2025-03-01 - 1.2.3
- Fixed confusion with github branches.
2025-03-01 - 1.2.2
- Updated to work with Create 6.0.0
2024-01-26 - 1.2.1
- Fixed stacked chimneys not emitting signal smoke
2023-12-27 - 1.2.0
- Added Cobblestone Chimney
- Added Mud Brick Chimney
- Added Iron Chimney
block tag can now be used to control what blocks, besides other chimneys, will block the smoke if placed on top of a chimney.sootychimneys:smoke_boosting
block tag can now be used to control what blocks, besides other chimneys, will make a chimney emit a signal-smoke when below it.- Soot Scraping is now handled through a recipe.
- Loot Tables way is still available and accessed through config.
- When chimneys are stacked, lower chimney model will be adjusted to connect them better.
- Now supports Create 0.5.1a+
Chimney that has another chimney underneath will now emit a Signal Smoke (like a hay bale under a campfire)
Chimney that has another chimney on top of it will not be emitting smoke.
Slightly reduced wind effect on smoke. This setting is now configurable in config.
Changed tags to be inline with vanilla naming. forge:chimney -> forge:chimneys.
Fixed Dirty Stone Brick Chimney particles.
- Added smoke blocking mechanic: right click chimney with an empty hand to enable/disable smoke.
- Added JEI/REI compatibility.
- Added compatibility with Create. Chimneys will now emit smoke when on a contraption.
- Changed recipes to use minecraft:coals tag. Thanks cosmicgelatin for a correction.
- Fixed client crash when teleporting away from chimneys.
- When scraping soot from the chimney - there is now a chance (0.5 - 0.75, depending on chimney) that Black Dye will drop.
Dropped items can be configured by a data pack. Each chimney can have its own drops.
Fixed Copper Chimney recipe.
Fixed Stone Brick Chimney bounding box.
- Added Copper Chimney. - I'm not 100% happy with the model and textures of this one. If you have ideas or suggestions - feel free to write a comment or create an issue on github.
- Changed chimney placing/breaking sounds.
- Changed Stone Brick Chimney model slightly.
- Small touchups to other models/textures.
- Added Terracotta Chimney.
- Due to the internal changes - existing chimneys may need to be replaced.
- Added Stone Brick Chimney.
- Added Dirty Brick Chimney block and item (dirty chimney is a different block now).