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+The plugin must implement a YUI module that will be included by the editor when the page loads.
+That YUI module **must** be named `button` and must create a namespaced class in `Y.M.[plugin name]`.
diff --git a/versioned_docs/version-4.1/apis/plugintypes/atto/_examples/button.tsx b/versioned_docs/version-4.1/apis/plugintypes/atto/_examples/button.tsx
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+ * Copyright (c) Moodle Pty Ltd.
+ *
+ * Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with Moodle. If not, see .
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { ComponentFileSummary } from '../../../../_utils';
+import type { Props } from '../../../../_utils';
+const defaultExample = `Y.namespace('M.atto_media').Button = Y.Base.create(
+ 'button',
+ Y.M.editor_atto.EditorPlugin,
+ [],
+ {
+ initializer: function() {
+ this.addButton({
+ callback: this._toggleMedia,
+ icon: 'e/media',
+ inlineFormat: true,
+ // Key code for the keyboard shortcut which triggers this button:
+ keys: '66',
+ // Watch the following tags and add/remove highlighting as appropriate:
+ tags: 'media'
+ });
+ },
+ _toggleMedia: function() {
+ // Handle the button click here.
+ // You can fetch any passed in parameters here as follows:
+ var langs = this.get('langs');
+ }
+ }, {
+ ATTRS: {
+ // If any parameters were defined in the 'params_for_js' function,
+ // they should be defined here for proper access.
+ langs: {
+ value: ['Default', 'Value']
+ }
+ }
+ }
+import ButtonDescription from './button.md';
+export default (initialProps: Props): ComponentFileSummary => (
diff --git a/versioned_docs/version-4.1/apis/plugintypes/atto/_examples/lib.md b/versioned_docs/version-4.1/apis/plugintypes/atto/_examples/lib.md
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+An optional file which can be used to implement optional component callbacks.
+The available callbacks are:
+- `atto_[pluginname]_strings_for_js` - To add strings required by the YUI code
+- `atto_[pluginname]_params_for_js` - To get the parameters required to instantiate the plugin
diff --git a/versioned_docs/version-4.1/apis/plugintypes/atto/_examples/lib.php b/versioned_docs/version-4.1/apis/plugintypes/atto/_examples/lib.php
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+ * Initialise the js strings required for this plugin.
+ */
+function atto_media_strings_for_js(): void {
+ global $PAGE;
+ $PAGE->requires->strings_for_js([
+ 'add',
+ 'width',
+ ], 'atto_media');
+ * Sends the parameters to the JS module.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+function atto_media_params_for_js(): array {
+ global $OUTPUT, $PAGE;
+ $currentlang = current_language();
+ $langsinstalled = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_translations(true);
+ $params = [
+ 'langs' => [
+ 'installed' => [],
+ ],
+ ];
+ foreach ($langsinstalled as $code => $name) {
+ $params['langs']['installed'][] = [
+ 'lang' => $name,
+ 'code' => $code,
+ 'default' => $currentlang == $code,
+ ];
+ }
+ return $params;
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+title: Atto
+tags: []
+Atto is a JavaScript text editor built specifically for Moodle. It is the default text editor in Moodle from 2.7 onwards, and is implemented as a standard Moodle [text editor plugin](./../../subsystems/editor/index.md). Most of the code is written in JavaScript using YUI modules.
+All of the buttons in Atto are implemented as Moodle subplugins. This means that the subplugins can do anything a subplugin can do including, using language strings, database tables, other JavaScript, and more.
+:::caution Sunset of Atto
+A new Editor was created for Moodle 4.1 and later using the latest version of TinyMCE.
+It is likely that Atto will be removed in Moodle 4.6.
+## File structure
+import {
+ Lang,
+ Lib,
+ VersionPHP,
+} from '../../_files';
+import Button from './_examples/button';
+Atto plugins are located in the `/lib/editor/atto/plugins` directory.
+Each plugin is in a separate subdirectory and consists of a number of _mandatory files_ and any other files the developer is going to use.
+ View an example directory layout for the `atto_media` plugin.
+ lib/editor/atto/plugins/media
+ |-- db
+ | └-- upgrade.php
+ |-- lang
+ | └-- en
+ | └-- atto_media.php
+ |-- yui
+ | └-- src
+ | └-- button
+ | └-- atto_media.php
+ | ├── build.json
+ | ├── js
+ | │ └── button.js
+ | └── meta
+ | └── button.json
+ |-- settings.php
+ └-- version.php
+Some of the important files for the Atto plugintype are described below. See the [common plugin files](../commonfiles) documentation for details of other files which may be useful in your plugin.
+### version.php
+### lib.php
+import LibExample from '!!raw-loader!./_examples/lib.php';
+import LibDescription from './_examples/lib.md';
+### yui/src/button/*
+It is recommended that you extend the `EditorPlugin` class as described below.
+See: [YUI/Modules](../../../guides/javascript/yui/modules.md) for more information about YUI modules.
+The plugin:
+- **must** register a class at `Y.M.atto_PLUGINNAME.button`;
+- **must** provide a constructor; and
+- ***should*** extend [Y.M.editor_atto.EditorPlugin](https://github.com/moodle/moodle/blob/MOODLE_37_STABLE/lib/editor/atto/yui/src/editor/js/editor-plugin.js).
+#### EditorPlugin
+It is up to the plugin author to decide how best to write their plugin, but it is highly advisable to extend `EditorPlugin` class, which provides a number of useful functions for dealing with the Editor, Toolbars, Keyboard Navigation, and other related areas.
+Of particular interest are:
+- [addBasicButton](https://github.com/moodle/moodle/blob/MOODLE_37_STABLE/lib/editor/atto/yui/src/editor/js/editor-plugin-buttons.js#L293) - to add a basic button which directly uses document.execCommand with minimal effort;
+- [addButton](https://github.com/moodle/moodle/blob/MOODLE_37_STABLE/lib/editor/atto/yui/src/editor/js/editor-plugin-buttons.js#L161) - to add a button giving you a greater degree of control via your own callback;
+- [addToolbarMenu](https://github.com/moodle/moodle/blob/MOODLE_37_STABLE/lib/editor/atto/yui/src/editor/js/editor-plugin-buttons.js#L337) - to add a dropdown toolbar menu;
+- [markUpdated](https://github.com/moodle/moodle/blob/MOODLE_37_STABLE/lib/editor/atto/yui/src/editor/js/editor-plugin.js#L91) - should be called after making changes to the content area; and
+- [getDialogue](https://github.com/moodle/moodle/blob/MOODLE_37_STABLE/lib/editor/atto/yui/src/editor/js/editor-plugin-dialogue.js#L54) - return a standard dialogue, creating one if it does not already exist.
diff --git a/versioned_docs/version-4.3/apis/plugintypes/atto/index.md b/versioned_docs/version-4.3/apis/plugintypes/atto/index.md
index 0a7e3e2d74..433c868c77 100644
--- a/versioned_docs/version-4.3/apis/plugintypes/atto/index.md
+++ b/versioned_docs/version-4.3/apis/plugintypes/atto/index.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ tags: []
-Atto is a JavaScript text editor built specifically for Moodle. It is the default text editor in Moodle from 2.7 onwards, and is implemented as a standard Moodle [text editor plugin](https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Editors). Most of the code is written in JavaScript using YUI modules.
+Atto is a JavaScript text editor built specifically for Moodle. It is the default text editor in Moodle from 2.7 onwards, and is implemented as a standard Moodle [text editor plugin](./../../subsystems/editor/index.md). Most of the code is written in JavaScript using YUI modules.
All of the buttons in Atto are implemented as Moodle subplugins. This means that the subplugins can do anything a subplugin can do including, using language strings, database tables, other JavaScript, and more.
diff --git a/versioned_docs/version-4.4/apis/plugintypes/atto/index.md b/versioned_docs/version-4.4/apis/plugintypes/atto/index.md
index 62f9bff96c..a4de175eb8 100644
--- a/versioned_docs/version-4.4/apis/plugintypes/atto/index.md
+++ b/versioned_docs/version-4.4/apis/plugintypes/atto/index.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ tags: []
-Atto is a JavaScript text editor built specifically for Moodle. It is the default text editor in Moodle from 2.7 onwards, and is implemented as a standard Moodle [text editor plugin](https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Editors). Most of the code is written in JavaScript using YUI modules.
+Atto is a JavaScript text editor built specifically for Moodle. It is the default text editor in Moodle from 2.7 onwards, and is implemented as a standard Moodle [text editor plugin](./../../subsystems/editor/index.md). Most of the code is written in JavaScript using YUI modules.
All of the buttons in Atto are implemented as Moodle subplugins. This means that the subplugins can do anything a subplugin can do including, using language strings, database tables, other JavaScript, and more.
diff --git a/versioned_docs/version-4.5/apis/plugintypes/atto/index.md b/versioned_docs/version-4.5/apis/plugintypes/atto/index.md
index 62f9bff96c..a4de175eb8 100644
--- a/versioned_docs/version-4.5/apis/plugintypes/atto/index.md
+++ b/versioned_docs/version-4.5/apis/plugintypes/atto/index.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ tags: []
-Atto is a JavaScript text editor built specifically for Moodle. It is the default text editor in Moodle from 2.7 onwards, and is implemented as a standard Moodle [text editor plugin](https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Editors). Most of the code is written in JavaScript using YUI modules.
+Atto is a JavaScript text editor built specifically for Moodle. It is the default text editor in Moodle from 2.7 onwards, and is implemented as a standard Moodle [text editor plugin](./../../subsystems/editor/index.md). Most of the code is written in JavaScript using YUI modules.
All of the buttons in Atto are implemented as Moodle subplugins. This means that the subplugins can do anything a subplugin can do including, using language strings, database tables, other JavaScript, and more.