 0.990751 0.014771 0.24234 0.766798 0.985952 0.006346 0.161364 0.82446 0.980165 0.036532 0.085093 0.884075 0.974713 0.097703 0.031002 0.945928 0.970192 0.17596 0.011481 0.2291 0.969452 0.254216 0.031002 0.292104 0.970847 0.315387 0.085093 0.353957 0.974713 0.345574 0.161364 0.413572 0.980165 0.337149 0.24234 0.471234 0.985952 0.291119 0.309471 0.528983 0.990751 0.217878 0.347379 0.588484 0.99346 0.756679 0.099366 0.7668 0.135744 0.777106 0.177972 0.787534 0.224095 0.791845 0.236156 0.735443 0.350137 0.281236 0.717017 0.703851 0.335567 0.728978 0.312343 0.756526 0.330141 0.765198 0.317859 0.673214 0.355058 0.2291 0.7164 0.642064 0.337017 0.672743 0.315347 0.610493 0.35303 0.956796 0.717017 0.588614 0.334083 0.579523 0.32211 0.616088 0.315023 0.580601 0.163658 0.562688 0.182834 0.558993 0.159089 0.914385 0.696522 0.57115 0.140322 0.593946 0.08563 0.579562 0.103524 0.580386 0.082142 0.908398 0.601144 0.589883 0.06354 0.635092 0.241926 0.635092 0.241926 0.603791 0.24386 0.607236 0.25491 0.5732 0.238314 0.70823 0.240183 0.70823 0.240183 0.671699 0.246213 0.671859 0.255395 0.769062 0.233872 0.739042 0.240677 0.735971 0.251841 0.639939 0.28783 0.639939 0.28783 0.585793 0.285788 0.585793 0.285788 0.704732 0.286285 0.704732 0.286285 0.757974 0.281684 0.757974 0.281684 0.805905 0.252197 0.78712 0.245806 0.778618 0.251777 0.785842 0.287953 0.550156 0.240599 0.554053 0.228394 0.555105 0.251054 0.563812 0.256725 0.536211 0.257066 0.198885 0.750432 0.978717 0.750432 0.258614 0.750704 0.557542 0.293048 0.679262 0.843035 0.649169 0.852028 0.61882 0.844356 0.737697 0.839373 0.708742 0.849489 0.79497 0.834211 0.766372 0.844993 0.85344 0.828731 0.823992 0.83957 0.914416 0.824199 0.883663 0.834464 0.260809 0.821633 0.2291 0.829536 0.197317 0.821303 0.977148 0.821303 0.384592 0.828731 0.35437 0.834464 0.323616 0.824199 0.443062 0.834211 0.41404 0.83957 0.500335 0.839373 0.47166 0.844993 0.558705 0.843035 0.52929 0.849489 0.588597 0.852028 0.679429 0.86198 0.649372 0.873712 0.618825 0.863354 0.737963 0.858171 0.709206 0.870874 0.795276 0.8528 0.76694 0.865848 0.853746 0.847098 0.824588 0.859786 0.884234 0.854076 0.2291 0.848565 0.384286 0.847098 0.353799 0.854076 0.442756 0.8528 0.413444 0.859786 0.500069 0.858171 0.471092 0.865848 0.558539 0.86198 0.528826 0.870874 0.588421 0.873712 0.679761 0.879818 0.649479 0.889586 0.618841 0.881328 0.738467 0.875631 0.709465 0.886586 0.795833 0.869729 0.767269 0.881275 0.854314 0.863462 0.824939 0.874868 0.915133 0.858266 0.884561 0.868834 0.977488 0.854955 0.197656 0.854955 0.946276 0.864554 0.260503 0.855332 0.2291 0.863009 0.322899 0.858266 0.291756 0.864554 0.383719 0.863462 0.353471 0.868834 0.442199 0.869729 0.413093 0.874868 0.499565 0.875631 0.470763 0.881275 0.558212 0.879818 0.528567 0.886586 0.588323 0.889586 0.6798 0.903371 0.649439 0.919538 0.618844 0.904961 0.738522 0.898967 0.709356 0.916387 0.795889 0.892756 0.767115 0.910806 0.854371 0.886163 0.824768 0.904075 0.915186 0.880696 0.884412 0.897735 0.977513 0.877212 0.197682 0.877212 0.946188 0.893238 0.26048 0.877609 0.2291 0.891616 0.322846 0.880696 0.291844 0.893238 0.383661 0.886163 0.35362 0.897735 0.442143 0.892756 0.413264 0.904075 0.49951 0.898967 0.470917 0.910806 0.558174 0.903371 0.528676 0.916387 0.588363 0.919538 0.679703 0.927038 0.649386 0.934919 0.618842 0.928664 0.738363 0.922531 0.709235 0.931808 0.795703 0.916177 0.766969 0.926298 0.854185 0.90943 0.824616 0.919653 0.915038 0.903837 0.884265 0.913393 0.977452 0.900272 0.197621 0.900272 0.946088 0.908954 0.260537 0.900679 0.2291 0.907351 0.322994 0.903837 0.291944 0.908954 0.383847 0.90943 0.353767 0.913393 0.442329 0.916177 0.413416 0.919653 0.499669 0.922531 0.471063 0.926298 0.558271 0.927038 0.528797 0.931808 0.58841 0.934919 0.679567 0.942647 0.649288 0.952639 0.618834 0.944204 0.738168 0.938332 0.709019 0.949718 0.795498 0.932249 0.766717 0.944545 0.853974 0.925791 0.824358 0.938306 0.914849 0.920436 0.884007 0.932429 0.977364 0.917023 0.197532 0.917023 0.945908 0.928261 0.260618 0.917413 0.2291 0.926757 0.323183 0.920436 0.292124 0.928261 0.384058 0.92579 0.354025 0.932429 0.442534 0.932249 0.413675 0.938306 0.499864 0.938332 0.471314 0.944545 0.558404 0.942647 0.529013 0.949718 0.588493 0.952639 0.679431 0.958081 0.649247 0.966812 0.618823 0.959543 0.737979 0.95403 0.708942 0.964036 0.795306 0.948318 0.766642 0.959122 0.853774 0.942254 0.824286 0.953193 0.914665 0.937226 0.883925 0.94761 0.977274 0.934023 0.197443 0.934023 0.945842 0.943568 0.260698 0.934388 0.2291 0.942221 0.323367 0.937226 0.29219 0.943649 0.384258 0.942254 0.354107 0.94761 0.442726 0.948318 0.413746 0.953193 0.500053 0.95403 0.47139 0.959122 0.558537 0.958081 0.52909 0.964036 0.588523 0.966812 0.679444 0.977953 0.618819 0.979363 0.738019 0.974047 0.79537 0.968539 0.853835 0.96269 0.914698 0.957761 0.977281 0.954097 0.197449 0.954752 0.26069 0.955105 0.323334 0.957842 0.384197 0.96269 0.442662 0.968539 0.500013 0.974047 0.558522 0.977953 0.567119 0.456784 0.588913 0.443227 0.618558 0.4554 0.593555 0.468291 0.617698 0.525643 0.667667 0.531495 0.057545 0.553881 0.617711 0.542313 0.567683 0.53146 0.057545 0.553881 0.581355 0.522439 0.045873 0.553881 0.603222 0.517418 0.031541 0.553976 0.633263 0.517424 0.031537 0.553976 0.653884 0.522459 0.045869 0.553882 0.083311 0.605636 0.71135 0.566386 0.100965 0.582653 0.083102 0.553875 0.686243 0.562023 0.068319 0.579923 0.617706 0.617988 0.538019 0.602277 0.116853 0.553868 0.617712 0.58413 0.697397 0.602327 0.116848 0.553868 0.68316 0.632682 0.14227 0.553862 0.617795 0.643914 0.552245 0.63264 0.142273 0.553862 0.643821 0.650607 0.167108 0.553954 0.592728 0.650587 0.167107 0.553954 0.576683 0.501352 0.596094 0.49153 0.618629 0.497944 0.597807 0.504185 0.680404 0.497378 0.692518 0.50997 0.674882 0.510317 0.660616 0.501345 0.739337 0.588137 0.726513 0.635814 0.728171 0.610282 0.675348 0.678378 0.648489 0.698645 0.618795 0.687492 0.644638 0.679226 0.589243 0.698638 0.562593 0.678368 0.592857 0.679216 0.63926 0.504181 0.65526 0.511199 0.635869 0.513153 0.017321 0.633653 0.618373 0.507862 0.681979 0.518949 0.663391 0.517937 0.032861 0.624438 0.713951 0.547436 0.701697 0.54051 0.060154 0.601726 0.702959 0.53199 0.714701 0.533687 0.710878 0.627999 0.712865 0.604657 0.116798 0.618122 0.722018 0.586936 0.618519 0.672707 0.638692 0.663072 0.171918 0.688112 0.665571 0.66425 0.570928 0.664226 0.59716 0.663045 0.171895 0.688099 0.50959 0.610288 0.514883 0.586938 0.522975 0.604663 0.116803 0.618126 0.525974 0.628004 0.553941 0.518951 0.549091 0.527494 0.047261 0.610677 0.533258 0.531991 0.537237 0.521839 0.562089 0.510322 0.580713 0.511205 0.570957 0.51794 0.032865 0.624432 0.599713 0.513157 0.017325 0.633647 0.032195 0.591888 0.020399 0.594577 0.046061 0.585875 0.047261 0.610676 0.685451 0.527494 0.057653 0.581277 0.131225 0.592171 0.175518 0.622753 0.157281 0.614947 0.157263 0.614938 0.100966 0.582654 0.131229 0.592173 0.046062 0.585874 0.057653 0.581278 0.0322 0.591883 0.5449 0.509971 0.55697 0.497382 0.488347 0.612532 0.498691 0.588138 0.511522 0.635819 0.538924 0.461008 0.547867 0.443697 0.5528 0.472523 0.684849 0.472521 0.696598 0.489819 0.714206 0.464091 0.713344 0.483084 0.707105 0.465192 0.704644 0.507129 0.710921 0.522074 0.699941 0.521839 0.06832 0.579924 0.060155 0.601727 0.53326 0.540511 0.52679 0.522075 0.532932 0.507129 0.532055 0.479601 0.530814 0.465192 0.648419 0.443226 0.670587 0.456783 0.573322 0.482991 0.690122 0.443696 0.69892 0.461008 0.72439 0.444591 0.71579 0.51546 0.711111 0.497624 0.797494 0.499725 0.773001 0.516926 0.852076 0.498574 0.823736 0.515726 0.912759 0.497774 0.881503 0.514551 0.976456 0.497154 0.196625 0.497154 0.941368 0.513093 0.261465 0.497229 0.2291 0.516043 0.666291 0.008197 0.325273 0.497774 0.296668 0.513093 0.385956 0.498574 0.356533 0.514551 0.440537 0.499725 0.414296 0.515726 0.465028 0.516926 0.513648 0.444591 0.523812 0.464091 0.524592 0.483084 0.526664 0.497624 0.522087 0.51546 0.54095 0.48982 0.705694 0.479601 0.522793 0.533688 0.514806 0.52913 0.197342 0.428256 0.977174 0.428256 0.229066 0.418236 0.260707 0.428286 0.91455 0.428523 0.94526 0.418387 0.852629 0.428942 0.881944 0.418636 0.797503 0.429447 0.823351 0.418961 0.745374 0.429938 0.770037 0.419307 0.703954 0.430336 0.722328 0.419664 0.674636 0.430344 0.690243 0.419797 0.618447 0.430532 0.648788 0.41986 0.563232 0.430344 0.588388 0.41986 0.534105 0.430336 0.547819 0.419797 0.492676 0.429938 0.515745 0.419664 0.440533 0.429447 0.468015 0.419307 0.385393 0.428942 0.414676 0.41893 0.323456 0.428523 0.356054 0.418574 0.292713 0.418355 0.196659 0.41251 0.976491 0.41276 0.228927 0.409367 0.26137 0.412743 0.912408 0.413085 0.943507 0.409781 0.849832 0.413181 0.878546 0.409937 0.795919 0.41342 0.820712 0.409996 0.745273 0.413539 0.770147 0.410062 0.704309 0.413818 0.723886 0.410191 0.675007 0.413773 0.691809 0.410301 0.618261 0.413887 0.649415 0.410299 0.562691 0.413772 0.587326 0.410298 0.533762 0.413818 0.5461 0.4103 0.492799 0.413539 0.514206 0.410191 0.442124 0.413389 0.467914 0.410062 0.388178 0.412963 0.417315 0.409809 0.325563 0.412867 0.35944 0.409563 0.294317 0.409594 0.19606 0.406223 0.975891 0.406473 0.228179 0.399113 0.261392 0.406449 0.909319 0.406736 0.941796 0.399199 0.845829 0.406769 0.874942 0.399317 0.794587 0.406924 0.818 0.399476 0.746766 0.406967 0.770392 0.399633 0.705937 0.407223 0.725279 0.399877 0.676301 0.407156 0.692843 0.39997 0.61799 0.407224 0.64979 0.399949 0.561026 0.407155 0.586504 0.399948 0.532099 0.407223 0.544892 0.399969 0.491316 0.406967 0.512825 0.399877 0.443459 0.406892 0.467675 0.399633 0.392177 0.40655 0.420028 0.399445 0.328514 0.406518 0.363035 0.399254 0.295272 0.399168 0.195945 0.383196 0.975776 0.383196 0.260914 0.383202 0.907869 0.383258 0.843941 0.383422 0.794105 0.383605 0.747699 0.383805 0.706686 0.384077 0.676848 0.384002 0.617846 0.384064 0.560281 0.384001 0.531331 0.384076 0.490387 0.383805 0.443943 0.383606 0.394064 0.383422 0.329833 0.383258 0.522647 0.547437 0.678829 0.720511 0.618807 0.72341 0.559116 0.720501 0.737881 0.713319 0.766989 0.680236 0.794602 0.705382 0.853367 0.700416 0.637128 0.172422 0.703324 0.170844 0.758761 0.159435 0.779421 0.154027 0.323643 0.696531 0.384661 0.700411 0.443426 0.705379 0.500129 0.713307 0.540372 0.654283 0.697298 0.654287 0.683911 0.642114 0.146959 0.653286 0.551293 0.642093 0.14694 0.653277 0.727785 0.564426 0.509916 0.564426 0.524192 0.566387 0.083312 0.605636 0.549193 0.561975 0.083102 0.553875 0.797323 0.527932 0.773219 0.541634 0.501502 0.543086 0.851708 0.604795 0.64043 0.093207 0.696027 0.091882 0.741646 0.08212 0.744504 0.059884 0.754696 0.078078 0.329634 0.601144 0.386324 0.604795 0.442452 0.609261 0.851735 0.526423 0.752982 0.563181 0.908641 0.524567 0.603755 0.031683 0.624259 0.022551 0.647029 0.024565 0.686187 0.023632 0.329411 0.524567 0.295311 0.524831 0.709905 0.01536 0.729336 0.028711 0.386306 0.526423 0.440705 0.527932 0.485741 0.529314 0.70867 0.020543 0.942744 0.524831 0.622779 0.017413 0.945725 0.813436 0.292307 0.813435 0.290853 0.781051 0.947182 0.781058 0.314135 0.75261 0.923901 0.75262 0.028506 0.46417 0.041701 0.448848 0.044669 0.520804 0.031818 0.508252 0.020169 0.487484 0.022775 0.464134 0.040423 0.444944 0.042256 0.523806 0.027452 0.508829 0.010505 0.488086 0.018271 0.45907 0.036552 0.439017 0.042379 0.529964 0.019377 0.51286 0.011467 0.393353 0.019272 0.365424 0.039223 0.344249 0.037808 0.435569 0.01846 0.417827 0.065276 0.488584 0.062971 0.447547 0.062562 0.443083 0.062337 0.438767 0.015637 0.393052 0.022959 0.369242 0.040168 0.351108 0.065173 0.530526 0.065554 0.526936 0.065788 0.523011 0.086861 0.48931 0.084557 0.448273 0.084221 0.44379 0.083904 0.439366 0.038946 0.429952 0.022257 0.414532 0.062561 0.345259 0.086714 0.532216 0.087159 0.527753 0.087374 0.523738 0.107893 0.49047 0.105411 0.44683 0.105206 0.44483 0.104792 0.440559 0.379013 0.048536 0.461947 0.029135 0.46583 0.024423 0.107335 0.533119 0.108183 0.528138 0.108273 0.526019 0.044876 0.508282 0.062418 0.349851 0.061747 0.395002 0.066057 0.509096 0.061136 0.432598 0.08764 0.509822 0.46583 0.020241 0.108756 0.511288 0.042561 0.464731 0.061146 0.436579 0.063907 0.46524 0.084829 0.346222 0.08549 0.465966 0.084701 0.350814 0.106367 0.466011 0.461947 0.015557 0.043522 0.48787 0.084029 0.395966 0.083419 0.433562 0.026443 0.487401 0.017215 0.487497 0.024769 0.509281 0.083414 0.437542 0.106374 0.347154 0.106363 0.349395 0.10565 0.397413 0.105018 0.436207 0.104959 0.438474 0.039214 0.416364 0.06139 0.417498 0.08367 0.418462 0.105281 0.42026 0.039955 0.368575 0.062136 0.369307 0.084417 0.37027 0.106052 0.370473 0.039366 0.394034 0.022082 0.393329 0.379013 0.015641 0.312009 0.015712 0.308105 0.020404 0.308105 0.034538 0.312009 0.039243 0.339552 0.015682 0.339552 0.053205 0.425542 0.035496 0.425542 0.015594 0.0335 0.475806 0.035903 0.457285 0.039025 0.514029 0.022473 0.475192 0.032102 0.453179 0.03568 0.517198 0.024591 0.498587 0.01736 0.499602 0.029275 0.450694 0.021117 0.498736 0.016313 0.379771 0.02974 0.355764 0.028655 0.425801 0.015918 0.405276 0.319889 0.029797 0.053513 0.476437 0.050118 0.406442 0.075483 0.477176 0.073658 0.444765 0.073335 0.441416 0.073696 0.346861 0.07354 0.358521 0.072797 0.407423 0.072316 0.435927 0.076235 0.529222 0.076577 0.526013 0.076869 0.517589 0.0967 0.47789 0.094877 0.445479 0.094559 0.442221 0.0956 0.347809 0.095442 0.359468 0.094699 0.408371 0.09422 0.436875 0.097386 0.530227 0.097796 0.526727 0.098086 0.518302 0.072482 0.42682 0.076678 0.499814 0.094384 0.427768 0.097895 0.500528 0.381369 0.030692 0.074244 0.455356 0.073183 0.38253 0.09546 0.456069 0.095085 0.383477 0.451106 0.023408 0.035126 0.498567 0.033212 0.36032 0.03225 0.422392 0.02985 0.380677 0.029465 0.405528 0.018343 0.384679 0.018087 0.401218 0.054907 0.51685 0.051633 0.444024 0.050452 0.440957 0.054553 0.525273 0.050961 0.345878 0.054106 0.528287 0.050869 0.357541 0.049581 0.434944 0.054708 0.499075 0.049811 0.42584 0.052282 0.454617 0.050504 0.381549 0.018797 0.479084 0.03111 0.51523 0.016684 0.474199 0.032151 0.519662 0.026328 0.475526 0.033533 0.454622 0.0426 0.455096 0.04535 0.515957 0.036953 0.516052 0.028293 0.498506 0.022336 0.487281 0.020456 0.475984 0.025547 0.463448 0.030914 0.452141 0.041132 0.446124 0.044216 0.523065 0.034101 0.517061 0.02909 0.508698 0.022655 0.498701 0.018546 0.488256 0.014388 0.473578 0.01537 0.379389 0.021588 0.461503 0.027411 0.449043 0.029247 0.354837 0.039108 0.443328 0.042942 0.525966 0.030878 0.521412 0.028134 0.426698 0.014941 0.500473 0.014964 0.40559 0.014312 0.392957 0.017293 0.381189 0.021573 0.366959 0.030854 0.357366 0.039855 0.348099 0.038549 0.432407 0.029814 0.4245 0.020808 0.41635 0.016938 0.404104 0.017623 0.393264 0.064597 0.47681 0.062758 0.444399 0.062222 0.441136 0.062444 0.346375 0.062305 0.358035 0.061559 0.406937 0.061065 0.43544 0.065314 0.528686 0.065678 0.525647 0.065985 0.517222 0.086181 0.477536 0.084356 0.445125 0.084033 0.441783 0.084739 0.347339 0.084584 0.358999 0.083841 0.407901 0.083359 0.436405 0.086912 0.529775 0.087275 0.526373 0.087567 0.517949 0.076163 0.48895 0.073859 0.447913 0.073523 0.443428 0.073121 0.439067 0.073695 0.34574 0.073657 0.350337 0.072986 0.395488 0.072375 0.433084 0.07228 0.43706 0.075944 0.531371 0.076466 0.527345 0.076676 0.523378 0.402278 0.042016 0.10713 0.47824 0.463888 0.026779 0.105309 0.44583 0.46583 0.022332 0.104999 0.442695 0.463888 0.017899 0.106368 0.348275 0.443745 0.015576 0.106207 0.359934 0.359282 0.015661 0.105465 0.408836 0.310057 0.018058 0.104988 0.43734 0.308105 0.027471 0.107759 0.530629 0.310057 0.036891 0.108228 0.527078 0.325781 0.046224 0.108515 0.518653 0.09738 0.489664 0.095076 0.448627 0.094744 0.444164 0.094348 0.439962 0.095601 0.346688 0.095559 0.351284 0.094888 0.396436 0.094277 0.434031 0.094187 0.438008 0.097025 0.532668 0.09767 0.528132 0.097893 0.524091 0.039654 0.424728 0.061246 0.426335 0.065791 0.499448 0.083526 0.427298 0.087376 0.500174 0.325781 0.015697 0.105149 0.428233 0.359282 0.05087 0.108324 0.500879 0.072626 0.417984 0.076942 0.509462 0.094528 0.418932 0.098159 0.510176 0.345091 0.032344 0.040688 0.357986 0.063359 0.45499 0.061945 0.382044 0.084942 0.455716 0.084226 0.383007 0.443745 0.032316 0.105889 0.45642 0.402278 0.015617 0.105851 0.383943 0.074792 0.465606 0.073373 0.369793 0.096009 0.46632 0.095275 0.37074 0.42089 0.026298 0.034118 0.465074 0.036932 0.507711 0.0308 0.368864 0.030079 0.415445 0.033889 0.487598 0.042918 0.476091 0.044221 0.49876 0.039569 0.381081 0.039183 0.405964 0.029644 0.393613 0.022419 0.381491 0.022066 0.404242 0.05419 0.488211 0.051883 0.447174 0.0547 0.522638 0.051251 0.442757 0.054383 0.526555 0.049444 0.438892 0.050892 0.344754 0.049477 0.436074 0.053776 0.530245 0.050972 0.349356 0.04969 0.432103 0.050304 0.394507 0.054976 0.508723 0.049952 0.417004 0.052827 0.464867 0.050698 0.368812 0.025606 0.508427 0.019508 0.498951 0.018361 0.47573 0.032528 0.517679 0.015097 0.487369 0.023152 0.5105 0.842926 0.226957 0.867891 0.198971 0.871065 0.332499 0.84764 0.308809 0.826712 0.26992 0.832299 0.226706 0.865648 0.191692 0.866493 0.337988 0.839525 0.309737 0.808771 0.270725 0.824111 0.217168 0.858659 0.180575 0.866522 0.349412 0.824422 0.316951 0.813622 0.095086 0.828999 0.043549 0.866681 0.004929 0.861101 0.174222 0.825797 0.140696 0.91032 0.27342 0.907374 0.197247 0.90676 0.188956 0.906483 0.180946 0.821364 0.094663 0.835712 0.050747 0.868211 0.017679 0.908772 0.351191 0.909594 0.344547 0.910155 0.337277 0.950323 0.275465 0.947379 0.199292 0.946901 0.190968 0.946456 0.182755 0.863393 0.163844 0.832945 0.134709 0.909926 0.007556 0.948662 0.355023 0.949632 0.346762 0.95016 0.339322 0.989286 0.278296 0.986097 0.197292 0.985781 0.193577 0.985152 0.185643 0.378965 0.049127 0.462104 0.029679 0.465996 0.024954 0.986872 0.357365 0.988606 0.348155 0.98884 0.344229 0.871855 0.309287 0.909511 0.016066 0.906806 0.099771 0.911104 0.311482 0.904455 0.169468 0.951104 0.313527 0.465996 0.020763 0.990214 0.316927 0.86897 0.228453 0.904346 0.17685 0.908537 0.230088 0.951187 0.010063 0.948537 0.232132 0.9508 0.018575 0.987248 0.232891 0.462104 0.016067 0.870004 0.271391 0.948094 0.10228 0.945744 0.171976 0.838348 0.269969 0.821233 0.269849 0.834536 0.310487 0.945607 0.179356 0.991108 0.012488 0.991015 0.016644 0.98814 0.105663 0.985711 0.177581 0.985529 0.181782 0.86433 0.138655 0.905415 0.141476 0.946699 0.143984 0.986715 0.148017 0.86725 0.050062 0.908359 0.052135 0.949643 0.054643 0.989757 0.055719 0.865334 0.097252 0.833307 0.095385 0.378965 0.016151 0.311795 0.016222 0.307882 0.020925 0.307882 0.035095 0.311795 0.039812 0.339407 0.016192 0.339407 0.053808 0.42561 0.036056 0.42561 0.016104 0.85181 0.248697 0.856865 0.21443 0.860818 0.319754 0.831382 0.2472 0.849949 0.206692 0.854512 0.325523 0.834553 0.290653 0.821109 0.292301 0.844788 0.201993 0.828104 0.290816 0.823048 0.070057 0.848723 0.025974 0.844444 0.155813 0.82149 0.117339 0.319694 0.030343 0.888901 0.250514 0.884871 0.120609 0.929617 0.252596 0.927282 0.192436 0.926791 0.186214 0.930521 0.010888 0.929855 0.032504 0.926895 0.123162 0.925079 0.176003 0.929327 0.349131 0.930066 0.343193 0.93088 0.32758 0.968938 0.254606 0.966606 0.194446 0.966123 0.188394 0.971108 0.013354 0.970438 0.03497 0.967478 0.125628 0.965666 0.178469 0.968516 0.35168 0.96939 0.345203 0.9702 0.32959 0.925682 0.159121 0.9311 0.294614 0.966265 0.161587 0.970421 0.296624 0.381327 0.03124 0.928025 0.212093 0.928416 0.077013 0.967346 0.214103 0.968999 0.079479 0.451237 0.023937 0.854089 0.290956 0.855014 0.034535 0.851222 0.149607 0.848121 0.072175 0.846603 0.118245 0.826653 0.079224 0.825642 0.109885 0.890178 0.325499 0.886465 0.190349 0.884373 0.184623 0.889249 0.341106 0.888393 0.008329 0.888323 0.346682 0.887847 0.029952 0.882952 0.173444 0.890383 0.292532 0.883674 0.156569 0.887324 0.210012 0.886392 0.07446 0.82444 0.254299 0.846102 0.321725 0.820679 0.245171 0.84789 0.329977 0.83852 0.247944 0.852557 0.209415 0.869355 0.210588 0.872484 0.323534 0.85691 0.323438 0.84142 0.290621 0.830736 0.269613 0.827616 0.248605 0.837463 0.225523 0.84778 0.204729 0.866923 0.193902 0.870152 0.336678 0.851588 0.325217 0.842567 0.309547 0.830958 0.290801 0.823676 0.271299 0.816441 0.243946 0.821311 0.069317 0.830184 0.221787 0.841385 0.198872 0.84784 0.024239 0.863261 0.188651 0.867696 0.342016 0.845472 0.333181 0.843449 0.157459 0.816597 0.293838 0.81971 0.117891 0.81891 0.094444 0.824818 0.072719 0.833216 0.04647 0.850737 0.028981 0.867728 0.012087 0.862577 0.168383 0.846635 0.153438 0.830199 0.138032 0.823418 0.1152 0.82504 0.095121 0.909442 0.251564 0.907082 0.191403 0.906193 0.185335 0.909673 0.009621 0.909036 0.031239 0.906071 0.121897 0.904231 0.174736 0.909093 0.347784 0.909866 0.342161 0.910708 0.326549 0.949444 0.253609 0.947108 0.193449 0.946618 0.187241 0.950984 0.012131 0.950318 0.033747 0.947358 0.124406 0.945542 0.177246 0.949108 0.350503 0.949892 0.344207 0.950706 0.328594 0.930497 0.274451 0.927552 0.198279 0.927074 0.189951 0.92647 0.181851 0.930556 0.008809 0.930337 0.017331 0.927631 0.101036 0.925281 0.170733 0.924977 0.178103 0.928717 0.353107 0.929817 0.345659 0.930333 0.338309 0.402287 0.042591 0.988267 0.255594 0.464051 0.027317 0.985939 0.195434 0.465996 0.022859 0.985466 0.18961 0.464051 0.018415 0.991062 0.014566 0.443857 0.016086 0.990386 0.036182 0.359186 0.016172 0.987427 0.12684 0.309838 0.018574 0.98562 0.179681 0.307882 0.02801 0.987739 0.35276 0.309838 0.037453 0.988723 0.346192 0.325601 0.04681 0.989527 0.330578 0.969818 0.276461 0.966873 0.200289 0.966403 0.192004 0.965804 0.184199 0.971148 0.011276 0.97092 0.019797 0.968214 0.103502 0.965865 0.173198 0.965568 0.180569 0.967767 0.356194 0.969109 0.347804 0.969654 0.340319 0.864875 0.154179 0.904863 0.157857 0.910925 0.293582 0.946145 0.160365 0.950926 0.295627 0.325601 0.016207 0.986213 0.162799 0.359186 0.051468 0.98975 0.297612 0.926236 0.142741 0.931278 0.312513 0.966819 0.145206 0.970598 0.314523 0.344959 0.032896 0.868953 0.030449 0.907854 0.211062 0.907592 0.075748 0.947852 0.213107 0.948879 0.078257 0.443857 0.032867 0.986673 0.215091 0.402287 0.016127 0.988948 0.080691 0.928711 0.231119 0.92918 0.0534 0.968031 0.233129 0.969763 0.055866 0.420946 0.026834 0.853304 0.228816 0.857141 0.30797 0.850265 0.0503 0.847419 0.136655 0.85215 0.270576 0.869266 0.24953 0.870948 0.291608 0.866129 0.073239 0.864609 0.119368 0.847321 0.096157 0.834314 0.073444 0.832924 0.115622 0.889775 0.27237 0.886825 0.196197 0.889606 0.336226 0.885796 0.187985 0.888892 0.343479 0.882571 0.18076 0.888303 0.006242 0.882724 0.175536 0.887647 0.350301 0.888302 0.014778 0.883246 0.168179 0.885602 0.098483 0.890569 0.310432 0.884221 0.140188 0.888003 0.229038 0.887165 0.050848 0.836116 0.308931 0.825114 0.291162 0.823739 0.248065 0.848652 0.326312 0.817309 0.269543 0.831497 0.312696 0.819904 0.041744 0.813499 0.062471 0.79673 0.075282 0.776003 0.075282 0.759234 0.062471 0.752829 0.041744 0.759234 0.021017 0.776003 0.008207 0.79673 0.008207 0.813499 0.021017 0.815762 0.041744 0.810148 0.059912 0.79545 0.07114 0.777283 0.07114 0.762585 0.059912 0.756971 0.041744 0.762585 0.023576 0.777283 0.012348 0.79545 0.012348 0.810148 0.023576 0.812498 0.041744 0.807507 0.057894 0.794442 0.067876 0.778292 0.067876 0.765226 0.057894 0.760235 0.041744 0.765226 0.025594 0.778292 0.015613 0.794442 0.015613 0.807507 0.025594 0.805433 0.041744 0.801792 0.053528 0.792259 0.060811 0.780475 0.060811 0.770941 0.053528 0.7673 0.041744 0.770941 0.02996 0.780475 0.022677 0.792259 0.022677 0.801792 0.02996 0.786367 0.041744 0.804796 0.015073 0.816186 0.031556 0.786367 0.008777 0.816186 0.051932 0.804796 0.068415 0.786367 0.074712 0.767937 0.015073 0.756547 0.031556 0.756547 0.051932 0.767937 0.068415 0.802622 0.018219 0.812669 0.032758 0.786367 0.012665 0.812669 0.05073 0.802622 0.06527 0.786367 0.070823 0.770111 0.018219 0.760064 0.032758 0.760064 0.05073 0.770111 0.06527 0.800077 0.021903 0.80855 0.034165 0.786367 0.017219 0.80855 0.049323 0.800077 0.061586 0.786367 0.066269 0.772657 0.021903 0.764183 0.034165 0.764183 0.049323 0.772657 0.061586 0.795834 0.028043 0.801685 0.036511 0.786367 0.024808 0.801685 0.046977 0.795834 0.055445 0.786367 0.05868 0.776899 0.028043 0.771048 0.036511 0.771048 0.046977 0.776899 0.055445 0.806055 0.013251 0.811764 0.022342 0.803623 0.01677 0.796068 0.01035 0.818222 0.030861 0.81776 0.041744 0.814288 0.032205 0.786367 0.006525 0.786367 0.010874 0.776665 0.01035 0.818222 0.052627 0.811764 0.061146 0.814288 0.051283 0.806055 0.070237 0.796068 0.073138 0.803623 0.066718 0.786367 0.076963 0.776665 0.073138 0.786367 0.072614 0.766678 0.013251 0.76911 0.01677 0.760969 0.022342 0.754511 0.030861 0.758445 0.032205 0.754973 0.041744 0.754511 0.052627 0.758445 0.051283 0.760969 0.061146 0.766678 0.070237 0.76911 0.066718 0.808769 0.02463 0.801707 0.019543 0.794923 0.014054 0.814057 0.041744 0.811188 0.033264 0.786367 0.014302 0.77781 0.014054 0.808769 0.058858 0.811188 0.050224 0.794923 0.069435 0.801707 0.063945 0.77781 0.069435 0.786367 0.069186 0.771026 0.019543 0.763964 0.02463 0.761545 0.033264 0.758676 0.041744 0.761545 0.050224 0.763964 0.058858 0.771026 0.063945 0.805261 0.02731 0.793584 0.01839 0.809721 0.041744 0.77915 0.01839 0.805261 0.056178 0.793584 0.065098 0.77915 0.065098 0.767473 0.02731 0.763012 0.041744 0.767473 0.056178 0.819904 0.041744 0.813499 0.062471 0.79673 0.075282 0.776003 0.075282 0.759234 0.062471 0.752829 0.041744 0.759234 0.021017 0.776003 0.008207 0.79673 0.008207 0.813499 0.021017 0.815762 0.041744 0.810148 0.059912 0.79545 0.07114 0.777283 0.07114 0.762585 0.059912 0.756971 0.041744 0.762585 0.023576 0.777283 0.012348 0.79545 0.012348 0.810148 0.023576 0.812498 0.041744 0.807507 0.057894 0.794442 0.067876 0.778292 0.067876 0.765226 0.057894 0.760235 0.041744 0.765226 0.025594 0.778292 0.015613 0.794442 0.015613 0.807507 0.025594 0.805433 0.041744 0.801792 0.053528 0.792259 0.060811 0.780475 0.060811 0.770941 0.053528 0.7673 0.041744 0.770941 0.02996 0.780475 0.022677 0.792259 0.022677 0.801792 0.02996 0.786367 0.041744 0.804796 0.015073 0.816186 0.031556 0.786367 0.008777 0.816186 0.051932 0.804796 0.068415 0.786367 0.074712 0.767937 0.015073 0.756547 0.031556 0.756547 0.051932 0.767937 0.068415 0.802622 0.018219 0.812669 0.032758 0.786367 0.012665 0.812669 0.05073 0.802622 0.06527 0.786367 0.070823 0.770111 0.018219 0.760064 0.032758 0.760064 0.05073 0.770111 0.06527 0.800077 0.021903 0.80855 0.034165 0.786367 0.017219 0.80855 0.049323 0.800077 0.061586 0.786367 0.066269 0.772657 0.021903 0.764183 0.034165 0.764183 0.049323 0.772657 0.061586 0.795834 0.028043 0.801685 0.036511 0.786367 0.024808 0.801685 0.046977 0.795834 0.055445 0.786367 0.05868 0.776899 0.028043 0.771048 0.036511 0.771048 0.046977 0.776899 0.055445 0.806055 0.013251 0.811764 0.022342 0.803623 0.01677 0.796068 0.01035 0.818222 0.030861 0.81776 0.041744 0.814288 0.032205 0.786367 0.006525 0.786367 0.010874 0.776665 0.01035 0.818222 0.052627 0.811764 0.061146 0.814288 0.051283 0.806055 0.070237 0.796068 0.073138 0.803623 0.066718 0.786367 0.076963 0.776665 0.073138 0.786367 0.072614 0.766678 0.013251 0.76911 0.01677 0.760969 0.022342 0.754511 0.030861 0.758445 0.032205 0.754973 0.041744 0.754511 0.052627 0.758445 0.051283 0.760969 0.061146 0.766678 0.070237 0.76911 0.066718 0.808769 0.02463 0.801707 0.019543 0.794923 0.014054 0.814057 0.041744 0.811188 0.033264 0.786367 0.014302 0.77781 0.014054 0.808769 0.058858 0.811188 0.050224 0.794923 0.069435 0.801707 0.063945 0.77781 0.069435 0.786367 0.069186 0.771026 0.019543 0.763964 0.02463 0.761545 0.033264 0.758676 0.041744 0.761545 0.050224 0.763964 0.058858 0.771026 0.063945 0.805261 0.02731 0.793584 0.01839 0.809721 0.041744 0.77915 0.01839 0.805261 0.056178 0.793584 0.065098 0.77915 0.065098 0.767473 0.02731 0.763012 0.041744 0.767473 0.056178 0.819904 0.041744 0.813499 0.062471 0.79673 0.075282 0.776003 0.075282 0.759234 0.062471 0.752829 0.041744 0.759234 0.021017 0.776003 0.008207 0.79673 0.008207 0.813499 0.021017 0.815762 0.041744 0.810148 0.059912 0.79545 0.07114 0.777283 0.07114 0.762585 0.059912 0.756971 0.041744 0.762585 0.023576 0.777283 0.012348 0.79545 0.012348 0.810148 0.023576 0.812498 0.041744 0.807507 0.057894 0.794442 0.067876 0.778292 0.067876 0.765226 0.057894 0.760235 0.041744 0.765226 0.025594 0.778292 0.015613 0.794442 0.015613 0.807507 0.025594 0.805433 0.041744 0.801792 0.053528 0.792259 0.060811 0.780475 0.060811 0.770941 0.053528 0.7673 0.041744 0.770941 0.02996 0.780475 0.022677 0.792259 0.022677 0.801792 0.02996 0.786367 0.041744 0.804796 0.015073 0.816186 0.031556 0.786367 0.008777 0.816186 0.051932 0.804796 0.068415 0.786367 0.074712 0.767937 0.015073 0.756547 0.031556 0.756547 0.051932 0.767937 0.068415 0.802622 0.018219 0.812669 0.032758 0.786367 0.012665 0.812669 0.05073 0.802622 0.06527 0.786367 0.070823 0.770111 0.018219 0.760064 0.032758 0.760064 0.05073 0.770111 0.06527 0.800077 0.021903 0.80855 0.034165 0.786367 0.017219 0.80855 0.049323 0.800077 0.061586 0.786367 0.066269 0.772657 0.021903 0.764183 0.034165 0.764183 0.049323 0.772657 0.061586 0.795834 0.028043 0.801685 0.036511 0.786367 0.024808 0.801685 0.046977 0.795834 0.055445 0.786367 0.05868 0.776899 0.028043 0.771048 0.036511 0.771048 0.046977 0.776899 0.055445 0.806055 0.013251 0.811764 0.022342 0.803623 0.01677 0.796068 0.01035 0.818222 0.030861 0.81776 0.041744 0.814288 0.032205 0.786367 0.006525 0.786367 0.010874 0.776665 0.01035 0.818222 0.052627 0.811764 0.061146 0.814288 0.051283 0.806055 0.070237 0.796068 0.073138 0.803623 0.066718 0.786367 0.076963 0.776665 0.073138 0.786367 0.072614 0.766678 0.013251 0.76911 0.01677 0.760969 0.022342 0.754511 0.030861 0.758445 0.032205 0.754973 0.041744 0.754511 0.052627 0.758445 0.051283 0.760969 0.061146 0.766678 0.070237 0.76911 0.066718 0.808769 0.02463 0.801707 0.019543 0.794923 0.014054 0.814057 0.041744 0.811188 0.033264 0.786367 0.014302 0.77781 0.014054 0.808769 0.058858 0.811188 0.050224 0.794923 0.069435 0.801707 0.063945 0.77781 0.069435 0.786367 0.069186 0.771026 0.019543 0.763964 0.02463 0.761545 0.033264 0.758676 0.041744 0.761545 0.050224 0.763964 0.058858 0.771026 0.063945 0.805261 0.02731 0.793584 0.01839 0.809721 0.041744 0.77915 0.01839 0.805261 0.056178 0.793584 0.065098 0.77915 0.065098 0.767473 0.02731 0.763012 0.041744 0.767473 0.056178 0.255979 0.704962 0.248629 0.704898 0.241635 0.704837 0.234641 0.704776 0.227401 0.704713 0.220161 0.70465 0.213166 0.704588 0.206172 0.704528 0.198932 0.704464 0.305787 0.705397 0.298792 0.705336 0.291798 0.705275 0.284558 0.705212 0.277318 0.705148 0.270324 0.705087 0.263329 0.705026 0.256118 0.689137 0.248767 0.689073 0.241773 0.689012 0.234779 0.688951 0.227539 0.688887 0.220299 0.688824 0.213305 0.688763 0.20631 0.688702 0.19907 0.688639 0.305925 0.689571 0.29893 0.68951 0.291936 0.689449 0.284696 0.689386 0.277456 0.689323 0.270462 0.689262 0.263468 0.689201 0.256231 0.676159 0.248881 0.676094 0.241886 0.676033 0.234892 0.675972 0.227652 0.675909 0.220412 0.675846 0.213418 0.675785 0.206423 0.675724 0.199184 0.675661 0.306038 0.676593 0.299044 0.676532 0.292049 0.676471 0.28481 0.676408 0.27757 0.676345 0.270575 0.676284 0.263581 0.676223 0.25632 0.665895 0.24897 0.66583 0.241976 0.665769 0.234982 0.665708 0.227742 0.665645 0.220502 0.665582 0.213508 0.665521 0.206513 0.66546 0.199273 0.665397 0.306128 0.666329 0.299133 0.666268 0.292139 0.666207 0.284899 0.666144 0.277659 0.666081 0.270665 0.66602 0.263671 0.665959 0.256382 0.658882 0.249031 0.658818 0.242037 0.658757 0.235043 0.658696 0.227803 0.658633 0.220563 0.65857 0.213569 0.658509 0.206574 0.658448 0.199334 0.658384 0.306189 0.659317 0.299195 0.659256 0.2922 0.659195 0.28496 0.659132 0.277721 0.659068 0.270726 0.659007 0.263732 0.658946 0.256427 0.653686 0.249077 0.653622 0.242082 0.653561 0.235088 0.6535 0.227848 0.653437 0.220608 0.653373 0.213614 0.653312 0.20662 0.653251 0.19938 0.653188 0.306234 0.654121 0.29924 0.65406 0.292246 0.653998 0.285006 0.653935 0.277766 0.653872 0.270771 0.653811 0.263777 0.65375 0.256486 0.64689 0.249136 0.646826 0.242142 0.646765 0.235147 0.646704 0.227907 0.646641 0.220668 0.646578 0.213673 0.646517 0.206679 0.646456 0.199439 0.646393 0.306293 0.647325 0.299299 0.647264 0.292305 0.647203 0.285065 0.64714 0.277825 0.647077 0.270831 0.647016 0.263836 0.646955 0.256582 0.635911 0.249232 0.635846 0.242237 0.635785 0.235243 0.635724 0.228003 0.635661 0.220763 0.635598 0.213769 0.635537 0.206775 0.635476 0.199535 0.635413 0.306389 0.636345 0.299395 0.636284 0.292401 0.636223 0.285161 0.63616 0.277921 0.636097 0.270926 0.636036 0.263932 0.635975 0.256699 0.622504 0.249349 0.62244 0.242354 0.622379 0.23536 0.622318 0.22812 0.622255 0.22088 0.622192 0.213886 0.622131 0.206892 0.62207 0.199652 0.622007 0.306506 0.622939 0.299512 0.622878 0.292518 0.622817 0.285278 0.622754 0.278038 0.622691 0.271044 0.62263 0.264049 0.622568 0.2568 0.610982 0.249449 0.610918 0.242455 0.610857 0.235461 0.610796 0.228221 0.610733 0.220981 0.610669 0.213987 0.610608 0.206992 0.610547 0.199752 0.610484 0.306607 0.611417 0.299613 0.611356 0.292618 0.611295 0.285379 0.611231 0.278139 0.611168 0.271144 0.611107 0.26415 0.611046 0.256882 0.60159 0.249531 0.601526 0.242537 0.601465 0.235543 0.601404 0.228303 0.601341 0.221063 0.601278 0.214069 0.601217 0.207074 0.601156 0.199834 0.601092 0.306689 0.602025 0.299695 0.601964 0.2927 0.601903 0.28546 0.60184 0.27822 0.601777 0.271226 0.601715 0.264232 0.601654 0.25696 0.592648 0.24961 0.592583 0.242615 0.592522 0.235621 0.592461 0.228381 0.592398 0.221141 0.592335 0.214147 0.592274 0.207152 0.592213 0.199912 0.59215 0.306767 0.593082 0.299773 0.593021 0.292778 0.59296 0.285538 0.592897 0.278299 0.592834 0.271304 0.592773 0.26431 0.592712 0.257032 0.584363 0.249682 0.584299 0.242687 0.584238 0.235693 0.584176 0.228453 0.584113 0.221213 0.58405 0.214219 0.583989 0.207225 0.583928 0.199985 0.583865 0.306839 0.584797 0.299845 0.584736 0.292851 0.584675 0.285611 0.584612 0.278371 0.584549 0.271376 0.584488 0.264382 0.584427 0.257108 0.575646 0.249758 0.575582 0.242763 0.575521 0.235769 0.57546 0.228529 0.575397 0.221289 0.575334 0.214295 0.575273 0.207301 0.575212 0.200061 0.575149 0.306915 0.576081 0.299921 0.57602 0.292927 0.575959 0.285687 0.575896 0.278447 0.575833 0.271452 0.575772 0.264458 0.575711 0.257199 0.565179 0.249849 0.565115 0.242855 0.565054 0.235861 0.564993 0.22862 0.56493 0.221381 0.564867 0.214386 0.564806 0.207392 0.564745 0.200152 0.564682 0.307006 0.565614 0.300012 0.565553 0.293018 0.565492 0.285778 0.565429 0.278538 0.565366 0.271544 0.565305 0.26455 0.565244 0.257313 0.552179 0.249963 0.552115 0.242968 0.552054 0.235974 0.551992 0.228734 0.551929 0.221494 0.551866 0.2145 0.551805 0.207505 0.551744 0.200266 0.551681 0.30712 0.552613 0.300126 0.552552 0.293132 0.552491 0.285891 0.552428 0.278652 0.552365 0.271657 0.552304 0.264663 0.552243 0.257338 0.549252 0.249988 0.549187 0.242994 0.549126 0.235999 0.549065 0.22876 0.549002 0.22152 0.548939 0.214525 0.548878 0.207531 0.548817 0.200291 0.548754 0.307146 0.549686 0.300151 0.549625 0.293157 0.549564 0.285917 0.549501 0.278677 0.549438 0.271683 0.549377 0.264688 0.549316 0.257436 0.538042 0.250086 0.537978 0.243092 0.537917 0.236097 0.537856 0.228857 0.537792 0.221617 0.537729 0.214623 0.537668 0.207629 0.537607 0.200389 0.537544 0.307243 0.538476 0.300249 0.538415 0.293255 0.538354 0.286015 0.538291 0.278775 0.538228 0.271781 0.538167 0.264787 0.538106 0.313027 0.70546 0.313165 0.689635 0.19907 0.688639 0.313165 0.689635 0.313278 0.676656 0.199184 0.675661 0.313278 0.676656 0.313368 0.666392 0.199273 0.665397 0.313368 0.666392 0.313429 0.65938 0.199334 0.658384 0.313429 0.65938 0.313474 0.654184 0.19938 0.653188 0.313474 0.654184 0.313533 0.647388 0.199439 0.646393 0.313533 0.647388 0.313629 0.636408 0.199535 0.635413 0.313629 0.636408 0.313746 0.623002 0.199652 0.622007 0.313746 0.623002 0.313847 0.61148 0.199752 0.610484 0.313847 0.61148 0.313929 0.602088 0.199834 0.601092 0.313929 0.602088 0.314007 0.593145 0.199912 0.59215 0.314007 0.593145 0.314079 0.584861 0.199985 0.583865 0.314079 0.584861 0.314155 0.576144 0.200061 0.575149 0.314155 0.576144 0.314247 0.565677 0.200152 0.564682 0.314247 0.565677 0.31436 0.552677 0.314385 0.549749 0.200291 0.548754 0.314385 0.549749 0.314483 0.53854 0.423973 0.059086 0.431092 0.05411 0.439287 0.052311 0.44756 0.053712 0.45491 0.058339 0.459886 0.065457 0.461686 0.073653 0.460284 0.081925 0.455658 0.089276 0.448539 0.094252 0.440344 0.096051 0.432071 0.09465 0.42472 0.090023 0.419744 0.082905 0.417945 0.074709 0.419347 0.066436 0.255979 0.704962 0.248629 0.704898 0.241635 0.704837 0.234641 0.704776 0.227401 0.704713 0.220161 0.70465 0.213166 0.704588 0.206172 0.704528 0.198932 0.704464 0.305787 0.705397 0.298792 0.705336 0.291798 0.705275 0.284558 0.705212 0.277318 0.705148 0.270324 0.705087 0.263329 0.705026 0.256118 0.689137 0.248767 0.689073 0.241773 0.689012 0.234779 0.688951 0.227539 0.688887 0.220299 0.688824 0.213305 0.688763 0.20631 0.688702 0.19907 0.688639 0.305925 0.689571 0.29893 0.68951 0.291936 0.689449 0.284696 0.689386 0.277456 0.689323 0.270462 0.689262 0.263468 0.689201 0.256231 0.676159 0.248881 0.676094 0.241886 0.676033 0.234892 0.675972 0.227652 0.675909 0.220412 0.675846 0.213418 0.675785 0.206423 0.675724 0.199184 0.675661 0.306038 0.676593 0.299044 0.676532 0.292049 0.676471 0.28481 0.676408 0.27757 0.676345 0.270575 0.676284 0.263581 0.676223 0.25632 0.665895 0.24897 0.66583 0.241976 0.665769 0.234982 0.665708 0.227742 0.665645 0.220502 0.665582 0.213508 0.665521 0.206513 0.66546 0.199273 0.665397 0.306128 0.666329 0.299133 0.666268 0.292139 0.666207 0.284899 0.666144 0.277659 0.666081 0.270665 0.66602 0.263671 0.665959 0.256382 0.658882 0.249031 0.658818 0.242037 0.658757 0.235043 0.658696 0.227803 0.658633 0.220563 0.65857 0.213569 0.658509 0.206574 0.658448 0.199334 0.658384 0.306189 0.659317 0.299195 0.659256 0.2922 0.659195 0.28496 0.659132 0.277721 0.659068 0.270726 0.659007 0.263732 0.658946 0.256427 0.653686 0.249077 0.653622 0.242082 0.653561 0.235088 0.6535 0.227848 0.653437 0.220608 0.653373 0.213614 0.653312 0.20662 0.653251 0.19938 0.653188 0.306234 0.654121 0.29924 0.65406 0.292246 0.653998 0.285006 0.653935 0.277766 0.653872 0.270771 0.653811 0.263777 0.65375 0.256486 0.64689 0.249136 0.646826 0.242142 0.646765 0.235147 0.646704 0.227907 0.646641 0.220668 0.646578 0.213673 0.646517 0.206679 0.646456 0.199439 0.646393 0.306293 0.647325 0.299299 0.647264 0.292305 0.647203 0.285065 0.64714 0.277825 0.647077 0.270831 0.647016 0.263836 0.646955 0.256582 0.635911 0.249232 0.635846 0.242237 0.635785 0.235243 0.635724 0.228003 0.635661 0.220763 0.635598 0.213769 0.635537 0.206775 0.635476 0.199535 0.635413 0.306389 0.636345 0.299395 0.636284 0.292401 0.636223 0.285161 0.63616 0.277921 0.636097 0.270926 0.636036 0.263932 0.635975 0.256699 0.622504 0.249349 0.62244 0.242354 0.622379 0.23536 0.622318 0.22812 0.622255 0.22088 0.622192 0.213886 0.622131 0.206892 0.62207 0.199652 0.622007 0.306506 0.622939 0.299512 0.622878 0.292518 0.622817 0.285278 0.622754 0.278038 0.622691 0.271044 0.62263 0.264049 0.622568 0.2568 0.610982 0.249449 0.610918 0.242455 0.610857 0.235461 0.610796 0.228221 0.610733 0.220981 0.610669 0.213987 0.610608 0.206992 0.610547 0.199752 0.610484 0.306607 0.611417 0.299613 0.611356 0.292618 0.611295 0.285379 0.611231 0.278139 0.611168 0.271144 0.611107 0.26415 0.611046 0.256882 0.60159 0.249531 0.601526 0.242537 0.601465 0.235543 0.601404 0.228303 0.601341 0.221063 0.601278 0.214069 0.601217 0.207074 0.601156 0.199834 0.601092 0.306689 0.602025 0.299695 0.601964 0.2927 0.601903 0.28546 0.60184 0.27822 0.601777 0.271226 0.601715 0.264232 0.601654 0.25696 0.592648 0.24961 0.592583 0.242615 0.592522 0.235621 0.592461 0.228381 0.592398 0.221141 0.592335 0.214147 0.592274 0.207152 0.592213 0.199912 0.59215 0.306767 0.593082 0.299773 0.593021 0.292778 0.59296 0.285538 0.592897 0.278299 0.592834 0.271304 0.592773 0.26431 0.592712 0.257032 0.584363 0.249682 0.584299 0.242687 0.584238 0.235693 0.584176 0.228453 0.584113 0.221213 0.58405 0.214219 0.583989 0.207225 0.583928 0.199985 0.583865 0.306839 0.584797 0.299845 0.584736 0.292851 0.584675 0.285611 0.584612 0.278371 0.584549 0.271376 0.584488 0.264382 0.584427 0.257108 0.575646 0.249758 0.575582 0.242763 0.575521 0.235769 0.57546 0.228529 0.575397 0.221289 0.575334 0.214295 0.575273 0.207301 0.575212 0.200061 0.575149 0.306915 0.576081 0.299921 0.57602 0.292927 0.575959 0.285687 0.575896 0.278447 0.575833 0.271452 0.575772 0.264458 0.575711 0.257199 0.565179 0.249849 0.565115 0.242855 0.565054 0.235861 0.564993 0.22862 0.56493 0.221381 0.564867 0.214386 0.564806 0.207392 0.564745 0.200152 0.564682 0.307006 0.565614 0.300012 0.565553 0.293018 0.565492 0.285778 0.565429 0.278538 0.565366 0.271544 0.565305 0.26455 0.565244 0.257313 0.552179 0.249963 0.552115 0.242968 0.552054 0.235974 0.551992 0.228734 0.551929 0.221494 0.551866 0.2145 0.551805 0.207505 0.551744 0.200266 0.551681 0.30712 0.552613 0.300126 0.552552 0.293132 0.552491 0.285891 0.552428 0.278652 0.552365 0.271657 0.552304 0.264663 0.552243 0.257338 0.549252 0.249988 0.549187 0.242994 0.549126 0.235999 0.549065 0.22876 0.549002 0.22152 0.548939 0.214525 0.548878 0.207531 0.548817 0.200291 0.548754 0.307146 0.549686 0.300151 0.549625 0.293157 0.549564 0.285917 0.549501 0.278677 0.549438 0.271683 0.549377 0.264688 0.549316 0.257436 0.538042 0.250086 0.537978 0.243092 0.537917 0.236097 0.537856 0.228857 0.537792 0.221617 0.537729 0.214623 0.537668 0.207629 0.537607 0.200389 0.537544 0.307243 0.538476 0.300249 0.538415 0.293255 0.538354 0.286015 0.538291 0.278775 0.538228 0.271781 0.538167 0.264787 0.538106 0.313027 0.70546 0.313165 0.689635 0.19907 0.688639 0.313165 0.689635 0.313278 0.676656 0.199184 0.675661 0.313278 0.676656 0.313368 0.666392 0.199273 0.665397 0.313368 0.666392 0.313429 0.65938 0.199334 0.658384 0.313429 0.65938 0.313474 0.654184 0.19938 0.653188 0.313474 0.654184 0.313533 0.647388 0.199439 0.646393 0.313533 0.647388 0.313629 0.636408 0.199535 0.635413 0.313629 0.636408 0.313746 0.623002 0.199652 0.622007 0.313746 0.623002 0.313847 0.61148 0.199752 0.610484 0.313847 0.61148 0.313929 0.602088 0.199834 0.601092 0.313929 0.602088 0.314007 0.593145 0.199912 0.59215 0.314007 0.593145 0.314079 0.584861 0.199985 0.583865 0.314079 0.584861 0.314155 0.576144 0.200061 0.575149 0.314155 0.576144 0.314247 0.565677 0.200152 0.564682 0.314247 0.565677 0.31436 0.552677 0.314385 0.549749 0.200291 0.548754 0.314385 0.549749 0.314483 0.53854 0.423973 0.059086 0.431092 0.05411 0.439287 0.052311 0.44756 0.053712 0.45491 0.058339 0.459886 0.065457 0.461686 0.073653 0.460284 0.081925 0.455658 0.089276 0.448539 0.094252 0.440344 0.096051 0.432071 0.09465 0.42472 0.090023 0.419744 0.082905 0.417945 0.074709 0.419347 0.066436 0.255979 0.704962 0.248629 0.704898 0.241635 0.704837 0.234641 0.704776 0.227401 0.704713 0.220161 0.70465 0.213166 0.704588 0.206172 0.704528 0.198932 0.704464 0.305787 0.705397 0.298792 0.705336 0.291798 0.705275 0.284558 0.705212 0.277318 0.705148 0.270324 0.705087 0.263329 0.705026 0.256118 0.689137 0.248767 0.689073 0.241773 0.689012 0.234779 0.688951 0.227539 0.688887 0.220299 0.688824 0.213305 0.688763 0.20631 0.688702 0.19907 0.688639 0.305925 0.689571 0.29893 0.68951 0.291936 0.689449 0.284696 0.689386 0.277456 0.689323 0.270462 0.689262 0.263468 0.689201 0.256231 0.676159 0.248881 0.676094 0.241886 0.676033 0.234892 0.675972 0.227652 0.675909 0.220412 0.675846 0.213418 0.675785 0.206423 0.675724 0.199184 0.675661 0.306038 0.676593 0.299044 0.676532 0.292049 0.676471 0.28481 0.676408 0.27757 0.676345 0.270575 0.676284 0.263581 0.676223 0.25632 0.665895 0.24897 0.66583 0.241976 0.665769 0.234982 0.665708 0.227742 0.665645 0.220502 0.665582 0.213508 0.665521 0.206513 0.66546 0.199273 0.665397 0.306128 0.666329 0.299133 0.666268 0.292139 0.666207 0.284899 0.666144 0.277659 0.666081 0.270665 0.66602 0.263671 0.665959 0.256382 0.658882 0.249031 0.658818 0.242037 0.658757 0.235043 0.658696 0.227803 0.658633 0.220563 0.65857 0.213569 0.658509 0.206574 0.658448 0.199334 0.658384 0.306189 0.659317 0.299195 0.659256 0.2922 0.659195 0.28496 0.659132 0.277721 0.659068 0.270726 0.659007 0.263732 0.658946 0.256427 0.653686 0.249077 0.653622 0.242082 0.653561 0.235088 0.6535 0.227848 0.653437 0.220608 0.653373 0.213614 0.653312 0.20662 0.653251 0.19938 0.653188 0.306234 0.654121 0.29924 0.65406 0.292246 0.653998 0.285006 0.653935 0.277766 0.653872 0.270771 0.653811 0.263777 0.65375 0.256486 0.64689 0.249136 0.646826 0.242142 0.646765 0.235147 0.646704 0.227907 0.646641 0.220668 0.646578 0.213673 0.646517 0.206679 0.646456 0.199439 0.646393 0.306293 0.647325 0.299299 0.647264 0.292305 0.647203 0.285065 0.64714 0.277825 0.647077 0.270831 0.647016 0.263836 0.646955 0.256582 0.635911 0.249232 0.635846 0.242237 0.635785 0.235243 0.635724 0.228003 0.635661 0.220763 0.635598 0.213769 0.635537 0.206775 0.635476 0.199535 0.635413 0.306389 0.636345 0.299395 0.636284 0.292401 0.636223 0.285161 0.63616 0.277921 0.636097 0.270926 0.636036 0.263932 0.635975 0.256699 0.622504 0.249349 0.62244 0.242354 0.622379 0.23536 0.622318 0.22812 0.622255 0.22088 0.622192 0.213886 0.622131 0.206892 0.62207 0.199652 0.622007 0.306506 0.622939 0.299512 0.622878 0.292518 0.622817 0.285278 0.622754 0.278038 0.622691 0.271044 0.62263 0.264049 0.622568 0.2568 0.610982 0.249449 0.610918 0.242455 0.610857 0.235461 0.610796 0.228221 0.610733 0.220981 0.610669 0.213987 0.610608 0.206992 0.610547 0.199752 0.610484 0.306607 0.611417 0.299613 0.611356 0.292618 0.611295 0.285379 0.611231 0.278139 0.611168 0.271144 0.611107 0.26415 0.611046 0.256882 0.60159 0.249531 0.601526 0.242537 0.601465 0.235543 0.601404 0.228303 0.601341 0.221063 0.601278 0.214069 0.601217 0.207074 0.601156 0.199834 0.601092 0.306689 0.602025 0.299695 0.601964 0.2927 0.601903 0.28546 0.60184 0.27822 0.601777 0.271226 0.601715 0.264232 0.601654 0.25696 0.592648 0.24961 0.592583 0.242615 0.592522 0.235621 0.592461 0.228381 0.592398 0.221141 0.592335 0.214147 0.592274 0.207152 0.592213 0.199912 0.59215 0.306767 0.593082 0.299773 0.593021 0.292778 0.59296 0.285538 0.592897 0.278299 0.592834 0.271304 0.592773 0.26431 0.592712 0.257032 0.584363 0.249682 0.584299 0.242687 0.584238 0.235693 0.584176 0.228453 0.584113 0.221213 0.58405 0.214219 0.583989 0.207225 0.583928 0.199985 0.583865 0.306839 0.584797 0.299845 0.584736 0.292851 0.584675 0.285611 0.584612 0.278371 0.584549 0.271376 0.584488 0.264382 0.584427 0.257108 0.575646 0.249758 0.575582 0.242763 0.575521 0.235769 0.57546 0.228529 0.575397 0.221289 0.575334 0.214295 0.575273 0.207301 0.575212 0.200061 0.575149 0.306915 0.576081 0.299921 0.57602 0.292927 0.575959 0.285687 0.575896 0.278447 0.575833 0.271452 0.575772 0.264458 0.575711 0.257199 0.565179 0.249849 0.565115 0.242855 0.565054 0.235861 0.564993 0.22862 0.56493 0.221381 0.564867 0.214386 0.564806 0.207392 0.564745 0.200152 0.564682 0.307006 0.565614 0.300012 0.565553 0.293018 0.565492 0.285778 0.565429 0.278538 0.565366 0.271544 0.565305 0.26455 0.565244 0.257313 0.552179 0.249963 0.552115 0.242968 0.552054 0.235974 0.551992 0.786367 0.041744 0.795834 0.028043 0.792259 0.022677 0.786367 0.024808 0.801685 0.036511 0.801792 0.02996 0.801685 0.046977 0.805433 0.041744 0.795834 0.055445 0.801792 0.053528 0.786367 0.05868 0.792259 0.060811 0.776899 0.055445 0.780475 0.060811 0.771048 0.046977 0.770941 0.053528 0.771048 0.036511 0.7673 0.041744 0.776899 0.028043 0.770941 0.02996 0.780475 0.022677 0.804796 0.015073 0.806055 0.013251 0.79673 0.008207 0.796068 0.01035 0.811764 0.022342 0.813499 0.021017 0.803623 0.01677 0.810148 0.023576 0.79545 0.012348 0.816186 0.031556 0.818222 0.030861 0.81776 0.041744 0.819904 0.041744 0.814288 0.032205 0.815762 0.041744 0.786367 0.008777 0.786367 0.006525 0.776003 0.008207 0.776665 0.01035 0.786367 0.010874 0.777283 0.012348 0.816186 0.051932 0.818222 0.052627 0.811764 0.061146 0.813499 0.062471 0.814288 0.051283 0.810148 0.059912 0.804796 0.068415 0.806055 0.070237 0.796068 0.073138 0.79673 0.075282 0.803623 0.066718 0.79545 0.07114 0.786367 0.074712 0.786367 0.076963 0.776665 0.073138 0.776003 0.075282 0.786367 0.072614 0.777283 0.07114 0.767937 0.015073 0.766678 0.013251 0.759234 0.021017 0.760969 0.022342 0.76911 0.01677 0.762585 0.023576 0.756547 0.031556 0.754511 0.030861 0.752829 0.041744 0.754973 0.041744 0.758445 0.032205 0.756971 0.041744 0.756547 0.051932 0.754511 0.052627 0.759234 0.062471 0.760969 0.061146 0.758445 0.051283 0.762585 0.059912 0.767937 0.068415 0.766678 0.070237 0.76911 0.066718 0.802622 0.018219 0.794923 0.014054 0.808769 0.02463 0.801707 0.019543 0.807507 0.025594 0.794442 0.015613 0.812669 0.032758 0.814057 0.041744 0.811188 0.033264 0.812498 0.041744 0.786367 0.012665 0.77781 0.014054 0.786367 0.014302 0.778292 0.015613 0.812669 0.05073 0.808769 0.058858 0.811188 0.050224 0.807507 0.057894 0.802622 0.06527 0.794923 0.069435 0.801707 0.063945 0.794442 0.067876 0.786367 0.070823 0.77781 0.069435 0.786367 0.069186 0.778292 0.067876 0.770111 0.018219 0.763964 0.02463 0.771026 0.019543 0.765226 0.025594 0.760064 0.032758 0.758676 0.041744 0.761545 0.033264 0.760235 0.041744 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+ + + + 0.003256 3.48797 0.025841 0.003205 3.65166 0.028725 0.140685 3.60643 -0.054828 0.245806 3.48832 -0.102407 0.307401 3.28052 -0.112703 0.349879 0.651101 -0.011749 0.206374 0.542748 0.001897 0.004223 0.506181 0.016326 -0.197955 0.550586 0.031138 -0.341533 0.664082 0.046567 -0.300758 3.28956 0.171375 -0.239296 3.49582 0.162971 -0.134248 3.61078 0.112052 0.003164 3.77933 0.043279 0.19724 3.71534 -0.075779 0.346257 3.54866 -0.137589 0.428776 3.28201 -0.150062 0.495065 0.586941 -0.001062 0.291636 0.431839 0.017694 0.004264 0.378124 0.037191 -0.283145 0.439102 0.05766 -0.486677 0.598181 0.077981 -0.422137 3.28972 0.242871 -0.339788 3.55517 0.23178 -0.190875 3.71937 0.166348 0.003164 3.77948 0.084185 0.19724 3.71931 -0.034557 0.346257 3.55498 -0.09547 0.428776 3.28953 -0.106365 0.495065 0.59817 0.059483 0.291636 0.43926 0.07937 0.004264 0.378425 0.099315 -0.283145 0.432061 0.11934 -0.486677 0.587042 0.138532 -0.422137 3.28225 0.286572 -0.339788 3.5489 0.2739 -0.190875 3.71559 0.207572 0.003205 3.65191 0.099082 0.140685 3.61099 0.015908 0.245806 3.49585 -0.030648 0.307401 3.28959 -0.038887 0.349879 0.66435 0.089698 0.206374 0.551125 0.104623 0.004223 0.506641 0.119508 -0.197955 0.543333 0.133869 -0.341533 0.651453 0.148021 -0.300758 3.28086 0.245194 -0.239296 3.48867 0.234731 -0.134248 3.60684 0.182789 0.003256 3.48816 0.106489 0.003441 2.91837 0.020978 0.336797 2.90919 -0.106399 0.46707 2.90523 -0.138179 0.46707 2.91357 -0.092162 0.336797 2.91928 -0.028762 0.003441 2.91874 0.108432 -0.329915 2.90954 0.239397 -0.460188 2.90546 0.274814 -0.460188 2.91375 0.228795 -0.329914 2.91923 0.161757 0.003578 2.49655 0.018956 0.356097 2.48729 -0.092812 0.49386 2.48382 -0.118181 0.49386 2.49295 -0.069539 0.356097 2.49832 -0.010735 0.003578 2.49695 0.111421 -0.348942 2.48765 0.22636 -0.486704 2.48404 0.254948 -0.486704 2.49311 0.206301 -0.348942 2.49824 0.144279 0.003714 2.07488 0.016978 0.375397 2.06561 -0.077806 0.520649 2.06274 -0.096272 0.520649 2.07267 -0.045005 0.375397 2.07761 0.00871 0.003714 2.07531 0.114452 -0.367969 2.06598 0.211954 -0.513221 2.06293 0.233181 -0.513221 2.0728 0.18191 -0.367969 2.0775 0.125434 0.003851 1.65336 0.015044 0.394698 1.64416 -0.061428 0.547439 1.64198 -0.072515 0.547439 1.65273 -0.018627 0.394698 1.65716 0.029523 0.003851 1.65383 0.117525 -0.386996 1.64452 0.196224 -0.539737 1.64215 0.209579 -0.539737 1.65284 0.155684 -0.386996 1.65701 0.105267 0.003987 1.232 0.013153 0.413998 1.22294 -0.043723 0.574228 1.22154 -0.046973 0.574228 1.23315 0.009535 0.413998 1.23697 0.051661 0.003987 1.2325 0.120637 -0.406024 1.2233 0.179213 -0.566254 1.22169 0.184198 -0.566254 1.23323 0.127687 -0.406024 1.23677 0.083823 0.004172 0.66223 0.011048 0.411341 0.85368 -0.027164 0.577036 0.847256 -0.022059 0.577036 0.859353 0.036789 0.411341 0.868088 0.072078 0.004172 0.66255 0.12524 -0.403127 0.854043 0.163364 -0.568818 0.847375 0.159435 -0.568818 0.859394 0.100582 -0.403127 0.867846 0.064116 0.00316 3.79098 0.063713 0.355019 3.55714 -0.11966 0.439608 3.28524 -0.131249 0.508498 0.586687 0.028995 0.299655 0.425514 0.048706 0.004268 0.366698 0.068289 -0.291157 0.425545 0.088335 -0.432969 3.28546 0.26777 -0.348554 3.55736 0.255983 -0.195677 3.72726 0.189394 0.506013 2.48793 -0.096289 0.533463 2.0673 -0.072721 -0.526035 2.06747 0.209637 0.588364 1.22708 -0.020028 -0.580389 1.22719 0.157257 0.591832 0.853118 0.006482 -0.583615 0.853199 0.130896 0.202036 3.7271 -0.057586 -0.500106 0.586743 0.108478 0.478563 2.9089 -0.117917 -0.471681 2.90911 0.254564 -0.498858 2.48812 0.233065 0.560914 1.64701 -0.047281 -0.553212 1.64715 0.184348 3.01616 -1.73829 0.02584 3.15794 -1.82009 0.028723 3.05003 -1.91654 -0.054829 2.89519 -1.94852 -0.102406 2.68443 -1.89796 -0.112705 0.386046 -0.620042 -0.011749 0.363962 -0.441586 0.001896 0.43337 -0.248235 0.016327 0.572914 -0.095347 0.031137 0.742993 -0.027752 0.046567 2.99634 -1.3758 0.171374 3.14423 -1.53216 0.162971 3.19127 -1.68062 0.112052 3.26853 -1.88389 0.043277 3.11607 -2.01997 -0.075779 2.89722 -2.06568 -0.137589 2.62503 -2.00382 -0.150062 0.257889 -0.713697 -0.001062 0.225281 -0.459971 0.017694 0.322448 -0.184242 0.037191 0.518962 0.034173 0.057659 0.758494 0.130897 0.07798 3.05717 -1.27077 0.242871 3.24588 -1.47481 0.231779 3.31362 -1.68587 0.166348 3.26866 -1.88397 0.084183 3.11951 -2.02196 -0.034558 2.90269 -2.06885 -0.095471 2.63155 -2.00758 -0.106366 0.267614 -0.719311 0.059483 0.231708 -0.463682 0.079371 0.322709 -0.184393 0.099314 0.512864 0.037693 0.11934 0.748847 0.136466 0.138532 3.0507 -1.26703 0.286572 3.24045 -1.47167 0.2739 3.31035 -1.68398 0.207572 3.15816 -1.82022 0.099081 3.05398 -1.91882 0.015908 2.90171 -1.95229 -0.03065 2.69228 -1.9025 -0.038887 0.397519 -0.626666 0.089698 0.371216 -0.445774 0.104623 0.433767 -0.248465 0.119507 0.566632 -0.09172 0.133869 0.732057 -0.021438 0.14802 2.9888 -1.37145 0.245194 3.13803 -1.52858 0.234731 3.18786 -1.67865 0.182788 3.01632 -1.73839 0.106489 2.52278 -1.45365 0.020978 2.34815 -1.73775 -0.1064 2.27958 -1.84859 -0.138179 2.28681 -1.85277 -0.092163 2.35688 -1.7428 -0.028763 2.52309 -1.45384 0.108432 2.68181 -1.16054 0.239398 2.74341 -1.04568 0.274814 2.75059 -1.04983 0.228795 2.6902 -1.16539 0.161757 2.1574 -1.24286 0.018955 1.97312 -1.54352 -0.092812 1.90124 -1.66109 -0.118181 1.90914 -1.66566 -0.069539 1.98268 -1.54904 -0.010735 2.15775 -1.24306 0.111421 2.32595 -0.93312 0.22636 2.39171 -0.812008 0.254947 2.39956 -0.816543 0.206301 2.33512 -0.938414 0.144279 1.79216 -1.03214 0.016978 1.59829 -1.3494 -0.077806 1.52317 -1.47375 -0.096272 1.53177 -1.47872 -0.045006 1.60868 -1.3554 0.00871 1.79253 -1.03236 0.114452 1.97029 -0.705804 0.211954 2.04028 -0.578492 0.233181 2.04882 -0.583426 0.18191 1.98026 -0.711565 0.125434 1.42704 -0.821502 0.015044 1.22365 -1.15539 -0.061428 1.14539 -1.28657 -0.072516 1.15471 -1.29195 -0.018627 1.23491 -1.16189 0.029523 1.42745 -0.821737 0.117525 1.61481 -0.478601 0.196223 1.68913 -0.345136 0.209579 1.69839 -0.350482 0.155684 1.62562 -0.484842 0.105268 1.06206 -0.610938 0.013153 0.849209 -0.961488 -0.043723 0.767887 -1.09955 -0.046973 0.777944 -1.10536 0.009535 0.861364 -0.968505 0.051661 1.0625 -0.611192 0.120637 1.25953 -0.251509 0.179212 1.33825 -0.111941 0.184198 1.34825 -0.117711 0.127686 1.2712 -0.258247 0.083822 0.568537 -0.326215 0.011048 0.530753 -0.774559 -0.027164 0.442342 -0.914843 -0.022059 0.452819 -0.920891 0.036789 0.54323 -0.781763 0.072078 0.568814 -0.326375 0.125239 0.938302 -0.069391 0.163365 1.01537 0.077436 0.159435 1.02578 0.071427 0.100582 0.950256 -0.076292 0.064116 3.27862 -1.88972 0.063712 2.90018 -2.07751 -0.119661 2.62241 -2.01482 -0.131249 0.250952 -0.725203 0.028995 0.215794 -0.463753 0.048706 0.312551 -0.178533 0.068289 0.511227 0.047889 0.088335 3.05889 -1.25926 0.267769 3.25216 -1.46831 0.255982 3.32286 -1.68565 0.189394 1.89872 -1.67367 -0.096289 1.52072 -1.48713 -0.072721 2.05061 -0.569661 0.209636 0.765615 -1.11457 -0.020028 1.35009 -0.10245 0.157257 0.440021 -0.930588 0.006481 1.02781 0.087338 0.130896 3.12386 -2.03001 -0.057586 0.755302 0.148246 0.108478 2.27702 -1.86039 -0.117918 2.75232 -1.03755 0.254564 2.40132 -0.803523 0.233064 1.14301 -1.30076 -0.047281 1.7002 -0.335969 0.184347 -3.01637 -1.73441 0.02584 -3.1581 -1.8163 0.028724 -3.18767 -1.67462 -0.054829 -3.13795 -1.52453 -0.102407 -2.98878 -1.36729 -0.112704 -0.73288 -0.015791 -0.011749 -0.567291 -0.085895 0.001897 -0.434547 -0.242679 0.016326 -0.371915 -0.439972 0.031137 -0.398415 -0.621062 0.046567 -2.69253 -1.89849 0.171374 -2.90189 -1.94839 0.16297 -3.05398 -1.9149 0.112051 -3.26865 -1.88017 0.043277 -3.31027 -1.6801 -0.075779 -3.24043 -1.46771 -0.137589 -3.05076 -1.26292 -0.150063 -0.749909 0.142023 -0.001063 -0.513872 0.0434 0.017694 -0.323667 -0.178614 0.037191 -0.232771 -0.458007 0.057659 -0.268772 -0.71381 0.07798 -2.63199 -2.00369 0.242871 -2.90305 -2.0651 0.231779 -3.1197 -2.01823 0.166347 -3.26878 -1.88025 0.084184 -3.31371 -1.68208 -0.034557 -3.24591 -1.47087 -0.09547 -3.05728 -1.26668 -0.106365 -0.759633 0.136408 0.059483 -0.520299 0.039689 0.07937 -0.323928 -0.178765 0.099314 -0.226674 -0.454487 0.11934 -0.259125 -0.708241 0.138532 -2.62552 -1.99995 0.286571 -2.89761 -2.06196 0.2739 -3.11643 -2.01634 0.207572 -3.15832 -1.81643 0.099081 -3.19162 -1.6769 0.015908 -3.14447 -1.52829 -0.030648 -2.99664 -1.37182 -0.038887 -0.744353 -0.022416 0.089698 -0.574545 -0.090083 0.104623 -0.434945 -0.242908 0.119507 -0.365633 -0.436345 0.133868 -0.387479 -0.614748 0.148021 -2.685 -1.89414 0.245193 -2.89569 -1.94481 0.23473 -3.05057 -1.91293 0.182787 -3.01654 -1.73451 0.106488 -2.52318 -1.44945 0.020978 -2.6819 -1.15616 -0.1064 -2.7436 -1.04136 -0.138179 -2.75083 -1.04554 -0.092163 -2.69063 -1.16121 -0.028762 -2.52349 -1.44963 0.108432 -2.34885 -1.73373 0.239398 -2.28017 -1.84451 0.274813 -2.28736 -1.84865 0.228795 -2.35724 -1.73857 0.161757 -2.15794 -1.23842 0.018956 -2.32618 -0.928501 -0.092812 -2.39205 -0.807462 -0.118182 -2.39996 -0.812024 -0.069539 -2.33573 -0.934016 -0.010735 -2.15828 -1.23862 0.111421 -1.97397 -1.53926 0.22636 -1.90196 -1.65676 0.254947 -1.90981 -1.6613 0.206301 -1.98314 -1.54456 0.144279 -1.79283 -1.02747 0.016978 -1.97064 -0.700948 -0.077806 -2.04078 -0.573719 -0.096272 -2.04938 -0.578683 -0.045005 -1.98104 -0.706949 0.00871 -1.7932 -1.02769 0.114452 -1.59927 -1.3449 0.211953 -1.52401 -1.46917 0.233181 -1.53256 -1.47411 0.18191 -1.60925 -1.35066 0.125433 -1.42785 -0.81659 0.015044 -1.6153 -0.473507 -0.061428 -1.68978 -0.340137 -0.072516 -1.6991 -0.345516 -0.018627 -1.62656 -0.480008 0.029523 -1.42826 -0.816826 0.117524 -1.22477 -1.15066 0.196223 -1.14634 -1.28175 0.209578 -1.1556 -1.28709 0.155684 -1.23558 -1.1569 0.105267 -1.063 -0.60579 0.013153 -1.26016 -0.24618 -0.043723 -1.33907 -0.106719 -0.046973 -1.34913 -0.112526 0.009534 -1.27232 -0.253198 0.051661 -1.06344 -0.606044 0.120637 -0.850465 -0.956521 0.179212 -0.768956 -1.09448 0.184198 -0.77895 -1.10025 0.127686 -0.862135 -0.963258 0.083822 -0.569664 -0.320747 0.011048 -0.93905 -0.063853 -0.027164 -1.01633 0.082855 -0.022059 -1.02681 0.076806 0.036789 -0.951527 -0.071057 0.072078 -0.569941 -0.320907 0.12524 -0.53213 -0.769385 0.163364 -0.44351 -0.909544 0.159435 -0.453918 -0.915553 0.100581 -0.544084 -0.776287 0.064116 -3.27874 -1.886 0.063713 -3.25216 -1.46436 -0.11966 -3.05898 -1.25515 -0.13125 -0.756405 0.153783 0.028995 -0.512403 0.053506 0.048705 -0.313774 -0.172898 0.068289 -0.217025 -0.458167 0.088335 -2.62288 -2.01094 0.267769 -2.90056 -2.07378 0.255982 -3.12413 -2.02634 0.189393 -2.40169 -0.79899 -0.096289 -2.05114 -0.564902 -0.072721 -1.52153 -1.48254 0.209637 -1.35093 -0.097247 -0.020029 -0.766653 -1.10947 0.157256 -1.02881 0.092738 0.006481 -0.441155 -0.92527 0.130896 -3.32286 -1.68183 -0.057586 -0.252151 -0.719721 0.108477 -2.75254 -1.03325 -0.117918 -2.27759 -1.85629 0.254563 -1.89942 -1.66933 0.233064 -1.70088 -0.330987 -0.047281 -1.14394 -1.29592 0.184347 + + + + + + + + + + -0.521935 0.073343 -0.849826 -0.463494 0.01484 -0.885976 -0.456905 0.007792 -0.889481 -0.520711 0.085978 -0.849393 -0.378378 -0.032145 -0.925093 -0.356095 -0.047168 -0.933259 -0.101913 -0.010171 -0.994741 -0.036258 -0.053562 -0.997906 -0.023114 -0.078761 -0.996626 -0.031193 -0.112266 -0.993188 -0.075475 -0.092533 -0.992845 -0.124138 -0.087705 -0.988381 -0.147112 -0.008823 -0.98908 -0.187333 0.043798 -0.98132 -0.200338 0.044316 -0.978724 -0.474158 0.077603 -0.877013 -0.506784 0.112816 -0.854659 -0.496059 0.095161 -0.863059 -0.496059 0.095161 -0.863059 -0.365811 0.030846 -0.930178 -0.365811 0.030846 -0.930178 -0.299121 -0.045115 -0.953148 -0.299121 -0.045115 -0.953148 0.030639 -0.087814 -0.995666 0.030639 -0.087814 -0.995666 0.010642 -0.135857 -0.990671 0.010642 -0.135857 -0.990671 -0.037922 -0.164748 -0.985606 -0.037922 -0.164748 -0.985606 -0.104582 -0.157094 -0.982031 -0.104582 -0.157094 -0.982031 -0.174462 -0.093607 -0.980204 -0.174462 -0.093607 -0.980204 -0.217228 0.017123 -0.975971 -0.217228 0.017123 -0.975971 -0.718432 0.284024 -0.63497 -0.743616 0.149062 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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 + + + + + + + + + + + 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.6705882 + + + 0.3294118 0.3294118 0.3294118 0.3294118 + + + 1.0000000 + + + + + + + + + +
diff --git a/webgl/assets/waterheight.jpg b/webgl/assets/waterheight.jpg new file mode 100755 index 00000000..7d28da05 Binary files /dev/null and b/webgl/assets/waterheight.jpg differ diff --git a/webgl/assets/waternormal.jpg b/webgl/assets/waternormal.jpg new file mode 100755 index 00000000..30b98f65 Binary files /dev/null and b/webgl/assets/waternormal.jpg differ diff --git a/webgl/index.html b/webgl/index.html new file mode 100755 index 00000000..b6c928ba --- /dev/null +++ b/webgl/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ + + + + + + WebGL video recording using RecordRTC + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + icon for image scrapers + + + +
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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ WebGL demo is taken from: +
statico/webgl-demos +
+ + + +


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+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/webgl/logic.js b/webgl/logic.js new file mode 100755 index 00000000..f3ccce68 --- /dev/null +++ b/webgl/logic.js @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +/*! + * Copyright (c) 2012 Ian Langworth + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy + * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to + * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the + * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or + * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is + * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in + * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE + * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER + * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING + * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER + * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + * + * Models for the Ducks game. + * + * Requires: Backbone, Underscore.js. + * + * I'm using Backbone because it's got a simple, useful way to subscribe to + * data events. I'm not sure how well it would scale to a full game, though, + * with hundreds of events to closures being called every frame. + */ + +/* Handy trig functions. */ +var Trig = { + deg2rad: function(deg) { + return deg * Math.PI / 180; + }, + rad2deg: function(rad) { + return rad * 180 / Math.PI; + }, + distance: function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { + return Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)); + }, + angle: function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { + return Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1); + }, + angleDeg: function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { + return Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180 / Math.PI; + } +}; + +var Ship = Backbone.Model.extend({ + + RADIUS: 1, + MIN_SPEED: 0.3, + MAX_SPEED: 0.6, + ACCELERATION: 0.005, + MAX_TURN_SPEED: 3, + + defaults: { + x: -20, + y: 0, + vx: 0, + vy: 0, + speed: 0, + dir: 0, + targetX: 0, + targetY: 0 + }, + + tick: function() { + var old = this.attributes; + + // Calculate the new heading. Don't let the ship turn faster than + // TURN_SPEED. + // + // There are smarter solutions for turrent rotation involving dot products + // and cross products, but I'm going to go with the simple solution: + // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1048945 + var M = this.MAX_TURN_SPEED; + var dir = old.dir; + var target = Trig.angleDeg(old.x, old.y, old.targetX, old.targetY); + var delta = (dir - target) % 360; + var change; + if (Math.abs(delta) > M) { + change = (delta < 0) ? 1 : -1; + if (Math.abs(delta) > 180) change = 0 - change; + dir += change * M; + } else { + dir = target; + } + + // Slow down for turns but speed up for straightaways. Again, there's + // probably a smarter way to do this using fake physics forces, but this + // "feels" good. + change = this.ACCELERATION * (dir === target ? 1 : -1); + var speed = Math.max(Math.min(old.speed + change, this.MAX_SPEED), this.MIN_SPEED); + var vx = Math.cos(Trig.deg2rad(dir)) * speed; + var vy = Math.sin(Trig.deg2rad(dir)) * speed; + + this.set({ + speed: speed, + delta: delta, + dir: dir % 360, + vx: vx, + vy: vy, + x: old.x + vx, + y: old.y + vy + }); + } + +}); + +var Duck = Backbone.Model.extend({ + + RADIUS: 1, + + defaults: { + x: 0, + y: 0 + } + +}); + +var DuckCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ + model: Duck +}); + +var GameController = Backbone.View.extend({ + + FRAME_RATE: 40, + NUM_DUCKS: 12, + + LEFT: -15, + RIGHT: 10, + TOP: 5, + BOTTOM: -5, + + DEMO_MODE: 0, + PLAY_MODE: 1, + + initialize: function() { + this.ship = new Ship(); + this.ducks = new DuckCollection(); + this.mode = this.DEMO_MODE; + this.isRunning = false; + }, + + start: function(mode) { + var _this = this; + + if (typeof mode !== 'undefined') { + this.mode = mode; + } + + this.isRunning = true; + this.startTime = new Date().getTime(); + this.ducks.reset(); + this.ship.set(this.ship.defaults); + + var x, y; + var MIN_DISTANCE = Duck.prototype.RADIUS * 3; + var isTooClose = function(other) { + var o = other.attributes; + var distance = Trig.distance(x, y, o.x, o.y); + return distance < MIN_DISTANCE; + }; + _.each(_.range(this.NUM_DUCKS), function() { + var tries = 0; + while (tries < 30) { + x = Math.random() * (this.RIGHT + -this.LEFT) + this.LEFT; + y = Math.random() * (this.TOP + -this.BOTTOM) + this.BOTTOM; + if (!this.ducks.any(isTooClose)) break; + tries++; + } + this.ducks.add({ x: x, y: y }); + }, this); + + clearInterval(this.interval); + this.interval = setInterval(function() { + _this.tick(); + }, 1000 / this.FRAME_RATE); + + this.trigger('start'); + }, + + setTarget: function(x, y) { + this.ship.set({ + targetX: x, + targetY: y + }); + }, + + tick: function() { + this.ship.tick(); + + var sa = this.ship.attributes; + var max = Ship.prototype.RADIUS + Duck.prototype.RADIUS; + if (this.mode === this.PLAY_MODE) { + + this.ducks.each(function(duck) { + var da = duck.attributes; + var distance = Trig.distance(sa.x, sa.y, da.x, da.y); + if (distance < max) { + this.ducks.remove(duck); + } + }, this); + + if (this.ducks.isEmpty()) { + var seconds = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - this.startTime) / 1000); + if (this.isRunning) { + this.trigger('gameover', seconds); + this.isRunning = false; + } + } + } + }, + + getRank: function(seconds) { + if (seconds <= 10) { + return ["Emperor Goose", "(Time to join the pros!)"]; + } else if (seconds <= 15) { + return ["Trumpeter Swan", "(That's pretty good!)"]; + } else if (seconds <= 20) { + return ["Mallard", "(Not too shabby!)"]; + } else if (seconds <= 25) { + return ["Northern Shoveler", "(The ducks are patient!)"]; + } else { + return ["Bufflehead", "(The ducks fell asleep!)"]; + } + } + +}); diff --git a/webgl/plotly.html b/webgl/plotly.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5bd6f3e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/webgl/plotly.html @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ + + + + Recording plotly WebGL diagrams using RecordRTC + + + + + + + + +
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+ + +
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+ + + + + + + + + diff --git a/webgl/style.css b/webgl/style.css new file mode 100755 index 00000000..12e2fe78 --- /dev/null +++ b/webgl/style.css @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +* { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + cursor: pointer; +} + +html, body { + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + background: #ccc; + overflow: hidden; + font-family: sans-serif; +} + +canvas { + z-index: 1; +} + +#preloader { + z-index: 10; + position: absolute; + left: 0; + top: 0; + right: 0; + bottom: 0; + background: #22738a; + text-align: center; + padding-top: 20%; +} +#preloader .outer { + position: relative; + display: inline-block; + border-radius: 5px; + width: 300px; + height: 20px; + border: 4px solid #fff; + box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); +} +#preloader .inner { + position: absolute; + display: inline-block; + left: 0; + top: 0; + bottom: 0; + width: 0; + background: #fff; +} + +/* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1776915/ */ +.modal { + z-index: 5; + position: absolute; + left: 50%; + top: 15%; + display: none; +} +.modal .inner { + position: relative; + left: -50%; + width: 300px; + padding: 20px; + text-align: center; + background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .75); + color: #ff0; + border-radius: 15px; +} +.modal h1 { + font-size: 400%; +} +.modal h2 { + font-size: 250%; +} +.modal h3 { + font-size: 160%; +} +.modal button { + font-size: 200%; + padding: .2em 1em; + border: 2px solid white; + border-radius: 20px; + box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 1px #000; + background: #ff0; + background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ffc 0%, #ff0); + background: -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, from(#ffc), to(#ff0)); + color: #000; + border-image: initial; +} +.modal p { + font-size: 60%; +} +.modal a { + color: #cf0; +} +.modal .padded { + margin: 20px auto; +} + +h1, h2, h3, button { + font-family: 'Bubblegum Sans', sans-serif; + font-weight: 400; +} +button { + cursor: pointer; +} + +#debug { + display: none; + position: absolute; + bottom: 0; + left: 0; + padding: 3px; + background: rgba(0,0,0,.5); + color: #fff; + font-family: monospace; + min-width: 300px; +} + +#icon { + display: none; +} + +.wobble { + -webkit-animation: wobble 1s infinite; +} +@-webkit-keyframes wobble { + 0% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-9deg); } + 50% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-3deg); } + 100% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-9deg); } +} + +.wobble2 { + -webkit-animation: wobble2 1s infinite; +} +@-webkit-keyframes wobble2 { + 0% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-3deg); } + 50% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-9deg); } + 100% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-3deg); } +} diff --git a/webgl/vendor/README.md b/webgl/vendor/README.md new file mode 100755 index 00000000..d164036d --- /dev/null +++ b/webgl/vendor/README.md @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +These are third-party libraries not written by me. View their source for their respective copyrights and licenses. diff --git a/webgl/vendor/backbone-min.js b/webgl/vendor/backbone-min.js new file mode 100755 index 00000000..3f0d495d --- /dev/null +++ b/webgl/vendor/backbone-min.js @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +// Backbone.js 0.5.3 +// (c) 2010 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc. +// Backbone may be freely distributed under the MIT license. +// For all details and documentation: +// http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone +(function(){var h=this,p=h.Backbone,e;e=typeof exports!=="undefined"?exports:h.Backbone={};e.VERSION="0.5.3";var f=h._;if(!f&&typeof require!=="undefined")f=require("underscore")._;var g=h.jQuery||h.Zepto;e.noConflict=function(){h.Backbone=p;return this};e.emulateHTTP=!1;e.emulateJSON=!1;e.Events={bind:function(a,b,c){var d=this._callbacks||(this._callbacks={});(d[a]||(d[a]=[])).push([b,c]);return this},unbind:function(a,b){var c;if(a){if(c=this._callbacks)if(b){c=c[a];if(!c)return this;for(var d= +0,e=c.length;d/g,">").replace(/"/g,""").replace(/'/g,"'").replace(/\//g,"/")},has:function(a){return this.attributes[a]!=null},set:function(a,b){b||(b={});if(!a)return this;if(a.attributes)a=a.attributes;var c=this.attributes,d=this._escapedAttributes;if(!b.silent&&this.validate&&!this._performValidation(a,b))return!1;if(this.idAttribute in a)this.id=a[this.idAttribute]; 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+ } + + this.volume = volume; + this.sound.volume = volume / 100; + return this; + }; + + this.getVolume = function() { + if ( !supported ) { + return this; + } + + return this.volume; + }; + + this.increaseVolume = function( value ) { + return this.setVolume( this.volume + ( value || 1 ) ); + }; + + this.decreaseVolume = function( value ) { + return this.setVolume( this.volume - ( value || 1 ) ); + }; + + this.setTime = function( time ) { + if ( !supported ) { + return this; + } + + this.whenReady( function() { + this.sound.currentTime = time; + }); + return this; + }; + + this.getTime = function() { + if ( !supported ) { + return null; + } + + var time = Math.round( this.sound.currentTime * 100 ) / 100; + return isNaN( time ) ? buzz.defaults.placeholder : time; + }; + + this.setPercent = function( percent ) { + if ( !supported ) { + return this; + } + + return this.setTime( buzz.fromPercent( percent, this.sound.duration ) ); + }; + + this.getPercent = function() { + if ( !supported ) { + return null; + } + + var percent = Math.round( buzz.toPercent( this.sound.currentTime, this.sound.duration ) ); + return isNaN( percent ) ? buzz.defaults.placeholder : percent; + }; + + this.setSpeed = function( duration ) { + if ( !supported ) { + return this; + } + + this.sound.playbackRate = duration; + }; + + this.getSpeed = function() { + if ( !supported ) { + return null; + } + + return this.sound.playbackRate; + }; + + this.getDuration = function() { + if ( !supported ) { + return null; + } + + var duration = Math.round( this.sound.duration * 100 ) / 100; + return isNaN( duration ) ? buzz.defaults.placeholder : duration; + }; + + this.getPlayed = function() { + if ( !supported ) { + return null; + } + + return timerangeToArray( this.sound.played ); + }; + + this.getBuffered = function() { + if ( !supported ) { + return null; + } + + return timerangeToArray( this.sound.buffered ); + }; + + this.getSeekable = function() { + if ( !supported ) { + return null; + } + + return timerangeToArray( this.sound.seekable ); + }; + + this.getErrorCode = function() { + if ( supported && this.sound.error ) { + return this.sound.error.code; + } + return 0; + }; + + this.getErrorMessage = function() { + if ( !supported ) { + return null; + } + + switch( this.getErrorCode() ) { + case 1: + return 'MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED'; + case 2: + return 'MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK'; + case 3: + return 'MEDIA_ERR_DECODE'; + case 4: + return 'MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED'; + default: + return null; + } + }; + + this.getStateCode = function() { + if ( !supported ) { + return null; + } + + return this.sound.readyState; + }; + + this.getStateMessage = function() { + if ( !supported ) { + return null; + } + + switch( this.getStateCode() ) { + case 0: + return 'HAVE_NOTHING'; + case 1: + return 'HAVE_METADATA'; + case 2: + return 'HAVE_CURRENT_DATA'; + case 3: + return 'HAVE_FUTURE_DATA'; + case 4: + return 'HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA'; + default: + return null; + } + }; + + this.getNetworkStateCode = function() { + if ( !supported ) { + return null; + } + + return this.sound.networkState; + }; + + this.getNetworkStateMessage = function() { + if ( !supported ) { + return null; + } + + switch( this.getNetworkStateCode() ) { + case 0: + return 'NETWORK_EMPTY'; + case 1: + return 'NETWORK_IDLE'; + case 2: + return 'NETWORK_LOADING'; + case 3: + return 'NETWORK_NO_SOURCE'; + default: + return null; + } + }; + + this.set = function( key, value ) { + if ( !supported ) { + return this; + } + + this.sound[ key ] = value; + return this; + }; + + this.get = function( key ) { + if ( !supported ) { + return null; + } + + return key ? this.sound[ key ] : this.sound; + }; + + this.bind = function( types, func ) { + if ( !supported ) { + return this; + } + + types = types.split( ' ' ); + + var that = this, + efunc = function( e ) { func.call( that, e ); }; + + for( var t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) { + var type = types[ t ], + idx = type; + type = idx.split( '.' )[ 0 ]; + + events.push( { idx: idx, func: efunc } ); + this.sound.addEventListener( type, efunc, true ); + } + return this; + }; + + this.unbind = function( types ) { + if ( !supported ) { + return this; + } + + types = types.split( ' ' ); + + for( var t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) { + var idx = types[ t ], + type = idx.split( '.' )[ 0 ]; + + for( var i = 0; i < events.length; i++ ) { + var namespace = events[ i ].idx.split( '.' ); + if ( events[ i ].idx == idx || ( namespace[ 1 ] && namespace[ 1 ] == idx.replace( '.', '' ) ) ) { + this.sound.removeEventListener( type, events[ i ].func, true ); + delete events[ i ]; + } + } + } + return this; + }; + + this.bindOnce = function( type, func ) { + if ( !supported ) { + return this; + } + + var that = this; + + eventsOnce[ pid++ ] = false; + this.bind( pid + type, function() { + if ( !eventsOnce[ pid ] ) { + eventsOnce[ pid ] = true; + func.call( that ); + } + that.unbind( pid + type ); + }); + }; + + this.trigger = function( types ) { + if ( !supported ) { + return this; + } + + types = types.split( ' ' ); + + for( var t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) { + var idx = types[ t ]; + + for( var i = 0; i < events.length; i++ ) { + var eventType = events[ i ].idx.split( '.' ); + if ( events[ i ].idx == idx || ( eventType[ 0 ] && eventType[ 0 ] == idx.replace( '.', '' ) ) ) { + var evt = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); + evt.initEvent( eventType[ 0 ], false, true ); + this.sound.dispatchEvent( evt ); + } + } + } + return this; + }; + + this.fadeTo = function( to, duration, callback ) { + if ( !supported ) { + return this; + } + + if ( duration instanceof Function ) { + callback = duration; + duration = buzz.defaults.duration; + } else { + duration = duration || buzz.defaults.duration; + } + + var from = this.volume, + delay = duration / Math.abs( from - to ), + that = this; + this.play(); + + function doFade() { + setTimeout( function() { + if ( from < to && that.volume < to ) { + that.setVolume( that.volume += 1 ); + doFade(); + } else if ( from > to && that.volume > to ) { + that.setVolume( that.volume -= 1 ); + doFade(); + } else if ( callback instanceof Function ) { + callback.apply( that ); + } + }, delay ); + } + this.whenReady( function() { + doFade(); + }); + + return this; + }; + + this.fadeIn = function( duration, callback ) { + if ( !supported ) { + return this; + } + + return this.setVolume(0).fadeTo( 100, duration, callback ); + }; + + this.fadeOut = function( duration, callback ) { + if ( !supported ) { + return this; + } + + return this.fadeTo( 0, duration, callback ); + }; + + this.fadeWith = function( sound, duration ) { + if ( !supported ) { + return this; + } + + this.fadeOut( duration, function() { + this.stop(); + }); + + sound.play().fadeIn( duration ); + + return this; + }; + + this.whenReady = function( func ) { + if ( !supported ) { + return null; + } + + var that = this; + if ( this.sound.readyState === 0 ) { + this.bind( 'canplay.buzzwhenready', function() { + func.call( that ); + }); + } else { + func.call( that ); + } + }; + + // privates + function timerangeToArray( timeRange ) { + var array = [], + length = timeRange.length - 1; + + for( var i = 0; i <= length; i++ ) { + array.push({ + start: timeRange.start( length ), + end: timeRange.end( length ) + }); + } + return array; + } + + function getExt( filename ) { + return filename.split('.').pop(); + } + + function addSource( sound, src ) { + var source = document.createElement( 'source' ); + source.src = src; + if ( buzz.types[ getExt( src ) ] ) { + source.type = buzz.types[ getExt( src ) ]; + } + sound.appendChild( source ); + } + + // init + if ( supported ) { + + for(var i in buzz.defaults ) { + if(buzz.defaults.hasOwnProperty(i)) { + options[ i ] = options[ i ] || buzz.defaults[ i ]; + } + } + + this.sound = document.createElement( 'audio' ); + + if ( src instanceof Array ) { + for( var j in src ) { + if(src.hasOwnProperty(j)) { + addSource( this.sound, src[ j ] ); + } + } + } else if ( options.formats.length ) { + for( var k in options.formats ) { + if(options.formats.hasOwnProperty(k)) { + addSource( this.sound, src + '.' + options.formats[ k ] ); + } + } + } else { + addSource( this.sound, src ); + } + + if ( options.loop ) { + this.loop(); + } + + if ( options.autoplay ) { + this.sound.autoplay = 'autoplay'; + } + + if ( options.preload === true ) { + this.sound.preload = 'auto'; + } else if ( options.preload === false ) { + this.sound.preload = 'none'; + } else { + this.sound.preload = options.preload; + } + + this.setVolume( options.volume ); + + buzz.sounds.push( this ); + } + }, + + group: function( sounds ) { + sounds = argsToArray( sounds, arguments ); + + // publics + this.getSounds = function() { + return sounds; + }; + + this.add = function( soundArray ) { + soundArray = argsToArray( soundArray, arguments ); + for( var a = 0; a < soundArray.length; a++ ) { + sounds.push( soundArray[ a ] ); + } + }; + + this.remove = function( soundArray ) { + soundArray = argsToArray( soundArray, arguments ); + for( var a = 0; a < soundArray.length; a++ ) { + for( var i = 0; i < sounds.length; i++ ) { + if ( sounds[ i ] == soundArray[ a ] ) { + delete sounds[ i ]; + break; + } + } + } + }; + + this.load = function() { + fn( 'load' ); + return this; + }; + + this.play = function() { + fn( 'play' ); + return this; + }; + + this.togglePlay = function( ) { + fn( 'togglePlay' ); + return this; + }; + + this.pause = function( time ) { + fn( 'pause', time ); + return this; + }; + + this.stop = function() { + fn( 'stop' ); + return this; + }; + + this.mute = function() { + fn( 'mute' ); + return this; + }; + + this.unmute = function() { + fn( 'unmute' ); + return this; + }; + + this.toggleMute = function() { + fn( 'toggleMute' ); + return this; + }; + + this.setVolume = function( volume ) { + fn( 'setVolume', volume ); + return this; + }; + + this.increaseVolume = function( value ) { + fn( 'increaseVolume', value ); + return this; + }; + + this.decreaseVolume = function( value ) { + fn( 'decreaseVolume', value ); + return this; + }; + + this.loop = function() { + fn( 'loop' ); + return this; + }; + + this.unloop = function() { + fn( 'unloop' ); + return this; + }; + + this.setTime = function( time ) { + fn( 'setTime', time ); + return this; + }; + + this.setduration = function( duration ) { + fn( 'setduration', duration ); + return this; + }; + + this.set = function( key, value ) { + fn( 'set', key, value ); + return this; + }; + + this.bind = function( type, func ) { + fn( 'bind', type, func ); + return this; + }; + + this.unbind = function( type ) { + fn( 'unbind', type ); + return this; + }; + + this.bindOnce = function( type, func ) { + fn( 'bindOnce', type, func ); + return this; + }; + + this.trigger = function( type ) { + fn( 'trigger', type ); + return this; + }; + + this.fade = function( from, to, duration, callback ) { + fn( 'fade', from, to, duration, callback ); + return this; + }; + + this.fadeIn = function( duration, callback ) { + fn( 'fadeIn', duration, callback ); + return this; + }; + + this.fadeOut = function( duration, callback ) { + fn( 'fadeOut', duration, callback ); + return this; + }; + + // privates + function fn() { + var args = argsToArray( null, arguments ), + func = args.shift(); + + for( var i = 0; i < sounds.length; i++ ) { + sounds[ i ][ func ].apply( sounds[ i ], args ); + } + } + + function argsToArray( array, args ) { + return ( array instanceof Array ) ? array : Array.prototype.slice.call( args ); + } + }, + + all: function() { + return new buzz.group( buzz.sounds ); + }, + + isSupported: function() { + return !!buzz.el.canPlayType; + }, + + isOGGSupported: function() { + return !!buzz.el.canPlayType && buzz.el.canPlayType( 'audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"' ); + }, + + isWAVSupported: function() { + return !!buzz.el.canPlayType && buzz.el.canPlayType( 'audio/wav; codecs="1"' ); + }, + + isMP3Supported: function() { + return !!buzz.el.canPlayType && buzz.el.canPlayType( 'audio/mpeg;' ); + }, + + isAACSupported: function() { + return !!buzz.el.canPlayType && ( buzz.el.canPlayType( 'audio/x-m4a;' ) || buzz.el.canPlayType( 'audio/aac;' ) ); + }, + + toTimer: function( time, withHours ) { + var h, m, s; + h = Math.floor( time / 3600 ); + h = isNaN( h ) ? '--' : ( h >= 10 ) ? h : '0' + h; + m = withHours ? Math.floor( time / 60 % 60 ) : Math.floor( time / 60 ); + m = isNaN( m ) ? '--' : ( m >= 10 ) ? m : '0' + m; + s = Math.floor( time % 60 ); + s = isNaN( s ) ? '--' : ( s >= 10 ) ? s : '0' + s; + return withHours ? h + ':' + m + ':' + s : m + ':' + s; + }, + + fromTimer: function( time ) { + var splits = time.toString().split( ':' ); + if ( splits && splits.length == 3 ) { + time = ( parseInt( splits[ 0 ], 10 ) * 3600 ) + ( parseInt(splits[ 1 ], 10 ) * 60 ) + parseInt( splits[ 2 ], 10 ); + } + if ( splits && splits.length == 2 ) { + time = ( parseInt( splits[ 0 ], 10 ) * 60 ) + parseInt( splits[ 1 ], 10 ); + } + return time; + }, + + toPercent: function( value, total, decimal ) { + var r = Math.pow( 10, decimal || 0 ); + + return Math.round( ( ( value * 100 ) / total ) * r ) / r; + }, + + fromPercent: function( percent, total, decimal ) { + var r = Math.pow( 10, decimal || 0 ); + + return Math.round( ( ( total / 100 ) * percent ) * r ) / r; + } +}; diff --git a/webgl/vendor/glge-compiled-min.js b/webgl/vendor/glge-compiled-min.js new file mode 100755 index 00000000..62c570a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/webgl/vendor/glge-compiled-min.js @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +/*! +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ +typeof GLGE=="undefined"&&(GLGE={}),function(a){function c(){var b=a.Vec([1,2,3,4]),c=a.Vec4(a.getVec4(b,3),a.get1basedVec4(b,3),a.getVec4(b,1),a.getVec4(b,0)),d=a.identMatrix(),e=a.mulMat4Vec4(d,c);if(a.getVec4(e,0)!=4||a.getVec4(e,1)!=3||a.getVec4(e,2)!=2||a.getVec4(e,3)!=1)throw"Unit Test 1 failed MatVecMul "+e;var f=a.Mat4([3,4,5,0,.5,.75,0,0,.75,.5,0,0,.25,.25,1,1]),g=a.Mat4([2,1,8,2,1,4,3,2,1,.5,6.5,2,8,3,1,.25]),h=a.mulMat4(f,g),i=a.Mat4([15,21.5,68.5,24,1.75,3.5,6.25,2.5,2,2.75,7.5,2.5,9.75,4.75,10.25,3.25]);for(var j=0;j<4;++j)for(var k=0;k<4;++k){var l=a.getMat4(h,j,k)-a.getMat4(i,j,k);if(l>=1e-6||l<=-1e-6)throw"Unit Test 1 failed Multiplication "+a.getMat4(h,j,k)+" != "+a.getMat4(i,j,k)}var m=a.inverseMat4(f),n=a.mulMat4(f,m),o=a.mulMat4(m,f);for(var j=0;j<4;++j)for(var k=0;k<4;++k){var l=a.getMat4(n,j,k)-a.getMat4(d,j,k);if(l>=1e-4||l<=-1e-4)throw"Unit Test 1 failed Inverse "+a.getMat4(n,j,k)+" != "+a.getMat4(d,j,k)}}var b=[];a.reuseMatrix4=function(a){},a.matrix4=function(a,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q){if(b.length==0)var r=[a,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q];else{var r=b.shift();r[0]=a,r[1]=c,r[2]=d,r[3]=e,r[4]=f,r[5]=g,r[6]=h,r[7]=i,r[8]=j,r[9]=k,r[10]=l,r[11]=m,r[12]=n,r[13]=o,r[14]=p,r[15]=q}return r},a.Vec=function(a){return a.slice(0)},a.Vec3=function(a,b,c){return[a,b,c]},a.Vec4=function(a,b,c,d){return[a,b,c,d]},a.get1basedVec4=function(a,b){return a[b-1]},a.get1basedVec3=function(a,b){return a[b-1]},a.getVec4=function(a,b){return a[b]},a.getVec3=function(a,b){return a[b]},a.addVec4=function(a,b){return[a[0]+b[0],a[1]+b[1],a[2]+b[2],a[3]+b[3]]},a.addVec3=function(a,b){return[a[0]+b[0],a[1]+b[1],a[2]+b[2]]},a.subVec4=function(a,b){return[a[0]-b[0],a[1]-b[1],a[2]-b[2],a[3]-b[3]]},a.subVec3=function(a,b){return[a[0]-b[0],a[1]-b[1],a[2]-b[2]]},a.negVec4=function(a){return[-a[0],-a[1],-a[2],-a[3]]},a.negVec3=function(a){return[-a[0],-a[1],-a[2]]},a.dotVec3=function(a,b){return a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1]+a[2]*b[2]},a.dotVec4=function(a,b){return a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1]+a[2]*b[2]+a[3]*b[3]},a.scaleVec4=function(a,b){return[a[0]*b,a[1]*b,a[2]*b,a[3]*b]},a.scaleVec3=function(a,b){return[a[0]*b,a[1]*b,a[2]*b]},a.crossVec3=function(a,b){return[a[1]*b[2]-a[2]*b[1],a[2]*b[0]-a[0]*b[2],a[0]*b[1]-a[1]*b[0]]},a.toUnitVec3=function(a){var b=a[0]*a[0]+a[1]*a[1]+a[2]*a[2],c=1;b>0&&(c=Math.pow(b,.5));return[a[0]/c,a[1]/c,a[2]/c]},a.toUnitVec4=function(a){var b=a[0]*a[0]+a[1]*a[1]+a[2]*a[2]+a[3]*a[3],c=1;b>0&&(c=Math.pow(b,.5));return[a[0]/c,a[1]/c,a[2]/c,a[3]/c]},a.lengthVec3=function(a){return Math.pow(a[0]*a[0]+a[1]*a[1]+a[2]*a[2],.5)},a.distanceVec3=function(b,c){return a.lengthVec3(a.subVec3(b,c))},a.lengthVec4=function(a,b){return Math.pow(a[0]*a[0]+a[1]*a[1]+a[2]*a[2]+a[3]*a[3],.5)},a.distanceVec4=function(b,c){return a.lengthVec4(a.subVec4(b,c))},a.angleVec3=function(b,c){b=a.toUnitVec3(b),c=a.toUnitVec3(c),d=a.dotVec3(b,c),d<-1&&(d=-1),d>1&&(d=1);return Math.acos(d)},a.angleVec4=function(b,c){b=a.toUnitVec4(b),c=a.toUnitVec4(c),d=a.dotVec4(b,c),d<-1&&(d=-1),d>1&&(d=1);return Math.acos(d)},GLGE_math_use_webgl_float=!1,a.Mat3=GLGE_math_use_webgl_float?function(a){if(a.length==9)return new Float32Array(a);if(a.length==16)return new Float32Array([a[0],a[1],a[2],a[4],a[5],a[6],a[8],a[9],a[10]]);throw"invalid matrix length"}:function(a){var b;if(a.length==9)b=a.slice(0);else if(a.length==16)b=[a[0],a[1],a[2],a[4],a[5],a[6],a[8],a[9],a[10]];else throw"invalid matrix length";b.get=function(a){return this[a]};return b},a.Mat=GLGE_math_use_webgl_float?function(a){return new Float32Array(a)}:function(a){var b=a.slice(0);b.get=function(a){return this[a]};return b},a.Mat4=function(a){var b;if(a.length==9)b=[a[0],a[1],a[2],0,a[3],a[4],a[5],0,a[6],a[7],a[8],0,0,0,0,1];else if(a.length==16)a.slice?b=a.slice(0):b=a.subarray(0);else throw"invalid matrix length";b.get=function(a){return this[a]};return b},a.determinantMat4=function(a){return a[12]*a[9]*a[6]*a[3]-a[8]*a[13]*a[6]*a[3]-a[12]*a[5]*a[10]*a[3]+a[4]*a[13]*a[10]*a[3]+a[8]*a[5]*a[14]*a[3]-a[4]*a[9]*a[14]*a[3]-a[12]*a[9]*a[2]*a[7]+a[8]*a[13]*a[2]*a[7]+a[12]*a[1]*a[10]*a[7]-a[0]*a[13]*a[10]*a[7]-a[8]*a[1]*a[14]*a[7]+a[0]*a[9]*a[14]*a[7]+a[12]*a[5]*a[2]*a[11]-a[4]*a[13]*a[2]*a[11]-a[12]*a[1]*a[6]*a[11]+a[0]*a[13]*a[6]*a[11]+a[4]*a[1]*a[14]*a[11]-a[0]*a[5]*a[14]*a[11]-a[8]*a[5]*a[2]*a[15]+a[4]*a[9]*a[2]*a[15]+a[8]*a[1]*a[6]*a[15]-a[0]*a[9]*a[6]*a[15]-a[4]*a[1]*a[10]*a[15]+a[0]*a[5]*a[10]*a[15]},a.inverseMat4=function(b){var c=b[0],d=b[1],e=b[2],f=b[3],g=b[4],h=b[5],i=b[6],j=b[7],k=b[8],l=b[9],m=b[10],n=b[11],o=b[12],p=b[13],q=b[14],r=b[15],s=o*l*i*f-k*p*i*f-o*h*m*f+g*p*m*f+k*h*q*f-g*l*q*f-o*l*e*j+k*p*e*j+o*d*m*j-c*p*m*j-k*d*q*j+c*l*q*j+o*h*e*n-g*p*e*n-o*d*i*n+c*p*i*n+g*d*q*n-c*h*q*n-k*h*e*r+g*l*e*r+k*d*i*r-c*l*i*r-g*d*m*r+c*h*m*r;return a.matrix4((l*q*j-p*m*j+p*i*n-h*q*n-l*i*r+h*m*r)/s,(p*m*f-l*q*f-p*e*n+d*q*n+l*e*r-d*m*r)/s,(h*q*f-p*i*f+p*e*j-d*q*j-h*e*r+d*i*r)/s,(l*i*f-h*m*f-l*e*j+d*m*j+h*e*n-d*i*n)/s,(o*m*j-k*q*j-o*i*n+g*q*n+k*i*r-g*m*r)/s,(k*q*f-o*m*f+o*e*n-c*q*n-k*e*r+c*m*r)/s,(o*i*f-g*q*f-o*e*j+c*q*j+g*e*r-c*i*r)/s,(g*m*f-k*i*f+k*e*j-c*m*j-g*e*n+c*i*n)/s,(k*p*j-o*l*j+o*h*n-g*p*n-k*h*r+g*l*r)/s,(o*l*f-k*p*f-o*d*n+c*p*n+k*d*r-c*l*r)/s,(g*p*f-o*h*f+o*d*j-c*p*j-g*d*r+c*h*r)/s,(k*h*f-g*l*f-k*d*j+c*l*j+g*d*n-c*h*n)/s,(o*l*i-k*p*i-o*h*m+g*p*m+k*h*q-g*l*q)/s,(k*p*e-o*l*e+o*d*m-c*p*m-k*d*q+c*l*q)/s,(o*h*e-g*p*e-o*d*i+c*p*i+g*d*q-c*h*q)/s,(g*l*e-k*h*e+k*d*i-c*l*i-g*d*m+c*h*m)/s)},a.mulMat4Vec3=function(b,c){return a.Vec3(b[0]*c[0]+b[1]*c[1]+b[2]*c[2]+b[3],b[4]*c[0]+b[5]*c[1]+b[6]*c[2]+b[7],b[8]*c[0]+b[9]*c[1]+b[10]*c[2]+b[11])},a.mulMat4Vec4=function(b,c){return a.Vec4(b[0]*c[0]+b[1]*c[1]+b[2]*c[2]+b[3]*c[3],b[4]*c[0]+b[5]*c[1]+b[6]*c[2]+b[7]*c[3],b[8]*c[0]+b[9]*c[1]+b[10]*c[2]+b[11]*c[3],b[12]*c[0]+b[13]*c[1]+b[14]*c[2]+b[15]*c[3])},a.scaleMat4=function(b,c){return a.matrix4([b[0]*c,b[1]*c,b[2]*c,b[3]*c,b[4]*c,b[5]*c,b[6]*c,b[7]*c,b[8]*c,b[9]*c,b[10]*c,b[11]*c,b[12]*c,b[13]*c,b[14]*c,b[15]*c])},a.scaleInPlaceMat4=function(a,b){a.set(0,a[0]*b),a.set(1,a[1]*b),a.set(2,a[2]*b),a.set(3,a[3]*b),a.set(4,a[4]*b),a.set(5,a[5]*b),a.set(6,a[6]*b),a.set(7,a[7]*b),a.set(8,a[8]*b),a.set(9,a[9]*b),a.set(10,a[10]*b),a.set(11,a[11]*b),a.set(12,a[12]*b),a.set(13,a[13]*b),a.set(14,a[14]*b),a.set(15,a[15]*b);return a},a.addInPlaceMat4=function(a,b){a.set(0,a[0]+b[0]),a.set(1,a[1]+b[1]),a.set(2,a[2]+b[2]),a.set(3,a[3]+b[3]),a.set(4,a[4]+b[4]),a.set(5,a[5]+b[5]),a.set(6,a[6]+b[6]),a.set(7,a[7]+b[7]),a.set(8,a[8]+b[8]),a.set(9,a[9]+b[9]),a.set(10,a[10]+b[10]),a.set(11,a[11]+b[11]),a.set(12,a[12]+b[12]),a.set(13,a[13]+b[13]),a.set(14,a[14]+b[14]),a.set(15,a[15]+b[15]);return a},a.addMat4=function(b,c){return a.Mat([b[0]+c[0],b[1]+c[1],b[2]+c[2],b[3]+c[3],b[4]+c[4],b[5]+c[5],b[6]+c[6],b[7]+c[7],b[8]+c[8],b[9]+c[9],b[10]+c[10],b[11]+c[11],b[12]+c[12],b[13]+c[13],b[14]+c[14],b[15]+c[15]])},a.subInPlaceMat4=function(a,b){a.set(0,a[0]-b[0]),a.set(1,a[1]-b[1]),a.set(2,a[2]-b[2]),a.set(3,a[3]-b[3]),a.set(4,a[4]-b[4]),a.set(5,a[5]-b[5]),a.set(6,a[6]-b[6]),a.set(7,a[7]-b[7]),a.set(8,a[8]-b[8]),a.set(9,a[9]-b[9]),a.set(10,a[10]-b[10]),a.set(11,a[11]-b[11]),a.set(12,a[12]-b[12]),a.set(13,a[13]-b[13]),a.set(14,a[14]-b[14]),a.set(15,a[15]-b[15]);return a},a.subMat4=function(b,c){return a.Mat([b[0]-c[0],b[1]-c[1],b[2]-c[2],b[3]-c[3],b[4]-c[4],b[5]-c[5],b[6]-c[6],b[7]-c[7],b[8]-c[8],b[9]-c[9],b[10]-c[10],b[11]-c[11],b[12]-c[12],b[13]-c[13],b[14]-c[14],b[15]-c[15]])},a.mulMat4=function(b,c){var d=c[0],e=c[1],f=c[2],g=c[3],h=c[4],i=c[5],j=c[6],k=c[7],l=c[8],m=c[9],n=c[10],o=c[11],p=c[12],q=c[13],r=c[14],s=c[15],t=b[0],u=b[1],v=b[2],w=b[3],x=b[4],y=b[5],z=b[6],A=b[7],B=b[8],C=b[9],D=b[10],E=b[11],F=b[12],G=b[13],H=b[14],I=b[15];return a.matrix4(t*d+u*h+v*l+w*p,t*e+u*i+v*m+w*q,t*f+u*j+v*n+w*r,t*g+u*k+v*o+w*s,x*d+y*h+z*l+A*p,x*e+y*i+z*m+A*q,x*f+y*j+z*n+A*r,x*g+y*k+z*o+A*s,B*d+C*h+D*l+E*p,B*e+C*i+D*m+E*q,B*f+C*j+D*n+E*r,B*g+C*k+D*o+E*s,F*d+G*h+H*l+I*p,F*e+G*i+H*m+I*q,F*f+G*j+H*n+I*r,F*g+G*k+H*o+I*s)},a.transposeInPlaceMat4=function(a){var b=a[1];a.set(1,a[4]),a.set(4,b),b=a[8],a.set(8,a[2]),a.set(2,b),b=a[3],a.set(3,a[12]),a.set(12,b),b=a[9],a.set(9,a[6]),a.set(6,b),b=a[13],a.set(13,a[7]),a.set(7,b),b=a[14],a.set(14,a[11]),a.set(11,b)},a.transposeMat4=function(b){return a.matrix4(b[0],b[4],b[8],b[12],b[1],b[5],b[9],b[13],b[2],b[6],b[10],b[14],b[3],b[7],b[11],b[15])},a.mat4gl=function(a,b){b[0]=a[0],b[1]=a[1],b[2]=a[2],b[3]=a[3],b[4]=a[4],b[5]=a[5],b[6]=a[6],b[7]=a[7],b[8]=a[8],b[9]=a[9],b[10]=a[10],b[11]=a[11],b[12]=a[12],b[13]=a[13],b[14]=a[14],b[15]=a[15]},a.set1basedMat4=function(a,b,c,d){a[(b-1)*4+(c-1)]=d,a.glData!==undefined&&delete a.glData},a.setMat4=function(a,b,c,d){a[b*4+c]=d,a.glData!==undefined&&delete a.glData},a.get1basedMat4=function(a,b,c){return a.get((b-1)*4+(c-1))},a.getMat4=function(a,b,c){return a[b*4+c]},a.glDataMat4=function(a){a.glArray=new Float32Array(a);return a.glArray},a.identMatrix=function(){return a.matrix4(1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)},a.translateMatrix=function(b){var c,d,e;arguments.length==3?(c=arguments[0],d=arguments[1],e=arguments[2]):b.data?(c=b.data[0],d=b.data[1],e=b.data[2]):b instanceof Array&&(c=b[0],d=b[1],e=b[2]);return a.matrix4(1,0,0,c,0,1,0,d,0,0,1,e,0,0,0,1)},a.scaleMatrix=function(b){var c,d,e;arguments.length==3?(c=arguments[0],d=arguments[1],e=arguments[2]):b.data?(c=b.data[0],d=b.data[1],e=b.data[2]):b instanceof Array&&(c=b[0],d=b[1],e=b[2]);return a.matrix4(c,0,0,0,0,d,0,0,0,0,e,0,0,0,0,1)},a.ROT_XYZ=1,a.ROT_XZY=2,a.ROT_YXZ=3,a.ROT_YZX=4,a.ROT_ZXY=5,a.ROT_ZYX=6,a.rotateMatrix=function(b,c){var d,e,f;arguments.length>2?(d=arguments[0],e=arguments[1],f=arguments[2],c=arguments[3]):b.data?(d=b.data[0],e=b.data[1],f=b.data[2]):b instanceof Array&&(d=b[0],e=b[1],f=b[2]),c||(c=a.ROT_XYZ);var g=Math.cos(d),h=Math.sin(d),i=Math.cos(e),j=Math.sin(e),k=Math.cos(f),l=Math.sin(f),m=a.matrix4(1,0,0,0,0,g,-h,0,0,h,g,0,0,0,0,1),n=a.matrix4(i,0,j,0,0,1,0,0,-j,0,i,0,0,0,0,1),o=a.matrix4(k,-l,0,0,l,k,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1);switch(c){case a.ROT_XYZ:return a.mulMat4(m,a.mulMat4(n,o));case a.ROT_XZY:return a.mulMat4(m,a.mulMat4(o,n));case a.ROT_YXZ:return a.mulMat4(n,a.mulMat4(m,o));case a.ROT_YZX:return a.mulMat4(n,a.mulMat4(o,m));case a.ROT_ZXY:return a.mulMat4(o,a.mulMat4(m,n));case a.ROT_ZYX:return a.mulMat4(o,a.mulMat4(n,m))}},a.angleAxis=function(b,c){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;c=[c[0],c[1],c[2],0];var m=c[0],n=c[1],o=c[2],p=Math.cos(b),q=1-p,r=Math.sin(b);j=m*r,k=n*r,l=o*r,d=m*m,e=n*n,f=o*o,g=m*n,h=n*o,i=o*m;var s=a.matrix4(q*d+p,q*g-l,q*i+k,0,q*g+l,q*e+p,q*h-j,0,q*i-k,q*h+j,q*f+p,0,0,0,0,1);return a.Mat(s)},a.quatFromAxisAngle=function(a,b){var c=[],d=b*.5,e=Math.sin(d),f=Math.cos(d);c[0]=a[0]*e,c[1]=a[1]*e,c[2]=a[2]*e,c[3]=f;return c},a.mulQuat=function(a,b){var c=[],d=a[0],e=a[1],f=a[2],g=a[3],h=b[0],i=b[1],j=b[2],k=b[3],l=e*j-f*i,m=f*h-d*j,n=d*i-e*h,o=d*h+e*i+f*j;c[0]=d*k+h*g+l,c[1]=e*k+i*g+m,c[2]=f*k+j*g+n,c[3]=g*k-o;return c},a.mat4FromQuat=function(a){var b=a[0]*a[0],c=a[1]*a[1],d=a[2]*a[2],e=a[0]*a[1],f=a[2]*a[3],g=a[2]*a[0],h=a[1]*a[3],i=a[1]*a[2],j=a[0]*a[3],k=[];k[0]=1-2*(c+d),k[1]=2*(e+f),k[2]=2*(g-h),k[3]=0,k[4]=2*(e-f),k[5]=1-2*(d+b),k[6]=2*(i+j),k[7]=0,k[8]=2*(g+h),k[9]=2*(i-j),k[10]=1-2*(c+b),k[11]=0,k[12]=0,k[13]=0,k[14]=0,k[15]=1;return k},a.quatRotation=function(b,c,d,e){return a.matrix4(1-2*c*c-2*d*d,2*b*c-2*d*e,2*b*d+2*c*e,0,2*b*c+2*d*e,1-2*b*b-2*d*d,2*c*d-2*b*e,0,2*b*d-2*c*e,2*c*d+2*b*e,1-2*b*b-2*c*c,0,0,0,0,1)},a.makeOrtho=function(b,c,d,e,f,g){var h=-(c+b)/(c-b),i=-(e+d)/(e-d),j=-(g+f)/(g-f);return a.matrix4(2/(c-b),0,0,h,0,2/(e-d),0,i,0,0,-2/(g-f),j,0,0,0,1)},a.makeFrustum=function(b,c,d,e,f,g){var h=2*f/(c-b),i=2*f/(e-d),j=(c+b)/(c-b),k=(e+d)/(e-d),l=-(g+f)/(g-f),m=-2*g*f/(g-f);return a.matrix4(h,0,j,0,0,i,k,0,0,0,l,m,0,0,-1,0)},a.makePerspective=function(b,c,d,e){var f=d*Math.tan(b*.00872664625972),g=-f,h=g*c,i=f*c;return a.makeFrustum(h,i,g,f,d,e)},a.makePerspectiveX=function(b,c,d,e){var f=d*Math.tan(b*.00872664625972),g=-f,h=g/c,i=f/c;return a.makeFrustum(g,f,h,i,d,e)},a.matrix2Scale=function(a){var b=a[0],c=a[1],d=a[2],e=a[4],f=a[5],g=a[6],h=a[8],i=a[9],j=a[10],k=Math.sqrt(b*b+c*c+d*d),l=Math.sqrt(e*e+f*f+g*g),m=Math.sqrt(h*h+i*i+j*j);return[k,l,m]},a.rotationMatrix2Quat=function(a){var b=a[0]+a[5]+a[10]+1,c,d,e,f,g;b>0?(c=.5/Math.sqrt(b),g=.25/c,d=(a[9]-a[6])*c,e=(a[2]-a[8])*c,f=(a[4]-a[1])*c):a[0]>a[5]&&a[0]>a[10]?(c=Math.sqrt(1+a[0]-a[5]-a[10])*2,g=(a[9]-a[6])/c,d=.25/c,e=(a[1]+a[4])/c,f=(a[2]+a[8])/c):a[5]>a[10]?(c=Math.sqrt(1+a[5]-a[0]-a[10])*2,g=(a[2]-a[8])/c,d=(a[1]+a[4])/c,e=.25/c,f=(a[6]+a[9])/c):(c=Math.sqrt(1+a[10]-a[0]-a[5])*2,g=(a[4]-a[1])/c,d=(a[2]+a[8])/c,e=(a[6]+a[9])/c,f=.25/c);var h=Math.sqrt(d*d+e*e+f*f+g*g);return[d/h,e/h,f/h,g/h]},a.rayToPlane=function(b,c){var d=a.toUnitVec3(c);return[d[0],d[1],d[2],a.dotVec3(b,d)]},a.rayIntersectPlane=function(b,c,d){var e=[d[0],d[1],d[2]],f=d[3],g=a.dotVec3(e,c);if(g<=0)return!1;var h=-(a.dotVec3(e,b)+f),i=h/g;if(i<=0)return!1;return a.addVec3(b,a.scaleVec3(c,i))},a.screenToDirection=function(b,c,d,e,f){xcoord=-(2*b/d-1)/f[0],ycoord=(2*c/e-1)/f[5],zcoord=1;return a.toUnitVec3([xcoord,ycoord,zcoord])},a.BoundingVolume=function(a,b,c,d,e,f){this.limits=[a,b,c,d,e,f],this.calcProps()},a.BoundingVolume.prototype.getCornerPoints=function(){return this.points},a.BoundingVolume.prototype.getSphereRadius=function(){return this.radius},a.BoundingVolume.prototype.getCenter=function(){return this.center},a.BoundingVolume.prototype.isNull=function(){return this.limits[0]==0&&this.limits[1]==0&&this.limits[2]==0&&this.limits[3]==0&&this.limits[4]==0&&this.limits[5]==0},a.BoundingVolume.prototype.addBoundingVolume=function(a){this.isNull()?(this.limits[0]=a.limits[0],this.limits[1]=a.limits[1],this.limits[2]=a.limits[2],this.limits[3]=a.limits[3],this.limits[4]=a.limits[4],this.limits[5]=a.limits[5]):a.isNull()||(this.limits[0]=Math.min(a.limits[0],this.limits[0]),this.limits[2]=Math.min(a.limits[2],this.limits[2]),this.limits[4]=Math.min(a.limits[4],this.limits[4]),this.limits[1]=Math.max(a.limits[1],this.limits[1]),this.limits[3]=Math.max(a.limits[3],this.limits[3]),this.limits[5]=Math.max(a.limits[5],this.limits[5])),this.calcProps()},a.BoundingVolume.prototype.applyMatrix=function(b){var c=a.mulMat4Vec4(b,[this.limits[0],this.limits[2],this.limits[4],1]),d=a.mulMat4Vec4(b,[this.limits[1],this.limits[2],this.limits[4],1]),e=a.mulMat4Vec4(b,[this.limits[0],this.limits[3],this.limits[4],1]),f=a.mulMat4Vec4(b,[this.limits[1],this.limits[3],this.limits[4],1]),g=a.mulMat4Vec4(b,[this.limits[0],this.limits[2],this.limits[5],1]),h=a.mulMat4Vec4(b,[this.limits[1],this.limits[2],this.limits[5],1]),i=a.mulMat4Vec4(b,[this.limits[0],this.limits[3],this.limits[5],1]),j=a.mulMat4Vec4(b,[this.limits[1],this.limits[3],this.limits[5],1]);this.limits[0]=Math.min(c[0],d[0],e[0],f[0],g[0],h[0],i[0],j[0]),this.limits[1]=Math.max(c[0],d[0],e[0],f[0],g[0],h[0],i[0],j[0]),this.limits[2]=Math.min(c[1],d[1],e[1],f[1],g[1],h[1],i[1],j[1]),this.limits[3]=Math.max(c[1],d[1],e[1],f[1],g[1],h[1],i[1],j[1]),this.limits[4]=Math.min(c[2],d[2],e[2],f[2],g[2],h[2],i[2],j[2]),this.limits[5]=Math.max(c[2],d[2],e[2],f[2],g[2],h[2],i[2],j[2]),this.calcProps()},a.BoundingVolume.prototype.calcProps=function(){var a=this.limits[0],b=this.limits[1],c=this.limits[2],d=this.limits[3],e=this.limits[4],f=this.limits[5];this.points=[[a,c,e],[b,c,e],[a,d,e],[b,d,e],[a,c,f],[b,c,f],[a,d,f],[b,d,f]],this.center=[(this.limits[1]-this.limits[0])/2+this.limits[0],(this.limits[3]-this.limits[2])/2+this.limits[2],(this.limits[5]-this.limits[4])/2+this.limits[4]];var g=this.limits[0]-this.center[0],h=this.limits[2]-this.center[1],i=this.limits[4]-this.center[2];this.radius=Math.sqrt(g*g+h*h+i*i)},a.BoundingVolume.prototype.clone=function(){return new a.BoundingVolume(this.limits[0],this.limits[1],this.limits[2],this.limits[3],this.limits[4],this.limits[5])},a.BoundingVolume.prototype.toString=function(){return this.limits.toString()},a.cameraViewProjectionToPlanes=function(b){var c=a.inverseMat4(b),d=a.mulMat4Vec4,e=a.subVec3,f=a.crossVec3,g=a.toUnitVec3,h=a.dotVec3,i=d(c,[-1,-1,-1,1]),j=d(c,[1,-1,-1,1]),k=d(c,[-1,-1,1,1]),l=d(c,[1,1,-1,1]),m=d(c,[1,1,1,1]),n=d(c,[-1,1,1,1]);i=[i[0]/i[3],i[1]/i[3],i[2]/i[3]],j=[j[0]/j[3],j[1]/j[3],j[2]/j[3]],k=[k[0]/k[3],k[1]/k[3],k[2]/k[3]],l=[l[0]/l[3],l[1]/l[3],l[2]/l[3]],m=[m[0]/m[3],m[1]/m[3],m[2]/m[3]],n=[n[0]/n[3],n[1]/n[3],n[2]/n[3]];var o=g(f(e(l,j),e(i,j))),p=g(f(e(n,k),e(m,k))),q=g(f(e(i,k),e(n,k))),r=g(f(e(m,l),e(l,j))),s=g(f(e(n,l),e(l,m))),t=g(f(e(i,j),e(k,i)));o.push(h(o,i)),p.push(h(p,k)),q.push(h(q,i)),r.push(h(r,j)),s.push(h(s,m)),t.push(h(t,i));return[o,p,q,r,s,t]},a.sphereInFrustumPlanes=function(a,b){var c=a[0],d=a[1],e=a[2],f=a[3],g=b[0],h=b[1],i=b[2],j=b[3],k=b[4],l=b[5];return c*g[0]+d*g[1]+e*g[2]-g[3]-f>0||c*h[0]+d*h[1]+e*h[2]-h[3]-f>0||c*i[0]+d*i[1]+e*i[2]-i[3]-f>0||c*j[0]+d*j[1]+e*j[2]-j[3]-f>0||c*k[0]+d*k[1]+e*k[2]-k[3]-f>0||c*l[0]+d*l[1]+e*l[2]-l[3]-f>0?!1:!0},a.pointsInFrustumPlanes=function(a,b){var c=b[0],d=b[1],e=b[2],f=b[3],g=b[4],h=b[5],i,j,k;for(var l=0;l0&&i*d[0]+j*d[1]+k*d[2]-d[3]>0&&i*e[0]+j*e[1]+k*e[2]-f[3]>0&&i*f[0]+j*f[1]+k*f[2]-g[3]>0&&i*g[0]+j*g[1]+k*g[2]-g[3]>0&&i*h[0]+j*h[1]+k*h[2]-h[3]>0)return!1}return!0},a.getDirLightProjection=function(b,c,d,e){var f=a.mulMat4(c,a.inverseMat4(b)),g=[0,0,0],h=[0,0,0];for(var i=0;i<2;i++)for(var j=0;j<2;j++)for(var k=0;k<2;k++){var l=a.mulMat4Vec4(f,[i*2-1,j*2-1,k*2-1,1]);l[0]=l[0]/l[3],l[1]=l[1]/l[3],l[2]=l[2]/l[3],g[0]=g[0]>l[0]?l[0]:g[0],g[1]=g[1]>l[1]?l[1]:g[1],h[0]=h[0]1?this.loop?b=(parseFloat(a)-parseFloat(this.animationStart))/1e3*this.frameRate%(this.animFrames-1)+1+this.startFrame:(b=(parseFloat(a)-parseFloat(this.animationStart))/1e3*this.frameRate+1+this.startFrame,b>=this.animFrames+this.startFrame&&(b=this.animFrames)):b=1;return Math.round(b)},a.Animatable.prototype.setStartFrame=function(a,b,c){this.loop=c;var d=parseInt((new Date).getTime());b||(b=0),b>0&&(this.animation&&(this.blendInitValues=this.getInitialValues(this.animation,d),this.blendTime=b)),this.animationStart=d,this.lastFrame=null,this.animFinished=!1,this.startFrame=a;if(this.children)for(var e=0;e0&&(this.blendInitValues=this.getInitialValues(a,c),this.blendTime=b),this.animFrames=null,this.startFrame=null,this.animationStart=c,this.lastFrame=null,this.animation=a,this.animFinished=!1;return this},a.Animatable.prototype.getAnimation=function(){return this.animation},a.Animatable.prototype.setFrameRate=function(a){this.frameRate=a;if(this.children)for(var b=0;b0)return this.getDefault(b);if(!b.object){b.object=new a.Mesh,this.setProperties(b);var c=b.firstChild;while(c){switch(c.tagName){case"positions":b.object.setPositions(this.parseArray(c));break;case"normals":b.object.setNormals(this.parseArray(c));break;case"uv1":b.object.setUV(this.parseArray(c));break;case"uv2":b.object.setUV2(this.parseArray(c));break;case"faces":b.object.setFaces(this.parseArray(c));break;case"color":b.object.setVertexColors(this.parseArray(c));break;case"joint_names":var d=this.parseArray(c),e=[];for(var f=0;f0||b.className=="Light"){var c=b;while(c.parent)c=c.parent;c.updateAllPrograms()}b.addEventListener&&(b.addEventListener("shaderupdate",function(){var 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c=0;c0&&a.Message.loadMessages()}}(GLGE),function(a){a.Action=function(b){this.channels=[],a.Assets.registerAsset(this,b)},a.augment(a.QuickNotation,a.Action),a.augment(a.JSONLoader,a.Action),a.augment(a.Events,a.Action),a.Action.prototype.start=function(a,b,c){b||(b=!1),a||(a=0);var d=this.channels,e=(new Date).getTime();this.animFinished=!1;for(var f=0;fa||b!=undefined&&this.keyFrames[g].x<=this.keyFrames[b].x?this.keyFrames[g].x<=a&&(d==undefined||this.keyFrames[g].x>this.keyFrames[d].x)&&(d=g):(d=b,b=g),this.keyFrames[g].x<=a||c!=undefined&&this.keyFrames[g].x>this.keyFrames[c].x?this.keyFrames[g].x>a&&(f==undefined||this.keyFrames[g].x<=this.keyFrames[f].x)&&(f=g):(f=c,c=g)}b==undefined&&(b=c,c=f),c==undefined&&(c=b,b=d);if(this.keyFrames[b]instanceof e.BezTriple&&this.keyFrames[c]instanceof e.BezTriple){var 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this.startFrame}}(GLGE),function(a){a.BezTriple=function(b){a.Assets.registerAsset(this,b)},a.augment(a.QuickNotation,a.BezTriple),a.augment(a.JSONLoader,a.BezTriple),a.BezTriple.prototype.className="BezTriple",a.BezTriple.prototype.setX1=function(a){this.x1=parseFloat(a);return this},a.BezTriple.prototype.setY1=function(a){this.y1=parseFloat(a);return this},a.BezTriple.prototype.setX2=function(a){this.x=parseFloat(a);return this},a.BezTriple.prototype.setY2=function(a){this.y=parseFloat(a);return this},a.BezTriple.prototype.setX3=function(a){this.x3=parseFloat(a);return this},a.BezTriple.prototype.setY3=function(a){this.y3=parseFloat(a);return this},a.LinearPoint=function(a){},a.augment(a.QuickNotation,a.LinearPoint),a.augment(a.JSONLoader,a.LinearPoint),a.LinearPoint.prototype.className="LinearPoint",a.LinearPoint.prototype.x=0,a.LinearPoint.prototype.y=0,a.LinearPoint.prototype.setX=function(a){this.x=parseFloat(a);return 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{\n",f=f+"gl_FragColor=vec4(color.rgb,al);\n",this.fadeDistance>0&&(f=f+"gl_FragColor.a=gl_FragColor.a*(1.0-min(1.0,"+this.fadeDistance.toFixed(5)+"/length(eyevec)));\n"),f=f+"} else {\n";for(var h=0;h0.0){\n",b[h].diffuse&&(f=f+"lightvalue += att * dotN * lightcolor"+h+";\n"),f=f+"}\n",b[h].specular&&(f=f+"specvalue += smoothstep(-specularSmoothStepValue,specularSmoothStepValue,dotN)*att * specC * lightcolor"+h+" * spec * pow(max(dot(reflect(normalize(lightvec), normal),normalize(viewvec)),0.0), 0.3*sh);\n")),f=f+"spotEffect = 0.0;\n",b[h].type==a.L_SPOT&&(f=f+"spotEffect = dot(normalize(lightdir"+h+"), normalize(-lightvec"+h+"));",f=f+"if (spotEffect > spotCosCutOff"+h+""+(this.spotCutOff?"":" || spotEffect>0.0")+") {\n",f=f+"spotEffect = pow(spotEffect, spotExp"+h+");",b[h].getCastShadows()&&this.shadow&&(f=f+"scoord=(((spotcoord"+h+".xy)/spotcoord"+h+".w)+1.0)/2.0;\n",f=f+"if(scoord.x>0.0 && scoord.x<1.0 && scoord.y>0.0 && scoord.y<1.0){\n",f=f+"dist=texture2D(TEXTURE"+j[h]+", scoord);\n",b[h].spotSoftness==0?(f=f+"depth = dot(dist, vec4(0.000000059604644775390625,0.0000152587890625,0.00390625,1.0))*"+b[h].distance+".0;\n",f=f+"if(depth0.0){\n",b[h].diffuse&&(f=f+"lightvalue -= (1.0-spotEffect) / (lightAttenuation"+h+"[0] + lightAttenuation"+h+"[1] * lightdist"+h+" + lightAttenuation"+h+"[2] * lightdist"+h+" * lightdist"+h+");\n"),f=f+"}\n"):(f=f+"att = spotEffect / (lightAttenuation"+h+"[0] + lightdist"+h+"*(lightAttenuation"+h+"[1] + lightAttenuation"+h+"[2] * lightdist"+h+"));\n",f=f+"if(dotN>0.0){\n",b[h].diffuse&&(f=f+"lightvalue += att * dotN * lightcolor"+h+";\n"),f=f+"}\n",b[h].specular&&(f=f+"specvalue += smoothstep(-specularSmoothStepValue,specularSmoothStepValue,dotN) * att * specC * lightcolor"+h+" * spec * pow(max(dot(reflect(normalize(lightvec), normal),normalize(viewvec)),0.0), 0.3 * sh);\n")),f=f+"}\n");if(b[h].type==a.L_DIR){this.translucency==0?f=f+"dotN=max(dot(normal,normalize(-lightvec)),0.0);\n":(f=f+"dotN=dot(normal,normalize(-lightvec));\n",f=f+"if (dotN<0.0) dotN*=-"+this.translucency.toFixed(2)+";\n");if(b[h].getCastShadows()&&this.shadow){f=f+"float shadowfact"+h+" = 0.0;\n",f=f+"scoord=((spotcoord"+h+".xy)/spotcoord"+h+".w+1.0)/2.0;\n";var p=1/b[h].bufferWidth,q=1/b[h].bufferHeight;f=f+"dist=texture2D(TEXTURE"+j[h]+", scoord );\n",f=f+"depth = dot(dist, vec4(0.000000059604644775390625,0.0000152587890625,0.00390625,1.0));\n",f=f+"d1 = depth;\n",f=f+"d2 = depth*depth;\n",f=f+"dist=texture2D(TEXTURE"+j[h]+", scoord+vec2("+p.toFixed(5)+","+q.toFixed(5)+") );\n",f=f+"depth = dot(dist, vec4(0.000000059604644775390625,0.0000152587890625,0.00390625,1.0));\n",f=f+"d1 += depth;\n",f=f+"d2 += depth*depth;\n",f=f+"dist=texture2D(TEXTURE"+j[h]+", scoord+vec2(-"+p.toFixed(5)+","+q.toFixed(5)+"));\n",f=f+"depth = dot(dist, vec4(0.000000059604644775390625,0.0000152587890625,0.00390625,1.0));\n",f=f+"d1 += depth;\n",f=f+"d2 += depth*depth;\n",f=f+"dist=texture2D(TEXTURE"+j[h]+", scoord+vec2("+p.toFixed(5)+",-"+q.toFixed(5)+"));\n",f=f+"depth = dot(dist, vec4(0.000000059604644775390625,0.0000152587890625,0.00390625,1.0));\n",f=f+"d1 += depth;\n",f=f+"d2 += depth*depth;\n",f=f+"dist=texture2D(TEXTURE"+j[h]+", scoord+vec2(-"+p.toFixed(5)+",-"+q.toFixed(5)+"));\n",f=f+"depth = dot(dist, vec4(0.000000059604644775390625,0.0000152587890625,0.00390625,1.0));\n",f=f+"d1 += depth;\n",f=f+"d2 += depth*depth;\n",f=f+"d1 *= 0.2;\n",f=f+"d2 *= 0.2;\n",f=f+"sDepth = max(0.0, ((spotcoord"+h+".z/spotcoord"+h+".w)+1.0)/2.0-d1-"+b[h].shadowBias+");\n",f=f+"variance = min(max(d2-d1*d1, 0.0)+"+b[h].varianceMin+", 1.0);\n",f=f+"prob=variance /( variance + sDepth*sDepth );\n",f=f+"prob=smoothstep("+b[h].bleedCutoff.toFixed(2)+",1.0,prob);\n",f=f+"shadowfact"+h+"=prob;\n"}else f=f+"float shadowfact"+h+" = 1.0;\n";b[h].diffuse&&(b[h].negativeShadow?f=f+"lightvalue -= lightcolor"+h+"-(dotN * lightcolor"+h+" * shadowfact"+h+");\n":(f=f+"shadowfact"+h+"="+this.translucency.toFixed(2)+"+"+(1-this.translucency).toFixed(2)+"*shadowfact"+h+";\n",f=f+"lightvalue += dotN * lightcolor"+h+" * shadowfact"+h+";\n")),b[h].specular&&(f=f+"specvalue += smoothstep(-specularSmoothStepValue,specularSmoothStepValue,dotN) * specC * lightcolor"+h+" * spec * pow(max(dot(reflect(normalize(lightvec), normal),normalize(viewvec)),0.0), 0.3 * sh);\n")}}f=f+"lightvalue = (lightvalue)*ref;\n",f=f+"vec3 fc=fogcolor.rgb;\n",f=f+"if(fogtype=="+a.FOG_SKYLINEAR+" || fogtype=="+a.FOG_SKYQUADRATIC+"){",f=f+"vec4 view=projection * vec4(-eyevec,1.0);\n",f=f+"vec2 fogCoords=view.xy/view.w*0.5+0.5;\n",f=f+"fc=texture2D(sky,fogCoords.xy).rgb;\n",f=f+"}\n",f=f+"vec4 finalColor =vec4(specvalue.rgb+color.rgb*lightvalue.rgb+em.rgb,al)*fogfact+vec4(fc,al)*(1.0-fogfact);\n",d&&~d.indexOf("GLGE_FragColor")&&(f=f+"finalColor=GLGE_FragColor(finalColor);\n"),this.fadeDistance>0&&(f=f+"finalColor.a=finalColor.a*(1.0-min(1.0,"+this.fadeDistance.toFixed(5)+"/length(eyevec)));\n"),this.fadeDistance<0&&(f=f+"finalColor.a=finalColor.a*(min(1.0,"+(-this.fadeDistance).toFixed(5)+"/length(eyevec)));\n"),f=f+"gl_FragColor = finalColor;",a.DEBUGNORMALS&&(f=f+"gl_FragColor = vec4(normal.rgb,1.0);"),a.DEBUGCOORD0&&(f=f+"gl_FragColor = vec4(textureCoords0.rg,0.0,1.0);"),f=f+"}\n"}f=f+"}\n";return f},a.Material.prototype.textureUniforms=function(b,c,d,e){this.animation&&this.animate();var 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Float32Array([this.specColor.r,this.specColor.g,this.specColor.b])),b.uniform3fv(a.getUniformLocation(b,c,"specColor"),this.glspecColor),f.specColor=this.specColor),f.emit!=this.emit&&(b.uniform3f(a.getUniformLocation(b,c,"emit"),this.emit.r,this.emit.g,this.emit.b),f.emit=this.emit),f.specular!=this.specular&&(a.setUniform(b,"1f",a.getUniformLocation(b,c,"specular"),this.specular),f.specular=this.specular),f.shine!=this.shine&&(a.setUniform(b,"1f",a.getUniformLocation(b,c,"shine"),this.shine),f.shine=this.shine),f.reflect!=this.reflect&&(a.setUniform(b,"1f",a.getUniformLocation(b,c,"reflective"),this.reflect),f.reflect=this.reflect),f.alpha!=this.alpha&&(a.setUniform(b,"1f",a.getUniformLocation(b,c,"alpha"),this.alpha),f.alpha=this.alpha);if(f.shadeless==undefined||f.shadeless!=this.shadeless)a.setUniform(b,"1i",a.getUniformLocation(b,c,"shadeless"),this.shadeless),f.shadeless=this.shadeless;var 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this},a.TextureCamera.prototype.setAutoUpdate=function(a){this.autoUpdate=a;return this},a.TextureCamera.prototype.getAutoUpdate=function(){return this.autoUpdate},a.TextureCamera.prototype.setPlaneOffset=function(a){this.planeOffset=a;return this},a.TextureCamera.prototype.getPlaneOffset=function(){return this.planeOffset},a.TextureCamera.prototype.setBufferWidth=function(a){this.bufferWidth=a,this.update=!0;return this},a.TextureCamera.prototype.getBufferWidth=function(){return this.bufferWidth},a.TextureCamera.prototype.setBufferHeight=function(a){this.bufferHeight=a,this.update=!0;return this},a.TextureCamera.prototype.getBufferHeight=function(){return this.bufferHeight},a.TextureCamera.prototype.setClipAxis=function(a){this.clipAxis=a;return this},a.TextureCamera.prototype.getClipAxis=function(){return this.clipAxis},a.TextureCamera.prototype.setMirrorAxis=function(a){this.mirrorAxis=a;return this},a.TextureCamera.prototype.getMirrorAxis=function(){return this.mirrorAxis},a.TextureCamera.prototype.setCamera=function(a){this.camera=a;return this},a.TextureCamera.prototype.getCamera=function(){return this.camera},a.TextureCamera.prototype.doTexture=function(b,c){if(!this.camera)return!1;if(!this.autoRender&&this.rendered&&0)b.bindTexture(b.TEXTURE_2D,this.glTexture);else{this.rendered=!0,this.gl=b;var d=c.getModelMatrix(),e=this.camera.pMatrix,f=this.camera.matrix;this.camera.pMatrix=null,this.camera.matrix=null;var g=this.camera.getProjectionMatrix().slice(0),h=this.camera.getViewMatrix().slice(0);this.camera.pMatrix=e,this.camera.matrix=f;var i;if(this.mirrorAxis)switch(this.mirrorAxis){case a.XAXIS:i=a.mulMat4(a.mulMat4(a.mulMat4(h,d),a.scaleMatrix(-1,1,1)),a.inverseMat4(d));break;case a.YAXIS:i=a.mulMat4(a.mulMat4(a.mulMat4(h,d),a.scaleMatrix(1,-1,1)),a.inverseMat4(d));break;case a.ZAXIS:i=a.mulMat4(a.mulMat4(a.mulMat4(h,d),a.scaleMatrix(1,1,-1)),a.inverseMat4(d))}else i=h;if(this.clipAxis){var j;switch(this.clipAxis){case 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n=this.bufferHeight?this.bufferHeight:b.scene.renderer.canvas.height,o=this.bufferWidth?this.bufferWidth:b.scene.renderer.canvas.width;if(!this.glTexture||this.update){this.createFrameBuffer(b),b.scene.addRenderPass(this.frameBuffer,i,b.scene.camera.getProjectionMatrix(),o,n,c,this.mirrorAxis?!0:!1),b.bindTexture(b.TEXTURE_2D,this.glTexture),this.update=!1;return!1}b.bindTexture(b.TEXTURE_2D,this.glTexture),b.texParameteri(b.TEXTURE_2D,b.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,b.LINEAR),b.texParameteri(b.TEXTURE_2D,b.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,b.LINEAR),b.texParameteri(b.TEXTURE_2D,b.TEXTURE_WRAP_S,b.CLAMP_TO_EDGE),b.texParameteri(b.TEXTURE_2D,b.TEXTURE_WRAP_T,b.CLAMP_TO_EDGE),b.scene.addRenderPass(this.frameBuffer,i,g,o,n,c,this.mirrorAxis?!0:!1);return!0}},a.TextureCamera.prototype.registerPasses=a.TextureCamera.prototype.doTexture,a.TextureCamera.prototype.createFrameBuffer=function(a){var b=this.bufferHeight?this.bufferHeight:a.scene.renderer.canvas.height,c=this.bufferWidth?this.bufferWidth:a.scene.renderer.canvas.width;this.frameBuffer||(this.frameBuffer=a.createFramebuffer()),this.renderBuffer||(this.renderBuffer=a.createRenderbuffer()),this.glTexture||(this.glTexture=a.createTexture()),a.bindTexture(a.TEXTURE_2D,this.glTexture);var d=new Uint8Array(c*b*4);a.texImage2D(a.TEXTURE_2D,0,a.RGBA,c,b,0,a.RGBA,a.UNSIGNED_BYTE,d),a.bindFramebuffer(a.FRAMEBUFFER,this.frameBuffer),a.bindRenderbuffer(a.RENDERBUFFER,this.renderBuffer),a.renderbufferStorage(a.RENDERBUFFER,a.DEPTH_COMPONENT16,c,b),a.framebufferRenderbuffer(a.FRAMEBUFFER,a.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT,a.RENDERBUFFER,this.renderBuffer),a.framebufferTexture2D(a.FRAMEBUFFER,a.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,a.TEXTURE_2D,this.glTexture,0),a.bindRenderbuffer(a.RENDERBUFFER,null),a.bindFramebuffer(a.FRAMEBUFFER,null),a.bindTexture(a.TEXTURE_2D,null)}}(GLGE),function(a){a.TextureCameraCube=function(b){a.Assets.registerAsset(this,b),this.cubeBuffers=[]},a.augment(a.QuickNotation,a.TextureCameraCube),a.augment(a.JSONLoader,a.TextureCameraCube),a.augment(a.Events,a.TextureCameraCube),a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.className="TextureCube",a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.texture=null,a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.glTexture=null,a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.object=null,a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.autoUpdate=!1,a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.rendered=!1,a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.bufferHeight=512,a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.bufferWidth=512,a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.offsetX=0,a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.offsetY=0,a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.offsetZ=0,a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.cameraMatries=[[0,0,-1,0,0,1,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1],[-1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,1],[-1,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1],[1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1],[-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]],a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.pMatrix=a.makePerspective(90,1,1e-4,1e3),a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.render=function(){this.rendered=!1;return this},a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.setOffsetX=function(a){this.offsetX=a;return this},a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.getOffsetX=function(){return this.offsetX},a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.setOffsetY=function(a){this.offsetY=a;return this},a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.getOffsetY=function(){return this.offsetY},a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.setOffsetZ=function(a){this.offsetZ=a;return this},a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.getOffsetZ=function(){return this.offsetZ},a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.setAutoUpdate=function(a){this.autoUpdate=a;return this},a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.getAutoUpdate=function(){return this.autoUpdate},a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.setBufferWidth=function(a){this.bufferWidth=a,this.update=!0;return this},a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.getBufferWidth=function(){return this.bufferWidth},a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.setBufferHeight=function(a){this.bufferHeight=a,this.update=!0;return this},a.TextureCameraCube.prototype.getBufferHeight=function(){return 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this.scene},a.Renderer.prototype.setScene=function(a){a.renderer=this,this.scene=a,a.gl||a.GLInit(this.gl),a.camera.updateMatrix();return this},a.Renderer.prototype.render=function(){if(this.transitonFilter){var a=+(new Date);if(ab[d]&&(b[d]=c[d])},a.Light.prototype.lightLook=function(b,c,d){var e=a.toUnitVec3(a.crossVec3(c,d)),f=a.toUnitVec3(a.crossVec3(e,c)),g=a.toUnitVec3(c),h=[];h[0]=e[0],h[4]=f[0],h[8]=-g[0],h[12]=0,h[1]=e[1],h[5]=f[1],h[9]=-g[1],h[13]=0,h[2]=e[2],h[6]=f[2],h[10]=-g[2],h[14]=0,h[3]=-a.dotVec3(e,b),h[7]=-a.dotVec3(f,b),h[11]=a.dotVec3(g,b),h[15]=1;return h},a.Light.prototype.transformPoints=function(b,c){var d=[];for(var e=0;e0&&e>0||d<0&&e<0)return!1;var f=a.subVec3(b[1],b[0]);f=a.scaleVec3(f,-d/(e-d));return a.addVec3(b[0],f)},a.Light.prototype.pointInPlanes=function(b,c){var d=-.001;for(var e=0;ed)return 1;if(cd)return 1;if(cd?1:c0){var p=this.passes.pop();b.bindFramebuffer(b.FRAMEBUFFER,p.frameBuffer),this.camera.matrix=p.cameraMatrix,this.camera.setProjectionMatrix(p.projectionMatrix),this.mirror=p.mirror,this.renderPass(b,d,0,0,p.width,p.height,a.RENDER_DEFAULT,p.self)}this.mirror=!1,this.camera.matrix=g,this.camera.setProjectionMatrix(h),b.bindFramebuffer(b.FRAMEBUFFER,this.filter?this.framebuffer:this.transbuffer),this.renderPass(b,d,this.renderer.getViewportOffsetX(),this.renderer.getViewportOffsetY(),this.renderer.getViewportWidth(),this.renderer.getViewportHeight()),this.applyFilter(b,d,this.transbuffer),this.allowPasses=!0},a.Scene.prototype.getPasses=function(b,c){for(var d=0;dsizeTimeLife[2] && (time-sizeTimeLife[2])-1&&(b.bindBuffer(b.ARRAY_BUFFER,this.attribute.initPosGL),b.enableVertexAttribArray(d),b.vertexAttribPointer(d,3,b.FLOAT,!1,0,0));var 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a.AnimationVector),a.Object.call(this,b)},a.augment(a.Object,a.MD2),a.MD2.prototype.loadingCache={},a.MD2.prototype.headersCache={},a.MD2.prototype.meshCache={},a.MD2.prototype.MD2Animations={},a.MD2.prototype.MD2StartFrame=0,a.MD2.prototype.MD2EndFrame=0,a.MD2.prototype.MD2Loop=!0,a.MD2.prototype.MD2AnimFinished=!1,a.MD2.prototype.headerNames=["ident","version","skinwidth","skinheight","framesize","num_skins","num_xyz","num_st","num_tris","num_glcmds","num_frames","ofs_skins","ofs_st","ofs_tris","ofs_frames","ofs_glcmds","ofs_end"],a.MD2.prototype.preNormals=[[-.525731,0,.850651],[-.442863,.238856,.864188],[-.295242,0,.955423],[-.309017,.5,.809017],[-.16246,.262866,.951056],[0,0,1],[0,.850651,.525731],[-.147621,.716567,.681718],[.147621,.716567,.681718],[0,.525731,.850651],[.309017,.5,.809017],[.525731,0,.850651],[.295242,0,.955423],[.442863,.238856,.864188],[.16246,.262866,.951056],[-.681718,.147621,.716567],[-.809017,.309017,.5],[-.587785,.425325,.688191],[-.850651,.525731,0],[-.864188,.442863,.238856],[-.716567,.681718,.147621],[-.688191,.587785,.425325],[-.5,.809017,.309017],[-.238856,.864188,.442863],[-.425325,.688191,.587785],[-.716567,.681718,-.147621],[-.5,.809017,-.309017],[-.525731,.850651,0],[0,.850651,-.525731],[-.238856,.864188,-.442863],[0,.955423,-.295242],[-.262866,.951056,-.16246],[0,1,0],[0,.955423,.295242],[-.262866,.951056,.16246],[.238856,.864188,.442863],[.262866,.951056,.16246],[.5,.809017,.309017],[.238856,.864188,-.442863],[.262866,.951056,-.16246],[.5,.809017,-.309017],[.850651,.525731,0],[.716567,.681718,.147621],[.716567,.681718,-.147621],[.525731,.850651,0],[.425325,.688191,.587785],[.864188,.442863,.238856],[.688191,.587785,.425325],[.809017,.309017,.5],[.681718,.147621,.716567],[.587785,.425325,.688191],[.955423,.295242,0],[1,0,0],[.951056,.16246,.262866],[.850651,-.525731,0],[.955423,-.295242,0],[.864188,-.442863,.238856],[.951056,-.16246,.262866],[.809017,-.309017,.5],[.681718,-.147621,.716567],[.850651,0,.525731],[.864188,.442863,-.238856],[.809017,.309017,-.5],[.951056,.16246,-.262866],[.525731,0,-.850651],[.681718,.147621,-.716567],[.681718,-.147621,-.716567],[.850651,0,-.525731],[.809017,-.309017,-.5],[.864188,-.442863,-.238856],[.951056,-.16246,-.262866],[.147621,.716567,-.681718],[.309017,.5,-.809017],[.425325,.688191,-.587785],[.442863,.238856,-.864188],[.587785,.425325,-.688191],[.688191,.587785,-.425325],[-.147621,.716567,-.681718],[-.309017,.5,-.809017],[0,.525731,-.850651],[-.525731,0,-.850651],[-.442863,.238856,-.864188],[-.295242,0,-.955423],[-.16246,.262866,-.951056],[0,0,-1],[.295242,0,-.955423],[.16246,.262866,-.951056],[-.442863,-.238856,-.864188],[-.309017,-.5,-.809017],[-.16246,-.262866,-.951056],[0,-.850651,-.525731],[-.147621,-.716567,-.681718],[.147621,-.716567,-.681718],[0,-.525731,-.850651],[.309017,-.5,-.809017],[.442863,-.238856,-.864188],[.16246,-.262866,-.951056],[.238856,-.864188,-.442863],[.5,-.809017,-.309017],[.425325,-.688191,-.587785],[.716567,-.681718,-.147621],[.688191,-.587785,-.425325],[.587785,-.425325,-.688191],[0,-.955423,-.295242],[0,-1,0],[.262866,-.951056,-.16246],[0,-.850651,.525731],[0,-.955423,.295242],[.238856,-.864188,.442863],[.262866,-.951056,.16246],[.5,-.809017,.309017],[.716567,-.681718,.147621],[.525731,-.850651,0],[-.238856,-.864188,-.442863],[-.5,-.809017,-.309017],[-.262866,-.951056,-.16246],[-.850651,-.525731,0],[-.716567,-.681718,-.147621],[-.716567,-.681718,.147621],[-.525731,-.850651,0],[-.5,-.809017,.309017],[-.238856,-.864188,.442863],[-.262866,-.951056,.16246],[-.864188,-.442863,.238856],[-.809017,-.309017,.5],[-.688191,-.587785,.425325],[-.681718,-.147621,.716567],[-.442863,-.238856,.864188],[-.587785,-.425325,.688191],[-.309017,-.5,.809017],[-.147621,-.716567,.681718],[-.425325,-.688191,.587785],[-.16246,-.262866,.951056],[.442863,-.238856,.864188],[.16246,-.262866,.951056],[.309017,-.5,.809017],[.147621,-.716567,.681718],[0,-.525731,.850651],[.425325,-.688191,.587785],[.587785,-.425325,.688191],[.688191,-.587785,.425325],[-.955423,.295242,0],[-.951056,.16246,.262866],[-1,0,0],[-.850651,0,.525731],[-.955423,-.295242,0],[-.951056,-.16246,.262866],[-.864188,.442863,-.238856],[-.951056,.16246,-.262866],[-.809017,.309017,-.5],[-.864188,-.442863,-.238856],[-.951056,-.16246,-.262866],[-.809017,-.309017,-.5],[-.681718,.147621,-.716567],[-.681718,-.147621,-.716567],[-.850651,0,-.525731],[-.688191,.587785,-.425325],[-.587785,.425325,-.688191],[-.425325,.688191,-.587785],[-.425325,-.688191,-.587785],[-.587785,-.425325,-.688191],[-.688191,-.587785,-.425325]],a.MD2.prototype.MD2FrameRate=6,a.MD2.prototype.getAbsolutePath=function(a,b){if(a.substr(0,7)=="http://"||a.substr(0,7)=="file://"||a.substr(0,7)=="https://")return 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vec4(rgbA,1.0);"),c.push("\t else gl_FragColor = vec4(rgbB,1.0);"),c.push("\tif(length(rgbM)>"+this.fxaacutoff.toFixed(2)+") gl_FragColor = vec4(rgbM,1.0);"),c.push("\tif(length(rgbM)<"+this.fxaastartintensity.toFixed(2)+") gl_FragColor = vec4(rgbM,1.0);"),c.push("}"),this.addPass(c.join("\n"))}}}(GLGE),function(a){a.FilterAO=function(){this.setUniform("1f","cavitygamma",1/3),this.setUniform("1f","whiteMul",2),this.setUniform("1f","aogamma",1/3),this.setUniform("1f","maxDist",.025),this.passes=[]},a.augment(a.Filter2d,a.FilterAO),a.FilterAO.prototype.renderNormal=!0,a.FilterAO.prototype.quality=1,a.FilterAO.prototype.range=80,a.FilterAO.prototype.samples=16,a.FilterAO.prototype.useRender=!0,a.FilterAO.prototype.getNormalBufferHeight=function(){return this.normalBufferHeight?this.normalBufferHeight:this.gl.canvas.height*this.quality|0},a.FilterAO.prototype.getNormalBufferWidth=function(){return this.normalBufferWidth?this.normalBufferWidth:this.gl.canvas.width*this.quality|0},a.FilterAO.prototype.setUseRender=function(a){this.useRender=a,this.normalBuffers=null,this.passes=[];return this},a.FilterAO.prototype.setSamples=function(a){this.samples=a,this.normalBuffers=null,this.passes=[];return this},a.FilterAO.prototype.setQuality=function(a){this.quality=a,this.normalBuffers=null,this.passes=[];return this},a.FilterAO.prototype.setRange=function(a){this.range=a,this.gl&&(this.setUniform("1f","blurX",this.range/this.getNormalBufferWidth()*this.quality/this.samples),this.setUniform("1f","blurY",this.range/this.getNormalBufferHeight()/this.samples));return this},a.FilterAO.prototype.setCavityGamma=function(a){this.setUniform("1f","cavitygamma",1/a);return this},a.FilterAO.prototype.setAmbientMultiplier=function(a){this.setUniform("1f","whiteMul",a);return this},a.FilterAO.prototype.setAmbientGamma=function(a){this.setUniform("1f","aogamma",1/a);return 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IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name GLGE_math.js + */ + + if(typeof(GLGE) == "undefined"){ + /** + * @namespace Holds the functionality of the library + */ + GLGE = {}; +} + +(function(GLGE){ + + +var matrixCache=[]; + +//matrix reuse prevent so much GC +GLGE.reuseMatrix4=function(mat4){ + //if(mat4 && mat4.length==16 && matrixCache<10000) matrixCache.push(mat4); +} + +GLGE.matrix4=function(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16){ + if(matrixCache.length==0){ + var mat=[a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16]; + }else{ + var mat=matrixCache.shift(); + mat[0]=a1; + mat[1]=a2; + mat[2]=a3; + mat[3]=a4; + mat[4]=a5; + mat[5]=a6; + mat[6]=a7; + mat[7]=a8; + mat[8]=a9; + mat[9]=a10; + mat[10]=a11; + mat[11]=a12; + mat[12]=a13; + mat[13]=a14; + mat[14]=a15; + mat[15]=a16; + } + return mat; +} + + +GLGE.Vec=function(array) { + return array.slice(0); +} + +/** +* The Vec3 Class creates a vector +* @param {Array} array An array of 3 floats +*/ +GLGE.Vec3=function(x,y,z){ + return [x,y,z]; +} + +/** +* The Vec4 Class creates a vector +* @param {Array} array An array of 4 floats +*/ +GLGE.Vec4=function(x,y,z,w){ + return [x,y,z,w]; +} + +/** +* Gets the nth element (1 indexed) from the array +* @param {Array} v A vector with 4 elements +* @param {number} i The index from one +*/ +GLGE.get1basedVec4=function(v,i){ + return v[i-1]; +}; +/** +* Gets the nth element (1 indexed) from the array +* @param {Array} v A vector with 3 elements +* @param {number} i The index from one +*/ +GLGE.get1basedVec3=function(v,i){ + return v[i-1]; +}; + +/** +* Gets the nth element (1 indexed) from the array +* @param {Array} v A vector with 4 elements +* @param {number} i The index from one +*/ +GLGE.getVec4=function(v,i){ + return v[i]; +}; +/** +* Gets the nth element (1 indexed) from the array +* @param {Array} v A vector with 3 elements +* @param {number} i The index from one +*/ +GLGE.getVec3=function(v,i){ + return v[i]; +}; + + + +/** +* Adds a GLGE.Vec4 to this Vec4 +* @param {Array} a The first value to add +* * @param {Array} b The second value to add +*/ +GLGE.addVec4=function(a,b) { + return [a[0]+b[0],a[1]+b[1],a[2]+b[2],a[3]+b[3]]; +} +/** +* Adds a GLGE.Vec3 to this GLGE.Vec3 +* @param {Array} a The first value to add +* @param {Array} b The second value to add +*/ +GLGE.addVec3=function(a,b) { + return [a[0]+b[0],a[1]+b[1],a[2]+b[2]]; +} + + +/** +* Adds a GLGE.Vec4 to this Vec4 +* @param {Array} a The first value +* * @param {Array} b The second value to subtract from the first +*/ +GLGE.subVec4=function(a,b) { + return [a[0]-b[0],a[1]-b[1],a[2]-b[2],a[3]-b[3]]; +} +/** +* Adds a GLGE.Vec3 to this GLGE.Vec3 +* @param {Array} a The first value +* @param {Array} b The second value to subtract from the first +*/ +GLGE.subVec3=function(a,b) { + return [a[0]-b[0],a[1]-b[1],a[2]-b[2]]; +} + +/** +* Negates a GLGE.Vec4 +*/ +GLGE.negVec4=function(a) { + return [-a[0], -a[1], -a[2], -a[3]]; +} +GLGE.negVec3=function(a) { + return [-a[0], -a[1], -a[2]]; +} + + +/** +* Gets the dot product between this and the input vector +* @param {Array} a the first value to dot +* @param {Array} b the second value to dot +*/ +GLGE.dotVec3=function(a,b) { + return a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1]+a[2]*b[2]; +} + + +/** +* Gets the dot product between this and the input vector +* @param {Array} a the first value to dot +* @param {Array} b the second value to dot +*/ +GLGE.dotVec4=function(a,b) { + return a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1]+a[2]*b[2]+a[3]*b[3]; +} + +/** +* Gets the dot product between this and the input vector +* @param {Array} a the vector to scale +* @param {Number} b the scalar +*/ +GLGE.scaleVec4=function(a,b) { + return [a[0]*b,a[1]*b,a[2]*b,a[3]*b]; +} + +/** +* Gets the dot product between this and the input vector +* @param {Array} a the vector to scale +* @param {Number} b the scalar +*/ +GLGE.scaleVec3=function(a,b) { + return [a[0]*b,a[1]*b,a[2]*b]; +} + + +/** +* Gets the cross product between this and the input vector +* @param {Array} a the first value to dot +* @param {Array} b the second value to dot +*/ +GLGE.crossVec3=function(a,b) { + return [a[1]*b[2]-a[2]*b[1], + a[2]*b[0]-a[0]*b[2], + a[0]*b[1]-a[1]*b[0]]; +} + +/** +* Returns a unitized version of the input vector3 +* @param {Array} a the vector3 to be unitized +*/ +GLGE.toUnitVec3=function(a) { + var sq=a[0]*a[0]+a[1]*a[1]+a[2]*a[2]; + var f=1.0; + if (sq>0) { + f=Math.pow(sq,0.5); + } + return [a[0]/f,a[1]/f,a[2]/f]; +}; + +/** +* Returns a unitized version of the input vector4 +* @param {Array} a the vector4 to be unitized +*/ +GLGE.toUnitVec4=function(a) { + var sq=a[0]*a[0]+a[1]*a[1]+a[2]*a[2]+a[3]*a[3]; + var f=1.0; + if (sq>0) { + f=Math.pow(sq,0.5); + } + return [a[0]/f,a[1]/f,a[2]/f,a[3]/f]; +}; + + +/** +* Returns the length of a vector3 +* @param {Array} a the vector to be measured +*/ +GLGE.lengthVec3=function(a) { + return Math.pow(a[0]*a[0]+a[1]*a[1]+a[2]*a[2],0.5); +}; + +/** +* Returns the distance between 2 vector3s +* @param {Array} a the first vector +* @param {Array} b the second vector +*/ +GLGE.distanceVec3=function(a,b){ + return GLGE.lengthVec3(GLGE.subVec3(a,b)); +}; + +/** +* Returns the length of a vector3 +* @param {Array} a the vector to be measured +*/ +GLGE.lengthVec4=function(a,b) { + return Math.pow(a[0]*a[0]+a[1]*a[1]+a[2]*a[2]+a[3]*a[3],0.5); +}; + +/** +* Returns the distance between 2 vector4s +* @param {Array} a the first vector +* @param {Array} b the second vector +*/ +GLGE.distanceVec4=function(a,b){ + return GLGE.lengthVec4(GLGE.subVec4(a,b)); +}; + + +/** +* Returns the angle between 2 vector3s in radians +* @param {Array} a the first vector +* @param {Array} b the second vector +*/ +GLGE.angleVec3=function(a,b){ + a=GLGE.toUnitVec3(a); + b=GLGE.toUnitVec3(b); + d=GLGE.dotVec3(a,b); + if (d<-1) + d=-1; + if (d>1) + d=1; + return Math.acos(d); +}; + +/** +* Returns the angle between 2 vector4s in radians +* @param {Array} a the first vector +* @param {Array} b the second vector +*/ +GLGE.angleVec4=function(a,b){ + a=GLGE.toUnitVec4(a); + b=GLGE.toUnitVec4(b); + d=GLGE.dotVec4(a,b); + if (d<-1) + d=-1; + if (d>1) + d=1; + return Math.acos(d); +}; + +GLGE_math_use_webgl_float=false; + +/** +* The Mat class creates a matrix from an array +* @param {Array} array An array of 9 or 16 floats +*/ +GLGE.Mat3=GLGE_math_use_webgl_float?function(array) { + if (array.length==9) { + return new Float32Array(array); + }else if (array.length==16) { + return new Float32Array([array[0],array[1],array[2],array[4],array[5],array[6],array[8],array[9],array[10]]); + }else { + throw "invalid matrix length"; + } +}:function(array) { + var retval; + if (array.length==9) { + retval=array.slice(0); + }else if (array.length==16) { + retval=[array[0],array[1],array[2],array[4],array[5],array[6],array[8],array[9],array[10]]; + }else { + throw "invalid matrix length"; + } + retval.get=function(i){return this[i];}; + return retval; +}; +GLGE.Mat=GLGE_math_use_webgl_float?function(array) { + return new Float32Array(array); +}:function(array){ + var retval=array.slice(0); + retval.get=function(i){return this[i];}; + return retval; +}; +GLGE.Mat4=function(array) { + var retval; + if (array.length==9) { + retval=[array[0],array[1],array[2],0,array[3],array[4],array[5],0,array[6],array[7],array[8],0,0,0,0,1]; + }else if (array.length==16) { + if(array.slice) retval=array.slice(0); + else retval=array.subarray(0); + }else { + throw "invalid matrix length"; + } + retval.get=function(i){return this[i];}; + return retval; +}; +/** +* Finds the determinate of the matrix +* @returns {number} the determinate +*/ +GLGE.determinantMat4=function(m) { + return m[12] * m[9] * m[6] * m[3] - m[8] * m[13] * m[6] * m[3] - m[12] * m[5] * m[10] * m[3] + m[4] * m[13] * m[10] * m[3] + m[8] * m[5] * m[14] * m[3] - m[4] * m[9] * m[14] * m[3] - m[12] * m[9] * m[2] * m[7] + m[8] * m[13] * m[2] * m[7] + m[12] * m[1] * m[10] * m[7] - m[0] * m[13] * m[10] * m[7] - m[8] * m[1] * m[14] * m[7] + m[0] * m[9] * m[14] * m[7] + m[12] * m[5] * m[2] * m[11] - m[4] * m[13] * m[2] * m[11] - m[12] * m[1] * m[6] * m[11] + m[0] * m[13] * m[6] * m[11] + m[4] * m[1] * m[14] * m[11] - m[0] * m[5] * m[14] * m[11] - m[8] * m[5] * m[2] * m[15] + m[4] * m[9] * m[2] * m[15] + m[8] * m[1] * m[6] * m[15] - m[0] * m[9] * m[6] * m[15] - m[4] * m[1] * m[10] * m[15] + m[0] * m[5] * m[10] * m[15]; +}; + +/** +* Finds the inverse of the matrix +* @returns {GLGE.Mat} the inverse +*/ +GLGE.inverseMat4=function(mat){ + // Cache the matrix values (makes for huge speed increases!) + var a00 = mat[0], a01 = mat[1], a02 = mat[2], a03 = mat[3]; + var a10 = mat[4], a11 = mat[5], a12 = mat[6], a13 = mat[7]; + var a20 = mat[8], a21 = mat[9], a22 = mat[10], a23 = mat[11]; + var a30 = mat[12], a31 = mat[13], a32 = mat[14], a33 = mat[15]; + + var d = a30*a21*a12*a03 - a20*a31*a12*a03 - a30*a11*a22*a03 + a10*a31*a22*a03 + + a20*a11*a32*a03 - a10*a21*a32*a03 - a30*a21*a02*a13 + a20*a31*a02*a13 + + a30*a01*a22*a13 - a00*a31*a22*a13 - a20*a01*a32*a13 + a00*a21*a32*a13 + + a30*a11*a02*a23 - a10*a31*a02*a23 - a30*a01*a12*a23 + a00*a31*a12*a23 + + a10*a01*a32*a23 - a00*a11*a32*a23 - a20*a11*a02*a33 + a10*a21*a02*a33 + + a20*a01*a12*a33 - a00*a21*a12*a33 - a10*a01*a22*a33 + a00*a11*a22*a33; + + return GLGE.matrix4((a21*a32*a13 - a31*a22*a13 + a31*a12*a23 - a11*a32*a23 - a21*a12*a33 + a11*a22*a33)/d, + (a31*a22*a03 - a21*a32*a03 - a31*a02*a23 + a01*a32*a23 + a21*a02*a33 - a01*a22*a33)/d, + (a11*a32*a03 - a31*a12*a03 + a31*a02*a13 - a01*a32*a13 - a11*a02*a33 + a01*a12*a33)/d, + (a21*a12*a03 - a11*a22*a03 - a21*a02*a13 + a01*a22*a13 + a11*a02*a23 - a01*a12*a23)/d, + (a30*a22*a13 - a20*a32*a13 - a30*a12*a23 + a10*a32*a23 + a20*a12*a33 - a10*a22*a33)/d, + (a20*a32*a03 - a30*a22*a03 + a30*a02*a23 - a00*a32*a23 - a20*a02*a33 + a00*a22*a33)/d, + (a30*a12*a03 - a10*a32*a03 - a30*a02*a13 + a00*a32*a13 + a10*a02*a33 - a00*a12*a33)/d, + (a10*a22*a03 - a20*a12*a03 + a20*a02*a13 - a00*a22*a13 - a10*a02*a23 + a00*a12*a23)/d, + (a20*a31*a13 - a30*a21*a13 + a30*a11*a23 - a10*a31*a23 - a20*a11*a33 + a10*a21*a33)/d, + (a30*a21*a03 - a20*a31*a03 - a30*a01*a23 + a00*a31*a23 + a20*a01*a33 - a00*a21*a33)/d, + (a10*a31*a03 - a30*a11*a03 + a30*a01*a13 - a00*a31*a13 - a10*a01*a33 + a00*a11*a33)/d, + (a20*a11*a03 - a10*a21*a03 - a20*a01*a13 + a00*a21*a13 + a10*a01*a23 - a00*a11*a23)/d, + (a30*a21*a12 - a20*a31*a12 - a30*a11*a22 + a10*a31*a22 + a20*a11*a32 - a10*a21*a32)/d, + (a20*a31*a02 - a30*a21*a02 + a30*a01*a22 - a00*a31*a22 - a20*a01*a32 + a00*a21*a32)/d, + (a30*a11*a02 - a10*a31*a02 - a30*a01*a12 + a00*a31*a12 + a10*a01*a32 - a00*a11*a32)/d, + (a10*a21*a02 - a20*a11*a02 + a20*a01*a12 - a00*a21*a12 - a10*a01*a22 + a00*a11*a22)/d) +}; + +/** +* multiplies two mat4's +* @returns {GLGE.Mat} the matrix multiplication of the matrices +*/ +GLGE.mulMat4Vec3=function(mat1,vec2){ + return GLGE.Vec3(mat1[0]*vec2[0]+mat1[1]*vec2[1]+mat1[2]*vec2[2]+mat1[3], + mat1[4]*vec2[0]+mat1[5]*vec2[1]+mat1[6]*vec2[2]+mat1[7], + mat1[8]*vec2[0]+mat1[9]*vec2[1]+mat1[10]*vec2[2]+mat1[11]); +}; + +/** +* multiplies two mat4's +* @returns {GLGE.Mat} the matrix multiplication of the matrices +*/ +GLGE.mulMat4Vec4=function(mat1,vec2){ + return GLGE.Vec4(mat1[0]*vec2[0]+mat1[1]*vec2[1]+mat1[2]*vec2[2]+mat1[3]*vec2[3], + mat1[4]*vec2[0]+mat1[5]*vec2[1]+mat1[6]*vec2[2]+mat1[7]*vec2[3], + mat1[8]*vec2[0]+mat1[9]*vec2[1]+mat1[10]*vec2[2]+mat1[11]*vec2[3], + mat1[12]*vec2[0]+mat1[13]*vec2[1]+mat1[14]*vec2[2]+mat1[15]*vec2[3]); +}; + +/** +* multiplies a Mat4 by a scalar value +* @returns {GLGE.Mat} the matrix multiplication of the matrices +*/ +GLGE.scaleMat4=function(m,value) { + return GLGE.matrix4([m[0]*value,m[1]*value,m[2]*value,m[3]*value, + m[4]*value,m[5]*value,m[6]*value,m[7]*value, + m[8]*value,m[9]*value,m[10]*value,m[11]*value, + m[12]*value,m[13]*value,m[14]*value,m[15]*value]); +}; +/** +* multiplies a Mat4 by a scalar value in place without allocation +* @returns {GLGE.Mat} the input matrix, modified +*/ +GLGE.scaleInPlaceMat4=function(m,value) { + m.set(0,m[0]*value); + m.set(1,m[1]*value); + m.set(2,m[2]*value); + m.set(3,m[3]*value); + m.set(4,m[4]*value); + m.set(5,m[5]*value); + m.set(6,m[6]*value); + m.set(7,m[7]*value); + m.set(8,m[8]*value); + m.set(9,m[9]*value); + m.set(10,m[10]*value); + m.set(11,m[11]*value); + m.set(12,m[12]*value); + m.set(13,m[13]*value); + m.set(14,m[14]*value); + m.set(15,m[15]*value); + return m; +}; + +/** +* adds a Mat4 to another Mat4 in place without allocation +* @returns {GLGE.Mat} the first input matrix, modified to be added +*/ +GLGE.addInPlaceMat4=function(m,value) { + m.set(0,m[0]+value[0]); + m.set(1,m[1]+value[1]); + m.set(2,m[2]+value[2]); + m.set(3,m[3]+value[3]); + m.set(4,m[4]+value[4]); + m.set(5,m[5]+value[5]); + m.set(6,m[6]+value[6]); + m.set(7,m[7]+value[7]); + m.set(8,m[8]+value[8]); + m.set(9,m[9]+value[9]); + m.set(10,m[10]+value[10]); + m.set(11,m[11]+value[11]); + m.set(12,m[12]+value[12]); + m.set(13,m[13]+value[13]); + m.set(14,m[14]+value[14]); + m.set(15,m[15]+value[15]); + return m; +}; + + + +/** +* adds two Mat4 together +* @returns {GLGE.Mat} a new, added Mat4 +*/ +GLGE.addMat4=function(m,value) { +return GLGE.Mat([m[0]+value[0], + m[1]+value[1], + m[2]+value[2], + m[3]+value[3], + m[4]+value[4], + m[5]+value[5], + m[6]+value[6], + m[7]+value[7], + m[8]+value[8], + m[9]+value[9], + m[10]+value[10], + m[11]+value[11], + m[12]+value[12], + m[13]+value[13], + m[14]+value[14], + m[15]+value[15]]); + return m; +}; + + + +/** +* subs a Mat4 from another Mat4 in place without allocation +* @returns {GLGE.Mat} the first input matrix, modified to have the second subtacted +*/ +GLGE.subInPlaceMat4=function(m,value) { + m.set(0,m[0]-value[0]); + m.set(1,m[1]-value[1]); + m.set(2,m[2]-value[2]); + m.set(3,m[3]-value[3]); + m.set(4,m[4]-value[4]); + m.set(5,m[5]-value[5]); + m.set(6,m[6]-value[6]); + m.set(7,m[7]-value[7]); + m.set(8,m[8]-value[8]); + m.set(9,m[9]-value[9]); + m.set(10,m[10]-value[10]); + m.set(11,m[11]-value[11]); + m.set(12,m[12]-value[12]); + m.set(13,m[13]-value[13]); + m.set(14,m[14]-value[14]); + m.set(15,m[15]-value[15]); + return m; +}; + + + +/** +* subtracts the second matrix from the first +* @returns {GLGE.Mat} a new, subed Mat4 +*/ +GLGE.subMat4=function(m,value) { +return GLGE.Mat([m[0]-value[0], + m[1]-value[1], + m[2]-value[2], + m[3]-value[3], + m[4]-value[4], + m[5]-value[5], + m[6]-value[6], + m[7]-value[7], + m[8]-value[8], + m[9]-value[9], + m[10]-value[10], + m[11]-value[11], + m[12]-value[12], + m[13]-value[13], + m[14]-value[14], + m[15]-value[15]]); + return m; +}; + + +/** +* Finds the matrix multiplication with another GLGE.Mat or GLGE.vec or an Array of length 3-4 +* @param {object} value An GLGE.Mat, GLGE.vec or Array +* @returns {GLGE.Mat|GLGE.Vec} +*/ +GLGE.mulMat4=function(mat2,mat1){ + + var a00 = mat1[0], a01 = mat1[1], a02 = mat1[2], a03 = mat1[3]; + var a10 = mat1[4], a11 = mat1[5], a12 = mat1[6], a13 = mat1[7]; + var a20 = mat1[8], a21 = mat1[9], a22 = mat1[10], a23 = mat1[11]; + var a30 = mat1[12], a31 = mat1[13], a32 = mat1[14], a33 = mat1[15]; + + var b00 = mat2[0], b01 = mat2[1], b02 = mat2[2], b03 = mat2[3]; + var b10 = mat2[4], b11 = mat2[5], b12 = mat2[6], b13 = mat2[7]; + var b20 = mat2[8], b21 = mat2[9], b22 = mat2[10], b23 = mat2[11]; + var b30 = mat2[12], b31 = mat2[13], b32 = mat2[14], b33 = mat2[15]; + return GLGE.matrix4(b00 * a00 + b01 * a10 + b02 * a20 + b03 * a30, + b00 * a01 + b01 * a11 + b02 * a21 + b03 * a31, + b00 * a02 + b01 * a12 + b02 * a22 + b03 * a32, + b00 * a03 + b01 * a13 + b02 * a23 + b03 * a33, + + b10 * a00 + b11 * a10 + b12 * a20 + b13 * a30, + b10 * a01 + b11 * a11 + b12 * a21 + b13 * a31, + b10 * a02 + b11 * a12 + b12 * a22 + b13 * a32, + b10 * a03 + b11 * a13 + b12 * a23 + b13 * a33, + + b20 * a00 + b21 * a10 + b22 * a20 + b23 * a30, + b20 * a01 + b21 * a11 + b22 * a21 + b23 * a31, + b20 * a02 + b21 * a12 + b22 * a22 + b23 * a32, + b20 * a03 + b21 * a13 + b22 * a23 + b23 * a33, + + b30 * a00 + b31 * a10 + b32 * a20 + b33 * a30, + b30 * a01 + b31 * a11 + b32 * a21 + b33 * a31, + b30 * a02 + b31 * a12 + b32 * a22 + b33 * a32, + b30 * a03 + b31 * a13 + b32 * a23 + b33 * a33); +}; + +GLGE.transposeInPlaceMat4=function(m) { + var v=m[1]; + m.set(1,m[4]); + m.set(4,v); + + + v=m[8]; + m.set(8,m[2]); + m.set(2,v); + + + v=m[3]; + m.set(3,m[12]); + m.set(12,v); + + v=m[9]; + m.set(9,m[6]); + m.set(6,v); + + v=m[13]; + m.set(13,m[7]); + m.set(7,v); + + v=m[14]; + m.set(14,m[11]); + m.set(11,v); + +}; + +/** +* Builds the transpose of the matrix +* @returns {GLGE.Mat} the transposed matrix +*/ +GLGE.transposeMat4=function(m) { + return GLGE.matrix4(m[0],m[4],m[8],m[12], + m[1],m[5],m[9],m[13], + m[2],m[6],m[10],m[14], + m[3],m[7],m[11],m[15]); +}; + +/** +* copys a js array into a webglarray +* @param {array} mat the source array +* @param {webglarray} glarray the destination array +*/ +GLGE.mat4gl=function(mat,glarray){ + glarray[0]=mat[0]; + glarray[1]=mat[1]; + glarray[2]=mat[2]; + glarray[3]=mat[3]; + glarray[4]=mat[4]; + glarray[5]=mat[5]; + glarray[6]=mat[6]; + glarray[7]=mat[7]; + glarray[8]=mat[8]; + glarray[9]=mat[9]; + glarray[10]=mat[10]; + glarray[11]=mat[11]; + glarray[12]=mat[12]; + glarray[13]=mat[13]; + glarray[14]=mat[14]; + glarray[15]=mat[15]; +}; + +/** +* Sets the value at the specified index +* @param {number} i the first index 1 offset +* @param {number} j the second index 1 offset +* @param {number} value the value to set +*/ +GLGE.set1basedMat4=function(m,i,j,value){ + m[(i-1)*4+(j-1)]=value; + if(m.glData!==undefined){ + delete m.glData; + } +}; + +/** +* Sets the value at the specified index +* @param {number} i the first index from zero +* @param {number} j the second index from zero +* @param {number} value the value to set +*/ +GLGE.setMat4=function(m,i,j,value){ + m[i*4+j]=value; + if(m.glData!==undefined){ + delete m.glData; + } +}; + +/** +* Gets the value at the specified index +* @param {number} i the first index from one +* @param {number} j the second index from one +* @returns {number} the value at the given index +*/ +GLGE.get1basedMat4=function(m,i,j){ + return m.get((i-1)*4+(j-1)); +}; + +/** +* Gets the value at the specified index +* @param {number} i the first index from zero +* @param {number} j the second index from zero +* @returns {number} the value at the given index +*/ +GLGE.getMat4=function(m,i,j){ + return m[i*4+j]; +}; +/** +* gets the a webgl float array for this Matrix, once generated it will cache it so it doesn't need to recreate everytime +* @returns {Float32Array} the webgl array for this Matrix +* @private +*/ +GLGE.glDataMat4=function(m) { + m.glArray=new Float32Array(m); + return m.glArray; +}; +/** + * Creates an identity matrix + * @returns {GLGE.Mat} the identity matrix + */ +GLGE.identMatrix=function(){ + return GLGE.matrix4(1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1); +}; +/** + * Creates a translation matrix + * @returns {Array} value an array GLGE.Vec or 3 paramters + * @returns {GLGE.Mat} the translation matrix + */ +GLGE.translateMatrix=function(value){ + var x; + var y; + var z; + if(arguments.length==3){ + x=arguments[0]; + y=arguments[1]; + z=arguments[2]; + } + else if(value.data){ + x=value.data[0]; + y=value.data[1]; + z=value.data[2]; + } + else if(value instanceof Array){ + x=value[0]; + y=value[1]; + z=value[2]; + } + return GLGE.matrix4( + 1,0,0,x, + 0,1,0,y, + 0,0,1,z, + 0,0,0,1 + ); +}; +/** + * Creates a scale matrix + * @returns {Array} value an array GLGE.Vec or 3 paramters + * @returns {GLGE.Mat} the scale matrix + */ +GLGE.scaleMatrix=function(value){ + var x; + var y; + var z; + if(arguments.length==3){ + x=arguments[0]; + y=arguments[1]; + z=arguments[2]; + } + else if(value.data){ + x=value.data[0]; + y=value.data[1]; + z=value.data[2]; + } + else if(value instanceof Array){ + x=value[0]; + y=value[1]; + z=value[2]; + } + return GLGE.matrix4( + x,0,0,0, + 0,y,0,0, + 0,0,z,0, + 0,0,0,1 + ); +} +/** +* @constant +* @description Enum for XYZ rotation order +*/ +GLGE.ROT_XYZ=1; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enum for XZY rotation order +*/ +GLGE.ROT_XZY=2; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enum for YXZ rotation order +*/ +GLGE.ROT_YXZ=3; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enum for YZX rotation order +*/ +GLGE.ROT_YZX=4; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enum for ZXY rotation order +*/ +GLGE.ROT_ZXY=5; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enum for ZYX rotation order +*/ +GLGE.ROT_ZYX=6; +/** + * Creates a rotation matrix + * @returns {Array} value an array GLGE.Vec or 3 paramters + * @returns {GLGE.Mat} the rotation matrix + */ +GLGE.rotateMatrix=function(value,type) { + var x; + var y; + var z; + if(arguments.length>2){ + x=arguments[0]; + y=arguments[1]; + z=arguments[2]; + type=arguments[3]; + } + else if(value.data){ + x=value.data[0]; + y=value.data[1]; + z=value.data[2]; + } + else if(value instanceof Array){ + x=value[0]; + y=value[1]; + z=value[2]; + } + if(!type) type=GLGE.ROT_XYZ; + var cosx=Math.cos(x); + var sinx=Math.sin(x); + var cosy=Math.cos(y); + var siny=Math.sin(y); + var cosz=Math.cos(z); + var sinz=Math.sin(z); + var rotx=GLGE.matrix4(1,0,0,0,0,cosx,-sinx,0,0,sinx,cosx,0,0,0,0,1); + var roty=GLGE.matrix4(cosy,0,siny,0,0,1,0,0,-siny,0,cosy,0,0,0,0,1); + var rotz=GLGE.matrix4(cosz,-sinz,0,0,sinz,cosz,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1); + switch(type){ + case GLGE.ROT_XYZ: + return GLGE.mulMat4(rotx,GLGE.mulMat4(roty,rotz)); + break; + case GLGE.ROT_XZY: + return GLGE.mulMat4(rotx,GLGE.mulMat4(rotz,roty)); + break; + case GLGE.ROT_YXZ: + return GLGE.mulMat4(roty,GLGE.mulMat4(rotx,rotz)); + break; + case GLGE.ROT_YZX: + return GLGE.mulMat4(roty,GLGE.mulMat4(rotz,rotx)); + break; + case GLGE.ROT_ZXY: + return GLGE.mulMat4(rotz,GLGE.mulMat4(rotx,roty)); + break; + case GLGE.ROT_ZYX: + return GLGE.mulMat4(rotz,GLGE.mulMat4(roty,rotx)); + break; + } +} + + +GLGE.angleAxis=function(angle, axis) { + var xmx,ymy,zmz,xmy,ymz,zmx,xms,yms,zms; + axis=[axis[0],axis[1],axis[2],0]; + + var x = axis[0]; + var y = axis[1]; + var z = axis[2]; + + + var cos = Math.cos(angle); + var cosi = 1.0 - cos; + var sin = Math.sin(angle); + + xms = x * sin;yms = y * sin;zms = z * sin; + xmx = x * x;ymy = y * y;zmz = z * z; + xmy = x * y;ymz = y * z;zmx = z * x; + + var matrix = GLGE.matrix4((cosi * xmx) + cos,(cosi * xmy) - zms,(cosi * zmx) + yms,0, + (cosi * xmy) + zms,(cosi * ymy) + cos,(cosi * ymz) - xms,0, + (cosi * zmx) - yms,(cosi * ymz) + xms,(cosi * zmz) + cos,0, + 0,0,0,1); + + return GLGE.Mat(matrix); +}; + + +// JHD +GLGE.quatFromAxisAngle = function(axis, angle) { + var quaternion = []; + var halfAngle = angle * 0.5; + var sinus = Math.sin(halfAngle); + var cosinus = Math.cos(halfAngle); + quaternion[0] = axis[0] * sinus; + quaternion[1] = axis[1] * sinus; + quaternion[2] = axis[2] * sinus; + quaternion[3] = cosinus; + return quaternion; +}; + +GLGE.mulQuat = function(quaternion1, quaternion2) { + var quaternion = []; + var x = quaternion1[0]; + var y = quaternion1[1]; + var z = quaternion1[2]; + var w = quaternion1[3]; + var x2 = quaternion2[0]; + var y2 = quaternion2[1]; + var z2 = quaternion2[2]; + var w2 = quaternion2[3]; + var a = (y * z2) - (z * y2); + var b = (z * x2) - (x * z2); + var c = (x * y2) - (y * x2); + var d = ((x * x2) + (y * y2)) + (z * z2); + quaternion[0] = ((x * w2) + (x2 * w)) + a; + quaternion[1] = ((y * w2) + (y2 * w)) + b; + quaternion[2] = ((z * w2) + (z2 * w)) + c; + quaternion[3] = (w * w2) - d; + return quaternion; +}; + +GLGE.mat4FromQuat = function(quaternion) { + // TODO: Optimize with storing the array-wise indexed values + // in direct acessible variables? + var x2 = quaternion[0] * quaternion[0]; + var y2 = quaternion[1] * quaternion[1]; + var z2 = quaternion[2] * quaternion[2]; + var xy = quaternion[0] * quaternion[1]; + var zw = quaternion[2] * quaternion[3]; + var zx = quaternion[2] * quaternion[0]; + var yw = quaternion[1] * quaternion[3]; + var yz = quaternion[1] * quaternion[2]; + var xw = quaternion[0] * quaternion[3]; + var result = []; + result[0] = 1 - (2 * (y2 + z2)); + result[1] = 2 * (xy + zw); + result[2] = 2 * (zx - yw); + result[3] = 0; + result[4] = 2 * (xy - zw); + result[5] = 1 - (2 * (z2 + x2)); + result[6] = 2 * (yz + xw); + result[7] = 0; + result[8] = 2 * (zx + yw); + result[9] = 2 * (yz - xw); + result[10] = 1 - (2 * (y2 + x2)); + result[11] = 0; + result[12] = 0; + result[13] = 0; + result[14] = 0; + result[15] = 1; + return result; +}; +// JHD - end + + +GLGE.quatRotation=function(qx,qy,qz,qw){ + return GLGE.matrix4( + 1 - 2*qy*qy - 2*qz*qz,2*qx*qy - 2*qz*qw,2*qx*qz + 2*qy*qw,0, + 2*qx*qy + 2*qz*qw,1 - 2*qx*qx - 2*qz*qz,2*qy*qz - 2*qx*qw,0, + 2*qx*qz - 2*qy*qw,2*qy*qz + 2*qx*qw,1 - 2*qx*qx - 2*qy*qy,0, + 0,0,0,1 + ); +}; + + +GLGE.makeOrtho=function(left,right,bottom,top,near,far){ + var x = -(right+left)/(right-left); + var y = -(top+bottom)/(top-bottom); + var z = -(far+near)/(far-near); + + return GLGE.matrix4(2/(right-left), 0, 0, x, + 0, 2/(top-bottom), 0, y, + 0, 0, -2/(far-near), z, + 0, 0, 0, 1); +}; + + +GLGE.makeFrustum=function(left,right,bottom,top,near,far){ + var x = 2*near/(right-left); + var y = 2*near/(top-bottom); + var a = (right+left)/(right-left); + var b = (top+bottom)/(top-bottom); + var c = -(far+near)/(far-near); + var d = -2*far*near/(far-near); + return GLGE.matrix4(x, 0, a, 0, + 0, y, b, 0, + 0, 0, c, d, + 0, 0, -1, 0); +}; + +GLGE.makePerspective=function(fovy, aspect, near, far){ + var ymax = near * Math.tan(fovy * 0.00872664625972); + var ymin = -ymax; + var xmin = ymin * aspect; + var xmax = ymax * aspect; + return GLGE.makeFrustum(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, near, far); +}; + +GLGE.makePerspectiveX=function(fovx, aspect, near, far){ + var xmax = near * Math.tan(fovx * 0.00872664625972); + var xmin = -xmax; + var ymin = xmin / aspect; + var ymax = xmax / aspect; + return GLGE.makeFrustum(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, near, far); +}; + +GLGE.matrix2Scale=function(m){ + var m1=m[0]; + var m2=m[1]; + var m3=m[2]; + var m4=m[4]; + var m5=m[5]; + var m6=m[6]; + var m7=m[8]; + var m8=m[9]; + var m9=m[10]; + var scaleX=Math.sqrt(m1*m1+m2*m2+m3*m3); + var scaleY=Math.sqrt(m4*m4+m5*m5+m6*m6); + var scaleZ=Math.sqrt(m7*m7+m8*m8+m9*m9); + return [scaleX,scaleY,scaleZ] +} + + +GLGE.rotationMatrix2Quat=function(m){ + var tr = m[0] + m[5] + m[10]+1.0; + var S,x,y,z,w; + + if (tr > 0) { + S = 0.5/Math.sqrt(tr); + w = 0.25 / S; + x = (m[9] - m[6]) * S; + y = (m[2] - m[8]) * S; + z = (m[4] - m[1]) * S; + } else if ((m[0] > m[5])&&(m[0] > m[10])) { + S = Math.sqrt(1.0 + m[0] - m[5] - m[10]) * 2; + w = (m[9] - m[6]) / S; + x = 0.25 / S; + y = (m[1] + m[4]) / S; + z = (m[2] + m[8]) / S; + } else if (m[5] > m[10]) { + S = Math.sqrt(1.0 + m[5] - m[0] - m[10]) * 2; + w = (m[2] - m[8]) / S; + x = (m[1] + m[4]) / S; + y = 0.25 / S; + z = (m[6] + m[9]) / S; + } else { + S = Math.sqrt(1.0 + m[10] - m[0] - m[5]) * 2; + w = (m[4] - m[1]) / S; + x = (m[2] + m[8]) / S; + y = (m[6] + m[9]) / S; + z = 0.25 / S; + } + var N=Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z+w*w) + + return [x/N,y/N,z/N,w/N]; +} + + + +//returns plane as array [X,Y,Z,D] +GLGE.rayToPlane=function(origin,dir){ + var dirnorm=GLGE.toUnitVec3(dir); + return [dirnorm[0],dirnorm[1],dirnorm[2],GLGE.dotVec3(origin,dirnorm)]; +} + +GLGE.rayIntersectPlane=function(origin,dir,plane){ + var planeN=[plane[0],plane[1],plane[2]]; + var planeD=plane[3]; + var vdir=GLGE.dotVec3(planeN,dir); + if(vdir<=0){ + //ray in wrong direction + return false; + } + var vo=-(GLGE.dotVec3(planeN,origin)+planeD); + var t=vo/vdir; + if(t<=0){ + return false; + } + return GLGE.addVec3(origin,GLGE.scaleVec3(dir,t)); +} +//assumes perspective projection +GLGE.screenToDirection=function(x,y,width,height,proj){ + xcoord = -( ( ( 2 * x ) / width ) - 1 ) / proj[0]; + ycoord =( ( ( 2 * y ) / height ) - 1 ) / proj[5]; + zcoord = 1; + return GLGE.toUnitVec3([xcoord,ycoord,zcoord]); +} + +GLGE.BoundingVolume=function(minX,maxX,minY,maxY,minZ,maxZ){ + this.limits=[minX,maxX,minY,maxY,minZ,maxZ]; + + this.calcProps(); +} + + +GLGE.BoundingVolume.prototype.getCornerPoints=function(){ + return this.points; +} + +//returns the radius of a bounding sphere +GLGE.BoundingVolume.prototype.getSphereRadius=function(){ + return this.radius; +} + +//returns the center of a bounding volume +GLGE.BoundingVolume.prototype.getCenter=function(){ + return this.center; +} +GLGE.BoundingVolume.prototype.isNull=function(){ + return this.limits[0]==0&&this.limits[1]==0&&this.limits[2]==0&&this.limits[3]==0&&this.limits[4]==0&&this.limits[5]==0; +} +//adds an additional bounding volume to resize the current and returns the result +GLGE.BoundingVolume.prototype.addBoundingVolume=function(vol){ + if (this.isNull()) { + this.limits[0]=vol.limits[0]; + this.limits[1]=vol.limits[1]; + this.limits[2]=vol.limits[2]; + this.limits[3]=vol.limits[3]; + this.limits[4]=vol.limits[4]; + this.limits[5]=vol.limits[5]; + } + else if (!vol.isNull()) { + this.limits[0]=Math.min(vol.limits[0],this.limits[0]); + this.limits[2]=Math.min(vol.limits[2],this.limits[2]); + this.limits[4]=Math.min(vol.limits[4],this.limits[4]); + this.limits[1]=Math.max(vol.limits[1],this.limits[1]); + this.limits[3]=Math.max(vol.limits[3],this.limits[3]); + this.limits[5]=Math.max(vol.limits[5],this.limits[5]); + } + + this.calcProps(); +} + +//scales a volume based on a transform matrix +GLGE.BoundingVolume.prototype.applyMatrix=function(matrix){ + var coord0=GLGE.mulMat4Vec4(matrix,[this.limits[0],this.limits[2],this.limits[4],1]); + var coord1=GLGE.mulMat4Vec4(matrix,[this.limits[1],this.limits[2],this.limits[4],1]); + var coord2=GLGE.mulMat4Vec4(matrix,[this.limits[0],this.limits[3],this.limits[4],1]); + var coord3=GLGE.mulMat4Vec4(matrix,[this.limits[1],this.limits[3],this.limits[4],1]); + var coord4=GLGE.mulMat4Vec4(matrix,[this.limits[0],this.limits[2],this.limits[5],1]); + var coord5=GLGE.mulMat4Vec4(matrix,[this.limits[1],this.limits[2],this.limits[5],1]); + var coord6=GLGE.mulMat4Vec4(matrix,[this.limits[0],this.limits[3],this.limits[5],1]); + var coord7=GLGE.mulMat4Vec4(matrix,[this.limits[1],this.limits[3],this.limits[5],1]); + this.limits[0]=Math.min(coord0[0],coord1[0],coord2[0],coord3[0],coord4[0],coord5[0],coord6[0],coord7[0]); + this.limits[1]=Math.max(coord0[0],coord1[0],coord2[0],coord3[0],coord4[0],coord5[0],coord6[0],coord7[0]); + this.limits[2]=Math.min(coord0[1],coord1[1],coord2[1],coord3[1],coord4[1],coord5[1],coord6[1],coord7[1]); + this.limits[3]=Math.max(coord0[1],coord1[1],coord2[1],coord3[1],coord4[1],coord5[1],coord6[1],coord7[1]); + this.limits[4]=Math.min(coord0[2],coord1[2],coord2[2],coord3[2],coord4[2],coord5[2],coord6[2],coord7[2]); + this.limits[5]=Math.max(coord0[2],coord1[2],coord2[2],coord3[2],coord4[2],coord5[2],coord6[2],coord7[2]); + this.calcProps(); +} + +GLGE.BoundingVolume.prototype.calcProps=function(){ + var minX=this.limits[0]; + var maxX=this.limits[1]; + var minY=this.limits[2]; + var maxY=this.limits[3]; + var minZ=this.limits[4]; + var maxZ=this.limits[5]; + this.points=[ + [minX,minY,minZ], + [maxX,minY,minZ], + [minX,maxY,minZ], + [maxX,maxY,minZ], + [minX,minY,maxZ], + [maxX,minY,maxZ], + [minX,maxY,maxZ], + [maxX,maxY,maxZ] + ]; + this.center=[(this.limits[1]-this.limits[0])/2+this.limits[0],(this.limits[3]-this.limits[2])/2+this.limits[2],(this.limits[5]-this.limits[4])/2+this.limits[4]]; + var dx=this.limits[0]-this.center[0]; + var dy=this.limits[2]-this.center[1]; + var dz=this.limits[4]-this.center[2]; + this.radius=Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz); +} + +GLGE.BoundingVolume.prototype.clone=function(){ + return new GLGE.BoundingVolume(this.limits[0],this.limits[1],this.limits[2],this.limits[3],this.limits[4],this.limits[5]); +} + +GLGE.BoundingVolume.prototype.toString=function(){ + return this.limits.toString(); +} + + +//creates the bounding planes for the cameraViewProjectionMatrix +GLGE.cameraViewProjectionToPlanes=function(cvp){ + var cvpinv=GLGE.inverseMat4(cvp); + var mulMat4Vec4=GLGE.mulMat4Vec4; + var subVec3=GLGE.subVec3; + var crossVec3=GLGE.crossVec3; + var toUnitVec3=GLGE.toUnitVec3; + var dotVec3=GLGE.dotVec3 + + var nbl=mulMat4Vec4(cvpinv,[-1,-1,-1,1]); + var nbr=mulMat4Vec4(cvpinv,[1,-1,-1,1]); + var fbl=mulMat4Vec4(cvpinv,[-1,-1,1,1]); + var ntr=mulMat4Vec4(cvpinv,[1,1,-1,1]); + var ftr=mulMat4Vec4(cvpinv,[1,1,1,1]); + var ftl=mulMat4Vec4(cvpinv,[-1,1,1,1]); + + nbl=[nbl[0]/nbl[3],nbl[1]/nbl[3],nbl[2]/nbl[3]]; + nbr=[nbr[0]/nbr[3],nbr[1]/nbr[3],nbr[2]/nbr[3]]; + fbl=[fbl[0]/fbl[3],fbl[1]/fbl[3],fbl[2]/fbl[3]]; + ntr=[ntr[0]/ntr[3],ntr[1]/ntr[3],ntr[2]/ntr[3]]; + ftr=[ftr[0]/ftr[3],ftr[1]/ftr[3],ftr[2]/ftr[3]]; + ftl=[ftl[0]/ftl[3],ftl[1]/ftl[3],ftl[2]/ftl[3]]; + + var nearnorm=toUnitVec3(crossVec3(subVec3(ntr,nbr),subVec3(nbl,nbr))); + var farnorm=toUnitVec3(crossVec3(subVec3(ftl,fbl),subVec3(ftr,fbl))); + var leftnorm=toUnitVec3(crossVec3(subVec3(nbl,fbl),subVec3(ftl,fbl))); + var rightnorm=toUnitVec3(crossVec3(subVec3(ftr,ntr),subVec3(ntr,nbr))); + var topnorm=toUnitVec3(crossVec3(subVec3(ftl,ntr),subVec3(ntr,ftr))); + var bottomnorm=toUnitVec3(crossVec3(subVec3(nbl,nbr),subVec3(fbl,nbl))); + + nearnorm.push(dotVec3(nearnorm,nbl)); + farnorm.push(dotVec3(farnorm,fbl)); + leftnorm.push(dotVec3(leftnorm,nbl)); + rightnorm.push(dotVec3(rightnorm,nbr)); + topnorm.push(dotVec3(topnorm,ftr)); + bottomnorm.push(dotVec3(bottomnorm,nbl)); + //might be worth calulating the frustum sphere for optimization at this point! + + return [nearnorm,farnorm,leftnorm,rightnorm,topnorm,bottomnorm]; +} + + +//Checks if sphere is within frustum planes +//sphere passed as [center.x,center.y,center.z,radius] +GLGE.sphereInFrustumPlanes=function(sphere,planes){ + var sphere0=sphere[0];var sphere1=sphere[1]; + var sphere2=sphere[2];var sphere3=sphere[3]; + var plane0=planes[0];var plane1=planes[1]; + var plane2=planes[2];var plane3=planes[3]; + var plane4=planes[4];var plane5=planes[5]; + if(sphere0*plane0[0] + sphere1*plane0[1] + sphere2*plane0[2] - plane0[3] - sphere3 > 0 + || sphere0*plane1[0] + sphere1*plane1[1] + sphere2*plane1[2] - plane1[3] - sphere3 > 0 + || sphere0*plane2[0] + sphere1*plane2[1] + sphere2*plane2[2] - plane2[3] - sphere3 > 0 + || sphere0*plane3[0] + sphere1*plane3[1] + sphere2*plane3[2] - plane3[3] - sphere3 > 0 + || sphere0*plane4[0] + sphere1*plane4[1] + sphere2*plane4[2] - plane4[3] - sphere3 > 0 + || sphere0*plane5[0] + sphere1*plane5[1] + sphere2*plane5[2] - plane5[3] - sphere3 > 0){ + return false; + }else{ + return true; + } +} + +//checks if cube points are within the frustum planes +GLGE.pointsInFrustumPlanes=function(points,planes){ + var plane0=planes[0];var plane1=planes[1]; + var plane2=planes[2];var plane3=planes[3]; + var plane4=planes[4];var plane5=planes[5]; + var x, y, z; + + for(var i=0; i 0 + && x*plane1[0] + y*plane1[1] + z*plane1[2] - plane1[3] > 0 + && x*plane2[0] + y*plane2[1] + z*plane2[2] - plane3[3] > 0 + && x*plane3[0] + y*plane3[1] + z*plane3[2] - plane4[3] > 0 + && x*plane4[0] + y*plane4[1] + z*plane4[2] - plane4[3] > 0 + && x*plane5[0] + y*plane5[1] + z*plane5[2] - plane5[3] > 0){ + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + +//get projection matrix for a directional light +GLGE.getDirLightProjection=function(cvp,light,projectedDistance,distance){ + var pointTransform=GLGE.mulMat4(light,GLGE.inverseMat4(cvp)); + var min=[0,0,0]; + var max=[0,0,0]; + for(var x=0;x<2;x++){ + for(var y=0;y<2;y++){ + for(var z=0;z<2;z++){ + //var vec=GLGE.mulMat4Vec4(pointTransform,[x*2-1,y*2-1,z*projectedDistance,1]); + var vec=GLGE.mulMat4Vec4(pointTransform,[x*2-1,y*2-1,(z*2-1),1]); + //console.log(vec[0]/vec[3],vec[1]/vec[3],vec[2]/vec[3],vec[3]/vec[3]); + vec[0]=vec[0]/vec[3];vec[1]=vec[1]/vec[3];vec[2]=vec[2]/vec[3]; + min[0]=min[0] > vec[0] ? vec[0] : min[0]; + min[1]=min[1] > vec[1] ? vec[1] : min[1]; + max[0]=max[0] < vec[0] ? vec[0] : max[0]; + max[1]=max[1] < vec[1] ? vec[1] : max[1]; + max[2]=max[2] < vec[2] ? vec[2] : max[2]; + } + } + } + var mat=GLGE.makeOrtho(min[0],max[0],min[1],max[1],0.01,+distance); + //mat[0]*=8; + //mat[5]*=8; + //var mat=GLGE.makeFrustum(min[0],max[0],min[1],max[1],500,0.01); + //var mat=GLGE.makeOrtho(-30,30,-30,30,0.01,500); + //alert(mat); + return mat +}; + + +function GLGE_mathUnitTest() { + var a=GLGE.Vec([1,2,3,4]); + var b=GLGE.Vec4(GLGE.getVec4(a,3), + GLGE.get1basedVec4(a,3), + GLGE.getVec4(a,1), + GLGE.getVec4(a,0)); + var c=GLGE.identMatrix(); + var d=GLGE.mulMat4Vec4(c,b); + if (GLGE.getVec4(d,0)!=4|| + GLGE.getVec4(d,1)!=3|| + GLGE.getVec4(d,2)!=2|| + GLGE.getVec4(d,3)!=1) { + throw "Unit Test 1 failed MatVecMul "+d; + } + var m=GLGE.Mat4([3,4,5,0,.5,.75,0,0,.75,.5,0,0,.25,.25,1,1]); + var m1=GLGE.Mat4([2,1,8,2,1,4,3,2,1,.5,6.5,2,8,3,1,.25]); + var mm1=GLGE.mulMat4(m,m1); + var am1=GLGE.Mat4([15,21.5,68.5,24, + 1.75,3.5,6.25,2.5, + 2,2.75,7.5,2.5, + 9.75,4.75,10.25,3.25]); + for (var i=0;i<4;++i) { + for (var j=0;j<4;++j) { + var diff=GLGE.getMat4(mm1,i,j)-GLGE.getMat4(am1,i,j); + if (diff<.000001&&diff>-.000001) { + + }else { + throw "Unit Test 1 failed Multiplication "+GLGE.getMat4(mm1,i,j)+" != "+GLGE.getMat4(am1,i,j); + } + } + } + var inv = GLGE.inverseMat4(m); + var k = GLGE.mulMat4(m,inv); + var l = GLGE.mulMat4(inv,m); + for (var i=0;i<4;++i) { + for (var j=0;j<4;++j) { + var diff=GLGE.getMat4(k,i,j)-GLGE.getMat4(c,i,j); + if (diff<.0001&&diff>-.0001) { + }else { + throw "Unit Test 1 failed Inverse "+GLGE.getMat4(k,i,j)+" != "+GLGE.getMat4(c,i,j); + } + } + } +} +GLGE_mathUnitTest() ; + + + +})(GLGE); +/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + + + if(typeof(GLGE) == "undefined"){ + /** + * @namespace Holds the functionality of the library + */ + GLGE = {}; +} + +(function(GLGE){ + +//speed ups parsing a float that is already a float is expensive! +var parseFloat2=function(val){ + if(typeof val!="number") return parseFloat(val); + else return val; +} + + +/** +* Function to augment one object with another +* @param {object} obj1 Source Object +* @param {object} obj2 Destination Object +*/ +GLGE.augment=function(obj1,obj2){ + obj2.prototype.baseclass = obj1; + for(var proto in obj1.prototype){ + if(!obj2.prototype[proto]) // do not overwrite functions of the derived objects + obj2.prototype[proto]=obj1.prototype[proto]; + else // Attach those to the baseclass instead. Use 'call(this)' to call baseclass methods + obj2.prototype.baseclass[proto]=obj1.prototype[proto]; + } +} + + +/** +* Moves all GLGE function to global +**/ +GLGE.makeGlobal=function(){ + for(var key in GLGE){ + window[key]=GLGE[key]; + } +} + +GLGE.New=function(createclass){ + if(GLGE[createclass].prototype.className!=""){ + return new GLGE[createclass](); + }else{ + return false; + } +} + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for TRUE +*/ +GLGE.TRUE=1; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for FALSE +*/ +GLGE.FALSE=0; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for global refrance frame +*/ +GLGE.GLOBAL=0; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for local refrance frame +*/ +GLGE.LOCAL=1; + + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for tri rendering +*/ +GLGE.DRAW_TRIS=1; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for line rendering +*/ +GLGE.DRAW_LINES=2; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for line loop rendering +*/ +GLGE.DRAW_LINELOOPS=3; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for line loop rendering +*/ +GLGE.DRAW_LINESTRIPS=4; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for point rendering +*/ +GLGE.DRAW_POINTS=5; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for point rendering +*/ +GLGE.DRAW_TRIANGLESTRIP=6; + + + + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for rendering using default shader +*/ +GLGE.RENDER_DEFAULT=0; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for rendering using shadow shader +*/ +GLGE.RENDER_SHADOW=1; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for rendering using pick shader +*/ +GLGE.RENDER_PICK=2; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for rendering using normal shader +*/ +GLGE.RENDER_NORMAL=3; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for emit rendering +*/ +GLGE.RENDER_EMIT=4; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for depth rendering +*/ +GLGE.RENDER_DEPTH=5; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for no rendering +*/ +GLGE.RENDER_NULL=6; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for box bound text picking +*/ +GLGE.TEXT_BOXPICK=1; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for text bound text picking +*/ +GLGE.TEXT_TEXTPICK=2; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for euler rotaions mode +*/ +GLGE.P_EULER=1; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for quaternions mode +*/ +GLGE.P_QUAT=2; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for matrix rotation mode +*/ +GLGE.P_MATRIX=3; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for no value +*/ +GLGE.NONE=0; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for X-Axis +*/ +GLGE.XAXIS=1; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for Y-Axis +*/ +GLGE.YAXIS=2; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for Z-Axis +*/ +GLGE.ZAXIS=3; + +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for +X-Axis +*/ +GLGE.POS_XAXIS=1; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for -X-Axis +*/ +GLGE.NEG_XAXIS=2; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for +Y-Axis +*/ +GLGE.POS_YAXIS=3; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for -Y-Axis +*/ +GLGE.NEG_YAXIS=4; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for +Z-Axis +*/ +GLGE.POS_ZAXIS=5; +/** +* @constant +* @description Enumeration for -Z-Axis +*/ +GLGE.NEG_ZAXIS=6; + + +GLGE.ZERO="ZERO"; +GLGE.ONE="ONE"; +GLGE.SRC_COLOR="SRC_COLOR"; +GLGE.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR="ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR"; +GLGE.SRC_ALPHA="SRC_ALPHA"; +GLGE.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA="ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA"; +GLGE.DST_ALPHA="DST_ALPHA"; +GLGE.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA="ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA"; + + +/** +* @constant +* @description Linear blending function +*/ +GLGE.LINEAR_BLEND=function(value){ + return value; +} +/** +* @constant +* @description Quadratic blending function +*/ +GLGE.QUAD_BLEND=function(value){ + return value*value; +} +/** +* @constant +* @description Special blending function +*/ +GLGE.SPECIAL_BLEND=function(value){ + value=value*(2-value); + return value*value; +} + + +GLGE.error=function(error){ + if (console&&console.log) + console.log("GLGE error: "+error); + //do not use a modal dialog to indicate this users can override GLGE.error if they desire +}; + +GLGE.warning=function(warning){ + if (console&&console.log) + console.log("GLGE warning: "+warning); + //do not use a modal dialog to indicate this users can override GLGE.warning if they desire +}; + +/** +* @namespace Holds the global asset store +*/ +GLGE.Assets={}; +GLGE.Assets.assets={}; +//don't need to register assets unless we are using network or webworkers +GLGE.REGISTER_ASSETS=false; + +GLGE.Assets.createUUID=function(){ + var data=["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F"]; + var data2=["8","9","A","B"]; + uuid=""; + for(var i=0;i<38;i++){ + switch(i){ + case 8:uuid=uuid+"-";break; + case 13:uuid=uuid+"-";break; + case 18:uuid=uuid+"-";break; + case 14:uuid=uuid+"4";break; + case 19:uuid=uuid+data2[Math.round(Math.random()*3)];break; + default:uuid=uuid+data[Math.round(Math.random()*15)];break; + } + } + return uuid; +} +/** +* @function registers a new asset +*/ +GLGE.Assets.registerAsset=function(obj,uid){ + if(typeof uid=="object"){ + if(obj._) obj._(uid); + uid=uid.uid; + } + if(!uid){ + uid=GLGE.Assets.createUUID(); + }; + obj.uid=uid; + if(GLGE.REGISTER_ASSETS){ + GLGE.Assets.assets[uid]=obj; + } +} +/** +* @function removes an asset +*/ +GLGE.Assets.unregisterAsset=function(uid){ + delete GLGE.Assets.assets[uid]; +} +/** +* @function finds an asset by uid +*/ +GLGE.Assets.get=function(uid){ + var value=GLGE.Assets.assets[uid]; + if(value){ + return value; + }else{ + return false; + } +} + +/** +* @function hashing function +* @private +*/ +GLGE.DJBHash=function(str){ + var hash = 5381; + + for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++){ + hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + str.charCodeAt(i); + } + + return hash; +} + +/** +* @function check if shader is already created if not then create it +* @private +*/ +GLGE.getGLShader=function(gl,type,str){ + var hash=GLGE.DJBHash(str); + if(!gl.shaderCache) gl.shaderCache={}; + if(!gl.shaderCache[hash]){ + var shader=gl.createShader(type); + gl.shaderSource(shader, str); + gl.compileShader(shader); + if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { + try { + GLGE.error(gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader)); + return; + } catch (e) { + /* Firefox hack: Assume no error if there was no shader log. */ + } + } + gl.shaderCache[hash]=shader; + } + return gl.shaderCache[hash]; +} + +var progIdx=0; +/** +* @function tries to re use programs +* @private +*/ +GLGE.getGLProgram=function(gl,vShader,fShader){ + if(!gl.programCache) gl.programCache=[]; + var programCache=gl.programCache; + for(var i=0; i1){ + if(this.loop){ + frame=((parseFloat(now)-parseFloat(this.animationStart))/1000*this.frameRate)%(this.animFrames-1)+1+this.startFrame; + }else{ + frame=((parseFloat(now)-parseFloat(this.animationStart))/1000*this.frameRate)+1+this.startFrame; + if(frame>=(this.animFrames+this.startFrame)){ + frame=this.animFrames; + } + } + }else{ + frame=1; + } + + return Math.round(frame); +} + +/** +* Sets the start frame for the animation overriding the animation default +* @param {number} startFrame the start frame +*/ + GLGE.Animatable.prototype.setStartFrame=function(startFrame,blendTime,loop){ + this.loop=loop; + var starttime=parseInt(new Date().getTime()); + if(!blendTime) blendTime=0; + if(blendTime>0){ + if(this.animation){ + this.blendInitValues=this.getInitialValues(this.animation,starttime); + this.blendTime=blendTime; + } + } + this.animationStart=starttime; + this.lastFrame=null; + this.animFinished=false; + this.startFrame=startFrame; + if(this.children){ + for(var i=0;i0){ + this.blendInitValues=this.getInitialValues(animationVector,starttime); + this.blendTime=blendDuration; + } + this.animFrames=null; + this.startFrame=null; + this.animationStart=starttime; + this.lastFrame=null; + this.animation=animationVector; + this.animFinished=false; + return this; +} +/** +* Gets the animation vector of this object +* @returns {AnimationVector} +*/ +GLGE.Animatable.prototype.getAnimation=function(){ + return this.animation; +} +/** +* Sets the frame rate of the animation +* @param {number} value the frame rate to set +*/ +GLGE.Animatable.prototype.setFrameRate=function(value){ + this.frameRate=value; + if (this.children) { + for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { + if (this.children[i].setFrameRate) { + this.children[i].setFrameRate(value); + } + } + } + return this; +} +/** +* Gets the frame rate of the animation +* @return {number} the current frame rate +*/ +GLGE.Animatable.prototype.getFrameRate=function(){ + return this.frameRate; +} +/** +* Sets the loop flag to GLGE.TRUE or GLGE.FALSE +* @param {boolean} value +*/ +GLGE.Animatable.prototype.setLoop=function(value){ + this.loop=value; + return this; +} +/** +* Gets the loop flag +* @return {boolean} +*/ +GLGE.Animatable.prototype.getLoop=function(){ + return this.loop; +} +/** +* @function is looping? @see GLGE.Animatable#getLoop +*/ +GLGE.Animatable.prototype.isLooping=GLGE.Animatable.prototype.getLoop; + +/** +* Sets the paused flag to GLGE.TRUE or GLGE.FALSE +* @param {boolean} value +*/ +GLGE.Animatable.prototype.setPaused=function(value){ + if(value) this.pauseTime=parseInt(new Date().getTime()); + else this.animationStart=this.animationStart+(parseInt(new Date().getTime())-this.pauseTime); + this.paused=value; + return this; +} +/** +* Gets the paused flag +* @return {boolean} +*/ +GLGE.Animatable.prototype.getPaused=function(){ + return this.paused; +} +/** +* Toggles the paused flag +* @return {boolean} returns the resulting flag state +*/ +GLGE.Animatable.prototype.togglePaused=function(){ + this.setPaused(!this.getPaused()); + return this.paused; +} + +})(GLGE); +/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_document.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + + + + +/** +* @class Document class to load scene, object, mesh etc from an external XML file +* @param {string} url URL of the resource to load +*/ +GLGE.Document=function(){ + this.listeners=[]; + this.documents=[]; +} +GLGE.Document.prototype.listeners=null; +GLGE.Document.prototype.documents=null; +GLGE.Document.prototype.rootURL=null; +GLGE.Document.prototype.loadCount=0; +GLGE.Document.prototype.version=0; +GLGE.Document.prototype.preloader=null; +/** +* This is just a fix for a bug in webkit +* @param {string} id the id name to get +* @returns {object} node with teh specified id +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Document.prototype.getElementById=function(id){ + var tags=this.getElementsByTagName("*"); + for(var i=0; i0) return this.getDefault(ele); //as of GLGE XML 1.0 the mesh is nothing special! + + if(!ele.object){ + ele.object=new GLGE.Mesh(); + this.setProperties(ele); + var child=ele.firstChild; + while(child){ + switch(child.tagName){ + case "positions": + ele.object.setPositions(this.parseArray(child)); + break; + case "normals": + ele.object.setNormals(this.parseArray(child)); + break; + case "uv1": + ele.object.setUV(this.parseArray(child)); + break; + case "uv2": + ele.object.setUV2(this.parseArray(child)); + break; + case "faces": + ele.object.setFaces(this.parseArray(child)); + break; + case "color": + ele.object.setVertexColors(this.parseArray(child)); + break; + case "joint_names": + var names=this.parseArray(child); + var jointObjects=[]; + for(var i=0;i0) || object.className=="Light"){ + var root=object; + while(root.parent) root=root.parent; + root.updateAllPrograms(); + } + if(object.addEventListener){ + object.addEventListener("shaderupdate",function(){ + var root=this; + while(root.parent) root=root.parent; + root.updateAllPrograms(); + }); + object.addEventListener("downloadComplete",this.downloadComplete); + } + this.fireEvent("childAdded",{obj:object}); + if(object.fireEvent) object.fireEvent("appened",{obj:this}); + this.fireEvent("childAdded",{obj:object}); + //fire child added event for all parents as well + var o=this; + while(o=o.parent) o.fireEvent("childAdded",{obj:object,target:this}); + return this; +} +GLGE.Group.prototype.addObject=GLGE.Group.prototype.addChild; +GLGE.Group.prototype.addObjectInstance=GLGE.Group.prototype.addChild; +GLGE.Group.prototype.addGroup=GLGE.Group.prototype.addChild; +GLGE.Group.prototype.addLight=GLGE.Group.prototype.addChild; +GLGE.Group.prototype.addText=GLGE.Group.prototype.addChild; +GLGE.Group.prototype.addSkeleton=GLGE.Group.prototype.addChild; +GLGE.Group.prototype.addCamera=GLGE.Group.prototype.addChild; +GLGE.Group.prototype.addWavefront=GLGE.Group.prototype.addChild; + + +/** +* Removes an object or sub group from this group +* @param {child} object or index the item to remove +*/ +GLGE.Group.prototype.removeChild=function(child){ + var object; + if (typeof child == 'object') { + for(var i=0;i0) GLGE.Message.loadMessages(); +} + + +})(GLGE);/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_action.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + + + +/** +* @class Class to describe and action on a skeleton +* @param {string} uid a unique reference string for this object +* @augments GLGE.QuickNotation +* @augments GLGE.JSONLoader +*/ +GLGE.Action=function(uid){ + this.channels=[]; + GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); +}; +GLGE.augment(GLGE.QuickNotation,GLGE.Action); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.JSONLoader,GLGE.Action); +/** + * @name Action#animFinished + * @event + * @param {object} data + */ +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Events,GLGE.Action); + +/** +* Starts playing the action +*/ +GLGE.Action.prototype.start=function(blendTime,loop,names){ + if(!loop) loop=false; + if(!blendTime) blendTime=0; + var channels=this.channels; + var start=(new Date()).getTime(); + this.animFinished=false; + + for(var i=0;ithis.keyFrames[startKey].x)){ + preStartKey=startKey; + startKey=i; + }else if(this.keyFrames[i].x<=frame && (preStartKey==undefined || this.keyFrames[i].x>this.keyFrames[preStartKey].x)){ + preStartKey=i; + } + if(this.keyFrames[i].x>frame && (endKey==undefined || this.keyFrames[i].x<=this.keyFrames[endKey].x)){ + preEndKey=endKey; + endKey=i; + }else if(this.keyFrames[i].x>frame && (preEndKey==undefined || this.keyFrames[i].x<=this.keyFrames[preEndKey].x)){ + preEndKey=i; + } + } + if(startKey==undefined){ + startKey=endKey; + endKey=preEndKey; + } + if(endKey==undefined){ + endKey=startKey; + startKey=preStartKey; + } + if(this.keyFrames[startKey] instanceof GLGE.BezTriple && this.keyFrames[endKey] instanceof GLGE.BezTriple){ + var C1=this.coord(this.keyFrames[startKey].x,this.keyFrames[startKey].y); + var C2=this.coord(this.keyFrames[startKey].x3,this.keyFrames[startKey].y3); + var C3=this.coord(this.keyFrames[endKey].x1,this.keyFrames[endKey].y1); + var C4=this.coord(this.keyFrames[endKey].x,this.keyFrames[endKey].y); + return this.atX(frame,C1,C2,C3,C4).y; + } + if(this.keyFrames[startKey] instanceof GLGE.LinearPoint && this.keyFrames[endKey] instanceof GLGE.BezTriple){ + var C1=this.coord(this.keyFrames[startKey].x,this.keyFrames[startKey].y); + var C2=this.coord(this.keyFrames[endKey].x1,this.keyFrames[endKey].y1); + var C3=this.coord(this.keyFrames[endKey].x1,this.keyFrames[endKey].y1); + var C4=this.coord(this.keyFrames[endKey].x,this.keyFrames[endKey].y); + return this.atX(frame,C1,C2,C3,C4).y; + } + if(this.keyFrames[startKey] instanceof GLGE.BezTriple && this.keyFrames[endKey] instanceof GLGE.LinearPoint){ + var C1=this.coord(this.keyFrames[startKey].x,this.keyFrames[startKey].y); + var C2=this.coord(this.keyFrames[startKey].x3,this.keyFrames[startKey].y3); + var C3=this.coord(this.keyFrames[startKey].x3,this.keyFrames[startKey].y3); + var C4=this.coord(this.keyFrames[endKey].x,this.keyFrames[endKey].y); + return this.atX(frame,C1,C2,C3,C4).y; + } + if(this.keyFrames[startKey] instanceof GLGE.LinearPoint && this.keyFrames[endKey] instanceof GLGE.LinearPoint){ + var value=(frame-this.keyFrames[startKey].x)*(this.keyFrames[endKey].y-this.keyFrames[startKey].y)/(this.keyFrames[endKey].x-this.keyFrames[startKey].x)+this.keyFrames[startKey].y; + return value; + } + if(this.keyFrames[startKey] instanceof GLGE.StepPoint){ + return this.keyFrames[startKey].y + } + if(!this.keyFrames.preStartKey) this.keyFrames.preStartKey=this.keyFrames[0].y; + + this.caches[frame]=this.keyFrames.preStartKey; + + return this.caches[frame]; +}; +/** +* Function used to calculate bezier curve +* @private +*/ +GLGE.AnimationCurve.prototype.B1=function(t) { return t*t*t }; +/** +* Function used to calculate bezier curve +* @private +*/ +GLGE.AnimationCurve.prototype.B2=function(t) { return 3*t*t*(1-t) }; +/** +* Function used to calculate bezier curve +* @private +*/ +GLGE.AnimationCurve.prototype.B3=function(t) { return 3*t*(1-t)*(1-t) }; +/** +* Function used to calculate bezier curve +* @private +*/ +GLGE.AnimationCurve.prototype.B4=function(t) { return (1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t) }; +/** +* Gets the value of a bezier curve at a given point +* @private +*/ +GLGE.AnimationCurve.prototype.getBezier=function(t,C1,C2,C3,C4) { + var pos = {}; + pos.x = C1.x*this.B1(t) + C2.x*this.B2(t) + C3.x*this.B3(t) + C4.x*this.B4(t); + pos.y = C1.y*this.B1(t) + C2.y*this.B2(t) + C3.y*this.B3(t) + C4.y*this.B4(t); + return pos; +}; +/** +* Solves cubic equation to get the parametic value of the curve at a specified point +* @private +*/ +GLGE.AnimationCurve.prototype.Quad3Solve=function(a,b,c,d){ + ref=a+"-"+b+"-"+"-"+c+"-"+d; + if(this.solutions[ref]){ + return this.solutions[ref]; + } + else + { + b /= a;c /= a;d /= a; + var q, r, d1, s, t, t1, r13; + q = (3.0*c - (b*b))/9.0; + r = -(27.0*d) + b*(9.0*c - 2.0*(b*b)); + r /= 54.0; + t1 = (b/3.0); + discrim = q*q*q + r*r; + result=[]; + + if (discrim > 0) { + // one real, two complex + s = r + Math.sqrt(discrim); + s = ((s < 0) ? -Math.pow(-s, (1.0/3.0)) : Math.pow(s, (1.0/3.0))); + t = r - Math.sqrt(discrim); + t = ((t < 0) ? -Math.pow(-t, (1.0/3.0)) : Math.pow(t, (1.0/3.0))); + result[0] = -t1 + s + t; + t1 = t1 + (s + t)/2.0; + result[1] = result[2] = -t1; + t1 = Math.sqrt(3.0)*(-t + s)/2; + } + else if (discrim == 0){ + // All roots real + r13 = ((r < 0) ? -Math.pow(-r,(1.0/3.0)) : Math.pow(r,(1.0/3.0))); + result[1] = -t1 + 2.0*r13; + result[1] = result[2] = -(r13 + t1); + } + else + { + q = -q; + d1 = q*q*q; + d1 = Math.acos(r/Math.sqrt(1)); + r13 = 2.0*Math.sqrt(q); + + + result[0] = -t1 + r13*Math.cos(d1/3.0); + result[1] = -t1 + r13*Math.cos((d1 + 2.0*Math.PI)/3.0); + result[2] = -t1 + r13*Math.cos((d1 + 4.0*Math.PI)/3.0); + } + var toreturn=false; + //determine which is the correct result + if(result[0]>=0 && result[0]<=1) toreturn=result[0]; + if(!toreturn && result[1]>=0 && result[1]<=1) toreturn=result[1]; + if(!toreturn && result[2]>=0 && result[2]<=1) toreturn=result[2]; + //cache result for next time + this.solutions[ref]=toreturn; + + return toreturn; + } +}; +/** +* Get the value of the a single bezier curve +* @param {Number} x xcoord of point to get +* @param {Number} C1 First bezier control point +* @param {Number} C2 Second bezier control point +* @param {Number} C3 Third bezier control point +* @param {Number} C4 Forth bezier control point +* @returns {Number} The value of the curve at the given x +*/ +GLGE.AnimationCurve.prototype.atX=function(x,C1,C2,C3,C4){ + a=C1.x-C2.x*3+C3.x*3-C4.x; + b=C2.x*3-C3.x*6+C4.x*3; + c=C3.x*3-C4.x*3; + d=C4.x-x; + return this.getBezier(this.Quad3Solve(a,b,c,d),C1,C2,C3,C4); +}; + +})(GLGE); +/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_animationvector.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + + + +/** +* @class The AnimationVectors class allows you to specify the 2D Animation curves that define specific channels of animation within the engine. +* @augments GLGE.QuickNotation +* @augments GLGE.JSONLoader +*/ +GLGE.AnimationVector=function(uid){ + this.curves={}; + GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); +} +GLGE.augment(GLGE.QuickNotation,GLGE.AnimationVector); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.JSONLoader,GLGE.AnimationVector); +GLGE.AnimationVector.prototype.curves={}; +GLGE.AnimationVector.prototype.frames=250; +GLGE.AnimationVector.prototype.startFrame=0; + +/** +* Adds an Animation Curve to a channel +* @param {String} channel The name of the curve to be added +* @param {GLGE.AnimationCurve} curve The animation curve to add +*/ +GLGE.AnimationVector.prototype.addAnimationCurve=function(curve){ + this.curves[curve.channel]=curve; + return this; +} +/** +* Removes an Animation Curve form a channel +* @param {String} channel The name of the curve to be removed +*/ +GLGE.AnimationVector.prototype.removeAnimationCurve=function(name){ + delete(this.curves[name]); +} +/** +* Sets the number of frames in the animation +* @param {number} value The number of frames in the animation +*/ +GLGE.AnimationVector.prototype.setFrames=function(value){ + this.frames=value; + return this; +} +/** +* Sets the number of frames in the animation +* @returns {number} The number of frames in the animation +*/ +GLGE.AnimationVector.prototype.getFrames=function(){ + return this.frames; +} + +/** +* Sets the start frame +* @param {number} value The starting frame for the animation +*/ +GLGE.AnimationVector.prototype.setStartFrame=function(value){ + this.startFrame=value; + return this; +} +/** +* Gets the start fames +* @returns {number} The starting frame for the animation +*/ +GLGE.AnimationVector.prototype.getStartFrame=function(){ + return this.startFrame; +} + +})(GLGE); +/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_animationpoints.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + + + + + +/** +* @class A bezier class to add points to the Animation Curve +* @param {string} uid a unique string to identify this object +* @augments GLGE.QuickNotation +* @augments GLGE.JSONLoader +*/ +GLGE.BezTriple=function(uid){ + GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); +}; +GLGE.augment(GLGE.QuickNotation,GLGE.BezTriple); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.JSONLoader,GLGE.BezTriple); + +GLGE.BezTriple.prototype.className="BezTriple"; +/** +* set the x1-coord +* @param {number} x x1-coord control point +*/ +GLGE.BezTriple.prototype.setX1=function(x){ + this.x1=parseFloat(x); + return this; +}; +/** +* set the y1-coord +* @param {number} y y1-coord control point +*/ +GLGE.BezTriple.prototype.setY1=function(y){ + this.y1=parseFloat(y); + return this; +}; +/** +* set the x2-coord +* @param {number} x x2-coord control point +*/ +GLGE.BezTriple.prototype.setX2=function(x){ + this.x=parseFloat(x); + return this; +}; +/** +* set the y2-coord +* @param {number} y y2-coord control point +*/ +GLGE.BezTriple.prototype.setY2=function(y){ + this.y=parseFloat(y); + return this; +}; +/** +* set the x3-coord +* @param {number} x x3-coord control point +*/ +GLGE.BezTriple.prototype.setX3=function(x){ + this.x3=parseFloat(x); + return this; +}; +/** +* set the y3-coord +* @param {number} y y3-coord control point +*/ +GLGE.BezTriple.prototype.setY3=function(y){ + this.y3=parseFloat(y); + return this; +}; + + +/** +* @class A LinearPoint class to add points to the Animation Curve +* @param {string} uid unique string for this class +* @augments GLGE.QuickNotation +* @augments GLGE.JSONLoader +*/ +GLGE.LinearPoint=function(uid){ + //GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); +}; +GLGE.augment(GLGE.QuickNotation,GLGE.LinearPoint); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.JSONLoader,GLGE.LinearPoint); +GLGE.LinearPoint.prototype.className="LinearPoint"; +GLGE.LinearPoint.prototype.x=0; +GLGE.LinearPoint.prototype.y=0; +/** +* set the x-coord +* @param {number} x x-coord control point +*/ +GLGE.LinearPoint.prototype.setX=function(x){ + this.x=parseFloat(x); + return this; +}; +/** +* set the y-coord +* @param {number} y y-coord control point +*/ +GLGE.LinearPoint.prototype.setY=function(y){ + this.y=parseFloat(y); + return this; +}; + + +/** +* @class A StepPoint class to add points to the Animation Curve +* @param {number} x x-coord control point +* @param {object} value value of control point +*/ +GLGE.StepPoint=function(x,value){ + this.x=parseFloat(x); + this.y=value; +}; + +})(GLGE); +/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_mesh.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + + + + + +/** +* @class Creates a new mesh +* @see GLGE.Object +* @augments GLGE.QuickNotation +* @augments GLGE.JSONLoader +* @augments GLGE.Events +*/ +GLGE.Mesh=function(uid,windingOrder){ + this.GLbuffers=[]; + this.buffers=[]; + this.framePositions=[]; + this.frameNormals=[]; + this.frameTangents=[]; + this.UV=[]; + this.boneWeights=[]; + this.setBuffers=[]; + this.faces={}; + if (windingOrder!==undefined) + this.windingOrder=windingOrder; + else + this.windingOrder=GLGE.Mesh.WINDING_ORDER_UNKNOWN; + + GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); +}; + +GLGE.Mesh.WINDING_ORDER_UNKNOWN=2; +GLGE.Mesh.WINDING_ORDER_CLOCKWISE=1; +GLGE.Mesh.WINDING_ORDER_COUNTER=0; + +GLGE.augment(GLGE.QuickNotation,GLGE.Mesh); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.JSONLoader,GLGE.Mesh); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Events,GLGE.Mesh); +GLGE.Mesh.prototype.gl=null; +GLGE.Mesh.prototype.className="Mesh"; +GLGE.Mesh.prototype.GLbuffers=null; +GLGE.Mesh.prototype.buffers=null; +GLGE.Mesh.prototype.setBuffers=null; +GLGE.Mesh.prototype.GLfaces=null; +GLGE.Mesh.prototype.faces=null; +GLGE.Mesh.prototype.UV=null; +GLGE.Mesh.prototype.joints=null; +GLGE.Mesh.prototype.invBind=null; +GLGE.Mesh.prototype.loaded=false; +/** + * @name GLGE.Mesh#shaderupdate + * @event fired when the shader needs updating + * @param {object} data + */ + +/** +* Gets the bounding volume for the mesh +* @returns {GLGE.BoundingVolume} +*/ +GLGE.Mesh.prototype.getBoundingVolume=function(){ + if(!this.positions) return new GLGE.BoundingVolume(0,0,0,0,0,0); + if(!this.boundingVolume){ + var minX,maxX,minY,maxY,minZ,maxZ; + var positions=this.positions; + for(var i=0;i0){ + t=scaleVec3(t,-1); + b=scaleVec3(b,-1); + } + return [t,b]; +} + +/** +* Sets the faces for this mesh +* @param {Number[]} jsArray The 1 dimentional array of normals +*/ +GLGE.Mesh.prototype.setFaces=function(jsArray){ + this.faces={data:jsArray,GL:false}; + //if at this point calculate normals if we haven't got them yet + if(!this.normals) this.calcNormals(); + if(!this.tangents && this.UV.length>0) this.calcTangents(); + + return this; +} + + +/** +* Calculates the tangents for this mesh - this is messy FIX ME! +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Mesh.prototype.calcTangents=function(){ + + for(var j=0;j0){ + tangentsTemp.push(tangents[faces[i]*3]); + tangentsTemp.push(tangents[faces[i]*3+1]); + tangentsTemp.push(tangents[faces[i]*3+2]); + } + if(uv1){ + uv1Temp.push(uv1[faces[i]*2]); + uv1Temp.push(uv1[faces[i]*2+1]); + } + if(uv2){ + uv2Temp.push(uv2[faces[i]*2]); + uv2Temp.push(uv2[faces[i]*2+1]); + } + } + }else{ + vertsTemp=verts; + normalsTemp=normals; + tangentsTemp=tangents; + uv1Temp=uv1; + uv2Temp=uv2; + } + + var newVerts=[]; + var newNormals=[]; + var newFaces=[]; + var newUV1s=[]; + var newUV2s=[]; + var newTangents=[]; + var stack=[]; + + for(var i=0;i0){ + newTangents.push(tangentsTemp[i]); + newTangents.push(tangentsTemp[i+1]); + newTangents.push(tangentsTemp[i+2]); + } + if(uv1){ + newUV1s.push(uv1Temp[i/3*2]); + newUV1s.push(uv1Temp[i/3*2+1]); + } + if(uv2){ + newUV2s.push(uv2Temp[i/3*2]); + newUV2s.push(uv2Temp[i/3*2+1]); + } + } + newFaces.push(vertIdx); + } + this.setPositions(newVerts).setNormals(newNormals).setFaces(newFaces).setUV(newUV1s).setUV2(newUV2s).setTangents(newTangents); +} + + + +/** +* Sets the Attributes for this mesh +* @param {WebGLContext} gl The context being drawn on +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Mesh.prototype.GLAttributes=function(gl,shaderProgram,frame1, frame2){ + this.gl=gl; + if(!frame1) frame1=0; + //if at this point we have no normals set then calculate them + if(!this.normals) this.calcNormals(); + //disable all the attribute initially arrays - do I really need this? + for(var i=0; i<8; i++) gl.disableVertexAttribArray(i); + //check if the faces have been updated + if(!this.faces.GL && this.faces.data && this.faces.data.length>0){ + this.GLSetFaceBuffer(gl); + this.faces.GL=true; + } + //loop though the buffers + for(i=0; i-1){ + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.GLbuffers[this.buffers[i].name]); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attribslot); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(attribslot, this.GLbuffers[this.buffers[i].name].itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + } + } + + //do the position normal and if we have tangent then tangent + var positionSlot=GLGE.getAttribLocation(gl,shaderProgram, "position"); + if(positionSlot>-1){ + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.GLbuffers["position"+frame1]); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(positionSlot); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(positionSlot, this.GLbuffers["position"+frame1].itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + } + var normalSlot=GLGE.getAttribLocation(gl,shaderProgram, "normal"); + if(normalSlot>-1){ + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.GLbuffers["normal"+frame1]); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(normalSlot); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(normalSlot, this.GLbuffers["normal"+frame1].itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + } + var tangentSlot=GLGE.getAttribLocation(gl,shaderProgram, "tangent"); + if(tangentSlot>-1){ + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.GLbuffers["tangent"+frame1]); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(tangentSlot); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(tangentSlot, this.GLbuffers["tangent"+frame1].itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + } + if(frame2!=undefined){ + var positionSlot2=GLGE.getAttribLocation(gl,shaderProgram, "position2"); + if(positionSlot2>-1){ + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.GLbuffers["position"+frame2]); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(positionSlot2); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(positionSlot2, this.GLbuffers["position"+frame2].itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + } + var normalSlot2=GLGE.getAttribLocation(gl,shaderProgram, "normal2"); + if(normalSlot2>-1){ + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.GLbuffers["normal"+frame2]); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(normalSlot2); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(normalSlot2, this.GLbuffers["normal"+frame2].itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + } + var tangentSlot2=GLGE.getAttribLocation(gl,shaderProgram, "tangent2"); + if(tangentSlot2>-1){ + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.GLbuffers["tangent"+frame2]); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(tangentSlot2); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(tangentSlot2, this.GLbuffers["tangent"+frame2].itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + } + } +} + + +})(GLGE);/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2011, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_sphere.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + +(function(GLGE){ +/** +* @class Used to generate a basic sphere mesh +* @augments GLGE.Mesh +*/ +GLGE.Sphere=function(uid){ + this.vertical=10; + this.horizontal=10; + this.radius=1; + this.dirtySphere=false; + GLGE.Mesh.apply(this,arguments); + this.generateMeshData(); +} +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Mesh,GLGE.Sphere); +/** +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Sphere.prototype.generateMeshData=function(){ + var vertical=this.vertical; + var horizontal=this.horizontal; + var radius=this.radius; + var t1,y,r1,i,j,x,y,t2; + var verts=[]; + var normals=[]; + var faces=[]; + for(i=0;i<=vertical;i++){ + t1=i/vertical*Math.PI; + y=Math.cos(t1)*radius; + r1=Math.sin(t1)*radius; + for(j=0;j0){ + for(j=0;j0) color={r:color,g:color,b:color}; + if(!color.r){ + color=GLGE.colorParse(color); + } + this.emit={r:parseFloat(color.r),g:parseFloat(color.g),b:parseFloat(color.b)}; + this.fireEvent("shaderupdate",{}); + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets how much the Red material should emit +* @param {Number} value what Red to emit +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.setEmitR=function(value){ + this.emit.r=parseFloat(value); + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets how much the green material should emit +* @param {Number} value what green to emit +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.setEmitG=function(value){ + this.emit.g=parseFloat(value); + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets how much the blue material should emit +* @param {Number} value what blue to emit +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.setEmitB=function(value){ + this.emit.b=parseFloat(value); + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets how much the Red material should emit +* @returns Red to emit +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.getEmitR=function(value){ + return this.emit.r; +}; +/** +* Sets how much the green material should emit +* @returns green to emit +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.getEmitG=function(value){ + return this.emit.g; +}; +/** +* Sets how much the blue material should emit +* @returns blue to emit +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.getEmitB=function(value){ + return this.emit.b; +}; + +/** +* Gets the amount this material emits +* @return {Number} The emit value for the material +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.getEmit=function(){ + return this.emit; +}; +/** +* Sets reflectivity of the material +* @param {Number} value how much to reflect (0-1) +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.setReflectivity=function(value){ + this.reflect=value; + this.fireEvent("shaderupdate",{}); + return this; +}; +/** +* Gets the materials reflectivity +* @return {Number} The reflectivity of the material +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.getReflectivity=function(){ + return this.reflect; +}; + +/** +* Sets the material to output with 0 alpha or 1 alpha +* @param {boolean} value binary alpha flag +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.setBinaryAlpha=function(value){ + this.binaryAlpha=value; + this.fireEvent("shaderupdate",{}); + return this; +}; +/** +* Gets the binary alpha flag +* @return {boolean} The binary alpha flag +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.getBinaryAlpha=function(){ + return this.binaryAlpha; +}; + +/** +* Add a new layer to the material +* @param {MaterialLayer} layer The material layer to add to the material +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.addMaterialLayer=function(layer){ + if(typeof layer=="string") layer=GLGE.Assets.get(layer); + this.layers.push(layer); + var material=this; + var listener=function(event){ + material.fireEvent("shaderupdate",{}); + }; + this.layerlisteners.push(listener); + layer.addEventListener("shaderupdate",listener); + this.fireEvent("shaderupdate",{}); + return this; +}; + +/** +* Removes a layer from the material +* @param {MaterialLayer} layer The material layer to remove +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.removeMaterialLayer=function(layer){ + var idx=this.layers.indexOf(layer); + if(idx>=0){ + this.layers.splice(idx,1); + layer.removeEventListener("shaderupdate",this.layerlisteners[idx]); + this.layerlisteners.splice(idx,1); + this.fireEvent("shaderupdate",{}); + } + return this; +}; + +/** +* Gets all the materials layers +* @returns {GLGE.MaterialLayer[]} all of the layers contained within this material +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.getLayers=function(){ + return this.layers; +}; +/** +* Generate the code required to calculate the texture coords for each layer +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.getLayerCoords=function(shaderInjection){ + var shader=[]; + shader.push("vec4 texturePos;\n"); + for(var i=0; ineye.z*steepdisplace"+i+"){"; + shader=shader+"textureHeight=vec3(vec2(neye.x,neye.y)*steepdisplace"+i+",0.0);"; + shader=shader+"}else{"; + shader=shader+"steepdisplace"+i+"-=steepstep"+i+";"; + shader=shader+"steepstep"+i+"*=0.5;"; + shader=shader+"}"; + shader=shader+"steepdisplace"+i+"+=steepstep"+i+";"; + + shader=shader+"}"; + } + if((this.layers[i].mapto & GLGE.M_SPECCOLOR) == GLGE.M_SPECCOLOR){ + shader=shader+"specC = specC*(1.0-mask) + texture"+sampletype+"(TEXTURE"+this.layers[i].texture.idx+", textureCoords."+txcoord+").rgb*mask;\n"; + } + if((this.layers[i].mapto & GLGE.M_MSKR) == GLGE.M_MSKR){ + shader=shader+"mask = texture"+sampletype+"(TEXTURE"+this.layers[i].texture.idx+", textureCoords."+txcoord+").r;\n"; + } + if((this.layers[i].mapto & GLGE.M_MSKG) == GLGE.M_MSKG){ + shader=shader+"mask = texture"+sampletype+"(TEXTURE"+this.layers[i].texture.idx+", textureCoords."+txcoord+").g;\n"; + } + if((this.layers[i].mapto & GLGE.M_MSKB) == GLGE.M_MSKB){ + shader=shader+"mask = texture"+sampletype+"(TEXTURE"+this.layers[i].texture.idx+", textureCoords."+txcoord+").b;\n"; + } + if((this.layers[i].mapto & GLGE.M_MSKA) == GLGE.M_MSKA){ + shader=shader+"mask = texture"+sampletype+"(TEXTURE"+this.layers[i].texture.idx+", textureCoords."+txcoord+").a;\n"; + } + if((this.layers[i].mapto & GLGE.M_SPECULAR) == GLGE.M_SPECULAR){ + shader=shader+"spec = spec*(1.0-mask) + texture"+sampletype+"(TEXTURE"+this.layers[i].texture.idx+", textureCoords."+txcoord+").r*mask;\n"; + } + if((this.layers[i].mapto & GLGE.M_REFLECT) == GLGE.M_REFLECT){ + shader=shader+"ref = ref*(1.0-mask) + texture"+sampletype+"(TEXTURE"+this.layers[i].texture.idx+", textureCoords."+txcoord+").g*mask;\n"; + } + if((this.layers[i].mapto & GLGE.M_SHINE) == GLGE.M_SHINE){ + shader=shader+"sh = sh*(1.0-mask) + texture"+sampletype+"(TEXTURE"+this.layers[i].texture.idx+", textureCoords."+txcoord+").b*mask*255.0;\n"; + } + if((this.layers[i].mapto & GLGE.M_EMIT) == GLGE.M_EMIT){ + shader=shader+"em = em*(1.0-mask) + texture"+sampletype+"(TEXTURE"+this.layers[i].texture.idx+", textureCoords."+txcoord+").rgb*mask;\n"; + } + if((this.layers[i].mapto & GLGE.M_NOR) == GLGE.M_NOR){ + shader=shader+"normalmap = normalmap*(1.0-mask) + texture"+sampletype+"(TEXTURE"+this.layers[i].texture.idx+", textureCoords."+txcoord+")*mask;\n"; + shader=shader+"normal = normalmap.rgb;\n"; + shader=shader+"normal = 2.0*(vec3(normal.r, -normal.g, normal.b) - vec3(0.5, -0.5, 0.5));"; + shader=shader+"b=normalize(cross(t.xyz,n));\n"; + shader=shader+"normal = normal.x*t + normal.y*b + normal.z*n;"; + shader=shader+"normal = normalize(normal);"; + + } + if((this.layers[i].mapto & GLGE.M_ALPHA) == GLGE.M_ALPHA){ + anyAlpha=true; + shader=shader+"al = al*(1.0-mask) + texture"+sampletype+"(TEXTURE"+this.layers[i].texture.idx+", textureCoords."+txcoord+").a*mask;\n"; + } + if((this.layers[i].mapto & GLGE.M_AMBIENT) == GLGE.M_AMBIENT){ + shader=shader+"amblight = amblight*(1.0-mask) + texture"+sampletype+"(TEXTURE"+this.layers[i].texture.idx+", textureCoords."+txcoord+").rgb*mask;\n"; + } + } + shader=shader+"amblight *= amb;\n"; + + if (!anyAlpha && this.layers.length) { + if(this.layers[diffuseLayer].getTexture().className=="Texture" || this.layers[diffuseLayer].getTexture().className=="TextureCanvas" || this.layers[diffuseLayer].getTexture().className=="TextureVideo" ) { + var txcoord="xy"; + var sampletype="2D"; + }else{ + var txcoord="xyz"; + var sampletype="Cube"; + } + shader=shader+"al = al*(1.0-mask) + texture"+sampletype+"(TEXTURE"+this.layers[diffuseLayer].texture.idx+", textureCoords."+txcoord+").a*al*mask;\n"; + } + if(colors && this.vertexColorMode==GLGE.VC_MUL){ + shader=shader+"color *= vcolor;"; + } + if(this.binaryAlpha) { + shader=shader+"if(al<0.5) discard;\n"; + shader=shader+"al=1.0;\n"; + }else{ + shader=shader+"if(al==0.0) discard;\n"; + } + shader=shader+"vec3 lightvalue=amblight;\n"; + if(colors && this.vertexColorMode==GLGE.VC_AMB){ + shader=shader+"lightvalue = vcolor.rgb;"; + } + if(colors && this.vertexColorMode==GLGE.VC_AMBMUL){ + shader=shader+"lightvalue *= vcolor.rgb;"; + } + + shader=shader+"float dotN,spotEffect;"; + shader=shader+"vec3 lightvec=vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);"; + shader=shader+"vec3 viewvec=vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);"; + shader=shader+"vec3 specvalue=vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);"; + shader=shader+"vec2 scoord=vec2(0.0,0.0);"; + shader=shader+"float sDepth=0.0;"; + shader=shader+"float d1=0.0;"; + shader=shader+"float d2=0.0;"; + shader=shader+"float spotmul=0.0;"; + shader=shader+"float rnd=0.0;"; + shader=shader+"float spotsampleX=0.0;"; + shader=shader+"float spotsampleY=0.0;"; + shader=shader+"float totalweight=0.0;"; + shader=shader+"int cnt=0;"; + shader=shader+"float specularSmoothStepValue=.125;\n"; + shader=shader+"vec2 spotoffset=vec2(0.0,0.0);"; + shader=shader+"float dp=0.0;"; + + shader=shader+"vec4 dist;float depth,m1,m2,prob,variance;\n"; + shader=shader+"if (normal.z<0.0) {normal.z=0.0;}\n"; + + + shader=shader+"float fogfact=1.0;"; + shader=shader+"if(fogtype=="+GLGE.FOG_QUADRATIC+" || fogtype=="+GLGE.FOG_SKYQUADRATIC+") fogfact=clamp(pow(max((fogfar - length(eyevec)) / (fogfar - fognear),0.0),2.0),0.0,1.0);\n"; + shader=shader+"if(fogtype=="+GLGE.FOG_LINEAR+" || fogtype=="+GLGE.FOG_SKYLINEAR+") fogfact=clamp((fogfar - length(eyevec)) / (fogfar - fognear),0.0,1.0);\n"; + + + if(!shadow){ + + + shader=shader+"if (emitpass) {gl_FragColor=vec4(em,1.0);} else if (shadeless) {\n"; + shader=shader+"gl_FragColor=vec4(color.rgb,al);\n"; + if(this.fadeDistance>0){ + shader=shader+"gl_FragColor.a=gl_FragColor.a*(1.0-min(1.0,"+this.fadeDistance.toFixed(5)+"/length(eyevec)));\n"; + } + shader=shader+"} else {\n"; + + + for(var i=0; i0.0){\n"; + if(lights[i].diffuse){ + shader=shader+"lightvalue += att * dotN * lightcolor"+i+";\n"; + } + shader=shader+"}\n"; + if(lights[i].specular){ + shader=shader+"specvalue += smoothstep(-specularSmoothStepValue,specularSmoothStepValue,dotN)*att * specC * lightcolor"+i+" * spec * pow(max(dot(reflect(normalize(lightvec), normal),normalize(viewvec)),0.0), 0.3*sh);\n"; + } + + + + } + shader=shader+"spotEffect = 0.0;\n"; + if(lights[i].type==GLGE.L_SPOT){ + shader=shader+"spotEffect = dot(normalize(lightdir"+i+"), normalize(-lightvec"+i+"));"; + shader=shader+"if (spotEffect > spotCosCutOff"+i+""+(!this.spotCutOff ? " || spotEffect>0.0" : "")+") {\n"; + shader=shader+"spotEffect = pow(spotEffect, spotExp"+i+");"; + //spot shadow stuff + if(lights[i].getCastShadows() && this.shadow){ + shader=shader+"scoord=(((spotcoord"+i+".xy)/spotcoord"+i+".w)+1.0)/2.0;\n"; + shader=shader+"if(scoord.x>0.0 && scoord.x<1.0 && scoord.y>0.0 && scoord.y<1.0){\n"; + shader=shader+"dist=texture2D(TEXTURE"+(shadowlights[i])+", scoord);\n"; + if(lights[i].spotSoftness==0){ + shader=shader+"depth = dot(dist, vec4(0.000000059604644775390625,0.0000152587890625,0.00390625,1.0))*"+lights[i].distance+".0;\n"; + shader=shader+"if(depth0.0){\n"; + if(lights[i].diffuse){ + shader=shader+"lightvalue -= (1.0-spotEffect) / (lightAttenuation"+i+"[0] + lightAttenuation"+i+"[1] * lightdist"+i+" + lightAttenuation"+i+"[2] * lightdist"+i+" * lightdist"+i+");\n"; + } + shader=shader+"}\n"; + }else{ + shader=shader+"att = spotEffect / (lightAttenuation"+i+"[0] + lightdist"+i+"*(lightAttenuation"+i+"[1] + lightAttenuation"+i+"[2] * lightdist"+i+"));\n"; + + shader=shader+"if(dotN>0.0){\n"; + if(lights[i].diffuse){ + shader=shader+"lightvalue += att * dotN * lightcolor"+i+";\n"; + } + shader=shader+"}\n"; + if(lights[i].specular){ + shader=shader+"specvalue += smoothstep(-specularSmoothStepValue,specularSmoothStepValue,dotN) * att * specC * lightcolor"+i+" * spec * pow(max(dot(reflect(normalize(lightvec), normal),normalize(viewvec)),0.0), 0.3 * sh);\n"; + } + } + + + shader=shader+"}\n"; + } + if(lights[i].type==GLGE.L_DIR){ + if(this.translucency==0){ + shader=shader+"dotN=max(dot(normal,normalize(-lightvec)),0.0);\n"; + }else{ + shader=shader+"dotN=dot(normal,normalize(-lightvec));\n"; + shader=shader+"if (dotN<0.0) dotN*=-"+this.translucency.toFixed(2)+";\n"; + } + + if(lights[i].getCastShadows() && this.shadow){ + shader=shader+"float shadowfact"+i+" = 0.0;\n"; + shader=shader+"scoord=((spotcoord"+i+".xy)/spotcoord"+i+".w+1.0)/2.0;\n"; + var lightWidth=1/lights[i].bufferWidth; + var lightHeight=1/lights[i].bufferHeight; + + shader=shader+"dist=texture2D(TEXTURE"+shadowlights[i]+", scoord );\n"; + shader=shader+"depth = dot(dist, vec4(0.000000059604644775390625,0.0000152587890625,0.00390625,1.0));\n"; + shader=shader+"d1 = depth;\n"; + shader=shader+"d2 = depth*depth;\n"; + + shader=shader+"dist=texture2D(TEXTURE"+shadowlights[i]+", scoord+vec2("+(lightWidth).toFixed(5)+","+(lightHeight).toFixed(5)+") );\n"; + shader=shader+"depth = dot(dist, vec4(0.000000059604644775390625,0.0000152587890625,0.00390625,1.0));\n"; + shader=shader+"d1 += depth;\n"; + shader=shader+"d2 += depth*depth;\n"; + + shader=shader+"dist=texture2D(TEXTURE"+shadowlights[i]+", scoord+vec2(-"+lightWidth.toFixed(5)+","+lightHeight.toFixed(5)+"));\n"; + shader=shader+"depth = dot(dist, vec4(0.000000059604644775390625,0.0000152587890625,0.00390625,1.0));\n"; + shader=shader+"d1 += depth;\n"; + shader=shader+"d2 += depth*depth;\n"; + + shader=shader+"dist=texture2D(TEXTURE"+shadowlights[i]+", scoord+vec2("+lightWidth.toFixed(5)+",-"+lightHeight.toFixed(5)+"));\n"; + shader=shader+"depth = dot(dist, vec4(0.000000059604644775390625,0.0000152587890625,0.00390625,1.0));\n"; + shader=shader+"d1 += depth;\n"; + shader=shader+"d2 += depth*depth;\n"; + + shader=shader+"dist=texture2D(TEXTURE"+shadowlights[i]+", scoord+vec2(-"+lightWidth.toFixed(5)+",-"+lightHeight.toFixed(5)+"));\n"; + shader=shader+"depth = dot(dist, vec4(0.000000059604644775390625,0.0000152587890625,0.00390625,1.0));\n"; + shader=shader+"d1 += depth;\n"; + shader=shader+"d2 += depth*depth;\n"; + + shader=shader+"d1 *= 0.2;\n"; + shader=shader+"d2 *= 0.2;\n"; + + shader=shader+"sDepth = max(0.0, ((spotcoord"+i+".z/spotcoord"+i+".w)+1.0)/2.0-d1-"+lights[i].shadowBias+");\n"; + shader=shader+"variance = min(max(d2-d1*d1, 0.0)+"+lights[i].varianceMin+", 1.0);\n"; + shader=shader+"prob=variance /( variance + sDepth*sDepth );\n"; + shader=shader+"prob=smoothstep("+lights[i].bleedCutoff.toFixed(2)+",1.0,prob);\n"; + shader=shader+"shadowfact"+i+"=prob;\n"; + }else{ + shader=shader+"float shadowfact"+i+" = 1.0;\n"; + } + if(lights[i].diffuse){ + if(lights[i].negativeShadow){ + shader=shader+"lightvalue -= lightcolor"+i+"-(dotN * lightcolor"+i+" * shadowfact"+i+");\n"; + }else{ + shader=shader+"shadowfact"+i+"="+this.translucency.toFixed(2)+"+"+(1-this.translucency).toFixed(2)+"*shadowfact"+i+";\n"; + shader=shader+"lightvalue += dotN * lightcolor"+i+" * shadowfact"+i+";\n"; + } + } + if(lights[i].specular){ + shader=shader+"specvalue += smoothstep(-specularSmoothStepValue,specularSmoothStepValue,dotN) * specC * lightcolor"+i+" * spec * pow(max(dot(reflect(normalize(lightvec), normal),normalize(viewvec)),0.0), 0.3 * sh);\n"; + } + } + } + + shader=shader+"lightvalue = (lightvalue)*ref;\n"; + + shader=shader+"vec3 fc=fogcolor.rgb;\n"; + shader=shader+"if(fogtype=="+GLGE.FOG_SKYLINEAR+" || fogtype=="+GLGE.FOG_SKYQUADRATIC+"){"; + shader=shader+"vec4 view=projection * vec4(-eyevec,1.0);\n"; + shader=shader+"vec2 fogCoords=view.xy/view.w*0.5+0.5;\n"; + shader=shader+"fc=texture2D(sky,fogCoords.xy).rgb;\n"; + shader=shader+"}\n"; + + shader=shader+"vec4 finalColor =vec4(specvalue.rgb+color.rgb*lightvalue.rgb+em.rgb,al)*fogfact+vec4(fc,al)*(1.0-fogfact);\n"; + if(shaderInjection && ~shaderInjection.indexOf("GLGE_FragColor")){ + shader=shader+"finalColor=GLGE_FragColor(finalColor);\n"; + } + if(this.fadeDistance>0){ + shader=shader+"finalColor.a=finalColor.a*(1.0-min(1.0,"+this.fadeDistance.toFixed(5)+"/length(eyevec)));\n"; + } + if(this.fadeDistance<0){ + shader=shader+"finalColor.a=finalColor.a*(min(1.0,"+(-this.fadeDistance).toFixed(5)+"/length(eyevec)));\n"; + } + shader=shader+"gl_FragColor = finalColor;"; + //shader=shader+"gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb,1.0);"; + if(GLGE.DEBUGNORMALS) shader=shader+"gl_FragColor = vec4(normal.rgb,1.0);"; + if(GLGE.DEBUGCOORD0) shader=shader+"gl_FragColor = vec4(textureCoords0.rg,0.0,1.0);"; + + + shader=shader+"}\n"; //end emit pass test +}else{ + shader=shader+"float shadowdepth = gl_FragCoord.z;\n"; + shader=shader+"if(shadowtype) shadowdepth=length(eyevec)/distance;\n"; + shader=shader+"vec4 rgba=fract(shadowdepth * vec4(16777216.0, 65536.0, 256.0, 1.0));\n"; + shader=shader+"gl_FragColor=rgba-rgba.rrgb*vec4(0.0,0.00390625,0.00390625,0.00390625);\n"; +} + + shader=shader+"}\n"; + + return shader; +}; +/** +* Set the uniforms needed to render this material +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Material.prototype.textureUniforms=function(gl,shaderProgram,lights,object){ + if(this.animation) this.animate(); + var pc=shaderProgram.caches; + + if(!pc.baseColor || pc.baseColor.r!=this.color.r || pc.baseColor.g!=this.color.g || pc.baseColor.b!=this.color.b || pc.baseColor.a!=this.color.a){ + if(!this.ccache || this.ccache.r!=this.color.r || this.ccache.g!=this.color.g || this.ccache.b!=this.color.b || this.ccache.a!=this.color.a){ + this.ccache=this.color; + this.glColor=new Float32Array([this.color.r,this.color.g,this.color.b,this.color.a]); + } + gl.uniform4fv(GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,shaderProgram, "baseColor"), this.glColor); + pc.baseColor=this.color; + } + if(pc.specColor!=this.specColor){ + if(this.sccache!=this.specColor){ + this.sccache=this.specColor; + this.glspecColor=new Float32Array([this.specColor.r,this.specColor.g,this.specColor.b]); + } + gl.uniform3fv(GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,shaderProgram, "specColor"), this.glspecColor); + pc.specColor=this.specColor; + } + if(pc.emit!=this.emit){ + gl.uniform3f(GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,shaderProgram, "emit"), this.emit.r,this.emit.g,this.emit.b); + pc.emit=this.emit; + } + if(pc.specular!=this.specular){ + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1f",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,shaderProgram, "specular"), this.specular); + pc.specular=this.specular; + } + if(pc.shine!=this.shine){ + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1f",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,shaderProgram, "shine"), this.shine); + pc.shine=this.shine; + } + if(pc.reflect!=this.reflect){ + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1f",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,shaderProgram, "reflective"), this.reflect); + pc.reflect=this.reflect; + } + if(pc.alpha!=this.alpha){ + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1f",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,shaderProgram, "alpha"), this.alpha); + pc.alpha=this.alpha; + } + if(pc.shadeless==undefined || pc.shadeless!=this.shadeless){ + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1i",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,shaderProgram, "shadeless"), this.shadeless); + pc.shadeless=this.shadeless; + } + + + + /* + if(this.ambient && pc.ambient!=this.ambient){ + gl.uniform3fv(GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,shaderProgram, "amb"), new Float32Array([this.ambient.r,this.ambient.g,this.ambient.b])); + pc.ambient=this.ambient; + } + */ + var cnt=1; + var num=0; + if(!pc["lightcolor"]){ + pc["lightcolor"]=[]; + pc["lightAttenuation"]=[]; + pc["spotCosCutOff"]=[]; + pc["spotExponent"]=[]; + pc["shadowbias"]=[]; + pc["castshadows"]=[]; + pc["shadowsamples"]=[]; + pc["shadowsoftness"]=[]; + } + if(lights){ + for(var i=0; i1){ + for(var i=1; icurrentSize && size0; +} + +})(GLGE);/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_texturecamera.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + + + + + + +/** +* @class A reflection texture will reflect in a plane for a specified transform +* @param {string} uid the unique id for this texture +* @see GLGE.Material +* @augments GLGE.QuickNotation +* @augments GLGE.JSONLoader +*/ +GLGE.TextureCamera=function(uid){ + GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); +} +GLGE.augment(GLGE.QuickNotation,GLGE.TextureCamera); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.JSONLoader,GLGE.TextureCamera); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Events,GLGE.TextureCamera); +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.className="Texture"; +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.texture=null; +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.glTexture=null; +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.object=null; +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.camera=null; +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.bufferHeight=0; +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.bufferWidth=0; +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.planeOffset=0; +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.mirrorAxis=GLGE.NONE; +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.clipAxis=GLGE.NONE; +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.autoUpdate=true; +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.rendered=false; + +/** +* Forces an update of the cube map texture +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.render=function(){ + this.rendered=false; + return this; +} + +/** +* set the auto update flag +* @param {number} buffer width +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.setAutoUpdate=function(auto){ + this.autoUpdate=auto; + return this; +} +/** +* gets the auto update flag +* @returns the width +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.getAutoUpdate=function(){ + return this.autoUpdate; +} + + +/** +* sets the RTT render clipping plane offset +* @param {number} buffer width +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.setPlaneOffset=function(planeoffset){ + this.planeOffset=planeoffset; + return this; +} +/** +* gets the RTT render clipping plane offset +* @returns the width +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.getPlaneOffset=function(){ + return this.planeOffset; +} + + +/** +* sets the RTT render buffer width +* @param {number} buffer width +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.setBufferWidth=function(width){ + this.bufferWidth=width; + this.update=true; + return this; +} +/** +* gets the RTT render buffer width +* @returns the width +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.getBufferWidth=function(){ + return this.bufferWidth; +} + +/** +* sets the RTT render buffer height +* @param {number} buffer height +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.setBufferHeight=function(height){ + this.bufferHeight=height; + this.update=true; + return this; +} +/** +* gets the RTT render buffer height +* @returns the height +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.getBufferHeight=function(){ + return this.bufferHeight; +} + +/** +* sets the RTT clip axis +* @param {number} the axis +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.setClipAxis=function(camera){ + this.clipAxis=camera; + return this; +} +/** +* gets the RTT clip axis +* @returns the axis +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.getClipAxis=function(){ + return this.clipAxis; +} + +/** +* sets the RTT mirror axis +* @param {number} the axis +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.setMirrorAxis=function(camera){ + this.mirrorAxis=camera; + return this; +} +/** +* gets the RTT mirror axis +* @returns the axis +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.getMirrorAxis=function(){ + return this.mirrorAxis; +} + +/** +* sets the RTT camera to use +* @param {GLGE.Camera} the source camera +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.setCamera=function(camera){ + this.camera=camera; + return this; +} +/** +* gets the RTT source camera +* @returns {GLGE.Camera} the source camera +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.getCamera=function(){ + return this.camera; +} + +/** +* does what is needed to get the texture +* @private +**/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.doTexture=function(gl,object){ + if(this.camera){ + if(this.autoRender || !this.rendered || true){ + this.rendered=true; + this.gl=gl; + var modelmatrix=object.getModelMatrix(); + var tpmat=this.camera.pMatrix; + var tbmat=this.camera.matrix; + this.camera.pMatrix=null; + this.camera.matrix=null; + var pmatrix=this.camera.getProjectionMatrix().slice(0); + var cameramatrix=this.camera.getViewMatrix().slice(0); + this.camera.pMatrix=tpmat; + this.camera.matrix=tbmat; + + var matrix; + + if(this.mirrorAxis){ + switch(this.mirrorAxis){ + case GLGE.XAXIS: + matrix=GLGE.mulMat4(GLGE.mulMat4(GLGE.mulMat4(cameramatrix,modelmatrix),GLGE.scaleMatrix(-1,1,1)),GLGE.inverseMat4(modelmatrix)); + break; + case GLGE.YAXIS: + matrix=GLGE.mulMat4(GLGE.mulMat4(GLGE.mulMat4(cameramatrix,modelmatrix),GLGE.scaleMatrix(1,-1,1)),GLGE.inverseMat4(modelmatrix)); + break; + case GLGE.ZAXIS: + matrix=GLGE.mulMat4(GLGE.mulMat4(GLGE.mulMat4(cameramatrix,modelmatrix),GLGE.scaleMatrix(1,1,-1)),GLGE.inverseMat4(modelmatrix)); + break; + } + }else{ + matrix=cameramatrix; + } + + if(this.clipAxis){ + var clipplane + switch(this.clipAxis){ + case GLGE.NEG_XAXIS: + var dirnorm=GLGE.toUnitVec3([-modelmatrix[0],-modelmatrix[4],-modelmatrix[8]]); + clipplane=[dirnorm[0],dirnorm[1],dirnorm[2],-GLGE.dotVec3([modelmatrix[3],modelmatrix[7],modelmatrix[11]],dirnorm)-this.planeOffset]; + break; + case GLGE.POS_XAXIS: + var dirnorm=GLGE.toUnitVec3([modelmatrix[0],modelmatrix[4],modelmatrix[8]]); + clipplane=[dirnorm[0],dirnorm[1],dirnorm[2],-GLGE.dotVec3([modelmatrix[3],modelmatrix[7],modelmatrix[11]],dirnorm)-this.planeOffset]; + break; + case GLGE.NEG_YAXIS: + var dirnorm=GLGE.toUnitVec3([-modelmatrix[1],-modelmatrix[5],-modelmatrix[9]]); + clipplane=[dirnorm[0],dirnorm[1],dirnorm[2],-GLGE.dotVec3([modelmatrix[3],modelmatrix[7],modelmatrix[11]],dirnorm)-this.planeOffset]; + break; + case GLGE.POS_YAXIS: + var dirnorm=GLGE.toUnitVec3([modelmatrix[1],modelmatrix[5],modelmatrix[9]]); + clipplane=[dirnorm[0],dirnorm[1],dirnorm[2],-GLGE.dotVec3([modelmatrix[3],modelmatrix[7],modelmatrix[11]],dirnorm)-this.planeOffset]; + break; + case GLGE.NEG_ZAXIS: + var dirnorm=GLGE.toUnitVec3([-modelmatrix[2],-modelmatrix[6],-modelmatrix[10]]); + clipplane=[dirnorm[0],dirnorm[1],dirnorm[2],-GLGE.dotVec3([modelmatrix[3],modelmatrix[7],modelmatrix[11]],dirnorm)-this.planeOffset]; + break; + case GLGE.POS_ZAXIS: + var dirnorm=GLGE.toUnitVec3([modelmatrix[2],modelmatrix[6],modelmatrix[10]]); + clipplane=[dirnorm[0],dirnorm[1],dirnorm[2],-GLGE.dotVec3([modelmatrix[3],modelmatrix[7],modelmatrix[11]],dirnorm)-this.planeOffset]; + break; + } + + + + var itmvp=GLGE.transposeMat4(GLGE.inverseMat4(GLGE.mulMat4(pmatrix,matrix))); + + clipplane=GLGE.mulMat4Vec4(itmvp,clipplane); + clipplane=GLGE.scaleVec4(clipplane,pmatrix[10]); + clipplane[3] -= 1; + if(clipplane[2]<0) GLGE.scaleVec4(clipplane,-1); + var suffix=[ 1,0,0,0, + 0,1,0,0, + clipplane[0],clipplane[1],clipplane[2],clipplane[3], + 0,0,0,1]; + pmatrix=GLGE.mulMat4(suffix,pmatrix); + + } + var height=(!this.bufferHeight ? gl.scene.renderer.canvas.height : this.bufferHeight); + var width=(!this.bufferWidth ? gl.scene.renderer.canvas.width : this.bufferWidth); + + //create the texture if it's not already created + if(!this.glTexture || this.update){ + this.createFrameBuffer(gl); + gl.scene.addRenderPass(this.frameBuffer,matrix, gl.scene.camera.getProjectionMatrix(),width,height,object, this.mirrorAxis ? true : false); + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.glTexture); + this.update=false; + return false; + }else{ + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.glTexture); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); + gl.scene.addRenderPass(this.frameBuffer,matrix, pmatrix,width,height,object, this.mirrorAxis ? true : false); + return true; + } + }else{ + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.glTexture); + } + }else{ + return false; + } +} +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.registerPasses=GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.doTexture; +/** +* Creates the frame buffer for our texture +* @private +*/ +GLGE.TextureCamera.prototype.createFrameBuffer=function(gl){ + var height=(!this.bufferHeight ? gl.scene.renderer.canvas.height : this.bufferHeight); + var width=(!this.bufferWidth ? gl.scene.renderer.canvas.width : this.bufferWidth); + + if(!this.frameBuffer) this.frameBuffer = gl.createFramebuffer(); + if(!this.renderBuffer) this.renderBuffer = gl.createRenderbuffer(); + if(!this.glTexture) this.glTexture=gl.createTexture(); + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.glTexture); + + var tex = new Uint8Array(width*height*4); + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, width,height, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, tex); + + gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this.frameBuffer); + + gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, this.renderBuffer); + //dpeth stencil doesn't seem to work in either webkit or mozilla so don't use for now - reflected particles will be messed up! + //gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_STENCIL,width, height); + //gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, this.renderBuffer); + gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16,width, height); + gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, this.renderBuffer); + + gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.glTexture, 0); + + gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, null); + gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null); + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null); +} + + + +})(GLGE);/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_texturecameracube.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + + + + + + +/** +* @class A reflection texture will reflect in a plane for a specified transform +* @param {string} uid the unique id for this texture +* @see GLGE.Material +* @augments GLGE.QuickNotation +* @augments GLGE.JSONLoader +*/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube=function(uid){ + GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); + this.cubeBuffers=[]; +} +GLGE.augment(GLGE.QuickNotation,GLGE.TextureCameraCube); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.JSONLoader,GLGE.TextureCameraCube); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Events,GLGE.TextureCameraCube); +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.className="TextureCube"; +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.texture=null; +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.glTexture=null; +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.object=null; +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.autoUpdate=false; +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.rendered=false; +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.bufferHeight=512; +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.bufferWidth=512; +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.offsetX=0; +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.offsetY=0; +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.offsetZ=0; + +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.cameraMatries=[ + [0,0,-1,0, + 0,1,0,0, + -1,0,0,0, + 0,0,0,1], + [0,0,1,0, + 0,1,0,0, + 1,0,0,0, + 0,0,0,1], + + [-1,0,0,0, + 0,0,1,0, + 0,-1,0,0, + 0,0,0,1], + [-1,0,0,0, + 0,0,-1,0, + 0,1,0,0, + 0,0,0,1], + + [1,0,0,0, + 0,1,0,0, + 0,0,-1,0, + 0,0,0,1], + [-1,0,0,0, + 0,1,0,0, + 0,0,1,0, + 0,0,0,1] +]; + +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.pMatrix=GLGE.makePerspective(90, 1, 0.0001, 1000); + +/** +* Forces an update of the cube map texture +**/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.render=function(){ + this.rendered=false; + return this; +} + + +/** +* set the X center offset +* @param {number} offset X offset for cube +**/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.setOffsetX=function(offset){ + this.offsetX=offset + return this; +} +/** +* Gets the X center offset +* @returns the X offset +**/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.getOffsetX=function(){ + return this.offsetX; +} + +/** +* set the Y center offset +* @param {number} offset Y offset for cube +**/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.setOffsetY=function(offset){ + this.offsetY=offset + return this; +} +/** +* Gets the Y center offset +* @returns the Y offset +**/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.getOffsetY=function(){ + return this.offsetY; +} + +/** +* set the Z center offset +* @param {number} offset Z offset for cube +**/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.setOffsetZ=function(offset){ + this.offsetZ=offset + return this; +} +/** +* Gets the X center offset +* @returns the X offset +**/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.getOffsetZ=function(){ + return this.offsetZ; +} + +/** +* set the auto update flag +* @param {number} buffer width +**/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.setAutoUpdate=function(auto){ + this.autoUpdate=auto + return this; +} +/** +* gets the auto update flag +* @returns the width +**/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.getAutoUpdate=function(){ + return this.autoUpdate; +} + +/** +* sets the RTT render buffer width +* @param {number} buffer width +**/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.setBufferWidth=function(width){ + this.bufferWidth=width; + this.update=true; + return this; +} +/** +* gets the RTT render buffer width +* @returns the width +**/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.getBufferWidth=function(){ + return this.bufferWidth; +} + +/** +* sets the RTT render buffer height +* @param {number} buffer height +**/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.setBufferHeight=function(height){ + this.bufferHeight=height; + this.update=true; + return this; +} +/** +* gets the RTT render buffer height +* @returns the height +**/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.getBufferHeight=function(){ + return this.bufferHeight; +} + + +/** +* registers the render passes +* @private +**/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.doTexture=function(gl,object){ + + this.gl=gl; + var objMatrix=object.getModelMatrix(); + + var height=this.bufferHeight; + var width=this.bufferWidth; + + if(!this.cubeBuffers.length || this.update){ + this.createFrameBuffers(gl); + this.update=false; + return false; + } + + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, this.glTexture); + if(!this.rendered || this.autoUpdate){ + for(var i=0;i<6;i++){ + var matrix=this.cameraMatries[i].slice(0); + var m=GLGE.mulMat4(matrix,objMatrix); + var v=GLGE.mulMat4Vec3(m,[this.offsetX,this.offsetY,this.offsetZ,1]); + matrix[3]=-v[0]; + matrix[7]=-v[1]; + matrix[11]=-v[2]; + gl.scene.addRenderPass(this.cubeBuffers[i],matrix, this.pMatrix,width,height,object,true); + } + this.rendered=true; + } + return true; + + +} +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.registerPasses=GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.doTexture; + +/** +* Creates the frame buffer and texture +* @private +*/ +GLGE.TextureCameraCube.prototype.createFrameBuffers=function(gl){ + var height=this.bufferHeight; + var width=this.bufferWidth; + + + var renderBuffer = gl.createRenderbuffer(); + this.glTexture=gl.createTexture(); + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, this.glTexture); + gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer); + gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16,width, height); + + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, 0, gl.RGBA, width,height, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null); + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, 0, gl.RGBA, width,height, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null); + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, 0, gl.RGBA, width,height, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null); + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, 0, gl.RGBA, width,height, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null); + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, 0, gl.RGBA, width,height, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null); + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z, 0, gl.RGBA, width,height, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null); + + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); + + var frameBuffer + frameBuffer = gl.createFramebuffer(); + gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer); + gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer); + gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, this.glTexture, 0); + this.cubeBuffers.push(frameBuffer); + + frameBuffer = gl.createFramebuffer(); + gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer); + gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer); + gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, this.glTexture, 0); + this.cubeBuffers.push(frameBuffer); + + frameBuffer = gl.createFramebuffer(); + gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer); + gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer); + gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, this.glTexture, 0); + this.cubeBuffers.push(frameBuffer); + + frameBuffer = gl.createFramebuffer(); + gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer); + gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer); + gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, this.glTexture, 0); + this.cubeBuffers.push(frameBuffer); + + frameBuffer = gl.createFramebuffer(); + gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer); + gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer); + gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z, this.glTexture, 0); + this.cubeBuffers.push(frameBuffer); + + frameBuffer = gl.createFramebuffer(); + gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer); + gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer); + gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, this.glTexture, 0); + this.cubeBuffers.push(frameBuffer); + + + + + + + + + gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, null); + gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null); + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null); +} + + + +})(GLGE);/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_texturecanvas.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + + + + +/** +* @class A canvase texture to be included in a material +* @param {string} uid the unique id for this texture +* @see GLGE.Material +* @augments GLGE.QuickNotation +* @augments GLGE.JSONLoader +*/ +GLGE.TextureCanvas=function(uid){ + this.canvas=document.createElement("canvas"); + //temp canvas to force chrome to update FIX ME when bug sorted! + this.t=document.createElement("canvas"); + this.t.width=1; + this.t.height=1; + GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); +} +GLGE.augment(GLGE.QuickNotation,GLGE.TextureCanvas); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.JSONLoader,GLGE.TextureCanvas); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Events,GLGE.TextureCanvas); +GLGE.TextureCanvas.prototype.className="TextureCanvas"; +GLGE.TextureCanvas.prototype.glTexture=null; +GLGE.TextureCanvas.prototype.autoUpdate=true; +/** +* Gets the auto update flag +* @return {boolean} The auto update flag +*/ +GLGE.TextureCanvas.prototype.getAutoUpdate=function(){ + return this.autoUpdate; +}; +/** +* Sets the auto update flag +* @param {boolean} value The auto update flag +*/ +GLGE.TextureCanvas.prototype.setAutoUpdate=function(value){ + this.autoUpdate=value; + return this; +}; +/** +* Gets the canvas used by the texture +* @return {canvas} The textures image url +*/ +GLGE.TextureCanvas.prototype.getCanvas=function(){ + return this.canvas; +}; +/** +* Sets the canvas used by the texture +* @param {canvas} canvas The canvas to use +*/ +GLGE.TextureCanvas.prototype.setCanvas=function(canvas){ + this.canvas=canvas; + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets the canvas height +* @param {number} value The canvas height +*/ +GLGE.TextureCanvas.prototype.setHeight=function(value){ + this.canvas.height=value; + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets the canvas width +* @param {number} value The canvas width +*/ +GLGE.TextureCanvas.prototype.setWidth=function(value){ + this.canvas.width=value; + return this; +}; + +/** +* gets the canvas height +* @returns {number} The canvas height +*/ +GLGE.TextureCanvas.prototype.getHeight=function(){ + return this.canvas.height; +}; +/** +* gets the canvas width +* @returns {number} The canvas width +*/ +GLGE.TextureCanvas.prototype.getWidth=function(){ + return this.canvas.width; +}; + +/** +* does the canvas texture GL stuff +* @private +**/ +GLGE.TextureCanvas.prototype.doTexture=function(gl){ + this.gl=gl; + //create the texture if it's not already created + if(!this.glTexture){ + this.glTexture=gl.createTexture(); + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.glTexture); + this.updateCanvas(gl); + }else{ + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.glTexture); + if(this.autoUpdate || this.doUpdate) this.updateCanvas(gl); + } + this.doUpdate=false; + + + return true; +} +/** +* Manually updates the canvas Texture +*/ +GLGE.TextureCanvas.prototype.update=function(){ + this.doUpdate=true; +} +/** +* Updates the canvas texture +* @private +*/ +GLGE.TextureCanvas.prototype.updateCanvas=function(gl){ + var canvas = this.canvas; + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.glTexture); + + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.t); //force chrome to update remove when chrome bug fixed + + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, canvas); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR); + gl.generateMipmap(gl.TEXTURE_2D); +} + + +})(GLGE);/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_texturecube.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + + + + +/** +* @class A texture to be included in a material +* @param {string} uid the unique id for this texture +* @see GLGE.Material +* @augments GLGE.QuickNotation +* @augments GLGE.JSONLoader +*/ +GLGE.TextureCube=function(uid){ + GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); +} +GLGE.augment(GLGE.QuickNotation,GLGE.TextureCube); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.JSONLoader,GLGE.TextureCube); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Events,GLGE.TextureCube); +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.className="TextureCube"; +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.posX=null; +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.negX=null; +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.posY=null; +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.negY=null; +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.posZ=null; +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.negZ=null; +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.texture=null; +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.glTexture=null; +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.loadState=0; +/** +* Sets the url for a given image +* @param {string} url the texture image url +* @param {string} image the image element to load +*/ +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.setSrc=function(url,image,mask){ + this.url=url; + this.state=0; + this[image]=new Image(); + var texture=this; + this[image].onload = function(){ + texture.loadState+=mask; + } + this[image].src=url; + if(this.glTexture && this.gl) { + this.gl.deleteTexture(this.glTexture); + this.glTexture=null; + } + return this; +} + +/** +* Sets the positive X cube image +* @param {string} url the texture image url +*/ +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.setSrcPosX=function(url){ + this.setSrc(url,"posX",1); + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets the negative X cube image +* @param {string} url the texture image url +*/ +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.setSrcNegX=function(url){ + this.setSrc(url,"negX",2); + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets the positive Y cube image +* @param {string} url the texture image url +*/ +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.setSrcPosY=function(url){ + this.setSrc(url,"posY",4); + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets the negative Y cube image +* @param {string} url the texture image url +*/ +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.setSrcNegY=function(url){ + if(typeof url!="string"){ + this.negY=url; + this.loadState+=8; + }else{ + this.setSrc(url,"negY",8); + } + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets the positive Z cube image +* @param {string} url the texture image url +*/ +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.setSrcPosZ=function(url){ + this.setSrc(url,"posZ",16); + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets the negative Z cube image +* @param {string} url the texture image url +*/ +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.setSrcNegZ=function(url){ + this.setSrc(url,"negZ",32); + return this; +}; + +/** +* Sets the textures image location +* @private +**/ +GLGE.TextureCube.prototype.doTexture=function(gl,object){ + this.gl=gl; + //create the texture if it's not already created + if(!this.glTexture) this.glTexture=gl.createTexture(); + //if the image is loaded then set in the texture data + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, this.glTexture); + if(this.loadState==63 && this.state==0){ + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.posX); + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.negX); + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.posY); + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.negY); + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.posZ); + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.negZ); + + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); + gl.generateMipmap(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP); + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null); + this.state=1; + } + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, this.glTexture); + if(this.state==1) return true; + else return false; +} + +})(GLGE);/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_texturevideo.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + + + + +/** +* @class A video texture to be included in a material +* @param {string} uid the unique id for this texture +* @see GLGE.Material +* @augments GLGE.QuickNotation +* @augments GLGE.JSONLoader +*/ +GLGE.TextureVideo=function(uid){ + this.video=document.createElement("video"); + this.video.style.display="none"; + this.video.setAttribute("loop","loop"); + this.video.autoplay=true; + //looping isn't working in firefox so quick fix! + this.video.addEventListener("ended", function() { this.play(); }, true); + //video needs to be part of page to work for some reason :-s + document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(this.video); + //used to get webkit working + this.canvas=document.createElement("canvas"); + this.ctx=this.canvas.getContext("2d"); + GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); + +} +GLGE.augment(GLGE.QuickNotation,GLGE.TextureVideo); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.JSONLoader,GLGE.TextureVideo); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Events,GLGE.TextureVideo); +GLGE.TextureVideo.prototype.className="TextureVideo"; +GLGE.TextureVideo.prototype.glTexture=null; +/** +* Gets the canvas used by the texture +* @return {video} The textures image url +*/ +GLGE.TextureVideo.prototype.getVideo=function(){ + return this.video; +}; +/** +* Sets the video used by the texture +* @param {video} canvas The canvas to use +*/ +GLGE.TextureVideo.prototype.setVideo=function(video){ + this.video=video; + return this; +}; + +/** +* Sets the source used for the video +* @param {string} src The URL of the video +*/ +GLGE.TextureVideo.prototype.setSrc=function(src){ + this.video.src=src; + return this; +}; +/** +* gets the source used for the video +* @returns {string} The URL of the video +*/ +GLGE.TextureVideo.prototype.getSrc=function(src){ + return this.video.src; +}; + +/** +* does the canvas texture GL stuff +* @private +**/ +GLGE.TextureVideo.prototype.doTexture=function(gl){ + this.gl=gl; + //create the texture if it's not already created + if(!this.glTexture){ + this.glTexture=gl.createTexture(); + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.glTexture); + this.updateTexture(gl); + }else{ + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.glTexture); + this.updateTexture(gl); + } + + + return true; +} +/** +* Updates the canvas texture +* @private +*/ +GLGE.TextureVideo.prototype.updateTexture=function(gl){ + var video = this.video; + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.glTexture); + //TODO: fix this when minefield is upto spec + if(video.readyState>0){ + if(video.height<=0){ + video.style.display=""; + video.height=video.offsetHeight; + video.width=video.offsetWidth; + video.style.display="none"; + } + this.canvas.height=video.height; + this.canvas.width=video.width; + this.ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0); + try{gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.canvas);} + catch(e){gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.canvas,null);} + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR); + gl.generateMipmap(gl.TEXTURE_2D); + + /* + use when video is working in webkit + try{gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, video);} + catch(e){gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, video,null);} + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR); + gl.generateMipmap(gl.TEXTURE_2D); + */ + } +} + +})(GLGE);/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_lod.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + +/** +* @name GLGE.ObjectLod#downloadComplete +* @event fires when all the assets for this LOD have finished loading +* @param {object} data +*/ + +/** +* @class Creates a new load for a multimaterial +* @augments GLGE.QuickNotation +* @augments GLGE.JSONLoader +* @augments GLGE.Events +*/ +GLGE.ObjectLod=function(uid){ + this.setMaterial(GLGE.DEFAULT_MATERIAL); + GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); +} +GLGE.augment(GLGE.QuickNotation,GLGE.ObjectLod); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.JSONLoader,GLGE.ObjectLod); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Events,GLGE.ObjectLod); +GLGE.ObjectLod.prototype.mesh=null; +GLGE.ObjectLod.prototype.className="ObjectLod"; +GLGE.ObjectLod.prototype.material=null; +GLGE.ObjectLod.prototype.program=null; +GLGE.ObjectLod.prototype.GLShaderProgramPick=null; +GLGE.ObjectLod.prototype.GLShaderProgramShadow=null; +GLGE.ObjectLod.prototype.GLShaderProgram=null; +GLGE.ObjectLod.prototype.pixelSize=0; + +/** +* sets the mesh +* @param {GLGE.Mesh} mesh +*/ +GLGE.ObjectLod.prototype.setMesh=function(mesh){ + if(typeof mesh=="string") mesh=GLGE.Assets.get(mesh); + + //remove event listener from current material + if(this.mesh){ + this.mesh.removeEventListener("shaderupdate",this.meshupdated); + this.mesh.removeEventListener("boundupdate",this.boundupdated); + } + var multiMaterial=this; + this.meshupdated=function(event){ + multiMaterial.GLShaderProgram=null; + }; + + this.boundupdated=function(event){ + multiMaterial.fireEvent("boundupdate",{}); + }; + //set event listener for new material + mesh.addEventListener("shaderupdate",this.meshupdated); + mesh.addEventListener("boundupdate",this.boundupdated); + + this.GLShaderProgram=null; + this.mesh=mesh; + return this; +} + +/** +* Checks if resources have finished downloading +* @returns {boolean} +*/ +GLGE.ObjectLod.prototype.isComplete=function(){ + return this.material.isComplete(); +} +/** +* gets the mesh +* @returns {GLGE.Mesh} +*/ +GLGE.ObjectLod.prototype.getMesh=function(){ + return this.mesh; +} +/** +* sets the material +* @param {GLGE.Material} material +*/ +GLGE.ObjectLod.prototype.setMaterial=function(material){ + if(typeof material=="string") material=GLGE.Assets.get(material); + + //remove event listener from current material + if(this.material){ + this.material.removeEventListener("shaderupdate",this.materialupdated); + this.material.removeEventListener("downloadComplete",this.downloadComplete); + } + var ObjectLOD=this; + this.materialupdated=function(event){ + ObjectLOD.GLShaderProgram=null; + }; + //set event listener for new material + material.addEventListener("shaderupdate",this.materialupdated); + + this.downloadComplete=function(){ + ObjectLOD.fireEvent("downloadComplete"); + }; + material.addEventListener("downloadComplete",this.downloadComplete); + + + this.GLShaderProgram=null; + this.material=material; + return this; +} +/** +* gets the material +* @returns {GLGE.Material} +*/ +GLGE.ObjectLod.prototype.getMaterial=function(){ + return this.material; +} + +/** +* gets the pixelsize limit for this lod +* @returns {number} +*/ +GLGE.ObjectLod.prototype.getPixelSize=function(){ + return this.pixelSize; +} +/** +* sets the pixelsize limit for this lod +* @returns {number} +*/ +GLGE.ObjectLod.prototype.setPixelSize=function(value){ + this.pixelSize=parseFloat(value); +} + +})(GLGE);/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_object.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + +/** +* @name GLGE.Object#downloadComplete +* @event fires when all the assets for this class have finished loading +* @param {object} data +*/ + +/** +* @name GLGE.Object#willRender +* @event fires when all the assets will be rendered +* @param {object} data +*/ + +/** +* @name GLGE.Object#willRender +* @event fires when all the assets will culled +* @param {object} data +*/ + +/** +* @class An object that can be rendered in a scene +* @augments GLGE.Animatable +* @augments GLGE.Placeable +* @augments GLGE.QuickNotation +* @augments GLGE.JSONLoader +*/ +GLGE.Object=function(uid){ + this.multimaterials=[]; + this.renderCaches=[]; + var that=this; + this.downloadComplete=function(){ + if(that.isComplete()) that.fireEvent("downloadComplete"); + } + GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); +} +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Placeable,GLGE.Object); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Animatable,GLGE.Object); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.QuickNotation,GLGE.Object); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.JSONLoader,GLGE.Object); +GLGE.Object.prototype.className="Object"; +GLGE.Object.prototype.mesh=null; +GLGE.Object.prototype.skeleton=null; +GLGE.Object.prototype.scene=null; +GLGE.Object.prototype.transformMatrix=GLGE.identMatrix(); +GLGE.Object.prototype.material=null; +GLGE.Object.prototype.gl=null; +GLGE.Object.prototype.multimaterials=null; +GLGE.Object.prototype.zTrans=false; +GLGE.Object.prototype.renderCaches=null; +GLGE.Object.prototype.id=""; +GLGE.Object.prototype.pickable=true; +GLGE.Object.prototype.drawType=GLGE.DRAW_TRIS; +GLGE.Object.prototype.pointSize=1; +GLGE.Object.prototype.lineWidth=1; +GLGE.Object.prototype.cull=true; +GLGE.Object.prototype.culled=true; +GLGE.Object.prototype.visible=true; +GLGE.Object.prototype.depthTest=true; +GLGE.Object.prototype.meshFrame1=0; +GLGE.Object.prototype.meshFrame2=0; +GLGE.Object.prototype.meshBlendFactor=0; +GLGE.Object.prototype.noCastShadows=null; +GLGE.Object.prototype.noDepthMask=false; +GLGE.Object.prototype.shadowAlpha=true; +GLGE.Object.prototype.blending=[ "SRC_ALPHA","ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA"]; + + +//shadow fragment +var shfragStr=[]; +shfragStr.push("#ifdef GL_ES\nprecision highp float;\n#endif\n"); +shfragStr.push("uniform float distance;\n"); +shfragStr.push("uniform bool shadowtype;\n"); +shfragStr.push("varying vec3 eyevec;\n"); +shfragStr.push("void main(void)\n "); +shfragStr.push("{\n"); +shfragStr.push("float depth = gl_FragCoord.z;\n"); +shfragStr.push("if(shadowtype) depth=length(eyevec)/distance;\n"); +shfragStr.push("vec4 rgba=fract(depth * vec4(16777216.0, 65536.0, 256.0, 1.0));\n"); +shfragStr.push("gl_FragColor=rgba-rgba.rrgb*vec4(0.0,0.00390625,0.00390625,0.00390625);\n"); +shfragStr.push("}\n"); +GLGE.Object.prototype.shfragStr=shfragStr.join(""); + +//normal fragment +var nfragStr=[]; +nfragStr.push("#ifdef GL_ES\nprecision highp float;\n#endif\n"); +nfragStr.push("varying vec3 n;\n"); +nfragStr.push("void main(void)\n"); +nfragStr.push("{\n"); +nfragStr.push("float depth = gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w;\n"); +nfragStr.push("gl_FragColor=vec4(normalize(n)/2.0+0.5,depth/1000.0);\n"); +nfragStr.push("}\n"); +GLGE.Object.prototype.nfragStr=nfragStr.join(""); + + +//picking fragment +var pkfragStr=[]; +pkfragStr.push("#ifdef GL_ES\nprecision highp float;\n#endif\n"); +pkfragStr.push("uniform float far;\n"); +pkfragStr.push("uniform vec3 pickcolor;\n"); +pkfragStr.push("varying vec3 n;\n"); +pkfragStr.push("varying vec4 UVCoord;\n"); +pkfragStr.push("void main(void)\n"); +pkfragStr.push("{\n"); +pkfragStr.push("float Xcoord = gl_FragCoord.x+0.5;\n"); +pkfragStr.push("if(Xcoord>0.0) gl_FragColor = vec4(pickcolor,1.0);\n"); +pkfragStr.push("if(Xcoord>1.0) gl_FragColor = vec4(n,1.0);\n"); +pkfragStr.push("if(Xcoord>2.0){"); +pkfragStr.push("vec3 rgb=fract((gl_FragCoord.z/gl_FragCoord.w) * vec3(65536.0, 256.0, 1.0));\n"); +pkfragStr.push("gl_FragColor=vec4(rgb-rgb.rrg*vec3(0.0,0.00390625,0.00390625),1.0);\n"); +pkfragStr.push("}"); +//x tex coord +pkfragStr.push("if(Xcoord>3.0){"); +pkfragStr.push("vec3 rgb=fract(UVCoord.x * vec3(65536.0, 256.0, 1.0));\n"); +pkfragStr.push("gl_FragColor=vec4(rgb-rgb.rrg*vec3(0.0,0.00390625,0.00390625),1.0);\n"); +pkfragStr.push("}"); +//y tex coord +pkfragStr.push("if(Xcoord>4.0){"); +pkfragStr.push("vec3 rgb=fract(UVCoord.y * vec3(65536.0, 256.0, 1.0));\n"); +pkfragStr.push("gl_FragColor=vec4(rgb-rgb.rrg*vec3(0.0,0.00390625,0.00390625),1.0);\n"); +pkfragStr.push("}"); +pkfragStr.push("}\n"); +GLGE.Object.prototype.pkfragStr=pkfragStr.join(""); + + +GLGE.Object.prototype.noDepthMask + +/** +* Sets the depth mask for the object default is true +* @param {boolean} mask flag to depth masking +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.setDepthMask=function(mask){ + this.noDepthMask=!mask; + return this; +} + +/** +* Gets the objects depth mask flag +* @returns flag to indicate the depth mask +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.getDepthMask=function(){ + return !this.noDepthMask; +} + +/** +* Sets the object visibility +* @param {boolean} visable flag to indicate the objects visibility +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.setVisible=function(visible){ + this.visible=visible; + return this; +} + +/** +* Gets the object visibility +* @returns flag to indicate the objects visibility +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.getVisible=function(){ + return this.visible; +} + +/** +* Sets the object blending mode +* @param {array} gl blending funcs as strings, eg. [ "ONE", "ONE"] +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.setBlending=function(blending){ + this.blending=blending; + return this; +} + +/** +* Gets the object blending mode +* @returns gl blending funcs +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.getBlending=function(){ + return this.blending; +} + +/** +* Sets the first mesh frame to use when using an animated mesh +* @param {boolean} frame the inital frame +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.setMeshFrame1=function(frame){ + this.meshFrame1=frame; + return this; +} +/** +* Sets the second mesh frame to use when using an animated mesh +* @param {boolean} frame the final frame +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.setMeshFrame2=function(frame){ + this.meshFrame2=frame; + return this; +} +/** +* blending between frames +* @param {boolean} frame value 0-1 morth between frame1 and frame2 +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.setMeshBlendFactor=function(factor){ + this.meshBlendFactor=factor; + return this; +} +/** +* Gets blending between frames +* @returns blender factor +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.getMeshBlendFactor=function(){ + return this.meshBlendFactor; +} + +/** +* Gets the pickable flag for the object +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.getPickable=function(){ + return this.pickable; +} +/** +* Sets the pickable flag for the object +* @param {boolean} value the culling flag +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.setPickable=function(pickable){ + this.pickable=pickable; + return this; +} + + +/** +* Gets the depth test flag for the object +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.getDepthTest=function(){ + return this.depthTest; +} +/** +* Sets the depth test flag for the object +* @param {boolean} value the culling flag +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.setDepthTest=function(test){ + this.depthTest=test; + return this; +} + + +/** +* Gets the culling flag for the object +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.getCull=function(){ + return this.cull; +} +/** +* Sets the culling flag for the object +* @param {boolean} value the culling flag +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.setCull=function(cull){ + this.cull=cull; + return this; +} + +/** +* Gets the objects draw type +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.getDrawType=function(){ + return this.drawType; +} +/** +* Sets the objects draw type +* @param {GLGE.number} value the draw type of this object +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.setDrawType=function(value){ + this.drawType=value; + return this; +} + +/** +* Gets the objects draw point size +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.getPointSize=function(){ + return this.pointSize; +} +/** +* Sets the objects draw points size +* @param {GLGE.number} value the point size to render +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.setPointSize=function(value){ + this.pointSize=parseFloat(value); + return this; +} + +/** +* Gets the objects line width +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.getLineWidth=function(){ + return this.lineWidth; +} +/** +* Sets the objects line width +* @param {GLGE.number} value the line width +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.setLineWidth=function(value){ + this.lineWidth=parseFloat(value); + return this; +} + +/** +* Sets a custom usinform on this object +* @param {string} type the uniform type eg 1i, 3fv, Matrix4fv, etc +* @param {string} name the uniform name +* @param {array} value the value of the uniform +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.setUniform=function(type,name,value){ + if(!this.uniforms) this.uniforms={}; + this.uniforms[name]={type:type,value:value}; +} +/** +* Gets the value of a custom uniform +* @param {string} name the name of the uniform to return +* @returns {number} the value of the uniform +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.getUniform=function(name){ + if(!this.uniforms) this.uniforms={}; + return this.uniforms[name].value +} +/** +* Gets the type of a custom uniform +* @param {string} name the name of the uniform to return +* @returns {number} the type of the uniform +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.getUniformType=function(name){ + if(!this.uniforms) this.uniforms={}; + return this.uniforms[name].type; +} + +/** +* Sets the code to inject into the vertex shader +* @param {string} shader the glsl code to inject into the vertex shader of this object GLGE will call the function GLGE_Position(vec4 position) to modify the position +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.setVertexShaderInjection=function(shader){ + this.shaderVertexInjection=shader; + this.updateProgram(); + return this; +} + +/** +* Gets the glsl code injected into the vertex shader of this object +* @returns {string} shader the glsl code injected into the vertex shader of this object +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.getVertexShaderInjection=function(shader){ + return this.shaderVertexInjection; +} + + +/** +* Gets the objects skeleton +* @returns GLGE.Group +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.getSkeleton=function(){ + return this.skeleton; +} +/** +* Sets the objects skeleton +* @param {GLGE.Group} value the skeleton group to set +*/ +GLGE.Object.prototype.setSkeleton=function(value){ + this.skeleton=value; + this.bones=null; + return this; +} + +GLGE.Object.prototype.getBoundingVolume=function(local){ + if(!local) local=0; + if(!this.boundingVolume) this.boundingVolume=[]; + if(!this.boundmatrix) this.boundmatrix=[]; + var matrix=this.getModelMatrix(); + if(matrix!=this.boundmatrix[local] || !this.boundingVolume[local]){ + var multimaterials=this.multimaterials; + var boundingVolume; + for(var i=0;i1){ + vertexStr.push("attribute vec"+this.mesh.buffers[i].size+" "+this.mesh.buffers[i].name+";\n"); + }else{ + vertexStr.push("attribute float "+this.mesh.buffers[i].name+";\n"); + } + if(this.mesh.buffers[i].name=="UV") UV=true; + if(this.mesh.buffers[i].name=="color") colors=true; + if(this.mesh.buffers[i].name=="joints1") joints1=this.mesh.buffers[i]; + if(this.mesh.buffers[i].name=="joints2") joints2=this.mesh.buffers[i]; + } + if(this.mesh.framePositions.length>1){ + var morph=true; + vertexStr.push("attribute vec3 position2;\n"); + vertexStr.push("attribute vec3 normal2;\n"); + vertexStr.push("uniform float framesBlend;\n"); + if(tangent) vertexStr.push("attribute vec3 tangent2;\n"); + } + if(tangent) vertexStr.push("attribute vec3 tangent;\n"); + vertexStr.push("uniform mat4 worldView;\n"); + vertexStr.push("uniform mat4 projection;\n"); + vertexStr.push("uniform mat4 worldInverseTranspose;\n"); + vertexStr.push("uniform mat4 envMat;\n"); + //vertexStr.push("uniform vec3 cameraPos;\n"); + vertexStr.push("uniform float cascadeLevel;\n"); + + for(var i=0; i0){ + vertexStr.push("uniform vec4 jointMat["+(3*this.mesh.joints.length)+"];\n"); + } + + if(this.material) vertexStr.push(this.material.getVertexVarying(vertexStr)); + + vertexStr.push("varying vec3 n;\n"); + vertexStr.push("varying vec3 t;\n"); + if(colors) vertexStr.push("varying vec4 vcolor;\n"); + vertexStr.push("varying vec4 UVCoord;\n"); + vertexStr.push("varying vec3 OBJCoord;\n"); + + if(this.shaderVertexInjection){ + vertexStr.push(this.shaderVertexInjection); + } + + vertexStr.push("void main(void)\n"); + vertexStr.push("{\n"); + if(colors) vertexStr.push("vcolor=color;\n"); + if(UV) vertexStr.push("UVCoord=UV;\n"); + else vertexStr.push("UVCoord=vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);\n"); + vertexStr.push("OBJCoord = position;\n"); + vertexStr.push("vec3 tang;\n"); + vertexStr.push("vec4 pos = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"); + vertexStr.push("vec4 norm = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"); + if(tangent) vertexStr.push("vec4 tang4 = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"); + + if(joints1){ + if(joints1.size==1){ + vertexStr.push("pos += vec4(dot(jointMat[int(3.0*joints1)],vec4(position,1.0)),\n"+ + " dot(jointMat[int(3.0*joints1+1.0)],vec4(position,1.0)),\n"+ + " dot(jointMat[int(3.0*joints1+2.0)],vec4(position,1.0)),1.0)*weights1;\n"); + vertexStr.push("norm += vec4(dot(jointMat[int(3.0*joints1)].xyz,normal),\n"+ + " dot(jointMat[int(3.0*joints1+1.0)].xyz,normal),\n"+ + " dot(jointMat[int(3.0*joints1+2.0)].xyz,normal),1.0)*weights1;\n"); + if (tangent) + vertexStr.push("tang4 += vec4(dot(jointMat[int(3.0*joints1)].xyz,tangent),\n"+ + " dot(jointMat[int(3.0*joints1+1.0)].xyz,tangent),\n"+ + " dot(jointMat[int(3.0*joints1+2.0)].xyz,tangent),1.0)*weights1;\n"); + }else{ + for(var i=0;i-1){ + vertexStr.push("pos=GLGE_Position(vec4(pos.xyz, 1.0));\n"); + } + vertexStr.push("pos = worldView * vec4(pos.xyz, 1.0);\n"); + vertexStr.push("norm = worldInverseTranspose * vec4(norm.xyz, 1.0);\n"); + if(tangent) vertexStr.push("tang = (worldInverseTranspose*vec4(tang4.xyz,1.0)).xyz;\n"); + }else{ + if(morph){ + vertexStr.push("vec4 pos4=vec4(mix(position,position2,framesBlend),1.0);\n"); + }else{ + vertexStr.push("vec4 pos4=vec4(position,1.0);\n"); + } + + + if(this.shaderVertexInjection && this.shaderVertexInjection.indexOf("GLGE_Position")>-1){ + vertexStr.push("pos4=GLGE_Position(pos4);\n"); + } + + //vertexStr.push("pos4.xyz = (pos4.xyz-cameraPos.xyz)/(pow(length(pos4.xyz-cameraPos.xyz),0.5))+cameraPos.xyz;\n"); + for(var i=0; i> 16 & 0xFF; + var g = pickindex >> 8 & 0xFF; + var r = pickindex & 0xFF; + GLGE.setUniform3(gl,"3f",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,program, "pickcolor"), r/255,g/255,b/255); + break; + } + //set the line width + gl.lineWidth(this.lineWidth); + + //set custom uinforms + for(var key in this.uniforms){ + var uniform=this.uniforms[key]; + if(uniform.type=="Matrix4fv"){ + GLGE.setUniformMatrix(gl,"Matrix4fv",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,program, key),false,uniform.value); + }else{ + GLGE.setUniform(gl,uniform.type,GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,program, key),uniform.value); + } + } + + if(!program.caches) program.caches={}; + if(!program.glarrays) program.glarrays={}; + var pc=program.caches; + var pgl=program.glarrays; + var scene=gl.scene; + var camera=scene.camera; + + if(pc.far!=camera.far){ + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1i",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,program, "far"), camera.far); + pc.far=camera.far; + } + if(renderType==GLGE.RENDER_DEFAULT || renderType==GLGE.RENDER_EMIT){ + if(pc.ambientColor!=scene.ambientColor){ + var ambientColor=scene.ambientColor; + GLGE.setUniform3(gl,"3f",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,program, "amb"), ambientColor.r,ambientColor.g,ambientColor.b); + pc.ambientColor=ambientColor; + } + if(pc.fogFar!=scene.fogFar){ + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1f",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,program, "fogfar"), scene.fogFar); + pc.fogFar=scene.fogFar; + } + if(pc.fogNear!=scene.fogNear){ + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1f",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,program, "fognear"), scene.fogNear); + pc.fogNear=scene.fogNear; + } + if(pc.fogType!=scene.fogType){ + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1i",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,program, "fogtype"), scene.fogType); + pc.fogType=scene.fogType; + } + if(pc.fogType!=scene.fogcolor){ + GLGE.setUniform3(gl,"3f",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,program, "fogcolor"), scene.fogColor.r,scene.fogColor.g,scene.fogColor.b); + pc.fogcolor=scene.fogcolor; + } + } + if(pc.meshBlendFactor!=this.meshBlendFactor){ + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1f",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,program, "framesBlend"), this.meshBlendFactor); + pc.meshBlendFactor=this.meshBlendFactor; + } + + + + var cameraMatrix=camera.getViewMatrix(); + var objMatrix=modelMatrix=this.getModelMatrix(); + + if(!pc.mvMatrix) pc.mvMatrix={cameraMatrix:null,modelMatrix:null}; + var mvCache=pc.mvMatrix; + + if(mvCache.cameraMatrix!=cameraMatrix || mvCache.modelMatrix!=modelMatrix){ + //generate and set the modelView matrix + if(!this.caches.mvMatrix) this.caches.mvMatrix=GLGE.mulMat4(cameraMatrix,modelMatrix); + mvMatrix=this.caches.mvMatrix; + + if(this.mesh.joints){ + mvMatrix=cameraMatrix; + } + + + + var mvUniform = GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,program, "worldView"); + var M1=GLGE.transposeMat4(mvMatrix); + if(!pgl.mvMatrix){ + pgl.mvMatrixT=new Float32Array(M1); + }else{ + GLGE.mat4gl(M1,pgl.mvMatrixT); + } + //GLGE.reuseMatrix4(M1); + pgl.mvMatrix=mvMatrix; + GLGE.setUniformMatrix(gl,"Matrix4fv",mvUniform, false, program.glarrays.mvMatrixT); + + //invCamera matrix + var icUniform = GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,program, "envMat"); + if(icUniform){ + if(!this.caches.envMat){ + var envMat = GLGE.inverseMat4(cameraMatrix); + envMat[3]=0; + envMat[7]=0; + envMat[11]=0; + this.caches.envMat = envMat; + } + envMat=this.caches.envMat; + M1=GLGE.transposeMat4(envMat); + if(!program.glarrays.envMat){ + pgl.envMatT=new Float32Array(M1); + }else{ + GLGE.mat4gl(M1,pgl.envMatT); + } + pgl.envMat=envMat; + + GLGE.setUniformMatrix(gl,"Matrix4fv",icUniform, false, pgl.envMatT); + } + //normalising matrix + if(!this.caches.normalMatrix){ + var normalMatrix = GLGE.inverseMat4(mvMatrix); + this.caches.normalMatrix = normalMatrix; + } + normalMatrix=this.caches.normalMatrix; + var nUniform = GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,program, "worldInverseTranspose"); + + if(!pgl.normalMatrix) pgl.normalMatrix=new Float32Array(normalMatrix); + else GLGE.mat4gl(normalMatrix,pgl.normalMatrix); + GLGE.setUniformMatrix(gl,"Matrix4fv",nUniform, false, pgl.normalMatrix); + + var cUniform = GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,program, "view"); + M1=GLGE.transposeMat4(cameraMatrix); + if(!pgl.cameraMatrix){ + pgl.cameraMatrixT=new Float32Array(M1); + }else{ + GLGE.mat4gl(M1,pgl.cameraMatrixT); + } + //GLGE.reuseMatrix4(M1); + pgl.cameraMatrix=cameraMatrix; + + GLGE.setUniformMatrix(gl,"Matrix4fv",cUniform, false, pgl.cameraMatrixT); + + mvCache.cameraMatrix=cameraMatrix; + mvCache.modelMatrix=modelMatrix; + } + + + var pUniform = GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,program, "projection"); + M1=GLGE.transposeMat4(camera.getProjectionMatrix()); + if(!pgl.pMatrix){ + pgl.pMatrixT=new Float32Array(M1); + }else{ + GLGE.mat4gl(M1,pgl.pMatrixT); + } + //GLGE.reuseMatrix4(M1); + pgl.pMatrix=camera.getProjectionMatrix(); + + GLGE.setUniformMatrix(gl,"Matrix4fv",pUniform, false, pgl.pMatrixT); + + + + + //light + //dont' need lighting for picking + if(renderType==GLGE.RENDER_DEFAULT || renderType==GLGE.RENDER_SHADOW || renderType==GLGE.RENDER_DEPTH || renderType==GLGE.RENDER_EMIT){ + var pos,lpos; + var lights=gl.lights + if(!pc.lights) pc.lights=[]; + if(!pgl.lights) pgl.lights=[]; + if(!this.caches.lights) this.caches.lights=[]; + var lightCache=pc.lights; + for(var i=0; i1 && !pixelsize){ + var camerapos=gl.scene.camera.getPosition(); + var modelpos=this.getPosition(); + var dist=GLGE.lengthVec3([camerapos.x-modelpos.x,camerapos.y-modelpos.y,camerapos.z-modelpos.z]); + dist=GLGE.mulMat4Vec4(gl.scene.camera.getProjectionMatrix(),[this.getBoundingVolume().getSphereRadius(),0,-dist,1]); + pixelsize=dist[0]/dist[3]*gl.scene.renderer.canvas.width; + } + + var lod=this.multimaterials[i].getLOD(pixelsize); + + if(lod.mesh && lod.mesh.loaded){ + if(renderType==GLGE.RENDER_NULL){ + if(lod.material) lod.material.registerPasses(gl,this); + break; + } + if(!lod.GLShaderProgram){ + this.createShaders(lod); + }else{ + this.GLShaderProgramPick=lod.GLShaderProgramPick; + this.GLShaderProgramShadow=lod.GLShaderProgramShadow; + this.GLShaderProgram=lod.GLShaderProgram; + } + this.mesh=lod.mesh; + this.material=lod.material; + + var drawType; + switch(this.drawType){ + case GLGE.DRAW_LINES: + drawType=gl.LINES; + break; + case GLGE.DRAW_POINTS: + drawType=gl.POINTS; + break; + case GLGE.DRAW_LINELOOPS: + drawType=gl.LINE_LOOP; + break; + case GLGE.DRAW_LINESTRIPS: + drawType=gl.LINE_STRIP; + break; + case GLGE.DRAW_TRIANGLESTRIP: + drawType=gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP; + break; + default: + drawType=gl.TRIANGLES; + break; + } + + switch(renderType){ + case GLGE.RENDER_DEFAULT: + case GLGE.RENDER_EMIT: + if(gl.program!=this.GLShaderProgram){ + gl.useProgram(this.GLShaderProgram); + gl.program=this.GLShaderProgram; + } + this.mesh.GLAttributes(gl,this.GLShaderProgram,this.meshFrame1,this.meshFrame2); + break; + case GLGE.RENDER_SHADOW: + case GLGE.RENDER_DEPTH: + if(gl.program!=this.GLShaderProgramShadow){ + gl.useProgram(this.GLShaderProgramShadow,this.meshFrame1,this.meshFrame2); + gl.program=this.GLShaderProgramShadow; + } + if(!distance) distance=gl.scene.camera.getFar(); + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1f",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,this.GLShaderProgramShadow, "distance"), distance); + this.mesh.GLAttributes(gl,this.GLShaderProgramShadow,this.meshFrame1,this.meshFrame2); + break; + case GLGE.RENDER_NORMAL: + if(gl.program!=this.GLShaderProgramNormal){ + gl.useProgram(this.GLShaderProgramNormal); + gl.program=this.GLShaderProgramNormal; + } + this.mesh.GLAttributes(gl,this.GLShaderProgramNormal,this.meshFrame1,this.meshFrame2); + break; + case GLGE.RENDER_PICK: + if(gl.program!=this.GLShaderProgramPick){ + gl.useProgram(this.GLShaderProgramPick); + gl.program=this.GLShaderProgramPick; + } + this.mesh.GLAttributes(gl,this.GLShaderProgramPick,this.meshFrame1,this.meshFrame2); + drawType=gl.TRIANGLES; + break; + } + //render the object + this.GLUniforms(gl,renderType,pickindex); + switch (this.mesh.windingOrder) { + case GLGE.Mesh.WINDING_ORDER_UNKNOWN: + if (gl.scene.renderer.cullFaces){ + gl.cullFace(gl.scene.mirror ? gl.FRONT : gl.BACK); + gl.enable(gl.CULL_FACE); + }else{ + gl.disable(gl.CULL_FACE); + } + break; + case GLGE.Mesh.WINDING_ORDER_CLOCKWISE: + gl.cullFace(gl.scene.mirror ? gl.FRONT : gl.BACK); + gl.enable(gl.CULL_FACE); + break; + case GLGE.Mesh.WINDING_ORDER_COUNTER: + gl.cullFace(gl.scene.mirror ? gl.BACK : gl.FRONT); + gl.enable(gl.CULL_FACE); + default: + break; + } + if(renderType==GLGE.RENDER_PICK) gl.disable(gl.CULL_FACE); + if(this.noDepthMask) gl.depthMask(false); + if(this.mesh.GLfaces){ + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.mesh.GLfaces); + gl.drawElements(drawType, this.mesh.GLfaces.numItems, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); + }else{ + gl.drawArrays(drawType, 0, this.mesh.positions.length/3); + } + gl.depthMask(true); + + switch (this.mesh.windingOrder) { + case GLGE.Mesh.WINDING_ORDER_UNKNOWN: + if (gl.scene.renderer.cullFaces) + gl.enable(gl.CULL_FACE); + break; + case GLGE.Mesh.WINDING_ORDER_COUNTER: + gl.cullFace(gl.BACK); + default: + break; + } + var matrix=this.matrix; + var caches=this.caches; + + + this.matrix=matrix; + this.caches=caches; + } + } +} + +})(GLGE); +/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_text.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + + + + + +/** +* @class Text that can be rendered in a scene +* @augments GLGE.Animatable +* @augments GLGE.Placeable +* @augments GLGE.QuickNotation +* @augments GLGE.JSONLoader +*/ +GLGE.Text=function(uid){ + this.canvas=document.createElement("canvas"); + this.scaleCanvas=document.createElement("canvas"); + this.color={r:1.0,g:1.0,b:1.0}; + GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); +} +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Placeable,GLGE.Text); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Animatable,GLGE.Text); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.QuickNotation,GLGE.Text); +GLGE.augment(GLGE.JSONLoader,GLGE.Text); +GLGE.Text.prototype.className="Text"; +GLGE.Text.prototype.zTrans=true; +GLGE.Text.prototype.canvas=null; +GLGE.Text.prototype.aspect=1.0; +GLGE.Text.prototype.color=null; +GLGE.Text.prototype.text=""; +GLGE.Text.prototype.font="Times"; +GLGE.Text.prototype.size=100; +GLGE.Text.prototype.pickType=GLGE.TEXT_TEXTPICK; +GLGE.Text.prototype.pickable=true; +GLGE.Text.prototype.alpha=1; +GLGE.Text.prototype.dirty=true; + +/** +* Gets the pick type for this text +* @returns {string} the pick type +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.getPickType=function(){ + return this.pickType; +}; +/** +* Sets the pick type GLGE.TEXT_BOXPICK for picking based on bound box or GLGE.TEXT_TEXTPICK for pixel perfect text picking +* @param {Number} value the picking type +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.setPickType=function(value){ + this.pickType=value; + return this; +}; +/** +* Gets the font of the text +* @returns {string} the font of the text +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.getFont=function(){ + return this.size; +}; +/** +* Sets the font of the text +* @param {Number} value the font of the text +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.setFont=function(value){ + this.font=value; + this.dirty=true; + return this; +}; +/** +* Gets the size of the text +* @returns {string} the size of the text +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.getSize=function(){ + return this.size; +}; +/** +* Sets the size of the text +* @param {Number} value the size of the text +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.setSize=function(value){ + this.size=value; + this.dirty=true; + return this; +}; +/** +* Gets the rendered text +* @returns {string} the text rendered +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.getText=function(){ + return this.text; +}; +/** +* Sets the text to be rendered +* @param {Number} value the text to render +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.setText=function(value){ + this.text=value; + this.dirty=true; + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets the base colour of the text +* @param {string} color The colour of the material +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.setColor=function(color){ + color=GLGE.colorParse(color); + this.color={r:color.r,g:color.g,b:color.b}; + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets the red base colour of the text +* @param {Number} r The new red level 0-1 +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.setColorR=function(value){ + this.color.r=value; + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets the green base colour of the text +* @param {Number} g The new green level 0-1 +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.setColorG=function(value){ + this.color.g=value; + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets the blue base colour of the text +* @param {Number} b The new blue level 0-1 +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.setColorB=function(value){ + this.color.b=value; + return this; +}; +/** +* Gets the current base color of the text +* @return {[r,g,b]} The current base color +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.getColor=function(){ + return this.color; + return this; +}; + +/** +* Sets the alpha +* @param {Number} b The new alpha level 0-1 +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.setAlpha=function(value){ + this.alpha=value; + return this; +}; + +/** +* Gets the alpha +* @returns The alpha level +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.getAlpha=function(){ + return this.alpha; +}; + +/** +* Sets the Z Transparency of this text +* @param {boolean} value Does this object need blending? +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.setZtransparent=function(value){ + this.zTrans=value; + return this; +} +/** +* Gets the z transparency +* @returns boolean +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.isZtransparent=function(){ + return this.zTrans; +} +/** +* Creates the shader program for the object +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.GLGenerateShader=function(gl){ + if(this.GLShaderProgram) gl.deleteProgram(this.GLShaderProgram); + + //Vertex Shader + var vertexStr=""; + vertexStr+="attribute vec3 position;\n"; + vertexStr+="attribute vec2 uvcoord;\n"; + vertexStr+="varying vec2 texcoord;\n"; + vertexStr+="uniform mat4 Matrix;\n"; + vertexStr+="uniform mat4 PMatrix;\n"; + vertexStr+="varying vec4 pos;\n"; + + vertexStr+="void main(void){\n"; + vertexStr+="texcoord=uvcoord;\n"; + vertexStr+="pos = Matrix * vec4(position,1.0);\n"; + vertexStr+="gl_Position = PMatrix * pos;\n"; + vertexStr+="}\n"; + + //Fragment Shader + var fragStr="#ifdef GL_ES\nprecision highp float;\n#endif\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"uniform sampler2D TEXTURE;\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"varying vec2 texcoord;\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"uniform mat4 Matrix;\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"varying vec4 pos;\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"uniform float far;\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"uniform bool depthrender;\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"uniform float distance;\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"uniform int picktype;\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"uniform vec3 pickcolor;\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"uniform vec3 color;\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"uniform float alpha;\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"void main(void){\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"float ob=pow(min(1.0,abs(dot(normalize(Matrix[2].rgb),vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0)))*2.0),1.5);\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"float a=texture2D(TEXTURE,texcoord).a*alpha*ob;\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"if(picktype=="+GLGE.TEXT_BOXPICK+"){gl_FragColor = vec4(pickcolor,1.0);}" + fragStr=fragStr+"else if(picktype=="+GLGE.TEXT_TEXTPICK+"){if(alpha<1.0) discard; gl_FragColor = vec4(pickcolor,alpha);}" + fragStr=fragStr+"else{gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb,a);};\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"if (depthrender) { if(a<0.5) discard; float depth = gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w;\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"vec4 rgba=fract(depth/distance * vec4(16777216.0, 65536.0, 256.0, 1.0));\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"gl_FragColor=rgba-rgba.rrgb*vec4(0.0,0.00390625,0.00390625,0.00390625);}\n"; + fragStr=fragStr+"}\n"; + + this.GLFragmentShader=gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER); + this.GLVertexShader=gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER); + + + gl.shaderSource(this.GLFragmentShader, fragStr); + gl.compileShader(this.GLFragmentShader); + if (!gl.getShaderParameter(this.GLFragmentShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { + GLGE.error(gl.getShaderInfoLog(this.GLFragmentShader)); + return; + } + + //set and compile the vertex shader + //need to set str + gl.shaderSource(this.GLVertexShader, vertexStr); + gl.compileShader(this.GLVertexShader); + if (!gl.getShaderParameter(this.GLVertexShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { + GLGE.error(gl.getShaderInfoLog(this.GLVertexShader)); + return; + } + + this.GLShaderProgram = gl.createProgram(); + gl.attachShader(this.GLShaderProgram, this.GLVertexShader); + gl.attachShader(this.GLShaderProgram, this.GLFragmentShader); + gl.linkProgram(this.GLShaderProgram); +} +/** +* Initiallize all the GL stuff needed to render to screen +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.GLInit=function(gl){ + this.gl=gl; + this.createPlane(gl); + this.GLGenerateShader(gl); + + this.glTexture=gl.createTexture(); + this.dirty=true; +} +/** +* Updates the canvas texture +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.updateCanvas=function(gl){ + var canvas = this.canvas; + canvas.width=1; + canvas.height=this.size*1.2; + var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); + ctx.font = this.size+"px "+this.font; + canvas.width=ctx.measureText(this.text).width; + canvas.height=this.size*1.2; + ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); + ctx.textBaseline="top"; + ctx.font = (this.extra||"") + " " + this.size+"px "+this.font; + this.aspect=canvas.width/canvas.height; + ctx.fillText(this.text, 0, 0); + + var height=Math.pow(2,Math.ceil(Math.log(canvas.height))/(Math.log(2))); + var width=Math.pow(2,Math.ceil(Math.log(canvas.width))/(Math.log(2))); + + this.scaleCanvas.height=height; + this.scaleCanvas.width=width; + + this.scaleContext=this.scaleCanvas.getContext("2d"); + this.scaleContext.clearRect(0,0,width,height); + this.scaleContext.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, width, height); + + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.glTexture); + //TODO: fix this when minefield is upto spec + try{gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.scaleCanvas);} + catch(e){gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.scaleCanvas,null);} + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR); + gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR); + gl.generateMipmap(gl.TEXTURE_2D); + + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null); + this.dirty=false; +} + +/** +* Renders the text to the render buffer +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.GLRender=function(gl,renderType,pickindex){ + if(!this.gl){ + this.GLInit(gl); + } + if(this.dirty) this.updateCanvas(gl); + if(renderType==GLGE.RENDER_DEFAULT || renderType==GLGE.RENDER_PICK || renderType==GLGE.RENDER_SHADOW){ + //if look at is set then look + if(this.lookAt) this.Lookat(this.lookAt); + + if(gl.program!=this.GLShaderProgram){ + gl.useProgram(this.GLShaderProgram); + gl.program=this.GLShaderProgram; + } + + var attribslot; + //disable all the attribute initially arrays - do I really need this? + for(var i=0; i<8; i++) gl.disableVertexAttribArray(i); + attribslot=GLGE.getAttribLocation(gl,this.GLShaderProgram, "position"); + + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.posBuffer); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attribslot); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(attribslot, this.posBuffer.itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + + attribslot=GLGE.getAttribLocation(gl,this.GLShaderProgram, "uvcoord"); + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.uvBuffer); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attribslot); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(attribslot, this.uvBuffer.itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + + gl.activeTexture(gl["TEXTURE0"]); + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.glTexture); + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1i",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,this.GLShaderProgram, "TEXTURE"),0); + + if(!pickindex) pickindex=0; + var b = pickindex >> 16 & 0xFF; + var g = pickindex >> 8 & 0xFF; + var r = pickindex & 0xFF; + GLGE.setUniform3(gl,"3f",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,this.GLShaderProgram, "pickcolor"),r/255,g/255,b/255); + + if(renderType==GLGE.RENDER_PICK){ + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1i",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,this.GLShaderProgram, "picktype"), this.pickType); + }else{ + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1i",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,this.GLShaderProgram, "picktype"), 0); + } + var distance=gl.scene.camera.getFar(); + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1f",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,this.GLShaderProgram, "distance"), distance); + if(renderType==GLGE.RENDER_SHADOW){ + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1i",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,this.GLShaderProgram, "depthrender"), 1); + }else{ + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1i",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,this.GLShaderProgram, "depthrender"), 0); + } + + + if(!this.GLShaderProgram.glarrays) this.GLShaderProgram.glarrays={}; + + + //generate and set the modelView matrix + var scalefactor=this.size/100; + var mMatrix=GLGE.mulMat4(gl.scene.camera.getViewMatrix(),GLGE.mulMat4(this.getModelMatrix(),GLGE.scaleMatrix(this.aspect*scalefactor,scalefactor,scalefactor))); + var mUniform = GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,this.GLShaderProgram, "Matrix"); + if(!this.GLShaderProgram.glarrays.mMatrix) this.GLShaderProgram.glarrays.mMatrix=new Float32Array(mMatrix); + else GLGE.mat4gl(mMatrix,this.GLShaderProgram.glarrays.mMatrix); + GLGE.setUniformMatrix(gl,"Matrix4fv",mUniform, true, this.GLShaderProgram.glarrays.mMatrix); + + var mUniform = GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,this.GLShaderProgram, "PMatrix"); + + if(!this.GLShaderProgram.glarrays.pMatrix) this.GLShaderProgram.glarrays.pMatrix=new Float32Array(gl.scene.camera.getProjectionMatrix()); + else GLGE.mat4gl(gl.scene.camera.getProjectionMatrix(),this.GLShaderProgram.glarrays.pMatrix); + GLGE.setUniformMatrix(gl,"Matrix4fv",mUniform, true, this.GLShaderProgram.glarrays.pMatrix); + + var farUniform = GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,this.GLShaderProgram, "far"); + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1f",farUniform, gl.scene.camera.getFar()); + + var alphaUniform = GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,this.GLShaderProgram, "alpha"); + GLGE.setUniform(gl,"1f",alphaUniform, this.alpha); + + //set the color + GLGE.setUniform3(gl,"3f",GLGE.getUniformLocation(gl,this.GLShaderProgram, "color"), this.color.r,this.color.g,this.color.b); + + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.GLfaces); + gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, this.GLfaces.numItems, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); + gl.scene.lastMaterial=null; + } +} +/** +* creates the plane mesh to draw +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Text.prototype.createPlane=function(gl){ + //create the vertex positions + if(!this.posBuffer) this.posBuffer = gl.createBuffer(); + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.posBuffer); + gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([1,1,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1,0,1,-1,0]), gl.STATIC_DRAW); + this.posBuffer.itemSize = 3; + this.posBuffer.numItems = 4; + //create the vertex uv coords + if(!this.uvBuffer) this.uvBuffer = gl.createBuffer(); + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.uvBuffer); + gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1]), gl.STATIC_DRAW); + this.uvBuffer.itemSize = 2; + this.uvBuffer.numItems = 4; + //create the faces + if(!this.GLfaces) this.GLfaces = gl.createBuffer(); + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.GLfaces); + gl.bufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, new Uint16Array([2,1,0,0,3,2]), gl.STATIC_DRAW); + this.GLfaces.itemSize = 1; + this.GLfaces.numItems = 6; +} + + +})(GLGE);/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_renderer.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + + + + + +/** +* @class Sets the scene to render +* @param {object} canvas The canvas element to render to +* @augments GLGE.QuickNotation +*/ +GLGE.Renderer=function(canvas,error,props){ + this.viewport=[]; + this.canvas=canvas; + if(!props) props={alpha:true,depth:true,stencil:true,antialias:true,premultipliedAlpha:true}; + try { + this.gl = canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl",props); + } catch(e) {} + try { + if(!this.gl) this.gl = canvas.getContext("webgl",props); + } catch(e) {} + if(!this.gl) { + console.log("GLGE err:", typeof(globalNoWebGLError)=="undefined") + if( (!error) && (typeof(globalNoWebGLError)=="undefined")){ + var div=document.createElement("div"); + div.setAttribute("style","position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 10px; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; padding: 10px;background-color: #fcffcb;color: #800; width: 200px; border:2px solid #f00"); + div.innerHTML="WebGL compatible Browser Required(Firefox 4 or Chrome 9 and up) or you may need to update your graphics card driver."; + document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(div); + throw "cannot create webgl context"; + }else{ + error(); + throw "cannot create webgl context"; + } + } + //firefox is doing something here? + try{ + this.gl.canvas=canvas; + }catch(e){}; + //this.gl = WebGLDebugUtils.makeDebugContext(this.gl); + //this.gl.setTracing(true); + + //chome compatibility + //TODO: Remove this when chome is right + if (!this.gl.getProgramParameter) + { + this.gl.getProgramParameter = this.gl.getProgrami + } + if (!this.gl.getShaderParameter) + { + this.gl.getShaderParameter = this.gl.getShaderi + } + // End of Chrome compatibility code + + this.gl.uniformMatrix4fvX=this.gl.uniformMatrix4fv + this.gl.uniformMatrix4fv=function(uniform,transpose,array){ + if(!transpose){ + this.uniformMatrix4fvX(uniform,false,array); + }else{ + GLGE.mat4gl(GLGE.transposeMat4(array),array); + this.uniformMatrix4fvX(uniform,false,array); + } + } + var gl=this.gl; + + gl.af = gl.getExtension("MOZ_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic") || gl.getExtension("WEBKIT_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic") || gl.getExtension("EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic");; + + //set up defaults + this.gl.clearDepth(1.0); + this.gl.clearStencil(0); + this.gl.enable(this.gl.DEPTH_TEST); + + + this.gl.depthFunc(this.gl.LEQUAL); + this.gl.blendFuncSeparate(this.gl.SRC_ALPHA,this.gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA,this.gl.ZERO,this.gl.ONE); +}; +GLGE.augment(GLGE.QuickNotation,GLGE.Renderer); +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.gl=null; +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.scene=null; +GLGE.C_STENCIL=1; +GLGE.C_DEPTH=2; +GLGE.C_COLOR=4; +GLGE.C_ALL=7; + +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.clearType=GLGE.C_ALL; + +/** +* Sets the width of the viewport to render +* @param width the width of the viewport to render +*/ +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.setViewportWidth=function(width){ + this.viewport[0]=width; + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets the height of the viewport to render +* @param height the height of the viewport to render +*/ +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.setViewportHeight=function(height){ + this.viewport[1]=height; + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets the left offset of the viewport to render +* @param left the left offset of the viewport to render +*/ +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.setViewportOffsetX=function(left){ + this.viewport[2]=left; + return this; +}; +/** +* Sets the top offset of the viewport to render +* @param top the top offset of the viewport to render +*/ +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.setViewportOffsetY=function(top){ + this.viewport[3]=top; + return this; +}; +/** +* Clears all viewport data and defaults back to canvas size +*/ +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.clearViewport=function(){ + this.viewport=[]; +}; +/** +* Gets the width of the viewport to render +* @returns the viewport width +*/ +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.getViewportWidth=function(){ + if(this.viewport.length>0){ + return this.viewport[0]; + }else{ + return this.canvas.width; + } +}; +/** +* Gets the height of the viewport to render +* @returns the viewport height +*/ +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.getViewportHeight=function(){ + if(this.viewport.length>0){ + return this.viewport[1]; + }else{ + return this.canvas.height; + } +}; +/** +* Gets the left offset of the viewport to render +* @returns the left viewport offset +*/ +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.getViewportOffsetX=function(){ + if(this.viewport.length>0){ + return this.viewport[2]; + }else{ + return 0; + } +}; +/** +* Gets the top offset of the viewport to render +* @returns the top viewport offset +*/ +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.getViewportOffsetY=function(){ + if(this.viewport.length>0){ + return this.viewport[3]; + }else{ + return 0; + } +}; + +/** +* Sets the clear type for rendering GLGE.C_ALL, GLGE.C_STENCIL, GLGE.C_DEPTH, GLGE.C_COLOR +* @param type how to clear the viewport for the next render +*/ +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.setClearType=function(type){ + this.clearType=type; + return this; +}; +/** +* Gets the clear type for rendering GLGE.C_ALL, GLGE.C_STENCIL, GLGE.C_DEPTH, GLGE.C_COLOR +* @returns how to clear the viewport for the next render +*/ +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.getClearType=function(){ + return this.clearType; +}; +/** +* Clears the viewport +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.GLClear=function(){ + var gl=this.gl; + var clearType=this.clearType; + var clear=0; + if((clearType & GLGE.C_COLOR) == GLGE.C_COLOR){ + clear=clear | gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT; + } + if((clearType & GLGE.C_DEPTH) == GLGE.C_DEPTH){ + clear=clear | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT; + } + if((clearType & GLGE.C_STENCIL) == GLGE.C_STENCIL){ + clear=clear | gl.STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT; + } + gl.clear(clear); +}; +/** +* Gets the scene which is set to be rendered +* @returns the current render scene +*/ +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.getScene=function(){ + return this.scene; +}; +/** +* Sets the scene to render +* @param {GLGE.Scene} scene The scene to be rendered +*/ +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.setScene=function(scene){ + scene.renderer=this; + this.scene=scene; + if(!scene.gl) scene.GLInit(this.gl); + //this.render(); + scene.camera.updateMatrix(); //reset camera matrix to force cache update + return this; +}; +/** +* Renders the current scene to the canvas +*/ +GLGE.Renderer.prototype.render=function(){ + if(this.transitonFilter){ + var now=+new Date; + if(now max[i]) { + max[i] = v[i]; + } + } +} +/** +* creates a look at matrix for directional lights +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Light.prototype.lightLook=function(pos, dir, up) { + var lftN=GLGE.toUnitVec3(GLGE.crossVec3(dir,up)); + + var upN=GLGE.toUnitVec3(GLGE.crossVec3(lftN,dir)); + var dirN=GLGE.toUnitVec3(dir); + var m=[]; + m[0] = lftN[0]; m[4] = upN[0]; m[8] = -dirN[0]; m[12] = 0.0; + m[1] = lftN[1]; m[5] = upN[1]; m[9] = -dirN[1]; m[13] = 0.0; + m[2] = lftN[2]; m[6] = upN[2]; m[10] = -dirN[2]; m[14] = 0.0; + m[3] = -GLGE.dotVec3(lftN,pos); + m[7] = -GLGE.dotVec3(upN,pos); + m[11] = GLGE.dotVec3(dirN,pos); + m[15] = 1.0; + + return m; +} +/** +* transforms points by matrix mat +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Light.prototype.transformPoints=function(points,mat){ + var transformed=[]; + for(var i=0;i0 && d2>0) || (d1<0 && d2<0)){ + return false; + }else{ + var D=GLGE.subVec3(edge[1],edge[0]); + D=GLGE.scaleVec3(D,-d1/(d2-d1)); + return GLGE.addVec3(edge[0],D); + } +}; +/** +* is point contained within planes +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Light.prototype.pointInPlanes=function(point,planes){ + var tiny=-0.001; + for(var i=0;ibidx){ + return 1; + }else if(aidxbidx){ + return 1; + }else if(aidxbidx){ + return 1; + }else if(aidx0){ + var pass=this.passes.pop(); + gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, pass.frameBuffer); + this.camera.matrix=pass.cameraMatrix; + this.camera.setProjectionMatrix(pass.projectionMatrix); + this.mirror=pass.mirror; + this.renderPass(gl,renderObjects,0,0,pass.width,pass.height,GLGE.RENDER_DEFAULT,pass.self); + } + this.mirror=false; + + this.camera.matrix=cameraMatrix; + this.camera.setProjectionMatrix(cameraPMatrix); + + gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this.filter ? this.framebuffer : this.transbuffer); + this.renderPass(gl,renderObjects,this.renderer.getViewportOffsetX(),this.renderer.getViewportOffsetY(),this.renderer.getViewportWidth(),this.renderer.getViewportHeight()); + + + this.applyFilter(gl,renderObjects, this.transbuffer); + + this.allowPasses=true; +} +/** +* gets the passes needed to render this scene +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Scene.prototype.getPasses=function(gl,renderObjects){ + for(var i=0; isizeTimeLife[2] && (time-sizeTimeLife[2])-1){ + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.attribute.initPosGL); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attrib); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(attrib, 3, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + } + + var attrib=GLGE.getAttribLocation(gl,this.program, "initAcc"); + if(attrib>-1){ + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.attribute.initAccGL); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attrib); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(attrib, 3, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + } + + var attrib=GLGE.getAttribLocation(gl,this.program, "endAcc"); + if(attrib>-1){ + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.attribute.endAccGL); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attrib); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(attrib, 3, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + } + + var attrib=GLGE.getAttribLocation(gl,this.program, "initColor"); + if(attrib>-1){ + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.attribute.initColorGL); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attrib); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(attrib, 4, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + } + + var attrib=GLGE.getAttribLocation(gl,this.program, "endColor"); + if(attrib>-1){ + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.attribute.endColorGL); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attrib); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(attrib, 4, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + } + + var attrib=GLGE.getAttribLocation(gl,this.program, "sizeTimeLife"); + if(attrib>-1){ + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.attribute.sizeAndOffsetGL); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attrib); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(attrib, 4, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + } + + var attrib=GLGE.getAttribLocation(gl,this.program, "initVel"); + if(attrib>-1){ + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.attribute.initVelGL); + gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attrib); + gl.vertexAttribPointer(attrib, 3, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); + } + +} + +/** +* Renders the particle system +* @private +*/ +GLGE.ParticleSystem.prototype.GLRender=function(gl){ + if(!this.attribute) this.generateParticles(gl); + if(!this.program) this.generateProgram(gl); + + gl.program=this.program; + + gl.useProgram(this.program); + this.setAttributes(gl); + this.setUniforms(gl); + gl.depthMask(false); + gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.facesGL); + gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES,this.facesGL.num, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); + gl.depthMask(true); + + + gl.scene.lastMaterial=null; +} +/** +* @function Adds a particle system to the scene +* @param {GLGE.ParticleSystem} the particle system to add +*/ +GLGE.Scene.prototype.addParticleSystem=GLGE.Scene.prototype.addGroup; +/** +* @function Adds a particle system to the group +* @param {GLGE.ParticleSystem} the particle system to add +*/ +GLGE.Group.prototype.addParticleSystem=GLGE.Group.prototype.addGroup; + +})(GLGE);/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_md2.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + +/** + * @name GLGE.MD2#md2AnimFinished + * @event fired when the the animation has finished + * @param {object} data + */ + +/** +* @class A quake MD2 model class +* @augments GLGE.Object +*/ +GLGE.MD2=function(uid){ + this.MD2Started=+new Date; + this.setAnimation(new GLGE.AnimationVector); + GLGE.Object.call(this,uid); +} +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Object,GLGE.MD2); +GLGE.MD2.prototype.loadingCache={}; +GLGE.MD2.prototype.headersCache={}; +GLGE.MD2.prototype.meshCache={}; +GLGE.MD2.prototype.MD2Animations={}; +GLGE.MD2.prototype.MD2StartFrame=0; +GLGE.MD2.prototype.MD2EndFrame=0; +GLGE.MD2.prototype.MD2Loop=true; +GLGE.MD2.prototype.MD2AnimFinished=false; + +GLGE.MD2.prototype.headerNames=[ +"ident", +"version", +"skinwidth", +"skinheight", +"framesize", +"num_skins", +"num_xyz", +"num_st", +"num_tris", +"num_glcmds", +"num_frames", +"ofs_skins", +"ofs_st", +"ofs_tris", +"ofs_frames", +"ofs_glcmds", +"ofs_end"]; + +GLGE.MD2.prototype.preNormals = [ + [-0.525731, 0.000000, 0.850651], [-0.442863, 0.238856, 0.864188], [-0.295242, 0.000000, 0.955423], + [-0.309017, 0.500000, 0.809017], [-0.162460, 0.262866, 0.951056], [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000], + [ 0.000000, 0.850651, 0.525731], [-0.147621, 0.716567, 0.681718], [ 0.147621, 0.716567, 0.681718], + [ 0.000000, 0.525731, 0.850651], [ 0.309017, 0.500000, 0.809017], [ 0.525731, 0.000000, 0.850651], + [ 0.295242, 0.000000, 0.955423], [ 0.442863, 0.238856, 0.864188], [ 0.162460, 0.262866, 0.951056], + [-0.681718, 0.147621, 0.716567], [-0.809017, 0.309017, 0.500000], [-0.587785, 0.425325, 0.688191], + [-0.850651, 0.525731, 0.000000], [-0.864188, 0.442863, 0.238856], [-0.716567, 0.681718, 0.147621], + [-0.688191, 0.587785, 0.425325], [-0.500000, 0.809017, 0.309017], [-0.238856, 0.864188, 0.442863], + [-0.425325, 0.688191, 0.587785], [-0.716567, 0.681718, -0.147621], [-0.500000, 0.809017, -0.309017], + [-0.525731, 0.850651, 0.000000], [ 0.000000, 0.850651, -0.525731], [-0.238856, 0.864188, -0.442863], + [ 0.000000, 0.955423, -0.295242], [-0.262866, 0.951056, -0.162460], [ 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000], + [ 0.000000, 0.955423, 0.295242], [-0.262866, 0.951056, 0.162460], [ 0.238856, 0.864188, 0.442863], + [ 0.262866, 0.951056, 0.162460], [ 0.500000, 0.809017, 0.309017], [ 0.238856, 0.864188, -0.442863], + [ 0.262866, 0.951056, -0.162460], [ 0.500000, 0.809017, -0.309017], [ 0.850651, 0.525731, 0.000000], + [ 0.716567, 0.681718, 0.147621], [ 0.716567, 0.681718, -0.147621], [ 0.525731, 0.850651, 0.000000], + [ 0.425325, 0.688191, 0.587785], [ 0.864188, 0.442863, 0.238856], [ 0.688191, 0.587785, 0.425325], + [ 0.809017, 0.309017, 0.500000], [ 0.681718, 0.147621, 0.716567], [ 0.587785, 0.425325, 0.688191], + [ 0.955423, 0.295242, 0.000000], [ 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000], [ 0.951056, 0.162460, 0.262866], + [ 0.850651, -0.525731, 0.000000], [ 0.955423, -0.295242, 0.000000], [ 0.864188, -0.442863, 0.238856], + [ 0.951056, -0.162460, 0.262866], [ 0.809017, -0.309017, 0.500000], [ 0.681718, -0.147621, 0.716567], + [ 0.850651, 0.000000, 0.525731], [ 0.864188, 0.442863, -0.238856], [ 0.809017, 0.309017, -0.500000], + [ 0.951056, 0.162460, -0.262866], [ 0.525731, 0.000000, -0.850651], [ 0.681718, 0.147621, -0.716567], + [ 0.681718, -0.147621, -0.716567], [ 0.850651, 0.000000, -0.525731], [ 0.809017, -0.309017, -0.500000], + [ 0.864188, -0.442863, -0.238856], [ 0.951056, -0.162460, -0.262866], [ 0.147621, 0.716567, -0.681718], + [ 0.309017, 0.500000, -0.809017], [ 0.425325, 0.688191, -0.587785], [ 0.442863, 0.238856, -0.864188], + [ 0.587785, 0.425325, -0.688191], [ 0.688191, 0.587785, -0.425325], [-0.147621, 0.716567, -0.681718], + [-0.309017, 0.500000, -0.809017], [ 0.000000, 0.525731, -0.850651], [-0.525731, 0.000000, -0.850651], + [-0.442863, 0.238856, -0.864188], [-0.295242, 0.000000, -0.955423], [-0.162460, 0.262866, -0.951056], + [ 0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000], [ 0.295242, 0.000000, -0.955423], [ 0.162460, 0.262866, -0.951056], + [-0.442863, -0.238856, -0.864188], [-0.309017, -0.500000, -0.809017], [-0.162460, -0.262866, -0.951056], + [ 0.000000, -0.850651, -0.525731], [-0.147621, -0.716567, -0.681718], [ 0.147621, -0.716567, -0.681718], + [ 0.000000, -0.525731, -0.850651], [ 0.309017, -0.500000, -0.809017], [ 0.442863, -0.238856, -0.864188], + [ 0.162460, -0.262866, -0.951056], [ 0.238856, -0.864188, -0.442863], [ 0.500000, -0.809017, -0.309017], + [ 0.425325, -0.688191, -0.587785], [ 0.716567, -0.681718, -0.147621], [ 0.688191, -0.587785, -0.425325], + [ 0.587785, -0.425325, -0.688191], [ 0.000000, -0.955423, -0.295242], [ 0.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000], + [ 0.262866, -0.951056, -0.162460], [ 0.000000, -0.850651, 0.525731], [ 0.000000, -0.955423, 0.295242], + [ 0.238856, -0.864188, 0.442863], [ 0.262866, -0.951056, 0.162460], [ 0.500000, -0.809017, 0.309017], + [ 0.716567, -0.681718, 0.147621], [ 0.525731, -0.850651, 0.000000], [-0.238856, -0.864188, -0.442863], + [-0.500000, -0.809017, -0.309017], [-0.262866, -0.951056, -0.162460], [-0.850651, -0.525731, 0.000000], + [-0.716567, -0.681718, -0.147621], [-0.716567, -0.681718, 0.147621], [-0.525731, -0.850651, 0.000000], + [-0.500000, -0.809017, 0.309017], [-0.238856, -0.864188, 0.442863], [-0.262866, -0.951056, 0.162460], + [-0.864188, -0.442863, 0.238856], [-0.809017, -0.309017, 0.500000], [-0.688191, -0.587785, 0.425325], + [-0.681718, -0.147621, 0.716567], [-0.442863, -0.238856, 0.864188], [-0.587785, -0.425325, 0.688191], + [-0.309017, -0.500000, 0.809017], [-0.147621, -0.716567, 0.681718], [-0.425325, -0.688191, 0.587785], + [-0.162460, -0.262866, 0.951056], [ 0.442863, -0.238856, 0.864188], [ 0.162460, -0.262866, 0.951056], + [ 0.309017, -0.500000, 0.809017], [ 0.147621, -0.716567, 0.681718], [ 0.000000, -0.525731, 0.850651], + [ 0.425325, -0.688191, 0.587785], [ 0.587785, -0.425325, 0.688191], [ 0.688191, -0.587785, 0.425325], + [-0.955423, 0.295242, 0.000000], [-0.951056, 0.162460, 0.262866], [-1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000], + [-0.850651, 0.000000, 0.525731], [-0.955423, -0.295242, 0.000000], [-0.951056, -0.162460, 0.262866], + [-0.864188, 0.442863, -0.238856], [-0.951056, 0.162460, -0.262866], [-0.809017, 0.309017, -0.500000], + [-0.864188, -0.442863, -0.238856], [-0.951056, -0.162460, -0.262866], [-0.809017, -0.309017, -0.500000], + [-0.681718, 0.147621, -0.716567], [-0.681718, -0.147621, -0.716567], [-0.850651, 0.000000, -0.525731], + [-0.688191, 0.587785, -0.425325], [-0.587785, 0.425325, -0.688191], [-0.425325, 0.688191, -0.587785], + [-0.425325, -0.688191, -0.587785], [-0.587785, -0.425325, -0.688191], [-0.688191, -0.587785, -0.425325] +]; + +GLGE.MD2.prototype.MD2FrameRate=6; + +/** +* Gets the absolute path given an import path and the path it's relative to +* @param {string} path the path to get the absolute path for +* @param {string} relativeto the path the supplied path is relativeto +* @returns {string} absolute path +* @private +*/ +GLGE.MD2.prototype.getAbsolutePath=function(path,relativeto){ + if(path.substr(0,7)=="http://" || path.substr(0,7)=="file://" || path.substr(0,7)=="https://"){ + return path; + } + else + { + if(!relativeto){ + relativeto=window.location.href; + } + if (relativeto.indexOf("://")==-1){ + return relativeto.slice(0,relativeto.lastIndexOf("/"))+"/"+path; + } + //find the path compoents + var bits=relativeto.split("/"); + var domain=bits[2]; + var proto=bits[0]; + var initpath=[]; + for(var i=3;i> 7)), + exponent = (((b0 << 1) & 0xff) | (b1 >> 7)) - 127, + mantissa = ((b1 & 0x7f) << 16) | (b2 << 8) | b3; + + if (mantissa == 0 && exponent == -127) { + return 0.0; + } + + if (exponent == -127) { // Denormalized + return sign * mantissa * Math.pow(2, -126 - 23); + } + + return sign * (1 + mantissa * Math.pow(2, -23)) * Math.pow(2, exponent); +} +/** +* process the frame data +* @private +*/ +GLGE.MD2.prototype.parseFrames=function(){ + + var vertsArray = this.byteArray; + var startFrame=0; + var MD2Animations={}; + for(var j=0;j0) this.addMD3Childred(); + this.loaded=true; + this.fireEvent("loaded",{url:this.url}); +} +/** +* Adds the child md3 object +* @private +*/ +GLGE.MD3.prototype.addMD3Childred=function(){ + for(var i=0; i0x8000) value=value-0x10000; + return value; +} +/** +* get 32 bit signed int at location +* @private +*/ +GLGE.MD3.prototype.getSint32At=function(index){ + var value=this.byteArray[index]|(this.byteArray[index+1]<<8)|(this.byteArray[index+2]<<16)|(this.byteArray[index+3]<<24); + if(value>0x80000000) value=value-0x100000000; + return value; +} + +/** +* Get 32 bit float at location +* @private +*/ +GLGE.MD3.prototype.getFloat32At=function(index){ + var b3=this.byteArray[index]; + var b2=this.byteArray[index+1]; + var b1=this.byteArray[index+2]; + var b0=this.byteArray[index+3]; + sign = 1 - (2 * (b0 >> 7)), + exponent = (((b0 << 1) & 0xff) | (b1 >> 7)) - 127, + mantissa = ((b1 & 0x7f) << 16) | (b2 << 8) | b3; + + if (mantissa == 0 && exponent == -127) { + return 0.0; + } + + if (exponent == -127) { // Denormalized + return sign * mantissa * Math.pow(2, -126 - 23); + } + + return sign * (1 + mantissa * Math.pow(2, -23)) * Math.pow(2, exponent); +} + +/** +* Get 32 bit float at location +* @private +*/ +GLGE.MD3.prototype.getStringAt=function(index,size){ + var name=""; + for(var i=index;i-1) this.textures.splice(idx,1); +} + +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.createBuffer=function(gl,width,height){ + if(!width) width=gl.canvas.width; + if(!height) height=gl.canvas.height; + var frameBuffer = gl.createFramebuffer(); + var renderBuffer = gl.createRenderbuffer(); + var texture = gl.createTexture(); + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture); + + var tex = new Uint8Array(width*height*4); + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, width, height, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, tex); + + gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer); + gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer); + gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, width, height); + + gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer); + gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture, 0); + + gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, null); + gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null); + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null); + return [frameBuffer,renderBuffer,texture]; +} + +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.getFrameBuffer=function(gl){ + if(!this.passes) return null; + + if(!this.gl) this.gl=gl; + if(!this.buffers){ + this.buffers=this.createBuffer(gl); + } + return this.buffers[0]; +} + + +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.getEmitBuffer=function(gl){ + if(!this.passes) return null; + + if(!this.gl) this.gl=gl; + if(!this.emitBuffers){ + this.emitBuffers=this.createBuffer(gl,this.getEmitBufferWidth(),this.getEmitBufferHeight()); + } + return this.emitBuffers[0]; +} + +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.setEmitBufferWidth=function(value){ + this.emitBufferWidth=value; + this.emitBuffers=null; +} +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.getEmitBufferWidth=function(){ + return (this.emitBufferWidth ? this.emitBufferWidth : this.gl.canvas.width); +} + +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.setEmitBufferHeight=function(value){ + this.emitBufferHeight=value; + this.emitBuffers=null; +} +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.getEmitBufferHeight=function(){ + return (this.emitBufferHeight ? this.emitBufferHeight : this.gl.canvas.height); +} + +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.getDepthBuffer=function(gl){ + if(!this.passes) return null; + + if(!this.gl) this.gl=gl; + if(!this.depthBuffers){ + this.depthBuffers=this.createBuffer(gl,this.getDepthBufferWidth(),this.getDepthBufferHeight()); + } + return this.depthBuffers[0]; +} + +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.setDepthBufferWidth=function(value){ + this.depthBufferWidth=value; + this.depthBuffers=null; +} +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.getDepthBufferWidth=function(){ + return (this.depthBufferWidth ? this.depthBufferWidth : this.gl.canvas.width); +} + +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.setDepthBufferHeight=function(value){ + this.depthBufferHeight=value; + this.depthBuffers=null; +} +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.getDepthBufferHeight=function(){ + return (this.depthBufferHeight ? this.depthBufferHeight : this.gl.canvas.height); +} + +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.setNormalBufferWidth=function(value){ + this.normalBufferWidth=value; + this.normalBuffers=null; +} +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.getNormalBufferWidth=function(){ + return (this.normalBufferWidth ? this.normalBufferWidth : this.gl.canvas.width); +} + +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.setNormalBufferHeight=function(value){ + this.normalBufferHeight=value; + this.normalBuffers=null; +} +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.getNormalBufferHeight=function(){ + return (this.normalBufferHeight ? this.normalBufferHeight : this.gl.canvas.height); +} + +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.getNormalBuffer=function(gl){ + if(!this.gl) this.gl=gl; + if(!this.normalBuffers){ + this.normalBuffers=this.createBuffer(gl,this.getNormalBufferWidth(),this.getNormalBufferHeight()); + } + return this.normalBuffers[0]; +} + +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.setUniform=function(type,name,value){ + if(!this.uniforms) this.uniforms={}; + this.uniforms[name]={type:type,value:value}; +} +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.getUniform=function(name){ + if(!this.uniforms) this.uniforms={}; + return this.uniforms[name].value +} +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.getUniformType=function(name){ + if(!this.uniforms) this.uniforms={}; + return this.uniforms[name].type; +} + +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.addPassFile=function(url){ + var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); + var filter=this; + if(req) { + req.open("GET", url, false); + req.send(""); + filter.addPass(req.responseText); + } +} + +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.addPass=function(GLSL,width,height){ + if(!this.passes) this.passes=[]; + this.passes.push({GLSL:GLSL,height:height,width:width}); +} + +/** +* Creates the preserve texture +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.createPersistTexture=function(gl){ + this.persistTexture = gl.createTexture(); + gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.persistTexture); + gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.canvas.width,gl.canvas.height, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null); +} + + +//does all passes and renders result to screen +GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.GLRender=function(gl,buffer){ + gl.disable(gl.BLEND); + if(!buffer) buffer=null; + if(this.passes){ + for(var i=0;i lumaMax)) gl_FragColor = vec4(rgbA,1.0);"); + pass3.push(" else gl_FragColor = vec4(rgbB,1.0);"); + pass3.push(" if(length(rgbM)>"+this.fxaacutoff.toFixed(2)+") gl_FragColor = vec4(rgbM,1.0);"); + pass3.push(" if(length(rgbM)<"+this.fxaastartintensity.toFixed(2)+") gl_FragColor = vec4(rgbM,1.0);"); + pass3.push("}"); + this.addPass(pass3.join("\n")); + } + +} + + + +})(GLGE);/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + + /** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_filter_ao.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ +(function(GLGE){ + +/** +* @class Postprocessing Ambient Occlusion filter +* @augments GLGE.Filter2d +*/ +GLGE.FilterAO=function(){ + this.setUniform("1f","cavitygamma",1/3); + this.setUniform("1f","whiteMul",2); + this.setUniform("1f","aogamma",1/3); + this.setUniform("1f","maxDist",0.025); + this.passes=[]; +}; +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Filter2d,GLGE.FilterAO); +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.renderNormal=true; +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.quality=1; +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.range=80; +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.samples=16; +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.useRender=true; + +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.getNormalBufferHeight=function(){ + return (this.normalBufferHeight ? this.normalBufferHeight : (this.gl.canvas.height*this.quality|0)); +} + +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.getNormalBufferWidth=function(){ + return (this.normalBufferWidth ? this.normalBufferWidth : (this.gl.canvas.width*this.quality|0)); +} + +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.setUseRender=function(value){ + this.useRender=value; + this.normalBuffers=null; + this.passes=[]; + return this; +} + +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.setSamples=function(value){ + this.samples=value; + this.normalBuffers=null; + this.passes=[]; + return this; +} + +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.setQuality=function(value){ + this.quality=value; + this.normalBuffers=null; + this.passes=[]; + return this; +} + +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.setRange=function(value){ + this.range=value; + if(this.gl){ + this.setUniform("1f","blurX",this.range/this.getNormalBufferWidth()*this.quality/this.samples); + this.setUniform("1f","blurY",this.range/this.getNormalBufferHeight()/this.samples); + } + return this; +} + +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.setCavityGamma=function(value){ + this.setUniform("1f","cavitygamma",1/value); + return this; +} +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.setAmbientMultiplier=function(value){ + this.setUniform("1f","whiteMul",value); + return this; +} +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.setAmbientGamma=function(value){ + this.setUniform("1f","aogamma",1/value); + return this; +} +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.setMaximumDistance=function(value){ + this.setUniform("1f","maxDist",value); + return this; +} + +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.GLRender=function(gl,buffer){ + this.gl=gl; + if(this.passes.length==0){ + this.createPasses(); + } + return GLGE.Filter2d.prototype.GLRender.call(this,gl,buffer) +} + +GLGE.FilterAO.prototype.createPasses=function(){ + if(!this.gl) return; + + + var width=this.getNormalBufferWidth(); + var height=this.getNormalBufferHeight(); + + + var size=(this.samples/4)|0; + var weights=[]; + for(var i=-size,cnt=0; i<=size;i++,cnt++){ + var n=size-Math.abs(i)+1; + weights[cnt]=n/(size*size+size); + } + weights[size]=0; + + this.setUniform("1f","blurX",this.range/width*this.quality/this.samples); + this.setUniform("1f","blurY",this.range/height/this.samples); + + + + + var pass1=[]; + pass1.push("precision highp float;"); + pass1.push("uniform sampler2D GLGE_NORMAL;"); + pass1.push("uniform float maxDist;"); + pass1.push("varying vec2 texCoord;"); + pass1.push("uniform float blurX;"); + pass1.push("float rand(vec2 co){"); + pass1.push("return (fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453)-0.5)*2.0;"); + pass1.push("}"); + pass1.push("void main(void){"); + pass1.push("vec4 n=texture2D(GLGE_NORMAL,texCoord.xy).rgba;"); + pass1.push("vec4 color=vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,n.a);"); + pass1.push("float blurSize=blurX/(n.a*n.a+1.0);"); + pass1.push("float offset=rand(texCoord.xy)*blurSize+texCoord.x;"); + pass1.push("vec3 samp;"); + pass1.push("float delta;"); + for(var i=-size,cnt=0;i<=size;i++,cnt++){ + if(i==0) continue; + pass1.push("samp = texture2D(GLGE_NORMAL, vec2("+i+".0*blurSize+offset, texCoord.y)).rga;"); + pass1.push("delta=abs(n.a-samp.b);"); + pass1.push("if(delta lumaMax)) gl_FragColor = vec4(rgbA,1.0);"); + pass3.push(" else gl_FragColor = vec4(rgbB,1.0);"); + pass3.push(" if(length(rgbM)>10.0) gl_FragColor = vec4(rgbM,1.0);"); + pass3.push("}"); + + this.passes=[]; + this.addPass(pass1.join(""),width,height); + this.addPass(pass2.join("")); + this.addPass(pass3.join("\n")); +} + + + +})(GLGE);/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + + /** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_collada.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + +if(typeof(GLGE) == "undefined"){ + /** + * @namespace Holds the functionality of the library + */ + GLGE = {}; +} + +(function(GLGE){ + GLGE.ColladaDocuments=[]; + + + + +/** +* @class Class to represent a collada object +* @augments GLGE.Group +*/ +GLGE.Collada=function(uid){ + GLGE.Group.call(this); + this.children=[]; + this.actions={}; + this.boneIdx=0; + this.actionsIdx=0; + GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); + + + + +}; +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Group,GLGE.Collada); +GLGE.Collada.prototype.type=GLGE.G_NODE; +GLGE.Collada.prototype.useLights=false; +GLGE.Collada.prototype.useCamera=false +GLGE.Collada.prototype.useBinaryAlpha=false; +/** +* Gets the absolute path given an import path and the path it's relative to +* @param {string} path the path to get the absolute path for +* @param {string} relativeto the path the supplied path is relativeto +* @returns {string} absolute path +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Collada.prototype.getAbsolutePath=function(path,relativeto){ + if(path.substr(0,7)=="http://" || path.substr(0,7)=="file://" || path.substr(0,7)=="https://"){ + return path; + } + else + { + if(!relativeto){ + relativeto=window.location.href; + } + if (relativeto.indexOf("://")==-1){ + return relativeto.slice(0,relativeto.lastIndexOf("/"))+"/"+path; + } + //find the path compoents + var bits=relativeto.split("/"); + var domain=bits[2]; + var proto=bits[0]; + var initpath=[]; + for(var i=3;i0) polygons[i].getElementsByTagName("p")[0].data=tris; + } + + + //create a mesh for each set of faces + var triangles=[]; + var tris=meshNode.getElementsByTagName("triangles"); + for(i=0;i0) triangles.push(polygons[i])}; + for(i=0;ib?b:a); + } + var MAXVERTS=21843; + MAXVERTS*=3;//always must be a multiple of 3 (3 vertices) + var nummesh=((faces.length-faces.length%MAXVERTS)/MAXVERTS)+(faces.length%MAXVERTS?1:0); + var trimesh=[]; + var vstride=3; + var nstride=3; + var tstride=2; + for (var index=0;index8){ + var newjoints=[]; + var newweights=[]; + for(var j=0;j + * + * The material getter below borked if there is e.g. a scene node with the same name as the material. + * This is used to fix that by only looking for materials in the library_materials element. + */ +function getChildElementById( dNode, id ) { + + var dResult = null; + + if ( dNode.getAttribute('id') == id ) + return dNode; + + for ( var i = 0; i < dNode.childNodes.length; i++ ) { + if ( dNode.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1 ) { + dResult = getChildElementById( dNode.childNodes[i], id ); //note: 1-level deep would suffice here, doesn't need to recurse into further childs. but this works. + if ( dResult != null ) + break; + } + } + + return dResult; +} + +var MaterialCache={}; + +/** +* Gets the sampler for a texture +* @param {string} id the id or the material element +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Collada.prototype.getMaterial=function(id,bvi){ + + // JHD: Added "else" and enclosing brackets + if (!MaterialCache[this.url]) { + MaterialCache[this.url] = {}; + } else if (MaterialCache[this.url][id]) { + return MaterialCache[this.url][id]; + } + + var materialLib=this.xml.getElementsByTagName("library_materials")[0]; + var materialNode=getChildElementById(materialLib, id); //this.xml.getElementById(id); + if (!materialNode) { + var returnMaterial=new GLGE.Material(); + MaterialCache[this.url][id]=returnMaterial; + return returnMaterial; + } + var effectid=materialNode.getElementsByTagName("instance_effect")[0].getAttribute("url").substr(1); + var effect=this.xml.getElementById(effectid); + var common=effect.getElementsByTagName("profile_COMMON")[0]; + //glge only supports one technique currently so try and match as best we can + var technique=common.getElementsByTagName("technique")[0]; + var returnMaterial=new GLGE.Material(); + returnMaterial.setBinaryAlpha(this.useBinaryAlpha); + + returnMaterial.setSpecular(0); + + MaterialCache[this.url][id]=returnMaterial; + + var child; + var color; + + + //do ambient lighting + var ambient=technique.getElementsByTagName("ambient"); + if(ambient.length>0){ + child=ambient[0].firstChild; + do{ + switch(child.tagName){ + case "color": + color=child.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\s+/g,' ').split(" "); + returnMaterial.setAmbient({r:color[0],g:color[1],b:color[2]}); + break; + case "param": + color=this.getFloat4(common,child.getAttribute("ref")).replace(/\s+/g,' ').split(" "); + returnMaterial.setAmbient({r:color[0],g:color[1],b:color[2]}); + break; + case "texture": + this.createMaterialLayer(child,returnMaterial,common,GLGE.M_AMBIENT,bvi); + break; + } + }while(child=child.nextSibling); + } + + //do diffuse color + var diffuse=technique.getElementsByTagName("diffuse"); + if(diffuse.length>0){ + child=diffuse[0].firstChild; + do{ + switch(child.tagName){ + case "color": + color=child.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\s+/g,' ').split(" "); + returnMaterial.setColor({r:color[0],g:color[1],b:color[2]}); + break; + case "param": + color=this.getFloat4(common,child.getAttribute("ref")).replace(/\s+/g,' ').split(" "); + returnMaterial.setColor({r:color[0],g:color[1],b:color[2]}); + break; + case "texture": + this.createMaterialLayer(child,returnMaterial,common,GLGE.M_COLOR,bvi); + break; + } + }while(child=child.nextSibling); + } + + + var bump=technique.getElementsByTagName("bump"); + if(bump.length>0){ + child=bump[0].firstChild; + do{ + switch(child.tagName){ + case "texture": + this.createMaterialLayer(child,returnMaterial,common,GLGE.M_NOR,bvi); + break; + } + }while(child=child.nextSibling); + } + + //do shininess + var shininess=technique.getElementsByTagName("shininess"); + if(shininess.length>0){ + returnMaterial.setSpecular(1); + child=technique.getElementsByTagName("shininess")[0].firstChild; + do{ + switch(child.tagName){ + case "float": + if(parseFloat(child.firstChild.nodeValue)>1) returnMaterial.setShininess(parseFloat(child.firstChild.nodeValue)); + else returnMaterial.setShininess(parseFloat(child.firstChild.nodeValue)*128); + break; + case "param": + var value=parseFloat(this.getFloat(common,child.getAttribute("ref"))); + if(value>1) returnMaterial.setShininess(value); + else returnMaterial.setShininess(value*128); + break; + // MCB: texture is invalid here. should remove this case. + case "texture": + this.createMaterialLayer(child,returnMaterial,common,GLGE.M_SHINE,bvi); + break; + } + }while(child=child.nextSibling); + } + + //do specular color + var specular=technique.getElementsByTagName("specular"); + if(specular.length>0){ + returnMaterial.setSpecular(1); + child=specular[0].firstChild; + do{ + switch(child.tagName){ + case "color": + color=child.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\s+/g,' ').split(" "); + returnMaterial.setSpecularColor({r:color[0],g:color[1],b:color[2]}); + break; + case "param": + color=this.getFloat4(common,child.getAttribute("ref")).replace(/\s+/g,' ').split(" "); + returnMaterial.setSpecularColor({r:color[0],g:color[1],b:color[2]}); + break; + case "texture": + this.createMaterialLayer(child,returnMaterial,common,GLGE.M_SPECCOLOR,bvi); + break; + } + }while(child=child.nextSibling); + } + + //do reflectivity + /* + var reflectivity=technique.getElementsByTagName("reflectivity"); + if(reflectivity.length>0){ + child=reflectivity[0].firstChild; + do{ + switch(child.tagName){ + case "float": + //returnMaterial.setReflectivity(parseFloat(child.firstChild.nodeValue)) + break; + case "param": + //returnMaterial.setReflectivity(parseFloat(this.getFloat(common,child.getAttribute("ref")))); + break; + // MCB: texture is invalid here. should remove this case. + case "texture": + var imageid=this.getSurface(common,this.getSampler(common,child.getAttribute("texture"))); + textureImage=this.getImage(imageid); + var texture=new GLGE.Texture(textureImage); + returnMaterial.addTexture(texture); + returnMaterial.addMaterialLayer(new GLGE.MaterialLayer(texture,GLGE.M_REFLECT,GLGE.UV1)); + break; + } + }while(child=child.nextSibling); + }*/ + + //do emission color + var emission=technique.getElementsByTagName("emission"); + if(emission.length>0){ + child=emission[0].firstChild; + do{ + switch(child.tagName){ + case "color": + color=child.firstChild.nodeValue.split(" "); + returnMaterial.setEmit({r:color[0],g:color[1],b:color[2]}); + break; + case "param": + color=this.getFloat4(common,child.getAttribute("ref")).split(" "); + returnMaterial.setEmit(color[0]); + break; + case "texture": + this.createMaterialLayer(child,returnMaterial,common,GLGE.M_EMIT,bvi); + break; + } + }while(child=child.nextSibling); + } + + //do reflective color + var reflective=technique.getElementsByTagName("reflective"); + if(reflective.length>0){ + child=reflective[0].firstChild; + do{ + switch(child.tagName){ + case "color": + color=child.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\s+/g,' ').split(" "); +//TODO returnMaterial.setReflectiveColor({r:color[0],g:color[1],b:color[2]}); + break; + case "param": + color=this.getFloat4(common,child.getAttribute("ref")).replace(/\s+/g,' ').split(" "); +//TODO returnMaterial.setReflectiveColor({r:color[0],g:color[1],b:color[2]}); + break; + case "texture": + this.createMaterialLayer(child,returnMaterial,common,GLGE.M_REFLECT,bvi); + break; + } + }while(child=child.nextSibling); + } + + //do transparency + var transparency=technique.getElementsByTagName("transparency"); + if(transparency.length>0){ + child=transparency[0].firstChild; + do{ + switch(child.tagName){ + case "float": +//TODO returnMaterial.setTransparency(parseFloat(child.firstChild.nodeValue)) + //Causing issues with a couple of models + if(child.firstChild.nodeValue<1){ + returnMaterial.setAlpha(parseFloat(child.firstChild.nodeValue)); + returnMaterial.trans=true; + } + break; + case "param": +//TODO returnMaterial.setTransparency(parseFloat(this.getFloat(common,child.getAttribute("ref")))); + break; + } + }while(child=child.nextSibling); + } + + //do transparent color + var transparent=technique.getElementsByTagName("transparent"); + if(transparent.length>0){ + var opaque=transparent[0].getAttribute("opaque"); + if(!opaque) opaque="A_ONE"; // schema default + + child=transparent[0].firstChild; + do{ + switch(child.tagName){ + // MCB: float is invalid here. should remove this case. + case "float": + var alpha=parseFloat(child.firstChild.nodeValue); + if(alpha<1){ + returnMaterial.setAlpha(parseFloat(child.firstChild.nodeValue)); + returnMaterial.trans=true; + } + break; + case "color": + color=child.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\s+/g,' ').split(" "); + var alpha=this.getMaterialAlpha(color,opaque,1); +//TODO var alpha=this.getMaterialAlpha(color,opaque,returnMaterial.getTransparency()); + if(alpha<1){ + returnMaterial.setAlpha(alpha); + returnMaterial.trans=true; + } + break; + case "param": + color=this.getFloat4(common,child.getAttribute("ref")).replace(/\s+/g,' ').split(" "); + var alpha=this.getMaterialAlpha(color,opaque,1); +//TODO var alpha=this.getMaterialAlpha(color,opaque,returnMaterial.getTransparency()); + if(alpha<1){ + returnMaterial.setAlpha(alpha); + returnMaterial.trans=true; + } + break; + // MCB: this case assumes opaque="A_ONE" and transparency="1.0" + case "texture": + this.createMaterialLayer(child,returnMaterial,common,GLGE.M_ALPHA,bvi); + returnMaterial.trans=true; + break; + } + }while(child=child.nextSibling); + } + + return returnMaterial; +}; + +/** +* gets the material alpha from the transparent color +* @param {color} the transparent color +* @param {opaque} the transparent color opaque attribute value +* @param {transparency} the transparency value +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Collada.prototype.getMaterialAlpha=function(color,opaque,transparency){ + var returnAlpha; + + switch(opaque){ + case "A_ONE": + returnAlpha=parseFloat(color[3])*transparency; + break; + case "A_ZERO": + returnAlpha=1-parseFloat(color[3])*transparency; + break; + case "RGB_ONE": + var luminance=parseFloat(color[0])*0.212671 + +parseFloat(color[1])*0.715160 + +parseFloat(color[2])*0.072169; + returnAlpha=luminance*transparency; + break; + case "RGB_ZERO": + var luminance=parseFloat(color[0])*0.212671 + +parseFloat(color[1])*0.715160 + +parseFloat(color[2])*0.072169; + returnAlpha=1-luminance*transparency; + break; + } + return returnAlpha; +}; + + +GLGE.Collada.prototype.setMaterialOntoMesh=function(meshes,node) { + var materials=node.getElementsByTagName("instance_material"); + var objMaterials={}; + for(var i=0; i=0;--i) + if (str[i]>="0"&&str[i]<="9") + retval=str[i]+retval; + if (retval.length==0) return "0"; + return retval; + } + bvi[bvis[j].getAttribute("semantic")]=getLastNumber(bvis[j].getAttribute("semantic")); + } + } + mat=this.getMaterial(materials[i].getAttribute("target").substr(1),bvi); + objMaterials[materials[i].getAttribute("symbol")]=mat; + } + //create GLGE object + var obj=new GLGE.Object(); + for(i=0; i1) idx=parseInt(idx[0])+4*parseInt(idx[1]); + else idx=parseInt(idx[0]); + sids[sidtarget].animations[idx]=animcurves[0]; + }else{ + //do all + for(var j=0;j0){ + bindShapeMatrix=this.parseArray(controller.getElementsByTagName("bind_shape_matrix")[0]); + }else{ + //assume identity + bindShapeMatrix=GLGE.identMatrix(); + } + + var inverseBindMatrix=[bindShapeMatrix]; + var base=new GLGE.Group; + this.addGroup(base); + var joints=[base]; + var mat; + for(var i=0; i0){ + var colors=color[0].firstChild.nodeValue.split(" "); + var c="rgb("+((colors[0]*255)|0)+","+((colors[1]*255)|0)+","+((colors[2]*255)|0)+")"; + light.setColor(c); + } + switch (type.tagName) { + // JHD + case "point": + light.setType(GLGE.L_POINT); + case "spot": + // JHD - End + var ca = type.getElementsByTagName("constant_attenuation"); + if (ca.length > 0) + light.setAttenuationConstant(parseFloat(ca[0].firstChild.nodeValue)); + var la = type.getElementsByTagName("linear_attenuation"); + if (la.length > 0) + light.setAttenuationLinear(parseFloat(la[0].firstChild.nodeValue)); + var qa = type.getElementsByTagName("quadratic_attenuation"); + if (qa.length > 0) + light.setAttenuationQuadratic(parseFloat(qa[0].firstChild.nodeValue)); + // JHD + if (type.tagName == "spot") { + light.setType(GLGE.L_SPOT); + } else { + break; + } + // case "spot": + // JHD - End + var se = type.getElementsByTagName("falloff_exponent"); + if (se.length > 0) { + var exp = parseFloat(se[0].firstChild.nodeValue); + if (exp < 1.0001) + exp *= 128; // if less then one then assume they + // are using 0-1 so convert to 0-128 + light.setSpotExponent(exp); + } + var fa = type.getElementsByTagName("falloff_angle"); + if (fa.length > 0) + light.setSpotCosCutOff(Math.cos(parseFloat(fa[0].firstChild.nodeValue) / 180 + * Math.PI)); + break; + } + return light; +} + +// JHD +/** +* Creates a new group and parses it's children +* @param {DOM Element} node the element to parse +* @param {boolean} ref should this just get a reference for later addition +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Collada.prototype.addColladaCamera = function(object) { + object.matrix = null; // Clear any cache + object.parent = this; + this.children.push(object); + this.hasCamera = true; + + return this; +} +// JHD - End + +/** +* Creates a new group and parses it's children +* @param {DOM Element} node the element to parse +* @param {boolean} ref should this just get a reference for later addition +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Collada.prototype.getNode=function(node,ref){ + + //if a reference has previously been created then add it now + if(!ref && node.GLGEObject){ + newGroup=node.GLGEObject; + delete(this.GLGEObject); + return newGroup; + } + + //if a reference is requested a the node previously created then return here + if(ref && node && node.GLGEObjects){ + return node.GLGEObjects[0]; + } + + var newGroup=new GLGE.Group(); + var name="bone"+(++this.boneIdx); + newGroup.setName(name); + if (!node) { + return newGroup; + } + if(!node.GLGEObjects) node.GLGEObjects=[]; + node.GLGEObjects.push(newGroup); //map Collada DOM to GLGE + var child=node.firstChild; + var matrix=GLGE.identMatrix(); + var data; + if(child) do{ + switch(child.tagName){ + case "node": + newGroup.addGroup(this.getNode(child)); + break; + case "instance_node": + newGroup.addGroup(this.getNode(this.xml.getElementById(child.getAttribute("url").substr(1)))); + break; + case "instance_visual_scene": + newGroup.addGroup(this.getNode(this.xml.getElementById(child.getAttribute("url").substr(1)))); + break; + case "instance_light": + if(this.useLights) newGroup.addLight(this.getInstanceLight(this.xml.getElementById(child.getAttribute("url").substr(1)))); + break; + case "instance_geometry": + newGroup.addObject(this.getInstanceGeometry(child)); + break; + case "instance_controller": + newGroup.addObject(this.getInstanceController(child)); + break; + // JHD + case "instance_camera": + if(!this.useCamera) break; + newGroup.addColladaCamera(this.getNode(this.xml.getElementById(child.getAttribute("url").substr(1)))); + break; + case "optics": + if(!this.useCamera) break; + var opticChild = child.getElementsByTagName("technique_common"); + if (opticChild && opticChild.length > 0) { + opticChild = opticChild[0].getElementsByTagName("perspective"); + if (opticChild && opticChild.length > 0) { + var yFov = opticChild[0].getElementsByTagName("yfov"); + if (yFov && yFov.length > 0) { + newGroup.yFov = parseFloat(yFov[0].textContent); + } + var zNear = opticChild[0].getElementsByTagName("znear"); + if (zNear && zNear.length > 0) { + newGroup.zNear = parseFloat(zNear[0].textContent); + } + var zFar = opticChild[0].getElementsByTagName("zfar"); + if (zFar && zFar.length > 0) { + newGroup.zFar = parseFloat(zFar[0].textContent); + } + } + } + break; + // JHD - End + case "matrix": + matrix=this.parseArray(child); + break; + case "translate": + data=this.parseArray(child); + matrix=GLGE.mulMat4(matrix,GLGE.translateMatrix(data[0],data[1],data[2])); + break; + case "rotate": + data=this.parseArray(child); + matrix=GLGE.mulMat4(matrix,GLGE.angleAxis(data[3]*0.017453278,[data[0],data[1],data[2]])); + break; + case "scale": + data=this.parseArray(child); + matrix=GLGE.mulMat4(matrix,GLGE.scaleMatrix(data[0],data[1],data[2])); + break; + } + }while(child=child.nextSibling); + + newGroup.setLoc(matrix[3],matrix[7],matrix[11]); + var mat=GLGE.Mat4([matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], 0, + matrix[4], matrix[5], matrix[6], 0, + matrix[8], matrix[9], matrix[10], 0, + 0, 0, 0, 1]); + + newGroup.setRotMatrix(mat); + + if(ref) node.GLGEObject=newGroup; + + return newGroup; +}; +/** +* Initializes the Object/Scene when the collada document has been loaded +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Collada.prototype.initVisualScene=function(){ + var metadata=this.xml.getElementsByTagName("asset"); + var up_axis="Z_UP"; + if(metadata.length) { + var up_axis_node=metadata[0].getElementsByTagName("up_axis"); + if (up_axis_node.length) { + up_axis_node=up_axis_node[0]; + var cur_axis=up_axis_node.firstChild.nodeValue; + if (cur_axis.length) + up_axis=cur_axis; + } + } + var transformRoot=this; + if (up_axis[0]!="Y"&&up_axis[0]!="y") { + transformRoot = new GLGE.Group(); + this.addChild(transformRoot); + if (up_axis[0]!="Z"&&up_axis[0]!="z") { + transformRoot.setRotMatrix(GLGE.Mat4([0, -1 , 0, 0, + 1, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 1, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 1])); + + }else { + transformRoot.setRotMatrix(GLGE.Mat4([1, 0 , 0, 0, + 0, 0, 1, 0, + 0, -1, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 1])); + + } + } + if(!this.rootId){ + var scene=this.xml.getElementsByTagName("scene"); + if(scene.length>0){ + transformRoot.addGroup(this.getNode(scene[0])); + }else{ + GLGE.error("Please indicate the asset to render in Collada Document"+this.url); + } + }else{ + var root=this.xml.getElementById(this.rootId); + if(root){ + transformRoot.addGroup(this.getNode(root)); + }else{ + GLGE.error("Asset "+this.rootId+" not found in document"+this.url); + } + } + + if(this.useCamera){ + // JHD + var tempCamera; + var findChild = function(root) { + if (root.hasCamera) { + tempCamera = root; + return; + } + if (!root.children) { + return; + } + for ( var i = 0; i < root.children.length && !tempCamera; i++) { + findChild(root.children[i]); + } + }; + findChild(transformRoot); + if (tempCamera) { + pp = transformRoot.parent.parent; + pp.camera.locX = tempCamera.locX; + pp.camera.locY = tempCamera.locY; + pp.camera.locZ = tempCamera.locZ; + if (tempCamera.children && tempCamera.children.length > 0) { + var child = tempCamera.children[0]; + if (child.yFov) { + pp.camera.fovy = child.yFov; + pp.camera.pMatrix = null; + } + // TODO: Does this really get applied into WebGL states? + if (child.zNear) { + pp.camera.near = child.zNear; + } + if (child.zFar) { + pp.camera.far = child.zFar; + } + } + // Clear camera cache - The camera has, at this point, already been + // calculated! + pp.camera.matrix = null; + pp.camera.rotmatrix = tempCamera.rotmatrix; + pp.camera.lookAt = null; + } + // JHD - End + } + +}; + + +/** +* Exceptions for the bad exports out there, I'm sure there will be many more :-( +*/ +var exceptions={ + "default":{}, + "COLLADA Mixamo exporter":{badAccessor:true}, + "FBX COLLADA exporter":{badAccessor:true}, + "Blender2.5":{flipangle:true,negjoints:true} +} + +GLGE.Collada.prototype.getExceptions=function(){ + if(this.xml.getElementsByTagName("authoring_tool").length>0 && this.xml.getElementsByTagName("authoring_tool")[0].firstChild.nodeValue=="COLLADA Mixamo exporter"){ + return exceptions["COLLADA Mixamo exporter"]; + } + if(this.xml.getElementsByTagName("authoring_tool").length>0 && this.xml.getElementsByTagName("authoring_tool")[0].firstChild.nodeValue=="FBX COLLADA exporter"){ + return exceptions["FBX COLLADA exporter"]; + } + if(this.xml.getElementsByTagName("authoring_tool").length>0 && /Blender 2.5/.test(this.xml.getElementsByTagName("authoring_tool")[0].firstChild.nodeValue)){ + return exceptions["Blender2.5"]; + } +} +/** +* Called when a collada document has is loaded +* @param {string} url the url of the loaded document +* @param {DOM Document} xml the xml document +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Collada.prototype.loaded=function(url,xml){ + this.xml=xml; + if(xml.getElementsByTagName("authoring_tool").length>0) this.exceptions=exceptions[xml.getElementsByTagName("authoring_tool")[0].firstChild.nodeValue]; + this.exceptions=this.getExceptions(); + if(!this.exceptions) this.exceptions=exceptions['default']; +/// FIXME -- I used to have some try/catches going on here to avoid silent fails + this.initVisualScene(); + this.getAnimations(); + if (this.loadedCallback) { + this.loadedCallback(this); + } + //WTF firefox gets here too soon???? + var collada=this; + setTimeout(function(){ + collada.fireEvent("loaded",{url:this.url}); + if(collada.isComplete()) collada.fireEvent("downloadComplete",{}); + },1); +}; + +GLGE.Scene.prototype.addCollada=GLGE.Scene.prototype.addGroup; +GLGE.Group.prototype.addCollada=GLGE.Group.prototype.addGroup; + + +if(GLGE.Document){ + /** + * Parses the dom element and creates a collada object + * @param {domelement} ele the element to create the objects from + * @private + */ + GLGE.Document.prototype.getCollada=function(ele){ + if(!ele.object){ + ele.object=new GLGE[this.classString(ele.tagName)](); + ele.object.setDocument(ele.getAttribute("document"),this.getAbsolutePath(this.rootURL,null)); + ele.removeAttribute("document"); + this.setProperties(ele); + } + return ele.object; + } +} + +})(GLGE); +/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_input.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + + if(!GLGE){ + /** + * @namespace Holds the functionality of the library + */ + var GLGE={}; +} + +(function(GLGE){ + /** + * @class Creates a heightmap for a region of the world based on an image. Originally created as a quick and easy collision detection. At least until we have a better physics implementation. + * @deprecated not intended as a permanent addition + * @param {string} imageURL The url of the image to generate the hightmap for + * @param {number} imageWidth The width of the image + * @param {number} imageHeight The height of the image + * @param {number} x1 The lower X bound of the height map in world coords + * @param {number} x2 The upper X bound of the height map in world coords + * @param {number} y1 The lower Y bound of the height map in world coords + * @param {number} y2 The upper Y bound of the height map in world coords + * @param {number} z1 The lower Z bound of the height map in world coords + * @param {number} z2 The upper Z bound of the height map in world coords + */ + GLGE.HeightMap = function(imageURL, imageWidth, imageHeight, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2){ + this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); + this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); + this.canvas.width = imageWidth; + this.canvas.height = imageHeight; + this.minX = x1; + this.maxX = x2; + this.minY = y1; + this.maxY = y2; + this.minZ = z1; + this.maxZ = z2; + + var image = new Image(); + image.heightmap = this; + image.onload = function(e){ + this.heightmap.context.drawImage(this, 0, 0); + this.heightmap.data = this.heightmap.context.getImageData(0, 0, this.heightmap.canvas.width, this.heightmap.canvas.height).data; + this.heightmap.minImgValue = this.heightmap.data[0]; + this.heightmap.maxImgValue = this.heightmap.data[0]; + for (i = 0; i < this.heightmap.data.length; i += 4) { + if (this.heightmap.data[i] < this.heightmap.minImgValue) { + this.heightmap.minImgValue = this.heightmap.data[i]; + } + if (this.heightmap.data[i] > this.heightmap.maxImgValue) { + this.heightmap.maxImgValue = this.heightmap.data[i]; + } + } + }; + image.src = imageURL; + } + GLGE.HeightMap.prototype.canvas = null; + GLGE.HeightMap.prototype.context = null; + GLGE.HeightMap.prototype.minZ = null; + GLGE.HeightMap.prototype.maxZ = null; + GLGE.HeightMap.prototype.minY = null; + GLGE.HeightMap.prototype.maxY = null; + GLGE.HeightMap.prototype.minX = null; + GLGE.HeightMap.prototype.maxX = null; + GLGE.HeightMap.prototype.data = null; + /** + * Gets the pixel height at the specified image coords + * @param {number} x the x image coord + * @param {number} y the y image coord + * @private + */ + GLGE.HeightMap.prototype.getPixelAt = function(x, y){ + if (this.data) { + return (((this.data[(this.canvas.width * y + x) * 4]) - this.minImgValue) / (this.maxImgValue - this.minImgValue)) * (this.maxZ - this.minZ) + this.minZ; + } + else { + return 0; + } + } + /** + * Function to get he height as specified x, y world coords + * @param {number} x the x world coord + * @param {number} y the y world coord + * @returns {number} the height of the level in world units + */ + GLGE.HeightMap.prototype.getHeightAt = function(x, y){ + var retValue; + if (this.lastx != undefined && x == this.lastx && y == this.lasty) { + retValue = this.lastValue; + } + else { + var imgX = Math.round((x - this.minX) / (this.maxX - this.minX) * this.canvas.width); + var imgY = Math.round((y - this.minY) / (this.maxY - this.minY) * this.canvas.height); + retValue = this.getPixelAt(imgX, imgY); + this.lastValue = retValue; + } + this.lastx = x; + this.lasty = y; + return retValue; + } + /** + * @class Monitors keyboard input for use in render loops + */ + GLGE.KeyInput=function(){ + if(!document.keyStates) document.keyStates=[]; + document.addEventListener("keydown",this.onKeyDown,false); + document.addEventListener("keyup",this.onKeyUp,false); + } + /** + * Tests if a key is pressed + * @param {number} the keycode to check + * @returns {boolean} key returns true if the key is being pressed + */ + GLGE.KeyInput.prototype.isKeyPressed=function(key){ + if(document.keyStates[key]) return true; + else return false; + }; + var skiptimmer=null; + /** + * document keydown event used to monitor the key states + * @param {event} e the event being fired + * @private + */ + GLGE.KeyInput.prototype.onKeyDown=function(e){ + document.keyStates[e.keyCode]=true; + }; + /** + * Document keyup event used to monitor the key states + * @param {event} e the event being fired + * @private + */ + GLGE.KeyInput.prototype.onKeyUp=function(e){ + document.keyStates[e.keyCode]=false; + }; + /** + * @class Monitors mouse input for use in render loops + */ + GLGE.MouseInput=function(element){ + this.element=element; + this.element.mouseX=0; + this.element.mouseY=0; + if(!this.element.buttonState) this.element.buttonState=[]; + element.addEventListener("mousemove",this.onMouseMove,false); + element.addEventListener("mousedown",this.onMouseDown,false); + element.addEventListener("mouseup",this.onMouseUp,false); + } + GLGE.MouseInput.prototype.element=null; + /** + * Elements mousemove event used to monitor the mouse states + * @param {event} e the event being fired + * @private + */ + GLGE.MouseInput.prototype.onMouseMove=function(e){ + this.mouseX=e.clientX; + this.mouseY=e.clientY; + } + /** + * Elements mousedown event used to monitor the mouse states + * @param {event} e the event being fired + * @private + */ + GLGE.MouseInput.prototype.onMouseDown=function(e){ + this.buttonState[e.button]=true; + } + /** + * Elements mouseup event used to monitor the mouse states + * @param {event} e the event being fired + * @private + */ + GLGE.MouseInput.prototype.onMouseUp=function(e){ + this.buttonState[e.button]=false; + } + /** + * Tests if a mouse button is pressed + * @param {number} button the button to check + * @returns {boolean} returns true if the button is being pressed + */ + GLGE.MouseInput.prototype.isButtonDown=function(button){ + if(this.element.buttonState[button]) return true; + else return false; + } + /** + * Gets the mouse coords + * @returns {object} the current mouse coors + */ + GLGE.MouseInput.prototype.getMousePosition=function(){ + return {x:this.element.mouseX,y:this.element.mouseY} + } + + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the left mouse button + */ + GLGE.MI_LEFT=0; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the middle mouse button + */ + GLGE.MI_MIDDLE=1; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the right mouse button + */ + GLGE.MI_RIGHT=2; + + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the backspace key + */ + GLGE.KI_BACKSPACE=8; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the tab key + */ + GLGE.KI_TAB=9; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the enter key + */ + GLGE.KI_ENTER=13; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the shift key + */ + GLGE.KI_SHIFT=16; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the ctrl key + */ + GLGE.KI_CTRL=17; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the alt key + */ + GLGE.KI_ALT=18; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the pause/break key + */ + GLGE.KI_PAUSE_BREAK=19; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the caps lock key + */ + GLGE.KI_CAPS_LOCK=20; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the escape key + */ + GLGE.KI_ESCAPE=27; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the page up key + */ + GLGE.KI_PAGE_UP=33; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the page down key + */ + GLGE.KI_PAGE_DOWN=34; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the end key + */ + GLGE.KI_END=35; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the home key + */ + GLGE.KI_HOME=36; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the left arrow key + */ + GLGE.KI_LEFT_ARROW=37; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the up arrow key + */ + GLGE.KI_UP_ARROW=38; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the right arrow key + */ + GLGE.KI_RIGHT_ARROW=39; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the down arrow key + */ + GLGE.KI_DOWN_ARROW=40; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the insert key + */ + GLGE.KI_INSERT=45; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the delete key + */ + GLGE.KI_DELETE=46; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the 0 key + */ + GLGE.KI_0=48; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the 1 key + */ + GLGE.KI_1=49; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the 2 key + */ + GLGE.KI_2=50; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the 3 key + */ + GLGE.KI_3=51; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the 4 key + */ + GLGE.KI_4=52; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the 5 key + */ + GLGE.KI_5=53; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the 6 key + */ + GLGE.KI_6=54; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the 7 key + */ + GLGE.KI_7=55; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the 8 key + */ + GLGE.KI_8=56; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the 9 key + */ + GLGE.KI_9=57; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the a key + */ + GLGE.KI_A=65; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the b key + */ + GLGE.KI_B=66; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the c key + */ + GLGE.KI_C=67; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the d key + */ + GLGE.KI_D=68; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the e key + */ + GLGE.KI_E=69; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the f key + */ + GLGE.KI_F=70; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the g key + */ + GLGE.KI_G=71; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the h key + */ + GLGE.KI_H=72; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the i key + */ + GLGE.KI_I=73; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the j key + */ + GLGE.KI_J=74; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the k key + */ + GLGE.KI_K=75; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the l key + */ + GLGE.KI_L=76; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the m key + */ + GLGE.KI_M=77; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the n key + */ + GLGE.KI_N=78; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the o key + */ + GLGE.KI_O=79; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the p key + */ + GLGE.KI_P=80; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the q key + */ + GLGE.KI_Q=81; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the r key + */ + GLGE.KI_R=82; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the s key + */ + GLGE.KI_S=83; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the t key + */ + GLGE.KI_T=84; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the u key + */ + GLGE.KI_U=85; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the v key + */ + GLGE.KI_V=86; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the w key + */ + GLGE.KI_W=87; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the x key + */ + GLGE.KI_X=88; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the y key + */ + GLGE.KI_Y=89; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the z key + */ + GLGE.KI_Z=90; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the left window key key + */ + GLGE.KI_LEFT_WINDOW_KEY=91; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the right window key key + */ + GLGE.KI_RIGHT_WINDOW_KEY=92; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the select key key + */ + GLGE.KI_SELECT_KEY=93; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the numpad 0 key + */ + GLGE.KI_NUMPAD_0=96; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the numpad 1 key + */ + GLGE.KI_NUMPAD_1=97; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the numpad 2 key + */ + GLGE.KI_NUMPAD_2=98; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the numpad 3 key + */ + GLGE.KI_NUMPAD_3=99; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the numpad 4 key + */ + GLGE.KI_NUMPAD_4=100; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the numpad 5 key + */ + GLGE.KI_NUMPAD_5=101; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the numpad 6 key + */ + GLGE.KI_NUMPAD_6=102; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the numpad 7 key + */ + GLGE.KI_NUMPAD_7=103; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the numpad 8 key + */ + GLGE.KI_NUMPAD_8=104; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the numpad 9 key + */ + GLGE.KI_NUMPAD_9=105; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the multiply key + */ + GLGE.KI_MULTIPLY=106; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the add key + */ + GLGE.KI_ADD=107; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the subtract key + */ + GLGE.KI_SUBTRACT=109; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the decimal point key + */ + GLGE.KI_DECIMAL_POINT=110; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the divide key + */ + GLGE.KI_DIVIDE=111; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the f1 key + */ + GLGE.KI_F1=112; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the f2 key + */ + GLGE.KI_F2=113; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the f3 key + */ + GLGE.KI_F3=114; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the f4 key + */ + GLGE.KI_F4=115; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the f5 key + */ + GLGE.KI_F5=116; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the f6 key + */ + GLGE.KI_F6=117; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the f7 key + */ + GLGE.KI_F7=118; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the f8 key + */ + GLGE.KI_F8=119; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the f9 key + */ + GLGE.KI_F9=120; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the f10 key + */ + GLGE.KI_F10=121; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the f11 key + */ + GLGE.KI_F11=122; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the f12 key + */ + GLGE.KI_F12=123; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the num lock key + */ + GLGE.KI_NUM_LOCK=144; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the scroll lock key + */ + GLGE.KI_SCROLL_LOCK=145; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the semi-colon key + */ + GLGE.KI_SEMI_COLON=186; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the equal sign key + */ + GLGE.KI_EQUAL_SIGN=187; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the comma key + */ + GLGE.KI_COMMA=188; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the dash key + */ + GLGE.KI_DASH=189; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the period key + */ + GLGE.KI_PERIOD=190; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the forward slash key + */ + GLGE.KI_FORWARD_SLASH=191; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the grave accent key + */ + GLGE.KI_GRAVE_ACCENT=192; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the open bracket key + */ + GLGE.KI_OPEN_BRACKET=219; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the back slash key + */ + GLGE.KI_BACK_SLASH=220; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the close braket key + */ + GLGE.KI_CLOSE_BRAKET=221; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the single quote key + */ + GLGE.KI_SINGLE_QUOTE=222; + /** + * @constant + * @description Enumeration for the space key + */ + GLGE.KI_SPACE=32; + + + //code by @paul_irish + if ( !window.requestAnimationFrame ) { + + window.requestAnimationFrame = ( function() { + + return window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || + window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || + window.oRequestAnimationFrame || + window.msRequestAnimationFrame || + function( /* function FrameRequestCallback */ callback, /* DOMElement Element */ element ) { + + window.setTimeout( callback, 1000 / 60 ); + + }; + + } )(); + + } + +})(GLGE); + + + +/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_wavefront.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + +(function(GLGE){ +/** +* @class parses and displays a warefront object file with mtl material +* @param {string} uid the unique id for this object +* @augments GLGE.Object +*/ +GLGE.Wavefront=function(uid){ + this.multimaterials=[]; + this.materials={}; + this.instances=[]; + this.queue=[]; + this.idMaterials = [];//storaged name of material (string) + GLGE.Object.call(this,uid); + GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); +} +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Object,GLGE.Wavefront); +/** +* Gets the absolute path given an import path and the path it's relative to +* @param {string} path the path to get the absolute path for +* @param {string} relativeto the path the supplied path is relativeto +* @returns {string} absolute path +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Wavefront.prototype.getAbsolutePath=function(path,relativeto){ + if(path.substr(0,7)=="http://" || path.substr(0,7)=="file://" || path.substr(0,8)=="https://"){ + return path; + } + else + { + if(!relativeto){ + relativeto=window.location.href; + } + if(relativeto.indexOf("?")>0){ + relativeto=relativeto.substr(0,relativeto.indexOf("?")); + } + //find the path compoents + var bits=relativeto.split("/"); + var domain=bits[2]; + var proto=bits[0]; + var initpath=[]; + for(var i=3;i0){ + var matUrl=this.queue.pop(); + this.loadMaterials(matUrl,this.src); + }else{ + this.parseMesh(); + this.fireEvent("loaded",{}); + } + }); + }else{ + this.queue.push(url); + } + +}; +/** +* creates the GLGE materials from a mtl file +* @param {string} file the file to parse +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Wavefront.prototype.parseMaterials=function(file){ + //loop though all lines and look for matlibs + var j = 0; + var i = 0; + var index = 0; + var idNameMaterial; + while(i1) + { + switch(data[0]){ + case "Kd": + material.setColorR(parseFloat(data[1])); + material.setColorG(parseFloat(data[2])); + material.setColorB(parseFloat(data[3])); + break; + case "Ks": + material.setSpecularColor({r:parseFloat(data[1]),g:parseFloat(data[2]),b:parseFloat(data[3])}); + break; + case "Ns": + material.setShininess(parseFloat(data[1])); + break; + case "d": + this.setZtransparent(true); + material.setAlpha(parseFloat(data[1])); + break; + case "map_Kd": + var ml=new GLGE.MaterialLayer; + ml.setMapto(GLGE.M_COLOR); + ml.setMapinput(GLGE.UV1); + var tex=new GLGE.Texture; + var k=1; + while(data[k][0]=="-") k=k+2; + tex.setSrc(this.getAbsolutePath(data[k],this.relativeTo)); + material.addTexture(tex); + ml.setTexture(tex); + material.addMaterialLayer(ml); + break; + case "map_Ks": + case "map_spec": + var ml=new GLGE.MaterialLayer; + ml.setMapto(GLGE.M_SPECULAR); + ml.setMapinput(GLGE.UV1); + var tex=new GLGE.Texture; + var k=1; + while(data[k][0]=="-") k=k+2; + tex.setSrc(this.getAbsolutePath(data[k],this.relativeTo)); + material.addTexture(tex); + ml.setTexture(tex); + material.addMaterialLayer(ml); + break; + case "bump": + case "map_bump": + var ml=new GLGE.MaterialLayer; + ml.setMapto(GLGE.M_NOR); + ml.setMapinput(GLGE.UV1); + var tex=new GLGE.Texture; + var k=1; + while(data[k][0]=="-") k=k+2; + tex.setSrc(this.getAbsolutePath(data[k],this.relativeTo)); + material.addTexture(tex); + ml.setTexture(tex); + material.addMaterialLayer(ml); + break; + } + } + j++; + if(j>=file.length) + break; + } + i=j-1; + this.materials[index]=material; + this.idMaterials.push(idNameMaterial); + index++; + } + i++; + } +}; +/** +* loads a resource from a url +* @param {string} url the url of the resource to load +* @param {string} relativeTo the url to load relative to +* @param {function} callback thefunction to call once the file is loaded +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Wavefront.prototype.loadFile=function(url,relativeTo,callback){ + this.loading=true; + if(!callback) callback=this.loaded; + if(!relativeTo && this.relativeTo) relativeTo=this.relativeTo; + url=this.getAbsolutePath(url,relativeTo); + if(!this.relativeTo) this.relativeTo=url; + var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); + var that=this; + if(req) { + req.overrideMimeType("text/plain") + req.onreadystatechange = function() { + if(this.readyState == 4) + { + if(this.status == 200 || this.status==0){ + that.loading=false; + callback.call(that,url,this.responseText); + }else{ + GLGE.error("Error loading Document: "+url+" status "+this.status); + } + } + }; + req.open("GET", url, true); + req.send(""); + } +} +/** +* loads a wavefront ojvect from a given url +* @param {DOM Element} url the url to retrieve +* @param {string} relativeTo optional the path the url is relative to +*/ +GLGE.Wavefront.prototype.setSrc=function(url,relativeTo){ + this.src=this.getAbsolutePath(url,relativeTo); + this.loadFile(this.src,relativeTo); +}; +/** +* loads a resource from a url +* @param {string} url the url of the resource loaded +* @param {string} objfile the loaded file +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Wavefront.prototype.loaded=function(url,objfile){ + this.file=objArray=objfile.split("\n"); + var hasMaterial=false; + //loop through the file and load the Materials + for(var i=0;i1){ + if(data[0]=="mtllib"){ + hasMaterial=true; + this.loadMaterials(data[1]); + } + } + } + if(!hasMaterial){ + this.parseMesh(); + this.fireEvent("loaded",{}); + } + +}; +/** +* creates a new multimaterial +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Wavefront.prototype.createMultiMaterial=function(idxDataOrig,idxDataOrigMap,verts,norms,texCoords,faces,material,smooth){ + //loop though the indexes to produce streams + var positions=[]; + var normals=[]; + var uv=[]; + var newfaces=[]; + var idxData=[]; + var idxDataMap={}; + for(var i=0;i0) var vertData=idxData[i].split("/"); + else var vertData=[idxData[i]]; + if(!verts[vertData[0]-1]) GLGE.error(vertData[0]); + positions.push(verts[vertData[0]-1][1]); + positions.push(verts[vertData[0]-1][2]); + positions.push(verts[vertData[0]-1][3]); + if(vertData[1]){ + uv.push(texCoords[vertData[1]-1][1]); + uv.push(texCoords[vertData[1]-1][2]); + } + if(vertData[2]){ + normals.push(norms[vertData[2]-1][1]); + normals.push(norms[vertData[2]-1][2]); + normals.push(norms[vertData[2]-1][3]); + } + } + if(positions.length/3>65024){ + var newPositions=[]; + var newNormals=[]; + var newUVs=[]; + for(var i=0;i0) newNormals.push(normals[faces[i]*3],normals[faces[i]*3+1],normals[faces[i]*3+2]); + if(uv.length>0) newUVs.push(uv[faces[i]*2],uv[faces[i]*2+1]); + } + positions=newPositions; + normals=newNormals; + uv=newUVs; + faces=[]; + } + var multiMat=new GLGE.MultiMaterial; + var mesh=new GLGE.Mesh; + + mesh.setPositions(positions); + if(normals.length>0) mesh.setNormals(normals); + if(uv.length>0) mesh.setUV(uv); + if(faces.length>0) mesh.setFaces(faces); + multiMat.setMesh(mesh); + multiMat.setMaterial(material); + this.addMultiMaterial(multiMat); + +} +/** +* Parses the mesh +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Wavefront.prototype.parseMesh=function(){ + objArray=this.file; + var texCoords=[]; + var verts=[]; + var norms=[]; + var faces=[]; + var idxData=[]; + var idxDataMap={}; + var vertoffset=0; + var smooth=true; + var material=new GLGE.Material; + for(var i=0;i0){ + switch(data[0]){ + case "s": + if(data[1]=="1") smooth=true; + else smooth=false; + case "o": + if(faces.length>0){ + this.createMultiMaterial(idxData,idxDataMap,verts,norms,texCoords,faces,material,smooth); + faces=[]; + material=new GLGE.Material; + } + break; + case "usemtl": + if(faces.length>0){ + this.createMultiMaterial(idxData,idxDataMap,verts,norms,texCoords,faces,material,smooth); + faces=[]; + } + if(this.idMaterials.indexOf(data[1]) == -1)//Material no name + material=this.materials[0];//default + else + material=this.materials[this.idMaterials.indexOf(data[1])];//get Idname material + break; + case "v": + verts.push(data); + break; + case "vt": + texCoords.push(data); + break; + case "vn": + norms.push(data); + break; + case "f": + var tmpface=[]; + for(var j=1;j= this._windowSize){ + this._pos = 0; + } + this._streamPos = this._pos; + } +}; + +LZMA.OutWindow.prototype.releaseStream = function(){ + this.flush(); + this._stream = null; +}; + +LZMA.OutWindow.prototype.setStream = function(stream){ + this.releaseStream(); + this._stream = stream; +}; + +LZMA.OutWindow.prototype.init = function(solid){ + if (!solid){ + this._streamPos = 0; + this._pos = 0; + } +}; + +LZMA.OutWindow.prototype.copyBlock = function(distance, len){ + var pos = this._pos - distance - 1; + if (pos < 0){ + pos += this._windowSize; + } + while(len --){ + if (pos >= this._windowSize){ + pos = 0; + } + this._buffer[this._pos ++] = this._buffer[pos ++]; + if (this._pos >= this._windowSize){ + this.flush(); + } + } +}; + +LZMA.OutWindow.prototype.putByte = function(b){ + this._buffer[this._pos ++] = b; + if (this._pos >= this._windowSize){ + this.flush(); + } +}; + +LZMA.OutWindow.prototype.getByte = function(distance){ + var pos = this._pos - distance - 1; + if (pos < 0){ + pos += this._windowSize; + } + return this._buffer[pos]; +}; + +LZMA.RangeDecoder = function(){ +}; + +LZMA.RangeDecoder.prototype.setStream = function(stream){ + this._stream = stream; +}; + +LZMA.RangeDecoder.prototype.releaseStream = function(){ + this._stream = null; +}; + +LZMA.RangeDecoder.prototype.init = function(){ + var i = 5; + + this._code = 0; + this._range = -1; + + while(i --){ + this._code = (this._code << 8) | this._stream.readByte(); + } +}; + +LZMA.RangeDecoder.prototype.decodeDirectBits = function(numTotalBits){ + var result = 0, i = numTotalBits, t; + + while(i --){ + this._range >>>= 1; + t = (this._code - this._range) >>> 31; + this._code -= this._range & (t - 1); + result = (result << 1) | (1 - t); + + if ( (this._range & 0xff000000) === 0){ + this._code = (this._code << 8) | this._stream.readByte(); + this._range <<= 8; + } + } + + return result; +}; + +LZMA.RangeDecoder.prototype.decodeBit = function(probs, index){ + var prob = probs[index], + newBound = (this._range >>> 11) * prob; + + if ( (this._code ^ 0x80000000) < (newBound ^ 0x80000000) ){ + this._range = newBound; + probs[index] += (2048 - prob) >>> 5; + if ( (this._range & 0xff000000) === 0){ + this._code = (this._code << 8) | this._stream.readByte(); + this._range <<= 8; + } + return 0; + } + + this._range -= newBound; + this._code -= newBound; + probs[index] -= prob >>> 5; + if ( (this._range & 0xff000000) === 0){ + this._code = (this._code << 8) | this._stream.readByte(); + this._range <<= 8; + } + return 1; +}; + +LZMA.initBitModels = function(probs, len){ + while(len --){ + probs[len] = 1024; + } +}; + +LZMA.BitTreeDecoder = function(numBitLevels){ + this._models = []; + this._numBitLevels = numBitLevels; +}; + +LZMA.BitTreeDecoder.prototype.init = function(){ + LZMA.initBitModels(this._models, 1 << this._numBitLevels); +}; + +LZMA.BitTreeDecoder.prototype.decode = function(rangeDecoder){ + var m = 1, i = this._numBitLevels; + + while(i --){ + m = (m << 1) | rangeDecoder.decodeBit(this._models, m); + } + return m - (1 << this._numBitLevels); +}; + +LZMA.BitTreeDecoder.prototype.reverseDecode = function(rangeDecoder){ + var m = 1, symbol = 0, i = 0, bit; + + for (; i < this._numBitLevels; ++ i){ + bit = rangeDecoder.decodeBit(this._models, m); + m = (m << 1) | bit; + symbol |= bit << i; + } + return symbol; +}; + +LZMA.reverseDecode2 = function(models, startIndex, rangeDecoder, numBitLevels){ + var m = 1, symbol = 0, i = 0, bit; + + for (; i < numBitLevels; ++ i){ + bit = rangeDecoder.decodeBit(models, startIndex + m); + m = (m << 1) | bit; + symbol |= bit << i; + } + return symbol; +}; + +LZMA.LenDecoder = function(){ + this._choice = []; + this._lowCoder = []; + this._midCoder = []; + this._highCoder = new LZMA.BitTreeDecoder(8); + this._numPosStates = 0; +}; + +LZMA.LenDecoder.prototype.create = function(numPosStates){ + for (; this._numPosStates < numPosStates; ++ this._numPosStates){ + this._lowCoder[this._numPosStates] = new LZMA.BitTreeDecoder(3); + this._midCoder[this._numPosStates] = new LZMA.BitTreeDecoder(3); + } +}; + +LZMA.LenDecoder.prototype.init = function(){ + var i = this._numPosStates; + LZMA.initBitModels(this._choice, 2); + while(i --){ + this._lowCoder[i].init(); + this._midCoder[i].init(); + } + this._highCoder.init(); +}; + +LZMA.LenDecoder.prototype.decode = function(rangeDecoder, posState){ + if (rangeDecoder.decodeBit(this._choice, 0) === 0){ + return this._lowCoder[posState].decode(rangeDecoder); + } + if (rangeDecoder.decodeBit(this._choice, 1) === 0){ + return 8 + this._midCoder[posState].decode(rangeDecoder); + } + return 16 + this._highCoder.decode(rangeDecoder); +}; + +LZMA.Decoder2 = function(){ + this._decoders = []; +}; + +LZMA.Decoder2.prototype.init = function(){ + LZMA.initBitModels(this._decoders, 0x300); +}; + +LZMA.Decoder2.prototype.decodeNormal = function(rangeDecoder){ + var symbol = 1; + + do{ + symbol = (symbol << 1) | rangeDecoder.decodeBit(this._decoders, symbol); + }while(symbol < 0x100); + + return symbol & 0xff; +}; + +LZMA.Decoder2.prototype.decodeWithMatchByte = function(rangeDecoder, matchByte){ + var symbol = 1, matchBit, bit; + + do{ + matchBit = (matchByte >> 7) & 1; + matchByte <<= 1; + bit = rangeDecoder.decodeBit(this._decoders, ( (1 + matchBit) << 8) + symbol); + symbol = (symbol << 1) | bit; + if (matchBit !== bit){ + while(symbol < 0x100){ + symbol = (symbol << 1) | rangeDecoder.decodeBit(this._decoders, symbol); + } + break; + } + }while(symbol < 0x100); + + return symbol & 0xff; +}; + +LZMA.LiteralDecoder = function(){ +}; + +LZMA.LiteralDecoder.prototype.create = function(numPosBits, numPrevBits){ + var i; + + if (this._coders + && (this._numPrevBits === numPrevBits) + && (this._numPosBits === numPosBits) ){ + return; + } + this._numPosBits = numPosBits; + this._posMask = (1 << numPosBits) - 1; + this._numPrevBits = numPrevBits; + + this._coders = []; + + i = 1 << (this._numPrevBits + this._numPosBits); + while(i --){ + this._coders[i] = new LZMA.Decoder2(); + } +}; + +LZMA.LiteralDecoder.prototype.init = function(){ + var i = 1 << (this._numPrevBits + this._numPosBits); + while(i --){ + this._coders[i].init(); + } +}; + +LZMA.LiteralDecoder.prototype.getDecoder = function(pos, prevByte){ + return this._coders[( (pos & this._posMask) << this._numPrevBits) + + ( (prevByte & 0xff) >>> (8 - this._numPrevBits) )]; +}; + +LZMA.Decoder = function(){ + this._outWindow = new LZMA.OutWindow(); + this._rangeDecoder = new LZMA.RangeDecoder(); + this._isMatchDecoders = []; + this._isRepDecoders = []; + this._isRepG0Decoders = []; + this._isRepG1Decoders = []; + this._isRepG2Decoders = []; + this._isRep0LongDecoders = []; + this._posSlotDecoder = []; + this._posDecoders = []; + this._posAlignDecoder = new LZMA.BitTreeDecoder(4); + this._lenDecoder = new LZMA.LenDecoder(); + this._repLenDecoder = new LZMA.LenDecoder(); + this._literalDecoder = new LZMA.LiteralDecoder(); + this._dictionarySize = -1; + this._dictionarySizeCheck = -1; + + this._posSlotDecoder[0] = new LZMA.BitTreeDecoder(6); + this._posSlotDecoder[1] = new LZMA.BitTreeDecoder(6); + this._posSlotDecoder[2] = new LZMA.BitTreeDecoder(6); + this._posSlotDecoder[3] = new LZMA.BitTreeDecoder(6); +}; + +LZMA.Decoder.prototype.setDictionarySize = function(dictionarySize){ + if (dictionarySize < 0){ + return false; + } + if (this._dictionarySize !== dictionarySize){ + this._dictionarySize = dictionarySize; + this._dictionarySizeCheck = Math.max(this._dictionarySize, 1); + this._outWindow.create( Math.max(this._dictionarySizeCheck, 4096) ); + } + return true; +}; + +LZMA.Decoder.prototype.setLcLpPb = function(lc, lp, pb){ + var numPosStates = 1 << pb; + + if (lc > 8 || lp > 4 || pb > 4){ + return false; + } + + this._literalDecoder.create(lp, lc); + + this._lenDecoder.create(numPosStates); + this._repLenDecoder.create(numPosStates); + this._posStateMask = numPosStates - 1; + + return true; +}; + +LZMA.Decoder.prototype.init = function(){ + var i = 4; + + this._outWindow.init(false); + + LZMA.initBitModels(this._isMatchDecoders, 192); + LZMA.initBitModels(this._isRep0LongDecoders, 192); + LZMA.initBitModels(this._isRepDecoders, 12); + LZMA.initBitModels(this._isRepG0Decoders, 12); + LZMA.initBitModels(this._isRepG1Decoders, 12); + LZMA.initBitModels(this._isRepG2Decoders, 12); + LZMA.initBitModels(this._posDecoders, 114); + + this._literalDecoder.init(); + + while(i --){ + this._posSlotDecoder[i].init(); + } + + this._lenDecoder.init(); + this._repLenDecoder.init(); + this._posAlignDecoder.init(); + this._rangeDecoder.init(); +}; + +LZMA.Decoder.prototype.decode = function(inStream, outStream, outSize){ + var state = 0, rep0 = 0, rep1 = 0, rep2 = 0, rep3 = 0, nowPos64 = 0, prevByte = 0, + posState, decoder2, len, distance, posSlot, numDirectBits; + + this._rangeDecoder.setStream(inStream); + this._outWindow.setStream(outStream); + + this.init(); + + while(outSize < 0 || nowPos64 < outSize){ + posState = nowPos64 & this._posStateMask; + + if (this._rangeDecoder.decodeBit(this._isMatchDecoders, (state << 4) + posState) === 0){ + decoder2 = this._literalDecoder.getDecoder(nowPos64 ++, prevByte); + + if (state >= 7){ + prevByte = decoder2.decodeWithMatchByte(this._rangeDecoder, this._outWindow.getByte(rep0) ); + }else{ + prevByte = decoder2.decodeNormal(this._rangeDecoder); + } + this._outWindow.putByte(prevByte); + + state = state < 4? 0: state - (state < 10? 3: 6); + + }else{ + + if (this._rangeDecoder.decodeBit(this._isRepDecoders, state) === 1){ + len = 0; + if (this._rangeDecoder.decodeBit(this._isRepG0Decoders, state) === 0){ + if (this._rangeDecoder.decodeBit(this._isRep0LongDecoders, (state << 4) + posState) === 0){ + state = state < 7? 9: 11; + len = 1; + } + }else{ + if (this._rangeDecoder.decodeBit(this._isRepG1Decoders, state) === 0){ + distance = rep1; + }else{ + if (this._rangeDecoder.decodeBit(this._isRepG2Decoders, state) === 0){ + distance = rep2; + }else{ + distance = rep3; + rep3 = rep2; + } + rep2 = rep1; + } + rep1 = rep0; + rep0 = distance; + } + if (len === 0){ + len = 2 + this._repLenDecoder.decode(this._rangeDecoder, posState); + state = state < 7? 8: 11; + } + }else{ + rep3 = rep2; + rep2 = rep1; + rep1 = rep0; + + len = 2 + this._lenDecoder.decode(this._rangeDecoder, posState); + state = state < 7? 7: 10; + + posSlot = this._posSlotDecoder[len <= 5? len - 2: 3].decode(this._rangeDecoder); + if (posSlot >= 4){ + + numDirectBits = (posSlot >> 1) - 1; + rep0 = (2 | (posSlot & 1) ) << numDirectBits; + + if (posSlot < 14){ + rep0 += LZMA.reverseDecode2(this._posDecoders, + rep0 - posSlot - 1, this._rangeDecoder, numDirectBits); + }else{ + rep0 += this._rangeDecoder.decodeDirectBits(numDirectBits - 4) << 4; + rep0 += this._posAlignDecoder.reverseDecode(this._rangeDecoder); + if (rep0 < 0){ + if (rep0 === -1){ + break; + } + return false; + } + } + }else{ + rep0 = posSlot; + } + } + + if (rep0 >= nowPos64 || rep0 >= this._dictionarySizeCheck){ + return false; + } + + this._outWindow.copyBlock(rep0, len); + nowPos64 += len; + prevByte = this._outWindow.getByte(0); + } + } + + this._outWindow.flush(); + this._outWindow.releaseStream(); + this._rangeDecoder.releaseStream(); + + return true; +}; + +LZMA.Decoder.prototype.setDecoderProperties = function(properties){ + var value, lc, lp, pb, dictionarySize; + + if (properties.size < 5){ + return false; + } + + value = properties.readByte(); + lc = value % 9; + value = ~~(value / 9); + lp = value % 5; + pb = ~~(value / 5); + + if ( !this.setLcLpPb(lc, lp, pb) ){ + return false; + } + + dictionarySize = properties.readByte(); + dictionarySize |= properties.readByte() << 8; + dictionarySize |= properties.readByte() << 16; + dictionarySize += properties.readByte() * 16777216; + + return this.setDictionarySize(dictionarySize); +}; + +LZMA.decompress = function(properties, inStream, outStream, outSize){ + var decoder = new LZMA.Decoder(); + + if ( !decoder.setDecoderProperties(properties) ){ + throw "Incorrect stream properties"; + } + + if ( !decoder.decode(inStream, outStream, outSize) ){ + throw "Error in data stream"; + } + + return true; +}; + +LZMA.decompressFile = function(inStream, outStream){ + var decoder = new LZMA.Decoder(), outSize; + + if ( !decoder.setDecoderProperties(inStream) ){ + throw "Incorrect stream properties"; + } + + outSize = inStream.readByte(); + outSize |= inStream.readByte() << 8; + outSize |= inStream.readByte() << 16; + outSize += inStream.readByte() * 16777216; + + inStream.readByte(); + inStream.readByte(); + inStream.readByte(); + inStream.readByte(); + + if ( !decoder.decode(inStream, outStream, outSize) ){ + throw "Error in data stream"; + } + + return true; +}; +/* +Copyright (c) 2011 Juan Mellado + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. +*/ + +/* +References: +- "OpenCTM: The Open Compressed Triangle Mesh file format" by Marcus Geelnard + http://openctm.sourceforge.net/ +*/ + +var CTM = CTM || {}; + +CTM.CompressionMethod = { + RAW: 0x00574152, + MG1: 0x0031474d, + MG2: 0x0032474d +}; + +CTM.Flags = { + NORMALS: 0x00000001 +}; + +CTM.File = function(stream){ + this.load(stream); +}; + +CTM.File.prototype.load = function(stream){ + this.header = new CTM.FileHeader(stream); + + this.body = new CTM.FileBody(this.header); + + this.getReader().read(stream, this.body); +}; + +CTM.File.prototype.getReader = function(){ + var reader; + + switch(this.header.compressionMethod){ + case CTM.CompressionMethod.RAW: + reader = new CTM.ReaderRAW(); + break; + case CTM.CompressionMethod.MG1: + reader = new CTM.ReaderMG1(); + break; + case CTM.CompressionMethod.MG2: + reader = new CTM.ReaderMG2(); + break; + } + + return reader; +}; + +CTM.FileHeader = function(stream){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "OCTM" + this.fileFormat = stream.readInt32(); + this.compressionMethod = stream.readInt32(); + this.vertexCount = stream.readInt32(); + this.triangleCount = stream.readInt32(); + this.uvMapCount = stream.readInt32(); + this.attrMapCount = stream.readInt32(); + this.flags = stream.readInt32(); + this.comment = stream.readString(); +}; + +CTM.FileHeader.prototype.hasNormals = function(){ + return this.flags & CTM.Flags.NORMALS; +}; + +CTM.FileBody = function(header){ + var i = header.triangleCount * 3, + v = header.vertexCount * 3, + n = header.hasNormals()? header.vertexCount * 3: 0, + u = header.vertexCount * 2, + a = header.vertexCount * 4, + j = 0; + + var data = new ArrayBuffer( + (i + v + n + (u * header.uvMapCount) + (a * header.attrMapCount) ) * 4); + + this.indices = new Uint32Array(data, 0, i); + + this.vertices = new Float32Array(data, i * 4, v); + + if ( header.hasNormals() ){ + this.normals = new Float32Array(data, (i + v) * 4, n); + } + + if (header.uvMapCount){ + this.uvMaps = []; + for (j = 0; j < header.uvMapCount; ++ j){ + this.uvMaps[j] = {uv: new Float32Array(data, + (i + v + n + (j * u) ) * 4, u) }; + } + } + + if (header.attrMapCount){ + this.attrMaps = []; + for (j = 0; j < header.attrMapCount; ++ j){ + this.attrMaps[j] = {attr: new Float32Array(data, + (i + v + n + (u * header.uvMapCount) + (j * a) ) * 4, a) }; + } + } +}; + +CTM.FileMG2Header = function(stream){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "MG2H" + this.vertexPrecision = stream.readFloat32(); + this.normalPrecision = stream.readFloat32(); + this.lowerBoundx = stream.readFloat32(); + this.lowerBoundy = stream.readFloat32(); + this.lowerBoundz = stream.readFloat32(); + this.higherBoundx = stream.readFloat32(); + this.higherBoundy = stream.readFloat32(); + this.higherBoundz = stream.readFloat32(); + this.divx = stream.readInt32(); + this.divy = stream.readInt32(); + this.divz = stream.readInt32(); + + this.sizex = (this.higherBoundx - this.lowerBoundx) / this.divx; + this.sizey = (this.higherBoundy - this.lowerBoundy) / this.divy; + this.sizez = (this.higherBoundz - this.lowerBoundz) / this.divz; +}; + +CTM.ReaderRAW = function(){ +}; + +CTM.ReaderRAW.prototype.read = function(stream, body){ + this.readIndices(stream, body.indices); + this.readVertices(stream, body.vertices); + + if (body.normals){ + this.readNormals(stream, body.normals); + } + if (body.uvMaps){ + this.readUVMaps(stream, body.uvMaps); + } + if (body.attrMaps){ + this.readAttrMaps(stream, body.attrMaps); + } +}; + +CTM.ReaderRAW.prototype.readIndices = function(stream, indices){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "INDX" + stream.readArrayInt32(indices); +}; + +CTM.ReaderRAW.prototype.readVertices = function(stream, vertices){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "VERT" + stream.readArrayFloat32(vertices); +}; + +CTM.ReaderRAW.prototype.readNormals = function(stream, normals){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "NORM" + stream.readArrayFloat32(normals); +}; + +CTM.ReaderRAW.prototype.readUVMaps = function(stream, uvMaps){ + var i = 0; + for (; i < uvMaps.length; ++ i){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "TEXC" + + uvMaps[i].name = stream.readString(); + uvMaps[i].filename = stream.readString(); + stream.readArrayFloat32(uvMaps[i].uv); + } +}; + +CTM.ReaderRAW.prototype.readAttrMaps = function(stream, attrMaps){ + var i = 0; + for (; i < attrMaps.length; ++ i){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "ATTR" + + attrMaps[i].name = stream.readString(); + stream.readArrayFloat32(attrMaps[i].attr); + } +}; + +CTM.ReaderMG1 = function(){ +}; + +CTM.ReaderMG1.prototype.read = function(stream, body){ + this.readIndices(stream, body.indices); + this.readVertices(stream, body.vertices); + + if (body.normals){ + this.readNormals(stream, body.normals); + } + if (body.uvMaps){ + this.readUVMaps(stream, body.uvMaps); + } + if (body.attrMaps){ + this.readAttrMaps(stream, body.attrMaps); + } +}; + +CTM.ReaderMG1.prototype.readIndices = function(stream, indices){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "INDX" + stream.readInt32(); //packed size + + var interleaved = new CTM.InterleavedStream(indices, 3); + LZMA.decompress(stream, stream, interleaved, interleaved.data.length); + + CTM.restoreIndices(indices, indices.length); +}; + +CTM.ReaderMG1.prototype.readVertices = function(stream, vertices){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "VERT" + stream.readInt32(); //packed size + + var interleaved = new CTM.InterleavedStream(vertices, 1); + LZMA.decompress(stream, stream, interleaved, interleaved.data.length); +}; + +CTM.ReaderMG1.prototype.readNormals = function(stream, normals){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "NORM" + stream.readInt32(); //packed size + + var interleaved = new CTM.InterleavedStream(normals, 3); + LZMA.decompress(stream, stream, interleaved, interleaved.data.length); +}; + +CTM.ReaderMG1.prototype.readUVMaps = function(stream, uvMaps){ + var i = 0; + for (; i < uvMaps.length; ++ i){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "TEXC" + + uvMaps[i].name = stream.readString(); + uvMaps[i].filename = stream.readString(); + + stream.readInt32(); //packed size + + var interleaved = new CTM.InterleavedStream(uvMaps[i].uv, 2); + LZMA.decompress(stream, stream, interleaved, interleaved.data.length); + } +}; + +CTM.ReaderMG1.prototype.readAttrMaps = function(stream, attrMaps){ + var i = 0; + for (; i < attrMaps.length; ++ i){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "ATTR" + + attrMaps[i].name = stream.readString(); + + stream.readInt32(); //packed size + + var interleaved = new CTM.InterleavedStream(attrMaps[i].attr, 4); + LZMA.decompress(stream, stream, interleaved, interleaved.data.length); + } +}; + +CTM.ReaderMG2 = function(){ +}; + +CTM.ReaderMG2.prototype.read = function(stream, body){ + this.MG2Header = new CTM.FileMG2Header(stream); + + this.readVertices(stream, body.vertices); + this.readIndices(stream, body.indices); + + if (body.normals){ + this.readNormals(stream, body); + } + if (body.uvMaps){ + this.readUVMaps(stream, body.uvMaps); + } + if (body.attrMaps){ + this.readAttrMaps(stream, body.attrMaps); + } +}; + +CTM.ReaderMG2.prototype.readVertices = function(stream, vertices){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "VERT" + stream.readInt32(); //packed size + + var interleaved = new CTM.InterleavedStream(vertices, 3); + LZMA.decompress(stream, stream, interleaved, interleaved.data.length); + + var gridIndices = this.readGridIndices(stream, vertices); + + CTM.restoreVertices(vertices, this.MG2Header, gridIndices, this.MG2Header.vertexPrecision); +}; + +CTM.ReaderMG2.prototype.readGridIndices = function(stream, vertices){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "GIDX" + stream.readInt32(); //packed size + + var gridIndices = new Uint32Array(vertices.length / 3); + + var interleaved = new CTM.InterleavedStream(gridIndices, 1); + LZMA.decompress(stream, stream, interleaved, interleaved.data.length); + + CTM.restoreGridIndices(gridIndices, gridIndices.length); + + return gridIndices; +}; + +CTM.ReaderMG2.prototype.readIndices = function(stream, indices){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "INDX" + stream.readInt32(); //packed size + + var interleaved = new CTM.InterleavedStream(indices, 3); + LZMA.decompress(stream, stream, interleaved, interleaved.data.length); + + CTM.restoreIndices(indices, indices.length); +}; + +CTM.ReaderMG2.prototype.readNormals = function(stream, body){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "NORM" + stream.readInt32(); //packed size + + var interleaved = new CTM.InterleavedStream(body.normals, 3); + LZMA.decompress(stream, stream, interleaved, interleaved.data.length); + + var smooth = CTM.calcSmoothNormals(body.indices, body.vertices); + + CTM.restoreNormals(body.normals, smooth, this.MG2Header.normalPrecision); +}; + +CTM.ReaderMG2.prototype.readUVMaps = function(stream, uvMaps){ + var i = 0; + for (; i < uvMaps.length; ++ i){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "TEXC" + + uvMaps[i].name = stream.readString(); + uvMaps[i].filename = stream.readString(); + + var precision = stream.readFloat32(); + + stream.readInt32(); //packed size + + var interleaved = new CTM.InterleavedStream(uvMaps[i].uv, 2); + LZMA.decompress(stream, stream, interleaved, interleaved.data.length); + + CTM.restoreMap(uvMaps[i].uv, 2, precision); + } +}; + +CTM.ReaderMG2.prototype.readAttrMaps = function(stream, attrMaps){ + var i = 0; + for (; i < attrMaps.length; ++ i){ + stream.readInt32(); //magic "ATTR" + + attrMaps[i].name = stream.readString(); + + var precision = stream.readFloat32(); + + stream.readInt32(); //packed size + + var interleaved = new CTM.InterleavedStream(attrMaps[i].attr, 4); + LZMA.decompress(stream, stream, interleaved, interleaved.data.length); + + CTM.restoreMap(attrMaps[i].attr, 4, precision); + } +}; + +CTM.restoreIndices = function(indices, len){ + var i = 3; + if (len > 0){ + indices[2] += indices[0]; + } + for (; i < len; i += 3){ + indices[i] += indices[i - 3]; + + if (indices[i] === indices[i - 3]){ + indices[i + 1] += indices[i - 2]; + }else{ + indices[i + 1] += indices[i]; + } + + indices[i + 2] += indices[i]; + } +}; + +CTM.restoreGridIndices = function(gridIndices, len){ + var i = 1; + for (; i < len; ++ i){ + gridIndices[i] += gridIndices[i - 1]; + } +}; + +CTM.restoreVertices = function(vertices, grid, gridIndices, precision){ + var gridIdx, delta, x, y, z, + intVertices = new Uint32Array(vertices.buffer, vertices.byteOffset, vertices.length), + ydiv = grid.divx, zdiv = ydiv * grid.divy, + prevGridIdx = 0x7fffffff, prevDelta = 0, + i = 0, j = 0, len = gridIndices.length; + + for (; i < len; j += 3){ + x = gridIdx = gridIndices[i ++]; + + z = ~~(x / zdiv); + x -= ~~(z * zdiv); + y = ~~(x / ydiv); + x -= ~~(y * ydiv); + + delta = intVertices[j]; + if (gridIdx === prevGridIdx){ + delta += prevDelta; + } + + vertices[j] = grid.lowerBoundx + + x * grid.sizex + precision * delta; + vertices[j + 1] = grid.lowerBoundy + + y * grid.sizey + precision * intVertices[j + 1]; + vertices[j + 2] = grid.lowerBoundz + + z * grid.sizez + precision * intVertices[j + 2]; + + prevGridIdx = gridIdx; + prevDelta = delta; + } +}; + +CTM.restoreNormals = function(normals, smooth, precision){ + var ro, phi, theta, sinPhi, + nx, ny, nz, by, bz, len, + intNormals = new Uint32Array(normals.buffer, normals.byteOffset, normals.length), + i = 0, k = normals.length, + PI_DIV_2 = 3.141592653589793238462643 * 0.5; + + for (; i < k; i += 3){ + ro = intNormals[i] * precision; + phi = intNormals[i + 1]; + + if (phi === 0){ + normals[i] = smooth[i] * ro; + normals[i + 1] = smooth[i + 1] * ro; + normals[i + 2] = smooth[i + 2] * ro; + }else{ + + if (phi <= 4){ + theta = (intNormals[i + 2] - 2) * PI_DIV_2; + }else{ + theta = ( (intNormals[i + 2] * 4 / phi) - 2) * PI_DIV_2; + } + + phi *= precision * PI_DIV_2; + sinPhi = ro * Math.sin(phi); + + nx = sinPhi * Math.cos(theta); + ny = sinPhi * Math.sin(theta); + nz = ro * Math.cos(phi); + + bz = smooth[i + 1]; + by = smooth[i] - smooth[i + 2]; + + len = Math.sqrt(2 * bz * bz + by * by); + if (len > 1e-20){ + by /= len; + bz /= len; + } + + normals[i] = smooth[i] * nz + + (smooth[i + 1] * bz - smooth[i + 2] * by) * ny - bz * nx; + normals[i + 1] = smooth[i + 1] * nz - + (smooth[i + 2] + smooth[i] ) * bz * ny + by * nx; + normals[i + 2] = smooth[i + 2] * nz + + (smooth[i] * by + smooth[i + 1] * bz) * ny + bz * nx; + } + } +}; + +CTM.restoreMap = function(map, count, precision){ + var delta, value, + intMap = new Uint32Array(map.buffer, map.byteOffset, map.length), + i = 0, j, len = map.length; + + for (; i < count; ++ i){ + delta = 0; + + for (j = i; j < len; j += count){ + value = intMap[j]; + + delta += value & 1? -( (value + 1) >> 1): value >> 1; + + map[j] = delta * precision; + } + } +}; + +CTM.calcSmoothNormals = function(indices, vertices){ + var smooth = new Float32Array(vertices.length), + indx, indy, indz, nx, ny, nz, + v1x, v1y, v1z, v2x, v2y, v2z, len, + i, k; + + for (i = 0, k = indices.length; i < k;){ + indx = indices[i ++] * 3; + indy = indices[i ++] * 3; + indz = indices[i ++] * 3; + + v1x = vertices[indy] - vertices[indx]; + v2x = vertices[indz] - vertices[indx]; + v1y = vertices[indy + 1] - vertices[indx + 1]; + v2y = vertices[indz + 1] - vertices[indx + 1]; + v1z = vertices[indy + 2] - vertices[indx + 2]; + v2z = vertices[indz + 2] - vertices[indx + 2]; + + nx = v1y * v2z - v1z * v2y; + ny = v1z * v2x - v1x * v2z; + nz = v1x * v2y - v1y * v2x; + + len = Math.sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz); + if (len > 1e-10){ + nx /= len; + ny /= len; + nz /= len; + } + + smooth[indx] += nx; + smooth[indx + 1] += ny; + smooth[indx + 2] += nz; + smooth[indy] += nx; + smooth[indy + 1] += ny; + smooth[indy + 2] += nz; + smooth[indz] += nx; + smooth[indz + 1] += ny; + smooth[indz + 2] += nz; + } + + for (i = 0, k = smooth.length; i < k; i += 3){ + len = Math.sqrt(smooth[i] * smooth[i] + + smooth[i + 1] * smooth[i + 1] + + smooth[i + 2] * smooth[i + 2]); + + if(len > 1e-10){ + smooth[i] /= len; + smooth[i + 1] /= len; + smooth[i + 2] /= len; + } + } + + return smooth; +}; + +CTM.isLittleEndian = (function(){ + var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(2), + bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer), + ints = new Uint16Array(buffer); + + bytes[0] = 1; + + return ints[0] === 1; +}()); + +CTM.InterleavedStream = function(data, count){ + this.data = new Uint8Array(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength); + this.offset = CTM.isLittleEndian? 3: 0; + this.count = count * 4; + this.len = this.data.length; +}; + +CTM.InterleavedStream.prototype.writeByte = function(value){ + this.data[this.offset] = value; + + this.offset += this.count; + if (this.offset >= this.len){ + + this.offset -= this.len - 4; + if (this.offset >= this.count){ + + this.offset -= this.count + (CTM.isLittleEndian? 1: -1); + } + } +}; + +CTM.Stream = function(data){ + this.data = data; + this.offset = 0; +}; + +CTM.Stream.prototype.TWO_POW_MINUS23 = Math.pow(2, -23); + +CTM.Stream.prototype.TWO_POW_MINUS126 = Math.pow(2, -126); + +CTM.Stream.prototype.readByte = function(){ + return this.data.charCodeAt(this.offset ++) & 0xff; +}; + +CTM.Stream.prototype.readInt32 = function(){ + var i = this.readByte(); + i |= this.readByte() << 8; + i |= this.readByte() << 16; + return i | (this.readByte() << 24); +}; + +CTM.Stream.prototype.readFloat32 = function(){ + var m = this.readByte(); + m += this.readByte() << 8; + + var b1 = this.readByte(); + var b2 = this.readByte(); + + m += (b1 & 0x7f) << 16; + var e = ( (b2 & 0x7f) << 1) | ( (b1 & 0x80) >>> 7); + var s = b2 & 0x80? -1: 1; + + if (e === 255){ + return m !== 0? NaN: s * Infinity; + } + if (e > 0){ + return s * (1 + (m * this.TWO_POW_MINUS23) ) * Math.pow(2, e - 127); + } + if (m !== 0){ + return s * m * this.TWO_POW_MINUS126; + } + return s * 0; +}; + +CTM.Stream.prototype.readString = function(){ + var len = this.readInt32(); + + this.offset += len; + + return this.data.substr(this.offset - len, len); +}; + +CTM.Stream.prototype.readArrayInt32 = function(array){ + var i = 0, len = array.length; + + while(i < len){ + array[i ++] = this.readInt32(); + } + + return array; +}; + +CTM.Stream.prototype.readArrayFloat32 = function(array){ + var i = 0, len = array.length; + + while(i < len){ + array[i ++] = this.readFloat32(); + } + + return array; +}; +/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_wavefront.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + +(function(GLGE){ +/** +* @class parses and displays a warefront object file with mtl material +* @param {string} uid the unique id for this object +* @augments GLGE.Object +*/ +GLGE.OpenCTM=function(uid){ + this.multimaterials=[]; + this.materials={}; + this.instances=[]; + this.queue=[]; + this.idMaterials = [];//storaged name of material (string) + GLGE.Object.call(this,uid); + GLGE.Assets.registerAsset(this,uid); +} +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Object,GLGE.OpenCTM); +/** +* Gets the absolute path given an import path and the path it's relative to +* @param {string} path the path to get the absolute path for +* @param {string} relativeto the path the supplied path is relativeto +* @returns {string} absolute path +* @private +*/ +GLGE.OpenCTM.prototype.getAbsolutePath=function(path,relativeto){ + if(path.substr(0,7)=="http://" || path.substr(0,7)=="file://" || path.substr(0,7)=="https://"){ + return path; + } + else + { + if(!relativeto){ + relativeto=window.location.href; + } + if(relativeto.indexOf("?")>0){ + relativeto=relativeto.substr(0,relativeto.indexOf("?")); + } + //find the path compoents + var bits=relativeto.split("/"); + var domain=bits[2]; + var proto=bits[0]; + var initpath=[]; + for(var i=3;i65024) { + var newPositions=[]; + var newNormals=[]; + var newUVs=[]; + for (var i=0; i0) newNormals.push(normals[faces[i]*3],normals[faces[i]*3+1],normals[faces[i]*3+2]); + if(uv.length>0) newUVs.push(uv[faces[i]*2],uv[faces[i]*2+1]); + } + positions=newPositions; + normals=newNormals; + uv=newUVs; + faces=[]; + } + + var mesh=new GLGE.Mesh; + mesh.setPositions(positions); + if(normals.length>0) mesh.setNormals(normals); + if(uv.length>0) mesh.setUV(uv); + if(faces.length>0) mesh.setFaces(faces); + this.setMesh(mesh); +}; + +/** +* Parses the dom element and creates a texture +* @param {domelement} ele the element to create the objects from +* @private +*/ +GLGE.Document.prototype.getOpenCTM=function(ele){ + if(!ele.object){ + var rel=this.getAbsolutePath(this.rootURL,null); + ele.object=new GLGE[this.classString(ele.tagName)]; + //ele.object.setSrc(this.getAbsolutePath(ele.getAttribute("src"),rel)); + ele.object.setSrc(ele.getAttribute("src"),rel); + ele.removeAttribute("src"); + this.setProperties(ele); + } + return ele.object; +} + +GLGE.Scene.prototype.addOpenCTM=GLGE.Scene.prototype.addObject; +})(GLGE); + +/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2011, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_physicsext.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + + +GLGE.Scene.prototype.physicsGravity=[0,0,-9.8,0]; + +/** +* retrives the phsyics assets from the scene +* @returns {array} the physics assets +*/ +GLGE.Scene.prototype.getPhysicsNodes=function(ret){ + if(!ret) ret=[]; + if(this.jigLibObj) ret.push(this); + if(this.children){ + for(var i=0;i-1){ + this.constraints.push(constraint); + if(this.physicsSystem) this.physicsSystem.removeConstraint(constraint.constraint); + } + return this; +} + + +})(GLGE);/* +GLGE WebGL Graphics Engine +Copyright (c) 2010, Paul Brunt +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of GLGE nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE +DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL BRUNT BE LIABLE FOR ANY +DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_physicscar.js + * @author me@paulbrunt.co.uk + */ + (function(GLGE){ + +/** +* @class Physics Car class +* @augments GLGE.PhysicsBox +* @see GLGE.PhysicsWheel +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsCar=function(uid){ + GLGE.PhysicsBox.call(this,uid); + this.wheels=[]; + this.setRotationalVelocityDamping([0.1,0.6,0.1]); + this.setLinearVelocityDamping([0.996,0.92,0.996]); + return this; +} +GLGE.augment(GLGE.PhysicsBox,GLGE.PhysicsCar); +GLGE.PhysicsCar.prototype.className="PhysicsCar"; +GLGE.Group.prototype.addPhysicsCar=GLGE.Group.prototype.addChild; +GLGE.Scene.prototype.addPhysicsCar=GLGE.Group.prototype.addChild; +/** +* Applies a driving force to the car +* @param {number} force the item driving force to apply to each powered wheel +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsCar.prototype.drive=function(force){ + for(var i=0;i-1) this.wheels.splice(idx,1); + return GLGE.PhsyicsBox.prototype.addChild.call(this,wheel); +} +/** +* does the physics stuff +* @private +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsCar.prototype.getScene=function(){ + var child=this; + while(child.parent) child=child.parent; + return child; +} +/** +* does the physics stuff +* @private +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsCar.prototype.preProcess=function(dt){ + var scene=this.getScene(); + var velocity=this.getVelocity(); + var carMass=this.getMass(); + var wheels=this.wheels + for(var i=0;imaxdw) dw=maxdw; + } + if(wheel.driveForce){ + var drive=wheel.driveForce*(1-wheel.braking); + if(drive<-maxForwardForce) drive=maxForwardForce; + if(drive>maxForwardForce) drive=maxForwardForce; + this.addWorldForce(GLGE.scaleVec3(forward,drive),position); + dw+=(wheel.driveForce/carMass*dt)/wheelRadius; + } + if(wheel.braking){ + var frontVel=GLGE.dotVec3(velocity,forward); + var braking=-wheel.braking*frontVel/dt + if(braking<-maxForwardForce) braking=-maxForwardForce; + if(braking>maxForwardForce) braking=maxForwardForce; + this.addWorldForce(GLGE.scaleVec3(forward,braking),position); + } + + wheel.angVel+=dw; + if(wheel.brake) wheel.angVel*=(1-wheel.braking); + wheel.innerGroup.setRotZ(wheel.innerGroup.getRotZ()-wheel.angVel*dt); + wheel.angVel*=0.995; + wheel.oldPos=position; + + } + + GLGE.PhysicsBox.prototype.preProcess.call(this,dt); + +} + + +/** +* @class physics wheel class used with PhysicsCar class +* @augments GLGE.Group +* @see GLGE.PhysicsBox +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel=function(uid){ + GLGE.Group.call(this,uid); + this.innerGroup=new GLGE.Group; + GLGE.Group.prototype.addChild.call(this,this.innerGroup); + return this; +} +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Group,GLGE.PhysicsWheel); +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.radius=1; +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.travel=0.75; +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.angVel=0; +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.spring=90; +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.braking=0; +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.driveForce=0; +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.powered=false; +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.sideFriction=3; //sideways friction co-efficient +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.frontFriction=3; //front friction force +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.className="PhysicsWheel"; + +/** +* Adds a child to the wheel container +* @param {object} child a GLGE object to represent the wheel +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.addChild=function(child){ + return this.innerGroup.addChild(child); +} +/** +* Removes a child to the wheel container +* @param {object} child a GLGE object to represent the wheel +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.removeChild=function(child){ + return this.innerGroup.removeChild(child); +} +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.addGroup=GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.addChild; +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.addCollada=GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.addChild; +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.addObject=GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.addChild; +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.addMD2=GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.addChild; +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.addMD3=GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.addChild; +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.addWavefront=GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.addChild; + + +/** +* Sets the wheel to be a powered wheel +* @param {boolean} powered flag indicateding if wheel is powered +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.setPowered=function(powered){ + this.powered=powered; + return this; +} + +/** +* Sets the wheel Radius +* @param {number} radius the wheel radius +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.setRadius=function(radius){ + this.radius=radius; + return this; +} +/** +* Sets the suspension spring distance +* @param {number} radius the wheel radius +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.setSpring=function(spring){ + this.spring=spring; + return this; +} +/** +* Sets the suspension travel distance +* @param {number} travel the suspension travel +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.setTravel=function(travel){ + this.travel=travel; + return this; +} +/** +* Sets the front friction coefficient +* @param {number} friction the front fricition coefficient +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.setFrontFriction=function(friction){ + this.frontFriction=friction; + return this; +} +/** +* Sets the side friction coefficient +* @param {number} friction the side fricition coefficient +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.setSideFriction=function(friction){ + this.sideFriction=friction; + return this; +} +/** +* Sets the wheel Rotation +* @param {number} rotation the rotation of the wheel +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.setWheelRotation=function(rotation){ + this.setRotY(rotation); + return this; +} +/** +* Gets the wheel Rotation +* @returns the wheel roation in radians +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.getWheelRotation=function(rotation){ + return this.getRotY(); +} +/** +* Gets the wheel Radius +* @returns the wheel radius +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.getRadius=function(){ + return this.radius; +} +/** +* Gets the suspension spring +* @returns the wheel radius +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.getSpring=function(){ + return this.spring; +} +/** +* Gets the suspension travel distance +* @returns the suspension travel +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.getTravel=function(){ + return this.travel; +} +/** +* Gets the front friction coefficient +* @returns the front fricition coefficient +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.getFrontFriction=function(){ + return this.frontFriction; +} +/** +* Gets the side friction coefficient +* @returns the side fricition coefficient +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.getSideFriction=function(){ + return this.sideFriction; +} + +/** +* Sets a driving force for the wheel +* @param {number} force the driving force in N +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.drive=function(force){ + this.driveForce=force; + return this; +} +/** +* Sets the braking level +* @param {number} brake 0-1 value indicating the level of braking +*/ +GLGE.PhysicsWheel.prototype.brake=function(brake){ + this.braking=brake; + return this; +} + +})(GLGE);/* +Copyright (c) 2011 Martin Ruenz + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy + of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal + in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights + to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell + copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is + furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in + all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE + AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER + LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, + OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN + THE SOFTWARE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview Base class for preloaders. Enables the handling of multiple files. + * @name glge_filepreloader.js + * @author seamonkey@uni-koblenz.de + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + + + + +/** +* @class FilePreloader class +* @augments GLGE.Events +*/ +GLGE.FilePreloader=function(){ + this.files=[]; +} + +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Events,GLGE.FilePreloader); + +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.loadedBytes=0; +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.totalBytes=0; +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.numLoadedFiles=0; +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.numTotalFiles=0; +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.sizesCount=0; /** @description Specifies how many file sizes has been collected */ +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.progress=0; /** @description 0 - 100 */ +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.files=null; /** @description List of files. file: { "url":url,"loaded":fileloaded,"size":filesize,"bytesLoaded":loadedSize, + "type":'xml'/'image',"callback":called when loaded,"content":content, "preloader":GLGE.FilePreloader} */ +/** +* Add a file which has to be loaded +* @param {string} url The url of the file. +* @param {string} type Defines the type of the requested file. "image" or "xml" +* @param {function} [callback] Call this function when the file is loaded and pass the loaded content. +* @public +*/ +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.addFile=function(url, type, callback){ + //if(this.files.indexOf(url) != -1) return; + + this.files.push({"url":url,"loaded":false,"size":-1,"bytesLoaded":0,"type":type,"callback":callback,"content":null,"preloader":this}); + this.numTotalFiles++; +} + +/** +* Same as addFile. But instead of creating a new file object use an existing one. +* @param {object} file The file to add. +* @public +*/ +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.addFileRef=function(file){ + //if(this.files.indexOf(url) != -1) return; + + this.files.push(file); + this.numTotalFiles++; +} + +/** +* This function accumulates the size of all files. When done it triggers loadFiles(). It has to be called for each file. +* @param {object} file Current file. +* @private +*/ +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.accumulateFileSize=function(file) +{ + var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); + req.preloader = this; + req.active = true; + req.file = file; + req.overrideMimeType("text/xml"); + req.onreadystatechange = function() { + if(this.readyState > 1 && req.active) + { + this.active = false; + + this.file.size = parseFloat(this.getResponseHeader('Content-length')); + this.preloader.totalBytes += this.file.size; + + if(++this.preloader.sizesCount >= this.preloader.files.length) // are all file sizes collected? + this.preloader.loadFiles(); + + this.abort(); + this.onreadystatechange = null; + } + }; + req.open("GET", file.url, true); + req.send(""); +} + +/** +* Start loading +* @public +*/ +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.start=function(){ + for(i in this.files) + this.accumulateFileSize(this.files[i]); +} + +/** +* Load files. Assumes that the file sizes have been accumulated. +* @private +*/ +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.loadFiles=function(){ + + for(i in this.files){ + var file = this.files[i]; + if(file.type == "image") + { + // only update the preloader, when the file is completely loaded (no ajax) + + var image = new Image(); + file.content = image; + var that = this; + image.file = file; + image.onload = function(){ that.fileLoaded(this.file, this.file.size); } + image.src=file.url; + }else{ + // update the preloader each 0.1 seconds (ajax) + + var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); + req.overrideMimeType("text/xml"); + req.preloader = this; + req.file = file; + + var updateTrigger = setInterval (function () + { + if (req.readyState == 3) + { + // TODO: Check if the file reference is always correct + var stepBytes = req.responseText.length - file.bytesLoaded; + file.bytesLoaded = req.responseText.length; + req.preloader.update(stepBytes); + } + + }, 100); + + req.onreadystatechange = function() { + if(this.readyState >= 4) + { + clearInterval(updateTrigger); + this.file.content = this.responseXML; + + var stepBytes = this.responseText.length - this.file.bytesLoaded; + + this.preloader.update(stepBytes); + this.preloader.fileLoaded(this.file, stepBytes); + } + }; + + req.open("GET", file.url, true); + req.send(); + + } + } +} + +/** + * This functions updates the progress. + * @param {number} stepBytes Amount of bytes that have been loaded since the last call. + * @private + */ +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.update=function(stepBytes){ + this.loadedBytes += stepBytes; + this.progress = (100.0 * this.loadedBytes) / this.totalBytes; + + this.fireEvent("progress", {"progress":this.progress, "stepBytes":stepBytes, "loadedBytes":this.loadedBytes, "totalBytes":this.totalBytes, "loadedFiles": this.numLoadedFiles, "totalFiles": this.numTotalFiles}); +} + +/** + * Called when a file has been loaded. This function triggers an event and updates the state. + * @param {object} file The file that has been loaded. + * @param {number} stepBytes Amount of bytes that have been loaded since the last call. + * @private + */ +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.fileLoaded=function(file, stepBytes){ + + this.numLoadedFiles++; + + // update file + file.loaded = true; + file.bytesLoaded = file.size; + + // update progress + if(this.numLoadedFiles >= this.files.length){ + this.progress = 100; + this.fireEvent("downloadComplete", {"file":file,"stepBytes":stepBytes}); + }else{ + this.update(stepBytes); + } + + // events + this.fireEvent("fileLoaded", {"file":file,"stepBytes":stepBytes}); + if(file.callback) file.callback(file); +} + +/** + * This function returns a list (an array) of all loaded files. + * @public + */ +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.getLoadedFiles=function(){ + var result = []; + for(i in this.files) + if(this.files[i].loaded) + result.push(this.files[i]); + return result; +} + +/** + * This function returns information about one file. + * @param {string} url The url of the file. + * @public + */ +GLGE.FilePreloader.prototype.getFile=function(url){ + for(i in this.files) + if(this.files[i].url==url) + return this.files[i]; + return -1; +} + + +})(GLGE); +/* +Copyright (c) 2011 Martin Ruenz + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy + of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal + in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights + to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell + copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is + furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in + all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE + AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER + LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, + OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN + THE SOFTWARE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name glge_documentpreloader.js + * @author seamonkey@uni-koblenz.de + */ + + +(function(GLGE){ + + + + +/** +* @class Document preloader class +* @augments GLGE.Events +*/ +GLGE.DocumentPreloader=function(doc, args){ + + + // create image preloader + this.imagePreloader = new GLGE.FilePreloader(); + + this.document = doc; + + + if(args.XMLQuota) + this.XMLQuota = args.XMLQuota; + else + this.XMLQuota = 0.2; // 20% XML, 80% images + + this.imageQuota = 1-this.XMLQuota; + + // Passing the size of all xml files will improve the accuracy of the preloader. Alternative: Pass the number of xml files (approximation) + if(args.XMLBytes) + this.XMLBytes = args.XMLBytes; + else if(args.numXMLFiles) + this.numXMLFiles = args.numXMLFiles; + else + this.numXMLFiles = 3; //TODO necessary? +} + +GLGE.augment(GLGE.Events,GLGE.DocumentPreloader); + +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.progress = 0; + +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.imageQuota = 0; // size quota of images (Textures) [0..1] +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.XMLQuota = 0; // size quota XML (Documents) [0..1] + +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.XMLBytes = -1; // XML size in bytes (for higher accuracy) +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.totalBytes = -1; // XML size in bytes (highest accuracy) +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.loadedBytes=0; + +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.numXMLFiles = 3; // default value + +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.state = 0; // 0: not yet started, 1: loading XML, 2: loading images, 3: completed +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.imagePreloader = null; // GLGE.Peloader +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.document = null; // GLGE.Document + +/** + * Add an image, which should be loaded by the preloader. + * @param {string} url Url of the image. + */ +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.addImage=function(url){ + this.imagePreloader.addFile(url, "image"); +} + +/** + * Start loading all images in all xml files. Assumes that XML-files have finished loading. + */ +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.loadImages=function(){ + + this.changeState(2); + + if(this.progress < this.XMLQuota * 100.0) this.progress = this.XMLQuota * 100.0; // correct progress. + + var that = this; + this.imagePreloader.addEventListener("progress", function(args){that.updateProgress.call(that, args);}); + this.imagePreloader.addEventListener("downloadComplete", function(args){that.finish.call(that, args);}); + this.imagePreloader.addEventListener("fileLoaded", function(args){that.fireEvent("fileLoaded", args.file);}); + this.imagePreloader.start(); +} + +/** + * Update preloader progress. + * @param {object} args Progress information. + *
args.stepBytes describes how many bytes have been loaded since the last update. + */ +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.updateProgress=function(args){ + + if(this.state < 2){ // loading xml + + if(this.XMLBytes > 0){ // high accuracy + //if(!args.stepBytes) args.stepBytes = 0; + this.loadedBytes += args.stepBytes; + this.progress = this.XMLQuota * 100.0 * this.loadedBytes / this.XMLBytes; + } + else{ // low accuracy + this.progress += this.XMLQuota * 100.0 / this.numXMLFiles; + if(this.progress > this.XMLQuota * 100) this.progress = this.XMLQuota * 100; + } + } + else{ // loading images + this.progress = this.XMLQuota * 100 + this.imageQuota * this.imagePreloader.progress; + } + this.fireEvent("progress", {"progress":this.progress, "stepBytes":args.stepBytes, "loadedBytes":args.loadedBytes, "totalBytes":args.totalBytes, "loadedFiles": args.loadedFiles, "totalFiles": args.totalFiles}); +} + +/** + * This function loads a XML-file. Assumes that loading images hasn't yet begun. + * @param {string} url Url of the XML-file. + */ +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.loadXMLFile=function(url){ + + this.changeState(1); + + var xmlPreloader = new GLGE.FilePreloader(); + xmlPreloader.addFile(url, "xml"); + + var that = this; + + if(this.XMLBytes > 0) xmlPreloader.addEventListener("progress", function(arg){that.updateProgress.call(that, arg);}); // high accuracy + else xmlPreloader.addEventListener("downloadComplete", function(arg){that.updateProgress.call(that, arg);}); // low accuracy + + var doc = this.document; + xmlPreloader.addEventListener("fileLoaded", function(args){ + args.file.content.getElementById=doc.getElementById; + doc.loaded(args.file.url,args.file.content); + that.fireEvent("fileLoaded", args.file); + }); + + xmlPreloader.start(); +} + +/** + * Sets the state of the document preloader. + * @param {number} newState New state + */ +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.changeState = function(newState) { + //if(this.state > newState) GLGE.warning("GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.changeState: The new state is lower than the old."); + this.state = newState; + this.fireEvent("stateChange", newState); +} + +/** + * Called when the document preloader loaded all files. + * @param {object} event Event parameter. Not used at all. + */ +GLGE.DocumentPreloader.prototype.finish=function(event){ + this.changeState(3); + this.progress = 100; + this.fireEvent("downloadComplete"); +} + +})(GLGE); +/* +Copyright (c) 2011 Martin Ruenz + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy + of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal + in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights + to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell + copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is + furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in + all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE + AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER + LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, + OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN + THE SOFTWARE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name widget.js + * @author seamonkey@uni-koblenz.de + */ + +(function(GLGE){ +if(typeof(GLGE.GUI) == "undefined"){ + /** + * @namespace Holds the functionality of the GUI + */ + GLGE.GUI = {}; +} +(function(GUI){ + + + + +/** + * Replace as much gui-objects as possible, with those provided by the library + */ +GUI.useLibrary = function(library){ + if((library == "jQuery") && jQuery) { + + // progressbar + GUI.Progressbar.prototype.setValue = function(value){$(this.domRoot).progressbar({'value': value });} + GUI.Progressbar.prototype.init = function(){ $(this.domRoot).progressbar({value: 0 }); } + } + // TODO: Support for more libraries and widgets +} + + +/** + * @class Widget Widgets are gui objects like progressbars or sliders + */ +GUI.Widget = function(){ + this.domRoot = document.createElement('div'); + this.domRoot.setAttribute('class','glge-gui-widget-root'); + + this.init(); +} +GUI.Widget.prototype.domRoot = null; + +GUI.Widget.prototype.init = function(){}; + + +/** + * @class Progressbar A progressbar widget + */ +GUI.Progressbar = function(){ + // call super constructor + this.baseclass.call(this); + + this.domRoot.className += ' glge-gui-progressbar'; +} +GUI.Progressbar.prototype.value = 0; + +/** + * Set the progress value + * @param {number} value progress value + */ +GUI.Progressbar.prototype.setValue = function(value){ + this.value = value; +} + +GLGE.augment(GUI.Widget,GUI.Progressbar); + + +})(GLGE.GUI);})(GLGE); +/* +Copyright (c) 2011 Martin Ruenz + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy + of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal + in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights + to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell + copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is + furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in + all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE + AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER + LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, + OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN + THE SOFTWARE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name gadget.js + * @author seamonkey@uni-koblenz.de + */ + +(function(GLGE){ +if(typeof(GLGE.GUI) == "undefined"){ + /** + * @namespace Holds the functionality of the GUI + */ + GLGE.GUI = {}; +} +(function(GUI){ + +/** + * @class Gadget Gadgets are more complex widgets. One could think of them as windows. They may contain widgets. + */ +GUI.Gadget=function(){ + + // setup new DOM-Object + + // root + this.domGadgetRoot = document.createElement('div'); + this.domGadgetRoot.setAttribute('class','glge-gui-gadget-root'); + this.domGadgetRoot.style.position = 'absolute'; + this.domGadgetRoot.style.top = '0px'; + + // Outer Wrapper + this.domGadgetOuterWrapper = document.createElement('div'); + this.domGadgetOuterWrapper.setAttribute('class','glge-gui-gadget-OuterWrapper'); + this.domGadgetOuterWrapper.style.position = 'relative'; + this.domGadgetRoot.appendChild(this.domGadgetOuterWrapper); + + // Inner Wrapper + this.domGadgetInnerWrapper = document.createElement('div'); + this.domGadgetInnerWrapper.setAttribute('class','glge-gui-gadget-InnerWrapper'); + this.domGadgetInnerWrapper.style.position = 'relative'; + this.domGadgetOuterWrapper.appendChild(this.domGadgetInnerWrapper); + + // object + this.domGadgetObject = document.createElement('div'); + this.domGadgetObject.setAttribute('class','glge-gui-gadget'); + this.domGadgetObject.style.position = 'relative'; + this.domGadgetInnerWrapper.appendChild(this.domGadgetObject); + + // footer + this.domGadgetFooter = document.createElement('div'); + this.domGadgetFooter.setAttribute('class','glge-gui-gadget-footer'); + this.domGadgetFooter.style.clear = 'both'; + this.domGadgetRoot.appendChild(this.domGadgetFooter); + + // variables + + this.position = {}; + this.position.x = 'middle'; + this.position.y = 'middle'; + + this.updatePosition(); +} + + +GUI.Gadget.prototype.domGadgetRoot = null; // div: attached to dom +GUI.Gadget.prototype.domGadgetOuterWrapper = null; // div: wrapper for css (vertical align) +GUI.Gadget.prototype.domGadgetInnerWrapper = null; // div: wrapper for css (horizontal align) +GUI.Gadget.prototype.domGadgetObject = null; // div: actual gadget +GUI.Gadget.prototype.domGadgetFooter = null; // div: footer +GUI.Gadget.prototype.domGadgetParent = null; // parent object, already in dom +GUI.Gadget.prototype.position = null; // position.x, position.y + +/** + * This function sets the position of the gadget + * @param {object} position position.x, possible values: "left", "middle", "right", number
+ * position.y, possible values: "top", "middle", "bottom", number + */ +GUI.Gadget.prototype.setPosition = function(position){ + if(position){ + if(position.x) + this.position.x = position.x; + if(position.y) + this.position.y = position.y; + } + this.updatePosition(); +} + +/** + * This function changes css attributes in order to position the gadget + * @param {object} position position.x, possible values: "left", "middle", "right"
+ * position.y, possible values: "top", "middle", "bottom" + */ + // TODO: Possibility to set the position absolute (e.g. x= 15, y=20) +GUI.Gadget.prototype.updatePosition = function(){ + + if(!this.domGadgetParent) return; + + var parentPosition = ''; + if(document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) + parentPosition = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.domGadgetParent,null).getPropertyValue('position'); + else if (this.domGadgetParent.currentStyle) + parentPosition = this.domGadgetParent.currentStyle['position']; + + if(parentPosition == 'absolute'){ + + this.domGadgetRoot.style.width = '100%'; + this.domGadgetRoot.style.height = '100%'; + this.domGadgetRoot.style.display = 'table'; + + this.domGadgetOuterWrapper.style.display = 'table-cell'; + + if(this.position.y == "top"){ + this.domGadgetOuterWrapper.style.verticalAlign = 'top'; + } + else if(this.position.y == "middle"){ + this.domGadgetOuterWrapper.style.verticalAlign = 'middle'; + } + else if(this.position.y == "bottom"){ + this.domGadgetOuterWrapper.style.verticalAlign = 'bottom'; + } + + if(this.position.x == "left"){ + + this.domGadgetInnerWrapper.style.cssFloat = 'left'; + this.domGadgetInnerWrapper.style.left = '0px'; + + this.domGadgetObject.style.cssFloat = 'left'; + this.domGadgetObject.style.left = '0px'; + } + else if(this.position.x == "middle"){ + + this.domGadgetInnerWrapper.style.cssFloat = 'right'; + this.domGadgetInnerWrapper.style.right = '50%'; + + this.domGadgetObject.style.cssFloat = 'left'; + this.domGadgetObject.style.right = '-50%'; + } + else if(this.position.x == "right"){ + + this.domGadgetInnerWrapper.style.cssFloat = 'right'; + this.domGadgetInnerWrapper.style.right = '0px'; + + this.domGadgetObject.style.cssFloat = 'right'; + this.domGadgetObject.style.right = '0px'; + } + }else{ // TODO: css would be much better! + + if(this.position.y == "top"){ + this.domGadgetRoot.style.top = this.domGadgetParent.offsetTop; + } + else if(this.position.y == "middle"){ + this.domGadgetRoot.style.top = this.domGadgetParent.offsetTop + this.domGadgetParent.offsetHeight / 2 - this.domGadgetRoot.offsetHeight / 2; + } + else if(this.position.y == "bottom"){ + this.domGadgetRoot.style.top = this.domGadgetParent.offsetTop + this.domGadgetParent.offsetHeight - this.domGadgetRoot.offsetHeight; + } + + if(this.position.x == "left"){ + this.domGadgetRoot.style.left = this.domGadgetParent.offsetLeft; + } + else if(this.position.x == "middle"){ + this.domGadgetRoot.style.left = this.domGadgetParent.offsetLeft + this.domGadgetParent.offsetWidth / 2 - this.domGadgetRoot.offsetWidth / 2; + } + else if(this.position.x == "right"){ + this.domGadgetRoot.style.left = this.domGadgetParent.offsetLeft + this.domGadgetParent.offsetWidth - this.domGadgetRoot.offsetWidth; + } + } +} + +/** + * Add Gadget to DOM + * @param {object} element Parent element of the gadget + * @param {object} [position] position.x, possible values: "left", "middle", "right"
+ * position.y, possible values: "top", "middle", "bottom" + */ +GUI.Gadget.prototype.addToDOM = function(element, position){ + + this.domGadgetParent = element; + + // add gadget to the document + this.domGadgetParent.appendChild(this.domGadgetRoot); + + this.setPosition(position); +} + + +})(GLGE.GUI);})(GLGE); +/* +Copyright (c) 2011 Martin Ruenz + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy + of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal + in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights + to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell + copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is + furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in + all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE + AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER + LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, + OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN + THE SOFTWARE. +*/ + +/** + * @fileOverview + * @name preloader_gadget.js + * @author seamonkey@uni-koblenz.de + */ + +(function(GLGE){ +(function(GUI){ + +/** +* @class Preloader gadget +* @augments GLGE.GUI.Gadget +*/ +GUI.Preloader=function(){ + // call super constructor + this.baseclass.call(this); + + this.domGadgetObject.innerHTML = "


"; + this.domGadgetObject.className += ' glge-gui-gadget-preloader'; + + // progress bar + this.progressBar = new GUI.Progressbar(); + this.domGadgetObject.appendChild(this.progressBar.domRoot); + + this.domPercentageLabel = document.createElement('div'); + this.domPercentageLabel.setAttribute('class','glge-gui-gadget-preloader-percentage'); + this.domPercentageLabel.innerHTML = "
"; + this.domGadgetObject.appendChild(this.domPercentageLabel); + + // information box + this.domInfoBox = document.createElement('div'); + this.domInfoBox.setAttribute('class','glge-gui-gadget-preloader-info'); + this.domInfoBox.setAttribute('style','clear:both;'); + this.domGadgetObject.appendChild(this.domInfoBox); + + // state label + this.domStateLabel = document.createElement('div'); + this.domInfoBox.appendChild(this.domStateLabel); + + // bytes label + this.domBytesLabel = document.createElement('div'); + this.domInfoBox.appendChild(this.domBytesLabel); + + // files label + this.domFilesLabel = document.createElement('div'); + this.domInfoBox.appendChild(this.domFilesLabel); + + // last file label + this.domLastFileLabel = document.createElement('div'); + this.domInfoBox.appendChild(this.domLastFileLabel); +} + +GUI.Preloader.prototype.progressBar = null; +GUI.Preloader.prototype.documentLoader = null; +GUI.Preloader.prototype.domInfoBox = null; +GUI.Preloader.prototype.domStateLabel = null; +GUI.Preloader.prototype.domBytesLabel = null; +GUI.Preloader.prototype.domFilesLabel = null; +GUI.Preloader.prototype.domLastFileLabel = null; +GUI.Preloader.prototype.domPercentageLabel = null; + + +/** + * Combine the preloader gadget with an actual preloader + * @param {GLGE.DocumentPreloader} docLoader preloader + */ +GUI.Preloader.prototype.setDocumentLoader = function(docLoader){ + + this.documentLoader = docLoader; + + // add listeners + var that = this; + this.documentLoader.addEventListener("downloadComplete", function(args){that.complete(args);}); + this.documentLoader.addEventListener("progress", function(args){that.progress(args);}); + this.documentLoader.addEventListener("stateChange", function(args){that.stateChange(args);}); + this.documentLoader.addEventListener("fileLoaded", function(args){that.fileLoaded(args);}); +} + +/** + * Add preloader-gadget to DOM. 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file mode 100755 index 00000000..fe1ffd20 --- /dev/null +++ b/webgl/vendor/underscore-min.js @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +// Underscore.js 1.3.0 +// (c) 2009-2012 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc. +// Underscore is freely distributable under the MIT license. +// Portions of Underscore are inspired or borrowed from Prototype, +// Oliver Steele's Functional, and John Resig's Micro-Templating. +// For all details and documentation: +// http://documentcloud.github.com/underscore +(function(){function r(a,c,d){if(a===c)return a!==0||1/a==1/c;if(a==null||c==null)return a===c;if(a._chain)a=a._wrapped;if(c._chain)c=c._wrapped;if(a.isEqual&&b.isFunction(a.isEqual))return a.isEqual(c);if(c.isEqual&&b.isFunction(c.isEqual))return c.isEqual(a);var e=l.call(a);if(e!=l.call(c))return false;switch(e){case "[object String]":return a==String(c);case "[object Number]":return a!=+a?c!=+c:a==0?1/a==1/c:a==+c;case "[object Date]":case "[object Boolean]":return+a==+c;case "[object RegExp]":return a.source== +c.source&&a.global==c.global&&a.multiline==c.multiline&&a.ignoreCase==c.ignoreCase}if(typeof a!="object"||typeof c!="object")return false;for(var f=d.length;f--;)if(d[f]==a)return true;d.push(a);var f=0,g=true;if(e=="[object Array]"){if(f=a.length,g=f==c.length)for(;f--;)if(!(g=f in a==f in c&&r(a[f],c[f],d)))break}else{if("constructor"in a!="constructor"in c||a.constructor!=c.constructor)return false;for(var h in a)if(m.call(a,h)&&(f++,!(g=m.call(c,h)&&r(a[h],c[h],d))))break;if(g){for(h in c)if(m.call(c, +h)&&!f--)break;g=!f}}d.pop();return g}var s=this,G=s._,o={},k=Array.prototype,p=Object.prototype,i=k.slice,H=k.unshift,l=p.toString,m=p.hasOwnProperty,w=k.forEach,x=k.map,y=k.reduce,z=k.reduceRight,A=k.filter,B=k.every,C=k.some,q=k.indexOf,D=k.lastIndexOf,p=Array.isArray,I=Object.keys,t=Function.prototype.bind,b=function(a){return new n(a)};if(typeof exports!=="undefined"){if(typeof module!=="undefined"&&module.exports)exports=module.exports=b;exports._=b}else s._=b;b.VERSION="1.3.0";var j=b.each= +b.forEach=function(a,c,b){if(a!=null)if(w&&a.forEach===w)a.forEach(c,b);else if(a.length===+a.length)for(var e=0,f=a.length;e2;a==null&&(a= +[]);if(y&&a.reduce===y)return e&&(c=b.bind(c,e)),f?a.reduce(c,d):a.reduce(c);j(a,function(a,b,i){f?d=c.call(e,d,a,b,i):(d=a,f=true)});if(!f)throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty array with no initial value");return d};b.reduceRight=b.foldr=function(a,c,d,e){var f=arguments.length>2;a==null&&(a=[]);if(z&&a.reduceRight===z)return e&&(c=b.bind(c,e)),f?a.reduceRight(c,d):a.reduceRight(c);var g=b.toArray(a).reverse();e&&!f&&(c=b.bind(c,e));return f?b.reduce(g,c,d,e):b.reduce(g,c)};b.find=b.detect=function(a, +c,b){var e;E(a,function(a,g,h){if(c.call(b,a,g,h))return e=a,true});return e};b.filter=b.select=function(a,c,b){var e=[];if(a==null)return e;if(A&&a.filter===A)return a.filter(c,b);j(a,function(a,g,h){c.call(b,a,g,h)&&(e[e.length]=a)});return e};b.reject=function(a,c,b){var e=[];if(a==null)return e;j(a,function(a,g,h){c.call(b,a,g,h)||(e[e.length]=a)});return e};b.every=b.all=function(a,c,b){var e=true;if(a==null)return e;if(B&&a.every===B)return a.every(c,b);j(a,function(a,g,h){if(!(e=e&&c.call(b, +a,g,h)))return o});return e};var E=b.some=b.any=function(a,c,d){c||(c=b.identity);var e=false;if(a==null)return e;if(C&&a.some===C)return a.some(c,d);j(a,function(a,b,h){if(e||(e=c.call(d,a,b,h)))return o});return!!e};b.include=b.contains=function(a,c){var b=false;if(a==null)return b;return q&&a.indexOf===q?a.indexOf(c)!=-1:b=E(a,function(a){return a===c})};b.invoke=function(a,c){var d=i.call(arguments,2);return b.map(a,function(a){return(b.isFunction(c)?c||a:a[c]).apply(a,d)})};b.pluck=function(a, +c){return b.map(a,function(a){return a[c]})};b.max=function(a,c,d){if(!c&&b.isArray(a))return Math.max.apply(Math,a);if(!c&&b.isEmpty(a))return-Infinity;var e={computed:-Infinity};j(a,function(a,b,h){b=c?c.call(d,a,b,h):a;b>=e.computed&&(e={value:a,computed:b})});return e.value};b.min=function(a,c,d){if(!c&&b.isArray(a))return Math.min.apply(Math,a);if(!c&&b.isEmpty(a))return Infinity;var e={computed:Infinity};j(a,function(a,b,h){b=c?c.call(d,a,b,h):a;bd?1:0}),"value")};b.groupBy=function(a,c){var d={},e=b.isFunction(c)?c:function(a){return a[c]};j(a,function(a,b){var c=e(a,b);(d[c]||(d[c]=[])).push(a)});return d};b.sortedIndex=function(a,c,d){d||(d= +b.identity);for(var e=0,f=a.length;e>1;d(a[g])=0})})};b.difference=function(a){var c=b.flatten(i.call(arguments,1));return b.filter(a,function(a){return!b.include(c,a)})};b.zip=function(){for(var a=i.call(arguments),c=b.max(b.pluck(a,"length")),d=Array(c),e=0;e=0;d--)b=[a[d].apply(this,b)];return b[0]}};b.after=function(a,b){return a<= +0?b():function(){if(--a<1)return b.apply(this,arguments)}};b.keys=I||function(a){if(a!==Object(a))throw new TypeError("Invalid object");var b=[],d;for(d in a)m.call(a,d)&&(b[b.length]=d);return b};b.values=function(a){return b.map(a,b.identity)};b.functions=b.methods=function(a){var c=[],d;for(d in a)b.isFunction(a[d])&&c.push(d);return c.sort()};b.extend=function(a){j(i.call(arguments,1),function(b){for(var d in b)b[d]!==void 0&&(a[d]=b[d])});return a};b.defaults=function(a){j(i.call(arguments,1), +function(b){for(var d in b)a[d]==null&&(a[d]=b[d])});return a};b.clone=function(a){return!b.isObject(a)?a:b.isArray(a)?a.slice():b.extend({},a)};b.tap=function(a,b){b(a);return a};b.isEqual=function(a,b){return r(a,b,[])};b.isEmpty=function(a){if(b.isArray(a)||b.isString(a))return a.length===0;for(var c in a)if(m.call(a,c))return false;return true};b.isElement=function(a){return!!(a&&a.nodeType==1)};b.isArray=p||function(a){return l.call(a)=="[object Array]"};b.isObject=function(a){return a===Object(a)}; +b.isArguments=function(a){return l.call(a)=="[object Arguments]"};if(!b.isArguments(arguments))b.isArguments=function(a){return!(!a||!m.call(a,"callee"))};b.isFunction=function(a){return l.call(a)=="[object Function]"};b.isString=function(a){return l.call(a)=="[object String]"};b.isNumber=function(a){return l.call(a)=="[object Number]"};b.isNaN=function(a){return a!==a};b.isBoolean=function(a){return a===true||a===false||l.call(a)=="[object Boolean]"};b.isDate=function(a){return l.call(a)=="[object Date]"}; +b.isRegExp=function(a){return l.call(a)=="[object RegExp]"};b.isNull=function(a){return a===null};b.isUndefined=function(a){return a===void 0};b.noConflict=function(){s._=G;return this};b.identity=function(a){return a};b.times=function(a,b,d){for(var e=0;e/g,">").replace(/"/g,""").replace(/'/g,"'").replace(/\//g,"/")};b.mixin=function(a){j(b.functions(a),function(c){J(c,b[c]= +a[c])})};var K=0;b.uniqueId=function(a){var b=K++;return a?a+b:b};b.templateSettings={evaluate:/<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,interpolate:/<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,escape:/<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g};var u=/.^/;b.template=function(a,c){var d=b.templateSettings,d="var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('"+a.replace(/\\/g,"\\\\").replace(/'/g,"\\'").replace(d.escape||u,function(a,b){return"',_.escape("+b.replace(/\\'/g,"'")+"),'"}).replace(d.interpolate||u,function(a,b){return"',"+b.replace(/\\'/g, +"'")+",'"}).replace(d.evaluate||u,function(a,b){return"');"+b.replace(/\\'/g,"'").replace(/[\r\n\t]/g," ").replace(/\\\\/g,"\\")+";__p.push('"}).replace(/\r/g,"\\r").replace(/\n/g,"\\n").replace(/\t/g,"\\t")+"');}return __p.join('');",e=new Function("obj","_",d);return c?e(c,b):function(a){return e.call(this,a,b)}};b.chain=function(a){return b(a).chain()};var n=function(a){this._wrapped=a};b.prototype=n.prototype;var v=function(a,c){return c?b(a).chain():a},J=function(a,c){n.prototype[a]=function(){var a= +i.call(arguments);H.call(a,this._wrapped);return v(c.apply(b,a),this._chain)}};b.mixin(b);j("pop,push,reverse,shift,sort,splice,unshift".split(","),function(a){var b=k[a];n.prototype[a]=function(){var d=this._wrapped;b.apply(d,arguments);var e=d.length;(a=="shift"||a=="splice")&&e===0&&delete d[0];return v(d,this._chain)}});j(["concat","join","slice"],function(a){var b=k[a];n.prototype[a]=function(){return v(b.apply(this._wrapped,arguments),this._chain)}});n.prototype.chain=function(){this._chain= +true;return this};n.prototype.value=function(){return this._wrapped}}).call(this); diff --git a/webgl/view.js b/webgl/view.js new file mode 100755 index 00000000..954a5d8b --- /dev/null +++ b/webgl/view.js @@ -0,0 +1,348 @@ +/*! + * Copyright (c) 2012 Ian Langworth + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy + * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to + * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the + * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or + * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is + * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in + * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE + * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER + * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING + * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER + * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + * + * Ducks Game UI. + * + * Requires: jQuery, GLGE + */ + +// Utilities +// ========= + +// requestAnimFrame() via Paul Irish +window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){ + return window.requestAnimationFrame || + window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || + window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || + window.oRequestAnimationFrame || + window.msRequestAnimationFrame || + function( callback ){ + window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); + }; +})(); + +// Audio +// ===== + +// Asset system +// ============ +// +// Because GLGE calls GLGE.Document.onLoad() prior to COLLADA models being +// loaded. It'd be nice to have a Grand Unified Asset Management System that +// handled JavaScript, GLGE scne XML, COLLADA models and their images, and +// audio. + +var NUM_ASSETS = 6; + +var assetFinished = (function() { + var display = $('#preloader'); + + // Make sure we don't call init() multiple times. + var done = false; + if (done) return; + + // Start count at one so the progress bar starts with some progress. + var count = 1; + + // In case something stalls, start the game anyway. + var timeout = setTimeout(onComplete, 10000); + + function onComplete() { + if (done) return; + display.remove(); + init(); + done = true; + } + + return function() { + count++; + if (count > NUM_ASSETS) { + clearTimeout(timeout); + onComplete(); + } else { + display.find('.inner').width(count / NUM_ASSETS * 100 + '%'); + } + return true; + }; +})(); + +var pickup = new buzz.sound('assets/pickup', { formats: ['ogg', 'mp3'] }); +pickup.setVolume(70).whenReady(assetFinished); + +var music = new buzz.sound('assets/DST-Canopy', { formats: ['ogg', 'mp3'] }); +music.setVolume(50).whenReady(assetFinished); + +var duck = new GLGE.Collada(); +duck.setDocument('assets/duck.dae', null, assetFinished); + +var target = new GLGE.Collada(); +target.setDocument('assets/target.dae', null, assetFinished); + +var ship = new GLGE.Collada(); +ship.setDocument('assets/seymourplane_triangulate.dae', null, assetFinished); + +var blankCursor = new Image(); +blankCursor.onload = assetFinished; +blankCursor.src = 'assets/blank.cur'; + +var doc = new GLGE.Document(); +doc.onLoad = assetFinished; +doc.load('assets/scene.xml'); + +// Duck Object Creation +// ==================== +// +// A cheesy way to clone COLLADA objects until GLGE supports this. + +function createDuckie(model, animation) { + if (!duck.xml) throw new Error("Collada model not loaded"); + + var source = duck.getObjects()[0]; // Ew. + var dest = new GLGE.Object(); + dest.setScale(0.01); + dest.setRotX(Math.PI / 2); + dest.setRotY(Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI); + dest.setMesh(source.getMesh()); + dest.setMaterial(source.getMaterial()); + dest.setLocX(model.attributes.x); + dest.setLocY(model.attributes.y); + + // Start the bobbing at a random frame so each duck bobs independently. + dest.setAnimation(animation); + dest.animationStart = new Date().getTime() - Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); + + return dest; +} + +// Main +// ==== + +function init() { + var menu = $('#menu').show(); + var scorecard = $('#scorecard').hide(); + scorecard.find('.info').html(menu.find('.info').html()); + + var canvas = $('canvas'); + var debug = $('#debug'); + + // Standard GLGE initialization. + var renderer = new GLGE.Renderer(canvas[0]); + scene = doc.getElement('mainscene'); + renderer.setScene(scene); + window.camera = scene.getCamera(); // XXX + + var bob = doc.getElement('bob'); + var disappear = doc.getElement('disappear'); + + // TODO: Update this. + var viewport = { + top: 15, + bottom: -15, + left: -25, + right: 25 + }; + + // Initialize the player's ship. + ship.setLocZ(3); + ship.setRotX(Math.PI / 2); + ship.setRotY(Math.PI / 2); + ship.setScale(0.3); + ship.setFrameRate(60); + scene.addChild(ship); + + // Initialize the aiming target. + target.setLocZ(0.4); + target.setScale(0.001); + target.setRotX(Math.PI / 2); + target.setRotY(Math.PI / 2); + scene.addChild(target); + + // Create the Backbone model and controller. + var ducks = {}; + var game = new GameController(); + + // Show or hide the target and cursor depending on the game mode. + // Cursor-hiding tricks learned from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2636068 + game.bind('start', function() { + if (game.mode === game.PLAY_MODE) { + target.setVisible(GLGE.TRUE); + canvas.css('cursor', 'url(' + blankCursor.src + '), none'); + } else { + target.setVisible(GLGE.FALSE); + canvas.css('cursor', 'pointer'); + } + }); + + // Show the scorecard when the last duck has been cleared. Wait a little bit + // after the duck is cleared, otherwise the experience is sudden and jarring. + game.bind('gameover', function(seconds) { + setTimeout(function() { + var rank = game.getRank(seconds); + scorecard.find('.time').text(seconds + ' sec.'); + scorecard.find('.rank').text(rank[0]); + scorecard.find('.byline').text(rank[1]); + scorecard.show(); + game.start(game.DEMO_MODE); + }, 1000); + }); + + // Update the model during any mouse movements. + canvas.on('mousemove', function(e) { + if (game.mode !== game.PLAY_MODE) return; + + // Get the cursor position. + var mx, my; + if (typeof e.offsetX === 'undefined') { + mx = e.pageX - canvas.position().left; + my = e.pageY - canvas.position().top; + } else { + mx = e.offsetX; + my = e.offsetY; + } + + // This is stupid. I should really be casting a ray from the camera to the + // ground, but I'm lazy, and this is close enough. + var cw = canvas.width(), ch = canvas.height(); + var vx = (mx / cw) * (viewport.right + -viewport.left) + viewport.left; + var vy = (my / ch) * (viewport.top + -viewport.bottom) + viewport.bottom; + game.setTarget(vx, -vy); + }); + + // When the ship or target move, update the GLGE objects. Currently the game + // and OpenGL are using the same units so no translation needs to be done. + var oldBank = 0; + game.ship.bind('change', function(model) { + + // Update the ship model. + var a = model.attributes; + ship.setLocX(a.x); + ship.setLocY(a.y); + ship.setRotY(Trig.deg2rad(a.dir) + 1.57); + + // Update the mouse target. + target.setLocX(a.targetX); + target.setLocY(a.targetY); + + // If the ship direction has changed, make it bank to one side or the other. + // BUG: Sometimes the plane banks the wrong way. + var newBank = a.delta < 0 ? -1 : a.delta > 0 ? 1 : 0; + if (newBank != oldBank) { + ship.blendTo({ DRotZ: newBank * 0.7 }, 500); + oldBank = newBank; + } + }); + + // When a duck is added, create it and add it to the scene. Keep track of it + // in the `ducks` map so we can remove it later. + game.ducks.bind('add', function(model) { + var obj = createDuckie(model, bob); + scene.addChild(obj); + ducks[model.cid] = obj; // Backbone generates the cid property automatically. + }); + + // Remove a duck once it's removed from the collection invidiually. + game.ducks.bind('remove', function(model) { + var obj = ducks[model.cid]; + obj.setAnimation(disappear); + obj.setLoop(GLGE.FALSE); + obj.addEventListener('animFinished', function() { + scene.removeChild(obj); + }); + delete ducks[model.cid]; + + if (game.mode === game.PLAY_MODE) { + pickup.stop().play(); + } + }); + + // If there's a bulk update to the ducks, don't do any animation. + game.ducks.bind('reset', function(models) { + _.each(_.values(ducks), function(obj) { + scene.removeChild(obj); + delete ducks[obj.cid]; + }); + _.each(models, function(model) { + game.ducks.trigger('add', model); + }); + }); + + // Handle canvas resizing (buggy) + function resize() { + var w = $(window).width(), h = $(window).height(); + canvas.attr({ width: w, height: h }); + scene.getCamera().setAspect(w / h); + renderer.clearViewport(); + } + $(document).on('ready', resize); + $(window).on('resize', resize); + resize(); + + // Animation loop + (function animloop(){ + requestAnimFrame(animloop); + renderer.render(); + })(); + + // Handle the big "Play!" button on the menu and scorecard. + function startNewGame() { + game.start(game.PLAY_MODE); + menu.hide(); + scorecard.hide(); + } + menu.on('click', 'button', startNewGame); + scorecard.on('click', 'button', startNewGame); + + // Start the demo and play some music. + game.start(game.DEMO_MODE); + music.play(); +} + +$('#btn-start-recording').click(function() { + var canvas = $('canvas'); + recordCanvasUsingRecordRTC(canvas.get(0)); +}); + +// RecordRTC +// ========= +function recordCanvasUsingRecordRTC(canvas) { + var recorder = RecordRTC(canvas, { + type: 'canvas', + showMousePointer: true + }); + + recorder.startRecording(); + + setTimeout(function() { + recorder.stopRecording(function(url) { + var blob = recorder.getBlob(); + console.log('blob', blob); + + var video = document.createElement('video'); + video.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); + video.setAttribute('style', 'height: 100%; position: absolute; top:0;'); + var body = document.querySelector('body'); + body.innerHTML = ''; + body.appendChild(video); + video.controls = true; + video.play(); + }); + }, 10 * 1000); +}